Attention All Police Agents by Kate of Gaia

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Attention ALL Police Agents 1, There are only 2 Jurisdictions, one of the "dead by consent/threatened CROWN/CRONE dead mother

and one of, by, for the li!in" #here the dead cor$orate fiction is the CROWN COR%OR&T'ON/COR%(E, and the li!in" is ', the W'TNE(( to your $re)crimes/crimes !ia your 'NTENT, 2, *our obedient and #illful consent to #ear a cor$orate uniform is $rima facie e!idence of your 'NTENT to commit crimes !ia omission/commission, +no#in"ly/un+no#in"ly #here your i"norance is not and ne!er #ill be a defense in any li!in" court #here you W',, be $ri!ately $rosecuted in your ,'-'N. status by all #ho W'TNE(( your actions that you are +no#n by, /, &ny/all times you as+, #ith 'NTENT, to $rocure a ,E.&, N&0E you are, in fact, committin" $re)meditated murder #ith intent to +ill a li!in" bein" by means of a dead ,E.&, N&0E to "ain a false 1urisdiction #here these frauds/crimes are already #ell +no#n to millions and #here these actions are a crime a"ainst humanity and your s$iritual suicide, 2, *our master, the dead CROWN cor$oration 3o#ners thereof4 that you are in s$iritual contract #ith !ia your obedient #illful intent to consent !ia s#orn oaths renders you dead by consent and #ithout !oice in any/all courts of the li!in" #here you C&N and W',, be $rosecuted for your crimes in a li!in" court of record, 5, The 6irth Certificate is $roof and $rima facie e!idence of the CROWN o#ners/your master7s 'NTENT to defraud and commit crimes a"ainst humanity that you, by your s#orn oath are fully $arty and liable to, for, of *O8R actions by, of, for commission/omission, +no#in"ly/un+no#in"ly inasmuch as you no# ha!e e!idence to the contrary of your "beliefs" and are the last "holder in due course" and under li!in" contract #ith me, the li!in" #itness #hereas you ha!e "i!en your seal on this document !ia 9N& co!enant, *ou ha!e no# a choice to ma+e and one that #ill define your !ery e:istence re"ardless of your $ro"rammed beliefs, o$inions, trainin", indoctrinations etc, since your birth; *ou can choose to be the sla!e of another #here any/all #ho are your su$eriors are your masters; *ou can claim to be free #here #e +no# other#ise and you are bound by this contract you are no# holdin" #here your choice has made you the holder in due course #ithout return, it is no# yours and you are fully liable henceforth for any/all actions ta+en to harm others !ia your no# non)i"norant actions; &s a li!in" W'TNE(( #ithout ,E.&, N&0E/( you are #ithout 1urisdiction, #ithout claim, #ithout authority #here your crimes are fully !isible and your <dead by consent ,E.&, O=='CE titles/names etc, !erifies your consent to be such a thin", #ithout !oice and your <licences 3from <licentiousness #hich means <one #ho is a se:ually and morally de$ra!ed criminal 4 confirm your nature; *ou stand no# in the 1urisdiction of the CO00ON ,&W as a %E&CE O=='CER and all/any actions of harm, threats, coercions, dece$tions, fraud attem$ts etc, et al renders you a 6E,'.ER&NT; (ee ,a# of Nations/Nurember" %rinci$les/&$ostolic ,etter/s inasmuch as you falsely claim to be ,a# Enforcement #here you are &CT'N. as a %O,'C*/%O,'C)E (T&T8TE %'R&TE #or+in" for a %R'-&TE COR%OR&T'ON and are hereby W'TNE((E9 as such #here forfeiture of your $ro$erty is common la# under ,a# of 0ar>ue in satisfaction of any/all #ron"ed by your actions forth#ith; *ou are duly noticed; ?a!e a nice day@

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