Tariff Order WBSEDCL

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13 IN CASE NO: TP 53 / 12 13


Date : 01.12.2012

Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

1.1 The West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) was constituted by the Government of West Bengal in the year 1999 in terms of section 17 of the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998, now repealed by section 185 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) which came into force with effect from 10.06.2003. The first proviso to section 82(1) of the Act has ensured continuity of all the State Electricity Regulatory Commissions, which were established by a State government under section 17 of the 1998 Act (and some other enactments) and functioning as such immediately before coming into force of the Act and shall be the State Commission for the purpose of the Act. 1.2 The functions of a State Commission have been specified in Section 86 of the Electricity Act, 2003. One of the main functions of a State Commission relates to determination of tariff for generation, supply, transmission and wheeling of electricity, wholesale, bulk or retail, as the case may be, within a State. Further, Section 62(1) of the Act also requires the appropriate Commission to determine the tariff in accordance with the provisions of the Act, for supply of electricity by a generating company to a distribution Licensee, for transmission, for wheeling as also for retail sale of electricity. 1.3 The Commission has, therefore, all the powers and authority under the Electricity Act, 2003 to determine the tariff, as laid down in the Act. 1.4 WBSEDCL is deemed to be licensee under the Electricity Act, 2003 in terms of fifth proviso to Section 14 of the Act. The Commission determined the tariff of WBSEDCL for the first control period (2007 2008) and the second control period (2008 2009, 2009 2010 and 2010 2011) under the then regulations related to tariff. 1.5 West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2011 has come into effect with effect from 25th April, 2011. The said Tariff Regulations, 2011 was further amended by notifying the West Bengal
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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 2012 2013

Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) (Amendment) Regulations, 2012 in the extra ordinary edition of The Kolkata Gazette dated 27th August, 2012. 1.6 A generating Company or a licensee, whose tariff is to be determined by the Commission as per the provisions of the Act, is now required to submit their application for determination of tariff for the ensuing years of the third control period under the multi-year tariff framework complying with the provisions of the West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2011 (hereinafter to be referred as Tariff Regulations). Though as per the Tariff Regulations the last date for submission of the application to the Commission by a generating company or a licensee for determination of tariff for the third control period comprising three years from 2011 2012 to 2013 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the third control period) was 28.5.2011, the Commission, after considering the prayers of WBSEDCL for extension of date for submission of the aforesaid application to the Commission, extended the date for the purpose upto 28th July, 2011. Subsequently, WBSEDCL submitted application for extension of date time to time, latest on 31st October, 2011. WBSEDCL further prayed in their tariff application that on receiving the new tariff structure arising out of finalization of the plan for subsidization of certain category of the consumers by State Government and re-determination of tariff in pursuance to Appellate Tribunal of Electricitys order dated 4th April, 2011, and in view of the requirement to satisfy ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) based billing system, WBSEDCL was required some time to finalize the tariff application for the third control period. They further prayed to be condoned for the delay in submission of tariff application. 1.7 WBSEDCL, complying with the provisions of the Tariff Regulations, prepared the application for determination of its tariff for the third control period and submitted the same to the Commission on 5th April, 2012 which was considered by the Commission and numbered as TP-53/12-13.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission

Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 2012 2013


After admission of the application, WBSEDCL was directed to publish the gist of the tariff application, as approved by the Commission, in the newspapers and also in their website, as specified in the Tariff Regulations. The gist was, accordingly, published simultaneously on 10th April, 2012 in Pratidin, The Hindu Business Line, Ekdin and also in The Times of India. The gist along with the tariff application was also posted in the website of WBSEDCL. The publication invited the attention of all interested parties, stake holders and the members of the public to the application for determination of tariff of WBSEDCL for the third control period and requested for submission of suggestions, objections and comments, if any, on the tariff application to the Commission by 14th May, 2012 at the latest. Opportunities were also afforded to all to inspect the tariff application and take copies thereof.


Objections to / comments on the aforementioned tariff petition of WBSEDCL for the third control period were received by the Commission from the following objectors within the stipulated time i.e., 14th May, 2012. 1. Jayashree Textiles, A unit of Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd. 2. Hooghly Chamber of Commerce & Industry 3. Eastern India Textile Mills Association 4. The West Bengal Cold Storage Association 5. Eastern Railway 6. South Eastern Railway 7. ABECA 8. Balaji Paper and Newsprint Pvt. Ltd. 9. Eastern India Textile Mills Association 10. Hooghly Alloys & Steels Co. Pvt. Ltd. 11. Chief Engineer, Kolkata Zone, MES 12. ARVAC Forge Cast Ltd


Objections and suggestions on the tariff application in question received by the Commission within the stipulated period i.e. 14th May, 2012 have been dealt with separately in Chapter 3.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission

Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013


2.1 West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL) in its tariff petition has claimed that the total distribution equity of WBSEDCL in terms of restructuring order of State Government was Rs.222300.00 lakh as on 01.04.2007. The equity added during the year 2008 - 2009 was Rs.8471.99 lakh being the assets of West Bengal Rural Energy Development Corporation Limited (in short WBREDCL) as handed over to WBSEDCL as per Government Order no. 100PO/O/III/4M-12/2005 dated 20.03.2009 and during the year 2009 2010 was Rs. 25068.01 lakh for restructuring of WBREDCL as per Government Order No. 108PO/O/III/4M-12/2005 dated 31.03.2009. Considering the same, equity base considered by the petitioner at the beginning of the year 2010 - 2011 has been arrived at Rs.255840.00 lakh. No equity addition has been projected by the

applicant during the years 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014. WBSEDCL has claimed permitted return on the average equity base for the years 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 in accordance with the provision of the Tariff Regulations as the entire equity. 2.2 WBSEDCL has claimed to have taken the following measures to reduce the distribution loss (both technical and commercial): (a) (b) (c) Regular monitoring of revenue, collection and distribution loss, Conduct of raids by Security and Loss Prevention Wing, Introduction of High Voltage Distribution Supply (H.V.D.S.) primarily for power supply to irrigation consumers, (d) Installation of meters in the premises of un-metered irrigations, Kutir Jyoti / Lokdeep consumers and street light points, (e) To facilitate energy audit mapping and documentation of entire power network of WBSEDCL, Geographical Information System (GIS) has been stated to have been taken up and is under progress, (f) Spot billing facility for all categories of L & MV consumers under many customer care centres is stated to be already in place and such billing facility has been envisaged to be extended further,
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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013


Implementation of distribution transformer metering to locate loss prone areas,


Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reform Programme (in short RAPDRP) (Part A) for 62 towns are under progress for installation of IT infrastructure for assessment and monitoring of loss on regular basis,


R-APDRP (Part B) for 45 towns are also to be taken up shortly for reducing AT&C loss of those towns.


WBSEDCL has submitted that projection of the energy balance has been arrived based on the estimated consumption, loss in distribution system of WBSEDCL and loss in transmission system of WBSETCL at the normative level as per Tariff Regulations. They also submitted that the petitioner has to consider the loss in central and state grid, as applicable.


WBSEDCL has claimed that with fast growing expanding distribution network, additional consumers are being added with WBSEDCLs system during last few years. WBSEDCL states that based on the trend of increase of consumers in last five years, consumer strength of WBSEDCL has been projected for the years 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014.


Accordingly, 10636.28 MU has been projected to be consumed by the consumers under L&MV category in the year 2011 2012. Under the same category in the year 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 the petitioner has projected the consumption under the same category to be 11719.76 MU and 12926.69 MU respectively. Under the HV & EHV category consumption in the year 2011 2012 has been projected to be 8425.50 MU while under the same category 9332.44 MU and 10340.24 MU respectively have been projected to be the consumption during the years 2012 2013 and 2013 2014.


Total sale of energy to own consumers of WBSEDCL has been projected as 19061.78 MU in the year 2011 2012, 21052.20 MU in the year 2012 2013 and 23266.93 MU in the year 2013 2014. T&D loss has been projected at a level of

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission

Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

24.93% for the year 2011 2012 but considered on the normative basis at a level of 17.75% and 17.50% respectively for the years 2012 2013 and 2013 2014. 2.7 The petitioner has projected sale of total energy to other licensees like CESC, DPL and DPSCL at a level of 1270.00 MU, 2308.66 MU and 2875.92 MU respectively in the years 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014. The projection of sale of energy to licensees has been stated to have been made on the basis of present trend of drawal by CESC upto February, 2012, the present trend of drawal by DPL and as per projection given by DPSCL in the MYT application for third control period. 2.8 In terms of an agreement signed between the Govt. of W.B and Govt. of Sikkim the petitioner has claimed that 40 MU of energy being 20% of the sent out generation from Rammam Hydel station Stage-II shall be supplied to Sikkim each year of the control period. 2.9 Sale of incidental surplus energy to the persons other than consumers and licensee during 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 has been estimated by the petitioner to be at a level of 657.00 MU, 3649.00 MU and 2005.00 MU respectively. WBSEDCL also considered 1283.00 MU of power in the year 2011 2012 only towards banking of power through swap arrangement without selling due to low market price or non-availability of buyer to purchase power through cash arising out of volatile market condition. The above considerations have been made taking into account surplus energy to be made available from the new projects / extension projects of WBPDCL / DPL after meeting the requirement of the own consumers, the licensees of the State & Government of Sikkim and considering the energy required in the pumping mode of PPSP. 2.10 Sent out generation available from the hydel power stations of WBSEDCL has been projected to be 405.856 MU in 2011 2012, 442.433 MU in 2012 2013 and 442.53 MU in 2013 2014. Out of the two main hydel station of WBSEDCL namely The

Rammam and Jaldhaka, Rammam is working at reasonably high PLF.

generation at Jaldhaka was suspended during 2009 2010 and 2010 2011 due to renovation and modernization work. However, according to WBSEDCL, the
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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

generation at Jaldhaka has started during the year 2011 2012. It is also submitted by WBSEDCL that the installation of a new unit of 9 MW capacity at stage-I of Jaldhaka Hydel Power Station is expected to be completed by July, 2012 thereby enhancing the capacity of Stage I to 36 MW from the existing capacity of 27 MW. The generation at TCF Hydel Power Station as stated by the petitioner, cannot be achieved by WBSEDCL at the designed value stated to be due to constraints towards release of 330 cusec of water as per DPR for non-completion of Dauk-nagar Main Canal by I & W Department and frequent shut down of Main Canal for long periods. Annual generation at PPSP at a level of 850.00 MU during the years 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 has been estimated by the petitioner and has been said to be according to the system requirement during peak hours considering optimum utilization of the surplus energy mainly during off peak hours. However, for the year 2011 2012, the same has been considered at 749.244 MU as per generation trend upto February, 2012. WBSEDCL is maintaining diesel generation plant only at Rudranagar in Sagar Island. Energy available from this diesel generating station has been estimated at a level of 0.88 MU, during all the ensuing years of third control period. 2.11 Gross generation available from renewable and co-generation sources, as per WBSEDCL, has been estimated to be 116.03 MU, 150.30 MU and 150.30 MU during the years 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014, respectively. 2.12 To discharge the function of a distribution licensee, WBSEDCL continues to purchase power in the same manner as was being followed by erstwhile WBSEB from different agencies namely West Bengal Power Development Corporation Ltd. (WBPDCL), The Durgapur Projects Ltd. (DPL), Dishergarh Power Supply Corporation Ltd. (DPSCL), Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC), National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd. (NTPC), National Hydel Power Corporation (NHPC) and Power Trading Corporation (PTC). It is also submitted by WBSEDCL that

conventional power will also be purchased directly from the new units of WBPDCL, NTPC, NHPC, other generators and from electricity traders to meet the system demand of WBSEDCL during the ensuing years of the third control period.
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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

WBSEDCL will also purchase power from different renewable and co-generation sources of energy during the years of the third control period. 2.13 The planning of power purchase has been claimed by WBSEDCL to have been done keeping in view the following aspects. (a) Estimated system demand for the ensuing years based on the projected load growth. (b) Maximum generation that may be available from the hydel power stations of WBSEDCL. (c) (d) Commitment to meet the peak system demand. Requirement of pumping energy for optimum utilization of PPSP to meet the system demand. 2.14 WBSEDCL claimed that besides purchasing power through grid system, they will also purchase some quanta of power in radial mode from DVC at Asansol, Burdwan and other areas, from DPL (at 33 KV & 11 KV) in and around Durgapur area and from DPSC (at 11 KV) at Asansol area, Govt. of Sikkim (at 11 KV) at Rangpoo area and WBREADA (11 KV) at Frezerganj area for catering its own consumers during the years under third control period. 2.15 It has been claimed by the petitioner that while computing the quantity of purchase of power from WBPDCL during the ensuing years under third control period, they have considered the net energy available to WBSEDCL from all the generating stations of WBPDCL based on the actual performance upto February, 2012, excepting BKTPS stage-II and STPS (Units V & VI). However, as stated by WBSEDCL, for BKTPS stage II and STPS (Units V & VI), the PAF is considered as per the norms due to the fact that the performance of these power stations during the year 2011 2012 was nearer to the normative PAF. 2.16 WBSEDCL has claimed that the energy charge and capacity charges for all the generating stations of WBPDCL are considered based on the following parameters:

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission

Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

a) The capacity charges for all power stations of WBPDCL for the year 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 have been estimated based on norms given in the Tariff Regulations. b) For the year 2011 2012, the capacity charge and energy charge including Monthly Fuel Cost Adjustment are considered as per actual upto February 2012 and capacity charge rate and energy charge rate including MFCA for March 2012 are considered from that of February 2012. c) For the year 2012 2013, the energy charge rate is considered as per energy charge rate including MFCA of February, 2012. d) Energy charge rate for the year 2013 2014 is considered with annual escalation rate of 6.66% as provided for indigenous coal supply in CERC notification no. Eco 1/2011-CERC dated 31.03.2011 over the energy charge rate of 2012 2013. 2.17 WBSEDCL has estimated own consumption at the offices and substations for 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 at 40 MU, 42 MU and 44 MU respectively. 2.18 Considering the projected sent out generation from its own generating stations, power purchase from different agencies and the projected sales, energy consumption at own premises, WBSEDCL has projected the energy balance for the years 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 also. 2.19 WBSEDCL submitted that considering the programme taken during the year 2011 2012 (Upto February, 2012), they have projected 1190.00 MU and 834.55 MU to be received through power swap-in during the years 2011 2012 and 2012 2013 respectively. WBSEDCL also projected the short term power purchase to the tune of 990.00 MU, 364.55 MU and 1000.00 MU for the years 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 respectively mostly during the months March and April in order to bridge up the gap between supply of power and system demand which usually occurs during the months mentioned above. 2.20 The petitioner has projected Rs.848522.00 lakh as total power purchase cost for the year 2011 2012 while for the years 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 the power
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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

purchase cost has been estimated to be Rs.1067741.00 lakh and Rs.1201642.00 lakh respectively. This power purchase cost includes the cost of purchase of

estimated quantum of infirm power from the units under stabilization. 2.21 Transmission charges payable to WBSETCL for the energy required to be transmitted by the petitioner through WBSETCL system has been projected as Rs. 98306.44 lakh for the year 2010 2011. Rs. 99654.57 lakh and Rs. 111121.04 lakh have been projected for the years 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 respectively. However, WBSEDCL has not claimed any amount for SLDC charges during the ensuing years under the third control period. 2.22 An amount of Rs. 92001.70 lakh has been estimated as employees cost for the year 2011 - 2012. For the years 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 employees cost have been projected as Rs. 93554.18 lakh and Rs. 99407.93 lakh respectively. 2.23 The petitioner has considered a D.A hike @ 9% each year for the third control period i.e., 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014. Moreover, increase in pay in respect of employee cost has been considered @ 3% as per normal increment over basic and grade pay for the ensuing years 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014. WBSEDCL further claimed that terminal benefits are reduced in the ensuing years 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 as the service of newly recruited employees are not covered under the pension scheme of WBSEDCL. The capitalization rate of employee cost is considered 100% for RE works and 15% for all other Non-RE works. 2.24 The petitioner has projected Repair & Maintenance (R&M) cost including consumables for the year 2011 2012 to be Rs.16911.80 lakh. WBSEDCL has claimed that distribution assets of WBSEDCL are increasing rapidly due to RGGVY programme and other work such as R-APDRP Part A, feeder segregation work etc. of WBSEDCL. WBSEDCL has added various distribution assets and generation assets for its generating stations in the year 2011 2012. In order to deliver power with reasonable quality parameters and to reduce instances of outages for the widely scattered large consumer base, the expenditure of R & M works of WBSEDCL has
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been increased in the year 2011 2012 mainly due to increase in expenditure for maintenance of line, cables and networks. For the years 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 the petitioner has claimed to have estimated the R&M cost following the actual trend upto December, 2011 and has projected Rs.18617.32 lakh for the year 2012 2013 and Rs.20498.58 lakh for the year 2013 2014. 2.25 Rs. 8772.59 lakh has been estimated and claimed by the licensee as administration and general expenses for the year 2011 2012. The petitioner has further tried to justify this expenditure which is stated to be due to increase of distribution network and consumer strength and to fulfill the requirement of the large consumer strength, WBSEDCL has to introduce different services, besides existing facilities, following the guidelines given in the Regulations to match the requirement of large consumer base. Due to shortage of staff, WBSEDCL has claimed to have decided to outsource some of its services and the estimated expenditure of Rs. 16414.24 lakh has been considered for the year 2011 2012 to meet the cost of outsourcing. For the years 2012 2013 and 2013 2014, Rs. 24554.88 lakh and Rs. 29565.45 lakh respectively has been estimated by the licensee as cost of outsourcing considering growth of those activities and actual upto December, 2011. 2.26 The petitioner has claimed provision for bad debt to the tune of Rs. 85.80 lakh, Rs 94.38 lakh and Rs. 103.82 lakh respectively for the years 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 on normative basis as per provisions of regulations of the Tariff Regulations. 2.27 The petitioner has projected capitalization of expenses for employees cost, administrative and other expenditure and other finance charges under the construction activities following the existing policy of WBSEDCL for the years 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014. 2.28 WBSEDCL has also claimed an amount of Rs. 3025.00 lakh for 2011 2012, Rs. 3675.00 lakh for 2012 2013 and Rs. 4008.00 lakh for 2013 2014 respectively for establishing and maintaining communication network set up for the complaint management mechanism as per West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission
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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

(Standard of Performance of Licensee Relating to Consumer Services) Regulations, 2010. 2.29 The capitalization of interest during the years 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 has been projected following the same policy. 2.30 Cost of depreciation of assets of WBSEDCL which will be in service during the year 2011 2012 has been stated to have been computed by the petitioner at Rs. 33259.30 lakh on the basis of the methodology stipulated in the Schedule A of the Tariff Regulations of WBERC. The detail of the calculation of depreciation has been given in the prescribed format in Volume II of their petition. Depreciations for the years 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 have been projected as Rs. 36779.07 lakh and Rs. 40694.00 lakh respectively. 2.31 WBSEDCL has projected Rs. 37295.88 lakh towards interest on borrowed capital, Rs. 13005.00 lakh towards interest on Bonds and Rs. 603.64 lakh towards other finance charges for the year 2011 2012. Similarly, for the years 2012 2013 and 2013 2014, they have projected Rs. 38578.10 lakh and Rs. 38879.02 lakh as interest on borrowed capital, Rs. 13005.00 lakh and Rs. 13005.00 lakh towards interest on Bond and Rs. 625.46 lakh and Rs. 651.88 lakh towards other finance charges, respectively. The petitioner has provided the computations showing actual amounts of interest chargeable in revenue accounts in the Form-C to Annexure 1 in Volume II of their petition. 2.32 WBSEDCL claimed that while computing the interest on loan, they have considered a new loan of Rs. 106600.00 lakh to be taken in the ensuing years under the third control period for the purpose of procurement of meter and other materials for extending distribution service level network. 2.33 WBSEDCL claimed that interest amount payable to consumers on the security deposit amount in the ensuing years 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 has been estimated as per existing procedure on the estimated security deposit of those years computed based on sale growth and tariff growth of respective year.
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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

WBSEDCL has projected Rs. 2870.44 lakh, Rs. 3315.31 lakh and Rs. 3829.19 lakh for the ensuing years of 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 respectively. 2.34 Regarding interest on working capital requirement, WBSEDCL has submitted that, based on the directive of the Commission vide paragraph 8.11 of its tariff order for 2008 2009, they have not considered any working capital for the year 2011 2012 but has considered Rs. 18579.00 lakh and Rs. 35470.70 lakh for the years 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 respectively to meet up the gap between working capital requirement and security deposit amount lying with them. Accordingly, WBSEDCL has claimed interest on working capital to the tune of Rs. 2601.76 lakh and Rs. 4965.77 lakh for the years 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 respectively. 2.35 The petitioner has claimed Rs. 3011.09 lakh, Rs. 3512.56 lakh and Rs. 3721.09 lakh towards reserve for unforeseen exigencies on normative basis as per the Tariff Regulations for the years 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 respectively. 2.36 WBSEDCL has proposed to release a part of the regulatory asset created on the additional expenditure of WBSEDCL due to revision of pay and allowances as per ROPA, 2009, at Rs. 62500.00 lakh, Rs 1000.00 lakh and Rs. 8600.00 lakh during the year 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 respectively. 2.37 WBSEDCL has also proposed to consider the impact of APR of WBSEDCL for 2009 2010 and the impact of instalments payment claimed by WBPDCL against the revision of tariff of their new units in the ARR for the years under the third control period. 2.38 WBSEDCL has also proposed to allow special appropriation on account of the followings: a) Additional amount of capacity charge claimed by NTPC Limited for the period 2004 2005 to 2010 2011 arising out of additional capitalization of assets as per order of Honble Appellate Tribunal for Electricity.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

b) Additional charges to be borne by WBSEDCL on account of increased tariff of NTPC power stations for the period from 2009 -2010 to 2010 2011 in addition to the normal power purchase cost for the year 2011 2012. c) Additional claim of DVC for supply of ;power from Mejia Power Station for the period 2007 2008 to 2010 2011 and also for radial power supply for the period from 2009 2010 to 2010 2011 due to the tariff order passed for Units V & VI of Mejia TPS by CERC. 2.39 Total expenditure of Rs.1338659.51 lakh has been computed by the petitioner and after excluding the revenue earned from other income, from bulk supply and supply to Sikkim, expenses attributable to export and taking into account the benefits passed on to the consumers, interest credit on depreciation and U.I earning of previous year the annual revenue required from sale of energy to its consumers has been estimated by the petitioner as Rs. 1117029.82 lakh for 2011 - 2012. Similarly, for the years 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 total expenditure of Rs. 1530998.93 lakh and Rs. 1712422.17 lakh respectively have been projected by the petitioner and after aforesaid deductions estimated for those years, the ARR from sale of energy to its own consumers have been projected as Rs. 1235858.35.00 lakh and Rs. 1419318.98 lakh respectively. 2.40 With projected revenue requirement of Rs. 1117029.82 lakh proposed by the petitioner from sale of 19061.77 MU of energy to its own consumers, the average cost of supply per unit has been computed by the petitioner to be 586.01 paise / kWh for the year 2011 2012. Similarly, the average cost of supply for the years 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 have been projected at Rs. 587.04 paise / kWh and 610.01 paise / kWh respectively. 2.41 WBSEDCL has also requested to accommodate increase in power purchase cost arising out of any new tariff order or APR order or FPPCA order on WBPDCL, DPL, DPSCL, DVC, NTPC or NHPC power stations, etc., which are in addition to what is mentioned in paragraph 2.40 above.
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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013


Changes proposed by WBSEDCL in their tariff for 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 are as follows. (a) The existing B-ID tariff categories are segregated into two L&MV tariff categories such as B-ID (Industrial) for L&MV industrial consumers and B-ID (Commercial) for L&MV Commercial consumers who have contract demand in between 50 KVA and 125 KVA. (b) One new L&MV tariff category as Rate C-ID for other L&MV consumers who have contract demand in between 50 KVA and 125 KVA has been proposed. (c) The demand charge, fixed charge and energy charge for different categories of supply have been proposed to be revised. (d) Voltage wise graded load factor rebate and surcharge have been proposed for EHV and HV industrial consumers and also for industrial consumers under Rate B-ID (Industrial) category for 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 separately. (e) WBSEDCL has also proposed separate rate for P.F. rebate and surcharge for the years 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 for those categories of consumers to whom those are applicable at present. (f) WBSEDCL has also proposed revised rates for meter rentals, meter testing charges, fuse call charges, etc. (g) Rebate on energy charge for industrial consumers taking supply at 33 KV and 66 KV has been proposed by the petitioner to be 1% of the energy charge and the same has been proposed for 132 KV at 2%. (h) Additional rebate of 30 paise per kWh on energy charge has been proposed for consumers taking supply at 33 KV or above whose contract demand is 1.50 MVA or above and whose load factor is not less than 75% in the billing period and whose recorded maximum demand during the billing period is not less than 80% of the contract demand subject to payment of bill within due

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

date. However, for the consumer supply at above 33 KV, the contracted load will be 10 MV and above. (i) Rebate for timely payment for the year 2011 2012 has been proposed to be 1% of the billing amount excluding meter rent, taxes, duties, levies and arrears for those consumers who are already getting such rebate in the year 2011 2012 as well as for Street Light category. (j) To encourage one time payment for three months bill and to minimize transaction, a special rebate of 10 paise / unit on energy charge has been proposed for domestic and commercial consumers under L&MV category who are covered under quarterly billing system under normal or normal-TOD tariff scheme provided the payment is made for the quarter at a time within the due date stipulated for the first month of the quarter. (k) 1% rebate in addition to the timely payment rebate is proposed to be given to the consumers who will pay energy bills through e-payment facility within due date on introduction of it by the petitioner. (l) Hatchery has been proposed to be included in Rate A (Cm-III) and Cinema hall are proposed to be considered as commercial consumers.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the yeas 2011 2012 and 2012 2013


3.1 Twelve objectors have provided their objections and suggestions within due date of 14.05.2012 in response to invitation of objections and suggestions on the MYT application of WBSEDCL for 3rd control period. The documents submitted within due date of receiving of such objections and suggestions have been considered in this tariff order only. The suggestions and objections submitted by the objectors which are relevant to the submitted MYT application of WBSEDCL for 3rd control period, are discussed below: 3.2 On generation aspect to WBSEDCL, HCCI has objected to showing the conservative generation plan by WBSEDCL from their own generating station allegedly without any reason and thus HCCI preferred to consider design energy. In such a context the Commission has following observations. The conventional hydro system generation, being must run generation if available for operation, depends on the availability of water which is fully dependent on the climatic condition of each year and thus no normative parameter has been considered in this aspect. However if climatic condition is satisfactory in terms of design parameter but the availability of machine is less than the normative parameter then such deviation is accounted for in Annual Performance Review (APR). For Purulia Pumped Storage Project (PPSP) the generation depends on number of factors such as system demand, its pattern, availability of cheaper peak power and also on the overall conduciveness of the system to operate PPSP. Thus in tariff order the trend of the past years has been considered for future projection. However, while projecting sent-out/ generation from any sources in case any year is already past or partially past, actual generation figure for the year is preferred if the year has fully past and the generation/ sent-out figures are estimated after taking into effect the actual portion for a partially past year. Accordingly energy availability is calculated. Thus, while considering energy balance for 2011-12, the energy amount on actual basis has been considered to the extent possible as the year has already passed over. For 2012-13 and 2013-14 the generation/ sent-out has been estimated based on latest trend as explained in Chapter - 4. But where specific deviation has been made that has also been mentioned in the relevant paragraph of this order.
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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011 2012 and 2012 2013


On O&M expenses of generating station, HCCI has requested that such O&M expenses should be allowed strictly in accordance with the norms prescribed in the MYT regulations. Commission dealt the matter along same line in chapter 5.


On Power purchase cost the submissions by the objectors along with the views of the Commission are as follows.


Regarding power purchase expenses Jayashree Textiles has stated that Commission should exercise strict prudence check while allowing such expenses. Commission noted the point.


ABECAs submissions are as follows. i. The power purchase cost should be done on the basis of present tariff rate and not on the basis of future tariff. ii. The cost of coal per MT allowed by the Commission to the licensee is much more than listed coal prices of Coal India Ltd. iii. According to ABECA by having 100% capacity utilization of DPL & WBPDCL the demand can be met without sourcing power from other sources. iv. To minimize cost of power of WBPDCL and DPL by increasing their PLF and lowering T&D loss, by reducing their Return on equity and by disallowing the unforeseen exigencies and Bad Debt. On the above issues Commissions views are as follow: The contention of ABECA in (i) above has been considered in view of the availability of mechanism of power purchase cost recovery through MVCA in case there is any increase in power purchase price. In the submitted application of the instant licensee there is no scope of allowing higher coal price and thus the point (ii) is not relevant.

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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

The WBSEDCLs peak demand is of the order of 4900 MW for its own command area and another 550 MW to 750 MW is required to supply to CESC. Whereas the availability from WBPDCL at 100% capacity utilization is 3493 MW. Similarly the maximum possible surplus from DPL considering its 100% capacity utilization of installed capacity is 310 MW. Moreover 100% capacity utilization of installed capacity in longer perspective is mere theoretical from technological aspects. Thus ABECAs contention as per (iii) above does not seem to have merits.

On issue (iv) above the cost reduction issue of power from WBPDCL and DPL is related to the tariff applications of WBPDCL and DPL. Thus Commission does not intend to deal such matter in this order.


On quantum of procurement of power by WBSEDCL from WBPDCL, HCCI has the following observations: i) Projected purchase of power from WBPDCL is in lesser quantity than the normative generation of WBPDCL which has resulted in procurement proposal for short-term power from traders/exchange at high cost. ii) The normative generation level of WBPDCL should be considered for purchase of power from them by WBSEDCL. iii) In case past performance is considered instead of normative generation for WBPDCL and lower than benchmark (normative) generation level are considered for WBPDCL generation, then the capacity charges should be reduced pro-rata on account of lower plant availability factor. iv) According to HCCI though WBSEDCL considers the past trend to be the sole reason for assumption of conservative generation from WBPDCL generation plant for ensuing years of 3rd control period, in certain years of the past the energy received by WBSEDCL are much higher than the conservative projections made by it for the 3rd control period. On the above issue the Commission is of the view that WBSEDCLs projection on the basis of past trend may not be inappropriate since real time situation in the past

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shows that WBPDCL has failed to provide normative generation for some of its plants. This has resulted into distorted energy balancing scenario which is reflected by wide variation in projection vis--vis actual energy sold to persons other than licensee and consumers in tariff order and APR respectively as is being detailed out in paragraph 5.27 of this order. As a consequential impact the consumers are likely to be burdened with increased tariff through FPPCA/APR in future as well as there is likely to be shortage of cash flow in real time operation. On the other hand WBPDCLs norms cannot be resolved as it will tantamount to rewarding the inefficiency of WBPDCL. Accordingly, WBSEDCLs projection of energy on the basis of past trend of different sources has been considered by the Commission. Thus Commission has preferred to consider the actual sent out energy of WBPDCL from each power station of WBPDCL for recently fully/ partially passed years to capture the current trend of performance after due consideration of the outliers. In fact the lower level of performance as shown in table under the paragraph 4.4(i) of this order by Sagardighi Thermal Power Station (SgTPS) in first six months compared to same period of 2011-12 shows the necessity to depend upon average performance of a longer period specially from points of view of energy balancing of a licensee or power purchase planning. The matter is being detailed in Chapter 4 of this order where due explanation is provided wherever necessary. For capacity charge recovery the suggestion of HCCI has been well taken and accordingly the capacity charge payable to WBPDCL has been considered in this order. 3.4.4 Regarding power purchase from DPL, HCCI has mentioned that WBSEDCL has not substantiated the load growth of DPL. The Commission feels that the essential issue being the availability of power to WBSEDCL from DPL. In that context the Commission observes that WBSEDCL has already shown the decreasing trend in sale of surplus power by DPL to WBSEDCL in the last few years. As there is no new unit to be commissioned by DPL during 3rd control period and there will be at least normal growth in DPL command area, supply from DPL to WBSEDCL is not likely to improve any further.

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HCCIs view on conservative estimates of energy received from Bhutan without substantiated reasons has been noted by the Commission. Commission on scrutiny of Annexure-5 of Appendix-A of the MYT application of WBSEDCL for 3rd control period found that Govt. of Bhutan has already intimated the beneficiaries of the power stations of Bhutan through Eastern Regional Power Committee (ERPC) on reduction in quantum of energy for each year. Accordingly, the reduction in quantum of sent out power as projected is accepted by the Commission.


On capacity charges of NTPC Power Stations HCCIs view is that WBSEDCL has estimated capacity charges at higher proportion than the proportion of energy it has considered from the Farakka STPS (FSTPS) and Talcher TPS (TTPS). In this context Commission likes to draw the attention to the fact that capacity charge does not reflects always the delivered energy. Such capacity charge may also include back-down periods due to low demand. Thus capacity charge recoverable during a period may not be necessarily proportional to the actual delivered energy in comparison to normative generation. Thus, the HCCIs objection on grounds of noncommensurable capacity charge in respect to energy delivered cannot be accepted. The same trend of the demand pattern and back-down level can be considered to remain more or less same during the 3rd control period. Accordingly the recovery of capacity charge from 2011-12 to 2013-14 is appropriately dealt with in Chapter 5.


The objectors view that the purchase of energy from Maithon Right Bank of only 508 MU in FY 2012-13 instead of 1016 MU as proposed for FY 2013-14 without substantial reason has been noted by the Commission. Maithon Right Bank Project Unit-2 has started supply of power commercially from 24th July, 2012 as reported by WBSEDCL in response to Commissions letter vide no. WBERC/TP-53/11-12/0995 dated 01.10.2012, which was raised in accordance to the Tariff Regulations. Accordingly the energy from such source for 2012-13 is being modified to 857 MU.


