Industrial Economics Environment, CSR

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Corporate Social Strategy: Relevance and pertinence in Kirti Dutta the Indian context M.

A/stract1 The era of cor2orate organi3ations 2aying li2 ser4ice to social res2onsi/ility is fast Authors: coming to an end. The recent 2ast has seen cor2orate social res2onsi/ility /ecoming a 2rocess from a conce2t and also organi3ations deri4ing 4alue from this initiati4e. In the light of the a/o4e the current 2a2er 0ill e*2lore the 567 strategies and initiati4es of Kirti 4arious selected Indian com2anies. The study Dutta 0ill /e /ased on e*tant literature and 0ill Assistant Professor dra0 e*am2les from the current Indian scenario. 6ome 2rimary research is conducted for the Indian cor2oratefor houses through their 0e/ 2ages containing information8s a/out their Institute International Management and Technology 567 initiati4es. 9ased on this /est 2ractices 0ill /e delineated and recommendations for using cor2orate social res2onsi/ility as a 2art of /usiness strategy /y the organi3ations to M. Durgamohan . le4erage their 2erce2tion among the sta-eholders

Corporate Social Strategy: Relevance Title: and pertinence in the Indian context

Assistant Professor The study 0ill /e rele4ant for the industry as 0ell as academia as it 0ill discuss cor2orate Institute for International Management and Technology
social res2onsi/ility as a strategic mo4e that organi3ations can incor2orate in their o4erall /usiness strategy, there/y achie4ing /etter all:round 2erformance. Key 0ords1 5or2orate social strategy, sta-eholders, /usiness 2erformance. Introduction Contact Details:

Institute for International Management Technology ;rgani3ations ha4e long considered 2rofit as the main goal toand /e achie4ed and all the strategic actions directed to0ards the same.urgaon Though it! is"##$$", still one of %aryana, the main dri4ers for 336 Udyog Vihar Phase IV, India cor2orate acti4ities it is no"#' longer considered only <reason d8etre8. 5om2anies Ph. $$&" ($" '"6(,its )a* $$&" "#' #3& +#,, consider themsel4es as an integral 2art of the society and act in a socially res2onsi/le 0ay -irtidutta.iimto/ =>uro2ean 5ommission, #$$"? that goes 0ell /eyond the 2erformance of a narro0ly defined economic function durgamohan.iimto/ =Khan and At-inson, "&,+?. 5or2orate social res2onsi/ility =567? in the 2ast fe0 decades has intrigued not only the scholars /ut the 2ractitioners as 000.iimto/ 0ell. It is <essentially a conce2t 0here/y com2anies decide 4oluntarily to contri/ute to a /etter society and a cleaner en4ironment8 =>5, #$$"?. %igh 2erforming /usinesses sho0 a strong correlation /et0een 567 acti4ities and stronger 2erformance in terms of 2rofita/ility and 2roducti4ity =The @or- )oundation and The Virtuous 5ircle, UK cited in @omen in Management re4ie0, #$$'?
The growth o! CSR

5or2orate social res2onsi/ility =567? till 4ery recently 0as 4ie0ed as a 2hilanthro2ic acti4ity indulged into only 0hen the firms 0ere in Aeo2ardy =Adene-an, #$$+?. Though the earlier decades are referred to as Bfalse da0nsC 0herein 567 had a regional, 2erson: centered 2hilanthro2ic focus, it is no0 4ie0ed to /e inclusi4e, /road and di4erse

