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M.Com Sem II (2012-13) ROLL.NO 443

PROJECT GUIDE Prof.Mrs. Ashwini Bachalkar



I would sincerely like to give my heartfelt acknowledgement and thanks to my parents. Any amount of thanks given to them will never be sufficient. I would like to thank the University of Mumbai, for introducing AMUL MILK CO. thereby giving the student a platform to abreast with changing business scenario, with the help of theory as a base and practical as a solution. I would sincerely like to thank our Principal Prof. K.G.Tapase. I would also like to thank my project guide Mrs. Ashwini Bachalkar for his/her valuable support and guidance whenever needed. I would like to thank the officials of AMUL MILK Co Ltd who gave me their valuable time and gave explanations for the questions asked. I also feel heartiest sense of obligation my library staff members & seniors who helped in collection of Data and materials and also in this processing as well as in drafting manuscript. Last, but not the least, I would like to thank my friends & colleagues for always being there.

Signature Dattatary Halge



I, Dattatray Annappa Halge student of KARMAVEER BHAURAO PATIL,COLLEGE, VASHI Studying in Sem.-II hereby declare that I have completed this project on EXPORT STRATEGY AMUL MILK CO. as per the requirements of University of Mumbai as a part of the curriculum of Sem.-II course and this project has not been submitted to any other University or institute for the award of any degree, diploma etc. the information is submitted by me is true and original to the best of my knowledge.

Date: - ---------------------


Place: Vashi, Navi Mumbai --------------------------



This is to certify that Dattatray Annappa Halge Student of Sem.II has completed this project on EXPORT STRATEGY AMUL MILK CO. and has submitted a satisfactory report under the guidance of Prof. Mrs. Ashwini Bachalkarin the parttiial fulfillment of Sem.-II course of University of Mumbai in the academic year 2013-2014.

-------------------Project Guide







Page No. 6


9 10 11 15

3. 4.


METHODOLOGY Data Collection Methods & Sources Sampling Plan DATA ANALYSIS & DATA INTERPRITATION

22 26 27 32 33 34 35

6. 7. 8. 9. FINDINGS LIMITATION CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusion Recommendation APPENDIX 10. Bibliography 36



No company can survive on one product. Companies always try to manufacture more then one product.This is diversification. The diversification is on going process. Company can survive through adverse economic condition of the market if it has multi product and multi segment base. The strategies of diversification can include internal development of new products or markets, acquisition of a firm, alliance with a complementary company, licensing of new technologies, and distributing or importing a products line manufactured by another firm. Generally, the final strategy involves a combination of these options. This combination is determined in function of available opportunities and consistency with the objectives and the resources of the company Any modification of a current product that serves to expand the potential market implies that the company is following a strategy of product diversification .The product diversification strategy is different from product development in that it involves creating a new customer base, which by definition expands the market potential of the original product. This is almost always done through brand extensions or new brands, but in some cases the product modification may "create" a new market by creating new uses for the product.

Diversification is part of the four main growth strategies defined by the Product/Market An soff matrix:-

An off pointed out that a diversification strategy stands apart from the other three strategies. The first three strategies are usually pursued with the same technical, financial, and merchandising resources used for the original product line, whereas diversification usually requires a company to acquire new skills, new techniques and new facilities. The product diversification strategy is different from product development in that it involves creating a new customer base, which by definition expands the market potential of the original product. This is almost always done through brand extensions or new brands, but in some cases the product modification may "create" a new market by creating new uses for the product. Teen People was an example of product diversification since it was a new product that expanded the market potential of the original product, People magazine. While some teenagers undoubtedly People magazine, they were not People's target market. Eventually, however, the product and Web site were merged into the People brand. Courtyard by Marriott and Marriott offered those new brands they had little potential to expand sales in the business and budget categories. Marriott had business and budget guests, but they were not specifically targeted, so by concentrating on these two markets they were able to add to their market potential. It should be apparent why Marriott could not expand into such different categories with their original brand name. The main dangers facing a company following a product diversification strategy for a brand are that it

