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Pastor Richard Wurmbrand

Living Sacrifice oo! Com"an# P$O$ o% &&'( art)esvi))e* O+ ',--./&&'( 0isit our 1ebsite2 111$"ersecution$com
3 456'* 4557 b# The 0oice of the 8art#rs* Inc$ 9)) rights reserved$ :o "art of this boo! ma# be re"roduced* stored in a retrieva) s#stem* or transmitted in an# form or b# an# means* e%ce"t in the case of brief ;uotations "rinted in artic)es or revie1s* 1ithout "rior "ermission in 1riting from the "ub)isher$ Un)ess other1ise noted* Scri"ture references are from the New King James Version* 3 45'5* 457-* 457& b# Thomas :e)son Inc$* Pub)ishers* :ashvi))e* Tennessee$


To the Rev$ W$ Stuart Harris* <enera) Director of the Euro"ean Christian 8ission in London* 1ho* u"on m# re)ease from "rison in 456,* came to Romania as a messenger from Christians in the West$ Entering our house ver# )ate at night* after having ta!en man# "recautionar# measures* he brought us 1ords of )ove and comfort as 1e)) as re)ief for fami)ies of Christian mart#rs$ On beha)f of these faithfu) be)ievers* I hereb# e%"ress our gratitude$


4 & ( , .

The Russians> 9vid Thirst for Christ ?<reater Love Hath :o 8an@ Ransom and Re)ease for Wor! in the West Defeating Communism With the Love of Christ The Invincib)e* Wides"read Underground Church

6 '

Ho1 Christianit# Is Defeating Communism Ho1 Western Christians Can He)"



Richard Wurmbrand said* Tortured for Christ has no )iterar# va)ue$ It 1as 1ritten in
on)# three da#s short)# after m# re)ease from "rison$ ut it 1as 1ritten 1ith "en and tears$ 9nd for some reason* <od has chosen to b)ess this 1riting and use it for His "ur"ose$@ In this (-th anniversar# edition of Tortured for Christ* )itt)e has been changed$ The origina) testimon# of a "astor>s fourteen/#ear im"risonment under a Romanian dictatorshi" has been )eft intact$ Over the #ears* Tortured for Christ has been trans)ated into 6. )anguages and mi))ions of co"ies have been distributed throughout the 1or)d$ We are continua))# amaBed at ho1 this testimon# has been used of <od to strengthen His od#$ We have discovered that in this od#* victor#* courage* resi)ience* and tenacit# !no1 no borders* no s!in co)or* no nationa)it#* but are given e;ua))# to a)) b# the Ho)# S"irit$ It is ver# curious that Chinese "astors* 9merican house1ives* and 9rab ta%i drivers can a)) be ins"ired and encouraged b# a boo! b# a Romanian Ce1$ 0ietnamese house church )eaders once shared 1ith me ho1 the# "re"ared their Christian f)oc!s to survive and gro1 under the e%"ected Communist ta!eover of South 0ietnam in the 45'-s$ The# distributed the 0ietnamese trans)ation of Tortured for Christ as a surviva) guideboo!* a testimon# of an overcoming faith in incredib)# difficu)t circumstances$ We a)so receive )etters from man# 1ho have entered a "ersona) re)ationshi" 1ith Cesus Christ from reading this boo!* rea)iBing that the )ove of Christ is a "o1erfu) rea)it#$ In this sense* these "ages do not constitute a "o)itica) attac! but "resent a mart#r>s gos"e) ?1itness$@ 8an# toda# be)ieve that a mart#r is sim")# someone 1ho dies for his faith$ Unfortunate)#* b# this definition 1e have )ost the true significance and de"th of mart#rdom$ St$ 9ugustine once stated* ?The cause* not the suffering* ma!es a genuine mart#r$@ In his ")a# Murder in the Cathedral* T$ S$ E)iot describes a mart#r as one ?1ho has become an instrument of <od* 1ho has lost his 1i)) in the 1i)) of <od* not )ost it but found it* for he has found freedom in submission to <od$ The mart#r no )onger desires an#thing for himse)f* not even the g)or# of mart#rdom$@ 9ccording to the origina) <ree!* ?mart#r@ means ?1itness$@ The 1riter of Hebre1s states that ?1e are surrounded b# so great a c)oud of 1itnesses Dmart#rsE@ FHebG4&24H* and Cesus instructs us in 9ctG427* ?Aou sha)) be 1itnesses Dmart#rsE to 8e in Cerusa)em* and in a)) Cudea and Samaria* and to the end of the earth$@ The :e1 Testament mart#r not on)# "ersona))# testified to the truth and "o1er of Cesus Christ* but 1as instructed to ta!e that 1itness to others* regard)ess of the cost$ Later in the boo! of 9cts* 1e read about the stoning of Ste"hen* ma!ing him the first to "a# the u)timate "rice for that 1itness$ It is at this time that the 1ord martyr too! on a much stronger meaning as one 1ho not on)# is a 1itness but as one 1ho is 1i))ing to give his )ife or to be martyred for that cause$ The ver# truth to 1hich 1e bear 1itness comes at a great costIit can cost us our re"utation* "o"u)arit#* and "restige$ It ma# even cost us our fami)ies* friends* or our )ives$ ut the message of our 1itness is so "o1erfu) that 1e are e%horted to ?)a# aside ever# 1eight* and the sin 1hich so easi)# ensnares us@ FHebG4&24H* in order to run 1ith endurance the ?race@ that <od has set before us in our )ife$

The message of Christ>s ?1itnesses@ is a)so not confined to "h#sica) borders or )imitations$ It transcends an# )abe) or bo% 1e ma# deem a""ro"riate$ 8art#rdom is not de"ressing* but necessar# for movement into a "ra#erfu) understanding of g)oba) Christian rea)it#$$$necessar# in order to receive that 1hich has been ?granted on beha)f of Christ@I?to suffer for His sa!e@ FPhiG42&5H$ The faith of these 1itnesses* or mart#rs* cannot be contro))ed or !i))ed$ It can on)# ")ant seeds to further <od>s !ingdom be#ond ?Cerusa)em* and in a)) Cudea and Samaria* and to the end of the earth@ F9ctG427H* as their testimonies bear 1itness to the truth of Cesus Christ$ Christ said* ?On this roc! I 1i)) bui)d 8# church* and the gates of Hades sha)) not "revai) against it@ F8atG46247H$ It is through this understanding that I have come to !no1 Pastor Richard Wurmbrand as one 1hose )ife ref)ects that of a mart#r$ :ot because of death* but because he bears 1itness to the )ife of Christ and has undergone sufferings to the "oint that death 1ou)d have been "referred to )ife itse)f$ Tortured for Christ not on)# revea)s the facts surrounding a man 1ho has suffered at the hands of a bruta) Communist regime* it revea)s the faith and "erseverance of a man tota))# committed to Christ and his desire to share the truth 1ith others$ It is this truth that comes a)ive through each "age* transforming the thin!ing of Western Christians b# revea)ing that throughout histor#* and even toda#* Christians endure horrific sufferings and even die for their witness to the )ife and "o1er of Cesus Christ$ It is our "ra#er that this testimon# )ives on* that 1e ma# come to a dee"er !no1)edge of our re)ationshi" 1ith Cesus Christ and our dut# on this earth$ That 1e ma# come to understand the true as"ects of the mart#r>s )ife* and if b# <od>s 1i))* 1e 1ou)d be 1i))ing to be that witness$ Tom White US9 Director* The 0oice of the 8art#rs


The Russians> 9vid Thirst for Christ

An Atheist Finds Christ

I 1as or"haned from the first #ears of )ife$

eing brought u" in a fami)# in 1hich no re)igion 1as recogniBed* I received no re)igious education as a chi)d$ 9s the resu)t of a bitter chi)dhood* 1hich inc)uded !no1ing "overt# in the difficu)t #ears of Wor)d War I* at age fourteen I 1as as convinced an atheist as the Communists are toda#$ I had read atheistic boo!s* and it 1as not Just that I did not be)ieve in <od or ChristII hated these notions* considering them harmfu) for the human mind$ So I gre1 u" in bitterness to1ard re)igion$ ut as I understood after1ard* I had the grace to be one of the chosen of <od for reasons that I don>t understand$ These reasons had nothing to do 1ith m# character* because m# character 1as ver# bad$ 9)though I 1as an atheist* something unreasonab)e a)1a#s attracted me to churches$ I found it difficu)t to "ass a church 1ithout entering it$ Ho1ever* I never understood 1hat 1as ha""ening in these churches$ I )istened to the sermons* but the# didn>t a""ea) to m# heart$ I had an image of <od as a master 1hom I shou)d have to obe#$ I hated this 1rong image of <od that I had in m# mind* but I 1ou)d have )i!ed ver# much to !no1 that a )oving heart e%isted some1here in the center of this universe$ Since I had !no1n fe1 of the Jo#s of chi)dhood and #outh* I )onged that there shou)d be a )oving heart beating for me* too$ I convinced m#se)f that there 1as no <od* but I 1as sad that such a <od of )ove did not e%ist$ Once* in m# inner s"iritua) conf)ict* I entered a Catho)ic church$ I sa1 "eo")e !nee)ing and sa#ing something$ I thought* will !neel near them so can hear what they say and re"eat the "rayers to see if something ha""ens# The# said a "ra#er to the ho)# virgin* ?Hai) 8ar#* fu)) of grace$@ I re"eated the 1ords after them again and againK I )oo!ed at the statue of the virgin 8ar#* but nothing ha""ened$ I 1as ver# sad about it$ One da#* being a ver# convinced atheist* I "ra#ed to <od$ 8# "ra#er 1as something )i!e this2 ?<od* I !no1 sure)# that Aou do not e%ist$ ut if "erchance Aou e%ist* 1hich I contest* it is not m# dut# to be)ieve in AouK it is Aour dut# to revea) Aourse)f to me$@ I 1as an atheist* but atheism did not give "eace to m# heart$ During this time of inner turmoi)* an o)d car"enter in a vi))age high u" in the mountains of Romania "ra#ed )i!e this2 ?8# <od* I have served #ou on earth and I 1ish to have m# re1ard on earth as 1e)) as in heaven$ 9nd m# re1ard shou)d be that I shou)d not die before I bring a Ce1 to Christ* because Cesus 1as from the Ce1ish "eo")e$ ut I am "oor* o)d* and sic!$ I cannot go around and see! a Ce1$ In m# vi))age there are none$ ring a Ce1 into m# vi))age and I 1i)) do m# best to bring him to Christ$@ Something irresistib)e dre1 me to that vi))age$ I had no reason to go there$ Romania has t1e)ve thousand vi))ages* but I 1ent to that one$ Seeing I 1as a Ce1* the car"enter courted me as never a beautifu) gir) had been courted$ He sa1 in me the ans1er to his "ra#er and gave me a ib)e to read$ I had read the ib)e out of cu)tura) interest man# times before$ ut the ib)e he gave me 1as another !ind of ib)e$ 9s he to)d me some time )ater* he and his 1ife "ra#ed together for hours for m# conversion and that of m# 1ife$ The ib)e he gave me 1as 1ritten not so much in 1ords* but in f)ames of )ove fired b# his "ra#ers$ I cou)d bare)# read it$ I cou)d on)# 1ee" over it* com"aring m# bad )ife 1ith the )ife of CesusK m# im"urit# 1ith His righteousnessK m# hatred 1ith His )oveIand He acce"ted me as one of His o1n$

Soon thereafter* m# 1ife 1as converted$ She brought other sou)s to Christ$ Those other sou)s brought sti)) more sou)s to Christ* and so a ne1 Lutheran congregation arose in Romania$ Then came the :aBis under 1hom 1e suffered much$ In Romania* :aBism too! the form of a dictatorshi" of e%treme orthodo% e)ements that "ersecuted Protestant grou"s as 1e)) as the Ce1s$ Even before m# forma) ordination and before I 1as "re"ared for the ministr#* I 1as the )eader of this church* being the founder of it$ I 1as res"onsib)e for it$ 8# 1ife and I 1ere arrested severa) times* beaten* and hau)ed before :aBi Judges$ The :aBi terror 1as great* but on)# a taste of 1hat 1as to come under the Communists$ 8# son* 8ihai* had to assume a non/Ce1ish name to "revent his death$ ut these :aBi times had one great advantage$ The# taught us that "h#sica) beatings cou)d be endured* and that the human s"irit 1ith <od>s he)" can survive horrib)e tortures$ The# taught us the techni;ue of secret Christian 1or!* 1hich 1as a "re"aration for a far 1orse ordea) to comeIan ordea) that 1as Just before us$

My Ministry to the Russians

Out of remorse for having been an atheist* I )onged from the first da# of m# conversion to be ab)e to 1itness to the Russians$ The Russians are a "eo")e raised from chi)dhood in atheism$ 8# desire to reach Russians has been fu)fi))ed* and I did not have to go to Russia to reach them$ Its fu)fi))ment began in :aBi times* because 1e had in Romania man# thousands of Russian 1ar "risoners among 1hom 1e cou)d do Christian 1or!$ It 1as a dramatic* moving 1or!$ I 1i)) never forget m# first encounter 1ith a Russian "risoner* an engineer$ I as!ed him if he be)ieved in <od$ If he had said ?no*@ I 1ou)d not have minded it much$ It is the choice of ever# man to be)ieve or disbe)ieve$ ut 1hen I as!ed him this* he )ifted his e#es to1ard me 1ithout understanding and said* ?I have no such mi)itar# order to be)ieve$ If I have an order I 1i)) be)ieve$@ Tears ran do1n m# chee!s$ I fe)t m# heart torn in "ieces$ Here stood before me a man 1hose mind 1as dead* a man 1ho had )ost a great gift <od has given to man!indIhis individua)it#$ He 1as a brain1ashed too) in the hands of the Communists* read# to be)ieve or not on an order$ He cou)d not thin! an#more on his o1n$ This 1as a t#"ica) Russian after a)) these #ears of Communist dominationL 9fter the shoc! of seeing 1hat communism had done to human beings* I "romised <od that I 1ou)d dedicate m# )ife to these men* to give them bac! their "ersona)ities and to give them faith in <od and Christ$ eginning 9ugust &(* 45,,* one mi))ion Russian troo"s entered Romania and* ver# soon after this* the Communists came to "o1er in our countr#$ Then began a nightmare that made suffering under the :aBis seem eas#$ 9t that time in Romania* 1hich no1 has a "o"u)ation of about &, mi))ion* the Communist "art# had on)# ten thousand members$ ut 0ishins!#* the =oreign Secretar# of the Soviet Union* stormed into the office of our much be)oved +ing 8ichae) I* "ounded his fists on the tab)e and said* ?Aou must a""oint Communists to the government$@ Our arm# and "o)ice 1ere disarmed and so* b# vio)ence and hated b# a)most a))* the Communists came to "o1er$ It 1as not 1ithout the coo"eration of the 9merican and ritish ru)ers of that time$

8en are res"onsib)e before <od not on)# for their "ersona) sins* but a)so for their nationa) sins$ The traged# of a)) the ca"tive nations is a res"onsibi)it# on the hearts of 9merican and ritish Christians$ 9mericans must !no1 that the# have at times un1itting)# assisted the Russians in im"osing u"on us a regime of murder and terror$ 9s a "art of the od# of Christ* 9mericans must atone for this b# he)"ing the ca"tive "eo")es come to the )ight of Christ$

The Seduction of the Church

Once the Communists came to "o1er* the# s!i))fu))# used the means of seduction to1ard the Church$ The )anguage of )ove and the )anguage of seduction are the same$ The one 1ho 1ishes a gir) for a 1ife and the one 1ho 1ishes her for on)# a night both sa# the 1ords* ?I )ove #ou$@ Cesus has to)d us to discern bet1een the )anguage of seduction and the )anguage of )ove* and to !no1 the 1o)ves c)ad in shee"s!in from the rea) shee"$ Unfortunate)#* 1hen the Communists came to "o1er* thousands of "riests* "astors* and ministers did not !no1 ho1 to discern bet1een the t1o voices$ The Communists convened a congress of a)) Christian bodies in our Par)iament bui)ding$ There 1ere four thousand "riests* "astors* and ministers of a)) denominationsI and these men of <od chose Cose"h Sta)in as honorar# "resident of this congress$ 9t the same time he 1as "resident of the Wor)d 8ovement of the <od)ess and a mass murderer of Christians$ One after another* bisho"s and "astors arose and dec)ared that communism and Christianit# are fundamenta))# the same and cou)d coe%ist$ One minister after another said 1ords of "raise to1ard communism and assured the ne1 government of the )o#a)t# of the Church$ 8# 1ife and I 1ere "resent at this congress$ Sabina to)d me* ?Richard* stand u" and 1ash a1a# this shame from the face of ChristL The# are s"itting in His face$@ I said to her* ?If I do so* #ou )ose #our husband$@ She re")ied* ?I don>t 1ish to have a co1ard as a husband$@ Then I arose and s"o!e to this congress* "raising not the murderers of Christians* but Cesus Christ* stating that our )o#a)t# is due first to Him$ The s"eeches at this congress 1ere broadcast and the 1ho)e countr# cou)d hear "roc)aimed from the rostrum of the Communist Par)iament the message of ChristL 9fter1ard I had to "a# for this* but it 1as 1orth1hi)e$ Orthodo% and Protestant church )eaders com"eted 1ith each other in #ie)ding to communism$ 9n Orthodo% bisho" "ut the hammer and sic!)e on his robes and as!ed his "riests to no )onger ca)) him ?Aour <race*@ but ?Comrade isho"$@ Priests )i!e Patrascoiu and Rosianu 1ere more direct$ The# became officers of the secret "o)ice$ Ra""* de"ut# bisho" of the Lutheran church in Romania* began to teach in the theo)ogica) seminar# that <od had given three reve)ations2 one through 8oses* one through Cesus* and the third through Sta)in* the )ast su"erseding the one before$ I attended the Congress of the a"tists in the to1n of ResitaIa congress under the Red f)ag* 1here the anthem of the Soviet Union had been sung 1ith ever#one standing$ The "resident of the a"tists "raised Sta)in as a great teacher of the ib)e and "roc)aimed that Sta)in did nothing but fu)fi)) the commandments of <odL It must be understood that the true a"tists* 1hom I )ove ver# much* did not agree and 1ere ver# faithfu) to Christ* suffering much$ Ho1ever* the Communists ?e)ected@ their )eaders and the a"tists had no choice but to acce"t them$ The same condition e%ists toda# in Communist nations among the ver# to" re)igious )eadershi" of the ?officia)@ 4 church$ Those 1ho became servants of communism instead of Christ began to denounce the brethren 1ho did not Join them$

Dfootnote2 4 The officia) church is one registered 1ith and contro))ed b# the government$ 8embershi" of officia) churches in man# tota)itarian s#stems toda# usua))# numbers )ess than ten "ercent of the Christian "o"u)ation$ The others "refer to 1orshi" ?underground$@E Cust as Christians in Russia created an Underground Church after their revo)ution* the coming to "o1er of communism and the betra#a) b# man# officia) church )eaders com"e))ed us to )i!e1ise create in Romania an Underground Church2 one faithfu) to evange)iBe* "reach the gos"e)* and reach chi)dren for Christ$ The Communists forbade a)) this and the officia) church com")ied$ Together 1ith others* I began an underground 1or!$ Out1ard)# I had a ver# res"ectab)e "ositionI"astor of the :or1egian Lutheran 8issionIthat served as a cover for m# rea) underground 1or!$ 9t the same time I re"resented the Wor)d Counci) of Churches in Romania$ FIn Romania 1e had not the s)ightest idea that this organiBation 1ou)d ever coo"erate 1ith the Communists$ 9t that time in our countr# it did nothing but re)ief 1or!$H These t1o tit)es gave me a ver# good standing before the authorities* 1ho did not !no1 of m# underground 1or!$ There 1ere t1o as"ects of this underground 1or!$ The first 1as our secret ministr# among Russian so)diers$ The second as"ect 1as our underground 1or! 1ith the ens)aved "eo")es of Romania$

RussiansA People With Such Thirsty Souls

=or me* to "reach the gos"e) to the Russians is heaven on earth$ I have "reached the gos"e) to men of man# nations* but I have never seen a "eo")e drin! in the gos"e) )i!e the Russians$ The# have such thirst# sou)s$ 9n Orthodo% "riest* a friend of mine* te)e"honed me and to)d me that a Russian officer had come to him to confess$ 8# friend did not !no1 Russian$ Ho1ever* !no1ing that I s"ea! Russian* he had given him m# address$ The ne%t da# this man came to see me$ He )onged for <od* but he had never seen a ib)e$ He had no re)igious education and never attended re)igious services Fchurches in Russia then 1ere ver# scarceH$ He )oved <od 1ithout the s)ightest !no1)edge of Him$ I read to him the Sermon on the 8ount and the "arab)es of Cesus$ 9fter hearing them* he danced around the room in ra"turous Jo# "roc)aiming* ?What a 1onderfu) beaut#L Ho1 cou)d I )ive 1ithout !no1ing this ChristL@ It 1as the first time that I sa1 someone so Jo#fu) in Christ$ Then I made a mista!e$ I read to him the "assion and crucifi%ion of Christ* 1ithout having "re"ared him for this$ He had not e%"ected it and* 1hen he heard ho1 Christ 1as beaten* ho1 He 1as crucified and that in the end He died* he fe)) into an armchair and began to 1ee" bitter)#$ He had be)ieved in a Savior and no1 his Savior 1as deadL I )oo!ed at him and 1as ashamed$ I had ca))ed m#se)f a Christian* a "astor* and a teacher of others* but I had never shared the sufferings of Christ as this Russian officer no1 shared them$ Loo!ing at him* it 1as )i!e seeing 8ar# 8agda)ene 1ee"ing at the foot of the cross* faithfu))# 1ee"ing 1hen Cesus 1as a cor"se in the tomb$ Then I read to him the stor# of the resurrection and 1atched his e%"ression change$ He had not !no1n that his Savior arose from the tomb$ When he heard this 1onderfu) ne1s* he beat his !nees and s1oreIusing ver# dirt#* but ver# ?ho)#@ "rofanit#$ This 1as his crude manner of s"eech$ 9gain he reJoiced* shouting for Jo#* ?He is a)iveL He is a)iveL@ He danced around the room once more* over1he)med 1ith ha""inessL

I said to him* ?Let us "ra#L@ He did not !no1 ho1 to "ra#$ He did not !no1 our ?ho)#@ "hrases$ He fe)) on his !nees together 1ith me and his 1ords of "ra#er 1ere2 ?Oh <od* 1hat a fine cha" #ou areL If I 1ere Aou and Aou 1ere me* I 1ou)d never have forgiven Aou of Aour sins$ ut Aou are rea))# a ver# nice cha"L I )ove Aou 1ith a)) of m# heart$@ I thin! that a)) the ange)s in heaven sto""ed 1hat the# 1ere doing to )isten to this sub)ime "ra#er from a Russian officer$ The man had been 1on for ChristL In a sho"* I met a Russian ca"tain 1ith a )ad# officer$ The# 1ere bu#ing a)) !inds of things and had difficu)t# s"ea!ing to the sa)esman* 1ho did not understand Russian$ I offered to trans)ate for them and 1e became ac;uainted$ I invited them to )unch at our house$ efore beginning to eat* I to)d them* ?Aou are in a Christian house and 1e have the habit of "ra#ing$@ I said the "ra#er in Russian$ The# "ut do1n their for!s and !nives and 1ere no )onger interested in food$ Instead* the# as!ed ;uestion after ;uestion about <od* Christ* and the ib)e$ The# !ne1 nothing$ It 1as not eas# to ta)! to them$ I to)d them the "arab)e of the man 1ho had a hundred shee" and )ost one$ The# did not understand* as the# 1ere brain1ashed 1ith the Communist ideo)og#$ The# as!ed* ?Ho1 is it that he has a hundred shee"M Has not the Communist co))ective farm ta!en them a1a#M@ Then I said that Cesus is a !ing$ The# ans1ered* ?9)) the !ings have been bad men 1ho contro))ed the "eo")e* so Cesus must a)so be a dictator$@ When I to)d them the "arab)e of the 1or!ers in the vine#ard* the# said* ?We))* these did ver# 1e)) to rebe) against the o1ner of the vine#ard$ The vine#ard has to be)ong to the co))ective$@ Ever#thing 1as ne1 for them$ When I to)d them about the birth of Cesus* the# as!ed 1hat 1ou)d seem b)as"hemous to a Westerner* ?Was 8ar# the 1ife of <odM@ In ta)!ing 1ith them and man# others* I )earned that to "reach the gos"e) to the Russians* after so man# #ears of communism* 1e had to use an entire)# ne1 a""roach$ This truth a"")ies in man# different cu)tures$ The missionaries 1ho 1ent to Centra) 9frica had difficu)t# trans)ating the 1ords of Isaiah2 ?Though #our sins are )i!e scar)et* the# sha)) be 1hite as sno1@ FIsaG4247H$ :o one in Centra) 9frica had ever seen sno1* so the# had no 1ord for it$ The missionaries had to trans)ate* ?Aour sins 1i)) become 1hite as the !erne) of the coconut$@ So 1e had to trans)ate the gos"e) into the ?8ar%ist )anguage@ in order for them to identif# 1ith it$ It 1as something 1e cou)d not do b# ourse)ves* but the Ho)# S"irit did His 1or! through us$ The ca"tain and the )ad# officer 1ere converted on that da#$ Later* the# he)"ed us much in our underground ministr# to the Russians$ We secret)# "rinted and distributed among Russians man# thousands of <os"e)s and other Christian )iterature$ Through the converted Russian so)diers* 1e smugg)ed ib)es and ib)e "ortions into Russia$ We a)so used another techni;ue to get co"ies of <od>s Word into the hands of Russians$ The Russian so)diers had been fighting for severa) #ears and man# of them had chi)dren bac! home 1hom the# had not seen for a)) this time$ FThe Russians have a great fondness for chi)dren$H 8# son* 8ihai* and other chi)dren under ten #ears of age 1ou)d go to the Russian so)diers on the streets and in the "ar!s* carr#ing ib)es* <os"e)s* and other )iterature in their "oc!ets$ The Russian so)diers 1ou)d "at them on the head* ta)! to them )oving)#* thin!ing of their o1n chi)dren 1hom the# had not seen in #ears$ The so)diers 1ou)d give them choco)ate or cand#* and the chi)dren* in turn* 1ou)d give the so)diers somethingI ib)es and <os"e)s* 1hich the# eager)# acce"ted$ Often 1hat 1as too dangerous for us to do o"en)# our chi)dren did in com")ete safet#$ The# 1ere ?#oung missionaries@ to the Russians$ The resu)ts 1ere e%ce))ent$ 8an# Russian so)diers received the gos"e) this 1a# 1hen there 1as no other 1a# to give it to them$

Preaching in Russian Army


We 1or!ed among the Russians not on)# b# individua) 1itnessing$ We 1ere ab)e to 1or! in sma)) grou" meetings as 1e))$ The Russians 1ere ver# fond of 1atches$ The# sto)e 1atches from ever#one$ The# 1ou)d sto" "eo")e on the street and demand that the# hand them over$ We 1ou)d see Russians 1ith severa) 1atches on each arm* and Russian 1omen officers 1ith a)arm c)oc!s hanging around their nec!s$ The# had never had 1atches before and cou)d not get enough of them$ Romanians 1ho 1ished to have a 1atch had to go to the barrac!s of the Soviet arm# to bu# a sto)en one* often bu#ing bac! their o1n 1atch$ So it 1as common for Romanians to enter the Russian barrac!s$ The Underground Church a)so used that "rete%tIof "urchasing 1atches from themIto give us entrance into their barrac!s$ The first time I "reached in a Russian barrac! 1as on the da# of St$ Pau) and St$ Peter* an Orthodo% feast$ I 1ent onto the mi)itar# base "retending to bu# a 1atch$ I "retended that one 1as too e%"ensive* another 1as too sma))* and another too big$ Severa) so)diers cro1ded around me* each offering me something to bu#$ Co!ing)# I as!ed them* ?9re an# of #ou named Pau) or PeterM@ Some 1ere$ Then I said* ?Do #ou !no1 that toda# is the da# 1hen #our Orthodo% church honors St$ Pau) and St$ PeterM@ FSome of the o)der Russians !ne1 it$H So I as!ed* ?Do #ou !no1 1ho Pau) and Peter 1ereM@ :o one !ne1* so I began to te)) them about Pau) and Peter$ One of the o)der Russian so)diers interru"ted me and said* ?Aou have not come to bu# 1atches$ Aou have come to te)) us about the faith$ Sit do1n here 1ith us and s"ea! to usL ut be ver# carefu)L We !no1 about 1hom to be1are$ These around me are a)) good men* but 1hen I "ut m# hand on #our !nee* #ou must ta)! on)# about 1atches$ When I remove m# hand* #ou ma# begin #our message again$@ Nuite a great cro1d of men 1as gathered around me and I to)d them about Pau) and Peter* about the Christ for 1hom Pau) and Peter died$ =rom time to time* someone 1ou)d a""roach in 1hom the# had no confidence$ The so)dier 1ou)d "ut his hand on m# !nee and I 1ou)d ta)! about 1atches$ When that man 1ent a1a#* I resumed "reaching about Christ$ This visit 1as re"eated numerous times 1ith the he)" of Russian Christian so)diers$ 8an# of their comrades found Christ and thousands of <os"e)s 1ere given out secret)#$ 9 number of our brothers and sisters in the Underground Church 1ere caught and heavi)# beaten for this* but the# didn>t betra# our organiBation$ During this 1or! 1e had the Jo# of meeting brethren from the Underground Church in Russia and hearing about their e%"eriences$ =irst of a))* 1e sa1 in them the ma!ings of great saints$ The# had "assed through so man# #ears of Communist indoctrination$ ut Just as a fish )ives in the sa)t# 1aters and !ee"s its meat s1eet* the# "assed through the Communist schoo)s and universities but had !e"t their sou)s c)ean and "ure in Christ$ These Russian Christians had such beautifu) sou)sL The# said* ?We !no1 that the star 1ith the hammer and sic!)e* 1hich 1e 1ear on our ca"s* is the star of the anti/Christ$@ The# said this 1ith great sorro1$ The# he)"ed us great)# to s"read the gos"e) among other Russian so)diers$ I can sa# that the# had a)) the Christian virtues* e%ce"t the virtue of Jo#$ This the# had on)# at conversion* then it disa""eared$ I thought about this a )ot$ Once I as!ed a a"tist* ?Ho1 is it that #ou !no1 no Jo#M@ He ans1ered* ?Ho1 can I be Jo#fu) 1hen I have to hide from the "astor of m# church that I am an earnest Christian* that I )ead a )ife of "ra#er* that I tr# to 1in sou)sM The "astor of the church is an informer of the secret "o)ice$ We are s"ied on one after another and the she"herds are those 1ho betra# the f)oc!$ There e%ists ver# dee" in our heart the Jo# of sa)vation* but this e%terna) g)adness that #ou haveI1e do not have it an#more$@

