The 12 Secrets of Your Yantra (Sample Numerology Reading)

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Peter Schilling

The 12 Secrets Of Your Yantra

The numerology guidance for the secret parts of your life
For: Peter Schilling Born in: 1977.10.27

ISBN 978-963-06-9134-5 2008-Current All rights reserved.


What are the secrets of your Yantra?

Yantra, the 12 realizations that change all the notions you had about yourself! The personal Yantra is a special numerological method that gives you valuable guidance for the 12 most important areas in your life, with each number having an effect on certain areas. They show you how to experience the area and how you might behave in a given situation. If you examine these parts of your life, you may face some things you have been ignoring as well as things you might have been aware of. The importance of the Yantra and the main idea behind its calculation is that if we add up the column vertically, the rows horizontally, or the four numbers diagonally and reduce the two digit result to a single digit, we will always get the same result.

Friendly Greetings:

Peter Schilling The creator of the Number One Numerology System


The Yantra, the 12 secrets of your life

The personal Yantra is a magical rectangle that gives you direction regarding the 3x4, in other words the 12 most important areas and characteristics of life which come from the equation. The numbers have effect on given areas of your life. They show you how to experience that area and how you behave in a given situation. If you examine that part of your life better, you will see what you have ignored until now, or what you have been aware of. The uniqueness and essence of predictability of the Yantra is that we always get the same results, whether we add up the columns vertically, the rows horizontally or the diagonal numbers and reduce the resulting two digit number to one digit number. Once again, you will see the shortcoming numbers originating from your birth date equation; in other words, the laws of learning and the abundance numbers, which are the laws of support. Make sure you notice which numbers appear in each life area of the magic rectangle. In these areas you will be able to learn the necessary lessons and you will additionally get support with these areas from life.


Here is the magical Yantra square of the 12 secrets of your life

Month 10 Energy and Enthusiasm 3 Intuition 8 Money 1 Day 27 Family 9 Joy 6 Personal growth 7 Year 77 Generosity 8 Karma 8 Opportunities 1 Destiny 7 Philanthropy 2 Love 9 Philosophy 4

The Yantra and the 7 Laws of Your Life

With the help of the magical Yantra, we can see in which areas of your life the seven laws of your birth equation will show up. The numbers from the laws of your birth equation that appear in the Yantra show you the correlation between the given law and the area of life. I call your attention to such correlations in the chart in separate paragraphs. A given area of life can correlate with more laws. I will write about these in separate paragraphs.


Energy and Enthusiasm in Your Life

The law of energy and enthusiasm shows you the area of life that you should invest the most power and energy. If you are able do this, you will never be blue or depressed. You should invest the majority of your energy in this particular area of your life. This task is able to dominate your energies. Any activity that you do here fills you with great enthusiasm.

The area of energy and enthusiasm helps you realize an opportunity

The number of the area of energy and enthusiasm is one of the shortcoming areas of your life. Life gives you a great opportunity so that you can invest even more energy through your enthusiasm. Make up for this absence and really take advantage of the opportunities hidden in this area.


3 Communicate energetically
You need to invest most of your energies in communication. It does not matter how: verbally, visually or in another art form. What matters is to make yourself understood. You have a lot of creative energy that you can express by using the numerous tools and opportunities at your disposal. Do not feel sorry for the energy to discover these communication skills and take time to get to know and start using them! Make sure to uncover your feelings and thoughts in front of others! If you get the opportunity, enthusiastically lend a voice to what is inside you! What does enthusiasm mean to you? What makes you enthusiastic? What energizes you?


Family and friends in your life

This area shows you the relationship you have with loved ones close to you, with your family and friends. From this, you can learn what your relationship is like with them and how you can help and support them. You can also learn what your relationship is like with the most important people for you in general.

The area of family and friends is a tool for expressing your personality
The number of the area of family and friends equals the number of your personality, which means that an important area of experiencing your personality is your relationship with those closest to you. It is beside them that you can experience who you are the most and it is beside them you feel secure the most.

The area of family and friends helps you utilize an important resource of yours
The number of the area of family and friends is one of the abundant energies or resources in your life. Since treating this energy properly is a duty for you, utilize this resource of yours and focus it back on those you love and are close to. Your loved ones get support from one of your strong sides, which strengthens your relationship with them.


