Adult SPRING 2014

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pg 39 pg 60 pg 95 pg 116
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An A to Z Guide to
Living a More Beautiful Life
pg 62
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pg 27
An intoducton to French breads, cheeses,
preserves, pickles, charcterie, condiments,
yogurts, sweets, and more
pg 50
pg 48
pg 52
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pg 55
pg 41
pg 40
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SP13 Adult New Titles Cover.indd 2 10/29/13 1:38 PM
february 2014
astric band surgery has successfully helped people get thinbut its
expensive and dangerous. Thanks to Paul McKennas exciting new
process, and the power of hypnosis, you can enjoy all the benets of this
surgery without any of the side effects! While you will know that you
havent actually had a gastric band tted, your unconscious mind
and body will respond as though you have, and you will be able
to eat far less, and not feel like you are missing out.
Paul McKenna, PhD, is an internationally bestselling self-
help author whose books have sold more than six million
copies and been translated into 32 languages. Recognized
by the Times of London as one of the worlds most important
modern self-help gurus, Dr. McKenna has appeared on Good
Morning America, Anderson Live, The Ellen DeGeneres Show,
Rachael Ray, and The Dr. Oz Show. He is regularly watched on TV
by hundreds of millions of people in 42 countries around the world.
Hypnotic Gastric Band is McKennas seventh book with Sterling after:
I Can Make You Thin, I Can Make You Sleep, I Can Make You Condent,
Quit Smoking Today without Gaining Weight, I Can Make You Happy, and
Change Your Life in 7 Days.
Hypnotic Gastric Band
The New Surgery-Free Weight-Loss System
by Paul McKenna
ISBN 978-1-4549-1314-6 | $22.95 ($24.95 Canada)
Hardcover and CD & DVD | 5 x 8 | 144 pages
Territory: US/Can | January 28, 2014 | Sterling
Paul McKenna is a world-famous bestselling author whose books
have sold more than six million copies
By the bestselling author of I Can Make You Thin (Sterling 2008),
with 225,000 copies sold
In 2008, the federal government estimated that, annual obesity-
related health spending reached $147 billiondouble what it was a
decade agoand projects spending to rise to $344 billion each
year by 2018
According to the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery,
about 200,000 adultsin the United States have metabolic/bariatric
surgery each year
Pre-publication big mouth mailing
National television appearances
TV satellite media tour
Radio media tour
Review copy mailing for coverage in health and diet magazines
Newspaper outreach to health editors
Online outreach to health, diet, and weight-loss blogs and websites
Advertising in trade magazines and targeted consumer ads
Galleys available
I Can Make You Thin

Paperback & CD
176 pages $14.95 $14.95 OAN}
I Can Make You Thin

Hardcover & CD
176 pages $22.95 $27.95 OAN}
I Can Make You Sleep

Paperback & CD
192 pages $14.95 $17.95 OAN}
I Can Make You Sleep

Hardcover & CD
192 pages $22.95 $29.95 OAN}
I Can Make You Confdent

Hardcover & CD
224 pages $22.95 $27.95 OAN}
I Can Make You Happy
Hardcover & CD
208 pages $22.95 $24.95 OAN}
Change Your Life in 7 Days
Hardcover and CD & DVD
288 pages $22.95 $24.95 OAN}
Quit Smoking Today Without
Gaining Weight
Hardcover & CD
144 pages $22.95 $27.95 OAN}
Also Available
Irish Country Cooking
More thah 100 Fecipes for Today's Table
7he /|/sh Coon||ywomen's Assoc/a|/on Gene|a/ Ed/|o| Ao//e Ca||/y
Rec|sccve| t|e s|p|e p|easu|es cl a |ce-ccc|ec ea|, |||s|-st]|e. I||s l|es| arc appea||r cc||ect|cr
p|eserts t||ec-arc-t|ue la||] |ec|pes s|a|ec u] |cca| cs arc |arcct|e|s. I|e c|s|es |are l|c
c|st|rct|] t|ac|t|cra| |||s| la|e (clter w|t| |rte|est|r tw|sts} tc t|cse w|t| |rte|rat|cra| |rl|uerces. Erjc]
B|cwr Scca B|eac, ||a|art C||c|er Cu||], B|a|sec De||]ral|ar B||s|et, Sweet ||u|t Sccres w|t| |ceace
ja, arc uc|, uc| c|e.
I|e |||s| Ccurt|]wcers /sscc|at|cr (|C/} was lcurcec |r Va] 1910 w|t| t|e a| cl '|p|cv|r t|e
starca|c cl ||le |r |u|a| ||e|arc t||cu| ecucat|cr arc cccpe|at|ve ellc|t.' Icca] t|e |C/ |as 700 |cca| u||cs
t||cu|cut ||e|arc |r c|t|es, tcwrs, arc |u|a| a|eas. I|e] ccrt|rue tc clle| suppc|t arc lur as we|| as
cppc|tur|t|es tc a|e l||ercs, |ea|r rew s||||s, arc ccrt||uute tc t|e w|ce| ccur|t].
- Ccc||r arc eat|r |cca||] arc susta|rau|] |as w|ce appea|, arc t||s ucc| |s t|e pe|lect eucc|ert cl
t|at |cea
- |a|-tc-tau|e ccc|ucc|s ccrt|rue tc se|| we||, as cc ccur|t] ccc|ucc|s suc| as t||s cre
- /t $21.95, t||s a|es t||s a |cve|] |lt ucc| at a |eat p||ce
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r Ep|cu|e
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
221 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Victoria The EssentiaI Tea Companion
Favorite Fecipes for Tea Farties ahd Celebratiohs
/|om |he Ed/|o|s o/ v/c|o|/a Maaz/ne
Iea |s t|e u|t|ate |rcu|erce arc l.|o- |as t|e |cea| acccpar|ert tc t||s ce|est|a| ueve|ae. l.|o-
|- |ss-|-| -- |oc-o cc||ects t|e uest cl |ts t||ee c|ass|c tea ucc|s |r a s|r|e, ueaut|lu| vc|ue. |t
se|ves up ||stc|] arc |c|e, acv|ce cr u|ew|r t|e pe|lect pct, rctes cr cc||ect|u|e c||ra, arc, uest cl a||,
erus lc| e||t t|eec pa|t|es, l|c a c|||c|ers tea tc a u||ca| s|cwe|.
0t|e| l.|o- t|t|es puu||s|ec u] |ea|st Bcc|s |rc|uce. |- ||-s o| --, |- ||--s.-s o| --, arc l.|o-
|- 4| o| -|) --.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r lc| ccve|ae |r rewspape|s arc aat|res
0r||re cut|eac| tc lccc u|cs arc weus|tes
C|css p|cct|cr w|t| l.|o- aat|re arc weus|te
- Iea |s ar eve||eer tcp|c-arc |rte|est |r t|e suuject ccrt|rues tc |cw. accc|c|r tc t|e Iea /sscc|at|cr cl
/e||ca (}, t|e|e a|e c|e t|ar 2,100 spec|a|t] tea |ccs arc |eta|| s|cps |r t|e uS.
- |- ||-s o| -- |as sc|c c|e t|ar 100,000 ccp|es
- l.|o- |s a ue|cvec u|arc w|t| |c]a| |eace|s arc t||s ucc| |ea|rs t|ue tc |ts t|ac|t|cra| st]|e arc ccrtert
|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
201 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
7 / 8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
Knitting Beyond the
Cuffs & Collars*
Necklines*Corners &
Edges - The Essential
Collection of
Decorative Finishes
Nicky Epstein
Publisher: Nicky Epstein
160 pages
$19.95 ($23.95 Canadian)
Paperback with Flaps
all in color
11 X 8 1/2
Carton Quantity: 26
Territory: WENG
Nicky Epstein
The Essential Edgings
500 of Her Favorite
Original Borders
Nicky Epstein
Publisher: Nicky Epstein
256 pages
$29.95 ($35.95 Canadian)
Hardcover with Jacket
all in color
11 X 8 1/2
Carton Quantity: 12
Territory: WENG
Publisher: Nicky Epstein Books
Published: February 2014
152 pages
$19.95 ($21.95 Canadian)
Paperback with Flaps
all in color
6 5/8 X 10 1/8
Territory: WENG
Nicky Epsteins Signature Scarves
Dazzling Designs to Knit
Nicky Epstein
Nicky Epsteins Signature Scarves delivers what fans of knitting, and of Nicky, crave: her hallmark embel-
lished style, her most popular techniques, and more than 30 of her beautiful, unique designs. Nickys
delightful and inspiring patterns range from a tweedy wrap with appliqud leaves to a scarf sprinkled with
bright knitted yo-yos, and others that use mosaic stitch, felting,and shibori.
Nicky Epstein is a knitwear designer, author of numerous bestselling books on knitting, and a popular
teacher who travels nationally and internationally to lecture and give workshops on knitting technique. In
2005, she received a prestigious award from The National NeedleArts Association, and a year later her
work was featured in a retrospective fashion show at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York City.
She lives in New York, NY.
- Nicky Epstein has an international prole as an expert knitter and is one of the bestselling knitting
authors in the US
- Signature scarves, signature techniques, and spectacular creativity and styleedgings, owers, felting,
circular medallionsare all here in more than 30 stylish designs
- Scarves have enduring appeal among knitters because they make ideal gifts, are quick to knit, and easily
transform the look of an outt
Nicky Epstein Knits
for Dolls
25 Fun, Fabulous
Outts for 18-Inch
Nicky Epstein
Publisher: Nicky Epstein
128 pages
$19.95 ($21.95 Canadian)
Paperback with Flaps
all in color
8 1/2 X 10
Carton Quantity: 30
Territory: WENG
Knitting on the Edge
Fringes*Flora*Points &
Picots - The Essential
Collection of 350
Decorative Borders
Nicky Epstein
Publisher: Nicky Epstein
172 pages
$19.95 ($25.95 Canadian)
Paperback with Flaps
all in color
11 X 8 1/2
Carton Quantity: 24
Territory: WENG
Knitting Over the
Unique Ribs Cords
Appliques Colors Nou-
veau - The Second
Essential Collection of
Over 350 Decorative
Nicky Epstein
Publisher: Nicky Epstein
196 pages
$19.95 ($23.95 Canadian)
Paperback with Flaps
all in color
11 X 8 1/2
Carton Quantity: 22
Territory: WENG
Nicky Epstein
Crochet for Dolls
25 Fun, Fabulous
Outts for 18-Inch
Nicky Epstein
Publisher: Nicky Epstein
128 pages
$19.95 ($21.95 Canadian)
Paperback with Flaps
all in color
8 1/2 X 10
Carton Quantity: 36
Territory: WENG
Crocheting on the
Ribs & Bobble*Rufes*
Flora*Fringes*Points &
Nicky Epstein
Publisher: Nicky Epstein
184 pages
$29.95 ($35.95 Canadian)
Hardcover with Jacket
all in color
11 X 8 1/2
Carton Quantity: 16
Territory: WENG
Knit Nordic
20 Cohtemporary Accessories lhspired by 4 Traditiohal Sweater Fatterhs
E//ne D/|eda/
I|ac|t|cra| |c|c|c patte|rs |ave uecce a|| t|e |ae, arc t||s las||cr-lc|wa|c cc||ect|cr l|c ces|re| E||re
0lteca| clle|s a cce|r sp|r cr lcu| |ccr|c |c|we|ar patte|rs. Va||us, Vcss, Setesca|, arc |ara. Iwert]
ccrtepc|a|] p|cjects |are l|c ar ||ac arc p|cre ccve| tc a tecc] uea| arc |ct parts. 0lteca| ce|ves
|rtc t|e |rsp||at|cr ue||rc t|e ces|rs, ep|c||r t|e|| c|||rs arc wc||cw|ce appea|.
E||re 0lteca| |as ces|rec lc| lo).- |||), ||]cut| ]a|rs (uK} arc |- |||-. S|e a|sc se||s |e| wc||
cr Rave||] arc Ets]. S|e ||ves |r 0s|c w|e|e s|e |s |eac cl |rte|rat|cra| 0pe|at|crs lc| l|crs C|uu |c|wa].
- |||st ucc| l|c ta|ertec rew |r|t ces|re| E||re 0lteca|
- Sa||, ccau|e p|cjects lc| ]cu arc ]cu| |ce
- |eatu|es lcu| |ccr|c |c|we|ar |r|tt|r ces|rs reve| puu||s|ec uelc|e
|uu||s|e|. Cc|||rs c B|cwr
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
112 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 1/2 / 9 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Stitch and Structure
Desigh ahd Techhique ih Two- ahd Three-Dimehsiohal Textiles
!ean D|ae|
Iet||e a|t|sts eae| tc eparc t|e|| |epe|tc||e |rtc twc- arc t||ee-c|ers|cra| wc|| w||| l|rc t||s ar essert|a|
|ele|erce. W|t| |av|s| |||ust|at|crs, S||.| -1 S|..|.- ccve|s t|e ert||e p|ccess, l|c ces|r|r t||cu|
ccrst|uct|cr tc eue|||s|ert w|t| |ec ec|a. D|a|as, ceta||ec c|aw|rs, arc st|tc| |rlc|at|cr u|ce
|eace|s t||cu| t|e tec|r|cues, w||c| |rc|uce c|aw|r t|ps, acv|ce cr custc|t|r t||eacs, c|eat|r |rcttec
lc|s, arc c|e.
Jear D|ape| |s ar epe||ercec tet||e a|t|st w|c ue|crs tc t|e p|est||cus c2 C|cup arc t|e Iet||e Stuc]
C|cup. S|e teac|es a|| cve| t|e uK, as we|| as /ust|a||a arc t|e uS, |ta|], arc t|e |et|e||arcs. S|e was t|e
|at|cra| C|a||ar cl t|e Eu|c|ce|e|s Cu||c l|c 1995 tc 2001. S|e |s t|e ea|re| lc| va||cus ce|ee
ccu|ses arc lc| t|e we||-|rcwr W|rcsc| Cc||ee D|p|ca |r St|tc|ec Iet||es.
- / l|es| app|cac| tc twc- arc t||ee-c|ers|cra| tet||e a|t
- Beaut|lu| arc |ue|] p|act|ca| ucc| w|t| ceta||ec c|aw|rs arc c|a|as
- S|cwcases t|e l|r|s|ec wc|| cl tet||e a|t|st Jear D|ape| arc ct|e| |eac|r tet||e a|t|sts

|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
128 paes
$29.95 ($32.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10 7/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car

Stumpwork ButterfIies Moths

!ane N/cho/as
I|e t|||c |r a se||es cl st|tc|ec |rsect cc||ect|crs, S|.czo| 5.||-||-s 5 Vo||s |s a 'spec|er uc' cl
jewe|s w|t| 18 lep|ccpte|a, a|| c|cser lc| |rte|est, cc|c|, arc tc s|cwcase ar |are cl ate||a|s arc
tec|r|cues. I|e|es eve|]t||r l|c su|lace eu|c|ce|] |r |ust|cus s|||s lc| t|e |rc|ar Vccr Vct| tc st|tc|ec
c|ea| p|ast|c lc| t|e C|assw|r Butte|l|].
Jare ||c|c|as |as ueer |esea|c||r arc wc|||r |r t|e l|e|c cl eu|c|ce|] lc| cve| 20 ]ea|s. Spec|a||t|r |r
stupwc|| arc c|cwc|| eu|c|ce|], s|e |as rcw w||tter e||t ucc|s arc ccrt||uutec w|ce|] tc jcu|ra|s
arc aat|res. |r 1999 Jare was awa|cec a C|u|c|||| |e||cws||p tc lu|t|e| |e| stuc|es |r stupwc|| arc |r
2005 s|e |ece|vec t|e 0|ce| cl /ust|a||a Veca| (0/V}, lc| |e| 'se|v|ces tc |arc eu|c|ce|] as ar a|t|st,
teac|e|, arc aut|c|.' S|e teac|es w|ce|] lc| eu|c|ce|e|s u||cs arc uus|resses |r /ust|a||a, |ew Zea|arc,
arc t|e uS.
- |rsp||at|cra| p|ctc|ap|s t||cu|cut, a|cr w|t| ccp|e|ers|ve |||ust|at|crs arc c|a|as tc u|ce |eace|s
- Wc||c-|ercwrec aut|c| arc reec|ewc||e|
|uu||s|e|. Sa||] V||re| |uu||s||r
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
288 paes
$32.95 ($35.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/1 / 11
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
BibiIIa Knotted Lace FIowers
E/ena D/ckson
W|t| 5|||- |o||-1 |-.- ||oz-s, tcca]s c|alte|s car erjc] a ueaut|lu| lc| cl |ace a||r t|at c|||ratec |r
art|cu|t]. E|era D|c|scr |as cc|l|ec arc cce|r|tec t|e t|ac|t|cra| tec|r|cue, |esu|t|r |r a se||es cl
sturr|r|] |ea||st|c-|cc||r arc ccrtepc|a|] p|cjects. S|e |rc|uces patte|rs lc| seve|a| u|csscs
cccr|] lcurc |r /ust|a||ar a|cers, a|| w|t| ceta||ec step-u]-step |||ust|atec |rst|uct|crs.
E|era D|c|scr |as ueer teac||r |rcttec c| /|er|ar |ace lc| cve| twc cecaces. |r 1992, s|e c|eatec |e|
cwr c|alt uus|ress, E|eras Krcttec lace. E|era |as w||tter seve|a| ucc|s, |rc|uc|r |o||-1 |-.- ||-
|-s|- V-1|---- -1|o arc V-1|---- |o||-1 |-.- (uct| Sa||] V||re|}. S|e |as ccrcuctec
wc||s|cps lc| c|ar|tat|crs suc| as t|e Eu|c|ce|e|s Cu||c, lace Cu||c, arc cc|| arc |r|atu|e |cups, arc
a|sc tau|t p||vate c|asses t||cu|cut /ust|a||a as we|| as |r t|e uS|rc|uc|r Seatt|e, |c|t|arc, |t|aca,
|Y, arc St. |au|.
- Beaut|lu||] p|ctc|ap|ec
- Deta||ec eas]-tc-lc||cw |rst|uct|crs arc c|a|as
- W||tter u] ar |rte|rat|cra||] we||-|ea|cec |ace wc||e| arc aut|c| w|c ccrcucts |eu|a| wc||s|cps |r t|e
uS arc a|curc t|e wc||c
|uu||s|e|. Sa||] V||re| |uu||s||r
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
152 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/1 / 11
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Never Been Stitched
45 No-Sew 8 Low-Sew Frojects
Amanda Ca|es|/o
|a|rat|ve, |rvert|ve, arc l|||ec w|t| ueaut|lu| t||rs tc a|e, |-.- 5-- S||.|-1 |s t|e u|t|ate cc||ect|cr
cl rc- arc |cw-sew p|cjects. I|ar|s tc lus|u|e weuu|r, lau||c |ue, |cets, arc ct|e| lur ate||a|s arc
tec|r|cues, c|alte|s ua|e|] reec a reec|e. |c|t]-l|ve last arc s|p|e |tes |are l|c a lc|cec a||et ua tc
a cute ||cs ap|cr tc a p|us| p|||cw.
/arca Ca|est|c wc||s as ar ec|tc| at la|| Bcc|s arc |s t|e aut|c| cl |- |- |- |- |-||, S|-s| |-cc,. |-||,
|--||-|| |o|1-,s, arc w-- |-|| wo|1s (a|| la||}. W|er s|es rct a||r stull c| ec|t|r ucc|s aucut
a||r stull, /arca erjc]s sperc|r t|e w|t| |e| |uuu], |e| uau] ||| Ruu], arc |e| supe|-spc||ec pup,
V|c|et. S|e u|cs at |a||c| arc ||ves |r /s|ev|||e, |C.

||e-puu||cat|cr u| cut| a|||r w|t| sap|e p|ccucts arc u|ac
lcca| aut|c| everts |r /s|ev|||e, |C
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r lc| ccve|ae |r c|alt arc pa|ert|r aat|res
|ewspape| ccve|ae |r c|alt sect|crs
0r||re cut|eac| tc c|alt arc c] u|cs arc weus|tes
Vct|e|'s Da] C|lt Cu|ce a|||r
||cct|crs cr la||c|
|cw-tc v|cec
- 0re cl ve|] lew c|alt ucc|s tc leatu|e rc-sew arc |cw-sew p|cjects, w||c| a|e et|ee|] pcpu|a| rcw
- W||| appea| tc sewe|s cl a|| s|||| |eve|s, ere|a| arc a|rst|ea c|alte|s, arc t|e cr||re c|alt|r auc|erce
- |eatu|es |cts cl p|cjects at ar |||es|st|u|e p||ce pc|rt
- ||cjects a|e lur arc app|cac|au|e, ever lc| ue|rre|s
- /ccec puu||c|t] cpt|crs t||cu| a st|cr, we||-ccrrectec |cup cl ces|re|s
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
128 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
500 Figures in CIay VoIume 2
Nan $m/|h
|ecp|e |ave ca|vec l|u|es |r c|a] s|rce p|e||stc||c t|essc w|at car a|t|sts u||r tc t|e t|ac|t|cr t|ats
c|st|rct|ve I||s u|eat|ta||r cc||ect|cr arswe|s t|at cuest|cr 500 wa]s w|t| wc||s u] rew arc ee||r
ce|a|c|sts t|at c||cr|c|e t|e crc|r ep|c|at|cr cl t|e |uar lc|. ||c |ust|c c|eat|crs tc pcstcce|r
ces|rs, l|c |ea||st|c tc aust|act, t|ese p|eces eucc] t|e c|ve|s|t], |a|rat|cr, arc ece||erce cl tcca]s
l|rest ce|a|c a|t.
/ucut t|e ju|c|. |ar S|t| |s a lu|| ||clessc| at t|e ur|ve|s|t] cl ||c||ca, w|e|e s|e |as se|vec as t|e
Ce|a|cs ||c|a /|ea |eac arc |ece|vec twc awa|cs lc| teac||r ece||erce. |e| scu|ptu|e |as ueer
e||u|tec at S0|/ C||cac, t|e /e||car Vuseu cl Ce|a|c /|t, arc |r |rv|tat|cra| e||u|t|crs t||cu|cut
t|e uS. |ars wc|| |s a|sc pa|t cl ar] |rst|tut|cra| cc||ect|crs. |e| scu|ptu|e |as appea|ec |r rue|cus
puu||cat|crs, |rc|uc|r |- |).- ||-, (la||}, aJJ |).-s ||-, (la||}, wo|1|-o.s |--. 4|s|s
S|.1os (|eue| ||re /|ts |uu||s||r |cuse}, |--.s Vo|||,, S..|c|.-, arc wo|1 S..|c|.- |-zs. S|e
||ves |r Ca|resv|||e, |l, w|e|e s|e a|rta|rs a p||vate stuc|c.
- I|e rewest ert|] |r t|e pcpu|a| 500 se||es
- |c||cw-up tc la||s ve|] successlu| aJJ |).-s ||-,, w||c| |as 30,000 ccp|es |r p||rt
- la||s l||st rew ucc| cr ce|a|c scu|ptu|e |r l|ve ]ea|s
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
120 paes
$27.95 ($30.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Marcia DeCoster Presents
lhterviews with 30 Beaders oh lhspiratioh 8 Techhique
Ma|c/a DeCos|e|
Beac|r supe|sta| Va|c|a DeCcste| |csts la||s seccrc Spct|||t cr Beac|r cc||ect|cr, leatu||r 30
|rte|rat|cra| a|t|sts |ar|r l|c ce|eu||t|es |r t|e l|e|c tc ec|t|r up-arc-cce|s. |r acc|t|cr tc clle||r
eap|es cl t|e|| uest wc||, t|e ueace|s c|scuss t|e|| |rsp||at|crs arc tec|r|cues, arc c|at w|t| Va|c|a
aucut |cw t|e] c|sccve|ec t|e|| uses arc st]|es. Cc|ecus cc|c| p|ctcs s|cwcase seve|a| p|eces l|c
eac| ccrt||uutc|.
Va|c|a DeCcste| |as ces|rec arc tau|t ueacwc|| lc| c|e t|ar 20 ]ea|s. S|e was |rc|ucec |r la||s
V-s|-s 5--1z--.) as cre cl 3c |eac|r a|t|sts |r t|e l|e|c, arc aut|c|ec t|e uestse|||r V-.-
|-|os|-s 5--1-1 0c.|-.- arc 5--1s Vo|o (uct| la||}. 5--1zo| aat|re |eccr|tec |e| as |ts
Des|re| cl t|e Yea| |r 2009, arc s|e was se|ectec as a Icp Ier Ieac|e| at t|e BeaccButtcr s|cw, t|e
|eac|r ueac|r |rcust|] t|ace s|cw. Va|c|a ||ves |r Sar D|ec, C/, w|t| |e| |usuarc Va||.
- Cu|atc| Va|c|a DeCcste| |s sc pcpu|a| |e| lars ca|| t|ese|ves 'Va|c|ettes!' |e| cr||re p|eserce, a|cr
w|t| teac||r arc wc||s|cp act|v|t|es (aucut 12 wee|s pe| ]ea| cr t|e |cac} allc|c a |ue p|cct|cra|
- I|e a|t|sts cce l|c a|curc t|e wc||c arc |rc|uce |at||c| Duar, Ve||ssa |r|a, Be|| |a|e], S|r
|c|ar, Va|t|ra |ae|e, |e|era Iar-l|, ||e lecr|a|ct-Rat|, |saue||a la, C|||st|ra Varce|v||st, Cau||e||a
var D|eper, Susar B|ess|re|, Eca| lcpet, arc c|e
- ur|cue ccrve|sat|cra| 0c/ lc|at ccu|res w|t| a wea|t| cl sturr|r |aes (s| tc 12 a||e|] p|eces lc|
eac| a|t|st} lc| ar |||es|st|u|e pac|ae
- Recept|cr lc| t|e l||st ucc| |r t|e se||es, S.c-- oo|1- |-s-|s |as ueer ve|] pcs|t|ve w|t| c|e t|ar
3| ccp|es sc|c |r t|e l||st t||ee crt|s |r p||rt
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
1c0 paes
$2c.95 ($29.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 1c
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
SimpIe SoIdered JeweIry Accessories
40+ Creative Frojects
//sa 0/ohm
Sc|ce||r |as ta|er t|e c|alt|r wc||c u] stc|, arc t|e we||-|||ust|atec arc eas]-tc-lc||cw |rst|uct|crs |r
t||s ccp|e|ers|ve u|ce t|c|cu||] ce]st|l] t|e p|ccess. Be|rre|s w||| |ea|r |cw tc aste| t|e uas|cs
arc a|e 10 p|cjects, |ar|r l|c a p|a]lu| Iu|cuc|se Sw||| Cull tc a |r|-sc|apucc| lc|ccut l|ae. |rc|uces
t|aceau|e patte|rs w|t| |ass-cutt|r ||res, p|us a pae cl p|ett] c||p a|t tc use.
l|sa B|u| |s a c|eat|ve |ec-ec|a a|t|st w|c |ec|sccve|ec t|e sc|ce||r s|e |ac |ea|rec as a teerae|
wc|||r |r a jewe||] stc|e. Epe||ert|r w|t| wa]s tc a|e t|e c|alt c|e ccst-ellect|ve arc sale|, l|sa
c|eatec |e| cwr sc|ce|ec a|t p|ccuct ||re ca||ec S|p|] Swar| arc cu||ert|] s|a|es |e| |rsp||at|cr |r c|asses
arc at ccrvert|crs ac|css t|e uS. |e| p|cjects arc teac||r sc|ecu|e car ue lcurc at l|saB|u|.ret. S|e
||ves |r t|e |eate| Seatt|e a|ea.
- l|sas upcc|r ucc| lc| la||, So|1--1 J-z-|, -.|.-s 5 |o-.|s w||| ue puu||s|ec |r |a|| 2011. I||s
||| |e|ease w||| |rt|ccuce a rew auc|erce tc B|u|s wc||, pav|r t|e wa] lc| |rc|easec attert|cr arc sa|es
w|er t|e rew ucc| cces cut
- Va|ue-c||ertec pape|uac| pac|ae|rc|uc|r ar upcatec ccve|arc p||ce lc| a ucc| t|at was a
uestse||e| |r |a|cccve|
- W||| appea| tc a w|ce auc|erce arc w|ce |are cl a||ets, |rc|uc|r |cuu] jewe|e|s, ere|a| c|alte|s, arc
|ec-ec|a a|t|sts
New In Paperback
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
111 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Vintage Swimwear
Historical Fatterhs ahd Techhiques
!/// $a/en
||c t|e ccest a|erts t|at we|e a|| t|e |ae |r 1880 tc t|e ua|e|]-t|e|e u|||r|s cl t|e 1970s, t||s
v|rtae cc||ect|cr c|a|ts t|e uest cl sw|wea| cve| 130 ]ea|s. Vc|e t|ar 25 lauu|cus, ||stc||ca||]
accu|ate, arc lu||] arrctatec patte|rs |rc|uce sw|su|ts lc| acu|ts arc c|||c|erarc twc p|cjects
cce w|t| step-u]-step sew|r |rst|uct|crs. |ts ar |rva|uau|e |escu|ce lc| stucerts, ces|re|s, arc
las||cr ||stc||ars.
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
128 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
9 / 11
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Vintage JeweIIery Sourcebook
Ca|o//ne Cox
||c la||cues /|t |cuveau erae|wc|| t||cu| 1910s Ba|e||te arc 1980s ccstue p|eces, t||s
sturr|r|] |||ust|atec u|ce captu|es 100 ]ea|s cl jewe||]. |c| eac| cecace l|c 1890-1990 t|e|es a
||stc||ca| |rt|ccuct|cr, a |cc| at |e] st]|es, arc ar at-a-|arce v|ew cl e|a-cel|r|r ces|rs. /rc lc|
uu]e|s arc se||e|s, l|-)- J-z-||-, So..-|oo| clle|s pc|rte|s cr scu|c|r arc ca||r lc| c|||ra|
art|cue p|eces.
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
c1 paes
$9.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
100 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
8 1/2 / 10 7/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
The Fashion Designer's DoodIe Sketchbook
Ca|o/yn $c|ace
Ia|e c||c ces|re| c|aw|rs, t||cw |r sa|t a|t |rst|uct|cr, acc |a|rat|cr, arc vc||a. ]cuve ct a
w||c|] c|eat|ve app|cac| tc t|e wc||c cl las||cr. I||s |rsp||at|cra| cccc|e ucc| erccu|aes asp|||r
las||cr|stas tc uc|c|] l||| |r t|e|| cwr ceta||s, cc|c|s, arc tetu|es, c|eate v|v|c patte|rs, arc eue|||s|
c|ct|es w|t| eve|]t||r l|c s||ve| secu|rs tc c|]sta| sp||es. |ts pu|e |aute ccutu|e lur.
|uu||s|e|. Sa|a||]a
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
9c paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 5/8 / 11 1/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
CompIete Yoga Workbook
A Fractical Approach to Healihg Commoh Ailmehts with Yoga
$|e//a We//e|
|c atte| ]cu| ae, erce|, c| l|tress |eve|, t|e |oc|-|- o)- wo||oo| |as st|ate|es lc|
|p|cv|r ]cu| |ea|t| arc we||-ue|r. |t tac||es a||erts |ar|r l|c a|t|||t|s arc a||e||es tc ar|et],
cep|ess|cr, arc lat|ue. Secuerces cl s|p|e pcstu|es t|at w||| ease c|scclc|t appea| |r
eas]-tc-lc||cw, step-u]-step p|ctcs, arc t|e|es acv|ce cr u|eat||r, ec|tat|cr, wa||r up arc
ccc||r ccwr, arc ee|c|s|r sale|].
|uu||s|e|. Cc|||rs c B|cwr
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
1c0 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 5/8 / 10 3/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
CompIete Back Workbook
A Fractical Approach to Healihg Commoh Back Ailmehts
$|e//a We//e|
Bac| arc rec| pa|r |as |eac|ec ep|ce|c p|cpc|t|crsuut t||s essert|a| wc||ucc| car |e|p sulle|e|s
l|rc |e||el. Ste||a We||e| ea|res t|e |cct causes cl t||s a||ert arc clle|s acv|ce cr pcstu|e arc uac
|au|ts t|at a|avate t|e p|cu|e, suests ]ca- arc |||ates-uasec ee|c|ses t|at p|ccte |ea||r,
arc ea|res cpt|crs |ar|r l|c t|e |c||st|c (acupurctu|e, acup|essu|e, assae} tc t|e |rvas|ve
(|rject|crs arc su|e|]}.
|uu||s|e|. Cc|||rs c B|cwr
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
111 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 5/8 / 10 3/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
CompIete Ayurveda Workbook
A Fractical Approach to Achievihg Health ahd Wellbeihg with Ayurveda
Anna $e/by conso/|an| /an Haywa|d
/rra Se|u], |r ccrjurct|cr w|t| t|e Eu|cpear /]u|veca |ea|t| Spa, |as c|eatec a ||||] p|act|ca|
a]u|veca wc||ucc| t|at t|ars|ates t||s arc|ert |c||st|c s]ste lc| cu| |ect|c, cce|r t|es. S|e
ep|a|rs t|e p||rc|p|es cl a]u|veca, |e|ps ]cu |cert|l] ]cu| cwr ucc||] a|eup, arc ep|a|rs |cw tc
cc||ect |ua|arces. I|e p||rc|p|es a|e eas]-tc-lc||cw, ellect|ve, arc a||cw ]cu tc ccrt|c| ]cu| cwr
|uu||s|e|. Cc|||rs c B|cwr
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
1c0 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 5/8 / 10 3/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Good Food for Life
Eat Well, Love Food, Feel Nourished
!ane C/a|ke
Sta| c|el Ja|e 0||ve| ca||ec Jare C|a||e ar ecept|cra| rut||t|cr|st [arc[ |eat ccc|.' |r t||s app|cac|au|e,
|rlc|at|ve vc|ue, C|a||e ep|a|rs |cw tc p|cpe||] rcu||s| cu|se|ves cu||r eac| stae cl ||le. /|cr w|t|
s|p|e |ec|pes lc| c|eat|r |ea|t|], erjc]au|e ea|s, C|a||e cut||res w|at |s c|r cr |r cu| ucc|es, w||c|
lcccs a|e uest, arc w|at uerel|ts we car epect l|c |p|cv|r cu| c|et.
Jare C|a||e |s a t|ustec rut||t|cr|st arc t|a|rec c|el w|c ue||eves t|at lccc rcu||s|es ]cu| ||le, rct just ]cu|
ucc]. S|e |s a uestse|||r aut|c| arc |eu|a| ec|a ccrt||uutc|, p|cv|c|r |rsp||at|cra| |ec|pes arc rut||t|cra|
|rlc|at|cr, as we|| as cutt|r-ece scccps cr cu||ert |ea|t| arc rut||t|cr tcp|cs. S|e |as |ur a p||vate
p|act|ce |r lcrccr lc| cve| 15 ]ea|s arc |ecert|] cperec a p|act|ce c|cse| tc |ce |r le|ceste|.
- |||st pape|uac| ec|t|cr cl |o.s|, t|e cel|r|t|ve ccpar|cr tc eat|r we||
- |rc|uces ce||c|cus |ec|pes, ea| |ceas, arc |rva|uau|e rut||t|cr acv|ce lc| eac| stae cl ||le
- Jare C|a||e |s B||ta|rs cst t|ustec rut||t|cr|st arc a t|a|rec Cc|ccr B|eu c|el
New In Paperback
|uu||s|e|. Cc|||rs c B|cwr
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
25c paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
30 cc|c| p|ctcs
c 1/8 / 9 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The TweIve-Step Programme to Kick
Break Free from the Cycle of Addictioh
D| Robe|| /e/eve| MA M0 0Ch/| /o|ewo|d by C/a|/ssa D/ckson W|/h|
W|et|e| |ts a|cc|c|, c|us, c| au||r, acc|ct|cr |as a t||t ||p. W||tter u] D|. Rcue|t leleve|, t|e
lcurc|r c||ectc| cl t|e |R0V|S Reccve|] Cert|e, t||s u|ce ep|a|rs t|e |ccts cl acc|ct|cr, |cw tc
|eccr|te t|e s|rs, arc w||c| t|eaterts a|e ava||au|e. |c| ar]cre w|t| a p|cu|e, c| w|c |cves scecre
w|c cces, t||s ucc| clle|s |rva|uau|e, up-tc-cate |rlc|at|cr arc acv|ce.
D|. Rcue|t leleve| estau||s|ec t|e |R0V|S Reccve|] Cert|e |r 198c as a spec|a||st t|eatert certe| cea||r
w|t| a|| lc|s cl acc|ct|ve c| ccpu|s|ve ue|av|c|, arc t|e Ccurse|||r Cert|e w|e|e |e |eacs t|e tea cl
p||a|] ccurse|c|s. |e |s a|sc a se|l-ccrlessec lc|e| wc||a|c||c arc s|cpa|c||c. D|. leleve| |s a |acuate
cl Cc|pus C|||st| Cc||ee, Cau||ce, arc |as ueer a spea|e| at ccrle|erces |r t|e uK, uS, |ew Zea|arc,
/ust|a||a, Ce|ar], arc Spa|r. / l|ecuert u|caccaste| cr |ac|c arc te|ev|s|cr, |e a|sc ccrt||uutes tc va||cus
rewspape|s arc pe||cc|ca|s.

W|t| cve| 25 ]ea|s cl |e|p|r pat|erts |eccve| l|c t|e c|a||eres cl acc|ct|cr arc ct|e| cc-cccu|||r
c|sc|ce|s, |R0V|S p|cv|ces ar urpa|a||e|ec |are cl se|v|ces ce||ve|ec u] a tea cl cua||l|ec arc pass|crate
|rc|v|cua|s. I|eatert clle|ec at |R0V|S acc|esses rct cr|] suustarce auuse arc a|cc|c| cepercerc] uut
a|sc t|e|| urce||]|r ps]c|c|c|ca| |ssues. I|e] clle| a ccu|rec |are cl t|eaterts, c|eat|r a custc|tec
t|eatert p|ar lc| eac| pat|ert. |R0V|S |as |ccat|crs ac|css Eu|cpe t|at a|e cper 21/7.
- Rea||st|c arc p|act|ca| acv|ce l|c |eac|r epe|t D|. Rcue|t leleve| cr |cw tc cve|cce eve|] t]pe cl
acc|ct|cr, l|c c|us arc a|cc|c| tc ee|c|se arc s|cpp|r
- C|ea| ep|arat|crs cl t|e va||et] cl t|eaterts ava||au|e, ccrcert|at|r cr t|e Iwe|ve-Step ||c|a
p|cree|ec u] /|cc|c||cs /rcr]cus
- |rc|uces |rc|v|cua| case ||stc||es arc wc||s|eets tc |rc|ease t|e ellect|veress cl ]cu| |eccve|] |e|e
- |c|ewc|c u] C|a||ssa D|c|scr W|||t cl t|e IV ccc||r se||es zo |-| |-1-s, w|c was successlu||]
t|eatec lc| a|cc|c||s u] t|e aut|c|
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
320 paes
$1.95 ($1.95 Carac|ar}
5 / 7 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
CrystaIs for Love ReIationships
Your Guide to 100 Crystals ahd Their Mystic Fowers
Cassand|a Eason
W|et|e| ]cu a|e s|r|e arc |cc||r lc| |cve, t|]|r tc uu||c a st|cre| |e|at|crs||p w|t| ]cu| cu||ert pa|tre|,
c| ccp|r w|t| t|e c|ll|cu|t|es cl a u|ea|up, c|]sta|s car |e|p |epa|| ]cu| |cart|c ||le. Wc||c-|ercwrec
epe|t Cassarc|a Eascr |evea|s t|e sec|ets cl 100 a|ca| stcresarc s|cws ]cu |cw tc c|ccse t|e cre
t|at l|ts ]cu| reecs. Cc|ecus p|ctcs s|cwcase eve|] c|]sta|.
Cassarc|a Eascr |s ar |rte|rat|cra||] |ercwrec epe|t cr c|]sta|s arc c|]sta| |ea||r. S|e |as w||tter lc|
t|e o.-1-, t|e S.1-, -|-)-c|, t|e |-|, V-|, arc ooo1 |o.s-|--c) |r t|e uK, wo-s wo|1 |r
t|e uS, arc wo-s |-, arc |-z |1--s |r /ust|a||a. Cassarc|a |as ace rue|cus appea|arces cr
te|ev|s|cr |r /e||ca cr Jso|.-1 V,s|--s, S)||)s, arc |- 0||- S1-. Cassarc|a |as puu||s|ec c|e
t|ar 80 ucc|s, |rc|uc|r t|e |rte|rat|cra| uestse||e|s |.-, wo- - w|.| (W. |cu|s|a c Cc.}, |-
|oc|-|- o.1- |o |.-|o (||at|us Bcc|s}, arc |- |||.s|-|-1 |-.|o, o| |--|) |,s|a|s (Cc|||rs c
- ||cv|ces a lu||] |||ust|atec |rt|ccuct|cr tc t|e use cl 100 c|]sta|s |r a|| aspects cl |cve arc |e|at|crs||ps, a
|e] a|ea lc| t|e c|sc|p||re cl c|]sta| t|e|ap]
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
128 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
c 5/8 / c 7/1c
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
CrystaIs for HeaIth
Your Guide to 100 Crystals ahd Their Healihg Fowers
Cassand|a Eason
|ea| ]cu| ucc] arc ||ve a |ea|t||e| ||le us|r c|]sta|s. I||s cel|r|t|ve |ele|erce ep|c|es 100 c|]sta|s t|at |ave
t|e pcwe| tc a||ev|ate ar eters|ve |are cl a||erts, l|c st|ess-|e|atec p|cu|es arc a||e||es tc c|est|ve
c|sc|ce|s, p|erarc] |ssues, arc c||cr|c pa|r. |t |rc|uces |a|e arc rew|] c|sccve|ec stcres, arc eac| c|]sta|
appea|s |r a ueaut|lu| p|ctc a|cr w|t| |rlc|at|cr cr |ts sa||ert p|cpe|t|es.
Cassarc|a Eascr |s ar |rte|rat|cra||] |ercwrec epe|t cr c|]sta|s arc c|]sta| |ea||r. S|e |as w||tter lc|
t|e o.-1-, t|e S.1-, -|-)-c|, t|e |-|, V-|, arc ooo1 |o.s-|--c) |r t|e uK, wo-s wo|1 |r
t|e uS, arc wo-s |-, arc |-z |1--s |r /ust|a||a. Cassarc|a |as ace rue|cus appea|arces cr
te|ev|s|cr |r /e||ca cr Jso|.-1 V,s|--s, S)||)s, arc |- 0||- S1-. Cassarc|a |as puu||s|ec c|e
t|ar 80 ucc|s, |rc|uc|r t|e |rte|rat|cra| uestse||e|s |.-, wo- - w|.| (W. |cu|s|a c Cc.}, |-
|oc|-|- o.1- |o |.-|o (||at|us Bcc|s}, arc |- |||.s|-|-1 |-.|o, o| |--|) |,s|a|s (Cc|||rs c
- ||cv|ces a lu||] |||ust|atec |rt|ccuct|cr tc t|e |ea||r pcwe| cl 100 c|]sta|s, w|et|e| ]cu|e see||r acv|ce
aucut a spec|l|c a||ert c| |rte|estec |r p|cct|r ere|a| |ea|t| arc we||-ue|r
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
128 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
c 5/8 / c 7/1c
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Find Your Inner Sex Goddess
Ah Erotic Guide to Sexual Empowermeht ahd Fossibility
/oo/se Wes|on
W|at a|es a se cccess /tt|tucew|t| a lew 'ar-|arc||r' s||||s t||cwr |r. W|t| t||s e|ct|c u|ce,
]cu|| |ea|r |cw tc stcp wc||]|r, |et c cl |r||u|t|crs, arc lccus cr t|e |cvea||r |tse|l. Iap |rtc t|e lu||
st|ert| cl ]cu| lea|e pcwe| w|t| acv|ce cr eve|]t||r l|c ucucc|| wea|, ta|||r c||t], arc t|e lu|| st||p tc
seua| s||||s, sersat|cra| c|ass, arc wa] ue]crc.
lcu|se Westcr |as w||tter lc| B||t|s| rewspape|s arc aat|res lc| cve| ter ]ea|s, arc |as |cstec |e|
|ac|c p|cre-|r s|cw cr se arc |e|at|crs||p |ssues. S|e ||ves rea| Bat|, Er|arc, w|t| |e| |usuarc

