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An Introduction to Air Pollution

Chapter 6. Fabric filters

Ph.D 2nd October 2012

Fabric Filters
Fabric filtration
Air or combustion gases pass through a fabric Dust is trapped on the fabric Cleaned air exits the system

Rows of bags Inlet Exit Cleaning mechanism

Baghouse application and operation

Baghouses Compartmented:
Shaker Reverse flow

Noncompartmented: Pulse Jet

Dirty air enters at low velocity Multiple filters (bags)collect PM PM falls to bottom Cleaned air exits

Advantages and disadvantages

High efficiency for small particles Modular design Low velocity Low pressure drop

Large area Frequent cleaning/maintenance Operating temp limitations

Types of Baghouses
Shaker baghouse
Bags cleaned by oscillating framework

Reverse air
Clean air blown through bag is opposite direction

Pulse jet
Compressed air blown down bags for cleaning

Dust loading
Fabric: filter material
Woven fibers
100-150 micron diameter

Interstitial holes
50-75 microns

PM layer forms between fibrils

Increased filtration efficiency Increased pressure drop
S= filter drag V= filtering velocity


Total pressure drop

Pressure drop due to the fabric


Pressure drop due to the particulate layer

Pressure drop due to the bag house structure

Darcys equation
Pf Pp Df Dp V Kf , K p 60 Q A Pressure drop N/m2 Pressure drop N/m2 Depth of filter in the direction of flow (m) Depth of particulate layer in the direction of flow (m) Gas viscosity kg/m-s superficial filtering velocity m/min Permeability (filter & particulate layer m2) Conversion factor /min V = Q/A volumetric gas flow rate m3/min cloth area m2

Dust Layer
L Dust loading kg/m3 t time of operation min L Bulk density of the particulate layer kg/m3 P = Pf + Pp

Filter Drag S = P/V Areal dust density W = LVt S= k1+k2W

Permeability, K
Permeability of filter material, (K1)( Ke )
Extrapolated from test data

Permeability of particulate layer, (K2)( Ks )

Slope of test plot

Determined from test data

Fabric, dust

Contributes to filter drag (S) as a function of areal dust density (W)

Filter drag model

Filter drag: dependent on areal dust density (W) and fabric and dust layer permeability (K)

S= filter drag, Pa-min/m or inches of water- min/ft W= areal dust density, kg/m2 of fabric or lb/ft2 of fabric

L= dust loading, kg/m3 or lb/ft3 T= time of operation, minutes

Filter drag model

Using the filter drag model to predict pressure drop (P) after 60 min of operation
Dust loading (L) = 15 g/m3, V= 0.8 m/min Ke = 500 Pa-min/m, Ks= 3 Pa-min-m/g

Filter drag model

Using the filter drag model to predict pressure drop (P) after 60 min of operation
Dust loading (L) = 15 g/m3, V= 0.8 m/min Ke = 500 Pa-min/m, Ks= 3 Pa-min-m/g

Filter drag model

Using the filter drag model to predict pressure drop (P) after 60 min of operation

Dust Layer


The equation for fabric filters is based on Darcys law for flow through porous media.
Fabric filtration can be represented by the following equation:
S = K e + Ks w

S = filter drag, N-min/m3 S = P/V

Ke = extrapolated clean filter drag, N-min/m3

Ks = slope constant. Varies with the dust, gas and fabric, N-min/kg-m
W= Areal dust density = L V t

L = dust loading (g/m3), V = velocity (m/s)

Both Ke and Ks are determined empirically from pilot tests.

