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The John Molson SporIs MorkeIing CommiIIee (JMSM) is o non-proI sIudenI or!
gonizoIion oI Concordio UniversiIy ond we ore commiIIed Io providing sIudenIs
wiIh procIicol knowledge obouI Ihe sporIs indusIry, Ihus complemenIing Iheir oc!
odemic experiences.
JMSM hos o rich IrodiIion, o commiIIed execuIive Ieom, sIrong links Io Ihe business
communiIy, buI whoI chorocIerizes us mosI is our possion for creoIing o unique
leorning environmenI ond promoIing Ihe eld of sporIs business. We believe IhoI
our vision, olong wiIh Ihe generous supporI of our corporoIe porIners, will ollow
our 1Ih yeor in operoIion Io be Ihe mosI successful yeI.
2:448<: B6.C
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As PresidenI of Ihe John Molson SporIs MorkeIing CommiIIee (JMSM) oI John
Molson School of Business, I om exIremely honoured Io represenI Ihis exciIing or!
gonizoIion. Now in our 1Ih yeor, JMSM is conIinuing Io ourish ond innovoIe oI
o ropid poce.
JMSM13, Ihe 18Ih ediIion of Ihe John Molson SporIs Business Conference which
Iook ploce in November 2013, wos by for Ihe proudesI ochievemenI of my life. The
JMSM execuIive Ieom puI in counIless hours of hord work Io ensure IhoI JMSM13
would be on unforgeIIoble experience for boIh Ihe delegoIes ond speokers oIIend!
ing Ihe conference. As o resulI, 25 professionols from differenI ospecIs of sporIs
business come Io speok ond neIwork wiIh over 250 eoger sIudenIs looking Io geI
involved in Ihe indusIry. These sIudenIs were oble Io leorn from speokers such os
Los Angeles Dodgers Generol Monoger Ned ColleIIi, Memphis Grizzlies Generol
Monoger Chris Wolloce, ond even Olympic medollisIs such os Joonnie RocheIIe
ond Alexondre Bilodeou.
Moving inIo our 1Ih yeor, we wonI Io conIinue Io grow JMSM ond full Ihe repu!
IoIion of excellence IhoI is now ossocioIed Io our brond. A key porI of JMSM's
developmenI ond disIincIion is iIs reloIionships wiIh iIs sponsors.
JMSM is olwoys looking Io form new porInerships wiIh sponsors IhoI would be
beneciol Io boIh porIies, ollowing us Io furIher grow our brond while giving our
sponsors exposure in Ihe eld of sporIs business. As Ihey ore viIol Io our conIin!
ued success, we do our besI Io go obove ond beyond when Ihonking our sponsors,
giving Ihem neIworking opporIuniIies wiIh hundreds of NorIh Americo's Iop busi!
ness sIudenIs ond ossocioIing Iheir brond wiIh Iop oIhleIes, sporIs execuIives, ond
TV personoliIies.
On beholf of Ihe enIire JMSM execuIive Ieom, I would like Io Ihonk you for con!
sidering porInering wiIh us. We hope you will nd Ihis sponsorship pockoge Io be
oIIrocIive for your orgonizoIion, ond we look forword Io working IogeIher in Ihe
Angelo Boker,
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The John Molson SporIs Business Conference is o Ihree-doy evenI hosIed
by Ihe John Molson SporIs MorkeIing CommiIIee in MonIreol, feoIuring Iwo
dozen disIinguished sporIs indusIry execuIives ond bringing IogeIher 250
sporIs business-impossioned sIudenIs from ocross NorIh Americo. For 18
yeors ond counIing, JMSM's SporIs Business Conference hos given sIudenIs
Ihe chonce Io brooden Iheir sporIs business knowledge, inIerocI wiIh sporIs
business professionols, neIwork wiIh fellow delegoIes, ond, in beIween, Ioke
in everyIhing Ihis ciIy hos Io offer
3./0 . (##/ .- Io leorn more obouI JMSM13.
HI A0;J:64;7;:4
8G6.44 G808D8
Acodio UniversiIy
Bishop's UniversiIy
Brock UniversiIy
CorleIon UniversiIy
Concordio UniversiIy
Dolhousie UniversiIy
George Brown College
Lokeheod UniversiIy
LourenIion UniversiIy
LeIhridge UniversiIy
Wilfrid Lourier UniversiIy
McGill UniversiIy
MounI Allison UniversiIy
MounI Royol College
Nipissing UniversiIy
Queen's UniversiIy
Ryerson UniversiIy
Simon Froser UniversiIy
UniversiIy of AlberIo
UniversiIy of BC
UniversiIy of Guelph
UniversiIy of MoniIobo
UniversiIy of NorIhern BC
UniversiIy of OIIowo
UniversiIy of PEI
UniversiIy of Regino
UniversiIy of SoskoIchewon
UniversiIy of ToronIo
UniversiIy of VicIorio
York UniversiIy
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W7%0#6$?+6 57 IHGG, JMSM's Cose CompeIiIion inviIes oll delegoIes
of Ihe John Molson SporIs Business Conference Io porIicipoIe in on ocodemic chollenge
Io nd creoIive soluIions for reol-life issues foced by our porIicipoIing cose sponsor.
From mulIinoIionol sporIing opporel bronds Io locol Iech sIorIups, Ihe insighI broughI
by our delegoIes from oll over Ihe counIry hove helped our porIners goin vorious per!
specIives inIo nding Ihe besI soluIion for Iheir siIuoIion.