The HCCI has objected to the purchase of power in short-term mode as according to them such purchase is consequent to the non-achievement of distribution loss norms, which means that short-term power is always required to meet the shortage arising out of non-achievement of distribution loss norms. In many instances it is

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required to meet the actual shortage in supply also. Moreover for 2012-13 and 201314 WBSEDCL has made the energy balance on the basis of normative loss only. It is also found that the proposed volume of short term power purchase is only a small part as shown below:
Particulars Short-term power purchase (MU) Total power purchase (MU) Percentage of short-term power purchase (MU) 2011-12 990.00 29862.00 3.32 % 2012-13 364.55 32221.05 1.13% 2013-14 1000.00 34006.00 2.94%

Moreover, the distribution loss takes place over the time period under consideration more or less equally whereas short-term power is procured for a very small part of that period only. In such circumstances it cannot be said that the procured power under short-term mechanism is also supplementing the power for excess distribution loss due to non-achievement of distribution loss in those part of the period under reference when there is no supply from short-term sources. Thus, the contention of HCCI that the short-term power is consequent to nonachievement of distribution loss norms cannot be accepted. On the issue of price of such short-term power Commission would deal with the matter in Chapter-4. 3.5 On distribution loss the submission of the objectors along with the view of the Commission are as follows: 3.5.1 ARCVAC Forge Cast Pvt. Limited has suggested for following merit order dispatch principle for disallowing cost of excess distribution loss. In this context, the Commission feels that this is not logical as this will be tantamount to say that only high cost energy contributes towards distribution loss. In fact, the power purchase at different rates are sourced at different instant of time throughout the year and more or less distributed over the year according to demand pattern and loss occurs at each and every instant of time under the same law of physics. Thus, it cannot be said that power procured at higher cost will be considered for disallowed portion due
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to high distribution loss. According to the Commission weighted average price of pooled power purchase is to be considered as a rational approach for disallowance of excess power purchase cost for excess distribution loss over the normative loss. 3.5.2 Regarding distribution loss, the West Bengal Cold Storage Association (WBCSA) has mentioned that the distribution loss for the year 2011-12 may be fixed at 17.49% for the purpose of computation of revenue requirement though the distribution loss as stated by WBSEDCL in their application is 24.93% for the year 2011-12. In this context it needs to be mentioned that for determination of revenue requirement by WBSEDCL the distribution loss has been considered only at the normative level for the concerned year so that the excess loss is not allowed to pass through to the consumers. 3.5.3 Regarding distribution loss ABECA has proposed that it should not be allowed more than 9% and opposes the claim in excess of 9% distribution loss. ABECA has not provided any details in establishing their claim. As normative parameters on such issue has already been fixed in the Tariff Regulations after inviting objection &

suggestions, only such norms of distribution loss will be considered in this order. 3.6 On transmission charges the submission of the objectors along with the views of the Commission are as follows: 3.6.1 On STU charges the objection by HCCI is primarily on the following points: i. The STU charges payable by WBSEDCL shall be based on ARR determined for WBSETCL by the Commission for the year 2011-12, 2012-13 and 201314 which is also a suggestion from ABECA. ii. The charges for intra-state transmission line that are being recovered through POC charges of Inter-state transmission charges shall not be recovered through STU charges 3.6.2 The claim of enhanced CTU charges payable by WBSEDCL as per point of connection (POC) method has been kept pending due to legal issues at the time of
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submission of tariff application. ABECA have suggested to furnish the court order of legal dispute by WBSEDCL and after that the Commission may consider the merit of the claim of WBSEDCL regarding CTU charges. 3.6.3 The view in 3.6.1(i) has been considered by the Commission and the matter related to 3.6.1(ii) is in the scope of tariff order of WBSETCL and thus is not being dealt here. On the issue of 3.6.2 Commission asked the status of the legal cases from WBSEDCL vide letter no. WBERC/TP-53/11-12/0995 dt. 01.10.2012 and

WBERC/TP-53/11-12/1078 dated 19.10.2012 which were issued in accordance to the Tariff Regulations. In response it reveals that though legal case is pending the

payment of POC charges has been implemented. The matter has been further dealt with in Chapter 5. 3.7 On Employee Cost the submission of objectors along with the views of the Commission are as follows: 3.7.1 On Employee Cost, both HCCI and Jayashree Textiles have mentioned that employee cost increase is 35% in 2011-12 over 2010-11. According to them regarding the employees cost, the actual employees cost in FY 2010-11 of WBSEDCL was 855.45 crore which constitutes of an abnormal expense amounting to Rs.171.81 crore towards provision for terminal benefit on account of revision in the ceiling of gratuity amount which means normal employees cost during FY 2010-11 is Rs.683.64 crore (Rs.855.45 less 171.81 crore). Thus, according to the objector, the projected employee cost of Rs. 920.02 crore for FY 2011-12 which is 34% higher than the normal employee cost for 2010-11, is abnormal by any standard. 3.7.2 ABECA have opposed the increased pay and allowances of the employees since the revised pay and allowances of WBSEDCL is effective from 01.04.2008 and the Tariff Order for 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 was passed on the basis of revised pay effective from 01.04.2008. So there is no reason for revision of Tariff on the ground of revised pay and allowance. ABECA have also suggested that WBSEDCL should furnish detailed list of staff grade wise pay fixation as per revision of pay and allowances and arrear of pay allowed to the staff individually along with specific order
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of the licensee in this regard. They have also requested to consider the difference that arises after tariff order in the APR on the basis of actual and audited report. 3.7.3 The objectors sought to reason out against the proposed employee cost by WBSEDCL is not properly justified due to following reasons. i. The way of normalization of employee cost is being done by HCCI/ Jayashree Textile through reducing the employee cost in 2010-11 by an amount of the terminal benefit is not justifiable as such component will also be an eligible amount for each year including in the year 2011-12 which has the terminal benefit amount in the employee cost for 2011-12. ii. The employee cost of WBSEDCL in 2010-11 as per the annual accounts of WBSEDCL stands at Rs 856.00 crore. iii. The pay structure of the employee is governed under the rules framed under Revision of Pay and Allowance (ROPA), 2009 of WBSEDCL and thus is to be taken into consideration as wage revision does not imply that increase in cost for such wage revision is for one time only and such cost will have no future increase with the inflationary trend. iv. Objectors view of not allowing increased employee cost at this point of tariff determination stage with an ultimate intention to consider such increased cost on actually incurred basis at later stage, i.e., APR stage cannot be considered by the Commission as this will affect the cash flow of the licensee, the consequence of which will be the requirement of extra financing cost. Such extra cost would imply extra tariff at a later stage. 3.8 The objector HCCI in its objection on O&M costs has referred to different regulations and model regulations without however mentioning the purpose of such referencing. HCCI has claimed that WBSEDCL claim O&M expenses under various nomenclatures. HCCI also provides a comparative study on O&M expenses for per unit of sales in different States.

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On the above observation, the objectors view on different elements of O&M cost has been taken into consideration by the Commission in accordance with the Tariff Regulations and the elements which are not considered as elements of O&M cost under Tariff Regulations are considered separately in a manner as has been dealt with in the Tariff Regulations. 3.9 On the issues of Administrative and General Expenses the submission of the objectors along with the views of the Commission are as follows: 3.9.1 Regarding Administrative and General Expenditure ABECA have suggested that the claim on the basis of actual cost incurred by WBSEDCL at the time of furnishing the proposal is to be considered. The point is noted and has been dealt with in Chapter 5. 3.9.2 On Other Administrative and General (A&G) expenses HCCI stated that WBSEDCL has considered a year on year escalation of 17% in the MYT period. According to HCCI such high escalation in A&G expenses should not be allowed to WBSEDCL and marginal increase linked with inflation indices may only be permitted. HCCI has also drawn the attention that there is no specific reference in the tariff application of capitalization. On the issue of capitalization Commission finds that in paragraph 5.9 of Volume-1 in the MYT application WBSEDCL deals with the capitalization issue.

The annual accounts of 2011-12 have also shown the capitalization. On the other issue Commission noted the point and dealt with the issue in Chapter 5 of this order. 3.9.3 On individual components of Administrative & General Expenses for distribution such as Rent, Legal charges and Auditor fees, HCCI has objected that the expenses have been considered with a high growth rate. HCCI is also of the opinion that such cost can be considered during APR only on actual basis. As rent, Auditors fee and legal charges are parts of controllable item of Administrative and General expenses, overall excess cost, if any, with respect to above heads may not be allowed during APR due to the ceiling in Administrative and General Expenses on account of being a controllable item. Thus the suggestion of HCCI for considering such cost on actual basis in APR in general cannot be accepted.
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Moreover, there are issues like


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financing cost for any cash gap and tariff impact. Considering all the above aspects and other information available in the application submitted by WBSEDCL and annual accounts, the Commission decides the amount to be admitted in Chapter-5. 3.10 ABECA have also opposed the proposal of increase in R&M cost due to increase in consumer base. On repair and maintenance expenses, HCCI has stated that increase in the expenses shall be reflective of the inflationary index. On this account Commission is of the opinion that increase in consumer base along with matching distribution network shall also be reflective parameters while deciding the repair & maintenance cost. Improving the service quality is also a major relevant parameter. 3.11 On the point of cost of outsourcing HCCIs views are as follows: i) The cost of outsourcing should not be allowed to WBSEDCL as there is very little rationale with regard to its nature, cost and effectiveness and having no results demonstrated by WBSEDCL for the cost supposedly incurred. ii) Certain jobs and services can be performed effectively through outsourcing but to consider that around 15,000- 20,000 contracted employees would be required by WBSEDCL is implausible and unconvincing. iii) Jobs like substation and line maintenance were previously being done by the own staff of WBSEDCL. iv) Measures such as Online billing, spot billing, etc are novel ways of billing but it does not entail that some new jobs are now being taken up by WBSEDCL. The expenses on spot billing should be demonstrated by a reduction in the A&G expenses of WBSEDCL as it is only an alternate way of bill distribution. On the above issues the Commission is of the view that

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WBSEDCL has raised claim in accordance with the provisions in the Tariff Regulations.

ii) On the issue of number of contracted employee and rationality of it, from HCCIs submission it cannot be found that why such numbers are implausible and what are the reasons on which it can be said unconvincing. On scrutiny, Commission finds in the annual accounts of WBSEDCL for 2011-12 the consumer strength has already increased to 106.73199 lakh from 85.65 lakh in 2010-11 which shows an increase of 24.61% by a single year. Simultaneously Commission also observes that the employee in regular establishment has been reduced significantly in the last control period whereas consumer strength is increasing rapidly as shown in the following table.
2009 2010 2011 2012 24072 19236 18851 17932 No of Employee in thousands 7246759 7622178 8565374 10673202 No of Consumer in lakh N.B: a) No. of consumers available from Annual Reports and Accounts of WBSEDCL b) No. of employee for 2009 available from APR application and c) No. of employees for 2010, 2011 and 2012 from MYT tariff application for the year 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14.

It is also to be noted that due to reduction in employee in regular establishment its impact on employee cost has been duly considered by the Commission while admitting employee cost. Under such circumstances commission feels that with the increasing consumer strength and decreasing trend of own employee the outsourcing has merit for discharging of statutory obligations. Thus Commission proceeds to determine the outsourcing cost that is required to be admitted for the ensuing years of 3rd control period. iii) The expenses claimed for new Sub-station and lines are for operating personnel which are new.

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iv) The expenses of spot billing are basically replacement of the existing job. Thus this expenditure, being totally outsourced job, shall be passed as a part of outsourcing cost and not under the Administrative and General Expenses. On scrutiny it is found from the application of WBSEDCL that WBSEDCL has claimed outsourcing cost on number of items which are being dealt with in Chapter 5 of this order. 3.12 In the point of interest on loan HCCI has stated that interest on loans may be allowed only after considering our objections in respect of capital investment, programme proposed by WBSEDCL. As no details, justification of capex schemes has been provided and no investment approvals furnished, the capital investment plan proposed by WBSEDCL is liable to be rejected. Consequently the interest on long term loans has to be recomputed considering no eligible drawals of loan. In addition HCCIs observation is that interest expense claimed by WBSEDCL does not commensurate with the capitalization sought by WBSEDCL in the MYT period. HCCI says that interest on R-APDRP loan should not be allowed in tariff as such loan will be converted into grant. HCCI also raised question about inadequacy of detailing on certain loan such as REC Limited Package, loans from Bank/RECL and for different schemes under plan and Non-plan other than securitization of CPS outstanding. The capital expenditure programme under R-APDRP Part A and R-APDRP Part B scheme has already been approved by the Commission in case no. WBERC/OA68/2009-10 and WBERC/OA-118/10-11 vide order dated 23.04.2010 and

01.09.2011 respectively. Thus as long as the loan of R-APDRP Part A or RAPDRP Part B is not being converted into grant partly or fully its interest will be eligible to be admitted by the Commission if such interest is payable in the concerned year. Other schemes such as RGGVY, APDRP do not require any investment approval as those schemes were introduced by the Government of India at a period when such investment approval was not required by the licensee in accordance with the then regulation of the Commission applicable at that time. However, such schemes, being approved by the concerned nodal department/
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agency of Government of India, the due diligence has been done by different concerned authority and thus do not require any fresh investment approval at this stage of the projects which has already attained finality and thus will be considered for interest calculation purpose. Regarding inadequacy of data for certain loans such as REC Limited Package, loans from Bank/RECL and for different schemes under plan and Non-plan other than securitization of CPS outstanding, the details have been gone through by the Commission from the Annual Accounts of 2011-12 and accordingly dealt with in Chapter 5. 3.13 On interest on Consumer Security Deposit the HCCI has apprehension that the amount claimed by WBSEDCL is not adjusted in bills paid to the consumers in toto. The Commission cannot act merely on the basis of apprehension of any person unless there is at least some prima facie instances of any anomaly on the related issue. Moreover in case of non-receiving of interest on security deposit consumer has appropriate remedial measures under the law. However the issue is dealt with in Chapter 5. 3.14 On the issue of bad debt the submission of different objectors along with the view of the Commission are as follows: 3.14.1 ABECA have suggested that WBSEDCL should furnish the detailed chart of defaulting consumers and unrealized amount from them and steps taken to realize the amount. Before furnishing such data no amount should be allowed to WBSEDCL on this account. 3.14.2 HCCI has referred to regulation 5.10 of the Tariff Regulation. 3.14.3 The comments of objector at 3.14.1 and 3.14.2 have been noted and is duly dealt with in chapter 5 in accordance with the Tariff Regulations for due consideration. 3.15 On the issue of Minimum Alternate Tax HCCI refers regulation 5.13.1 and rely on the point that it is allowable and to be recovered as pass through element. Commission
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is of the opinion that the regulation has to be looked into with the following points also. a) The regulation does not say that such pass through cannot be done at tariff determination stage. b) Where Minimum Alternate Tax is mandatory for payment at certain frequency within the period under consideration then just after the payment has been made, it cannot be recovered normally at such frequent interval through revision of tariff as it is under fixed cost head. c) MAT as deposited can be allowed by the Commission without the assessment order. In view of the above fact the licensee is required to pay the tax in a quarterly frequency. Thus to ensure proper cash flow the projected amount of MAT is required to be passed through the tariff order subject to truing up in the APR as in the mid way of a year separate order on this small amount cannot be brought out as it is not rational. 3.16 On the issue of unforeseen exigencies the submission of the objectors and the view of the Commission are as follows: 3.16.1 According to ABECA unforeseen exigencies is not a cost at all and as per the Act this cannot be included in the ARR and thus they suggest to refund the accumulated fund with income derived out of such fund to the consumers through reduction of the said accumulated amount from the ARR for the year 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 and no fund is to be allowed further. 3.16.2 On the other hand HCCI feels that Reserve for unforeseen exigencies may be allowed by the Honble Commission only after strict prudent check duly verifying that such reserves are invested in interest paying securities and the interest income earned on such reserve are ploughed back / netted-off while claiming the reserve for unforeseen exigencies of subsequent years.
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3.16.3 Commission is of the opinion that the expenditure for unforeseen exigencies is statutorily approved cost and has been maintained to serve the purpose for which it is created. Commission noted the points in 3.16.1 and 3.16.2 and duly dealt with in Chapter 5. 3.17 On the issue of interest on Working Capital the objectors submission along with the Commissions view are given below: 3.17.1 On interest on Working Capital the objection of HCCI is with respect to the provisional amount of security deposit which according to HCCI shall be static over the MYT period. On the contrary, WBSEDCL has claimed interest on security deposit in an increasing trend at Rs 28.70 crore, Rs 33.15 crore and Rs 38.29 crore in 201112, 2012-13 and 2013-14 respectively thereby implying that it has considered a yearly increase in security deposits from consumers. According to HCCI, WBSEDCL has ignored to take this increase into account while computing the interest on working capital. HCCI has submitted that the Commission should take this anomaly into account and suitably adjust the computations in respect of interest of working capital. 3.17.2 Regarding interest on Working Capital ABECA have opposed the same stating the reason that as the Commission directed WBSEDCL to invest the Security Deposit received from the consumers as Working Capital there would be no need to claim any amount as interest on Working Capital. Secondly they opposed the rate of Interest on Working Capital @ 14% whereas the rate of interest payable on Security Deposit is 6%. According to them interest on Working Capital shall be 6%. They have also suggested to direct WBSEDCL to furnish details of the security deposit held by WBSEDCL till date and to submit the status report regarding quantum of Security Deposit, utilization of such deposit and rate of interest paid by them to the consumers before entertaining the claim of WBSEDCL on interest on Working Capital. 3.17.3 Commission noted the point in 3.17.1 and dealt with this accordingly in Chapter 5. Regarding the issue of 3.17.2 Commission cannot ignore the need of additional
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working capital requirement within normative level as provided in the Tariff Regulations if the security deposit of consumer is not sufficient to cover the normative working capital requirement. Moreover as such working capital requirement beyond the amount collected from security deposit of consumer is required to be mobilized in the form of loan from financial institutions or market, thus the interest on such loan is bound to be at market driven rate. Thus commission is bound by the regulation to provide the interest as specified in the regulation. 3.18 On capital investment issue objections put forwarded by HCCI are as follows: 1. The detailed break-up of the capital investment with respect to schemes, justifications etc. have not been provided by the Petitioner. Further the additional capitalization may not be allowed by the Honble Commission as the filing made do not strictly adhere with the requirements of Regulation 5.1 and 5.2 of the MYT Regulations and the status of investment approvals mandated under Regulation is neither known nor available with the Petition. In such case, the capital investment plan should be out rightly rejected by the Honble Commission. 2. Without prejudice to the above, the capitalization towards assets created pursuant to RGGVY and R-APDRP scheme and through consumer

contributions and other grants, etc. should be segregated from the other capex schemes. Depreciation on assets created under RGGVY, R-APDRP scheme and through consumer contributions and other grants etc. should not be allowed in the ARR. 3. The depreciation which has already been claimed on assets created under RGGVY, R-APDRP scheme and through consumer contributions and other grants etc. should be clawed back and given effect in the MYT order. In addition to the above objection, HCCI raised the question that whether WBSEDCL is entitled to recover i) Capital created out of consumers contribution or grant.

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ii) Depreciation of asset formed through consumers contribution or grant. iii) While finding out equity on normative basis, whether the asset created out of consumers contribution or grant will be considered. In fact, the question of recovery of capital created out of consumers contribution or grant is not very clear. However the values of such asset are not considered as equity base. In case of normative equity calculation the mater is dealt with in Chapter 5 of this order. However, depreciation on the assets formed through consumers contribution or grant is recoverable as such amount is required for future replacement of such assets on expiry of their life. Regarding the issue raised on capital expenditure programme or investment proposal in relation to depreciation and normative equity the points raised by HCCI have been noted and accordingly dealt with in chapter 5 while arriving at the depreciation and equity base and appropriate direction has been given in chapter-10 to WBSEDCL to provide details so that during APR the truing up can be done on the basis of such details. 3.19 Regarding depreciation ABECA have proposed to furnish detailed item wise depreciation amount with life span of each item and repayment of loan out of such depreciation. Balaji Paper & Newsprint Pvt. Ltd. has referred statutory auditors para in relation to fixed asset registers. This issue of fixed asset registers was reported in annual accounts of 2009-10 for not following CARO, 2003. The same annual accounts show that figures of fixed assets with depreciation and value of depreciated assets are available accounting unit wise and accounting code wise. Such report also reveals that the job of identification and verification of fixed assets has already undertaken by the company and has been completed for assets capitalized upto 31.03.2008 and the balance work was in progress. Subsequently such issues are not reported in the annual accounts of 2010-11 and 2011-12. Thus it implies that such fixed asset now is being maintained more comprehensively. Moreover, Commission observes that WBSEDCL has furnished the information related to depreciation and repayment of loan in a manner as specified in the Tariff
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Regulations. However, direction has been provided in relation to this issue as already explained in paragraph 3.18. 3.20 Regarding return on equity ABECA have suggested that the rate of return should not be allowed at more than the RBI rate of interest as WBSEDCL is being a government company and before the enactment of the Electricity Act 2003, WBSEDCL would have earned 3%.surplus. In this context commission will follow the Tariff Regulations which has gone through previous publications. 3.21 On the issue of distribution loss level vis-a-vis lease rentals HCCIs view is that if the expenses of R-APDRP is allowed then the loss trajectories prescribed in the MYT regulations need to be revised. In this context the Commissions view is that the cost of such R- APDRP Part A is limited only to 62 towns in the State covering about 15 lakh consumers only (as provided in the details of the scheme of R-APDRP Part-A during investment approval). For R-APDRP Part-A there is no conditionality of any targeted AT&C loss. Such target has been provided only for R-APDRP Part-B scheme which is under implementation phase and as per programme those projects will be completed beyond the period of 3rd Control Period. Thus the benefit of loss reduction of such project is not expected within this 3rd Control Period. Moreover, merely on the basis of a small part of the area of supply of the licensee the norms of the distribution loss for the whole area of supply cannot be changed as such type of improvement programme is a natural process undertaken by any licensee while they are being offered with the normative target. Furthermore on the point of expenses on MPLS-VPN connectivity the matter shall be looked into in the light of need of discharging regulatory obligation of the licensee under SOP Regulation as mentioned by WBSEDCL in addition to other purpose for which such network is being used. 3.22 On other Incomes HCCI has objected to the conservative estimates of WBSEDCL in respect of income from investments and bank balances which roughly translates to a paltry return of 4% according to them and asked for detailed investigation by the Commission. HCCI also mentioned that a normative rate of interest of 8% on FDR
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balance for allowing the income from investment and bank balances including FDR income. Commission has observed that Investment amount of Rs. 577.12 crore for the year 2010-11 is reflected in the Annual Accounts for the year 2010-11 under Schedule-10 which is shown as cash and bank balance. This head indicates that such balance is temporary in nature and is for the closing date of the Accounts. This implies that such amount is not expected to be continued throughout the year at the same level. Thus the accrued interest as shown in the audited accounts of Rs 39.79 crore in the Note no. 24 of Annual Account of 2011-12 is being admitted by the Commission and accordingly dealt with in Chapter 5 of this order. 3.23 The submission of the objector in relation to sale to other licensee along with the view of the Commission are as follows: 3.23.1 On the question of sale of energy to other licensee, HCCIs submissions are: i. Increase in power purchase cost and cost of supply of WBSEDCL is around 14.23% and 16.50% respectively, the increase in sale price to other licensee considered in MYT projections is only 4.17%. ii. The basis of arriving at the sale price projected for sale to other licensee has not been explained in the MYT Petition. iii. It is unclear why WBSEDCL would supply power to other licensee at lower than its cost of supply. iv. Price for sale to other licensee shall be at the cost of supply of that respective year or at a price which factors in the year on year increase in power purchase cost and cost of supply in FY 2011-12 over FY 2010-11. 3.23.2 ABECA have pointed out that sale of power to CESC Ltd is at a rate less than the rate of power purchase from Central Generating Company and Bhutan. ABECA have also mentioned that WBSEDCL purchases power from CESC Ltd. and CESC Ltd. also purchases power from WBSEDCL and both are pleading the tariff hike of each
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other. ABECA suggested the drawal of power of CESC Ltd. from WBSEDCL should be adjusted with the power drawal of WBSEDCL from CESC Ltd. 3.23.3 In this context Commissions view is that the purchase price of power by one licensee from another licensee is being regulated keeping in view of the interest of the consumers of both the licensees. Moreover, the market price trend and long term power purchase cost from new Power Stations are also looked into before deciding such price. Otherwise any reduction in load demand of any seller licensee due to replacement of such demand by other new sources may affect the consumers of the referred selling licensee severely as they may require to bear the liability of compensation of such business loss. Moreover, the demand pattern of the purchaser licensee and any other conditions under which purchase are taking place are also required to be looked into. Moreover, there is wide disparity in retail tariff among the licensees due to such type of inter-licensee selling prices which are also required to bring under control to a reasonable extent gradually. Further, the proposal for selling power by WBSEDCL to other licensee at a rate not less than the costlier sources does not have any merit as the demand of such licensees is historically met from long past and the costlier power procurement decisions are taken at different time to meet the increasing demand of both own consumer and other licensee. In fact, Commission is required to strike a balance on different aspects for such purchase of power. On the basis of such factors the purchase price for power by different

licensees is required to be set in their Tariff Order. 3.24 On share of benefit passed on to consumers the objection of HCCI is primarily on the two aspects: The projected selling rate considered for sale of power to persons other than consumers and licensees and for the notional sale of power against swap out, and While computing the presumptive gains, due consideration has not been provided to the fact that lower sales were reported to persons other than

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consumers and licensee as there was a significant under-achievement of distribution losses. The licensees are penalized by disallowance of expenditure arising out of under achievements of distribution losses and thus the Commission is of the view that they cannot be penalized for second time on the basis of notional gain on account of notional sale as claimed by the objector. The other point has been only noted by the Commission but not accepted the logic as the expenses due to swap out is also considered for reducing the ARR to be borne by the consumers and licensees and in fact such swap-out tantamounts to export of power without any gain. 3.25 On issue of regulatory release the submission of the objectors along with the views of the Commission are furnished below: 3.25.1 HCCI on account of release of regulatory assets has stated that release of regulatory assets may be considered only when such expenses have been actually incurred by WBSEDCL and their veracity is established on the production of audited accounts. 3.25.2 ABECA have opposed for creation of any regulatory assets as because this will create unnecessary burden to the consumers and the small traders. This also creates unnecessary bottleneck to the development of the State. ABECA have also suggested that the tariff should be determined on the basis of actual cost and if any cost changes after the tariff determination then the fractional changed amount may be recovered through the next tariff determination. ABECA have opposed the claim of regulatory assets on pay and allowances. ABECA have suggested that WBSEDCL should furnish the detailed list of grade wise staff strength and order of pay fixation of each of the staff as per ROPA 2009 and the comparable statement of pay and allowance of the State. 3.25.3 In this aspect Commission likes to make it clear that regulatory assets to be released in this order is on account of terminal benefit fund which can only be deposited in the
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fund on getting recovered through tariff. However in APR through audited Accounts, the expenses incurred due to deposition of released regulatory assets in terminal benefit fund will be duly accounted for in measuring the appropriate regulatory asset. Commission appreciates the view of the objectors against creation of regulatory assets in larger interest. In fact their suggestion to determine tariff on the basis of actual cost and keeping provision for fractional change of approved amount through next tariff determination is well taken. In fact the arrangement of MVCA, APR and FPPCA is nothing but the mechanism as proposed. However at present as some orders of different years in relation to FPPCA, ARR and Tariff are still pending thus creation of regulatory asset may be not avoided at one go. Commission endeavours to reduce such regulatory asset rapidly so that its impact can be reduced fast and in future will have small impact on tariff increase beyond 3rd Control Period though a part of regulatory release will continue in subsequent control periods. However, beyond this, the Commission will endeavour to avoid creation of any further regulatory asset as far as possible. 3.26 In the objection of HCCI it is said that Power purchase costs from WBPDCL and payments of intra-state transmission charges to WBSETCL constitute around 57% of the ARR of WBSEDCL. HCCI has also submits that the tariff for retail consumers may be approved only when the tariff for WBPDCL and WBSETCL is finalized for the third control period covering the financial years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14. Commission has noted the point. 3.27 On the issue of the effective date of tariff implementation the submission of the objectors along with the views of the Commission are furnished below: 3.27.1 On the issue of effective date of Tariff Implementation, HCCI has stated that Regulation 2.10.2 of the MYT Regulations provides that the tariff shall normally be revised from the prospective date unless there is a compelling reason to revise the same from the retrospective date in which case detailed justification will be given in writing by the Commission. They have also stated that Section 64(1) and 64(3)(b) of the Act require that the licensee must file the application for determination of tariff in the manner as specified under Regulations by the Commission in a timely fashion.
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Timely and prudent determination of tariff consistent with the statutorily prescribed criteria and the Tariff Policy are sacrosanct to the objects of the Electricity Act, 2003. The HCCI has submitted that WBSEDCL is solely attributable for the delay in timely filing of the MYT Petition and the reasons provided by it for condonation of delay are not compelling reasons for application of retrospective tariff application. HCCI has submitted that retrospective tariff application may not be allowed. 3.27.2 According to Jayashree Textiles the reasons provided by WBSEDCL are not compelling reasons for application of retrospective tariff and thus retrospective tariff may not be allowed. 3.27.3 ABECA have also opposed the claim of WBSEDCL for realization of arrear amount due to effect of revised tariff from previous date as this will create problem to the farmers and small industrial units because they will not be able to realize those arrear amounts from their customers. It is also stated by ABECA that arrear claim should not be allowed as there is no provision of arrear in the Electricity Act. As per their opinion the Commission and the licensee are responsible for such arrears. 3.27.4 In this context Commission likes to refer to the following facts: i) Commission published draft of the existing Tariff Regulations. Against such publication the licensees requested for extension of time limit for submission of MYT application for 3rd control period. Commission vide its Order dated 01.12.2010 extended the time. ii) Subsequently on publication of Tariff Regulations vide dated 29.04.2011 the licensees requested for extension of time further and specially WBSEDCL asked for extension upto 15th July, 2011 for submission of application for 3rd control period. Considering the fact that the freshly published Tariff

Regulations contain a number of important provisions which are essential for the purpose of submission of MYT petition for the 3rd control period, the Commission extended the time limit of submission of the MYT application for 3rd control period upto 15th July 2011.
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On 11.7.2011 WBSEDCL further requested the Commission to extend the time limit for MYT application submission as till such time WBPDCL could not finalize their proposed tariff for 3rd control period which has a major impact on the APR of WBSEDCL. Similarly information were also awaited from NTPC. Accordingly, Commission extended the date upto 1st August, 2011. On the same reason again WBSEDCL requested for further time extension. Commission agreed to extend the date upto 16th August, 2011.


Subsequently through two applications one dated 16th August 2011 and another dated 31st October 2011,WBSEDCL had appealed for extension of date primarily on two counts: a) Awaiting Information, yet to be received, on selling tariff related matters from different generators. b) Time required for finalization of subsidization plan by State Government for which extension of time is required as per advice of the State Govt.

Finally while submitting the MYT application for 3rd control period , in addition to the above reasons WBSEDCL has also put the reasons that re-determination of tariff for 2010-11 was issued on 30.12.2011 in pursuance of Appellate Tribunal order dated 04.04.2011. Due to such new tariff structure and in view of the requirement to be satisfied for Enterprise Resource Planning level billing system, WBSEDCL required some time to finalize the Tariff application for all the ensuing years of the 3rd control period in order to satisfy the requirement of complying the tariff structure to be compatible with ERP technology requirement. Considering all the above factors Commission decides to condone the delay in submission of the MYT application for 3rd control period. Regarding the applicability of different rules / regulations / policies, Commission will be guided by its Tariff Regulations that has been framed after considering all such aspects through previous publication. On question of arrear recovery due to late
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finalization of tariff, Commission feels that such cost recovery is to be done in a manner so that it does not appear as a shock. Accordingly Commission will moderate the arrear recovery which it deems fit. 3.28 On public hearing issue, ABECA suggested for holding public hearing. On the same issue, in paragraph 7 of the affidavit of HCCI, HCCI submitted that the Commission is established to ensure transparency under section 86(3) of the Act while disclosing the tariff determination function in accordance with the mandatory procedure prevailed under section 64 of the Act. HCCI has also submitted that inherently Sections 64 and 86(3) warrants that the State Commission should grant hearing to any objector/ consumer before deciding upon the objections and determining tariff. According to HCCI, the principles of natural justice mandate that the hearing should be granted to the objector, who is one of the affected parties and that practice has been diligently and consistently followed by virtually every Appropriate Commission. The Hooghly Alloys and Steel Pvt. Ltd. and ARCVAC have also prayed for giving opportunity for hearing. Jayashree Textiles has mentioned the provisions of regulation 2.4 of the Tariff Regulations. In the above context of hearing, Commission in its earlier order on different tariff related orders has expressed the views time and again. Thus now Commission reiterates the views in short. Section 64 speaks about hearing only in case of rejection of an application where it is stipulated that applicant of tariff application be given reasonable opportunity of being heard before rejection of his application. This is also mentioned as exceptional circumstances under provisions of Clause (b) of Sub-section 3 of Section 64. Accordingly, the Commission decides to consider only the suggestions/objections from the public as per Tariff Regulations. The Tariff Regulations framed under the provision of the Act has specifically provided receiving of such objections/suggestions from public in written form only. Thus on this issue Commission prefers to limit itself strictly within the provisions of the Act instead of considering other extraneous factors. Section 86 (3) of the Act in particular speaks
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of ensuring transparency while discharging its functions but not anything on point of hearing. Transparency in a process does not necessarily mean holding public hearing. It requires fairness and probity to be maintained in the decision making process. This objective is achieved once the objections and suggestions are duly considered and the decision of the Commission is indicated along with reasons. Thus for inviting suggestions and objections as per Section 64 of the Act, there is no requirement to hold a public hearing. In regard to regulation 2.4 as referred it is to be mentioned that Commission has invited suggestions and objections from the public on the tariff application of WBSEDCL as per provisions of the Tariff Regulations. Accordingly, the Commission decides to consider only the suggestions/objections from the public as per Tariff Regulations. The Tariff Regulations framed under the provision of the Act has specifically provided receiving of such objections/suggestions from public in written form only and that has only been followed in this proceedings. 3.29 On tariff designing issue the submission of objectors along with the Commissions view are furnished below: 3.29.1 On tariff structure designing issue HCCI has stated on the following facts. i) As per tariff policy, tariff of any class of consumer to be within 20% of the average cost of supply by the end of 2010-11 which is also referred by Eastern Railways. ii) WBSEDCL has not provided any details of the subsidized and crosssubsidized categories of consumers. iii) Voltage-wise cost of supply has not been provided by WBSEDCL.

Jayashree Textiles, the objector mentioning the provisions of Section 61 (g) of the Electricity Act, 2003 has proposed that the tariff of consumers should be based on the cost of supply at respective voltage levels of the consumer. They have referred the tariff policy of 2006.

