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Quiz no.

1 Orientation Questions:

February 10, 2014

1-3 What does PES stands for? 4-6 Enumerate the 3 nursing implications that can be seen in the reading and nursing case study. 7 In choosing a reference for an article, at least how many years from the current year are required? 8 At least how many actual nursing diagnoses are required in the case study? 9 What is the principle/technique used in doing your physical assessment? 10 Give the full name of your assigned clinical instructor. (With their titles) 11- 15 Write the proper APA format of this given reference. Author: Sarah Lay Date: August 27, 2011 Title of the article: The Management for Dengue Fever Title of the Book: The Medical-Surgical Nursing Place of publication: USA Publishing company: Capillanes Inc.

Answers: 1-3. Problem, Etiology, Signs and Symptoms 3-6. Nursing Education, Nursing Practice, and Nursing Research 7. 5 years 8. 3 9. Cephalocaudal 10. Soraya Jaictin, RN, MN 11-15. Lay, S. (2011). The Management for Dengue Fever. The MedicalSurgical Nursing. Capillanes Inc. USA.

Quiz no. 4 Skin Testing

February 10, 2014

1. True or False. Skin testing is the introduction of a solution by means of a syringe and needle into the superficial layer of the skin or just below the dermis of the skin. Answer: False. Epidermis not dermis. 2- 6. Enumerate the first five basic rights in administering medications. Answer: Right patient Right drug Right dose Right time Right route 7. What do you call the small circular mount that can be seen after injecting the solution into the superficial layer of the skin? Answer: Bleb/ Wheal 8. Skin testing should be interpreted or evaluated after how many minutes? Answer 30 minutes 9. What is the most common site for injection for skin testing? Answer: Inner surface of the forearm 10. Give me the most important purpose of skin testing. Answer: To Identify whether the patient is hypersensitive to the medication.

Quiz No. 5 NGT Insertion/ Feeding

February 10, 2014

1. It is a procedure in which a thin, plastic tube is inserted through the nostril, down the esophagus and into the stomach. A: Nasogastric Insertion/ Intubation 2-4. Give at least 3 equipments used in NGT Intubation/ Insertion & Feeding. A: asepto syringe, 2cc/5cc syringe, non sterile/ working gloves, lubricating jelly, kidney basin, plaster, towel/hand towel, pH indicator strips, stethoscope, blue medicine ticket, mortar and pestle, medicine glass, drinking water, prescribed feeding 5-6. Give at least 2 purposes of NGT Feeding A: -To improve/ maintain nutritional status -To administer prescribed medications 7. Give at least 1 way of checking the placement of NGT Tube. A: -Gastric content aspiration -Place the diaphragm of the stethoscope just below the xiphoid process. Using the syringe, slowly introduce 5-20 mL of air into the stomach and you can hear a gurgling, whooshing sound -Chest X-ray -pH test 8. TRUE/FALSE. The head of the bed must be 30-90 degrees before feeding and leave it up for 30-60 minutes. A: True 9. How many mL of water would be used to flush feeding or medication for children? A: 20-25 mL 10. Give at least 1 complication of NGT Insertion / Intubation. A: -Tissue trauma -Aspiration -Esophageal perforation

Quiz no. 2 Neurological Vital Signs

February 10, 2014

Rikki Mercado, a 2-month old infant was admitted due to fall. The doctor ordered NVS monitoring q4h. Today @ 12 pm, the patient was lying on bed, awake. Pupils are briskly reactive to light stimulation with pupillary size of 2mm. The baby coos as she saw the nurse. Her hands were able to grasp the nurses finger with great strength, as well as her leg movement. The patient can move spontaneously. What would be the total score of her NVS? Answer: In the Neurological Vital Signs sheet provided.

Quiz no. 6 Medications February 18, 2014

Questions: 1. What is the timing of TID? 2. What is the timing of QID? 3. What is the timing of q 6? 4. What is the timing of q 8? 5. What is the timing of q 12? 6. What does OD mean? 7. What does HS mean? 8. What colored tickets are stat medications? 9. What colored tickets are IV/Parenteral medications? 10. What colored tickets are PO medications? Answer: 1. 6am, 12nn, 6pm 2. 6am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm 3. 6am, 12nn, 6pm, 12mn 4. 6am, 2pm, 10pm 5. 6am, 6pm 6. Once Daily 7. Hours of Sleep 8. Red 9. Blue 10. White

Quiz no. 7 Endorsement Quiz Question: 1. What is the diet of Michelle Belleno? 2. What is the Diagnosis of patient Savlador, Melody? 3. What is the procedure done to Patient Salvador in relation to her diagnosis? 4. Who is the attending physician of patient Olivar? 5. What does SVI mean? 6. What does PCAP mean? 7. What does AGE mean? 8. Give at least one of the topical medication of patient Olivar, that was endorsed. 9. Who is the attending physician of patient Caf? 10. What is the census upon endorsement? Answer: 1. Nothing per Orem 2. Status Asthmaticus 3. Peak Flowmetry/flowmeter 4. Dr. E. Siasu. 5. Systemic viral infection 6. Pediatric community acquired pneumonia 7. Acute Gastroenteritis 8. Daktacort/Clamoseptine 9. Dr. Estoque 10. 25 February 18, 2014

Quiz no. 3 HGT Question: 1. Define HGT. 2. What does the acronym HTG mean? 3. What does the acronym CBG mean? 4. What is the normal value for HGT (with units)? 5. What is the term if your blood sugar level is below normal? 6. What is the term if your blood sugar level is above normal? 7 10. What are the materials used in HGT? Answers: 1. To test/measure the glucose level in the blood. 2. Hemogluco Test 3. Capillary blood glucose 4. 80 120 mg/dL 5. Hypoglycemia 6. Hyperglycemia 7. Glucometer, HGT strip, lancet, dry CB, CB with ROH, blue ticket, gloves, medication tray, medicine cups. February 18, 2014

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