could fail to adequately understand the new customer base and that any new brand name may result in loss of meaning for the original brand and/or cannibalization of the original brand, particularly if it is a brand extension. Though diversification has been disastrous for many firms, diversified firms can also be successful . Studies have found no obvious differences between high- and low-performing diversified firms along several important strategic dimensions. Categorization of firms into the 4 diversification-performance groups is remarkably balanced. High-performing firms are just as likely to be more diversified as they are to be less diversified. Low-performing firms are just as likely to be less diversified as they are to be more diversified. No significant performance differences between high-performing more or less diversified firms. Higher levels of diversification are not incompatible with high performance -- nor do they necessarily imply that firms will suffer lower performance levels. It also seems to increase its market share to launch a new product that helps the particular company to earn profit. For instance, the addition of tomato ketchup and sauce to the existing "Maggi" brand processed items of Food Specialties Ltd. is an example of technological-related concentric diversification. Also, as noted in the example before, diversification can only reduce unsystematic risk. No amount of diversification can reduce or eliminate systematic risk, which affects all of the markets at the same time. Always have a blend of stocks from different groups and sectors to diversify not only company-specific risk but also industry-specific or other groupspecific, diversifiable risks. Index funds and ETFs from different asset classes can also be used to diversify a portfolio. The only non-diversifiable risk is the so-called systematic risk, that is, the market risk for all stocks as a whole. And that is why investments in other markets such as the bond and commodity markets should also be used.




-:OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: To identify, How can Amul Milk make a good image in the market. To identify, Why Amul milk Expand business turnover. To identify, Why Amul milk is a market king in a milk product. To identify, How can increase demand of Amul milk product in market. To identify, Which strategy are used for product diversification. To know the preference of Amul Milk products with comparison to Other competitive brands.

To know in which segment Ice cream are mostly like/preferred. To know Why people deciding purchase that product.


The scope is confined to Mumbai region and male and female customer .scene the project is on milk sector. Primary data is the specificinformation collected by the person who is doing the research .it can be obtain through clinical trial ,case study , true experimentand randomized controlled study. This information can be analyzed by other expert who made decide to test the validity of data by repeating the same experiment.





In the year 1946 the first milk union was established. This union was started with 250 liters of milk per day. In the year 1955 AMUL was established. In the year 1946 the union was known as KAIRA DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE MILK PRODUCERS UNION. This union selected the brand name AMUL in 1955. The brand name Amul means AMULYA. This word derived form the Sanskrit word AMULYA which means PRICELESS. A quality control expert in Anand had suggested the brand name AMUL. Amul products have been in use in millions of homes since 1946. Amul Butter, Amul Milk Powder, Amul Ghee, Amulspray, Amul Cheese, Amul Chocolates, Amul Shrikhand, Amul Ice cream, Nutramul, Amul Milk and Amulya have made Amul a leading food brand in India. Today Amul is a symbol of many things like of the high-quality products sold at reasonable prices, of the genesis of a vast co-operative network, of the triumph of indigenous technology, of the marketing savvy of a farmers' organization. And have a proven model for dairy development (Generally known as ANAND PATTERN).

Amul has spurred the White Revolution of India, which has made India the largest producer of milk and milk products in the world. It is also the world's biggest vegetarian cheese brand. Besides India, Amul has entered overseas markets such as Mauritius UAE, USA, Oman, Bangladesh, Australia, China, Singapore, Hong Kong and a few South African countries. Its bid to enter Japanese market in 1994 did not succeed, but now it has fresh plans entering the Japanese markets. Other potential markets being considered include Sri Lanka.


The turnover of GCMMF (AMUL) during 2010-11 was Rs. 97.74 billion. It markets the products, produced by the district milk unions in 30 dairy plants, The farmers of Gujarat own the largest state of the art dairy plant in Asia Mother Dairy, Gandhinagar, Gujarat which can handle 2.5 million litters of milk per day and process 100 MTs of milk powder daily.