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ARCVAC Forge Cast Pvt. Ltd., the objector has also mentioned for the need of detailed cost of supply voltage-wise for all the stake holders in the order. The objector has also requested to eliminate the cross subsidy with immediate effect and to give detailed calculation of cross subsidy existing during the last five years. They have also mentioned that the amount of subsidy must be given by the Government from their exchequer only. On the issue of above paragraphs Commission is of opinion that WBSEDCL has submitted the application along with the data that covers all the necessary information to satisfy the need of assessing the condition that whether the crosssubsidy guideline has been fulfilled to the extent it is required under Tariff Regulations. Moreover it is to be noted that neither the said section 61(g) of the Act nor the Tariff Policy speaks for cost of supply at respective voltage levels. As the Act had been previously deliberately amended to remove the issue of elimination of cross-subsidy through amendment of the Act, the objectors view of eliminating cross-subsidy is not accepted by the Commission. However, the Commission is trying to maintain the tariff of different categories of consumers within the specific limit i.e. 20% of the average cost of supply. 3.29.2 Regarding timely payment rebate the Jayashree Textiles and ARCVAC have proposed to consider the existing timely rebate of 2% to HV and EHV consumers instead of proposed rate of 1% rebate. In an overall tariff design objective such reduction in timely payment rebate as proposed by WBSEDCL is accepted by the Commission especially in view of its separate proposal of additional rebate on load factor to improve power system efficiency and collection efficiency through epayment and one time payment of quarterly billing. 3.29.3 In regard to the energy charge rebate for industrial consumers for HV supply (33KV and above), Jayashree Textiles has objected to the proposed lowering of such rate of rebate from 4% to 2% for 132 KV consumers while the proposed rate of rebate for 33 KV consumers has been proposed to continue at 1%. They have also mentioned that this proposal of WBSEDCL is unjustified as the 132 KV consumers are required to invest more fund for setting up 132 KV lines and sub-stations to get
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supply at 132 KV. Moreover, they have pointed out that T&D loss for 132 KV consumers are much lower than other consumers. ARCVAC has also requested for 2% additional rebate on energy charge for HV consumers. Regarding additional rebate on energy charge on account of load factor for industrial consumers the objector has proposed to consider this additional rebate for all 132 KV consumers having contract demand of 7.5 MVA and above instead of 10 MVA as proposed along with other conditions. ARCVAC requested to pass this proposed additional rebate of 30 paise/kwh and 45 paise/kwh retrospectively for all consumers. The Eastern Railways have mentioned that while high voltage rebate in energy charges along with additional rebate on load factor in industry is proposed by WBSEDCL such rebate has not been proposed for railway traction tariff which in their opinion is discriminatory. Eastern Railways have prayed for voltage rebate to railways as would be applicable to industrial consumers.

Commission feels instead of giving rebate for voltage wise supply it is more rational to reduce the concerned basic charges at the said voltage level where the rebate is intended. In fact the proposed additional rebate of 30 paisa/Kwh or 45 paisa/Kwh on load factor and other parameter is based on the principle of differentiation permissible under the Act after considering four factors namely purpose of supply, voltage of supply, quantum of supply and load factor and it helps in to flatten the load curve, an established objective of good demand side management. This additional rebate of Load Factor cannot be considered for railways through lowering the permissible limit for Load Factor rebate as its load character does not help in flattening the load curve. Thus Commission admits such proposal of additional rebate in principle for industries only with certain modification and dealt with the matter in chapter-7 and chapter-8 and will be effected from same date to all industrial consumers. The objectors view of relating tariff to the cost of setting up of power receiving infrastructure by the consumer has no merit as such infrastructure cost is dealt with under separate provision of the Act and not related to the provision of tariff.
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3.29.4 Regarding LF rebate and surcharge the Eastern Railways have mentioned that since railways loads are fluctuating in nature due to various extraneous reasons, the consumption of traction energy is not uniformly distributed with respect to Contract Demand for a single supply point. Average LF for railways is claimed to be much lower than 65% and such LF should be considered for rebate and surcharge level for railways at 35%. They have also proposed that rebate for Power Factor for railways should be allowed above PF of 0.86 instead of 0.92. ARCVAC has also asked for an additional slab for the load factor rebate at load factor above 45%. West Bengal Cold Storage Association has also asked for load factor rebate for cold storage/ chilling plant. Minimum of the average system load factor out of three seasons in a year for WBSEDCL system is just above 65%. On this background Commission is of the opinion that the load factor rebate shall be provided at higher level in higher proportion to induce the consumers through attractive incentivization to operate at highest possible load factor to have a relatively flattened system and load curve. This is more relevant for WBSEDCL system which is primarily dependent on thermal generating sources as the hydrology of the State provides very much low hydro potential which helps in peaking. Keeping this objective in mind Commission finds it appropriate to emphasis more on the load factor rebate or additional rebate at the level of above 65% in a gradual manner. Accordingly such rebate and additional rebate has been provided in terms and conditions of the retail tariff in this order. On the issue of extending load factor related to cold storage / chilling plant it is to be noted that cold storage/ chilling plant consumers are storage service provider for perishable essential items and thus their energy charges are normally kept at lower side compared to industrial or commercial segment and not provided with load factor rebate as its operational character varies seasonally severely. Above proposal is not acceptable as Commission intends to improve the average load factor and power factor of the system of WBSEDCL. In such situation incentivisation at such proposed low level to the extent upto 35% as proposed by

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Eastern Railways and ARCVAC is not acceptable by the Commission on the basis of discussion in para 3.29.3 as well as the discussion done above. 3.29.5 The ARCVAC has also requested to ensure that the difference in tariff of different distribution agencies operating in the State shall be within 10% to ensure level playing field for all the industries in the State. In this context it is to be mentioned that tariffs for each distribution licensee are being fixed on the basis of their allowable expenditure during the year and it shall vary for different licensees for different reasons. Moreover, the issue of reduction of tariff discrepancies among the licensees cannot be removed as it depends on the consumer mix and character of the area of supply of the licensees which differs widely. 3.29.6 ARCVAC, Indus Tower, Military Engineering Services (MES) have also proposed for special tariff for their specific type of industry on the ground of cost implication on their business due to tariff that is considered by them as higher. In this context Commission is of the opinion that sub-categorisation/ catgorisation on the basis of any specific type of industry or service within the same purpose of supply is an endless process as this can solve problem only at any specific instances but not in the long run as the licensee is ultimately required to recover its Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) from its all types of categories of consumers. In fact by giving any specific relief through creation of any sub-category will ultimately load other consumers. Thus Commission is not in favour of creation of any additional category of consumer beyond those which are already existing in the Tariff Regulation or is being created in this tariff order in view of expansion of range of LT from 50 KVA to 125 KVA under Procedure A and Procedure B unless there is any specific economic reason that is to be felt by the government and which is acceptable by the Commission after due diligence. 3.29.7 West Bengal Cold Storage Association has raised their objection on the proposed increase in energy charge for cold storage consumers. They have also raised their objection on the proposed enhancement of demand charge of Rs 53 per KVA in respect of high voltage cold storage consumers. They have raised their objection regarding the existing methodology of realization of demand charge at a minimum
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level of 85% of their contract demand during the lean period. The existing computation methodology of demand charge on high voltage seasonal cold storage consumers during their lean period of cold storage appears squarely unreasonable since the amount payable as demand charge is in no way consistent with their actual drawal of power. In this regard they have proposed a methodology for computation of demand charge in respect of cold storage consumers by insertion of a new regulation in the Tariff Regulations. On the same issue Eastern Railways have raised objection where they have called the same as unjustified discrimination. In this context the Commission feels that since the methodology of realization of demand charge has been specified in the Tariff Regulation, any modification or insertion in this methodology tantamounts to amendment of the tariff regulation which cannot be dealt with in this order. Moreover such regulation has already been adopted after due procedure of invitation of views on the regulation through previous publications. Further, it is to be noted that demand charge/ fixed charge does not likely to reflect actual drawal but it is linked with the contract demand for which the licensee is to build or arrange its capacity in generation as well as transmission/ distribution network. 3.29.8 ARCVAC has also proposed to allow option to the consumers for

reduction/enhancement of their contract demand during a given financial year for each time whenever there is revision of tariff. The procedure for

reduction/enhancement of contract demand by a consumer has already been specified in the regulation framed by the Commission. 3.29.9 Claiming to be a major consumer of bulk traction power supply from WBSEDCL, Eastern Railways have opined that being a compliant customer it deserves special consideration for fixing railway traction tariff at a more economical rate. Eastern Railways have objected on the traction tariff along with a reference to a letter from Ministry of Power, Government of India dated 01.05.1991, a letter dated about more than a decade before the starting of regulatory process under Electricity Act, 2003, where it was being requested to maintain traction tariff at a level not higher than the high voltage Industrial tariff. In support of the above point the objectors have quoted
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from recommendations of Public Accounts Committee of Lok Sabha, Directives of Ministry of Power and also Article 287 of the constitution. Objecting to the proposal of levying Maximum Demand charge @ Rs.317 / KVA / month for the years 2011-12 and 2012-13 and @ Rs350/KVA/month for the year 2013-14 the objectors have drawn the attention of the Commission to the prevailing Maximum Demand charge of Rs.180 / KVA / month in JSEB area. Eastern

Railways in their objection have further pointed out that since the licensee realizes the total cost of augmentation of their transformer capacity from the Railways, levying of Maximum Demand charge is neither realistic nor justified. Eastern Railways have also objected to propose enhancement of traction energy charge for 2011-12, 2012-13, and for 2013-14 for 25 KV supply. The Eastern Railways have argued that the proposal of tariff enhancement of traction energy charge but reduction in industrial energy charge along with proposed voltage rebate and load factor rebate allowed for industrial consumers, is discriminatory and not in conformity with clause 62(3) of the Act and tariff policy declared by Govt. of India. Advocating Demand charge on the basis of simultaneous Maximum Demand of railways total drawal at 132 KV from WBSEDCL, the objectors have quoted from the tariff order issued by Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission. Penalty for overdrawal has also been pleaded to be accounted for on the basis of simultaneous maximum demand. The Commission noted all the above points along with the subsequent development due to introduction of Electricity Act, 2003 and different rules/ regulations and policies under such Act and specially tariff policy which are being framed on the background of all such available reference and accordingly dealt the issue of traction tariff in Chapter 7 and Chapter 8. Commission after comparing the demand charge of other States also finds that the proposal of WBSEDCL is not an irrational proposal but in accordance with Tariff Regulation. Commission feels that demand charge is determined on the basis of number of factors with different objectives as determined by the concerned Commission. However for licensee
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under jurisdiction of WBERC such demand charge determined cannot cross the ceiling as provided through formula in the Tariff Regulation. Accordingly demand charge has been determined while fixing the tariff. On energy charge and demand charge issue Commission has endeavoured to keep both the charges at reasonable level. The penal charges for overdrawal beyond contract demand is an issue related to Tariff Regulations itself and thus not considered here to deal with in this order. The realization of cost of transformer is covered through a specific provision of the Act and thus it cannot be related to demand charge determination as mentioned by the objector. The objectors view that the proposal of two different tariff pattern for industry and traction is discriminatory, is not accepted by the Commission as tariff can be differentiated in accordance with the purpose of supply. Accordingly tariff is being fixed by the Commission in this order. While determining the energy charge, demand charge and provisioning of different rebate Commission will follow the regulation. The proposal of computing Maximum Demand Charge and penalty for overdrawal of different locations on simultaneous basis is not acceptable to the Commission as this is not rational and not as per law according to the Commission. 3.29.10 Balaji Paper & Newsprint Private Limited has prayed for disallowance of the transmission charges (STU) attributable to the power purchase quantum corresponding to the inefficiency in distribution loss. Since the STU charge is fixed in nature, thus the question of such disallowance does not arise as such change does not depend upon quantum of energy flow. 3.29.11 The Eastern Railways have drawn the attention of the Commission to the realization of huge amount by WBSEB / WBSEDCL from railways towards service connection charges for augmentation of their transformer capacity of grid sub-station to cater the growth of electric traction. Eastern railways have appealed not to realize and not to recover such charges in terms of WBERC tariff order. The above mentioned service charge is recovered through a specific regulation framed under specific provision of the Act. Thus, the matter of recovery of new connection service charge cannot be dealt with under this tariff order.

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The Balaji Paper & Newsprint Pvt. Ltd. has mentioned that hike of input cost including power cost resulting in high cost of production and any further hike will lead to their unit being unviable. Commission only noted the issue and determined the tariff in accordance with the Tariff Regulations. The objections as enclosed by the objector is related to the APR application of WBSEDCL for the year 2009-10 and thus not mentioned here.


Military Engineering Service (MES), an organization under Ministry of Defence has stated that MES is a deemed licensee as per the Indian Electricity Act, 2003 3rd proviso to Section 14 since MES distribute energy through the infrastructure built, maintained and operated by them. On the issue of deemed licensee Commission will follow the Act only and MES cannot be considered as a deemed licensee and cannot be an issue to be dealt with in this tariff order.


Indus Towers has proposed for introduction of compulsory installation of AMR meter and roll out of consolidated billing for large consumers with multiple connections. Introduction of the proposal of consolidated billing and installation of AMR meter will increase the efficiency of DISCOM by way of saving in billing cost and elimination of direct cost of manual meter reading. Indus Towers has also proposed for introduction of TOD tariff for all the mobile towers. The above matter of centralized billing is related to business process of WBSEDCL and thus Indus Towers may take up the issue with WBSEDCL and accordingly can do an appropriate agreement if both parties agree. So far as tariff rationalization process is concerned no separate category will further be introduced as discussed in earlier paragraph 3.29.6, thus the proposal of TOD scheme for mobile tower as above cannot be done.


ABECA has opposed the enhanced claim of the past period on the ground of APR and FPPCA. The issue has been already been discussed in paragraph 3.25.3.


ABECA has suggested that since the year 2011-12 has already been over then instead of actual need by WBSEDCL the projected claim should not be allowed. The point is noted and to the extent it is possible at present level, the actual expenditure

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on the basis of audited Annual Accounts of 2011-12 tariff order for 2011-12 has been considered. 3.35 ABECA have opined that the claim of WBSEDCL to increase tariff is not tenable on the ground that the service conditions of WBSEDCL is very bad and the load shedding or the low voltage is a regular feature in WBSEDCL system. The Commission feels that the issues are covered by different rules and regulation under the Act. The enforcement of such appropriate statute will mitigate the problem and thus it is not a direct issue to this tariff order. 3.36 ARCVAC proposed to appoint an independent Financial Consultant for securing factual supports in respect of working of utilities and analysis of trends and comparisons with industry norms. Commission noted the point and where it is required it is being done through appointing respective expert group as and when required. 3.37 ARCVAC has suggested imposing social networking cess among distributing licensees having small area of supply and distributing the collected cess to the distributing licensees having larger area of supply. The issue is not permissible under the Act and thus not considered. 3.38 ARCVAC has suggested allowing the billing of consumers on a rational basis to all the consumers. WBSEDCL is billing to LT consumers, once in a three months period inspite of adequate man power available to them. The monthly billing of all the consumers will decrease the overall bad debts and Interest on Working Capital. The issue is related to supply code thus it is not dealt with here. However an appropriate direction is provided in this order on this issue in order to analyze the impact of quarterly billing. 3.39 ARCVAC has requested for detailed justification and figures (Revenue/ Cost) considered by the Commission with supporting calculations. On this issue Commission will act in accordance with the Tariff Regulations.

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Against MYT application of WBSEDCL for 3rd control period some of the objections of different objectors are found to be identical and thus objection of one objector is referred only in such cases.


Besides the above discussed objections and suggestions on MYT application of WBSEDCL for 3rd control period, Commission finds following elements in the written submission of the objectors which are not dealt with for the reasons as mentioned below: i) Some of the objectors have in their submission referred different part of National Electricity Policy, Tariff Policy and the Act without specific objections and suggestions by relating such reference with any particular part of the proposal under MYT applications of WBSEDCL. ii) Some of the objectors have suggested number of issues which normally Commission follows in its procedure and practice. iii) Some of the objectors raised some issues which are pertaining to the MYT application of generating company or licensee other than WBSEDCL and has no relation to this MYT application of WBSEDCL for 3rd Control period. iv) Objectors have raised also some issues, the meaning of which is not clear in relation to this MYT application. Thus, all such above cases of suggestions / objections are not discussed in this order.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-13


4.1 West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd. (WBSEDCL) has been entrusted with the responsibility to supply electricity to different categories of consumers scattered throughout the State. Only a small part of the energy required for supply to WBSEDCL consumers comes from the hydro power stations and small diesel generating set under the ownership of WBSEDCL while the balance energy requirement for distribution and supply in its licensed area is sourced by way of purchase. The energy generation at the own generating station and ex-bus energy available from these stations after deduction of auxiliary consumption as per norms has been considered in this order. The estimation of energy amount from own generation of WBSEDCL as well as estimation of purchase price and energy amount from other sources has been done keeping in view the submissions of the different stakeholders. 4.2 The amount of power purchase and purchase price/cost of power from different sources for the period 2011-12 has been done on the basis of Annual Accounts of 2011-12 of the respective sources only to the extent such annual accounts can be used effectively. 4.2.1 The amount of energy and fuel cost from own generation of WBSEDCL for the year 201112 has been taken from annual account of 2011-12 for Purulia Pumped Storage Project, all conventional Hydro Power Station and Rudranagar diesel generating sets. As in annual account of WBSEDCL the energy for other hydro power station has been given in a summated form thus the generated energy from hydro sources shown in the annual account of WBSEDCL for 2011-12 are being allocated among the hydro power stations in ratio to the amount proposed by WBSEDCL in their MYT application which are also based on the actual trend upto February 2012 of 2011-12. After getting the generated energy the sent out energy from the above power stations are calculated on the basis of reducing the generated energy of the power stations through normative auxiliary consumption.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013


For 2011-12 power station wise sent out generation of WBPDCL has been considered on the basis of the information submitted by WBSEDCL in response to WBERCs query vide no. WBERC/TP-53/11-12/1078 dated 19.10.2012 which was raised in accordance to the Tariff Regulations. Out of 2354.857 MU of STPS, 40.458 MU is infirm power of STPS unitVI the cost of which is considered as per order in case no. WBERC/TP-47/10-11 dated 23/12/2011. Purchase price of balance power from WBPDCL power stations are as determined by the Commission in the order against MYT application of WBPDCL for 3rd control period vide Tariff order in case no. TP-54/12-13 of the Commission.


For grid power as well as radial power received from DPL, DPSC Ltd. and CESC the amount of electrical energy have been taken as per annual account of WBSEDCL for 2011-12 and the power purchase prices have been considered as are being determined by the Commission.


For DVC radial power and Mejia Unit V, energy value has been taken from annual account of WBSEDCL for 2011-12 but power purchase cost has been considered on summated basis of those two types of power sources as it is not separately available in the annual accounts of WBSEDCL.


The total energy received from three power stations of Bhutan namely Chukha, Kiruchu and Tala have been considered from annual account of WBSEDCL. For Tala Hydro Electric Project (HEP) the energy procured is 1303.062 MU as per the annual account and is admitted under this order for 2011-12. For Chukha HEP and Kiruchu HEP the energy amount are 544.14 MU and 77.05 MU respectively as submitted by WBSEDCL in response to WBERCs query vide no. WBERC/TP-53/11-12/1078 dated 19.10.2012 which was raised in accordance to the Tariff Regulations and such submitted figures is shown in detail in the table under paragraph 4.5(i) of this order. However, the power purchase costs from the above three different power stations are as per annual accounts of WBSEDCL for 2011-12.


Power purchase cost along with the energy from both the power stations of NTPC i.e. Farakka Super Thermal Power Station (FSTPS) and Talcher Thermal Power Station (TTPS) have been considered in a summated form of 2891.491 MU from the annual accounts of WBSEDCL for 2011-12. The allocation of energy between two power stations are being done on the basis of information submitted by WBSEDCL in response to

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

WBERCs query vide no. WBERC/TP-53/11-12/1078 dated 19.10.2012 which was raised in accordance to the Tariff Regulations. From the above information it is observed that during the month of February, 2012 some quantum of energy has been purchased from Kahalgaon TPS Stage I and II, the reason of such purchase is not clearly mentioned in that letter. The power purchase from Kahalgaon TPS Stage I and II has been merged with Talcher TPS power in this order along with the purchase cost. In this context the Commission directs WBSEDCL to observe the instruction as mentioned in para 10.16 of this order. 4.2.7 The energy from the power stations of NHPC i.e. Rangit HEP (Hydro Electricity Plant) and Teesta- V HEP have been considered on the basis of information submitted by WBSEDCL in response to WBERCs query vide no. WBERC/TP-53/11-12/1078 dated 19.10.2012 which was raised in accordance to the Tariff Regulations and submitted figures are shown in the table under the paragraph 4.5(i) of this order. The total energy available from these two power stations are found to be same as that is available in the annual accounts of 2011-12. The power purchase cost from the power stations for 2011-12 are taken from the annual accounts of 2011-12. 4.2.8 For 2011-12 the short term power consists of the power from following three sources: i) Energy from Bagliar HEP and its purchase cost is considered as per the MYT application. ii) Energy purchase through power exchanges and its purchase cost has been considered from annual accounts of WBSEDCL for 2011-12. iii) Energy under Short term head as shown in annual accounts of 2011-12 is reduced by the quantum in (i) and (ii) above to arrive at the power purchased in short-term head through bilateral mode. In the same manner power purchase cost is derived for short term head. 4.2.9 Power purchase from sources other than those mentioned in paragraph 4.2.2. to paragraph 4.2.8 has been taken from annual accounts of WBSEDCL for both quantum and cost. 4.3 For determination of energy that is to be admitted from the own generating stations of WBSEDCL for 2012-13 and 2013-14 following basis has been considered.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013


For projection of generation by Purulia Pumped Storage Project (PPSP) for 2012-13 and 2013-14, the average generation of only two years of 2009-10 and 2010-11 has been considered as the generation during 2007-08 & 2008-09 was very low.


Jaldhaka Hydel Project Stage (JHP-I) (3 x 9 MW) was under shut down during 2008-09 and 2009-10 for R&M as well as for capacity addition of a new unit of 9 MW to redefine the JHP-1 into 4 x 9 = 36 MW capacity. JHP Stage-I has come up during 2011-12. Since the projected generation during 2012-13 and 2013-14 is higher than the actual generation during 2007-08 which was the highest in last four years, the generation projected by WBSEDCL for 2012-13 and 2013-14 has been considered for the respective years.


For the years 2012-13 and 2013-14 for generating stations at Little Rangit, Sindrapong, Richigton and Mongopoo Kalikhola the average of four years between 2007-08 to 2010-11 has been considered. For Fazi hydel generating station average generation from 2008-09 to 2010-11 has been considered since the generation in 2007-08 is zero.


Among other small hydro stations for Mesanjor Generating Station, Jaldhaka Stage II, Teesta Canal Fall- Stage-I ( TCF-I), Teesta Canal Fall Stage-II(TCF-II) and Teesta Canal Fall Stage-III (TCF-III), the generation as projected by WBSEDCL for 2012-13 and 201314 has been considered for following reasons. a) Newly commissioned Messanjor has started generation from 2011-12 and thus has no past record. b) TCF I, TFC- II and TFC-III are highly depended on Irrigation Canal Water availability and thus depend on number of co-ordination factor. Thus the projection of WBSEDCL as being the coordinator shall be considered to be of better projection.. c) Jaldhaka Stage II has been commissioned in 2012-13 only after R&M work.


In view of the availability of grid power in the Sagar Island the sent out energy from Rudranagar diesel generating set has been considered as 0.018 MU for 2012-13 and 2013-14 since the generation has been restricted as reported by WBSEDCL through the communication vide no. PTR/SERC/1224 dated 05.11.2012 in response to WBERCs query vide no. WBERC/TP-53/11-12/1078 dated 19.10.2012, which was raised in accordance to the Tariff Regulations. Accordingly power purchase cost is reduced from the projection proportionately for 2012-13 and 2013-14 considering only 24 hours of generation at 90% capacity in a year for two hours monthly test run.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013


For Rammam Hydro Power Station (Rammam HEP) the actual generation of first six months of 2012-13 has been taken on the basis of information submitted by WBSEDCL in response to WBERCs query vide no. WBERC/TP-53/11-12/1078 dated 19.10.2012 which was raised in accordance to the Tariff Regulations. For balance period of 2012-13 the energy has been estimated on the basis of ratio of energy available from Rammam HEP between two halves of the earlier year of 2011-12 as computed from the submitted data by WBSEDCL as referred above. This query has been made as first six months data is not available in the annual accounts separately. The projected energy for 2013-14 for Rammam HEP is the average of actuals of 2010-11 and estimated value of 2011-12 and 2012-13. Thus the admitted amount of energy from Rammam HEP for 2012-13 is as follows :
Projected Energy calculated for 2012-13 in MU Actual Projected Total Projected for 12-13 Apr-11 to Oct-11 to Apr-12 to Oct-12 to (rounding off to 0) Sep-11 Mar-12 Sep-12 Mar-13 152.048 75.215 147.57 73.00 221.00
As reported by WBSEDCL

Name of the Power Station Rammam HEP


Thus the projected sent out energy from WBSEDCLs own generating stations in the 3rd Control Period is as per Annexure 4A.


The purchase cost/ price and energy estimated by the Commission from generating stations of WBPDCL for the years 2012-13 and 2013-14 are based on the following principle: i. For 2012-13 the actual energy procured by WBSEDCL from WBPDCL for the first six months has been considered on the basis of the actual generation sent out as per information submitted by WBSEDCL in response to WBERCs query vide no.

WBERC/TP-53/11-12/1078 dated 19.10.2012 which was raised in accordance to the Tariff Regulations. Accordingly the estimated energy for the following power stations are given below:

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

Name of the Power Station Bakreswar TPS Bandel TPS Kolaghat TPS Sagardighi TPS Santaldihi TPS

Projected Energy calculated for 2012-13 in MU Actual Sent Projected Total Projected for As reported by WBSEDCL Out Sent Out 12-13 (rounding off to 0) Apr-11 to Oct-11 to Apr-12 to Oct-12 to Sep-11 Mar-12 Sep-12 Mar-13 3333.289 3624.601 3612.269 3927.962 7540.00 749.162 880.594 883.059 1037.982 1921.00 3153.092 3570.293 3250.061 3680.092 6930.00 1717.042 1858.859 1548.325 1676.207 3225.00 931.712 1427.940 1089.587 1669.899 2759.00

However the estimated energy as per above method has not been considered ultimately for Santaldihi TPS (STPS) and Sagardighi TPS (SgTPS). For STPS Unit VI the energy availability for 2012-13 has been kept at the level of 2011-12 as because the STPS Unit VI was under major repair since 31st May 2012 and it continues to till now though in the first half of 2012-13 there is improved generation. Moreover there is also a shut down programme for Unit V. For SgTPS even if its best annual performance of 77.38% PLF is considered in the last six months of 2012-13 then also the sent out energy for 2012-13 stands to 3398 MU, which is being admitted by the commission for 2012-13. ii. For 2013-14 the energy has been projected as average of actual of 2010-11 and the estimated energy considered for 2011-12 and 2012-13 except that of STPS. For STPS the sent out energy amount for 2013-14 has been kept at the level of 2559 MU with an expectation of some improvement keeping in line with the trend of generation of first half of 2012-13. Thus the average of 2011-12 and the projected amount of 2012-13 in the table of paragraph 4.4(i) on the basis of improved performance of first part of 2012-13 has been considered as sent out energy of STPS in 2013-14. iii. The purchase price for above mentioned purchased power for different years from WBPDCLs power stations are as determined by the Commission in the tariff order against MYT application of WBPDCL for 3rd control period in case no. TP-54/12-13 of the Commission. iv. In the MYT application an amount of Rs. 5673.83 lakhs has been mentioned for shortterm open access charges and trading margin. In addition, on the head of other charges for central sector power the claim in the MYT application is Rs. 2270.08 lakhs. Since all power purchase related cost has been taken from annual accounts of 2011-12 which
West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

does not support the above two amounts separately, the above two claims in MYT application are not being considered by the Commission for power purchase cost. 4.5 For determination of amount of purchased energy and its cost/ price from Central Sector Power Station and from Power Station of Bhutan for the ensuing years 2012-13 and 201314 of the 3rd Control Period the following methodology has been adopted to estimate the amount: i) For 2012-13 the actual energy procured by WBSEDCL from the power station of NTPC & NHPC and Bhutan for the 1st six months has been considered on the basis of information submitted by WBSEDCL in response to WBERCs query vide no. WBERC/TP-53/1112/1078 dated 19.10.2012 which was raised in accordance to the Tariff Regulations. For balance period of 2012-13 the energy has been estimated on the basis of ratio of energy available in two halves of the earlier year 2011-12 on the basis of information submitted by WBSEDCL in response to WBERCs query vide no. WBERC/TP-53/11-12/1078 dated 19.10.2012 which was raised in accordance to the Tariff Regulations. However for Farakka STPS Stage III the projection for 2nd part of 2012-13 has been made in the same ratio of projected energy for Farakka STPS Stage I & II. For Bhutan power stations if the projected energy for 2012-13 by WBSEDCL is less than the above calculated energy then the projected energy is considered by the Commission for 201213 as there is less supply of power from Bhutan in second half of 2012-13 due to the fact that Government Bhutan has already intimated about the short supply during the period which is already mentioned. Accordingly the projected energy for Central Sector Power Stations and Power Stations of Bhutan for 2012-13 are provided in the following table:
Energy purchase by WBSEDCL in MU Power Station As submitted by WBSEDCL Apr-11 to Sep-11 Farakka STPS St I & II Farakka STPS St- III Talcher STPS Rangit HEP Teesta V HEP Chukha HEP Kurichhu HEP Tala HEP Oct-11 to Mar-12 Apr-12 to Sep-12 Projected energy purchase during Oct-12 to Mar-13 1276.531 663.836 332.635 36.87 200.695 169.372 13.229 266.06 Total Projected Energy for 201213 (rounding off to 0) 2335.00 1214.00 610.00 93.00 615.00 545.00 69.00 1258.00

1069.179 1289.260 1058.623 Not Commissioned 550.517 236.819 284.396 276.988 58.33 38.363 56.06 408.032 197.861 413.877 374.969 169.176 375.403 62.365 14.684 56.185 1027.429 275.633 991.744

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

ii) For 2013-14 the energy has been projected as average of actual of 2010-11 and the estimated energy projected for 2011-12 and 2012-13. In this context it is to be noted that the generation estimated for 2011-12 and 2012-13 is based on actual trend of 2011-12 and of a significant portion of the year i.e. about 6 months for 2012-13 and thus will have reasonable accuracy. However, for any power stations of Bhutan if the projected energy for 2013-14 by WBSEDCL is less than the above calculated energy, then the projected energy is considered by the commission for 2013-14 as there will be less supply of power from Bhutan in second half of 2013-14 due to the fact that Government of Bhutan has already intimated about the short supply during the period which is already mentioned. iii) For the above power stations of Central Sector and power stations of Bhutan the purchase price has been determined in the following way: a) For purchase price of power from existing NHPC power stations and power stations of Bhutan, the average price has been considered on the basis of information

submitted by WBSEDCL in response to WBERCs query vide no. WBERC/TP-53/1112/1078 dated 19.10.2012 which was raised in accordance to the Tariff Regulations for the following reasons. The tariff of the existing power stations of NHPC such as that of Teesta V HEP and Rangeet HEP are as per CERC determined price. The price of power from power stations of Bhutan is determined through agreement by Governments of two countries and thus due diligence has taken place. b) The tariff of Teesta low Dam III & IV, Barh and FSTPS III has been considered as proposed by WBSEDCL on the basis of the estimation of NHPC & NTPC. c) For purchase of power from Farakka STPS Stage I & II and Talcher TPS the average purchase price has been considered on the basis of information submitted by WBSEDCL in response to WBERCs query vide no. WBERC/TP-53/11-12/1078 dated 19.10.2012 which was raised in accordance to the Tariff Regulations which covers the impact of Final Tariff Orders by CERC of these power stations vide order dated 07.06.2012 and 14.06.2012. 4.6 For the year 2012-13, the purchase quantum of power from DVC, DPL, CESC and DPSCL has been admitted as per proposal of WBSEDCL as there is likely to be lesser deviation as in the radial power supply it is likely to follow the trend of past and major part of proposed
West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

supply is in radial mode. For grid supply even if there is any deviations than the projected supply, the overall impact will be negligible due to very low volume. For power purchase cost/price of DPL, CESC & DPSCL the purchase price has been fixed by the Commission. Such price is fixed by the Commission keeping in view the factors which are mentioned by the commission in paragraph 3.23.3 of this order. The purchase price for radial power from DPSCL and CESC Limited as fixed by the Commission for 2011-12 and 2012-13 is provided in the Annexure 4D. The purchase price of power form DVC has been considered as the average price between April 2012 to September 2012 as per the record related to MVCA available with the Commission. 4.7 For power purchase from Renewable and Co-generation sources, the quantum of power purchased as proposed in the MYT application is being modified by the Commission as it is found from the record of document submitted for MVCA and also from annual accounts of WBSEDCL for 2011-12 that number of generating stations are not generating power. Accordingly a status report has been asked from WBSEDCL vide letter no WBERC/TP53/11-12/0995 dated 01-10-2012 against which the response is received from WBSEDCL vide letter no. PTR/SERC/1099 dated 05-10-2012. On the basis of such reports the estimated energy from these power stations are as follows: Admitted Energy Purchased by WBSEDCL
Agency Kammarhatty Power Limited Amrit Bio-Energy & Industries Ltd. Shree Renuka Sugars Ltd. Reshmi Cements Ltd. 2012-13 0 2 0 35 In MU 2013-14 0 4 0 35

Prices are considered as proposed by WBSEDCL. 4.8 For 2012-13 the purchase price for short term power (including purchase from power exchange) has been considered as 369.31 paise/ unit which is the average purchase price by WBSEDCL till September 2012. The purchase price / cost considered for 2012 2013 is shown separately for purchase through traders and power exchange separately in Annexure - 4B. Till now the market average price computed on the basis of available data upto July 2012 in the market monitoring report of CERC is 389 paise/ unit in IEX, Rs. 4.18 per unit for bilateral trade and Rs. 4.23 per unit in the PXIL. As the major power for such short term requirement is to be procured during summer of 2013-14, the purchase price
West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

considered for 2013-14 has been fixed at the level of Rs. 4.23 per unit. The quantum of power to be procured for 2012-13 and 2013-14 as proposed by WBSEDCL has been accepted. 4.9 For Maithon Right Bank, the quantum of energy admitted by the Commission for 2012-13 and 2013-14 are 857 MU and 1016 MU respectively. The quantum in 2012-13 has been increased by the Commission than what has been projected by WBSEDCL as second unit of Maithon Right Bank has been put into commercial operation on 24th July 2012 as informed by WBSEDCL in response to the queries by the Commission vide letter no WBERC/TP-53/11-12/0995 dated 01-10-2012 which was asked in accordance to the Tariff Regulations. The price for such energy in 2012-13 and 2013-14 is considered as 373.61 paise/ kWh which is the average price of April 2012 to September 2012 as per the available records of MVCA with the Commission. 4.10 For the power from Baglihar through PTC the price and quantum are accepted by the Commission for all the years as shown by WBSEDCL. 4.11 Notwithstanding whatever else is contained elsewhere in contrary to this order the above referred price and quantum on energy as considered is for the purpose of projection in this tariff order only subject to the following conditions. i) Such price and quantum will be changed/ modified by the Commission during the stage of FPPCA on submission of audited data. ii) On receipt of any further development these prices/ cost of power purchase by WBSEDCL may be further adjusted in the quantum, price and their cost implication on power purchase cost in the tariff order for the year 2013-14. iii) In addition to the above mentioned price the purchase cost may vary in on applicability of MVCA or MFCA or FCA or FPPCA or any other regulatory order/ approval in accordance with the Act and rules / regulations framed thereunder and any other statue or international bilateral agreement. iv) Though the energy quantum from WBPDCL is considered under this order at a reduced level than normative level but it does not limit WBPDCL from generating at its normative level or at higher level than norms.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013


The purchase price/cost of electricity by WBSEDCL from different licensees shall be as per Annexure-4B for the years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14. However, such purchase prices are subject to variation due to changes in their prices as already explained in paragraph 4.11.