Christianit# has become dramatic 1ith us$ When Christians in free countries 1in a sou) for Christ* the ne1 be)iever ma# become a member of a ;uiet)# )iving church$ ut 1hen those in ca"tive nations 1in someone* 1e !no1 that he ma# have to go to "rison and that his chi)dren ma# become or"hans$ The Jo# of having brought someone to Christ is a)1a#s mi%ed 1ith this fee)ing that there is a "rice that must be "aid$ We had met an entire)# ne1 t#"e of ChristianIthe Christian of the Underground Church$ Here 1e had man# sur"rises$ 9s there are man# 1ho be)ieve the# are Christians and in rea)it# are not* 1e found that among the Russians there are man# 1ho be)ieve the# are atheists* but in rea)it# the# are not$ On a train* a Russian officer sat in front of me$ I had s"o!en to him about Christ for on)# a fe1 minutes 1hen he bro!e out 1ith a torrent of atheistic arguments$ Nuotations from 8ar%* Sta)in* 0o)taire* Dar1in* and others against the ib)e Just f)e1 from his mouth$ He gave me no o""ortunit# to contradict him$ He s"o!e for near)# an hour to convince me that there is no <od$ When he had finished* I as!ed him* ?If there is no <od* 1h# do #ou "ra# 1hen #ou are in troub)eM@ Li!e a thief sur"rised 1hi)e stea)ing* he re")ied* ?Ho1 do #ou !no1 that I "ra#M@ I did not a))o1 him to esca"e$ ?I as!ed m# ;uestion first$ I as!ed 1h# #ou "ra#$ P)ease ans1erL@ He bo1ed his head and ac!no1)edged* ?On the front* 1hen 1e 1ere encirc)ed b# the <ermans* 1e a)) "ra#edL We did not !no1 ho1 to do it$ So 1e said* O<od and s"irit of mother>@I1hich is sure)# a ver# good "ra#er in the sight of the One 1ho )oo!s to the heart$ I met a Russian cou")e* both scu)"tors$ When I s"o!e to them about <od* the# ans1ered* ?:o* <od does not e%ist$ We are be$boshni!iIgod)ess$ ut 1e 1i)) te)) #ou something interesting that ha""ened to us$ ?Once 1e 1or!ed on a statue of Sta)in$ During the 1or!* m# 1ife as!ed me* OHo1 about the thumbM If 1e did not have an o""osing thumbIif our fingers 1ere )i!e our toesI1e cou)d not ho)d a hammer* ma))et* too)* boo!* or "iece of bread$ Human )ife 1ou)d be im"ossib)e 1ithout this )itt)e thumb$ :o1* 1ho made the thumbM We both )earned 8ar%ism in schoo) and !no1 that heaven and earth e%ist b# themse)ves$ The# are not created b# <od$ So I have )earned and so I be)ieve$ ut if <od did not create heaven and earth* if He created on)# the thumb* He 1ou)d be "raise1orth# for this )itt)e thing$ ?OWe "raise Edison and e)) and Ste"henson 1ho have invented the e)ectric bu)b* te)e"hone* rai)1a#* and other things$ ut 1h# shou)d 1e not "raise the One 1ho has invented the thumbM If Edison had not had a thumb* he 1ou)d have invented nothing$ It is on)# right to 1orshi" <od 1ho made the thumb$>@ The husband became ver# angr#* as husbands ver# often do 1hen their 1ives te)) them 1ise things$ ?Don>t s"ea! stu"iditiesL Aou have )earned that there is no <od$ Aou do not !no1 if the house is bugged$ We can get into troub)e$ <et into #our mind once and for all that there is no <od$ In heaven there is nobody%& She re")ied* ?This is an even greater 1onder$ If in heaven there is an 9)might# <od* in 1hom in stu"idit# our forefathers be)ieved* it 1ou)d then be on)# natura) that 1e shou)d have thumbs$ 9n 9)might# <od can do ever#thing* so He can ma!e a thumb* too$ ut if in heaven there is nobod#* I 1i)) 1orshi" 1ith a)) of m# heart the O:obod#> 1ho has made the thumb$@ So the# became 1orshi""ers of the ?:obod#@L Their faith in this ?:obod#@ increased 1ith time* be)ieving Him to be the creator not on)# of the thumb* but a)so of the stars* f)o1ers* chi)dren* and ever#thing beautifu) in )ife$ It 1as Just as in 9thens in ear)ier times* 1hen Pau) met 1orshi""ers of the ?un!no1n <od@ F9ctG4'2&(H$

This cou")e 1as uns"ea!ab)# ha""# to hear from me that the# had be)ieved right)#* that in heaven there is rea))# a ?:o/bod#@I<od 1ho is S"irit$ He is a S"irit of )ove* 1isdom* truth* and "o1er* 1ho so )oved them that He sent His on)# begotten Son to sacrifice Himse)f for them on the cross$ The# had been be)ievers in <od not !no1ing that the# 1ere so$ I had the great "rivi)ege of ta!ing them one ste" furtherIto the e%"erience of sa)vation and redem"tion$ Once I sa1 a Russian )ad# officer on the street$ I a""roached her and a"o)ogiBed* ?I !no1 that it is im"o)ite to a""roach an un!no1n )ad# on the street* but I am a "astor and m# intentions are earnest$ I 1ish to s"ea! to #ou about Christ$@ She as!ed me* ?Do #ou )ove ChristM@ I said* ?AesL With a)) of m# heart$@ She fe)) into m# arms and !issed me again and again$ It 1as a ver# embarrassing situation for a "astor* so I !issed her bac!* ho"ing "eo")e 1ou)d thin! 1e 1ere re)atives$ She e%c)aimed to me* ?I )ove Christ* tooL@ I too! her to our home and discovered to m# amaBement that she !ne1 nothing about ChristIabso)ute)# nothingIe%ce"t the name$ 9nd #et she )oved Him$ She did not !no1 that He is the Savior* nor 1hat sa)vation means$ She did not !no1 1here and ho1 He )ived and died$ She did not !no1 His teachings* His )ife or ministr#$ She 1as for me a "s#cho)ogica) curiosit#2 ho1 can #ou )ove someone if #ou !no1 on)# his nameM When I in;uired* she e%")ained* ?9s a chi)d* I 1as taught to read b# "ictures$ =or an Oa> there 1as an a"")e* for Ob> there 1as a be))* for Oc> a cat* and so on$ ?When I 1ent to high schoo)* I 1as taught that it 1as m# ho)# dut# to defend the Communist father)and$ I 1as taught about Communist mora)s$ ut I did not !no1 1hat a Oho)# dut#> or a Omora)> )oo!ed )i!e$ I needed a "icture for these$ :o1* I !ne1 that our forefathers had a "icture for ever#thing beautifu)* "raise1orth#* and truthfu) in )ife$ 8# grandmother a)1a#s bo1ed before this "icture* sa#ing that it 1as the "icture of one ca))ed Cristos FChristH$ 9nd I )oved this name b# itse)f$ This name became so rea) to meL Cust to sa# this name gave me such Jo#$@ Listening to her* I remembered 1hat is 1ritten in PhiG&24-* that at the name of Cesus ever# !nee shou)d bo1$ Perha"s the anti/Christ 1i)) be ab)e for a time to erase from the 1or)d the !no1)edge of <od$ ut there is "o1er in the sim")e name of Christ* and this 1i)) )ead one to the )ight$ She Jo#ous)# found Christ in m# home and no1 the One 1hose name she )oved )ived in her heart$ Ever# moment I )ived 1ith Russians 1as fu)) of "oetr# and dee" meaning$ 9 sister 1ho s"read the gos"e) in rai)1a# stations gave an interested officer m# address$ One evening he entered m# houseIa ta))* handsome Russian )ieutenant$ I as!ed him* ?Ho1 can I serve #ouM@ He ans1ered* ?I have come for )ight$@ I began to read him the most essentia) "arts of Scri"ture$ He "ut his hand u"on mine and said* ?I as! #ou 1ith a)) of m# heart* don>t )ead me astra#$ I be)ong to a "eo")e !e"t in the dar!$ Te)) me* ")ease* is this the true Word of <odM@ I assured him that it 1as$ He )istened for hoursIand acce"ted Christ$ Russians are rare)# su"erficia) or sha))o1 in re)igious matters$ Whether the# fought against re)igion or 1ere for it and sought Christ* the# "ut their 1ho)e sou) into it$ That is 1h# under communism in Russia* Christians 1ere sou)/1inning missionaries$ Russians are a)so historica))# a re)igious "eo")e$ Countries such as this are ri"e and fruitfu) for gos"e) 1or!* and the course of the 1or)d is being changed as 1e aggressive)# share the gos"e) 1ith them$ It is such a traged# that Russia and its "eo")es are ver# hungr# for the Word of <od* #et man# have seeming)# 1ritten them off$

Our ministr# to the Russians has borne much fruit$ I remember Piotr FPeterH$ :o one !no1s in 1hat Russian "rison he disa""eared$ He 1as so #oungI"erha"s t1ent#$ He had come to Romania 1ith the Russian arm#$ He 1as converted in an underground meeting and as!ed me to ba"tiBe him$ 9fter his ba"tism* I as!ed him to te)) us 1hat verse of the ib)e had im"ressed him most and had inf)uenced him to come to Christ$ He said that at one of our secret meetings* I had read Lu!e &,* the stor# of Cesus meeting the t1o disci")es 1ho 1ent to1ard Emmaus$ When the# dre1 near the vi))age* ?He DCesusE indicated that He 1ou)d have gone farther@ FLu!G&,2&7H$ Piotr said* ?I 1ondered 1h# Cesus said this$ He sure)# 1anted to sta# 1ith His disci")es$ Wh# then did He sa# that He 1ished to go furtherM@ 8# e%")anation 1as that Cesus is "o)ite$ He 1ished to be ver# sure that He 1as desired$ When He sa1 that He 1as 1e)comed* He g)ad)# entered the house 1ith them$ The Communists are im"o)ite$ The# enter b# vio)ence into our hearts and minds$ The# force us to )isten to them from morning to )ate in the night$ The# do it through their schoo)s* radio* ne1s"a"ers* "osters* movies* atheistic meetings* and ever#1here 1e turn$ We have to )isten continuous)# to their god)ess "ro"aganda 1hether 1e )i!e it or not$ Cesus res"ects our freedom$ He gent)# !noc!s at the door of our heart$ ?Cesus has 1on me b# His "o)iteness*@ said Piotr$ This star! contrast bet1een communism and Christ had convinced him$ He 1as not the on)# Russian to have been im"ressed b# this feature in Cesus> character$ F9s a "astor* I had never thought about it this 1a#$H 9fter his conversion* Piotr re"eated)# ris!ed his )ibert# and )ife to smugg)e Christian )iterature and he)" for the Underground Church in Romania to Russia$ In the end he 1as caught$ The )ast I heard of him* he 1as sti)) in "rison$ Did he dieM Is he a)read# in heaven or is he continuing the good fight on earthM I don>t !no1$ On)# <od !no1s 1here he is toda#$ Li!e Piotr* man# others 1ere not Just converted$ We shou)d never sto" at having 1on a sou) for Christ$ # this* 1e have done on)# ha)f the 1or!$ Ever# sou) 1on for Christ must be made to be a sou)/1inner$ The Russians 1ere not on)# converted* but became ?missionaries@ in the Underground Church$ The# 1ere rec!)ess and daring for Christ* a)1a#s sa#ing that it 1as the )east the# cou)d do for Christ 1ho died for them$

"ur #nderground Ministry to an $nsla%ed &ation

The second as"ect of our ministr# 1as our underground missionar# 1or! among Romanians$ Initia))#* the Communists used seduction to 1in church )eaders to their side* but ver# soon the# dro""ed their mas!s$ Then the terror began and thousands 1ere arrested$ To 1in a sou) for Christ began to be a dramatic thing for us* too* as it had )ong been for the Russians$ =or e%am")e* I 1as )ater in "rison together 1ith sou)s 1hom <od had he)"ed me to 1in for Christ$ I 1as in the same ce)) 1ith one 1ho had )eft behind si% chi)dren and 1ho 1as no1 in "rison for his Christian faith$ His 1ife and chi)dren 1ere starving$ He might never see them again$ I as!ed him* ?Have #ou an# resentment against me that I brought #ou to Christ and because of this #our fami)# is in such miser#M@ He ans1ered* ?I have no 1ords to e%"ress m# than!fu)ness that #ou have brought me to the 1onderfu) Savior$ I 1ou)d never have it an# other 1a#$@

Preaching in these ne1 conditions 1as not eas#$ Our "eo")e 1ere ver# o""ressed$ The Communists too! "ossessions from ever#one$ =rom the farmer the# too! fie)ds and shee"$ =rom a barber or tai)or* the# too! his )itt)e sho"$ It 1as not on)# the ca"ita)ists 1ho 1ere e%"ro"riatedK ver# "oor men a)so suffered much$ :ear)# ever# fami)# had a member in "rison* and the "overt# 1as great$ 8en as!ed* ?Ho1 is it that a <od of )ove "ermits the trium"h of evi)M@ It )i!e1ise 1ou)d not have been eas# for the a"ost)es to "reach Christ on <ood =rida#* as Cesus died on the cross cr#ing* ?8# <od* 8# <od* 1h# have Aou forsa!en 8eM@ ut the fact that the 1or! continued to bear fruit "roves that it 1as from <od and not from us$ The Christian faith has an ans1er to such ;uestions$ =or instance* Cesus to)d us about LaBarus* a "oor beggar* o""ressed as 1e 1ere o""ressedId#ing* hungr#* his 1ounds being )ic!ed b# dogsIbut in the end* ange)s too! him to 9braham>s bosom$

'o( the #nderground Church Wor!ed Partly in the "pen

The Underground Church met secret)# in homes* in the 1oods* in basementsI1herever it cou)d$ 9s is true in man# ca"tive nations toda#* the Underground Church in Romania 1as on)# "artia))# underground$ Li!e an iceberg* a sma)) "art of its 1or! 1as in the o"en$ Under the Communists* 1e devised a ")an of having street "reaching* 1hich in time became ver# ris!#* but b# this means 1e reached man# sou)s 1e cou)d not reach other1ise$ 8# 1ife 1as ver# active in this$ Some Christians 1ou)d ;uiet)# gather on a street corner and start to sing$ Peo")e cro1ded around them to hear the beautifu) singing* then m# 1ife 1ou)d de)iver her message$ We )eft the s"ot before the secret "o)ice arrived$ One afternoon* 1hi)e I 1as active e)se1here* m# 1ife de)ivered a message before thousands of 1or!ers at the entrance of the great 89L9P9 factor# in the cit# of ucharest$ She s"o!e to the 1or!ers about <od and sa)vation$ The ne%t da#* man# 1or!ers in this factor# 1ere shot after rebe))ing against the inJustices of the Communists$ The# had heard the message Just in timeL We 1ere an Underground Church but* )i!e Cohn the a"tist* 1e s"o!e o"en)# to men and ru)ers about Christ$ Once* on the ste"s of one of our government bui)dings* t1o Chris/ tian brethren "ushed their 1a# to our Prime 8inister* <heorghiu DeJ$ In the fe1 moments the# had* the# 1itnessed to him about Christ* urging him to turn from his sins and "ersecution$ He had them thro1n into "rison for their daring 1itness$ Aears )ater* 1hen Prime 8inister DeJ 1as ver# sic!* the seed of the gos"e)* 1hich the# had ")anted #ears ago and for 1hich the# had suffered great)#* bore fruit$ In his hour of need* the Prime 8inister remembered the 1ords that had been s"o!en to him$ Those 1ords 1ere* as the ib)e sa#s* ?)iving and "o1erfu)* and shar"er than an# t1o/edged s1ord@ FHebG,24&H$ The# cut through the hardness of his heart and he surrendered his )ife to Christ$ He confessed his sins* acce"ted the Savior* and began to serve Him in his sic!ness$ :ot )ong after1ard he died* but 1ent to his ne1found Savior a)) because t1o Christians 1ere 1i))ing to "a# the "rice$ 9nd the# are t#"ica) of the courageous Christians in ca"tive nations toda#$ Sharing the gos"e) became more difficu)t under the Communist o""ression* but 1e succeeded in "rinting severa) Christian "am"h)ets* "assing them through the severe censorshi" of the Communists$ We "resented to the censor boo!)ets that had on the front "age a "icture of +ar) 8ar%* the founder of communism* and tit)es such as Religion is the O"ium of the 'eo"le$ He considered them to be Communist "ub)ications and "ut the sea) of a""rova) on them$ In these boo!)ets* after a fe1 "ages fu)) of ;uotations from 8ar%* Lenin* and Sta)inI1hich ")eased the censorI1e gave our message about Christ$

We then 1ent to the Communist demonstrations and distributed these ?Communist@ boo!)ets$ The Communists* seeing the "icture of 8ar%* com"eted 1ith each other to bu# them$ # the time the# reached "age ten and discovered that the# 1ere a)) about <od and Cesus* 1e 1ere far a1a#$ Thus* the Underground Church 1or!ed not on)# in the secret meetings and c)andestine activities* but bo)d)# in the o"en "roc)aiming the gos"e) on the Communist streets and to Communist )eaders$ There 1as a "rice* but 1e 1ere "re"ared to "a# it$ 9nd the Underground Church is sti)) "re"ared to "a# it toda#$

Wor!ing #nderco%er
The secret "o)ice great)# "ersecuted the Underground Church* because the# recogniBed in it the on)# effective resistance )eft$ It 1as Just the !ind of resistance Fa s"iritua) resistanceH that* if )eft unhindered* 1ou)d undermine their atheistic "o1er$ The# recogniBed* as on)# the devi) can* an immediate threat to them$ They !new that if a man belie(ed in Christ) he would ne(er be a mindless) willing sub*ect# They !new they could im"rison the "hysical body) but they couldn+t im"rison a man+s s"irit,his faith in -od# 9nd so the# fought ver# hard$ ut the Underground Church a)so has its s#m"athiBers or members even in the Communist governments and in the secret "o)ice$ We instructed Christians to Join the secret "o)ice and "ut on the most hated and des"ised uniform in our countr#* so the# cou)d re"ort the activities of the secret "o)ice to the Underground Church$ Severa) brethren of the Underground Church did this* !ee"ing their faith hidden$ It 1as difficu)t for them to be des"ised b# fami)# and friends for 1earing the Communist uniform and not revea) their true mission$ Aet the# did* so great 1as their )ove for Christ$ When I 1as !idna""ed b# "o)ice and !e"t im"risoned for #ears in strictest secrec#* a Christian doctor actua))# became a member of the secret "o)ice to )earn m# 1hereaboutsL 9s a secret "o)ice doctor* he had access to the ce))s of a)) "risoners and ho"ed to find me$ 9)) of his friends shunned him* thin!ing he had become a Communist$ To go around dressed in the uniform of the torturers is a much greater sacrifice than to 1ear the uniform of a "risoner$ The doctor found me in a dee"* dar! ce)) and sent 1ord that I 1as a)ive$ He 1as the first friend to discover me during m# initia) eight/and/a/ha)f #ears in "risonL Due to him* 1ord 1as s"read that I 1as a)ive and* 1hen "risoners 1ere re)eased during the Eisenho1er/ +hrushchev ?tha1@ in 45.6* Christians c)amored for m# re)ease and I 1as freed for a short time$ If it had not been for this doctor* 1ho Joined the secret "o)ice s"ecifica))# to find me* I 1ou)d never have been re)eased$ I 1ou)d sti)) be in "risonIor in a graveItoda#$ Using their "osition in the secret "o)ice* these members of the Underground Church 1arned us man# times and 1ere of tremendous he)"$ The Underground Church in Communist countries has men in the secret "o)ice toda# 1ho "rotect and 1arn Christians of im"ending danger$ Some are high u" in government circ)es* !ee"ing their faith in Christ secret and he)"ing us great)#$ One da# in heaven the# can "ub)ic)# "roc)aim Christ* 1hom the# serve secret)# no1$ :everthe)ess* man# members of the Underground Church 1ere discovered and im"risoned$ We had our ?Cudases*@ too* 1ho re"orted our activities to the secret "o)ice$ Using beatings* druggings* threats* and b)ac!mai)* the Communists tried to find ministers and )a#men 1ho 1ou)d re"ort on their brethren$


?<reater Love Hath :o 8an$$$@

I 1or!ed in both an officia) and underground manner unti) =ebruar# &5* 45,7$ On that
beautifu) Sunda#* on m# 1a# to church* I 1as !idna""ed from the street b# the secret "o)ice$ I had often 1ondered 1hat 1as meant b# ?man/stea)ing*@ 1hich is mentioned severa) times in the ib)e$ Communism has taught us$ 8an# at that time 1ere !idna""ed )i!e this$ 9 van of the secret "o)ice sto""ed in front of me* four men Jum"ed out and "ushed me into the vehic)e$ I 1as ta!en to a "rison 1here I 1as !e"t secret)# for over eight #ears$ During that time* no one !ne1 1hether I 1as a)ive or dead$ 8# 1ife 1as visited b# the secret "o)ice 1ho "osed as re)eased fe))o1/"risoners$ The# to)d her that the# had attended m# buria)$ She 1as heartbro!en$ Thousands of be)ievers from churches of a)) denominations 1ere sent to "rison at that time$ :ot on)# 1ere c)erg#men "ut in Jai)* but a)so sim")e "easants* #oung bo#s and gir)s 1ho 1itnessed for their faith$ The "risons 1ere fu))* and in Romania* as in a)) Communist countries* to be in "rison means to be tortured$ The tortures 1ere sometimes horrib)e$ I "refer not to s"ea! too much about those through 1hich I have "assedK it is too "ainfu)$ When I do* I cannot s)ee" at night$ In the boo! n -od+s .nderground* I recount man# detai)s of our e%"eriences 1ith <od in Jai)$

#nspea!a)le Tortures
9 "astor b# the name of =)orescu 1as tortured 1ith red/hot iron "o!ers and 1ith !nives$ He 1as beaten ver# bad)#$ Then starving rats 1ere driven into his ce)) through a )arge "i"e$ He cou)d not s)ee" because he had to defend himse)f a)) the time$ If he rested a moment* the rats 1ou)d attac! him$ He 1as forced to stand for t1o 1ee!s* da# and night$ The Communists 1ished to com"e) him to betra# his brethren* but he resisted steadfast)#$ Eventua))#* the# brought his fourteen/#ear/o)d son to the "rison and began to 1hi" the bo# in front of his father* sa#ing that the# 1ou)d continue to beat him unti) the "astor said 1hat the# 1ished him to sa#$ The "oor man 1as ha)f mad$ He bore it as )ong as he cou)d* then he cried to his son* ?9)e%ander* I must sa# 1hat the# 1antL I can>t bear #our beating an#moreL@ The son ans1ered* ?=ather* don>t do me the inJustice of having a traitor as a "arent$ WithstandL If the# !i)) me* I 1i)) die 1ith the 1ords* OCesus and m# father)and$>@ The Communists* enraged* fe)) u"on the chi)d and beat him to death* 1ith b)ood s"attered over the 1a))s of the ce))$ He died "raising <od$ Our dear brother =)orescu 1as never the same after seeing this$ Handcuffs 1ith shar" nai)s on the insides 1ere ")aced on our 1rists$ If 1e 1ere tota))# sti))* the# didn>t cut us$ ut in the bitter)# co)d ce))s* 1hen 1e shoo! 1ith co)d* our 1rists 1ou)d be torn b# the nai)s$

Christians 1ere hung u"side/do1n on ro"es and beaten so severe)# that their bodies s1ung bac! and forth under the b)o1s$ Christians 1ere a)so ")aced in ice/bo% ?refrigerator ce))s*@ 1hich 1ere so co)d that frost and ice covered the inside$ I 1as thro1n into one 1hi)e I had ver# )itt)e c)othing on$ Prison doctors 1ou)d 1atch through an o"ening unti) the# sa1 s#m"toms of freeBing to death* then the# 1ou)d give a signa) and guards 1ou)d rush in to ta!e us out and ma!e us 1arm$ When 1e 1ere fina))# 1armed* 1e 1ou)d immediate)# be "ut bac! into the ice/bo% ce))s to freeBe$ Tha1ing out* then freeBing to 1ithin minutes of death* then being tha1ed outIover and over againL Even toda# there are times 1hen I can>t bear to o"en a refrigerator$ We Christians 1ere sometimes forced to stand in 1ooden bo%es on)# s)ight)# )arger than 1e 1ere$ This )eft no room to move$ DoBens of shar" nai)s 1ere driven into ever# side of the bo%* 1ith their raBor/shar" "oints stic!ing through the 1ood$ Whi)e 1e stood "erfect)# sti))* it 1as a)) right$ ut 1e 1ere forced to stand in these bo%es for end)ess hoursK 1hen 1e became fatigued and s1a#ed 1ith tiredness* the nai)s 1ou)d "ierce our bodies$ If 1e moved or t1itched a musc)eIthere 1ere the horrib)e nai)s$ What the Communists have done to Christians sur"asses an# "ossibi)it# of human understanding$ I have seen Communists 1hose faces 1hi)e torturing be)ievers shone 1ith ra"turous Jo#$ The# cried out 1hi)e torturing the Christians* ?We are the devi)L@ We 1rest)e not against f)esh and b)ood* but against the "rinci"a)ities and "o1ers of evi)$ We sa1 that communism is not from men but from the devi)$ It is a s"iritua) forceIa force of evi)Iand can on)# be countered b# a greater s"iritua) force* the S"irit of <od$ I often as!ed the torturers* ?Don>t #ou have "it# in #our heartsM@ The# usua))# ans1ered 1ith ;uotations from Lenin2 ?Aou cannot ma!e ome)ets 1ithout brea!ing the she))s of eggs*@ and ?Aou cannot cut 1ood 1ithout ma!ing chi"s f)#$@ I said again* ?I !no1 these ;uotations from Lenin$ ut there is a difference$ When #ou cut a "iece of 1ood it fee)s nothing$ ut here #ou are dea)ing 1ith human beings$ Ever# beating "roduces "ain and there are mothers 1ho 1ee"$@ It 1as in vain$ The# are materia)ists$ =or them nothing besides matter e%ists and to them a man is )i!e 1ood* )i!e an eggshe))$ With this be)ief the# sin! to unthin!ab)e de"ths of crue)t#$ The crue)t# of atheism is hard to be)ieve$ When a man has no faith in the re1ard of good or the "unishment of evi)* there is no reason to be human$ There is no restraint from the de"ths of evi) that is in man$ The Communist torturers often said* ?There is no <od* no hereafter* no "unishment for evi)$ We can do 1hat 1e 1ish$@ I heard one torturer sa#* ?I than! <od* in 1hom I don>t be)ieve* that I have )ived to this hour 1hen I can e%"ress a)) the evi) in m# heart$@ He e%"ressed it in unbe)ievab)e bruta)it# and torture inf)icted on "risoners$ I am ver# sorr# if a crocodi)e eats a man* but I can>t re"roach the crocodi)e$ He is not a mora) being$ So no re"roaches can be made to the Communists$ Communism has destro#ed an# mora) sense in them$ The# boasted that the# had no "it# in their hearts$ I )earned from them$ 9s the# a))o1ed no ")ace for Cesus in their hearts* I decided I 1ou)d )eave not the sma))est ")ace for Satan in mine$ I have testified before the Interna) Securit# Subcommittee of the U$S$ Senate$ There I described a1fu) things* such as Christians tied to crosses for four da#s and nights$ The crosses 1ere ")aced on the f)oor and hundreds of "risoners had to fu)fi)) their bodi)# necessities over the faces and bodies of the crucified ones$ Then the crosses 1ere erected again and the Communists Jeered and moc!ed2 ?Loo! at #our ChristL Ho1 beautifu) he isL What fragrance he brings from heavenL@ I described ho1* after being driven near)# insane 1ith tortures* a "riest 1as forced to consecrate human e%crement and urine and give Ho)#

Communion to Christians in this form$ This ha""ened in the Romanian "rison of Pitesti$ I as!ed the "riest after1ard 1h# he did not "refer to die rather than "artici"ate in this moc!er#$ He ans1ered* ?Don>t Judge me* ")easeL I have suffered more than ChristL@ 9)) the bib)ica) descri"tions of he)) and the "ains of Dante>s Inferno are nothing in com"arison 1ith the tortures in Communist "risons$ This is on)# a ver# sma)) "art of 1hat ha""ened on one Sunda# and on man# other Sunda#s in the "rison of Pitesti$ Other things sim")# cannot be to)d$ 8# heart 1ou)d fai) if I shou)d te)) them again and again$ The# are too terrib)e and obscene to "ut in 1riting$ That is 1hat #our brothers in Christ 1ent through and go through no1L If I 1ere to continue to te)) a)) the horrors of Communist tortures and a)) the se)f/ sacrifices of Christians* I 1ou)d never finish$ :ot on)# 1ere the tortures !no1n* but the heroic deeds 1ere !no1n a)so$ The heroic e%am")es of those in "rison great)# ins"ired the brethren 1ho 1ere sti)) free$ One of the rea))# great heroes of the faith 1as Pastor 8i)an Haimovici$ The "risons 1ere overcro1ded and the guards did not !no1 us b# name$ The# ca))ed out for those 1ho had been sentenced to get t1ent#/five )ashes 1ith a 1hi" for having bro!en some "rison ru)e$ Innumerab)e times* Pastor Haimovici 1ent to get the beating in the ")ace of someone e)se$ # this he 1on the res"ect of other "risoners not on)# for himse)f* but a)so for Christ 1hom he re"resented$ One of our 1or!ers in the Underground Church 1as a #oung gir)$ The Communist "o)ice discovered that she secret)# s"read <os"e)s and taught chi)dren about Christ$ The# decided to arrest her$ ut to ma!e the arrest as agoniBing and "ainfu) as the# cou)d* the# decided to de)a# her arrest a fe1 1ee!s* unti) the da# she 1as to be married$ On her 1edding da#* the gir) 1as dressed as a brideIthe most 1onderfu)* Jo#ous da# in a gir)>s )ifeL Sudden)#* the door burst o"en and the secret "o)ice rushed in$ When the bride sa1 the secret "o)ice* she he)d out her arms to1ard them to be handcuffed$ The# rough)# "ut the manac)es on her 1rists$ She )oo!ed to1ard her be)oved* then !issed the chains and said* ?I than! m# heaven)# ridegroom for this Je1e) He has "resented to me on m# marriage da#$ I than! Him that I am 1orth# to suffer for Him$@ She 1as dragged off* 1ith 1ee"ing Christians and a 1ee"ing bridegroom )eft behind$ The# !ne1 1hat ha""ens to #oung Christian gir)s in the hands of Communist guards$ Her bridegroom faithfu))# 1aited for her$ 9fter five #ears she 1as re)easedIa destro#ed* bro!en 1oman* )oo!ing thirt# #ears o)der$ She said it 1as the )east she cou)d do for her Christ$ Such beautifu) Christians are in the Underground Church$



Westerners have "robab)# heard about brain1ashing in the +orean and 0ietnam Wars$ I have "assed through brain1ashing m#se)f$ It is the most horrib)e torture$ We had to sit for seventeen hours a da#Ifor 1ee!s* months* and #earsIhearing2 Communism is good% Communism is good% Communism is good% Christianity is stu"id% Christianity is stu"id% Christianity is stu"id% -i(e u"% -i(e u"% -i(e u"%

