Newsletter - 09 Oct

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What’s happen- Angel Crossing

ing on
First Presidency
Christmas Devotional
Relief Society Newsletter
The First Presidency
Christmas Devotional will
feature the Mormon Tab-
ernacle Choir and the Or-
chestra at Temple Square.
Presidency Message
Members of the First by Amanda Hancock, Education Counselor
Presidency will be the
I have been thinking a lot lately about a recent Sunday School lesson in which we dis-
cussed the rescue of the Willey and Martin handcart companies. The point was brought
Dates and Location: out that the pioneers who were freezing and starving on the plains had to be willing to
Sunday, December 6, accept help when it was offered. What would the rescuers have thought if the dying
2009, 6:00 p.m. pioneers had turned down their help, saying “Oh thanks, but we’ll be okay. We’ve got
Conference Center Audito- it.”? Such a refusal of help would have been ridiculous and even fatal. But how often do
rium we turn down the help that willing friends or even strangers offer us? Do we constantly
feel that we need to take care of all of our own needs all the time, no matter what hap-
Tickets: pens in our lives? Do we, at times, even make the person who is offering help feel bad
Free tickets are required that they “bothered” us with their offer? When we allow others to serve, we help them
for the First Presidency strengthen their “service muscles” so they are better able to help more people in the
Christmas Devotional. Due future. We give them an opportunity to build their testimony of the joy that comes from
to the very high demand, service.
tickets will be distributed
through a random selec-
And what do we do with the service that the Savior has offered to each of us through
tion process.
his atonement? Christ gave the greatest service of all, knowing that not everyone would
accept it. Because He loves us so much, He was willing to offer his whole life in order to
Patrons may register offer salvation to each one of us. Let us always be grateful for and accepting of this
on the Internet at most perfect of all acts of service. Let us accept Christ’s love and atonement, repent of our sins, and receive the great blessings He has prepared for us.
for the opportunity to
receive tickets.
With love,
The registration pe-
riod will be from Sat-
Sister Amanda Hancock
urday, October 10,
2009, at 12:01 a.m.
through Monday, Oc-
tober 19, 2009, at
11:59 p.m. Visiting Teaching Update
Patrons not selected
to receive tickets will Many of you recently received a new visiting teaching route. We would love to
be notified by e-mail. leave routes alone, however due to schedule conflicts, sisters not being visited for
Patrons who are se- months up to years, visiting teaching requires “updating”. Please know that much
lected will receive prayer and thoughtful consideration went into each change. We pray that you will
their tickets in the embrace the new changes and bless the lives of the sisters that may be newly as-
mail. signed to you. If you have questions about your new assignments please contact a
member of the RS presidency.
Lessons for October
October Visiting
Teaching Message
No Lessons Oct 4—General Conference or Oct. 11—Stake Conference
Oct. 18 Chapter 42, Family: The Sweetest Union for Time and for Eternity
Nurture the
Oct 25 April 09 Conf. Talk, Elder Hales—Becoming Provident Providers
Rising Generation
Temporally and Spiritually
Elder Ronald A. Rasband of
the Presidency of the Sev-

October Birthdays
enty: "Our rising generation
is worthy of our best efforts
to support and strengthen
them in their journey to
adulthood. . . . In every ac- Oct 3 Sue Winkler Oct 7 Jessie Pond
tion we take, in every place Oct 3 Shawn Christensen Oct 15 Jennifer Garcia
we go, with every Latter-day Oct 6 Lucille Cox Oct 29 Lynnette Herrara
Saint young person we meet, Oct 7 Natalie Critchlow Oct 31 Cindy Garlick
we need to have an increased
awareness of the need for

Calendar Items
strengthening, nurturing, and
being an influence for good
in their lives" ("Our Rising
Generation," Liahona and October 3-4 General Conference
Ensign, May 2006, 47). Saturday, Oct. 10 Adult Stake Conference, 7pm @ Stake Center
Sunday, Oct. 11 Stake conference, 10am Bountiful Regional Center
Saturday, Oct. 24 Ward/Neighborhood Harvest Party, 4-6pm @ white
Gentile church. Chili cookoff and carnival. More to come!
Visiting Teaching Thursday, Oct. 29 Recipe/Cooking Activity @ Katie Thompson’s home 7pm,
Results Fall flavors: pumpkin, apple, caramel, etc.
June 64% Saturday, Nov. 14 Super Saturday!! 10a-2p
July 66%
Aug 84%
Sept 71%

We had several com-

panionships that did
Recipe Box
not report their visit- Italian Crockpot Chicken
ing teaching. When
your supervisor 5 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 1 cans cream of chicken soup, 11 ounces
1 package cream cheese, softened, 8 ounces 1 package Good Seasons Italian Dressing mix
doesn’t hear from you 4 cups rice
then it’s reported as a
ZERO. Put chicken on bottom of greased slow cooker. Combine soup, cream cheese, and dressing mix.
Pour over chicken. Cook on high for 5 hours, or low for 8-10 hours. Before serving, cook rice
according to package directions. Top rice with chicken and sauce. Try noodles too!
Visit our new blog!
Angelcrossingladies. Our deepest condolences to Gage and McKinsey Robertson on
(thank you the loss of their son, Nolan.
Katie Griffin!!)

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