The Union looks after policy formulation, processing and marketing of milk, provision of technical inputs to enhance milk yield of animals, the artificial insemination service, veterinary care, better feeds and the like - all through the village societies. Basically the union and cooperation of people brought Amul into fame i.e. AMUL (ANAND MILK UNION LIMITED), a name which suggest THE TASTE OF INDIA. The system succeeded mainly because it provides an assured market at remunerative prices for producers' milk besides acting as a channel to market the production enhancement package. What's more, it does not disturb the agro-system of the farmers. It also enables the consumer an access to high quality milk and milk products.

Contrary to the traditional system, when the profit of the business was cornered by the middlemen, the system ensured that the profit goes to the participants for their socio-economic upliftment and common good.Bring at the command of the rural milk producers the best of the technology and harness its fruit for betterment.Provide a support system to the milk producers without disturbing their agro-economic systems.

Achievements of Amul
3.1 million milk producer member families. 15,760 village societies.

15 District Unions. 9.4 million liters of milk procured per day . Rs. 150 million disbursed in cash daily . GCMMF is the largest cooperative business of small producers with an annual turnover of Rs. 53 billion. The Govt. of India has honoured Amul with the Best of all categories Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award. Largest milk handling capacity in Asia. Largest Cold Chain Network. 48Sales offices, 5000 Wholesale Distributors, 7 lakh retail outlets. Winner of APEDA award for nine consecutive years.

GCMMF (AMUL) has the largest distribution network for any FMCG company. It has nearly 50 sales offices spread all over the country, more than 5,000 wholesale dealers and more than 7,00,000 retailers. AMUL is also the largest exporter of dairy products in the country. AMUL is available today in over 40 countries of the world. AMUL is exporting a wide variety of products which include Whole and Skimmed Milk Powder, Cottage Cheese (Paneer), UHT Milk, Clarified Butter (Ghee) and Indigenous Sweets In September 2007, Amul emerged as the leading Indian brand according to a survey by Synovate to find out Asia's top 1000 Brands. In 2011, Amul was named the Most Trusted brand in the Food and Beverages sector in The Brand Trust Report published by Trust Research Advisory.




Diversification is the process of entering new business markets with new products. Such efforts may be undertaken either through acquisitions or through extension of the company's existing capabilities and resources. The diversification process is an essential component in the long range growth and success of most thriving companies, for it reflects the fundamental reality of changing consumer tastes and evolving business opportunity. But the act of diversifying requires significant outlays of time and resources, making it a process that can make or break a company. Small business owners, then, should carefully study diversification optionsand their own fundamental strengthsbefore proceeding. "The range of success [of diversification efforts] varies considerably," observed the editors of the Complete MBA Companion. "The odds of success decline precipitously the further the firm strays from existing competencies."

The process of expanding business opportunities through additional market potential of an existing product diversification may be achived by entering into additional market and pricing strategies often the product may be improved , altered or changed or new marketing activities are developed . the planning process includes market research , product, product adaptation and legal review. Analysts of diversification generally break such efforts down into two categories: 1) related or concentric diversification, and 2) unrelated or conglomerate diversification. "In related diversification," wrote Henry Mint berg and James Brian Quinn, authors of The Strategy Process: Concepts and Contexts, "there is evident potential synergy between the new business and the core one, based on a common facility, asset, channel, skill, even