Severa) Christians have as!ed me ho1 1e cou)d resist brain1ashing$ There is on)# one method of resistance to brain1ashing2 it is ?heart 1ashing$@ If the heart is c)eansed b# the )ove of Cesus Christ* and if the heart )oves Him* one can resist a)) tortures$ What 1ou)d a )oving bride not do for a )oving bridegroomM What 1ou)d a )oving mother not do for her chi)dM If #ou )ove Christ as 8ar# did* 1ho had Christ as a bab# in her arms* if #ou )ove Cesus as a bride )oves her bridegroom* then #ou can resist such tortures$ <od 1i)) Judge us not according to ho1 much 1e endured* but ho1 much 1e cou)d )ove$ The Christians 1ho suffered for their faith in "risons cou)d )ove$ I am a 1itness that the# cou)d )ove <od and men$ The tortures and bruta)it# continued 1ithout interru"tion$ When I )ost consciousness or became too daBed to give the torturers an# further ho"es of confession* I 1ou)d be returned to m# ce))$ There I 1ou)d )ie* untended and ha)f dead* to regain a )itt)e strength so the# cou)d 1or! on me again$ 8an# died at this stage* but someho1 m# strength a)1a#s managed to return$ In the ensuing #ears* in severa) different "risons* the# bro!e four vertebrae in m# bac!* and man# other bones$ The# carved me in a doBen ")aces$ The# burned and cut eighteen ho)es in m# bod#$ When m# fami)# and I 1ere ransomed out of Romania and brought to :or1a#* doctors in Os)o* seeing a)) this and the scars in m# )ungs from tubercu)osis* dec)ared that m# being a)ive toda# is a "ure mirac)eL 9ccording to their medica) boo!s* I shou)d have been dead for #ears$ I !no1 m#se)f that it is a mirac)e$ <od is a <od of mirac)es$ I be)ieve <od "erformed this 1onder so that #ou cou)d hear m# voice cr#ing out on beha)f of the Underground Church in "ersecuted countries$ He a))o1ed one to come out a)ive and cr# a)oud the message of #our suffering* faithfu) brethren$

rief FreedomThen Re*Arrest

The #ear 45.6 arrived$ I had been in "rison eight/and/a/ha)f #ears$ I had )ost much 1eight* gained ug)# scars* been bruta))# beaten and !ic!ed* derided* starved* "ressured* ;uestioned ad nauseum* threatened* and neg)ected$ :one of this had "roduced the resu)ts m# ca"tors 1ere see!ing$ So* in discouragementIand amid "rotests over m# im"risonmentIthe# turned me )oose$ I 1as a))o1ed to return to m# o)d "osition as "astor for Just one 1ee!$ I "reached t1o sermons$ Then the# ca))ed me in and to)d me that I cou)d not "reach an#more* nor engage in an# further re)igious activit#$ What had I saidM I had counse)ed m# "arishioners to have ?"atience* "atience* and more "atience$@ ?This means #ou are te))ing them to be "atient and the 9mericans 1i)) come and de)iver them*@ the "o)ice shouted at me$ I had a)so said that the 1hee) turns and times change$ ?Aou are te))ing them the Communists 1i)) not continue to ru)eL These are counterrevo)utionar# )iesL@ the# screamed$ So that 1as the end of m# "ub)ic ministr#$ Probab)# the authorities be)ieved that I 1ou)d be afraid to def# them and continue 1ith underground 1itnessing$ That 1as 1here the# 1ere 1rong$ Secret)#* and 1ith m# fami)#>s su""ort* I returned to the 1or! I had been doing before$ 9gain I 1itnessed to hidden grou"s of the faithfu)* coming and going )i!e a ghost under the "rotection of those 1ho cou)d be trusted$ This time I had scars to corroborate m# message about the evi) of the atheist vie1"oint and to encourage fa)tering sou)s to trust <od and be brave$ I directed a secret net1or! of evange)ists 1ho he)"ed each other s"read the gos"e) under "rovidentia))# b)inded Communist e#es$ 9fter a))* if a man can be so b)ind as to not see the hand of <od at 1or!* "erha"s he 1i)) not see that of an evange)ist either$

Eventua))#* the cease)ess interest of the "o)ice in m# activities and 1hereabouts "aid off for them$ 9gain I 1as discovered and im"risoned$ =or some reason the# did not im"rison m# fami)# this time* "erha"s because of a)) the "ub)icit# I had received$ I had had eight/ and/a/ha)f #ears of "rison and then a cou")e #ears of re)ative freedom$ :o1 I 1as to be im"risoned for five/and/a/ha)f #ears more$ 8# second im"risonment 1as in man# 1a#s 1orse than the first$ I !ne1 1e)) 1hat to e%"ect$ 8# "h#sica) condition became ver# bad a)most immediate)#$ ut 1e continued the 1or! of the Underground Church 1here 1e cou)dIin Communist "risons$

We Made a +eal, We Preached and They


It 1as strict)# forbidden to "reach to other "risoners* as it is in ca"tive nations toda#$ It 1as understood that 1hoever 1as caught doing this received a severe beating$ 9 number of us decided to "a# the "rice for the "rivi)ege of "reaching* so 1e acce"ted their terms$ It 1as a dea)2 1e "reached and the# beat us$ We 1ere ha""# "reachingK the# 1ere ha""# beating usIso ever#one 1as ha""#$ The fo))o1ing scene ha""ened more times than I can remember$ 9 brother 1as "reaching to the other "risoners 1hen the guards sudden)# burst in* sur"rising him ha)f1a# through a "hrase$ The# hau)ed him do1n the corridor to their ?beating room$@ 9fter 1hat seemed an end)ess beating* the# brought him bac! and thre1 himIb)ood# and bruisedIon the "rison f)oor$ S)o1)#* he "ic!ed u" his battered bod#* "ainfu))# straightened his c)othing and said* ?:o1* brethren* 1here did I )eave off 1hen I 1as interru"tedM@ He continued his gos"e) messageL I have seen beautifu) thingsL Sometimes the "reachers 1ere )a#men* sim")e men ins"ired b# the Ho)# S"irit 1ho often "reached beautifu))#$ 9)) of their heart 1as in their 1ords* for to "reach under such "unitive circumstances 1as no trif)ing matter$ Then the guards 1ou)d come and ta!e the "reacher out and beat him ha)f to death$ In the "rison of <her)a* a Christian named <recu 1as sentenced to be beaten to death$ The "rocess )asted a fe1 1ee!s* during 1hich he 1as beaten ver# s)o1)#$ He 1ou)d be hit once at the bottom of the feet 1ith a rubber c)ub* and then )eft$ 9fter some minutes he 1ou)d again be hit* after another fe1 minutes again$ He 1as beaten on the testic)es$ Then a doctor gave him an inJection$ He recovered and 1as given ver# good food to restore his strength* and then he 1as beaten again* unti) he eventua))# died under this s)o1* re"eated beating$ One 1ho )ed this torture 1as a member of the Centra) Committee of the Communist Part#* 1hose name 1as Rec!$ During the beatings* Rec! said something to <recu that the Communists often said to Christians* ?Aou !no1* am <od$ I have "o1er of )ife and death over #ou$ The one 1ho is in heaven cannot decide to !ee" #ou in )ife$ Ever#thing de"ends u"on me$ If I 1ish* #ou )ive$ If I 1ish* #ou are !i))ed$ am -od%& So he moc!ed the Christian$ rother <recu* in this horrib)e situation* gave Rec! a ver# interesting ans1er* 1hich I heard after1ard from Rec! himse)f$ He said* ?Aou don>t !no1 1hat a dee" thing #ou have said$ Ever# cater"i))ar is in rea)it# a butterf)#* if it de(elo"s rightly$ Aou have not been created to be a torturer* a man 1ho !i))s$ Aou have been created to become )i!e <od* 1ith the )ife of the <odhead in #our heart$ 8an# 1ho have been "ersecutors )i!e #ou* have come to rea)iBeI)i!e the a"ost)e Pau)Ithat it is shamefu) for a man to commit atrocities* that the# can do much better things$ So the# have become "arta!ers of the divine nature$ Cesus said to the Ce1s of His time* OAe are gods$> e)ieve me* 8r$ Rec!* #our rea) ca))ing is to be <od)i!eIto have the character of <od* not a torturer$@

9t that moment Rec! did not "a# much attention to the 1ords of his victim* as Sau) of Tarsus did not "a# attention to the beautifu) 1itness of Ste"hen being !i))ed in his "resence$ ut those 1ords 1or!ed in his heart$ 9nd Rec! )ater understood that this was his rea) ca))ing$ One great )esson arose from a)) the beatings* tortures* and butcher# of the Communists2 that the s"irit is master of the body $ We fe)t the torture* but it often seemed as something distant and far removed from the s"irit 1hich 1as )ost in the g)or# of Christ and His "resence 1ith us$ When 1e 1ere given one s)ice of bread a 1ee! and dirt# sou" ever# da#* 1e decided 1e 1ou)d faithfu))# ?tithe@ even then$ Ever# tenth 1ee! 1e too! the s)ice of bread and gave it to 1ea!er brethren as our ?tithe@ to the 8aster$ When one Christian 1as sentenced to death* he 1as a))o1ed to see his 1ife before being e%ecuted$ His )ast 1ords to his 1ife 1ere* ?Aou must !no1 that I die )oving those 1ho !i)) me$ The# don>t !no1 1hat the# do and m# )ast re;uest of #ou is to )ove them* too$ Don>t have bitterness in #our heart because the# !i))ed #our be)oved one$ We 1i)) meet in heaven$@ These 1ords im"ressed the officer of the secret "o)ice 1ho attended the discussion bet1een the t1o$ He )ater to)d me the stor# in "rison 1here he had been sent for becoming a Christian$ In the Tirgu/Ocna "rison 1as a ver# #oung "risoner named 8atchevici$ He had been "ut in "rison at the age of eighteen$ ecause of the tortures* he 1as ver# sic! 1ith tubercu)osis$ His fami)# found out someho1 that he 1as in this grave state of hea)th and sent him one hundred bott)es of stre"tom#cin* 1hich cou)d ma!e the difference bet1een )ife and death$ The "o)itica) officer of the "rison ca))ed 8atchevici and sho1ed him the "arce) and said* ?Here is the medicine that can save #our )ife$ ut #ou are not a))o1ed to receive "arce)s from #our fami)#$ Persona))#* I 1ou)d )i!e to he)" #ou$ Aou are #oung$ I 1ou)d not )i!e #ou to die in "rison$ He)" me to be ab)e to he)" #ouL <ive me information against #our fe))o1 "risoners and this 1i)) enab)e me to Justif# before m# su"eriors 1h# I gave #ou the "arce)$@ 8atchevici ans1ered* ?I don>t 1ish to remain a)ive and be ashamed to )oo! in a mirror* because I 1i)) see the face of a traitor$ I cannot acce"t such a condition$ I "refer to die$@ The officer of the secret "o)ice shoo! 8atchevici>s hand and said* ?I congratu)ate #ou$ I didn>t e%"ect an# other ans1er from #ou$ ut I 1ou)d )i!e to ma!e another "ro"osa)$ Some of the "risoners have become our informers$ The# c)aim to be Communist and the# are denouncing #ou$ The# ")a# a doub)e ro)e$ We have no confidence in them$ We 1ou)d )i!e to !no1 in 1hat measure the# are sincere$ To1ard #ou the# are traitors 1ho are doing #ou much harm* informing us about #our 1ords and deeds$ I understand that #ou don>t 1ant to betra# #our comrades$ ut give us information about those 1ho o""ose #ou so #ou 1i)) save #our )ifeL@ 8atchevici ans1ered* as "rom"t)# as the first time* ?I am a disci")e of Christ and He has taught us to )ove even our enemies$ The men 1ho betra# us do us much harm but I cannot re1ard evi) 1ith evi)$ I cannot give information even against them$ I "it# them$ I "ra# for them$ I don>t 1ish to have an# connection 1ith the Communists$@ 8atche/ vici came bac! from the discussion 1ith the "o)itica) officer and died in the same ce)) I 1as in$ I sa1 him dieIhe 1as "raising <od$ Love con;uered even the natura) thirst for )ife$

If a "oor man is a great )over of music* he gives his )ast do))ar to )isten to a concert$ He is then 1ithout mone#* but he does not fee) frustrated$ He has heard beautifu) things$ I don>t fee) frustrated to have )ost man# #ears in "rison$ I have seen beautifu) things$ I m#se)f have been among the 1ea! and insignificant ones in "rison* but have had the "rivi)ege to be in the same Jai) 1ith great saints* heroes of faith 1ho e;ua)ed the Christians of the first centuries$ The# 1ent g)ad)# to die for Christ$ The s"iritua) beaut# of such saints and heroes of faith can never be described$ The things that I sa# here are not e%ce"tiona)$ The su"ernatura) things have become natura) to Christians in the Underground Church 1ho have returned to their first )ove$ efore entering "rison* I )oved Christ ver# much$ :o1* after having seen the ride of Christ FHis s"iritua) od#H in "rison* I 1ou)d sa# that I )ove the Underground Church a)/ most as much as I )ove Christ Himse)f$ I have seen her beaut#* her s"irit of sacrifice$

What 'appened to My Wife and SonI 1as ta!en a1a# from m# 1ife and I did not !no1 1hat had ha""ened to her$ On)# after man# #ears I )earned that she had been "ut in "rison* too$ Christian 1omen suffer much more than men in "rison$ <ir)s have been ra"ed b# bruta) guards$ The moc!er#* the obscenit#* is horrib)e$ The 1omen 1ere forced to 1or! at hard )abor bui)ding a cana)* fu)fi))ing the same 1or!)oad as men$ The# shove)ed earth in 1inter$ Prostitutes 1ere made overseers and com"eted in torturing the faithfu)$ 8# 1ife has eaten grass )i!e catt)e to sta# a)ive$ Hungr# "risoners ate rats and sna!es at this cana)$ One of the Jo#s of the guards on Sunda#s 1as to thro1 1omen into the Danube and then fish them out* to )augh about them* to moc! them about their 1et bodies* to thro1 them bac! and fish them out again$ 8# 1ife 1as thro1n in the Danube in this manner$ 8# son 1as )eft to 1ander on the street 1hen his mother and father 1ere ta!en a1a#$ 8ihai had been ver# re)igious from chi)dhood and ver# interested in matters of faith$ 9t the age of nine* 1hen his "arents 1ere ta!en a1a# from him* he "assed through a crisis in his Christian )ife$ He became bitter and ;uestioned a)) of his re)igion$ He had "rob)ems that chi)dren usua))# don>t have at this age$ He had to thin! about earning his )iving$ It 1as a crime to he)" fami)ies of Christian mart#rs$ T1o )adies 1ho he)"ed him 1ere arrested and beaten so bad)# that the# 1ere "ermanent)# cri"")ed$ 9 )ad# 1ho ris!ed her )ife and too! 8ihai into her house 1as sentenced to eight #ears in "rison for the crime of having he)"ed fami)ies of "risoners$ 9)) of her teeth 1ere !ic!ed out and her bones 1ere bro!en$ She 1i)) never be ab)e to 1or! again$ She* too* 1i)) be a cri"")e for )ife$


elie%e in /esus0

9t the age of e)even* 8ihai began to earn his )iving as a regu)ar 1or!er$ Suffering had "roduced a 1avering in his faith$ ut after t1o #ears of Sabina>s im"risonment he 1as a))o1ed to see her$ He 1ent to the Communist "rison and sa1 his mother behind iron bars$ She 1as dirt#* thin* 1ith ca))oused hands* 1earing the shabb# uniform of a "risoner$ He scarce)# recogniBed her$ Her first 1ords 1ere* ?8ihai* be)ieve in CesusL@ The guards* in a savage rage* "u))ed her a1a# from 8ihai and too! her out$ 8ihai 1e"t seeing his mother dragged a1a#$ This minute 1as the minute of his conversion$ He !ne1 that if Christ can be )oved under such circumstances* He sure)# is the true Savior$ He said after1ard* ?If Christianit# had no other arguments in its favor than the fact that m# mother be)ieves in it* this is enough for me$@ That 1as the da# he fu))# acce"ted Christ$

In schoo)* he had a continuous batt)e for e%istence$ He 1as a good "u"i) and as a re1ard he 1as given a red nec!tieIa sign of membershi" in the Aoung Communist Pioneers$ 8# son said* ?I 1i)) never 1ear the nec!tie of those 1ho "ut m# father and mother in "rison$@ He 1as e%"e))ed from schoo) for this$ 9fter having )ost a #ear* he entered schoo) again* hiding the fact that he 1as the son of Christian "risoners$ Later* he had to 1rite a thesis against the ib)e$ In this thesis he 1rote2 ?The arguments against the ib)e are 1ea! and the ;uotations against the ib)e are untrue$ Sure)# the "rofessor has not read the ib)e$ The ib)e is in harmon# 1ith science$@ 9gain he 1as e%"e))ed$ This time he had to )ose t1o schoo) #ears$ In the end he 1as a))o1ed to stud# in the seminar#$ Here he 1as taught ?8ar%ist theo)og#$@ Ever#thing 1as e%")ained according to the "attern of +ar) 8ar%$ 8ihai "rotested "ub)ic)# in c)ass* and other students Joined him$ The resu)t 1as that he 1as e%"e))ed and cou)d not finish his theo)ogica) studies$ Once in schoo)* 1hen a "rofessor de)ivered an atheistic s"eech* m# son rose and contradicted the "rofessor* te))ing him 1hat res"onsibi)it# he too! u"on himse)f b# )eading so man# #oung men astra#$ The entire c)ass too! his side$ It 1as necessar# that one shou)d have the courage to s"ea! out first* then a)) the others 1ere on his side$ To get an education he constant)# tried to hide the fact that he 1as the son of Wurmbrand* a Christian "risoner$ ut often it 1as discovered and again there 1as the fami)iar scene of being ca))ed to the schoo) director>s office and being e%"e))ed$ 8ihai a)so suffered much from hunger$ 8an# fami)ies of Jai)ed Christians in Communist countries near)# starve to death$ It is a great crime to he)" them$ I 1i)) te)) #ou Just one case of suffering of a fami)# that I !no1 "ersona))#$ 9 brother entered "rison on account of his 1or! in the Underground Church$ He )eft behind a 1ife 1ith si% chi)dren$ His o)der daughters of seventeen and nineteen cou)d not get a Job$ The on)# one that gives Jobs in a Communist countr# is the state* and it does not give Jobs to chi)dren of ?crimina)@ Christians$ P)ease don>t Judge this stor# according to mora) standardsK Just receive the facts$ The t1o daughters of a Christian mart#rIChristians themse)vesIbecame "rostitutes to su""ort their #ounger brothers and sic! mother$ Their #ounger brother of fourteen became insane 1hen he sa1 it and had to be "ut in an as#)um$ When #ears )ater the im"risoned father returned* his on)# "ra#er 1as* ?<od* ta!e me to "rison again$ I cannot bear to see this$@ His "ra#er 1as ans1ered and he 1as Jai)ed again for the crime of having 1itnessed for Christ to chi)dren$ His daughters 1ere no )onger "rostitutes* as the# received Jobs b# com")#ing 1ith the demands of the secret "o)iceIthe# became informers$ 9s daughters of a Christian mart#r* the# are received 1ith honor in ever# house$ The# )isten and then the# re"ort ever#thing the# hear to the secret "o)ice$ Don>t Just sa# that this is ug)# and immora)Iof course it isIbut as! yourself if it is not also your sin that such tragedies occur * that such Christian fami)ies are )eft a)one* and are not he)"ed b# #ou 1ho are free$


Ransom and Re)ease for Wor! in the West

9 tota) of fourteen #ears in "rison "assed for me$ During a)) this time I never sa1 a

ib)e or an# other boo!$ I had forgotten ho1 to 1rite$ ecause of the starvation* drugging* and tortures* I had forgotten the Ho)# Scri"tures$ ut on the da# that I fu)fi))ed fourteen #ears* out of ob)ivion came into m# mind the verse2 ?So Cacob served seven #ears for Rache)* and the# seemed but a fe1 da#s to him because of the )ove he had for her@ F<enG&52&-H$ 0er# soon after this I 1as re)eased through a genera) amnest# given in our countr#* ver# much under the inf)uence of 9merican "ub)ic o"inion$ I sa1 m# 1ife again$ She had 1aited faithfu))# for me for fourteen #ears$ We began our ne1 )ife in "overt#* because those 1ho are arrested have ever#thing ta!en from them$ The "riests and "astors 1ho 1ere re)eased 1ere a))o1ed to have sma)) churches$ 9 church in the to1n of Orsova 1as given to me$ The Communist De"artment of Cu)ts to)d me it had thirt#/five members in it and 1arned that it must never have thirt#/si%L I 1as a)so to)d that I must be their agent and re"ort to the secret "o)ice on ever# member and !ee" a)) #outh a1a#$ This is ho1 the Communists use churches as their ?too)@ of contro)$ I !ne1 that if I "reached* man# 1ou)d come to hear$ So I never tried even to begin 1or!ing in the officia) church$ Instead* I ministered again in the Underground Church* sharing a)) the beauties and the dangers of this 1or!$ During the #ears I 1as im"risoned* <od had moved 1onderfu))#$ The Underground Church 1as no )onger abandoned and forgotten$ 9mericans and other Christians had begun to he)" us and "ra# for us$ One afternoon as I rested in the house of a brother in a "rovincia) to1n* he a1o!e me and said* ? rethren from abroad have come$@ In the West there 1ere Christians 1ho had not forgotten or abandoned us$ Ran!/and/fi)e Christians had organiBed a secret 1or! of re)ief for fami)ies of Christian mart#rs* and 1ere smugg)ing in Christian )iterature and he)"$ In the other room I found si% brethren 1ho had come to do this 1or!$ 9fter s"ea!ing 1ith me at )ength* the# to)d me that the# had heard that at this address there 1as someone 1ho had s"ent fourteen #ears in "rison* and the# 1ou)d )i!e to see him$ I to)d them that I 1as the man$ The# said* ?We e%"ected to see someone me)ancho)ic$ Aou cannot be this "erson because #ou are fu)) of Jo#$@ I assured them that I 1as the im"risoned one and m# Jo# 1as in !no1ing that the# had come and that 1e 1ere no )onger forgotten$ Stead#* regu)ar he)" began to come to the Underground Church$ # secret channe)s 1e got man# ib)es and other Christian )iterature* as 1e)) as re)ief for fami)ies of Christian mart#rs$ :o1* 1ith their he)"* 1e of the Underground Church cou)d 1or! much better$ It 1as not on)# that the# gave us the Word of <od* but 1e sa1 that 1e 1ere be)oved$ The# brought us a 1ord of comfort$ During the #ears of brain1ashing* 1e had heard* ?:obod# )oves #ou an#more* nobod# )oves #ou an#more* nobod# )oves #ou an#more$@ :o1 1e sa1 9merican and Eng)ish Christians 1ho ris!ed their )ives to sho1 us that the# )oved us$ We )ater he)"ed them deve)o" a techni;ue of secret 1or!* so the# cou)d cree" undetected into houses surrounded b# the secret "o)ice$ The va)ue of the ib)es smugg)ed in b# these means cannot be understood b# an 9merican or an Eng)ish Christian 1ho ?s1ims@ in ib)es$

8# fami)# and I 1ou)d not have survived 1ithout the materia) he)" I received from "ra#ing Christians abroad$ The same is true 1ith man# other underground "astors and mart#rs in Communist countries$ I can testif# out of m# o1n e%"erience about the materia) and even greater mora) he)" that has been given to us b# s"ecia) missions formed for this "ur"ose in the free 1or)d$ =or us* these be)ievers 1ere )i!e ange)s sent b# <odL ecause of the rene1ed 1or! of the Underground Church* I 1as in ver# great danger of sti)) another arrest$ 9t this time* t1o Christian organiBations* the :or1egian 8ission to the Ce1s and the Hebre1 Christian 9))iance* "aid the Communist government a ransom of Q4-*--- for meIover five times the standard "rice for a "o)itica) "risoner$ I cou)d no1 )eave Romania$

Why 1 2eft Communist Romania

I 1ou)d not have )eft Romania* des"ite the dangers* if the )eaders of the Underground Church had not commanded me to use this o""ortunit# to )eave the countr#* to be the ?voice@ of the Underground Church to the free 1or)d$ The# 1ished me to s"ea! to #ou of the Western 1or)d on their beha)f about their sufferings and needs$ I came to the West* but m# heart remained 1ith them$ I 1ou)d never have )eft Romania if I had not understood the great necessit# for #ou to hear of the sufferings and the courageous 1or! of the Underground Church* but this is m# mission$ efore )eaving Romania* I 1as ca))ed t1ice to the secret "o)ice$ The# to)d me that the mone# had been received for me$ FRomania se))s its citiBens for mone#* because of the economic crisis that communism has brought to our countr#$H The# to)d me* ?<o to the West and "reach Christ as much as #ou )i!e* but don>t touch usL Don>t s"ea! a 1ord against usL We te)) #ou fran!)# 1hat 1e ")an for #ou if #ou do te)) 1hat ha""ened$ =irst of a))* for Q4*--- 1e can find a gangster to !i)) #ou* or 1e can !idna" #ou$@ FI have been in the same ce)) 1ith an Orthodo% bisho"* 0asi)e Leu)* 1ho had been !idna""ed in 9ustria and brought to Romania$ 9)) of his fingernai)s 1ere torn out$ I have been 1ith others from er)in$ Romanians have even been !idna""ed from Ita)# and Paris$H The# to)d me further* ?We can a)so destro# #ou mora))# b# s"reading a stor# about #ou 1ith a gir)* theft* or some sin of #our #outh$ The WesternersIes"ecia))# 9mericansIare ver# easi)# deceived$@ Having threatened me* the# a))o1ed me to come to the West$ The# had great confidence in the brain1ashing through 1hich I "assed$ In the West* there are no1 man# 1ho have "assed through the same things as I* but 1ho are si)ent$ Some of them have even "raised communism after having been tortured b# the Communists$ The Communists 1ere ver# sure that I* too* 1ou)d be si)ent$ So in December 456.* m# fami)# and I 1ere a))o1ed to )eave Romania$ 8# )ast deed before )eaving 1as to go to the grave of the co)one) 1ho had given the order for m# arrest and 1ho had ordered m# #ears of torture$ I ")aced a f)o1er on his grave$ # doing this I dedicated m#se)f to bringing the Jo#s of Christ that I have to the Communists 1ho are so em"t# s"iritua))#$ I hate the Communist s#stem but I )ove the men$ I hate the sin but I )ove the sinner$ I )ove the Communists 1ith a)) of m# heart$ Communists can !i)) Christians but the# cannot !i)) their )ove to1ard even those 1ho !i))ed them$ I have not the s)ightest bitterness or resentment against the Communists or m# torturers$


Defeating Communism With the Love of Christ

Ce1s have a )egend that* 1hen their forefathers 1ere saved from Eg#"t and the Eg#"tians dro1ned in the Red Sea* the ange)s Joined the songs of trium"h sung b# the Israe)ites$ 9nd <od said to the ange)s* ?The Ce1s are men and can reJoice about their esca"e$ ut from #ou I e%"ect more understanding$ 9re the Eg#"tians not a)so m# creaturesM Do I not )ove them* tooM Ho1 do #ou fai) to fee) m# sorro1 about their tragic fateM@ CosG.24( sa#s* ?9nd it came to "ass* 1hen Coshua 1as b# Cericho* that he )ifted his e#es and )oo!ed* and beho)d* a 8an stood o""osite him 1ith His s1ord dra1n in His hand$ 9nd Coshua 1ent to Him and said to Him* O9re Aou for us or for our adversariesM>@ If the one met b# Coshua had been on)# a man* the ans1er cou)d have been ?I am for #ou@ or ?I am for #our adversaries*@ or even ?I am neutra)$@ These are the on)# "ossib)e human res"onses to such a ;uestion$ ut the eing 1hom Coshua met 1as sent from the Lord and* therefore* 1hen as!ed 1hether He 1as for or against Israe)* gave an ans1er that is the most une%"ected and difficu)t to understand2 ?:o$@ What does this ?no@ meanM He came from a ")ace 1here beings are not for or against* but 1here ever#one and ever#thing are understood* )oo!ed u"on 1ith "it# and com"assion* and )oved 1ith fire$ There is a human )eve) on 1hich communism must be utter)# fought against$ On this )eve) 1e have to fight against Communists* too* the# being the su""orters of this crue)* savage idea)$ ut Christians are more than mere menK the# are chi)dren of <od* "arta!ers of the divine nature$ Therefore* tortures endured in Communist "risons have not made me hate Communists$ The# are <od>s creaturesK ho1 can I hate themM ut neither can I be their friend$ =riendshi" means one sou) in t1o breasts$ I am not one sou) 1ith the Communists$ The# hate the notion of <od$ I )ove <od$ If I 1ere as!ed* ?9re #ou for the Communists or against themM@ m# ans1er 1ou)d be a com")e% one$ Communism is one of the greatest menaces to man!ind$ I am utter)# o""osed to it and 1ish to fight it unti) it is overthro1n$ ut* in the s"irit* I am seated in heaven)# ")aces 1ith Cesus$ I am seated in the s"here of the ?no*@ in 1hich* not1ithstanding a)) of their crimes* the Communists are understood and )oved* a s"here in 1hich there are ange)ic beings tr#ing to he)" ever#one attain the highest goa) of human )ife* 1hich is to become Christ)i!e$ Therefore* m# aim is to s"read the gos"e) to the Communists* to give them the good ne1s about Christ* 1ho is m# Lord and )oves the Communists$ He has said Himse)f that He )oves ever# man and that He 1ou)d rather )eave ninet#/nine righteous shee" than a))o1 the one that 1ent astra# to remain )ost$ His a"ost)es and a)) the great teachers of Christianit# have taught this universa) )ove in His name$ St$ 8acar# said* ?If a man )oves a)) men "assionate)#* but sa#s on)# about one man that him he cannot )ove* the man 1ho sa#s this is no more a Christian* because his )ove is not a))/embracing$@ St$ 9ugustine teaches* ?If a)) man!ind had been righteous and on)# one man a sinner* Christ 1ou)d have come to endure the same cross for this one man* He so )oves ever# individua)$@ The Christian teaching is c)ear$ Communists are men and Christ )oves them$ So does ever# man 1ho has the mind of Christ$ We )ove the sinner even though 1e hate the sin$

We !no1 about the )ove of Christ to1ard the Communists b# our o1n )ove to1ard them$ I have seen Christians in Communist "risons 1ith fift# "ounds of chains on their feet* tortured 1ith red/hot iron "o!ers* in 1hose throats s"oonfu)s of sa)t had been forced* being !e"t after1ard 1ithout 1ater* starving* 1hi""ed* suffering from co)dIand "ra#ing 1ith fervor for the Communists$ This is human)# ine%")icab)eL It is the )ove of Christ* 1hich 1as "oured out in our hearts$ Later* the Communists 1ho had tortured us 1ere sent to "rison* too$ Under communism* Communists* and even Communist ru)ers* are "ut in "rison a)most as often as their adversaries$ :o1 the tortured and the torturer 1ere in the same ce))$ 9nd 1hi)e the non/Christians sho1ed hatred to1ard their former in;uisitors and beat them* Christians too! their defense* even at the ris! of being beaten themse)ves and accused of being accom")ices 1ith communism$ I have seen Christians give a1a# their )ast s)ice of bread F1e 1ere given one s)ice a 1ee!H and the medicine that cou)d save their )ives to a sic! Communist torturer* 1ho 1as no1 a fe))o1 "risoner$ These are the )ast 1ords of Iu)iu 8aniu* a Christian and the former Prime 8inister of Romania* 1ho died in "rison2 ?If the Communists are overthro1n in our countr#* it 1i)) be the most ho)# dut# of ever# Christian to go into the streets and at the ris! of his o1n )ife defend the Communists from the righteous fur# of the mu)titudes 1hom the# have t#ranniBed$@ In the first da#s after m# conversion* I fe)t that I 1ou)d not be ab)e to )ive an# )onger$ Wa)!ing on the street* I fe)t a "h#sica) "ain for ever# man and 1oman 1ho "assed b#$ It 1as )i!e a !nife in m# heart* so burning 1as the ;uestion of 1hether or not he or she 1as saved$ If a member of the congregation sinned* I 1ou)d 1ee" for hours$ The )onging for the sa)vation of a)) sou)s has remained in m# heart and the Communists are not e%c)uded from it$ In so)itar# confinement* 1e cou)d not "ra# as before$ We 1ere unimaginab)# hungr#K 1e had been drugged unti) 1e acted )i!e idiots$ We 1ere as 1ea! as s!e)etons$ The Lord>s Pra#er 1as much too )ong for usI1e cou)d not concentrate enough to sa# it$ 8# on)# "ra#er re"eated again and again 1as* ?Cesus* I )ove Aou$@ 9nd then* one g)orious da# I got the ans1er from Cesus2 ?Aou )ove meM :o1 I 1i)) sho1 #ou ho1 I )ove #ou$@ 9t once* I fe)t a f)ame in m# heart* 1hich burned )i!e the corona) streamers of the sun$ The disci")es on the 1a# to Emmaus said that their hearts burned 1hen Cesus s"o!e 1ith them$ So it 1as 1ith me$ I !ne1 the )ove of the One 1ho gave His )ife on the cross for us a))$ Such )ove cannot e%c)ude the Communists* ho1ever grave their sins$ Communists have committed and sti)) commit horrors but ?)ove is as strong as death* Jea)ous# as crue) as the grave$$$8an# 1aters cannot ;uench )ove* nor can the f)oods dro1n it@ FSonG726/'H$ 9s the grave insists on having a))Irich and "oorK #oung and o)dK men of a)) races* nations* and "o)itica) convictionsK saints and crimina)sIso )ove is a))/embracing$ Christ* the Incarnate Love* 1ants a)) men to come to Him* inc)uding the Communists$ 9 minister 1ho had been horrib)# beaten 1as thro1n into m# ce))$ He 1as ha)f/dead* 1ith b)ood streaming from his face and bod#$ We 1ashed him$ Some "risoners cursed the Communists$ <roaning* he said* ?P)ease* don>t curse themL +ee" si)entL I 1ish to "ra# for them$@