- I|e u|cc|uuste| ||lt] S|aces se||es |as spa||ec seua| cu||cs|t] |r ||||crs cl |eace|s, t||s u|ces t|e cr
|cw tc uette| ep|c|e t|e|| lartas|es
- Rea| acv|ce lc| acvarc|r ]cu| seua| |rcw|ece, p|esertec |r ar access|u|e arc e|ct|c wa]. Cet past ]cu|
|r||u|t|crs arc l|rc cut w|at |ea||] tu|rs ]cuarc ]cu| pa|tre|cr
- Ccrtepc|a|] arc se] spec|a||] cc|ss|crec |||ust|at|crs, acccpar|ec u] l|ar| arc |rlc|at|ve tet,
te||s ]cu |cw tc et arc |ve ea|t|-s|atte||r c||aes
- Icp 10 arc Icp 20 ||sts |rc|uce tcp lc|ep|a] t|ps, tcp se pcs|t|crs, tcp |c|e-p|a] lartas|es, arc c|e .
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
1c0 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
cc|c| |||us. t||cu|cut
5 7/8 / 8 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Erotic Dots
Cohhect the Dots to Create 60 Sexy ahd Excitihg Fictures
Ca|/|on 0ooks
I|ese cct-tc-ccts a|e rct c|||cs p|a]-uut t|e] a|e lur! Rac], |aurc|], arc s|tt||r |ct, t||s uestse|||r acu|t
act|v|t] ucc| car sp|ce up ]cu| ||le. Eac| cl t|ese tarta||t|r cc|c| p|ctcs ||ces t|e |rt|ate ceta||s w|t|
ccts, tc see t|e lu|| se] scere ]cu |ave tc a|e t|e ccrrect|cr. Sc |au ]cu| perc|| uecause e|ct|c arc
stea] pcs|t|crs awa|t! Waro|og: 6oota|os soxua||y oxp||c|t mator|a|.
- Ec|t|r, se], |ac], |aurc|], lur ... |ts as eas] as 1, 2, 3
- |eatu|es c0 cc|c| |aes tc ccp|ete
- Bestse|||r acu|t erte|ta|rert
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
128 paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
c0 cc|c| p|ctcs
5 / 7
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. c0
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
A Curious History of Mathematics
The Big Ideas from Early Number Concepts
to Chaos Theory
by Joel Levy
ISBN 978-0-233-00385-6 | $24.95 (NCR) | Hard | 7 x 8
192 pages (150 color & b/w photos) | Territory: US Only
Carton Qty: 18 | February 4, 2014 | Andre Deutsch
ecause learning the language of mathematics can be
daunting, many people simply abandon the attempt. By
taking a historical perspective, Joel Levy opens new doors in to
this amazing world. In understandable, nontechnical language, he
explains how mathematical science advanced through the ages
and introduces crucial concepts, from simple arithmetic through
algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and calculus, up to chaos and
innity theory.
Joel Levy is a popular science writer who has written
for publications as diverse as Marie Claire, Daily Express,
Independent on Sunday, and the Fortean Times. He has
published more than 15 books including A Bee in a Cathedral
(A&C Black Publishers), The Bedside Book of Chemistry
(Murdoch Books Pty), Newtons Notebook (The History Press),
and Poison: A Social History (The History Press).
For anyone interested in learning more about
mathematics without being bombarded with formulas
Approximately 100 engravings and photographs
create a colorful history that takes us through time and
across continents
Puts math rmly in a real world context, in which you
can see how philosophers and mathematicians were
attempting to solve everyday problems and mysteries
Written by renowned popular science writer Joel Levy,
who knows how to make complicated subjects both
understandable and engaging
Covers the extraordinary characters who made great
leaps in our understanding of mathematical concepts
and theorems, from Pythagoras and Archimedes, to
Fibonacci and Fermat, Godel and Turing
The Math Book
$19.95 ($21.95 Canada)
/16 x 8
Also Available
The New York Times
Book of Mathematics
$24.95 ($26.95 Canada)
6 x 9
Whatever your favorite mediumfrom charcoal and pencil to light washesone of these popular sketchbooks, available
in multiple sizes, will work perfectly for you. Each one features medium-weight, acid-free paper with an attractive vellum
nish, as well as perforated pages that make it easy to tear our any masterpieces you want to frame or give as a gift.
Sketchbook (Basic
Large Spiral Black)
ISBN 978-1-4549-0919-4
$11.95 ($12.95 Canada)
Spiral-Bound Hard | 8 x 11
128 pages | Territory: World
Carton Qty: 12
February 4, 2014 | Sterling
Sketchbook (Basic
Large Spiral Red)
ISBN 978-1-4549-0920-0
$11.95 ($12.95 Canada)
Spiral-Bound Hard | 8 x 11
128 pages | Territory: World
Carton Qty: 12
February 4, 2014 | Sterling
Sketchbook (Basic
Medium Spiral Black)
ISBN 978-1-4549-0913-2
$9.95 ($10.95 Canada)
Spiral-Bound Hard | 7 x 10
128 pages | Territory: World
Carton Qty: 20
February 4, 2014 | Sterling
Sketchbook (Basic
Medium Spiral Red)
ISBN 978-1-4549-0914-9
$9.95 ($10.95 Canada)
Spiral-Bound Hard | 7 x 10
128 pages | Territory: World
Carton Qty: 20
February 4, 2014 | Sterling
Sketchbook (Basic
Small Bound Black)
ISBN 978-1-4549-0928-6
$7.95 ($8.95 Canada)
Hard | 5 x 8
128 pages | Territory: World
Carton Qty: 32
February 4, 2014 | Sterling
Sketchbook (Basic
Small Bound Red)
ISBN 978-1-4549-0929-3
$7.95 ($8.95 Canada)
Hard | 5 x 8
128 pages | Territory: World
Carton Qty: 32
February 4, 2014 | Sterling
Sketchbook (Basic
Small Spiral Black)
ISBN 978-1-4549-0925-5
$7.95 ($8.95 Canada)
Spiral-Bound Hard | 5 x 8
128 pages | Territory: World
Carton Qty: 32
February 4, 2014 | Sterling
Sketchbook (Basic
Small Spiral Red)
ISBN 978-1-4549-0926-2
$7.95 ($8.95 Canada)
Spiral-Bound Hard | 5 x 8
128 pages | Territory: World
Carton Qty: 32
February 4, 2014 | Sterling
Grafti Sketchbook
ISBN 978-1-4549-1143-2
$11.95 ($12.95 Canada) | Hard | 8 1/2 x 11
176 pages | Territory: World | Carton Qty: 16
April 1, 2014 | Sterling
The rst sketchbook targeted at grafti audiences, with a removable
sticker on the cover modeled on the ones used by graftists
Will appeal to a hip, young crowd, with crossover for cartoonists
and manga artists
Includes an 8-page signature of lined graph paper, a popular
drawing surface for grafti artists, as well as an 8-page signature of
vellum tracing paper, a pocket for storing sketches and tear sheets,
a ribbon marker, and an elastic closure to keep everything together
All pages, including inserts, are perforated
Make a sketch every day, with this special keepsake journal in classic black or red! It has space for you to create a
drawing for each day of the year (two per page during the week), so you can chart your progress and changes over time.
You can begin whenever you want, and the book includes monthly motivational quotes on the art of drawing, along with
inspirational themed sketches.
The Daily Sketch Journal (Black)
ISBN 978-1-4549-0934-7
$13.95 ($14.95 Canada) | Hard | 5 x 7
192 pages (12 b/w illus) | Territory: World
Carton Qty: 32 | February 4, 2014 | Sterling
The Daily Sketch Journal (Red)
ISBN 978-1-4549-1033-6
$13.95 ($14.95 Canada) | Hard | 5 x 7
192 pages (12 b/w illus) | Territory: World
Carton Qty: 32 | February 4, 2014 | Sterling
his blank volume is aimed at the hip, young, creative grafti artist.
Containing plain pages as well as graph paper and vellum inserts, it
resembles the hardcover blackbook thats a must-have for graftists.
Not only will artists use it for plotting out designs, but also for writing
notes and as an all-in-one portfolio for their best work.
Muhammad AIi
The Story of a Boxihg Legehd
A/an Go/ds|e/n /o|ewo|d by Geo|e /o|eman
|e l|catec |||e a uutte|l|], stur |||e a ueearc w|t| ||s |||es|st|u|e | cl ucuast, ccec], |rrcvat|cr,
arc suu||e ta|ert, Vu|aac /|| |ev|vec uc|r. I||cu| t|e e]es cl t|cse w|c |rew || arc saw ||
l||t, lc||cw /||s ||le l|c ||s |uu|e ue|rr|rs tc 0|]p|c v|ctc|], t||cu| t|e 'Ruu|e |r t|e Jur|e' arc
'I|||||a |r Var||a,' tc ||s p|esert-ca] uatt|e w|t| |a|||rscrs.
/|ar Cc|cste|r |s t|e lc|e| uc|r cc||espcrcert lc| t|e 5-||o- S.. |e was eve|-p|esert at /||s l||ts
arc |s a uc|-|espectec uc|r w||te|, |av|r |ece|vec t|e |at ||e|sc|e| Vec||a| /wa|c lc| Ece||erce |r
Bc|r Jcu|ra||s |r 1997 u] t|e Bc|r W||te|s /sscc|at|cr cl /e||ca arc t|e |rte|rat|cra| Bc|r |a|| cl
|ae. |e |as w||tter a ruue| cl ucc|s, |rc|uc|r a uc|r t|a|r|r arua| arc a u|c|ap|] cl Sua| Ra]

Cec|e |c|ear was wc||c |eav]we||t c|ap|cr l|c 1972 tc 1971, urt|| |cs|r tc /|| |r K|rs|asa, Za||e,
at 'I|e Ruu|e |r t|e Jur|e.' |c|ear uecae t|e c|cest ar tc w|r t|e wc||c |eav]we||t t|t|e w|er |e
ueat V|c|ae| Vcc|e| |r 1991, aec 15.
- |c|ewc|c w||tter u] uc|r |eerc Cec|e |c|ear
- Vu|aac /||, C0 arc Sco|s |||.s|-|-1 aat|res /t||ete cl t|e Certu|], |ea|rs a |eerc |eve|ec u]
p|esert-ca] spc|tser arc wcer w|c we|ert uc|r w|er |e |et||ec
- |rc|uces cuctes l|c Vu|aac /||, t|a|re|s, jcu|ra||sts, arc ce|eu||t|es
- /|| st||| |eu|a||] leatu|es |r t|e rews. /|t|cu| at 71 |e rcw t|ave|s |ess, |e ccrt|rues tc wc|| lc|
rue|cus c|a||t|es, arc ||s puu||c appea|arces |rva||au|] c|aw |ue c|cwcs
- Vu|aac /|| ||t t|e 0|]p|c ||ae at t|e /t|arta 199c 0|]p|c Caes arc a|sc leatu|ec |r t|e 0per|r
Ce|ecr] at lcrccr 2012
- |eu|ua|] 25, 2011, |s t|e 50t| arr|ve|sa|] cl /||s celeat cl Scrr] l|stcr tc uecce wc||c |eav]we||t
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
17c paes
$29.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
150 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
9 1/2 / 12
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
The UItimate EncycIopedia of Boxing
Sevehth Editioh
Ha||y Mo//an w/|h 0ob Mee 8 Ma|| 0ozea|
Bc|r |as p|ccucec sce cl t|e wc||cs cst cc|c|lu| at||etes, l|c Jac| Jc|rscr arc Ja|e laVctta tc /||
arc I]scr. I|e]|e a|| |r t||s ccp|e|ers|ve |ele|erce, a|cr w|t| lar-ce|||t|r ceta||s aucut t|e
ac|r|st|at|ve ucc|es, |u|es, cu|tu|e, arc ue||rc-t|e-sceres l|u|es cl t|e l||t aep|us ccp|ete stats
cr uce|s |r a|| we||t c|asses l|c t|e ca]s cl |||ea| c|a||ere atc|es t||| tcca].
|a||] Vu||ar, w|c c|ec |r 1999, was ac|rcw|ecec as a wc||c aut|c||t] cr uc|r. |e ec|tec 5o\) |-zs,
t|e wc||cs c|cest puu||cat|cr cevctec tc t|e spc|t, arc appea|ec l|ecuert|] cr IV arc |ac|c, |rc|uc|r
wc|||r as sua||te| arc cc-ccertatc| cr l||ts |r 18 ccurt||es wc||cw|ce. |e was uc|r
cc||espcrcert cl t|e S.1-, -s arc t|e |1-c-1-| cr Surca].

Bcu Vee, a le||cw uc|r w||te| arc l||erc cl |a||], |as urce|ta|er t|e |ecert wc|| cr t||s ucc|. / lc|e|
uc|r cc||espcrcert lc| t|e |1-c-1-|, Bcu |as perrec a ruue| cl ucc|s |r ||s cwr |||t, |rc|uc|r
5-- |s|s (W|||cw}, 5o\) |-|| o| |-- (/pp|e ||ess}, |- |--.,z-)||s (||stc|] ||ess} arc 5o\) |-o-s
-1 ||-cos (Bcc| Sa|es |rc}.
- Bc|r |s st||| t|e cst pcpu|a| arc acceptau|e cl a|| p|cless|cra| l||t|r spc|ts
- |u||] |ev|sec arc upcatec tc |rc|uce eve|] ajc| wc||c t|t|e l||t up tc Va|c| 2013, tcet|e| w|t|
u|c|ap||es cl cce|r |eat c|ap|crs arc |epc|ts cr cutstarc|r |ecert l||ts
- l|ve uc|r |s cr cau|e/sate|||te te|ev|s|cr wee||], arc t|e |||est-p|cl||e l||ts ccrt|rue tc att|act ec|a
ccve|ae arc suppc|t. Bc|r |s t|e cst successlu| cl a|| spc|ts |r te|s cl |eu|a| pa]-pe|-v|ew
- Bc|r |as p|cv|cec sce cl t|e wc||cs cst lacus arc/c| rctc||cus spc|tser, l|c Jac| Jc|rscr,
Jce lcu|s, arc Sua| Ra] Rcu|rscr tc Vu|aac /||, Sua| Ra] lecra|c, arc V||e I]scr
New Edition
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
210 paes
$31.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
250 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
9 / 11
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]

The Treasures of the OIympic Winter Games

D/ym/c Moseom
|uu||s|ec |r asscc|at|cr w|t| t|e cll|c|a| 0|]p|c Vuseu arc t|e |rte|rat|cra| 0|]p|c Cc|ttee (|0C},
t||s |av|s| vc|ue cl t|easu|es u||rs tc ||le t|e |c||cus ||stc|] cl t|e 0|]p|c W|rte| Caes. I||cu|
|urc|ecs cl p|ctc|ap|s, t||||| at t|e |rc|ec|u|e ep|c|ts cl |cua| 0|]p|c |eercs, l|c s|ate| Scrja |er|e
tc srcwuca|ce| S|aur W||te. |rc|uces c|e t|er 20 |ecvau|e a|t|lacts l|c t|e 0|]p|c Vuseus
ec|us|ve a|c||ve.
Stall at I|e 0|]p|c Vuseu |r lausarre, Sw|tte||arc |ave w||tter t|e tet urce| t|e ausp|ces cl t|e
|rte|rat|cra| 0|]p|c Cc|ttee, c|ar|te|s cl t|e 0|]p|c Caes cveert.
- I|e ret 0|]p|c W|rte| Caes w||| ue |e|c |r Scc||, Russ|a, l|c |eu|ua|] 7-23, 2011, w|t| 98 everts |r
15 spc|ts
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
5c paes
$50.00 ($55.00 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| S||pcase
200 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
11 / 9 3/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Kate Moss
Ch|/s Robe||s
Kate Vcss starcs a|cre |r t|e cce||r wc||c. |r a t||ee-cecace ca|ee|, s|e |as |aurc|ec t|ercs arc
cel|rec st]|es w|t|cut eve| uecc|r catec. I||s |ea||au|e vc|ue ce|eu|ates Vcsss 10t| u||t|ca] |r a
arre| wc|t|] cl t|e a|wa]s-evc|v|r las||cr|sta. Beaut|lu| |aes arc |evea||r tet |cc| uac| at |e| ||le,
l|c |ure p|rup arc |e|c|r c||c tc uc|c |ccr arc s||rr] |cc| c||c|.
C|||s Rcue|ts ||ves |r lcrccr arc |as w||tter aucut us|c, cv|es, arc ||te|atu|e lc| a p|et|c|a cl
puu||cat|crs, |rc|uc|r 5|-.| ||o.|, t|e o.-1-, J..|, arc |||-. ||s p|ev|cus ucc|s |rc|uce |1|- wos|c
|oz |oc |coz-s ||- w--| (|a|pe| Cc|||rs}, S.-|-|| |o|-| o| - |s) S|- (Ca||tcr}, arc |o. |--1
w-|| o ||- w|1 S1- (Ca||tcr}.
- Kate w||| ue |eac|r t|e |a||/W|rte| 2013 Ve|sace ac capa|r, s|e appea|s cr t|e ccve| cl t|e /uust
2013 |ssue cl 4||.- aat|re, arc w||| appea| cr t|e ccve| cl t|e Jarua|] 2011 |ssue cl ||-,|o, tc
ce|eu|ate t|e|| c0t| arr|ve|sa|] arc |e| 10t| u||t|ca]
- Spcttec u] a cce| aerc] sccut at J|K w|er s|e was 11, Kate |as uecce ar |rte|rat|cra| las||cr |ccr
arc |cuse|c|c rae
- S|e catapu|tec tc lae |r t|e lacus Ca|v|r K|e|r urce|wea| capa|r |r 1992, arc |as |ea|rec |r t|e
puu||c e]e eve| s|rce
- Kates appea| ears t|at s|e leatu|es |r |rte|rat|cra| acve|t|s|r capa|rs, aat|res, arc cr catwa||s
lc| ajc| /e||car arc Eu|cpear ces|re|s arc u|arcs
- Kate |as ea|rec ar] awa|cs lc| |e| st]|e, |rc|uc|r t|e Ccurc|| cl |as||cr Des|re|s cl /e||cas las||cr
|rl|uerce awa|c arc a p|ace cr t|e l-|, |- |rte|rat|cra| uest-c|essec ||st
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
111 paes
$21.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
120 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
7 1/1 / 9 3/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: February 2014
96 pages
$8.95 ($9.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
8 X 10
Carton Quantity: 48
Territory: World
Challenging Coffee Shop Crosswords
This brain-bafing, challenging collection from the popular team at
CrosSynergy will test solvers skills to the utmost! Determined novices,
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Decaf Coffee Shop Crosswords
Harvey Estes
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: February 2014
96 pages
$8.95 ($9.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
8 X 10
Carton Quantity: 48
Territory: World
Featuring fabulous themeslike The Call of the Dodo, Fore! Crying
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Better order a cup of decaf with this; the crosswords already offer
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Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: February 2014
96 pages
$8.95 ($9.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
8 X 10
Carton Quantity: 48
Territory: World
Humorous Coffee Shop Crosswords
Cathy Allis
These crosswords are fun in more ways than one! Thats because the
slightly twisted clues include plenty of puns, humorous touches, and other
funny stuff. Its a collection tailor-made for those who want puzzles as
hilarious as they are challenging.
Robust Coffee Shop Crosswords
Edited by Emily Cox & Henry Rathvon
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: February 2014
96 pages
$8.95 ($9.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
8 X 10
Carton Quantity: 48
Territory: World
Enjoy coffee with a little half and half: Half the puzzles here are the size
of daily newspaper crosswords, while the other half are slightly bigger. The
larger ones offer an extra challenge, more interesting vocabulary, and a rich
avor youll want to linger over.
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: February 2014
96 pages
$8.95 ($9.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
8 X 10
Carton Quantity: 48
Territory: World
Super Coffee Shop Crosswords
Harvey Estes, Bob Klahn, Fred Piscop & Mel Rosen
Up for a challenge? Created by the elite members of CrosSynergy, these
crosswords have undergone at least two rounds of rigorous peer reviews for
quality. So theyre brilliantly constructed and delightfully demanding to tackle.
Take a brainy break! Nothing fuels the mind and body better than a cup of coffee and a crossword.
These daily-size puzzles are the perfect refreshment for solvers of all levels.
Infernally Hard Fireball Crosswords
45 Ultra -Tough Puzzles
Edited by Peter Gordon
For masochistic solvers who like their puzzles tough, these 45 endishly hard
crosswords will hurt so good! Brilliantly executed, with devilishly difcult clues,
theyre made for the acionado of the Friday and Saturday offerings from places like
the New York Times.
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: February 2014
64 pages
$6.95 ($7.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral with Flaps
8 1/2 X 11
Carton Quantity: 48
Territory: World
Remarkable Lateral Thinking Puzzles
Paul Sloane & Des MacHale
Time to test the brain again! Our lateral thinking experts, Sloane and MacHale, have
concocted another terric selection of thought-provoking, mind-bending puzzles
designed to get your synapses sizzling. Each mental teaser presents a mini-scenario,
and its up to you to tease out the secret twist.
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: February 2014
96 pages
$7.95 ($8.95 Canadian)
5 3/8 X 8 1/4
Territory: World
Not too easy, not too hard: these puzzles are just right for serious solvers trying to
up their game. Created by some of the best crossword constructors, and expertly
edited by Rich Norris, this collection brims with tricky trivia and devious clues.
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: February 2014
128 pages
$9.95 ($10.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
8 X 10
Carton Quantity: 36
Territory: World
Fun in the Sun Kinda Hard Daily Crosswords
Edited by Rich Norris
Legendary Logic Puzzles
Kurt Smith, Norman D. Willis, and Mark Zegarelli
With 400 pages, this collection is big, mind-bending fun! Each conundrum is
perfectly constructed to perplex and mystify: Some are stories that provide only
slight information to guide you; others resemble a poker game, played in settings
from Vegas to Monte Carlo. Theyre an entertaining way to develop your powers
of deduction!
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: February 2014
400 pages
$12.95 ($13.95 Canadian)
8 X 10
Carton Quantity: 14
Territory: World
New Edition
When its time to take it easy, the puzzles shouldnt be too hard! These top-notch
crosswords make solving simply fun with terric themes and entertaining wordplay.
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: February 2014
128 pages
$9.95 ($10.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
8 X 10
Carton Quantity: 36
Territory: World
Fun in the Sun Sorta Easy Daily Crosswords
Edited by Rich Norris
Easy Like Monday Morning Crosswords
Patrick Blindauer
Crossword newbies can try out their skillsand become better solverswith these
72 easy, themed puzzles. Because even the longest answers are linked in some way
by the crosswords theme, beginners will be entertained. . . not frustrated.
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: February 2014
96 pages
$8.95 ($9.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
8 X 10
Carton Quantity: 48
Territory: World
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: February 2014
96 pages
$5.95 ($6.95 Canadian)
4 1/2 X 6
Carton Quantity: 128
Territory: World
Sit & Solve

Baseball Crosswords
David J. Kahn
Batter up! Crossword Hall-of-Famer David J. Kahn hits one out of the park
with this collection of mini-crosswords, perfect for a quick solving session
during the seventh-inning stretch. Each grid has a baseball-related theme,
and many of the clues relate to Americas favorite pastime.
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: February 2014
96 pages
$5.95 ($6.95 Canadian)
4 1/2 X 6
Carton Quantity: 128
Territory: World
Sit & Solve

Smooth Sailing Easy Crosswords

Francis Heaney
These quick and simple 10x10 crosswords will be smooth sailingeven
for beginning solvers! For some extra fun, all the puzzles feature mini-
themes: two answers that are related in some way. Its a great way for
starting solvers to hone their skills.
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: February 2014
96 pages
$5.95 ($6.95 Canadian)
4 1/2 X 6
Carton Quantity: 128
Territory: World
Sit & Solve

Hard as a Rock Crosswords

Patrick Berry
These 10x10 crosswords are TOUGH. Crafted to be extra challenging,
theyll put solvers between a rock and a hard place as they try to gure out
the answers. If youve got skills, youll nd these fun!
Sit & Solve

Sports Crosswords
Ian Livengood
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: February 2014
96 pages
$5.95 ($6.95 Canadian)
4 1/2 X 6
Carton Quantity: 128
Territory: World
Step up to the plate and take a swing at this sporty collection of 10x10
puzzles. Fans of everything from baseball and basketball to football, hockey,
and soccer will nd their favorite games and top players represented
here, in the themes, grids, and clues. Puzzle pro Ian Livengood slam-dunks
crossword after crossword like a Hall of Famer!
Sit & Solve

Walk in the Park Easy Crosswords

Jeffrey Harris
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: February 2014
96 pages
$5.95 ($6.95 Canadian)
4 1/2 X 6
Carton Quantity: 128
Territory: World
Looking for some simple, relaxing fun? These crosswords are as easy and
enjoyable as a walk in the park on a sunny day. Many feature a mini-theme
made up of a pair of related entries: get just one of them right and it will
often help you gure out the other.
march 2014
Good Housekeeping FamiIy ItaIian
185 Trattoria Favorites to Brihg Everyohe Together
7he Ed/|o|s o/ Good Hoosekee/n
I|ese cut|wate||r c|s|es w||| tu|r la||] suppe|s |rtc ce|eu|at|crs|ta||ar st]|e! |ct||r
ert|ces pecp|e tc t|e tau|e |||e |ta||ar cu|s|re, w|et|e| |ts c|ass|c |asara c| a
|epe|tc||e-eparc|r c|c|ce |||e /spa|aus-|crt|ra ||ttettes w|t| Baccr. Sce cl t|e 185
|ec|pes a|e rc-luss t|esave|s, ct|e|s |ecu||e a ||tt|e c|e |cve arc attert|cr, uut eve|] cre |as
ueer t||p|e testec lc| ease, |e||au|||t], arc |eat taste.
ooo1 |o.s-|--c) aat|re |s ar /e||car |ccr cl ccrsue| p|ctect|cr arc cua||t]
assu|arce. Eac| |ssue |eac|es 21 ||||cr |eace|s arc, w|t| 15 ec|t|crs puu||s|ec wc||cw|ce, |t |s
ar |rte|rat|cra||] |eccr|tec u|arc.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r lc| ccve|ae |r rewspape|s arc aat|res
0r||re cut|eac| tc lccc u|cs arc weus|tes
0r||re cut|eac| tc c] u|ce|s arc |ta||ar weus|tes
Vct|e|'s Da] |lt u|ce p|tc||r
C|css p|cct|cr w|t| ooo1 |o.s-|--c) aat|re arc weus|te
- |ta||ar lccc |s a |eac|r pcpu|a| cu|s|re |r t|e ur|tec States. /e||cars ccrsue s| u||||cr
pcurJs cl pasta eac| ]ea| arc sperc $39.8 u||||cr cr l|es| arc l|cter p|tta arrua||]
- ooo1 |o.s-|--c) |eac|es cre cut cl l|ve /e||car wcer eac| crt|. I|e aat|re
Jcvctcs eters|ve ccve|ae tc pasta, p|tta, arc ct|e| |ta||ar spec|a|t|es. Susar Westc|e|arc,
w|c |eacs t|e C| Iest K|tc|er, was uc|r arc |a|sec ccc||r |r ar |ta||ar |cuse|c|c sc s|es
et|a-pc|sec lc| t|e |R c||cu|t
|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
25c paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
7 3/8 / 9 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 1c
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
Good Housekeeping 400
CaIorie ItaIian
Eas] V|-arc-Vatc| Rec|pes lc|
a S||rr|e| Ycu!
|- |1|os o| ooo1
Fublisher: Hearst
160 pages
$14.95 ($17.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover Spiral-Bouhd
all ih color
6 X 9
Cartoh Ouahtity: 20
Territory: World with exclusiohs
Good Housekeeping
FamiIy Vegetarian
225 Rec|pes Eve|]cre W||| lcve
|- |1|os o| ooo1
Fublisher: Hearst
288 pages
$24.95 ($26.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
all ih color
7 3/8 X 9 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 14
Territory: World
Good Housekeeping
0u| Best Rec|pes l|c |ettuc|re
/|l|ecc c |asta |||ave|a tc
Sesae |ccc|es c Ba|ec Z|t|
|- |1|os o| ooo1
Fublisher: Hearst
160 pages
$14.95 ($17.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover Cohcealed Spiral
all ih color
6 X 9
Cartoh Ouahtity: 20
Territory: WENG excl UK
Allergy-free Cooking for Kids
More than 90 Yummy Savories & Sweets
ISBN 978-1-4549-1023-7 | $14.95 ($15.95 Canada)
Paper with aps | 7
/4 x 7
/8 | 184 pages (all in color)
Territory: US/Can | Carton Qty: 36 | March 4, 2014 | Sterling Epicure
ith childhood allergies more widespread and severe than
ever, there has never been a better time or greater need
for this cookbook. It offers 90 everyday recipes for simple, tasty
choices that will help parents cope with cooking for their food-
sensitive child. The dishes include gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free,
and nut-free options for every meal as well as after-school snacks,
sweets, and party treats.
Pamela Clark has a passion for food that is reected in her role
as head of a world-famous test kitchen. The team develops
and tastes recipes for magazines and cookbooks. She lives in
Sydney, Australia.
Allergy-free recipes are in demand: according to the
Center for Disease Control, 41% of children in the US
under the age of 18 have food allergies.
90 recipes at a fabulous low price point$14.95.
Includes recipes for multiple allergies by providing
gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, and nut-free recipes
Review copy mailing for coverage in cooking, gluten-
free, and parenting magazines
Newspaper coverage in food sections
Online outreach to gluten-free and mommy blogs
and websites
Social media campaign through author platforms
Buy the Right Wine Every Time: The
No-Fuss, No-Vintage Wine Guide
7om $|evenson
||ra||]a u|ce lc| t|cse w|c c||r| w|re, uut ccrt t||r| w|re, t|at p|cv|ces epe|t |rlc|at|cr
lc| rcrepe|ts w|c c|s|||e p|etert|cus 'w|respea|.' Ic Steverscr ||lts t|e ||c cr u|arcec
w|res, |evea||r w||c| w|ce|] ava||au|e va||et|es a|e ccrs|stert|] t|e uest-w|ateve| t|e v|rtae
c| p||ce. |e |cups w|res u] ccst, |ates t|e u] st]|e, arc p|cv|ces ar /-Z cl |eccercec,
||||] |eccercec, arc tc-c|e-lc| c|c|ces.
Ic Steverscr |as ueer w||t|r aucut w|re lc| c|e t|ar 30 ]ea|s, arc |s ccrs|ce|ec t|e
wc||cs |eac|r aut|c||t] cr C|apare. |e |as w||tter 23 ucc|s, t|e cst |pc|tart cl w||c|
|ave ueer puu||s|ec |rte|rat|cra||] u] c|e t|ar 50 puu||s|e|s arc t|ars|atec |rtc cve| 25
|aruaes. |r 198c, ||s ||-c-)- (W||scr, |||||p |uu||s|e|s, l||tec} uecae t|e l||st w|re
ucc| tc w|r lcu| ||te|a|] awa|cs, estau||s||r Steverscrs |eputat|cr as a last|c|cus |esea|c|e|
arc a c||t|c uc|c ercu| tc ta|e cr t|e estau||s|ert.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r lc| ccve|ae |r rewspape|s arc aat|res
0r||re cut|eac| tc lccc arc w|re u|cs arc weus|tes
Scc|a| ec|a capa|r t||cu| Ste|||rs |aceucc| pae arc Iw|tte|
- I|e l||st ucc| tc ua|artee 3c0 rc-lau|t w|res rc atte| t|e v|rtae
- |rc|uces 20 cl t|e cst uselu| w|re t|ps l|c t|e aut|c|, ar] a|e a |eve|at|cr
- Ic Steverscr |s cre cl t|e wc||cs cst ce|eu|atec w|res arc sp|||ts w||te|s
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r Ep|cu|e
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
320 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
5 / 7 1/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Kevin ZraIy's Windows
on the WorId CompIete
Wine Course
|ew, upcatec Ec|t|cr
|-. /-|,
Revised Edition
Fublisher: Sterlihg Epicure
344 pages
$27.95 ($30.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
all ih color
8 1/2 X 9 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 12
Territory: World
The New York Times
Book of Wine
Vc|e I|ar 30 Yea|s cl V|rtae
|1|-1 |, |oz-1 o oo|1|-)
|o-zo1 |, |. 4so.
Fublisher: Sterlihg Epicure
592 pages
$24.95 ($29.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
6 X 9
Cartoh Ouahtity: 10
Territory: World
The One Minute Wine
D|sccve| 10 W|res Ycu'|| l||e |r
c0 Seccrcs c| less
J-|- So-||5,- Vw
Fublisher: Sterlihg Epicure
192 pages
$14.95 ($15.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
all ih color
6 1/4 X 7 3/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 28
Territory: World
Beer: What to Drink Next
Featurihg the Beer Select-O-Fedia
M/chae/ /a|son
W|t| |ts ur|cue '|e||cc|c Iau|e cl Bee|'w||c| c|ar|tes 9c st]|es u] |e] |r|ec|ert c| ccurt|] cl
c|||rt||s u|ce ta|es a s|p|e, sc|ert|l|c app|cac| tc |e|p c||r|e|s c|sccve| rew lavc||tes. Just |cc| lc|
]cu| cu||ert p|ele||ec u|ews arc see w|at s|||a| st]|es w||| p|ease ]cu| pa|ate. D|a|as cel|re t|e atc|c
st|uctu|e cl eac| uee| sc ]cu|| urce|starc |ts spec|l|c ce|||ts.
V|c|ae| la|scr |s a uee| |ev|ewe| arc cclcurce| cl t|e weus|te I|e |e|lect|] |app] Var
(I|e|e|lect|]|app]}. S|rce t|e weus|te was lcurcec |r Deceue| 2009, ||s tea |as sap|ec arc
c|scussec t|e e||ts cl c|e t|ar 500 c|lle|ert c|alt uee|s. V|c|ae| ||ves |r C||cac, |l.
lcca| IV arc |ac|c cut|eac|
lcca| aut|c| everts (C||cac, |l}
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r lc| ccve|ae |r er's, uee|, arc ueve|ae aat|res
|ewspape| cut|eac| tc uee| w||te|s
0r||re cut|eac| tc uee| arc ueve|ae u|cs arc weus|tes
Scc|a| ec|a capa|r t||cu| aut|c| p|atlc|s
||cct|crs cr aut|c| weus|te I|e|e|lect|]|app]
- I|e pe|lect |lt lc| uee| c||r|e|s |cc||r lc| c|e |rlc aucut w|at t|e] s|cu|c t|] ret
- |rc|uces eve|]t||r l|c w|eats arc B||t|s| a|es tc |ae|s arc ur|cues (c|alt uee|s}
- / |eat p||ce pc|rt cl $11.95 lc| 221 |rlc|at|cr-pac|ec paes
- Beaut|lu|, cc|c|lu|, ve|] ccc| ces|r
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r Ep|cu|e
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
221 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 / 8 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Homebrew Beyond the Basics
All-Graih Brewihg ahd Other Next Steps
M/ke /a|nowsk/
Va|e t|e jup tc a||-|a|r u|ew|r, w|e|e ]cu|e |r ccrt|c| cl t|e uee|-a||r p|ccess! |o-|-z 5-,o1
||- 5-s.s ep|a|rs |t a||, sc eve|] cec|s|crl|c t|e |a|rs tc t|e wate| c|e|st|]|s ]cu|s. I|er ep|c|e
w|ateve| ca||s tc ]cu. t|] w||||pcc| |cpp|r, captu|e w||c ]east, |ea|r tc |e, arc uc| c|e. ur|cue
|ec|pes ccp|ete t|e pac|ae.
V||e Ka|rcws|| |s t|e |eac B|ewe| cl spec|a|t] uee|s at C|eer Var B|ewe|] |r /s|ev|||e, |C. |e |as
u|ewec at |ce arc p|cless|cra||] lc| aucut 25 ]ea|s, arc p|ev|cus|] cwrec a |ceu|ew supp|] stc|e |r
|ew 0||ears. V||e |s a Bee| Juce Ce|t|l|cat|cr ||c|a ce|t|l|ec uee| juce arc |as jucec |ceu|ew
ccpet|t|crs lc| c|e t|ar twc cecaces.
|at|cra| arc |cca| IV appea|arces
lcca| aut|c| everts (/s|ev|||e, |C}
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r lc| ccve|ae |r er's, uee|, arc ueve|ae aat|res
|ewspape| cut|eac| tc uee| w||te|s
0r||re cut|eac| tc uee| arc ueve|ae u|cs arc weus|tes
Scc|a| ec|a capa|r t||cu| aut|c| p|atlc|s
||cct|crs cr aut|c| weus|te
- 0re cl t|e lew ucc|s ces|rec tc |e|p |ce u|ewe|s u|ew a||-|a|rt|e uee|-a||r ecu|va|ert cl c|r
l|c a ca|e | tc ua||r l|c sc|atc|
- I|e /e||car |ceu|ew /sscc|at|cr est|ates t|e|e a|e rcw c|e t|ar 1,000,000 /e||cars u|ew|r at
|cc at |east crce pe| ]ea|. |ceu|ew stc|es sa|es vc|ues su|ec 2c |r 2012
- I|e u| ucc|s |r t|e |ceu|ew catec|]|- |oc|-|- Jo, o| |o-|-z) (|a|pe|Cc|||rs} arc |oz |o
B|cw (B|ewe|s |uu||cat|crs}uct| sc|c c|e t|ar 30K ccp|es (cr Bcc|scar a|cre} |r t|e past twc ]ea|s
- / st||||r ucc|, w|t| 100 lu||-cc|c| p|ctcs. 0re cl t|e cr|] |ceu|ew ucc|s w|t| step-u]-step p|ctcs |r
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
192 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Big Book of Fashion IIIustration
A Sourcebook of Cohtemporary lllustratioh
Ma||/n Dawbe|
I|e uestse|||r v|sua| u|u|e lc| las||cr |||ust|atc|s arc |ap||c ces|re|s |s rcw |r a |r| ec|t|cr! W|t|
|urc|ecs cl sturr|r |aes, Va|t|r Dawue| s|cwcases ar urp|ececertec va||et] cl app|cac|es lc|
|||ust|at|r las||cr, l|c perc|| c|aw|r arc st|tc| t||cu| wate|cc|c|, c||s, cc||ae, arc t|e |atest c||ta|
tec|r|cues. |eatu||r t|e l|rest |||ust|atc|s l|c a|curc t|e wc||c, t||s |s t|e u|t|ate |escu|ce lc| las||cr
Va|t|r Dawue| |s ar |rte|rat|cra||] acc|a|ec aut|c| cr ccrtepc|a|] las||cr, st]|e, arc |ae. / |acuate
cl t|e p|est||cus Rc]a| Cc||ee cl /|t, |e was t|e |||rc|pa| lectu|e| |r |as||cr at Jc|r Vcc|es ur|ve|s|t] lc|
cve| 30 ]ea|s arc ccrt|rues tc ue |cua||] |r cearc as a |eccr|tec aut|c||t] cr las||cr arc |||ust|at|cr. |e
|s a|sc t|e aut|c| cl t|e uestse|||r |-z |-s|o |||.s|-|o arc |-z |-s|o ||s (uct| Batslc|c}.
- Bestse|||r las||cr |||ust|at|cr u|u|e rcw |r a sa||-lc|at ec|t|cr
- u|t|ate las||cr |||ust|at|cr scu|ceucc| lc| las||cr |||ust|atc|s arc ces|re|s
- S|cwcas|r |urc|ecs cl t|e wc||cs uest las||cr |||ust|atc|s
- |rc|uces eve|]t||r wate|cc|c| arc perc|| tc t|e |atest c||ta| tec|r|cues
New Edition
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
381 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 / 7
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
1920s StyIe
How to Get the Look of the Decade
Ca|o//ne Cox Ma|n/e /o 8 /a|e Mo/vey
I|e Rca||r Iwert|es was a t|e cl earc|pat|cr lc| wcerarc t|e|| lauu|cus c|ct|es |el|ectec t|at
rewlcurc l|eecc. !9?Js S|,|- captu|es t||s aat|r tu|r|r pc|rt |r las||cr. /r |rva|uau|e |ele|erce arc a
v|sua| cc|ruccp|a cl t|es past, |t ep|c|es ajc| ces|re|s arc ccutu|e |cuses, tec|r|ca| ac||eveerts |r
tet||es, arc cu|tu|a| |rl|uerces.
Ca|c||re Cc |s a |eac|r las||cr aut|c||t] w|cse wc|| ep|c|es t|e |e|at|crs||p uetweer las||cr, ueaut],
arc cu|tu|e. / |ectu|e| arc u|caccaste| |r t|e uK, s|e a|sc wc||s as a cu|tu|a| t|ercs acv|sc| lc| V|ca|
Sassccr. Ca|c||re |s t|e aut|c| cl 5-)s 4 |||.s|-|-1 |s|o, (/u|u} arc l|-)- J-z-|, |-s) (la||
C|alts}. S|e ||ves |r lcrccr.

Va|r|e |c |s a las||cr epe|t arc ec|a ccrsu|tart cr a|| aspects cl t|e las||cr |rcust|] |r t|e uK. S|e
tau|t las||cr at t|e ur|ve|s|t] cl |ctt|r|a arc was a ser|c| |ectu|e| |r las||cr at t|e ur|ve|s|t] cl
Wa|es. Va|r|e |s t|e aut|c| cl l|-)- |-1|-)s (Ca||tcr} arc || |-s|o (Batslc|c}. S|e ||ves |r
De|u]s|||e, Er|arc.