opportunity." But they also noted that "no matter what its bases, every related diversification is also fundamentally anunrelated one, as many diversifying organizations have discovered to their regret. That is, no matter what is common between two different businesses, many other things are not." Companies diversify either by acquiring already existing businesses or by expanding their own businesses into new markets and new areas of production or service. Acquisition is generally used more frequently by big companies than smaller ones, since most acquisitions require a degree of financial leverage and health that only larger firms can bring to bear. This means that there is a technological similarity between the industries, which means that the firm is able to leverage its technical know-how to gain some advantage. For example, a company that manufactures industrial adhesives might decide to diversify into adhesives to be sold via retailers. The technology would be the same but the marketing effort would need to change. It also seems to increase its market share to launch a new product that helps the particular company to earn profit. For instance, the addition of tomato ketchup and sauce to the existing "Maggi" brand processed items of Food Specialties Ltd. is an example of technological-related concentric diversification. The company could seek new products that have technological or mar keting synergies with existing product lines appealing to a new group of cust omers. This also helps the company to tap that part of the market which remains untapped, and which presents an opportunity to earn profits.The better-off test: the new unit must either gain competitive advantage from its link with the corporation or vice versa. Because of the high risks explained above, many companies attempting to diversify have led to failure. The costof-entry test: the cost of entry must not capitalize all future profits.


Goals of Product diversification :According to Calorie and Harvatopoulos (1988), there are two dimensions of rationale for diversification. The first one relates to the nature of the strategic objective: Diversification may be defensive or offensive. Defensive reasons may be spreading the risk of market contraction, or being forced to diversify when current product or current market orientation seems to provide no further opportunities for growth. Offensive reasons may be conquering new positions, taking opportunities that promise greater profitability than expansion opportunities, or using retained cash that exceeds total expansion needs. The second dimension involves the expected outcomes of diversification: Management may expect great economic value (growth, profitability) or first and foremost great coherence and complementary to their current activities (exploitation of know-how, more efficient use of available resources and capacities). In addition, companies may also explore diversification just to get a valuable comparison between this strategy and expansion. RISKS of Product diversification :Diversification is the riskiest of the four strategies presented in the An off matrix and requires the most careful investigation. Going into an unknown market with an unfamiliar product offering means a lack of experience in the new skills and techniques required. Therefore, the company puts itself in a great uncertainty. Moreover, diversification might necessitate significant expanding of human and financial resources, which may detract focus, commitment, and sustained investments in the core industries. Therefore, a firm should choose this option only when the current product or current market orientation does not offer further opportunities for growth. In order to measure the chances of success, different tests can be done:The attractiveness test: the industry that has been chosen has to be either attractive or capable of being made attractive. The cost-of-entry test: the cost of entry must not capitalize all future profits. The better-off test: the new unit must either gain competitive advantage from its link with the corporation or vice versa. Because of the high risks explained above, many companies attempting to diversify have led to failure.

THE REASON FOR PRODUCT DIVERSIFICATION ARE :1) Company can survive through adverse economic condition of the market if it has multi product and multi segment base. If one product does not do well, other will come to the help. Similarly, if one market segment is affected others will help. 2) By adding products the company can optimize the use of existing resources such as plant and machinery, sales force, distribution network etc. this can help in reducing the cost of the product. 3) In industrial products the customers demand specific products according to their specification. 4) The diversification can compliment the sales of existing products for example , Colgate paste and Colgate toothbrush are complimentary to each other. 5) Related diversification can help in easy acceptance of a new product. Colgate mouthwash can be readily accepted due to popular acceptance of Colgate toothpaste.

The main dangers facing a company following a product diversification strategy for a brand are that it could fail to adequately understand the new customer base and that any new brand name may result in loss of meaning for the original brand and/or cannibalization of the original brand, particularly if it is a brand extension. Though diversification has been disastrous for many firms, diversified firms can also be successful .Studies have found no obvious differences between high- and low-performing diversified firms along several important strategic dimensions. Categorization of firms into the 4 diversification-performance groups is remarkably balanced.. Marriott had business and budget guests, but they were not specifically targeted, so by concentrating on these two markets they were able to add to their market potential. It should be apparent why Marriott could not expand into such different categories with their original brand name.


