The Manual of Your Life (Sample Numerology Reading)

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Peter Schilling

The Manual Of Your Life

The numerology guidance for the life of your dreams
For: Peter Schilling Born in: 1977.10.27

ISBN 978-963-06-9134-5 2008-Current All rights reserved.


How does the birth date analysis become the manual for your life?
The first steps to efficient self-knowledge
When you buy a TV, you definitely get a manual with it. From this manual, you are able to learn briefly and concisely how to use the appliance and with what opportunities you are presented. Your mother did not receive such a set of instructions when you were born. Moreover, you did not get a set either with your first identity card. This is a great shortcoming, as each and every person on this planet works in a different way. Everyone has their own opportunities, abilities and limits. Your life goes according to these criteria. You react to the events of the day and you make your decisions with the help of these criteria. In order for the rules that shape your life be revealed to you, you need a manual for yourself from which you may learn the opportunities that life has in store for you. The reason why you do not have to complain to the Creator for the lack of a manual, however, is because of what your date of birth has in store for you. If you can read your birth date adequately, then the manual written for your life can be read plainly. Your date of birth is nothing more than an imprint or impression which contains the sum of the effects that originate from the moment of your birth.


These effects have left a stamped imprint on your life. That is why during your earthly existence, you will react to the constantly changing opportunities and experiences under the imprint of your birth date. We can call this imprint type or character. Physically, emotionally, intellectually, and in many other ways, you belong to a certain type. Of course, this does not mean you will react to everything the exact same way as others who belong to this group. However, the answers you give in a certain situation will be similar in many ways. Based on the above, you might arrive at a logical question.

Is everybody born on the same day identical?

The answer is yes and no. Naturally, even identical twins born with a half minute difference are not completely alike, neither in their behavior, nor in their appearance. The satisfying answer to this question might be that people born on the same day may react similarly in many situations. Even so, they are not identical; they represent different aspects of the same character type. This means that one type may have many faces. Think about coins, which have at least two sides. A character type has at least two faces as well. These two variations, which belong to a single subject, are the two extremes. Between the most extreme variations there are infinite shades which differ from point to point. There is a perfectly balanced point at the middle of the path that connects the two extremities. It is possible that you come across statements that you may not think are true for yourself. This should not surprise you, and instead try to dig to the depth of things. Ask yourself the necessary question: "AM I REALLY LIKE THIS?"


People can be classified into types more than one way and on different levels, such as the mental, the emotional, and the physical (just to mention the basic ones). These levels can affect each other in different ways. Thus, even among people with the same birthdate, there are significant differences.

How to read this analysis?

The customized numerological analysis that you are holding in your hand is no other than a MANUAL! Its a description that contains the most pivotal points of your inherent opportunities and limits. This analysis is the starting point of a work of self-discovery, enabling you to recognize those opportunities that allow you to live a fuller life by taking advantage of them. By recognizing your limits and shortcomings, you may be able to lead a more balanced life by making peace with yourself. Of course, such work takes a lot of time and it entails a lot of fatigue and big revelations. The only definite thing is that it is worth investing this energy for a FULLER LIFE. It may happen that you encounter contradictions in this analysis. You might read contradictory statements. Perhaps you will be surprised at this, but think about how many contradictions there are in your own life; how many irreconcilable thoughts you have against yourself? You cant resolve these from one day to the other. And you cant expect this analysis to be void of contradictions, since it only holds the mirror in front of you. "THIS IS YOU!" True responses may be shocking if you are honest with yourself. Use this analysis as a thought provoker! Pull it up from time to time and read it again! By doing so, you may see in what areas you have managed to progress and what tasks you still need to work on.


Dont just read the analysis!

Answer the questions about yourself raised in each chapter, as it is important that your self-knowledge becomes fuller and fuller by finding your own answers. In the analysis, the most important questions of your life will be answered via the numerological system, but take this as a starting point for your further self-discovery work. Make up additional questions for yourself in connection with the law of thought and try answering your own questions. For this I wish you good reading and successful self-discovery!

Friendly Greetings:

Peter Schilling The creator of the Number One Numerology System



The Equation of Happiness

The equation of happiness is derived successively from the seven laws of your life, which are decoded in your date of birth. The numbers given during the preparation of the numerological equation of your date of birth are what define the seven laws of your life. Getting to know the laws and applying them in the proper order is paramount regarding your successful and happy life. The seven laws featured in the equation of happiness are built on each other and they make up an unbreakable sequence. The first law is always more dominant in regards to your life than the second one, the second one is more dominant than the third one, and so on. In your life, the seven laws are truths dependent on each other. By getting to know them, you take responsibility for following them.

Getting to know the seven laws is not only a duty but a responsibility as well
After getting to know the seven laws, you will never again be able to claim ignorance concerning the inner powers that control your life. If you get to know the laws, you will never again allude to serendipitous ill-fortune or wait for lucky coincidences in your life. From this moment on, you are taking part in a special initiation that will finally place the responsibility of leading your life into your own hands. If you are truly ready to take responsibility for making the necessary steps after reading the analysis, then miracles will happen in your life. You will commence on a journey of long-term change, the outcome of which will rely solely on how courageously you yourself take the biggest steps.


