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Oral Surgery Theory 1).Needle stick injury 2).What r the cause of IAN , hich didn!t ork after gi"ing.

#).$leeding disorder other than congenital % hat could &e the cause of &leeding% ').(ist the risk of Anti&iotics. )).In hich dental T*+AT,+NT do you think can cause &actere-ia% Oral -edicine. ,./ /uestion0 1) Which lesion doesn!t occur &efore 21 yrs. Of age% a).Trau-atic cyst &).A-elo&lasto-a c).A-elo&lastic fi&ro-a d).odonto-a 2).2ta. ith 2)yrs.of age has current history of 3lcer on the tongue hich didn!t ha"e &lister &efore% a) -inor a4hthous &) -ajor a4hthous c) her4es d) 4e-4higus 2)./uestion on (ichen 2lanus Age and se5 S4ecific features 6istology 2attern of lesion Other infor-ation #) Slide ith lo er IO2A,*adiolucency in relation ith '1,filling in -esial of #1 and '1 c7o 4ain on 6ot and cold &oth and s eet% a)What do you think a&out cause of 4ain% &)8escri&e the 4athology hat u can see% c)If u cant change angulation ho ould you check cro n of '2,'1,#2,#1% ') A colored 4hotogra4h,at the le"el of u44er central incisor ,on the attached gingi"al le"el fir- and 4ainless gro th as there% 8escri&e the lesion. 8ifferential dignosis

)). A colored 4hotogra4h ith canine to canine incisal 4re4aration ith gold,lateral incisors ere like 4eg lateral. a)What is the cause of loss of tooth structure%What situation do you think is this% &). .ause of tooth structure loss and definition. 9). 878 of ulcer and 2 e5a-4les.:cause of ulcer intraoral and 4erioral and 2 e5a-4les. *adiology0; 1). 8efinition0; ;focal trough ;4ri-ary &ea;sie"ert ;s4eed ;latent i-age. 2). <;ray IO2A ith 4osterior -andi&ular teeth and *adiolucency in relation to distal surface of 2, to distal surface of 2nd -olar. ;8escri&e the IO2A in a 4oint for;What other tests ould you do for dignosis. #).$ite ing of 2)yr. old fe-ale 4t.What ould u record in 4t!s record. This =uestion as With negati"e -arking. ').IO2A ith lo er four anterior teeth and root a4ices ere co"ered ith hite shado .kind of &lurred i-age and o"erla44ing. ;What could &e the cause of i-4erfection% ;6o ould u sol"e it% )).<;ray O2> ith edentulous ja ?6e asked us to tell the defect hich e can see and e had to descri&e the thing ith arro . 9).O2> ith arro ere gi"en. e had to identify the structure. ;*adioo4acity @6yoid &one ;A ;.er"ical s4ine shado . ;*adiolucency @at the le"el of ra-us;2alatoglossal s4ace. ;*( co"ering the a4ices of 11 and 21 2aedo0; Treat-ent 4lan and charting of )yr. old child ith ra-4ant caries,all ) ere congenitally -issing in <;ray. Other teeth ere 4resent.

If ith cardiac defect and he has o4erated for tht ho treat-ent 4lan.

ould you change yr

2har-acological a44roach if child is difficult to treat%Indication for using the-. So-e ,./ ere there on ;slide of A-elogenesis i-4erfecta ;.l;271 , cl;1, cl;# ;$rachyce4halic and lo B, angle. ; ."ek 4ul4oto-y ;(and-ark of child 4atient hich is lo . ;trau-atic ulcer slide ;slide ith 4ri-ary -olars ith furcation in"ol"e-ent and they asked for treat-ent; e5traction .87*28 0; 1). 8esign of 344er 4artial denture ,issing 19, 1#,12,2),29,2C 1C,1),1',11,21,22,2#,2' ere 4resent. 2)..ontra indication of I-4lant in 4artially edentulous ja . #).3se of radiogra4hs in *28 treat-ent4lan other than caries detection. ').8escri&e resilient liner%Where do you use it%6o far it is good do you think % 2erio; 1).What is &io fil-% 6o it is associated ith 4la=ue and rationale of &iofil- in 4erio disease. 2).S7S of chronic 4erio% #).What is risk factor%I-4lication of s-oking and dia&etes in -anage-ent of 4erio disease. '). Why it si i-4ortant to record 4ocket de4th,&one loss,and radiogra4h in 4erio dignosis and treat-ent 4lan. Di"a /uestion.