9 Be the person, who their loved ones can always count on

Become the person among your friends and family that they can count on even when nobody else will help! You are able to accept service that no one else would agree to. It is necessary to voluntarily take burdens on from time to time if it helps the lives of your loved ones. You look after your loved ones in general rather than individually, because you see them as interconnected where every change affects everybody. It may happen that some of your friends or family feel that you are neglecting them, even though you might be trying to solve someone elses problems. Strive to always help those turning to you with unconditional love and devotion. You need to make sure not to push yourself into the background too much. Deal with your own life and problems as well! It is important to learn to say no. What do the people closest to you, your family and friends, mean to you? What is your relationship like with those closest to you? How important are family and friends for you?


Generosity in your life

This area shows you where you demonstrate generosity; the types of situations where you are able to make sacrifices where you do not feel that you are giving up something. You will eventually learn which resources you are able to share lavishly without ever lacking them yourself. This will also show you the things you do not mind wasting time and energy on, even if you are doing them for somebody else.

The area of generosity helps to realize an opportunity for you

The number of the area of generosity is one of the shortcoming areas of your life, which means that it is a big opportunity for you to implement this shortcoming through your generosity.


8 Handle material things generously

You have the ability to be fiscally prudent if not savvy. Regardless of how vast your fortune may be, however, never forget to give generously to others! Handle money generously and do not feel sorry spending it on things that add value to your life! Never be stingy with tips if you go to a restaurant! Never reject helping anybody financially when they ask for help from the bottom of their heart. If you are also interested in business matters, always treat this area generously! Manage your affairs so that the deal can satisfy everyone! What does generosity mean to you? In what sense are you really generous? How important is generosity to you?


Philanthropy in your life

This area shows you the ways you are able to express your love towards your fellow human beings. It is not necessarily about your close relatives, but rather about the people in general; this may mean near you or even globally. This number generally expresses an ability which allows you to contribute to the daily lives of people, even making their lives easier in the long run.

2 Smooth out the differences among people

You have an excellent sense for smoothing out differences and thus helping others. The world is full of conflicts and problems and you can do something positive against them. Learn to handle situations full of tension and help people find peaceful solutions to conflicts! Find a way to ooze the kindness and tranquility that you find within yourself as well. Create excellent and loving relationships with people. Demonstrate the power of intuition to everyone because it may provide a much easier solution than using sheer strength! What does the love of people mean to you? How can you express the love you feel towards people? How important is the love of people to you?


Intuition in your life

This is the area of your life where you listen to your instincts and intuitions the most. This means that in this area you are not controlled by your common sense; you do not start looking for logical solutions, but instead act instinctively. This gives you high level of spontaneity. It may often seem that you are unaware that you have solved a task or that it even solved itself.

The area of intuition helps you realize an opportunity

The number of the area of intuition is one of the shortcoming areas of your life. It is a great opportunity for you to make up for this shortcoming by developing your intuitions.


8 Be intuitive in your finances

Everything that you start working on may turn to gold. Many people watch with envy how you attract money. It often surprises you as well that you do not have to make any special efforts; all you have to do is listen to your intuitions and the financial things will be sorted out. Let your intuitions guide you not only in financial matters, but also on the road leading to your dreams and goals. Your goals are often ambitious, but you must not retreat. Let yourself be guided by your inner voice if you do need to control and organize the events. If you do this, you will surely make your goals successful. What does intuition mean in your life? In what area of your life do you listen the most to your intuition? How important is it for you to listen to your intuition?


Joy in your life

You feel the most joy in your life if you can be active in this area. You never deem it an obligation to do something in connection with this area; what is more, you loosen up completely. Look for a way to be able to spend more time doing this. This area always brings light into your life so that you can stand your ground concerning less happy things.

The area of joy is one of the most important areas of your life
The number of the area of joy equals the number of your thinking. This means that those things preoccupy you the most which are the most important to you because they make you happy.

The area of joy helps you utilize an important resource

The number of the area of joy is one of the abundant energy resources in your life. Since handling this energy properly is a duty for you, experiencing joy is an excellent opportunity to utilize this resource.


6 You find real joy in looking after your loved ones

You are the happiest if you can be amongst your friends and family. It makes you really happy if you can take care of the people you care for. You always seek out what would make them happy and you strive to please them. If you see the need, you love helping not just the members of your family, but everyone else who you are close with as well. Strive for harmony and beauty in all areas of life. You are very creative; it makes you happy if you can make the images in your head come true. You love decorating your home. What does joy mean to you? In what can you experience your joy? How important is it for your life to be happy?