The Three Basic Laws

The laws of the spirit, the soul and the body
1.The law of thought: The law originating from the number of the year of birth. This law defines your basic character and your way of thinking. The law of thought directs you to those universal values, which you will need to pay particular attention to in the course of your entire life. 2.The law of emotions: The law originating from the number of the month of birth. This law defines your inner personality and your emotional sphere. The law of emotions shows you what those propelling forces are, and what the most important force is that will drive you from the inside as the engine for your life. 3.The law of personality: The law originating from the number of the day of birth. This law defines how your inner personality is manifested towards the outside world, what your behavior is like, and what your habits are. The law of personality shows how you manifest those values and inner propelling forces, which define your life, to the outside world.


The Laws of Balance

The laws of instructive and supportive forces
4. The law of opportunity: The law originating from the shortcoming number of the date of birth equation.This law defines the areas of your life that you will need in order to develop value judgments. The law of opportunities shows you the weak points of your life. By confronting these weak points, you will find great opportunities in life. These opportunities are such clear instructive tasks that by accepting them, the secret doors of life will open for you. 5. The law of resources: The law originating from the abundant number of the date of birth equation. This law defines the abilities you possess that will help you fulfill your earthly mission. The law of resources shows you the forces that will pull you through hardships and which will help solve the challenges in your life. They are like magic powers, given to you by life, so that you might make the journey a little easier.


The Laws of the Road

The laws of your accepted mission
6.The law of the Life Path: The law originating from the totalized walk of life number. This law determines which road one should take in order to fulfill your earthly goals. The law of the walk of life shows you what challenges and hardships you must face in life. From this law, you may also come to understand what should be learned in the course of your life and also what you should teach the world. 7. The law of the mission: The law originating from the totalized mission number. This law shows you the task that must be fulfilled in the course of your life, what the mission is that you accepted by being born, and what you need to strive to fulfill in the course of your entire life. The law of the mission is not a goal to achieve. It is a human task to be done continuously, through which you contribute to the workings of the world.


Here is the numerological equation of your date of birth

The 7 Laws of your life are found within
Years 19 10 1 Years Thought 6 77 14 5 Months Emotions 1 Day Personality 9 Life Path 16 Mission 7 Months 10 Day 27

Shortcoming Number(s) - Opportunit(ies): 3,8 Abundant Number(s) - Resource(s): 1,6,7,9


1. The Law of Thought

The law of thought is the number one law of your life, meaning that your thinking determines your entire life. Whatever you think about enough, whatever you engage in the most, your life will manifest these things. Many people think that they are the victims of their circumstances and that they have no effect on the shaping of their life; however, if you know the law of thought, then you also know that you are able to control the events and happenings of your life with your thoughts. Your thoughts are like programs running on a computer which continuously give orders to your subconscious to realize the subject of the thoughts in reality. Every time you dwell on a thought, be it favorable or not, you are actually working on creating your own reality. The law of thought illuminates how you see the world, what the most important values are for you, and to which values you should give primacy in the course of your life. If your thoughts are in harmony with both your most important values as well as your world view, then you will be able to keep your life under control. Thus, strive to keep the law of thought in mind! Dont forget that your thoughts define the happenings of your life!


6 You have an imaginative mind

How do you see the world?
You are an exceptionally visual person. If you imagine something, you can also see it clearly in front of you. This is called creative imagination, which creates big and revolutionary things in life. The imagination you possess is a form of creativity too. You not only have ideas, but you can already see them realized in your minds eye. If you read a book or hear a story from someone, you see the events unfolding in front of you as if you were sitting in a cinema. Your ability also makes you a big dreamer, whose dreams are always floating around you. You have a fantastic eye for color harmony and beauty which results in great aesthetic taste. You are a really imaginative and creative person who has a fantastic imagination. Make time every day to discover newer and fresher things utilizing your imagination. Draw or write down the images you see in front of yourself, since chances are that you will only see them once. Although you daydream a lot, always try and pay attention to the practical side of life. If its possible accomplish such practical tasks first, even though they are hard to endure, you will have more time to daydream. Spend more time with those who are important to you. An intimate conversation recharges you with energy for everyday tasks. Are you able to make the images created by your imagination come true? Do you create time for limitless daydreaming? In what measures is good taste important to you?


What are the most important values for you in life?

The people closest to you, your immediate family and friends, are the most important to you in life. You would like to take care of them and have them close by. If they need you, all it takes is a word and you will help them. You would like to know that they dont lack for anything. It is important for you to have a secure and cozy home where you can go back to and unwind. You would like to see beauty and harmony surround you in your abode. This is expressed through everything in your home from objects to clothing. Who are those closest to you? How do you take care of the ones most important to you? What role does harmony play in your life?

What possible problems might arise from your world view?

It may be problematic that you daydream too much and because of this, the practical details of life may elude your attention. Oftentimes, you dont even pay attention when someone is talking to you. You are prone to living in a bit of a nave and sentimental dreamland. Its as if you were looking at the world through rose colored spectacles. Because of this, it may be the case that you deny seeing the true nature of things and thus you get scammed, damaged, or simply taken advantage of.


Are you able to pay attention to the practical side of life daily? Are you willing to see the rational world too? Has there been an example when you were impaired due to your daydreaming?

How does your world view contribute to the success of your work?
It is worth choosing a profession where you can take full advantage of your imagination and precognition. Jobs that require more than a simple mechanical performance are ideal for you. You can spot future possibilities that may lead to promotion. You find solutions that make work nicer and easier.

How does your world view affect your relationship?