'o( We Could

e /oyful$%en in Prison

When I )oo! bac! on m# fourteen #ears in "rison* it 1as occasiona))# a ver# ha""# time$

Other "risoners and even the guards ver# often 1ondered at ho1 ha""# Christians cou)d be under the most terrib)e circumstances$ We cou)d not be "revented from singing* a)though 1e 1ere beaten for this$ I imagine that nightinga)es* too* 1ou)d sing* even if the# !ne1 that after finishing the# 1ou)d be !i))ed for it$ Christians in "rison danced for Jo#$ Ho1 cou)d the# be so ha""# under such tragic conditionsM I meditated often in "rison about Cesus> 1ords to His disci")es* ? )essed are the e#es 1hich see the things #ou see@ FLu!G4-2&(H$ The disci")es had Just come bac! from a tour through Pa)estine 1here the# had seen horrors$ Pa)estine 1as an o""ressed countr#$ Ever#1here there 1as the terrib)e miser# of a t#ranniBed "eo")e$ The disci")es met sic!ness* ")agues* hunger* and sorro1$ The# entered houses from 1hich "atriots had been ta!en to "rison* )eaving behind 1ee"ing "arents or 1ives$ It 1as not a beautifu) 1or)d to )oo! u"on$ Sti)) Cesus said* ? )essed are the e#es 1hich see the things #ou see$@ That 1as because the# had not seen on)# the suffering$ The# had a)so seen the Savior$ =or the first time a fe1 ug)# 1ormsIcater"i))ars that cree" on )eavesIunderstood that* after this miserab)e e%istence* there comes )ife as a beautifu)* mu)tico)ored butterf)#* ab)e to f)it from f)o1er to f)o1er$ This ha""iness 1as ours* too$ 9round me 1ere ?Cobs@Isome much more aff)icted than Cob had been$ ut I !ne1 the end of Cob>s stor#* ho1 he received t1ice as much as he had before$ I had around me men )i!e LaBarus the beggar* hungr# and covered 1ith boi)s$ ut I !ne1 that ange)s 1ou)d ta!e these men to the bosom of 9braham$ I sa1 them as the# 1i)) be in the future$ I sa1 in the shabb#* dirt#* 1ea! mart#r near me the s")endid)# cro1ned saint of tomorro1$ ut )oo!ing at men )i!e thisInot as the# are* but as the# 1i)) beII cou)d a)so see in our "ersecutors a Sau) of TarsusIa future a"ost)e Pau)$ 9nd some have a)read# become so$ 8an# officers of the secret "o)ice to 1hom 1e 1itnessed became Christians and 1ere ha""# to )ater suffer in "rison for having found our Christ$ 9)though 1e 1ere 1hi""ed* as Pau) 1as* in our Jai)ers 1e sa1 the "otentia) of the Jai)er in Phi)i""i 1ho became a convert$ We dreamed that soon the# 1ou)d as!* ?What must I do to be savedM@ In those 1ho moc!ed the Christians 1ho 1ere tied to crosses and smeared 1ith e%crement* 1e sa1 the cro1d of <o)gotha 1ho 1ere soon to beat their breasts in fear of having sinned$ It 1as in "rison that 1e found the ho"e of sa)vation for the Communists$ It 1as there that 1e deve)o"ed a sense of res"onsibi)it# to1ard them$ It 1as in being tortured b# them that 1e )earned to )ove them$ 9 great "art of m# fami)# 1as murdered$ It 1as in m# o1n house that their murderer 1as converted$ It 1as a)so the most suitab)e ")ace$ So in Communist "risons the idea of a Christian mission to the Communists 1as born$ <od sees things different)# than 1e see them* Just as 1e see different)# than an ant$ =rom the human "oint of vie1* to be tied to a cross and smeared 1ith e%crement is a horrib)e thing$ :onethe)ess* the ib)e ca))s the sufferings of mart#rs ?)ight aff)ictions$@ To be in "rison for fourteen #ears is a )ong "eriod to us$ The ib)e ca))s it ?but for a moment*@ and te))s us that these things are ?1or!ing for us a far more e%ceeding and eterna) 1eight of g)or#@ F&CoG,24'H$ This gives us the right to su""ose that the fierce crimes of the Communists* 1hich are ine%cusab)e to us* are )ighter in the e#es of <od than the# are in our e#es$ Their t#rann#* 1hich has )asted a)most an entire centur#* ma# be before <od* for 1hom a thousand #ears are )i!e one da#* on)# a moment of erring astra#$ The# sti)) have the "ossibi)it# of being saved$ The gates of heaven are not c)osed for the Communists$ :either is the )ight ;uenched for them$ The# can re"ent )i!e ever#one e)se$ 9nd 1e must ca)) them to re"entance$

On)# )ove can change the Communist and the terrorist Fa )ove that must be c)ear)# distinguished from com"romise 1ith non/Christian "hi)oso"hies* "racticed b# man# church )eadersH$ Hatred b)inds$ Hit)er 1as an anti/Communist* but one 1ho hated$ Therefore* instead of con;uering them* he he)"ed them 1in one/third of the 1or)d$ With )ove 1e ")anned a missionar# 1or! among the Communists in "rison$ 9nd thereb# 1e thought first of a)) about the Communist ru)ers$ Some mission directors seem to have studied )itt)e church histor#$ Ho1 1as :or1a# 1on for ChristM # 1inning +ing O)af$ Russia first had the gos"e) 1hen its !ing* 0)adimir* 1as 1on$ Hungar# 1as 1on b# 1inning St$ Ste"hen* its !ing$ The same 1ith Po)and$ In 9frica* 1here the chief of the tribe has been 1on* the tribe fo))o1s$ We set u" missions to ran!/and/fi)e men 1ho ma# become ver# fine Christians* but 1ho have )itt)e inf)uence and cannot change the state of things$ We must 1in ru)ers* )eaders in "o)itics* economics* science* and the arts$ The# mo)d the sou)s of men$ Winning them* #ou 1in the "eo")e the# )ead and inf)uence$ =rom the missionar# "oint of vie1* communism has an advantage over other socia) s#stems in that it is more centra)iBed$ If the President of the U$S$ 1ere converted to 8ormonism* 9merica 1ou)d not become 8ormon because of it$ ut if Communist government )eaders 1ere converted to Christianit#* "erha"s their 1ho)e countr# cou)d be reached$ So great is the im"act of )eaders$ Can these )eaders be convertedM Sure)#* because the# are unha""# and insecure Just )i!e their victims$ :ear)# a)) the Communist ru)ers of Russia ended in "rison or 1ere shot b# their o1n comrades$ The same in China$ Even the ministers of the interior )i!e Iagoda* AeBhov* eria* 1ho seemed to have a)) "o1er in hand* ended Just )i!e the )ast counterrevo)utionar#2 1ith a bu))et in the nec!$ Aears ago* She)e"in* the 8inister of the Interior of the Soviet Union* and Ran!ovic* the 8inister of the Interior of Augos)avia* 1ere thro1n out )i!e dirt# rags$

'o( We Can Attac! Communism Spiritually

The Communist regime ma!es no one ha""#* not even its "rofiteers$ Even the# tremb)e that an# night the van of the secret "o)ice ma# ta!e them a1a# because the "art# )ine has changed$ I have !no1n man# Communist )eaders "ersona))#$ The# are heavi)#/)aden men* and on)# Cesus can give them rest$ To 1in Communist ru)ers for Christ ma# mean to save the 1or)d from nuc)ear destruction* to save man!ind from hunger because so much of its revenues no1 go to cost)# armaments$ To 1in the Communist ru)ers ma# mean the end of internationa) tension$ To 1in the Communist ru)ers 1i)) mean to fi)) Christ and the ange)s 1ith Jo#$ 8an# other areas in 1hich missionaries )abor so hard* such as :e1 <uinea or 8adagascar* ma# fo))o1 sim")# if the Communist ru)ers are 1on* because this 1i)) give Christianit# an entire)# ne1 im"etus$ I have "ersona))# !no1n converted Communists$ I m#se)f 1as a mi)itant atheist in m# #outh$ Converted atheists and Communists )ove Christ much* because the# have sinned ver# much$

Strategic thought is needed in missionar# 1or!$ =rom the "oint of vie1 of sa)vation* a)) sou)s are e;ua)K from the "oint of vie1 of missionar# strateg#* the# are not e;ua)$ It is more im"ortant to 1in a man of great inf)uence* 1ho can after1ard 1in thousands* than to s"ea! to a savage in the Jung)e assuring sa)vation on)# for him$ Therefore* Cesus chose to end His ministr# not in some sma)) vi))age* but in Cerusa)em* the s"iritua) head;uarters of the 1or)d$ =or this same reason* Pau) strove so much to arrive in Rome$ The ib)e sa#s that the seed of the 1oman 1i)) bruise the head of the ser"ent F<enG(24.H$ We tic!)e the ser"ent on the be))#* ma!ing him )augh$ Toda# the ser"ent continues to cra1) through China* :orth +orea* 0ietnam* and Laos$ There are nations in the 8idd)e East 1here not one church bui)ding is a))o1ed to stand$ The ")ight of such ca"tive nations must continua))# be addressed b# church )eaders and mission directors* as 1e)) as b# ever# thoughtfu) Christian$ We must give u" routine 1or!$ It is 1ritten* ?Cursed is he 1ho does the 1or! of the Lord deceitfu))#@ FCerG,724-H$ The Church must 1age a fronta)* s"iritua) attac! on the "rinci"a)ities in ca"tive nations$ Wars are 1on on)# b# offensive* never b# defensive* strateg#$ PsaG4-'246 sa#s that <od cuts the bars of iron in t1o$ The Iron Curtain 1as a sma)) thing for Him$ The Ear)# Church 1or!ed secret)# and i))ega))#* and it trium"hed$ We must )earn again to 1or! in the same manner$ Unti) the Communist era* I never understood 1h# so man# "ersons of the :e1 Testament are ca))ed b# nic!names2 Simeon 1ho 1as ca))ed :iger* Cohn ca))ed 8ar!* and so on$ We continue to use secret names in our 1or! in ca"tive nations$ I never understood before 1h# Cesus* 1ishing to have the )ast su""er arranged* did not give an address but said* ?<o into the cit#* and a man 1i)) meet #ou carr#ing a "itcher of 1ater@ F8arG4,24(H$ :o1 I understand$ We a)so give such secret signs of recognition in the 1or! of the Underground Church$ If 1e agree to 1or! )i!e thisIto come bac! to the methods of ear)# Christianit#I1e can 1or! effective)# for Christ in these c)osed countries$ ut 1hen I met some church )eaders of the West* instead of )ove to1ard the CommunistsI1hich 1ou)d have )ed )ong ago to the organiBation of a missionar# 1or! in Communist countriesII found their "o)ic# on the side of the Communists$ I did not find the com"assion of the <ood Samaritan to1ard the )ost sou)s of the house of +ar) 8ar%$ 9 man rea))# be)ieves not 1hat he recites in his creed* but on)# the things he is read# to die for$ The Christians of the Underground Church have "roved that the# are read# to die for their faith$ Our internationa) net1or! of missions continues toda# 1ith a secret 1or! in ca"tive nations that can mean for them im"risonment* torture* and death if caught in such a countr#$ I be)ieve in the things I 1rite$ I have the right to as!2 Wou)d the church )eaders of 9merica 1ho ma!e friends 1ith communism be read# to die for their be)iefM Who "revents them from giving u" their high "ositions in the West to become officia) "astors in the East* coo"erating thereIon the s"ot I1ith CommunistsM The "roof of such a faith has not #et been given b# an# Western church )eader$

Human 1ords gro1 out of the need of men to understand each other and to e%"ress their fee)ings to1ard one another$ There are no human 1ords to e%"ress in an ade;uate manner the m#steries of <od and the heights of s"iritua) )ife$ Li!e1ise* there are no human 1ords that can describe the de"ths of devi)ish crue)t#$ Can #ou e%"ress in 1ords 1hat a man fe)t 1ho 1as about to be thro1n into a furnace b# the :aBis* or 1ho sa1 his chi)d thro1n into this furnaceM So it is use)ess to tr# to describe 1hat Christians have suffered and sti)) suffer under the Communists$ I 1as in "rison 1ith Lucretiu Patrascanu* the man 1ho brought communism to "o1er in Romania$ His comrades re1arded him b# "utting him in Jai)$ Though he 1as sane* the# "ut him in a menta) hos"ita) 1ith madmen* unti) he became mad* too$ The# did the same to 9nna Pau!er* their former Secretar# of State$ Christians are often given a simi)ar t#"e of treatment$ The# receive e)ectric shoc!s and are "ut in straitJac!ets$ The 1or)d 1as horrified about 1hat ha""ened on the streets in China$ In vie1 of ever#one* the Red <uard e%ercised its terror$ :o1 tr# to imagine 1hat ha""ens to Christians in a Chinese Jai)* 1here no one e)se seesL I heard that 1hen a reno1ned Chinese evange)ica) 1riter and other Christians refused to den# their faith* their ca"tors cut off their ears* tongues* and )egs$ Christians are sti)) in Chinese "risons toda#$ ut the 1orst thing Communists do is not that the# torture and !i)) the bodies of men$ The# ho"e)ess)# fa)sif# the thoughts of men and "oison the #outh and the chi)dren$ The# have ")aced their men into "ositions of )eadershi" in the churches to )ead the Christians and to destro# the churches$ The# teach #outh not to be)ieve in <od and Christ but to hate these names$ In 1hat 1ords can 1e e%"ress the traged# of Christian mart#rs* 1ho* coming home after #ears in "rison* are received 1ith scorn b# their chi)dren* 1ho in the meantime have become mi)itant atheistsM This boo! is 1ritten not so much 1ith in!* as 1ith the b)ood of b)eeding hearts$ 9s in the boo! of Danie) 1hen the three #oung men 1ho 1ere "ut in the furnace did not sme)) )i!e fire u"on being de)ivered from it* so the Christians 1ho have been in Communist "risons don>t sme)) )i!e bitterness against the Communists$ 9 f)o1er* if #ou bruise it under #our feet* re1ards #ou b# giving #ou its "erfume$ Li!e1ise Christians* tortured b# the Communists* re1arded their torturers b# )ove$ We brought man# of our Jai)ors to Christ$ 9nd 1e are dominated b# one desire2 to give Communists 1ho have made us suffer the best 1e have* the sa)vation that comes from our Lord Cesus Christ$ I did not have the "rivi)ege* as man# of m# brethren in the faith had* to die a mart#r>s death in "rison$ I 1as re)eased and cou)d even come out of Romania to the West$ In the West I found in man# church )eaders the contrar# sentiment of that 1hich 1as "redominant in the Underground Church behind the amboo and former Iron Curtains$ 8an# Christians in the West have no )ove for those in ca"tive nations$ Proof of it is that the# do nothing for their sa)vation$ The# have missions to "ersuade Christians of one denomination to change to another$ ut man# have no mission to ca"tive nations* c)aiming that such 1or! is ?against the )a1@L The# don>t )ove them$ Other1ise the# 1ou)d have )ong since created such an im"ossib)e/ )oo!ing mission* Just as Wi))iam Care# 1ho )oved the Indians and Hudson Ta#)or the Chinese have created their res"ective missions$

ut it is not enough that the# do not )ove those in ca"tive nations and do nothing to 1in them for Christ$ # their com")acenc#* b# their neg)ect* and sometimes b# acting as actua) accom")ices* some Western church )eaders strengthen the infide)s in their infide)it#$ The# he)" the Communists to intrude into Western churches and to 1in )eadershi" in the churches of the 1or)d$ The# he)" Christians remain una1are of the danger of communism$ # not )oving the Communists and those from other ca"tive nations* and b# doing nothing to 1in them for Christ Funder the "rete%t that the# are not a))o1ed to do so* as if the first Christians as!ed "ermission from :ero to s"read the gos"e)H* Western church )eaders do not )ove their o1n f)oc!s either* if the# do not a))o1 them to "artici"ate in this s"iritua) batt)e around the 1or)d$

The 2essons of 'istory Are 1gnored

In the first centuries* Christianit# f)ourished in :orth 9frica$ =rom there came St$ 9ugustine* St$ C#"rian* St$ 9thanasius* and Tertu))ian$ The Christians of :orth 9frica neg)ected Just one dut#2 to 1in the 8ohammedans for Christ$ The resu)t 1as that the 8ohammedans invaded :orth 9frica and u"rooted Christianit# for centuries$ :orth 9frica be)ongs to the 8us)ims even no1* and the# are ca))ed b# Christian missions ?the b)oc of unconvertib)es$@ Let us )earn something from histor#L 9t the time of the Reformation* the re)igious interests of Huss* Luther* and Ca)vin coincided 1ith the interests of the Euro"ean "eo")es to get rid of the #o!e of the Pa"ac#* 1hich 1as then an o""ressive "o)itica) and economic "o1er$ Li!e1ise toda#* the interests of the Underground Church in s"reading the gos"e) to t#rannica) regimes and their victims coincide 1ith the vita) interest of a)) free "eo")es in continuing to )ive in freedom$ 8an# t#rants have nuc)ear 1ea"onsK to attac! them mi)itari)# 1ou)d start a ne1 1or)d 1ar 1ith hundreds of mi))ions of victims$ 8an# Western ru)ers are brain1ashed and do not even 1ish to overthro1 such ru)ers$ The# have said so fre;uent)#$ The# 1ish that drug addiction* gangsterism* cancer* and tubercu)osis 1ou)d disa""ear* but not evi) s#stems such as communism* 1hich has c)aimed far more victims than a)) these together$ I)#a Ehrenburg* the Soviet 1riter* sa#s that if Sta)in had done nothing e)se a)) of his )ife than to 1rite the names of his innocent victims* his )ife 1ou)d not have been )ong enough to finish the Job$ +hrushchev said at the T1entieth Congress of the Communist Part#* ?Sta)in )i;uidated thousands of honest and gui)t)ess Communists$$$Of a hundred and thirt#/ nine members and candidates of the Centra) Committee 1ho 1ere chosen at the Seventeenth Congress* ninet#/eight* that is sevent# "ercent* 1ere )ater arrested and shot$@ :o1 imagine 1hat he did to the ChristiansL +hrushchev diso1ned Sta)in* but continued to do the same thing$ Since 45.5* ha)f of the churches of Soviet Russia that remained o"en 1ere c)osed$ In China* 1aves of barbarism rose 1orse than that of the Sta)inist "eriod$ O"en church )ife ceased com")ete)#$ In Russia and Romania there 1ere ne1 arrests$ F9fter the fa)) of communism in the Soviet Union* the government admitted to the mass arrests of Christians in Russia$H With terror and deceit* in countries 1ith one bi))ion inhabitants* an entire generation of #outh is brought u" in hatred to1ard ever#thing Western and es"ecia))# to1ard Christianit#$ It 1as not an unusua) sight in Russia to see )oca) officia)s stand in front of churches 1atching for chi)dren$ Those 1ho 1ent to church 1ere s)a""ed and thro1n out$ The future destro#ers of Western Christianit# 1ere carefu))# and s#stematica))# brought u"L

There is on)# one force that can change evi) governments$ It is the same force that enab)ed Christian states to ta!e the ")ace of the heathen Roman Em"ire* the force that made Christians of savage Teutons and 0i!ings* the force that overthre1 the b)ood# In;uisition$ This force is the "o1er of the gos"e)* re"resented b# the Underground Church that 1or!s in a)) ca"tive nations$ To sustain this Church and to he)" her is not on)# a ;uestion of unit# 1ith our suffering brethren$ It means )ife or death for #our countr# and for #our churches$ To sustain this Church is not on)# in the interests of free Christians* but shou)d a)so be the "o)ic# of free governments$ The Underground Church has a)read# 1on Communist ru)ers to Christ$ <heorghiu DeJ* Romania>s Prime 8inister* died a converted man after confessing his sin and changing his sinfu) )ife$ In man# ca"tive nations there are members of the government 1ho are hidden Christians$ This can s"read$ Then 1e 1i)) be ab)e to e%"ect a rea) change in the "o)ic# of some governmentsInot changes )i!e those of Tito and <omu)!a* after 1hich the same dictatorshi" of a crue) atheistic "art# continuedIbut a turn to1ard Christianit# and freedom$ E%ce"tiona) o""ortunities e%ist no1 for this$ e)ievers in communism* 1ho ver# often are as sincere in their be)iefs as Christians are in theirs* are "assing through a great crisis$ The# had rea))# be)ieved that communism 1ou)d create a brotherhood among nations$ :o1 the# see that Communist countries have fa))en a"art )i!e the Eastern )oc countries$ The# had rea))# be)ieved that communism 1ou)d create an earth)# "aradise* o""osed to 1hat the# ca)) the i))usor# "aradise in heaven$ 9nd no1 their "eo")es are hungr#$ Wheat has to be im"orted from ca"ita)ist countries$ Such is the case 1ith :orth +orea>s famine$ Considered one of the 1or)d>s most iso)ated nations* :orth +orea current)# stands at the brin! of utter "h#sica) destruction$ =)oods have destro#ed cro"s* ob)iterating their food su"")#$ :o1* out of des"eration* :orth +orea has begun to crac! o"en its 1indo1s and doors for the rest of the 1or)d to catch a g)im"se of 1hat>s been !e"t behind barbed 1ire$ The Communists had be)ieved in their )eaders$ :o1 the# have read in their o1n ne1s"a"ers that Sta)in 1as a mass murderer and +hrushchev an idiot$ The same 1ith their nationa) heroes )i!e Ra!osi* <ero* 9nna Pau!er* Ran!ovici* and so on$ The Communists no )onger be)ieve in the infa))ibi)it# of their )eaders$ The# are )i!e Catho)ics 1ithout a Po"e$ There is a void in the hearts of Communists$ This void can be fi))ed b# Christ a)one$ The human heart b# nature see!s after <od$ There is a s"iritua) vacuum in ever# man unti) it is fi))ed b# Christ$ This is true a)so for the Communists and those in other ca"tive nations$ In the gos"e) there is a "o1er of )ove that can a""ea) to them* too$ I have seen it ha""en$ I !no1 it can be done$ ChristiansImoc!ed and tortured b# the CommunistsIhave forgotten and forgiven 1hat has been done to them "ersona))# and to their fami)ies$ The# do their best to he)" the Communists "ass through the crisis and find the 1a# to Christ$ =or this 1or! the# need our he)"$ 9nd not on)# for this$ Christian )ove is a)1a#s universa)$ With Christians* there is no "artia)it#$ Cesus said that the sun of <od rises over the good and the evi)$ The same is true about Christian )ove$ Those Christian )eaders in the West 1ho sho1 friendshi" to the Communists and other t#rannica) regimes Justif# it b# the teaching of Cesus that 1e must )ove even our enemies$ ut never did Cesus teach that 1e must )ove only our enemies* forgetting our brethren$

The# sho1 their ?)ove@ b# 1ining and dining those 1hose hands are fu)) of the b)ood of Christians* not b# giving them the good ne1s of Christ$ ut those o""ressed b# t#rants are forgotten$ The# are not )oved$ Decades ago* the Evange)ica) and Catho)ic churches of West <erman# gave Q4&. mi))ion for the hungr#$ 9merican Christians give even more$ There are man# hungr# "eo")e* but I cannot imagine an#one hungrier or more entit)ed to he)" from free Christians than Christian mart#rs$ If <erman* ritish* 9merican* and Scandinavian churches raise so much mone# for re)ief* it shou)d go for ever#one in need* but first for the Christian mart#rs and their fami)ies$ Does it ha""en so no1M I 1as ransomed b# Christian organiBations* 1hich "roves that Christians can be ransomed$ Ho1ever* I ma# be the on)# case of someone ransomed from Romania b# Christians$ 9nd the fact of m# ransom 1i)) accuse Christian organiBations of the West of neg)ecting to fu)fi)) their dut# in other cases$ The first Christians as!ed themse)ves 1hether the ne1 Church 1as on)# for the Ce1s* or for the <enti)es* too$ The ;uestion received the right ans1er$ In another form* the "rob)em has rea""eared in the t1entieth centur#$ Christianit# is not on)# for the West$ Christ does not be)ong on)# to 9merica* Eng)and* and other democratic countries$ When He 1as crucified* one of His hands 1as stretched out to1ard the 1est* the other to1ard the east$ He 1ishes to be the +ing not on)# of the Ce1s* but a)so of the <enti)es* of the Communists* and of the Western 1or)d$ Cesus said* ?<o into a)) the 1or)d and "reach the gos"e) to ever# creature@ F8arG4624.H$ He gave His b)ood for a))* and a)) shou)d hear and be)ieve the gos"e)$ What encourages us to "reach the gos"e) in ca"tive nations is that there those 1ho become Christians are fu)) of )ove and Bea)$ I have never met a sing)e )u!e1arm Russian Christian$ =ormer #oung Communists and 8us)ims become e%ce"tiona) disci")es of Christ$ Christ )oves these "eo")e and 1ishes to free them* as He )oves a)) sinners and desires to free them from sin$ Some Western church )eaders re")ace this* the on)# correct attitude* 1ith another one2 com")acenc# to1ard the "ersecutors of Christians$ The# favor the sinfu)* thereb# he)"ing the "ersecutors to maintain their "o1er and hindering the sa)vation of these same enemies* as 1e)) as of their victims$

What 1 Found #pon My Release

When I 1as reunited 1ith m# 1ife after m# re)ease from "rison* she as!ed me 1hat m# ")ans 1ere for the future$ I ans1ered* ?The idea) that I have before me is the )ife of a s"iritua) rec)use$@ 8# 1ife ans1ered that she had had the same thought$ I had been a ver# d#namic t#"e in m# #outh$ ut "rison* and es"ecia))# the #ears of so)itar# confinement* had transformed me into a meditative* contem")ative man$ 9)) the storms in the heart had been sti))ed$ I did not mind communismK I did not even notice it$ I 1as in the embraces of the heaven)# ridegroom$ I "ra#ed for those 1ho tormented us and )oved them 1ith a)) of m# heart$ I had had ver# )itt)e ho"e of ever being re)eased$ =rom time to time I 1ondered 1hat I 1ou)d do in case I 1ere re)eased$ I a)1a#s considered that I 1ou)d retire some1here and continue the )ife of s1eet union in the desert 1ith the heaven)# ridegroom$

<od is ?the Truth$@ The ib)e is the ?truth about the Truth$@ Theo)og# is the ?truth about the truth about the Truth$@ Christian "eo")e )ive in these man# truths about the Truth* and* because of them* have not ?the Truth$@ Hungr#* beaten* and drugged* 1e had forgotten theo)og# and the ib)e$ We had forgotten the ?truths about the Truth*@ therefore 1e )ived in ?the Truth$@ It is 1ritten* ?The Son of man is coming at an hour 1hen #ou do not e%"ect Him@ F8atG&,2,,H$ We cou)d not thin! an#more$ In our dar!est hours of torture* the Son of 8an came to us* ma!ing the "rison 1a))s shine )i!e diamonds and fi))ing the ce))s 1ith )ight$ Some1here* far a1a#* 1ere the torturers be)o1 us in the s"here of the bod#$ ut the s"irit reJoiced in the Lord$ We 1ou)d not have given u" this Jo# for that of !ing)# "a)aces$ The desire to fight against somebod# or something cou)d not have been further from m# mind$ I did not 1ish to fight an# 1ars* even Just 1ars$ I 1ished rather to bui)d )iving tem")es to Christ$ It 1as 1ith the ho"e of ;uiet #ears of contem")ation ahead that I )eft "rison$ ut* from the ver# da# of m# re)ease* I 1as faced 1ith as"ects of communism more ug)# than a)) the tortures of m# im"risonment had been$ One after the other I met great "reachers and "astors of the different churches* and even bisho"s* 1ho sim")# confessed 1ith great sorro1 that the# 1ere informers for the secret "o)ice against their o1n f)oc!s$ I as!ed them if the# 1ere "re"ared to give u" being informers* even at the ris! of being im"risoned themse)ves$ 9)) ans1ered ?no*@ and e%")ained that it 1as not fear for their o1n "ersons that restrained them$ The# to)d me of ne1 deve)o"ments in the churches* things that did not e%ist before m# arrestIthat to refuse to be an informer cou)d mean the c)osing of a church$ In ever# to1n there 1as a government re"resentative for the contro) of ?cu)ts*@ a man of the secret Communist "o)ice$ He had the right to ca)) an# "riest or "astor 1henever he )i!ed and to as! him 1ho had been in church* 1ho too! fre;uent Communion* 1ho 1as Bea)ous in re)igion* 1ho 1as a sou)/1inner* 1hat "eo")e confessed* and so on$ If #ou did not ans1er* #ou 1ere dismissed and another ?minister@ 1as "ut in #our ")ace 1ho 1ou)d sa# more than #ou did$ Where the government re"resentative had no such re")acement F1hich a)most never ha""enedH* he sim")# c)osed the church$ This ha""ens toda# in China$ 8ost ministers gave information to the secret "o)ice$ Some did it re)uctant)#* tr#ing to hide certain things* 1hereas others got into the habit and their consciences 1ere hardened$ Sti)) others had ac;uired a "assion for it and said more than 1as demanded of them$ I heard confessions from chi)dren of Christian mart#rs 1ho had been ob)iged to give information about the fami)ies in 1hich the# had been received 1ith !indness$ Other1ise* the# 1ere threatened 1ith not being ab)e to continue their studies$ I 1ent to the a"tist Congress* 1hich 1as under the to!en of the Red =)ag* 1here the Communists had decided 1ho shou)d be the ?e)ected )eaders$@ I !ne1 that at the head of a)) the officia) churches 1ere men nominated b# the Communist Part#$ Then I rea)iBed that I 1as seeing an abomination about 1hich Cesus s"o!e$ There have a)1a#s been good and bad "astors and "reachers$ ut no1* for the first time in Church histor#* the Centra) Committee of an avo1ed atheistic Part#* 1hich has as its dec)ared "ur"ose the u"rooting of re)igion* decides 1ho )eads the Church$ To )ead it for 1hat "ur"oseM Sure)#* to he)" in the u"rooting of re)igion$ Lenin 1rote2 ?Ever# re)igious idea* ever# idea of <odIeven f)irting 1ith the idea of <od Iis unutterab)e vi)eness of the most dangerous !ind* contagion of the most abominab)e !ind$ 8i))ions of sins* fi)th# deeds* acts of vio)ence* and "h#sica) contagion are far )ess dangerous than the subt)e* s"iritua) idea of a <od$@