+ndo0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;*u&&er da- isolation of 19 for endo treat-ent. ;What ty4e of fra-es do e use for a44lication. ; hat ty4e ould you choose and hy% ;Why did you go for four teeth isolation%i ent for tht &coE 19 as ith ' 4in and as too -uch gingi" I didn!t cla-4 tht one and 1) as F,there as no lingual I cla-4ed on 1C and tied on 1'. ;If u r goin to 4re4are 1' and 19 2B, &ridge ho u gona isolate% Access 4re4 on 12,1',19 *.B;12 ;What difficulty ould you fine in access 4re4% ;6o ould you -anage tht, ;If you ha"e done 4erforation in furcation area,ho ould u seal it te-4orarily% ;6o short the a4ical 4re4 is% ;in -y case there as Fline 4assin in -esio;distal direction,they asked -e ho to -anage this% ;What is yr ,aster a4ical file% ;So-eti-es after getting W( you on!t &e a&le to get 4ro4er ,AB at the sa-e le"el% hat could &e th reason% ;What ould &e yr final restoration% ;If there is an +5ternal resor4tion of tooth, here ould you finish your 4re4% B280; ;What ill u do in yr.intial e5a-ination% ; hat r yr -easure-ent% ;What ty4e of i-4ression -aterial%y% ; hat instruction to la&% Once it co-es hat ould u like to check% ;If it is not seating 4ro4erly fr. 2ro5i-al surface hat ill u do% ;What luting ce-ent uld u like to use%y% A-alga-0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;#',#),#9 8O 4re4. '9 as for co-4le5,in hich ,( cus4 as F and 8( as 4ositi"e to frack finder.and there as distal I ent for cus4 ca44ing on 8( and t o &o5es and slot on ,( cus4. ;A-alga- filling in 2),in hich there as loss of lingual cus4G,O8. ;Which ty4e of liner ould u use% In co-4le5 4re4 here ill u kee4 liner% ;2ur4ose of liner.Why can!t u 4ut a-alga- alone in dee4 ca"ity% ;What kind of a-alga-% ;What is the ad"antage of ad-i5ed alloy%

;Why u can!t get 4ro5i-al contour in s4herical and hy in ad-i5ed% ;#) as grossly decayed and it as difficult to kee4 any ty4e of retenti"e feature and thts y they asked -e ould u like to restore this tooth ith a-alga- in future if this to u in future. ;What is the ad"antage of co-4osite o"er >I.. ;Would u like to go for >I. as a 4er-anent restoration instead of a-alga-% .o-4osite0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;11 and 21 for 4re4. ;What ould &e the i-4lication of F on 4ul4 in future% ;Would u like to gi"e any lining% hich kind of lining% Where ill u gi"e% ;Why did u 4ut &e"el% hy not on lingual side% ;6o ould u restore the tooth ith co-4osite% Which ty4e of co-4osite% ; hat is difference &et een 6y&rid and -icrofill co-4osite% ;If 4t. has trau-a , ould restore the tooth ith 4er-anent restoration directly% *adiology0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I got <;ray IO2A of 19 and right side &ite ing. ;What all 4recaution ould u take hile takin 5;ray of 4regnant o-an% ;6o ould u reduce e54osure to 4t. ;Which s4eed fil-. ;What 4oint ould u consider hile &uying 5;ray -achine, ;>ot one &ite ing ith &lack &and and he asked -e reasons ' tht. ;O2>;he asked -e to descri&e defect.there as ste4 defor-ity and he asked -e the reason. ; One &ite ing and IO2A and he asked a&out S(O$ 4rinci4le. ;O2>;and he asked -e a&out reason in 4ain in relation to 'th =uadrant. Oral -edicine0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Slide of 6airy leuko4lakia,in hich ty4e of 4eo4le do u find it -ore. ;Slide ith candidiasis; hat % ould u ask to 4t.treat-ent of tht and Angular chelitis. ;Slide ith Trau-atic ulcer;878,$io4sy hat ty4e and hen ould u consider it% ;<;ray IO2A ith lo er anteriors;sa-e =uestion hich they asked us in theory e5a-. ;<;ray IO2A ith odonto-e;Ty4es. Oral surgery0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (and -arks in O2> ;styloid 4rocess and its attach-ent and here is stylohyoid liga-ent% ;Sinus,+5ternal auditory -eatus,Nose out line,Articular e-inence. ;Why doesn!t IAN ork%

;Instru-ents and right and left side. ;(o er #rd -olar IO2A and he asked -ost co--on 4athology ith it. ;8ifference &et een 2lain gut and chro-ic gut. ;If s elling is there in relation ith u44er 9 and C he asked for 878. ;Torus 4alatinus i-4ortant and its -anage-ent and .o-4lication in re-o"al. ;.2*.

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