If you have a partner, they certainly love that you are a romantic type for whom family and hearth are important. It is also important for you to find a partner with whom you feel safe and who does not only depend on your care, but cares for you as well. It might become problematic in your relationship if your head is lost in the clouds and you lose your sense of reality. You often forget about everyday tasks. If your partner calls out to you, you might not even hear it.


2. The Law of Emotions

The law of emotions is the second law of your life. It means that you give power to your beliefs to come true in your life. This law points out which emotions you charge your thoughts with. Emotions are the inner driving force of your life; they are like the fuel that sustains you in the journey of your life. Your emotions facilitate the fulfillment of your desires, but they can inhibit them as well. Think about a simple example: when you are cheerful and jovial you barely give credence to the impossible; you feel that you can do anything. This is truly the case. When you feel low and blue, then even the things you usually tackle easily seem more difficult. The law of emotions shows you which emotions charge you with energy, keeping you on your path so that you can do your very best. It is important for you to learn the message of this law because it shows you what needs to be present in your life. Knowing this message allows you to feel good in your skin, to be jovial, optimistic and energetic. Dont forget that your capabilities in life are defined by your emotions!


1 You have a passionate soul

What emotional character do you possess?
You are an extremely fiery, hot-headed person; you live your life at a very high temperature. You are full of energy and enthusiasm. Wherever you appear, it is guaranteed that you will have an effect on the people present. You bring a lot of drive and intense emotions to everything you do. You put your whole personality into everything you start working on. You love to take part in projects as a whole person, putting both your heart and soul into it. A brilliant fire is driving you from the inside that you will only be able to balance if you can invest the energy in a qualitative way. For this, you need concrete goals and plans. I suggest regular vigorous exercise to sweat out the surplus energy you possess. Otherwise, you will have to face a lot of inner tension rising from this excess energy. Are you able to experience this extremely intensive emotional energy without burden? Can you focus your motivation and turn your drive into useful energy? Are you able to really take part in what you are doing heart and soul?


What is the most important driving force in your life?

The most important motivation for you in life is being independent. Given enough independence, you are capable of doing anything; your heart and soul can be maximized to the fullest of your capabilities. The biggest motivation for you is the sense of independence. If people try to overly control you, you can quickly lose your enthusiasm. Does independence really motivate you? Are you able to utilize your independence? Can you control your life, or do others control you?

What possible emotional problems may arise for you?

Your exceptionally intensive emotional energy may be problematic at times because it can be felt by others around you. Some people may feel that the burning energy is a little too much to handle. If you cant get rid of this energy appropriately or keep it under control, then it could rise to a fever pitch and be taken out on the people you want to hurt the least. You can react to attacks and offenses in an incredibly fast and aggressive way. However, your anger often evaporates as quickly as it came. Since you do everything so quickly, it is difficult for you to bear those who react slower than you. This is why impatience is so commonly a problem with you.


Can you control or release the intense emotional energy within you? Are you able to control your emotions, or do you simply let them break lose? Do you practice the quality of patience, or do you walk all over people?

How do your driving forces contribute to the success of your work?

It is ideal if you can work as independently as possible. You do your best when you have enough elbow-room to command your own schedule. Preferably, you would become a leader in your field or otherwise become your own master, fully allowing you to dictate your work conditions. If you work on a team, then you need to learn how to show patience towards the other team members. In this situation, it is the best if you can be the leader of the team as well. Your enthusiasm as a leader is contagious, allowing others to tap into your energy.

What effects do your emotions have on your relationship?

If you have a partner, they certainly love your powerful passion because it keeps the relationship warm. This passion can, however, hide some danger as well. You participate in your relationships with empathy and incredible emotional intensity. You are prone to controlling your partner. A partner who is weaker emotionally than you may feel that they cease to exist beside you. You completely fill all the space at your disposal, not leaving much for your partner to reside in.


3. The Law of Personality

The third law of your life, the law of personality, means that every action you take becomes a brick in the structure of your life. Your personality is greatly defined by the first two laws: the law of thinking and the law of emotions. Your emotions are actually your motivation. Under the influence of your thoughts and motivation, you develop habits concerning the things you do, how you do them, and what steps you take along the way. The sum of your habits defines your personality. You need to have successful habits in order to have a successful and happy life. Successful habits ensure that both the most important values in your life prevail and that your emotions are properly expressed throughout the course of your life. You are only acting in harmony with your personality if you are not consciously manipulating your behavior or playing a role for others; truly acting in harmony with your personality means that you are able to freely manifest your will without limiting yourself. The law of personality shows you which circumstances allow you to be yourself the most. The law of personality helps you develop the successful habits that will make you successful and balanced in life. Many people play roles throughout their entire lives, which is why their real personalities will remain eternally hidden. If you find yourself in extreme situations and react to them instinctively, your original personality will surely prevail. It is worth recalling the last time you were in such a dangerous situation when you did not have the option to think about roles, allowing your real personality to instinctively surface. Dont forget that successful and happy people accept and express their own personalities!


9 You have a humble personality

What kind of personality do you possess?
You have a very humble and humane personality. Whatever you do, you always strive to do it for the benefit of many. You are not a very ostentatious person, and you would rather melt into the crowd as a solemn monk. However, you help the lives of many people unnoticeably and you do not expect a celebration or award in return. If somebody asks you something, it is very difficult for you to say no. Oftentimes you give way more than you get. You have a very modest and humble personality. You would like to help people by serving a sublime notion. That is why you put the interests of others in front of yours many times over. However, you need to learn not only to give but to ask and accept as well, because if you cannot recharge yourself, then you wont be able to give to others either! What does humbleness mean to you? Who are those whose lives you contribute to? Can you give selflessly?