Learning mission in your life

This is the area where you move in a restricted field. When you meet the same problem in different situations, you realize that you cannot avoid it. It is better if you start acquiring the proper lessons on your own terms. Do not wait until life forces you to learn from your own mistakes!

The area of the learning mission helps you take advantage of an opportunity
The number of the area of the learning mission is one of the shortcoming areas of your life. This means that there is a great opportunity for you to overcome this shortcoming of yours through the learning mission that life makes you face. Shortcomings and the learning mission are in very tight correlation with each other; therefore, acquiring this lesson is an emphasized task for you.


8 You need to learn to consciously implement your goals

Your mission in life is to learn to set big challenging goals and then make them come true. You have a need to attain all your ambitious goals, however difficult they may appear. You further need to learn a strong and stubborn persistence; this will make you undeterrable. You need to experience the feeling of having worked hard for success. You need to take responsibility for implementing your ideas and you need to control the people helping you on your journey. You need to learn to handle money and the power that you have gained in a responsible way. How do you understand the learning mission that you received from life? How do you experience the responsibility that this task is putting on you? How important is it for you to learn this compulsory task?


Love in your life

This number shows how you relate to love and relationships. It sheds light on what this feeling means to you, how you experience your relationships and how you experience relationships based on love in general. This number helps you understand how you choose a partner, what type of relationship you form with them, what you should expect from your partner and how you treat them.

The area of love is one of the tools for expressing your personality
The number of the areas of love equals the number of your personality, which means that some important parts of experiencing your personality are love and other relationships that may influence you greatly.

The area of love helps you utilize an important resource

The number of the area of love is one of the abundant energy resources in your life. Since the proper handling of this energy is a duty for you, there is a great opportunity for you to do your best in the given field through love and relationships. You can help make up for your partners weaknesses with the help of your strengths.


9 You are serviceable in love

If you love somebody, you love them unconditionally. You do whatever your partner wants and you do so not only out of shrewdness, but out of selfless and unconditional love. You are prone to completely submerging yourself into the background. You are very idealistic. You have a clear vision of the partner you would want. The question is: is there such a thing as a perfect person? In case your partner does not match your ideals, then you can be prone to trying to mold the other to your own image. Never forget: "Do not look for the perfect partner, because it may happen that the perfect person is the one living beside you!" What does love mean to you? How do you experience love? How important is love for you?


Money and finances in your life

This number shows you your relationship with money and business. This allows you to learn how you can acquire money and whether you have talent for business. You may see what money and finances mean in your life, what type of job you should go into and how money will affect you in your lifetime.

The area of money and finances is one of the driving forces in your life
The number of the area of money and finances equals the number of your emotions. This means that this area is a very important motivator in your life. Money is an important motivation in your life, which inspires you to do and be more.

The area of money and finances helps you utilize an important resource
The number of the area of money and finances is one of the abundant energy resources in your life. Since the proper handling of this energy is a duty for you, you can utilize this energy wonderfully in regards to your finances.


1 Make money independently

Strive for financial independence! You need to take control of your finances. If you can, try to have your own business where you do not have a boss and you can make money independently! Do not let other people supervise you; you would rather decide for yourself when and how much you work! You are able to make money out of nothing by utilizing your knowledge and ideas. Your financial opportunities will be shaped according to how much work you are willing to invest in building on your independence. What does the question of money and finances mean to you? How do you handle your finances? How important is money for you?


Personal growth in your life

This number shows you the area of life where you need to constantly be growing and learning. This is an accentuated segment of your life, as you feel constant motivation for surpassing your former self. You are characterized by consciousness and curiosity in this area, which always advances you towards new knowledge. You can achieve the greatest growth in this area throughout course of your life.

Personal growth helps you utilize an important resource

The number of the area of personal growth is one of the abundant energy resources in your life. Since you consider the proper handling of this energy to be a duty, you can bring the consciousness of this area to perfection through your personal growth eventually, broadening your horizon in connection with it.

Personal growth is an important area of your mission

The number of the area of personal growth equals the number of your mission. This means that growing constantly in this area is especially important when it comes to fulfilling your life mission. By doing so, you may take an important step forward in fulfilling your mission, getting ever closer to creating harmony with your life mission.


7 You need to develop your spiritual self

Your mission is to develop yourself in questions of faith and spirituality all throughout your life. Seek hidden truths and discover new correlations. You need to work on the wisdom within yourself. Make time for being alone immersing in your own emotions. Observe everything and walk through the world with your eyes open, and by doing so, you can walk on the right path. You need to learn to concentrate, to pay attention to others and to listen to their problems, so that you can help them find the way out. What does the question of personal growth mean in your life? In which area of your life do you learn the most? How important is personal growth for you?