Obtain Pilot Data to Determine P versus loading

Estimate the values of Ke and Ks for the filter drag model:
Time (min) Filter P (Pa) 5 330 10 490 15 550 20 600 25 640 30 700

Limestone dust loading L = 1.00 g/m3 Fabric Area A = 1.00 m2 Air flow rate Q = 0.80 m3/min

Step 1: Calculate the air velocity Air velocity = 0.80 (m3/min)/1.00 m2 = 0.80 m/min Step 2:
S = P/V 412.5 612.5 687.5 750 800 875

W = LVt





Step 3: Determine Ke and Ks graphically Ke = 470 N-min/m3 Ks = 0.563 N-min/g-m

Reverse Air Fabric Filter

Example Problem



Pulse Jet Fabric Filter

Pulse jet design considerations

Different filtering velocities No compartments Compressed air for bag cleaning Compressor power Pressure drop

Compressor power
Major operating expense of pulse jet systems Compressor power (), kW:

= compressor efficiency = 1.4 (ratio of heat capacities Cp/Cv) P1, P2 = initial and final pressures (abs), kPa Q1 = volumetric flow rate at compressor inlet, m3/s

Compressor power
Example: Find compressor power (), kW
Flow rate (Q) = 20,000 cfm (9.5 m3/s) T = 50C (323 K) P1= 1 atm (101.3 kPa) Air pulse (P2) 100 psig (790 kPa) abs. Compressed/filtered air ratio = 0.6% Compressor efficiency ()= 50%

Compressor power
Compressor power (), kW:

Flow rate (Q) = 20,000 cfm (9.5 m3/s) T = 50C (323 K) Compressed/filtered air ratio = 0.6%

Compressor power
Compressor power (), kW:
Compressor efficiency ()= 50% P1= 1 atm (101.3 kPa) Air pulse (P2) 100 psig (790 kPa)

Fan Horsepower
Flow rate (Q) = 20,000 cfm Assume 60% efficiency () for motor

For P = 17 inches w.g. BHP = 90 hp

For P = 3.4 inches w.g. BHP = 18 hp

Calculate the number of bags required for an 8-compartment pulse-jet baghouse with the following process information and bag dimensions. Q, process gas exhaust rate 100,000 ft3/min A/C, gross air-to-cloth ratio 4 (ft3/min)/ft2 Bag dimensions: bag diameter 6 in. bag height 12 ft





Shaker Baghouse


Filtration time, tf
Shaker and reverse-air baghouses
Several compartments One compartment off-line for cleaning

tf= filtration time, min N= number of compartments tr= run time, min tc= cleaning time, min

Filtration time, tf
N=5, N-1=4


Number of bags
Example: Net cloth area = 8,000 ft2
Select 3 (N) compartments
N-1 = 2 (1 off-line for cleaning) 2 compartments on line to meet NCA Each compartment = 4,000 ft2 4,000 ft2 x 3 compartments = 12,000 ft2

Bag size: 6 inch diameter, 8 feet long

Bag area: dh= (0.5)(8)= 12.6 ft2

12,000/12.6 = 952 bags

Filtering Velocity
All (N) compartments on-line
for Q = 20,000 cfm flow rate (QN)through one compartment:

N-1 compartments on line during cleaning

flow rate through on-line compartments:

Filtering Velocity
All (N) compartments on-line
Filtering velocity (VN) in one compartment (C):

N-1 compartments on line during cleaning

Design Filtering velocity (VN-1) in on-line compartments:

Pressure drop
Max pressure drop (Pm) occurs
before next compartment to be cleaned (j) end of cleaning time for last compartment (j-1) at time tj (the time compartment j is on-line)

tj tf

Pressure drop
Calculating Max pressure drop (Pm)
tf= 60 min, tc = 4 min, tr = ?


Pressure drop
Calculating Max pressure drop (Pm)
During tj, the cloth in compartment j has accumulated areal dust density (Wj) Given dust loading (L) of 10gr/ft3

Pressure drop
Calculating Max pressure drop (Pm)
Given Ke= 1.00 in wg-min/ft, Ks= 0.003 in wg-min-ft/gr During tj, the filter drag (Sj) in compartment j is

Pressure drop
Calculating Max pressure drop (Pm)
During tj, the actual filtering velocity (Vj) in compartment j is calculated Ratio of Vj to VN-1 Total Number of f = V /V
N j


Compartments, N
3 0.87









Pressure drop
Calculating Max pressure drop (Pm)
Finally, the maximun pressure drop can be calculated

A Compartment of Bags

Use Pilot Data to Design a Multicompartment Baghouse

Use Pilot Data to Design a Multicompartment Baghouse

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