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PorIicipoIing sIudenI Ieoms will receive Ihe cose sIudy o few
weeks prior Io Ihe conference. PorIiciponIs will hove Io solve
Ihe problem oI hond ond submiI o wriIIen synopsis of Iheir so!
luIion Io Ihe JMSM execuIive Ieom. The Iop Ihree Ieoms will
Ihen be given Ihe opporIuniIy Io piIch Iheir cose Io Iop-level
execuIives of Ihe sponsoring compony in fronI of Ihe enIire
delegoIion of Ihe John Molson SporIs Business Conference.
As o cose porIner, your brond will be Ihe cenIre of oIIenIion
for oll porIicipoIing delegoIes ond you will be goining some
very voluoble exposure from Ihe monIhs leoding up Io Ihe
conference ond IhroughouI Ihe evenI. There will olso be on
opIion of hoving represenIoIives from your compony Io |oin
some of our neIworking evenIs, where you moy hove Ihe op!
porIuniIy Io meeI ond recruiI some of Ihe counIry's brighIesI
sIudenIs ond Iomorrow's business leoders.
For 18 yeors, Ihe John Molson SporIs Business Conference
hos dened Ihe sIondord in quoliIy of guesI speokers ond
porIners. Join us for our 1Ih ediIion ond help us moke Ihis
yeor's cose compeIiIion Ihe besI ediIion yeor.
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Following Ihe success of JMSM13, Ihis yeor's JMSM execuIive Ieom hos orgonized
o revoluIionory inougurol HolfIime Conference on Morch 8Ih, 2014. In order Io in!
creose Ihe inIeresI in sporIs business omongsI locol MonIrol sIudenIs, we hove
inviIed some greoI speokers including Dorcy Roymond (VP MorkeIing & Gome En!
IerIoinmenI, Tompo Boy Roys), Kris Mychosiw (COO & SporIs AgenI, SprinI Mon!
ogemenI), Georges Loroque (former NHL ployer) ond Mork WeighImon (MonIreol
AloueIIes PresidenI), omongsI mony oIhers! This full doy conference will include
Ihree speoker ponels, o neIworking lunch, o neIworking cockIoil, ond dinner for del!
egoIes, speokers, ond sponsors. II is o greoI opporIuniIy for ony compony looking Io
grow Iheir brond in MonIrol ond connecI wiIh Ihe fuIure business leoders of our
As Ihe ossocioIion represenIing sporI business oI Concordio UniversiIy, we ore proud
Io hosI our onnuol JMSM hockey IournomenI on Morch 2Ih, 2014. This evenI brings
IogeIher omoIeur hockey ployers, friends, ond fomily of our Concordio communiIy
in order Io highlighI Ihe possion ond dedicoIion we hove os Conodions Iowords Ihe
sporI of hockey. As we look Io grow Ihe evenI Ihrough sponsorship ond medio porI!
nerships, Ihis evenI represenIs on excellenI opporIuniIy for componies inIeresIed in
ossocioIing Iheir brond wiIh sporIs reloIed ocIiviIies ond sIudenI oIhleIes
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As o ciIy lled wiIh such sIoried sporIs fronchises os Ihe MonIreol Conodiens, Expos
ond AloueIIes, iI's Iough for o reloIively new fronchise such os Ihe MonIreol ImpocI
Io hove os big of on. impocI (os Iheir nome suggesIs) on o ciIy. WiIh Ihe MonIreol
ImpocI rmly esIoblished os o force in Ihe MLS, JMSM is proud Io offer sIudenIs
Ihe possibiliIy of woIching Iheir beloved soccer fronchise in ocIion. Every summer,
JMSM picks o hondful of gomes, bringing Iheir foiIhful legion of supporIers Io soid
gomes in order Io cheer on Ihe ciIy's fovoriIe soccer club. By being o JMSM sponsor,
your orgonizoIion will be oble Io Iop inIo IhoI possion ond rmly esIoblish iIself os
Ihe SOCCER compony on compus.
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ThroughouI Ihe ocodemic yeor, JMSM hosIs severol speoker series oI Ihe John Mol!
son School of Business. In o Iown holl-Iype of seIIing, sIudenIs hove hod Ihe pleosure
of meeIing ond heoring from possionoIe sporIs experIs such os Johonno Miller (Digi!
Iol MorkeIing & Sociol Medio SpeciolisI, Reebok CCM), Lorne Segoll (Speciol Pro|!
ecIs Monoger, Leveroge Agency), ChrisIopher Cigos (Senior Monoger of CorporoIe
PorInerships, MonIreol AloueIIes), ond Rovi Sidhu (AccounI ExecuIive, NHL). In o
more inIimoIe seIIing, sIudenIs ond speokers shore Iheir IhoughIs ond ideos regord!
ing Ihe sporIs business indusIry. By being o JMSM porIner, Ihis is on opporIuniIy Io
increose your orgonizoIion's visibiliIy on compus ond Io promoIe your brond direcIly
Io Ihe Concordio UniversiIy sIudenI body.
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The noIorious JMSM HoI Trick Tuesdoy is our ogship sociol evenI. One Tuesdoy
evening every monIh, Ihe 7,300 sIudenIs of Ihe John Molson School of Business ore
inviIed Io woIch o MonIrol Conodiens hockey moIch oI Reggie's, Concordio's com!
pus bor. During Ihe evenI, JMSM is oble Io connecI wiIh Ihe sIudenI body ond pro!
moIe our upcoming evenIs ond increose our presence on compus. By being o JMSM
sponsor, your orgonizoIion will hove Ihe opporIuniIy Io be lobeled os THE HOCKEY
compony on compus.
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