From Annual Account of 2011-12 it has been found that the actual sales to the consumers stand to 18790.60 MU whereas in the MYT application they have shown projected sales to the consumer as 19061.77 MU. This reduced amount of sale volume has been considered in the energy balancing. In the annual account of 2011-12 under different class of consumers sale volume has been shown separately which is different from what has been projected in the MYT application. Accordingly for each class of consumers the sale of energy is being adjusted and wherever requires such small difference in amount has been distributed on each slab of each class of consumers in the same proportion of energy that has been projected in the MYT application for those slabs. Subsequent to this the projected sale amount of energy for 2012-13 and 2013-14 has been fixed by applying same CAGR (Compounded Annual Growth Rate) that has been projected in the MYT application. Sale value to other licensee for 2011-12 has been taken from Annual Accounts of 2011-12. For 2012-13 & 2013-14 it has been taken from the projection of WBSEDCL in its MYT application for 3rd control period.


Energy Balance Out of the above purchase almost all the energy is being available at the generation busbar except a part of the DVC and power drawn from other licensee at HV level in radial mode. The radial mode feeding from any licensee is considered at the point of injection in the distribution system. The feeding by DVC in the grid (132 KV) is in the STU system. The injected energy of DVC Mejia is considered at the generating bus-bar. For above energy balance distribution loss in the distribution system has been considered as per the norms as specified in the Tariff Regulations for 2012-13 and 2013-14. For 2011-12 the distribution loss is considered as 6330.372 MU as provided in the Annual Accounts of 2011-12. The corresponding power purchase cost for excess distribution loss over the normative level has been disallowed on the basis of average pool power purchase cost. Power swap out, swap-in, UI out and drawal through UI for 2011 2012 has been taken from annual accounts of 2011-2012. For 2012-2013, the actuals of UI drawn and UI out has been

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

considered for first six months only as per information received from WBSEDCL in response to WBERCs query vide no. WBERC/TP-53/11-12/1078 dated 19.10.2012 which was raised in accordance to the Tariff Regulations. Above energy balance is subject to further scrutiny under FPPCA for 2011-12.Accordingly the energy balance is shown in the table in Annexure 4C. 4.15 For merit order dispatch, SLDC / ALDC of WBSEDCL shall consider the energy charge of the generating stations as determined in the prevailing relevant tariff orders for the generating companies / licensees. Monthly Fuel Cost Adjustment (MFCA) or Monthly Variable Cost Adjustment (MVCA) as may be applicable shall be added to the above energy charge for merit order dispatch as notified by WBPDCL or DPL or DPSCL or CESC for their respective generating stations or sales as licensee for the concerned month. For power stations of NTPC or DVC, WBSEDCL shall provide on monthly basis to SLDC / ALDC of WBSEDCL the average value of fuel related cost on the basis of last three months which are available to WBSEDCL in order to consider such cost for merit order dispatch. Such information shall be given to SLDC on each month for each power station within three working days of receiving the power purchase bill for that power station on the basis of the amount mentioned in the bill. For this purpose for NTPC the summated amount of base energy charge and fuel price adjustment (FPA) shall be considered as effective energy charge. Similarly for DVC the summation of energy charge and fuel cost surcharge (FCS) shall be considered as effective energy charge. Such effective energy charge shall then be considered by SLDC / ALDC of WBSEDCL for merit order dispatch purpose only. In case of single part tariff where fixed charge recovery through target availability is not done, the tariff itself will be considered as energy charge for merit order dispatch.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

Annexure 4A
EX -BUS GENERATION OF WBSEDCL'S GENERATING STATIONS (in MU) NAME OF THE PLANT Jaldhaka ST-I Jaldhaka ST-II Rammam TCF ST- I TCF ST- II TCF ST- III Fazi Little Rangit Sidrapong Richington Messanjore Mongpo-Kalikhola Purulia Pumped Project AS PROPOSED BY WBDECL 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 85.077 130.000 130.000 0.000 228.189 31.745 31.292 33.849 1.419 2.627 0.099 2.906 6.195 5.902 Storage 749.244 0.880 1179.424 0.851 0.000 2.282 0.381 0.376 0.406 0.017 0.032 0.001 0.035 0.074 0.071 8.991 0.000 13.517 1165.907 20.000 200.000 32.000 32.000 33.000 1.500 2.700 0.100 3.000 20.000 6.000 850.000 0.880 1331.180 1.300 0.200 2.000 0.352 0.352 0.363 0.017 0.030 0.001 0.033 0.220 0.066 10.200 0.000 15.134 1316.046 20.000 200.000 32.000 32.000 33.000 1.500 2.700 0.100 3.000 20.000 6.000 850.000 0.880 1331.180 1.300 0.200 2.000 0.320 0.320 0.330 0.015 0.027 0.001 0.030 0.200 0.060 10.200 0.000 15.003 1316.177 2011-12 84.732 0.000 227.263 31.616 31.165 33.712 1.413 2.616 0.099 2.894 6.170 5.878 766.413 0.469 1194.440 0.848 0.000 2.273 0.379 0.374 0.405 0.017 0.031 0.001 0.035 0.074 0.071 9.197 0.000 13.705 1180.735 AS ADMITTED 2012-13 130.000 20.000 221.000 32.000 32.000 33.000 1.630 5.759 0.141 4.807 20.000 6.534 873.616 0.018 1380.505 1.300 0.200 2.210 0.352 0.352 0.363 0.018 0.063 0.002 0.053 0.220 0.072 10.483 0.000 15.688 1364.817 2013-14 130.000 20.000 215.000 32.000 32.000 33.000 1.630 5.759 0.141 4.807 20.000 6.534 873.616 0.018 1374.505 1.300 0.200 2.150 0.320 0.320 0.330 0.016 0.058 0.001 0.048 0.200 0.065 10.483 0.000 15.491 1359.014

Rudranagar ( Diesel) TOTAL GROSS GENERATION (A) AUXILIARY CONSUMPTION Jaldhaka ST-I Jaldhaka ST-II Rammam TCF ST- I TCF ST- II TCF ST- III Fazi Little Rangit Sidrapong Richington Messanjore Mongpo-Kalikhola Purulia Pumped Storage Project Rudranagar ( Diesel) TOTAL AUXILIARY CONSUMPTION (B) SENT OUT ENERGY(A-B)

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-13

2011-12 Agency Energy (MU) Amount (Rs. Lakh) Avg rate (P/Unit) Energy (MU) 2012-13 Amount (Rs. Lakh) Avg rate (P/Unit) Energy (MU) 2013-14 Amount (Rs. Lakh) Avg rate (P/Unit)

Kolaghat TPS Bakreswar TPS Sagardighi TPS Bandel TPS Santaldih TPS DPL at 220 KV DPL at 33 and 11 KV (Radial) DPSCL DVC - ( Radial mode) DVC - Mejia V CESC Ltd Govt. of Sikkim Chukha HEP Kurichhu HEP Tala Baglihar

6723.385 6957.890 3575.682 1629.756 2354.857 56.663 92.656 196.127 497.772 55.956 46.821 0.100 544.145 77.049 1303.062 126.00

193949.49 220669.48 111790.12 48157.66 88931.77 2129.62 3627.48 10354.92 21987.00 2324.00 4.00 8677.00 1425.00 24100.00 4687.20

288.47 317.15 312.64 295.49 377.65 375.84 391.50 527.97 397.07 496.36 400.00 159.46 184.95 184.95 372.00

6930.00 7540.00 3398.00 1921.00 2354.857 40.00 120.00 190.00 473.00 438.00 47.00 0.20 545.00 69.00 1258.00 620.00

214337.97 255568.3 106571.47 64311.24 87398.16 1352.00 4224.00 9462.00 19046.53 21326.26 2425.20 8.00 8665.50 1400.70 25411.60 23064.00

309.29 338.95 313.63 334.78 371.14 338.00 352.00 498.00 402.68 486.90 516.00 400.00 159.00 203.00 202.00 372.00

6780.00 7127.00 3438.00 1710.00 2559.00 30.00 100.00 190.00 473.00 438.00 20.00 0.20 535.00 78.00 1304.00 1088.00

205766.22 228555.76 110411.37 57835.62 91668.50 1014.00 3520.00 9462.00 19046.53 21326.26 1032.00 8.00 8506.50 1575.60 26340.80 40473.60

303.49 320.69 321.15 338.22 358.22 338.00 352.00 498.00 402.68 486.90 516.00 400.00 159.00 202.00 202.00 372.00

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

2011-12 Agency Energy (MU) FSTPS- St I & II FSTPS- St III TSTPS Barh - St II MAITHON RB NHPC - Rangeet NHPC - Teesta V Teesta Low Dam III Teesta Low Dam IV Adhunik Power ( thru PTC india Ltd.) WBREDA Wind Power Nippon Power Limited Neora Hydro Limited Kammarhatty Power Limited Amrit Bio-Energy & Industries Ltd. Shree Renuka Sugars Ltd. 2358.44 0.00 533.05 0 0 96.69 605.89 0 0 0 0.422 10.922 5.547 3.83 4.289 20.234 0.00 0.00 16608.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.98 393.00 200.00 128.00 144.00 631.00 0.00 355.00 359.82 360.56 334.20 335.74 311.85 0.00 0.00 236.39 119594.00 413.61 Amount (Rs. Lakh) Avg rate (P/Unit) Energy (MU) 2335.00 1214.00 610.00 0.00 857.00 93.00 615.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.422 11.00 6.00 0.00 2.00 0.00

2012-13 Amount (Rs. Lakh) 95557.54 60743.70 15254.27 0.00 32018.38 2544.11 11986.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.98 396.00 216.00 0.00 67.00 0.00 0.00 355.00 360.00 360.00 335.00 335.00 310.00 Avg rate (P/Unit) 409.24 500.36 250.07 0.00 373.61 273.56 194.91 Energy (MU) 2468.00 1150.00 570.00 220.00 1016.00 95.00 613.00 628.00 257.00 740.00 0.422 11.00 6.00 0.00 4.00 0.00

2013-14 Amount (Rs. Lakh) 101000.43 57541.40 14253.99 8206.00 37958.78 2602.72 11998.25 36424.00 12490.20 23014.00 14.98 396.00 216.00 0.00 134.00 0.00 Avg rate (P/Unit) 409.24 500.36 250.07 373.00 373.61 273.97 195.73 580.00 486.00 311.00 355.00 360.00 360.00 0.00 335.00 0.00

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

2011-12 Agency Energy (MU) Himadri Chemicals & Industries Ltd Reshmi Cements Ltd Electro Steel Casting Limited Tata Power Co. Ltd. Haldia Ennore Coke Bengal Energy Limited Power Exchanges Short Term (through trader/ bilateral mode) swap in Total 10.847 34.718 61.888 152.19 1.647 1.135 305.249 642.364 1209.541 30296.814 Amount (Rs. Lakh) 312.00 923.00 1566.00 2831.00 35.00 30.00 12344.00 36665.80 31269.00 966503.52 Avg rate (P/Unit ) 287.64 265.86 253.04 186.02 212.51 264.32 404.39 570.79 258.52 319.01 Energy (MU) 11.00 35.00 61.00 151.00 6.00 0.00 188.645 186.50 834.00 33160.62

2012-13 Amount (Rs. Lakh) 314.60 1102.50 1543.30 2808.60 126.00 0.00 5518.10 8336.50 26605.57 1109727.05 292.51 447.00 319.01 334.65 Avg rate (P/Unit) 286.00 315.00 253.00 186.00 210.00 Energy (MU) 11.00 35.00 61.00 151.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 1000.00 0.00 34918.62

2013-14 Amount (Rs. Lakh) 314.60 1102.50 1543.30 2808.60 252.00 0.00 0.00 42300.00 0.00 1181114.51 Avg rate (P/Unit ) 286.00 315.00 253.00 186.00 210.00 0.00 0.00 423.00 0.00 338.25

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-13



998.27 70.98 0.00 48.66 1117.91 41.748 1402.81 784.50 1035.69 38.68 24575.64 19.31 833.90 12.657 25441.50 267.87 11.720 0.937 40.00 18790.60 19111.13 6330.372 24.88

1848.00 100.00 120.50 48.66 2117.16 76.79 2413.00 230.36 1180.56 42.82 24406.41 38.46 830.62 16.30 25291.79 120.00 15.00 1.30 42.00 20687.78 20866.08 4425.71 17.50

2321.00 100.00 335.00 48.66 2804.66 98.71 1326.00 0.00 1180.56 41.55 27309.17 38.50 783.62 16.30 28147.60 120.00 15.00 1.30 44.00 23040.95 23221.25 4926.35 17.50

12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-13




Summer 530.02 499.36

Monsoon 527.97 496.36

Winter 525.27 492.76



Summer 500.00 518.00

Monsoon 498.00 516.00

Winter 495.50 513.00

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-13


5.1 WBSEDCL has projected the gross fixed charges, income from different non-tariff sources and different income from other heads for the ensuing years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14. While determining the fixed cost the following consideration has taken place: i) The wholesale price index has increased by about 9.8% between 2010-11 and 2011-12. However, in this chapter in general 9% increase has been considered as inflationary trend wherever it is necessary on account of such inflationary trend. ii) For expenses to be determined on the heads of administrative and general expenses, insurance and rates and taxes, wherever necessary in this order 2.39% of such annual expenses has been considered for capitalization purpose as in the note 26 of annual accounts of WBSEDCL for 2011-12 the capitalized amount is Rs. 314.00 lakh which is 2.39% of the total expenses Rs. 13126.00 lakh on the head of administrative and general expenses for 2011-12. iii) Wherever necessary the annual accounts of 2011-12 and 2010-11 is considered for better accuracy as well as to reduce the variation in ARR of Annual Performance Review (APR) and tariff order especially for 2011-12. iv) The past records and projected increase in consumer strength or distribution network asset are also taken into consideration for such cost determination as there is huge expansion programme throughout the rural areas of West Bengal, the major part of the area of supply of WBSEDCL, which is higher than the normal growth. In reality as per annual accounts of WBSEDCL the consumer strength has already increased to 106.73199 lakh in 2011-12 which shows an increase of 24.61% by a single year over 85.65 lakh in 2010-11. This reflects the huge expansion in terms of outreach. It is also considered that the pace of business volume increased in the 3rd control period will continue to be the same as that of 1st ensuing year of 3rd control period in view of different schemes in rural electrifications. However, the impact of such business volume increase has not been considered to have proportional impact on the cost. Commission is of the opinion that with time there will be also efficiency gain in business process and
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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

increase in business volume. Thus a relatively lesser annual increase rate in expenditure on different heads compared to the same of consumer strength / distribution asset, other than increase due to inflation is likely to provide the necessary cost recovery. Accordingly to consider the influence of certain factors other than inflation on any elements of fixed cost following principles are followed in general in this order : a) where cost of any element of fixed cost is sensitive to growth rate of distribution asset in such case the annual increase on such element within the control period is considered as 1% inflation. b) where cost of any element of fixed cost is moderately sensitive to growth rate of consumer strength in such case the annual increase on such element within the control period is considered as 2% over and above the increase due to inflation. c) where cost of any element of fixed cost is highly sensitive to growth rate of consumer strength in such case the annual increase on such element within the control period is considered upto the latest available annual growth rate of consumer strength over and above the increase due to inflation. d) where any deviation has taken place from the above principles of (a) to (c) it is explained in the relevant portion of this order. On the basis of the above consideration, the Commission during determination of Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) has considered the fixed charges under different heads as follows: 5.2 5.2.1 Employee Cost WBSEDCL has projected the employee cost for 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 as Rs. 92001.70 lakh, Rs.93554.18 lakh and Rs.99407.93 lakh respectively. On this projected cost the Commission has also noted the following submissions of WBSEDCL. over and above the increase due to

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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013


To cope up with the rapid growth in consumer strength mostly in rural area due to RGGVY program, WBSEDCL is to maintain a certain level of employees in the ensuing years and for this WBSEDCL requires to recruit new employees in 201112, 2012-13 and 2013-14.The actual trend up to December 2011-12 has been considered.


Increase in DA @ 9% on average basis for the years 2012-13 and 2013-14 has been considered.


3% normal increase in basic and grade pay due to increment, promotion and other staff benefits for the ensuing years 2012-13 and 2013-14 has been considered.

d) e) f)

Salary impact of new entrants. Terminal benefits. The capitalization rate of employee cost is considered at 100% of rural electrification (RE) work and 15% for all other non-RE works.

The Commission considers the above submission of WBSEDCL in general and admits the employee cost after due capitalization as per annual accounts for the year 2011-12 which is lesser than the projected amount. Commission considers the employee cost for 2012-13 and 2013-14 giving 9% hike per annum considering inflationary trend and also considering the number of projected employees for the respective year. 5.2.2 The function wise break up as well as in total of employee cost including terminal benefits as admitted by the Commission for the years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 are as follows:
Rupees in lakh Employee Cost 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Generation Distribution Generation Distribution Generation Distribution 5104.00 85719.00 5651.00 87555.00 5852.00 89990.00 90823.00 93206.00 95842.00 * Including terminal benefit cost as shown in paragraph 5.4

Type of Cost Employee Cost Total

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission

Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

The function wise allocation between generation and distribution is being done on the basis of same proportion as has been done in the proposal of WBSEDCL. 5.3 Cost of Outsourcing WBSEDCL has projected cost of outsourcing at a level of Rs. 16414.24 lakh, Rs.24554.88 lakh and Rs. 29565.45 lakh respectively for all the three ensuing years of 2011-12 to 2013-14 in the MYT application. As in the mean time the annual accounts of 2011-12 has already been available, the actual expenses for outsourcing on distribution head in 2011-12 are looked into for determining the admitted amount of 2011-12. From annual accounts of 2011-12 basic expenditure on outsourcing prior to capitalization is found as Rs. 18344.00 lakh for 2011-12 and Rs 13989.00 lakh for base year 2010-11 of the third control period. On scrutiny of such annual accounts the expenditure on the heads of generating station maintenance are not considered on the outsourcing job head because for generation outsourcing costs are already covered through normative value of O&M cost. In addition lease rental charges for communication system has not been considered in the outsourcing job head as it has been treated separately in this order. Thus the actual expenses in 2011-12 and 201011 for outsourcing job head in distribution function as per annual accounts on the basis of above consideration for the purpose of dealing in determination of admitted amount are Rs. 17121.00 lakh and Rs.11700.00 lakh. WBSEDCL has intimated that the activities under the head of outsourcing have only taken place in full fledged form in 2011-12. Considering the above submission Commission has scrutinized and analyzed individual element of outsourcing cost of 2010-11 and 2011-12 to derive admitted value of outsourcing cost for ensuing years of 3rd control period. On detail analysis the following findings are recorded: a) Expenses for line maintenance, sub-station maintenance and security are on those activities which are found to be basically related to assets of distribution network. Thus in cost determination for such elements the influencing parameters are current inflationary trend and growth of distribution asset. Accordingly 10% annual increase has been considered over the actual expenses of base year 2010-11 of
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the third control period to determine the admitted amount of 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14. While doing such exercise to estimate the manpower cost related to outsourcing of 2010-11 the same proportion of such head out of total outsourcing in 2011-12 is being considered by the commission. b) The data warehousing, call centre (Zonal Call Centre/ Complaint Registration Centre), Mobile Maintenance Service (Mobile Consumer Service Unit) are the activities whose full fledged operation has started operation from 2011-12 and which are done in compliance of the obligation to discharge the requirement of compliant management mechanism of regulations on standard of performance. Thus the actual expenses of 2011-12 as per annual accounts have been admitted as approved expenditure for 2011-12 on the above heads. Other than impact of inflationary trend, the cost attributed by the above heads are sensitive to growth of distribution asset as well as moderately sensitive with the growth of consumer for larger part of such expenses. But as the actual expenses in 2011-12 has been considered without any modification thus while determining cost for 2012-13 and 2013-14 Commission provides a conservative annual increase against each

elements. Accordingly the annual rate of increase considered for data warehousing is 9.5% as its sensitivity to consumer strength is relatively less. For call centre the same has been considered as 9.5% as its activity is limited to number of customer care centers and ZCC which has lesser sensitivity compared to moderate

sensitivity. However for Mobile Maintenance service the annual rate of increase within the control period has been considered as 11% as such activity is moderately sensitive to increase in consumer strength. c) In view of reduction in employee strength by 4.81 % as well as increase in business volume between 2010-11 and 2011-12 and also considering such same trend in both areas for the balance period of the third control period the outsourcing of the back office job for 2011-12 has been considered as per annual accounts of 201112 followed with annual increase rate of 10% within the 3rd Control period.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

d) The increase in cost related to franchisees and collection franchisees in 2011-12 with respect to 2010-11 is high according to the Commission. For franchisees the actual cost increase between 2011-12 and 2010-11 is of considerable amount even after considering the annual growth of consumer by 24.61% and inflation rate of 9% in tandem. Considering that the franchisees who are working in an area of fast emerging new town area of Rajarhat has to handle large business volume, an annual increase rate of 20% is considered for increased business volume beside inflationary trend on expenditure for each of the ensuing year of the control period. Considering such rate over actual expense of 2010-11, the computed amount comes to Rs. 205.36 lakh for 2011-12. The cost of collection franchisee is highly sensitive to number of L&MV consumers. Thus after considering such growth of consumers by more or less 21 lakh annually in 3rd control period along with the inflationary trend of 9%, the admitted amount considered for 2011-12 is Rs. 199.66 lakh, Rs. 260.61 lakh for 2012-2013 and Rs. 330.94 lakh for 2013-2014. The APR application for 2011-12 shall mention in detail the reasonings behind such high increase in actual expenses on account of franchisee and collection franchisee in 2011-12 comparing to 2010-11. e) Bill distribution and meter reading are highly sensitive to growth in consumer strength. The actual expenses of 2011-12 have been admitted as increase in 201112 over the actual expense of base year 2010-11 which are found to be less than the increase rate of consumer strength for the same period. Thus the actual expenses for both the heads were admitted by the Commission for 2011-12. As both the activities are highly sensitive to consumer number and as consumer base is likely to increase in the same volume of more or less 21 lakh annually within 3rd control period, thus for bill distribution and meter reading the increase rate of consumer for determination of such expenses on such heads is considered as 19.75% for 2012-13 and 16.50% for 2013-14. On the basis of above analysis the amounts decided for admission for different ensuing years in different areas are as follows:
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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

In Rs Lakh Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DETAILING OF ADMITTED OUTSOURCING COST Actual Expenses Admitted Amount Particulars 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

Line Maintenance (excluding manpower) Substation Maintenance (excluding manpower) Manpower for line maintenance Manpower for substation maintenance Security Expenses Data Warehousing Call Center (ZCC/CRC) as per SOP regulation Mobile Maintenance Service (MCSU as per SOP regulation) Back office job Franchisee Meter Reading Bill Distribution Collection Franchisee Total Outsourcing Out-sourcing (Manpower ) (3+4) Out-sourcing (Excluding Manpower) (14-15)

2752.00 433.00 2477.00 790.00 2288.00 9.00 1342.00 1838.00 141.00 253.00 3341.00 1182.00 275.00 17121.00

2407.00 374.00 2167.00 681.00 1532.00 6.00 148.00 0.00 10.00 157.00 3105.00 966.00 147.00 11700.00

2647.70 411.40 2383.70 749.10 1685.20 9.00 1342.00 1838.00 141.00 205.36 3341.00 1182.00 199.66 16135.12 3132.80 13002.32

2912.47 452.54 2622.07 824.01 1853.72 9.86 1469.49 2040.18 155.10 268.61 4000.85 1415.45 260.61 18284.95 3446.08 14838.87

3203.72 497.79 2884.28 906.41 2039.09 10.79 1609.09 2264.60 170.61 351.34 4660.99 1648.99 330.94 20578.64 3790.69 16787.95

In this context Commission likes to make it clear that the above element of outsourcing cost has been analysed to determine the overall admitted amount of outsourcing cost for distribution for all the three ensuing years. As outsourcing cost (excluding manpower related cost) is controllable item thus it shall not be construed that each element of outsourcing cost as shown in the above table shall also be considered as controllable item. Thus during truing up under APR of each ensuing year the outsourcing cost (excluding manpower related cost) will be considered as controllable item as a whole and under it the variation in expenditure of different elements of outsourcing cost is allowable. However, in pursuance to regulation 2.6.10(i), on getting detailed reasoning during APR as asked for, there may be adjustment on the head of collection franchisee and franchisee and accordingly the expenses of outsourcing cost (excluding manpower cost) will vary for ensuing years to that extent only inspite of being controllable item. For sake of due truing up during APR for all the three ensuing
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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

years of the third control period the admitted amount of outsourcing cost(excluding manpower) and outsourcing cost for manpower are given separately in the above table also 5.4 Interest on Bonds for Terminal Benefits to Employees Under the West Bengal Power Sector Reforms Transfer Scheme, 2007, as referred earlier, a 8.5% bond fund (2016) has been created for discharging pension and gratuity liabilities of the erstwhile WBSEB. An amount of Rs. 1530.00 crores of the total bond amounts of Rs. 1800.00 crores has been kept in the account of WBSEDCL. The annual interest charges on this amount of bonds in the accounts of WBSEDCL come to Rs. 13005.00 lakh and the same is admitted for ascertaining the Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) for the year 2011 12, 2012-13 and 2013-14. The said Rs. 13005 lakh has been allocated as proposed by WBSEDCL between generating station and distribution system as per following table where the allocation is being done on the basis of ratio of terminal benefits as considered under generation and distribution function in the employee cost.
Interest on bond related discharging pension & gratuity liabilities Admitted 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Segment Gen. Dist. Gen. Dist. Gen. Dist. Terminal benefits as per petition 3036.00 28237.00 3236.00 25551.00 3288.00 24555.00 Interest on bonds for Pension 1263.00 11742.00 1462.00 11543.00 1536.00 11469.00 fund 13005.00


Operation and Maintenance Expenses As per regulation 4.7 of the Tariff Regulation the components of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) expense are as follows: i) Repair & Maintenance Expenses (R & M)

ii) Administrative and General Expenses which are composed of followings - Rent and lease charges - Legal charges
West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission 80

Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

- Auditors expenses, which include auditors fees, auditors expenses and payment to auditors in any other capacity or for any work which is necessary to be got done from them and audited. - Consultancy charges for work which cannot be done in-house or is uneconomical in doing in-house or is essential to be done from outside sources except payment to Auditors. - Other expenses necessary and arising from and ancillary or incidental to the business of electricity except penalty etc. levied under this Act or any other Act. 5.5.1 Operation and maintenance Expenses for generation After analyzing the tariff application of WBSEDCL for the period from 2011-12 to 2013-14, while determining O&M expenses, the Commission has allowed O&M expenses for generation in accordance with the norms specified in Schedule 9A of the Tariff Regulations. Accordingly the admitted value for O&M expenses for generation function are Rs.4250.38 lakh, Rs. 4527.21 lakh and Rs.4737.39 lakh respectively and detail computation are given below :
Rupees in Lakh Stations Rammam HEP Jaldhaka Stage -I (Unit-I to III) Jaldhaka Stage - I (New Unit) PPSP Small Hydro Installed Capacity in MW 51 27 9 900 89 O&M Cost per MW as per Tariff Regulation 2011-12 4.16 8.77 8.77 3.94 2.87 2012-13 4.33 9.12 9.12 4.09 3.02 2013-14 4.50 9.48 9.48 4.26 3.17 Total Admitted O&M Cost 2011-12 212.16 236.79 0.00 3546.00 255.43 4250.38 2012-13 220.83 246.24 61.56 3681.00 268.78 4478.41 2013-14 229.50 255.96 85.32 3834.00 282.13 4686.91

Unit-IV of Jaldhaka Stage I is commissioned on July 2012


Operation and Maintenance Expenses for distribution Such Expenses are being calculated primarily on the two major heads of Administrative and General Expenses and Repair and Maintenance Expenses. The Administrative and general Expenses are also consisting of number of elements. Details are given below.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

A) Legal charges, auditors fees, rent and other administrative and general expenses are each being a part of controllable cost of Administrative and General Expenses. Commissions views on different heads under Administrative and General Expenses for distribution function are as follows: I) Rent This expense is to be looked into with the background of fact that previously the Rent, Rates & Taxes were clubbed together. As per annual accounts of WBSEDCL for 2011-12 the expenses on rent, rates and tax are Rs 863 lakh against Rs 1790 lakh in 2010-11. Against such background WBSEDCL has projected only Rs.354.46 lakh in 2011-12 which is less considerably than actual expenses (Rs 744.75 lakh = Rs 763 lakh - Rs 18.25 lakh) (net of capitalization). Thus for 2011-12 the admitted amount by the commission is Rs 354.46 as proposed by WBSEDCL. The projected amount of 2012-13 and 2013-14 is on the basis of annual increase rate of 10% over the projected amount of Rs. 354.46 lakh for 2011-12. As the cost is sensitive to inflationary trend and expansion of distribution asset only thus the increase rate is reasonable. Thus the admitted amounts for 2012-13 and 2013-14 by the Commission are Rs.389.90 lakh and Rs.428.90 lakh respectively as proposed by WBSEDCL. II) Auditors Fees: Auditors fees projected by WBSEDCL for 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 are Rs.157.72 lakh, Rs.175.06 lakh and Rs.196.07 lakh respectively out of which the projection for distribution are Rs. 143.46 lakh, Rs159.24 lakh and Rs 178.35 lakh respectively. In past period between 2007-08 and 2010-11 the minimum annual growth was 35%. In the base year 2010-11 the actual expenses is Rs 143 lakh as per annual accounts. As auditors fees projected are 10.29% increase over the actual of the base year, the projection of WBSEDCL is found reasonable after considering the increase in business volume and also inflationary trend. The annual increase for other ensuing years of 2012-13 and 2013-14 are also found to be reasonable considering the trend of business progress and inflation. Thus the admitted amount on auditors fees head for distribution for 2011-12, 2012-13 and
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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

2013-14 are Rs. 143.46 lakh, Rs159.24 lakh and Rs 178.35 lakh respectively as proposed by WBSEDCL. III) Legal Charges: In the paragraph of Administrative and General Expenses in the MYT Tariff application of the 3rd control period of WBSEDCL, WBSEDCL has already shown that there is continuous increase in the business volume in terms of consumer strength and distribution network. In the past the minimum growth rate in legal expenses (between 2007-08 and 2010-11) is 31%. The annual accounts of 201112 show that on legal head the expenditure is Rs 251.00 lakh. Such cost is found to be lesser than actual of base year 2010-11 of third control period. So Commission finds that such expenses in 2011-12 is reasonable and the amount to be attributed to distribution is 99.19% of Rs 251.00 lakh which is in the same ratio that WBSEDCL has proposed in their submitted data of the tariff application. Thus the admitted amount for legal charges for distribution function after due capitalization in 2011-12 is Rs 243.01 lakh. For 2012-13 and 2013-14 WBSEDCL have projected about 15% annual average growth starting from 2011-12. However, considering the increased annual growth rate more on less by present trend in consumer strength during the third control period and also the present inflationary trend Commission allows only a growth rate of 11% over 2011-12 in order to reach the value to be admitted for 2012-13 and 2013-14 as such legal costs are moderately sensitive to consumer strength and other business activity. Thus the admitted amounts for 2012-13 and 2013-14 are Rs.269.74 lakh & Rs.299.41 lakh respectively for distribution function only. IV) Other Administrative and General Expenses for Distribution: WBSEDCL has submitted the other administrative and general expenses namely on two heads viz. Other Administrative and General Expenses for distribution on existing heads.

