PBT Security 2014

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In 2011, hacking groups like Lulzsec and Anonymous provoked an Internet firestorm by hacking major eb sites like !o"#com and online services like $ony%s &lay$tation 'et(ork# )illions of user accounts (ere compromised# *sernames, pass(ords, home addresses and credit card information has been hacked # eb site security often allo(s hackers easy access to boatloads of personal information# e can blame corporations for poor security and hackers for maliciously attacking eb sites# Internet cloud services is that store your data on a server rather than on your hard drive so you can access it from any Internet+enabled device #,here are more po(erful than ever before# -acking up photographs and important documents has never been easier# .oogle /ocs and .mail can take the place of )icrosoft ord and 0utlook 1"press# -anking sites take the place of e"pensive finance applications# 2loud storage solutions come in all shapes and sizes# /ropbo" offers only a couple gigabytes of free storage, but its interface is incredibly simple to use# It creates a folder on your hard drive that%s linked to the eb # hat (e have to do to upload files is drag them into the folder# indo(sLive$kydrive is designed to make it easy to vie( and edit 0ffice documents in the cloud# Amazon%s 2loud /rive offers 3 gigabytes of free storage and a eb interface for uploading your files# 0ther services, like $ugar$ync and )ozy, focus more on automatically backing up your important data and storing it, rather than making it easily accessible online#

Issues of cloud computing security

,he importance of 2loud 2omputing is increasing and it is receiving a gro(ing attention in the scientific and industrial communities# A study by .artner considered 2loud 2omputing as the first among the top 10 most important technologies and (ith a better prospect in successive years by companies and organizations#2loud 2omputing enables ubi4uitous, convenient, on+demand net(ork access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources 5e#g#, net(orks, servers, storage, applications, and services6 that can be rapidly provisioned and released (ith minimal management effort or service provider interaction# 2loud 2omputing appears as a computational paradigm as (ell as a distribution architecture and its main objective is to provide secure, 4uick, convenient data storage and net computing service, (ith all computing

resources visualized as services and delivered over the Internet # ,he cloud enhances collaboration, agility,scalability, availability, ability to adapt to fluctuations according to demand, accelerate development (ork, and provides potential for cost reduction through optimized and efficient computing# 2loud 2omputing combines a number of computing concepts and technologies such as $ervice 0riented Architecture 5$0A6, eb 2#0, virtualization and other technologies (ith reliance on the Internet, providing common business applications online through (eb bro(sers to satisfy the computing needs of users, (hile their soft(are and data are stored on the servers# In some respects, 2loud 2omputing represents the maturing of these technologies and is a marketing term to represent that maturity and the services they provide# )ore than that, in a cloud computing 5specifically public cloud6 environment (e also trust our critical data (ith the cloud provider7s personnel# )ost cloud providers are doing a very good job protecting customer data from outsiders# Although the cloud computing infrastructure is generally very secure, it is also a very tempting target for the criminal underground# All public clouds have been engineered (ith cloud computing security as one of the top concerns# As a result, there have only been a small number of reported vulnerabilities# Any such vulnerability, reported or not, in your chosen cloud, might put your entire data at risk# In the 8old (orld9, infrastructural vulnerabilities sometimes actually pose a critical risk, but often are hidden behind multiple layers of security devices, both physical security and net(ork:0$ security# &orticor mitigates most of the risk associated (ith cloud computing security issues# ,he &orticor ;irtual &rivate /ata $ystem encrypts your business data and maintains the encryption keys secure but still under your control# e can rest assured that even if the cloud is someho( breached, our data (ill remain secure and private#

All of the traffic travelling between your network and whatever service youre accessing in the cloud must traverse the Internet. The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) recommends that you be aware of the software interfaces or A!Is that are used to interact with cloud services. "our data should be securely encry#ted when its on the #roviders servers and while its in use by the cloud service. $ata stored on a cloud #roviders server can #otentially be accessed by an em#loyee of that com#any and you have none of the usual #ersonnel controls over those #eo#le. %very cloud&based service shares resources namely s#ace on the #roviders servers and other #arts of the #roviders infrastructure.Therefore Cloud com#uter security is Secure data transfer Secure software interfaces secure stored data user access control and data sa#eration.

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