TYPES OF PRODUCT DIVERSIFICATION:1) Related Diversification :When the diversified product is in the same line of existing product it is called related diversification. Thus the Bajaj having scooters, motorbike, mopeds etc. is a related diversification. The advantage of related diversification are that the existing infrastructure can be optimally utilized and the reputation of existing product can be useful in easy introduction of the newer products. The disadvantage of the related diversification are that if any of the products in the product line gets bad name. Whole the line are affected. Also if the market is affected adversely due to techno commercial changes all the related products are affected. 2) Unrelated Diversification :As against related diversification here the products introduced are not related to the existing products. Thus Godrej introducing refrigerators is in unrelated diversification to its existing range of soaps. The disadvantage of unrelated diversification are that it cannot optimize existing and reputation for the existing product line. However unrelated diversification gives the company multi-product and multi market base which is very useful in adverse market condition. 3) Forward or Backward integration :Company can also diversify into products which were hitherto used as inputs or go products. Which are help of the products presently by the company. When a company diversifies into a product used by it for manufacturing existing products it is called backward integration. A company manufacturing ready made garments can start manufacturing cloth as backward integration. The advantage of backward integration is that you can get the control over the quality cost and delivery of the inputs. On the other hand if a cloth manufacturing company starts manufacturing ready-made garments it is forward integration. Mafatlal Fabrics starting to manufacturing Mafatlal apparels was an example of forward integration. Advantage of forward integration is that you can add value to your product and get better profits. a competitive edge.


Ways to Diversify a Portfolio:-

Diversification can be done amongasset categories and within an asset category. For example, an investor can choose to include stocks, bonds, and annuities in a portfolio to have a balanced risk and return. When stocks are down, returns in bonds and annuities can make up part of the losses. But when stocks are up, average performances of bonds and annuities can also bring down the portfolios total return . Always have a blend of stocks from different groups and sectors to diversify not only company-specific risk but also industry-specific or other group-specific, diversifiable risks. The only non-diversifiable risk is the so-called systematic risk, that is, the market risk for all stocks as a whole. And that is why investments in other markets such as the bond and commodity markets should also be used. Prices of securities do not always move in a correlated way, whether they be stocks, bonds, or any other type of security. A price decrease in one security can be offset by a price increase in a different security, and the more securities you mix into a portfolio, the greater the probability of this offsetting price movement. Therefore, by mixing more securities into a portfolio of investments, the overall risk (measured in terms of portfolio variance) will be dampened by these offsetting price movements. Thus diversification offers investors a way to obtain the same expected return with lower risk and variance in their returns. A simple example may help clarify the concept. Suppose you live on an island, and you want to invest in toy companies for children. There are two extremely similar toy companies (Company A and Company B), selling similar toys, and both companies' toys are equally popular. If you do not diversify, you buy stock in only Company A. If a firm specific risk negatively impacts Company A, such as its factory burns down, then you will have a major loss, and investors in Company B will have a major gain since it would become the only toy company left. However, if you diversify and buy stock in both Company A and Company B, then the large loss in Company A will be offset by the equally large gain in Company B. Notice that by diversifying, an investor is able to reduce the unsystematic risk, the risk associated with only a single company (in this case the risk of fire). Systematic risk cannot be

eliminated by diversification. For instance, ifchildren no longer like to play with toys, then the entire market for toys has been adversely affected, and not simply an individual firm. In the case of systematic risk, diversification cannot reduce this risk; diversification can only reduce unsystematic risk. Is the process of spreading the total investment money available across different asset classes, countries, industries, and individual companies. Diversification also entails choosing investments that are, as far as possible, uncorrelated, which means that when investment A is performing poorly, investment B is likely to be performing well. A prudent investor diversifies their holdings in a diversified portfolio of assets.

Limits to diversification: There are limits to how "diversified" a portfolio can get. More diversification can always be achieved by adding more and more securities to a portfolio, and in theory a portfolio is not fully diversified until you hold investments in every security that exists in the world. More practically, there are clearly decreasing marginal benefits to diversification. For stocks, generally accepted numbers are roughly 2530 stocks to achieve sufficient diversification. Because it is costly to diversify, individual investors may find index funds, closed-end funds or mutual funds an attractive option to buy a share of an alrjutineady well diversified pool of investments. Also, as noted in the example before, diversification can only reduce unsystematic risk. No amount of diversification can reduce or eliminate systematic risk, which affects all of the markets at the same time.