Corporate social strategy, stakeholders, usiness per!or"ance#

=6il/erhorn and @arren, #$$+?. It is not only used for fulfilling legal e*2ectations /ut also for in4esting more into human ca2ital, the en4ironment and the relations 0ith sta-eholders. 5om2anies facing the challenges of glo/ali3ation are a0are that 567 can /e of direct economic 4alue. They 4ie0 these acti4ities not as a cost /ut an in4estment, as a <long term strategy minimi3ing ris-s lin-ed to uncertainty8. =>uro2ean 5ommission, #$$"?. According to 6acconi, =#$$+? 0hen firms fulfill their Bfiduciary dutiesC to their sta-eholders, they /enefit from re2utation and the B2ositioning of the firm 0ith res2ect to social issues is clearly a 0ay to differentiate the firm and its 2roducts and ser4ices in 0ays that creates 4alueC =%usted and Allen, =#$$+?. De4elo2ed countries li-e U6A and UK ha4e long seen 567 as a 2ractice that /enefits /oth organi3ations and society =>tang, "&&'?. Mar-eting communications of com2anies are also focusing on the communication of their 567 initiati4es =eg. 6unfeast?. It has also /een studied that the com2osition of the /oard of directors also influences the 567 as outside directors a22ear more concerned a/out 567s and hence the firm are more li-ely to engage in socially res2onsi/le acti4ities =I/rahim et al., #$$3? Increased glo/ali3ation along 0ith increasing the o22ortunities for /usiness has also /rought the /usinesses under the scrutiny of different audiences, D ;s and media. It is 2redicted that in the times to come com2anies 0ill /e <Audged more /y their social 2olicies than on their deli4ery of 2roducts and ser4ices8 =Euholin, #$$'?. De/acles li-e >nron and @orldcom did cause a sle0 of critiFues against the 567 initiati4es /ut these critiFues 0ere largely ill founded =6toll, #$$+? Many theorists ha4e also argued a/out the economic im2act of 567, some relating it 2ositi4ely 0ith the 2rofit =Adene-an, #$$+G Eoyner and Payne, #$$#? and some feeling that no such relationshi2 e*ists =Au22erle et al., "&,(?. 9ird et al., #$$+ studied that the mar-et is influenced /y the inde2endent 567 acti4ities and also /y the totality of these acti4ities and the gains can /e in terms of economic 2erformance or social 2erformance =5ottrill, "&&$?. 6ince 567 and cor2orate re2utation are the t0o sides of the same coin =%illen/rand and Money, #$$+? the current 2a2er e*amines ho0 cor2orate enter2rises are currently using 567 initiati4es as a 2art of their cor2orate strategy and 2u/lic relations 2ertaining to the same. $iterature review 567 is often understood only from the 2ers2ecti4e of /usiness generosity to community 2roAects and charita/le donations. This 2ers2ecti4e ho0e4er fails to ca2ture the 4alua/le contri/utions organi3ations can other0ise ma-e =Adene-an, #$$+?. In a "&,+ em2irical study /y Khan and At-inson it 0as found that a large 2ercentage of the Indian e*ecuti4es studied agreed that 567 0as rele4ant to /usiness and felt that /usiness had res2onsi/ility not only to the shareholders and em2loyees /ut also to customers, su22liers, society and to the 6tate. 9oth the Indian and UK res2ondents felt that 567 e4entually 2romotes Ba /etter relationshi2 /et0een industry and 2eo2le, a good 0or- en4ironment, enhanced customer relationshi2s and enhanced cor2orate image of the com2anyC. >uro2ean 5ommission =#$$"? defines 567 as Ba conce2t 0here/y com2anies decide 4oluntarily to contri/ute to a /etter society and cleaner en4ironment and as a 2rocess /y 0hich com2anies manage their relationshi2 0ith sta-eholdersC. In a study of erman and