Kate Vu|ve] |s a B||t|s| jcu|ra||st spec|a||t|r |r las||cr, ueaut], arc ||lest]|e suujects. S|e |s t|e aut|c| cl
|-.-1-s o| 5--.|, |- ||-)) |-)- o| wo- !39Js!99Js (C|ec|a|| Bcc|s}. Kate ||ves |r lcrccr.
- |c||cw|r Bat lu||arrs |ue|] successlu| 2013 l|| |- o--| o-|s|,, sta|||r lecra|cc D|Cap||c, t||s
las||cr u|ce ceta||s t|e lauu|cus |cc|s cl t|e Jatt /e
- Ccve|s a|| t|e ces|re|s arc ajc| ceve|cperts cl t|e cecace, l|c c|ct||r arc jewe||] tc |arcuas
- /r |rt|ccuctc|] c|apte| ||sts a|| t|e |e] t|ercs ]cu reec tc |ec|eate c| ccp] t|e |cc|s cl t|e cecace
- I|e 1920s |s a cecace |ele|ercec aa|r arc aa|r |r cce|r las||cr, l|c l|appe| c|esses wc|r u] Kate
Vcss arc Zcce] Desc|are| tc ces|re|s suc| as Cucc| arc Ra|p| lau|er |ev|s|t|r t|e /|t Decc 1920s |cc|
cr t|e |urwa]
- |||ust|atec w|t| ||stc||ca| las||cr p|ctc|ap|s, cc|c|lu| |||ust|at|crs, arc acve|t|seerts, arc spec|a||] s|ct
v|rtae c|ct||r l|c t|e e|a
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
111 paes
$29.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
150 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
7 1/2 / 9 1/3
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
LoveIy Knitted Lace
A Geometric Approach to Gorgeous Wearables
0|ooke N/co
lace |r|tt|r ets a l|es| upcate t|at l|ra||] a|es t|e c|alt access|u|e tc a||! ||c a I||ar|e Iu||p S|aw| tc
a Sta||] |||ts Bc|e|c, t|ese sturr|r p|cjects car ue ace w|t| reec|es arc ]a|r cl ar] s|te, arc leatu|e a
s|p|e ccrst|uct|cr t|at a||cws t|e ceta||s tc s||re. Wc|||r w|t| lcu| uas|c s|apes, B|cc|e ||cc c|eates 1c
c|ecus wea|au|es p|us twc va||arts.
B|cc|e ||cc |s t|e cc-cwre| cl K|||wccc Kr|tte|], w|e|e s|e uses |e| e]e lc| ceta|| arc las||cr epe||erce
tc |eep |e| stc|e a|eac cl t|ercs |r |r|tt|r. |cweve|, |ace |s w|e|e B|cc|e |as |ea||] ace |e| a||, arc
|e| ta|ert |as ueer |eccr|tec u] lo).- |||), |||-s, arc |-||- 5|ss aat|re. S|e |as tau|t |ace
c|asses at VKl|ve, VKl|ve l/, arc seve|a| St|tc|es (/R/} everts. B|cc|e ||ves |r K|||wccc, V0.
- lace |r|tt|r |s pcpu|a| w|t||r t|e |r|tt|r ccur|t]
- B|cc|es ep|arat|crs arc eap|es a|e |ace |r|tt|r app|cac|au|e lc| |r|tte|s cl a|| s|||| |eve|s
- I|e a|erts arc accessc||es a|e ueaut|lu| arc cce|r ercu| tc ue wc|r tc spec|a| everts, uut wc||
ecua||] as we|| lc| eve|]ca] wea|
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
128 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 3c
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Pretty OuiIIed Cards
25+ Creative Desighs for Greetihgs 8 Celebratiohs
Cece//a /oo/e
||c a t|ar|-]cu rcte tc a c|ee|] |c||ca] essae, |e|es a cu|||ec ca|c lc| eve|] cccas|cr! |ts eas]. just
|a] ]cu| pape| st||ps cr tcp cl t|e lu||-s|te |||ust|at|crs acccpar]|r eac| p|cject, arc a|| t|e |ert| arc
lc|cs as |rc|catec. ||us, t||s p|ett] cc||ect|cr ccrta|rs p||rtec uac||curcs tc p|ctcccp] arc use. Va|e
|eet|r ca|cs, |lt tas, cupca|e tcppe|s, arc c|e.
Cece||a lcu|es pape| c|alts |ave ueer leatu|ec cr a|t|astewa| arc 4|| |)s |-c-. S|e |as a pape|
c|alts arc cu||||r uus|ress cr Ets] ca||ec C|alt|r C|eatu|es. Cece||a was a leatu|e ccrt||uutc| tc |- |-z
|.,.|oc-1- o| 0)- 5 |-c-.-|| -.|.-s (Rurr|r ||ess}. S|e ||ves |r B||t|s| Cc|uu|a, Caraca.
- |ape| cu||||r |s a a|rsta] c|alt w|t| sc||c sa|es - I|e |cw-tc |||ust|at|crs a|e et|ee|] use|-l||erc|] arc
pe|lect lc| ue|rre|s
- |||rtec uac||curcs a|e p|cv|cec lc| sce p|cjects as we|| as ca|cs lc| accec p|cless|cra| |esu|ts
- /tt|act|ve $17.95 p||ce pc|rt
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
128 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Text in TextiIe Art
$a|a /mey
Sa|a |pe], cre cl t|e wc||cs uest-|rcwr tet||e a|t|sts arc ar |rrcvatc| |r us|r tet |r |e| wc||,
p|eserts t|e cel|r|t|ve u|ce tc t|e tec|r|cue. S|e |||ust|ates |ts ]||ac pcss|u|||t|es lc|
se|l-ep|ess|cr, uct| ||stc||ca||] arc |r t|e ccrtepc|a|] scere, arc ep|c|es a wea|t| cl p|act|ca|
tec|r|cues, l|c |arc- arc ac||re-st|tc||r tc p|ctc t|arsle| arc ccpute|s. Va|uau|e |rlc|at|cr
cr ccp]|||t |e|ps p|ctect ]cu| wc||.
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
128 paes
$29.95 ($32.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10 7/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
LuIIaby Knits
Over 20 Khittihg Fatterhs for 0-2 Year Olds
v/be U/|/k $onde|aa|d
Kr|t scet||r sweet lc| uau]! Dar|s| ces|re| V|ue u||||e Scrce|aa|c |as w||ppec up c|e t|ar
20 ur|cue patte|rs lc| |rlarts arc tccc|e|s, a|| ccu|r|r cclc|t w|t| ccrtepc|a|] st]|e. W|t| t|e||
ueaut|lu| st|tc|es, cu|||] ceta||s, c|ass|c s|apes, arc |us| ]a|rs, t|ese a|erts, u|ar|ets, arc
ucct|esp|us a cct] w|ap lc| ca|e t|u|] |rsp||at|cra|.
|uu||s|e|. Cc|||rs c B|cwr
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
111 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 1/2 / 9 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Happy Birthday Bagpuss!
/o|ewo|d by Pe|e| //|m/n
Bapuss, B||ta|rs uest-|cvec cat arc IV sta|, |s 10arc eve|]cre |s |rv|tec tc t|e pa|t]. |ars car
c|eate t|e|| cwr c|alt] va||at|crs cl ||s |lts, |rc|uc|r a c|css-st|tc| sap|e|, |r|ttec Bapuss, arc
sua| |ce. 0| t|e] car s|r a|cr w|t| t|e scrs, cc|c| |r p|ctu|es, arc a|e a lest|ve pa|t] |at. I||s
|s t|e pe|lect wa] tc ce|eu|ate t|e cccas|cr.
|uu||s|e|. Cc|||rs c B|cwr
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
80 paes
$1c.95 ($18.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/1 / 10 7/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Packaging Your Crafts
Creative ldeas for Crafters, Artists, Bakers, 8 More
v/o/a E $o|an|o
W|et|e| ]cu|e se|||r cr Ets], |r |eta||, c| at a la||, ]cu| c|alts cese|ve a pac|ae t|ats as appea||r as t|e]
a|e. I||s |rsp||at|cra| u|ce s|cws c|alte|s |cw tc et t|at p|cless|cra| ecearc tu|r cre-t|e uu]e|s
|rtc |c]a| custce|s. |t c|scusses spec|a||st te|s, starca|c erve|cpe s|tes, arc va||cus ate||a|s, arc clle|s
a wea|t| cl |ceas, tutc||a|s, tep|ates, c|a|ts, arc |rte|v|ews w|t| t|e epe|ts.
V|c|a E. Sutartc |s ar awa|c-w|rr|r |ap||c a|t|st arc p|ccuct ces|re| uasec |r Sar ||arc|scc. S|e
ces|rec a ||re cl |eusau|e lau||c ca||ec C|ve W|aps, arc ct|e| ecc-l||erc|] |lt-|v|r accessc||es. V|c|a
|as |ac |e| wc|| arc ces|rs leatu|ec cr t|e o1-, s|cw arc |r rat|cra| puu||cat|crs suc| as |--| Sc|-,
|0w, arc ||. |r acc|t|cr tc leatu||r cr pcpu|a| c|alt arc ces|r u|cs suc| as Des|r'Spcre arc
/pa|tert I|e|ap], s|e a|sc |ecc|cs |e| |rsp||at|cr arc leatu|es lau||c w|app|r tutc||a|s cr |e| cwr u|c.
lea|r c|e at c|ew|rt| arc stuc|ct||c/
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r lc| ccve|ae |r rewspape|s arc aat|res
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc c|alt|r aat|res
0r||re cut|eac| tc c|alt u|cs arc weus|tes
Scc|a| ec|a capa|r t||cu| aut|c| p|atlc|s cr |aceucc| arc Iw|tte|
C|css p|cct|cr w|t| la||C|
/cs |r c|alt aat|res
lcca| aut|c| evert |r Sar ||arc|scc
- I|e 0|lY ucc| cl |ts ||rc cr t|e a||et spec|l|ca||] lc| c|alte|s
- 0lle|s up c|eve|, access|u|e, arc c|ve|se |ceas w|t| w|ce appea|
- /ppea|s tc a |uCE a||et cl c|alte|s, ua|e|s, ||tc|er c|alte|s, arc a|t|stsrct just p|cless|cra|s uut
a|sc |cc c|alte|s w|c wcu|c |||e tc pac|ae t|e|| cccs lc| c|sp|a] arc |lt |v|r
- Reta||e|s w||| |cve |cw t|e ucc| pus|es a w|ce va||et] cl p|ccuct
- I|e aut|c| cwrs arc a|rta|rs a ve|] pcpu|a| u|c arc |eta|| weus|te t|ats ueer leatu|ec |r cve| 20
pcpu|a| aat|res arc cr||re puu||cat|crs, |rc|uc|r |-1|oo| , |o.|, |.) , |o-s|-| |.), arc
0| aat|re
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
17c paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
c 11/1c / 8 11/1c
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 30
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
MoIIie Makes: Making It!
Craftihg Your Owh Busihess
C/a|e /e//y
W|et|e| ]cu|e ar aateu| c| t|e cwre| cl ar estau||s|ec ccpar], t||s |arc] u|ce ep|a|rs eve|]t||r
]cu reec tc |rcw aucut ccu|r|r c|alt arc uus|ress. |t ccve|s |cert|l]|r pctert|a| custce|s, u|arc|r,
app|cac||r |eta||e|s, scc|a| retwc|||r, |ea| |ssues, ccp]|||t, uas|c acccurt|r, arc c|e. |rsp||at|cra|
case stuc|es p|cve t|at |t |s pcss|u|e tc a|e cre] cc|r scet||r ]cu |cve.
Vc|||e Va|es |s t|e uKs cst successlu| ||lest]|e arc c|alt aat|re, u||r|r ]cu t|e uest cl ccrtepc|a|]
c|alt. I|e Vc|||e Va|es tea |as |arcp|c|ec p|cjects l|c t|e|| lavc||te |rte|rat|cra| ces|re|s lc| eac|
ucc| |r t|e se||es, w||c| pe|lect|] ccp|eerts t|e aat|res ur|cue ec|tc||a| st]|e arc l||st-c|ass ces|r.
/ut|c| C|a|e Ke||] |s ar estau||s|ec c|alt jcu|ra||st arc p|ctc|ap|e| w|c |as ccrt||uutec tc sce cl t|e
uKs |eac|r c|eat|ve aat|res arc weus|tes |rc|uc|r V-|), ||o||, |||), arc ||c B||ta|r w|t| lcve.
- I|e essert|a| u|ce tc sta|t|r arc |urr|r a c|alt uus|ress
- |eatu||r case stuc|es arc success stc||es l|c estau||s|ec c|alte|s
- |rc|uces p|act|ca| acv|ce cr |ea|, l|rarc|a|, arc acccurt|r |ssues
- |rc|uces ccrt||uut|crs l|c Cut 0ut Keep, |cpe c E|v|s, C|ct|||ts arc ar] c|e
|uu||s|e|. Cc|||rs c B|cwr
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
1c0 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
c / 7 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Publisher: Sterling Innovation
Published: March 2014
616 pages
$14.95 ($15.95 Canadian)
all in color
8 X 8
Carton Quantity: 14
Territory: World
Jumbo Origami Paper Pack
600 Pages of Origami Paper Plus Basic Fold Instructions
Paper crafters who love the Asian arts of origami, kirigami, and kusudama will nd this jumbo book is a
creative treasure! In addition to basic techniques and instructions for making a graceful paper crane, it
contains more than 600 pullout sheets of beautifully designed, colorful origami paper in animal skin prints,
geometric patterns, and traditional Asian motifs.
- Sterling has always had great success with origami-related products and the Jumbo Origami Paper Pack
is the next offering in Sterling Innovations new line of paper packs
- Contains more than 600 sheets of pullout origami paper
Publisher: Sterling Innovation
Published: March 2014
576 pages
$9.95 ($10.95 Canadian)
all in color
6 1/2 X 5
Carton Quantity: 32
Territory: World
Paper Airplanes Mega Pack
Instructions to Fold 4 Planes and Enough Paper to Make Hundreds
of Gliders
Norman Schmidt
For on-the-go, on-the-y fun, nothing beats this mega-pack, complete with an all-color book and a whop-
ping 278 sheets of pullout paper in cool designs. Illustrated step-by-step instructions guide you to fold four
fabulous, realistic gliders: the Egret, Pipit, Swallow, and Condor. Youll enjoy making themand watching
them soar!
- Includes both a book and 278 sheets of project paper in a multitude of cool designsmaking it a handy,
fun kit that can compete with any paper airplane kit in the market
Deluxe Origami Paper
Publisher: Sterling Innovation
1040 pages
$14.95 ($15.95 Canadian)
all in color
6 x 6
Carton Qty: 16
Territory: World
Origami with Dollar
by Duy Nguyen
Publisher: Sterling
80 pages
$5.95 ($6.50 Canadian)
Hardcover Concealed Spiral
all in color
8 X 4
Carton Quantity: 56
Territory: World
Dollar Bill Origami
by Duy Nguyen
Publisher: Sterling
128 pages
$9.95 ($11.95 Canadian)
all in color
8 X 8
Carton Quantity: 24
Territory: World
Super-Easy Origami
by Duy Nguyen
Publisher: Sterling
72 pages
$14.95 ($21.95 Canadian)
Hardcover Concealed Spiral
all in color
8 X 8
Carton Quantity: 16
Territory: World
Figure It Out! Human Proportions
Draw the Head and Figure Right Every Time
by Chris Hart
ISBN 978-1-936096-73-2 | $19.95 ($21.95 Canada)
Paper with aps | 8 x 11 | 144 pages (all in color)
Territory: WENG | March 4, 2014 | Drawing with Chris Hart
hen the proportions are right, the drawing looks
right! Now, thanks to Chris Harts foolproof method,
even beginners can quick-check the proportions of their
head and gure drawings, identify errors, and swiftly x
mistakes. Richly illustrated with drawings from various
angles, this follow-up to Harts bestselling Figure It Out!
includes step-by-step demonstrations and lessons that
lead readers through the process.
Renowned for his friendly, accessible teaching style, Chris
Hart is the worlds bestselling author of drawing, manga,
and cartooning books, which have sold over three million
English-language copies and have been translated into
more than 20 languages. He lives in Westport, CT.
With more than three million copies of his books sold,
Chris Hart titles appear consistently on the Bookscan
Top 50 Art list
Most artists whose work features the human head and
gure dont have the opportunity to draw directly from
models, so its essential that they acquire the skills
and tools to draw them accurately without using direct
reference. Few books on gure drawing or anatomy
offer instruction on human proportions, and even
those that do dont go into much detail on the subject
Figure It Out! Human Proportions has a user-friendly
format that gives information on the basics as well as
subtle renements so that artists at every level can
nd and apply the information they need to correct,
improve, or ne-tune their drawings
Figure It Out! Human Proportions presents
the essentials, offers never-before-published
measurements, and busts myths. It shows
standard as well as idealized proportions, presents
measurements that have never been demonstrated
(such as the proportions of the back), and even
exposes commonly accepted guidelines as incorrect
Also Available
Figure lt Out!
$19.95 ($21.95 Canada)
/16 x 11
The Wisdom Were Born With
Reclaiming Perspective in Our Lives
by Daniel Gottlieb, author of Letters to Sam
ISBN 978-1-4549-0639-1 | $14.95 ($15.95 Canada)
Hard | 5 x 8 | 176 pages | Territory: World
Carton Qty: 24 | March 4, 2014 | Sterling Ethos
hat if the things you imagine will make you happy wontif
what you really need is not what you think you need?
Daniel Gottlieb (Letters to Sam) has produced an inspirational
primer that takes us on an enlightening journey toward a sense
of well-being. Gottlieb, who suffered a traumatic injury that left
him a quadriplegic over 30 years ago, is uniquely qualied to
offer wise counsel on the relationship between what we want
and what we have. He offers his thoughts on breaking patterns
and habits, calming the unquiet mind, reconnecting with our
emotions and our bodies, living in the moment, discovering that
ineffable something that denes who we areand above all,
the importance of love.
In addition to his thriving psychotherapy practice, Daniel
Gottlieb serves as the host of Voices in the Family, an award-
winning mental health call-in show on Philadelphias much-
respected public radio station, WHYY. From 1993 to 2008, he
wrote a highly regarded column for the Philadelphia Inquirer,
and is the author of four other books. He lectures locally and
nationally on a variety of topics affecting the well-being of
people, families, and the larger community.
From the author of the bestselling Letters to Sam
and Learning from the Heart (both Sterling), which
won the 2009 Books for a Better Life Award,
Motivational Category
Gottlieb has a strong fan base that will be looking
forward to this book
Excellent writing that blends psychology with
Buddhist philosophy
Filled with heartwarming stories
Praise for Letters to Sam by Daniel Gottlieb:
Gottlieb shares with us the wisdom and depth of his soul . . .
he uses the art of letter writing to teach us . . . what it means to
be human. Philadelphia Inquirer
Praise for Learning from the Heart by Daniel Gottlieb:
. . . Warm, wise, compassionate, humble and often funny,
[Gottlieb] displays not a shred of self-pity or false modesty.
Best of all, his message has the unmistakable ring of truth to it:
love rather than change yourself or anyone else.
Publishers Weekly (starred review)
Praise for Voices in the Family by Daniel Gottlieb:
A warm helpful book. The Washington Post
A Daybook of Grace
A Year of Devotiohs to Draw You Near to the Heart of God
Mark G//|oy
Sperc t|e w|t| Ccc eac| ca]. W|t| t|e p|a]e|lu| wc|cs |r t||s ueaut|lu| cevct|cra|, sp|||tua| see|e|s car
|el|ect cr ||s |cve lc| t|e arc t|e wcrce|lu| p|ars |e |as lc| t|e|| ||ves. Eac| pae w||| c|aw t|e rea|e|
tc t|e |ea|t cl Ccc, arc |e|p t|e epe||erce |ace arc u|ess|rs c|e ceep|] arc p|clcurc|] t|ar eve|
Va|| C|||c] was ser|c| v|ce p|es|cert cl |rte||t] |uu||s||r arc |e|c pcs|t|crs at /|uu|] |uu||s||r
Ccpar], R|ve|0a| |uu||s||r, arc |ata|ere |uu||s||r |cuse. ||s ucc|s |rc|uce Sc-1) - z|| oo1, a
cevct|cra| u|ce lc| teers, |o.) ||- |o.- o| o. ||-, ar |rsp||at|cra| u|ce lc| ccup|es, arc |oz o--| |s
0. oo1 ||-ss.-| w|)s |o |s|o,s o--|-s| ||s|- ||-s |o|-co-, |-).-)-. |e |c|cs
B/s |r B|u||ca| l|te|atu|e arc Speec| Ccur|cat|crs, ar VB/ l|c Ba|e| ur|ve|s|t], arc ar VD|v l|cr
|ata|ere I|ec|c|ca| Se|ra|]. |e ||ves |r B|ertwccc, I|.
lcca| aut|c| everts |r |as|v|||e, I|
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r lc| ccve|ae |r sp|||tua| arc wcer's |rte|est aat|res
0r||re cut|eac| tc C|||st|ar u|cs arc weus|tes
Scc|a| ec|a capa|r t||cu| aut|c| p|atlc|s cr |aceucc| arc Iw|tte|
||cct|crs cr aut|c| weus|te
Cccc|eacs p|cct|cr
- /ppea|s tc t|e sae |eace|s||p as J-s.s |-||) arc ct|e| pcpu|a| ucc|s arc cevct|cra|s cr C|||st|ar la|t|
arJ sp|||tua||t]
- Da]ucc| lc|at a|es t||s ucc| eas] tc c|p |rtc arc u|cwse
- C|lt] lc|at |s pe|lect lc| |v|r, lc| Vct|e|s Da], Easte|, arc espec|a||] C|||stas, s|rce t|e |eace| car
sta|t t|c ucc| |r t|e rew ]ea| arc |ave cre cevct|cra| pe| ca]
- |ccuses cr t|e t|ee cl |acea pcpu|a| suuject |r ccrtepc|a|] C|||st|ar|t]
|uu||s|e|. |a|| R|ve|
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
392 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
5 3/8 / 8 1/2
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
CompIete Book of Tarot Spreads
Eve//n 0o|e| 8 !ohannes //eb/
Iwc cl t|e uest-|rcwr aut|c|s |r t|e l|e|c p|cv|ce ar |rs||tlu|, |a|rat|ve |cc| at 122 ta|ct |a]cuts, w|t|
|rst|uct|crs cr w|er arc |cw tc use t|e. lea|r t|e uas|cs, |eac pe|scra||t] arc ]ea| ca|cs, arc ep|c|e
|a|e| ca|cs arc retwc||s cl ca|cs. |eatu||r ar] app|cac|es, |rc|uc|r /|t|u| /. Wa|te arc /|e|ste|
C|cw|e]s Cc|cer Dawr S]ste, t||s u|ce ccrta|rs t|e tcc|s lc| l|rc|r arswe|s tc ||les p|ess|r
Eve||r Bu|e| arc Jc|arres ||eu| |ave w||tter c|e t|ar 30 ucc|s cr ta|ct, t|e |rte|p|etat|cr cl c|eas,
la||]ta|es, arc ct|e| s]uc|s arc c|ac|es, w||c| |ave ueer t|ars|atec |r c|e t|ar 10 |aruaes arc |ave
sc|c c|e t|ar 1.7 ||||cr ccp|es. I|e] |ave twc acu|t c|||c|er, arc ||ve rea| K|e| at t|e Ba|t|c Sea,
Ce|ar]. |c| c|e |rlc|at|cr, c tc l|eu|-urc-uue|e|.ce.
||e-puu||cat|cr u| cut| a|||r w|t| sap|e p|ccucts arc u|ac
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r lc| ccve|ae |r rew ae arc sp|||tua| aat|res
0r||re cut|eac| tc rew ae u|cs arc weus|tes
Cccc|eacs p|cct|cr

- |rc|uces 122 |a]cuts arc ||rlc|at|cr cr |rc|v|cua| ca|cs
- |eatu|es ur|cue tec|r|cues lc| c|eat|r pe|scra||tec |eac|rs
- /r allc|cau|e arc essert|a| vc|ue cr us|r arc |eac|r ta|ct ca|cs
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r Et|cs
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
1c8 paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
111 u/w |||us.
c / 9
Ie|||tc|]. WE|C
The Irish:
Quotable Wisdom
ISBN 978-1-4549-1117-3
144 pages | Carton Qty: 60 | February 2014
This utterly beguiling collection of wisdom
celebrates the unique Irish perspective on life,
with all its challenges, triumphs, and tragedy.
The unforgettable quotations come from such
extraordinary gures as Swift, Wilde, Joyce,
Eamon de Valera, Edna OBrien, and Bono.
Mother Teresa:
Quotable Wisdom
ISBN 978-1-4549-1120-3
144 pages | Carton Qty: 60 | March 2014
Mother Teresa was beloved for her tireless
efforts on behalf of the poor and outcast.
Her spirit shines through in this powerful, life-
afrming collection. Taken from her writings
and speeches, here are hundreds of inspiring
quotations on the importance of charity,
family, and the dignity of every human being.
The Saints:
Quotable Wisdom
ISBN 978-1-4549-1119-7
128 pages | Carton Qty: 60 | March 2014
From St. Paul and Thomas Aquinas to those
only recently canonized, this extraordinary
compendium gathers the wisdom of the saints
in one beautiful gift edition. Youll turn to this
moving collection over and over again, for
guidance in your own spiritual journey.
Steve Jobs:
Quotable Wisdom
ISBN 978-1-4549-1123-4
120 pages | Carton Qty: 68 | March 2014
Steve Jobs forever changed how we
communicate, listen to music, and watch
video. This elegant gift collection gathers
hundreds of quotations drawn from interviews,
appearances, and media coverage throughout
his lifetime. Complete with statements from
world leaders, industry giants, journalists, and
friends, Steve Jobs: Quotable Wisdom is a
thoughtful tribute to an American icon.
Winston Churchill:
Quotable Wisdom
ISBN 978-1-4549-1124-1
144 pages | Carton Qty: 60 | March 2014
Success consists of going from failure to failure
without loss of enthusiasm. Winston Churchill:
Quotable Wisdom reveals the great leaders
unparalleled eloquence; his insights about war,
politics, and humanity; and his often-scathing
wit. Best remembered for leading his country
through the dark days of World War II, Churchill
inspired the world with powerful, soaring rhetoric
that still stirs us today.
Abraham Lincoln:
Quotable Wisdom
ISBN 978-1-4549-1121-0
160 pages | Carton Qty: 56 | March 2014
From his early years on the Kentucky frontier
to the heartrending Gettysburg address, this
unique collection captures the enduring words
of Abraham Lincoln. Arranged in categories
that reect the stages of his life, the quotations
come from Lincolns letters, speeches, and
other writings. Readers will also nd quotations
and anecdotes from Lincolns family, friends,
colleagues, and contemporaries.
All Books Are: $9.95 ($10.95 Canada) | Hard | 4
/8 x 7
/8 | Territory: World | Fall River
[ 4827$%/( :,6'20 ]
The EssentiaI ToIkien Trivia and Ouiz Book
A Middle-earth Miscellahy
W////am Mac/ay
|ars cl uct| |- |o||| arc |- |o1 o| ||- |)s a|e rctc||cus|] cusess|ve aucut Ic|||ers
aste|p|ecesarc t|e]|| jup at ar] cppc|tur|t] tc s|cw cll t|e|| ceta||ec |rcw|ece cl ||s ||le arc wc||.
I||s era|r V|cc|e-ea|t| |sce||ar] puts t|e tc t|e test, |evea||r |cw uc| t|e] |ea||] |rcw aucut
Ic|||ers c|aat|c, sp|aw||r lartas] ur|ve|se. 0uest|crs lccus cr Ic|||ers u|c|ap|], |cuu|ts, E|ves, arc
W||||a VacKa] |s t|e aut|c| cl !JJ! .- .-s|os (|a|| R|ve| ||ess}, |-s1-|-| .- .c 5oo|, arc
w||- |o.s- ws1o (uct| Ba|res c |cu|e Bcc|s}.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc lartas] aat|res as we|| as ||te|a|] puu||cat|crs
I||v|a s|eet w|t| lacts aucut J. R. R. Ic|||er
|at|cra| arc |cca| |ac|c cut|eac|
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r ta|et|r J.R.R. Ic|||er lars, u|cs, arc weus|tes
B|ce| cut|eac| tc lartas] s|tes
- Ic|||ers lars a|e acr t|e cst cec|catec |r t|e lartas] er|e arc t|e] wart eve|]t||r cevctec tc t|e||
lavc||te aut|c|
- Betweer |- |o||| arc |- |o1 o| ||- |)s t|||c], J. R. R. Ic|||ers ucc|s |ave sc|c |cu||] 250 ||||cr
a|curc t|e wc||c arc t|e |0| l|| t|||c] |cssec cve| $1 u||||cr at t|e ccest|c uc cll|ce a|cre
- |uu||cat|cr s|cu|c cc|rc|ce w|t| t|e DVD |e|ease cl t|e seccrc |rsta||ert cl |- |o||| l|| t|||c]
- I|e|e |s rc ct|e| ccpa|au|e arc w|ce|] ava||au|e ucc| cl |sce||ar] arc t||v|a |||e t||s
- lcw p||ce pc|rt arc att|act|ve pac|a|r a|e lc| ar ece||ert arc |pu|se-l||erc|] |lt |te
|uu||s|e|. |a|| R|ve|
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
111 paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
5 / 7
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
What's Your IO7
Fate ahd Faise Your lhtelligehce with 300 Self-Scorihg Fuzzles
P/e||e 0e|/oqo/n
I||s erte|ta|r|r successc| tc t|e uestse|||r S-||S.o) | -s|s leatu|es 300 cu|ttes l|c cre cl t|e
wc||cs cst-|ercwrec c|eatc|s cl |rc-uerc|r u|a|rteaste|s. ||e||e Be||ccu|r c|ar|tes ||s |r| putt|es
|rtc se||es, w|t| eac| |cup test|r a pa|t|cu|a| erta| p|ccess. |e t|er p|eserts l|ve tests t|at ccve|
eve|]t||r l|c |ette| |c|c arc patte|r |eccr|t|cr tc |ap||c ccu|rat|crs. |ur |||ust|at|crs acccpar] t|e
c|a||er|r ccrurc|us.
Rercwrec putt|e c|eatc| ||e||e Be||ccu|r |as puu||s|ec c|e t|ar 10 ucc|s cr putt|es arc aes,
t|ars|atec |rtc seve|a| |aruaes. I|e] |rc|uce. |11- |o1-s 5 o-1 |-s)s, !aJ ||-||-)) -1
|s|..|.- |.cc|-s. |- o-1- o| ||- Sc|\, arc !JJ o--s o| |o). (a|| Ste|||r}. /s a ccrsu|tart, |e
p|cree|ec t|e use cl erccurte| |cup tec|r|cues |r c|eat|v|t] s|cps |r t|e 1970s arc app||ec |t tc
uus|resses arc |esea|c| lac|||t|es |r Eu|cpe arc /e||ca. /s ar er|ree|, |e ceve|cpec |rrcvat|ve scltwa|e,
|rc|uc|r ||s 1995 12 Sc|eer Iest lau w|t| tcuc|-sc|eer |rte|laces tc assess |a||s I|ars|t /ut|c||t]s
ep|c]ees. /s a u|t|ec|a c|eatc|, |e ceve|cpec |r 1981-85 t|e l||st v|cec ae w|t| avata|s eve| tc wc||
cr a retwc||, w||c| was e||u|tec lc| seve|a| wee|s at t|e Cert|e Cec|es |cp|ccu |r |a||s.
- ||ev|cus putt|e arc erta| ee|c|se ucc|s u] t|e aut|c| |ave pe|lc|ec we|| |r t|e a||etp|ace,
acurt|r tc sa|es cl we|| cve| 100,000 ccp|es s|rce 2001
- 0lle|s a ccp|e|ers|ve erta| assessert, |rc|uc|r sever c|lle|ert t]pes cl |rte|||erce, at a |eat p||ce
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
18 paes
$1.95 ($5.50 Carac|ar}
8 1/2 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 151
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
The Living Art of Bonsai
Frihciples 8 Techhiques of Cultivatioh 8 Fropagatioh
P|o/esso| Amy //an
||clessc| /] l|ar, a wc||c-|ercwrec ucrsa| a|t|st arc |ectu|e|, clle|s a p|act|ca| u|ce tc t|e l|re a|t cl
cu|t|vat|r ucrsa|. |r t||s et|avaart|] p|ccucec vc|ue, w||c| s|cwcases t|e ve|] uest spec|ers l|c
|e| cc||ect|cr, l|ar su|ve]s t|e ||stc|] cl ucrsa| arc clle|s uselu| tec|r|cues w|t| ceta||ec |rst|uct|crs cr
eve|]t||r l|c t|a|r|r arc cwa|l|r a p|art tc p|epa||r |t lc| c|sp|a].
||clessc| /] l|ar, w|c tau|t at Seatt|e |ac|l|c ur|ve|s|t] arc |ectu|ec |r t|e uS, |as pu|suec ucrsa| lc|
cve| 20 ]ea|s. S|e cu||ert|] |es|ces |r C||ra.
- |rc|ec|u|] ccp|e|ers|ve, w|t| |urc|ecs cl lu||-cc|c| p|ctc|ap|s cl ucrsa| spec|ers
- ||clessc| /] l|ar |s ar epe|t |r |e| l|e|c arc |as stuc|ec ucrsa| cu|t|vat|cr lc| cve| 20 ]ea|s
- Sa|es cl p|ev|cus ec|t|crs tcta| a|cst c0,000 ccp|es
' . . . l|ars |s cre cl t|e uest [ucc|s cr t|e suuject[. |e| ucc| |rc|uces a u|eat|ta||r p|ctc a||e|] cl
ucrsa|, uas|c st]|es, |cup p|art|r, p|art p|]s|c|c], cu|t|vat|cr, p|cpaat|cr, t|arsp|art|r arc |epctt|r,
arc t|a|r|r arc cwa|l|r-|r ct|e| wc|cs, eve|]t||r t|e ucrsa| |cwe| reecs tc |rcw. 5oo||s|
New Edition
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
288 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/1 / 11 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Backyard BIueprints
Desigh, Furhiture ahd Flahts for a Small Gardeh
Dav/d $|evens Pho|o|ahy by !e||y Ha|o|
Ever a sa|| uac|]a|c tuc|ec ue||rc t|e |cuse car u|cssc u|||||art|] w|t| |cc lc| |cur|r, ccc||r,
c|r|r, p|a]|r, arc wc|||r. 0lle||r a | cl ccwr-tc-ea|t| acv|ce arc a|t|st|c |ceas, a|cr w|t| 18 ceta||ec
u|uep||rts tc u|ce ]cu, ces|re| Dav|c Stevers s|cws |cw tc ur|cc| ]cu| a|cers et|ac|c|ra|]
pcss|u|||t|es. Eve|]t||r |s ce]st|l|ec, l|c c|v|c|r t|e space tc p|art|r.
Dav|c Stevers |s ar |rl|uert|a| a|cer ces|re|, w||te|, arc u|caccaste|. |e |s t|e w|rre| cl e|ever c|c
eca|s at t|e C|e|sea ||cwe| S|cw, aut|c| cl 20 ucc|s, arc t|e c|eatc| arc |cst cl rue|cus te|ev|s|cr
arc |ac|c p|c|as.

Je||] |a|pu| |s ar awa|c-w|rr|r p|ctc|ap|e| cl a|cers arc p|arts. ||s wc|| |as appea|ec |r ar] ucc|s
arc aat|res, |rc|uc|r 4.||-.|.-| |)-s| arc |o.s- 5 o-1-.
- W||tter u] a |ercwrec a|cer ces|re| w|c |as wcr 11 c|c eca|s at t|e C|e|sea ||cwe| S|cw
- ||ctc|ap|s u] ar awa|c-w|rr|r p|ctc|ap|e| w|cse wc|| |as appea|ec |r tcp ces|r aat|res
- ||ev|cus ec|t|crs |ave sc|c c|e t|ar 30,000 ccp|es
Revised Edition
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
111 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
9 1/1 / 10
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Sinister Species with Deadly Consequences
by Dr. Mark Siddall
ISBN 978-1-4549-0764-0 | $17.95 ($19.95 Canada)
Hard | 5
/8 x 7
/4 | 256 pages (all in 2-color; 48 illustrations)
Territory: World | Carton Qty: 36 | April 1, 2014
Sterling Signature
ts a poisonous worldand this is the ultimate guide to
surviving nature at her most toxic! Journeying from the
outback to the jungles of Madagascar, Dr. Mark Siddall
introduces 75 of earths deadliest creatures, from things that
sting and bite to things you shouldnt touch or eat. Siddall
provides fascinating insight into species and their sometimes
lethal, occasionally benecial poisons.
Dr. Mark Siddall is the curator of Invertebrate Zoology at the
American Museum of Natural History. Siddalls research not
only focuses on the evolution of leeches and their blood-feeding
behavior but also holds great potential for future evolution-based
perspectives on disease intervention. He also curated the special
exhibition The Power of Poison opening at the American Museum
of Natural History in Fall 2013.
Will loosely tie in with AMNHs The Power of Poison
exhibition in Fall 2013, traveling in Fall 2014
Anecdotal factoids about the worlds poisonous
creatures are fun and accessible
Finely detailed illustrations will depict 50 to 60
poisonous species
National and local television outreach
National and local radio
Key local events
Review copy mailing to history and science publications
Gift guide outreach
Digital marketing campaign
Support through social media platforms
The Story of the Jews
by David Goldberg
ISBN 978-0-233-00394-8 | $49.95 (NCR)
Hardcover with Slipcase | 9 x 11
96 pages (150 color & b/w photos) | Territory: US Only
Carton Qty: 8 | March 4, 2014 | Andre Deutsch
rom Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to contemporary
Israel, this lavish volume takes a fascinating journey
through Jewish history. It chronicles the religions principles
and beliefs; key gures and events; and the diversity of
Jewish culture that arose as, exiled from their homeland,
the Jewish people dispersed both east and west. Includes
15 rare facsimile documents.
David J. Goldberg OBE is Rabbi Emeritus of the Liberal
Jewish Synagogue, London, and is well known for his
interfaith dialogue and involvement in Israeli-Palestinian
peace initiatives. He frequently appears in the media as a
commentator on Jewish and Middle Eastern affairs, and is
the author of a number of acclaimed books on Jews and
Zionism, including The Jewish People (Viking).
More than 50 museums and institutions in North
America are dedicated to Jewish history
The United States has the largest Jewish community in
the world
Perfect for anyone wanting to nd out more about their
Jewish ancestry as well as readers with a more general
interest and as a Bar and Bat Mitzvah present
Fifteen rare facsimile documents include:
* Pages from the Vienna Genesis, the oldest illustrated
Biblical codex
* Papers of the famous medieval Jewish philosopher and
physician Rabbi Moses ben Maimon
* Barcelona Jewish court documents illustrating Jewish
life before the expulsion
* Letter describing one of the Russian pogroms
in 1881
* Telegram of August 8, 1943 from a Jewish member of
the exiled Polish government to Jerusalem saying that
hundreds of Zionist youths had been killed during the
Warsaw Ghetto uprising
* A copy of David Ben Gurions speech declaring Israels
independence in 1948
Also Available
The Story of lsrael
$34.95 (NCR)
Hardcover with Slipcase
8 x 11
lsrael from Above
$19.95 ($23.95 Canada)
/8 X 7
EIizabeth's Sea Dogs
How the Ehglish Became the Scourge of the Seas
Hoh 0/cheno
||arc|s D|a|e, Va|t|r ||cu|s|e| arc Wa|te| Ra|e||. t|ese arc ct|e| ur|cue|] acvertu|cus er sa||ec t|e
seas |r t|e se|v|ce cl 0ueer E||tauet| |. |r t|e p|ccess, t|e] estau||s|ec a B||t|s| p|eserce |r t|e /e||cas,
celeatec t|e Spar|s| /|aca, arc ace E||tauet| ve|] wea|t|]. I||cu| |peccau|e |esea|c|, |u|
B|c|erc ea|res t|ese cc|c|lu|, ccrt|cve|s|a| c|a|acte|s, p|ac|r t|e |r ||stc||ca| ccrtet arc captu||r
ccrtepc|a|] v|ews.
|u| B|c|erc |s a w||te| arc ||stc||ar w|c spec|a||tec |r t|e pc||t|cs arc cutt|r ece cl ccrl||ct. ||s ucc|s
|rc|uce o-||,s|.), V1z-,, arc |-s.-| -1 |oss ||- 5-|||- o| |-c-|o !a/! (a|| Casse|| V|||ta|]}, |-|-|s
5 |-1.o-|s ||- 4-.- |-.o|.|o-, w- (|a|pe|Cc|||rs}, |-cos |1)- ||- Jo||.-| |s|o, o| ||-
|-|||-1s w- (||cer|} arc l-1-||- |)| 4| -1 |oz |.) -| ||- 5|| o| ||- |--ss-.- (||cer|}.
- / ||ve|] arc we||-|esea|c|ec ||stc|] cl t|e Er||s| p||vatee|s cl t|e E||tauet|ar ae
- Dea|s w|t| t|ees cl rav|at|cr, ep|c|at|cr, arc p||ac] as t|e Sea Dcs c||curav|atec t|e |cue |r t|e
0ueers se|v|ce
- / lasc|rat|r |rs||t |rtc t|e et|ee care|s cl ||le at sea |r t|e s|teert| certu|]
|uu||s|e|. Ccrwa]
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
118 paes
$30.00 ($33.00 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
30 cc|c| |||us., 20 u/w |||us.
c 1/8 / 9 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The First WorId War in 100 Objects
The Story of the Great War Told Through the Objects that Shaped lt
Ga|y $he///e/d
Ccec|ate t|e certera|] cl t|e l||st t|u|] |cua| ccrl||ct t||cu| |aes cl 100 |ccr|c |tes, l|c t|e
as as|, teppe||r, arc C|u|c||||s lacus c|a| tc pe|scra| pcssess|crs t|at te|| pc|rart stc||es cl t|cse
w|c lcu|t arc sulle|ec. 0lle||r a ur|cue pe|spect|ve cr 't|e wa| tc erc a|| wa|s,' t|ese cujects a|e
acccpar|ec u] s|c|t essa]s t|at ||||||t t|e|| s|r|l|carce.
||clessc| Ca|] S|ell|e|c |s t|e lc|ecst aut|c||t] cr Wc||c Wa| 0re arc ||s ucc|s |ave ueer puu||s|ec |r
t|e uS, Caraca, ||arce, Ce|ar], arc Japar, as we|| as ue|r uestse||e|s |r t|e uK. |e l|ecuert|] |eacs
pa|t|es tc ||stc||c uatt|el|e|cs, spec|a||t|r |r t|e Weste|r ||crt arc Ca|||pc||, arc t|e Wc||c Wa| ||
uatt|el|e|cs cl ||arce arc |ta|]. ||s ucc|s |rc|uce |o)o||- l.|o, |- |s| wo|1 w-V,||s -1
|--||-s (|eac||re Rev|ew 2001}, |- So- (||cer| 2003}, arc |o.)|-s |-) w- |--s -1 |-||-s
!9!1!3 (Wc| 2005}, ec|tec w|t| Jc|r Bcu|re.
- |uu||s|ec tc ccec|ate t|e certera|] cl t|e cutu|ea| cl Wc||c Wa| | |r 2011. I|e arr|ve|sa|] w|||
ersu|e ccrt|ruec puu||c|t] lc| t|e suuject arc rue|cus everts w||| ue |e|c tc a|| |t
- W||tter u] |ercwrec epe|t cr Wc||c Wa| | ||clessc| Ca|] S|ell|e|c
- 0lle|s a ur|cue pe|spect|ve cl Wc||c Wa| | t||cu| ar ea|rat|cr cl uct| puu||c arc cll|ce |tes suc| as
t|e |a||wa] ca|||ae w|e|e t|e /||st|ce was s|rec arc a ccp] cl ||es|cert W||scrs |cu|teer |c|rts
- / t|u|] |rte|rat|cra| ucc| w|t| cujects arc |tes l|c t|e uS, t|e uK, ||arce, Ce|ar], |ew Zea|arc,
Be||u, |ta|], arc Japar

|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
25c paes
$39.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
220 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
7 1/1 / 9 5/1c
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
The Wipers Times
The Famous First World War Trehch Newspaper
/n||odoc|/on by Ch|/s Wes|ho|
/r et|ac|c|ra|] | cl u|ac| |uc|, la|e erte|ta|rert p|c|as, arc past|c|e a|t|c|es, t|e wc-s -s,
t|e laec t|erc| rewspape| cl Wc||c Wa| 0re, ccrst|tutes a ur|cue |ecc|c cl ||le cr t|e l|crt ||re. I||s
lacs|||e ec|t|cr, p|ccucec tc acccpar] a BBC c|aat|tat|cr, |s a ||stc||ca| aste|p|ece t|at erau|es us tc
sap|e t|e |ea| sp|||t cl t|e t|erc|esl|c t|e salet] cl cu| a|c|a||s.
C|||s West|c|p |s a l|ee|arce ec|tc|, w||te|, arc |esea|c|e|. |c|e||] cl /|s arc /|cu| ||ess arc Durcar
Ba||c |uu||s||r, |e |as a spec|a||st |rte|est |r |||ta|] ||stc|] arc av|at|cr. C|||s |s t|e aut|c| cl |-
|o-1o |o.|-| V-.-| !9aJ!91a (Ccrwa]} |r acc|t|cr tc rue|cus ct|e| t|t|es.
|uu||s|e|. Ccrwa]
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
338 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
100 u/w |||us.
c / 8 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The FIying Scotsman Pocket-Book
/n||odoced and com//ed by RHN Ha|dy
|aec lc| |ts lcrccr tc Ec|ruu|| |cute, t|e ||]|r Scctsar |s cre cl t|e wc||cs cst |ccr|c stea
er|res arc ccve|ec c|e t|ar twc ||||cr ||es |r |ts ||let|e. I||s lasc|rat|r ucc| te||s t|e stc|] cl t||s
c|st|ru|s|ec |cccct|ve t||cu| aut|ert|c pe||cc ||te|atu|e, clle||r |rs||t |rtc |e| ccrst|uct|cr arc
cpe|at|cr l|c t|e 1930s t||cu| t|e erc cl |ts |ur |r 19c3.
R|c|a|c |a||] |c|ar |a|c] wc||ec cr B||ta|rs |a||wa]s lc| cve| 10 ]ea|s, |et|||r |r 1982 w|t| c|e t|ar
c0,000 ||es cl lcctp|ate epe||erce cr a|| c|asses cl l|ER, CC, arc C| er|res. 0|||ra||] w||t|r urce| t|e
pseuccr] cl Ba|c|e, |e |s t|e aut|c| cl rue|cus a|t|c|es arc lcu| ucc|s, |rc|uc|r twc autcu|c|ap||ca|
wc||s, S|-- ||- 5|oo1 arc |-|z-,s ||- 5|oo1 (uct| l|tt|e|aptcr} arc t|e u|c|ap||es 5--.|)
||-co o| ||- |-|z-, (|ar /||ar} arc 5-| |oo|- |-)-1-, |-|z-,- (0|C Ra||p||rt}.
- ||cv|ces ur|cue |rs||t |rtc cre cl t|e wc||cs cst lacus |cccct|ves t||cu| Ccrwa]s successlu| arc
we||-estau||s|ec 'pcc|et-ucc|' ccrcept
- Et|acts l|c aut|ert|c pe||cc cccuerts ccve| ccrst|uct|cr, cpe|at|cr, arc se|v|ce cl t|e ||]|r
Scctsar t||cu|cut |e| |cr ca|ee|
- Ccve|s uct| l|ER arc B||t|s| Ra||wa]s pe||ccs cl se|v|ce, ar essert|a| pu|c|ase lc| |a||wa] ert|us|asts

|uu||s|e|. Ccrwa]
|uu||s|ec. |eu|ua|] 2011
128 paes
$13.95 ($11.95 Carac|ar}
25 cc|c| c u/w |||us.
1 3/1 / 7
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 11
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
1001 Bizarre Rock 'n' RoII Stories
Tales of Excess ahd Debauchery
Robe|| /ode
W||c| |cc| sta| c|ec tw|ce |r a ca] W||c| uarcs we|e ccrs|ce|ec cu|sec W|t| eve|]t||r l|c se,
c|us, arc ceat| tc l||ts arc la||cuts, !JJ! 5c-- |o.| |o|| S|o-s |s t|e u|t|ate epcse.
Ce|eu|atec jcu|ra||st Rcue|t lcce c||cr|c|es cut|aecus art|cs l|c t|e u||t| cl jatt t||cu|
|eav]-eta| |e||-|a|s|r arc twert]-l||st certu|] pcp.
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
288 paes
$1c.95 ($18.95 Carac|ar}
5 / 7 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Cyber Attack
The Terrifyihg Truth about Digital Crime, Cyber Terror ahd Goverhmeht
Pao/ Day
/s scc|et] |cws eve| c|e cepercert cr t|e e|ect|cr|c l|cw cl |rlc|at|cr, we uecce |rc|eas|r|]
vu|re|au|e tc c]ue| c||e arc te||c||s. |,|- 4||-.| |s a t|e|] stuc] cl t|e |cst||e cr||re |arcscape
arc t|e t||eats we lace. |t ep|a|rs t|e etert arc |p||cat|crs cl t|e care|, arc |cw we car
p|ctect cu|se|ves, a|cr w|t| |ssues cl cr||re p||vac], srccp|r, arc su|ve|||arce.
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
210 paes
$19.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
30 u/w |||us.
c / 9 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
The Book of Five Rings
The Classic Text of Samurai Sword Strategy
M/yamo|o Mosash/ ||ans/a|ed by Ash/kaa osh/ha|o ed/|ed by
Rcsema|y 0|an|
|- 5oo| o| |.- |)s, l||st puu||s|ec |r t|e severteert| certu|], |s t|e c|ass|c tet cl sau|a|
st|ate], w||tter u] ar urceleatec aste| cl t|e swc|c. I||s cc|c|lu||] |||ust|atec rew ec|t|cr v|v|c|]
|rte|p|ets t|e teac||rs cl V|]actc Vusas|| arc t|e e|a cl t|e |ast S|curs, w|er t|e wa] cl t|e
swc|c was a|sc a sac|ec wa] cl ||le.
|uu||s|e|. |a|| R|ve|
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
200 paes
$1c.95 ($18.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 7
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 1c
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
CeItic OracIe
Ge||y Mao/|e 7homson
I|e arc|ert Ce|ts ue||evec |r a ccrrect|cr uetweer eve|]ca] |ea||t] arc t|e sp|||t |ea|arc us|r
t|e|| c|v|rat|cr et|ccs, we tcc car epe||erce t|e ercu||r a|c! I||s ueaut|lu| vc|ue, ccp|ete
w|t| 3c ueaut|lu||] ces|rec t|ee arc ar|a| ca|cs, |evea|s |cw tc |rte|p|et arc app|] t|e|ess Ce|t|c
w|scc tc cu| cwr ||ves |r c|ce| tc |ea| cu| ucc|es arc scu|s arc ep|c|e t|e lutu|e.
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
9c paes
$11.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 3/1 / 5 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
Publisher: Book House
Published: March 2014
192 pages
$7.95 ($8.95 Canadian)
b/w illus. throughout
4 X 6
Carton Quantity: 48
Territory: US/Can
Cats: A Very Peculiar History
Fiona MacDonald
Loved and worshipped, praised and admired, hated and feared: more than any other domesticated creature,
cats provoke extremes of feeling, and this Peculiar History title reveals why. Feline fans will love the information
on cat origins, cat biology, cats in different cultures, cats as pets, cat characters, and more.
Publisher: Book House
Published: March 2014
192 pages
$7.95 ($8.95 Canadian)
b/w illus. throughout
4 X 6
Carton Quantity: 48
Territory: US/Can
Dogs: A Very Peculiar History
Fiona MacDonald
Explore the history of mans best friend and its relationship with humankind. Featuring chapters on dog origins
and evolution, dog anatomical oddities, different dog species and breeds, and much more, this informative little
book is a dog lovers delight.
Publisher: Book House
Published: March 2014
192 pages
$7.95 ($8.95 Canadian)
b/w illus. throughout
4 X 6
Carton Quantity: 20
Territory: US/Can
Golf: A Very Peculiar History
David Arscott
Although golf today has a dash of high society about it, that wasnt always the case. Golf: A Very Peculiar
History traces the sport from its earliest ball-in-hole games and male-only origins right up to the scandals that
rock its current celebrities and tournaments-with a few mulligans in between.
Publisher: Book House
Published: March 2014
192 pages
$7.95 ($8.95 Canadian)
b/w illus. throughout
4 X 6
Carton Quantity: 18
Territory: US/Can
Fishing: A Very Peculiar History
Rob Beattie
Packed with fascinating facts, quirky trivia, and mind-boggling statistics, Fishing examines one of the worlds
most ancient and popular pastimes. Rob Beattie tackles everything from shing techniques to brave shing
adventures, from the history of sh and chips to what the well-dressed angler is wearing.
These beautifully designed pocket-size books have gilded spines, andcover little-known oddities
and a range of myths surrounding a variety of subjects. They make the perfect gift or collectible.