DATA COLLECTION METHODS & SOURCES Data collection is a term used to describe a process of preparing and collecting data.The purpose of data collection is to obtain information to keep on record, to make decisions about important issues, to pass information on to others. Data collection is an important aspect of any type of research study. Inaccurate Data collection can impact the results of a study and ultimately lead to invalid results. Data collection methods for impact evaluation vary along a continuum. Data Collection is very important for product diversification. Research methodology is a way to systematically do the job. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. The most desirable approach with regards to the selection of the research methodology depends on the nature of particular work, time and resources available along with the desire level of accuracy. Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of study how research is done systematically. This research Performance management system in which problems and findings are generated from the calculations. When some deduction is made from data then a problem is located regarding the same and reasons for the same are also searched In the end suggestions and recommendations are made to make research meaningful and worthy to improvise on the same.


Research was carried out at Amul milk to find out the Consumer Satisfaction.

In this research project the researcher option following two ways of data collection. 1. Primary Data 2. Secondary Data 1. Primary Data :Primary data was collected through survey method by distributing questionnaires to branch manager and other sales manager. It serves as an original source of information about the topic. Primary Data also called as raw data. Raw data can be input to a computer programmers or used in manual analysis.The Primary data is widely used in academic market research, market research and competitive intelligence.Primary data is information collected by the researcher directly through instruments such as surveys, interviews, focus groups or observation.Primary data is utilized for any other purpose at some subsequent enquiry. 2. Secondary Data :Data collected & complied by someone other than theResearcher for purpose not directly related to the studyresearch projectunder study. Information that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purpose. Sourcesinclude census reports, trade publications, and subscription services. There are two types of secondary data: internal and external secondary data.Secondary data for social science include censuses, surveys, organizational records and data collected through qualitative methodologies or qualitative research.Secondary data, on the other hand, is basically primary data collected by someone else. Researchers reuse and repurpose information as secondary data. METHODS:23

Following are the methods which I have used for Primary Data Research 1. Questionnaire Method.

Open Ended Questions. Closed Ended Questions. Multi Choice Questions.

2. Observation Method. 3. Interview Method. Following are the Methods which I have used for Secondary Data Research.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Official Statistics, Mass media products. Diaries, Letters. Government Reports, Books, Magazines, Journals, Newspapers. Web information

RESEARCH PROCESS I am using this following research process. Extensive Literature Survey. Formulating the research problems Design of Questionnaire. Determining the Sample size. Collection of Data. Analysis of Data. Generalization and Interpretation. Preparation for the report. RESEARCH DESIGN:

It is a Descriptive research. The study was based on both primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected through the questionnaire methods. Secondary data was collected through company websites, journalism discussions with company guide. This stage shall help me to restrict and select only the important question and issue.

Exploratory Research Design Focus Group. Primary Data Analysis.


Steps in descriptive research. Identification of information needed to solve the problem. Selection or development of instrument for gathering the information. Identification of target population and determination of sampling plan. Design of procedure for information collection. Collection of information. Analysis of information. Generalization or prediction.


Sample size
Sample size determination is the act of choosing the number of observations to include in a statistical sample. Sampling is giving more accurate data. When the units are very large. Sampling gives scope for more accurate data. It is the process of obtaining process of entire population by examining only a part of in which generalization or influence are drawn based on the sample about parameter of population from which samples are taken. The researcher cannot discharge his work with the level of diligence as is required in dealing with a large population. Collection of data from all units leads to administrative problems and therefore in depth study becomes difficult. Samplingis that part of statistical practice concerned with the selection of a subset of individual observations within a population of individuals intended to yield some knowledge about the Population of concern, especially for the purposes of making predictions based on statistical inference.