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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

Other Administrative and General Expenses on heads of new area of activity which is primarily restricted to Complaint Management Mechanism under SOP regulations. In view of such submission to provide a distinct classification and for avoidance of any confusion in future Commission decides that henceforth all the activities under the proposed new heads shall be called as Expenses for Complaint Management Mechanism. Such head will be treated as uncontrollable expenditure. The existing heads under Other Administrative and General Expenses will be simply called as Other administrative and general expenses for distribution. Accordingly Commission decides that expenses for complaint management mechanism shall be considered separately in paragraph 5.6. Hence, other administrative and general expenses for distribution as admitted by the Commission are described below. In the written submission of WBSEDCL on the head of other administrative and general expenses for 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 the amounts are Rs 8360.60 lakh, Rs 9751.30 lakh and 11487.50 lakh respectively which shows year to year growth by about 17%. While analyzing such growth rate the commission noted from WBSEDCL s submission that growth has taken place due to RGGVY,

segregation of lines and construction of sub-stations for system improvement, introduction of new service connection procedure namely WBSEDCL ProcedureA & WBSEDCL Procedure-B, etc. With the on-going emphasis on the electrification of rural as well as backward region it is expected that the growth rate on the expenses on account of Other Administrative and General Expenses will continue to be high as consumer base is likely to expand at the rate as found between 2010-11 and 2011-12. Before proceeding to admit any amount under other administrative and general expenses, sub heads of such expenses and sub heads of outsourced jobs are compared in the annual accounts of 2011-12 and 2010-11 to ensure whether any component of outsourced job has possibility to persist under any sub heads of the other administrative and general expenses. From such comparison possibility of
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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

such thing has not been found. The spot billing part is not also covered under other administrative & general expenses as the bill distribution and meter reading aspect is exclusively covered under outsourcing. Analysis of the elements shown under the head of other administrative and general expenses in note no 26 of annual accounts of 2011-12 and schedule 21 in annual accounts of 2010-11 shows that in addition to sensitivity to the inflationary trend such head is

moderately sensitive to consumer number. WBSEDCL has emphasised the need of increase in consumer service to meet the increase in consumer base, drive against theft of power, revenue monitoring. As a result there will be increase in vehicle running expenses, normal vehicle hire charges, travelling expenses and also training and legal expenses. Thus for projection purpose annual growth on this head of other administrative and general expenses for distribution can be considered as 11%. As per data submitted, the cost on other administrative and general expenses for distribution in 2010-11 is Rs 7199.98 lakh. Thus by providing annual growth rate of 11% the admitted amount by Commission for other administrative and general expenses for 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 are Rs 7991.98 lakh, Rs 8871.10 lakh and Rs 9846.92 lakh respectively. V) In this context Commission wants to make it clear that the elements of Administrative and General expenses for distribution has been analysed to determine the overall admitted amount of Administrative and General expenses for distribution for all the three ensuring years. As Administrative and General expenses for distribution is controllable item thus it shall not be construed that each element of Administrative and General expenses for distribution as shown in the above table shall also be considered as controllable item. Thus during truing up under APR of each ensuing year the Administrative and General expenses for distribution will be considered as controllable item as a whole and under it the variation in expenditure of different elements of Administrative and General expenses as well as different component of other Administrative and General Expenses is allowable.
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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

B) Repair and Maintenance Expenses for distribution As per the depiction of distribution network in the MYT tariff application of WBSEDCL for 3rd control period the annual growth rate of distribution network in the 2nd control period is in the range of 2%, which is likely to be maintained at least at the same rate in 3rd control period in view of the spurt in the rural electrification activities. Similarly the present inflationary trend is likely to continue. Accordingly an increase of 10% year to year is considered to be a reasonable expenditure. In view of such fact for distribution function WBSEDCLs projection for the repair and maintenance expenses for 2011-12 is admitted at an amount of Rs.16117.98 lakh as it is found reasonable. The admitted amount for 2012-13 and 2013-14 are Rs. 17709.05 lakh and Rs.19458.42 lakh respectively as projected by WBSEDCL which are also found to be reasonable in view of the above discussion. C) Total O&M cost for distribution Accordingly, the admitted amounts for O&M expenses for distribution system for the three ensuing years are depicted in the following table:
Admitted Operation and Maintenance Expenses for Distribution System in Rs Lakh Particulars 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Other Administrative & General Expenses 7991.98 8871.10 9846.92 Rents 354.46 389.90 428.90 Legal Charges 243.01 269.74 299.41 Auditing Expenses 143.46 159.24 178.35 Sub Total (Administrative & General Expenses) 8732.91 9689.98 10753.58 R & M including Consumables 16117.98 17709.05 19458.42 Total O&M Expenses 24850.89 27399.03 30212.00


Expenses for Complaint Management Mechanism WBSEDCL has already explained in their expenditure on new expenditure heads under Other Administrative and General Expenses which is now referred as Complaint Management Mechanism which is related to their discharge of obligation under SOP regulation. They also requested to keep it as uncontrollable for two/three years as assessment cannot be done by them. Thus as proposed by WBSEDCL the expenses for Complaint Management Mechanism allowed and considered as uncontrollable item for

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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

the 3rd control period covering 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 are Rs.412.0 lakh, Rs.522.10 lakh and Rs.532.20 lakh respectively. The details of admitted amount under different heads are given below:
SL No. i) ii) iii) iv) v) Break-up of projected Expenditure for Complaint Management Mechanism Projected Expenditure Head Unit FY 12 FY 13 Toll free telephone for registering grievances at ZCC Rs. Lakh 200.00 204.00 SMS charge for forwarding grievance to Mobile Van Rs. Lakh 50.00 51.00 Rental charge of IVRS system Rs. Lakh 100.00 204.00 Separate telephone facility at each Customer Care Centre Rs. Lakh 60.00 61.00 Antitheft toll free telephone charge Rs. Lakh 2.00 2.10 Total Rs. Lakh 412.00 522.10 FY14 208.00 52.00 208.00 62.00 2.20 532.20

On the request of WBSEDCL to keep these new Expenses for Complaint Management Mechanism as uncontrollable expenditure being not objected by any stakeholders, Commission also finds merit in the logic. Thus for 3rd control period the above such items will be considered as uncontrollable item in the Annual Performance Review and not as part of the Administrative and General Expenses for each year of the 3rd control period. 5.7 Rates and Taxes In 2010-11 rent, rates and taxes, an uncontrollable expense, in annual accounts are of 1790.00 lakh. The amount of Rs. 827.07 lakh on head of rates and taxes is being

projected by WBSEDCL in 2011-12. However as per annual accounts of 2011-12 the amount on Rates and Taxes is Rs 100 lakh. Thus for 2011-12 the admitted amount is Rs 97.42 lakh after due capitalization of actual expenses of Rs 100 lakh on this heads of rates and taxes. For other years of the 3rd control period Commission allows a 9% growth only for 2012-13 and 2013-14 over the amount considered for 2011-12. Thus the admitted amounts for 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 are Rs 97.42 lakh, Rs. 106.19 lakh and Rs. 115.75 lakh respectively in distribution function only. 5.8 Insurance Insurance is an expenditure which is uncontrollable in nature. The proposed amount on insurance head is Rs.429.00 lakh, Rs.467.67 lakh and Rs.505.00 Lakh respectively for the years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14. However in Annual Accounts of 2011-12 the amount on insurance head is shown as Rs. 88.00 lakh which is an considerable decrease
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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

from Rs.390.00 lakh in base year 2010-11. Thus the amount admitted for 2011-12 is Rs 85.73 lakh after due capitalization on this insurance heads. On scrutiny of increase in distribution network during 2nd control period as depicted in the application of MYT tariff for 3rd control period by WBSEDCL seems to be at level of 2%. In view of the spurt in rural electrification programme such target in distribution network is likely to be maintained. In addition there are inflationary trend of 9%. Considering the increased business volume and inflationary trend, a conservative growth of 10% is given over the actual expenses of 2011-12. For 2012-13 and 2013-14 the admitted amounts are Rs. 94.31 lakh & Rs. 103.74 lakh respectively. Such admitted amount is then divided between generation function and distribution function in the same proportion as projected by WBSEDCL in their MYT application. Thus the admitted amount on insurance head is stated as follows:
Year 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Expenditure on Insurance As admitted in Rs lakh Generation Distribution Total 85.73 26.30 59.43 94.31 27.22 67.09 103.74 29.36 74.38


Depreciation WBSEDCL has computed depreciation chargeable for the years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 in terms of the Tariff Regulations. WBSEDCL has not given any details of asset addition/ deletion during the year 2011-12. The depreciation projected by WBSEDCL for 2011-12 is Rs. 33259.00 lakh. In Annual Accounts of 2011-12 the amount on this depreciation head is Rs. 34138.00 lakh. The admitted amount in APR for 2010-11 is of 35594.49 lakh. In such condition Commission at present allows 33259.30 lakh for 201112 with a direction to show in detail in APR application that how they have calculated the depreciation of Rs. 34138.00 lakh, as per Annual Accounts. The detail of addition/ deletion of asset with the opening value of the asset is to be provided in APR along with their linkage with capital expenditure programme. For 2012-13 and 2013-14 the growth in depreciation has been given proportionately with same growth rate on which WBSEDCL has projected. The Commission will review the depreciation on compliance of such

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

directives during APR for the concerned years. The depreciation as admitted by the Commission for the years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 are as follows:
Rs. in lakh Depreciation Amount as Admitted 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 7202.45 7345.57 7484.12 26056.85 29433.50 33209.88 33259.30 36779.07 40694.00

Sl. No 1 2 3

Particular Generation Distribution Total


Interest on borrowings WBSEDCL inherited an amount of Rs. 302200.00 lakh as borrowed capital as on 31st March, 2006 as shown in Schedule B of the West Bengal Power Sector Reform Transfer Scheme, 2007 notified by the Government of West Bengal vide No: 12PO/III/3R-29/2006 dated 25.01.2007. Out of this amount of Rs.302200.00 lakh, Rs.194800.00 lakh was from the Government of West Bengal carrying interest @ 8.5%. The balance amount of Rs.107400.00 lakh is from different financial institutions and Central Government. WBSEDCL has submitted its projections of repayment of borrowings, programmes for fresh borrowings as well as the chargeable amount of interest to the revenue account after considering the Capitalization of interest. The amount of total chargeable interest on the above borrowings, as found in the Annual Accounts of 2011-12 is Rs. 35426.00 lakh which is less than the projection of Rs. 37200.00 lakh for 2011-12. Thus the admitted amount for 2011-12 is Rs. 35426.00 lakh. After detailed scrutiny of the data submitted, the amount admitted for 2012-13 and 201314 is computed with a growth rate that has been proposed by WBSEDCL for those years with respect to 2011-12. The allocation of interest between generation and distribution has been done in the same ratio as proposed by WBSEDCL based on the purpose of the loan and its utilization. Rs. in lakh
Sl. No Interest on Borrowing Amount as Admitted Particular 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

1 2 3

Generation Distribution Total

11036.82 24389.18 35426.00

10765.00 25879.00 36644.00

10295.00 26635.00 36930.00


West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission

Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

WBSEDCL is directed to submit the scheme wise details of the loan taken during 2011-12 and onwards in the APR for 2011-12, as directed in paragraph 10.10 of this order. 5.11 Other Finance Charges The estimation of other finance charges as submitted by WBSEDCL in specified format 1.17(c) is for a total amount of Rs. 603.64 lakh for 2011-12, Rs. 625.46 lakh for 2012-13 and Rs. 651.07 lakh for 2013-14. In annual accounts of 2011-12 the other finance charges is shown as Rs. 560.00 lakh. Providing the same growth rate as proposed for 2012-13 and 2013-14 with respect to 2011-12 in the MYT application the admitted amount for 2012-13 & 2013-14 are Rs. 579.00 lakh and Rs. 603.00 lakh respectively after due round off. The other finance charges consisting of guarantee commission and Bank charges are admitted in proportion to the proposal by WBSEDCL. The cost allocation for distribution and generation function are done in the same proportion as projected in the MYT application.
Years 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Generation 37.00 39.00 42.00 Rupees in Lakh Distribution Total 523.00 560.00 540.00 579.00 561.00 603.00


Bad Debts The bad debts projected by WBSEDCL are Rs.85.80 Lakh, Rs.94.38 Lakh and Rs.103.00 Lakh only for 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 respectively. In terms of regulation 5.10.1 of the Tariff Regulations, the Commission may allow amount of bad debts as actually had been written off in the latest available audited accounts subject to a ceiling of 0.5% of the annual gross sale value of electricity at the end of the current year. As per latest audited accounts of WBSEDCL for 2011-12, the bad debts written off during the year was Rs.4.00 lakh only. The Commission admits Rs. 4.00 lakh for all the three ensuing years of 201112, 2012-13 and 2013-14 for distribution function only.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013


Minimum Alternate Tax On Minimum Alternative Tax, the amounts claimed by WBSEDCL are admitted subject to adjustment in APR as per the provision of Tariff Regulations. WBSEDCL projected expenses for income tax at the level of Rs.2149.35 Lakh, Rs.2471.75 Lakh and Rs. 2842.52 Lakh for 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 respectively. For the Annual Accounts for 2011-12 the actual expenses on this MAT has been shown as Rs. 2915.00 lakh. Thus for 2011-12 the amount admitted is Rs. 2915.00 lakh subject to finalization in APR of 2011-12. For 2012-13 and 2013-14 the amount admitted are the projected amounts by WBSEDCL as both being lesser than actual of 2011-12. The amount allowed for the years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 are Rs. 2915.00 lakh, Rs. 2472 lakh and Rs. 2843 lakh respectively.


Interest on Consumers Security Deposits WBSEDCL has claimed towards interest on consumers security deposit of Rs. 2870.44 lakh for 2011-12, Rs. 3315.31 lakh for 2012-13 and Rs. 3829.19 lakh for 2013-14. The interest on consumers security deposit is Rs.2392.00 lakh as per annual accounts of 2010-11. In annual account of 2011-12 the amount of interest on security deposit is shown as Rs. 9147.00 lakh. In view of such background the projected value of consumer security deposit for 2011-12 is admitted as Rs. 2870.00 lakh after due rounding off. Considering the projected increase in growth rate of ARR the Commission admits Rs. 3315.00 lakh and Rs. 3829.00 lakh for 2012-13 and 2013-14 respectively. In this issue Commission is providing a directive in the chapter of direction. On compliance of directive, Commission will consider the interest on security deposit aspect during APR of each ensuring year.


Reserve for Unforeseen Exigencies WBSEDCL has claimed reserve for unforeseen exigencies of amount Rs.3011.09 lakh, Rs.3312.56 Lakh and Rs.3721.09 lakh for the years in 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 respectively.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

Commission decides that for 3rd control period no charges will be considered on the unforeseen exigencies in order to have lesser initial impact on tariff increase in view of requirement of large amount of regulatory release. 5.16 Interest on Working Capital WBSEDCL has asked for interest on normative working capital. In 2011-12 the Security Deposit is of Rs. 1234.79 crore as per annual accounts of 2010-11. In the Annual Accounts of 2011-12 the amount shown as Security Deposit is Rs. 1443.09 crore. The normative working capital requirement for 2011-12 is Rs. 1254.00 crore, for 2012-13 is Rs. 1434.00 crore and for 2013-14 is Rs. 1539.00 crore. The Commission, therefore, does not consider for allowing any interest in this regard presently for any of the year as for 2011-12 and 2012-13 as the present security deposit of consumer is sufficient to cover the working capital requirement. Moreover, for 2013-14 a substantial amount of working capital is likely to be available through security deposit of the consumer which will gradually increase with the increasing ARR for that year and is expected to provide Working Capital requirement at normative level. The necessity of borrowing working capital, however, cannot be ruled out. If any such borrowing is done for any of the years, the interest on that will be considered for re-imbursement through APR for the concerned year. 5.17 Special Allocation WBSEDCL has asked for special allocation of Rs. 18931.95 lakh and Rs. 800.00 lakh in 2011-12 and 2012-13 respectively on the following accounts: a) Amount paid by WBSEDCL to NTPC in 2011-12 for Capacity Charges against additional capitalization for the period 2004-05 to 2010-11 in pursuance to the order of Appellate Tribunal. b) The amount payable by WBSEDCL to NTPC for additional cost in the year 2011-12 arising out of the provisional Tariff Order in respect of FSTPS Stage I & II and Talcher TPS.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

c) The amount payable by WBSEDCL to DVC for additional cost for the period 2007-08 to 2010-11 due to Tariff Order by CERC on Mejia TPS unit V & VI. In addition there are being of additional cost from other power stations of DVC for the period of 200914 due to provisional Tariff Order on this account. The decision of the Commission on Special Allocation are as follows: The additional capacity charges payable to NTPC Limited against additional capitalization for the period 2004-05 to 2010-11 are as per order of Appellate Tribunal and are thus considered by the Commission. Such cost as per annual accounts of WBSEDCL for 2011-12 is Rs. 5499.00 lakh. Regarding the additional amount payable by WBSEDCL to NTPC Limited arising out of Provisional Tariff Order in respect of FSTPS stage I & II and Talcher TPS has however been not considered in special allocation as these are included in the power purchase cost for 2011-12 as per audited annual accounts. Similarly, the additional amount payable to DVC for the period 2007-08 to 2010-11 as per order of CERC are only considered for special allocation and such amounts come to Rs. 3109.00 lakh as per audited annual accounts of WBSEDCL for the year 2011-12. Additional cost related to year 2011-12 are not considered in special allocation as these are included in the power purchase cost for 2011-12 as per audited annual accounts. The Commission vide its order dated 30.12.2011 determines the tariff of the new units of WBPDCL for the years 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 and allowed WBPDCL to recover the arrear amount if any in seventy two equal monthly installment through subsequent energy bills. As per annual accounts of WBSEDCL for the year 2011-12 an amount of Rs. 176690.00 lakh payable to WBPDCL has been booked by WBSEDCL on that account. The Commission, on the basis of installment to be covered in each year has decided to consider an amount of Rs. 9816.11 lakh, Rs. 29448.33 lakh and Rs.

29448.33 lakh for the years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 respectively as a part of such payable amount as special allocation. The amounts as admitted by the Commission under the head Special Allocation for 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 are as follows:

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

Rs. in Lakh
Name of the Utility NTPC Limited DVC WBPDCL Total 2011-12 5499.00 3109.00 9816.11 18424.11 Special Allocation 2012-13 29448.33 29448.33 2013-14 29448.33 29448.33


Return on equity WBSEDCL has proposed permitted return of Rs. 42214.00 lakh on the average equity base for 2011-12, 2012-13, and 2013-14 for the respective years. Such permitted return has been asked for distribution function only. The Commission, in the process of computation, has considered the paid up share capital as on 31.03.2011 as per audited annual accounts of WBSEDCL for 2010-11 as the Opening Equity base for 2011-12. WBSEDCL has not proposed for any equity addition during the years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14. WBSEDCL has not also proposed for utilization of free reserve for any asset creation during the ensuing year. The Commission considers the opening equity base as Average Equity Base for the respective years and allowed 16.5% return on the same in terms of Tariff Regulations. The workings are shown in the following table:
Rupees in Lakh Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Particulars Actual equity base considered at the beginning of the year Admissible equity base at the beginning of the year Actual addition to Equity base for the year Actual Equity base at the end of the year [(1) + (3)] Net addition to fixed asset during the year {from 1.18(a)} of Annexure 1 at Volume - IIB Normative addition to Equity base {30% of (5)} Addition to equity base considered for the year lower of (3) and (6) Admissible equity base at the end of the year (2) + (7) Average admissible equity base to be considered for return {(2) + (8)}/2 Rate of return considered Return on equity (ROE) 2011-12 255840 255840 0 255840 200589 60176.70 0 255840 255840 16.5% 42213.60 2012-13 255840 255840 0 255840 83413 25023.90 0 255840 255840 16.5% 42213.60 2013-14 255840 255840 0 255840 83822 25146.60 0 255840 255840 16.5% 42213.60

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission

Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

The opening equity base of 2012-13 and 2013-14 will be subject to change during the truing up in APR of the respective year and will be the closing balance of the equity base in the APR of the preceding year of the particular respective year. 5.19 Income from Non-Tariff Sources The income from non-tariff sources, comprising rental of meters and other apparatus, delayed payment surcharges, interest from investment income, etc. as projected by WBSEDCL as Rs. 39565.00 lakh, Rs. 42760.00 lakh and Rs. 46313.00 lakh for 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 respectively. From Annual Accounts of 2011-12 income from nontariff sources stands to Rs. 36266.00 lakh. The projection of WBSEDCL is higher in 201112 considering number of changes in different heads under non-tariff income at enhanced rate as proposed in their application which has not become applicable in 2011-12 in this order. Thus amount of Rs. 36266.00 is admitted for 2011-12 on the head at non-tariff income. The amount admitted for 2012-13 and 2013-14 are the projected amounts by WBSEDCL of Rs. 42760.00 lakh and Rs. 46313.00 lakh respectively as it is found to be rational as the proposed enhanced rate by WBSEDCL is also being admitted from 01-012013. 5.20 Interest Credit In terms of regulation 5.5.3 of the Tariff Regulations, WBSEDCL has proposed Rs. 891.89 lakh for 2011-12, Rs. 1255.41 lakh for 2012-13 and Rs. 1606.68 lakh for 2013-14 as interest credit to be refunded while determining the Net Aggregate Revenue Requirement for the corresponding year in tariff as the amount of chargeable depreciation is more than the amount of loan repayable for those years. As the depreciation amount allowed in this order has been reduced from the amount projected by WBSEDCL, thus the Commission computes the amount afresh based on the depreciation allowed, the projected schedule of repayment of loan and weighted average rate of interest of borrowings and admits the same as shown below:

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

Rupees in lakh Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Particulars Depreciation Allowed Repayment as proposed Excess fund created Weighted average rate of interest of existing loan Interest Credit admitted by the Commission 20011-12 33259.00 24757.00 8502.00 9.2% 782.18 2012-13 36779.00 25469.00 11310.00 9.2% 1040.52 2013-14 40694.00 26284.00 14410.00 9.2% 1352.72

In absence of any specific proposal from WBSEDCL and information about break-up of repayment of the loan specific to generation and distribution, the Commission decides to allocate the same in the proportion to depreciation allowed to generation and distribution for respective years as shown in the following table subject to final adjustment on the basis of actual audited data in the APR for the concerned years.
Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. Particulars Generation Distribution System Interest Credit admitted by the Commission 20011-12 169.39 612.79 782.18 Rupees in lakh 2012-13 2013-14 207.81 248.79 832.71 1103.93 1040.52 1352.72


Transmission charges payable to WBSETCL WBSEDCL has asked for a provision for amounts of Rs. 98306.44 lakh in 2011-12, Rs. 99654.57 lakh in 2012-13 and Rs. 111121.04 lakh in 2013-14 towards transmission charges payable to the State Transmission Utility, i.e., West Bengal State Electricity transmission Company Ltd (WBSETCL) based on the tariff application submitted by WBSETCL for the concerned year, the Commission has finalized the amount of the Aggregate Revenue Requirement (comprising of all its fixed charges) of WBSETCL and the same have come to Rs. 72591.51 lakh in 2011-12, Rs. 83757.38 lakh in 2012-13 and Rs. 96182.54 lakh in 2013-14. The particulars will be available in the Commissions order in Case No: TP-50/11-12 in regard to WBSETCL for the year 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14. The Commission accordingly allows a sum of Rs. 72591.51 lakh, Rs. 83757.38

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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

lakh and Rs. 96182.54 lakh payable by WBSEDCL to WBSETCL as transmission charges in 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 respectively. 5.22 CTU Charges The projection of WBSEDCL on CTU charges is Rs. 12884.00 lakh which is not as per newly introduced Point of Connection (POC) charge method by CERC as there is a legal dispute. For 2012-13 and 2013-14 the projections are as per POC charge method. As per annual accounts the amount paid in 2011-12 is Rs. 21185.00 lakh, which is as per POC method in accordance to the WBSEDCLs letter vide no. PTR/SERC/1099 dated 05.10.2012 and PTR/SERC/1224 dated 05.11.2012 in response to the Commission enquiry vide no.WBERC/TP-53/11-12/0995 dated 01.10.2012 and WBERC/TP-53/1112/1078 dated 19.10.2012. Thus the admitted amount by the Commission for 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 are Rs. 21185.00 lakh, Rs 31576.01 lakh and Rs. 36492.71 lakh respectively and considered under cost of distribution function only. 5.23 Lease Rental Charges for MPLS-VPN Service WBSEDCL has requested separate lease rental charges for MPLS-VPN service for discharge of regulatory obligation under SOP Regulations and for other purpose also as mentioned in their MYT application, WBSEDCL also requested to consider this lease rental charge of MPLS-VPN service as uncontrollable item for next two-three years as the system is under initial implementation charge and cannot be assessed fully. There is no objection of any objector on this issue of uncontrollable character and Commission finds merits in WBSEDCLs view. Accordingly for the 3rd control period the expenses of lease rental charges for MPLS-VPN services shall be considered as uncontrollable item. The projection for such charges in 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 are Rs 3025.00 lakh, Rs 3675.00 lakh and Rs 4008.00 lakh respectively. In support of their such claim WBSEDCL has provided with the copies of the orders for availing such services which show that the cost for 2011-12 is Rs 1705.00 lakh and Rs 2053.144 lakh for 2012-13. However in annual accounts of WBSEDCL for 2011-12 under lease rental charges the expenses are Rs 692.00 lakh only. Thus considering the above backgrounds the admitted amount on lease rental charges for MPLS-VPN service for 2011-12 is Rs 692.00 lakh. For both
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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

2012-13 and 2014-15 such costs are restricted to an amount of Rs. 2053.144 lakh as shown from their order subject to truing up in APR on the basis of audited accounts. 5.24 Amount Recoverable from Bulk Supply As referred in the statement of Energy Balance in the earlier chapter, the total quantum of bulk supply to other licensees in the State and Sikkim are provided along with expected revenue for all the ensuing years of 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 as given below.
Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 ENERGY SALE BY WBSEDCL TO OTHER LICENSEE OF WEST BENGAL AND SIKKIM ENERGY SALE IN MU REVENUE IN Rs. LAKH PURCHASER OF POWER 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 SALE TO CESC 998.27 1848.00 2321.00 46918.64 95356.80 119763.60 SALE TO DPSC 267.87 220.50 455.00 12456.00 12661.80 23730.00 SALE TO DPL 70.98 100.00 100.00 3265.13 4860.00 4860.00 SALE TO SIKKIM AS PER 48.66 48.66 48.66 598.52 603.38 608.25 CONTRACT SALE TO LICENSEE 1385.78 2237.16 2924.66 63238.29 113481.98 148961.85 (1+2+3+4)


Adjustment of Amounts received towards Unscheduled Interchange (UI) Before the Commission there are some reality and some needs for the power sector such as: The year 2011-12 has already passed Significant part of 2012-13 is already over Need of releasing regulatory asset for reducing loan liability of WBSEDCL. Balancing of contradictory needs of ensuring appropriate cash flow of WBSEDCL and keeping the tariff within a reasonable limit. Thus as proposed for benefit passed on to the consumers on account of net receivables for UI charges, the amount of net UI receivables of Rs. 13983.00 lakh which in accordance to 2011-12 annual accounts has been admitted to pass through tariff as benefit to the Consumer. On the basis of the information submitted by WBSEDCL in response to WBERCs query vide no. WBERC/TP-53/11-12/1078 dated 19.10.2012 which was raised in accordance to the Tariff Regulations net receivables on UI account comes

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

to Rs 2131.51 lakh. Thus commission decides to pass on such benefit of Rs.2131.51 lakh to consumer in 2012-13 also which will be subject to review in APR for 2012-2013. For 2013-14 no such deduction has been done due to low visibility of UI character in 2013-14 especially in view of development in grid system operation as a fall out of grid collapse in NEW grid on 30.07.2012 and 31.07.2012. However all such deduction on account of net UI receivable will be subject to truing up in APR on the basis of audited accounts. 5.26 Expenses attributable to Sale of energy to persons other than consumers and licensees of the Commission. The expenses on this head as proposed by WBSEDCL has not been considered as there is change in power purchase cost that has been proposed by WBSEDCL, due to number of reasons as explained in this order. Moreover, the purchase cost of power from WBSEDCL by the licensee has been fixed on the basis of number of issues as already explained in paragraph 3.23.3 and thus there is difference with the projection of WBSEDCL. Thus expenses attributable to sale of energy to persons other than consumers and licensees of the Commission under third control period for 2011-12, 201213 and 2013-14 have been admitted as Rs. 70754.28 lakh, Rs. 143430.99 lakh and Rs. 83243.33 lakh respectively, subject to adjustments in APR / FPPCA for the concerned years. 5.27 Sharing of benefits from sale of power to persons other than the consumers and licensees of the Commission: From the past experience as shown in the following table Commission observes that due to volatile market the projections on such sale have no compatibility at all with the actuals of the year:

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

Gain in Rs. Lakh passed on to consumers from Sale of power to person other than licensee & consumer As projected in Deviation in Year Actual in APR Tariff Order percentage 2007-08 71429.61 33665.00 (-)52.87% 2008-09 83564.98 73364.69 (-)12.20% 2009-10 32765.70 27029.30 (-)17.51% 2010-11 15806.74 8607.55 (-)45.54% Comparison of Energy sold to person other than licensee & consumer Actual in APR (MU) As projected in Sale to person other than Tariff Order licensee and consumer + Deviation in Year Swap Out Energy + Net UI percentage Energy Out 2007-08 5229.72 1775.492 (-) 66.05 2008-09 2278.65 2570.492 (+) 12.81 2009-10 3833.86 2426.708 (-) 36.70 2010-11 6270.96 2627.382 (-) 58.10

Due to the above type of distortion, the projected tariff got distorted which ultimately provided a false perception in the level of retail tariff that greatly affects the consumers, the licensees and power sector as a whole. In order to remove such distortion in the tariff Commission decides that henceforth in general the benefits from sale of power to person other than the consumers and licensee of the Commission will be passed on to the consumers / licensees on actual basis through APR of the concern year only instead through tariff order on projection basis. 5.28 Cost disallowed for Excess Distribution Loss over Normative Level for 2011 2012. As per the annual accounts for the year 2011 2012, the distribution loss of WBSEDCL is 24.88% which is higher than the normative distribution loss of 17.75% for the year 2011 2012. The excess power purchase cost due to higher level of distribution loss than the normative level is thus disallowed from the gross ARR of WBSEDCL for the year 20112012 in order to arrive at the net ARR. The computations of disallowed amount are detailed below:

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Particulars Norms of distribution loss in percentage Norms of transmission loss in percentage Actual energy sent out in MU from own generating station Total energy purchased in MU Total energy purchased for sale to own consumers and licensees in MU Admitted energy for own consumption of licensee in MU Energy sale to own consumers and sale to licensee from distribution level in MU Energy sale to other licensee and Sikkim from grid in MU Admitted amount of energy entitled for purchase for sale to own consumers and licensees in MU Excess energy purchased for sale to own consumers and licensees in MU (5 - 9) Total cost of power purchase in Rs Lakh Average cost of power purchase in Paise/ kWh Cost disallowed in Rs. lakh (10x12)

Nomenclature d t Eg ET EP EO Esc ESL Eadmin EE EPT EPAvg CD

For the year 2011-12 17.75 3.60 1180.74 30296.82 25407.77 40.00 19058.47 1117.91 23198.95 2208.82 966503.52 319.01 70463.47


ERPC Charge : WBSEDCL has projected ERPC charge as Rs. 15.00 lakh, Rs. 15.75 lakh and Rs. 16.54 lakh for the years 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 respectively. projected amounts are admitted by the Commission. Such

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-13

6.1 Based on the analyses and findings recorded in the foregoing chapters we are now drawing the statements of Aggregate Revenue Requirements (ARR) separately for each of the three years of the third control period covering the years 2011-12, 201213 and 2013-14. Such summarized statements are given in Annexure 6A to 6C of this chapter. 6.2 In terms of the Tariff Regulations, we are also to ascertain the amount of revenue recoverable through tariff for the years 2011-12 and 2012 2013 after carrying out adjustments with the ARR for the concerned year of the net recoverable amount determined in Annual Performance Review (APR) for the years 2009-10 and 2010 2011 and any other amount related to release of regulatory asset partially or fully. In the meantime, the Commission has issued FCA of WBPDCL in case no FPPCA48/10 11 for 2009 2010 and in case no FPPCA-55/11 12 for 2010 2011. According to these orders, WBSEDCL is to pay Rs. 41708.72 lakh in 18 instalments for FCA order of 2009 2010 and Rs. 49024.99 lakh in 24 instalments for FCA order of 2010 - 2011. WBSEDCL is paying in instalments to WBPDCL from 2012 2013 for the WBPDCLs FCA order for 2009 2010. Similarly for FCA order of 2010 2011, WBSEDCL is to pay from 2013 2014 and if possible some instalment may be paid in advance before starting of the payment in 2013 2014. The Commission in its order dated 17.10.2012 in Case No. APR-20/10-11 has determined the net amount of Rs. 122800.69 lakh recoverable from the consumers after taking into consideration both the Fuel and Power Purchase Cost Adjustment (FPPCA) and Annual Performance Review (APR) for 2009 2010. Similarly, the Commission in its order dated 19.10.2012 in Case No. APR-29/12-13 also determined the net amount of Rs. 29977.47 lakh recoverable from its consumers considering both the FPPCA and APR for the year 2010 2011. Accordingly, the Commission decides the following: (i) To recover Rs. 13902.91 lakh and Rs. 27805.81 lakh for the years 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 respectively out of the amount of Rs. 41708.72

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

payable by WBSEDCL to WBPDCL as per the order of the Commission dated 30.08.2012 in case no. FPPCA-48/10 11. (ii) To recover Rs. 4085.42 lakh in 2013 2014 out of the amount of Rs. 49024.99 lakh payable by WBSEDCL to WBPDCL as per the order of the Commission dated 16.10.2012 in case no. FPPCA-55/11 12. (iii) To recover Rs. 4000.00 lakh in each of the years 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 out of the amount of Rs. 122800.69 lakh recoverable from its consumers as per order dated 17.10.2012 in case no. APR-20/10-11 of the Commission. The said amount has been allocated to Generation and Distribution function on the basis of ratio of Aggregated Revenue Requirement of Generation and Distribution function of the respective year. The Balance amount of Rs 118800.69 lakh has been held as regulatory asset after the tariff order of 2012 - 2013. (iv) To recover Rs. 3000.00 lakh in each of the years 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 out of the amount of Rs. 29977.47 lakh recoverable from its consumers as per order dated 19.10.2012 in case no. APR-29/12-13 of the Commission. The said amount has been allocated to Generation and Distribution function on the basis of ratio of Aggregated Revenue Requirement of Generation and Distribution function of the respective year. The balance amount of Rs 26977.47 lakh has been held as regulatory asset after the tariff order of 2012 - 2013. (v) To release Rs. 45500.00 lakh, Rs. 1800.00 lakh and Rs. 6500.00 lakh for 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013 2014 respectively from Regulatory Assets of Rs. 176383.00 lakh as per order dated 24.09.2009 in case no. OA63/09-10 which now stands to Rs 125503.86 lakh as balance regulatory asset in accordance to the APR order of WBSEDCL for 2010-11 in case No. APR-29/12-13. Such released regulatory asset is meant for deposition in terminal benefit fund only. The said release of Regulatory Assets of each year has been allocated to Generation and Distribution function on the basis of ratio of terminal benefits as considered under generation and distribution function in the employee cost. 6.3 Based on the above, the amount of revenue to be recovered through tariff, capacity charges and fixed charges for the years 2011 2012, 2012 2013 and 2013-14
West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission 103

Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

work out at table below. The revenue recoverable through sell of electricity in 201314 to the consumer of WBSEDCL and the other licensee in the State is also shown in the order to provide predictability to the stakeholders of minimum revenue to be recovered in 2013-14 and also to ensure release of a minimum amount of regulatory assets in that year. Rupees in Lakh REVENUE RECOVERABLE THROUGH TARIFF, CAPACITY CHARGES AND FIXED CHARGES IN 2011 2012 Sl. Particulars Generation Distribution Total No. Net Aggregate Revenue Requirement for 28823.56 1125319.09 1154142.65 1 2011 2012 as per annexure 6A 2 Part release of Regulatory Assets [as per para 6(v)] 4417.00 41083.00 45500.00 3 Total (1 to 2) 33192.56 1166483.92 1199676.48 Rupees in Lakh REVENUE RECOVERABLE THROUGH TARIFF, CAPACITY CHARGES AND FIXED CHARGES IN 2012 2013 Sl. Total Particulars Generation Distribution No. Aggregate Revenue Requirement for 2012 2013 1 29563.19 1316756.91 1346320.10 as per annexure 6B Amount payable to WBPDCL in respect of FPPCA 0.00 2 13902.91 13902.91 for 2009 -2010 [as per para 6(i)] Adjustment of APR for 2009 2010 [as per para 88.00 3 3912.00 4000.00 6(iii)] Adjustment of APR for 2010 2011 [as per para 66.00 4 2934.00 3000.00 6(iv)] 5 Part release of Regulatory Assets [as per para 6(v)] 202.00 1598.00 1800.00 6 Total (1 to 5) 29919.19 1339103.82 1369023.01 Rupees in Lakh REVENUE RECOVERABLE THROUGH TARIFF, CAPACITY CHARGES AND FIXED CHARGES IN 2013 2014 Sl. Particulars Generation Distribution Total No. Aggregate Revenue Requirement for 2013 2014 as 29679.40 1476914.96 1506594.36 1 per annexure 6C Amount payable to WBPDCL in respect of FPPCA for 0.00 27805.81 27805.81 2 2009 -2010 [as per para 6(i)] Amount payable to WBPDCL in respect of FPPCA for 0.00 4085.42 4085.42 3 2010 -2011 [as per para 6(ii)] 4 Adjustment of APR for 2009 2010 [as per para 6(iii)] 79.00 3921.00 4000.00 5 Adjustment of APR for 2010 2011 [as per para 6(iv)] 59.00 2941.00 3000.00 6 Part release of Regulatory Assets [as per para 6(v)] 768.00 5732.00 6500.00 7 Total (1 to 6) 30585.40 1521400.19 1551985.59
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Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013


The above revenue recoverable through tariff for the year 2013-14 may be changed in the tariff order of 2013-14 if there is any subsequent adjustment with net aggregate revenue requirement of 2013-14 as determined in this order as per regulation 2.5.3 of the Tariff Regulations or release of further regulatory asset.