UK com2anies it 0as found that the largest cor2orations 2roAect 567 as a com2rehensi4e, sustaina/le /usiness strategy and recogni3es the /usiness:society interde2endence =6il/erhorn and @arren, #$$+?. o4ernment8s 567 2u/lic 2olicies and the relationshi2s /et0een go4ernment, /usinesses and ci4il society sta-eholders ha4e also -no0n to im2act the 567 initiati4es =Al/areda, Ho3ano, Isa, #$$+?. It is also o/ser4ed that large firms are more li-ely to identify rele4ant sta-eholders and meet their 567 reFuirements through s2ecific and formal 567 strategies =Perrini, 7usso and Tencati, #$$+?. )irms 0ith a high 4alue for social res2onsi/ility are much more li-ely to engage in traditional -inds of 2lans for social strategy. The use of social strategy de2ends u2on the 2resence of s2ecific configurations of industry en4ironment, resources and 4alues =%usted and Allen, =#$$+?. %ethodology It is interesting to see ho0 the cor2orate sector in India is inter2reting 567. This can /e identified /y ho0 the com2anies 2u/licly defined 567. To study this, content analysis of t0enty se4en cor2orate 0e/ sites8 567 statements 0ere carried out. These t0enty se4en organi3ations 0ere 2u/lic limited com2anies and since these com2anies are in the 2u/lic eye, it 0as desirous to see 0hether they 0ere indulging in 567 initiati4es and at 0hat le4el. The t0enty si* chosen com2anies 0ere from different industrial sectors li-e metals, chemicals and fertili3ers, consumer dura/les, )M5 , ser4ices, and InfoTech. 6tudies using similar methodology ha4e /een carried out /y 6il/erhorn and @arren, #$$+ for /ig com2anies in ermany and UK. The content analysis of the 0e/ 2ages s2ecifically referring to the /usiness, community relationshi2 0ere carried out and annual re2orts a4aila/le online 0ere referred to online in order to 4alidate the data. )or the sa-e of ease of analysis the initiati4es 0ere classified under fi4e heads, namely1 7ural de4elo2ment, health, education, en4ironment and social causes. So"e CSR initiatives in India 567 is a multidimensional conce2t =6tan0ic- and 6tan0ic-, "&&,? and is com2rised of a num/er of 4aria/les. These 4aria/les include1 firm8s 2rofita/ility, charita/le gi4ing, en4ironmental emissions, 0omen and minority mem/ers on the /oard of directors, 0omen and minority mem/ers 0ithin the firm, and annual salary and monetary /onus of the 5hief >*ecuti4e ;fficer. In the Indian conte*t it has /een o/ser4ed that out of the #+ firms sur4eyed, 3 firms did not indicate any 567 initiati4e /eing ta-en, and t0o firms e*2ressed the need to ta-e 567 initiati4es. This 0or-s out to ""J of the firms sur4eyed, 0hich are a22arently not ta-ing 567 initiati4es. The /ar gra2h /elo0 sho0s the num/er of firms ta-ing different 567 initiati4es.
&' () (' ,) ,' ) ' Corporate Social Responsi ility Initiatives Total -u" er o! Co"panies +nviron"ent Social Causes Rural Develop"ent *ealth +ducation

The ta/le /elo0 sho0s the num/er of com2anies and their relati4e 2ercentage in ta-ing a 2articular 567 initiati4e.
Corporate Social Responsi ility Initiatives Total -u" er o! Co"panies surveyed: (. Initiati4e Do. of 5om2anies ta- ing this initiati4e Percentage of 5om2anies ta-ing this initiati4e

7ural De4elo2ment "( ((.($ %ealth "+ 63 >ducation ", 66.66 >n4ironment "3 ', 6ocial 5auses "+ 63

It is e4ident from the a/o4e ta/le that education ta-es the first 2lace 0ith 66.66J of the firms sur4eyed, follo0ed /y health and social causes 0ith 63J of the firms, rural de4elo2ment 0ith ((.($J and en4ironment 0ith ',J. )urther analysis sho0s that com2anies /elonging to Aditya 9irla grou2 had the same 567 initiati4es irres2ecti4e of the sector to 0hich the com2any /elonged to. The same is true for 7eliance ADA grou2 com2anies. It is 4ery interesting to note that e4en though the central go4ernment as 0ell as state go4ernments ha4e se2arate de2artments for education, and health, headed /y a ca/inet minister, they figure as the most often ta-en initiati4es /y cor2orate sector in India. The details of the 4arious 2rogrammes underta-en are listed in a22endi*1 ". Hoo-ing at the 567 strategy ado2ted /y these com2anies, it is interesting to note that %industan Unile4er Himited has do4etailed the 567 strategy into their o4erall /usiness strategyG there/y it achie4es the t0in o/Aecti4es of /usiness and social res2onsi/ility. The 567 2hiloso2hy of this com2any is its commitment to all the sta-eholders ! consumers, em2loyees, the en4ironment and the society. The initiati4es, that are accorded 2riority, are sustaina/le, ha4e long:term /enefits and an ongoing /usiness 2ur2ose. An e*am2le in this regard is the B6ha-tiC 2rogramme, 0hich aims at em2o0ering rural 0omen through critically needed additional income /y eFui22ing and training them to /ecome an e*tended arm of com2any8s o2eration ;n the other hand odreA Industries 4ie0s 567 initiati4es as 2hilanthro2y started /y their founders and continues e4en today = ?. >4en its com2etitor PK has a different 4ie0 regarding 567. PK /elie4es in /uilding the community in 0hich it li4es and o2erates /y su22orting the ongoing de4elo2ment of the community. 6ocial 2roAects are /ased on its motto B9usiness 0ith a Pur2oseC = ?. There are also grou2s li-e 7eliance ADA , 0hich em2hasi3ed the need to /e socially res2onsi/le and further stated that they e4aluate and assess each critical /usiness decision or choice from the 2oint of 4ie0 of di4erse sta-eholders8 interest, dri4en /y the need to minimi3e ris- and to 2ro:acti4ely address long:term social, economic and en4ironmental costs and concerns. 567 is not an occasional act of charity or contri/ution to a school, hos2ital or an en4ironmental D ;, /ut an ongoing commitment that is integrated into the

