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21 Movies With Unsimulated Sex 1. In the Realm of the Senses (1976) - U carstvu cula - skinuto irected !

"# Nagisa Oshima and Written !"# Nagisa Oshima Based on the true story of Sada Abe, a Japanese woman who spoiler alert erotically asphyxiated her lover, then cut off his penis and ept it in her handbag, In the Realm of the Senses is as explicit as you!d expect given the sub"ect matter# $he sex is real% the murder and genital removal is, than fully, not# 2. A Real Young Girl (1976) nema irected !"# &atherine Breillat and Written !"# &atherine Breillat $he sub"ect matter of A Real Young Girl is' difficult, to say the least# $he film focuses on the sexual exploration of ()*year*old Alice +&harlotte Alexandra,# All of the explicit scenes were shot with actors of age, but it!s still unsettling# And, yes, an earthworm was harmed during filming# +-ou don!t want to now#, $. Caligula (1979) - skinut irected !"# $into Brass and Written !"# .ore /idal Caligula is a fascinating disaster of a film, truly NS01 even without the unsimulated sex peppered throughout# +$here is necrophiliac incest, after all#, But beyond that, Penthouse founder Bob .uccione, who financed the film, added in explicit scenes that well, they!re porn# 2t!s porn# Not that there!s anything wrong with that# %. Cruising (19&') - skinut irected !"# 1illiam 0ried in and Written !"# 1illiam 0ried in $he vastly misunderstood Cruising was protested for being homophobic, but this thriller, in which Al 3acino plays a cop going undercover in leather bars to find a iller, is far more complicated than that# $he murder scenes are cut with actual footage of gay sex, which definitely invites analysis but not dismissal# (. The Idiots (199&) - skida se irected !"# 4ars von $rier and Written !"# 4ars von $rier 4ars von $rier pops up a few times on this list, and with good reason# 2n The Idiots, a group of anti*bourgeois adults lose their inhibitions by embracing their 5inner idiot#6 $hat means a lot of nudity and the occasional orgy# 7ost of this is simulated, but there is at least one scene with actual sex ta ing place# 6. Romance (1999) - skida se irected !"# &atherine Breillat and Written !"# &atherine Breillat Over two decades after A Real Young Girl, &atherine Breillat showed her continued willingness to fran ly explore sexuality# Romance, which follows 7arie +&aroline 8ucey, as she searches for sexual fulfillment outside of her boyfriend, is often credited with paving the way for more unsimulated sex in arthouse films# 7. Pola X (1999) - skida se irected !"# 4eos &arax and Written !"# 4eos &arax and Jean*3ol 0argeau

Body doubles were supposedly used for the most explicit scenes in Pola X, so it!s unclear how much of the unsimulated sex is actually stars .uillaume 8epardieu and -e aterina .olubeva, who play long*lost siblings and lovers 3ierre and 2sabelle in this loose adaptation of a 9erman 7elville novel# &. Baise-moi (2''') irected !"# /irginie 8espentes and &oralie $rinh $hi and Written !"# /irginie 8espentes and &oralie $rinh $hi $he title Baise-moi has been translated to Kiss Me, uc! Me, and Ra"e Me, so perhaps it wor s best in the ambiguous 0rench# $his rape*revenge thriller is filled with unsimulated sex, though the graphic violence is, naturally, not the real thing# Nevertheless, the film has remained highly controversial since its release# 9. O Fantasma (2''') irected !"# Jo:o 3edro ;odrigues and Written !"# Alexandre 7elo and Jos< Neves $he 3ortuguese film # antasma translated as The Phantom, but it "ust doesn!t carry the same weight that way follows Sergio +;icardo 7eneses, as he wanders the city of 4isbon# $he hun y 3ortuguese actors might tempt you to watch it as porn, but if you!re loo ing for that, you!re li ely to be disappointed# 1'. Intimac (2''1) skida se irected !"# 3atrice &h<reau and Written !"# 3atrice &h<reau and Anne*4ouise $rividic $hin $ast Tango in Paris, but a little more grounded# Jay +7ar ;ylance, and &laire +=erry 0ox, are two strangers who engage in wee ly anonymous sex, slowly developing an emotional attachment to one another# >nli e $ast Tango in Paris, all of the sex is completely unsimulated# 11. !en Par" (2''2) irected !"# 4arry &lar and ?d 4achman and Written !"# 4arry &lar and 9armony =orine $he disturbing interconnected stories of Ken Par! are all highly sexual, most of them involving teens# Of course, all the actors were over (@, and most of the sex is simulated +however realistic, except for unsimulated masturbation# 1hich, yes, totally counts# 12. The Bro#n Bunn (2''$) irected !"# /incent .allo and Written !"# /incent .allo 2t ta es a special type of auteur to write, direct, and star in a movie that involves him receiving an unsimulated blow "ob to completion on*screen# But /incent .allo did it in The Bro%n Bunn&, with &hloe Sevigny performing the act# $here has been some controversy over whether or not it was real but it was# 1$. $ Songs (2''%) irected !"# 7ichael 1interbottom and Written !"# 7ichael 1interbottom ' Songs includes actual footage of concert performances by bands li e 0ranA 0erdinand, $he 8andy 1arhols, and Blac ;ebel 7otorcycle &lub but of course, most of the focus is going to be on the constant unsimulated sex between leads =ieran O!Brien and 7argo Stilley# 1%. Anatom of %ell (2''%) irected !"# &atherine Breillat and Written !"# &atherine Breillat