Opportunities in your life

This number shows you in which area of your life you will you meet the most opportunities. This area may be especially important in your life; therefore you may feel that this is where you were already drifting towards. You feel a great urge to bloom in the area that this number represents. If you walk with your eyes open, you will notice that life puts everything in front of you that will make the path as easy as possible to follow.

The area of opportunities is one of the driving forces in your life

The number of the area of opportunities equals the number of your emotions. This means that this area is a very important motivator in your life. The opportunities in your life are important motivations that you can identify with emotionally, thus experiencing your opportunities becomes an inner urge.

The area of opportunities helps you utilize an important resource

The number of the area of opportunities is one of the abundant energy resources in your life. You can make use of your inner supporting resource through experiencing the opportunities opening up for you. This allows you to live with the opportunities much easier.


1 You get a lot of opportunities for creating independence

You will get many opportunities to create your independence. You have all the tools to be able to stand on your own feet and deal with your own things. You need to define what you want to do with these opportunities, because you can basically achieve anything that is in harmony with your mission. Take advantage of these opportunities and strive to eliminate your dependency on others and stand on your own feet! Leadership roles are the best for you because they allow you to control everything. Strive to have your own business if you can, or at least be your own boss in your work! What do the opportunities opening up to you mean in your life? What do you do with the opportunities you get from life? How important is it for you to receive opportunities?


Your Philosophy in Life

This number shows you your life philosophy. This is an inner conviction that gives you motivation to perform your tasks as well as possible. This point of view affects your daily life, your human connections and decisions.

4 Your philosophy: "Building has to be done step-by-step!"

Your philosophy is that every goal can be reached by hard and thorough work, provided you go step-by-step. You think that systems and order have to be built out of chaos, for which strictly defined agendas are needed. It is important that there are predictable and stable points in life that people can measure themselves against. You think that people should be honest and trustworthy and should keep their promises. The world needs stable and reliable systems which allow people to feel secure in their predictability Do you have a life philosophy that you consciously follow? How would you describe your own life philosophy? How important is it for you to have a life philosophy?



Takeaway gift for your daily life

In the next few pages you will read the summary of everything that your complete analysis entails. The following charts contain the abstract of your complete birth date analysis, which you can read through easily and quickly any time, allowing you to recall the most important messages that your date of birth carries. This analysis is worth nothing if you only read it once, understand the facts and put it aside. This analysis is like a map in the hands of a traveller. If you have goals and dreams, this helps you on the path leading to them and it will also show you whether you are on the right path or not. You can achieve real successes and true happiness in life if you act in harmony with yourself, your opportunities and with the plans you conceived when you were born. If you are aware of your plans and are able to implement the opportunities that you have read about in this analysis in your daily life by accepting yourself, then miracles will happen in your life. There is no difficulty that you could not face, no problem that you could not solve if you know for sure that you are on the right track. Do not forget that this analysis is an affirmative and supportive tool! It never makes decisions or takes responsibilities for you! This analysis is about your inner energies and the utilizable opportunities of your life! I wish you tremendous strength and persistence for your venture into self-knowledge!


Jantra, twelve secrets of life

Energy and Enthusiasm in Your Life Communicate energetically and put strength into your self-expression!

Family and friends in your life Be the person who your loved ones can always count on; strive for unconditional love and devotion!

Generosity in your life Handle material things generously; offer financial help to others if it is necessary!

Philanthropy in your life Smooth out the differences among people!


Intuition in your life Be intuitive in your financial matters, but let your emotions guide you in making your dreams and goals come true!

Joy in your life You love taking care of your loved ones the most; strive for harmony in all areas of life!

Learning mission in your life You need to learn to consciously implement your goals; you need to always set challenging goals for yourself to defeat.

Love in your life You are serviceable in love and are able to love your partner completely and unconditionally.


Money and finances in your life Earn money independently; strive to control your finances!

Personal growth in your life You need to develop your spiritual self; you need to dedicate your life to seeking hidden truths so that you can become wiser and wiser.

Opportunities in your life You get a lot of opportunities to create your independence; stand on your own feet and set a goal of what you will do with the freedom you get from life!

Your Philosophy in Life Your philosophy: "To build step-by-step!"


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