The Communist Parties of the Soviet Union 1ere Leninist$ To them re)igion 1as 1orse than cancer* tubercu)osis* or s#"hi)is$ They decided 1ho shou)d be the re)igious )eaders$ The )eaders of the officia) church coo"erated* com"romising more or )ess 1ith them$ I have seen the "oisoning of chi)dren and #outh 1ith atheism* the officia) churches having not the s)ightest "ossibi)it# of counteracting it$ In no church in our ca"ita) of ucharest cou)d one find a #outh meeting or a Sunda# schoo) for chi)dren$ The chi)dren of Christians are brought u" in the schoo) of hatred$ 9nd thenIseeing a)) thisII hated communism as I had not hated it under their tortures$ I hated not because of 1hat it had done to me* but because of the 1rong it does to the g)or# of <od* to the name of Christ* and to the sou)s of one bi))ion men under its dominion$ Peasants from a)) over the countr# came to see me and to)d me ho1 the co))ectiviBation 1as being conducted$ The# 1ere no1 hungr# s)aves on their o1n former fie)ds and vine#ards$ The# had no bread$ Their chi)dren had no mi)!* no fruitIand this in a countr# 1ith natura) riches that e;ua) those of Canaan of o)d$ rethren confessed to me that Lenin>s Communist regime had made thieves and )iars of them a))$ Out of hunger the# had to stea) from 1hat 1as origina))# their o1n fie)d* but no1 be)onged to the co))ective$ Then the# had to )ie to cover their theft$ Wor!ers s"o!e to me about the terror in the factories and about an e%")oitation of 1or!/"o1er such as the ca"ita)ists had never dreamed of$ The 1or!ers had no right to stri!e$ Inte))ectua)s had to teach* against their inner convictions* that there is no <od$ The 1ho)e )ife and thought of one/third of the 1or)d at that time 1as destro#ed or fa)sified* as is sti)) being done in restricted nations toda#$ Aoung gir)s came to com")ain that the# had been ca))ed to the Communist Aouth OrganiBation* and 1ere re"roved and threatened because the# !issed a bo# 1ho 1as a ChristianK and the name of another 1as given to them 1hom the# might !issL Ever#thing 1as des"erate)# fa)se and ug)#$ Then I met the fighters of the Underground ChurchIm# comrades of )ong agoIsome of 1hom have remained uncaught and others 1ho have ta!en u" the fight again after having been re)eased from "rison$ The# ca))ed on me to ta!e u" the fight 1ith them$ I attended their secret meetings at 1hich the# sang from h#mnboo!s 1ritten b# hand$ I remembered St$ 9nthon# the <reat* 1ho had been in the desert for thirt# #ears$ He had )eft the 1or)d a)together* "assing his 1ho)e )ife in fasting and "ra#er$ ut 1hen he heard about the fight bet1een St$ 9thanasius and 9rius about the divinit# of Christ* he )eft the contem")ative )ife and came to 9)e%andria to he)" the truth to trium"h$ I remembered St$ ernard de C)airvau%* 1ho 1as a mon! high u" in the mountains$ ut he heard about the foo)ishness of the Crusades* about Christians !i))ing 9rabs and Ce1s and their brethren in faith of another confession* to 1in an em"t# tomb$ He )eft his monaster# and ste""ed do1n from his heights to "reach against the Crusades$ I decided to do 1hat a)) Christians have to do2 to fo))o1 the e%am")es of Christ* the a"ost)e Pau)* and the great saints* to give u" the thought of retiring and to ta!e u" the fight$ What !ind of fight 1ou)d it beM Christians in "rison have a)1a#s "ra#ed for their enemies and have given a beautifu) 1itness to them$ The desire of our heart 1as that the# shou)d be saved* and 1e reJoiced as often as it ha""ened$ ut I hated the evi) Communist s#stem and I 1ished to strengthen the Underground Church* the on)# force that can overthro1 this a1fu) t#rann#* b# the "o1er of the gos"e)$

I did not thin! on)# about Romania* but a)so about the entire Communist 1or)d$ Ho1ever* I have met much unconcern in the West$ Writers around the 1or)d "rotested 1hen t1o Communist 1riters* Siniavs!i and Danie)* 1ere sentenced to "rison b# their o1n comrades$ ut not even churches "rotest 1hen Christians are "ut in "rison for their faith$ Who cares about rother +uB#c!* sentenced because he committed the crime of distributing ?"oisonous@ Christian "ub)ications such as ib)e "ortions and the devotiona) boo!)ets of Torre#M Who !no1s about rother Pro!ofiev* sentenced for having distributed "rinted sermonsM Who !no1s about <runva)d* a Hebre1 Christian sentenced for simi)ar offenses in Russia and from 1hom the Communists too! his )itt)e son for )ifeM I !no1 1hat I fe)t 1hen I 1as ta!en a1a# from m# 8ihai$ 9nd I suffer 1ith rother <runva)d* Ivanen!o* <rann# Shevchu!* Tais#a T!achen!o* E!aterina 0e!aBina* <eorgi 0e!aBin* the cou")e Pi)at in Latvia* and on and onInames of saints and heroes of the faith in the t1entieth centur#L I bo1 to !iss their chains* as the first Christians !issed the chains of their fe))o1 be)ievers 1hen the# 1ere )ed to be thro1n before the 1i)d beasts$ Some Western Church )eaders don>t care about them$ The names of the mart#rs are not on their "ra#er )ists$ Whi)e the# 1ere being tortured and sentenced* the Russian a"tist and Orthodo% officia) )eaders 1ho had denounced and betra#ed them 1ere received 1ith great honor at :e1 De)hi* at <eneva* and at other conferences$ There the# assured ever#one that in Russia there is fu)) re)igious )ibert#$ 9 )eader of the Wor)d Counci) of Churches !issed the o)shevi! archbisho" :i!odim 1hen he gave this assurance$ Then the# ban;ueted together in the im"osing name of the Wor)d Counci) of Churches* 1hi)e the saints in "rison ate cabbage 1ith un1ashed intestines* Just as I had eaten in the name of Cesus Christ$ Things cou)d not remain )i!e this$ The Underground Church decided that I shou)d )eave the countr# if the "ossibi)it# 1ere given* and inform Christians in the West about 1hat is ha""ening$ I have decided to denounce communism* though I )ove the Communists$ I don>t find it to be right to "reach the gos"e) 1ithout denouncing communism$ Some te)) me ?Preach the "ure gos"e)L@ This reminds me that the Communist secret "o)ice a)so to)d me to "reach Christ* but not to mention communism$ Is it rea))# so* that those 1ho are for 1hat is ca))ed ?a "ure gos"e)@ are ins"ired b# the same s"irit as those of the Communist secret "o)iceM I don>t !no1 1hat this so/ca))ed "ure gos"e) is$ Was the "reaching of Cohn the a"tist "ureM He did not sa# on)#* ?Re"ent* for the !ingdom of heaven is at handL@ F8atG(2&H$ He a)so ?rebu!ed DHerodE$$$for a)) the evi)s 1hich Herod had done@ FLu!G(245H$ He 1as beheaded because he didn>t confine himse)f to abstract teaching$ Cesus did not "reach on)# the ?"ure@ Sermon on the 8ount* but a)so 1hat some actua) church )eaders 1ou)d have ca))ed a negative sermon2 ?Woe to #ou* scribes and Pharisees* h#"ocritesL$$$Ser"ents* brood of vi"ersL@ F8atG&(2&'* 8atG&(2((H$ It is for such ?im"ure@ "reaching that He 1as crucified$ The Pharisees 1ou)d not have bothered about the Sermon on the 8ount$ Sin must be ca))ed b# its name$ Communism is one of the most dangerous sins in the 1or)d toda#$ Ever# gos"e) that does not denounce it is not the "ure gos"e)$ The Underground Church denounces it* ris!ing )ibert# and )ife$ The )ess have 1e to be si)ent in the West$ I have decided to denounce communism* not in the sense in 1hich those 1ho are usua))# ca))ed ?anti/Communists@ do it$ Hit)er 1as an anti/Communist and 1as nonethe)ess a t#rant$ We hate the sin and )ove the sinner$

Why 1 Suffer in the West

I suffer in the West more than I did in Communist )ands$ 8# suffering consists first of a)) in the )onging after the uns"ea!ab)e beauties of the Underground Church* the Church that fu)fi))s the o)d Latin sa#ing* Nudisnudum Christi se/ui Fna!ed* fo))o1 the na!ed ChristH$ In ca"tive nations* the Son of 8an and those 1ho are His have no1here to )a# their heads$ 8an# Christians there don>t bui)d houses for themse)ves$ To 1hat goodM The# 1i)) be confiscated at their first arrest$ Cust the fact that #ou have a ne1 house can be a greater motive for #ou to be im"risoned* because the others 1ish to ta!e #our house$ There #ou don>t bur# #our father* neither do #ou sa# fare1e)) to #our fami)# before fo))o1ing Christ$ Who is #our mother* #our brother* #our sisterM Aou are* in this res"ect* )i!e Cesus$ 8other and brother are for #ou on)# those 1ho fu)fi)) the 1i)) of <od$ 9s for the natura) ties* can the# count an#more 1hen it is a fre;uent occurrence that the bride denounces the bridegroom* chi)dren their "arents* 1ives their husbandsM It is more and more on)# the s"iritua) connection that remains$ The Underground Church is a "oor and suffering church* but it has fe1 )u!e1arm members$ 9 re)igious service in the Underground Church is )i!e one nineteen hundred #ears ago in the Ear)# Church$ The "reacher !no1s no e)aborate theo)og#$ He !no1s no homi)etic* as Peter did not !no1 it$ Ever# "rofessor of theo)og# 1ou)d have given Peter a "oor grade for his sermon on the da# of Pentecost$ The ib)e verses are not 1e)) !no1n in man# countries* because ib)es are not "ermitted$ esides* the "reacher has most )i!e)# been in "rison for #ears 1ithout a ib)e$ When the# e%"ress their faith in a =ather* it means much because there is a drama behind this assertion$ In "rison the# have dai)# as!ed this a)might# =ather for bread and have received instead cabbage 1ith unmentionab)e fi)th$ :everthe)ess* the# be)ieve <od to be the )oving =ather$ The# are )i!e Cob 1ho said that he 1ou)d be)ieve in <od even if He 1ou)d s)a# him$ The# are )i!e Cesus 1ho ca))ed <od ?=ather*@ even 1hen He 1as seeming)# forsa!en on the cross$ Whoever has !no1n the s"iritua) beaut# of the Underground Church cannot be satisfied an#more 1ith the em"tiness of some Western churches$ I suffer in the West more than I suffered in a Communist Jai) because no1 I see 1ith m# o1n e#es Western civi)iBation d#ing$ Os1a)d S"eng)er 1rote in 0ecline of the 1est2
Aou are d#ing$ I see in #ou a)) the characteristic stigma of deca#$ I can "rove that #our great 1ea)th and #our great "overt#* #our ca"ita)ism and #our socia)ism* #our 1ars and #our revo)utions* #our atheism and #our "essimism and #our c#nicism* #our immora)it#* #our bro!en/do1n marriages* #our birth/contro)* that is b)eeding #ou from the bottom and !i))ing #ou off at the to" in #our brainsIcan "rove to #ou that there are characteristic mar!s of the d#ing ages of ancient statesI9)e%andria and <reece and neurotic Rome$

This 1as 1ritten in 45&6$ Since then* democrac# and civi)iBation have died a)read# in ha)f of Euro"e and even as far as Cuba$ 8uch of the West s)ee"s$ ut there is one force that does not s)ee"$ Whereas in the East* Communists are disa""ointed and have )ost their i))usions* in the West a ?humanistic communism@ has re/ mained viru)ent$ The Western humanistsRCommunists sim")# do not be)ieve a)) the bad re"orts about the crue)ties* the miser#* and the "ersecution in Communist countries$ The# s"read their faith 1ith tire)ess Bea) ever#1here* in the )ounges of the u""er c)asses* in the c)ubs of inte))ectua)s* in co))eges* in the s)ums* and in the churches$ We Christians are often ha)f/hearted)# on the side of the 1ho)e truth$ The# are 1ho)ehearted)# on the side of the )ie$

Theo)ogians of the West discuss trif)es in the meantime$ It reminds me that* 1hi)e the troo"s of 8ahomet II surrounded Constantino")e in 4,5( and it had to be decided 1hether the a)!ans 1ou)d be under Christian or 8ohammedan dominion for centuries* a )oca) church counci) in the besieged cit# discussed the fo))o1ing "rob)ems2 What co)or 1ere the e#es of the virgin 8ar#M What gender do the ange)s haveM If a f)# fa))s into sanctified 1ater* is the f)# sanctified or the 1ater defi)edM This ma# be on)# a )egend concerning those times* but "eruse Church "eriodica)s of toda# and #ou 1i)) find that ;uestions Just )i!e these are discussed$ The menace of the "ersecutors and the sufferings of the Underground Church are scarce)# ever mentioned$ There are end)ess discussions about theo)ogica) matters* about ritua)s* about nonessentia)s$ 9t a "art# in a )ounge* someone as!ed2 ?If #ou 1ere on a shi" that san! and #ou cou)d esca"e to an iso)ated is)and* having the chance to ta!e 1ith #ou on)# one boo! from the shi">s )ibrar#* 1hich one 1ou)d #ou chooseM@ One ans1ered* ?The ib)e*@ another* ?Sha!es"eare$@ ut a 1riter had the correct ans1er2 ?I 1ou)d choose a boo! that cou)d teach me ho1 to ma!e a boat and to arrive on the shore$ There I 1ou)d be free to read 1hatever I 1ished$@ To !ee" )ibert# for a)) denominations and a)) theo)ogies* and to regain it 1here it has been )ost due to 1ides"read re)igious "ersecution* is more im"ortant than to insist u"on one certain theo)ogica) o"inion$ ?The truth sha)) ma!e #ou free*@ said Cesus FCohG72(&H$ ut* the same freedom* on)# freedom* can give the truth$ 9nd* instead of ;uarre)ing about nonessentia)s* 1e shou)d unite in this fight for freedom against the t#rannies in this 1or)d$ I suffer a)so b# sharing the increasing suffering of the Church in ca"tive nations$ Having "assed through these sufferings* I can visua)iBe them$ In Cune 4566* the Soviet ne1s"a"ers $(estia and 0er(ens!ais Ji$n accused the Russian a"tists of teaching their members to !i)) chi)dren to atone for sins$ It is the o)d accusation of ritua) murder that used to be raised against the Ce1s$ ut I !no1 1hat this means$ I 1as in a "rison in C)uJ in 45.5 1ith a "risoner* LaBarovici* accused of having !i))ed a gir)$ He 1as on)# thirt# #ears o)d* but his hair had turned 1hite overnight under the tortures$ He )oo!ed )i!e an o)d man$ His fingernai)s had been torn out to ma!e him confess to the crime* 1hich he had not committed$ 9fter a #ear of torture* his innocence 1as estab)ished and he 1as re)eased* but freedom meant nothing to him an# )onger$ He 1as a bro!en man forever$ Others read a ne1s"a"er artic)e and )aughed about the stu"id accusations that the Soviet Press made against the a"tists during the Communist era$ I !no1 1hat the# mean for the accused$ It is horrib)e to be in the West and to have such images constant)# before #our e#es$ What ha""ened to the 9rchbisho" Aermogen of +a)uga FU$S$S$R$H and the other seven bisho"s 1ho "rotested against the e%tremes of coo"eration 1ith the Soviet regime as "racticed b# the "atriarch 9)e%ei and the 9rchbisho" :i!odim* 1ho 1ere too)s in the hands of the CommunistsM If I had not seen the bisho"s 1ho "rotested in Romania d#ing near me in "rison* I 1ou)d not be so concerned about these god)# bisho"s$

The ministers :i!o)ai Esh)iman and <)eb Aa!unin 1ere disci")ined b# the "atriarch because the# as!ed for re)igious freedom for the church$ The West !no1s this much$ ut I 1as in "rison 1ith =ather Ioan of 0)adimireshti* Romania* to 1hom the same thing ha""ened$ On the surface there 1as on)# an ecc)esiastica) ?disci")ining$@ ut our officia) church )eaders* )i!e most officia) church )eaders of the Communist countries* 1or!ed hand/in/hand 1ith the secret "o)ice$ Those disci")ined b# them 1ere a)so "ut under the more efficient ?disci")ine@Itortures* beatings* and druggingIof "risoners$ I tremb)e because of the sufferings of those "ersecuted in different )ands$ I tremb)e thin!ing about the eterna) destin# of their torturers$ I tremb)e for Western Christians 1ho don>t he)" their "ersecuted brethren$ In the de"th of m# heart* I 1ou)d )i!e to !ee" the beaut# of m# o1n vine#ard and not be invo)ved in such a huge fight$ I 1ou)d )i!e so much to be some1here in ;uietness and rest$ ut it is not "ossib)e$ When the Communists invaded Tibet* the# "ut an end to those 1ho 1ere interested on)# in com")ete)# s"iritua) matters$ In our countr# the# "ut an end to a)) 1ho removed themse)ves from rea)it#$ Churches and monasteries 1ere disso)ved* !ee"ing on)# as much as 1as necessar# to du"e foreigners$ The ;uietness and rest for 1hich I )ong 1ou)d be an esca"e from rea)it# and dangerous for m# sou)$ I have )ed this fight a)though it 1as ver# dangerous for me "ersona))#$ The# !idna""ed me from the street in 45,7 and "ut me in Jai) under a fa)se name$ 9nna Pau!er* our Secretar# of State at that time* said to the S1edish ambassador* Sir Patric! von Reuters1aerde* ?Oh* Wurmbrand is no1 ta!ing 1a)!s on the streets of Co"enhagen$@ The S1edish minister had in his "oc!et m# )etter that I had succeeded in smugg)ing out of "risonK he !ne1 that he had been to)d a )ie$ Such a thing can ha""en again$ If I am !i))ed* the !i))er 1i)) have been a""ointed b# the Communists$ :o one e)se has an# motive to !i)) me$ If #ou hear rumors about m# mora) de"ravit#* theft* homose%ua)it#* adu)ter#* "o)itica) unre)iab)eness* )#ing* or an#thing e)se* it 1i)) be the fu)fi))ing of the threat of the secret "o)ice2 ?We 1i)) destro# #ou mora))#$@ 9 ver# 1e))/informed source to)d me that the Romanian Communists decided to !i)) me after the testimon# I gave to the U$S$ Senate in the )ate 456-s$ ut I cannot remain si)ent$ 9nd #our dut# is to e%amine ;uiet)# 1hat I sa#$ Even if #ou thin! that* after a)) I have "assed through* I suffer from a "ersecution com")e%* #ou must as! #ourse)f 1hat this dreadfu) "o1er of communism is that ma!es its citiBens suffer from such com")e%es$ What "o1er is it that made men from Communist East <erman# ta!e a chi)d in a bu))doBer and "ass through barbed 1ire at the ris! of being shot 1ith their 1ho)e fami)#M The West s)ee"s and must be a1a!ened to see the ")ight of ca"tive nations$
n n n

8en 1ho suffer often see! a sca"egoat* someone on 1hom to ")ace the gui)t$ To find such a one eases the burden much$ I cannot do it$ I cannot "ut the gui)t on some of the Church )eaders of the West 1ho com"romise 1ith the haters of Christians$ The evi) comes not from them$ These )eaders are themse)ves the victims of a much o)der evi)$ The# did not create the mess in the ChurchK the# found it$

Since being in the West* I have visited man# theo)ogica) seminaries$ There I heard )ectures about the histor# of be))s and the histor# of )iturgica) songs* about canonica) )a1s )ong since disused or about a church disci")ine that no )onger e%ists$ I have heard that some students of theo)og# )earn that the bib)ica) stor# of creation is not true* nor that of 9dam* nor the f)ood* nor the mirac)es of 8oses$ Some are taught that the "ro"hecies 1ere 1ritten after their fu)fi))mentK that the virgin birth is a m#thK )i!e1ise the resurrection of Cesus* that His bones have remained some1here in a graveK that the E"ist)es are not genuineK and that Reve)ation is the boo! of a madman$ Other1ise* the ib)e is a ho)# boo!L FThis )eaves a ho)# boo! in 1hich there are a))eged)# more )ies than in Chinese Communist ne1s"a"ers$H That is 1hat some "resent Western Church )eaders )earned 1hen the# 1ere in seminaries$ That is the atmos"here in 1hich the# )ive$ Wh# shou)d the# be faithfu) to a 8aster about 1hom such strange things are saidM Wh# shou)d Church )eaders be faithfu) to a Church in 1hich it can be free)# taught that <od is deadM Some )eaders of denominations are not of the ride of Christ$ The# are )eaders in a Church in 1hich man# have )ong since betra#ed the 8aster$ When the# meet someone of the Underground Church* a mart#r* the# )oo! at him strange)#$ We cannot a)1a#s Judge man for on)# one "art of his attitude$ If 1e did so* 1e 1ou)d be )i!e the Pharisees in 1hose e#es Cesus 1as seen as bad* because He did not res"ect their ru)es about the Sabbath$ The# c)osed their e#es entire)# to 1hat 1ou)d have been )ovab)e in Cesus* even in their sight$ The same Church )eaders 1ho have a 1rong attitude to1ard communism ma# be right in man# other things and ma# be "ersona))# sincere$ 9nd even in 1hat the# are 1rong* the# ma# change$ I 1as once 1ith an Orthodo% bisho" in Romania$ He 1as a man of the Communists* denouncing his o1n shee"$ I too! his hand bet1een mine and to)d him the "arab)e of the "rodiga) son$ It 1as on an evening in his garden$ I said* ?See 1ith 1hat )ove <od receives a sinner 1ho returns$ He receives g)ad)# even a bisho" if he re"ents$@ I sang him Christian songs$ This man 1as converted$ I 1as in "rison in the same ce)) 1ith an Orthodo% "riest 1ho* in the ho"e of being re)eased* 1rote atheistic )ectures$ I s"o!e to him and he tore to "ieces 1hat he had 1ritten* thus ris!ing never to be re)eased$ I cannot ma!e a sca"egoat of an#one to ease the burden I have u"on m# heart$
n n n

I have another "ain$ Even ver# c)ose friends misunderstand me$ Some accuse me of bitterness and resentment against the Communists* 1hich I !no1 not to be true$ The 8osaic 1riter C)aude 8ontefiore said that Cesus> attitude to1ard scribes and Pharisees* His "ub)ic denunciation of them* is contrar# to His command to )ove our enemies and b)ess those 1ho curse us$ 9nd Dr$ W$ R$ 8atthe1s* retired Dean of St$ Pau)>s in London* conc)uded that this is an incoherence and inconsistenc# in Cesus$ He gives the e%cuse that Cesus 1as not an inte))ectua)L 8ontefiore>s im"ression of Cesus 1as 1rong$ Cesus lo(ed the Pharisees* a)though He denounced them "ub)ic)#$ 9nd I )ove the Communists* as 1e)) as their too)s in the Church* a)though I denounce them$ Constant)# I am to)d* ?=orget the CommunistsL Wor! on)# in s"iritua) thingsL@

I met 1ith a Christian 1ho had suffered under the :aBis$ He to)d me that he is entire)# on m# side as )ong as I 1itness for Christ* but I shou)d not sa# one 1ord against communism$ I as!ed him if Christians 1ho fought against :aBism in <erman# 1ere 1rong and if the# shou)d have been confined to s"ea!ing on)# from the ib)e* 1ithout sa#ing a 1ord against the t#rant Hit)er$ The re")# 1as* ? ut Hit)er !i))ed si% mi))ion Ce1sL One had to s"ea! against him$@ I re")ied* ?Communism has !i))ed thirt# mi))ion Russians and mi))ions of Chinese and others$ 9nd the# have !i))ed Ce1s* too$ 8ust 1e "rotest on)# 1hen Ce1s are !i))ed* and not 1hen Russians or Chinese are !i))edM@ The ans1er 1as* ?This is ;uite another thing$@ I received no e%")anation$ The "o)ice beat me both during Hit)er>s reign and during Communist times* and I cou)d not see an# difference$ oth 1ere ver# "ainfu)$ Christianit# has to fight against man# as"ects of sin* not on)# against communism$ We are not obsessed 1ith Just this one "rob)em$ ut communism is a tremendous foe of Chris/ tianit# and most dangerous$ 9gainst it* 1e must unite$ 8a# I sa# it againL The highest goa) of man is to become Christ/)i!e$ To "revent this is the main aim of Communists$ The# are "rimari)# anti/re)igious$ The# be)ieve that after death man becomes sa)t and minera)s* nothing e)se$ The# desire the 1ho)e )ife to be )ived on the )eve) of matter$ The# !no1 on)# the masses$ Their 1ord is that of the demon in the :e1 Testament 1hen as!ed 1hat his name 1as2 ?We are )egion$@ Individua) "ersona)it#Ione of the great gifts of <od to man!indImust be crushed$ The# im"risoned a man because the# found him 1ith a boo! b# 9)fred 9d)er* ndi(idual 'sychology# The officers of the secret "o)ice shouted* ?9h* individua)Ia)1a#s individua)L Wh# not co))ectiveM@ Cesus 1ishes us to be "ersona)ities$ Therefore there is no "ossibi)it# of com"romise bet1een communism and us$ The Communists !no1 it$ In their magaBine Nau!a i Religia FScience and Re)igionH* the# have 1ritten* ?Re)igion is incom"atib)e 1ith communism$ It is hosti)e to it$$$The content of the "rogram of the Communist Part# is a death b)o1 to re)igion$$$It is a "rogram for the creation of an atheistic societ# in 1hich "eo")e 1i)) be rid / forever of the re)igious bondage$@ Can Christianit# coe%ist 1ith communismM Here the Communists ans1er this ;uestion2 ?The Communist Part# is a death b)o1 to re)igionL@


The Invincib)e* Wides"read Underground Church

Underground Church 1or!s under ver# difficu)t conditions$ 9theism is the state re)igion in a)) the Communist countries$ The# give re)ative freedom for the e)der)# to be)ieve* but chi)dren and #outh must not be)ieve$ Ever#thing in these countries and other !inds of ca"tive nationsIradio* te)evision* cinema* theater* "ress* and "ub)ishing housesI has the aim of stam"ing out be)ief in Cesus Christ$ The Underground Church has ver# )itt)e means of o""osing the huge forces of the tota)itarian state$ The underground ministers in Russia had no theo)ogica) training$ There are Chinese "astors toda# 1ho have never read the entire ib)e$ I 1i)) te)) #ou ho1 numerous "astors have been ordained$ We met a #oung Russian 1ho 1as a secret minister$ I as!ed him 1ho ordained him$ He ans1ered* ?We had no rea) bisho" to ordain us$ The officia) bisho" 1ou)d not ordain an#one 1ho is not a""roved b# the Communist Part#$ So ten of us #oung Christians 1ent to the tomb of a bisho" 1ho died as a mart#r$ T1o of us "ut our hands on his gravestone and the others formed a circ)e around us$ We as!ed the Ho)# S"irit to ordain us$ We are sure that 1e 1ere ordained b# the "ierced hands of Cesus$@ =or me* this #oung man>s ordination is va)id before <odL 8en 1ith such ordination* 1ho have never had an# theo)ogica) training and 1ho ver# often !no1 )itt)e of the ib)e Fsuch as evange)ists in ang)adeshH* carr# on the 1or! of Christ$ It is )i!e the Church in the first centuries$ What seminaries did those 1ho turned the 1or)d u"side/do1n for Christ attendM Did the# a)) !no1 ho1 to readM 9nd from 1here did the# receive ib)esM <od s"o!e to them$ We of the Underground Church have no cathedra)s$ ut is an# cathedra) more beautifu) than the s!# of heaven to 1hich 1e )oo!ed 1hen 1e gathered secret)# in forestsM The chir"ing of birds too! the ")ace of the organ$ The fragrance of f)o1ers 1as our incense$ 9nd the shabb# suit of a mart#r recent)# freed from "rison 1as much more im"ressive than "riest)# robes$ We had the moon and stars as cand)es$ The ange)s 1ere our aco)#tes 1ho )it them$ I can never describe the beaut# of this ChurchL Often* after a secret service* Christians 1ere caught and sent to "rison$ There* Christians 1ear chains 1ith the g)adness 1ith 1hich a bride 1ears a "recious Je1e) received from her be)oved$ The 1aters in "rison are sti))$ The# receive His !iss and His embraces* and 1ou)d not change ")aces 1ith !ings$ I have found tru)# Jo#fu) Christians on)# in the ib)e* in the Underground Church* and in "rison$ The Underground Church is o""ressed* but it a)so has man# friendsIeven among the secret "o)iceK even among members of the government$ Sometimes these secret be)ievers "rotect the Underground Church$ Under the former Soviet Em"ire* Russian ne1s"a"ers com")ained of the gro1ing numbers of ?out1ard nonbe)ievers$@ These* the Russian "ress e%")ained* are count)ess men and 1omen 1ho 1or! in the ver# eche)ons of Communist "o1erIin government offices* in "ro"aganda de"artments* and e)se1hereI1ho out1ard)# are Communists* but in1ard)# are secret be)ievers and members of the Underground Church$

The Communist "ress to)d the stor# of a #oung 1oman 1ho 1or!ed in the Communist "ro"aganda de"artment$ 9fter 1or!* the# said* she and her husband 1ou)d gather a grou" of #oung "eo")e from other a"artments in their bui)ding for secret ib)e studies and "ra#er meetings$ This is sti)) ha""ening throughout the 1or)d$ Tens of thousands of such ?out1ard nonbe)ievers@ e%ist$ The# fee) it 1iser not to attend the sho1/churches 1here the# 1i)) be 1atched and hear on)# a 1atered/do1n gos"e)$ Instead* the# sta# in their "ositions of authorit# and res"onsibi)it# from 1hich the# can ;uiet)# and effective)# 1itness for Christ$ The faithfu) Underground Church has thousands of members in such ")aces$ The# have secret meetings in basements* attics* a"artments* and fie)ds$ In former)# Communist Russia* no one remembered an#more the arguments for or against chi)d or adu)t ba"tism* for or against "a"a) infa))ibi)it#$ The# 1ere not "re/ or "ost/ mi))ennia)ists$ The# cou)d not inter"ret "ro"hecies and didn>t ;uarre) about them* but I 1ondered ver# often ho1 1e)) the# cou)d "rove to atheists the e%istence of <od$ Their ans1ers to atheists 1ere sim")e* ?If #ou 1ere invited to a feast 1ith a)) !inds of good meats* 1ou)d #ou be)ieve that there has been no one to coo! themM ut nature is a ban;uet "re"ared for usL Aou have tomatoes and "eaches and a"")es and mi)! and hone#$ Who has "re"ared a)) these things for man!indM :ature is b)ind$ If #ou be)ieve in no <od* ho1 can #ou e%")ain that b)ind nature succeeded in "re"aring Just the things that 1e need in such ")enitude and variet#M@ The# "rove that eterna) )ife e%ists$ I heard one ")eading 1ith an atheist2 ?Su""ose that 1e cou)d s"ea! 1ith an embr#o in his mother>s 1omb and that #ou 1ou)d te)) him that the embr#onic )ife is on)# a short one after 1hich fo))o1s a rea)* )ong )ife$ What 1ou)d the embr#o ans1erM He 1ou)d sa# Just 1hat #ou atheists ans1er to us* 1hen 1e s"ea! to #ou about "aradise and he))$ He 1ou)d sa# that the )ife in the mother>s 1omb is the on)# one and that ever#thing e)se is re)igious foo)ishness$ ut if the embr#o cou)d thin!* he 1ou)d sa# to himse)f* OHere arms gro1 on me$ I do not need them$ I cannot even stretch them$ Wh# do the# gro1M Perha"s the# gro1 for a future stage of m# e%istence* in 1hich I 1i)) have to 1or! 1ith them$ Legs gro1* but I have to !ee" them bent to1ard m# chest$ Wh# do the# gro1M Probab)# )ife in a )arge 1or)d fo))o1s* 1here I 1i)) have to 1a)!$ E#es gro1* a)though I am surrounded b# "erfect dar!ness and don>t need them$ Wh# do I have e#esM Probab)# a 1or)d 1ith )ight and co)ors 1i)) fo))o1$> ?So* if the embr#o 1ou)d ref)ect on his o1n deve)o"ment* he 1ou)d !no1 about a )ife outside of his mother>s 1omb* 1ithout having seen it$ It is the same 1ith us$ 9s )ong as 1e are #oung* 1e have vigor* but no mind to use it "ro"er)#$ When* 1ith the #ears* 1e have gro1n in !no1)edge and 1isdom* the hearse 1aits to ta!e us to the grave$ Wh# 1as it necessar# to gro1 in a !no1)edge and 1isdom that 1e can use no moreM Wh# do arms* )egs* and e#es gro1 on an embr#oM t is for what follows# So it is 1ith us here$ We gro1 here in e%"erience* !no1)edge* and 1isdom for 1hat fo))o1s$ We are "re"ared to serve on a higher )eve) that fo))o1s death$@ 9bout Cesus* the Communists "rinted that He never e%isted$ The 1or!ers of the Underground Church ans1ered this easi)#2 ?What ne1s"a"er have #ou in #our "oc!etM Is it the 'ra(da of toda# or #esterda#M Let me have a )oo!$ 9haL Canuar# ,* 456,$ The #ear 456, counted from 1henM Aou sa# Cesus never e%isted* #et #ou count the #ears from His birth$ Time e%isted before Him$ ut 1hen He came* it seemed to man!ind that ever#thing 1hich had been before had been vain and that the rea) time began on)# no1$ Aour Communist ne1s"a"er itse)f is a "roof that Cesus is not fiction$@