The FormuIa One MisceIIany

!ohn Wh/|e w/|h a /o|ewo|d by $/| $|/|//n Moss D0E
|c|u|a 0res Wc||c C|ap|crs||p |as a |eputat|cr lc| |acu|, ||tt, |c|] . . . arc a |ue, cevctec lar
uase. |a|rsta||r|] |esea|c|ec, t||s upcatec ec|t|cr cl |- |o.|- 0- Vs.-||-, ccve|s t|e spc|t l|c
sta|t|r l|a tc t|e l|r|s| ||re w|t| c||ve| u|c|ap||es, t|ac| cesc||pt|crs, tea |rlc|at|cr, ceta||s cl t|e
lacus |eac-tc-|eacs, arc uc| c|e.
Jc|r W||te |s a ||le|cr spc|ts larat|c w|c |as cevctec a|| ||s spa|e t|e tc ccp|||r ar |p|ess|ve|]
ccp|e|ers|ve ccpute| catauase cl spc|t|r lacts arc l|u|es. /r |||s|ar l|c Be|last, |e |as a|cert|]
lc||cwec t|e |c|u|a 0re Wc||c C|ap|crs||p lc| c|e t|ar 25 ]ea|s, ce|eu|at|r t|e successes cl
ccpat||cts Jc|r Watscr, Ecc|e ||v|re, arc Ecc|e Jc|car.
- |c|u|a 0re |s t|e cst ||| p|cl||e cl a|| ctc|spc|ts, arc t|e |1 Wc||c C|ap|crs||p v|s|ts 20 ccurt||es
a|curc t|e wc||c
- I|e|e a|e |1 |aces cr eve|] ccrt|rert ecept /l||ca arc t|e |c|es, w|t| rew t|ac|s arc ccurt||es a||r
t|e|| Wc||c C|ap|crs||p ceuut eve|] ]ea|, cst |ecert|] at C||cu|t /e||ca, |r /ust|r, Ieas, |r 2012
- Vc|e t|ar twc ||||cr lars atterc |c|u|a 0re Wc||c C|ap|crs||p |ace wee|ercs eac| ]ea|
- Va||c /rc|ett| arc Carac|ar Jaccues V|||ereuve a|e t|e |ast twc |c|t| /e||car c||ve|s tc w|r t|e
|c|u|a 0re Wc||c D||ve|s C|ap|crs||p
New Edition
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
17c paes
$1c.95 ($18.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
1 3/8 / 7 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The Treasures of the WorId Cup
/e/| Radnede w/|h a /o|ewo|d by Geo// Ho|s| M0E
Ccrta|r|r 30 lacs|||e p|eces cl |a|e ec|au|||a su|e tc ce|||t lars, |- --s.-s o| ||- wo|1 |.c te||s
t|e stc|] cl t||s cuac|err|a| lest|va|. /|cr w|t| ar aut|c||tat|ve acccurt cl a|| 19 tcu|raerts arc a p|ev|ew
cl B|at|| 2011, |t |rc|uces leatu|es cr t|e supe|sta|s, ec|au|e certs lc| eac| cl t|e l|ra|s, aps cl t|e
verues, arc |esu|ts uces.
Ke|| Racrece |as ueer ccve||r sccce| lc| c|e t|ar 10 ]ea|s arc w||tter ccurt|ess ucc|s cr t|e suuject,
l|c tcu|raert u|ces tc ccp|e|ers|ve erc]c|cpec|as. ||s jcu|ra||s ca|ee| |rc|ucec t|e |-|, V-| lc|
20 ]ea|s, as we|| as t|e o.-1- arc ct|e| rat|cra| rewspape|s arc aat|res |r t|e uK arc au|cac. |e |s
a lc|e| ec|tc| cl wo|1 So..-, ere|a||] |eccr|tec as t|e p|e|e| Er||s|-|aruae aat|re cr |cua|
sccce|. |e |as ueer a |eu|a| ara|]st lc| BBC |ac|c arc te|ev|s|cr, S|] Spc|ts, arc uS cau|e IV c|arre|
C||. |e a|sc ec|tec a tcu|raert rewspape| at t|e |||/ Wc||c Cup tcu|raerts cl 1982, 198c, arc 1990,
as we|| as at Eu|c 9c, arc sc||ptec v|cec |ev|ews cl ar] sccce| tcu|raerts.
- Ccrta|rs c|e t|ar 30 |ecvau|e lacs|||e |tes cl |a|e sccce| ec|au|||a |rte|atec |rtc t|e paes cl
t|e ucc|, |rc|uc|r sccce| p|c|as, atc| t|c|ets, pcste|s, st|c|e|s, pcstca|cs, arc cc||espcrcerce
at|e|ec l|c t|e |at|cra| |cctua|| Vuseu arc ct|e| p||vate cc||ect|crs a|curc t|e wc||c
upcatec tc |rc|uce a p|ev|ew cl t|e B|at|| 2011 Wc||c Cup
- B|at|| |s ere|a||] ac|rcw|ecec as t|e wc||cs cst pass|crate sccce| rat|cr arc t|e ccurt|] w||| |cst (lc|
t|e seccrc t|e} t|e |||/ Wc||c Cup |r 2011
- I|e |||/ Wc||c Cup |s t|e cst-watc|ec spc|t|r evert |r t|e wc||c alte| t|e Sue| 0|]p|c Caes.
Vc|e t|ar twc u||||cr lars w||| watc| t|e atc|es l|c B|at|| |r 2011 arc a|cst twc ||||cr lars a|e
epectec tc atterc t|e aes

|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
c1 paes
$50.00 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|a|cccve| w|t| S||pcase
235 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
11 / 9 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
april 2014
The Good Housekeeping Cookbook
Sunday Dinner Collectors Edition
1275 Recipes from Americas Favorite Test Kitchen
by The Editors of Good Housekeeping
ISBN 978-1-61837-137-9 | $35.00 ($38.50 Canada)
Hard | 8
/2 x 9
/8 | 784 pages (all in color) | Territory: US/Can
Carton Qty: 6 | April 1, 2014 | Hearst
Includes seasonal menus, from lighter warm-weather fare to
hearty feasts for fall and winter
Offers advice on how to choose and plan a weekly dinner,
shop for healthy ingredients, and include the entire family in
the process
This keepsake edition features a warm, family-friendly new
covera classic Norman Rockwell imagealong with a years
worth of complete menus for Sunday dinner, from soup and
salad through dessert
Good Housekeeping reaches 24 million women each
month and will support the book with editorial coverage and
print advertising
National and local TV appearances
Review copy mailing for coverage in womens, cooking,
and food magazines
Newspaper coverage in food sections
Cookbook roundups
Online outreach to food blogs and websites
Blads available
Cross promotion with Good Housekeeping magazine
and website
enew the tradition of a weekly sit-down dinner with the
help of this classic cookbook! It contains everything
needed to create wonderful meals and memories: a years
worth of family-friendly menus; 1,275 recipes for any time;
and ideas for making Sunday dinner extra-special. From
Brisket with Chunky Barbecue Sauce to Roast Chicken with
Buttermilk Biscuits, these dishes will make everybody happy.
Good Housekeeping magazine is an American icon of
consumer protection and quality assurance. Each issue
reaches 24 million readers and, with 15 editions published
worldwide, it is an internationally recognized brand.
The Better Bean Cookbook
More than 160 Modern Recipes for Beans, Chickpeas,
and Lentils to Tempt Meat-Eaters and Vegetarians Alike
by Jenny Chandler
ISBN 978-1-4549-1161-6 | $24.95 ($26.95 Canada)
Hard | 7 x 10 | 272 pages (all in color) | Territory: US/Can
April 1, 2014 | Sterling Epicure
eans are among the healthiest, most delicious foods on
earthand The Better Bean Cookbook is the essential
modern guide to preparing them. This stunning volume features
an illustrated guide to all dried beans, chickpeas, and lentils,
along with advice on buying and cooking them to achieve the
utmost avor and nutrition. Vegetarians and carnivores alike will
enjoy the enticing dishes.
Jenny Chandler teaches regularly in London and Bath and
currently runs the Plum Cooking School in Bristol. She has made
several television appearances on the BBC, HTV, and Carlton
Food Network in Britain. She is a highly respected Spanish food
consultant for restaurants in London, Barcelona, and Madrid.
Her cookbooks include The Food of Northern Spain and The
Real Taste of Spain (both published by Pavilion). Jenny lives in
Bristol, England.
Everyone knows that beans are nutritious, and bean
recipes are in demand. The book contains 160 varied
international dishes
The book is not just for vegetarians; there are also
meat choices, so this is a good primer on how to add
beans to your diet
Book has a totally modern and inviting design, with
exceptional food photography
An excellent price point for a 272-page book of
this quality
Review copy mailing for coverage in womens, cooking,
gluten-free, and food magazines
Newspaper coverage in food sections
Cookbook roundups
Online outreach to cooking, food, and gluten-free
blogs and websites
Blads available
Mediterranean Cooking
More than 150 Favorites to Enjoy with Family
and Friends
by Pamela Clark
ISBN 978-1-4549-1188-3 | $19.95 ($21.95 Canada)
Hard | 8 x 9 | 368 pages (all in color) | Territory: US/Can
Carton Qty: 12 | April 1, 2014 | Sterling
ood is key to the healthy way of life in the
Mediterranean, a region that offers us a stunning
variety of delicious dishes. Mixing traditional classics
with inspired contemporary favorites, this tempting
collection offers a range of vegetable dips, mezze,
salads, tagines, kebabs, roasts, and more. More than
150 color photos showcase the fantastic array of triple-
tested recipes.
Pamela Clark has a passion for food that is reected
in her role as head of a world-famous test kitchen. The
team develops and tastes recipes for magazines and
cookbooks. She lives in Sydney, Australia.
Beautifully photographed book with more than
150 color images
Triple-tested recipes to assure success
Features both traditional and imaginative
contemporary dishes
Review copy mailing for coverage in womens
and cooking magazines
Newspaper coverage in food sections
Cookbook roundups
Online outreach to food blogs and websites
Blads available
From Scratch
An Introduction to French Breads, Cheeses,
Preserves, Pickles, Charcuterie, Condiments, Yogurts,
Sweets, and More
by Laurence Laurendon, Gilles Laurendon,
Catherine Quevremont, and Cathy Ytak
ISBN 978-1-4547-0858-2 | $22.95 ($24.95 Canada) | Hard
8 x 10 | 256 pages (all in color) | Territory: US/Can/Philippines
Carton Qty: 10 | April 1, 2014 | Lark Crafts
hether its bread or bouillons, infusions or ice cream,
smoked salmon or sausages: preparing French-style
handmade, homemade food is satisfying and simple. This
gorgeous cookbook presents 120 recipes for everything from
fresh yogurts, cheeses, pastas, and pickles to compotes,
conserves, cont, and charcuterie. With these easy artisanal
techniques, even inexperienced cooks can create delicious,
authentic French cuisine.
Laurence and Gilles Laurendon are authors and editors who
live near Paris, France. They have published books in French
with Hachette Livre on a wide variety of topics, including
chicken, dairy, rice, and risotto.
Homesteading and artisan foods are hot: named artisan food producers a front
burner trend of 2013. Larks own Homemade Living
series has also sold well, with two books quickly
approaching 20,000 net
With people concerned about whats in their food
especially GMO ingredientsthese recipes provide an
excellent way to take control of all your kitchen basics
Covers a wide range of popular topics, and provides
month after month of weekend projects
Filled with beautiful photography, this 256-page
hardcover is a great value
Review copy mailing for coverage in
cooking magazines
Newspaper coverage in food sections
Cookbook roundups
Online outreach to French food and French cooking
blogs and websites
Blads available
Italian Kitchen
by Anna Del Conte
ISBN 978-1-4549-1078-7 | $24.95 (NCR) | Hard
/9 x 9
/3 | 272 pages (all in color) | Territory: US Only
Carton Qty: 12 | April 1, 2014 | Sterling
ith its beautiful design, stunning photos, and classic recipes
from one of the worlds great food writers, Italian Kitchen
belongs in every home. Anna Del Contes signature air and
expertise resonate on every page as she covers the fundamentals
of preparing Antipasti, Pasta, Risotto, and Dolci. First published in
four separate volumes, these recipes are now together in a single,
exquisite edition.
Anna Del Conte is the grande dame of Italian cooking. She was
born in Milan and moved to England as a young woman in 1949,
where she became the rst cookbook writer to specialize in Italian
food. She has written seven Italian cookbooks and a memoir. Her
books have won numerous prizes, and her many fans include
Nigella Lawson and Delia Smith.
Anna Del Conte recently won The Guild of Food
Writers Lifetime Achievement Award
Includes more than 100 mouthwatering recipes,
complete with beautiful color photographs of the dishes
Provides the fundamentals of classic Italian cooking
while adding moderns twists that appeal to
contemporary home chefs
Many of the recipes are vegetarian friendly
Review copy mailing for coverage in newspapers
and magazines
Online outreach to food blogs and websites
Online outreach to mommy bloggers and
Italian websites
Mothers Day gift guide outreach
Praise for Anna Del Conte:
The best Italian food writer around. Nigella Lawson
My favorite Italian food writer. Delia Smith
Something of a hero ... Her writing is warm and unaffected, and full
of fascinating historical detail. Guardian (UK)
The Essential New York Times
Grilling Cookbook
More Than 100 Years of Sizzling Food Writing and Recipes
Edited by Peter Kaminsky, Foreword by Mark Bittman
ISBN 978-1-4027-9324-0 | $24.95 ($26.95 Canada) | Hard
/8 x 9
/4 | 408 pages (10 b/w illus; 16-pg full-color insert)
Territory: World | Carton Qty: 12 | April 1, 2014 | Sterling Epicure
or more than a century, the New York Times has published
thousands of articles on grilling along with recipesand this
unique collection gathers the very best. With contributors such
as Mark Bittman, Craig Claiborne, Florence Fabricant, Sam
Sifton, and others weighing in on everything from barbecue
basics to expert tips, healthy fare to indulgent meaty feasts,
this book is a treat for everyone!
Peter Kaminsky is a former columnist for the New York Times
and a contributor to Food & Wine magazine. He has written,
coauthored, or contributed to numerous books, his most
recent being Bacon Nation: 125 Irresistible Recipes, with Marie
Rama (Workman). Other titles include Pig Perfect: Encounters
with Remarkable Swine and Some Great Ways to Cook Them
(Hyperion) and Culinary Intelligence: The Art of Eating Healthy
(and Really Well) (Vintage), which Jamie Oliver called a great
guide to how to make the most of your food. He lives in
Brooklyn, NY. Follow Peter on Twitter at @peterkaminsky. KEY SELLING POINTS
Includes more than 200 recipes that go way beyond
burgers and franks, written by a roster of famous names,
including Jacques Ppin, Pierre Franey, Chris Schlesinger,
Molly ONeill, and many more
Foreword by Mark Bittman, the bestselling author of How
to Cook Everything (Houghton Mifin Harcourt) and Food
Matters: A Guide to Conscious Eating with More Than 75
Recipes (Simon & Schuster)
The quality of the essays, and the high level of writing, will
make this an appealing choice even for non-chefs
Perfect for Fathers Day gift-giving and promotions
Fourth title in Sterling Epicures highly successful New York
Times book series
Review copy mailing for coverage in general interest,
mens, and food magazines
Online outreach to food blogs and websites
Social media campaign through author platforms
Dads & Grads gift guide roundups
Galleys available
Goodreads promotion
Ad in New York Times
Big Book of Kids' Birthday Cakes
A Collectioh of New 8 Favorite Fecipes
Pame/a C/a|k
We p|cuc|] p|esert t|e cst lauu|cus cc||ect|cr cl ||cs ca|es eve| c|eatec! I|ese uc|-|cvec |ec|pes
|rc|uce eve|]t||r l|c cupca|es arc pcpca|es tc ar|a|, acvertu|e, arc t|a|r ca|es. /rc w|||e eac| a|tlu|
c|eat|cr w||| e||c|t cc|s arc aa|s, t|e]|e a|| eas] tc p|epa|e. Sce ever ue|r w|t| |es, sc |ts s|p|e tc
|ve ||cs t|e pe|lect t|eat lc| t|e|| spec|a| ca].
|ae|a C|a|| |as a pass|cr lc| lccc t|at |s |el|ectec |r |e| |c|e as |eac cl a wc||c-lacus test ||tc|er. I|e
tea ceve|cps arc tastes |ec|pes lc| aat|res arc ccc|ucc|s. S|e ||ves |r S]cre], /ust|a||a.
||e-puu||cat|cr u| cut| a|||r w|t| sap|e p|ccucts arc u|ac
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r lc| ccve|ae |r ccc||r arc pa|ert|r aat|res
|ewspape| ccve|ae |r ||lest]|e sect|crs
0r||re cut|eac| tc ccc||r arc c] u|cs arc weus|tes
- K|cs w||| |cve t|e lur ca|e s|apes arc cecc|at|crs
- |ur lc| pa|erts arc c|||c|er tc a|e tcet|e|
- Eas] tc p|epa|e us|r e|t|e| s|p|e |ec|pes c| pac|et |es arc cecc|atec w|t| |eac||] ava||au|e carc|es
- Eac| |ec|pe |as ueer t||p|e testec, sc ]cu et |eat |esu|ts eve|] t|e
|uu||s|e|. Vet|c Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
352 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/1 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
First Cake Decorating
Simple Cake Desighs for Cake Decorators
Co///ns 8 0|own
W|] uu] a ca|e w|er |ts sc eas] tc c|eate scet||r spec|a| ]cu|se|l Des|rec espec|a||] lc| t|e l||st-t|e
cecc|atc|, t||s |arc] ucc| |evea|s t|e sec|ets cl p|ccuc|r ar aat|r ua|ec aste|p|ece. Belc|e ]cu |rcw
|t, ]cu|| ue c|c|r ar|a|s arc l|u|es, cce||r w|t| sua| paste arc a|t|par, wc|||r w|t| c|ccc|ate
arc sua|, arc a||r ]cu| ve|] cwr ueaut|lu| ca|es!
- |rc|uces ca|e-a||r uas|cs arc essert|a| ecu|pert
- Step-u]-step p|ctc|ap|] a|es ca|e cecc|at|r eas]
- |ac|ec w|t| |rsp|||r |ceas tc et ]cu| c|eat|v|t] l|cw|r |r t|e ||tc|er
|uu||s|e|. Cc|||rs c B|cwr
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
128 paes
$12.95 ($13.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 1/2 / 9 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Cosmo's Sex on the Beach
106 Cocktails For Every Occasioh
/|om |he Ed/|o|s o/ Cosmoo//|an
Se], ce||c|cus, arc lur. |osos |usc|cus ccc|ta|| |ec|pes a|e rcw |r cu| pcpu|a| ca|c lc|at! C|ccse l|c
10c ce|ectau|e c||r|s, eac| c|sp|a]ec |r a cut|wate||r p|ctc a|cr w|t| t|ps arc |ct 'Ccrve|sat|cr
Sta|te|s' ('Cuess w|] t||s cres ca||ec a |au|t] Sc|cc||||'} t|at w||| tu|r ar] |eace| |rtc ar |||es|st|u|e
|osoco||- (ccscpc||} |s t|e uestse|||r ]cur wcers aat|re |r t|e uS, t|e u|u|e lc| lur,
lea||ess lea|es t|at |eac|es c|e t|ar 18 ||||cr |eace|s a crt|. |osoco||- ce||ve|s t|e |atest rews
cr er arc |cve, las||cr arc ueaut], wcers |ea|t| arc se|l-|p|cveert, arc erte|ta|rert.
|osoco||- puu||s|es 58 ec|t|crs a|curc t|e wc||c.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r lc| ccve|ae |r rewspape|s arc aat|res
0r||re cut|eac| tc lccc/ueve|ae arc se/|e|at|crs||p u|cs arc weus|tes
C|css p|cct|cr w|t| |osoco||- aat|re arc weus|te
Ccsc |ac|c |veawa]s
- |oso w||| p|ccte t|e ucc| |r t|e aat|re
- I||s |s a uestse|||r lc|at. |osos se] cec|s |ave sc|c c|e t|ar 100,000 ccp|es
- Des|rec lc| lea|e |eace|s, t||s w||| starc cut l|c t|e ct|e| ua|terc|r arc ccc|ta|| ucc|s, ar] cl
w||c| |cc| c|e ascu||re c| ur|se
- |c| c|e t|ar s| ]ea|s, |oso |as ueer |urr|r ccc|ta|| |ec|pes arc t|e] |ave ccrs|stert|] |atec ||||]
t||s |s a pcpu|a| suuject w|t| |eace|s
|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
210 paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
Ca|c Dec|
a|| |r cc|c|
3 3/8 / 1 3/8
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
180 Fecipes with Delicious Food Fairihgs
Rec/es by G/an/|anco D/ N/so and Dav/de Manzon/ ho|o|ahs by /ab/o
lea|r t|e s||||s reecec tc ue a te|||l|c |ce ua|terce|arc c|e. |r acc|t|cr tc |ec|pes lc| 180
||p-sac||r ccc|ta||s, |ar|r l|c c|ass|cs |||e t|e Ccsc arc Vcj|tc tc suc| rew, urusua|, c| |e|cra|
ccrccct|crs as t|e /|auaa S|ae| arc Casc||ra, t||s c|ecus|] p|ctc|ap|ec ucc| p|cv|ces ce||c|cus
ast|crc|c acccpar|erts lc| eac| c||r|, u|c|r ]cu step u] step t||cu| p|epa|at|cr arc se|v|r.
C|arl|arcc D| ||sc |s a p|cless|cra| ua|terce| w|c |as wcr rat|cra| arc |rte|rat|cra| ccpet|t|crs arc |urs
p|cless|cra| t|a|r|r ccu|ses lc| ua|terce|s. S|rce 198c |e |as wc||ec |r rue|cus estau||s|erts |r arc
a|curc Be|ac.

Dav|ce Vartcr| ccp|etec ||s ||| sc|cc| ecucat|cr at t|e |st|tutc Iu||st|cc /|ue|||e|c |r Sar |e||e||rc
Ie|e, Be|ac arc |acuatec |r C|rea Stuc|es at t|e ur|ve|s|ta Cattc||ca cl B|esc|a. |r acc|t|cr tc
c|rea, |e |s a|sc pass|crate aucut ccc||r arc w||t|r.

|au|c |et|cr| |as wc||ec w|t| sce cl t|e cst lacus raes |r |rte|rat|cra| p|ctc|ap|] s|rce 1981, as
we|| as w|t| sce cl t|e tcp acve|t|s|r aerc|es. |e |as ueer |rvc|vec |r capa|rs lc| we||-|rcwr
rat|cra| arc |rte|rat|cra| u|arcs.
- |ew, sa||e| lc|at
- /r e|eart u|ce lc| p|epa||r 180 ccc|ta||s, l|c t|e c|ass|c tc t|e |atest t|ercs, p|us acccpar]|r lccJs
- 0|||ra| |ec|pes
- |rc|uces |rlc|at|cr cr p|cpe| tcc|s arc |asses arc ceta||ec |rst|uct|crs lc| p|epa|at|cr
- / ust lc| a|| ua|terce|s, l|c t|e cst epe|t vete|ars tc t|e rewest aateu|s

New Edition
|uu||s|e|. W||te Sta| |uu||s|e|s
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
210 paes
$17.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
180 cc|c| p|ctcs
c 7/8 / 9 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
Superfood Juices
100 Delicious, Energizing &
Nutrient-Dense Recipes
by Julie Morris
ISBN 978-1-4549-1077-0 | $16.95 ($18.95 Canada)
Hard | 7 x 8 | 224 pages (all in color) | Territory: World
Carton Qty: 10 | April 15, 2014 | Sterling
ulie Morris, author of the bestselling Superfood
Smoothies, serves up a fresh, ultra-healthy take
on juicing with 100 avorful recipes. Incorporating
antioxidant- and vitamin-rich powerhouses such as aai,
chia, ginger, and kale, these drinks cleanse, energize,
and rejuvenate with every sip. Learn countless secrets
that will take your juicing to the next level, with more
healthy benets and delicious rewards!
Julie Morris is a Los Angeles-based natural food
chef and advocate of whole, plant-based foods and
superfoods. She has worked in the natural food industry
for close to a decade as a recipe developer, writer,
cooking show host, and spokesperson, and is the
executive chef for Navitas Naturals, a fair trade company
that specializes in 100% organic superfoods. Her
mission is simple: to share recipes and nutrition tips that
make a vibrantly healthy lifestyle both easy to achieve
and delicious to follow. To learn more about Julie and
superfoods visit
By the bestselling author of Superfood Smoothies32,000+
copies sold
Next book in the series, Superfood Snacks and Sweets,
publishes in Spring 2015
On publication, Navitas Naturals will support sales of Superfood
Juices with a limited tour, e.g., store visits/book signing at
retailers such as Whole Foods in New York and Los Angeles
National and local TV appearances
Local author events (Los Angeles, CA)
Appearances to coincide with authors speaking schedule
Review copy mailing for coverage in womens, cooking,
nutrition, and health magazines
Newspaper coverage in food sections
Online outreach to cooking, healthy living, and nutrition blogs
and websites
Social media campaign through author platforms on Facebook
and Twitter
Promotions on author blog,
Blads available
Co-promotional partner with Navitas Naturals
Also Available
Superfood Kitchen
$24.95 (Canada $26.95)
8 x 10
Superfood Smoothies
$16.95 (Canada $18.95)
7 x 8
Happy Feet
Uhique Khits to Khock Your Socks Off
Ca|hy Ca||on
|cpu|a| |r|twea| ces|re| Cat|] Ca||cr |as cre l|c |eac (|e| uestse|||r |-|||.1-} tc tce,
w|t| t||s ur|cue cc||ect|cr cl scc|s, stcc||rs, |ewa|e|s, s||ppe|s, sarca| scc|s, arc c|e.
|e|lect lc| acvarcec ue|rre|s arc acvarcec |r|tte|s, t|e 35 las||cr-lc|wa|c ces|rs clle| a
va||et] cl lur st]|es arc c|a||eres, |rc|uc|r tuue c| sp||a| s|apes, tu|rec |ee|s, alte|t|cu|t
|ee|s, arc tce-up.
Cat|] Ca||cr |s cre cl |r|tt|rs cst p|c||l|c arc pcpu|a| ces|re|s. |e| ces|rs |ave appea|ec
|r lo).- |||), || Sc|-, ||-z--.- ||s, arc ar] ct|e| puu||cat|crs. Cat|] |as a|sc
w||tter rue|cus ucc|s, |rc|uc|r t|e uestse|||r |-|||.1-, |oz| o|s, arc S|o| S|o,, a||
puu||s|ec u] S|t|cSp||r Bcc|s. Cat|] se||s |e| custc |r|twea| ces|rs arc u|cs aucut
|r|tt|r at pcrcece.ret. S|e ||ves |r |ew Yc||, |Y.
- I|e lcu|t| |r a se||es cl uestse|||r cc||ect|crs cl las||cr-lc|wa|c |r|ttec accessc||es arc
a|erts l|c Cat|] Ca||cr
- Cat|] crce aa|r aste|lu||] |e|rte|p|ets lc| |r|tte|s a ||s|r |urwa] t|erc. c||c, |ap||c, arc
tetu|ec scc|s arc |ewea|
- Scc|s arc lcctwea| a|e pcpu|a| w|t| |r|tte|s uecause t|e]|e sa||, cu|c| tc |r|t, pc|tau|e, arc
ccrt |ecu||e a |ct cl ]a|r-uut t|e] st||| |ave |cts cl c|eat|ve pctert|a|
- De||ve|s ||| st]|e at a |eat va|ue
|uu||s|e|. S|t|cSp||r Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
1c0 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ie|||tc|]. WE|C
CowI GirIs
I|e |ec|s B| I||r tc Kr|t
|-||, |-o
Fublisher: Sixth8Sprihg Books
136 pages
$19.95 ($25.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
all ih color
8 1/2 X 10
Cartoh Ouahtity: 32
Territory: WENG
Kr|ts lc| Eve|] Vccc
|-||, |-o
Fublisher: Sixth8Sprihg Books
96 pages
$19.95 ($25.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
all ih color
8 1/2 X 8 1/2
Cartoh Ouahtity: 58
Territory: WENG
Short Story
C||c Kr|ts lc| la]e||r
|-||, |-o
Fublisher: Sixth8Sprihg Books
160 pages
$19.95 ($23.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
all ih color
8 1/2 X 10
Cartoh Ouahtity: 28
Territory: WENG
Publisher: Lark Crafts
Published: April 2014
132 pages
$9.95 ($10.95 Canadian)
all in color
8 X 8
Carton Quantity: 44
Territory: World
Pretty Little Cozies
Its hip to be crazy for coziesand this Pretty Little collection elevates the cozy from humble to cool. Thirty-two
colorful, modern, and playfully feminine projects include covers for iPods, cell phones, and cups, plus wraps to
cuddle such delightfully unexpected objects as a French press, video game controllers, and pot or pan handles.
pretty little...
Publisher: Lark Crafts
Published: April 2014
128 pages
$9.95 ($10.95 Canadian)
all in color
8 X 8
Carton Quantity: 44
Territory: World
Pretty Little Patchwork
Patchwork is back, and making a splash on fashion runways, in the hottest magazines, and on the coolest indie
craft blogs. Anyone can get started with these 30 fabulous projects from a pool of talented designers. Create
funky ornaments, a silk scarf, a yoga mat carrier, and more. An introduction teaches the basic techniques, and
all the projects appear in full-color photos.
Publisher: Lark Crafts
Published: April 2014
128 pages
$9.95 ($10.95 Canadian)
all in color
8 X 8
Carton Quantity: 44
Territory: World
Pretty Little Potholders
Potholders are perfect canvases for showcasing fabulous fabric, simple embellishments, and novel ideasas
these charming projects prove! All thats needed are basic sewing skills to complete a darling buttery-shaped
potholder with rickrack antennae or a bright red one with embroidered ames and Caliente! stitched on it.
The introduction presents a vast range of textiles, embellishments, and beginner techniques.
Publisher: Lark Crafts
Published: April 2014
132 pages
$9.95 ($10.95 Canadian)
all in color
8 X 8
Carton Quantity: 44
Territory: World
Pretty Little Presents
This charming collection will appeal to every crafter who wants to give a gift thats personal and handmade
with love. It features adorable presents to sew and decorate for brides, babies, house warmings, birthdays, and
hostesses-with-the-mostess. Created by top designers, these irresistible projects include a notebook cover,
Leaf it Alone trivet, wedding portfolio, doll, and Gentle Waves Pillow for a newborn.
The bestselling seriesnow back in print and new in paper!
First Sewing
Simple Frojects for Sewers
Che|y/ 0|own
Becce a ccrl|cert sewe|, ever |l ]cuve reve| sewr a st|tc| uelc|e! I|ese s|p|e
p|cjectsc|e t|ar 20 lc| ]cu arc ]cu| |cew||| cu|c||] tu|r ]cu |rtc ar epe|t. Ccp|ete
rcv|ces car ue|r w|t| t|e |averce| ua c| p|ett] uurt|r. I|cse |eac] lc| a sa|| c|a||ere car
t|] cu|ta|rs c| a tur|c c|ess. Da] tc ca], ]cu| ccrl|cerce w||| |cw.
/s a Ser|c| Cc|ss|cr|r Ec|tc| lc| C|alts, C|e|]| B|cwr spert c|e t|ar 15 ]ea|s accu|||r
uestse|||r t|t|es lc| a |eac|r puu||s|e| uasec |r Er|arc. S|e |as w||tter seve|a| ucc|s,
|rc|uc|r c|||c|ers c|alt ucc|s cr C|||stas c|alts arc c|ess|r up. S|e |s cu||ert|] se||es ec|tc|
cl t|e S|p||c|t] sew|r t|t|es. B|cwr ||ves rea| Eete|, Devcr.
- Ccve|s sew|r uas|cs arc essert|a| ecu|pert
- Step-u]-step p|ctc|ap|] a|es sew|r eas]
- |ac|ec w|t| ueaut|lu| |ceas tc et ]cu| c|eat|v|t] l|cw|r
|uu||s|e|. Cc|||rs c B|cwr
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
128 paes
$12.95 ($13.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 1/2 / 9 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
First Beading
S|p|e ||cjects lc| Beace|s
J-- |-z||
Fublisher: Collihs 8 Browh
128 pages
$12.95 ($14.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
7 1/2 X 9 3/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 34
Territory: US/Cah
First Cake Decorating
S|p|e Ca|e Des|rs lc| Ca|e
|o||s 5 5oz
Fublisher: Collihs 8 Browh
128 pages
$12.95 ($13.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
7 1/2 X 9 3/4
Territory: US/Cah
First Card Making
S|p|e ||cjects lc| Ca|c Va|e|s
|-.|- |-s..-|
Fublisher: Collihs 8 Browh
128 pages
$12.95 ($14.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
7 1/2 X 9 3/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 34
Territory: US/Cah
First Crochet
S|p|e ||cjects lc| C|cc|ette|s
|-s|-, S|-|-|1
Fublisher: Collihs 8 Browh
128 pages
$12.95 ($14.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
7 1/2 X 9 3/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 34
Territory: US/Cah
First Knits
S|p|e ||cjects lc| Kr|tte|s
|.s- |o|-|s 5 |-|- |-\-||
Fublisher: Collihs 8 Browh
128 pages
$12.95 ($14.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
7 1/2 X 9 3/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 34
Territory: US/Cah
Fabric BIooms
42 Flowers to Make, Wear 8 Adorh Your Life
Mean Hon|
||cwe|s a|e a pe|err|a| lavc||te acr c|alte|sespec|a||] w|er t|e]|e cu|c| tc c|eate, arc ace
w|t| le|t, p|ett] lau||cs, arc e]e-catc||r st|tc|ec eue|||s|erts. I|ese 12 l|c|a| p|cjects |rc|uce a
s|p|e steec a||c|c, a cascace cl s||| pcpp|es, ar eu|c|ce|ec ucucuet lc| a |uc|] u||ce, |cses
ertw|rec |r a sue| |eacuarc, a cappe| ||tt|e ucutcrr|e|e, arc a ve|vet succu|ert w|eat| tc acc|r a
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
128 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Serge It!
24 Fuh 8 Fresh Frojects to Sew with Your Serger
!enny Doh 8 Cyn|h/a $ha//e|
Iec|r|cues /|D p|cjects lc| cre cl t|e cst pcpu|a| tcc|s |r t|e sewe|s a|sera|. rct cr|]
s|cws st|tc|e|s |cw tc use t||s |arc] ac||re, |t a|sc |ves t|e a|ve|cus t||rs tc a|e w|t| |t.
Iwert]-lcu| l|es|, cce|r, arc c|eat|ve p|cjects |are l|c a sweet |ull|e pu|se tc cute puppets tc
lur l|u|t-t|eec t||vets, a|| |||ust|atec w|t| ap|e |cw-tc p|ctcs s|cw|r eac| step.
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
111 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 32
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
BeautifuI Origami FIowers
23 Blooms to Fold
Anca D|ea
C|eate 23 scp||st|catec c||a| l|cwe|s! I||s ueaut|lu| cc||ect|cr a|||es twc pcpu|a| past|es.
c||a| arc l|c|a| c|alts. Sce cl t|e p|cjects ||c t|e |cc| cl |ea| u|ccs|rc|uc|r t|e |ctus,
c|e||] u|cssc, arc ca||a |||]w|||e ct|e|s vertu|e |rtc t|e |ea| cl t|e |a|rat|cr, |rvert|r rew
va||et|es. / uas|cs sect|cr ccve|s t|e lurcaerta|s, arc a|| t|e l|cwe|s appea| |r sturr|r cc|c|
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
128 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Beautiful Paper Flowers
Elegantand Easy to MakeBlossoms
by Laurie Cinotto
ISBN 978-1-4549-1146-3 | $14.95 ($15.95 Canada)
Kit | 8 x 9 | 64 pages (full-color book + components)
Territory: WENG | Carton Qty: 24 | April 1, 2014
Sterling Innovation
repe paper owers are simple to craft yet stunning
to behold, whether in a keepsake corsage, beautiful
bouquet, or a stylish centerpiece. Using this all-in-one
kit, complete with crepe paper, wire, oral tape, and an
illustrated project book, you can make nine exquisite types
of blossomsand up to 24 fabulous owers.
Laurie Cinotto is a crafter and DIY project designer. You
can nd out all about the things she makes at her blog and
online portfolio, La La Laurie: She shares
her life with her husband, two permanent resident cats, and
a steady stream of foster kittens. Follow the lives of their
adorable wards by visiting
She was born and raised in Iowa, but now calls the Pacic
Northwest home.
Kit includes: 24 sheets of multi-hued crepe paper * oral wire
* green oral tape * 24 stamens * Making Paper Flowers, a
64-page illustrated project book with templates for nine lifelike
blossoms plus various leaf designs
Appeals to both beginner and more advanced paper
crafters and hits the trend of using paper owers to decorate
the home
The wrapping and taping technique used in Beautiful Paper
Flowers is easier than folding origami and creates blooms that
are more realistic, sophisticated, and durable
Can combine owers to create entire arrangements,
centerpieces, mobiles, wedding favors, and many other
decorative uses
Shares the same box style, price point, and design sensibility
as Beautiful Paper Birds, so they can be sold together
Also Available
Beautiful Paper Birds
$14.95 ($15.95 Canada)
/8 x 8
1000 Beads
/|/s|/na /oan
Ce|eu|ate t|e |rrcvat|cr arc c|eat|ve |rsp||at|cr cl ccrtepc|a|] ueaca|e|s l|c a|curc t|e
wc||c! I||s c|ecus vc|ue |r t|e pcpu|a| S|cwcase se||es p|eserts 1,000 ur|cue ueacs, a||
|arcc|altec l|c a catt||r a||a] cl ate||a|s|rc|uc|r |ass, pc|]e| c|a], ce|a|cs, eta|,
pape|, l|ue|, p|ast|c, wccc, arc stcre. Eac| cre |s a ar|l|cert p|ece cl a|t, w|et|e| cr |ts cwr
c| |r a p|ece cl jewe||] c| ct|e| c|raertat|cr.
K||st|ra lcar |s t|e wc||cs |eac|r |ass ueaca|e|. |e| wc|| |as ueer e||u|tec |r
p|ee|rert useus arc |rst|tut|crs |rte|rat|cra||], |rc|uc|r t|e S|t|scr|ar Vuseu cl
/e||car /|t, t|e Vuseu cl ||re /|ts |r Bcstcr, t|e Cc|r|r Vuseu cl C|ass, arc t|e Vusee
cu Ve||e ce Sa|s-|cte||es |r ||arce. S|e |s a past p|es|cert cl t|e |rte|rat|cra| Scc|et] cl C|ass
Beaca|e|s, teac|es |eu|a||] at |eac|r sc|cc|s |r t|e uS arc Eu|cpe, arc aut|c|ec a c|apte|
|r |- |-|-1 5oo| o| o|-ss (la||}. K||st|ra ||ves |r |c|tscut|, ||, arc ||cverce, ||arce.

