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Final Exam Review- Quarter 4 Ch 17 Thermochemistry Practice Test

Matching Match each item with the correct statement below. a. calorimeter d. enthalpy b. calorie e. specific heat c. joule f. heat capacity _B___ 1. quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1 C _C___ 2. S unit of energy _!___ ". quantity of heat needed to change the temperature of 1 g of a substance by 1 C _#___ $. quantity of heat needed to change the temperature of an object by 1 C _%___ &. de'ice used to measure the heat absorbed or released during a chemical or physical process _(___ ). heat content of a system at constant pressure Match each item with the correct statement below. a. heat of reaction b. heat of formation c. *ess+s law of heat summation d. heat of fusion e. heat of solution

__%__ ,. the enthalpy change for a chemical reaction e-actly as it is written _!___ .. the enthalpy change caused by dissol'ing a substance _(___ /. the energy required to melt a solid at its melting point __B__ 10. the change in enthalpy that accompanies the formation of a compound from its elements _C___ 11. states that if you add two or more thermochemical equations to gi'e a final equation1 you can also add the heats of reaction to gi'e the final heat of reaction Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. _(___1&2. 2hat happens to the energy produced by burning gasoline in a car engine3 a. 4he energy is lost as heat in the e-haust. b. 4he energy is transformed into wor5 to mo'e the car. c. 4he energy heats the parts of the engine. d. all of the abo'e __(__1&". % piece of metal is heated1 then submerged in cool water. 2hich statement below describes what happens3 a. 4he temperature of the metal will increase. b. 4he temperature of the water will increase. c. 4he temperature of the water will decrease. d. 4he temperature of the water will increase and the temperature of the metal will decrease. __B__1&$. *ow does a calorie compare to a joule3 a. % calorie is smaller than a joule. c. % calorie is equal to a joule. b. % calorie is larger than a joule. d. 4he relationship cannot be determined. _%___1&&. 2hat would li5ely happen if you were to touch the flas5 in which an endothermic reaction were occurring3 a. 4he flas5 would probably feel cooler than before the reaction started.









B___ 1)$.


__% 1)).

b. 4he flas5 would probably feel warmer than before the reaction started. c. 4he flas5 would feel the same as before the reaction started. d. none of the abo'e 2hich of the following is 674 a form of energy3 a. light c. heat b. pressure d. electricity 2hen energy is changed from one form to another1 ____. a. some of the energy is lost entirely b. all of the energy can be accounted for c. a physical change occurs d. all of the energy is changed to a useful form f heat is released by a chemical system1 an equal amount of heat will be ____. a. absorbed by the surroundings c. released by the surroundings b. absorbed by the uni'erse d. released by the uni'erse 2hich of the following is transferred due to a temperature difference3 a. chemical energy c. electrical energy b. mechanical energy d. heat n an e-othermic reaction1 the energy stored in the chemical bonds of the reactants is ____. a. equal to the energy stored in the bonds of the products b. greater than the energy stored in the bonds of the products c. less than the energy stored in the bonds of the products d. less than the heat released % process that absorbs heat is a8n9 ____. a. endothermic process c. e-othermic process b. polythermic process d. ectothermic process 2hen your body brea5s down sugar completely1 how much heat is released compared to burning the same amount of sugar in a flame3 a. 4he body releases more heat. b. 4he body releases less heat. c. 4he body releases the same amount of heat. d. 4he body releases no heat. 4he quantity of heat required to change the temperature of 1 g of a substance by 1 C is defined as ____. a. a joule c. a calorie b. specific heat d. density % piece of candy has & Calories 8or &000 calories9. f it could be burned1 lea'ing nothing but carbon dio-ide and water1 how much heat would it gi'e off3 a. &00 calories c. &000 joules b. & 5ilocalories d. 6ot enough information is gi'en. *ow many joules are in 1$. calories3 81 cal : $.1. ;9 a. ).)1 ; c. 1$. ; b. "&.$ ; d. )1/ ; 2hat is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 200.0 g of aluminum by 10 C3 8specific heat of aluminum : 0.21 9

a. $20 cal c. $21000 cal b. $200 cal d. $201000 cal _B___1),. 2hat is the specific heat of a substance if 1&)0 cal are required to raise the temperature of a "12<g sample by 1& C3

a. b.