core /usiness o/Aecti4es and strategy, >4en though they ha4e not s2elled out the initiati4es, the a22roach is similar to %industan Unile4er Htd. In case of Tata 6teel, the 567 is /ased on the 2rinci2le of its founder EamestAi Tata, 0ho said the 2rogress of an enter2rise, 0elfare of 2eo2le and the health of the enter2rise 0ere ine*trica/ly lin-ed. @ealth and the generation of 0ealth ha4e ne4er L/een ends in themsel4es, /ut a means to an end, for the increased 2ros2erity of India.L )urther its chairman from "&3, to "&&", E.7.D. Tata, /elie4ed that the tas- of social 2rogress cannot /e underta-en /y the o4ernment alone, es2ecially in a country as di4erse as India. )rom this one can deduce that the 567 strategy of Tata 6teel aid and hel2 go4ernment8s initiati4es for social 2rogress. Conclusion and Reco""endation ;rgani3ations are increasingly reali3ing that 567 is no longer a collection of discreet 2ractices or occasional gestures moti4ated /y mar-eting or 2u/lic relations. It is rather a com2rehensi4e set of 2ractices and 2olicies that should /e integrated into the organi3ations o2erations and acti4ities. Dra0ing from the sustaina/ility 2rogram of @al: Mart =Hindstrom, #$$,? 0herein all the ".3 million em2loyees are moti4ated to 0or- for the same, it can /e concluded that for a 567 2lan to /e effecti4e it has to /e su22orted and re0arded /y the to2 management. To /e successful it should /e incor2orated into the decision:ma-ing 2rocess and su22orted and re0arded /y the to2 management. BA gro0ing num/er of com2anies in many sectors and geogra2hic regions ha4e disco4ered concrete 4alue and com2etiti4e ad4antage from socially res2onsi/le 2ractices in 2ollution 2re4ention, energy efficiency, en4ironmentally oriented design, su22ly chain management, and health and sustaina/le agriculture initiati4es, among others. )or these firms, 567 has had 2ositi4e im2acts on 2rofitsC=Adene-an, #$$+G Eoyner and Payne, #$$#?. The same holds good for some of the Indian com2anies as 0ell, li-e %industan Unile4er Htd, 7eliance ADA grou2. There are Tata grou2 com2anies li-e Tata 6teel, 0hich is of the 4ie0 that the 0ealth created out of /usiness o2erations should /e gi4en /ac- to the society, 0hich is Aust not 2hilanthro2ic, /ut goes /eyond it. Thus it is o/ser4ed that 567 im2acts not only the en4ironment and the general 2u/lic at large /ut is also 2rofita/le for the organi3ation. Also /y /eing socially res2onsi/le <firms can 2roacti4ely antici2ate and deter go4ernment regulations, e*2loit o22ortunities arising from increasing le4els of cultural, en4ironmental and se*ual a0areness and differentiate their 2roducts from their less socially res2onsi/le com2etitors8 =Eones and %aigh, #$$+?. @e can conclude that 567 initiati4es should form 2art of the o4erall /usiness strategy so that they are ta-en in the right earnest /y firms and successfully im2lemented. )urther 567 is increasingly /ecoming a dri4er of /usiness gro0th and is seminal in the success of the organi3ation in the years to come. It can /e concluded that the %UH8s 567 strategy can /e 4ie0ed as a t0in:2ronged strategy 0herein they are em2o0ering the 0omen and 0or-ing for a social cause and along 0ith they are also creating enhanced sales through their 0omen re2resentati4es and