The Commission has also worked out the average tariff for the consumers of WBSEDCL for 2011 2012 and 2012 2013 and the same is shown in the table below. AVERAGE TARIFF FOR CONSUMERS OF WBSEDCL IN 2011 2012 Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Total revenue to be recovered through tariff Revenue from sale of power to CESC Ltd., DPSCL and DPL Revenue Recoverable for supply of power to the consumers (1-2) Energy sale to the consumers Average tariff for the consumers (Sl.3 x 10 Sl. 4) Unit Rs. Lakh Rs. Lakh Rs. Lakh MU Paisa/ Kwhr Total 1199642.65 63238.29 1136404.36 18790.60 604.77

AVERAGE TARIFF FOR CONSUMERS OF WBSEDCL IN 2012 2013 Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars Total revenue to be recovered through tariff Revenue from sale of power to CESC Ltd., DPSCL and DPL Revenue Recoverable for supply of power to the consumers (1-2) Energy sale to the consumers Average tariff for the consumers (Sl.3 x 10 Sl. 4) Unit Rs. Lakh Rs. Lakh Rs. Lakh MU Paisa/ Kwhr Total 1369023.01 113481.98 1255541.03 20687.78 606.90


On the basis of calculated revenue recoverable for supply of power to the consumers and average tariff for the consumers as mentioned in serial number 3 and 5 of above tables in paragraph 6.5 respectively, the detail tariff structure for different classes of consumers and the other terms and conditions related to tariff for the years 2011-12 and 2012-13 are provided in chapter -7 and chapter-8 of this order respectively.


After releasing of existing regulatory asset and after adjusting a part of the amount to be recovered due to WBSEDCLs APR of 2009-10 and 2010-11 through this tariff order the balance amounts remaining as regulatory asset after the tariff order upto 2012 2013 are shown below:

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

Rs In lakhs Sl No 1 2 A 3 4 5 B C Item Balance Regulatory Assets as per APR order of WBSEDCL for the year 2010-11 Part release of Regulatory Assets in the year 2011-12 Part release of Regulatory Assets in the year 2012-13 Part release of Regulatory Assets in the year 2013-14 Balance (1-2-3-4) APR of 2009-10 (Refer para 6.2(iii) APR of 2010-11(Refer para 6.2(iv)
Total ( A + B + C)

Amount 125503.86 45500.00 1800.00 6500.00 71703.86 118800.69 26977.47


The above balance regulatory asset of serial number A and C of the above table is likely to be released in three years and regulatory asset of serial number B of the above table is likely to be released within five years after the completion of third control period.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

_ Rs in Lakhs 2011-12 Approved Generation Distribution Total 73.00 0.00 73.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5104.00 4250.38 0.00 0.00 26.30 0.00 0.00 11036.82 1263.00 37.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7202.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 169.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 169.39 966503.52 21185.00 72591.51 15.00 85719.00 24850.89 412.00 97.42 59.43 3132.80 13002.32 24389.18 11742.00 523.00 2870.00 0.00 692.00 26056.85 4.00 2915.00 0.00 42213.60 18424.11 36266.00 0.00 612.79 70754.28 70463.47 13983.00 192079.54 966503.52 21185.00 72591.51 15.00 90823.00 29101.27 412.00 97.42 85.73 3132.80 13002.32 35426.00 13005.00 560.00 2870.00 0.00 692.00 33259.30 4.00 2915.00 0.00 42213.60 18424.11 1346391.58 36266.00 0.00 782.18 70754.28 70463.47 13983.00 192248.93 1154142.65

SL No 1


Generation Charge (Fuel) Power Purchase Charges to CTU 3 Charges to STU 4 ERPC Charge 5 Employee Cost 6 Operation and Maintenance Charge 7 Expenses for Complaint Management Mechanism 8 Rates and taxes 9 Insurance 10 Cost of Out sourceing 11 a) Manpower related expenditure b) Expenditure excliding manpower Interest on loan 12 Interest on Bond For creation of Pension Fund 13 Other Financing Charges 14 Interest on Security Deposits 15 Interest on working Capital 16 Lease Rental 17 Depreciation 18 Bad Debt 19 Minimum Alternative Tax 20 Reserve for unforeseen exigencies 21 Return on Equity 22 Special Allocations 23 Gross Aggregate Revenue Requirment (1:23) 24 Less : Other Income 25 Less : Benefits passed on to Consumers 26 Less : Interest credit on Depreciation 27 Less : Expenses attributable to sale to person other than 28 licensee & consumer Less : Excess power purchase cost due to higher 29 distribution loss than normative distribution loss less:Net UI charges Receivable 30 Total Amount Deductable (25:30) 31 Net Aggregate Revenue Required (24-31) 32

28992.95 1317398.63

28823.56 1125319.09

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

Rs in Lakhs 2012-13 Approved Generation Distribution Total 2.80 0.00 2.80 0.00 1109727.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 5651.00 4478.41 0.00 0.00 27.22 0.00 0.00 10765.00 1462.00 39.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7345.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 207.81 0.00 0.00 207.81 31576.01 83757.38 15.75 87555.00 27399.03 522.10 106.19 67.09 3446.08 14838.87 25879.00 11543.00 540.00 3315.00 0.00 2053.14 29433.50 4.00 2472.00 0.00 42213.60 29448.33 42760.00 0.00 832.71 143430.99 2131.51 189155.21 1109727.05 31576.01 83757.38 15.75 93206.00 31877.44 522.10 106.19 94.31 3446.08 14838.87 36644.00 13005.00 579.00 3315.00 0.00 2053.14 36779.07 4.00 2472.00 0.00 42213.60 29448.33 1535683.12 42760.00 0.00 1040.52 143430.99 2131.51 189363.02 1346320.10

SL No 1


Generation Charge (Fuel) Power Purchase Charges to CTU 3 Charges to STU 4 ERPC Charge 5 Employee Cost 6 Operation and Maintenance Charge 7 Expenses for Complaint Management Mechanism 8 Rates and taxes 9 Insurance 10 Cost of Out sourceing 11 a) Manpower related expenditure b) Expenditure excliding manpower Interest on loan 12 Interest on Bond For creation of Pension Fund 13 Other Financing Charges 14 Interest on Security Deposits 15 Interest on working Capital 16 Lease Rental 17 Depreciation 18 Bad Debt 19 Minimum Alternative Tax 20 Reserve for unforeseen exigencies 21 Return on Equity 22 Special Allocations 23 Gross Aggregate Revenue Requirment (1:23) 24 Less : Other Income 25 Less : Benefits passed on to Consumers 26 Less : Interest credit on Depreciation 27 Less : Expenses attributable to sale to person other than 28 licensee & consumer less:Net UI charges Receivable 29 Total Amount Deductable (25:29) 30 Net Aggregate Revenue Required (24-30) 31

29771.00 1505912.12

29563.19 1316756.91

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

Rs in Lakhs 2013-14 Approved Generation Distribution Total 2.80 0.00 2.80 0.00 1181114.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 5852.00 4686.91 0.00 0.00 29.36 0.00 0.00 10295.00 1536.00 42.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7484.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36492.71 96182.54 16.54 89990.00 30212.00 532.20 115.75 74.38 3790.69 16787.95 26635.00 11469.00 561.00 3829.00 0.00 2053.14 33209.88 4.00 2843.00 0.00 42213.60 29448.33 46313.00 0.00 248.79 0.00 1103.93 83243.33 0.00 248.79 130660.26 29679.40 1476914.96 1181114.51 36492.71 96182.54 16.54 95842.00 34898.91 532.20 115.75 103.74 3790.69 16787.95 36930.00 13005.00 603.00 3829.00 0.00 2053.14 40694.00 4.00 2843.00 0.00 42213.60 29448.33 1637503.41 46313.00 0.00 1352.72 83243.33 0.00 130909.05 1506594.36

SL No 1


Generation Charge (Fuel) Power Purchase Charges to CTU 3 Charges to STU 4 ERPC Charge 5 Employee Cost 6 Operation and Maintenance Charge 7 Expenses for Complaint Management Mechanism 8 Rates and taxes 9 Insurance 10 11 Cost of Out sourceing a) Manpower related expenditure b) Expenditure excliding manpower Interest on loan 12 Interest on Bond For creation of Pension Fund 13 Other Financing Charges 14 Interest on Security Deposits 15 Interest on working Capital 16 Lease Rental 17 Depreciation 18 Bad Debt 19 Minimum Alternative Tax 20 Reserve for unforeseen exigencies 21 Return on Equity 22 Special Allocations 23 24 Gross Aggregate Revenue Requirment (1:23) Less : Other Income 25 Less : Benefits passed on to Consumers 26 Less : Interest credit on Depreciation 27 Less : Expenses attributable to sale to person other than 28 licensee & consumer less:Net UI charges Receivable 29 30 Total Amount Deductable (25:29) Net Aggregate Revenue Required (24-30) 31

29928.19 1607575.22

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013


7.1 As mentioned in the previous chapter, the Commission, in accordance with the Tariff Regulations, has determined for WBSEDCL the Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) for each ensuing year of the third control period, covering the years 2011-12 to 2013-14, and the revenue recoverable through tariff during 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 after all the necessary adjustment as discussed in chapter 6. The tariff schedule applicable to the consumers of WBSEDCL in 2011-12 and the associated terms and conditions are as follows: 7.2 The existing B-ID tariff categories would be segregated in to two L&MV tariff categories such as B-IDI for L&MV industrial consumers and B-IDC for L&MV commercial consumers having contract demand between 50KVA and 125 KVA. One new L&MV tariff category C-ID has been introduced for other L&MV consumers having contract demand between 50KVA and 125 KVA except industrial and commercial consumers. Consumers belonging to Lokdeep/Kutirjyoti, Labourline, Life Line consumers, Domestic (Rural) and Domestic (Urban) category will fall under L&MV Domestic consumers (below 50KVA). Commercial (Rural), Commercial (Urban) and consumers covered under A (Cm-II), A (Cm-III), A (Cm-PU) and A (Cm)-CP will fall under L&MV Commercial consumers (below 50 KVA). The tariff schedule as applicable to the consumers of WBSEDCL in the year 2011 2012 is given at Annexure 7A1 for LV and MV consumers under quarterly billing cycle, at Annexure 7A2 for LV and MV consumers under monthly billing cycle and at Annexure 7A3 for HV and EHV consumers. Except rate B-IDI, BIDC and C-ID, all the rates under L&MV category is applicable for the supply below 50 KVA. Details of different tariff schemes of different classes of consumers and various associated terms and conditions are specified in various regulations

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

and in Annexure C1 and Annexure C2 of the Tariff Regulations. Other associated conditions of tariff of WBSEDCL for 2011 2012 shall be as follows: 7.2.1 Load Factor Rebate/ Surcharge: In order to reduce the overall system T&D loss and to flatten the load curve by improving the existing system load factor of WBSEDCL, the voltage-wise graded load factor rebate applicable for the EHV and HV industrial consumers and L&MV industrial consumer under rate (B-ID) will be as per the following table: LOAD FACTOR REBATE (Paise / kWh)
For the Year 2011-12 Range of Load Factor (LF) Above 55% Above 60% Above 65% Above 70% Above 75% Above 80% Above 85% Above 90% Above 92% Above 95% Up to 60% Up to 65% Up to 70% Up to 75% Up to 80% Up to 85% Up to 90% Up to 92% Up to 95% Below 33 kV 1 7 14 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Supply Voltage 33 kV 2 8 29 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Above 33 kV 3 9 39 45 50 55 60 65 70 75

The above load factor rebate shall be applicable on total quantum of energy consumed in the billing period. (For example a 33 kV industrial consumer at 85% load factor shall be eligible for a rebate @ 45 paise / kWh on the total quantum of energy consumed in the billing period). Industrial consumer whose contract demand is 1.5 MVA or above will get additional rebate as per following table subject to the condition that payment is made within the due date.
Additional Load Factor Rebate(paise/kWh) Load Factor 2011-12 Above 65% but upto 80% 20 Above 80% 35

Load factor surcharge shall continue at the prevailing rate for those categories of consumers to whom these are applicable at present. In addition, load factor 111

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission

Tariff order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

surcharge shall be applicable to the industrial consumers under Rate B-ID at the same rates. Load factor rebate and load factor surcharge shall be computed in accordance with the formula and associated principles given in regulations 3.9.2, 3.9.3 and 3.9.4 of the Tariff Regulations and at the rates mentioned in paragraphs to above. 7.2.2 Fixed / Demand Charge: The fixed charge shall be applicable to different categories of consumers at the rates as shown in Annexure 7A1 and Annexure 7A2 of this tariff order. The demand charge shall be applicable to different categories of consumers as per rates as shown in Annexure 7A2 and Annexure 7A3 of this order on the basis of recorded demand as specified in regulation 4.3.3 ibid subject to the conditions as specified in the Tariff Regulations. When a new consumer gets connected to the system, the computation of fixed charge or demand charge for that month shall be made pro-rata for the number of days of supply in that particular month. 7.2.3 Subject to the condition as specified in regulation 4.13 of the Tariff Regulations, the minimum charge shall continue at the existing level for all consumers. 7.2.4 Since 2011-12 is already over, thus for a consumer the applicable rate of temporary supply shall be the same rate at which he had been already charged. 7.2.5 For all consumers, excluding consumers having pre-paid meters, rebate shall be given @ 1% of the amount of the bill excluding meter rent, taxes, duties, levies and arrears (not being the arrears due to revision of tariff) if the payment is made within the due date. 7.2.6 A special rebate of 25 paise/kWh for 2011-12 on energy charge shall be given to the Cold storage or dairy with chilling plant having contractual load between 50

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

KVA and 125 KVA under C-ID tariff category. This rebate shall be given before giving effect to rebate mentioned in paragraph 7.2.5. 7.2.7 In order to encourage one time payment for three months bill a special rebate of 5 paise per unit for 2011-12 on energy charge shall be given to domestic and commercial consumers under LV and MV categories covered by quarterly billing cycle under normal or normal-TOD tariff scheme if the payment is made for the quarter at a time within the due date stipulated for the first month of the quarter. This rebate shall be in addition to rebate under paragraph 7.2.5 for normal meter or normal TOD meter and will be given effect after giving effect to rebate under paragraph 7.2.5. 7.2.8 Un-metered agricultural / irrigation consumers may make monthly payment for which they shall be entitled to 1% rebate for timely payment within the due date in line with the consumers of other categories as mentioned in paragraph 7.2.5. In case, however, such agricultural/ irrigation consumers opt for advance payment of the full annual amount, the consumers shall be allowed a rebate of 4% in addition to 1% rebate mentioned in paragraph 7.2.5 and this additional rebate of 4% shall be given effect after giving effect to rebate under paragraph 7.2.5. 7.2.9 Hatchery would be included under rate A (Cm-III) and Cinema Hall will be treated as commercial consumer. 7.2.10 Power Factor Rebate/ Surcharge: The power factor rebate and surcharge shall continue for those categories of consumers to whom these are applicable at present. The rate of rebate and surcharge and the methods of calculation of such rebate and surcharge for the year 2011-12 are given below:

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

Power Factor Rebate & Surcharge on Energy Charge in Percentage for the year 2011-12
For Consumers under TOD Tariff Power Factor (PF) Range Normal Period (6.00 AM to 5.00 PM) Rebate in % PF > 0.99 PF > 0.98 & PF < 0.99 PF > 0.97 & PF < 0.98 PF > 0.96 & PF < 0.97 PF > 0.95 & PF < 0.96 PF > 0.94 & PF < 0.95 PF > 0.93 & PF < 0.94 PF > 0.92 & PF < 0.93 PF > 0.86 & PF < 0.92 PF > 0.85 & PF < 0.86 PF > 0.84 & PF < 0.85 PF > 0.83 & PF < 0.84 PF > 0.82 & PF < 0.83 PF > 0.81 & PF < 0.82 PF > 0.80 & PF < 0.81 PF <0.80 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.25 1.50 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Surchar ge in % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 Peak Period (5.00 PM to 11.00 PM) Rebate in % 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Surchar ge in % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.25 2.50 3.25 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 Off-peak Period (11.00 PM to 6.00 AM) Rebate in % 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Surchar ge in % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 1.50 1.75 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 For Consumers under non-TOD Tariff Rebate in % 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Surchar ge in % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 The rebate and surcharge against different time periods shall be reflected in the bill separately and shall be treated separately. 7.2.11 For short term supply, emergency supply and for supply of construction power, there shall be no rebate or surcharge for load factor and power factor. 7.2.12 Delayed payment surcharge shall be applicable as per regulation 4.14 of the Tariff Regulations. 7.2.13 For irrigation tariff under Rate-C(b), North Bengal stands for the districts of Coochbehar, Jalpaiguri, Darjeeling, North Dinajpur, South Dinajpur and Malda. 7.2.14 All existing charges relating to meter rent, meter testing, meter replacement, fuse call charges, disconnection and reconnection etc. shall continue. 7.2.15 A consumer opting for pre-paid meter shall not be required to make any security deposit for the energy charge.
West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013


All statutory levies like Electricity Duty or any other taxes, duties etc. imposed by the State Govt. / Central Govt. or any other competent authority shall be extra and shall not be a part of the tariff as determined under this tariff order.


All the rates and conditions of tariff for 2011-12 are effective from 1st April 2011 and shall remain valid up to 31st March 2012 except where specific date is mentioned.


For 2011-12 the consumer/licensee shall have to pay/shall be refunded the difference of the following two: i) tariff as declared under this order for 2011-12, and

ii) what they actually already paid for the concerned period as tariff and the MVCA, if any, for the concerned month. Adjustments, if any, for over recovery / under recovery for 2011-12 along with the same of 2012-13 from the energy recipients shall be made in 48 (forty-eight) equal monthly installments through subsequent energy bills and such adjustment will start from the energy bill raised on or after 1st January, 2013. In case of under recovery, the arrear installment amount for the year 2011-12 along with the same of 2012-13 in respect of LV&MV Domestic and Commercial consumer is more than the present installment amount against arrear payment in pursuance to the order of re-determined tariff of 2010-11 vide dated 30.12.2011, the manner of realization of arrear amount will be as follows: a) 10% of the total arrear amount will be claimed in first 12 months in twelve equal monthly installments. b) 20% of the total arrear amount will be claimed in next 12 months in twelve equal monthly installments. c) 30% of the total arrear amount will be claimed in next 12 months in twelve equal monthly installments. d) 40% of the total arrear amount will be claimed in next 12 months in twelve equal monthly installments.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013


There will be no separate monthly variable cost adjustment (MVCA) or Adhoc FPPCA for WBSEDCL on and from the date of effect of this order uptill 31st March 2012. The MVCA or Adhoc FPPCA realized by WBSEDCL during the year 201112 shall be adjusted in computation of any adjustments for over/under recovery from the energy recipients as mentioned in paragraph 7.2.19 above.


In addition to the tariff determined under this tariff order, WBSEDCL would be further entitled to additional sums towards enhanced cost of fuel and power purchase, if any, after the date from which this tariff order takes effect. The fuel and power purchase cost shall be subject to adjustment in accordance with the Tariff Regulations through FPPCA.


Optional TOD tariff scheme for LT Commercial, LT Industrial and LT Public Water Works categories of consumers having minimum contract demand of 30 KVA, which was directed to be introduced in the Tariff Order for 2007-2008, shall continue and energy charge under such scheme shall be computed according to regulation 4.12 of the Tariff Regulations, wherever applicable, if no tariff rates for such consumers are mentioned in the tariff schedule.


For any pre-paid and TOD tariff scheme, other charges shall be the charges applicable to the consumers under respective category of non-TOD tariff.


An applicant for short term supplies through pre-paid meter shall have to comply with all necessary formalities for obtaining supply including payment in accordance with the Regulations made by the Commission. The same will be subject to the following conditions: a) provision of requisite meter security deposit to be kept with licensee, b) provision of space for installing weather-proof, safe and secure terminal services apparatus to protect sophisticated meter; and c) availability of prepaid-meter of appropriate capacity.


To avail the rate for street lighting with LED (Rate D (2)), the supply should be metered and all the street lights under the same meter shall be illuminated with LED. For mixed type of street lights under single meter the rate D(1) shall be applicable.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013


For a consumer with prepaid meter who has purchased voucher prior to the date of issue of this order, the existing voucher will continue till such voucher is exhausted.


The tariffs determined under this order for different categories of consumers are the maximum ceilings for supply of electricity at any agreed price to the consumers of WBSEDCL only for those areas of supply of WBSEDCL where multiple licensees exist. However, if supply is provided to a consumer at a price lesser than the upper ceiling, and as a result the licensee incurs loss, such loss shall not be allowed to be passed on to any other consumers or any other distribution licensees under purview of the Commission.


No other rebate shall be applicable except which are specifically mentioned under this order or in any regulation(s).


Any matter, which has not been explicitly mentioned in this order, shall be guided by regulations 2.9.8 and 2.9.9 of the Tariff Regulations subject to fulfilling condition under paragraph 7.2.28.


WBSEDCL shall clearly indicate in the consumer/consumers bill (a) the amount payable in terms of the tariff determined by the Commission (b) the amount of the state government subsidy if any and (c) the net amount payable as per provisions of the Tariff Regulations.


WBSEDCL shall present to the Commission a gist of this order in accordance with regulation 2.9.6 of the Tariff Regulation within three working days from the date of receipt of this order for approval of the Commission and on receipt of the approval shall publish the approved gist in terms of aforesaid regulation within four working days from the date of receipt of the approval of the Commission.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Annexure-7A1


Optional tariff Scheme Optional Tariff Scheme I Fixed Charge / Demand Charge * in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Name of the Quarterly consumption Tariff in KWH Scheme Energy Charge P/kWh Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge * in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme - II Name of Energy Charge Quarterly the Tariff consumption in Scheme KWH P/kWh Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge * in Rs/KVA/mon

Applicable Tariff Scheme Consumer category Quarterly Name of the consumption in Tariff KWH Scheme Energy Charge P/kWh

Sl No

Type of Consumer


Life Line (Domestic )

Rate A(DM-LL)


0 to 75 First Next 75 105 120 300 300 900 75 75 150 150 450 900 180 120 150 450 900 180 120 150 450 900

291 441 486 583 633 643 810 446 497 585 640 660 810 545 663 729 768 810 550 668 729 768 810




Domestic (Rural)

Rate A(DM-R)



Next Next Above First Next



All units





Domestic (Urban)

Rate A(DM-U)


Next Next Above First Next




All units




06.00 hrs to All units 17.00 hrs

700 840 595 700 840 595 12

Rate A(CmU)tpp
Prepaid TOD

06.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs

All units All units All units All units All units All units

686 823 583 686 823 583 12 12


Commercial (Rural)

Rate A(CM-R)


Next Next Above First Next


Rate A(CM-R)T

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs to All units 23.00 hrs. 23.00 hrs to All units 06.00 hrs. 06.00 hrs to All units 17.00 hrs


Rate A(CmR)tpp


17.00 hrs to 23.00 hrs. 23.00 hrs to 06.00 hrs. 06.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs 17.00 hrs to 23.00 hrs. 23.00 hrs to 06.00 hrs.

5. Commercial (Urban)

Rate A(CM-U)


Next Next Above


Rate A(Cm-U)T

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs to All units 23.00 hrs. 23.00 hrs to All units 06.00 hrs.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Annexure-7A1


Optional tariff Scheme Optional Tariff Scheme I Fixed Charge / Demand Charge * in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Name of the Quarterly consumption Tariff in KWH Scheme Energy Charge P/kWh Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge * in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme - II Name of Quarterly Energy Charge the Tariff consumption in Scheme KWH P/kWh Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge * in Rs/KVA/mon

Applicable Tariff Scheme Consumer category Name of the Quarterly Tariff consumption in Scheme KWH Energy Charge P/kWh

Sl No

Type of Consumer

Public utility/ Specified Institution Rate Public Bodies A(CM-PU) 6. (MUN) In Municipal Area


On all Units



Rate A(CM-PU) (MUN) PP


On all Units



Rate Prepaid A(Cm-PU) TOD (Mun) ppt

Public utility/ Rate Specified Institution A(CM-PU) Public Bodies 7. (NONMUN) In Non Municipal Area


On all Units





On all Units



Rate A(Cm-PU) Prepaid TOD (Non-Mun) ppt

06.00 hrs. 17.00 hrs. & 20.00 hrs 23.00 hrs. 17.00 hrs to 20.00 hrs. 23.00 hrs to 06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs. 17.00 hrs. & 20.00 hrs 23.00 hrs. 17.00 hrs to 20.00 hrs.

On all units On all units On all units On all units On all units

582 640 541 582 640 541 12 12

23.00 hrs to On all 06.00 hrs units First 300 300

519 662 12
Prepaid TOD

06.00 hrs to All units 17.00 hrs 17.00 hrs to All units 23.00 hrs.

622 684 12

Cottage Industry / Artisan / Weavers / Small production 8. oriented establishment not run by electricity as motive power

Next Rate A(CM-II) Normal above


696 623 728 12

Prepaid TOD

23.00 hrs to All units 06.00 hrs.

578 611 672 12


Poultry, Duckery, Horticulture, Tissue culture, Floriculture, Herbal 9. Medicinal Biodiesel Plant Farming, Food Processing Unit

First Above

900 900

06.00 hrs to All units 17.00 hrs 17.00 hrs to All units 23.00 hrs.

Rate A(CM-III)


23.00 hrs to All units 06.00 hrs.


West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Annexure-7A2

LOW AND MEDIUM VOLTAGE CONSUMERS Optional tariff Scheme Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme I Name of the Monthly consumption Energy in KWH Charge Tariff P/kWh Scheme Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme - II Energy Name of Monthly Charge the Tariff consumption in P/kWh Scheme KWH Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon

Applicable Tariff Scheme Sl No Type of Consumer Consumer Name of the category Tariff Scheme Monthly consumption in KWH Energy Fixed Charge/ Charge Demand Charge* P/kWh in Rs/KVA/mon

1. 2.

Lokdeep / Kutirjyoti Labour Line (Domestic ) Irrigation pumping for Agriculture (Metered) Irrigation pumping for Agriculture (Metered supply from mixed HV feeder )

Rate A(DM-K) Rate A(DM-L)

Normal Normal

0 to 25

Rs. 46 per consumer per month


06.00 hrs to 17.00 All hrs units 17.00 hrs to 23.00 All hrs. units 23.00 hrs to 06.00 All hrs units


All units
06.00 hrs to All units 17.00 hrs 17.00 hrs to All units 23.00 hrs. 23.00 hrs to All units 06.00 hrs

540 354 700 212 384

Rate C(t)ppt Prepaid TOD

344 883 248



Rate C(T)

Normal TOD





Rate C(A)


All units

Rs 170 / KVA/ Month (but not less than Rs. 850.00 per month) Rs 230 / KVA/ Month (but not less than Rs. 1150.00 per month ) Rs 210 / KVA/ Month (but not less than Rs. 1050.00 per month) Rs 280 / KVA/ Month (but not less than Rs. 1400.00 per month)



STW in Other District 5. Irrigation pumping for Agriculture (UnMetered) Rate C(B) Normal Submersible in NB



Submersible in Other District

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Annexure-7A2

LOW AND MEDIUM VOLTAGE CONSUMERS Optional tariff Scheme Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme I Name of the Monthly consumption Energy in KWH Charge Tariff P/kWh Scheme Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme - II Energy Name of Monthly Charge the Tariff consumption in P/kWh Scheme KWH Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon

Applicable Tariff Scheme Sl No Type of Consumer Consumer Name of the category Tariff Scheme Monthly consumption in KWH Energy Fixed Charge/ Charge Demand Charge* P/kWh in Rs/KVA/mon

06.00 hrs to All units 17.00 hrs

661 805 625 420 798 252 666 858 628 676 733 636 48


Commercial Plantation

17.00 hrs to Rate Prepaid- TOD 23.00 hrs. All units A(CM) - CP 23.00 hrs to All units 06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs to All units 17.00 hrs





Short Term Irrigation Supply

Rate 17.00 hrs to Prepaid- TOD 23.00 hrs. All units C(T) - STIS
23.00 hrs to All units 06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs to All units 17.00 hrs





Rate Short Term supply for 17.00 hrs to Prepaid- TOD All units 23.00 hrs. Commercial Plantation A(CM)-STCP
23.00 hrs to All units 06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs to All units 17.00 hrs





Short-term Supply

Rate A(ST)

17.00 hrs to Prepaid - TOD 23.00 hrs. All units 23.00 hrs to All units 06.00 hrs

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Annexure-7A2

LOW AND MEDIUM VOLTAGE CONSUMERS Optional tariff Scheme Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme I Name of the Monthly consumption Energy in KWH Charge Tariff P/kWh Scheme Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme - II Energy Name of Monthly Charge the Tariff consumption in P/kWh Scheme KWH Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon

Applicable Tariff Scheme Sl No Type of Consumer Consumer Name of the category Tariff Scheme Monthly consumption in KWH Energy Fixed Charge/ Charge Demand Charge* P/kWh in Rs/KVA/mon

06.00 hrs. 17.00 All hrs. & 20.00 hrs Units 23.00 hrs.