How do you act and what are your habits?

You always have a mission on your mind. You like to know that what you are doing has a higher goal and power. You act selflessly for the good of people. If you see someone in trouble, you hurry to help them immediately. You are able to force your interests to the background so that you can do something for those who need it the most. Most of the time, you even carry the burden alone without complaining. What is the highest notion in your life that you serve? How do you help those who are in dire straits? For what causes do you force your interests in the background?

What problems may arise from your personality?

The dark side of your humble personality is that you have trouble exerting your will and even saying no when you should. Because of this, many people take advantage of you and abuse your trust. Since people instinctively sense your helpfulness, they are prone to pile tasks on you that you until the last drop of your strength is left. It is also problematic that you never ask for help. You want to solve every problem alone, and because of this you often take on more than you should. Are you able to say no and exercise your will? How do you handle the decisions that you would rather reject? Can you ask for help if you have a problem that you are not able to solve alone?


How does your personality contribute to the success of your work?

You can be successful in your work by delving into a profession where you can spread your services to as many people as you can. In the course of your work, you give human notions more primacy than others may even consider. Your profession needs to serve a higher ideal in order for you to be able to really identify with it. You act as a linkman with your activities. You are able to point out the root of the problem even in the most difficult situations, illuminating the possibility of solving them.

How does your personality affect your relationship?

If you have a partner, they certainly love that you are very human and modest; however, you still have principles that you hold on to which have aligned your whole life. It is very important for you that your relationship has an ideal that both of you can fight for. You like it if your partner identifies with the ideas you deem important. What may cause problems between the two of you is that you often ignore your own needs, and this causes problems because you also need love and attention. However, you never or very rarely bring this up. This may cause suppressed tension between the two of you. You need to learn to express what you want. You cannot expect your partner to read your mind and figure out what you would need!


4. The Law of Opportunities

The law of opportunities signals the areas of life where your value judgments are not appropriate. You often drift from one extreme to the other in these areas because you cannot find a balance. These are the most important lessons in your life; these are lessons that you truly need to learn in order to lead a happy and successful life. You encounter most of lifes difficulties in these specific areas. You might frequently feel that you need to avoid any such situation where you may have to face these topics. You must do the opposite, however, and face these difficulties head-on in order to acquire important life lessons. The law of opportunities is just one side of the laws of balance. This law shows the areas of your life that are the weakest, allowing you to focus on them specifically to open your life up to the possibility of success. If you understand the message behind the law of opportunities, you will realize that you have the most chance for upward mobility in these areas of life. If you put the proper emphasis on developing these areas, because one of the most important duties in your life is to create balance, you can achieve everything that you desire in life. Developing your weaknesses helps restore balance. The law of possibilities is like a locked treasure chest which by opening brings you an abundance of gifts. It is an opportunity for success in your life that can only be achieved by focusing on alleviating your shortcomings and utilizing the potential opportunities in your life. Do not forget that facing your weaknesses is one of the biggest opportunities of your life!


3 - The balance of giving and getting

You need to find balance in regards to self-expression. In one instance, you may talk too much and sometimes it is unnecessary. You want to be the center of attention sometimes and you cannot stand it when you are unable to talk about yourself. Other times, getting you to speak is like a dentist pulling teeth. In certain cases you avoid the company of people and would rather retreat, particularly if you find yourself in a new situation. You should be among people more often. You need to learn the golden rules of communication. Be the entertainer, instructor and idol of the community. You need to develop your imagination. Do creative activities that allow self-expression. Play music, dance, paint, draw or write! All these can bring out your inner creativity. Give more to yourself, think positively, and flood your environment with positive thoughts. You need to learn both self-love and the acceptance of love, and only by doing so will you be able to express your love to others. It may be that you are unable to deal with the question of acceptance and reception. At the other extreme, you let everything and everyone in without restriction, becoming overly open and defenseless. The balance of giving and receiving is what you need to learn. Do not forget that the one who can give must learn to accept and this is also true vice versa.

What problems might arise in the course of your work?

It might cause problems in your work that on one hand, it is difficult for you to open up to new people; on the other hand, if you do find your place you become so preoccupied with your own ideas that you pay no attention to anyone else. This is why you do not take other people into consideration. When this happens, your work becomes only about expressing your own self. This may be a great disadvantage even if you are an independent person, because you end up ignoring the needs of


the people whom the job is intended to serve.

What problems may you have in a relationship?

What may cause the biggest problem in your relationship is that you pay very little attention to your partner are prone to only talking about yourself without listening to the other. This can become very frustrating and boring after a while. On the other hand, you are able to let some problems go without saying a word, essentially sweeping them under the rug so you can avoid conflict. A balance of giving and receiving is what you should strive for. Learn to pay attention to your partner!

What possibilities does this shortcoming hold in store for you?

It is a great opportunity if you are able to create balance concerning the question of giving and receiving. You need to learn when to speak and when to remain silent; when to get everything off your chest and to pay attention to others. You need to strive for balance in the question of love as well. What does the saying silence is golden mean to you? How do you behave if you find yourself in the company of strangers? How do you express your creativity? Are you able to both give and receive?