Ra] |eac|arc|a |s a lc|e| ec|tc| lc| la|| Jewe||] c Beac|r arc t|e aut|c| cl ar]
|cc|s, |rc|uc|r S|oz.-s- aJJ 5--1-1 J-z-|, arc |- |-|-1 5oo| o| o|-ss. |e ||ves |r
/s|cv|||c, |C.
- !JJJ o|-ss 5--1s sc|c c|e t|ar 35,000 ccp|es, arc t||s rew ucc| w||| eparc upcr t|at
auc|erce u] |rc|uc|r ueacs ace w|t| |ass uut a|sc ct|e| pcpu|a| ate||a|s, suc| as pc|]e|
c|a], ce|a|cs, arc eta| c|a]
- I|e ucc|s ju|c|, K||st|ra lcar, |s t|e uest-|rcwr ueaca|e| |r t|e wc||c

|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
120 paes
$27.95 ($30.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
1000 Rings
|rsp|||r /cc|rerts lc|
t|c |arc
||o1..|o |,
|o|e| w ||-1o|
Fublisher: Lark Crafts
416 pages
$24.95 ($29.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
all ih color
8 X 8
Cartoh Ouahtity: 12
Territory: World
500 SiIver JeweIry
I|e |cwe|lu| /||u|e cl a
||ec|cus Veta|
V-||- |- l- 5 -|,- 5-|--|
Fublisher: Lark Crafts
420 pages
$24.95 ($29.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
all ih color
8 X 8
Cartoh Ouahtity: 10
Territory: World
500 Earrings
|ew D||ect|crs |r
Ccrtcpc|a|] Jewe||]
Fublisher: Lark Crafts
408 pages
$24.95 ($29.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
all ih color
8 X 8
Cartoh Ouahtity: 12
Territory: World
500 Gemstone JeweIs
/ Spa||||r Cc||ect|cr cl
Datt||r Des|rs
Fublisher: Lark Crafts
420 pages
$24.95 ($29.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
all ih color
8 X 8
Cartoh Ouahtity: 12
Territory: World
500 Beaded Objects
|ew D|ers|crs |r
Ccrtepc|a|] Beacwc||
|-o| w|.o\ w-||s -1
e, |-.|z.s|
Fublisher: Lark
420 pages
$24.95 ($26.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
all ih color
8 X 8
Cartoh Ouahtity: 12
Territory: World
Masters: GIass Beads
Vajc| Wc||s u] leac|r /|t|sts
Fublisher: Lark
336 pages
$24.95 ($26.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
all ih color
9 X 8
Cartoh Ouahtity: 10
Territory: World
Style & Simplicity
An A to Z Guide to Living a More Beautiful Life
by Ted Kennedy Watson
ISBN 978-1-4549-0724-4 | $17.95 ($19.95 Canada)
Hard | 8 x 8 | 160 pages (all in color) | Territory: World
Carton Qty: 24 | May 6, 2014 | Sterling Signature
Ted Watsons stores won the National Retail Excellence
Award for Visual Merchandising and the Pacic Northwest
Interior Design Award
Ted Watsons interior designs have been featured in the
London Times, the New York Times, and House Beautiful,
Real Simple, Wallpaper, InStyle, Country Living, Allure, and
Lucky magazines
Simple dive-in and dive-out photos and text give quick-and-
easy decorating tips and inspiration for busy readers
During the last 12 months the blog
had 72,000 visits and 395,000 page views; its followed by
readers in 39 countries
Outreach to home decorating, style and fashion editors at
magazines, newspapers and blogs
Pitch for Mothers Day Gift Guides
Support through authors social media channels
Pitch author for local book signings
ed Kennedy Watsonacclaimed retailer, blogger, and
stylist of the beautiful and unusualhas a passion for
the art of display and an understanding of how distinctive
touches make a space inviting. Here, in a lush, lavish, A to Z
guide, he presents more than 100 insider secrets and ideas
that will empower you to create a serene, harmonious home
that delights the ve senses.
Ted Kennedy Watson got his start in the design and retail
world when working as part of the creative team for Bill
and Melinda Gatess wedding. After opening a successful
wholesale showroomhome to the Watson Kennedy
Collection for clients such as Nordstrom, Barneys, and
Neiman Marcushe opened Watson Kennedy retail stores in
Seattle. He lives in Seattle and is currently building a home in
the Hudson Valley with plans to expand his retail business on
the East Coast.
House BeautifuI 500 Bathroom Ideas
Elegaht 8 Dreamy Spaces
7he Ed/|o|s o/ Hoose 0eao|//o/
||c a |ctus-s|apec u|ass uas|r arc ecc-l||erc|] s|cwe||eac tc |arc-|ccec ||rer tcwe|s arc a
||tt|e tuu-s|ce tau|e, t|ese ecu|s|te tcuc|es c|eate a ueaut|lu| uat||cc! |o.s- 5--.||.|
p|eserts 500 cecc|at|r |ceas |r a |av|s| vc|ue l|||ec w|t| sturr|r ces|re| |ccs arc epe|t
acv|ce. |ts t|e pe|lect ucc|w|et|e| ]cu|e a||r a cu|c|, eas] c|are c| cc|r a ccp|ete
|o.s- 5--.||.| ue||eves t|at 'Eve|]cre |as a Beaut|lu| |cuse |r I|e. /s a |eac|r aut|c||t]
cr |ce ces|r arc cecc|at|cr, t|e aat|re |eac|es c.3 ||||cr |eace|s eve|] crt|c|e
t|ar ar] ct|e| s|e|te| aat|re. |o.s- 5--.||.| |e|ps |eace|s ac||eve |ccs t|at lee| |||t, rct
just st]||s|, arc ||v|r |ccs, rct s|cw|ccs. |rsp||ec u] t|e past, ||v|r |r t|e p|esert, arc
|cc||r tc t|e lutu|e, |o.s- 5--.||.| acccpar|es |ts |eace|s cr t|e|| cuest tc c|eate t|e |cuse
cl t|e|| c|eas.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r lc| ccve|ae |r rewspape|s arc aat|res
0r||re cut|eac| tc u|ce|s w|t| a lccus cr |rte||c| ces|r, cecc|at|cr, arc ||lest]|e
C|css p|cct|cr w|t| |o.s- 5--.||.| aat|re arc weus|te
B|acs ava||au|e
- I||s ucc| w||| ue |r t|e sae |arcscape lc|at as |o.|, |.) aJJ ||.|- |1--s (w|t| cve|
15,000 sc|c}, c|eat|r a pe|lect e|c|arc|s|r cppc|tur|t]
- /lte| t|e ||tc|er, uat||ccs a|e t|e cst |ercvatec |cc |r t|e |cuse, arc t||s p|cv|ces
w|t| |urc|ecs cl ces|r cpt|crs
|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
301 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
9 3/8 / c 3/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 1c
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
Country Living 500
Kitchen Ideas
St]|e, |urct|cr c C|a|
|o.e |-l|o
Fublisher: Hearst
480 pages
$24.95 ($29.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
all ih color
9 3/8 X 6 3/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 10
Territory: World with exclusiohs
House BeautifuI 1000
SensationaI Makeovers
C|eat |ceas tc C|eate Ycu| |cea|
|- |1|os o| |o.s- 5--.||.|
Fublisher: Hearst
960 pages
$24.95 ($29.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
all ih color; 900 photos
9 3/8 X 6 3/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 6
Territory: World
House BeautifuI CoIors
for Your Home
300 Des|re| |avc||tes
|- |1|os o| |o.s- 5--.||.|
Fublisher: Hearst
288 pages
$16.95 ($19.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
5 X 7
Cartoh Ouahtity: 32
Territory: World with exclusiohs
House BeautifuI Fabrics
for Your Home
310 Des|re| |avc||tes
J-|- 5o|-s
Fublisher: Hearst
288 pages
$16.95 ($21.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
5 X 7
Cartoh Ouahtity: 32
Territory: World with exclusiohs
House BeautifuI The
Home Book
C|eat|r a Beaut|lu| |ce cl
Ycu| 0wr
Fublisher: Hearst
464 pages
$39.95 ($43.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
all ih color
9 X 11
Cartoh Ouahtity: 6
Territory: World with exclusiohs
House BeautifuI StyIe
100 Des|re| Sec|ets tc a
Beaut|lu| |ce
|s- |-)-
Fublisher: Hearst
288 pages
$16.95 ($19.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
5 X 7
Cartoh Ouahtity: 32
Territory: World
The Art CoIouring Book 1
26 Artworks for You to Colour lh, Frame, Use ih Collages, Decoupage or
However You Wish
Ca|o/yn $c|ace
I||s ccu|rat|cr cl e|auc|ate, |a|rat|ve a|t p|us s|etc|pac p|cv|ces erc|ess |rsp||at|cr lc| ar]cre w|c
erjc]s c|aw|r. let ]cu| c|eat|v|t] |ur w||c as ]cu l||| |r eac| capt|vat|r pae w|t| cc|c| arc cc||ae. W|t|
u|carce cr tec|r|cue, ate||a|s, arc c|e, t||s cve|s|te ucc| |s |eat c|eat|ve lur!
Ca|c|]r Sc|ace wert tc B|||tcr Cc||ee cl /|t. S|e |as wc||ec |r ar|at|cr, acve|t|s|r, arc
c|||J|crs ucc|s.
- ||||] |rte|act|ve, c|eat|ve cc|c||r s|etc|pac
- 2c tea|-cut a|twc||s lc| a|t|sts tc cc|c| |r, l|ae, use |r cc||aes, ceccupae, etc.
|uu||s|e|. Bcc| |cuse
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
c1 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
cc|c| c u/w |||us. t||cu|cut
11 / 11 3/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 18
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The Art CoIouring Book 2
26 Artworks for You to Colour lh, Frame, Use ih Collages, Decoupage or
However You Wish
Ca|o/yn $c|ace
I|ese |aes w||| spa|| ]cu| c|eat|v|t]! Cc|c| |r arc cc||ae 2c e|auc|ate, ueaut|lu|, arc scet|es
su||ea||st|c c|aw|rs. |c||cw t|e t|ps cr ccpcs|t|cr, t||r||r cut cl t|e uc, arc ||c||] eue|||s||r t|e
pu||cut |aes w|t| eve|]t||r l|c tetu|ec pape| tc seas|e||s. Ycu|| |cve t|e ur|cue |esu|ts!
Ca|c|]r Sc|ace wert tc B|||tcr Cc||ee cl /|t. S|e |as wc||ec |r ar|at|cr, acve|t|s|r, arc
c|||J|crs ucc|s.
- ||||] |rte|act|ve, c|eat|ve cc|c||r s|etc|pac
- 2c tea|-cut a|twc||s lc| a|t|sts tc cc|c| |r, l|ae, use |r cc||aes, ceccupae, etc.
|uu||s|e|. Bcc| |cuse
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
c1 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
cc|c| c u/w |||us. t||cu|cut
11 / 11 3/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 18
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Everyday AstroIogy for a Better Life
Maximise Your Fotehtial by Usihg Astrology ih Your Everyday Life
$asha /en|on
Sur-s|r ast|c|c] car ur|cc| ]cu| ||ccer pctert|a| arc |evea| ]cu| t|ue pe|scra||t]arc t||s ur|cue ucc|
|e|ps ]cu access t|e sec|ets cl t|e sta|s arc ||ve ||le tc t|e lu||est. /|cr w|t| era|r, |r-cept| ara|]s|s cl
eve|] tcc|ac s|r, |ts pac|ec w|t| ceta||ec ccpat|u|||t] c|a|ts t|at w||| |e|p ]cu |eac| ]cu| pctert|a| |r |cve,
pass|cr, arc l||ercs||p.
Sas|a |ertcr |s a p|cless|cra| ast|c|ce|, pa||st, arc ta|ct-ca|c |eace| w|c |as w||tter lc| ar]
rewspape|s arc aat|res. S|e |s a|sc a lc|e| ||es|cert cl t|e B||t|s| /st|c|c|ca| arc |s]c||c Scc|et]
(B/|S} w|cse ucc|s |ave sc|c c|e t|ar l|ve ||||cr ccp|es.
- Sas|a |ertcr |as sc|c cve| l|ve ||||cr ucc|s cr ast|c|c], pa||st|], arc lc|ture te|||r
- Ep|c|es |cw sur s|rs |rl|uerce eve|] aspect cl ]cu| ||le
- Vc|e t|ar 150 ur|cue cc|c| |||ust|at|crs
|uu||s|e|. Cc|||rs c B|cwr
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
192 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 3/1 / 10 3/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Everyday CrystaIs for a Better Life
Crystals for Health, Home ahd Fersohal Fower
/en and !oo/es 7ay/o|
|a|ress t|e pcwe| cl c|]sta|s w|t| t||s spectacu|a||] |||ust|atec u|ce, w||c| ep|a|rs eve|]t||r aucut
c|ccs|r, us|r, arc ca||r lc| t|ese stcres. |ar t|e at |ce tc c|eate a |a|cr|cus space. |ea|
cccr a||erts t||cu| v|sua||tat|crs, e esserce t|e|ap], arc ec|tat|crs. See |cw sta|
c|]sta|su||t|stcrescar att|act |cve arc success. Ycu|| |ave c|]sta| ere|] at ]cu| l|re|t|ps eve|] ca]!
Ker arc Jcu|es Ia]|c| a|e epe||ercec ast|c|ce|s arc jcu|ra||sts. I|e] |ave a pa|t|cu|a| |rte|est |r c|]sta|s
arc estcres arc |ave aassec a w|ce cc||ect|cr cl t|ese p|ec|cus arc se|p|ec|cus stcres.
- S|cws |cw tc use t|e pcwe| cl c|]sta|s |r eve|] aspect cl ]cu| ||le, l|c |ce tc ca|ee|
- |cea| ucc| lc| uct| ue|rre|s arc c|]sta| ert|us|asts
- |||ust|atec w|t| c|e t|ar 150 cc|c| p|ctc|ap|s
|uu||s|e|. Cc|||rs c B|cwr
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
1c0 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 3/1 / 10 3/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
How God Works
A Skeptic Questions Belief
by Marshall Brain, founder of
ISBN 978-1-4549-1061-9 | $22.95 ($24.95 Canada)
Hard | 6 x 9 | 256 pages | Territory: World
Carton Qty: 20 | April 1, 2014 | Sterling Ethos
oes God exist? Using an intellectually rigorous, scientic
approach, Marshall Brainthe founder of
and author of the How Stuff Works seriessets out to resolve the
eternal debate once and for all. With a compelling sense of curiosity,
he breaks down mankinds search for a higher power, tackling such
quandaries as: What is God doing? Why does he allow humanity
to suffer tragedies, both natural and man-made? And what would
our world look like if there were no God? How God Works is an
enlightening journey in critical thinking that challenges readers to
boldly approach the subject of personal faith and put asode intuition
in favor of objectivity and logic.
Marshall Brain is the bestselling author of the How Stuff Works
series (Wiley), and has appeared on Oprah, Dr. Oz, Good Morning
America, CNN, and in many other media outlets to apply his
signature approach to unraveling the mysteries of life. He was also
the host of the National Geographic Channels The Factory Floor TV
show. He lives in NC.
Written by the creator of, which
gets 208,000 visitors per day from 20 countries
around the world
Authors book How Stuff Works (Chartwell) has sold
more than 58,000 copies since2010; an earlier
edition, published by Wiley, sold 68,00 copies
Author has a strong platform with print and online
reviews likely
Based on the popular website
Addresses a growing atheist readership
National and local TV appearances
20-city radio tour
Review copy mailing for coverage in general interest,
news, science, and atheism/agnostic publications
Newspaper coverage in book review sections
Online outreach to science, atheist, and agnostic
blogs and websites
Buzz marketing campaign
Social media campaign through author platforms
Promotions on author website
Goodreads promotion
Publishers Weekly ad
Lesson 101: Perfect Happiness
A Fath to Joy from A Course ih Miracles
!on Mondy PhD
/|t|cu| |t a] |ecu||e a ||let|e cl stuc] tc |asp, t|e uestse|||r 4 |o.s- V-.|-s |as |rsp||ec ||||crs.
|e||aps |ts cst essert|a| |esscr |s 101. t|e ue||el t|at t|e|e |s rc s|r arc t|at Cccs w||| lc| us |s pe|lect
|app|ress. Vaste| teac|e| Jcr Vurc] c|s ceep|] |rtc t||s ccrcept, p|cv|c|r ar |rs||tlu| arc c|ea| pat|
t||cu| cre cl t|e arua|s cst ear|rlu| arc ccp|e |esscrs.
Jcr Vurc] |s ar aut|c| arc |ectu|e| cr p|||cscp|] at Su|Y (t|e State ur|ve|s|t] cl |ew Yc||}. |e
cclcurcec t|e |ew Se|ra|] lc| t|e t|a|r|r cl |rte|la|t| |r|ste|s, as we|| as t|e |rte|la|t| |e||cws||p. |e
|as ueer a |r|ste| lc| 15 ]ea|s, arc |as |ver a|cst 2,000 ta||s cr 4 |o.s- V-.|-s. |e ||ves |r |Y.
- /ut|c| cl |.) - |o.s- V-.|-s
- Icu|s uct| rat|cra||] arc |rte|rat|cra||] tc spea| aucut 4 |o.s- V-.|-s, |rc|uc|r at ur|t] C|u|c|es
ac|css t|e rat|cr arc t|e 0per Certe|
- |c|a||] a leatu|ec spea|e| at 4 |o.s- V-.|-s everts, suc| as t|e |rte|rat|cra| Ccu|se |r V||ac|es
Ccrle|erce C||cac t||s /uust
- |uu||s|e| cl V-.|-s V-)-c-, w||c| |s lccusec cr 4 |o.s- V-.|-s
- Ercc|seerts l|c |o.s- |u|ra||es suc| as uestse|||r aut|c| Va||arre W||||ascr
||a|se lc| |.) 4 |o.s- V-.|-s.
'. . . a wcrce|lu| u|ce tc uct| urce|starc|r arc ue|av|c|, w|t| |||t |r cu| |rcs arc |cve |r cu| |ea|ts.'
Va||arre W||||ascr, aut|c| cl 4 |-|. |o |o.-
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r Et|cs
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
33c paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
5 1/2 / 8 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Growing Up GodIess
A Fareht's Guide to Faisihg Kids without Feligioh
Debo|ah M/|che// /o|ewo|d by Da/e McGowan ao|ho| o/ Pa|en|/n
0eyond 0e//e/
|cw car ]cu |a|se a c|||c w|t|cut Ccc |cw cc ]cu |rst||| c|a||t], arswe| cuest|crs aucut c|ta||t], arc
|arc|e ue||eve|s eae| tc ccrve|t ]cu Deuc|a| /rr V|tc|e||, w|c |as u|cec arc w||tter cc|urs cr t|e
suuject, p|cv|ces u|carce tc arcst|cs arc at|e|sts st|u||r w|t| |cw tc asse|t t|e|| ue||els |r a
|eascrec, rcrccrl|crtat|cra|, arc |crest arre|.
Deuc|a| V|tc|e|| |as wc||ec as a w||t|r |rst|uctc|, a |esea|c|e|, arc a l|ee|arce w||te|. / |acuate cl
|c|t| Ca|c||ra State ur|ve|s|t] arc t|e ur|ve|s|t] cl Ieas at Da||as, V|tc|e|| |as a Vaste| cl /|ts ce|ee |r
|uar|t|es, Vajc| |r ||stc|] cl |ceas. Deuc|a| u|cs aucut |a|s|r c|||c|er l|ee cl |e|||cr at
|a|s|r||csw|t|cut|e|||cr.ret. I||s |s |e| l||st ucc|. Deuc|a| ||ves |r rc|t| I/ w|t| |e| |usuarc arc twc
teeraec scrs.
lcca| IV appea|arces
20 c|t] |ac|c tcu|
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r lc| ccve|ae |r ere|a| |rte|est, rews, pa|ert|r, arc
at|c|s/arcst|c puu||cat|crs
|ewspape| ccve|ae |r ucc| |ev|ew sect|crs
0r||re cut|eac| tc pa|ert|r, at|e|sts, arc arcst|c u|cs arc weus|tes
Butt a||et|r capa|r
Scc|a| ec|a capa|r t||cu| aut|c| p|atlc|s
||cct|crs cr aut|c| weus|te |a|s|r||csw|t|cut|e|||cr.ret
Cccc|eacs p|cct|cr

|.||s|-s w--||, ac
- /cc|esses t|e 1 |r 5 /e||cars w|c a|e rcr|e|||cus
- /ut|c| |s l||erc|], |uc|cus, arc access|u|erct ccrl|crtat|cra|
- ||||ec w|t| lurr] stc||es arc uselu| areccctes l|c t|e aut|c| arc ct|e| ccrt||uutc|s
- /cc|esses a w|ce va||et] cl |e|||cus uac||curcsrct just C|||st|ar
- /ut|c| |as a pcpu|a| u|c t|at |eu|a||] ere|ates |urc|ecs cl ccerts pe| pcst. |e| a|t|c|e cr C||.cc,
'W|] | Ra|se V] C|||c|er W|t|cut Ccc,' ere|atec cve| 1.c00 ccerts arc ters cl t|cusarcs cl v|ews
- |c|ewc|c u] pcpu|a| aut|c| arc spea|e| Da|e VcCcwar (|--|) 5-,o1 5-|-|, puu||s|ec u] /V/C0V}
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r Et|cs
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
25c paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
c / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Readings Poems
For Weddihgs ahd Other Occasiohs
Ed/|ed by !ane McMo|/and Hon|e|
Spec|a| cccas|crs cese|ve spec|a| wc|csp||ases c|e e|ccuert t|ar we cu|se|ves ccu|c ccpcse. I||s
|av|s||] |||ust|atec cc||ect|cr |rc|uces sce cl t|e uest |eac|rs eve| c|eatec tc a|| u||t|s arc u||t|ca]s,
eraeerts arc wecc|rs, |et||eerts arc ceat|s. /||arec u] t|ee, |t |rc|uces w||te|s |ar|r l|c
S|a|espea|e arc Wc|cswc|t| tc W||tar, /re|cu, arc D|. Seuss, as we|| as /pac|e p|a]e|s arc |||s|
Jare VcVc||arc |urte| |as w||tter seve|a| ucc|s, |rc|uc|r 01- |o |o1o (Batslc|c} as we|| as t||ee t|t|es
|r t|e uestse|||r Ieac| Ycu|se|l se||es (Ieac| Ycu|se|l Bcc|s}. |e| |- , o-1- (||arces l|rcc|r} arc
|o ||- |o.- o| - 0.|-1 (|av|||cr} |ave uct| |ece|vec w|cesp|eac lavc|au|e |ev|ews. S|e ||ves |r lcrccr.
- / ueaut|lu| cc||ect|cr cl pces arc |eac|rs tc a|| ar] cccas|cr, |rc|uc|r c|||ster|rs, wecc|rs,
- Rar|r l|c ar /pac|e p|a]e| tc ar |||s| u|ess|r, l|c S|a|espea|e tc D|. Seuss, t|ese a|e t|e uest
wc||s l|c uct| B||t|s| arc /e||car w||te|s arc pcets tc a|| certs cl rew ||le, ur|crs, |css,
- |rc|uces c|c lavc||tes |ec w|t| sce |esse|-|rcwr wc|| |r a sturr|r|] |||ust|atec t|easu|]
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
192 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
80 cc|c| |||us.
5 1/2 / 7 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Ode to ChiIdhood
Foetry to Celebrate the Child
$amoe/ Ca||
Ce|eu|ate c|||c|er! |eatu||r wc|| u] sce cl t|e wc||cs |eat pcets, t||s ueaut|lu||] |||ust|atec art|c|c]
captu|es a|| t|e c|a|s, ueaut], arc |cve cl c|||c|ccc. I|e se|ect|crs |rc|uce W||||a B|a|es ert|e '/
C|ac|e Scr,' Wa|t W||tars 'I|e|e Was a C|||c Wert |c|t|,' arc |er|] Wacswc|t| lcrle||cws 'I|e
C|||c|ers |cu|,' as we|| as ve|ses u] V||tcr, Wc|cswc|t|, C|||st|ra Rcssett|, arc c|e.
Saue| Ca|| was t|e ec|tc| cl a se||es cl art|c|c|es cl pcet|], |rc|uc|r 01- |o ||- |o.|,s1- arc 01- |o
||oz-s, as we|| as ||-ss. |,s -1 |o-s (a|| Batslc|c}.
- |ces l|c t|e uest /e||car arc B||t|s| pcets, |ar|r l|c Wc|cswc|t| tc Jc|r Betjeer, Wa|t
W||tar tc Rarca|| Ja||e||
- R|c||] |||ust|atec t||cu|cut tc a|e a ueaut|lu| ucc| lc| ar]cre w|t| a |cve cl pcet|]

|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
9c paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
50 cc|c| |||us.
5 1/2 / 7 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car

EssentiaI OiIs

Essert|a| c||s |e||eve a |are cl p|]s|ca| arc ps]c|c|c|ca| ccp|a|rts, l|c |esp||atc|] c|ll|cu|t|es arc
c|est|ve c|sc|ce|s tc st|ess. I||s lu||] |||ust|atec u|ce p|cv|ces use|s w|t| a p|act|ca| c||ectc|] cl t|e 100
cst uerel|c|a| essert|a| c||s, a|cr w|t| t|ps cr c|eat|r ]cu| cwr u|ercs. Eac| ert|] |rc|uces a ccrc|se,
access|u|e u|ea|ccwr cl t|e c||s a|ca, c|e|ca| ccrst|tuerts, ec|c|ra| p|cpe|t|es, arc |ts ellects.
- C|eat|ve uses cl essert|a| c||s, l|c s||r ca|e, ueaut], arc |]|ere tc pa|r |e||el, ccc er|arceert, arc
|cuse|c|c c|ear|r
- /|cat|e|ap] |ec|pes arc t|ps lc| c|eat|r ]cu| cwr ur|cue c|| u|ercs
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
25c paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 7/8 / 8 5/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The UItimate Kama Sutra

I|e Kaa Sut|a |s sc uc| c|e t|ar just ||r|] ccrtc|t|crs|ts a pat| tc e|ct|c ecstas], tc uecc|r a
c|e epars|ve |cve|, arc tc uu||c|r st|cre| ucrcs w|t| ]cu| pa|tre|. ur|cc| t|e sec|ets cl seua| p|easu|e
w|t| t||s euue|art arc sturr|r|] |||ust|atec u|ce t|at w||| ceeper ]cu| |e|at|crs||p, arc |e|p ]cu uette|
urce|starc t|e ect|cra| arc p|]s|ca| ratu|e cl |cve.
||cc| Ia|uct |s Ec|tc|-|r-C||el cl |J|| V-)-c-, ar cr||re |escu|ce lc| uette| se, c|eat|v|t], |ea|t|, arc
- |ac|ec w|t| ueaut|lu| |||ust|at|crs arc sersua| t|ps
- / cce|r u|ce t|at ccup|es t|e t|e|ess e|ct|c acv|ce l|c t|e |ccr|c arc|ert |rc|ar u|ce tc |cvea||r
w|t| t|ps cr |cw seua| ere|] car ue usec tc c|eat|ve|] er|arce ]cu| se ||le
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
25c paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 7/8 / 8 5/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The CompIete Guide to Nutrients
Ah A-Z of Superfoods, Herbs, Vitamihs, Miherals ahd Supplemehts
D| M/chae/ $ha|on
|cw |r |ts s|t| ec|t|cr w|t| ar] rew ert||es arc upcatec |rlc|at|cr, t||s eas]-tc-use |ele|erce
ccve|s eve|] lccc, |e|u, v|ta|r, |re|a|, c| supp|eert. Eac| ert|]l|c c||ve c|| arc ]cu|t tc
ua|ara arc St. Jc|rs Wc|t|rc|uces a cel|r|t|cr, w|at |t |s, w|e|e |t cces l|c, t|e lc| |t ta|es,
|cw tc p|epa|e |t, |ts ec|c|ra| uerel|ts, arc |eccercec ca||] ccse.
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
352 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
5 / 7 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
NaturaI SoIutions for Digestive HeaIth
D| !////an $a|no 7e|a and !eanne||e 0ess/ne| CHHC
Basec cr t|e |atest ec|ca| |esea|c|, |-|.-| So|.|os |o |)-s|.- |--||| p|cv|ces |e||el lc| ar]cre
sulle||r l|c ut c|sc|ce|s. |t ccve|s eve|]t||r l|c |cw-|ace ||||tat|crs suc| as u|cat|r,
ccrst|pat|cr, arc |actcse |rtc|e|arce tc u|ce|at|ve cc||t|s, ac|c |el|u, c|ve|t|cu||t|s, arc |rl|aatc|]
ucwe| c|sease. / spec|a| sect|cr lccuses cr pec|at||c c|est|ve p|cu|es, arc t|e|es epe|t
rut||t|cra| arc c|eta|] acv|ce p|us |ec|pes.
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
25c paes
$1c.95 ($18.95 Carac|ar}
c / 9
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Everyday HeaIth" My CaIorie Counter,
Complete Nutritiohal lhformatioh oh More Thah 8,000 Food ltems from Fopular
Brahds, Fast-Food Chaihs, Festauraht Mehus, ahd Commoh Groceries
7he Ed/|o|s o/ Eve|yday Hea/|h and Mao|een Namkoon M$ RD
||c t|e 1 cr||re |ea|t| cest|rat|cr cces t||s upcatec pcc|et u|ce tc rut||t|cr arc we||t |css.
|cw c|e |eace|-l||erc|] t|ar eve|, t|e ucc| leatu|es sepa|ate sect|crs cr |eu|a| lcccs, stc|e
u|arcs, arc |estau|art/last lcccseac| w|t| t|cusarcs cl ert||es t|at |rc|uce ca|c||e ccurts, lat
ccrtert, arc ct|e| rut||t|cra| va|ues.
Revised Edition
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
301 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
1 1/1 / 5 7/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. c0
Ie|||tc|]. |c|t| /e||ca Er||s|
Publisher: White Star Publishers
Published: April 2014
112 pages
$24.95 ($26.95 Canadian)
Hardcover Concealed Spiral
all in color
9 2/3 X 10
Territory: US/Can
The Brides Album
An Organizer, Journal, and Keepsake for Planning and Remembering
the Wedding
Every bride wants a perfect wedding-and this pretty album helps make her dreams come true. With
pockets for storing documents, posters, cards, and DVDs, along with plenty of space for jotting down
contacts and other necessary information, its the key to easy organization. After the ceremony, the nal
chapter becomes a keepsake album where the couple can retrace their joyful journey.
- Pages entirely dedicated to the various preparation phases, with tips and suggestions
- Space for the bride to post the best photographs and jot down memories and emotions
- Four pockets for storing documents, samples, posters, and cards
- Four CD and DVD pockets to store the wedding soundtrack, videos, and the best photographs
Publisher: White Star Publishers
Published: April 2014
140 pages
$24.95 ($26.95 Canadian)
Hardcover Concealed Spiral
all in color
9 2/3 X 10
Territory: US/Can
My Family Album
An Organizer, Journal, and Keepsake for My Family Memories
Every family has memories handed down from generation to generationand the pictures, documents,
and other mementos that capture the past make up a priceless heritage. Collect and preserve these
precious items in this keepsake album, with thematic chapters for easy organization, space for writing
stories, and pockets and envelopes to hold everything from old photos to CDs.
- Pages dedicated to each member of the family, where you can write down memories and stories
- Space for keeping photographs and documents
- Family trees to ll out so you can reconstruct your background
- Nine pockets for documents, recipes, and other memorabilia
- Four CD and DVD sleeves, for storing images and videos of family life
My Favorite Recipes
Publisher: White Star
168 pages
$24.95 ($26.95 Canadian)
Hardcover Concealed Spiral
all in color
8 1/4 X 9 7/8
Carton Quantity: 4
Territory: US/Can
My Travel Memories
White Star
Publisher: White Star
124 pages
$24.95 ($29.95 Canadian)
Hardcover Concealed Spiral
all in color
8 1/4 X 9 7/8
Carton Quantity: 4
Territory: US/Can
Its a Boy!
The First Years
Record Book
Edited by
Valeria M. De Fabianis
Publisher: White Star
136 pages
$24.95 ($26.95 Canadian)
Hardcover Concealed Spiral
all in color
9 2/3 X 10
Carton Quantity: 10
Territory: US/Can
Its a Girl!
The First Years Record
Edited by
Valeria M. De Fabianis
Publisher: White Star
136 pages
$24.95 ($26.95 Canadian)
Hardcover Concealed Spiral
all in color
9 2/3 X 10
Carton Quantity: 10
Territory: US/Can
My First Drawings:
Little Boy Sketches,
Drawings, and
Masterpieces of a
Budding Artist
White Star
Publisher: White Star
136 pages
$24.95 ($26.95 Canadian)
Hardcover Concealed Spiral
all in color
8 1/4 X 9 7/8
Carton Quantity: 5
Territory: US/Can
My First Drawings:
Little Girl Sketches,
Drawings, and
Masterpieces of a
Budding Artist
White Star
Publisher: White Star
136 pages
$24.95 ($26.95 Canadian)
Hardcover Concealed Spiral
all in color
8 1/4 X 9 7/8
Carton Quantity: 5
Territory: US/Can
Five-Year Memory JournaI
366 Thought-Frovokihg Frompts to Create Your Owh Life Chrohicle
||||ec w|t| |rsp||at|cra| p|cpts lc| eve|] ca], t||s ueaut|lu| l|ve-]ea| jcu|ra| a|es a wcrce|lu| |eepsa|e.
Ycu car t|ac| t|e evc|ut|cr cl ]cu| t|cu|ts arc ect|crs, see |cw ]cu| c||custarces c|are, arc
c|sccve| w||c| pecp|e, p|aces, t||rs, arc |ceas |ave |ea|rec ear|rlu| tc ]cu cve| t|e. Just sta|t
l||||r |r t|e u|ar|s alte| t|e t|cu|t-p|cvc||r suest|crs cr eac| pae]cu car ue|r ar]t|e!
- Jcu|ra||r |s st||| ve|] pcpu|a|, arc l|ve-]ea| jcu|ra|s a|e espec|a||] st|cr
- ur|||e ct|e| jcu|ra|s t|at |ave cuest|crs c| cuctes, t||s cre |as p|cpts tc |e|p c||cr|c|e cres t|cu|ts
- Beaut|lu||] ces|rec, sc jcu|ra|e|s w||| wart tc a|e t||s a |eepsa|e
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
3c8 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r 2-cc|c|
1 / c
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Jane Austen
Her Life, Her Times, Her Novels
!ane| 7odd
W|t| scart |rlc|at|cr ava||au|e cr t|e|| |e|c, Jare /usters cevctec lars |ave a ucttc|ess |ure| lc|
ceta||s aucut t|e wcar ue||rc t|e wc||. I||s u|c|ap|] leecs t|at appet|te w|t| uac||curc cr |e|
|e|at|crs||ps w|t| la||] arc l||ercs arc t|e ccrtepc|a|] att|tuces t|at s|apec /usters w||t|r. ||lteer
|ecvau|e p|eces cl ec|au|||a |rc|uce lacs|||es cl pe|scra| |ette|s arc |arcw||tter c|alts cl |e|
Jaret Iccc |s ar aut|c||t] cr ||te|atu|e arc cu|tu|e cl t|e ea||] e||teert| arc r|reteert| certu||es. S|e was
ecucatec at Cau||ce ur|ve|s|t] arc t|e ur|ve|s|t] cl ||c||ca arc |s cu||ert|] t|e ||clessc| cl Er||s|
l|te|atu|e at /ue|ceer ur|ve|s|t] arc t|e ||es|cert cl luc] Caverc|s| Cc||ee, Cau||ce. S|e |s a
we||-|espectec aut|c| cl ar] ucc|s cr wcer |r ||te|atu|e, |rc|uc|r V-, wo||s|o-.-|| 4 |-.o|.|o-,
||- (Wc|} arc J-- 4.s|- | |o|-\| (Cau||ce ur|ve|s|t] ||ess}.
- Ccrta|rs 15 |ecvau|e lacs|||e cccuerts l|c Jare /usters a|c||ves, |rc|uc|r a a|||ae ce|t|l|cate
w|t| Jare /usters s|ratu|e, c|alts cl |e| |ate| rcve| |-s.-so, a |ette| l|c Jare /uster tc |e| s|ste|
Cassarc|a, arc a l|crt|sp|ece tc t|e 1833 ec|t|cr cl |1- -1 |-.1.-
- Jare /uster |s cre cl t|e wc||cs cst-ue|cvec rcve||sts arc |e| ucc|s ccrt|rue tc se|| |r t|e ||||crs
eve|] ]ea|
- ||| arc te|ev|s|cr acaptat|crs cl /usters ucc|s a|e pe|err|a||] pcpu|a| a|| cve| t|e wc||c
- I|e Jare /uster Scc|et] cl |c|t| /e||ca, estau||s|ec |r 1997, |s pcpu|a| |r t|e uS, |av|r eue|s |r
cve| c5 ec|ap||ca| |e|crs. |ts arrua| ere|a| eet|r |s a|wa]s cve|suusc||uec, arc rue|cus ct|e|
/uster-|e|atec everts a|e |e|c a|curc t|e uS t||cu|cut t|e ]ea|

|uu||s|e|. /rc|e Deutsc|
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
112 paes
$39.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
150 cc|c| c u/w |||us.
9 3/1 / 11
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
The Awkward Human Survival Guide
How to Handle Lifes Most Uncomfortable Situations
by Adam Dachis, writer for,
and Erica Elson
ISBN 978-1-4549-1164-7 | $14.95 ($15.95 Canada)
Paper | 6 x 9 | 160 pages (all in 2-color) | Territory: World
Carton Qty: 38 | April 1, 2014 | Sterling
ope for the best . . . but prepare for the worst! From
personality clashes and tongue-tied conversations to
all those painfully embarrassing moments, The Awkward
Human Survival Guide offers a roadmap through lifes
most uncomfortable situations. See how to call out a
friends BS, handle that accidentally blurted I love you,
confront a kitchen thief at work, and much more.
Adam Dachis is a senior writer and art director at
Lifehacker and one of the most frequently read authors
online. His work is also featured on blogs such as
Gizmodo, Gawker, and Jezebel, as well as in Popular
Science magazine. He covers a variety of topics, from
technology to popular psychology.
Erica Elsons articles have been published in Gawker and
lm reviews in Ioncinema. Shes worked every odd job in
the book, encountering many awkward situations along
the way that inform her writing. Ericas conquered smelly
bosses, de-motivational speeches, silent dates, and the
seemingly impossible art of interesting small talk.
Humorous but useful writing reminiscent of the
bestselling Worst-Case Scenario Handbook (one of the worlds top 1,000
websites) will promote
Amusing graphics and illustrations throughout
Responding to I love you
when you just ... dont
Pre-publication big mouth mailing with sample
products and blad
Review copy mailing for coverage in humor and
lifestyle magazines
Newspaper coverage in book review sections
Online outreach to pop culture and teen blogs
and websites
Pitch for Grads & Dads Gift Guides
Buzz marketing campaign
Social media campaign through author platforms on
Facebook and Twitter
Promotions on author website
Book trailer
Goodreads promotion
Nirvana ChronicIe
The Day-by-Day Story of the Bahd
Ca||/e 0o|z///o
Yea|s alte| ||s ceat|, Ku|t Ccua|r st||| ee|ts a pcwe|lu| |rl|uerce |r |cc|. W|t| cuctes arc |rte|v|ews l|c
t|e pecp|e w|c |rew Ccua|r, arc c|e t|ar 150 p|ctc|ap|s, t||s ur|cue vc|ue cces as c|cse tc a
ca]-u]-ca] |c cl ||s |||vara ]ea|s as a lar car et. |t leatu|es eve|] s|r|l|cart evert |r t|e uarcs ||let|e,
l|c |ts |rcept|cr tc Ccua|rs t|a|c su|c|ce.
Ca|||e Bc|t|||c |as ueer ar erte|ta|rert jcu|ra||st s|rce t|e ae cl 17, w|er s|e w|cte aucut ur|rcwr |cc|
uarcs lc| a l|ee |cca| us|c aat|re. S|e t|er ea|rec a ce|ee |r jcu|ra||s arc wert cr tc wc|| l||st lc|
5|||o-1 arc t|er lc| a va||et] cl us|c arc erte|ta|rert aat|res, |rc|uc|r JS w--||,, -- |-oc|-,
Sc, |o||) S|o-, ||-|--| w--||,, |-oc|-, arc || S|e appea|s |eu|a||] cr te|ev|s|cr as a us|c
epe|t. Bc|t|||c |as w||tter lcu| ucc|s arc ccrt|rues tc w||te lc| aat|res l|c lcs /re|es.
- |ac|ec lu|| cl ceta|| arc leatu||r rew |rte|v|ews w|t| c|e t|ar 50 pecp|e c|cse tc Ccua|r, |rc|uc|r ar
e-|||vara eue| arc c|cse l||ercs arc us|ca| asscc|atessce cl w|c |ave reve| |artec
|rte|v|ews uelc|e
- /p||| 2011 a||s t|e 20t| arr|ve|sa|] cl |cc| |ccr Ku|t Ccua|rs ceat|
- / ||||] ceta||ec c||crc|c] cl t|e uarc, l|c t|e|| t|e |r sa|| Seatt|e c|uus tc |cua| |cc| sta|cc
- |||vara was cre cl t|e cst |rl|uert|a| uarcs cl t|e |ate twert|et| certu|]
|uu||s|e|. /rc|e Deutsc|
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
25c paes
$19.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
32 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
5 / 7 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
Get the Led Out
How Led Zeppelih Became the Biggest Bahd ih the World
Denny $omach /o|ewo|d by Ca|o/ M///e|
o-| ||- |-1 0.| |s t|e u|t|ate ucc| cr t|e u|t|ate uarc. I||s |us||] |||ust|atec vc|ue sta|ts w|t| a ur|cue
ca]-u]-ca] t|e||re uasec cr Ca|c| V|||e|s |ac|c s|cw, |evea||r cu|||] ceta||s, ac||eveerts, arc s|ru|a|
ep|c|ts. Iwert]-sever |a|e, carc|c |rte|v|ews lc||cw, leatu||r Zeppe||r eue|s arc ct|e| us|c|ars arc
|rcust|] |rs|ce|s. /|sc leatu|es a ccp|e|ers|ve c|scc|ap|].
Derr] Scac| |s ar aut|c| arc C|a] /wa|c-w|rr|r p|ccuce| t||cu| ||s ccpar] Derr] Scac|
||ccuct|crscre cl t|e cst successlu| |rcepercert p|ccuce|s cl s]rc|catec arc retwc|| |ac|c
p|c|a|r |r t|e ccurt|]. DS|s |arca|| p|c|a|r |rc|uces |-)-1s o| |o.|, |.- |o ||- |-1
|o.| |-|- lc| |BC, |o||) S|o- V-)-c-s |o|.o.s |s|o, o| |o.| -1 |o|| lc| /BC, arc Scctt Vur|s
.|-| |o |1-. Scac| |s ccrs|ce|ec tc ue ar c|||ratc| cl t|e C|ass|c Rcc| lc|at arc |as c|eatec sce cl
t|e cst ec|au|e p|c|as |r |cc| |ac|c. |e |as appea|ec cr rue|cus te|ev|s|cr s|cws, |rc|uc|r t|e
o1-, s|cw, |-, |) |.-, t|e |-|, S|oz, |-|-|- |5|, arc C||s Vo-,|-. |e |s t|e p|ccuce| cl
Ca|c| V|||e|s o-| ||- |-1 0.|, as we|| as t|e pcpu|a| Zeppe||r weus|te |ectepcr|| |e ||ves |r
||||ace|p||a, |/.
Ca|c| V|||e| |s cre cl t|e cst |eerca|] |ac|c pe|scra||t|es |r |ew Yc||. /lte| sperc|r ]ea|s at W|lJ arc
W|EW, s|e |s cu||ert|] t|e |cst cl t|e |cr-|urr|r Ca|c| V|||e|s o-| ||- |-1 0.| s]rc|catec |ac|c p|c|a,
w||c| leatu|es urusua| Zeppe||r lacts, |rte|v|ews, Zeppe||r us|c, arc t||v|a aucut spec|l|c ca]s |r Zep
||stc|]. |t |s a||ec u] 150 all|||ates ac|css t|e ccurt|] as a ccu|rat|cr cl a cre-|cu| wee||] p|c|a arc
l|ve wee||] s|c|t leatu|es t|at car ccuu|e as pcccasts. V|||e| |as |cstec rue|cus rat|cra||] arc
|rte|rat|cra||] c|st||uutec |ac|c arc IV spec|a|s arc |s |r t|e Rcc| arc Rc|| |a|| cl |ae. S|e |as |rte|v|ewec
t|e su|v|v|r eue|s cl lec Zeppe||r rue|cus t|es arc |s a ere|a||] ac|rcw|ecec epe|t cr t|e uarc.
New In Paperback
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
25c paes
$1c.95 ($18.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11 1/3
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
PopuIar Mechanics Gadget PIanet
150 Gizmos 8 lhvehtiohs that Chahged the World
7he Ed/|o|s o/ Poo/a| Mechan/cs
|r 2011, |oc.|- V-.|-.s at|e|ec a pare| cl epe|tsesteeec |rvertc|s, ces|re|s, tec| u|ustc
c|eate a cel|r|t|ve ||st cl 101 ||stc|]-c|ar|r acets. |cw, t|e aat|res ec|tc|s |ave l|ra||] eparcec
t|at ||st, acc|r 19 rew ert||es. Rar|r l|c t|e |c|csccpe arc t|ars|stc| |ac|c tc t|e |ea||r a|c arc
Rccua, t||s ccp||at|cr |s su|e tc lue| ceuatesespec|a||] w|er |t cces tc t|e 10 tcp c|c|ces. (Spc||e|
a|e|t. I|e sa|tp|cre c|cc|s |r at 1!}
|oc.|- V-.|-.s |rsp||es, |rst|ucts, arc |rl|uerces r|re ||||cr cu||cus |rcs t|at |eac t|e aat|re eve|]
crt|. I|e aat|re leatu|es u|ea|t||cu|s |r t|e |atest |rrcvat|crs |r sc|erce arc tec|rc|c].
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc sc|erce aat|res arc rewspape| ec|tc|s
Cc-p|cct|cr w|t| |oc.|- V-.|-.s
0ut|eac| tc sc|erce u|cs/weus|tes
||tc| tc cac u|cs
- |oc.|- V-.|-.s w||| p|ccte v|a acs arc ec|tc||a| suppc|t
|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
17c paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
7 3/8 / 9 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
PopuIar Mechanics 101 Things That FIy
Flahes, Fockets, Whirly-gigs 8 More!
7he Ed/|o|s o/ Poo/a| Mechan/cs
||c ||tes w|t| pa|ac|utes arc cce| p|ares tc a '||]|r |c|se' Sw|r, t|ese aat|r p|cjects sca|, ||lt,
l|cat, arc ever ta|e passere|s lc| ar urlc|ettau|e ||ce! Cc||ectec l|c v|rtae |ssues cl |oc.|-
V-.|-.s, t|e] captu|e a|| t|e wcrce| cl c|||c|ccc jc] arc c|eat|v|t]. C|alt] pecp|e cl a|| aes w||| erjc]
t|ese cc|c|lu| arc |||-l|]|r tc]s, aes, 'l|cat|r' a|c t||c|s, arc ct|e| ec|ar|ca| ccrt|apt|crs!
/t c|e t|ar 100 ]ea|s c|c, |oc.|- V-.|-.s |s ar |ccr|c, awa|c-w|rr|r puu||cat|cr t|at |eac|es r|re
||||cr |eace|s arc puu||s|es r|re ec|t|crs a|curc t|e wc||c.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc sc|erce aat|res arc rewspape| ec|tc|s
Cc-p|cct|cr w|t| |oc.|- V-.|-.s
0ut|eac| tc sc|erce u|cs/weus|tes
||tc| tc ee| cac u|cs