Pastors in the West usua))# assume that those 1hom the# have in church are rea))# convinced about the main truths of Christianit#* 1hich the# are not$ Aou rare)# hear a sermon "roving the truth of our faith$ ut behind the Iron Curtain* men 1ho have never )earned to do it gave their converts a ver# serious foundation$ There is no c)ear dividing )ine b# 1hich #ou cou)d sa# 1here the Underground Church* 1hich is the main strongho)d of Christianit#* ends and the officia) Church begins$ The# are inter1oven$ Some "astors of the sho1/churches in ca"tive nations carr# on a secret "ara))e) ministr# going far be#ond the )imitations im"osed on them b# their governments$ The officia) Church* the church of co))aborators 1ith the Communists* has a )ong histor#$ It began immediate)# after the Russian Socia)ist Revo)ution 1ith the ?Living Church*@ headed b# a bisho" named Sergius$ One of his co))aborators dec)ared that ?8ar%ism is the gos"e) 1ritten 1ith atheist )etters$@ What nice theo)og#$ We have had man# )i!e Sergius in ever# countr#$ In Hungar#* among the Catho)ics* it 1as =ather a)ogh$ He and some Protestant ministers he)"ed the Communists ta!e com")ete contro) of the state$ In Romania* the Communists came to "o1er 1ith the he)" of an Orthodo% "riest named urducea* a former =ascist* 1ho had to ma!e u" to the Reds for his "ast sins b# becoming even more ?Red@ than his bosses$ This "riest stood near 0ishins!i* the Soviet Secretar# of State* and smi)ed in an a""roving manner 1hen the )atter dec)ared at the insta))ation of the ne1 Communist government2 ?This government 1i)) bui)d an earth)# "aradise and #ou 1i)) no )onger need a heaven)# one$@ 9s for those )i!e :i!o)ai of Russia* it is on record that the# are informers for the government$ 8aJor Deriabin* a defector from the Russian secret "o)ice* testified that :i!o)ai 1as their agent$ This 1as the situation in near)# a)) denominations$ The )eadershi" of the Romanian a"tists 1as im"osed b# force* denouncing the rea) Christians$ In Russia the )eadershi" of the a"tists did the same$ The "resident of the Romanian 9dventists* Tachici* to)d me that he had been an informer of the Communist secret "o)ice from the first da# the# came to "o1er$ Rather than c)ose ever# churchIthough the# have c)osed man# thousandsIthe Communists shre1d)# decided to "ermit a fe1 ?to!en@ officia) churches to remain o"en and use them as 1indo1s through 1hich to observe* contro)* and eventua))# destro# Christians and Christianit#$ The# decided that it 1ou)d be better to )et the structure of the Church remain and turn it into a Communist too) to contro) Christians and to deceive visitors coming to their )ands$ This situation e%ists in the officia) Chinese TSP8 church as 1e move into the ne%t centur#$ This ?on)# )ega)@ church in China re"resents )ess than t1ent# "ercent of China>s Christians$ In Romania* I 1as offered such a church on the condition that I* as "astor* 1ou)d re"ort on m# members to the secret "o)ice$ It seems that Westerners* accustomed to things ?b)ac! and 1hite@Ia)) one 1a# or a)) anotherIcannot understand this$ ut the Underground Church 1i)) never acce"t to!en* contro))ed churches as a substitute for meaningfu)* effective evange)ism ?to ever# creature@Iinc)uding #outh$ ut in the officia) churches there is a rea) s"iritua) )ife* des"ite man# treacherous )eaders$ FI have the im"ression that in man# churches of the West the situation is simi)ar$ The congregations are faithfu) sometimes not because of* but in s"ite of* their to" )eaders$H

In Russia* the Orthodo% )iturg# remained unchanged* and it fed the hearts of the members of this church* even if the sermons f)attered the Communists$ The Lutherans* Presb#terians* and other Protestants sang the same o)d h#mns$ 9nd then* even the sermons of the informers had to contain something of Scri"ture$ Peo")e in China toda# are converted under the inf)uence of men 1hom the# !no1 to be traitors$ The# !no1 that the# 1i)) te)) the secret "o)ice about their conversions$ The# must hide their faith from the ver# one 1ho gave them this faith b# his corru"ted sermon$ This is the great mirac)e of <od cited in LevG442(' in s#mbo)ic )anguage2 ?9nd if a "art of an# such carcass D1hich is* according to the 8osaic )a1* defi)edE fa))s on an# ")anting seed 1hich is to be so1n* it remains c)ean$@ =airness ob)iges us to sa# that not a)) the officia) Church )eaders* not even a)) the officia) to" )eaders* are men of the Communists$ 8embers of the Underground Church are a)so ver# "rominent in the officia) churches* e%ce"t for some 1ho have to !ee" themse)ves hidden$ 9nd the# see to it that Christianit# is not 1ish#/1ash#* but a fighting faith$ When the secret "o)ice came to c)ose do1n the monaster# of 0)adimireshti in Romania and others in man# ")aces in Russia* the# had a hard time$ Some Communists have "aid 1ith their )ives for the crime of tr#ing to forbid re)igion$ ut the officia) churches are becoming fe1er and fe1er$ I 1onder if* in the 1ho)e of the Soviet Union* there 1ere five or si% thousand churches under communism$ FThe United States* 1ith the same "o"u)ation* had some three hundred thousand decades ago$H 9nd these ?churches@ 1ere most often on)# tin# roomsInot a ?church@ as 1e "icture it$ =oreign visitors 1ou)d see a cro1ded church in 8osco1I1hich 1as the on)# Protestant church in the cit#Iand remar! 1hat freedom there is$ ?Even the churches are overf)o1ingL@ the# 1ou)d Jo#ous)# re"ort$ The# did not see the traged# of one Protestant church for seven mi))ion sou)sL 9nd not even the one/room churches 1ere 1ithin trave)ing distance of eight# "ercent of the "eo")e of the Soviet Union$ These mu)titudes 1ere either forgotten or reached 1ith underground methods of evange)ism$ There 1as no other choice$ The more communism dominates in a countr#* the more the Church 1i)) have to be underground$ In ")ace of c)osed officia) churches come the meetings of the anti/re)igious organiBations$

'o( the #nderground Church Feeds on Atheistic 2iterature

The Underground Church !no1s ho1 to use atheistic )iterature* too* feeding u"on it Just as E)iJah 1as fed b# ravens$ The atheists "ut much s!i)) and Bea) into ridicu)ing and criticiBing ib)e verses$ The# "ub)ished boo!s ca))ed The Comical 3ible and The 3ible for 3elie(ers and .nbelie(ers$ The# tried to sho1 ho1 stu"id Scri"ture is and* to do so* ;uoted man# ib)e verses$ Ho1 1e reJoiced over itL The boo! 1as "rinted in mi))ions of co"ies and 1as fu)) of ib)e verses* 1hich 1ere uns"ea!ab)# beautifu) even 1hen the Communists ridicu)ed them$ The criticism itse)f 1as so stu"id that no one too! it serious)#$ In the "ast* ?heretics@ burned b# the In;uisition 1ere ta!en to the sta!e in a "rocession* dressed in a)) !inds of ridicu)ous c)othes 1ith he))/f)ames and devi)s "ainted on them$ 9nd 1hat saints 1ere these hereticsL In a simi)ar 1a#* ib)e verses remain true* even if the Devi) ;uotes them$

The Communist "ub)ishing house 1as ver# g)ad to receive thousands of )etters as!ing for re"rints of atheist boo!s that ;uoted ib)e verses to moc! them$ The# did not !no1 that these )etters came from the Underground Church* 1hich had no other o""ortunit# of receiving the Scri"tures$ We a)so !ne1 1e)) ho1 to use the atheistic meetings$ 9 "rofessor of communism demonstrated at a meeting that Cesus 1as nothing but a magician$ The "rofessor had before him a "itcher of 1ater$ He "ut a "o1der in it and it became red$ ?This is the 1ho)e mirac)e*@ he e%")ained$ ?Cesus had hidden in his s)eeves a "o1der )i!e this* and then "retended to have changed 1ater into 1ine in a 1onderfu) manner$ ut I can do even better than CesusK I can change the 1ine into 1ater again$@ 9nd he "ut another "o1der in the )i;uid$ It became c)ear$ Then another "o1der and it 1as red again$ 9 Christian stood u" and said* ?Aou have amaBed us* comrade "rofessor* b# 1hat #ou are ab)e to do$ We 1ou)d as! on)# one thing more of #ouIdrin! a bott)e of #our 1ineL@ The "rofessor said* ?This I cannot do$ The "o1der 1as a "oison$@ The Christian re")ied* ?This is the 1ho)e difference bet1een #ou and Cesus$ He* 1ith His 1ine* has given us Jo# for t1o thousand #ears* 1hereas #ou "oison us 1ith #our 1ine$@ The Christian 1ent to "rison$ ut ne1s of the incident s"read ver# far and strengthened man# of the faith$ We are 1ea! )itt)e Davids$ ut 1e are stronger than the <o)iath of atheism* because <od is on our side$ The truth be)ongs to us$ On one occasion a Communist 1as giving a )ecture on atheism$ 9)) factor# 1or!ers 1ere re;uired to attendK among these 1or!ers 1ere man# Christians$ The# sat ;uiet)# hearing a)) the arguments against <od and about the stu"idit# of be)ieving in Christ$ The )ecturer attem"ted to "rove that there is no s"iritua) 1or)d* no <od* no Christ* no hereafterK man is on)# matter 1ith no sou)$ He said over and over that on)# matter e%ists$ 9 Christian stood u" and as!ed to s"ea!$ Permission 1as given$ The Christian "ic!ed u" his fo)ding chair and thre1 it do1n$ He "aused* )oo!ing at it$ He then 1a)!ed u" and s)a""ed the Communist )ecturer in the face$ The )ecturer became ver# angr#$ His face f)ushed red 1ith indignation$ He shouted obscenities and ca))ed for fe))o1 Communists to arrest the Christian$ He demanded* ?Ho1 dare #ou s)a" meM What is the reasonM@ The Christian re")ied* ?Aou have Just "roved #ourse)f a )iar$ Aou said ever#thing is matter$$$nothing e)se$ I "ic!ed u" a chair and thre1 it do1n$ It is tru)# matter$ The chair did not become angr#$ It is on)# matter$ When I s)a""ed #ou* #ou did not react )i!e the chair$ Aou reacted different)#$ 8atter does not get mad or angr#* but you did$ Therefore* comrade "rofessor* #ou are 1rong$ 8an is more than matter$ We are s"iritua) beingsL@ In count)ess 1a#s such as this* ordinar# Christians of the Underground Church dis"roved e)aborate atheistic arguments$ In "rison* the "o)itica) officer as!ed me harsh)#* ?Ho1 )ong 1i)) #ou continue to !ee" #our stu"id re)igionM@ I said to him* ?I have seen innumerab)e atheists regretting on their deathbeds that the# have been god)essK the# ca))ed on Christ$ Can #ou imagine that a Christian cou)d regret* 1hen death is near* that he has been a Christian and ca)) on 8ar% or Lenin to rescue him from his faithM@ The officer )aughed* ?9 c)ever ans1er$@ I continued* ?When an engineer has bui)t a bridge* the fact that a cat can "ass over the bridge is no "roof that the bridge is good$ 9 train must "ass over it to "rove its strength$ The fact that #ou can be an atheist 1hen ever#thing goes 1e)) does not "rove the truth of atheism$ It does not ho)d u" in moments of great crisis$@ I used Lenin>s boo!s to "rove to him that* even after becoming "rime minister of the Soviet Union* Lenin himse)f "ra#ed 1hen things 1ent 1rong$

We 1ere ;uiet and cou)d ;uiet)# a1ait the deve)o"ment of events$ It 1as the Communists 1ho 1ere un;uiet and )aunched ne1 anti/re)igious cam"aigns$ # this the# "roved 1hat St$ 9ugustine said* ?Uneas# is the heart unti) it rests in Thee$@

Why $%en Communists Can

e Won

The Underground Church* if he)"ed b# Christians in the free 1or)d* 1i)) 1in the hearts of the Communists and 1i)) change the face of the 1or)d$ It will 1in them* because it is unnatura) to be a Communist$ Even a dog 1ishes to have his o1n bone$ The hearts of Communists rebe) against the ro)e the# must ")a# and the absurdities the# are forced to be)ieve$ Individua) Communists asserted that ?matter is ever#thing@Ithat 1e are a handfu) of chemica)s organiBed in a certain fashion and that after death 1e 1i)) again be sa)t and minera)s$ It 1as therefore enough to as! them* ?Ho1 is it that Communists in so man# countries have given their )ives for their be)iefM Does a Ohandfu) of chemica)s> have be)iefsM Can Ominera)s> sacrifice themse)ves for the good of othersM@ To this the# have no ans1er$ 9nd then there is the issue of bruta)it#$ 8en 1ere not created as brutes and cannot bear to be brutes for )ong$ We have seen it in the co))a"se of :aBi ru)ers* some of 1hom committed suicide* 1hi)e some re"ented and confessed their crimes$ The enormous amount of drun!enness in Communist countries e%"oses the )onging for a more meaningfu) )ife* 1hich communism cannot give$ The average Russian is a dee"* big/ hearted* generous "erson$ Communism is sha))o1 and su"erficia)$ He see!s the dee" )ife and* finding it no1here e)se* he see!s it in a)coho)$ He e%"resses in a)coho)ism his horror about the bruta) and deceitfu) )ife he must )ive$ =or a fe1 moments a)coho) sets him free* as truth 1ou)d set him free forever if he cou)d !no1 it$ In ucharest* during the Russian occu"ation F45,'S4575H* I once fe)t an irresistib)e im"u)se to enter a tavern$ I ca))ed m# 1ife to go 1ith me$ U"on entering* 1e sa1 a Russian ca"tain 1ith a gun in his hand threatening ever#one and as!ing for more to drin!$ He had been refused because he 1as a)read# ver# drun!$ Peo")e 1ere in a "anic$ I 1ent to the o1nerI1ho !ne1 meIand as!ed him to give )i;uor to the ca"tain* "romising that I 1ou)d sit 1ith him and see that he !e"t ;uiet$ One bott)e of 1ine after another 1as given to us$ On the tab)e 1ere three g)asses$ The ca"tain a)1a#s "o)ite)# fi))ed a)) three$$$and dran! a)) three$ 8# 1ife and I did not drin!$ 9)though he 1as ver# drun!* his mind 1as 1or!ing$ He 1as used to a)coho)$ I s"o!e to him about Christ and he )istened 1ith une%"ected attention$ When I finished* he said* ?:o1 that #ou have to)d me 1ho #ou are* I 1i)) te)) #ou 1ho I am$ I am an Orthodo% "riest 1ho 1as among the first to den# m# faith 1hen the great "ersecution under Sta)in began$ I 1ent from vi))age to vi))age to give )ectures sa#ing that there is no <od and that as a "riest I had been a deceiver$ OI am a deceiver and so are a)) the other ministers*> I to)d them$ I 1as ver# much a""reciated for m# Bea)* so I became an officer of the secret "o)ice$ 8# "unishment from <od 1as that 1ith this hand I had to !i)) Christians* after having tortured them$ 9nd no1 I drin! and drin! to forget 1hat I have done$ ut it does not 1or!$@ 8an# Communists commit suicide$ So did their greatest "oets* Essenin and 8aia!ovs!i$ So did their great 1riter =adeev$ He had Just finished his nove) ca))ed 4a""iness in 1hich he had e%")ained that ha""iness consists in 1or!ing tire)ess)# for communism$ He 1as so ha""# about it that he shot himse)f after having finished the nove)$ It 1as too difficu)t for his sou) to bear such a great )ie$ Coffe* Tom!inIgreat Communist )eaders and fighters for communism in CBarist timesI)i!e1ise cou)d not bear to see ho1 communism )oo!s in rea)it#$ The# a)so ended in suicide$

Communists are unha""#$ So are even their great dictators$ Ho1 unha""# Sta)in 1asL 9fter having !i))ed near)# a)) of his o)d comrades* he 1as constant)# in fear of being "oisoned or !i))ed himse)f$ He had eight bedrooms that cou)d be )oc!ed u" )i!e safes in a ban!$ :o one ever !ne1 in 1hich of these bedrooms he s)e"t on an# given night$ He never ate un)ess the coo! tasted the food in his "resence$ Communism ma!es no one ha""#* not even its dictators$ The# need Christ$ # converting those 1ho "ersecute Christians* 1e 1ou)d free not on)# their victims* but the "ersecutors themse)ves$ The Underground Church re"resents the dee"est need of ens)aved "eo")es in ca"tive nations$ He)" herL
n n n

The distinctive feature of the Underground Church is its earnestness in faith$ 9 minister 1ho disguises himse)f under the name of ?<eorge@ te))s in his boo! about <od>s Underground the fo))o1ing incident2 9 Russian 9rm# ca"tain came to a minister in Hungar# and as!ed to see him a)one$ The #oung ca"tain 1as ver# brash* and ver# conscious of his ro)e as a con;ueror$ When he had been )ed to a sma)) conference room and the door 1as c)osed* he nodded to1ard the cross that hung on the 1a))$ ?Aou !no1 that thing is a )ie*@ he said to the minister$ ?It>s Just a "iece of tric!er# #ou ministers use to de)ude the "oor "eo")e to ma!e it easier for the rich to !ee" them ignorant$ Come no1* 1e are a)one$ 9dmit to me that #ou never rea))# be)ieved that Cesus Christ 1as the Son of <odL@ The minister smi)ed$ ? ut* m# "oor #oung man* of course I be)ieve it$ It is true$@ ?I 1on>t have #ou ")a# these tric!s on meL@ cried the ca"tain$ ?This is serious$ Don>t )augh at meL@ He dre1 out his revo)ver and he)d it c)ose to the bod# of the minister$ ?Un)ess #ou admit to me that it is a )ie* I>)) fireL@ ?I cannot admit that* for it is not true$ Our Lord is rea))# and tru)# the Son of <od*@ said the minister$ The ca"tain f)ung his revo)ver on the f)oor and embraced the man of <od$ Tears s"rang to his e#es$ ?It is trueL@ he cried$ t is true# I be)ieve so* too* but I cou)d not be sure men 1ou)d die for this be)ief unti) I found it out for m#se)f$ Oh* than! #ouL Aou have strengthened m# faith$ :o1 I too can die for Christ$ Aou have sho1n me ho1$@ I have !no1n other such cases$ When the Russians occu"ied Romania* t1o armed Russian so)diers entered a church 1ith their guns in their hands$ The# said* ?We don>t be)ieve in #our faith$ Those 1ho do not abandon it immediate)# 1i)) be shot at onceL Those 1ho abandon #our faith move to the rightL@ Some moved to the right* 1ho 1ere then ordered to )eave the church and go home$ The# f)ed for their )ives$ When the Russians 1ere a)one 1ith the remaining Christians* the# embraced them and confessed* ?We* too* are Christians* but 1e 1ished to have fe))o1shi" on)# 1ith those 1ho consider the truth 1orth d#ing for$@ Such men fought for the gos"e) and sti)) fight toda# in the Communist nations of Southeast 9sia$ 9nd the# fight not on)# for the gos"e)$ The# are a)so the fighters for )ibert#$

In the homes of man# Western Christians* hours are sometimes s"ent )istening to 1or)d)# music$ In our homes )oud music can a)so be heard* but it is on)# to cover the ta)! about the gos"e) and the underground 1or! so that neighbors ma# not overhear it and inform the secret "o)ice$ Ho1 underground Christians reJoice on those rare occasions 1hen the# meet a serious Christian from the WestL The one 1ho 1rites these )ines is on)# an insignificant man$ ut I am the voice of those 1ho are voice)essK of those 1ho are muBB)ed and never re"resented in the West$ In their name I as! great seriousness in faith and in hand)ing the "rob)ems of Christianit#$ In their name I as! #our "ra#ers and "ractica) he)" for the faithfu)* suffering Underground Church in Communist )ands and other ca"tive nations toda#$
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We shall 1in the Communists$ =irst* because <od is on our side$ Second* because our message corres"onds to the dee"est needs of the heart$ Communists 1ho had been in "rison under the :aBis confessed to me that the# "ra#ed in difficu)t hours$ I have even seen Communist officers die 1ith the 1ords ?Cesus* Cesus*@ on their )i"s$ We sha)) 1in because a)) the cu)tura) inheritance of our "eo")e is on our side$ The Russians can forbid a)) the 1ritings of modern Christians$ ut there are the boo!s of To)sto# and Dosto#evs!i* and "eo")e find the )ight of Christ there$ So it is 1ith <oethe in Eastern <erman#* Sien!ie1icB in Po)and* and others$ The greatest Romanian 1riter 1as Sadoveanu$ The Communists have "ub)ished his boo! The 5i(es of 6aints under the tit)e The 5egend of 6aints$ ut even under this tit)e the e%am")e of the )ives of saints ins"ires$ The# cannot e%c)ude re"roductions of Ra"hae)* 8iche)ange)o* and Leonardo da 0inci from the histor# of the arts$ These "ictures s"ea! of Christ$ When I ta)! 1ith a Communist about Christ* the dee"est s"iritua) need in his heart is m# a))#Im# he)"er$ The greatest difficu)t# for him is not to ans1er m# arguments$ His great difficu)t# is to ;uiet the voice of his o1n conscience* 1hich is on m# side$ I have "ersona))# !no1n "rofessors of 8ar%ism 1ho* before de)ivering an atheistic )ecture* "ra#ed to <od that He might he)" them in thisL I have !no1n of Communists going to a secret meeting far a1a#$ When the# 1ere discovered* the# denied that the# had been in an underground meeting$ Then the# 1e"t* regretting that the# had not had the courage to stand for the faith that com"e))ed them to attend$ The# are men* too$ Once the individua) has arrived at faithIeven a ver# "rimitive faithIthis faith deve)o"s and gro1s$ We are sure that it 1i)) con;uer because 1e of the Underground Church have seen it con;uer again and again$ Christ )oves the Communists and other ?enemies of the faith$@ The# can and must be 1on for Christ$ Whoever 1ishes to satisf# the )onging of the heart of Cesus for the sa)vation of the sou)s of a)) man!ind shou)d sustain the Underground Church in her 1or!$ Cesus said* ?Teach a)) nations$@ He never said that 1e need governmenta) "ermission to evange)iBe$ =aithfu)ness to <od and the <reat Commission com"e)s us to reach be#ond borders to "eo")e in restricted nations$ We can reach them b# 1or!ing 1ith the Underground Church a)read# thereL

Components of the #nderground Church

Three grou"s com"ose the Underground Church$ The first grou" is the thousands u"on thousands of former "astors and ministers 1ho have been removed from their churches and from their f)oc!s because the# 1ou)d not com"romise the gos"e)$ 8an# such "astors and ministers have been im"risoned for #ears and tortured for their faith$ The# have been re)easedIand have "rom"t)# resumed their ministr#Isecret)# and effective)# ministering in the Underground Church$ Though the Communists and other t#"es of governments c)osed their churches or re")aced them 1ith more ?re)iab)e@ ministers* these "astors continue their ministr# more effective)# than ever b# 1or!ing secret)# in underground meetings in barns* attics* basements* and ha#fie)ds at nightIor an#1here be)ievers gather secret)#$ These men are ?)iving mart#rs@ 1ho 1i)) not cease their ministr# and 1ho ris! more torture and re/arrest$ The second "art of the Underground Church is the vast arm# of dedicated )a# "eo")e$ One out of ever# five "eo")e in the 1or)d )ive in Communist China* 1here thousands of )a# Christians evange)iBe 1ithout ?"ermission$@ Persecution has a)1a#s "roduced a better ChristianIa 1itnessing Christian* a sou)/1inning Christian$ Communist "ersecution has bac!fired and "roduced serious* dedicated Christians such as are rare)# seen in free )ands$ These "eo")e cannot understand ho1 an#one can be a Christian and not 1ant to 1in ever# sou) the# meet$ The Red 6tar Fthe Russian 9rm# ne1s"a"erH attac!ed the Russian Christians* sa#ing* ?The 1orshi""ers of Christ )i!e to get their greed# c)a1s on ever#one$@ ut their shining Christian )ives 1on the )ove and res"ect of their fe))o1 vi))agers and neighbors$ In an# vi))age or to1n* the Christians 1ere the most )i!ed* be)oved residents$ When a mother 1as too i)) to care for her chi)dren* it 1as the Christian mother 1ho came over and )oo!ed after them$ When a man 1as too i)) to cut his fire1ood* it 1as the Christian man 1ho did it for him$ The# li(ed their Christianit#* and 1hen the# began to 1itness for Christ the "eo")e )istened and be)ievedIbecause the# had seen Christ in their )ives$ Since no one but a )icensed minister can s"ea! in an officia) church* the mi))ions of fervent* dedicated Chris/ tians in ever# corner of the Communist 1or)d 1in sou)s* 1itness* and minister in mar!et")aces* at the vi))age 1ater "um"Iever#1here the# go$ Communist ne1s"a"ers admitted that Christian butchers s)i""ed gos"e) tracts in the 1ra""ing "a"er of the meat the# so)d$ The Communist "ress admitted that Christians 1or!ing in ")aces of authorit# in Communist "rinting houses s)i""ed bac! in )ate at night* started u" their "resses* and ran off a fe1 thousand "ieces of Christian )iteratureIand )oc!ed u" again before the sun arose$ The Communist "ress a)so admitted that Christian chi)dren in 8osco1 received <os"e)s from ?some sources@ and then co"ied "ortions b# hand$ The chi)dren then ")aced the "ortions in the "oc!ets of their teachers> overcoats that hung in schoo) c)osets$ The vast bod# of )a#men and )a#1omen is a ver# "o1erfu)* effective* sou)/1inning missionar# force a)read# in ever# Communist )and$ These mi))ions of dedicated* true* and fervent be)ievers in the )a# church have been "urified b# the ver# fires of "ersecution that the Communists ho"ed 1ou)d destro# them$ In Communist Cuba* thousands of house churches have s"rung u" des"ite government harassment$ The ecumenica) counci) of Cuba is main)# com"osed of 8ar%ist church )eaders$

The third vita) "art of the Underground Church is the )arge bod# of faithfu) "astors in the officia)* but brid)ed and si)enced ?churches$@ The Underground Church is not something com")ete)# se"arate from the officia) church$ During the reign of communism in Po)and* Hungar#* and the former Augos)avia* man# of the "astors of the officia) churches secret)# 1or!ed in the Underground Church$ In some countries there is an inter1eaving bet1een the t1o even toda#$ These "astors are not a))o1ed to s"ea! about Christ outside their tin#* one/room churches$ The# are not a))o1ed to have chi)dren>s meetings or #outh meetings$ :on/Christians are afraid to come$ The "astors are not a))o1ed to "ra# for i)) church members in their homes$ The# are fenced in on ever# side b# Communist regu)ations that ma!e their ?churches@ a)) but meaning)ess$ 0er# often these "astors* faced 1ith contro)s that ma!e a moc!er# of ?freedom of re)igion*@ courageous)# ris! their )ibert# b# carr#ing on a "ara))e) secret ministr# that goes far be#ond the government>s )imitations$ These "astors secret)# minister to chi)dren and #outh$ In the 8idd)e East* :orth 9frica* and 9sia* the# evange)iBe secret)# in Christian homes and basements$ The# secret)# receive and distribute Christian )iterature to hungr# sou)s$ The# ris! their freedom b# secret)# ignoring the officia) )imitations and ministering to hungr# sou)s a)) around them$ Seeming)# doci)e and obedient on the surface* the# ris! their )ives to secret)# s"read the Word of <od$ 8an# such men 1ere discovered and arrested in the former Soviet Union and received severa) #ears of im"risonment$ 8ore men and 1omen are arrested toda#$ The# are the vita) "arts of the Underground Church in restricted nations$ =ormer ministers 1ho have been e%"e))ed from their churches and "ersecuted b# government officia)s* the )a# church* and officia) "astors 1ho secret)# carr# on a much )arger and e%tensive ministr# than the# are "ermittedIa)) these are 1or!ing in the Underground or ?unofficia)@ Church$ 9nd the Underground Church 1i)) )ast unti) communism and other ?isms@ are defeated$ In some )ands* one "art is more active than anotherIbut a)) are there* 1or!ing for Christ at a great ris!$ 9 man 1ho trave)s fre;uent)# in Communist )ands and 1ho is ver# interested in re)igious ;uestions came bac! and 1rote that he never met an# of the Underground Church$ It is )i!e trave)ing in Centra) 9frica among uneducated tribes and coming bac! sa#ing* ?I in;uired thorough)#$ I as!ed them a)) if the# s"ea! "rose$ The# a)) to)d me that the# don>t$@ The truth is that the# a)) s"ea! "rose not !no1ing that 1hat the# s"ea! is "rose$ The Christians of the first decades did not !no1 the# 1ere Christians$ If #ou had as!ed them about their re)igion* the# 1ou)d have ans1ered #ou that the# 1ere Ce1s* Israe)ites* be)ievers in Cesus as 8essiah* brethren* saints* chi)dren of <od$ The name ?Christian@ 1as given to them b# others much )ater* for the first time in 9ntioch$ :one of the fo))o1ers of Luther !ne1 he 1as a Lutheran$ Luther "rotested vigorous)# against this name$ ?Underground Church@ is a name given b# the Communists* as 1e)) as b# Western researchers of the re)igious situation in the East* to a secret organiBation that formed s"ontaneous)# in a)) Communist nations$ The members of the Underground Church don>t ca)) their organiBation b# this name$ The# ca)) themse)ves Christians* be)ievers* chi)dren of <od$ ut the# )ead an underground 1or!* the# meet secret)#* the# s"read the gos"e) in c)andestine meetings* attended sometimes b# the ver# foreigners 1ho c)aim that the# did not see the Underground Church$ It is an ade;uate name given b# the adversaries and b# those 1ho )oo! )oving)# from the outside to this 1onderfu) secret organiBation$

Aou can trave) #ears throughout the West never meeting an internationa) s"# net* 1hich does not mean that this s"# net does not e%ist$ It is not so stu"id as to sho1 itse)f to the curious trave)ers$ In the ne%t cha"ter* I 1i)) ;uote some artic)es "rinted decades ago b# the Soviet "ress* "roving the e%istence and gro1ing im"ortance of this courageous Underground Church$


Ho1 Christianit# Is Defeating Communism

I have to)d of our o1n e%"erience in s"reading Christ>s message secret)# in the Soviet arm#
as 1e)) as in Communist Romania$ I have a""ea)ed to #ou to he)" "reach Christ to the Communists and to the "eo")e o""ressed b# them$ Is m# cha))enge ?visionar#@ and ?un1or!ab)e@M Is it rea)isticM Does the Underground Church e%ist no1 in Communist 9sia and other ca"tive nationsM Is underground 1or! sti)) "ossib)e there no1M To these ;uestions 1e can ans1er 1ith ver# good ne1s$ The Communists ce)ebrated 1e)) over ha)f a centur# of Communist ru)e$ ut their victor# 1as a defeat$ Christianit# has 1onInot communism$ The Russian "ress* 1hich our organiBation researched thorough)#* 1as fu)) of negative "ro"aganda about the Underground Church$ The Russian Underground Church had become so strong that it 1or!ed even semi/"ub)ic)#* frightening the Communists$ 9nd no1 the "resent )eadershi" of the former Soviet Union confirms the re"orts of the Communist "ress$ Remember* the Underground Church around the 1or)d toda# is )i!e an iceberg$ It is most)# be)o1 the surface* but often a sma)) "art o"erates in the o"en$ In the fo))o1ing "ages I have "reserved a short com"i)ation of some of their victorious 1or! in the t1entieth centur#$