8 - The balance of exerting self-interest

It may be problematic for you to stick up for yourself and defend your own interests. Because of this, you are prone to avoiding conflict and you often overshadow yourself. On the other hand, you often try to validate your thoughts with great strength even when there is no need. You are prone to ignoring the laws of the world even though they affect you. Because of this, you often make hasty, naive and rash decisions from which you may cause yourself serious harm. At the other extreme, you take details way too seriously; you try to protect yourself from too much. Because of this, there is a danger that you may be unable to make decisions regarding issues that are vital to you. On one hand you are prone to getting by without any goals or concrete plans, acting on a strictly ad hoc basis. This puts serious obstacles in your path, but they would be wholly avoidable with just a little planning. On the other hand, you want to plan all the steps so meticulously that you never get to the end. Self-management poses difficulties for you. It is difficult for you to let go of tasks; you want to do everything by yourself. Many times you set the bar so high that you are unable to achieve success. On the other hand, you may never even expose yourself to challenges, essentially making your life a pointless endeavor.

What problems may arise in the course of your work?

Due to your impatience, you are prone to expecting fast results by neglecting the details. Because of this, you often feel unsuccessful and disappointed. You frequently make unfounded and hasty decisions which never bring the desired results. At other times, you want to organize everything too thoroughly; you set the bar too high and you drown in the tasks. You need to learn to manage yourself, to divide your time properly and assess your achieving abilities.


What problems may arise in your relationship?

On one hand, it is often difficult for you to appropriately represent your will which could cause tension in you that may explode when least expected. At times like this, you pour everything that you were holding back on your partner. This can be very difficult for them to understand since you might bring up grievances from months ago. You need to learn to say things when they cause concrete problems for you, so that you do not acquire unnecessary tension.

What opportunities does this shortcoming hold in store for you?

The biggest opportunity for you is if you are able to learn to express your will. Set realistic goals and make plans in order to realize them. Make sure to neither over plan nor expect immediate results, because every difficulty that surfaces will be viewed as a failure. Learn to manage yourself and divide your resources! Are you able to defend yourself? How can you validate your will? Are you prone to taking the laws of the world into consideration? Can you divide your own resources?


5. The Law of Resources

The law of resources signals the areas of life where you have exceptional abilities. These are the areas where you are able to move upward in life most easily. Your life may become easier and fuller if you recognize and take advantage of the tools you get for help. The law of resources is the other side of the laws of balances which does its best not to allow the vortex of differences to suck you in itself. The law of resources helps you to take advantage of your opportunities and defeat the difficulties that arise from them. Resources for you are like the magic tools in the hands of the fairy tale hero. You get them in the course of your journey so that they can help you against even the biggest challenges. Recognizing these resources is especially important for you because without them you become defenseless against the challenges of life. Your resources protect you from going astray or from getting mired in a problem that might distract you from accomplishing a goal. Your resources are the strengths that can bridge all your weaknesses. Strengths and weaknesses create balance in your life, helping you walk the road of life that you were born to walk on. Without a balance of opportunities and resources, you would be prone to deviating from the path you have chosen. It is your strengths, however, that bring you back from your wanderings. Do not forget that resources are magic tools in your hands which help you defeat any difficulties!


1 Creator Power as a resource

The inner creator power is a potential resource for every person in the 20th century. It is no coincidence that the importance of the notion of self-realization has increased tremendously during the last two generations. It is extremely important for you to be able to stand your ground independently in every area of your life. This is one of the most important lessons for you because the majority of the people would prefer to shift the responsibility to someone else instead of taking control over their own lives. If you are able to utilize this resource, then you have a real creator power. Creator power does not mean that things magically happen effortlessly with a snap of your fingers. Creating means that you can make your thoughts come true with the help of persistent work and invested energy. This power is in your hands; the question is when you start using it for real.

What problems might this power bring into your life?

One of the dark sides of this resource is the question of ego because it takes nothing and nobody into consideration besides itself, stubbornly going its own way. The ego runs over others and only revolves around itself. The most important words of the ego are: "I, me, and mine." If these words ring a bell, then you should think about how you can leave your ego behind and take control of your life instead of letting your ego control your life. The other important problem that this resource may bring into your life is loneliness. You may even feel lonely if you are in a relationship. One can be the loneliest in a crowd. This can also be caused by the ego. An opportunity for absolution is if you open yourself to other people and make room for others in your life.


How does this power appear in your work?

The fantastic effect this power may have on your work is that you are able to achieve anything that you can imagine. If you take control over your life, you will be endowed with creator power. The dark side of this power is that it may sabotage a team from within if everyone else is only thinking about fulfilling their personal goals. If a strong leader does come forth with everyones acceptance, only then can a common goal be worked towards coherently.

How does this power appear in your relationship?

You can witness this power by observing your need for independence within a relationship. The notion of fully giving yourself to a relationship is missing from modern society and in its stead, selfishness towards the other has taken its place. This can be resolved, however, because this power exists within you as well as your partner. That is why you should try to work together to create wonderful things. Do you feel the creator power within you? Do you take responsibility for controlling your own life? What does selfishness mean to you and how does it appear in your life? In what part of your life is loneliness most prevalent?