- Vc|e t|ar 2c0,000 ccp|es cl a|| t|e |et|c-st]|e |oc.|- V-.|-.s 5o, V-.|-. t|t|es |ave ueer sc|c.
- I|e D|Y/|arcace cveert ccrt|rues tc ue |rc|ec|u|] pcpu|a| |r t|e ur|tec States arc ue]crc
- |oc.|- V-.|-.s |eac|es r|re ||||cr |eace|s eve|] crt| arc leatu|es a w|ce va||et] cl |cw-tc
p|cjccts lc| uct| |rs|ce arc cuts|ce t|e |cel|c |ce a|rterarce arc autccu||es tc e|ect|cr|cs,
ccputc|s, arJ t|e cutccc|s
|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
17c paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
7 3/8 / 9 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
Publisher: Book House
Published: April 2014
192 pages
$7.95 ($8.95 Canadian)
b/w illus. throughout
4 X 6
Carton Quantity: 20
Territory: US/Can
London: A Very Peculiar History
Jim Pipe
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decks, personal letters, and an in-depth look at the disaster.
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Published: April 2014
192 pages
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b/w illus. throughout
4 X 6
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Whisky: A Very Peculiar History
Fiona MacDonald
Fill a glass and pore through this quirky portrait of whisky, from its humble origins and use as amedicine till
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192 pages
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4 X 6
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Kings & Queens of Great Britain: A Very
Peculiar History
Antony Mason
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BattIefieId Detectives
Uhearthihg New Evidehce oh the World's Most Famous Battlefields
Dav/d Wason
Sever cl ||stc|]s |eatest uatt|es |ece|ve t|e 5-|||-|-|1 |-|-.|.-s t|eatert |r t||s lartast|c ccpar|cr tc
t|e IV se||es. Was Ca|||pc|| |cst uelc|e t|e /|||es ever ct t|e|e Was t|e celeat cl t|e Spar|s| /|aca
actua||] c|e cl a c|aw Was Custe|s |ast starc |ea||] t|at |e|c|c I|ese arc ccters cl ct|e| c|aat|c
||stc||ca| cuest|crs a|e cu up, ea|rec w|t| t|e |atest tec|rc|c], arc arswe|ec.
Dav|c Wascr |as ueer a te|ev|s|cr cccuerta|] p|ccuce| lc| ar] ]ea|s, wc|||r lc| uct| C|araca
Ie|ev|s|cr arc t|e BBC cr p|c|as suc| as wo|1 4.|o arc w|-| ||- |-c-s S-,. /cr ||s c|ec|ts |e
|as ueer se||es p|ccuce| cl t|e awa|c-w|rr|r |s-cc--) wo|1. Wascrs t|ave|s |ave ta|er || ac|css
t|e |cue. as t|e l||st cuts|ce| tc ue a||cwec tc l|| |r /|uar|a, w|t| w|a|e |urte|s |r |rccres|a, acr t|e
Vu|s| pecp|e cl scut|e|r Et||cp|a, w|t| rcacs |r t|e Sa|e|, arc cr |ecte |s|arcs cl t|e Scut| |ac|l|c. |e
a|sc p|ccucec 5-|--s S-.-|s o| ||- |-| 4)-s lc| C|arre| 1. 5-|||-|-|1 |-|-.|.-s |s uasec cr a IV
se||es cl t|e sae rae.
- us|r cce|r p|ccesses cl a||re a|c|aec|c] arc |e|rvest|at|r uatt|e s|tes w|t| t|e |atest tec|rc|c|es
|evea|s lasc|rat|r rew ceta||s
- Batt|el|e|c a|c|aec|c] |s a last-|cw|r c|sc|p||re t|at |s |cw|r |r appea|
- 0l |rte|est tc la||] ||stc||ars as we|| as |||ta|] ||stc||ars
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
272 paes
$19.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
32 cc|c| c u/w |||us.
5 / 7 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
D-Day Remembered
From the lhvasioh to the Liberatioh of Faris
R/cha|d Ho/mes
I||s er|arcec ve|s|cr cl t|e uestse||e| ce|eu|ates t|e 70t| arr|ve|sa|] cl D-Da], t|e |a|est ap||u|cus
|rvas|cr |r ||stc|]. |r pa|rsta||r ceta||, |t ep|c|es t|e capa|rs p|arr|r arc eecut|cr, w|t| |rlc|at|cr
cr |e] pe|scrre|, weapcrs, arc |||ta|] ur|ts. Vc|e t|ar 10 lacs|||e cccuerts, ar] rew, |rc|uce a
Ce|ar |ac|c s|ra| |c l|c t|at ca], p|cpaarca |eal|ets, c|a|] et|acts, |||ta|] c|ce|s, arc aps.
||clessc| R|c|a|c |c|es was cre cl t|e uKs |eac|r |||ta|] ||stc||ars. /s we|| as ue|r t|e Cere|a| Ec|tc|
cl t|e 0\|o1 |oc-o |o V||-, |s|o,, |e p|esertec seve|a| cccuerta|] se||es lc| t|e BBC. ||s ucc|s
|rc|ucec |- |-co|-o. w-s |\c--.- (Ca||tcr}, as we|| as o, |- 5|s| So|1- o ||- w-s|-
|o| (|a|pe| |e|err|a|}, w-||)|o |- |o |.|- (|a|pe|Cc|||rs}, arc |-1 |o-| (|a|pe|Cc|||rs}.
- I||s er|arcec arc |eraec ec|t|cr cl |- ||-, |\c--.- ccrta|rs c|e t|ar 10 lacs|||e cccuerts,
|rc|uc|r a ruue| cl rew |tes p|us a CD cl vete|ars l||st|arc acccurts
- I||s ueaut|lu|, er|arcec ec|t|cr cl t|e |rte|rat|cra| uestse||e| |s puu||s|ec tc ccec|ate t|e 70t|
arr|ve|sa|] cl D-Da] |r Jure 2011
- /r ece||ert |lt lc| ar] |||ta|] ||stc|] ert|us|ast, ||-, |--|--1 |s puu||s|ec |r asscc|at|cr w|t| t|e
|pe||a| Wa| Vuseu, lcrccr, cre cl t|e wc||cs |eac|r useus cevctec tc |||ta|] ||stc|]
|uu||s|e|. /rc|e Deutsc|
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
132 paes
$75.00 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|a|cccve| c CD
200 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
10 1/1 / 11 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
The Inventions, Researches and Writings of
NikoIa TesIa
N/ko/a 7es/a
|||c|a Ies|a u|atec t|e pat| t|at e|ect||ca| ceve|cpert lc||cwec lc| ar] ]ea|s tc cce. I||s |ecc|c cl
Ies|as p|cree||r wc|| at|e|s ar] cl ||s cst lacus l|rc|rs arc t|ec||es, a||cw|r ccrtepc|a|]
|eace|s tc epe||erce t|e aat|r |are cl ||s t||r||r. |t |rc|uces |ectu|es, a|t|c|es, arc
c|scuss|crspa|t|cu|a||] t|cse uea||r cr pc|]p|ase ctc|s arc t|e ellects cuta|rec w|t| cu||erts cl |||
pctert|a| arc ||| l|ecuerc].
|||c|a Ies|a was uc|r |r C|cat|a |r 185c. |e e||atec tc t|e ur|tec States |r 1881 arc wc||ec lc| a s|c|t
t|e lc| I|cas Ec|scr. / p|cree| |r t|e l|e|c cl |||-ters|cr e|ect||c|t], Ies|a ace ar] c|sccve||es arc
|rvert|crs cl |ast|r va|ue tc t|e ceve|cpert cl |ac|c t|ars|ss|cr arc e|ect||c|t], cre cl t|e cst lacus
cl w||c| was t|e pcwe| s]ste at ||aa|a |a||s. |e c|ec |r 1913.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r lc| ccve|ae |r sc|erce, ||stc|], arc tec|rc|c] puu||cat|crs
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r lc| ccve|ae |r ca||] rewspape|s
0r||re cut|eac| tc ||stc|], sc|erce, arc tec|rc|c] u|cs arc weus|tes
Scc|a| ec|a capa|r t||cu| Ste|||r Iw|tte| w|t| lacts arc t||v|a

- |||c|a Ies|a |s a pe|err|a| cu|t l|u|e, att|act|r |eace|s w|c app|ec|ate ||s c|aat|c ||le stc|] arc ||s
status as cve||cc|ec arc pa|t|a||] lc|ctter er|us
- I|e|e a|e |e|at|ve|] lew cc||ect|crs cl ||s w||t|rs arc |rvert|crs ava||au|e cuts|ce cl cr||re verues
|uu||s|e|. |a|| R|ve|
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
512 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
c / 9
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Cosmic Menagerie
A Visual Jourhey Through the Uhiverse
Ma|k A Ga|//ck
/st|cp|]s|c|st, |||ust|atc|, arc pcpu|a| sc|erce aut|c| D|. Va|| Ca|||c |eacs |eace|s cr a ur|cue, up-c|cse,
arc |rte|act|ve tcu| cl cu| lasc|rat|r ur|ve|sel|c t|r] ste||a| cc|pses tc |ec supe||arts. W|at a|es
t||s sturr|r ucc| et|a spec|a|, t|cu|, |s |ts |ae-|eccr|t|cr app. Dcwr|cac |t tc ]cu| sa|tp|cre c|
tau|et, pc|rt t|e cev|ce at t|e ces|ratec paes, arc watc| ter astcurc|r ar|at|crs cce tc ||le!
/r awa|c-w|rr|r aut|c|, |||ust|atc|, arc sc|erce epe|t, D|. Va|| /. Ca|||c| |c|cs a ||D |r ast|cp|]s|cs arc
|s rcw a lu||-t|e w||te|, |||ust|atc|, arc l|re a|t|st. ||s wc|| |as appea|ec |r pcpu|a| sc|erce aat|res,
c|||c|ers ucc|s, arc cr te|ev|s|cr p|c|as, arc |/S/ |as usec ||s ur|cue ar|at|crs arc |||ust|at|crs. |e
||ves |r B|||tcr, Er|arc.
- ur|||e ct|e| |css] ccllee-tau|e ucc|s cr ast|crc], t||s vc|ue |as ar |rte|act|ve e|eert, t|ar|s tc t|e
l|ee |ae-|eccr|t|cr app
- |r acc|t|cr tc ||s |p|ess|ve s|||| as ar |||ust|atc| arc pcpu|a| sc|erce w||te|, D|. Va|| Ca|||c|s ||D |r
ast|cp|]s|cs |ercs || t|e |rcw|ece tc accu|ate|] arc aut|c||tat|ve|] ccert cr t|e ar] aspects cl
cu| ur|ve|se
- I|e /p||| 2011 puu||cat|cr w||| cc|rc|ce w|t| t|e |aurc| cl |e|| DeC|asse I]scrs ||||] art|c|patec
te|ev|s|cr se||es, |osos 4 Sc-.-- 01,ss-,, a lc||cw-up tc Ca|| Saars |curcu|ea||r 1980
tc|cv|s|cr p|c|a
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
111 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
11 3/1 / 9
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car

Gab|/e/e 0o/se//e
Just cre ||pse at cre cl Bc|se||es ecu|re pc|t|a|ts arc ]cu|| a|wa]s |eeue| |e| |r||tau|e st]|e arc |e|
spec|a| pcet|]. test|l|es tc |e| terac|cus arc pass|crate wc|| captu||r t|e sp|||t cl t|ese
ar|l|cert c|eatu|es w|t| t|e|| urtaec ere|] arc ur||va|ec |ace. |e| au|||t] tc ccrve] t|e|| ueaut],
|ace, l|a|||t], arc ever v|c|erce |s ur||va|ec.
/lte| wc|||r as a jcu|ra||st, Cau||e||e Bc|se||e |etu|rec tc |e| twc l||st |cves. p|ctc|ap|] arc |c|ses.
Bc|se||es ecept|cra| a|t|st|c sers|t|v|t], ccu|rec w|t| |e| |peccau|e tec|r|cue, |ave ace |e| cre cl t|e
wc||cs cst |ercwrec a|t|sts |r t|e c|a||er|r arc ve|] spec|a| sp|e|e cl ecu|re p|ctc|ap|].
/ jcu|ra||st, a w||te|, arc a |cve| cl |c|ses, /res Ca||et|e|w|c p|cv|cec t|e tet lc| t||s ucc|st||ves tc
|e|p t|e puu||c uette| urce|starc arc |cve t|ese ar|a|s. S|e |as puu||s|ec ar] wc||s |r ccrjurct|cr w|t|
Cau||e||e Bc|se||e, pa|t|cu|a||] |r ||arce.
- / sp|erc|c |lt lc| a|| |c|se |cve|s
- Et|ac|c|ra|] arc ec|t|r |aes ta|er u] cre cl t|e cst |ercwrec ar|a| p|ctc|ap|e|s
- Icuc||r tets, l|||ec w|t| pass|cr arc pcet|]
|uu||s|e|. W||te Sta| |uu||s|e|s
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
300 paes
$29.95 ($32.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
9 1/1 / 9 7/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The Horse Racing MisceIIany
!ohn Wh/|e w/|h a /o|ewo|d by /es|e| P/o||
Ce|eu|ate t|e wc||c cl t|e |ac|r t|c|cu|u|ecw|cse u|ccc||res car a|| ue t|acec tc lcu| /|au sta|||crs
l|c t|e 1700s. |ac|ec w|t| lactc|cs su|e tc aate arc ause, |t erccpasses t|e |eat |aces, t|ac|s,
t|a|re|s, jcc|e]s, arc cwre|s. Stc||es cl |e|c|c ||ce|s, l|art|c l|r|s|es, arc lacus |c|ses, p|us stat|st|cs,
cuctes, arc ||sts, w||| erae ar]cre w|c |cves a ca] at t|e |aces.
Jc|r W||te |as uu||t up ar |p|ess|ve catauase cl lacts arc stats cr just aucut eve|] spc|t |a|rau|e, arc
||s |rrcvat|ve V|sce||ar] se||es rcw ruue|s sce 15 t|t|es l|c sccce| arc c|l tc ca| |ac|r. /r |||s|ar
l|c Be|last, a u|eec|r |curc lc| |eerca|] |c|ses, t|a|re|s, arc jcc|e]s, |e |s lc|turate tc ||ve c|cse tc
sce cl t|e |eatest |ac|r stau|es rct just |r Eu|cpe uut ac|css t|e wc||c.
- |c|se |ac|r |ea|rs a |ue|] pcpu|a| spc|t ac|css t|e ur|tec States w|t| |rte|est pea||r |r t|e sp||r
w|t| I||p|e C|cwr |aces (Kertuc|] De|u], ||ea|ress Sta|es, arc Be|crt Sta|es}, arc |r t|e la|| w|t| t|e
|cua||] |eccr|tec B|eece|s Cup se||es
- I|e|e a|e c|e t|ar 130 |acet|ac|s |r 35 states a|curc t|e uS/, w|t| |ac|r cr a|cst eve|] ca] cl
- Eve|] ]ea|, c|e t|ar 100,000 lars c|a |rtc C|u|c|||| Dcwrs lc| t|e Kertuc|] De|u] |r t|e l||st wee| cl
Va]. |t |s cre cl t|e scc|a| everts cl t|e ]ea| |r rct just t|e B|ue|ass State, uut ac|css t|e ert||e V|cwest
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
17c paes
$1c.95 ($18.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
1 3/8 / 7 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The OfficiaI BBC Sport Guide:
FormuIa One 2014
0|oce !ones
|c|u|a 0re |ac|r |s spectacu|a|arc t||s cll|c|a| BBC u|ce |s t|e essert|a| |escu|ce lc| t|e seascr
a|eac. |t ets lars lu||] up tc speec cr t|e teas, a|| 21 c||ve|s, arc a|| 20 t|ac|s (l|c Vcracc tc |ew
Je|se] arc Scc||, Russ|a}. ||ret] cc|c| p|ctc|ap|s, c||cu|t aps, stat|st|cs, arc a l|||-|r u|ce ccp|eert
B|uce Jcress |rs||tlu| tet.
B|uce Jcres, a lc|e| ec|tc| cl 4.|osco| aat|re, |s cre cl t|e cst |espectec ccertatc|s arc
|epc|te|s cr t|e ctc| |ac|r scere a|curc t|e wc||c. /s we|| as t|e uestse|||r ]ea||] 55| Sco| |o.|-
0- o.1-, B|uce |as w||tter rue|cus ct|e| ucc|s, |rc|uc|r |J --s o| |o.|- 0-, |- --s.-s o|
|o.|- 0-, arc t|e ]ea||] 55| Sco| wo|1 |o.|- 0- |-.o1s (a|| Ca||tcr}.
- |eatu|es p|est||cus BBC Spc|t u|arc|r
- |rc|uces 90 up-tc-cate, lu||-cc|c| p|ctc|ap|s arc ceta||ec |||ust|at|crs cl t|e |atest c||ve| |e|ets arc |ace
c||cu|t aps
- |c|u|a 0re |s a ass|ve te|ev|s|cr evert, w|t| ar a|eate |cua| auc|erce cl c00 ||||cr v|ewe|s lc|
eac| |ace
- |eatu|es t|e rew C|arc ||| cl /e||ca |r |ew Je|se] arc t|e rew Russ|ar C|arc ||| |r Scc||, as we|| as
t|e rew tu|uc-er|rec ca|s
- /ut|c| B|uce Jcres |s cre cl t|e wc||cs cst ||||] |espectec |c|u|a 0re jcu|ra||sts
New Edition
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
128 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 1/2 / 9 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Tour de France
The Complete History of the World's Greatest Cycle Face
Ma|oe|/|e /aze//
|eatu||r a||-t|e |eats suc| as Jaccues /rcuet||, Ecc|e Ve|c|, arc V|ue| |rcu|a|r p|us a rew ere|at|cr
cl c]c||sts t|at |rc|uce /|ue|tc Ccrtacc|, B|ac|e] W||rs, Va|| Caverc|s|, arc Ieja] var Ca|ce|er, t||s
ccp|ete ||stc|] ccve|s eve|] aspect cl t|e Icu| ce ||arce. Sta|t|r w|t| t|e ea|||est |aces arc |e|ces, |t
t|aces t|e evert cve| 100 ]ea|s, s|cwcas|r |ts |rc|ec|u|e leats cl ercu|arce arc l|e|ce ||va|||es.
Va|ue||te late|| |as ccve|ec l|ve Icu|s ce ||arce arc t|e 0|]p|c Caes |r S]cre] arc /t|ers, a|cr w|t|
rue|cus Wc||c C|ap|crs||ps arc Wc||c Cup everts. / |eer c|uu c]c||st, s|e |as ccpetec up tc rat|cra|
|eve| |r uct| c]c||r arc cuat||cr. S|e ||ves |r Er|arc.
- W||| |rc|uce t|e stc|] cl t|e 100t| |urr|r cl t|e |ace
- I|e Icu| |s t|e wc||cs u|est spectatc| evert w|t| up tc 15 ||||cr lars ||r|r t|e |cute
- 1.59 u||||cr v|ewe|s |r 18c ccurt||es watc| t|e Icu| ce ||arce cr te|ev|s|cr a||r t||s |ace a t|u|]
-I|e Icu| |as ueer s|cwr ||ve cr uS IV s|rce 1999. / rew ere|at|cr cl ||ce|s suc| as Ieja] var Ca|ce|er
rcw l|] t|e /e||car l|a
- |cw |r |ts tert| ec|t|cr
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
210 paes
$29.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
2c0 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
7 3/1 / 9 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
Voices of Tuscany
Discover the Lahd of Gehius 8 Beauty
G/o|/o De Ma||/no /n||odoc|/on by And|ea 0oce///
I||cu| t|e wc|cs cl t|cse w|c |rcw arc |cve |t uest, t||s catt||r vc|ue c|eates a l|es|, ccrve|sat|cra|,
arc cu|tu|a||] v|u|art pc|t|a|t cl Iuscar]. Supe|sta| s|re| /rc|ea Bcce||| ta|es |eace|s cr ar ect|cra| tcu|,
clle||r ||s pe|scra| |p|ess|crs arc su|p||s|r t||rs t|at cuts|ce|s ||t rct see. I|e wc|cs cl lacus
Iuscars past arc p|esert |rt|ccuce acc|t|cra| t|ees, p|aces, arc aspects cl t|e|| |ce.
C|c||c De Va|t|rc |s a w||te| arc p|ar|st w|c |as puu||s|ec rue|cus essa]s arc wc||s cl l|ct|cr. |e was
a us|c c||t|c cr t|e || S-.o|o \|\ lc| c|e t|ar 20 ]ea|s. S|rce 1993 |e |as wc||ec cr a |eu|a| uas|s w|t|
t|e Ieat|c Ca||c |e||ce |r Cerca, arc |r 2008 |e lc|ec a p|cless|cra| |e|at|crs||p t|at cu|c||] tu|rec |rtc a
l||ercs||p w|t| /rc|ea Bcce|||.
- I||s |rrcvat|ve vc|ue w||| spea| tc ar |rte|rat|cra| auc|erce, arc |as ueer t|ars|atec |rtc seve|a|
- I|e a|r ca| |s tc cve t|e auc|erce. tc t|ars|t arc evc|e |r t|e |eace| a u|t|tuce cl sersat|crs, |r
suc| a wa] as tc l||e ||s c| |e| cu||cs|t]
- /rc|ea Bcce|||, a c|sc|eet uut |pc|tart p|eserce, acccpar|es t|e |eace| w|t| ||s cuctes arc |aes
t||cu|cut t||s ect|cra| tcu|, |e|p|r t|e |eace| tc erjc] t|e success|cr cl ccrt|rucus su|p||ses t|at
Iuscar] |as tc clle|
|uu||s|e|. W||te Sta| |uu||s|e|s
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
111 paes
$1c.95 ($18.95 Carac|ar}
||e|ucurc w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
c 3/1 / 8 5/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
A Couhtry Facihg Towards the Future
/|ancesca P/ana
W|t| sce cl t|e wc||cs cst sturr|r arc c|ve|se |arcscapes, as we|| as |ts cu|tu|a| ||c|ress, B|at|| |s t|e
|cea| p|ace tc c lc| urlc|ettau|e acvertu|es arc ur|cue sersc|] epe||erces. I||cu| a t|easu|e t|cve cl
|aes t|at |are l|c t|e |us| /atcr tc scp||st|catec c|t|es, l|c |av|s| cc|cr|a| c|u|c|es tc lave|as,
5-c| captu|es t|e ccurt|]s sp|||t, |ts ||stc|], arc |ts pecp|e.
||arcesca ||ara |s a l|ee|arce jcu|ra||st w|c spec|a||tes |r t|ave| w||t|r w|t| a pa|t|cu|a| |rte|est |r
art||cpc|c], a|t, arc a|c||tectu|e. S|e |as w||tter t|ave| ucc|s arc tcu||st u|ces lc| t|e ajc| puu||s|e|s
|r t|e l|e|c (Icu||r C|uu |ta||arc, Dcve-RCS, Rcu| Cu|ce/|uc||I|ea, V|c|e||r, /. Vcrcacc||} arc |as a
st|cr |rcw|ece cl lat|r /e||ca, w|e|e s|e wc||ec arc t|ave|ec eters|ve|].
- Ccve|s B|at||s ert||et]. t|e /atcr |a|rlc|est, ||ve|s arc wate|la||s, |rc|uc|r t|e laec |uau |a||s, t|e
ueac|es arc /t|art|c ccast, t|e cce|r c|t|es w|t| t|e|| cesc|ate lave|as, arc t|e sa||e| v|||aes t|at
s|cwcase t|e ccurt|]s cc|cr|a| past
- Wc||c attert|cr |s rcw lccusec cr B|at||, t|ar|s tc t|e 2011 Sccce| Wc||c Cup, arc t|e 201c 0|]p|c
Caes t|at w||| ta|e p|ace |r R|c ce Jare||c
- |uu||s|ec tc cc|rc|ce w|t| t|e 2011 Wc||c Cup

|uu||s|e|. W||te Sta| |uu||s|e|s
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
272 paes
$29.95 ($32.95 Carac|ar}
||e|ucurc w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
8 5/8 / 9 7/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car

White BeIt Crosswords

Ed/|ed by R/ch No||/s
W|t| t|ese uas|c c|csswc|cs, putt|e serse| R|c| |c|||s |ve rewu|es a sc||c lcurcat|cr cl t|a|r|r tc
p|epa|e t|e|| |rcs lc| t|e c|a||eres t|at ||e a|eac.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
192 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
5 3/8 / 8 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 18
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Green BeIt Crosswords
Ed/|ed by R/ch No||/s
I|ese seccrc-|eve| c|csswc|cs |cre sc|ve|s u|a|rs u] |evea||r |rte|ec|ate tec|r|cuescJc|atc
c|a||eres w|t| cst|] st|a||tlc|wa|c c|ues arc la|||a| arswe|s. |ct||rs tcc ta|r c|
t||c|] . . . ]et.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
192 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
5 3/8 / 8 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 18
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Brown BeIt Crosswords
Ed/|ed by R/ch No||/s
Reac] lc| a |ea| erta| wc||cut W|t| putt|es t||s acvarcec, ]cu|| reec tc sta] s|a|p. I|ese u|cwr
ue|t c|ues acc wc|cp|a] arc t||v|a tc t|e |, upp|r t|e c|ll|cu|t] . . . arc |rc|eas|r t|e erjc]ert.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
192 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
5 3/8 / 8 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 18
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
BIack BeIt Crosswords
Ed/|ed by R/ch No||/s
Ccr|atu|at|crs! Ycu|e a t|ue c|csswc|c aver arc a sc|ve| cl t|e |||est s||||-|l ]cu car ccp|ete
t|ese |rc-e|t|r|] tcu| ccrurc|us. Epect tc l|e ]cu| erta| usc|es tc t|e utcst!
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. Va|c| 2011
192 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
5 3/8 / 8 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 18
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Savory Word Searches
Dave Tuller
For solvers with a hunger for word searches, this savory collection sure hits
the spot! In addition to tempting themes like Circus Circus or Horsing
Around, each puzzle features bonus message made from the unused
letters in the grid. Its a smorgasbord of word-circling fun for brainiacs!
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: April 2014
160 pages
$7.95 ($8.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
6 X 9
Carton Quantity: 40
Territory: World
Double Trouble Sudoku
Brainfreeze Puzzles, Philip Riley & Laura Taalman
This brand-new sudoku variant will have logic lovers seeing double! Instead
of appearing only once in every row and column, each number appears
TWICE. And instead of the usual three-by-three areas, these puzzles have
irregular shapes. These twists add spice to the solving, variety to the
sudoku, and make every puzzle a unique challenge for your eyes and mind.
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: April 2014
240 pages
$7.95 ($8.95 Canadian)
all in color
5 1/4 X 5 1/2
Territory: World
Pop Culture Word Search Puzzles
Trip Payne
If we say Swift and you think Taylor (not Jonathan), youll nd these
puzzles AWESOME! Theyre all pop-culture-savvy, with word search
themes that range from Harry Potter spells to The Price Is Right. Each one
also features a quip or quote made from the unused letters, for an extra-
fun challen
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: April 2014
96 pages
$8.95 ($9.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
8 X 10
Carton Quantity: 48
Territory: World
Jumbo Print Easy Crosswords #1
Pete Naish
These large-print crosswords challenge solvers brainsnot their eyes.
Each puzzle takes up a full two pages, so both the clues and the numbers in
the grid are easy to see and ll out. With their fun subjects and challenging
clues, theyll bafe you in the most delightful way.
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: April 2014
288 pages
$12.95 ($13.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
8 X 10
Carton Quantity: 16
Territory: World
Munchkin Crosswords
Pete Naish
Great things sometimes come in small packages! These small-but-mighty
puzzles11x13 rather than the standard 15x15are perfect for a speedy
solving session. Many of the crosswords feature mini-themes consisting of
two or more related entries, so when you gure out that answer the rest will
come more easily.
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: April 2014
160 pages
$7.95 ($8.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
6 X 9
Carton Quantity: 40
Territory: World
Wide-Open Easy Themeless Crosswords
Martin Ashwood-Smith
Casual solvers will love these easy crosswords, because they offer a new,
brilliantly conceived mix of he challenging and the attainable. The grids
contain very few black squares so the answers tend to be longer and more
interesting. Yet the clues are friendly and solvable to maximize enjoyment.
That way, even nonexperts can complete a great crossword and have fun, too.
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: April 2014
96 pages
$8.95 ($9.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
8 X 10
Carton Quantity: 48
Territory: World
May 2014
The New Cast Iron Skillet Cookbook
150 Fresh Ideas for Americas Favorite Pan
by Ellen Brown
ISBN 978-1-4549-0774-9 | $24.95 ($26.95 Canada)
Hard | 8 x 9 | 272 pages (all in color) | Territory: World
Carton Qty: 14 | May 6, 2014 | Sterling Epicure
ast iron skillets are booming in popularity: theyre
versatile, theyre relatively inexpensive, and they
dont have the toxic chemicals released by articial
nonstick pans. Though cast iron was the only pan in
grandmas kitchen, these 150 recipes are fresh and
updated, from cornbread with Parmesan cheese and
sun-dried tomatoes to frittatas, Vietnamese spring rolls,
and to-die-for sticky buns.
Ellen Brown gained the national limelight as the
founding food editor of USA Today as well as one of
the founders of the New American Cuisine movement.
She has written 40 cookbooks, including the critically
acclaimed Cooking with the New American Chefs
(Harper & Row), which won second place in the
Tastemaker Awards, and the 1989 IACP Award-winning
Gourmet Gazelle Cookbook (Bantam Books). She now
writes a weekly column for the Providence Journal, and
her articles have appeared in numerous publications,
including the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times,
Bon Appetit, and Art Culinaire. In 1985, she was
inducted into the prestigious Whos Who of Cooking in
America. She lives in Providence, RI.
Brown is a well-known name; she was the founding food
editor for USA Today, and proles of her have appeared in the
Washington Post, the Detroit News, Coastal Living, and the
Miami Herald, among others
Retro cooking and retro pans are in and make wonderful gifts;
with the upsurge in Lodge pans comes the need for cookbooks
on how to use them
Since the recession, home cooking and comfort food are in
vogue, and most of these recipes fall into those categories
With 150-plus recipes, gorgeous photos, and lots of how-to
information, this is a great buy at $24.95
Review copy mailing for coverage in womens, cooking, and
Newspaper coverage in food sections
Cookbook roundups
Online outreach to food blogs and websites
Blads available
Treat Petites
Tiny Sweets and Savory Pleasures
by Fiona Pearce
ISBN 978-1-4549-1067-1 | $17.95 ($19.95 Canada)
Hard | 7
/8 x 8
/8 | 128 pages (all in color)
Territory: US/Can | May 6, 2014 | Sterling Epicure
reat things do come in small packages! These delicacies
may be diminutivebut theyre huge in taste. Gourmet baker
Fiona Pearce has whipped up 42 luscious petite fantasies, from
micro meringues to fancy patisserie to chilly bites, that prove less
really is more. Enjoy a mouthwatering selection of savory and sweet
treats, including Spinach and Feta Triangles, Pesto Pinwheels,
Baked Raspberry Tartlets, Miniature Victoria Sponges, Chocolate
Cups, and other marvelous morsels.
Fiona Pearce is the author of Cake Craft Made Easy (David &
Charles). An experienced stylist, she runs a fashionable baking
business in London called Icing Bliss (
and teaches cake-decorating courses at Cakeology (
Mini treats are the logical extension of the wildly
popular cake pops and mini cupcakes
Mini-treat parties are in vogue, and this book offers a
wide range of items for every occasion
A great little gift book
Review copy mailing for coverage in baking and
dessert magazines
Newspaper coverage in food sections
Cookbook roundups
Online outreach to baking and dessert blogs
and websites
Blads available
Also Available
Macarons, Cupcakes
& Cake Pops
$16.95 ($19.95 Canada)
7 x 8
Good Housekeeping Weeknight Easy
185 Feally Ouick, Simply Delicious Fecipes
7he Ed/|o|s o/ Good Hoosekee/n
Ccc| last, ccc| ce||c|cuseve|] r||t! ooo1 |o.s-|--c) a|es wee|r||ts eas] w|t| 185
t||p|e-testec |ec|pes t|at |e|p ]cu put a sat|sl]|r suppe| cr t|e tau|e |r a |a|l-|cu| c| |ess. I|e
la||]-l||erc|] c|s|es |are l|c st||-l||es arc ||||s tc ccc|es cl rccc|es, s|cw-ccc|e| lavc||tes,
arc '|ea|t|] |r a |u||] ea|s.' I|p uces t||cu|cut suest t|esav|r tec|r|cues arc
ooo1 |o.s-|--c) aat|re |s ar /e||car |ccr cl ccrsue| p|ctect|cr arc cua||t]
assu|arce. Eac| |ssue |eac|es 21 ||||cr |eace|s arc, w|t| 15 ec|t|crs puu||s|ec wc||cw|ce, |t |s
ar |rte|rat|cra||] |eccr|tec u|arc.
- Bus] |ce ccc|s a|e a|wa]s cr t|e |cc|cut lc| cu|c| |ce-st]|e c|rre|s t|e|| la|||es w|||
erjc]. I|||t]-|rute ea|s |s t|e a|c ruue| ac|css ar] u|arcs
- ooo1 |o.s-|--c) |eac|es cre cut cl l|ve /e||car wcer eac| crt|. |ast wee|r||t
ea|s |s a cc|re|stcre cl ooo1 |o.s-|--c)s |ss|cr, arc t|e aat|re cevctes eters|ve
ccve|ae tc t|e tcp|c cr ar crc|r uas|s
|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
25c paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
7 3/8 / 9 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 11
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
Good Housekeeping
Fast Weeknight
S|p|] De||c|cus Vea|s |r 30
V|rutes c| less
|- |1|os o| ooo1
Fublisher: Hearst
160 pages
$14.95 ($17.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover Cohcealed Spiral
all ih color; 75 illustratiohs
6 X 9
Cartoh Ouahtity: 22
Territory: World with exclusiohs
Good Housekeeping
Light HeaIthy Cooking
250 De||c|cus, Sat|sl]|r,
Cu||t-||ee Rec|pes
|- |1|os o| ooo1
Fublisher: Hearst
304 pages
$24.95 ($29.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
all ih color
7 3/8 X 9 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 14
Territory: World with exclusiohs
Good Housekeeping
One Dish!
90 |||es|st|u|] Eas] D|rre|s I|at
/|e Reac] W|er Ycu /|e
|- |1|os o| ooo1
Fublisher: Hearst
160 pages
$14.95 ($15.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover Cohcealed Spiral
all ih color
6 X 9
Cartoh Ouahtity: 20
Territory: World with exclusiohs
House Beautiful
Living by Water
by Lisa Cregan
ISBN 978-1-61837-116-4 | $24.95 ($26.95 Canada)
Hard | 8 x 10 | 160 pages (all in color) | Territory: WEX*
Carton Qty: 18 | May 6, 2014 | Hearst
rom lakeside cabins to coastal cottages, here are the
waterside homes of your dreams, presented in a lavishly
illustrated volume. These stunning spaces showcase such
details as painted furniture, stainless-steel stools, and high-
draped beds with a romantic seaside feel. Youll especially
love our Anatomy of a Room features, which explain how
to replicate the design in any home, anywhere.
House Beautiful believes that Everyone Has a Beautiful
House in Them. As a leading authority on home design
and decoration, the magazine reaches 6.3 million readers
every monthmore than any other shelter magazine. House
Beautiful helps readers achieve rooms that feel right, not just
stylish; and living rooms, not showrooms. Inspired by the
past, living in the present, and looking to the future, House
Beautiful accompanies its readers on their quest to create
the house of their dreams.
This is the second House Beautiful title in this successful
format; the previous title, House Beautiful Decorating
with Books, sold 27,000 copies
This title will be in the same trim as the strong sellers on
the Country Living list: Aged to Perfection (27,000 sold),
Restore. Recycle. Repurpose (27,000 sold), and the
newly released Decorating with White
House Beautiful will support the book with editorial and
advertising coverage, as well as online
Outreach to home decorating editors at newspapers,
and bloggers with a focus on interior design, decorating,
and lifestyle
Pitch for Mothers Day Gift Guides, and Summer
Gift Guides
Support on House Beautifuls social media platforms
Pitch Author for local book signings
Also Available
House Beautiful Blue
$19.95 ($23.95 Canada)
5 x 7
Break the RuIes Bead Embroidery
22 Jewelry Frojects Featurihg lhhovative Materials
D/ane Hyde
Just aucut ar]t||r |s lccce| lc| D|are |]ces ec|ect|c, u|t||a]e|ec jewe||]. lcurc cujects, cu|||] ccc|t|es,
c|c |aes, arc v|rtae ate||a|s. Beace|s w||| |cve ep|c||r |e| w||s|ca| st]|e arc |ea|r|r |cw t|e] tcc
car c|eate ueaut|lu| p|eces l|c see|r|] c|c|ra|], eve|]ca] t||rs. D|are |evea|s |e| spec|a|, access|u|e
tec|r|cues lc| wc|||r w|t| t|ese |tes, arc p|eserts 22 larc|lu|, lur p|cjects.
|r acc|t|cr tc a||r jewe||], wea|au|e a|t, cc||s, arc pu|ses s|rce t|e |ate 1970s, D|are |]ce |as ueer
ueac|r lc| a|cst 20 ]ea|s arc teac||r lc| a cecace. S|e |s ce|eu|atec lc| |e| s|ratu|e aest|et|c, uasec
cr t|e steapur| |cc| w|t| v|sua| scltress accec u] ueacs arc ueacweav|r tec|r|cues. (|e| lars ca|| |t
ueacpur|.} D|ares wc|| |as appea|ec |r rue|cus aat|re a|t|c|es arc ucc|s, arc s|e |as wcr awa|cs |r
t|e wc||cs p|ee|rert ueac|r ccpet|t|cr, 5--155.||o V-)-c-s Beac D|eas, eve|] ]ea| s|rce 2001.
D|ares ccpar], Des|re|s ||rc|rs, spec|a||tes |r |a|c-tc-l|rc jewe||] ccpcrerts. S|e ||ves |r
Wau|cs|a, W|.
- /wa|c-w|rr|r aut|c| D|are |]ce |as |rstart rae |eccr|t|cr |r t|e ueac|r ccur|t]
- Cap|ta||tes cr uct| t|e ueac eu|c|ce|] arc lcurc-cuject jewe||] c|ates
- |a|t cl t|e Beac |rsp||at|crs se||es, t|e lc||cw-up se||es tc Beacweav|r Vaste| C|ass
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
128 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 2c
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
DaIIas Lovett's Woven Bead Wire JeweIry
25 Gorgeous Frojects
Da//as /ove||
Da||as lcvetts e|eart-]et-|acelu| p|cject ces|rs captu|e t|e |cc| c|alte|s wart rcwscp||st|catec arc
sturr|r. |e p|eserts 25 cl ||s cst ur|cue ces|rs, a|| |uu||cus, w|t| |a]e|ec tw|sts, arc s|cwcas|r t|e
c|eat|ve pctert|a| cl s||ve| w||e arc ueacs. / uas|cs sect|cr ccve|s eve|] tec|r|cue |r t|e ucc|, arc
step-u]-step p|ctcs p|cv|ce t|e u|carce c|alte|s reec tc c|eate t|ese ar|l|cert p|eces.
Da||as lcvetts |rt||cate arc |el|rec w||e-wcver jewe||] eue|||s|ec w|t| ueacs |as a|re|ec || |e|crs cl
lars acr ueace|s. |c| t|e past 17 ]ea|s, |e |as tau|t |eu|a||] at tcp verues suc| as t|e Beac c Buttcr
S|cw arc ueacucat|, as we|| as at ueac|r u||cs, cr ueac|r c|u|ses, arc |rte|rat|cra||]. ||s
awa|c-w|rr|r wc|| |as ueer puu||s|ec |r 5--1zo| aat|re arc 4| J-z-|, aat|re, acr ct|e|s.
Da||as ||ves |r ||cer|, /Z.
- I|e aut|c| |as |rstart rae |eccr|t|cr arc ar estau||s|ec lar uase |r t|e ueac|r ccur|t]
- I|e lcu|t| |rsta||ert |r t|e Beac |rsp||at|crs se||es, w||c| |s t|e secue| tc t|e pcpu|a| (|eraec}
Beacweav|r Vaste| C|ass se||es
- I|e p|cjects use starca|c ueacs arc w||e, sc a|| t|e supp||es lc| a||r t|ese p|cjects a|e ava||au|e at
c|alt |eta|| c|a|rs arc eas] tc accu||e
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
120 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
UItimate Beading BibIe
A Complete Feferehce with Step-by-Step Techhiques