Another &atherine Breillat film, another non*pornographic +but also, you now, totally pornographic, performance by 2talian porn star ;occo Siffredi# Anatom& of (ell is not only explicit it!s also incredibly "arring, with some uniBuely disturbing visuals that uncover the dar er side of sexuality# 1(. The Ras&'err Reich (2''%) irected !"# Bruce 4aBruce and Written !"# Bruce 4aBruce Bruce 4aBruce movies are an acBuired taste# And if you have acBuired the taste for them, they are fuc ing delicious# The Ras")err& Reich is a hilarious satire of what 4aBruce calls 5terrorist chic6 that loo s at the idea of homosexuality as a radical act# $here!s also a ton of unsimulated sex and a porn version that includes even more# 16. (ie )ith *e (2''() irected !"# &l<ment /irgo and Written !"# &l<ment /irgo and $amara 0aith /irgo $ie *ith Me is notable in part because the two stars, ?ric Balfour and 4auren 4ee Smith, are fairly well nown particularly Balfour and engaging in unsimulated sex# Otherwise, it!s another sort of ta e on the $ast Tango in Paris model, though with a distinctly &anadian style# +2t!s set and shot in $oronto#, 17. +mm , irected !"# J# S# &ardone and Written !"# ;obert Sullivan $he weirdest thing about +mm , is that it has nothing to do with the film + mm# 2t was originally titled The Side of (ell and lated rebranded as a seBuel, even though it wasn!t# 2t does, however, feature plenty of unsimulated sex, as well as actual porn scenes spliced in# 1&. Short'us (2''6) irected !"# John &ameron 7itchell and Written !"# John &ameron 7itchell Short)us is perhaps the most well nown film with unsimulated sex# 2t!s also one of the best# 2t!s sexually explicit, yes, but it!s also warm, funny, and thoughtful# Of course, it does owe a debt to earlier films with unsimulated sex# $he vibrating egg Sofia +Soo *-in 4ee, uses on herself is branded In the Realm of the Senses# 19. Otto- or. /& )ith 0ead Peo&le (2''&) irected !"# Bruce 4aBruce and Written !"# Bruce 4aBruce Otto is a Aombie# Or maybe he isn!t# 9e definitely has an appetite for' something# $his is another Bruce 4aBruce film, so of course it!s artsy, strange, and highly erotic# 7uch of the sex is real, though the copious amount of blood is not# $hen again, it!s not clear how much of the gore is only a product of Otto!s twisted mind# 2'. Antichrist (2''9) irected !"# 4ars von $rier and Written !"# 4ars von $rier 2n the prologue to Antichrist, a couple is having sex in the shower +unsimulated, natch, when their young son falls to his death from a window# As the unnamed man and woman, 1illem 8afoe and &harlotte .ainsbourg used body doubles for the explicit scenes# 1arningC &limactic genital mutilation# 21. 1 m&homaniac - skinut(2'1%)

irected !"# 4ars von $rier and Written !"# 4ars von $rier 8oes /&m"homaniac merit inclusion on this listD 7aybe not# $here has been much debate about the sex throughout the film, which was created by digitally adding porn star!s genitals to the actors! bodies# So it!s unsimulated and simulated at the same time, really# But it!s also 4ars von $rier, meaning we!ll allow it#

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