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was looking for information in the internet about the real importance of one language in one society like Costarrican and I was really impact to know that one language dies every 14 days! It is impressive that no longer ago, we use to need the language mainly for communicating, but nowadays there is more than that. It involves economical interests, educational level and interaction with the rest of the civilization outside ours. e have to be realistic when it comes to a new language in one culture or country, for e ample in Costa !ica, knowing a new language like "nglish is important, but this became a big problem when is almost mandatory to know it and pronounce it perfectly, in order to have new opportunities, to have open doors. #s "nglish teacher, that is our main ob$ective, that is our $ob, but let%s be honest, the main issue is that not everybody has access to study it, because of economic problems most of the time, so they cannot get a really good education& even though, the costarrican educational system '(.".).* has been improving a lot in this area when is referring to the public education. t is a huge responsibility over our shoulders, because depending on how good we are as teachers, that good will be the level of the students+ "nglish. ,o, if we do not give them a good level, it means that they will fairly have some $ob+s opportunities because they will not be well prepared, they will not be enough for the levels re-uired on the market. I wanted to be ob$ective, and this is true, when a language begins to be a re-uirement is when it becomes a barrier. It is not fair that I have to master the "nglish in order to be part of the social system. .here are many test

for people to take, to prove their "nglish levels, but if they fail it, they are not well accepted in many companies. I agree about the importance to know new languages, currently "nglish mainly, but I not agree that one language dominate the world, because that means that many languages will die and when a language dies, a culture dies too. #ll the cultures are important, there are not good or bad ones, $ust different, and we need to respect each of them. .hanks to the diversity of cultures and languages is that we have that richness in our world. If that happened already with other language, what will assure us that ours will not disappear. /e are the only responsible, to transmit in the best way possible a new language and all what it comes with it, but at the same time, as Costarricans, we must encourage our students to carry out our culture, our identity and language wherever we go, and never be ashamed of it, because we thing that some language is well spread, it does not mean that ours is less, in any sense, we must be proud of it! "nglish language means a lot of things0 1nowledge, culture, history and some things that we can%t see and touch, as teachers we must be able to see that, far beyond grammar and synta only.

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