580 870 400 611 855 403 621 869 410



Public Water Works & Sewerage System

Rate B (II)


On all Units



Rate B(II) tpp

Prepaid 17.00 hrs to 20.00 TOD


All Units



23.00 hrs to 06.00 All hrs Units

First 11. Industry (Rural) Rate B(I-R) Normal Next Above First 12. Industry (Urban) Rate B(I-U) Rate D(1) Rate D(2) Normal Next Above 13. Street Lighting Normal Normal

500 1500 2000 500 1500 2000

562 677 698 574 692 718 556 391 36 36 25

Rate B(I-U) t Normal TOD

06.00 hrs to 17.00 All hrs Units


Rate B(I-R) t

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs to 23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs to 06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs 17.00 hrs to 23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs to 06.00 hrs

All Units All All Units All Units All Units All Units





On all Units On all Units


14. Street Lighting with LED

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Annexure-7A2

LOW AND MEDIUM VOLTAGE CONSUMERS Optional tariff Scheme Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme I Name of the Monthly consumption Energy in KWH Charge Tariff P/kWh Scheme Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme - II Energy Name of Monthly Charge the Tariff consumption in P/kWh Scheme KWH Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon

Applicable Tariff Scheme Sl No Type of Consumer Consumer Name of the category Tariff Scheme Monthly consumption in KWH Energy Fixed Charge/ Charge Demand Charge* P/kWh in Rs/KVA/mon

Private Educational 15. Institutions and Hospitals

Rate D(4)


On all Units



Rate D(4) t

Normal TOD

06.00 hrs to 17.00 On all hrs & 20.00 hrs to Units 23.00 hrs 17.00 hrs to 20.00 On all hrs Units 23.00 hrs to 06.00 On all hrs Units

607 668 565 36


06.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs

On all Units On all Units On all Units On all Units On all Units On all Units

586 816 477 666 927 483 24



Emergency Supply

Rate D(5)

Prepaid- TOD 17.00 hrs to 23.00 hrs

23.00 hrs to 06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs. 17.00 hrs. & 20 .00 hrs to 23.00 hrs





Construction Power Supply

Rate D(6)

Prepaid-TOD 17.00 hrs to

20.00 hrs. 23.00 hrs to 06.00 hrs

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Annexure-7A2

LOW AND MEDIUM VOLTAGE CONSUMERS Optional tariff Scheme Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme I Name of the Monthly consumption Energy in KWH Charge Tariff P/kWh Scheme Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme - II Energy Name of Monthly Charge the Tariff consumption in P/kWh Scheme KWH Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon

Applicable Tariff Scheme Sl No Type of Consumer Consumer Name of the category Tariff Scheme Monthly consumption in KWH Energy Fixed Charge/ Charge Demand Charge* P/kWh in Rs/KVA/mon

Bulk Supply at single point to Co-operative Group Housing Society for providing power to its 18. members or person for providing power to its employees in a single premises

06.00 hrs to 17.00 On all hrs Units

595 655 544 36


Rate D(7)


All units



Rate D(7)t

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs to 23.00 On all hrs Units 23.00 hrs to 06.00 On all hrs Units


Common Services of Industrial Estate

06.00 hrs. 17.00 hrs. & 20 .00 hrs to 23.00 hrs

On all Units On all Units On all Units

636 846 463

06.00 hrs. 17.00 On all hrs. Units

Rate D(8)

Prepaid - TOD 17.00 hrs to

20.00 hrs. 23.00 hrs to 06.00 hrs




641 897 423 646 904 426 534 748 352 317

Industrial consumers (50 20. KVA and above but upto Rate B- IDI 125 KVA)


All units



Rate B- IDIT

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs to 23.00 On all hrs. Units 23.00 hrs to 06.00 On all hrs Units 06.00 hrs. 17.00 On all hrs. Units



Commercial consumers 21. (50 KVA and above but Rate B- IDC upto 125 KVA)


All units



Rate B- IDCT

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs to 23.00 On all hrs. Units 23.00 hrs to 06.00 On all hrs Units 06.00 hrs. 17.00 On all hrs. Units



Other than Commercial and Industrial consumers 22. Rate C- ID (50 KVA and above but upto 125 KVA)


All units



Rate C- IDT

Normal TOD 17.00 hrs to 23.00 On all

hrs. Units 23.00 hrs to 06.00 On all hrs Units

Note :- * Fixed Charge will be applicable for the Consumer having Contract Demand below 50 KVA and Demand Charge will be applicable for the consumer having Contract Demand of 50 KVA and above.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011 - 2012 and 2012 - 2013 Annexure-7A3


Sl Type of Consumer No Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Applicable Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge Demand Charge (Rs./ KVA/ month) 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs & 20.00 hrs23.00 hrs 17.00 hrs20.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs & 20.00 hrs23.00 hrs 17.00 hrs20.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs All Units Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Optional Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge P/kWh Summer Monsoon Winter (Rs./ KVA/ month) Demand Charge

P/kWh Summer Monsoon Winter

All Units

533 800 421 526 789 416 641 897 423 611 855 403

531 797 420 524 786 414 640 896 422 609 852 402

529 794 419 522 783 413 639 895 421 607 849 400 317 317 317 317

Public Utility (11 KV)

Rate E(A)


All Units





Rate E(AT)

Normal TOD

All Units

All Units

Public Utility (33 KV)

Rate F(A)


All Units





Rate F(AT)

Normal TOD

All Units

All Units All Units All Units

Industries (11 KV)

Rate E(B)


All Units





Rate E(BT)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs

All Units

All Units All Units All Units

Industries (33 KV)

Rate F(B)


All Units





Rate F(bt)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011 - 2012 and 2012 - 2013 Annexure-7A3


Sl Type of Consumer No Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Applicable Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge Demand Charge (Rs./ KVA/ month) 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Optional Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge P/kWh Summer Monsoon Winter (Rs./ KVA/ month) Demand Charge

P/kWh Summer Monsoon Winter

All Units All Units

600 840 396

598 837 394

596 834 393 317

Industries (132 KV)

Rate H(B)


All Units

615 533 746 352 513 718 339 561 886 281 606 848 400

613 531 743 351 511 715 338 559 883 279 604 845 399

611 529 740 350 509 712 337 560 885 280 602 842 398


Rate H(BT)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs

All Units

06.00 hrs17.00 hrs

All Units All Units

Industries (220KV)

Rate I(BT)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs



All Units All Units All Units

Industries (400 KV)

Rate J(BT)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs



All Units All Units All Units All Units All Units All Units All Units

Community Irrigation/ Irrigation

Rate S(GT)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs



Commercial Plantation

Rate S(CPT)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs



West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011 - 2012 and 2012 - 2013 Annexure-7A3


Sl Type of Consumer No Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Applicable Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge Demand Charge (Rs./ KVA/ month) Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Optional Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge P/kWh Summer Monsoon Winter (Rs./ KVA/ month) Demand Charge

P/kWh Summer 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs All Units All Units All Units All Units All Units All Units Monsoon Winter

601 950 301 616 862 407 669

597 944 299 614 859 406 667

599 947 300 612 856 405 665 29



Short Term Irrigation Supply

Rate S(GT-ST)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs 17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs


Short Term Supply Rate for Commercial S(CPT-ST) Plantation

Normal TOD

06.00 hrs17.00 hrs


All Units All Units All Units All Units All Units All Units

654 981 373 632 948 360

652 978 371 631 947 359

650 975 369 630 945 358 317 317


Commercial (11 KV)

Rate E( C )


All Units


Rate E( CT )

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs


Commercial (33 KV)

Rate F( C )


All Units





Rate F(CT)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011 - 2012 and 2012 - 2013 Annexure-7A3


Sl Type of Consumer No Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Applicable Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge Demand Charge (Rs./ KVA/ month) 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Optional Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge P/kWh Summer Monsoon Winter (Rs./ KVA/ month) Demand Charge

P/kWh Summer Monsoon Winter

All Units All Units All Units All Units All Units All Units

616 924 351 616 678 561 536 804 423 531 797 419

614 922 349 614 676 559 534 801 422 529 794 417

612 920 347 612 674 558 532 798 421 527 791 415 317 317 29 317


Commercial (132 KV)

Rate H(C)


All Units





Rate H(CT)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs



Rate S(D)


All Units





Rate S(DT)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs &

All Units

Public Water 16 Works & Sewerage (11 KV)

Rate E (PW)


All Units





Rate E(PWT)

Normal TOD

20.00 hrs23.00 hrs 17.00 hrs20.00 hrs All Units

23.00 hrsAll Units 06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs & & Public Water 17 Works & Sewerage (33 KV) All Units 20.00 hrs23.00 hrs 17.00 hrs20.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs All Units All Units

Rate F(PW)


All Units





Rate F(PWT)

Normal TOD

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011 - 2012 and 2012 - 2013 Annexure-7A3


Sl Type of Consumer No Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Applicable Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge Demand Charge (Rs./ KVA/ month) Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Optional Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge P/kWh Summer Monsoon Winter (Rs./ KVA/ month) Demand Charge

P/kWh Summer Sports Complex & Auditorium run by Govt./ local bodies 18 for cultural affairs Monsoon Winter

Rate S(C )


All Units




06.00 hrs17.00 hrs


All Units All Units All Units

513 718 339

512 717 338

511 715 337 317


Cold storage or Dairies with Chilling Plant

Rate S(F)


All Units

521 646 904 426 661 925 549

520 644 901 424 659 922 547

519 642 898 422 657 919 545


Rate S(ft)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs

06.00 hrsAll Units 17.00 hrs

20 Emergency Supply

Rate S(ES)


17.00 hrsAll Units 23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs & 20.00 hrs.23.00 hrs 17.00 hrs20.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs All Units



All Units


Construction Power Supply

Rate S(CON)


All Units All Units



West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011 - 2012 and 2012 - 2013 Annexure-7A3


Sl Type of Consumer No Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Applicable Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge Demand Charge (Rs./ KVA/ month) Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Optional Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge P/kWh Summer Monsoon Winter (Rs./ KVA/ month) Demand Charge

P/kWh Summer Bulk Supply at single point to Cooperative Group Housing Society for providing power to its members or 22 Rate S(CO) person for providing power to its employees in a single premises Monsoon Winter

06.00 hrs17.00 hrs 17.00 hrs23.00 hrs

All Units All Units

591 650

589 648

587 646 29


All Units





Rate S(cot)

Normal TOD 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs All Units




Rate Common Services 23 of Industrial Estate E (CT-CS)

Normal TOD

06.00 hrs17.00 hrs & 20.00 hrs.23.00 hrs 17.00 hrs20.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs

All Units

636 890 528 619 588 631 694 574

634 887 527 617 586 629 692 572

632 884 526 614 583 627 690 570

06.00 hrs17.00 hrs All Units

All Units All Units



24 25

Traction KV) Traction KV)


Rate T (A) Rate T (B)

Normal Normal

All Units

317 317



All Units 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs All Units


26 Short-term Supply Rate S(ST)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs

All Units



All Units

641 705 583

639 703 582

637 701 581



Private Educational Institutions

Rate E (C-EI)


All Units





Rate E (ct-ei)

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs

All Units


All Units

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission

Tariff order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013


8.1 The Commission has also determined the average tariff for the consumers of WBSEDCL for 2012-13, the tariff schedule applicable to the consumers of WBSEDCL in 2012-13 and the associated terms and conditions as follows: 8.2 The tariff schedule as applicable to the consumers of WBSEDCL in the year 2012 2013 is given at Annexure 8A1 for LV and MV consumers under quarterly billing cycle, at Annexure 8A2 for LV and MV consumers under monthly billing cycle and at Annexure 8A3 for HV and EHV consumers. Except rate B-IDI, B-IDC and C-ID, all the rates under L&MV category is applicable for the supply below 50 KVA. Rate B-IDI, B-IDC and C-ID are applicable for the consumer(s) having contract demand between 50 KVA and 125 KVA. Details of different tariff schemes of different classes of consumers and various associated terms and conditions are specified in various regulations and in Annexure C1 and Annexure C2 of the Tariff Regulations. Other associated conditions of tariff of WBSEDCL for 2012 2013 shall be as follows: 8.2.1 Load Factor Rebate/ Surcharge: In order to reduce the overall system T&D loss and to flatten the load curve by improving the existing system load factor of WBSEDCL, the voltage-wise graded load factor rebate applicable for the EHV and HV industrial consumers and L&MV industrial consumer under rate (B-ID) will be as per the following table: LOAD FACTOR REBATE (Paise / kWh)
For the Year 2012-13 Range of Load Factor (LF) Above 55% Above 60% Above 65% Above 70% Above 75% Above 80% Above 85% Above 90% Above 92% Above 95% Up to 60% Up to 65% Up to 70% Up to 75% Up to 80% Up to 85% Up to 90% Up to 92% Up to 95% Below 33 kV 1 7 14 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Supply Voltage 33 kV 2 8 29 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Above 33 kV 3 9 39 45 50 55 60 65 70 75

The above load factor rebate shall be applicable on total quantum of energy consumed in the billing period. (For example a 33 kV industrial consumer at 85%
West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission 131

Tariff order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

load factor shall be eligible for a rebate @ 45 paise / kWh on the total quantum of energy consumed in the billing period). Industrial consumer whose contract demand is 1.5 MVA or above will get additional rebate as per following table subject to the condition that payment is made within the due date.
Additional Load Factor Rebate(paise/kWh) Load Factor Above 65% but up to 80% Above 80% 2012-13 22 42 Load factor surcharge shall continue at the prevailing rate for those categories of consumers to whom these are applicable at present. In addition, load factor surcharge shall be applicable to the industrial consumers under Rate B-ID at the same rates. Load factor rebate and load factor surcharge shall be computed in accordance with the formula and associated principles given in regulations 3.9.2, 3.9.3 and 3.9.4 of the Tariff Regulations and at the rates mentioned in paragraphs to above. 8.2.2 Fixed / Demand Charge: The fixed charge shall be applicable to different categories of consumers at the rates as shown in Annexure 8A1 and Annexure 8A2 of this tariff order. The demand charge shall be applicable to different categories of consumers as per rates as shown in Annexure 8A2 and Annexure 8A3 of this order on the basis of recorded demand as specified in regulation 4.3.3 ibid subject to the conditions as specified in the Tariff Regulations. When a new consumer gets connected to the system, the computation of fixed charge or demand charge for that month shall be made pro-rata for the number of days of supply in that particular month. 8.2.3 Subject to the condition as specified in regulation 4.13 of the Tariff Regulations, the minimum charge shall continue at the existing level for all consumers.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013


Henceforth, rate for temporary supply shall be the same as that of short-term supply from 01.12.2012 whenever it is required to be made applicable. Since a major part of the year 2012 2013 is already passed, thus prior to 01.12.2012 the applicable rate for temporary supply shall be the rate at which the consumer has been already charged or the rate that is being prevailing prior to this order.


For all consumers, excluding consumers having pre-paid meters, rebate shall be given @ 1% of the amount of the bill excluding meter rent, taxes, duties, levies and arrears (not being the arrears due to revision of tariff) if the payment is made within the due date.


A special rebate of 15 paise/kWh for 2012-13 on energy charge shall be given to the Cold storage or dairy with chilling plant having contractual load between 50 KVA and 125 KVA under C-ID tariff category. This rebate shall be given before giving effect to rebate mentioned in paragraph 8.2.5.


In order to encourage one time payment for three months bill a special rebate of 10 paise per unit for 2012-13 on energy charge shall be given to domestic and commercial consumers under LV and MV categories covered by quarterly billing cycle under normal or normal-TOD tariff scheme if the payment is made for the quarter at a time within the due date stipulated for the first month of the quarter. This rebate shall be in addition to rebate under paragraph 8.2.5 for normal meter or normal TOD meter and shall be given effect after giving effect to rebate under paragraph 8.2.5.


In addition to the rebate under paragraph 8.2.5, 8.2.6 and 8.2.7 above, if the payment is made within due date then an additional rebate of 1% of the amount of the bill excluding meter rent, taxes, duties, levies and arrears (not being the arrears due to revision of tariff) would be allowed to the consumers who would pay their energy bills through e-payment facility (through web by using net banking, debit card, credit card, electronic clearing scheme) on introduction of it by WBSEDCL through notification in the news papers in future. Such rebate will be allowed prospectively after the issuance of this order. This rebate will be given after giving effect under paragraph 8.2.5, 8.2.6. The rebate under paragraph 8.2.7 and 8.2.8 are to be treated separately.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013


Un-metered agricultural / irrigation consumers may make monthly payment for which they shall be entitled to 1% rebate for timely payment within the due date in line with the consumers of other categories as mentioned in paragraph 8.2.5. In case, however, such agricultural/ irrigation consumers opt for advance payment of the full annual amount, the consumers shall be allowed a rebate of 5% in addition to 1% rebate mentioned in paragraph 8.2.5 and this additional rebate of 5% shall be given effect after giving effect to rebate under paragraph 8.2.5.


Hatchery would be included under rate A (Cm-III) and Cinema Hall will be treated as commercial consumer.


Power Factor Rebate/ Surcharge: The power factor rebate and surcharge shall continue for those categories of consumers to whom these are applicable at present. The rate of rebate and surcharge and the methods of calculation of such rebate and surcharge for the year 2012-13 are given below:
Power Factor Rebate & Surcharge on Energy Charge in Percentage for the year 2012-13
For Consumers under TOD Tariff Power Factor (PF) Range Normal Period (6.00 AM to 5.00 PM) Rebate in % PF > 0.99 PF > 0.98 & PF < 0.99 PF > 0.97 & PF < 0.98 PF > 0.96 & PF < 0.97 PF > 0.95 & PF < 0.96 PF > 0.94 & PF < 0.95 PF > 0.93 & PF < 0.94 PF > 0.92 & PF < 0.93 PF > 0.86 & PF < 0.92 PF > 0.85 & PF < 0.86 PF > 0.84 & PF < 0.85 PF > 0.83 & PF < 0.84 PF > 0.82 & PF < 0.83 PF > 0.81 & PF < 0.82 PF > 0.80 & PF < 0.81 PF <0.80 8.00 7.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.25 1.50 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Surchar ge in % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 Peak Period (5.00 PM to 11.00 PM) Rebate in % 9.00 8.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Surchar ge in % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.25 2.50 3.25 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 Off-peak Period (11.00 PM to 6.00 AM) Rebate in % 7.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Surchar ge in % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 1.50 1.75 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 For Consumers under non-TOD Tariff Rebate in % 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Surchar ge in % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013 The rebate and surcharge against different time periods shall be reflected in the bill separately and shall be treated separately. 8.2.12 For short term supply, emergency supply and for supply of construction power, there shall be no rebate or surcharge for load factor and power factor. 8.2.13 Delayed payment surcharge shall be applicable as per regulation 4.14 of the Tariff Regulations. 8.2.14 For irrigation tariff under Rate-C(b), North Bengal stands for the districts of Coochbehar, Jalpaiguri, Darjeeling, North Dinajpur, South Dinajpur and Malda. 8.2.15 All charges as newly determined relating to meter rent, meter testing, meter replacement, fuse call charges, disconnection and reconnection etc. shall become effective from 01.01.2013. i) Meter Rent for LT and HT consumer:
Sl. a) b) Note: Particulars Monthly rent of metering equipment for B-ID and C-ID consumers Monthly rent of metering equipment for HV & EHV consumers Rs. per month 1200.00 2400.00

Meter rent for other categories of consumers shall remain unaltered

ii) Meter Testing Charge

Testing charge of a meter to be tested at the request of the consumer if the meter is the property of WBSEDCL : Sl. Particulars Rate in Rs./meter a) LT Single Phase Meter 110.00 b) LT Three Phase meter for L&MV consumers (except consumers 330.00 under B-ID and proposed C-ID categories) c) LT Three phase meter for L&MV consumers under B-ID and 1200.00 proposed C-ID categories d) HT TOD meter / HT Static meter 1200.00

iii) Disconnection Charge

Sl. a) b) c) d) Particulars For L&MV Domestic and Commercial Consumers For L&MV other Consumers (except L&MV Domestic and Commercial Consumers and consumers under B-ID and C-ID categories) For L&MV consumers of B-ID and C-ID categories For HV and EHV consumers Rate in Rs. for each case of disconnection 40.00 40.00 400.00 400.00

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

iv) Re-connection Charge

Sl. a) b) c) d) Particulars For L&MV Domestic and Commercial Consumers For L&MV other Consumers (except L&MV Domestic and Commercial Consumers and consumers under B-ID and C-ID categories) For L&MV consumers of B-ID and C-ID categories For HV and EHV consumers Rate in Rs. for each case of reconnection 60.00 60.00 800.00 800.00


Fuse Call Charge

Sl. a) b) c) d) Particulars For L&MV Domestic and Commercial Consumers For L&MV other Consumers (except L&MV Domestic and Commercial Consumers and consumers under B-ID and C-ID categories) For L&MV consumers of B-ID and C-ID categories For HV and EHV consumers Rate in Rs./Call 20.00 20.00 400.00 400.00

. 8.2.16 A consumer opting for pre-paid meter shall not be required to make any security deposit for the energy charge. 8.2.17 All statutory levies like Electricity Duty or any other taxes, duties etc. imposed by the State Govt. / Central Govt. or any other competent authority shall be extra and shall not be a part of the tariff as determined under this tariff order. 8.2.18 All the rates and conditions of tariff are effective from 1st April 2012 and onwards except where specific date is mentioned. This rate will continue till further order. 8.2.19 For 2012-13 the consumer/licensee shall have to pay/shall be refunded the difference of the following two: i) ii) tariff as declared under this order for 2012-13, and what they actually already paid for the concerned period as tariff and the MVCA if any for the concerned month. Adjustments, if any, for over recovery / under recovery for 2012-13 along with the same of 2011-12 from the energy recipients shall be made in 48 (forty-eight) equal monthly installments through subsequent energy bills and such adjustment will
West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

start from the energy bill raised on or after 1st January, 2013. In case of under recovery, the arrear installment amount for the year 2012-13 along with the same of 2011-12 in respect of LV&MV Domestic and Commercial consumer is more than the present installment amount against arrear payment in pursuance to the order of re-determined tariff of 2010-11 vide dated 30.12.2011, the manner of realization of arrear amount will be as follows: a) 10% of the total arrear amount will be claimed in first 12 months in twelve equal monthly installments. b) 20% of the total arrear amount will be claimed in next 12 months in twelve equal monthly installments. c) 30% of the total arrear amount will be claimed in next 12 months in twelve equal monthly installments. d) 40% of the total arrear amount will be claimed in next 12 months in twelve equal monthly installments. 8.2.20 There will be no separate monthly variable cost adjustment (MVCA) or Adhoc FPPCA for WBSEDCL on and from the date of effect of this order uptill November, 2012. The MVCA or Adhoc FPPCA realized by WBSEDCL during the year 2012-13 uptill now shall be adjusted in computation of any adjustments for over/under recovery from the energy recipients as mentioned in paragraph 8.2.19 above. For unmetered irrigation supply, the effect of MVCA accrued if any will be applicable at the same percentage, which is the percentage of applicable MVCA and energy charge of rate C (A). 8.2.21 In addition to the tariff determined under this tariff order, WBSEDCL would be further entitled to additional sums towards enhanced cost of fuel and power purchase, if any, after the date from which this tariff order takes effect. The fuel and power purchase cost shall be subject to adjustment in accordance with the Tariff Regulations through MVCA and /or FPPCA. 8.2.22 Optional TOD tariff scheme for LT Commercial, LT Industrial and LT Public Water Works categories of consumers having minimum contract demand of 30 KVA,
West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013

which was directed to be introduced in the Tariff Order for 2007-2008, shall continue and energy charge under such scheme shall be computed according to regulation 4.12 of the Tariff Regulations, wherever applicable, if no tariff rates for such consumers are mentioned in the tariff schedule. 8.2.23 For any pre-paid and TOD tariff scheme, other charges shall be the charges applicable to the consumers under respective category of non-TOD tariff. 8.2.24 An applicant for short term supplies through pre-paid meter shall have to comply with all necessary formalities for obtaining supply including payment in accordance with the Regulations made by the Commission. The same will be subject to the following conditions: a) b) b) 8.2.25 provision of requisite meter security deposit to be kept with licensee, provision of space for installing weather-proof, safe and secure terminal services apparatus to protect sophisticated meter; and availability of prepaid-meter of appropriate capacity.

To avail the rate for street lighting with LED (Rate D (2)), the supply should be metered and all the street lights under the same meter shall be illuminated with LED. For mixed type of street lights under single meter the rate D(1) shall be applicable.


For a consumer with prepaid meter who has purchased voucher prior to the date of issue of this order, the existing voucher will continue till such voucher is exhausted.


The tariffs determined under this order for different categories of consumers are the maximum ceilings for supply of electricity at any agreed price to the consumers of WBSEDCL only for those areas of supply of WBSEDCL where multiple licensees exist. However, if supply is provided to a consumer at a price lesser than the upper ceiling, and as a result the licensee incurs loss, such loss shall not be allowed to be passed on to any other consumers or any other distribution licensees under purview of the Commission.


No other rebate shall be applicable except which are specifically mentioned under this order or in any regulation(s).

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012-2013


Any matter, which has not been explicitly mentioned in this order, shall be guided by regulations 2.9.8 and 2.9.9 of the Tariff Regulations subject to fulfilling the condition under paragraph 8.2.28.


WBSEDCL shall clearly indicate in the consumer/consumers bill (a) the amount payable in terms of the tariff determined by the Commission (b) the amount of the state government subsidy if any and (c) the net amount payable as per provisions of the Tariff Regulations.


There will be no separate tariff for Lokdeep/ Kutirjyoti consumer onwards. Existing Lokdeep/ Kutirjyoti consumers shall be treated as life line / Domestic (Rural)/ Domestic (urban) consumer as specified in the Tariff Regulations. However, such change of Lokdeep / Kutirjyoti consumers to any category of the domestic consumers mentioned above shall be effective prospectively from the first day of the next billing cycle applicable to those consumers after such change.


WBSEDCL shall present to the Commission a gist of this order in accordance with regulation 2.9.6 of the Tariff Regulaitons within three working days from the date of receipt of this order for approval of the Commission and on receipt of the approval shall publish the approved gist in terms of aforesaid regulation within four working days from the date of receipt of the approval of the Commission.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Annexure-8A1


Optional tariff Scheme Optional Tariff Scheme I Fixed Charge / Demand Charge * in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Name of the Quarterly consumption Tariff in KWH Scheme Energy Charge P/kWh Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge * in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme - II Name of Energy Charge Quarterly the Tariff consumption in Scheme KWH P/kWh Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge * in Rs/KVA/mon

Applicable Tariff Scheme Consumer category Name of the Quarterly Tariff consumption in Scheme KWH Energy Charge P/kWh

Sl No

Type of Consumer


Life Line (Domestic )

Rate A(DM-LL)


0 to 75 First Next 75 105 120 300 300 900 75 75 150 150 450 900 180 120 150 450 900 180 120 150 450 900

292 441 493 584 633 643 810 446 503 586 640 660 810 546 664 729 768 812 551 669 729 768 812




Domestic (Rural)

Rate A(DM-R)



Next Next Above First Next



All units





Domestic (Urban)

Rate A(DM-U)


Next Next Above First Next




All units




06.00 hrs to All units 17.00 hrs

701 841 596 701 841 596 12

Rate A(CmU)tpp
Prepaid TOD

06.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs

All units All units All units All units All units All units

687 824 584 687 824 584 12 12


Commercial (Rural)

Rate A(CM-R)


Next Next Above First Next


Rate A(CM-R)T

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs to All units 23.00 hrs. 23.00 hrs to All units 06.00 hrs. 06.00 hrs to All units 17.00 hrs


Rate A(CmR)tpp


17.00 hrs to 23.00 hrs. 23.00 hrs to 06.00 hrs. 06.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs 17.00 hrs to 23.00 hrs. 23.00 hrs to 06.00 hrs.

5. Commercial (Urban)

Rate A(CM-U)


Next Next Above


Rate A(Cm-U)T

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs to All units 23.00 hrs. 23.00 hrs to All units 06.00 hrs.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Annexure-8A1


Optional tariff Scheme Optional Tariff Scheme I Fixed Charge / Demand Charge * in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Name of the Quarterly consumption Tariff in KWH Scheme Energy Charge P/kWh Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge * in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme - II Name of Quarterly Energy Charge the Tariff consumption in Scheme KWH P/kWh Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge * in Rs/KVA/mon

Applicable Tariff Scheme Consumer category Name of the Quarterly Tariff consumption in Scheme KWH Energy Charge P/kWh

Sl No

Type of Consumer

Public utility/ Specified Institution Rate Public Bodies A(CM-PU) 6. (MUN) In Municipal Area


On all Units



Rate A(CM-PU) (MUN) PP


On all Units



Rate Prepaid A(Cm-PU) TOD (Mun) ppt

Public utility/ Rate Specified Institution A(CM-PU) Public Bodies 7. (NONMUN) In Non Municipal Area


On all Units





On all Units



Rate A(Cm-PU) Prepaid TOD (Non-Mun) ppt

06.00 hrs. 17.00 hrs. & 20.00 hrs 23.00 hrs. 17.00 hrs to 20.00 hrs. 23.00 hrs to 06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs. 17.00 hrs. & 20.00 hrs 23.00 hrs. 17.00 hrs to 20.00 hrs.

On all units On all units On all units On all units On all units

582 640 541 582 640 541 24 24

23.00 hrs to On all 06.00 hrs units First 300 300

518 661 12
Prepaid TOD

06.00 hrs to All units 17.00 hrs 17.00 hrs to All units 23.00 hrs.

621 683 12

Cottage Industry / Artisan / Weavers / Small production oriented 8. establishment not run by electricity as motive power

Next Rate A(CM-II) Normal above


695 620 725 12

Prepaid TOD

23.00 hrs to All units 06.00 hrs.

578 608 669 12


Poultry, Duckery, Horticulture, Tissue culture, Floriculture, Herbal 9. Medicinal Biodiesel Plant Farming, Food Processing Unit

First Above

900 900

06.00 hrs to All units 17.00 hrs 17.00 hrs to All units 23.00 hrs.

Rate A(CM-III)


23.00 hrs to All units 06.00 hrs.


West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Annexure-8A2

LOW AND MEDIUM VOLTAGE CONSUMERS Optional tariff Scheme Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme I Name of the Monthly consumption Energy in KWH Charge Tariff P/kWh Scheme Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme - II Name of Monthly Energy the Tariff consumption in Charge P/kWh Scheme KWH Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon

Applicable Tariff Scheme Sl No Type of Consumer Consumer Name of the category Tariff Scheme Monthly consumption in KWH Energy Charge P/kWh


Labour Line (Domestic ) Irrigation pumping for Agriculture (Metered) Irrigation pumping for Agriculture (Metered supply from mixed HV feeder )

Rate A(DM-L)


All units
06.00 hrs to All units 17.00 hrs 17.00 hrs to All units 23.00 hrs. 23.00 hrs to All units 06.00 hrs

540 354 729 212 384

Rate C(T)PPT Prepaid TOD

06.00 hrs to 17.00 All hrs units 17.00 hrs to 23.00 All hrs. units 23.00 hrs to 06.00 All hrs units


344 708 279



Rate C(T)

Normal TOD





Rate C(A)


All units

Rs 210 / KVA/ Month (but not less than Rs. 1050.00 per month) Rs 270 / KVA/ Month (but not less than Rs. 1350.00 per month ) Rs 250 / KVA/ Month (but not less than Rs. 1250.00 per month) Rs 340 / KVA/ Month (but not less than Rs. 1700.00 per month)




Irrigation pumping for Agriculture (UnMetered)

STW in Other District Rate C(B) Normal Submersible in NB



Submersible in Other District

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Annexure-8A2

LOW AND MEDIUM VOLTAGE CONSUMERS Optional tariff Scheme Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme I Name of the Monthly consumption Energy in KWH Charge Tariff P/kWh Scheme Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme - II Name of Monthly Energy the Tariff consumption in Charge Scheme KWH P/kWh Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon

Applicable Tariff Scheme Sl No Type of Consumer Consumer Name of the category Tariff Scheme Monthly consumption in KWH Energy Charge P/kWh

06.00 hrs to All units 17.00 hrs

667 811 631 420 798 252 667 859 629 677 734 637 56


Commercial Plantation

17.00 hrs to Rate Prepaid- TOD 23.00 hrs. All units A(CM) - CP 23.00 hrs to All units 06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs to All units 17.00 hrs





Short Term Irrigation Supply

Rate 17.00 hrs to Prepaid- TOD 23.00 hrs. All units C(T) - STIS
23.00 hrs to All units 06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs to All units 17.00 hrs





Short Term supply for Rate 17.00 hrs to Prepaid- TOD All units 23.00 hrs. Commercial Plantation A(CM)-STCP
23.00 hrs to All units 06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs to All units 17.00 hrs





Short-term Supply

Rate A(ST)

17.00 hrs to Prepaid - TOD 23.00 hrs. All units 23.00 hrs to All units 06.00 hrs

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Annexure-8A2

LOW AND MEDIUM VOLTAGE CONSUMERS Optional tariff Scheme Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme I Name of the Monthly consumption Energy in KWH Charge Tariff P/kWh Scheme Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme - II Name of Monthly Energy the Tariff consumption in Charge Scheme KWH P/kWh Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon

Applicable Tariff Scheme Sl No Type of Consumer Consumer Name of the category Tariff Scheme Monthly consumption in KWH Energy Charge P/kWh

06.00 hrs. 17.00 All hrs. & 20.00 hrs Units 23.00 hrs.

585 878 404 611 855 403 621 869 410



Public Water Works & Sewerage System

Rate B (II)


On all Units



Rate B(II) tpp

Prepaid 17.00 hrs to 20.00 TOD


All Units



23.00 hrs to 06.00 All hrs Units

First 10. Industry (Rural) Rate B(I-R) Normal Next Above First 11. Industry (Urban) Rate B(I-U) Rate D(1) Rate D(2) Normal Next Above 12. Street Lighting Normal Normal

500 1500 2000 500 1500 2000

562 677 698 574 692 718 561 396 54 54 25

Rate B(I-U) t Normal TOD

06.00 hrs to 17.00 All Units hrs


Rate B(I-R) t

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs to 23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs to 06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs 17.00 hrs to 23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs to 06.00 hrs

All Units All All Units All Units All Units All Units





On all Units On all Units


13. Street Lighting with LED

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Annexure-8A2

LOW AND MEDIUM VOLTAGE CONSUMERS Optional tariff Scheme Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme I Name of the Monthly consumption Energy in KWH Charge Tariff P/kWh Scheme Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme - II Name of Monthly Energy the Tariff consumption in Charge Scheme KWH P/kWh Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon

Applicable Tariff Scheme Sl No Type of Consumer Consumer Name of the category Tariff Scheme Monthly consumption in KWH Energy Charge P/kWh

Private Educational 14. Institutions and Hospitals

Rate D(4)


On all Units



Rate D(4) t

Normal TOD

06.00 hrs to 17.00 On all hrs & 20.00 hrs to Units 23.00 hrs 17.00 hrs to 20.00 On all hrs Units 23.00 hrs to 06.00 On all hrs Units

612 673 569 54


06.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs

On all Units On all Units On all Units On all Units On all Units On all Units

587 817 448 667 928 484 36



Emergency Supply

Rate D(5)

Prepaid- TOD 17.00 hrs to 23.00 hrs

23.00 hrs to 06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs. 17.00 hrs. & 20 .00 hrs to 23.00 hrs





Construction Power Supply

Rate D(6)

Prepaid-TOD 17.00 hrs to

20.00 hrs. 23.00 hrs to 06.00 hrs

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Annexure-8A2

LOW AND MEDIUM VOLTAGE CONSUMERS Optional tariff Scheme Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme I Name of the Monthly consumption Energy in KWH Charge Tariff P/kWh Scheme Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon Consumer category Optional Tariff Scheme - II Name of Monthly Energy the Tariff consumption in Charge Scheme KWH P/kWh Fixed Charge/ Demand Charge* in Rs/KVA/mon

Applicable Tariff Scheme Sl No Type of Consumer Consumer Name of the category Tariff Scheme Monthly consumption in KWH Energy Charge P/kWh

Bulk Supply at single point to Co-operative Group Housing Society for providing power to its 17. members or person for providing power to its employees in a single premises

06.00 hrs to 17.00 On all hrs Units

600 660 548 54


Rate D(7)


All units



Rate D(7)t

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs to 23.00 On all hrs Units 23.00 hrs to 06.00 On all hrs Units


Common Services of Industrial Estate

06.00 hrs. 17.00 hrs. & 20 .00 hrs to 23.00 hrs

On all Units On all Units On all Units

637 847 464

06.00 hrs. 17.00 On all hrs. Units

Rate D(8)

Prepaid - TOD 17.00 hrs to

20.00 hrs. 23.00 hrs to 06.00 hrs




641 897 423 646 904 426 542 759 358 317

Industrial consumers (50 19. KVA and above but upto Rate B- IDI 125 KVA)


All units



Rate B- IDIT

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs to 23.00 On all hrs. Units 23.00 hrs to 06.00 On all hrs Units 06.00 hrs. 17.00 On all hrs. Units



Commercial consumers 20. (50 KVA and above but Rate B- IDC upto 125 KVA)


All units



Rate B- IDCT

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs to 23.00 On all hrs. Units 23.00 hrs to 06.00 On all hrs Units 06.00 hrs. 17.00 On all hrs. Units



Other than Commercial and Industrial consumers 21. Rate C- ID (50 KVA and above but upto 125 KVA)


All units



Rate C- IDT

Normal TOD 17.00 hrs to 23.00 On all

hrs. Units 23.00 hrs to 06.00 On all hrs Units

Note :- * Fixed Charge will be applicable for the Consumer having Contract Demand below 50 KVA and Demand Charge will be applicable for the consumer having Contract Demand of 50 KVA and above.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012 - 2013 Annexure-8A3


Sl Type of Consumer No Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Applicable Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge Demand Charge (Rs./ KVA/ month) 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs & 20.00 hrs23.00 hrs 17.00 hrs20.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs & 20.00 hrs23.00 hrs 17.00 hrs20.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs All Units Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Optional Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge P/kWh Summer Monsoon Winter (Rs./ KVA/ month) Demand Charge

P/kWh Summer Monsoon Winter

All Units

539 809 424 532 798 418 642 899 424 612 857 404

537 806 423 530 795 416 641 898 423 610 854 403

535 803 422 528 792 415 640 897 422 608 851 401 317 317 317 317

Public Utility (11 KV)

Rate E(A)


All Units





Rate E(AT)

Normal TOD

All Units

All Units

Public Utility (33 KV)

Rate F(A)


All Units





Rate F(AT)

Normal TOD

All Units

All Units All Units All Units

Industries (11 KV)

Rate E(B)


All Units





Rate E(BT)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs

All Units

All Units All Units All Units

Industries (33 KV)

Rate F(B)


All Units





Rate F(bt)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012 - 2013 Annexure-8A3


Sl Type of Consumer No Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Applicable Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge Demand Charge (Rs./ KVA/ month) 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Optional Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge P/kWh Summer Monsoon Winter (Rs./ KVA/ month) Demand Charge

P/kWh Summer Monsoon Winter

All Units All Units

603 844 398

601 841 396

599 838 395 317

Industries (132 KV)