The Tip of the 1ce)erg

On :ovember '* 4566* in Suhumi FCaucasusH* the Underground Church he)d a great meeting under the o"en s!ies$ 8an# be)ievers came from other cities to attend this meeting$ 9fter the a)tar ca))* fort#/seven #oung "eo")e acce"ted Christ and 1ere ba"tiBed on the s"ot in the )ac! Sea* Just as in bib)ica) times$ 9fter decades of Communist dictatorshi"* having no ib)es* other Christian boo!s* or seminaries* the ministers of the Underground Church are not trained theo)ogians$ ut neither 1as Phi)i"* the deacon$ Aet a eunuch* 1ith 1hom he had s"o!en for "erha"s on)# an hour* as!ed him* ?OSee* here is 1ater$ What hinders me from being ba"tiBedM> Then Phi)i" said* OIf #ou be)ieve 1ith a)) #our heart* #ou ma#$>$$$9nd both Phi)i" and the eunuch 1ent do1n into the 1ater* and he ba"tiBed him@ F9ctG72(6/(7H$ There is enough 1ater in the )ac! Sea* so the Underground Church reinstated the "ractices of the bib)ica) time$ Toda#* a)though the Communist Part# no )onger ru)es in Rus/ sia* Christians in severa) of the former Soviet re"ub)ics face "ersecution$ .chitels!aia -a$eta FThe Teacher>s 8agaBineH of 9ugust &(* 4566* states that a demonstration 1as organiBed in the streets of Rostov/on/Don b# a"tists 1ho refused to register their congregation and to obe# their so/ca))ed ?)eaders@ a""ointed b# the Communists$ This occurred on the first of 8a#$ 9s Cesus "erformed mirac)es on the Sabbath da#s to def# his Pharisaic o""onents* the Underground Church sometimes chose Communist ce)ebration da#s for def#ing the Communist )a1s$ The first of 8a# is a feast on 1hich the Communists a)1a#s have their great demonstrations* 1hich ever#one is com"e))ed to attend$ ut on this da#* the second big force in RussiaIthe Underground ChurchIa)so a""eared on the streets$

=ifteen hundred be)ievers came$ What com"e))ed them 1as the )ove of <od$ The# !ne1 that the# ris!ed their )ibert#* and that in "rison starvation and torture a1aited them$ Ever# be)iever in Russia !ne1 the ?Secret 8anifesto@ "rinted b# the Evange)ica) Christians in arnau)* 1hich describes ho1 sister Hmara* of the vi))age of +u)unda* received the ne1s that her husband had died in "rison$ She 1as )eft a 1ido1 1ith four sma)) chi)dren$ When she received the cor"se of her husband* she cou)d see the "rints of manac)es on his hands$ The hands* fingers* and the bottom of his feet 1ere horrib)# burned$ The )o1er "art of his stomach had !nife mar!s on it$ The right foot 1as s1o))en$ On both feet 1ere signs of beating$ The 1ho)e bod# 1as fu)) of 1ounds from horrib)e torture$ Ever# be)iever 1ho attended the "ub)ic demonstration in Rostov/on/Don !ne1 this cou)d be his fate* too$ Sti)) the# came$ ut the# a)so !ne1 that this mart#r* 1ho had given his )ife for <od on)# three months after his conversion* 1as buried before a great cro1d of be)ievers 1ho had ")acards 1ith these inscri"tions2
?=or to me* to )ive is Christ* and to die is gain@ FPhiG42&4H$ ?Do not fear those 1ho !i)) the bod# but cannot !i)) the sou)@ F8atG4-2&7H$ ?I sa1 under the a)tar the sou)s of those 1ho had been s)ain for the Word of <od@ FRevG625H$

The e%am")e of this mart#r ins"ired those in Rostov/on/Don$ The# cro1ded around a )itt)e house$ Peo")e 1ere ever#1hereIsome on nearb# roofs* others in the trees* )i!e Tac/ chaeus$ Eight# "eo")e 1ere converted* most)# #oung "eo")e$ Out of this number* t1ent#/ three 1ere former +omsomo)s Fmembers of the Communist Aouth OrganiBationHL The Christians crossed the entire cit# 1a)!ing to1ard the river Don* 1here the ne1 be)ievers 1ere ba"tiBed$ 9utomobi)es )oaded 1ith Communist "o)ice soon arrived$ The "o)ice surrounded the be)ievers on the ban! of the river* 1anting to arrest the brethren in charge$ FThe# cou)dn>t arrest a)) fifteen hundredLH The be)ievers immediate)# fe)) to their !nees and* in a fervent "ra#er* as!ed <od to defend His "eo")e and "ermit them to have their service for that da#$ Then the brothers and sistersIstanding shou)der to shou)derIsurrounded the brethren )eading the service* ho"ing to "revent the "o)ice from arresting them$ The situation became ver# tense$ .chitels!aia -a$eta re"orted that the ?i))ega)@ a"tist organiBation in Rostov had an underground "rinting "ress$ FIn Russia* the 1ord ? a"tist@ inc)uded Evange)ica)s and Pentecosta)s$H In these underground "ub)ications* #outh 1ere ca))ed to stand for their faith* and Christian "arents 1ere as!ed to do 1hat I a)so thin! is a ver# good thing2 ?to ta!e their chi)dren to attend buria)s in order to )earn not to 1orr# about transitor# things$@ Parents 1ere a)so encouraged to give a Christian education to their chi)dren as an antidote against the atheism 1ith 1hich the# 1ere "oisoned in Communist schoo)s$ .chitels!aia -a$eta finished the artic)e b# as!ing* ?Wh# do teachers mi% so timid)# in the )ife of fami)ies in 1hich chi)dren are idioti$ed Db# re)igionEM@ This ?Teacher>s 8agaBine@ a)so described 1hat ha""ened at the tria) of the underground 1or!ers 1ho had ba"tiBed secret)#2 ?The #outhfu) be)ievers ca))ed as 1itnesses 1ere defiant and contem"tuous of the Communist court$ The# behaved angri)# and fanatica))#$ Aoung 1omen s"ectators gaBed 1ith admiration at the defendants and 1ith disa""rova) at the atheistic "ub)ic$@ 8embers of the Underground Church have ris!ed beatings and im"risonment to a""ea) for more freedom* in front of the Communist Part# head;uarters in Russia$

We "ossess a document that had been smugg)ed to the West through secret channe)s$ This document is from the ?i))ega)@ Committee of the Evange)ica) a"tist Churches of the Soviet Union Fas o""osed to the Communist/contro))ed ? a"tist Union@ )ed b# the traitor +arev* 1ho "raised the humanit# of the Communist mass/!i))ers of Christians and magnified the ?)ibert#@ reigning thereH$ In this secret document* 1e are to)d about another heroic "ub)ic demonstration* this time in 8osco1 itse)f$ I trans)ate from this manifesto2
Urgent communication$ e)oved rethren and Sisters* )essings to #ou and "eace from <od our =ather and our Lord Cesus Christ$ We hasten to te)) #ou that the de)egates of the churches of Evange)ica) a"tist Christians* numbering five hundred* 1ho trave)ed to 8osco1 on 8a# 46* 4566* for intervention 1ith the centra) organs of "o1er* 1ent to the bui)ding of the Centra) Committee for the Communist Part# of the Union of Socia)ist Soviet Re"ub)ics* 1ith the re;uest to be received and heard$ We de)ivered a "etition addressed to the genera) secretar#* reBhnev$

The manifesto further stated that these five hundred men stood the entire da# before the bui)ding$ It 1as the first "ub)ic demonstration in 8osco1 against communism$ 9nd it 1as made b# the de)egation of the Underground Church$ 9t the end of the da# the# de)ivered a second "etition addressed to reBhnev* in 1hich the# com")ained that a certain ?comrade@ Stroganov refused to transmit their re;uest to reBhnev and threatened them$ The five hundred de)egates remained on the streets throughout the night in s"ite of rain$ 9)though the# 1ere verba))# insu)ted and had mud s")ashed on them b# "assing cars* the# remained unti) morning in front of the bui)ding of the Communist Part#L On the ne%t da# it 1as "ro"osed that the five hundred brethren shou)d enter a bui)ding to meet some minor Communist officia)s$ ut ?!no1ing that be)ievers 1ho had visited the authorities 1ere often beaten 1hen the# entered a bui)ding 1here there 1ere no 1itnesses* these be)ievers refused unanimous)# and continued to 1ait to be received b# reBhnev$@ Then the inevitab)e ha""ened$ 9t 42,. "$m$* t1ent#/eight buses came and the bruta) revenge against the be)ievers began$ ?We formed a ring and* ho)ding each other>s hand* 1e sang the h#mn* OThe best da#s of our )ife are the da#s 1hen 1e can bear a cross$> The men of the secret "o)ice began to beat us* the #oung and o)d ones$ The# too! men out of the ro1 and beat them on the face and head* then thre1 them on the as"ha)t$ The# dragged some of the brethren to the buses b# their hair$ When some tried to )eave* the# 1ere beaten unti) the# )ost consciousness$ 9fter fi))ing the buses 1ith be)ievers* the "o)ice too! them to an un!no1n ")ace$ The songs of our brethren and sisters 1ere heard from the secret "o)ice buses$ 9)) this ha""ened in the sight of a mu)titude of men$@ 9nd no1 something more beautifu) fo))o1s$ 9fter the five hundred 1ere arrested and sure)# tortured* rother <$ 0ins and another )eading brother* named Horev Fthe rea) she"herds of Christ>s f)oc!H* sti)) had the courage to go to the same Centra) Committee of the Communist Part#IJust as after the arrest of Cohn the a"tist* Cesus began His "ub)ic "reaching in the same ")ace and 1ith the same 1ords for 1hich Cohn the a"tist suffered2 ?Re"ent* for the !ingdom of heaven is at hand@ F8atG,24'H$ 0ins and Horev as!ed 1here the arrested de)egation 1as and demanded their re)ease$ These t1o courageous brethren sim")# disa""eared$ 9fter1ard* ne1s 1as received that the# 1ere "ut in Leftorovs!aia "rison$

Were these Christians of the Underground Church afraidM :oL Others immediate)# ris!ed their )ibert# again* "ub)ishing the manifesto that 1e have before us* te))ing the stor# of 1hat ha""ened* sa#ing that to them* ?=or to #ou it has been granted on beha)f of Christ* not on)# to be)ieve in Him* but a)so to suffer for His sa!e@ FPhiG42&5H$ The# e%horted the brethren ?that no one shou)d be sha!en b# these aff)ictionsK for #ou #ourse)ves !no1 that 1e are a""ointed to this@ F4ThG(2(H$ The# a)so ;uoted HebG4&2& and ca))ed the be)ievers to )oo! ?unto Cesus* the author and finisher of our faith* 1ho for the Jo# that 1as set before Him endured the cross* des"ising the shame$@ The Underground Church o"en)# o""osed the atheistic "oisoning of #outh in Rostov and 8osco1Iand a)) across Russia$ The# fought against the Communist "oison and against the treacherous )eaders of the officia) church* about 1hich the# 1rite in one of their secret manifestos2 ?In our da#* Satan dictates and Othe church> acce"ts a)) the decisions 1hich are contrar# to the commandments of <od@ F;uoted in 'ra(da .!raini of October ,* 4566H$ 'ra(da Vosto!a "ub)ished the tria) "roceedings against the brethren 9)e%ei :everov* oris <armashov* and 9%en Tubov* 1ho organiBed grou"s to )isten to gos"e) broadcasts from 9merica$ The# recorded these messages on ta"es* 1hich the# circu)ated after1ard$ The# 1ere a)so accused of having organiBed secret gos"e) meetings under the forms of ?e%cursions@ and ?artistic circ)es$@ Thus the Underground Church 1or!s Just as the Ear)# Church 1or!ed in the catacombs of Rome$ 6o(iets!aia Molda(ia of Se"tember 4.* 4566* 1rote that the Underground Church mimeogra"hed boo!)ets$ The# gathered in "ub)ic ")aces* a)though this 1as forbidden b# )a1* and 1ent from ")ace to ")ace to 1itness for Christ$ This same ne1s"a"er recounts that on the train from Reni to Chisinau* three #oung bo#s and four gir)s sang a Christian h#mn* ?Let us dedicate our #outh to Christ$@ The re"orter "rofessed himse)f revo)ted* because these be)ievers "reach ?on the streets* in stations* in trains* buses* and even in state institutions$@ 9gain this 1as the Underground Church at 1or! in Russia during the Communist era$ When at the tria) of these Christians the sentence 1as announced for the crime of singing Christian h#mns in "ub)ic* the condemned fe)) on their !nees and said* ?We surrender ourse)ves into the hands of <od$ We than! thee* Lord* that Thou hast a))o1ed us to suffer for this faith$@ Then the audience* )ed b# the ?fanatic@ 8adan* sang in the courtroom the h#mn for 1hich their brethren had Just been sentenced to "rison and torture$ On the first of 8a#* the Christians of the vi))ages Co"ceag and Taharov!a* having no churches* organiBed a secret service in the forest$ The# a)so organiBed meetings under the "retense of having a birthda# "art#$ F8an# Christian fami)ies 1ith four or five members had thirt#/five ?birthda#s@ a #ear as a cover for secret meetings$H :either "rison nor torture can frighten the Christians of the Underground Church$ Cust as in the Ear)# Church* "ersecution on)# dee"ens their dedication$ 'ra(da .!raini of October ,* 4566* said about rother Pro!ofievIone of the )eaders of the Russian Underground ChurchIthat he had a)read# been in "rison three times* but as soon as he 1as re)eased* he began to organiBe secret Sunda# schoo)s again and 1as re/ arrested$ He 1rote in a secret manifesto2 ?Submitting to the human regu)ations Dthe Communist )a1sE* the officia) church has de"rived itse)f of the b)essing of <od$@ 9nd never imagine a "rison as in the West 1hen #ou hear about a sentenced brother in a restricted nation$ Prison there means starvation* torture* and brain1ashing$

Nau!a i Religia FScience and Re)igionH :o$ 5 of 4566 re"orted that the Christians s"read gos"e) )iterature inside the covers of Ogonio!Ia "eriodica) )i!e 5oo! or Time$ The# a)so handed out boo!s that had the cover of 7nna Karenina Fa nove) b# Leo To)sto#H* but inside had a "ortion of the ib)e$ In addition* the be)ievers sang Christian songs in "ub)ic$ To the tune of ?The Communist Internationa)*@ the# sang 1ords "raising Christ F Ka$a!stans!aia 'ra(da* Cune (-* 4566H$ In a secret )etter "ub)ished in +u)unda FSiberiaH* Christians sa# that the officia) ? a"tist@ )eadershi"* ?has destro#ed the church and its true servants in the 1or)d* in the same 1a# as the high "riests* scribes* and Pharisees betra#ed Cesus Christ to Pi)ate$@ ut the faithfu) Underground Church 1or!s onL The ride of Christ continues to serve Him$ The Communists themse)ves admitted that the Underground Church 1on Communists for Christ$ The# can be 1onL 3a!ins!ii Rabochi FThe Wor!er of a!uH of 9"ri) &'* 4566* re"roduced a )etter from Tania Ciugunova Fa member of the Communist Aouth OrganiBationH 1ho 1as 1on to Christ$ This )etter 1as seiBed b# the Communist authorities2
Dear 9unt :adia* I send #ou b)essings from our be)oved Lord$ 9unt :adia* how much 4e lo(es me% We are nothing before Him$ 9unt :adia* I be)ieve that #ou understand these 1ords2 ?Love #our enemies* b)ess them that curse #ou* do good to them that hate #ou and "ra# for them 1hich des"itefu))# use #ou$@

Once this )etter 1as seiBed* Peter Serebrenni!ov* the brother 1ho brought her and man# other #oung Communists to Christ* 1as sent to "rison$ The Communist ne1s"a"er ;uoted from one of his sermons2 ?We must be)ieve our Savior as the first Christians did$ =or us the "rinci"a) )a1 is the ib)e$ We recogniBe nothing e)se$ We must hurr# to save men from sin* es"ecia))# the #outh$@ He stated that the Soviet )a1 forbids te))ing #outh about Christ* adding2 ?=or us the on)# )a1 is the ib)e@Ia ver# norma) ans1er 1here a crue) atheistic dictatorshi" ru)es the countr#$ The Communist ne1s"a"er then described a ?savage@ "icture2 ?Aoung bo#s and gir)s sing s"iritua) h#mns$ The# receive the ritua) ba"tism and !ee" the evi)* treacherous teaching of )ove to1ard the enem#$@ The artic)e a)so stated that man# #oung bo#s and gir)s 1ho carr# membershi" in the Communist Aouth OrganiBation are in rea)it# ChristiansL It conc)uded 1ith the 1ords2 ?Ho1 "o1er)ess must be the Communist schoo)* ho1 boresome and de"rived of )ight$$$that the "astors are ab)e to snatch a1a# its disci")es from under the nose of their indifferent educators$@ In Ka$a!stans!aia 'ra(da of Cune (-* 4566* Communists e%"ressed horror u"on discovering that the "u"i) 1ith the best grades 1as a Christian bo#L Kirgi$s!aia 'ra(da of Canuar# 4'* 4566* ;uoted an underground Christian )eaf)et to mothers2 ?Let us Join our efforts and "ra#ers to dedicate to <od the )ives of our chi)dren from the time the# are in the crad)eL$$$Let us save our chi)dren from the inf)uence of the 1or)d$@ These efforts have been successfu)$ The Communist ne1s"a"ers bear 1itness to the fact that Christianit# advanced among the #outhL 9 ne1s"a"er from Ce)iabins!* Russia* described ho1 a Aoung Communist OrganiBation gir)* :ina* became a Christian b# entering a secret Christian gathering$ 6o(iets!aia Justitia :o$ 5 of 4566 describes such an underground meeting$ ?It is he)d at midnight$ Hidden* 1ar# even of their o1n shado1* men came from different "arts$ The brethren fi))ed the dar! room* 1hich has a ver# )o1 cei)ing$ The# 1ere so man# that there 1as no ")ace to !nee)$ ecause of the )ac! of air* the )ight in the "rimitive gas/)am" 1ent

out$ S1eat ran from the faces of those "resent$ On the street* one of the servants of the Lord 1as 1atching for "o)icemen$@ :ina said that in such an assemb)# she 1as received 1ith embraces* 1armth* and care$ ?The# had* as I have no1* a great and en)ightening faith Ia faith in <od$ He ta!es us under His "rotection$ Let the +omsomo)s 1ho !no1 me "ass near me 1ithout greeting meL Let them )oo! at me 1ith des"ite and ca)) me* as if s)a""ing me* O a"tistL> Let them do soL I don>t need them$@ So man# other #oung Communists* )i!e her* have made the decision to serve Christ to the end$ Ka$a!stans!aia 'ra(da of 9ugust 47* 456'* described the tria) of the brethren +)assen* ondar* and Te)eghin$ We are not to)d 1hat sentence 1as given to them* but their crime 1as "roc)aimed2 the# had taught chi)dren about Christ$ 6o(iets!aia Kirghi$ia of Cune 4.* 456'* com")ained that Christians ?"rovo!e the a"")ication of administrative measures against themse)ves$@ So the innocent Communist authorities* being continua))# "rovo!ed to arrest Christians b# these obstinate Christians themse)ves 1ho are not content to remain free* have arrested another grou"$ Their crime 1as having an i))ega) "rinting "ress* 1ith fifteen hectogra"hs and si% boo!binding machines* on 1hich Christian )iterature 1as "rinted$ 'ra(da of =ebruar# &4* 4567* re"orted that thousands of 1omen and gir)s 1ere discovered 1earing be)ts and ribbons on 1hich ib)e verses and "ra#ers 1ere "rinted$ The authorities researched and found that the "erson 1ho had )aunched this ne1 fashion* 1hich I cou)d recommend a)so to the West* 1as none other than a Christian member of the Communist "o)ice* rother Stasiu! of LiubertB$ The ne1s"a"er announced his arrest$ The ans1ers Christians of the Underground Church give* 1hen brought before Communist courts* are divine)# ins"ired$ One Judge demanded* ?Wh# did #ou attract "eo")e to #our forbidden sectM@ 9 Christian sister ans1ered* ?Our aim is to 1in the whole world for Christ$@ ?Aour re)igion is anti/scientific*@ the Judge taunted at another tria)* to 1hich the accused gir)Ia studentIans1ered* ?Do #ou !no1 more science than EinsteinM Than :e1tonM The# 1ere be)ievers$ Our universe bears Einstein>s name$ I have )earned in high schoo) that its name is the Einsteinian universe$ Einstein 1rites2 OIf 1e c)eanse the Cudaism of the "ro"hets and Christianit# as Cesus has taught it from 1hat came after1ards* es"ecia))# from "riestcraft* 1e have a re)igion 1hich can save the 1or)d from a)) socia) evi)s$ It is the ho)# dut# of ever# man to do his utmost to bring this re)igion to trium"h$> 9nd remember our great "h#sio)ogist Pav)ovL Do not our boo!s sa# that he 1as a ChristianM Even 8ar%* in his "reface to 0as Ka"ital) said that OChristianit#* es"ecia))# in its Protestant form* is the idea) re)igion for rema!ing characters destro#ed b# sin$> I had a character destro#ed b# sin$ 8ar% has taught me to become a Christian in order to rema!e it$ Ho1 can #ou* 8ar%ists* Judge me for thisM@ It is eas# to understand 1h# the Judge remained s"eech)ess$ To the same accusation of having an anti/scientific re)igion* a Christian ans1ered before the court2 ?I am sure* 8r$ Cudge* that #ou are not such a great scientist as Sim"son* the discoverer of ch)oroform and man# other medicines$ When as!ed 1hich he considered to be his greatest discover#* he ans1ered2 OIt 1as not ch)oroform$ 8# greatest discover# has been to !no1 that I am a sinner and that I cou)d be saved b# the grace of <od$>@

The )ife* the se)f/sacrifice* the b)ood that be)ievers are read# to shed for their faith* is the greatest argument for Christianit# "resented b# the Underground Church$ It forms 1hat the reno1ned missionar# in 9frica* 9)bert Sch1eitBer* ca))ed ?the sacred fe))o1shi" of those 1ho have the mar! of "ain@Ithe fe))o1shi" to 1hich Cesus* the 8an of Sorro1s* be)onged$ The Underground Church is united b# a bond of )ove to1ard its Savior$ The same bond unites the members of the church 1ith each other$ :o one in the 1or)d can defeat them$ In a )etter smugg)ed out secret)#* the Underground Church said* ?We don>t "ra# to be better Christians* but that 1e ma# be the on)# !ind of Christians <od means us to be2 Christ)i!e Christians* that is* Christians 1ho bear 1i))ing)# the cross for <od>s g)or#$@ With the 1isdom of ser"ents* according to the teaching of Cesus* the Christians a)1a#s refused to identif# their )eaders 1hen ;uestioned before the court$ 'ra(da Vosto!a FThe Truth of the EastH of Canuar# 4.* 4566* to)d ho1 defendant 8aria Sevciu! res"onded 1hen as!ed 1ho had brought her to Christ2 ?<od attracted me in His congregation$@ 9nother* 1hen as!ed* ?Who is #our )eaderM@ res"onded* ?We have no human )eader$@ Christian chi)dren 1ere as!ed* ?Who has taught #ou to )eave the Pioneers and to ta!e off the red nec!tieM@ The# ans1ered* ?We have done it out of our free 1i))$ :o one taught us$@ 9)though in some ")aces the ti" of the ?iceberg@ sho1ed* in other ")aces* Christians "racticed se)f/ba"tism to "revent the arrest of their )eaders$ Sometimes ba"tisms too! ")ace in a river* 1ith the ba"tiBer and the ba"tiBed both 1earing mas!s so that no one cou)d identif# them in "hotogra"hs$ .chitels!aia -a$eta of Canuar# (-* 456,* to)d of an atheistic )ecture in the vi))age 0oronin* of the district 0o)necino/+ors!ii$ 9s soon as the )ecturer finished* ?The be)ievers began to "ub)ic)# attac! the atheistic teaching through ;uestions*@ 1hich the atheistic )ecturer cou)d not ans1er$ The# as!ed* ?Where do #ou Communists get the mora) "rinci")es #ou "roc)aim* but do not obe#Isuch as Odon>t stea)> and Odon>t !i))>M@ The Christians sho1ed the )ecturer that ever# such "rinci")e came from the ib)e against 1hich the Communists fight$ The )ecturer 1as entire)# confused and the )ecture finished 1ith a victor# for the be)ieversL

Persecution of the #nderground Church 3ro(s

Christians in some of the former Soviet Re"ub)ics are sti)) "ersecuted toda#$ In restricted nations 1or)d1ide* the Christians of the Underground Church are suffering toda# more than ever before$ It is estimated that a""ro%imate)# 46-*--- Christians 1ere mart#red in 455'$ =or Christians it is heartbrea!ing to !no1 about the o""ression of Ce1s in Communist countries$ ut the "rinci"a) target of "ersecution is the Underground Church$ Aears ago* the Soviet "ress re"orted a 1ave of mass arrests and tria)s$ In one ")ace* eight#/ t1o Christians 1ere ")aced in an as#)um for madmen$ T1ent#/four died after a fe1 da#s because of ?"ro)onged "ra#er@L Since 1hen does )ength# "ra#er !i))M Can #ou imagine 1hat the# 1ent throughM The 1orst suffering im"osed u"on them 1as that* if it 1as discovered that the# taught their chi)dren about Christ* their chi)dren 1ere ta!en a1a# from them for )ifeI1ith no visitation rights$

During the Communist era* the Soviet Union signed the United :ations dec)aration ?against discrimination in the s"here of education*@ 1hich sti"u)ated2 ?Parents must have the right to assure the re)igious and mora) education of the chi)dren according to their o1n convictions$@ In one artic)e* traitor +arev* 1ho 1as the )eader of the officia) a"tist Union of the Soviet Union* assured that this right 1as a rea)it# in RussiaIand foo)s be)ieved himL :o1* )isten to 1hat the Soviet "ress said$ In its Cune ,* 456(* issue* 6ow*ets!aia Russia recounted ho1 a a"tist 1oman named 8a!rin!o1a had her si% chi)dren ta!en a1a# from her* because she shared 1ith them the Christian faith and forbade them to 1ear the Pioneer nec!tie$ When she heard the sentence* she said on)#* ?I suffer for the faith$@ She had to "a# for the boarding of her chi)dren 1ho 1ere ta!en a1a# from her* so the# cou)d be "oisoned 1ith atheism$ Christian mothers* thin! of her agon#L .chitels!aia -a$eta re"orted that the same thing ha""ened to Ignatii 8u))in and his 1ife$ The Judge demanded that the# )eave their faith2 ?Choose bet1een <od and #our daughter$ Do #ou choose <odM@ The father ans1ered* ?I 1i)) not give u" m# faith$@ Pau) sa#s* ?9)) things 1or! together for good@ FRomG72&7H$ I have seen such chi)dren 1ho 1ere raised as Christians and ta!en from their "arents and "ut in Communist schoo)s$ Instead of being "oisoned b# atheism* the faith the# had )earned at home 1as s"read to the other chi)drenL The ib)e sa#s that ?he 1ho )oves son or daughter more than 8e is not 1orth# of 8e@ F8atG4-2('H$ These 1ords have meaning in ca"tive nations$ Tr# to )ive a 1ee! 1ithout seeing #our chi)drenL Then #ou 1i)) !no1 the sufferings of our brethren in restricted nations$ 9ccording to the 8arch &5* 456'* issue of 8namia unosti* 8rs$ Sitsh>s son* 0setshes)av* 1as ta!en a1a# sim")# because she brought him u" in the fear of the Lord$ 8rs$ Tabavina of Habarovs! 1as de"rived of her or"haned granddaughter Tania because she had given her an ?unnatura) DChristianE education@ F6o(iets!aia Rossia of Canuar# 4(* 4567H$ De"riving Christians of "arenta) rights continues even toda# in restricted nations$ It 1ou)d be unfair to s"ea! on)# about the Protestant Underground Church$ The Orthodo% Christians in Russia 1ere com")ete)# changed$ 8i))ions of them have "assed through "risons* 1here the# had no beads* no crucifi%es* no ho)# images* no incense* and no cand)es$ The )a#men 1ere in "rison 1ithout an ordained "riest$ The "riests had no robes* no 1heat bread* no 1ine to consecrate* no ho)# oi)s* no boo!s 1ith "re"ared "ra#ers to be read$ 9nd the# discovered that the# cou)d get b# 1ithout a)) these things* b# going to <od direct)# in "ra#er$ The# began to "ra# and <od began to "our forth His S"irit u"on them$ 9 genuine s"iritua) a1a!ening* ver# simi)ar to fundamenta) Christianit#* too! ")ace among the Orthodo% in Russia under communism$ So it ha""ened that in Russia* as 1e)) as in the sate))ite countries* there e%isted an Orthodo% Underground* 1hich 1as in rea)it# evange)ica)* fundamenta)* and ver# c)ose to <od$ It !e"t* on)# b# the "o1er of habit* a ver# )itt)e of the Orthodo% ritua)$ This Orthodo% Underground has a)so given great mart#rs$ Who cou)d sa# 1hat ha""ened to the aged 9rchbisho" Aermogen of +a)ugaM He dared to "rotest against the treacherous co))aboration bet1een the Patriarch# and the god)ess Communist government$ During seven decades of Communist ru)e unti) the end of the Soviet Union in the ear)# >5-s* the Russian "ress 1as fu)) of the trium"h of the Underground Church$ It "assed through uns"ea!ab)e hardshi"s but remained faithfu)$$$and gre1L We in Romania so1ed the seed b# our secret 1or! in the Russian arm#$ So had others in Russia and in other countries invaded b# the Russians$ That seed has borne much fruit$

Communist 9sia and other ca"tive nations can be 1on for Christ$ Our adversaries can become ChristiansL So can those o""ressed b# them* if on)# 1e 1i)) he)" them$ The "roof that I am right is that the Underground Church f)ourished under communism in the Soviet Union* is f)ourishing in Communist 9sia* and is gro1ing in the 8idd)e East toda#$ To sho1 the beaut# of our fe))o1 Christians under terrib)e circumstances* I give be)o1 a fe1 )etters from Russian gir)s* the )ast t1o 1ritten in Russian "risons$

'o( a Communist 3irl Found Christ

=o))o1ing are three )etters from 8aria* a Christian gir) 1ho )ed 0aria* a member of the Communist Aouth OrganiBation* to Christ$

First letter
$$$I continue to )ive here$ I am ver# be)oved$ I am be)oved a)so b# a member of the ce)) of the +omsomo) Dthe Communist Aouth OrganiBationE$ She to)d me* ?I cannot understand 1hat a being #ou are$ Here man# insu)t and hurt #ou and #et #ou )ove a))$@ I ans1ered that <od has taught us to )ove a))* not on)# friends* but a)so enemies$ efore* this gir) did much harm to me* but I "ra#ed for her 1ith s"ecia) concern$ When she as!ed me if I can )ove her* too* I embraced her and 1e both began to 1ee"$ :o1* 1e "ra# together$ P)ease* "ra# for her$ Her name is 0aria$ When #ou )isten to those 1ho )oud)# den# <od* it seems that the# rea))# mean it$ ut )ife sho1s that man# of them* a)though the# curse <od 1ith their )i"s* in their hearts have a great )onging$ 9nd #ou hear the groaning of the heart$$$The# see! something and 1ish to cover their inner em"tiness 1ith their god)essness$ Aour sister in Christ* 8aria