6 Harmony as a resource
The beauty and harmony that you manifest around yourself play an incredibly important role in your life. You bring harmony, warmth and a sense of security into the lives of people wherever you appear. These people may feel that they lack absolutely nothing just being beside you. You really look after the well-being of the people around you, especially those who are the most important to you. You make everything beautiful around you, starting with yourself and your home, because you want to ooze harmony with all your being. The way you dress and your home are elemental parts of this, which means you also desire the ability to recharge and safety. You are extremely warm-hearted and you would like to live and make decisions according to your heart. You have a creative and creator imagination, which is lends well to fantasy. You are able to see yet non-existent things in front of yourself that may later come true through your will. Thanks to your imagination, you give a lot of beauty to the world. Strive to record everything that appears in your minds eye in a visual medium. Draw, paint or just sketch it, because by doing so you will free your imagination from captivity.

What problems might this power bring into your life?

Harmony and beauty are important parts of our lives, but if you overdo them, they will make your life cheesy and overly sentimental. At times like this, you are prone to seeing the world through rose colored spectacles, at times losing your rational world view completely. The creative creator imagination is useful until you become its captive and start living in a dream world, losing all connection with reality. Strive to listen to your mind in addition to your heart, otherwise you may become nave and easily scammed! If you are looking after others, make sure you do not throw out the baby with the bath water when your caring


becomes overwhelming and burdensome.

How does this power appear in your work?

You can profit superbly from this ability of yours if you work in a field where you have to monitor and serve the needs of people, making sure they have a secure foundation. Your fantasy is also an excellent resource that you can utilize wonderfully in the course of your work. If you combine the fields of caring and creating fantasy, you can take part in creating things that make peoples lives beautiful and can contribute to their well-being.

How does this power appear in your relationship?

This power makes you a romantic dreamer in a relationship. There is an imaginary picture in your head of the ideal partner and you seek the One matching this image. You can actually use this ability of yours to attract the person into who provides you with the love and security that you desire. Do not forget that fantasy and reality are often very far from each other! Do not delude yourself with daydreams that are impractical in reality because you will be constantly disappointed! Make sure that your caring does not get burdensome and stifling for your partner! What gives you warmth and security in your life? In which area is your creative imagination the most prevalent? Are you able to keep your connection to the world you live in? What happens when your love is rejected?


7 Understanding as a resource
Understanding the way that everything around you works plays an especially important role in your life. It is important that you can dig deep into everything and understand the things you come into contact with. Spirituality is a defining part of your life. You discover spirituality behind every living and existing thing, and this helps you understand them much deeper. You view the world and the events of your life from an objective distance. The perpetual search is a constant part of your life, and it is important if you are to find answers to the questions most important to you. It is always the questions in connection with the depth of life that preoccupy your mind. You never scratch the surface, because you are only interested in the deepest point of the ocean. People often turn to you for advice. It is in your aura that you are sensitive to various human problems and you try to find the proper solution for them at all times. Due to your ability to remain objective, you can always give the proper advice for those who turn to you.

What problems might this power bring into your life?

One of the consequences of this constant search may be that you cannot see the woods from the trees, getting lost instead in the details. You are prone to over-analyzing both life and yourself. You may easily get tangled up in this and you will miss out on life entirely. One of the consequences of this constant search for depth may be that you are constantly blue and prone to becoming depressed. Make time for superficial things also. Go out and have fun; meet people who divert your attention from yourself, otherwise you can easily become lonely! Your emotional support services may put you in the position of being everyones emotional trashcan on whom all problems can be dumped.


Protect yourself from this unnecessary burden and help only if your advice will be taken, because constant complaining only drains all your energy!

How does this power appear in your work?

You can profit greatly from your superior ability to concentrate. If there is a topic that you are interested in, you are able to immerse yourself in it perfectly without caring what is going on around you. You become intimately familiar with all the details and really get to know the topics that you are committed to. Therefore, it is worth finding a field which meets the commitment. You are incredibly persistent. Whatever you start doing, you complete it with great concentration. You need to be able to work independently. It is important that you are not expected to give a report on the results every two minutes, because what you do is usually a long and time-consuming process.

How does this power appear in your relationship?

Your partner gets a lot of attention from you in a relationship. You are completely open to the soul of your partner. What is more, one of the most important things for you in your relationship is that it is not shallow. It is extremely important for you to be able to get to know each other in the deepest depth and share every dimension of your souls with each other. It is important that you need to keep your own intimate space in a relationship as well, a place where you can retreat and deal with your own things. However, make sure that you do not lock yourself away too much. Leave a little door for your partner through which they may find you if needed! What does understanding of the workings of the world mean to you?


What question are you currently seeking to answer in your life? In what area of your life are you prone to getting lost in the details? What do you do when you notice that you are overly down or depressed?


9 Responsibility as a resource
You are the model of human responsibility. The ideals that guide your life could eventually change the lives of millions forever. You are an idealistic dreamer who can believe in goodness and its development. A notion higher than yourself is guiding your life and it becomes a part of everything that you touch. You see the dealings of life from a completely different view point that most people. You are like an eagle circling above a place, seeing everything from a higher point of view and able to observe its connectedness. Since you can see the correlations, you see conflict among people as mostly senseless. One of your basic principles is service carried out towards people. You are able to submerge your own will and individual interests in order to help the lives of others. If you can use this power not just to help individuals but also for the greater good, then you will be able to do miracles.

What problems might this power bring into your life?