reaching areas 0hich 0ere till no0 inaccessi/le to them. %ence it can /e considered as a re4enue generating model 0ithin the 567 initiati4e. $i"itations and !urther scope o! the research The first limitation is the si3e of the sam2le that is #+. 6econdly the study used information 2u/lished on the 0e/ sites of these com2anies and no inter4ie0s or sur4eys 0ith the hel2 of Fuestionnaires 0ere conducted. )urther research can /e conducted to study the effect of 567 initiati4es on the image of a /usiness enter2rise. /i liography Adene-an, 6amuel A/iola =#$$+?, BPutting 567 into 2ers2ecti4eC, 5ommunication @orld, 6an )rancisco, Vol. #', Issue 6, 22 ',. Al/areda, HG Ho3ano, E and Isa, T =#$$+?, BPu/lic 2olicies on cor2orate social res2onsi/ility1 the role of go4ernments in >uro2eC, Eournal of 9usiness >thics, Vol +'G 22 3&":'$+ Au22erle, K DG 5arroll, A 9 and %atfield, E D ="&,(?G BAn em2irical e*amination of the relationshi2 /et0een cor2orate social res2onsi/ility and 2rofita/ilityC, Academy of Management Eournal, #,, #G 22 ''6:'63. 9ird, 7G %all, A DG Momente, ) and 7eggiani, ) =#$$+?, B@hat cor2orate social res2onsi/ility acti4ities are 4alued /y the mar-etC, Eournal of 9usiness >thics, +6G 22 ",&:#$6. 9usiness and >n4ironment =#$$+?, B6trategies to crate /usiness and social 4alueC, 9usiness and >n4ironment, Vol. ",, Issue &, 22,. 5ottrill, M T. ="&&$?, B5or2orate social res2onsi/ility and the mar-et2laceC, Eournal of 9usiness >thics, &, &G 22 +#3:+#& >uro2ean 5ommission, =#$$"? BPromoting a >uro2ean )rame0or- for cor2orate social res2onsi/ilityC, >uro2ean 5ommission %illen/rand, 5 and Money, K =#$$+?, B5or2orate res2onsi/ility and cor2orate re2utation1 t0o se2arate conce2ts or t0o sides of the same coinMC, 5or2orate 7e2utation 7e4ie0, "$, ', 22 #6":#++. htt21NN000./harat2etroleum.comNcor2orateNcsr.as2MfromOcor2, cited on $3:$3:#$$, htt21NN000.hindustan2etroleum.comN, cited on $3:$3:#$$,. htt21NN000.iocl.comNA/outusNcor2oratesocialres2onsi/ility.as2*, cited on $3:$3:#$$,, cited on $6:$3:#$$, htt21NN000.tatachemicals.comN, cited on $3:$3:#$$, htt21NN000.tatasteel.comNcor2oratesustaina/ilityNsocialPres2onsi/ility.as2, cited on $(: $3:#$$, htt21NN000.3uari:cham/al.comNa/outus.htm, cited on $(:$3:#$$, htt21NN000.relianceadagrou2.comNad2ortalNADANcor2orateNcor2orate.htmlQ , cited on $3: $3:#$$, htt21NN000.godreA.comN odreADe0N odreA%omeN;ur5ommitmentsN5or2orate5are.htm, cited on $3:$3:#$$, htt21NN000.hll.comNciti3enPle4erNinde*.as2, cited on $3:$3:#$$, htt21NN000.2g:india.comNh2Nsocialres.htm, cited on $6:$3:#$$, tsocialre2ortN5or2orateActi4ityP6ocial5ommitment.html, cited on $6:$3:#$$, htt21NN000.4ideocon0orld.comNglo/alNsocial:commitmentN2hiloso2hyNinde*.2h2, cited on $3:$3:#$$, htt21NN000.infosys.comN/eyond:/usinessNdefault.as2, cited on $3:$3:#$$, htt21NN000.tcs.comNa/outNcor2Pres2onsi/ilityNPagesNdefault.as2*, cited on $3:$3:#$$, htt21NN000.0i2rocor2orate.comN0i2rocaresN0i2rocares:inde*.as2.htm, cited on $6:$3: #$$, htt21NN000.aditya/irla.comNsocialP2roAectsNo4er4ie0.htm, cited on $3:$3:#$$, htt21NN000.raymondindia.comN//Pem/r.as2 , cited on $6:$3:#$$, htt21NN000.centuryte*tind.comNsocialact.as2 , cited on $3:$3:#$$, %usted, 9 @ and Allen, D 9 =#$$+? B5or2orate social strategy in multinational enter2rises1 Antecedents and 4alue creationC, Eournal of 9usiness >thics, Vol. +'G 22 3'(:36". I/rahim, D AG %o0ard, D P and Angelidis, E P =#$$3?, B9oard mem/ers in the ser4ice industry1 An em2irical e*amination of the relationshi2 /et0een cor2orate social res2onsi/ility orientation and directorial ty2eC, Eournal of 9usiness >thics, 'G 22 3&3:"$#.