D|sccve| cre cl tcca]s cst pcpu|a| c|alts. J||-|- 5--1) 5||- |rt|ccuces ue|rre|s tc a||
t|e uas|cs. tcc|s, tec|r|cues, arc |eac]-ace ueacs tc uu]. See |cw tc a|e ueacs l|c
sc|atc|, c|eate jewe||], use w||ewc|| cr cecc|at|ve |tes arc ca|cs, ueac |cc arc weave, arc
acc ueacs tc reec|ewc||. Eve|]t||r a rcv|ce reecs tc |rcw |s |e|e.
Va||e C|a]tcr |s a p|cless|cra| w||te| w|c |as wc||ec cr a va||et] cl c|alt ucc|s, |rc|uc|r
J||-|- S-z) 5||- arc V-|- o. 0z ||o||-s (uct| Cc|||rs c B|cwr}. S|e cu||ert|]
- |ew t|t|e |r t|e uestse|||r u|t|ate c|alt se||es
- Eve|]t||r ue|rre|s reec tc |rcw aucut wc|||r w|t| ueacs
- /|| t|e a|r c|alts t|at use ueacs u|cu|t tcet|e| |r cre ucc|
|uu||s|e|. Cc|||rs c B|cwr
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
288 paes
$29.95 ($32.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10 7/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
UItimate Art BibIe
/ Ccp|ete Rele|erce w|t|
Step-u]-Step Iec|r|cues
S--| |o))-||
Fublisher: Collihs 8 Browh
288 pages
$29.95 ($32.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
8 1/2 X 10 7/8
Cartoh Ouahtity: 10
Territory: US/Cah
UItimate Crochet BibIe
/ Ccp|ete Rele|erce w|t|
Step-u]-Step Iec|r|cues
J-- |oz|oo|
Fublisher: Collihs 8 Browh
304 pages
$29.95 ($35.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
all ih color
8 1/2 X 10 7/8
Cartoh Ouahtity: 8
Territory: US/Cah
UItimate Knitting BibIe
/ Ccp|ete Rele|erce w|t|
Step-u]-Step Iec|r|cues
S|-o 5-|
Fublisher: Collihs 8 Browh
272 pages
$29.95 ($32.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
all ih color
8 1/2 X 10 7/8
Cartoh Ouahtity: 8
Territory: US/Cah
UItimate Papercraft
/ Ccp|ete Rele|erce w|t|
Step-u]-Step Iec|r|cues
V-- ||-,|o
Fublisher: Collihs 8 Browh
304 pages
$29.95 ($35.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
8 1/2 X 10 7/8
Cartoh Ouahtity: 8
Territory: US/Cah
UItimate OuiIting BibIe
/ Ccp|ete Rele|erce w|t|
Step-u]-Step Iec|r|cues
V-- ||-,|o
Fublisher: Collihs 8 Browh
304 pages
$29.95 ($38.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
all ih color
8 1/2 X 10 7/8
Cartoh Ouahtity: 8
Territory: US/Cah
UItimate Sewing BibIe
/ Ccp|ete Rele|erce Cu|ce tc
Vaste||r t|e /|t cl Sew|r
V-- ||-,|o
Fublisher: Collihs 8 Browh
320 pages
$29.95 ($35.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
color 8 b/w illus. throughout
8 1/2 X 10 3/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 8
Territory: US/Cah
Make Your Mark
Creative ldeas Usihg Markers, Faiht Fehs, Bleach Fehs 8 More
0re |cc| at ||rte|est arc t|e u|ccsp|e|e arc |ts c|ea| t|at c|alte|s |ave eu|acec a||e|s as ar eas] wa]
tc acc cecc|at|ve e|eerts tc stc|e-ucu|t p|ccucts. I||s p||e| s|cwcases 30 w||c|] c|eat|ve |ceas lc|
eue|||s||r su|laces, |rc|uc|r lau||c, p|ast|c, |ass, wccc, arc stcre. Rar|r l|c a uat|| tee tc ar
cve|s|tec p|atte|, t|e p|cjectsarc 100 tep|ateswe|e c|eatec u] c|alt|rs tcp ta|erts.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r lc| ccve|ae |r wcer's arc c|alt|r aat|res
0r||re cut|eac| tc c|alt u|cs arc weus|tes
C|css p|cct|cr w|t| la||C|
- ||cjects a|e |repers|ve, cu|c|, arc eas]pe|lect lc| ar] ae arc |eve| cl c|alte|
- Cap|ta||tes cr t|e |ue t|erc cl cccc||r arc custc|t|r stc|e-ucu|t |tes
- / w|ce |are cl a|||r pers |s |eac||] ava||au|e at c|alt, cll|ce, arc u|-uc |eta||e|s
- W||| appea| tc a u|cac a||et, |rc|uc|r jcu|ra|e|s, |ec-ec|a a|t|sts, cccc|e|s, arc ere|a| c|alte|s
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
128 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Washi WonderfuI
Creative Frojects 8 ldeas for Faper Tape

Was||t|e cc|c|lu|, patte|rec, arc clter t|ars|ucert pape| tape t|at cces cr a |c|||as uecce a |ue
||t w|t| c|alte|s cl a|| ||rcs. Jc|r t|e |cw|r t|erc arc et c|eat|ve w|t| t||s sturr|r cc||ect|cr cl c|e
t|ar 50 p|cjects. Jerr] Dc|, c|alt aut|c| et|ac|c|ra||e, p|eserts c|eve| |ceas lc| custc|t|r eve|]t||r
l|c pac|aes tc |ce cecc| |tes, arc c|eat|r cu|c|, c|a||r |lts.
Jerr] Dc| |s t|e p|es|cert arc lcurce| cl c|escercc|.cc, ar cr||re c|eat|ve ccur|t] w|t| t|all|c cl cve|
733,000 v|ews. / lc|e| Ec|tc|-|r-C||el cl So-s-| aat|re, s|e se|ves |eu|a||] as |e]rcte spea|e|
ac|css t|e rat|cr. |c| |e| |eace|s||p |r puu||s||r arc t|e a|t arc c|alt|r ccur|t], Jerr] was |eccr|tec
u] |o|o as cre cl t|e aat|re |rcust|]s tcp 10 |eace|s, |rl|uerce|s, arc |rrcvatc|s. Jerr] |s t|e aut|c| cl
seve|a| ucc|s, |rc|uc|r |-1 |-1 arc w- V-|- |o||s (uct| la||}. S|e ||ves |r Sarta /ra, C/.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r lc| ccve|ae |r c|alt arc ||lest]|e aat|res
|ewspape| ccve|ae |r c|alt sect|crs
0r||re cut|eac| tc D|Y arc c|alt u|cs arc weus|tes
Scc|a| ec|a capa|r t||cu| aut|c| p|atlc|s cr |aceucc| arc Iw|tte|
||cct|crs cr aut|c| weus|te
Vct|e|'s Da] |lt-u|ce a|||r
|cw-tc v|cec
Cccc|eacs p|cct|cr
- 0re cl t|e l||st ucc|s cr a |ue|] pcpu|a| t|erc
- ||cjects a|e access|u|e tc ar] |eve| cl c|alte|ever t|cse w|t| rc c|alt|r epe||erce
- Vcst p|cjects car ue ccp|etec |r urce| ar |cu|
- Var] ajc| c|alt arc ces|r ccpar|es |ave cce cut w|t| t|e|| cwr ve|s|crs cl Was||, |rc|uc|r Va|t|a
Stewa|t, 7 C]ps|es, Cava|||r|, |e|c| Swapp, /e||car K|alts, Vau|], EK Success, I| |c|tt (lc| Rare|},
arc c|e
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. /p||| 2011
111 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
EmbeIIish, Stitch, FeIt
Usihg the Embellisher Machihe ahd Needle-Fuhch Techhiques
$he//a $m/|h
Ia|e eve|]ca] c|ct||r, s|ces, arc |ats tc a rew |eve| w|t| S|e||a S|t|s lauu|cus, ess-l|ee le|t|r
tec|r|cues. S|t| cpers up a |are cl le|t |ceas lc| tet||e a|t|sts, l|c |ec]c||r lau||cs us|r |arc-|e|c
reec|epc|rt tc uu||c|r up |a]e|s cl cc|c| w|t| ar eue|||s|e| ac||re. I|e p|cjects |rc|uce a '|atec c||rtt'
ua, cc|c|lu| patc|wc|| p|||cws, arc uc| c|e.
S|e||a S|t| |s a |crt|e le|ta|e| w|c teac|es t|e lau||c a|ts wc||cw|ce. S|es t|e lc|e| c|a|| cl t|e
|rte|rat|cra| |e|ta|e|s /sscc|at|cr, arc w||tes lc| seve|a| tet||e arc eu|c|ce|] aat|res, |rc|uc|r
wo|1 o| ||o1-,, 5--.||.| S||.|-s, S-z) wo|1, arc wo||o\. S|t| |s t|e aut|c| cl t|e uestse|||r
|-|| |o S||.| (Batslc|c}. S|e ||ves |r I|||s|, |c|t| Yc||s|||e.
- |r pape|uac| lc| t|e l||st t|e
- Ccve|s uct| c|]- arc wet-le|t|r tec|r|cues, u] |arc arc w|t| t|e eue|||s|e| ac||re
- |eatu|es ar ec|t|r va||et] cl lau||cs, rct just wcc|
New In Paperback
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
128 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10 7/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
FeIt to Stitch
Creative Feltihg for Textile Artists
$he//a $m/|h
Ve|sat||e arc eas] tc a|e, le|t p|cv|ces ar |cea| uase lc| su|lace eue|||s|ert. I||s |rsp||at|cra| u|ce
ep|c|es t|e c|eat|ve pcss|u|||t|es, l|c c|eat|r le|t l|c sc|atc| tc se|ect|r urusua| c]e ccu|rat|crs arc
p|ccuc|r t||ee-c|ers|cra| p|eces. Spec|a| sect|crs cr Japarese S||uc|| arc |urc, p|us sap|e p|cjects
t|at |||ust|ate t|e tec|r|cues, a|e t||s a ust-|ave lc| a|| l|ue| a|t|sts.
S|e||a S|t| |s a |crt|e le|ta|e| w|c teac|es t|e lau||c a|ts wc||cw|ce. S|es t|e lc|e| c|a|| cl t|e
|rte|rat|cra| |e|ta|e|s /sscc|at|cr, arc w||tes lc| seve|a| tet||e arc eu|c|ce|] aat|res, |rc|uc|r
wo|1 o| ||o1-,, 5--.||.| S||.|-s, S-z) wo|1, arc wo||o\. S|t| |s t|e aut|c| cl t|e uestse|||r
|-|| |o S||.| (Batslc|c}. S|e ||ves |r I|||s|, |c|t| Yc||s|||e.
- / ust-|ave u|ce lc| tet||e a|t|sts |r pape|uac| lc| t|e l||st t|e
- W||tter u] t|e lc|e| C|a|| cl t|e |rte|rat|cra| |e|ta|e|s /sscc|at|cr
- Bas|c arc acvarcec tec|r|cues lc| t|cse w|c wart tc ta|e le|ta||r tc arct|e| |eve|
New In Paperback
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
128 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10 7/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Cute Crochet WorId
A Little Dictiohary of Crochet Critters, Folks, Food 8 More
$ozann 7homson
0u|||], ec|ect|c, arc just p|a|r lur. w|t| t||s acc|au|e cc||ect|cr, c|cc|ete|s car eue|||s| c|ct||r,
cecc|, |lts, arc c|e! Sutarr I|cpscr, aut|c| cl t|e pcpu|a| |o.|-| 5o..-| arc |o.|-| o-1-,
|as las||crec c|e t|ar c0 |||es|st|u|e ct|ls t|at la|| |rtc s| catec||es. C||tte|s, |ccc, Seascrs,
C|cw|r I||rs, |ce, arc Ic]s, Icc|s, c I|arspc|tat|crp|us a lew Va|t|ars t||cwr |r!
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
111 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Stitch AIong
10 Stitchers, 30 Frojects, 100 Embroidery Motifs
!enny Doh
I||s l|es|, lur lc|a] |rtc t|e wc||c cl eu|c|ce|] s|cwcases ter p|c|rert ces|re|s, a|| acc|a|ec
lc| t|e|| eu|c|ce|] arc st|tc||r a|t|st|]. Eac| cre s|a|es |rst|uct|crs lc| t||ee p|cjects, a|cr w|t|
ter ueaut|lu| arc w||s|ca| eu|c|ce|] ct|ls lc| |eace|s tc use |r t|e|| cwr wc||. I|e appea||r
t|ees |rc|uce K|tsc|] K|tc|er, |aut|ca|, Cap|r, Rcucts, Sweet |ea|ts, arc c|e.
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
128 paes
$1c.95 ($18.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
RecycIed Chic
30 Simple Ways to Fecycle, Fehew, ahd Feihveht Your Fre-Loved Fashiohs
Amanda Mc//|||/ck
Wart tc |cc| ur|cuearc c|ess ecc-sa|t, tcc |eatu||r 30 p|cjects t|at ever rcv|ce seast|esses
car |arc|e, |-.,.|-1 ||. |ves ]cu t|e tec|r|cues, |rsp||at|cr, arc ccrl|cerce tc |erew e|st|r
c|ct|es arc accessc||es c| pe|scra||te v|rtae las||crs arc lau||cs. W|et|e| ]cu|e |ecv|r s|eeves
l|c a l|up] c|ess, eue|||s||r a t||ec tcp, c| c|eat|r a c|utc| l|c a jac|et, |ts a|| lur tc a|e!
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
1c0 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 / 8 1/1

McCaII's EssentiaI Guide to Sewing

0|//||e 0/nde| !o||a /hn/e and /a|/n Rose|
W|et|e| ]cu|e a tcta| rcv|ce c| p|act|ca||] a p|c, t||s |rc|spers|u|e u|ce l|c VcCa||s |s pac|ec w|t|
|rst|uct|crs, t|ps, arc lasc|rat|r lacts t|at eve|] sewe| reecs. ||c aste||r t|e cst uas|c tec|r|cues
tc t|e |rs arc cuts cl us|r a sew|r ac||re, l|c erc|r tea|s tc a|te||r, eue|||s||r, arc l|r|s||r,
t||s ueaut|lu||] p|esertec arc ||c||] |||ust|atec ucc| |as t|e |cwccwr..
B|||tte B|rce|, Jutta Ku|r|e, arc Ka||r Rcse| a|e |rcepercert las||cr arc |ce cecc| ces|re|s w|c c|eate
sew|r p|cjects lc| a w|ce va||et] cl p|c|rert arulactu|e|s arc puu||s|e|s |r t|e lau||c arc sew|r
|rcust||es. I|e] ||ve |r Ce|ar].
/ucut VcCa||s.
I|e VcCa|| |atte|r Ccpar] ces|rs, arulactu|es, arc se||s sew|r patte|rs wc||cw|ce urce| t|e p|e|e|
sew|r u|arcs cl Butte||c|, Kw|| Sew, VcCa||s, arc Vcue |atte|rs, arc puu||s|es t|e ccrsue| aat|re
lo).- |-||-s.

- / |cua| u|arc w|t| a |eputat|cr lc| ece||erce |r sew|r. /s t|e arulactu|e| cl seve|a| uestse|||r
patte|r ||res, VcCa||s |s we|| |espectec acr ccrsue|s arc |r t|e sew|r |rcust|] as a p|cv|ce| cl
|||-cua||t] |rlc|at|cr aucut sew|r
- V.|-||s |ss-|-| o.1- |o S-z) |s t|e tcta| sew|r pac|ae. |rlc|at|ve, use| l||erc|], v|sua||]
appea||r, arc ueaut|lu||] cce|r, a|| at a lartast|c p||ce
- I|e cst up-tc-cate sew|r |ele|erce ava||au|e arc t|e cr|] cre t|at ccve|s a|| t|e uas|cs lc| uct| |ce
cecc| arc las||cr sew|r, arc vertu|es ue]crc tec|r|cue tc clle| |rlc|at|cr cr a||et|r arc se|||r
sew|r p|cjects
|uu||s|e|. S|t|cSp||r Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
320 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/1 / 11
Ie|||tc|]. WE|C
Beginner's Guide to Abstract Art
/ao|a Re/|e|
Desp|te t|e pcpu|a||t] cl aust|act a|t, pa|rte|s ccrt a|wa]s |rcw |cw tc ccrrect ect|cra||] w|t| t||s st]|e.
I||cu| |rsp||at|cra| p|cjects arc ee|c|ses, lau|a Re|te| ep|a|rs |cw tc c|eate t|at ep|ess|ve ccrrect|cr.
S|e ea|res t|e c|eat|ve p|ccess, |rc|uc|r t|ees, ccpcs|t|cr, ate||a|s, arc ||r ec|a. I|e |esu|t.
|rc|easec s||||s arc awa|eress cl |cw tc ce||ve| acvertu|cus|] aust|act wc||s t|at uu|st w|t| tetu|e, ceta||,
arc cc|c|.
lau|a Re|te| |s we|| |rcwr lc| |e| cc|c|lu| aust|act pa|rt|rs arc |e| access|u|e app|cac| tc teac||r |cw tc
pa|rt |r a c|e aust|act st]|e. S|e |s aut|c| cl 5-|s|o1s |-|) 4..-ss||- 4|s|-.|s arc a |eu|a|
ccrt||uutc| tc 4|s| aat|re. S|e teac|es aust|act pa|rt|r arc |eu|a||] |urs pcpu|a| ccu|ses arc
- |ew |r pape|uac| arc |et|t|ec ve|s|cr cl |-|) 4..-ss||- 4|s|-.|s
- / |eat ue|rre| u|ce lc| pa|rte|s w|c wart tc c|eate aust|act a|t lc| t|e l||st t|e
- Ccve|s wc|||r |r a|| ec|a. wate|cc|c|, ac|]||cs, |ec ec|a, arc cc||ae
New In Paperback
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
128 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10 7/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The Psychology Book
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ISBN 978-1-4027-8481-1 | $29.95 ($32.95 Canada) | Hard
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Territory: World | Carton Qty: 10 | May 20, 2014 | Sterling
hat could be more fascinating than the workings of the human
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through 250 landmark events, theories, publications, experiments,
and discoveries. Beginning with ancient philosophies of well-being,
it touches on such controversial topics as phrenology, sexual taboos,
electroshock therapy, multiple personality disorder, and the nature of evil.
Wade E. Pickrencurrent Director of the Center for Faculty Excellence
at Ithaca College and Editor of History of Psychologyreceived his
PhD in Psychology and the History of Science from the University of
Florida. He has served as the Historian of the American Psychological
Association (APA) since 1998, as well as President-elect of the Society
for General Psychology, past President of the Society for the History of
Psychology, and Fellow of four APA Divisions. Additionally, he is coeditor
of the book series International and Cultural Psychology (Springer SBM)
and the Editor-in-Chief of the Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of the
History of Psychology. In addition to APA, Pickrens professional
afliations include the New York Academy of Science, Cheiron:
International Society for the History of the Social and Behavioral
Sciences, the Eastern Psychological Association, and the Association
for Psychological Science. He lives in Dryden, NY.
Previous Sterling Milestones volumes have been
published to great success domestically and
overseas, with a combined 150,000 copies shipped
and more than 25 foreign-language editions in
the works
No other illustrated trade book has ever presented
the entire history of psychology in such an inviting
chronological spread-by-spread format
Wide public fascination with psychological topics is
reected in frequent media coverage of controversies
surrounding the recently released DSM-5 and the
growing global pharmaceutical market, as well as
the popularity of shows that explore the minds of
sociopaths and killers, such as Dexter
Local author events in Dryden, NY
Review copy mailing for coverage in science and
academic magazines
Newspaper coverage in science and book
review sections
Fathers Day gift guide mailing
Online outreach to science and health blogs
and websites
The Space Book
$29.95 ($35.95 Canada)
/16 x 8
The Physics Book
$29.95 ($35.95 Canada)
/16 x 8
Also Available
The Drug Book
$29.95 ($32.95 Canada)
/16 x 8
The Medical Book
$29.95 ($35.95 Canada)
/16 x 8
The Math Book
978-1-4027-5796-9 Hard
$29.95 ($35.95 Canada)
/16 x 8
$19.95 ($21.95 Canada)
/16 x 8
You Have Innite Power
Ultimate Success through Energy, Passion, Purpose, and the
Principles of Taekwondo
by Chris Berlow, Paul Melella Jr., Nick Palumbo,
Rick Wollman, foreword by Sharon Lechter
ISBN 978-1-4549-1189-0 | $19.95 ($21.95 Canada)
Hard | 6 x 9 | 336 pages | Territory: World | Carton Qty: 16
May 6, 2014 | Sterling Ethos
Authors combine martial arts techniques with
proven methods of self-improvement
Authors regularly travel around the country to
lecture and sell books
Self-published edition has sold over 3,500 copies
Endorsements from such luminaries as Jack
Caneld and Sharon Lechter
Review copy mailing for coverage in newspapers
and magazines
Online outreach to self-help and inspirational
blogs and websites
Local author events in New York, NY
ncrease your self-awareness and transform your life forever!
This powerful, enlightening guide comes from a team of martial
arts experts who openly share their triumphs and their failures
and reveal how you too can become more successful, happy, and
self-condent. Merging the martial arts lifestyle and philosophy
with sheer business acumen, they teach you not only how to make
a living, but how to make a life. Their 39 conditioning-for-success
exercises compel you to look introspectively as you never
have before.
A team of martial arts experts who are also accomplished
professionals, Chris Berlow, Nick Palumbo, Paul Melella Jr.,
and Rick Wollman offer a wide variety of personal strengths to the
combined team of Empowered Mastery. Empowered Mastery is
located in NY.
loaded with practical advice, inspiration, and encouragement.
It provides a wealth of insights on improving your life.
Jack Canfeld, bestselling author of the
Chicken Soup for the Soul series
These four dynamic authors have created a mastermind group to
guide you on your own journey to success. Sharon Lechter,
coauthor of Three Feet from Gold and Rich Dad Poor Dad
A Spell a Day
For Health, Wealth, Love, and More
by Cassandra Eason
ISBN 978-1-4549-1105-0 | $14.95 ($15.95 Canada) | Hard
/16 x 5
/4 | 384 pages | Territory: World
Carton Qty: 24 | May 6, 2014 | Sterling Ethos
eed money? Want more amour? Whatever your hearts
desire, Cassandra Eason has a spell for it. Her fun,
comprehensive compendium takes you through the year, with
just the right magic to help make you prosperous, lucky, loved,
and full of life. With its easy-to-use instructions and engaging,
accessible design, its a must for anyone hoping to make
dreams come true.
Cassandra Eason is a bestselling British author of more
than 80 books on various New Age topics, translated into
13 languages. She has appeared on numerous UK television
programs, and is also active in Sweden, where she is a lead
author for New Page, a leading New Age publisher, and
New Zealand/Australia. She interprets tarot at psychic fairs
and holds courses in magic and other esoteric subjects
throughout the world.
Spells for absolutely every problem you might have in
a year
Authors voice is cheeky, funny, but always
Cute, gifty format
Review copy mailing for coverage in new age and
womens interest magazines
Newspaper coverage in lifestyle sections
Online outreach to new age and wiccan blogs
and websites
Goodreads promotion
Live Your Dash
Make Every Momeht Matter
//nda E///s Ao|ho| o/ |he Wo|/d-/amoos Poem "7he Dash"
W|er a |ac|c arrcurce| |eac l|rca E|||ss 'I|e Das|' cr ||s p|c|a, |t uecae ar |rstart, etec||c
successarc t||s ueaut|lu| ucc| eparcs upcr t|e |rsp|||r t|ee cl t|e c|||ra| pce. E|||s s|a|es |e|
essae cl jc] arc |cpe t||cu| up||lt|r stc||es, essa]s, pcet|], arc pe|scra| test|cr|a|s l|c |u|ra||es
suc| as Bcu Dc|e, |eerca|] lcctua|| ccac| lcu |c|tt, arc 4-.- |1o| w|rre| Dav|c Ccc|.
l|rca E|||s sta|tec w||t|r pces as a c|||c, arc |e| wc|| |as ueer leatu|ec |r uestse|||r ucc|s arc
aat|res suc| as |-|, |.|-, JS |-zs -1 wo|1 |-co|, arc ct|e| ajc| puu||cat|crs. |e| pces |ave
a|sc appea|ec cr |cca| te|ev|s|cr arc |urc|ecs cl |ac|c p|c|as, |rc|uc|r Rac|c De|||a|. S|e ||ves |r C/.
- ||c t|e aut|c| cl |- |-s|, w||c| sc|c 300K cr||re cr|] as ar |||ust|atec |lt ucc|
- Basec cr ar |rc|ec|u|] successlu| v||a||] a||etec pce w||c| |s |eu|a||] |ec|tec cr puu||c cccas|crs
- E|||s |as a cec|catec lc||cw|r, arc s|e a|sc |as spea||r everts a|curc t|e rat|cr
New In Paperback
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r Et|cs
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
288 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r 2-cc|c|, 20 |||ust|at|crs
c / 9
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Running Made Easy
$os/e Wha//ey 8 //sa !ackson
|ts ct|vat|cra|. |ts lur. |ts t|e l||erc||est |urr|r ucc| cr t|e u|cc|. W|t| a |evc|ut|cra|] p|c|a t|at
|rvc|ves just c0 seccrcs cl |urr|r at a t|e, |.) V-1- |-s, w||| |e|p a|e ever ccuc| pctatces l|t arc
lau |r cr|] 10 wee|s. |ac|ec w|t| |ea|-||le success stc||es, t||s |rsp||at|cra| u|ce |rc|uces a |urr|r c|a|]
arc l|||-|r c|a|ts lc| t|ac||r ]cu| p|c|ess.
/-s| jcu|ra||sts Sus|e W|a||e] arc l|sa Jac|scr a|e pass|crate aucut |urr|r. I|e|| |ss|cr |s tc |rsp||e
ar]cre w|c eve| c|a|ec t|e] ccu|crt |ur tc |ace up t|e|| srea|e|s arc succeec. I|e] ||ve |r lcrccr.

/-s| aat|re |s t|e uKs |eac|r |css] wcers |ea|t| arc l|tress aat|re. /|ec at ar]ucc] w|c
warts tc |cc| arc lee| |e| aat|r uest, |t |s pac|ec w|t| |rsp|||r, ct|vat|r, arc ere||t|r acv|ce cr |cw
tc |p|cve ]cu| l|tress |eve|s, ]cu| c|et, arc ]cu| tcp-tc-tce |ea|t|, |v|r ]cu t|e ere|] arc ert|us|as tc
a|e t|e cst cl eve|] ca].
- upcatec arc rew|] ces|rec ec|t|cr cl a pcpu|a| ucc|

New Edition
|uu||s|e|. Cc|||rs c B|cwr
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
221 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
c / 8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Esquire How to Be a Man
A Handbook of Advice, Inspiration, and
Occasional Drinking
by The Editors of Esquire Magazine
ISBN 978-1-61837-077-8 | $14.95 ($15.95 Canada)
Hard | 5
/8 x 6 | 208 pages (all in 2-color)
Territory: WEX* | Carton Qty: 36 | May 6, 2014 | Hearst
here other than in Esquire would a man learn how to
make the perfect Manhattan AND get a guide to nose-
hair maintenance? In this age of manscaping, Instagramming
everything you had for dinner, and parents taking kids to
bars, Esquire serves up serious advice in engagingly tongue-
in-cheek style on how to be a man. Includes essentials on
grooming, manners, work, women, travel, and more.
As the only general-interest lifestyle magazine for sophisticated
men, Esquire denes, reects and celebrates what it means
to be a man in contemporary American culture. Required
reading for the man who is intellectually curious and socially
aware, Esquire speaks to the scope and diversity of his
passions with spirited storytelling, superb style and a splash
of irreverent humor. Regularly recognized as one of Americas
top magazines, Esquire has been a nalist for 53 National
Magazine Awards, the industrys highest honor, and has won
14, including the coveted award for General Excellence
in 2006. In addition to its US agship, Esquire publishes 26
editions around the world.
Esquire has 2.9 million readers every month and
will support the book with editorial coverage
Esquires books have been strong sellers with 64,000
sold of Handbook of Style and 60,000 copies sold of
the Rules
Will be out in time for Fathers Day promotions
Perfectly priced for impulse buyers
Review copy mailing for coverage in newspapers
and magazines
Online outreach to blogs with a focus on mens
interests, etiquette, grooming, lifestyle, fashion and
style, and luxury
Pitch for Grads & Dads gift guides
Social media campaign
Cross-promotion with Esquire magazine and website
Also Available
Esquire The Rules
$9.95 (Canada $11.95)
/8 x 6
Esquire The Meaning
of Life
$22.95 (Canada $27.95)
8 x 11
Esquire The Handbook
of Style
$16.95 (Canada $19.95)
5 x 7
Science Ink
Tattoos of the Sciehce Obsessed
Ca|/ Z/mme| /o|ewo|d by Ma|y Roach
Bcc] a|t eets pcpu|a| sc|erce |r t||s |rc-u|cw|r cc||ect|cr, w||c| s|cwcases |urc|ecs cl e]e-catc||r
tattccs t|at pa] t||uute tc va||cus sc|ert|l|c c|sc|p||res, a|cr w|t| pe|scra| stc||es cl t|e |rc|v|cua|s w|c
|rsc||uec t|e|| cusess|crs |r t|e|| s||r. Best cl a||, eac| tattcc p|cv|ces a |eap|r-cll pc|rt lc| |ercwrec
uestse|||r essa]|st Ca|| Z|e| tc |el|ect cr t|e sc|erce |r cuest|cr.
Ca|| Z|e| |s a jcu|ra||st arc |ectu|e| cr sc|erce w||t|r at Ya|e ur|ve|s|t]. ||s rue|cus c||t|ca||] p|a|sec
ucc|s |rc|uce |--s|- |-\ (/t||a Bcc|s}, w||c| t|e |4 -s ca||ec capau|e cl c|ar|r |cw we see t|e
wc||c, arc V.o.os (V|rtae}, w||c| t|e 5os|o o|o|- ca||ec supe|u ... cu|et|] |evc|ut|cra|]. |e w||tes
lc| ccurt|ess puu||cat|crs, |rc|uc|r t|e |-z o| -s arc S.-||. 4-.-, arc |eu|a||] appea|s cr
|ac|c arc cr IV.
- W||| appea| tc pcpu|a| sc|erce lars arc tattcc lars
- Wc||s as a sc|erce ucc| arc a |lt ucc|
- /ut|c| |s a seascrec p|ccte| cl ||s cwr wc||, w|t| access tc ajc| ec|a, ||s awa|c-w|rr|r u|c, I|e
lcc, |as |ece|vec 2.5 ||||cr ||ts arc |eu|a||] c|cc|s c|e t|ar 125,000 v|s|ts pe| crt|
New In Paperback
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
288 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
c / 8 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
PopuIar Mechanics Why a CurvebaII Curves:
New Improved Edition
The lhcredible Sciehce of Sports
/o|ewo|d by Robe|| //sy|e ed/|ed by /|ank v/za|d
|ev/sed by W////am Hayes
/r ausc|u|r arc er|||ter|r |rs|ce |cc| at spc|ts sec|etsrcw |r ar upcatec arc eparcec ec|t|cr! W|at
a|es ar at||ete successlu| W|] cc sce p|a]e|s ece| |r t||s rew, eparcec ec|t|cr, t|e epe|ts at
|oc.|- V-.|-.s, a|cr w|t| tcp at||etes, ccac|es, arc spc|ts jcu|ra||sts, ep|c|e t|e sc|erce ue||rc
eve|]t||r l|c t|e pe|lect cu|veua|| arc ||e|pss ||c| tc ere ccp|r.
||ar| V|ta|c |s a spc|ts arc tec|rc|c] w||te| w|c |as wc||ec lc| S.-||. 4-.-, |oc.|- S.-.-, arc
|oc.|- V-.|-.s, w|e|e |e w|cte ar] cl t|e aat|res sc|erce cl spc|ts a|t|c|es. |e ||ves |r Dcuus
|e||], |Y.

|oc.|- V-.|-.s |rsp||es, |rst|ucts, arc |rl|uerces r|re ||||cr cu||cus |rcs t|at |eac t|e aat|re eve|]
crt|. I|e aat|re leatu|es u|ea|t||cu|s |r t|e |atest |rrcvat|crs |r sc|erce arc tec|rc|c].
- |ew l|e|ucurc lc|at
- B|arc rew eparcec ccrtert t||cu|cut, |rc|uc|r rew ate||a| cr t|e Icu| ce ||arce ccp|r scarca| arc
a rew c|apte| cr lac|csse
- |rs||tlu| lc|ewc|c u] spc|ts cc|ur|st arc aut|c| Rcue|t l|ps]te
Revised Edition
|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
25c paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 3/8 / 9 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 22
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
Mars 3-D
A Fover's-Eye View of the Fed Flahet
!/m 0e//
||areta|] sc|ert|st J| Be|| |eacs us cr arct|e| e|||a|at|r tcu| cl t|e Rec ||aretarc t||s |ev|sec,
eparcec ec|t|cr cl V-s 3| |rc|uces t|e |atest |aes l|c |/S/s |evc|ut|cra|] Va|s Sc|erce lauc|atc|]
|ss|cr. B||el essa]s su|ve] t|e acvarcec tec|rc|c|es arc p|c|s|r c|sccve||es cl t|e Va|s ep|c|at|cr
|cve| p|c|a, lc||cwec u] 150 spectacu|a| lu||-cc|c| arc 3-D p|ctcs. 3-D |asses a|e |rc|ucec!
D|. J| Be|| |s ||clessc| at /||tcra State ur|ve|s|t]s Sc|cc| cl Ea|t| arc Space Ep|c|at|cr |r Iepe, arc
/cjurct ||clessc| |r t|e Depa|tert cl /st|crc] at Cc|re|| ur|ve|s|t] |r |t|aca, |ew Yc||. /s ||es|cert cl
I|e ||areta|] Scc|et], |e |s a p|c||l|c puu||c ccertatc| cr sc|erce arc space ep|c|at|cr, ea|r|r t|e
2011 Ca|| Saar Veca| l|c t|e /e||car /st|crc|ca| Scc|et]. J| |as appea|ec cr rue|cus |ac|c arc
te|ev|s|cr s|cws, |rc|uc|r |BCs o1-, s|cw arc |BSs |-zs |o., as we|| as p|c|as cr t|e D|sccve|],
|at|cra| Cec|ap||c, arc ||stc|] cau|e c|arre|s. /ut|c| cl lcu| |||ust|atec t|ace ucc|s, |e |as ueer |rvc|vec
|r suc| |/S/ |cuct|c ep|c|at|cr |ss|crs as t|e |ea| Ea|t| /ste|c|c Rercetvcus (|E/R}, Va|s |at|l|rce|,
Va|s Sc|erce lauc|atc|], arc lura| Reccrra|ssarce 0|u|te|, tc rae a lew. I|e a|r ue|t aste|c|c 811c
J|ue|| |s raec |r ||s |crc|. |e ||ves |r Iepe, /Z.
- I|e p|ev|cus vc|ue sc|c rea||] 15,000 ccp|es
- Vc|e t|ar 3.2 ||||cr v|ewe|s turec |r tc watc| t|e ||||] art|c|patec |arc|r cl t|e Cu||cs|t] |cve| cr
/uust c, 2012, arc upcates cr t|e Va|s Sc|erce lauc|atc|] |ss|cr |ave ueer leatu|ec |r a|| ajc|
- /s p|es|cert cl t|e Ca|| Saar-lcurcec ||areta|] Scc|et], act|ve p|areta|] sc|ert|st, arc l|ecuert te|ev|s|cr
ccertatc| cr tcp|cs |r space ep|c|at|cr, J| Be|| |s ar et|ee|] we||-ccrrectec, ec|aer|c
spc|espe|scr cr t|e l|crt ||res cl ast|crc|ca| c|sccve|]
- W|t| l||st|arc epe||erce cpe|at|r cae|as lc| uct| t|e Va|s Sc|erce lauc|atc|] arc Va|s Ep|c|at|cr
|cve| |ss|crs, rc cre |s |r a uette| pcs|t|cr t|ar J| Be|| tc se|ect arc c|ssect |aes ta|er u] t|e |cve|s
- Sepa|ate 3-D |asses erc|csec cr t|e l|crt |rs|ce ccve| a||cw lc| c|e l|e|u|e v|ew|r
Revised Edition
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
17c paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
c / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 28
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
The Lost Cities of the Maya
The Life, Art, ahd Discoveries of Frederick Catherwood
/ab/o 0oo|bon
|r 1839, B||t|s| a|t|st ||ece||c| Cat|e|wccc arc ||s /e||car ccpar|cr, Jc|r l|c]c Step|ars, we|e t|e
l||st Weste|re|s tc v|ew t|e te||aces, tep|es, arc pa|aces cl t|e Va]ars |cst c|t|es. I||cu| t|e||
puu||s|ec jcu|ra|s, er|arcec u] eters|ve |esea|c|, |au|c Bcu|ucr |as p|ecec tcet|e| Cat|e|wcccs
lasc|rat|r arc ]ste||cus ||le. Vc|e t|ar 200 |ep|ccuct|crs cl Cat|e|wcccs c|||ra| c|aw|rs appea|
t||cu|cut, |rc|uc|r a |a|e cc|c| pc|tlc||c.
|au|c Bcu|ucr w||tes arc ec|ts ucc|s aucut a|t arc arc|ert c|v|||tat|crs. |e ||ves |r |ta|].
- I||s |rt||u|r ucc| aucut ar |rt|ep|c acvertu|e|/a|t|st w||| appea| tc ar]cre |rte|estec |r ep|c|at|cr,
a|c||tectu|e, arc a|c|aec|c]
|uu||s|e|. W||te Sta| |uu||s|e|s
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
208 paes
$31.95 ($37.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
9 1/1 / 12 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
NaturaI Histories
Extraordihary Fare Book Selectiohs from the Americah Museum of Natural
History Library
Ed/|ed by 7om 0a/one
|c| t|e l||st t|e, |-|.-| |s|o-s a||cws |eace|s a p||v||eec ||pse cl se|cc-seer, lu||]
|||ust|atec sc|ert|l|c tces l|c t|e /e||car Vuseu cl |atu|a| ||stc|]s Ra|e Bcc| Cc||ect|cr.
|c|t] essa]s l|c t|e useus tcp epe|ts er|arce eac| |a|e tces ur|cue cua||t|es arc
sc|ert|l|c ccrt||uut|cr. I||s ueaut|lu| ucc| w||| lasc|rate ratu|a| sc|erce arc a|t |cve|s a|||e.
Ic Ba|cre, ar act|ve eue| cl t|e C|c||e| C|uu, |s t|e |a|c|c Bcesc|erste|r D||ectc| cl
l|u|a|] Se|v|ces at t|e /e||car Vuseu cl |atu|a| ||stc|] l|u|a|] arc cve|sees a|| aspects cl
t|e ||u|a|]s lurct|crs. |e c|v|ces ||s t|e uetweer Var|attar arc lcr |s|arc.
- I|e c|||ra| uc set, l|c w||c| t||s |e|ssue |s ta|er, sc|c c|e t|ar 17,000 ccp|es
- Sc|c|a||], ]et c|est|u|e, |r-cept| tet, appea||r tc uct| t|e sc|ert|l|c arc t|ace a||ets, |ves
a ccp|ete ||stc|] aucut eac| |a|e ucc| arc |ts ur|cue p|cpe|t|es
- I|e c|||ra| uc set |ece|vec ste||a| |ev|ews l|c |.||s|-s w--||,, |V| aat|re, arc
||-, Jo.-|, arc |t was se|ectec as cre cl t|e |-z o| -ss 10 Best /rt|cue C|lt Bcc|s
lc| t|e 2012 |c||ca] Seascr
. . . a t|u|] sturr|r cc||ect|cr . . . Rea||au|e lc| |ts ec|t|r as we|| as |ts u|eact| cl sccpe
(ever t|e u|rc|r cl V|ctc||ar ratu|a| ||stc|] ucc|s |s stuc|ec}, t||s e cl a ucc| |s cre cl t|e
uest |r |ts c|ass.' |.||s|-s w--||, (Sta||ec Rev|ew}
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r S|ratu|e
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
17c paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 1c
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Extraordinary Birds
Essa]s arc ||ates cl Ra|e Bcc|
Se|ect|crs l|c t|e /e||car
Vuseu cl |atu|a| ||stc|]
|-.| Sz--|
Fublisher: Sterlihg Sighature
144 pages
$50.00 ($55.00 Cahadiah)
Boxed Set-Faperback
all ih color
9 X 12
Cartoh Ouahtity: 8
Territory: World
NaturaI Histories
Et|ac|c|ra|] Ra|e Bcc|
Se|ect|crs l|c t|e /e||car
Vuseu cl |atu|a| ||stc|]
|1|-1 |, o 5-o-
Fublisher: Sterlihg Sighature
176 pages
$50.00 ($55.00 Cahadiah)
Boxed Set-Faperback
all ih color
9 X 12
Cartoh Ouahtity: 7
Territory: World
NaturaI Histories
JournaI: Bird
4-.- V.s-. o| |-|.-|
Fublisher: Sterlihg Sighature
192 pages
$14.95 ($15.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
5 1/4 X 8 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 40
Territory: World
NaturaI Histories
JournaI: Crab
4-.- V.s-. o| |-|.-|
Fublisher: Sterlihg Sighature
192 pages
$14.95 ($15.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
5 1/4 X 8 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 40
Territory: World
NaturaI Histories
JournaI: Fish
4-.- V.s-. o| |-|.-|
Fublisher: Sterlihg Sighature
192 pages
$14.95 ($15.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
5 1/4 X 8 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 40
Territory: World
NaturaI Histories
JournaI: OwI
4-.- V.s-. o| |-|.-|
Fublisher: Sterlihg Sighature
192 pages
$14.95 ($15.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
5 1/4 X 8 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 40
Territory: World