0.0"" 0.""

c. d.

0.// 1.""

__B__1).. *ow many 5ilocalories of heat are required to raise the temperature of 22& g of aluminum from 20 C to 100 C3 8specific heat of aluminum : 0.21 9

a. 0.&/ 5cal c. .& 5cal b. ".. 5cal d. none of the abo'e __%__1)/. 4he heat capacity of an object depends in part on its ____. a. mass c. shape b. enthalpy d. potential energy __%__1,0. 2hich of the following is a 'alid unit for specific heat3 a. c. b. cal d. C _B___1,1. 2hen $& g of an alloy1 at 2& C1 are dropped into 100.0 g of water1 the alloy absorbs /&) ; of heat. f the final temperature of the alloy is ", C1 what is its specific heat3 a. c. 0.$2" /... b. 1.,, d. $...

__B__1,2. *ow can you describe the specific heat of oli'e oil if it ta5es appro-imately $20 ; of heat to raise the temperature of , g of oli'e oil by "0 C3 a. greater than the specific heat of water c. equal to the specific heat of water b. less than the specific heat of water d. 6ot enough information is gi'en. _%___1,". 4he specific heat of sil'er is 0.2$ . *ow many joules of energy are needed to warm $.", g of sil'er from





_C__ 1,..

2&.0 C to 2,.& C3 a. 2.)2 ; c. $&.& ; b. 0.1$ ; d. 0.022 ; 2hich of the following has the greatest heat capacity3 a. 1000 g of water c. 1 g of water b. 1000 g of steel d. 1 g of steel 2hich of the following substances has the highest specific heat3 a. steel c. alcohol b. water d. chloroform By what quantity must the heat capacity of an object be di'ided to obtain the specific heat of that material3 a. its mass c. its temperature b. its 'olume d. its energy 4he amount of heat transferred from an object depends on which of the following3 a. the specific heat of the object c. the mass of the object b. the initial temperature of the object d. all of the abo'e 2hat does the symbol H stand for3 a. the specific heat of a substance b. the heat capacity of a substance c. the heat of reaction for a chemical reaction










d. one Calorie gi'en off by a reaction Standard conditions of temperature and pressure for a thermochemical equation are ____. a. 0 C and 101 5=a c. 0 C and 0 5=a b. 2& C and 101 5=a d. 2& C and 22.$ 5=a 4he heat content of a system is equal to the enthalpy only for a system that is at constant ____. a. temperature c. pressure b. 'olume d. mass 7n what principle does calorimetry depend3 a. *ess+s law c. law of enthalpy b. law of conser'ation of energy d. law of multiple proportions *ow can the enthalpy change be determined for a reaction in an aqueous solution3 a. by 5nowing the specific heat of the reactants b. by mi-ing the reactants in a calorimeter and measuring the temperature change c. by 5nowing the mass of the reactants d. 4he enthalpy change for this type of reaction cannot be determined. % chun5 of ice whose temperature is >20 C is added to an insulated cup filled with water at 0 C. 2hat happens in the cup3 a. 4he ice melts until it reaches the temperature of the water. b. 4he water cools until it reaches the temperature of the ice. c. Some of the water free?es1 so the chun5 of ice gets larger. d. none of the abo'e 4he amount of heat released by the complete burning of 1 mole of a substance is the ____. a. specific heat c. heat capacity b. heat of combustion d. heat of fusion Calculate the energy required to produce ,.00 mol Cl 7 on the basis of the following balanced equation. 2Cl 8g9 @ ,7 8g9 @ 1"0 5cal 2Cl 7 8g9 a. ,.00 5cal c. 1"0 5cal b. )& 5cal d. $&& 5cal 2hat is the standard heat of reaction for the following reaction3 An8s9 @ Cu 8aq9 An 8aq9 @ Cu8s9 8 H for Cu : @)$.$ 5;BmolC H for An : >1&2.$ 5;Bmol9 a. 21).. 5; released per mole c. ...0 5; absorbed per mole b. ...0 5; released per mole d. 21).. 5; absorbed per mole Calculate H for the following reaction. C * 8g9 @ * 8g9 C * 8g9