Eones, Marc T and %aigh, M =#$$+?, BThe transnational cor2oration and ne0 cor2orate citi3enshi2 theory1 a critical analysisC, The Eournal of 5or2orate 5iti3enshi2, #+G 22 (": 6&. Eoyner, 9 > and Payne, D =#$$#?, B>4olution and im2lementation1 a study of 4alues, 9usiness ethics and cor2orate social res2onsi/ilityC, Eournal of 9usiness >thics, '", ', 22 #&+:3"" Euholin, > =#$$'?, B)or /usiness or the good of allM A finnish a22roach to cor2orate social res2onsi/ilityC, 5or2orate o4ernance, ', 3G 22 #$:3". Khan, A ) and At-inson, A ="&,+? , BManagerial attitudes to social res2onsi/ility1 A com2arati4e study in India and 9ritainC, Eournal of 9usiness >thics, 6, 22 '"&:'3# H8>tang, E ="&&'?, BPu/lic relations and cor2orate social res2onsi/ility1 6ome issues arisingC, Eournal of 9usiness >thics, "3, #G 22 """:"#3 Hindstorm, M =#$$,?, BInside @al:Mart8s sustaina/ility 2rogramsC, =online?=cited on #" )e/ruary, #$$,? a4aila/le from Rurlhtt21NNadage.comN/rightco4eNlineu2.2h2S Perrini, )G 7usso, A and Tencati, A =#$$+?, B567 strategies of 6M>s and Harge firms1 e4idence from ItalyC, Eournal of 9usiness >thics, Vol. +', 22 #,(:3$$ 6acconi, Horen3o =#$$+?, BA social contract account for 567 as an e*tended model of cor2orate o4ernance =II?1 5om2liance, re2utation and reci2rocityC, Eournal of 9usiness >thics, Vol. +( 22 ++:&6 6il/erhorn, D and @arren, 7. 5. =#$$+?, BDefining cor2orate social res2onsi/ility1 A 4ie0 from /ig com2anies in ermany and the U.K.C, >uro2ean 9usiness 7e4ie0, Vol. "&, Issue (, 22 3(#:3+# 6tan0ic-, P A and 6tan0ic-, 6 D ="&&,?, BThe determinants of cor2orate social 2erformance1 an em2irical e*aminationC, American 9usiness 7e4ie0, "6, "G 22 ,6:&3. 6toll, M H =#$$+?, B9ac-lash hits /usiness ethics1 )inding effecti4e strategies for communicating the im2ortance of cor2orate social res2onsi/ilityC, Eournal of /usiness >thics, +,, 22 "+:#' @omen in Management 7e4ie0, =#$$'?, B567 acti4ities generate higher 2erformance ! officialC, @omen in Management 7e4ie0, "&, (:6G 22 #,$:#,"

