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FAO estimates that

each year, approximately one-third of all food produced for human consumption in the world is lost or wasted. According to WorldWatch Institute, more than $32 billion of food is thrown away in China annually. Just one-third of the food loss per year in the canteens or cafeterias in the Universities in China is enough to supply food to 10 million Chinese for one year; Over 36 million tons of food waste reach landfills each year in the United States, America is losing up to 40 percent of its food from farm to fork to landfill; In 2010, the total generation of waste from economic activities and house- holds in the EU-27 amounted to 2 500 million tonnes; FAO projects that, under current production and consumption trends, global food production must increase 60% by 2050 in order to meet the demands of the growing world population.

such as fertilizers and pesticides; more fuel used for transportation; and more rotting food, creating more methane one of the most harmful greenhouse gases that contributes to climate change. And the vast amount of food going to landfills makes a significant contribution to global warming.

The Earth is the only habitable planet in the Universe. The

limit resources the Earth provide and which you are consuming today is also what your future generations need to rely on for survival. That is to say that you are depriving the equal opportunities of your future generations to continue to live on Earth.

Is there something that YOU can do to prevent such

tragedy happen?

Meanwhile, the Global Poverty Indicators of the World

Bank show that the Poverty Headcount ratio of population living at $1.25 per day is 20.6% in 2010;people living on less than $1.25 a day 1,215 million.

It depends on the choices made today by each individuals just like you. By changing your present overconsumption behaviours and lifestylesplan ahead; buy what your need; store correctly; cook the right amount; eat it all or store leftovers for later; recycle what you cant eat-- we can create a more sustainable future in terms of environmental integrity, economic viability and a just society for present and future generations.

The impact of food waste is not just financial. Environmentally, food waste leads to wasteful use of chemicals such as

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