8 H for C * 8g9 : &2.& 5;BmolC H for C * 8g9 : >.$., 5;Bmol9 a. >1",.2 5; c. "2.2 5; b. >"2.2 5; d. 1",.2 5; _C___1... Calculate the energy released when 2$.. g 6a 7 reacts in the following reaction. 6a 78s9 @ 2* 8g9 26a 8s9 @ * 78l9 H : >120.00 5cal a. 0.20, 5cal c. $..0 5cal b. 2.$2 5cal d. ".00 10 5cal _%___1./. 4he amount of heat needed to melt one mole of a solid at a constant temperature is called ____. a. molar heat of fusion c. heat of reaction b. molar heat of solidification d. enthalpy

C____1/0. (uring a phase change1 the temperature of a substance ____. a. increases c. remains constant b. decreases d. may increase or decrease _(___1/1. 4o calculate the amount of heat absorbed as a substance melts1 which of the following information is 674 needed3 a. the mass of the substance c. the change in temperature b. the specific heat of the substance d. the density of the sample __B__1/2. 2hat is the heat of solution3 a. the amount of heat required to change a solid into a liquid b. the amount of heat absorbed or released when a solid dissol'es c. the amount of heat required to change a 'apor into a liquid d. the amount of heat released when a 'apor changes into a liquid __C__1/". 4he H is ____. a. always negati'e b. always positi'e c. sometimes positi'e1 sometimes negati'e d. always 0 _(___1/$. 2hen 1.0 g of solid 6a7* 8 H : >$$&.1 5;Bmol9 dissol'es in 10 D of water1 how much heat is released3 a. $$&.1 5; c. 11.1 ; b. $0&.1 5; d. 11.1 5; _%___1/&. 2hen 10 g of diethyl ether is con'erted to 'apor at its boiling point1 about how much heat is absorbed3 8C * 71 H : 1&., 5;Bmol1 boiling pointE "$.) C9 a. 2 5; c. 0.2 5; b. 2 ; d. 6ot enough information is gi'en. _%___1/). *ess+s law ____. a. ma5es it possible to calculate H for complicated chemical reactions b. states that when you re'erse a chemical equation1 you must change the sign of H c. determines the way a calorimeter wor5s d. describes the 'apori?ation of solids __%__1/,. Fsing a table that lists standard heats of formation1 you can calculate the change in enthalpy for a gi'en chemical reaction. 4he change in enthalpy is equal to ____. a. H of products minus H of reactants b. H of products plus H of reactants c. d. H of reactants minus H of products H of products di'ided by H of reactants

__C__1/.. 4he amount of heat in'ol'ed in the synthesis of 1 mole of a compound from its elements1 with all substances in their standard states at 2& C1 is called ____. a. enthalpy c. standard heat of formation b. heat of reaction d. heat of solidification _(___1//. 4he symbol H stands for the ____. a. specific heat of a substance b. heat capacity of a substance c. heat of reaction for a chemical reaction d. standard heat of formation for a compound


H for the formation of rust 8#e 7 9 is >.2) 5;Bmol. *ow much energy is in'ol'ed in the formation of & grams of rust3 a. 2&./ 5; c. )) 5; b. 2&./ ; d. )) ; _B___201. Calculate H for the reaction of sulfur dio-ide with o-ygen. 2S7 8g9 @ 7 8g9 2S7 8g9 8 H S7 8g9 : >2/).. 5;BmolC H S7 8g9 : >"/&., 5;Bmol9 a. >/../ 5; c. 1/,.. 5; b. >1/,.. 5; d. 6ot enough information is gi'en.

Final Exam Review- Quarter 4 Answer Section

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