6econd letter
In m# former )etter I 1rote #ou about the atheist gir)* 0aria$ :o1 I hurr# to te)) #ou* m# be)oved ones* about our great Jo#2 0aria has received Christ as her "ersona) Savior* 1itnessing o"en)# to ever#one about this$ When she be)ieved in Christ and !ne1 the g)adness of sa)vation* she* at the same time* fe)t ver# unha""#$ She 1as unha""#* because before she had "ro"agated that there is no <od$ :o1 she has decided to atone for her gui)t$ We 1ent together to the assemb)# of the god)ess$ 9)though I 1arned her to be reserved* it 1as use)ess$ 0aria 1ent and I 1ent 1ith her to see 1hat 1ou)d ha""en$ 9fter the common singing of the Communist h#mn Fsinging in 1hich 0aria did not "artici"ateH* she came for1ard before the 1ho)e assemb)#$ Courageous)# and 1ith much fee)ing* she 1itnessed to those gathered about Christ as her Savior and as!ed her former comrades for forgiveness that she had had her s"iritua) e#es c)osed unti) then and had not seen that she herse)f 1as going to "erdition and )eading others to1ard it$ She im")ored a)) to give u" the 1a# of sin and to come to Christ$ 9)) became si)ent and no one interru"ted her$ When she finished s"ea!ing* she sang 1ith her s")endid voice the 1ho)e Christian h#mn2 ?I am not ashamed to "roc)aim the Christ 1ho died to defend His commandments and the "o1er of His cross$@ 9nd after1ards$$$after1ards the# too! a1a# our 0aria$ Toda# it is the ninth of 8a#$ We !no1 nothing about her$ ut <od is "o1erfu) to save her$ Pra#L Aour 8aria

Third letter
Aesterda#* the second of 9ugust* I had a ta)! in "rison 1ith our be)oved 0aria$ 8# heart b)eeds 1hen I thin! about her$ In fact she is sti)) a chi)d$ She is on)# nineteen #ears of age$ 9s a be)iever in the Lord* she is a)so a s"iritua) babe$ ut she )oves the Lord 1ith a)) her heart and 1ent at once on the difficu)t 1a#$ The "oor gir) is so hungr#$ When 1e !ne1 that she 1as in "rison* 1e began to send her "arce)s$ ut she received on)# )itt)e of 1hat 1as sent to her$ When I sa1 her #esterda#* she 1as thin* "a)e* beaten$ On)# the e#es shone 1ith the "eace of <od and 1ith an unearth)# Jo#$ Aes* m# dear ones* those 1ho have not e%"erienced the 1onderfu) "eace of Christ cannot understand it$$$ ut ho1 ha""# are those 1ho have this "eace$$$=or us 1ho are in Christ no sufferings and frustrations shou)d sto" us$$$ I as!ed through the iron bars2 ?0aria* don>t #ou regret 1hat #ou didM@ ?:o*@ she ans1ered$ ?9nd if the# 1ou)d free me* I 1ou)d go again and 1ou)d te)) them about the great )ove of Christ$ Don>t thin! that I suffer$ I am ver# g)ad that the Lord )oves me so much and gives me the Jo# to endure for His name$@ I beg that #ou "ra# for her$ She 1i)) "robab)# be sent to Siberia$ The# have ta!en a1a# her c)othes and a)) of her things$ She has remained 1ithout an#thing* e%ce"t 1hat is on her$ She has no re)atives and 1e must co))ect for the most necessar# things$ I have "ut a"art the )ast sum 1hich #ou sent me$ If 0aria is de"orted* I 1i)) hand it to her$ I be)ieve that <od 1i)) strengthen her and 1i)) give her "o1er to endure in the future* too$ 8a# <od !ee" herL Aour 8aria

Fourth letter
Dear 8aria* at )ast I am ab)e to 1rite #ou$ We arrived 1e)) at D)ocation omittedE$ Our cam" is ten mi)es from to1n$ I cannot describe our )ife$ Aou !no1 it$ I 1ish to 1rite on)# a )itt)e about me$ I than! <od that He gives me hea)th and that I can 1or! "h#sica))#$ Sister P and I 1ere "ut to 1or! in a 1or!sho" 1here 1e 1or! at machines$ The 1or! is difficu)t and Sister P>s hea)th is bad$ I must 1or! for both her and me$ I finish m# 1or! first and then I he)" m# sister$ We 1or! t1e)ve to thirteen hours a da#$ Our food is Just as #ours* ver# scarce$ ut it is not about this that I 1ished to 1rite to #ou$ 8# heart "raises and than!s <od that* through #ou* He sho1ed me the 1a# to sa)vation$ :o1* being on this 1a#* m# )ife has a "ur"ose and I !no1 1here to go and for 1hom I suffer$ I fee) the desire to te)) and to 1itness to ever#bod# about the great Jo# of sa)vation that I have in m# heart$ Who can se"arate us from the )ove of <od in ChristM :obod# and nothing$ :either "rison nor suffering$ The sufferings that <od sends us on)# strengthen us more and more in the faith in Him$ 8# heart is so fu)) that the grace of <od overf)o1s$ 9t 1or!* the# curse and "unish me* giving me e%tra 1or! because I cannot be si)ent$ I must te)) ever#one 1hat the Lord has done for me$ He has made me a ne1 being* a ne1 creation* of me 1ho 1as on the 1a# of "erdition$ Can I be si)ent after thisM :o* neverL 9s )ong as m# )i"s can s"ea!* I 1i)) 1itness to ever# one about His great )ove$ On the 1a# to the cam"* 1e met 1ith man# brethren and sisters in Christ$ Ho1 amaBing it is that #ou fee) through the S"irit that the# are chi)dren of <od 1hen #ou first see the brethren and the sisters$ It is use)ess to s"ea!$ =rom the first )oo! #ou fee) and !no1 1ho the# are$ Whi)e 1e 1ere on the 1a# to the cam"* at one rai)1a# station* a 1oman came* gave us food and said on)# t1o 1ords2 ?<od )ives$@

The first evening 1hen 1e arrived here Fit 1as )ateH* 1e 1ere ta!en to underground barrac!s$ We greeted those "resent 1ith the 1ords* ?Peace 1ith #ou$@ To our great Jo#* from a)) corners 1e heard the ans1er* ?We receive #ou 1ith "eace$@ 9nd from the first evening 1e fe)t that 1e are in a fami)#$ Aes* it 1as rea))# so$ Here there are man# 1ho be)ieve in Christ as their "ersona) Savior$ 8ore than ha)f of the "risoners are be)ievers$ We have among us great singers and good "reachers of the gos"e)$ In the evening* 1hen 1e a)) gather after heav# 1or!* ho1 1onderfu) it is to "ass at )east some time together in "ra#er at the feet of our Savior$ With Christ there is freedom ever#1here$ I )earned here man# beautifu) h#mns and ever# da# <od gives me more and more of His Word$ 9t the age of nineteen* I ce)ebrated the birthda# of Christ for the first time$ :ever 1i)) I forget this 1onderfu) da#L We had to 1or! the 1ho)e da# )ong$ ut some of our brethren 1ere ab)e to go to the river nearb#$ There the# bro!e the ice and "re"ared the ")ace 1here* during the nightIaccording to the Word of <odIseven brethren and I 1ere ba"tiBed$ Oh* ho1 ha""# I am and ho1 I 1ou)d )i!e that #ou* 8aria* shou)d be 1ith me* too* that I ma# atone at )east a )itt)e bit* through m# )ove to1ard #ou for the 1rong I committed in times "ast against #ou$ ut <od "uts ever# one of us in His ")ace and 1e must stand firm 1here <od has "ut us$ <ive greetings to the 1ho)e fami)# of <od>s chi)dren$ <od 1i)) rich)# b)ess #our common 1or!* as He b)essed me* too$ Read HebG4&24/($ 9)) our brethren greet #ou and are g)ad that #our faith in <od is so "o1erfu) and that #ou "raise Him in #our sufferings unceasing)#$ If #ou 1rite to others* te)) them our greetings$ Aours* 0aria

Fifth letter
Dear 8aria* at )ast I have found the o""ortunit# to 1rite #ou a fe1 )ines$ I can te)) #ou* m# dear one* that* b# the grace of <od* Sister P and I are hea)th# and fee) 1e))$ We are no1 in D)ocation omittedE$ I than! #ou for #our mother)# care for me$ We received a)) #ou have "re"ared for us$ I than! #ou for the most va)uab)e thing* the ib)e$ Than!s to a))$ When #ou 1rite to them* send m# greetings and than!s for 1hat the# have done for me$ Since the Lord revea)ed to me the dee" m#ster# of His ho)# )ove* I consider m#se)f to be the ha""iest in the 1or)d$ The "ersecutions that I have to endure I consider as a s"ecia) grace$ I am g)ad that the Lord gave me from the first da#s of m# faith the great ha""iness to suffer for Him$ Pra# for me that I ma# remain faithfu) to the Lord to the end$ 8a# the Lord !ee" #ou a)) and strengthen #ou for the ho)# batt)eL Sister P and I !iss #ou a))$ When 1e are sent to D)ocation omittedE "erha"s 1e 1i)) have the o""ortunit# to 1rite to #ou again$ Don>t 1orr# about us$ We are g)ad and Jo#fu)* because our re1ard in heaven is great F8atG.244/4&H$ Aour 0aria This is the )ast )etter from 0ariaIthe #oung Communist gir) 1ho found Christ* 1itnessed about Him* and 1as sentenced to s)ave )abor$ She 1as never heard from again* but her beautifu) )ove and 1itness for Christ sho1s the s"iritua) beaut# of the suffering* faithfu) Underground Church$


Ho1 Western Christians Can He)"

I have been ca))ed the ?0oice of the Underground Church$@ I do not fee) 1orth# to be the
voice of such an honored "art of the od# of Christ$ Ho1ever* in Communist nations* I )ed for #ears a "art of the Underground Church$ # a mirac)e I survived fourteen #ears of torture and im"risonment* inc)uding t1o #ears in a "rison ?d#ing room$@ # an even greater mirac)e* <od someho1 sa1 fit to reach into the "rison and bring me out$ It 1as decided b# the Underground Church in Romania that I shou)d )eave m# countr# and ta!e a message to the free Christians of the 1or)d$ # a mirac)e* m# fami)# and I 1ere ab)e to )eave* and I 1as ab)e to fu)fi)) the charge given me b# those 1ho remained behind )aboring* ris!ing* suffering* and d#ing in doBens of ca"tive nations$ I s"ea! on beha)f of m# brethren 1ho )ie in count)ess name)ess graves$ I s"ea! on beha)f of m# brethren 1ho no1 meet secret)# in forests* basements* attics* and other such ")aces$ The message I bring from the Underground Church is2 ?Don>t abandon usL@ ?Don>t forget usL@ ?Don>t 1rite us offL@ ?<ive us the too)s 1e needL We 1i)) "a# the "rice for using themL@ This is the message I have been charged to de)iver to the free Church$ I s"ea! for the Underground Church* the si)enced Church* the ?dumb@ Church* 1hich has no voice to s"ea!$ Hear the cries of #our brothers and sisters in ca"tive nationsL The# do not as! for esca"e* safet#* or an eas# )ife$ The# as! on)# for the too)s to counteract the "oisoning of their #outhIthe ne%t generationI1ith atheism$ The# as! for ib)es to use in s"reading the Word of <od$ Ho1 can the# s"read the Word of <od if the# do not have itM The Underground Church is )i!e a surgeon 1ho 1as trave)ing b# train$ The train co))ided 1ith another train and hundreds of "eo")e )a# on the ground* mang)ed* inJured* d#ing$ The surgeon 1a)!ed among the d#ing* cr#ing out2 ?If on)# I had m# too)sL If on)# I had m# too)sL@ With these surgica) instruments he cou)d have saved man# )ives$ He had the 1i))ingness$$$but he did not have the too)s$ This is 1here the Underground Church stands$ It is so willing to give its a))$ It is so willing to give its mart#rsL It is so willing to ris! #ears in "risonsL ut a)) of its 1i))ingness is of no va)ue if it does not have the too)s 1ith 1hich to 1or!$ The ")ea of the faithfu)* courageous Underground Church to #ou 1ho are free is2 ?<ive us the too)sIthe <os"e)s* the ib)es* the )iterature* the he)"Iand 1e 1i)) do the restL@

'o( Christians in the Free World Can 'elp

Ever# Christian in the free 1or)d can he)" at once in the fo))o1ing 1a#s$ 9theists are men 1ho do not ac!no1)edge the invisib)e sources of their )ife$ The# have no sense for 1hat is m#ster# in the universe and in )ife$ Christians can he)" them best b# 1a)!ing themse)ves not b# sight* but b# faith* )eading a )ife of fe))o1shi" 1ith the invisib)e <od$ The# can he)" us best b# )eading the )ives of consistent Christians* )ives of sacrifice$ The# can he)" b# "rotesting "ub)ic)# as often as Christians are "ersecuted$

Western Christians can he)" us b# "ra#ing for the "ersecutors that the# ma# be saved$ Such a "ra#er ma# seem naive$ We "ra#ed for the Communists and the# tortured us the ne%t da# even 1orse than before the "ra#er$ ut the "ra#er of the Lord in Cerusa)em 1as a)so ?naive$@ The# crucified Him after this "ra#er$ ut on)# a fe1 da#s )ater* the# beat their breasts and five thousand 1ere converted in one da#$ =or the others* too* the "ra#er 1as not )ost$ 9n# "ra#er that is not acce"ted b# the one for 1hom #ou intercede returns to #ou 1ith great b)essings$ =u)fi))ing the 1ord of Christ* man# other Christians and I a)1a#s "ra#ed for Hit)er and his men$ 9nd I am sure that our "ra#er he)"ed to defeat him as much as the bu))ets of the a))ied so)diers$ We must )ove our neighbors as ourse)ves$ Communists and other "ersecutors are our neighbors as much as an#one e)se$ The# are the resu)t of our not ma!ing !no1n the 1ords of Christ2 ?I have come that the# ma# have )ife* and that the# ma# have it more abundant)#@ FCohG4-24-H$ Christians have not #et made this abundant )ife avai)ab)e to ever#one$ The# have )eft some on the fringe of ever#thing va)uab)e in )ife$ These individua)s have rebe))ed and constituted the Communist Part# and other fa)se be)iefs$ Often the victims of socia) inJustice themse)ves* the# are no1 bitter and crue)$ We have to fight against them$ ut Christians* even if the# fight against an enem#* understand and )ove him$ We are not gui)t)ess of the fact that some )ive in rebe))ion$ We are gui)t# at )east b# neg)ect of dut#$ =or this 1e have to atone b# )oving themI1hich is something entire)# different from )i!ing themIand "ra#ing for them$ I am not so naive as to be)ieve that )ove a)one can so)ve these "rob)ems$ I 1ou)d not advise the authorities of a state to so)ve the "rob)em of gangsterism on)# b# )ove$ There must be a "o)ice force* Judges* and "risons for gangstersInot Just "astors$ If gangsters do not re"ent* the# must be Jai)ed$ I 1ou)d never use the Christian "hrase about ?)ove@ to counteract the a""ro"riate "o)itica)* economic* or cu)tura) fight against Communists and other t#rants* 1ho are nothing but gangsters on an internationa) sca)e$ <angsters stea) a "urseK the# stea) 1ho)e countries$ ut the "astor and the individua) Christian have to do their best to bring to Christ rebe))ious nationsI1hatever crimes the# commitIas 1e)) as their innocent victims$ We have to "ra# for them 1ith understanding$

i)les Are #rgently &eeded

9nother 1a# free Christians can he)" is b# sending ib)es and ib)e "ortions$ 8eans e%ist b# 1hich the# can be safe)# sent into restricted nations* if on)# free Christians 1i)) "rovide them for our brothers and sisters of the Underground Church$ Whi)e sti)) in Romania* I received man# ib)es brought in b# certain means$ There is no ;uestion of the 1a#s to send themIon)# that the# must be "rovided$ The# are des"erate)# needed$ Thousands of Christians have not seen ib)es or <os"e)s for decades in Communist nations such as China and :orth +orea$ T1o ver# dirt# vi))agers came to m# home one da# to bu# a ib)e$ The# had come from their vi))age to ta!e the Job of shove)ing the froBen earth a)) 1inter )ong to earn mone# in the s)ight ho"e that the# might be ab)e to bu# an o)d* tattered ib)e 1ith it and ta!e it bac! to their vi))age$ ecause I had received ib)es from 9merica* I 1as ab)e to hand them a ne1 ib)e* not an o)d tattered one$ The# cou)d not be)ieve their e#esL The# tried to "a# me 1ith the mone# the# had earned$ I refused their mone#$ The# rushed bac! to their vi))age 1ith the ib)e$ 9 fe1 da#s )ater I received a )etter of unrestrained* ecstatic Jo# than!ing me for

the Scri"tures$ It 1as signed b# thirt# vi))agersL The# had carefu))# cut the ib)e into thirt# "arts and e%changed the "arts 1ith one anotherL It 1as "athetic to hear a Russian begging for one "age of the ib)e to feed his sou)$ The# 1ere ha""# to e%change a co1 or a goat for a ib)e$ One man traded his 1edding ring for a battered :e1 Testament$ 8an# chi)dren have never seen a Christmas card$ If the# had one* a)) the chi)dren of the vi))age 1ou)d gather around it* and some o)d man might e%")ain to them about the bab# Cesus* his virgin birth* and the stor# of Christ and sa)vation$ 9)) thisI from one Christmas cardL We send ib)es* <os"e)s* and )iterature to Christians in these restricted nations$ This is one 1a# you can do something$ We a)so "rint and send s"ecia) )iterature to counterattac! the atheistic "oison being given the #outh from !indergarten to co))ege$ In the Soviet Union* the Communists "re"ared The 7theist+s -uideboo!* 1hich is the atheist>s ? ib)e$@ Sim")e versions are taught to !indergarten chi)dren* 1ith more advanced versions of the same guideboo! taught as the chi)dren "rogress$ The evi) ? ib)e@ fo))o1s a chi)d as he gro1s and advancesI "oisoning him 1ith atheism a)) the 1a#$ We "rint and send The 7nswer to the 7theist+s 4andboo! as the Christian ans1er to "oisonous* atheistic teachings$ Our "oisoned #outh must have an ans1erI<od>s ans1erIthe Christian ans1erIour ans1erL This is another thing #ou can do* b# he)"ing "rovide s"ecia) )iterature to nations 1here <od is ?i))ega)$@ Such )iterature inc)udes i))ustrated #outh )iterature and chi)dren>s ib)es$ We a)so must ?Join hands@ 1ith members of the Underground Church and give them the financia) means to trave) about 1ith the gos"e) in "erson/to/"erson evange)ism$ So man# of them are ?chained@ to their homes for )ac! of funds to use for trave) tic!ets* and for food 1hi)e trave)ing$ Thus the# are stranded* unab)e to move about 1hi)e vi))ages t1ent# to thirt# mi)es a1a# vain)# ca)) for them to come for secret meetings$ # "roviding funds for them each month* 1e can ?unchain@ them to ans1er those ca))s and go to distant to1ns and vi))ages 1ith the Word of <od$ =or e%am")e* 1e "urchase motorc#c)es for 0ietnamese and Chinese "astors 1ho go to share the gos"e) in ?forbidden areas@ of their nations$ We "rovide bic#c)es for evange)ists in 8us)im ang)adesh 1ho 1itness at great ris!$ Christian )a#men and )a#1omen must have financia) he)"$ eing Christians* the# earn bare)# enough to survive* )eaving nothing 1ith 1hich to go from vi))age to vi))age 1ith the gos"e)$ This is the ?mirac)e@ a fe1 do))ars a month 1i)) do for them$ Pastors of officia) churches 1ho conduct a secret* "ara))e) ministr# at great ris! must have funds secret)# "rovided them for such "ur"oses$ The 1i))ingness of these "astors to ris! their freedom b# ignoring regu)ations and "reaching the gos"e) to chi)dren* #outh* and adu)ts in secret meetings is not enough$ The# must have the means to carr# out their fruitfu) secret ministr#$ <iving funds for that "ur"ose 1i)) he)" such a member of the Underground Church effective)# s"read the gos"e)$ :e%t* 1e must broadcast the gos"e) into ca"tive nations b# radio$ Using stations in the free 1or)d* 1e can s"iritua))# feed the Underground Church* 1hich itse)f is in great need of the read of Life$ ecause the Communist governments use short1ave radio to disseminate their "ro"aganda to their o1n "eo")e* mi))ions of "eo")e in restricted nations have radios that 1i)) receive these broadcasts$ Doors remain o"en to broadcast into ca"tive nations b# radio* and this 1or! must be e%tended$ The Underground Church must have the s"iritua) food these broadcasts "rovide$ This is another 1a# #ou can he)" the Underground Church in these restricted countries$

The Tragedy of Families of Christian Martyrs

The fami)ies of Christian mart#rs a)so need our assistance$ Tens of thousands of such fami)ies are no1 suffering in an indescribab)# tragic 1a#$ When a member of the Underground Church is arrested* a terrib)e traged# stri!es his fami)#$ It is usua))# i))ega) for an#one to he)" them$ This is ver# 1e)) ")anned b# the governments to increase the suffering of the 1ife and chi)dren )eft behind$ When a Christian goes to "risonIand often to torture or deathIthe suffering on)# begins$ His fami)# suffers end)ess)#$ I can state for a fact that if ran!/and/fi)e Christians in the free 1or)d had not sent me and m# fami)# he)"* 1e 1ou)d never have survived to 1rite these 1ordsL 8ore mart#rs are being made a)) the time$ Though the# go to their graves and to their re1ard* their fami)ies )ive in horrib)# tragic conditions$ We can and must he)" them$ Of course* 1e must a)so he)" starving Indians and 9fricans$ ut 1ho deserves the he)" of Christians more than the fami)ies of those 1ho have died for Christ or 1ho are tortured for their faith in "risons in restricted nationsM Since m# re)ease* The 0oice of the 8art#rs has a)read# sent much he)" to fami)ies of Christian mart#rs$ What has been done is )itt)e in com"arison to 1hat 1e cou)d do 1ith #our he)"$

My Message to 4ou From the #nderground Church

9s a member of the Underground Church 1ho has survived and esca"ed* I have brought #ou a message* an a""ea)* a ")ea from m# brethren 1hom I have )eft behind$ The# have sent me to de)iver this message to #ou$ 8iracu)ous)# I have survived to de)iver it$ I have to)d #ou of the urgenc# of bringing Christ to the Communist 1or)d and other ca"tive nations$ I have to)d #ou of the urgenc# of he)"ing the fami)ies of Christian mart#rs$ I have to)d #ou of "ractica) 1a#s #ou can he)" the Underground Church fu)fi)) its mission of s"reading the gos"e)$ When I 1as beaten on the bottom of the feet* m# tongue cried$ Wh# did m# tongue cr#M It 1as not beaten$ It cried because the tongue and feet are both "art of the same bod#$ 9nd #ou free Christians are "art of the same od# of Christ that is no1 beaten in "risons in restricted nations* that even no1 gives mart#rs for Christ$ Can #ou not fee) our "ainM The Ear)# Church in a)) of its beaut#* sacrifice* and dedication has come a)ive again in these countries$ Whi)e our Lord Cesus Christ agoniBed in "ra#er in the <arden of <ethsemane* Peter* Cames* and Cohn 1ere a mere stone>s thro1 a1a# from the greatest drama of histor#Ibut the# 1ere dee" in s)ee"$ Ho1 much of #our o1n Christian concern and giving is directed to1ard the re)ief of the mart#r churchM 9s! #our "astors and church )eaders 1hat is being done in #our name to he)" #our brothers and sisters in restricted nations around the 1or)d$ In these countries* the drama* braver#* and mart#rdom of the Ear)# Church are ha""ening a)) over againIno1Iand the free Church s)ee"s$ Our brethren there* a)one and 1ithout he)"* are 1aging the greatest* most courageous batt)e of the t1entieth centur#* e;ua) to the heroism* courage* and dedication of the Ear)# Church$ 9nd the free Church s)ee"s on* ob)ivious of their strugg)e and agon#* Just as Peter* Cames* and Cohn s)e"t in the moment of their Savior>s agon#$ Wi)) #ou a)so s)ee" 1hi)e #our brethren in Christ suffer and fight for the gos"e)M Wi)) #ou hear our message2 ?Remember us* he)" us@M ?Don>t abandon usL@

:o1 I have de)ivered the message from the faithfu)* mart#red ChurchIfrom your brothers and sisters suffering in the bonds of atheistic communism* and under attac! across the 1or)d from Indonesia to 9frica$ Don>t abandon them$


The 8an Who Dared to S"ea!

Richard Wurmbrand 1as not the first Christian )eader to esca"e the crue) treatment of Romania>s Communist governmentK others had "receded him$ Aet much of the Western 1or)d remained ignorant of the sufferings endured b# those of the Underground Church$ Wh# had no one e)se s"o!en outM This ans1er became a""arent to Pastor Wurmbrand on his de"arture from Romania 1hen the officers of the secret "o)ice 1arned him to never s"ea! against the Communists$ The# had their agents in the West and made it c)ear to Wurmbrand that the# 1ou)d be 1atching him$ 9nd 1h# shou)d he s"ea! outM Had he not suffered enoughM ut Wurmbrand did s"ea!$ Des"ite the Communist threats and the criticism of some Western church )eaders* he bore 1itness to the sufferings of those 1ho endured a Commu/ nist he)) and s"o!e of their overcoming faith$ Within his first #ear in the United States* Pastor Wurmbrand 1as detained t1ice for ?disru"ting@ "ro/Communist ra))ies$ He 1as ca))ed to testif# before the Senate* stri""ing to the 1aist to revea) the scars of eighteen embedded 1ounds from the fre;uent tortures$ Some Christian )eaders ca))ed him a )unaticIone 1ho had )ost his mind in the confines of a so)itar# "rison ce))$ To others he became the ?Iron Curtain Pau)@ or the ?0oice of the Underground Church$@ 9 re"orter 1ith the 'hiladel"hia 4erald said of Wurmbrand* ?He stood in the midst of )ions* but the# cou)d not devour him$@ In October 456'* 1ith Q4--* an o)d t#"e1riter* and .-- names and addresses* Richard Wurmbrand "ub)ished the first issue of The Voice of the Martyrs ne1s)etter$ This sma)) "ub)ication 1as dedicated to communicating the testimonies and tria)s facing our brothers and sisters in restricted nations 1or)d1ide$ This ne1s)etter 1as )i!e no other$ Readers 1ou)d 1rite to the Wurmbrands a""a))ed at the atrocities he described$ ?Ho1 cou)d this be trueM@ the# as!ed$ Others said the ne1s)etter gave them nightmares and as!ed not to receive it$ ut those 1ho )oo!ed be#ond the sufferings and tortures sa1 a beaut#Ia beaut# in the hearts of men* 1omen* and even chi)dren 1ho refused to renounce Christ$ Readers a)so 1itnessed a )iving faith that enab)ed men )i!e Pastor Wurmbrand to ?!iss the bars@ of their "rison ce))* to reJoice in the fe))o1shi" of Christ>s suffering$ In the Western 1or)d* "ersecution of Christians is often deemed a ?human rights@ issue* 1ith an em"hasis on the government to guarantee re)igious freedom and the "rotection it a1ards$ Whi)e this ma# be true in "art* 1e need to )oo! be#ond human reasoning and into the heaven)ies$ Cesus said* ?O9 servant is not greater than his master$> If the# "ersecuted 8e* the# 1i)) a)so "ersecute #ou@ FCohG4.2&-H$ He a)so 1arned us that ?in the 1or)d #ou 1i)) have tribu)ation@ FCohG462((H* and ?#ou 1i)) be hated b# a)) for 8# name>s sa!e@ F8atG4-2&&H$ ?ReJoice and be e%ceeding)# g)ad* for great is #our re1ard in heaven@ F8atG.24&H$ 9)though 1e are ca))ed to ta!e ever# o""ortunit# to he)" those in need* 1e are to recogniBe that the ?rite@ of Christians is to be "ersecuted$ E)even of the t1e)ve disci")es 1ere murdered$ Cesus never said it 1ou)d be an# different for us$ It is "art of 1ho 1e are in Christ$ :ot a)) of us are ca))ed to suffer "ersecution* as Pastor Wurmbrand did$ ut 1hen tria)s do come* 1e shou)d not be sur"rised but rather shou)d reJoice that 1e have been considered 1orth# to suffer for Christ$ =or He has a)so stated* ? )essed are those 1ho are "ersecuted for righteousness> sa!e* for theirs is the !ingdom of heaven@ F8atG.24-H$

Pau) e%")ains the re)ationshi" among members of the od# of Christ in 4CoG4&2&./&6 2 ?that there shou)d be no schism in the bod#* but that the members shou)d have the same care one for another$ 9nd if one member suffers* a)) the members suffer 1ith itK or if one member is honored* a)) the members reJoice 1ith it$@ The 1riter of Hebre1s adds* ?Re/ member them that are in bonds* as bound 1ith themK and them 1hich suffer adversit#* as being #ourse)ves a)so in the bod#@ FHebG4(2(* +C0H$ This verse has been the theme of The 0oice of the 8art#rs since 456'$ It becomes c)ear as 1e stud# the :e1 Testament that "ersecution is not* nor ever 1i)) be* foreign to the Church on this earth$ Therefore* 1e have an ob)igation as members of that od# to ?encourage one another and bui)d each other u"@ F4ThG.244* :I0H unti) Christ returns$ To do other1ise 1ou)d be to reJect our Christian res"onsibi)it# and the teachings of Cesus$ To this cause* The 0oice of the 8art#rs "resses on* serving in near)# ,- countries around the 1or)d 1here our brothers and sisters are s#stematica))# "ersecuted$ In 0ietnam* Laos* and China* Christians are beaten* !i))ed* or im"risoned$ Their churches are destro#ed and their ib)es burned$ Under Is)am in the )ast decades* an average of ,-Christians are mart#red each da#$ 8i))ions have "erished in Sudan 1here radica) Is)amic forces have crucified thousands of Christian men or dro1ned them in the :i)e River$ Others have been im"risoned a1aiting e%ecution b# hanging$ Sudanese 1omen are ra"ed 1hi)e their chi)dren are ri""ed from their homes to be so)d as concubines or s)aves to 8us)ims in the :orth$ 9nd to this traged# the Sudanese Christians state* ?Even though our homes are burned and our churches are destro#ed* 1e are "ersuaded no1 more than ever to "reach Christ to "eo")e$@ It is difficu)t to com"rehend that Jo# and freedom can coe%ist 1ith some of the 1orst sufferings !no1n to man* to reconci)e ho1 suffering can be granted to us as a ?gift@ on be/ ha)f of Christ FPhiG42&5H$ ut there is )itt)e ")ace for human understanding in the s"iritua) man destined to )ive eterna))# 1ith Christ$ The Voice of the Martyrs ne1s)etter continues to inform* and )ead to action* Christians throughout the free 1or)d of the ")ight of those 1ho suffer for their faith in Cesus Christ$ Through our net1or! of offices around the 1or)d* the ne1s)etter current)# is "ub)ished in over (- )anguages and distributed to over &.-*--- concerned be)ievers ever# month$ The ministr# has a)so deve)o"ed five main goa)s in serving toda#>s "ersecuted church2 4$ To "rovide Christians 1ith ib)es* )iterature* and radio broadcasts in their o1n )anguage in restricted nations 1here Christians are "ersecuted$ &$ To give re)ief to the fami)ies of Christian mart#rs in these areas of the 1or)d$ ($ To underta!e "roJects of encouragement to he)" be)ievers rebui)d their )ives and 1itness in countries that have suffered Communist o""ression$ ,$ To 1in to Christ those 1ho are o""osed to the gos"e)$ .$ To inform the 1or)d about atrocities committed against Christians and about the courage and faith of the "ersecuted$ We invite #ou to ta!e "art in this ministr#Ito ?remember them that are in bonds* as bound 1ith them@ FHebG4(2(* +C0H$ =ind encouragement in their overcoming faith* and ta!e the o""ortunit# to be an encouragement to those 1ho suffer for their faith in Christ$ If #ou 1ou)d )i!e to )earn more about toda#>s "ersecuted church or receive a free subscri"tion to The Voice of the Martyrs month)# ne1s)etter* ")ease contact us2

The 0oice of the 8art#rs P$O$ o% ,,( art)esvi))e* O+ ',--. F7--H ','/--7. 0isit our 1ebsite2 111$"ersecution$com

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