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Ticket to Class 6, Chapter 3 Part 2 =he ==> se#ves to p#epa#e you !o# the act$v$t$es $n c'ass. ?

ou nee% to %own'oa% the ==>6 comp'ete the $tems '$ste% o# answe# the ;uest$on pose%. P#$nt a ha#%copy an% b#$n) $t to c'ass. 4an%w#$tten answe#s a#e not acceptab'e. ?ou p'e%)e that you %$% not copy the answe#s !#om a !e''ow stu%ent o# anyone e'se6 but that you w#ote you# o#$)$na' thou)hts. =h$n(6 ea#n6 Dont >opy@ N(T#: "! you use an e'ect#on$c ve#s$on you must #epost $t a!te# c'ass w$th you# c'ass notes $n $t. Name:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Date:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Part I For a fun explanation of Newtons Laws of Motion see v=mn34mnnDnKU 1) Put Newtons aw o! "ne#t$a $n you# own wo#%s an% e&p'a$n how $t wo#(s when you# )#an%mothe# has to ta(e a pot !u'' o! tama'es o!! the stove. a ! *) +&p'a$n these two s$tuat$ons us$n) the aw o! ,cce'e#at$on a. -hy $t $s bene!$c$a' to the !ootba'' team to have 3./ poun% heavy %e!ens$ve '$nemen? b. -hy a#e those 3./ poun% '$nemen no )oo% as sp#$nte#s. 3) +&p'a$n us$n) the aw o! 0eact$on why p'ay$n) san% vo''eyba'' $s so much mo#e %eman%$n) than p'ay$n) vo''eyba'' on a #e)u'a# ha#% su#!ace cou#t. 4) -atch th$s v$%eo an% e&p'a$n why the boa#% nee%s to be '$!te% be!o#e the b'oc( sta#ts to s'$%e*1P4+NeKP23. .) 4ave you eve# s'$% ac#oss a su#!ace an% en%e% up w$th cha!e% s($n? 5aybe you s'$% $nto base6 %ove !o# a ba''6 o# s($%%e% an% !e'' w$th you# b$cyc'e. -hat so#t o! !#$ct$on !o#ce cause% that pa$n!u' s($n $n7u#y? 8) -hy $s $t easy to s'$%e on a ha#%woo% !'oo# w$th ha#% 'eathe# so'es on you# shoes6 but not w$th snea(e#s that have so!t #ubbe# so'es 9use what you 'ea#ne% about !#$ct$on)?

Part II, "alance, #$uili!riu%, &ta!ilit' :) -#$te the %e!$n$t$on o! ba'ance $n you# own wo#%s. 3) -#$te the %e!$n$t$on o! e;u$'$b#$um $n you# own wo#%s. <) -hat $s the %$!!e#ence between the two?

IN CL)&&* 1/) "! a b$cyc'$st $s pe%%'$n) a'on) at a stea%y spee% o! 13mph6 $s he $n e;u$'$b#$um6 $n ba'ance o# both? +&p'a$n p'ease. 4e $s $n %ynam$c ba'ance cont#o''$n) %ynam$c e;u$'$b#$um 9no chan)e $n spee% o# %$#ect$on): a. b. i. 11) "n the $tem be'ow6 wh$ch s$tuat$on wou'% )$ve you the )#eatest mob$'$ty 9$.e. the oppos$te o! stat$c ba'ance)? +&p'a$n why. B6 because the >1C $s c'osest to the e%)es o! the base o! suppo#t. + p#ov$%es )#eatest ba'ance.

1*) =he#e a#e < )ene#a' !acto#s #e'ate% to ba'ance on s'$%es 1<D*3. -atch th$s Eumo w#est'$n) c'$p an% e&p'a$n how each o! the < $tems #e'ate to th$s act$v$ty. "ts a'' about ba'ance o# the 'ac( the#eo!: the one who has $t w$ns@>$2-wF,4CB( a. b. c. %. e. !. ). h. $.

Part III Forces For a co%plete re+iew of Newtons Laws, force, %o%entu% an, i%pulse see$n%e&.htm 1. Ho#ce = 5ass & ,cce'e#at$on *. 5omentum = 5ass & Ie'oc$ty 3. "mpu'se = Ho#ce & =$me =he $tems $n each o! the th#ee !o#mu'as above a#e connecte%. "n the %$a)#am be'ow6 connect the bo&es w$th a '$ne to #ep#esent the$# #e'at$onsh$p. ,'on) the '$ne w#$te what the #e'at$onsh$p $s. 5a(e as many connect$ons as poss$b'e.





5omentum "mpu'se


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