Rate H(B)


All Units

618 536 750 354 516 722 341 562 888 281 607 850 401

616 534 747 353 514 719 340 560 885 279 605 847 400

614 532 744 352 512 716 339 561 887 280 603 844 399


Rate H(BT)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs

All Units

06.00 hrs17.00 hrs

All Units All Units

Industries (220KV)

Rate I(BT)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs



All Units All Units All Units

Industries (400 KV)

Rate J(BT)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs



All Units All Units All Units All Units All Units All Units All Units

Community Irrigation/ Irrigation

Rate S(GT)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs



Commercial Plantation

Rate S(CPT)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs



West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012 - 2013 Annexure-8A3


Sl Type of Consumer No Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Applicable Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge Demand Charge (Rs./ KVA/ month) Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Optional Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge P/kWh Summer Monsoon Winter (Rs./ KVA/ month) Demand Charge

P/kWh Summer 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs All Units All Units All Units All Units All Units All Units Monsoon Winter

602 951 301 617 864 407 674

598 945 299 615 861 406 672

600 948 300 613 858 405 670 29



Short Term Irrigation Supply

Rate S(GT-ST)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs 17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs


Short Term Supply Rate for Commercial S(CPT-ST) Plantation

Normal TOD

06.00 hrs17.00 hrs


All Units All Units All Units All Units All Units All Units

659 989 376 637 956 363

657 986 374 636 955 362

655 983 372 635 953 361 317 317


Commercial (11 KV)

Rate E( C )


All Units


Rate E( CT )

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs


Commercial (33 KV)

Rate F( C )


All Units





Rate F(CT)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012 - 2013 Annexure-8A3


Sl Type of Consumer No Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Applicable Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge Demand Charge (Rs./ KVA/ month) 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Optional Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge P/kWh Summer Monsoon Winter (Rs./ KVA/ month) Demand Charge

P/kWh Summer Monsoon Winter

All Units All Units All Units All Units All Units All Units

621 932 354 617 679 561 542 813 426 539 809 424

619 930 352 615 677 559 540 810 425 537 806 422

617 928 350 613 675 558 538 807 424 535 803 420 317 317 29 317


Commercial (132 KV)

Rate H(C)


All Units





Rate H(CT)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs



Rate S(D)


All Units





Rate S(DT)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs &

All Units

Public Water 16 Works & Sewerage (11 KV)

Rate E (PW)


All Units





Rate E(PWT)

Normal TOD

20.00 hrs23.00 hrs 17.00 hrs20.00 hrs All Units

23.00 hrsAll Units 06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs & & Public Water 17 Works & Sewerage (33 KV) All Units 20.00 hrs23.00 hrs 17.00 hrs20.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs All Units All Units

Rate F(PW)


All Units





Rate F(PWT)

Normal TOD

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012 - 2013 Annexure-8A3


Sl Type of Consumer No Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Applicable Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge Demand Charge (Rs./ KVA/ month) Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Optional Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge P/kWh Summer Monsoon Winter (Rs./ KVA/ month) Demand Charge

P/kWh Summer Sports Complex & Auditorium run by Govt./ local bodies 18 for cultural affairs Monsoon Winter

Rate S(C )


All Units




06.00 hrs17.00 hrs


All Units All Units All Units

523 732 345

522 731 344

521 729 343 317


Cold storage or Dairies with Chilling Plant

Rate S(F)


All Units

531 647 906 427 667 934 554

530 645 903 425 665 931 552

529 643 900 423 663 928 550


Rate S(ft)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs

06.00 hrsAll Units 17.00 hrs

20 Emergency Supply

Rate S(ES)


17.00 hrsAll Units 23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs & 20.00 hrs.23.00 hrs 17.00 hrs20.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs All Units



All Units


Construction Power Supply

Rate S(CON)


All Units All Units



West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-2012 and 2012 - 2013 Annexure-8A3


Sl Type of Consumer No Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Applicable Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge Demand Charge (Rs./ KVA/ month) Consumer category Name of the Tariff Scheme Optional Tariff Scheme Consumption per month in KWH Energy Charge P/kWh Summer Monsoon Winter (Rs./ KVA/ month) Demand Charge

P/kWh Summer Bulk Supply at single point to Cooperative Group Housing Society for providing power to its members or 22 Rate S(CO) person for providing power to its employees in a single premises Monsoon Winter

06.00 hrs17.00 hrs 17.00 hrs23.00 hrs

All Units All Units

597 657

595 655

593 653 29


All Units





Rate S(cot)

Normal TOD 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs All Units




Rate Common Services 23 of Industrial Estate E (CT-CS)

Normal TOD

06.00 hrs17.00 hrs & 20.00 hrs.23.00 hrs 17.00 hrs20.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs

All Units

642 899 533 620 598 637 701 580

640 896 532 618 596 635 699 578

638 893 531 615 593 633 697 576

06.00 hrs17.00 hrs All Units

All Units All Units



24 25

Traction KV) Traction KV)


Rate T (A) Rate T (B)

Normal Normal

All Units

317 317



All Units 06.00 hrs17.00 hrs All Units


26 Short-term Supply Rate S(ST)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs

All Units



All Units

647 712 589

645 710 588

643 708 587



Private Educational Institutions

Rate E (C-EI)


All Units





Rate E (ct-ei)

Normal TOD

17.00 hrs23.00 hrs 23.00 hrs06.00 hrs

All Units


All Units

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission

Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013


9.1 The State government has issued a letter dated 27.11.2012 citing their intention to give subsidy to the consumers of WBSEDCL for the years 2011-12 and 2012-13 in the following ways: i) From 01.04.2011 to 30.11.2012 the subsidy amount already paid by the State Government to the consumer of WBSEDCL will remain the same. ii) From 01.12.2012 till further order the subsidy amount for all classes of low voltage and medium voltage consumer and all consumers falling under the tariff categories S(D),S(DT),S(CO) & S(COT) will remain the same as has been provided to such consumers for all slabs in the re-determined tariff order for 2010-11 vide Case No. TP-41/08-09 dated 30/12/2011. No subsidy will be paid to the high tension and EHV consumers with effect from 01.12.2012 except for the tariff categories S(D),S(DT),S(CO) & S(COT). If any difficulty arises in implementation of above mentioned subsidy rate with effect from 01.12.2012 the Commission may request the State Government for further directives in the matter. However, the above subsidy will not be applicable to any consumer / person who is drawing of its power requirement in part or full through open access including power related to back up or stand by power. The State Government has also decided that the resultant short fall in revenue realization of WBSEDCL on account of the above decision under the new tariff structure as per tariff order for the year 2011-12 and 2012-13 shall be compensated upfront to WBSEDCL in terms of regulation framed under Section 65 of the Electricity Act 2003. The Commission may issue appropriate order as per the above of the State Government.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013


Accordingly, the Commission decides that: From 01.04.2011 to 30.11.2012 the subsidy amount already paid by the State Government to the consumers of WBSEDCL will remain same. From 01.12.2012 till further order the subsidy amount for all classes of low voltage and medium voltage consumer and all consumers falling under the tariff categories S(D),S(DT),S(CO) & S(COT) will remain same as has been provided to such consumers for all slabs in the redetermined tariff order for 2010-11 vide Case No. TP-41/08-09 dated 30/12/2011. No subsidy will be paid to the high tension and EHV consumers with effect from 01.12.2012 except for the tariff categories S (D), S (DT), S (CO) & S (COT). However, the above subsidy will not be applicable to any consumer / person who is drawing of its power requirement in part or full through open access including power related to back up or stand by power. The subsidy as proposed by the State Government will be recovered by WBSEDCL through the mechanism as stated in the letter of the State Government. WBSEDCL shall ensure the availability of fund from the State Government as per proposed mechanism before giving subsidy to any class of consumers as per provision of the Act and regulations made thereunder. The tariff schedule as applicable to the consumers of WBSEDCL after giving the subsidy as stated by the State Government are given at Annexure 9A1 for LV and MV consumers under quarterly billing cycle, at Annexure 9A2 for LV and MV consumers under monthly billing cycle and at Annexure 9A3 for HV and EHV consumers.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011- 2012 and 2012-2013 LOWANDMEDIUMVOLTAGECONSUMERS
AspertariffOrderof WBERCfor201213 Sl No Typeof Consumer Consumercategorty NameoftheTariff Scheme

Annexure - 9A1



Quarterlyconsumptions inKWH FixedCh./ Energy FixedCh./ FixedCh./ EnergyCh. DemandCh. Ch. DemandCh. DemandCh. Rs./KVA/ mon P/kwh Rs./KVA/ mon P/kwh Rs./KVA/ mon

Energy Ch. P/kwh

Lifeline (Domestic)

RateA (DmLL)


Applicable TariffScheme First Next Applicable Next TariffScheme Next Next Above

075 75 105 120 300 300 900 Allunits First Next 75 75 150 150 450 900 Allunits First Next 180 120 150 450

292 441 493 584 633 643 810 565 446 503 586 640 660 810 565 546 664 729 768 812 701 841 596 687


0 30 30 13 17 17 14 54 30 36 13 17 17 14 54 54 54 14 17 9 105 174 45 101


292 411 463 571 616 626 796 511 416 467 573 623 643 796 511 492 610 715 751 803 596 667 551 586

RateA (DmR) 2 Domestic (Rural)



Rate A(DmR)pp


Optional TariffScheme


Domestic (Urban)

RateA (DmU)


Applicable Next TariffScheme Next Next Above


Rate A(DmU)pp


Optional TariffScheme


Rate A(CmR)


Applicable Next TariffScheme Next



Above 900 6.00hrsto AllUnits 17.00hrs 4 Commercial (Rural) Rate A(CmR)t Normal Optional TOD TariffScheme 17.00hrsto AllUnits 23.00hrs 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs 6.00hrsto AllUnits 17.00hrs Prepaid Optional 17.00hrsto AllUnits TOD TariffScheme 23.00hrs 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs First 180 Next Rate A(CmU) Normal Applicable Next TariffScheme Next 120 150 450



Rate A(CmR)tpp


824 584 551 669 729 768 812 701

171 43 54 54 14 17 9 105


653 541 497 615 715 751 803 596



Above 900 6.00hrsto AllUnits 17.00hrs 5 Commercial (Urban) RateA (CmU)t Normal Optional 17.00hrsto AllUnits TOD TariffScheme 23.00hrs 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs 6.00hrsto AllUnits 17.00hrs Rate A(CmU)tpp Optional 17.00hrsto Prepaid AllUnits TariffScheme 23.00hrs TOD 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs


841 596 687

174 45 101


667 551 586


824 584

171 43


653 541

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011- 2012 and 2012-2013 LOWANDMEDIUMVOLTAGECONSUMERS
AspertariffOrderof WBERCfor201213 Sl No Typeof Consumer Consumercategorty NameoftheTariff Scheme

Annexure - 9A1



Quarterlyconsumptions inKWH FixedCh./ Energy FixedCh./ FixedCh./ EnergyCh. DemandCh. Ch. DemandCh. DemandCh. Rs./KVA/ mon P/kwh Rs./KVA/ mon P/kwh Rs./KVA/ mon

Energy Ch. P/kwh

Rate A(CmPU)(Mun) Rate Publicutility/ A(CmPU)(Mun)pp Specified Institution/ PublicBodies


Applicable TariffScheme Optional TariffScheme


24 24

599 587

2 2

24 23

22 22

575 564



Rate Optional Prepaid A(CmPU)(Mun)ppt TariffScheme 17.00hrsto TOD AllUnits 20.00hrs inMunicipal Area Rate A(CmPU) (NonMun) Rate Publicutility/ A(CmPU)(Mun)pp Specified Institution/ PublicBodies Normal Applicable TariffScheme 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs AllUnits

6.00hrsto 17.00hrs& AllUnits 20.00hrsto 23.00hrs

582 24 640 541 24 599 2 2

23 22 25 22 24 22


615 519 575


Optional TariffScheme







6.00hrsto 17.00hrs& AllUnits 20.00hrsto 23.00hrs

582 24 640 541 12 518 661 695 621 683 12 2 578 620 725 608 12 669 565 2 2 2

23 22 25 22 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10


Rate Prepaid Optional A(CmPU)(Mun)ppt TOD TariffScheme 17.00hrsto AllUnits 20.00hrs inNon Municipal Area Cottage Industry/ Artisan/Weav ers/Small Production oriented 8 establishment inNon Municipal area&not runby electricityas motivepower Rate A(CmII) Normal 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs First Applicable Next TariffScheme Above 300 300 600

615 519 518 661 695 621 683

6.00hrsto AllUnits 17.00hrs 17.00hrsto AllUnits 23.00hrs

Rate A(CmII)ppt

Prepaid Optional TOD TariffScheme

23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs

578 620 725 608 669 565

Poultry,Ducke ry,Hortycultur e,floriculture, Herbal 9 Medicinal/Bio dieselplant Farming,Food Processing Unit

Rate A(CmIII)


Applicable First TariffScheme Above

900 900



6.00hrsto AllUnits 17.00hrs Rate A(CmIII)ppt Optional Prepaid TariffScheme TOD 17.00hrsto AllUnits 23.00hrs 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


TariffOrderofWBSEDCLfortheyear20112012and20122013 LOWANDMEDIUMVOLTAGECONSUMERS
AspertariffOrderof WBERCfor201213
SlNo Typeof Consumer Consumer categorty NameoftheTariffScheme Monthlyconsumptions FixedCh./ inKWH Demand Ch. Rs./KVA/m on 0to25 Rs46per consumer permonth GovtSubsidy


EnergyCh. P/kwh

FixedCh./ Energy DemandCh. Ch. Rs./KVA/mo n Rs16/ Consumer/ Month P/kwh

FixedCh./ Demand EnergyCh. Ch. Rs./KVA/m P/kwh on Rs30per consumer permonth




Applicable Tariff Scheme Applicable Tariff Scheme Applicable Tariff Scheme




Allunit First Next Above 6.00hrsto 17.00hrs 500 1500 2000 AllUnits


540 562 677 698 611

15 0 0 0 0

525 562 677 698 611





Industrial (Rural) RateB(IR)t NormalTOD

Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto AllUnits 23.00hrs 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs


855 403 574

0 0 0


855 403 574



Applicable Tariff Scheme

First Next Above 6.00hrsto 17.00hrs


1500 2000 AllUnits

3 692 718 621 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 24

22 692 718 621 22 869 410 51 573

Industrial( Urban) RateB(IU)t NormalTOD Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto AllUnits 23.00hrs 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs


869 410



Applicable Tariff Scheme

AllUnits 6.00hrsto 17.00hrs& AllUnits 20.00hrsto 23.00hrs 17.00hrsto AllUnits 20.00hrs 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs



PublicWater Works RateB(II)tpp PrepaidTOD


23 3 51 35 16


Optional Tariff Scheme

878 404

843 388

Irrigation pumpingfor Agriculture (Metered supplyfrom mixedHV feeder)



Applicable Tariff Scheme








Irrigation pumpingfor Agriculture(Un Metered)



Applicable STWinNB Tariff Scheme Applicable STWinotherdistricts Tariff Scheme Applicable SubmersiblepumpinNB Tariff Scheme Applicable Submersiblepumpin Tariff otherdistricts Scheme


per KVA/Mnth per KVA/Mnth per KVA/Mnth per KVA/Mnth


per Month per Month Dependsoncapacity ofthepumpset per Month per Month









TariffOrderofWBSEDCLfortheyear20112012and20122013 LOWANDMEDIUMVOLTAGECONSUMERS
AspertariffOrderof WBERCfor201213
SlNo Typeof Consumer Consumer categorty NameoftheTariffScheme Monthlyconsumptions FixedCh./ inKWH Demand Ch. Rs./KVA/m on 6.00hrsto AllUnits 17.00hrs Applicable 17.00hrsto NormalTOD Tariff 20 AllUnits 23.00hrs Scheme 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs 6.00hrsto 17.00hrs AllUnits GovtSubsidy


EnergyCh. P/kwh

FixedCh./ Energy DemandCh. Ch. Rs./KVA/mo n P/kwh

FixedCh./ Demand EnergyCh. Ch. Rs./KVA/m P/kwh on

354 729 212 344 10

25 30 19 15 10 10 16 3 24 51 10 10

329 699 193 329 873 232 537

RateC(t) Irrigation pumpingfor Agriculture (Metered) RateC(t)ppt


Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto AllUnits 23.00hrs 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs


883 248

StreetLighting StreetLighting withLED






Applicable Tariff Scheme Applicable Tariff Scheme Applicable Tariff Scheme










RateD(4) Forprivate educational institutionsand educational hospital


AllUnits 6.00hrsto 17.00hrs


619 612

24 23


595 589





Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto AllUnits 23.00hrs 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs 6.00hrsto 17.00hrs AllUnits AllUnits AllUnits


673 569 587

27 16 0


646 553 587





Construction PowerSupply


Applicable 17.00hrsto PrepaidTOD Tariff 23.00hrs Scheme 23.00hrsto 6.00hrs 6.00hrsto 17.00hrs& 20.00hrsto Applicable 23.00hrs PrepaidTOD Tariff 17.00hrsto Scheme 20.00hrs


817 448

0 0


817 448


667 36 2 928 484 54 605 3

0 34 0 0 24 51



928 484 581

23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs RateD(7) Normal Applicable Tariff Scheme AllUnits


BulkSupplyat singlepointto Cooperative GroupHousing Societyfor providing powertoits membersor personfor providing powertoits employeesina singlepremises

6.00hrsto 17.00hrs







Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto AllUnits 23.00hrs






23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs






TariffOrderofWBSEDCLfortheyear20112012and20122013 LOWANDMEDIUMVOLTAGECONSUMERS
AspertariffOrderof WBERCfor201213
SlNo Typeof Consumer Consumer categorty NameoftheTariffScheme Monthlyconsumptions FixedCh./ inKWH Demand Ch. Rs./KVA/m on 6.00hrsto AllUnits 17.00hrs GovtSubsidy


EnergyCh. P/kwh

FixedCh./ Energy DemandCh. Ch. Rs./KVA/mo n P/kwh

FixedCh./ Demand EnergyCh. Ch. Rs./KVA/m P/kwh on

667 811 631 420 2

0 0 0 24 10 24 24 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 51 0 0 52 34 10 34

667 811 631 396 774 228 667 859 629 677 734 637 637


Commercial Plantation


Applicable 17.00hrsto PrepaidTOD Tariff AllUnits 23.00hrs Scheme 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs 6.00hrsto 17.00hrs




ShortTerm irrigation Supply



Applicable 17.00hrsto AllUnits Tariff 23.00hrs Scheme 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs


798 252 667


ShortTerm supplyfor Commercial Plantation

6.00hrsto AllUnits 17.00hrs Applicable 17.00hrsto RateA(Cm)STCP PrepaidTOD Tariff AllUnits 23.00hrs Scheme 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs 6.00hrsto 17.00hrs Applicable 17.00hrsto PrepaidTOD Tariff 23.00hrs Scheme 23.00hrsto 6.00hrs 6.00hrsto 17.00hrs& 20.00hrsto Applicable 23.00hrs PrepaidTOD Tariff 17.00hrsto Scheme 20.00hrs AllUnits AllUnits AllUnits


859 629 677


ShortTerm supply



734 637 637


Common serviceof Industrial Estate




847 464

847 464

23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs RateBIDI Industrial consumer(50 KVAandabove butupto125 KVA) Normal Applicable Tariff Scheme AllUnits 6.00hrsto 17.00hrs RateBIDIt NormalTOD Optional Tariff Scheme








641 317 897 423 44

0 0 0 273

641 897 423

17.00hrsto AllUnits 23.00hrs 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs

RateBIDC Commercial consumer(50 KVAandabove butupto125 KVA)


Applicable Tariff Scheme

AllUnits 6.00hrsto 17.00hrs








646 317 904 426 44

0 0 0 273

646 904 426



Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto AllUnits 23.00hrs 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs


Otherthan Commercial andIndustrial consumer(50 KVAandabove butupto125 KVA)



Applicable Tariff Scheme

AllUnits 6.00hrsto 17.00hrs







542 317 759 358 44

0 0 0 273

542 759 358



Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto AllUnits 23.00hrs 23.00hrsto AllUnits 6.00hrs





AspertariffOrderof WBERCfor201213

GovtSubsidy Demand Ch. Rs./KVA/ mon


Sl No


Customer category

NameoftheTariff Scheme


Demand Ch. Rs./KVA/ mon

Energy Ch. P/kwh

Energy Energy DemandCh. Ch. Ch. Rs./KVA/ P/kwh P/kwh mon



Applicable Tariff Scheme



PublicUtility (11KV) RateE(at) Normal TOD

6.00hrsto17.00 hrs&20.00hrsto AllUnits 23.00hrs

Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto20.00 AllUnits hrs


23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs



Applicable Tariff Scheme



PublicUtility (33KV) RateF(at) Normal TOD

6.00hrsto17.00 hrs&20.00hrsto AllUnits 23.00hrs

Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto20.00 AllUnits hrs


23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs



Applicable Tariff Scheme



6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs

Industries (11KV) RateE(bt) Normal TOD

Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits hrs


23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs



Applicable Tariff Scheme



6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs

Industries (33KV) RateF(bt) Normal TOD

Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits hrs


23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs

558 556 554 539 537 535 809 806 803 424 423 422 553 551 549 532 530 528 798 795 792 418 416 415 649 648 647 642 641 640 899 898 897 424 423 422 620 618 616 612 610 608 857 854 851 404 403 401

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0









558 556 554 539 537 535 809 806 803 424 423 422 553 551 549 532 530 528 798 795 792 418 416 415 649 648 647 642 641 640 899 898 897 424 423 422 620 618 616 612 610 608 857 854 851 404 403 401





AspertariffOrderof WBERCfor201213

GovtSubsidy Demand Ch. Rs./KVA/ mon


Sl No


Customer category

NameoftheTariff Scheme


Demand Ch. Rs./KVA/ mon

Energy Ch. P/kwh

Energy Energy DemandCh. Ch. Ch. Rs./KVA/ P/kwh P/kwh mon



Applicable Tariff Scheme



6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs

Industries (132KV) RateH(bt) Normal TOD

Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits hrs


23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs

6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs



Normal TOD

Applicable 17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits Tariff hrs Scheme

23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs


6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs



Normal TOD

Applicable 17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits Tariff hrs Scheme

23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs


6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs

CommunityIrrigation Normal RateS(gt) /Irrigation TOD

Applicable 17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits Tariff hrs Scheme

23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs


6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs

Commercial Plantation


Normal TOD

Applicable 17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits Tariff hrs Scheme

23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs


618 616 614 603 601 599 844 841 838 398 396 395 536 534 532 750 747 744 354 353 352 516 514 512 722 719 716 341 340 339 562 560 561 888 885 887 281 279 280 607 605 603 850 847 844 401 400 399

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0







618 616 614 603 601 599 844 841 838 398 396 395 536 534 532 750 747 744 354 353 352 516 514 512 722 719 716 341 340 339 562 560 561 888 885 887 281 279 280 607 605 603 850 847 844 401 400 399





AspertariffOrderof WBERCfor201213

GovtSubsidy Demand Ch. Rs./KVA/ mon


Sl No


Customer category

NameoftheTariff Scheme


Demand Ch. Rs./KVA/ mon

Energy Ch. P/kwh

Energy Energy DemandCh. Ch. Ch. Rs./KVA/ P/kwh P/kwh mon

6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs


ShortTermIrrigation RateS(gt Normal Supply st) TOD

Applicable 17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits Tariff hrs Scheme

23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs


6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs


ShortTermSupplyfor Applicable RateS(cpt Normal 17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits Commercial Tariff hrs st) TOD Plantation Scheme
23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs




Applicable Tariff Scheme



6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs


Commercial (11KV) RateE(ct) Normal TOD

Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits hrs


23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs



Applicable Tariff Scheme



6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs


Commercial(33KV) RateF(ct) Normal TOD Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits hrs


23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs

RateH(c) Normal

Applicable Tariff Scheme



602 598 600 951 945 948 301 299 300 617 615 613 864 861 858 407 406 405 674 672 670 659 657 655 989 986 983 376 374 372 653 651 649 637 636 635 956 955 953 363 362 361 636 634 632

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0








602 598 600 951 945 948 301 299 300 617 615 613 864 861 858 407 406 405 674 672 670 659 657 655 989 986 983 376 374 372 653 651 649 637 636 635 956 955 953 363 362 361 636 634 632




Annexure9A3 GovtSubsidy Demand Ch. Rs./KVA/ mon Netrateaftersubsidy

AspertariffOrderof WBERCfor201213

Sl No


Customer category

NameoftheTariff Scheme


Demand Ch. Rs./KVA/ mon

Energy Ch. P/kwh

Energy Energy DemandCh. Ch. Ch. Rs./KVA/ P/kwh P/kwh mon

6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs

14 Commercial(132KV) RateH(ct) Normal TOD Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits hrs


23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs



Applicable Tariff Scheme



6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs


Domestic RateS(dt) Normal TOD Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits hrs


23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs

RateE(pw) Normal

Applicable Tariff Scheme



PublicWaterWorks& 16 Sewerage (11KV)

6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs

Rate E(pw)t

Normal TOD

Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits hrs


23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs

RateF(pw) Normal

Applicable Tariff Scheme



PublicWaterWorks& 17 Sewerage (33KV)

6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs

Rate F(pw)t

Normal TOD

Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits hrs


23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs


SportsComplex& Auditoriumrunby RateS(c) Govt./Localbodiesfor culturalaffairs RateS(f)


Applicable Tariff Scheme Applicable Tariff Scheme



621 619 617 932 930 928 354 352 350 642 640 638 617 615 613 679 677 675 561 559 558 562 560 558 542 540 538 813 810 807 426 425 424 559 557 555 539 537 535 809 806 803 424 422 420 645 644 642 531 530 529

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0









621 619 617 932 930 928 354 352 350 642 640 638 617 615 613 679 677 675 561 559 558 562 560 558 542 540 538 813 810 807 426 425 424 559 557 555 539 537 535 809 806 803 424 422 420 645 644 642 531 530 529









AspertariffOrderof WBERCfor201213

GovtSubsidy Demand Ch. Rs./KVA/ mon


Sl No


Customer category

NameoftheTariff Scheme


Demand Ch. Rs./KVA/ mon

Energy Ch. P/kwh

Energy Energy DemandCh. Ch. Ch. Rs./KVA/ P/kwh P/kwh mon


Coldstoragefornon perishableitems& DairieswithChilling Normal Plant RateS(ft) TOD

6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs

Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits hrs


23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs

6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs




Normal TOD

Applicable 17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits Tariff hrs Scheme

23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs


6.00hrsto17.00 hrs&20.00hrsto AllUnits 23.00hrs


ConstructionPower Normal RateS(con) Supply TOD

Applicable 17.00hrsto20.00 AllUnits Tariff hrs Scheme

23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs


RateS(co) Normal BulkSupplyatsingle pointtoCooperative GroupHousing Societyforproviding 22 powertoitsmembers orpersonfor Normal providingpowertoits RateS(cot) TOD employeesinasingle premises

Applicable Tariff Scheme



6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs

Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits hrs


523 522 521 732 731 729 345 344 343 647 645 643 906 903 900 427 425 423 667 665 663 934 931 928 545 552 550 627 625 623 597 595 593 657 655 653 543 541 539 642 640 638 899 896 893 533 532 531

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0






523 522 521 732 731 729 345 344 343 647 645 643 906 903 900 427 425 423 667 665 663 934 931 928 545 552 550 627 625 623 597 595 593 657 655 653 543 541 539 642 640 638 899 896 893 533 532 531

23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs

6.00hrsto17.00 hrs&20.00hrsto AllUnits 23.00hrs


CommonServicesof RateE(ct Normal IndustrialEstate cs) TOD

Applicable 17.00hrsto20.00 AllUnits Tariff hrs Scheme

23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs







AspertariffOrderof WBERCfor201213

GovtSubsidy Demand Ch. Rs./KVA/ mon


Sl No


Customer category

NameoftheTariff Scheme


Demand Ch. Rs./KVA/ mon

Energy Ch. P/kwh

Energy Energy DemandCh. Ch. Ch. Rs./KVA/ P/kwh P/kwh mon


Traction (25KV) Traction (132KV)



Applicable Tariff Scheme Applicable Tariff Scheme




RateT(b) Normal



6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs




Normal TOD

Applicable 17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits Tariff hrs Scheme

23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs


RateE(cei) Normal

Applicable Tariff Scheme



6.00hrsto17.00 AllUnits hrs


PrivateEducational Institutions RateE(ct Normal ei) TOD

Optional Tariff Scheme

17.00hrsto23.00 AllUnits hrs


23.00hrsto6.00 AllUnits hrs

620 618 615 598 596 593 637 635 633 701 699 697 580 578 576 659 657 655 647 645 643 712 710 708 589 588 587

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0






620 618 615 598 596 593 637 635 633 701 699 697 580 578 576 659 657 655 647 645 643 712 710 708 589 588 587



Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

10.1 10.2 WBSEDCL shall comply with the following directions: During submission of application of APR, WBSEDCL shall give the list of the assets that has been added/ deleted. In case of asset addition WBSEDCL shall also show relation of such assets with different scheme which has already been approved by the Commission or Government of India or Government of West Bengal. In case asset addition has taken from own funding item that shall also be given in details. These are required in order to have proper reflection in depreciation and return on equity. 10.3 In APR application the expenditure on the head of rent and on the head of rates and taxes should be shown separately and distinctly. 10.4 Henceforth, whenever any new item is introduced in the application related to tariff, APR or FPPCA, which is not covered by the Tariff Regulations appropriately and has impact on the determination of ARR or fuel / power purchase cost, then WBSEDCL shall provide the reasons of introduction of such item along with necessary justification. It is also to be noted that in such case, the said item should be reflected in the annual accounts of the concerned year respectively. 10.5 WBSEDCL shall submit a report within four months comparing the advantage/ disadvantage of quarterly billing/ monthly billing. 10.6 The fund released for terminal benefit fund in the ensuing year of 3rd Control Period are as follows:
Rs. in lakh 2013-14 13005.00 27843.00 6500.00 47348.00

Particulars Interest on bonds for Terminal Benefits to employees Terminal benefits as per MYT order of 3rd Control Period Release of Regulatory Asset for terminal benefit as mentioned in paragraph 6.2(v) of this MYT order Total
West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission

2011-12 13005.00 31273.00 45000.00 89278.00

2012-13 13005.00 28787.00 2500.00 44292.00

Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

In order to ensure that in future actuarial valuation of terminal benefit fund can be kept in control in a better way by avoiding carrying cost of such liability in future following is to be adhered. a) On the head of terminal benefit fund, if there is shortage in the deposit amount in the terminal benefit fund admitted in employee cost through this order, the balance amount of contribution to terminal benefit fund is required to be deposited as first charge item over and above what had already been deposited for the years 2011-12 and 2012-13, from the effective date of recovery of the recoverable amount against this order from the very first day. So, it is directed that the balance amount of contribution as discussed above to terminal benefit fund for the years 2011-12 and 2012-13, i.e., the difference between the amount of contribution to terminal benefit funds that has already been deposited in the fund for the years 2011-12 and 2012-13 as allowed in this order as a part of employee cost, is to be deposited in the respective different terminal benefit funds. Such balance amount is to be deposited in different terminal benefit funds in 12 monthly equal installments from the date on which the recovery through tariff against this APR order will start. b) It is to be noted that regulatory release of terminal benefit amount under Sl. No. 3 of above table being a component of arrear amount recoverable through number of installments, such amount is to be deposited in the terminal benefit funds prospectively. The amount deposited in terminal benefit fund from such arrear recovery in each future year shall also be commensurating with the arrear recovered in that particular year on monthly basis. c) While submitting application for APR of 2011 2012 and 2012-13, WBSEDCL shall show through audited accounts of different terminal benefit funds that the contribution to the different terminal benefit funds during the year 2011-12 and 2012-13 as a part of employee cost is deposited in the terminal benefit funds. d) In case of non-deposition of amount admitted for terminal benefit fund as provided in (a) to (c) above in the respective fund as directed above, Commission
West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission 167

Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

may withhold or deduct same amount equivalent to amount of non-deposition from Return on equity and / or depreciation as per discretion of the Commission. 10.7 The high increase in expenses for collection franchisee and franchisee in 2011-12 with respect to 2010-11 as found in the annual accounts of 2011-12 is to be explained during APR of 2011-12 as already mentioned in paragraph 5.3(d) of this order. 10.8 In APR of each ensuing year, WBSEDCL shall give an auditors certificate on the interest on security deposit along with the reasoning for difference between projection and actual. 10.9 In the matter of reserve for unforeseen exigencies, the Commission directs that WBSEDCL shall ensure that the amount allowed each year under the head reserve for unforeseen exigencies is deposited in the fund within the year. 10.10 List of loans that accrued interest and payable at the same ensuing year of the control period may be provided during APR of each ensuing year showing the loan amount, interest amount, interest rate and purpose of such loan. 10.11 WBSEDCL is directed to invest immediately the balance fund of reserve for unforeseen exigencies so far allowed following the provisions of the regulation 5.24.1 of the Tariff Regulations, if not yet invested and submit a report on the investment of reserve for unforeseen exigencies and the return from such investment duly audited along with APR application for 2011-2012. 10.12 Commission also directs WBSEDCL to follow regulations 5.24.3, 5.24.4 and 5.24.10 of the Tariff Regulations and submit the audited amount of the interest income from investment of each type of reserve funds covered under regulation of 5.24 of the Tariff Regulations with APR of each year starting from the year 2012-13. Commission also directs that the interest accrued from investment of power purchase fund, development fund and reserve for unforeseen exigencies fund shall be deposited in the respective fund as per provision of the regulations.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


Tariff Order of WBSEDCL for the year 2011 2012 and 2012 2013

10.13 Failure to comply with the directions given in para 9.9, 9.10 and 9.11 above an amount equivalent to the short fall amount may be deducted from the return on equity of WBSEDCL in the APR for the concerned year. 10.14 The Commission directs WBSEDCL to complete the programme of conversion of all unmetered irrigation consumers to pumping for agriculture (metered) consumers through installation of meters. The Commission also directs WBSEDCL to inform the present status of programme of completion of conversion by 31.01.2013. 10.15 The Commission has noticed that the Annual Accounts of WBSEDCL for the year 2011-12 has been completed and has duly been audited by the statutory auditor and C&AG also. WBSEDCL is directed to submit their application for Fuel and Power Purchase Cost adjustment (FPPCA) and Annual Performance Review (APR) for the year 2011-12 within one month from the date of issue of this order. 10.16 In relation to the paragraph 4.2.6 of this order the Commission directs WBSEDCL to submit the reason of purchase of energy from Kahalgaon TPS Stage I and II along with the justification of price in its petition of FPPCA for the year 2011 -12.



Dated : 01.12.2012

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission


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