One of the dark sides of your idealistic world view is that you are prone to completely detach yourself from reality, which often results in ideas that are almost impossible to implement in practice. Because of this you frequently lose the connection between your ideals and reality. It is good if there is a rational person beside you because they can help you in such situations. Your service can easily turn against itself. At times like this, people abuse your trust by taking advantage of the goodwill and helpfulness that you invest in them. If you do not learn to say no, you will use up all your energy and you will not be able to help those who would really need it.

How does this power appear in your work?


You can be successful in life if you can use this power for the service of a lofty goal. It is important that the job that you are doing can fulfill an important mission and can change the lives of people en masse. Thanks to your high point of view, you can find solutions to serious problems with a single blow that others have never thought of before. Your ideas, however, often need to be translated to the language of practicality in order to become implementable.

How does this power appear in your relationship?

You would like to see a realized idea in your relationship as well. Because of this, you are often disappointed since the ideal and the practical reality you live in are very different. It may be that your partner is unable to live up to the expectations you set. If there is a common idea that you both want to attain, the work that you are doing for it may be the stable foundation of your relationship. It is not a problem if your partner is more down to earth than you are, since at least there is someone in your life who can bring you back to reality from time to time. What is the idea that is the most important for you to implement? How do you see the world around you? What is the mistake that should be corrected immediately? How conscious are you of the real world in which you live? Are you able to say no to those people who only take advantage of you?


6. The Law of the Life Path

The law of the life path shows you how to accomplish your life mission. Generally, this means re-experiencing life situations in different forms; you will live these throughout the course of your life again and again. This is how they will help you fulfill your life mission. The law of the life path is like a re-occurring lesson that you ought to learn until it is completely mastered and its values have been incorporated into your own. The law of the life path represents continuity in your life, giving you progressively more acute lessons as you progress. This effect does not necessarily appear every day, but instead brings the significant change into your life that follows any realignment of your life. You will recognize the lessons from the law of the life path because they result in a drastic change from one second to the other, often tipping you out of your daily routine and inspiring you to pay attention to one specific area of your life. The law of the life path affects not only your life, but with its help you can also teach the people around you. You bring the lessons of your own life to the people in your environment. Through this quality you both learn and teach concurrently, because we are all masters and students at the same time in our own lives. Do not forget that the biggest lessons in life bring you the biggest gifts!


16 You walk the path of breaking out

Life teaches you to always check whether you are building a castle of cards in your life. If you notice that illusions surround you instead of reality, it is good if you immediately start pricking the bubble voluntarily. You gladly test the strength of the bubble if you feel that your life is too narrow, boring, and dull, allowing you to break out without compromises. Others may deem you unpredictable or destructive. You do a very important thing: you knock down old, dusty and fossilized notions so that you can make place for the new. It is characteristic of you to emerge and in the middle of an area where there will soon be dramatic changes. You often spend a longer time in a situation when you realize the faulty points. When the time comes, you start demolishing the already decomposing structure mercilessly. It is important that you learn to step out of these situations before the whole building collapses. You do a really important thing by this: you make place for the new.

What difficulties may this path bring to you?

You are prone to building castles in the sky during the course of your life and if you do not notice it in time, then they will collapse on you. It could even take a long time until you pull yourself out from underneath the ruins. The solution is to face the facts honestly and if you notice that you have deceived yourself, you should consciously step out of the situation in time.


What path do you walk in the course of your work?

You are prone to destroying all radical concepts in the course of your work that might lead you astray; you make decisions from one second to the next that might destroy the work of many years. Of course, this characteristic of yours may be very useful, because you cut a lasting wrong path in two. Therefore, this may bring more advantage in the long-run than the harm a sudden change of direction may cause. Always be honest to yourself and insist on facts, because only facts give you credible advice for your decisions.

What path do you walk in your relationship?

You are prone to building on illusions in your relationship as well, but at the same time you are also able to pulverize everything in a second that you have built up together. You need to learn that it matters which foundations you build a relationship on. As long as you delude yourself you will be breaking down constantly. If you are prone to being honest with yourself and with your partner, then you may prevent the lies and build on truly stable foundations. In what areas of your life are you building on lies? What happened after you demolished the illusions? Are you willing to face the facts honestly? How could you build your life on stable foundations in the future?


7. The Law of the Life Mission

The law of the life mission shows you what mission you were born to pursue. This law is the essence of the laws of thinking, emotions, personality and life path. The life mission is the blooming of everything that is the most important in your life, what motivates you, what you do the most for and what you walk the most difficult path for. This mission is what you were born to do. The law of the life mission, just like all the laws of life, is more like energy than a concrete task written in your palm. This energy may bring you success in certain areas of life, but its basic essence remains the same no matter where life may take you. You may experience your life mission on really high and low levels as well. Even if you ignore your life mission, it will still play a huge part in shaping your life. If you are consciously seeking to fulfill your mission, your growth will spiral exponentially. Along with growth, you may receive increasingly more difficult tasks. However, these tasks are never more difficult than what you can handle. Fulfilling your life mission becomes more and more difficult throughout the course of your life so that you will perpetually be inspired to take steps forward. For you, there is no standing still when it comes to personal development; you are either continuously going forward or slipping downhill. Because of this, fulfilling your mission requires constant work and attention. Do not forget that you have a special personality; you were born to fulfill a special mission!