A00+-DI1: ,
Corporate Social Responsi ility Initiatives o! so"e Indian Co"panies Sl# -o# Co"pany Corporate Social Responsi ility Initiatives 7ural De4elo2ment %ealth >ducation >n4ironment 6ocial 5auses Infrastructure , li4elihood, agriculture and %ealth K Aditya 9irla 0atershed )amily 6ustaina/le " Du4o de4elo2ment @elfare >ducation De4elo2ment Pro4ision of drin-ing 0ater. 6anitation, 4ocational training, %IVNAID6 9harat agricultural care and eneration # Petroleum Inno4ation 2re4ention De*t Initiati4e ***** 5entury >cology, Te*tiles K %ealth >n4ironmental 3 Industries Htd ***** 5are ***** Protection ***** odreA Mangro4es ' Industries ***** %os2ital ***** 2rotection Infrastructure , li4elihood, agriculture and %ealth K 0atershed )amily 6ustaina/le ( rasim de4elo2ment @elfare >ducation De4elo2ment Infrastructure , li4elihood, agriculture and %ealth K 0atershed )amily 6ustaina/le 6 %indalco de4elo2ment @elfare >ducation De4elo2ment 6afety and %industan rural health at >n4ironmental + Petroleum de4elo2ment 0or- 2lace ***** 2olicy ***** 62ecial Hife/uoy education 60astya and 5hetna, reha/ilitation 6ha-ti : health and of children @ater %industan em2o0ering hygiene 0ith conser4ation , Unile4er Htd rural 0omen education challenges. and har4esting

@ido0 and do0ry:less marriages, @omen em2o0erment

5ounseling of its em2loyees, @omen em2o0erment

5ommunity De4elo2ment @ido0 and do0ry:less marriages, @omen em2o0erment @ido0 and do0ry:less marriages, @omen em2o0erment

>conomic em2o0erment of 0omen, re/uilding li4es of earth Fua-e 4ictims.

& Indian ;il

%ealth K )amily 6ustaina/le "$ @elfare >ducation De4elo2ment %ealth "" Infosys ***** 5are >ducation >n4ironment Art and culture "# ;nida Do s2ecific initiati4e, e*ce2t a code of /usiness ethics and conduct >ducation for the under2ri4ileged )ighting and 0or-ing malnutrition. youth. Drishti : sight 6hi-sha: >n4ironment restoration 6ecure your education "3 PK ***** 2rogram childTs future 2rogram >ducation : 2romoting 5ommunity female @elfare, %os2ital, education, 2ro4iding 2re4enti4e training for self 7eliance "' Industries Htd drin-ing 0ater health care em2loyment ***** ***** Indo: ulf )ertili3ers

5ommunity de4elo2ment 2rogrammes, Infrastructure , li4elihood, agriculture and 0atershed de4elo2ment

health and family 0elfare, sanitation education

en4ironment 2rotection

2romoting arts and culture, meeting social o/ligations through reser4ations, 0omen em2o0erment @ido0 and do0ry:less marriages, @omen em2o0erment

@rite:in guidance ser4ice


7eliance ADA

Do s2ecific initiati4e, e*ce2t a statement to the effect that cor2orate social res2onsi/ility is needed. ***** ***** ***** ***** ;2en to all o22ortun ities and human rights

"6 6amsung ***** Agricultural De4elo2ment, Animal hus/andry, rural energy, 0atershed de4elo2ment, relief 0or-, infrastruc ture *****

%ealth and safety at the 0or- 2lace,

reeducation and Ao/ training *****


Tata 5hemicals

Training, >ducation *****

@omenTs 2rogram

", T56 ***** ***** >ducation >m2loyment generation %ealth 5are ***** *****

>n4ironment, 0aste management

"& Tata 6teel

Infrastructure, li4elihood, agriculture and %ealth K Ultra:Tech 0atershed )amily #$ 5ement de4elo2ment @elfare >ducation #" Videocon ***** %os2ital >ducation *****c 62orts Hearning enhancement 2rograms, >ducation *****

6ustaina/le De4elo2ment

Infrastru cture for the ur/an /eautific ation @omen em2o0er ment, 62orts @ido0 and do0ry: less marriage s, @omen em2o0er ment Disaster reha/ilita tion 2rogram s

## @i2ro ***** ***** Uuari: 5ham/al =K.K. 9irla rou2? 6tate 9an- of India 7ural De4elo2ment, 0ater har4esting ***** Do s2ecific initiati4e. ***** ***** ***** ***** Do s2ecific initiati4e ***** ***** ***** ***** Do s2ecific initiati4e ***** ***** ***** ***** Animal hus/andry, Integrated 7ural De4elo2ment 2rograms

#3 #'

>lementary >ducation ***** *****

#( A*i* 9an- Htd ;/eroi rou2 #6 of %otels

#+ 7aymond Htd

7unning of 6chools

7eha/ilit ation of the under2ri 4ileged children

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