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A. C. S


A' $'$l(sis ") T"p *+ C"#p$'i,s -h$P$i'- I'.i$ G/,,' I'-/".0!-i"':

Judging by the number of large, small and mid-size Indian companies that are setting the trend with green initiatives, India is serious about building environmental sustainability into her business practices. The following companies who made it to the list of -"p *+ &/,,' I'.i$' !"#p$'i,s prove the statistics right! S01l"' E',/&( The worlds fourth largest wind-turbine ma er is among the greenest and ,s- I'.i$' !"#p$'i,s in India. Tulsi Tanti, the visionary behind !uzlon, convinced the world that wind is the energy of the future and built his factory in "ondicherry to run entirely on wind power. !uzlons corporate building is the most energy-efficient building ever built in India. TC Li#i-,. IT# strengthened their commitment to green technologies by introducing $ozone-treated elemental chlorine free bleaching technology for the first time in India. The result is an entire new range of -"p &/,,' p/".0!-s $'. s"l0-i"'s% the environmentally friendly multi-purpose paper that is less polluting than its traditional counterpart. T$-$ M,-$li2s Li#i-,. 3TML4 &very day is &nvironment 'ay at T(), one of the -"p &/,,' )i/#s i' I'.i$. * practical e+ample that made everyone sit up and ta e notice is the companys policy to discourage wor ing on !aturdays at the corporate office. )ights are also switched off during the day with the entire office depending on sunlight. T$#il N$.0 N,5sp/i'- $'. P$p,/s Li#i-,. 3TNPL4 *d,udged the best performer in the -../--.0. 1reen 2usiness !urvey, T3") was awarded the 1reen 2usiness )eadership *ward in the "ulp and "aper !ector. The initiatives underta en by this -"p &/,,' )i/# i' I'.i$ includes two #lean 'evelopment

(echanism pro,ects and a wind farm pro,ect that helped generate -,4.,4-4 #arbon &mission 5eductions earning 5s. 06.7. #rore. 6ip/" T,!h'"l"&i,s The list of -"p *+ &/,,' I'.i$' !"#p$'i,s is never complete without 8ipro which climbed to the top five brand league in 1reenpeace9s 91uide to 1reener &lectronics9 ran ing. 'espite the global financial crisis, 8ipro held fast to its commitment towards energy efficiency and was lauded for launching energy star compliant products in the mar et. HCL T,!h'"l"&i,s This IT ma,or may be considered as the icon of I'.i$' &/,,' i'i-i$-i7,s, than s to the :go green; steps ta en in solving the problem of to+ics and e-waste in the electronics industry. <#) is committed to phasing out the hazardous vinyl plastic and 2rominated =lame 5etardants from its products and has called for a 5estriction on <azardous !ubstances >5o<!? legislation in India. Oil $'. N$-0/$l G$s C"#p$'( 3ONGC4 Indias largest oil producer, @31#, is all set to lead the list of -"p *+ &/,,' I'.i$' !"#p$'i,s with energy-efficient, green crematoriums that will soon replace the traditional wooden pyre across the country. @31#s (o shada 1reen #remation initiative will save A. to 6.B of wood and a fourth of the burning time per cremation. I'.0sI'. B$'2 1reen ban ing has been catching up as among the -"p I'.i$' &/,,' i'i-i$-i7,s ever since IndusInd opened the countrys first solar-powered *T( and pioneered an ecosavvy change in the Indian ban ing sector. The ban is planning for more such initiatives in addressing the challenges of climate change. IDEA C,ll0l$/ @ne of the ,s- I'.i$' !"#p$'i,s, I'&*, paints India green with its national $Cse (obile, !ave "aper campaign. The company had organized 1reen "ledge campaigns at Indian cities where thousands came forward and pledged to save paper and trees. I'&* has also set up bus shelters with potted plants and tendril climbers to convey the green message. H,/" H"'.$ M"-"/s <ero <onda is one of the largest two-wheeler manufacturers in India and an eDually responsible -"p &/,,' )i/# i' I'.i$. The companys philosophy of continuous innovation in &/,,' p/".0!-s $'. s"l0-i"'s has played a ey role in stri ing the right balance between business, man ind and nature. 6h( G/,,' M$/2,-i'&8 *s resources are limited and human wants are unlimited, it is important for the mar eters to utilize the resources efficiently without waste as well as to achieve the organization9s ob,ective. !o green mar eting is inevitable.

There is growing interest among the consumers all over the world regarding protection of environment. 8orldwide evidence indicates people are concerned about the environment and are changing their behavior. *s a result of this, green mar eting has emerged which spea s for growing mar et for sustainable and socially responsible products and services. B,',)i-s ") G/,,' M$/2,-i'& #ompanies that develop new and improved products and services with environment inputs in mind give themselves access to new mar ets, increase their profit sustainability, and en,oy a competitive advantage over the companies which are not concerned for the environment. C"'!l0si"' 1reen mar eting should not neglect the economic aspect of mar eting. (ar eters need to understand the implications of green mar eting. If you thin customers are not concerned about environmental issues or will not pay a premium for products that are more ecoresponsible, thin again. Eou must find an opportunity to enhance you product9s performance and strengthen your customer9s loyalty and command a higher price. 1reen mar eting is still in its infancy and a lot of research is to be done on green mar eting to fully e+plore its potential.

R,),/,'!,s #hopra, !. )a shmi >-..6?, FTurning @ver a 3ew )eafF, Indian (anagement, Gol-A7, *pril--..6 @ttman, J.*. et al, F*voiding 1reen (ar eting (yopiaF, &nvironment, Gol-7H, June-..A www.greenmar eting.netIstratergic.html industries Imar eting researchImar etingIgreenmi+.html

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