7 You were born to look for answers

Your mission is to be the doctor, healer, consoler and advisor for the people turning to you with broken bodies and souls. It is important to always increase your practical knowledge and intellectual wisdom. You look for hidden truths behind everything; accept the recognized laws into your life and pass them on as advice to those turning to you. If you fulfill your calling as a helper, all the necessary financial resources will be at your disposal and the universe will satisfy all your needs. You are extremely curious. You travel a lot and you do so gladly. You travel not only in the world, but on the inside as well, exploring your emotions and opportunities. There is always something that piques your interest and if there is not, then you immediately look for a topic that would engage your attention more permanently. Once you have achieved a goal, you do not remain idle for long; almost immediately you start out on a new journey. You are talented in defeating tensions and contradictions. You are an especially philosophical type; you are attracted to spirituality and religions. It helps with your human connections that you can easily picture yourself in the shoes of others. You like to be alone and look for peaceful places.

What problems will you face in the course of fulfilling your life mission?
During your search for life you are prone to shutting out the outside world. At times like this, you do not put up with anybody or anything around you. If your self-imposed loneliness is disturbed, you often react brusquely and try to lock yourself up fast again.


Plenty of things catch your interest and you consider working with them, but it is very difficult for you to divide your attention. This fills you with unnecessary tension and scatters your energy. Strive to focus on one thing at a time and move on to the next field only when you are done with the previous one!

How does your life mission appear in your work?

You help correct mistakes and solve conflicts in the course of your work, regardless of whether it involves human lives or technical developments. You like immersing yourself in research. It is important for you to always find a new field of interest. The best profession for you would permit adjusting the tasks to your current interests. The most appropriate field may be freelancing. You excel in fields where helping, comforting and supporting people is the task. Consider becoming a psychologist, spiritual leader, or life coach.

How does your life mission appear in your relationship?

However broad your field of interest is, you are consistent in your relationship. You are looking for a person who walks the same path as you and once found, you stand by them resolutely. You look for depth and understanding from your partner. You want to find out all your partners secrets. You need to make sure to give your partner enough room because you are prone to suffocating them with your curiosity.


Make sure you have enough space to retreat for lonely work, but do not lock yourself up for too long because your partner may easily feel that they are alone in the relationship. During retreats like this, you are prone to locking up emotionally as well which might alienate you from your partner. Do you accept your mission of constantly seeking answers? How do you help the people turning to you for advice? What happens if you are interrupted during your contemplations? Are you able to focus on a given topic?



Takeaway gift for your daily life

In the next few pages you will read the summary of everything that your complete analysis entails. The following charts contain the abstract of your complete birth date analysis, which you can read through easily and quickly any time, allowing you to recall the most important messages that your date of birth carries. This analysis is worth nothing if you only read it once, understand the facts and put it aside. This analysis is like a map in the hands of a traveller. If you have goals and dreams, this helps you on the path leading to them and it will also show you whether you are on the right path or not. You can achieve real successes and true happiness in life if you act in harmony with yourself, your opportunities and with the plans you conceived when you were born. If you are aware of your plans and are able to implement the opportunities that you have read about in this analysis in your daily life by accepting yourself, then miracles will happen in your life. There is no difficulty that you could not face, no problem that you could not solve if you know for sure that you are on the right track. Do not forget that this analysis is an affirmative and supportive tool! It never makes decisions or takes responsibilities for you! This analysis is about your inner energies and the utilizable opportunities of your life! I wish you tremendous strength and persistence for your venture into self-knowledge!


The seven laws of your life

1.The Law of Thought

You have an excellent imagination and you should use this ability as often as you can! Spend more time with people important to you, with whom your batteries can be recharged! See to it that you not only daydream, but also make your dreams come true in reality!

2.The Law of Emotions

You are passionate and dynamic. Use the power within you wisely. Make sure that you dont burn down everything around you!

3.The Law of Personality

You are a downright modest person; the model of humbleness. You like to serve others for the good of a higher goal. While you give plenty, you need to learn to ask and to accept as well!


4.The Law of Opportunities

You are prone to talking too much, but you still draw back completely in an alien situation. You need to find the appropriate balance in the question of self-expression. It is equally important to give and to receive. Practice both! Self-validation is difficult for you. You need to learn to represent your own interests and exert your will. You can do this by understanding the laws of the world and learning to divide your resources appropriately.

5.The Law of Resources

For everybody born in the 20th century, the question of self-realization and the creator power is exceptionally important. The dark side of this power is the ego, selfishness and loneliness. This can be controlled only by making a conscious decision in your life. You are a harmonious person full of love who you exude warmth. Use this ability of yours to make the lives of the people around you more beautiful. You have a creative imagination. Create things around you that make the world more beautiful. You look for very deep answers and paths. Use this ability of yours and find answers to the most important questions within you; this will help the lives of others as well. Your deep observation helps give answers to the people turning to you for advice. You are immensely idealistic and you fight for lofty ideas. Use this ability to make the world a better and more livable place! Thanks to your world


view, you see correlations in the world could end up solving many problems.

6.The Law of the Life Path

Life teaches you to always reflect on your life to see if there is morass where you may get stuck. Always be honest to yourself, and face the facts early so that you do not have to be disappointed later on. If the breakdown does happen, be grateful because the picture has cleared up and you may build on stable foundations later.

7.The Law of the Life Mission

You are a very engrossed and extremely emphatic person. You are able to give objective advice to those who turn to you. You are interested in a multitude of things from all areas of life, but you need to learn to focus on one topic at a time. Make sure not to lock yourself up from the world! Lean to choose from the myriad of opportunities that arise every day!


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