In my project Sample Size is 100. Area covered by Mumbai. In this project use judgmental sample Random. Types of questions are closed ended question, open ended question. In these 120 people are which included Receptionist, Director, HRM, G.M., Sales manager, Sales Specification Manager, Sales Executive officer, Sales Executive Manager, Marketing Manager, Marketing Sales Personnel, Customers of which Siemens company products are use etc



Survey area Nahur ( Mumbai )
I have met with around 100 milk retailers and customers and I found the following information from the respondent for the relevant questionnaire :-

Amul : market Image

Product Amul Good 20% Best 30% Excellence 50%


Market Image

Good Best Excellent

Profit in product (out of 100)

Amul milk 70% Ghee 65% Ice cream 93% Butter 55%


Amul Milk Ghee Ice Cream Butter


Amul Gokul Varna Mahananda (1) Profit of Amul than other

40% 35% 15% 10%

Amul's Competiter

Amul Gokul Varna Mahananda

Demand for product in market

Demand Amul production Age group (child) 56% Middle 34% Age person 10%

Demand(Age Group)

Child Middle Age Person


Prefrance by consumer to Amul than other Brand Gokul Amul Varna Mahananda

Prefrance by consumer 30% 35% 25% 10%


Gokul Amul Varna Mahananda

People preferred Because of Price Good image 25% 30%

Flome delivery 20%

Quality 25%


Price Good Image Home Delivery Quality


(1) Retailer keep the Amul product because of Quality 60% Market demand 20% Profit margin 20%

Product Of Amul

Quality Market Demand Profit




In my survey work I found some things as follow: Company have good marketing image. Company have large working capital. Because of good image Amul is a king of market. Main competitor of amul is gokul. They have a good business in city area. Amuls are proper utilize of their recourses. Consumer retailers first choice is amul products.


When I study this project, I got an opportunity to learn about ANAND MILKUNION LIMITED COMPANY. During this period I learn some limitation. They are as follow..

In my project some retailer and customers do not give right answer in my questions.

My project time is 3 week's. its very limited time to understand whole market. Some time people are not interested to give me answer.

My project working area (NAHUR) its so small to understand whole diversification of amul. Sometimes it was very difficult to get the necessary information as filling the questionnaire required time.

Because of the less data I didnt study more deeply about the product
diversification satisfaction of the company.

CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS -:CONCLUSIONS:High-performing firms are just as likely to be more diversified as they are to be less diversified. Low-performing firms are just as likely to be less diversified as they are to be more diversified. No significant performance differences between high-performing more or less diversified firms. Higher levels of diversification are not incompatible with high performancenor do they necessarily imply that firms will suffer lower performance levels. It also seems to increase its market share to launch a new product that helps the particular company to earn profit. For instance, the addition of tomato ketchup and sauce to the existing "Maggi" brand processed items of Food Specialties Ltd. is an example of technological-related concentric diversification. Also, as noted in the example before, diversification can only reduce unsystematic risk. No amount of diversification can reduce or eliminate systematic risk, which affects all of the markets at the same time.


-:Recommendation: Company must focus on each and every product equally. Company must be providing discounting, scheme & Free offers. Company must provide retailer some facility to store their different product. Company can reduce their product price because not only high, middle class but also lower class people are able to buy it. Company can take brand ambassador for advertising their different product. Company maintain good image for each and every product because if one product are fail in minds of consumer company loose their market image for all brands. Company use their total recourses it will help to increase their profit margin.


-:BIBLIOGRAPHY:1. Philip Kotler- Marketing Management- 10th Edition- Prentice Hall Publication. 2. C.R.Kotheri- Research Methodology (Methods Techniques)- 2nd Edition- New Age International(Pvt) Publication 3. Research Methodology TY.BBA (Tilak Maharashtra University)

4. Marketing product diversification : Strategies and Programs", Guiltinan et al., McGraw Hill/Irwin, 1996. 5. Sandhusen, Richard L.: Marketing (2000) 4th Edition.. 6. Marketing Research An Applied Orientation Naresh Malhotra.




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