Grimm's Fairy TaIes

7he 0|o|he|s G|/mm w/|h ///os||a|/ons by A||ho| Rackham
||c 'C|rce|e||a' tc 'Rupe|st||ts||r,' t|e stc||es at|e|ec u] t|e B|ct|e|s C|| |ave erc|artec
c|||c|er arc acu|ts lc| certu||es. I||s att|act|ve |lt ec|t|cr, w|t| a c|a||r lc||-stapec ccve|,
u||rs tcet|e| c|e t|ar 10 cl t|e|| cst-|cvec la||] ta|es, a|| acccpar|ec u] t|e a|ca|
|||ust|at|crs cl /|t|u| Rac||ape||aps t|e l|rest |rte|p|ete| cl t|e|| wc||.
|uu||s|e|. |a|| R|ve|
|uu||s|ec. Jure 2011
232 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
c / 9
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Aesop's FabIes
Aeso w/|h ///os||a|/ons by E|nes| G|/se|
|c| c|e t|ar 2,000 ]ea|s, t|e lau|es cl t|e C|ee| s|ave |rcwr as /escp |ave erte|ta|rec |eace|s
w|t| t|e|| w|se |el|ect|crs cr |uar ratu|e arc t|e|| |rs||tlu|, clter w|tt] 'c|a|s.' I||s ueaut|lu|
ec|t|cr leatu|es c|e t|ar 300 se|ect|crs passec ccwr t||cu| t|e aes, c|awr l|c t|e c|ass|c
ccp||at|crs cl Rce| lEst|are, Jear la |crta|re, arc Saue| C|ca|| arc |av|s||] |||ust|atec u] t|e
r|reteert|-certu|] a|t|st E|rest C||set.
|uu||s|e|. |a|| R|ve|
|uu||s|ec. Jure 2011
2c1 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
c / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 1c
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Favourite Poems of EngIand
Ed/|ed by !ane McMo|/and Hon|e|
||c lcrccrs uust||r st|eets tc ccurt|] |eer, l|c |c|cs arc |ac|es tc u|ave sc|c|e|s |cst |r uatt|e,
t||s c|ecus|] |||ust|atec art|c|c] ce|eu|ates Er|arc arc a|| t|at |t ears tc ue Er||s|. / u|eact|
cl pcet|] l|c B||ta|rs |ercwrec w||te|s|rc|uc|r C|auce|, S|a|espea|e, Rcue|t B|cwr|r, |a|c],
K|p||r, E||] B|crte, S]|v|a ||at|, arc Rca|c Da||captu|es a |are cl v|s|crs cl t|e 'scepte|ec |s|e.'
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
17c paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
30 cc|c| |||us.
5 1/2 / 7 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Asterix Omnibus 9
lhcludes Asterix ahd the Great Divide #25, Asterix ahd the Black Gold #26,
ahd Asterix ahd Soh #27
Rene Gosc/nny 8 A/be|| Ude|zo
I|e pat| cl t|ue |cve reve| c|c |ur scct|espec|a||] w|er t|e sweet|ea|ts' lat|e|s |ave sp||t t|e|| tcwr
|r |a|l. I|at's t|e p|cu|e |r 4s|-\ -1 ||- o--| |.1-. /ste|| arc 0ue|| lace a care|cus ccuu|e aert
|r 4s|-\ -1 ||- 5|-.| oo|1 /rc |t's twc Cau|s arc a uau] w|er /ste|| arc 0ue|| ta|e cl ar auarccrec
|rlart |r 4s|-\ -1 So.
Rere Ccsc|rr] was uc|r |r |a||s |r 192c, arc spert cst cl ||s c|||c|ccc |r /|ert|ra, uelc|e evertua||]
cv|r tc |a||s |r 1951. |e c|ec |r 1977. /|ue|t uce|tc was uc|r |r 1927 |r a sa|| v|||ae |r Va|re, ||arce.
|e et Rere Ccsc|rr] |r 1951 arc cr 0ctcue| 29, 1959 t|e|| cst lacus c|eat|cr, 4s|-\, ace ||s l||st
appea|arce cr pae 20 cl ||o|-. 4s|-\ ||- o-.|, t|e|| l||st a|uu, was puu||s|ec |r 19c1 arc t|e|e |ave
rcw ueer 31 4s|-\ a|uus.
- I|e uc|-|cvec 4s|-\ u|arc |as sc|c cve| 350 ||||cr ccp|es wc||cw|ce
- uK arc Er||s|-|aruae sa|es starc at 23 ||||cr
- 4s|-\ |as ueer t|ars|atec |rtc 107 |aruaes arc c|a|ects
- C|eat va|ue |lt ec|t|cr cl t||ee 4s|-\ stc||es |r cre
- |auu|cus sp|re a|twc|| t|at uu||cs ac|css t|e cr|uus cc||ect|cr
|uu||s|e|. 0||cr
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
152 paes
$27.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
Asterix Omnibus 7
lhcludes Asterix ahd the Soothsayer #19, Asterix ih Corsica #20, ahd
Asterix ahd Caesar's Gift #21
Rene Gosc/nny 8 A/be|| Ude|zo
4s|-\ stc||es 19 t||cu| 21. tcet|e| |r cre lauu|cus vc|ue! |r 4s|-\ -1 ||- Soo||s-,-, t|e s|r|ste|
||c|| c|a|s |es c|a||vc]artuut /ste|| |srt ccrv|rcec. 4s|-\ |os.- |as /ste|| arc 0ue|| cut tc lc||
||aetc| |e|l|c|us arc cppcse Caesa|s a|]. le|cra|] I|eersce||||us ets t|e ceec tc t|e Cau||s| v|||ae |r
|--s-s o||, uut /ste|| |srt aucut tc |arc cve| ||s v|||ae!
Rere Ccsc|rr] was uc|r |r |a||s |r 192c, arc spert cst cl ||s c|||c|ccc |r /|ert|ra, uelc|e evertua||]
cv|r tc |a||s |r 1951. |e c|ec |r 1977. /|ue|t uce|tc was uc|r |r 1927 |r a sa|| v|||ae |r Va|re, ||arce.
|e et Rere Ccsc|rr] |r 1951 arc cr 0ctcue| 29, 1959 t|e|| cst lacus c|eat|cr, 4s|-\, ace ||s l||st
appea|arce cr pae 20 cl ||o|-. 4s|-\ ||- o-.|, t|e|| l||st a|uu, was puu||s|ec |r 19c1 arc t|e|e |ave
rcw ueer 31 4s|-\ a|uus.
- I|e uc|-|cvec 4s|-\ u|arc |as sc|c cve| 350 ||||cr ccp|es wc||cw|ce
- uK arc Er||s|-|aruae sa|es starc at 23 ||||cr
- 4s|-\ |as ueer t|ars|atec |rtc 107 |aruaes arc c|a|ects
- C|eat va|ue |lt ec|t|cr cl t||ee 4s|-\ stc||es |r cre
- |auu|cus sp|re a|twc|| t|at uu||cs ac|css t|e cr|uus cc||ect|cr
New In Paperback
|uu||s|e|. 0||cr
|uu||s|ec. Jure 2011
15c paes
$19.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]

The WorId of ProfessionaI GoIf 2014

/oonded by Ma|k H McCo|mack
Eve|] spc|t |as |ts cel|r|t|ve arrua| u|cearc lc| c|l, t||s |s t|at ust-|ave ucc|. |t |ves lars access tc
eve|] p|c tcu|raert p|a]ec |r t|e wc||c cu||r 2013, eters|ve scc||r sua||es, arc t|e |a|c stat|st|cs.
Rar||rs, p||te cre], Icu| w|rre|s, cre] ||sts, arc c|e. |ts a|| |r t||s ar|l|cert vc|ue, a|cr w|t|
p|ctc|ap|s arc ar |rt|ccuct|cr u] t|e |eerca|] /|rc|c |a|e|.
I|e |ate Va|| |. VcCc|ac|, w|c |r 1999 was cesc||uec as 'I|e Vcst |cwe|lu| Var |r Spc|ts' u] Sco|s
|||.s|-|-1 aat|re, lcurcec |VC, t|e wc||cs |a|est spc|ts a||et|r aerc]. / se|l-ccrlessec c|l
larat|c, VcCc|ac|, arc ||s aerc], set t|e tep|ate a|| ct|e|s |ave s|rce lc||cwec.

Rc|e |as |ac a |cr asscc|at|cr w|t| |VC arc |as ueer a ||||] v|s|u|e spcrsc| cl c|l lc| c|e t|ar lcu|
- I|e u|t|ate |ecc|c cl p|cless|cra| c|l a|curc t|e wc||c |r 2013 arc a ust-|ave |ele|erce lc| ar] c|l lar
c| p|cless|cra| spc|ts jcu|ra||st
- |eatu|es Rc|e u|arc|r, w|cse asscc|at|cr w|t| c|l st|etc|es uac| c|e t|ar lcu| cecaces
- |rc|uces ar |rt|ccuct|cr u] /|rc|c |a|e| arc a lc|ewc|c u] Va|| |. VcCc|ac|, w|cse |VC aerc] was
|rst|uerta| |r p|cct|r c|l as a ajc| wc||c spc|t
- |cw |r |ts 18t| ec|t|cr, 2011 a||s cr|] t|e seccrc t|e t|at t|e ucc| w||| ue ava||au|e lc| |eta|| sa|e
New Edition
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
701 paes
$39.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
90 cc|c| p|ctcs
c / 9 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
2014 FIFA WorId Cup BraziI" OfficiaI Book
!on Ma||os
Ca|||r a|| sccce| uulls. t||s |s t|e cr|] cll|c|a| u|ce tc t|e wc||cs u|est spc|ts evert! |ac|ec w|t| p|ctcs,
|t clle|s epe|t ara|]s|s cl eac| tea, |ts sta| p|a]e|s, arc |ts p|cspects, a|cr w|t| |rlc|at|cr cr t|e
stac|us arc |cst c|t|es. |ars car l||| |r t|e tcu|raert p|c|ess c|a|t as t|e aes acvarcew|et|e|
t|e]|e watc||r |r B|at|| c| cr IV.
Jcr Vattcs |s a c||el w||te| w|t| ||ess /sscc|at|cr Spc|t, B||ta|rs |a|est spc|ts rews aerc]. |/ Spc|t |as
jcu|ra||sts |epc|t|r l|c a|cst eve|] ajc| spc|t|r evert |r t|e ur|tec K|rcc arc t|e] |ave w||tter a
ruue| cl ucc|s lc| Ca||tcr, |rc|uc|r t|e |-- |--).- -1 |oo||-|| |--).- |-.o1s arc |o1o ?J!?
|- o--|-s| S|o, |.- o|1, t|e ca]-u]-ca] |ev|ew cl t|e lcrccr 0|]p|c Caes.
- I|e cr|] cll|c|a||] ||cersec u|ce u] t|e |ece|at|cr cl |rte|rat|cra| |cctua|| /sscc|at|crs (|||/}
- B|at|| |as |cr ueer ccrs|ce|ec sccce|s sp|||tua| |ce. I|e rat|cr |as |cstec t|e Wc||c Cup crce uelc|e,
uut rc ccurt|] car atc| B|at||s l|ve Wc||c Cup t||up|s
- I|e cper|r ce|ecr] w||| ue |r Sac |au|c cr |||ca], Jure 12, 2011 arc t|e l|ra| |r R|c ce Jare||c (at t|e
Va|acara Stac|u} cr Surca], Ju|] 13, 2011
- Eve|] ae at t|e 2011 |||/ Wc||c Cup B|at|| w||| ue u|caccast cr e|t|e| /BC, ES||, c| ur|v|s|cr
- |||/ ucasts c|e eue| ccurt||es (209} t|ar t|e ur|tec |at|crs c| t|e |rte|rat|cra| 0|]p|c Cc|ttee,
arc 205 cl t|e tcc| pa|t |r t|e 18-crt|-|cr cua||l|cat|cr ccpet|t|cr (|cst B|at|| cua||l|es
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
128 paes
$19.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
150 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
7 1/2 / 9 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
The D-Day Kit-Bag
The Ultimate Guide to the Allied Assault oh Europe
Ma||/n Robson
Ic |crc| t|e 70t| arr|ve|sa|] cl D-Da], t||s supe||at|ve ucc| te||s t|e stc|] cl t|e |arc|rs t||cu| c|e
t|ar 200 |e] cujects ca|||ec u] t|e er w|c |aurc|ec t|e capa|r. Se|ectec lc| t|e|| |pc|tarce tc t|e
cutcce, arc clter a||arec eact|] as t|e ||ts we|e, t|e a|t|lacts |rc|uce ur|lc|s, pe|scra| eertcs,
|at|crs, u|uep||rts, arc ever |a|e Ce|ar /|] arc Waller SS ate||a|.
D|. Va|t|r Rcuscr |s a lectu|e| at t|e Delerce Stuc|es Depa|tert, K|rs Cc||ee lcrccr at t|e Jc|rt
Se|v|ces Ccarc arc Stall Cc||ee. |e |s t|e aut|c| cl seve|a| wc||s cl |||ta|], av|at|cr, arc rava|
||stc|]. D|. Rcuscr ce||ve|s |eu|a| uatt|el|e|c |ectu|es arc 'cr t|e |curc' pe|spect|ves cr D-Da] arc t|e
l||t|r |r |c|arc] as pa|t cl t|e uK Stall Cc||ee Batt|el|e|c Icu|s.
- ||eserts supe||at|ve spec|a||] cc|ss|crec ||t arc ecu|pert p|ctc|ap|] l|c |rte|rat|cra| useus
arc cve| a ccter p||vate cc||ect|crs
- Deta||ec ra||at|ve u] |eac|r ||stc||ar, |ectu|e| arc D-Da] uatt|el|e|c u|ce
- 'I|er' arc 'rcw' |ae|] p|cv|ces |eace|s w|t| ceta||s cl w|e|e suc| cujects car ue seer tcca]
- I|e |rte|rat|cra| sccpe ccves t|e uS, uK, Carac|ar, |c||s|, ||ee ||erc|, arc t|e ||erc| Res|starce a|cr
w|t| ct|e| rat|crs t|at tcc| pa|t|rc|uc|r /|s lc|ces
|uu||s|e|. Ccrwa]
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
210 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs t||cu|cut
8 7/8 / 7 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The MiddIe Ages
The lllustrated History of the Medieval World
An/|a 0ake|
I|e pcpu|a| pc|t|a]a| cl t|e ec|eva| e|a as cre cl erc|ess la|re, wa|, arc |rc|arce |s |tse|l
|rc|artcve||cc||r u|||||art acvarces |r sc|erce, a|t, arc ||te|atu|e. I||s ueaut|lu||] |||ust|atec cc||ect|cr
|||u|rates t|e ca|| aes, te|||r t|e stc|] cl t|e pe||cc arc suc| |e] l|u|es as Jcar cl /|c, Va|cc |c|c, arc
Sa|ac|r. |rc|uces15 lacs|||e cccuerts.
/r|ta Ba|e| |as p|ccucec a w|ce va||et] cl ||stc|] ucc|s, ccve||r suc| tcp|cs as t|e |c|ars, Sau|a|
wa|||c|s, arc va||cus t|t|es |r t|e 0sp|e] |ss-|-| |s|o-s cc||ect|cr.
- |eatu|es sce 15 lacs|||e cccuerts, |rc|uc|r |cpe |rrccert |Vs aut|c||tat|cr cl t|e use cl tc|tu|e,
|ssuec u] |r 1250, paes l|c t|e Cuterue| B|u|e, ec|eva| aps, arc |||u|ratec arusc||pts
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
9c paes
$10.00 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
150 cc|c| c u/w |||us.
9 3/1 / 11
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]

Anatomy of the Ship: The Cruiser HMS

Ross Wa||on
I|e |a|est B||t|s| c|u|se| cl t|e Seccrc Wc||c Wa|, |VS 5-||-s| |ac ar evertlu| ca|ee|, |ate| l||t|r |r
Kc|ea arc urce|c|r a ccp|ete cce|r|tat|cr. Ep|c|e t|e s||p |r ceta|| t||cu| v|sua||] ec|t|r, tcta||]
ccp|e|ers|ve c|aw|rs, |rc|uc|r p|ars, ep|aratc|] pe|spect|ve v|ews, ep|ccec c|a|as, arc cesc||pt|ve
|e]s. S||p uulls, ||stc||ars, arc cce| a|e|s w||| erjc] |rs||t |rtc t||s spec|a| s||p arc |ts tec|r|ca||t|es.
|r 1981, alte| se|v|ce w|t| t|e Rc]a| |av], Rcss Wa|tcr attercec a|t cc||ee arc uear wc|| cr a |a|e
cutawa] |||ust|at|cr cl |VS 5-||-s|, w||c| |s st||| cr c|sp|a] cr t|e s||p. |e a|sc sta|tec w||t|r a ucc| cr
t|e 5-||-s| lc| Ccrwa]. Du||r t|e ret lcu| ]ea|s, |e w|cte t||ee c|e t|t|es lc| t|e /ratc] cl t|e S||p
se||es arc |||ust|atec ar] cl t|e cust jac|et ccve|s lc| t|e ct|e|s. Recert|], |e |as ueer |espcrs|u|e lc|
p|ccuc|r t|e 3D s||p cutawa] |||ust|at|crs lc| t|e |-., |-zs arc |as a|sc |aurc|ec a weus|te tc s|cwcase
||s rew a||t|e pa|rt|rs.
- Bcc| |rc|uces. |u|| cesc||pt|cr cl t|e s||p arc |e| weapcrs, |rc|uc|r appea|arce c|ares arc t|e pcstwa|
|eccrst|uct|cr, a p|ctc||a| sect|cr ep|as|t|r c|cse-up arc cruca|c p|ctc|ap|s, ar act|cr pa|rt|r arc
ep|ccec c|a|a s|cw|r t|e s||ps |rte||c| cr t|e l|crt cl t|e jac|et, arc a |a|e-sca|e lc|ccut p|ar cr t|e
|eve|se, arc c|e t|ar 200 pe|spect|ve arc t||ee-v|ew c|aw|rs, w|t| |r-cept| cesc||pt|ve |e]s cl eve|]
ceta|| cl t|e s||p
New In Paperback
|uu||s|e|. Ccrwa]
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
120 paes
$22.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
u/w |||us. t||cu|cut
10 / 9 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Anatomy of the Ship: Captain Cook's
/a|/ He/nz Ma|qoa|d|
Vace lacus u] Capta|r Ccc|s l||st |ac|l|c vc]ae, t|e |1--.o was c|cser u] t|e /c||a|t] lc| |e|
st|cr ccrst|uct|cr. Ia|e a c|cse-up |cc| at t|e s||p t||cu| a ccp|ete set cl supe|u|] eecutec ||re
c|aw|rs arc p|ctcs, |rc|uc|r c|e t|ar 300 pe|spect|ve arc t||ee-v|ew |aes w|t| |r-cept| cesc||pt|ve
|e]s, arc a |a|e-sca|e p|ar cr t|e ccve| l|aps.
Ka|| |e|rt Va|cua|ct |s ar |rte|rat|cra||] acc|a|ec c|au|tsar w|c ccrt||uutes |eu|a||] tc Ccrwa]s
cce||r cua|te||] Vo1-| S|cz)||. ||s ucc|s |rc|uce |)||--|| |-|., |)s 5 |))) (Ccrwa]}, |-
o|o|-| S.|oo- (|ava| |rst|tute ||ess}, arc 4-|o, o| ||- S|c |VS 5--)|- S..-, S|c (Ccrwa]}.
- |rc|uces ar |rt|ccuctc|] tet cesc||u|r t|e s||p, a p|ctc|ap||c sect|cr cep|ct|r va||cus cce|s as we||
as t|e |ecert /ust|a||ar |ep||ca, a u|ce tc t|e vesse|s cc|c| sc|ee arc cecc|at|cr, c|e t|ar 300
pe|spect|ve arc t||ee-v|ew c|aw|rs, w|t| |r-cept| cesc||pt|ve |e]s, cl eve|] ceta|| cl t|e s||p ||t|e|tc
|surce|stccc, arc a |a|e-sca|e p|ar cr t|e etercec ccve| l|aps
New In Paperback
|uu||s|e|. Ccrwa]
|uu||s|ec. Va] 2011
13c paes
$22.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
u/w |||us. t||cu|cut
10 / 9 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
If you think of word searches as childs playthink again! This series takes the popular puzzle
to exciting new absolutely nasty levels. Each book features a brain-busting twist on the ordinary
search, cranking the difculty level WAY up. Its proof positive that not all word searches are
created equal!
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: May 2014
160 pages
$7.95 ($8.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
6 X 9
Carton Quantity: 40
Territory: World
Absolutely Nasty

Word Search, Level 1

Dan Feyer
Its the easiest levelbut easy is relative! Not only do the lists here include all kinds of unusual words and
phrases, but sometimes they use lots of the same letters, too. And that makes it far harder to nd what youre
searching for.
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: May 2014
160 pages
$7.95 ($8.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
6 X 9
Carton Quantity: 40
Territory: World
Absolutely Nasty

Word Search, Level 2

Brian Cimmet
Level 2 ups the ante by turning some of the search words into anagrams, swapping letters, and featuring
phrases where every answer is made up of the same handful of letters.
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: May 2014
160 pages
$7.95 ($8.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
6 X 9
Carton Quantity: 40
Territory: World
Absolutely Nasty

Word Search, Level 4

Dave Tuller
Welcome to the toughest word searches ever created, where letters change depending on which direction you
look at them! These puzzles will leave you dizzy from the devilish twists and turns required to complete them.
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: May 2014
160 pages
$7.95 ($8.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
6 X 9
Carton Quantity: 40
Territory: World
Absolutely Nasty

Word Search, Level 3

Patrick Blindauer
The higher the level, the harder it comes. Now, word lists are incomplete, words might not appear in a straight
line, and vowels could be missing. Solvers might even have to ll in the entire center of the grid!
Star-Studded Crosswords
111 Celebrity Puzzles from PuzzleSocial
Edited by Stanley Newman
Pop (culture) goes the puzzle! These clever crosswords, created specically for
the popular Facebook app PuzzleSocial, all feature fun themes based on current
celebrities, media, and events. From the names of fashion magazines to sports
stars, from rappers to TV shows, the clues are perfect entertainment for the
culture vultures out there!
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: May 2014
128 pages
$9.95 ($10.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
8 X 10
Carton Quantity: 36
Territory: World
Sit & Solve

Marching Bands
Brendan Emmett Quigley
Marching Band puzzles are a mainstay among puzzle acionados, and these
grids, handcrafted by puzzle impresario Brendan E. Quigley, are sure to
dazzle. Answers interlock in two ways, row by row and in bands (loops of
words that go clockwise around the grid in a bulls-eye fashion).
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: May 2014
96 pages
$5.95 ($6.95 Canadian)
4 1/2 X 6
Carton Quantity: 128
Territory: World
Nonstop Crosswords
Emily Cox & Henry Rathvon
Cant stop, wont stop, never stop-solving! These captivating crosswords,
constructed by two of the biggest names in the business, will leave puzzle
fans begging for more. Featuring witty themes and clever clues based
on puns, homophones, quips, anagrams, and more, Nonstop Crosswords
provides hours of mind-twisting fun.
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: May 2014
96 pages
$8.95 ($9.95 Canadian)
Paperback Concealed Spiral
8 X 10
Carton Quantity: 48
Territory: World
This crossword variant will simply blow you away! While theres still a grid
and clues, the boxes in the grid now have irregular shapes and the clues
arent numbered. So you have to solve them, count the number of letters
in the answer, and then gure out where they might go. Start with the 5x5
puzzles and work your way up to 10x10!
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: May 2014
96 pages
$5.95 ($6.95 Canadian)
4 1/2 X 6
Carton Quantity: 128
Territory: World
Sit & Solve

Tile Crosswords
Mike Selinker & Thomas Snyder
Kakuro is like sudoku with a twist: solvers are given the sum of the digits
in every consecutive group of cells, both horizontally and vertically. But in
Sit & Solve

Killer Kakuro, the twist gets even twistier, because theres not
only additionsubtraction, multiplication, and division get in on the act,
too! Its great mental fun.
Sit & Solve

Killer Kakuro
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: May 2014
96 pages
$5.95 ($6.95 Canadian)
4 1/2 X 6
Carton Quantity: 128
Territory: World
june/july 2014
Brazilian Barbecue & Beyond
by David Ponte, Jamie Barber and Lizzy Barber
ISBN 978-1-4549-1333-7 | $24.95 ($26.95 Canada)
Hard | 7
/8 x 9
/4 | 192 pages (all in color)
Territory: US/Can | June 3, 2014 | Sterling Epicure
em vindowelcome to the Brazilian table, lled with tropical
aai, banana, and coconut; tasty snacks like po de queijo
(cheese bread); traditional favorites like the meat-and-bean stew
feijoada and moqueca, plus other unique culinary delights. From
fruit-packed breakfasts to classic barbecue, cachaa-based
cocktails, colorful sides, and luscious desserts, this is modern
Brazilian food as youve never seen it before!
A shared passion for Brazilian food and casual eating led
restaurateurs David Pont, who was born in Rio, and Jamie
Barber to open three branches of Cabana in London, with more
restaurants in the pipeline. Lizzy Barber, Jamies sister and
Cabana sales and marketing director, is the wordsmith of this
exciting new cookbook. All three authors live in London.
Brazilian recipes can be complicated and
lled with hard-to-nd ingredients. Brazilian
Barbecue & Beyond is purposefully lled with
uncomplicated dishes that mirror the modern
avors and lifestyles of todays Brazil
The cookbook is timed to publish in time for
the 2014 Worlds Cup in Brazil when the entire
world will be focused on this country
A substantial colorful gift book with a great
price point
Knit Noro 1 2 3 Skeins
30 Colorful Khits
$/x|h8$|/n 0ooks
W|t| rc c|e t|ar t||ee s|e|rs cl t|e cst ueaut|lu| wcc| ava||au|e, acvarcec ue|rre|s car
|r|t 30 sturr|r p|cjects|ats, uas, ccw|s, s|aw|ettes, s||us, tc]s, arc ever a |ac] ca|c|ar
arc ep||e-wa|st tcp. Suptucus, v|v|c |c|c ]a|rs a|e s]rcr]cus w|t| uratc|ec cc|c| arc
|uu|], arc t||s cc||ect|cr u] ajc| |r|twea| ces|re|s leatu|es pe|err|a| lavc||tes Ku|e]cr, S|||
Ca|cer, arc Ia|]c.
/ucut |c|c.
|c| c|e t|ar 10 ]ea|s, |c|c |as ueer p|ccuc|r ]a|rs |ercwrec lc| t|e|| lauu|cus tetu|es arc
sturr|r cc|c| ccu|rat|crs. lec u] lcurce| E|sa|u |c|c, t|e ccpar] c|eates ]a|rs l|c cr|]
t|e |||est-cua||t] ratu|a| l|ue|s, w|t| st||ct attert|cr tc erv||crerta||] l||erc|] p|act|ces.

- I|e|e |s cr|] cre |c|c. |c|c ]a|rs |ave ar cutstarc|r |eputat|cr lc| cua||t] arc c|eat|ve,
pa|rte||] cc|c|, arc a|e acr t|e cst pcpu|a| ]a|rs cr Rave||]
- Cett|r |eat |esu|ts |s eas] w|t| |c|c, uecause ever s|p|e patte|rs |cc| aat|r w|er
t|e]|e |r|t w|t| t|ese ]a|rs
- Kr|tte|s |cve cu|c|, las||cr-lc|wa|c p|cjectsespec|a||] t|cse t|at |ecu||e just a lew s|e|rs c|
|ess tc a|euecause t|e] ccrt |ecu||e uc| t|e c| a ajc| |rvestert
- I|ese a||-rew, spec|a||] cc|ss|crec ces|rs leatu|e t|e wc|| cl suc| we||-|rcwr |r|twea|
ces|re|s as Ca|c| Su|ccs||, Jaccue||re var D|||er, Va|| Icu|ta, arc B|cc|e ||cc
|uu||s|e|. S|t|cSp||r Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Jure 2011
111 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ie|||tc|]. WE|C
Crochet Noro
30 Datt||r Des|rs
S\||5Sc) 5oo|s
Fublisher: Sixth8Sprihg Books
144 pages
$24.95 ($29.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
all ih color
8 1/2 X 10
Cartoh Ouahtity: 18
Territory: WENG
Knit Noro
30 Des|rs |r l|v|r Cc|c|
S\||5Sc) 5oo|s
Fublisher: Sixth8Sprihg Books
144 pages
$24.95 ($29.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
all ih color
8 1/2 X 10
Cartoh Ouahtity: 18
Territory: WENG
Knit Noro: Accessories
30 Cc|c|lu| l|tt|e Kr|ts
S\||5Sc) 5oo|s
Fublisher: Sixth8Sprihg Books
144 pages
$24.95 ($29.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
all ih color
8 1/2 X 10
Cartoh Ouahtity: 18
Territory: WENG
Veet t|e Var Be||rc t|e
leerca|] Ya|r'Kr|t 10
|auu|cus Des|rs
|o-|- .|||- |-||o
Fublisher: Sixth8Sprihg Books
148 pages
$24.95 ($31.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
all ih color
8 1/2 X 9
Cartoh Ouahtity: 26
Territory: WENG
The UItimate Guide to Art OuiIt Techniques
Surface Desigh Fatchwork Appliqu Ouiltihg Embellishihg Fihishihg
//nda $ewa|d
/ccess|u|e, ueaut|lu|, arc |av|s||] |||ust|atec, t||s u|t|ate u|ce ces step-u]-step t||cu| eve|] c|eat|ve
cpt|cr reecec tc c|eate ar a|t cu||t. ||c t|e essert|a|s, |||e er|a||r arc t|arsle|||r patte|rs, tc su|lace
ces|r tec|r|cues t|at acc tetu|e arc cc|c|, tc p|ec|r, ac||re st|tc||r, app||cue, l|r|s||r, arc
eue|||s||r, t||s |as |t a||. Ca||e||es cl sturr|r a|t cu||ts l|c a|curc t|e wc||c p|cv|ce et|a |rsp||at|cr.
l|rca Sewa|c |s ar epe||ercec cu||te|, w||te|, arc cu||t juce. S|e |as w||tter 12 cu||t|r ucc|s, |rc|uc|r
|- |oc|-|- 5oo| o| |-|.|zo| .||) -1 4cc|.^ (|||el|] Bcc|s}, w||c| |as sc|c cve| 250,000 ccp|es
|r seve|a| |aruaes. l|rca |as appea|ec cr te|ev|s|cr arc |ac|c, arc |as jucec rue|cus cu||t s|cws
a|curc t|e wc||c. S|e |as |ac a |eu|a| cc|ur |r |- .||- aat|re lc| c|e t|ar 10 ]ea|s, arc a|sc
w||tes lc| ct|e| aat|res.
- /|t cu||t|r |s cre cl t|e st|crest t|ercs |r cu||t|r, arc cu||te|s w|c crce wcu|c reve| |ave t|cu|t cl
t|ese|ves as a|t|sts a|e rcw |cc||r tc ep|c|e t|e vast c|eat|ve cpt|crs lc| ta||r t|e|| wc|| tc a rew
- / t|u|] ccp|e|ers|ve u|ce t|at sat|sl|es t|e reecs cl a|| asp|||r a|t cu||te|s, w|et|e| t|e] wart tc |ea|r
c|e aucut a|t, wc|||r w|t| lau||c, c| cu||t|r essert|a|s
- |c ct|e| ucc| cr t||s tcp|c ccve|s as ar] tec|r|cues w|t| step-u]-step |rst|uct|crs arc c|e t|ar 1,500
lu||-cc|c| |||ust|at|crs
- |r acc|t|cr tc w||t|r a uestse|||r ucc| cr cu||t|r, l|rca Sewa|c |as wc||cw|ce ccrrect|crs |r t|e cu||t|r
ccur|t] arc |s ar acccp||s|ec arc we||-|ea|cec a|t cu||te|
|uu||s|e|. S|t|cSp||r Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Ju|] 2011
25c paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11
Ie|||tc|]. WE|C
Paper Birds
25+ Frojects to Copy, Cut, ahd Fold
H/|osh/ Hayakawa
0||a| ta|es l|||t w|t| t|ese 25 ueaut|lu| u||c p|cjects, l|c a ccc|at|e|, |c|rec cw|, arc |u|ru||c
tc t|e ect|c a|uat|css arc et|rct cccc. Just p|ctcccp] t|e tep|ates crtc ca|cstcc|, scc|e, cut, arc lc|c,
arc |rte||cc| t|e jc|rts tc c|eate a c|ers|cra| c|eatu|e. /|| t|e p|cjects a|e a||arec u] c|ll|cu|t] arc t|e
||c||] p|ctc|ap|ec paes s|cw t|e u||cs l|c u|t|p|e pe|spect|ves.
|||cs|| |a]a|awa |s a p|clessc| cl c|aw|r arc |ec-ec|a p|ctc|ap|] at t|e Cc|uuus Cc||ee cl /|t
arc Des|r. |e ea|rec B|/s |r ||ctc|ap|] arc ||re /|ts l|c t|e Cc|uuus Cc||ee cl /|t arc Des|r, as
we|| as ||s V|/ |r ||ctc|ap|] at C|aru|cc| /cace] cl /|t |r V|c||ar. |||cs|| uear a||r ||||a|
ar|a| scu|ptu|es |r t|e |c-90s w|er |e was as|ec tc c|eate tau|e cecc|at|crs lc| a C||rese |ew Yea|s
pa|t]. I|e S|e|||e Ca||e||e |r Cc|uuus, 0| |ep|eserts |||cs||s p|ctc|ap|]. |e ||ves |r Cc|uuus.

- /ppea|s tc a w|ce auc|erce cl c|alte|s (pape| c|alte|s, c||a| |cve|s, ere|a| c|alte|s}
- I|e cr|] pape| c|alts ucc| tc lccus sc|e|] cr u||cs
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Jure 2011
128 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
The Beader's Guide to JeweIry Design
A Beautiful Exploratioh of Uhity, Balahce, Color 8 More
Ma|/e Deeb
0rce ueace|s |ave aste|ec t|e uas|cs, t|e]|e eae| tc ta|e t|e ret step. c|eat|r t|e|| cwr c|||ra|
p|eces. I||s |s t|e|| ust-|ave |escu|ce lc| urce|starc|r t|e lurcaerta| p||rc|p|es cl v|sua| ces|r, l|c
sca|e, p|cpc|t|cr, arc ||]t| tc tetu|e, cveert, c|ape, arc cc|c|. Ee|c|ses, |eace| c|a||eres, arc
|av|s| p|ctcs er|arce urce|starc|r arc ces|r success.
Va||e Deeu |as ueer leatu|ec cr t|e |BS s|cw 5--1s 5-.||-s -1 J-z-|s arc |r rue|cus aat|res
arc ucc|s. S|e |s t|e aut|c| cl |- 5--1-s o.1- |o |o|o (C|cwr |uu||s||r} arc teac|es cc|c| arc
ueac|r se|ra|s tc a|t|sts ac|css t|e ccurt|]. Va||e ||ves |r /t|arta, C/. lea|r c|e aucut |e| at
- Va||e Deeu |as a pcpu|a| ueac|r-lccusec |aceucc| pae, u|c, arc e-rews|ette|
- Deeu |s we|| ccrrectec w|t| |eac|r ueace|s arc u|ce|s, arc |e| ucc| w||| ue w|ce|] |ev|ewec arc
p|cctec cr||re
- la||s ueac|r ucc|s |ave ueer erc|cus|] successlu|
- I|e |rte|ec|ate-tc-acvarcec ueac|r ccur|t] |as eparcec erc|cus|], arc t||s |s t|e ucc| t|at w|||
teac| t|e t|e|| ret step. jewe||] ces|r
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Jure 2011
152 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 1c
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
How to Make Dahgles, Drops, Chahdeliers 8 More
Cand/e Cooe|
|r |e| sturr|r lc||cw up tc |-.||-.-o|o),, Carc|e Cccpe| c|eates 50 ueaut|lu| ueacec ea|||r p|cjects t|at
a|e lur lc| uct| ue|rre|s arc seascrec ueace|s. St]||s| arc le|r|re, t|e] wc|| lc| t|e cll|ce, a r||t cr
t|e tcwr, c| a casua| wee|erc. |r acc|t|cr tc ueacs arc w||e, t|ese |cve|] p|eces cl jewe||] |rc|uce |eat|e|,
c|a], c|a|s, lcurc cujects, arc ct|e| lur ate||a|s.
Carc|e Cccpe| |s a jewe||] ces|re| w|t| a pass|cr lc| ur|cue ate||a|s arc cc|c| ccu|rat|crs, |rsp||ec u]
|e| eters|ve t|ave| arc ]ea|s ||v|r |r C||ra. S|e |s t|e aut|c| cl seve|a| jewe||] ucc|s w|t| la||, |rc|uc|r
|-.||-.-o|o), arc V-|-|zo|) !J! |o 5--1-s. Carc|e |csts t|e puu||c te|ev|s|cr se||es |-1s 0, |as
appea|ec as a leatu|ec uest cr |BSs pcpu|a| 5--1s 5-.||-s -1 J-z-|s, arc teac|es c|eat|ve wc||s|cps
rat|cra||]. S|e cu||ert|] ||ves |r Wauas|, ||.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r lc| ccve|ae |r rewspape|s arc aat|res
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc c|alt|r aat|res
0r||re cut|eac| tc c|alt arc jewe||] u|cs arc weus|tes
Scc|a| ec|a capa|r t||cu| aut|c| p|atlc|s cr |aceucc| arc Iw|tte|
C|css p|cct|cr w|t| la||C|
lcca| aut|c| evert |r |rc|ara
- W|t| |ts step-u]-step |rst|uct|crs arc |||ust|at|crs t|at a|e tec|r|cues eas] tc |ea|r, t||s w||| |eac|
a c|csscvc| auc|erce cl ere|a| c|alte|s as we|| as ueace|s arc jewe||] a|e|s
- Cccpe| |s ar act|ve u|ce|, wc||s|cp teac|e|, t|ace s|cw pa|t|c|part, arc |BS te|ev|s|cr |cstar
assct tc sa|es
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Jure 2011
128 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Ceramic ScuIpture: Making Faces
A Guide to Modelihg the Head ahd Face with Clay
A/ex /|v/ne
Scu|pt|r t|e |uar lace p|eserts a ur|cue a|t|st|c c|a||ereuut t||s ||c||] |||ust|atec u|ce t|c|cu||]
ce]st|l|es t|e p|ccess. |rst|uctc| /|e ||v|re ces step-u]-step, ep|a|r|r eve|]t||r l|c c|eat|r uas|c,
|cu| cut||res tc su|lace |el|reerts tc l|re|] ceta||ec |ep||cas. ||ctc|ap|s cl cce|s arc s|etc|es appea|
a|crs|ce t|e actua| scu|ptu|e, arc a a||e|] cl ccrtepc|a|] wc|| |rsp||es.
/|e ||v|re |s a wc|||r scu|ptc|, |rst|uctc|, arc eue| cl t|e C|a]space Cc-cp |r /s|ev|||e, |C. ||s wc||
|as ueer leatu|ec |r rue|cus s|cws l|c Sc|/ tc I|e ur|ve|s|t] cl t|e /|ts tc Ba|t|c|e C|a]wc||s. |e
p||a|||] teac|es |rters|ve wc||s|cps cr scu|pt|r t|e |uar lace.

- Bu||cs cr t|e success cl la||s |- |).- ||-,, w||c| sc|c c|cse tc 20,000 ccp|es |r |a|cccve|. I||s ucc|
|s a ratu|a| ccpar|cr
- 0re cl t|e cr|] ce|a|c ucc|s cr scu|pt|r laces arc |eacs, arc t|e cst v|sua|. t|e p|ctc|ap|] |r ea|||e|
ucc|s |s |r u|ac| arc w||te arc t|e a||e|] p|eces a|e |||tec
- ur|||e a|t scu|ptu|e c| lu||-ucc] scu|ptu|e, pctte|s w|c p||a|||] a|e lurct|cra| p|eces clter |rcc|pc|ate
t|e lace |rtc t|e|| wc|| (lc| eap|e, lace jus arc us}
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Jure 2011
128 paes
$27.95 ($30.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 12
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
KiIn-Formed GIass: Beyond the Basics
Best Studio Fractices Techhiques
0|enda G|////|h
W|t| t||s ccp|e|ers|ve wc||uerc| u|ce, acc|a|ec a|t|st B|erca C||ll|t| ta|es |||r-lc|ec |ass tc t|e
ret |eve|. ||c cast |ass|r arc cc|c wc|||r tc acapt|r urusua| tcc|s arc ate||a|s, s|e ccve|s a |are
cl acvarcec tec|r|cues t|at |ass c|alte|s reec tc |rcw. |r acc|t|cr tc ueaut|lu| p|cjects arc sturr|r
a||e|] |aes, |rlc|at|cr cr uest stuc|c p|act|ces arc a 'ue]crc t|e |||r' sect|cr a|e t||s |rc|spers|u|e.
B|erca C||ll|t| uear |||r-lc||r |ass |r t|e |c-1980s. |r 1987 s|e |aurc|ec |e| cwr a|t |ass ccpar],
S|]e| Stuc|c. S|e |s a twc-t|e ||C|E /wa|c l|ra||st |r t|e |usec C|ass catec|]. |e| wc|| appea|s |r c|e
t|ar 10 a||e||es |r 20 states arc Caraca. S|e |s a eue| cl t|e /t|arta C|ass /|t|sts Cu||c, I|e
|rte|rat|cra| Cu||c cl C|ass /|t|sts, arc I|e /e||car C|alt Ccurc||. B|erca ||ves |r /t|arta, C/.
- I|e cr|] ucc| cl |ts ca||ue| cr t|e suuject
- W||tter u] ar a|t|st lc| a|t|sts |r a wa] t|at |s access|u|e arc ccp|e|ers|u|e
- I|e aut|c|s l||st ucc|, 4 5-)-s o.1- |o |||o-1 o|-ss (la||} |as a st|cr sa|es t|ac| |ecc|c

|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Ju|] 2011
221 paes
$35.00 ($38.50 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 1c
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Inside Tracks
by Rick Smolan
ISBN 978-1-4549-1294-1 | $40.00 ($44.00 Canada)
Hard | 12 x 9 | 224 pages (all in color) | Territory: World
July 1, 2014 | Against All Odds Productions
cclaimed photographer Rick Smolan captured the
astounding story of Robyn Davidson, who crossed the
Australian outback accompanied by four camels and a dog.
Her adventure is about to become a major motion picture,
and this volume presents both Smolans photographs plus
those from the upcoming moviecomplete with smart-device
technology that brings the original images to life as scenes
from the lm.
Rick Smolan, a former Time, Life, and National Geographic
photographer, created the bestselling Day in the Life book
series and coedited the bestselling book on health, healing,
and medicine around the world, The Power to Heal (Prentice
Hall). More than three million copies of the Day in the Life books
have been sold since Smolan began the series in 1981, four of
which have been cover stories for Newsweek and Time. In 1989
he was one of the founders of Light Source Computer Imaging,
a software company specializing in scanning and enhancement
of computer images. His book, The Human Face of Big
Data, was published by Sterling in 2013. Smolan is currently
president of Against All Odds Productions.
Robyn Davidson was born in 1950 in a small country town
in Queensland, Australia. She studied biology at Queensland
University and music in Sydney, and later returned to
Queensland to study Japanese and philosophy. Davidson
then moved to Alice Springs where her trek across Australias
outback began. Tracks (Pantheon Books), Davidsons
internationally acclaimed account of the year she spent
crossing Australias outback, won the Thomas Cook Travel
Book Award and has appeared in more than ten foreign
language editions. In the years since Tracks, Davidson has
lived in London, New York, and Australia. She returned to Alice
Springs to write her rst novel, Ancestors (Simon & Schuster).
A bestselling author whose books have sold millions
Published to coincide with a lm adaptation of Robyn
Davidsons book Tracks, which has a tentative release
date of August 2014
Pre-publication big mouth mailing
Radio media tour
Review copy mailing for coverage in travel,
entertainment, trade magazines
Newspaper outreach to travel, entertainment, book
review editors
Online outreach to travel, entertainment, book blogs
and websites
Advertising in trade magazines and targeted
consumer ads
Co-promotion with production company and studio
behind upcoming movie Also Available
The Human Face of Big Data
$50.00 ($60.00 Canada)
11 x 14
The Art of CIassic Rock
Fock Memorabilia, Tour Fosters ahd Merchahdise from the 70s, 80s ahd 90s
Pao/ G|oshk/n 8 Rob Ro|h /o|ewo|d by A//ce Cooe| a/|e|wo|d by E/|on !ohn
|c| 10 ]ea|s Rcu Rct| |as cc||ectec |a|e eap|es cl |cc| ec|au|||a, l|c tcu| pcste|s arc
acve|t|seerts tc c|||ra| a|twc||. I||s |av|s||] p|ccucec vc|ue p|eserts t|e uest cl ||s spectacu|a|
t|easu|esv|v|c arc ec|t|r |aes l|c t|e |cc| wc||c leatu||r c|ass|c a|t|sts |||e t|e Rc|||r
Stcres, 0ueer, ||r| ||c]c, t|e W|c, lec Zeppe||r, arc Dav|c Bcw|e.
|uu||s|e|. Ccccar
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25c paes
$29.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
a|| |r cc|c|
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The GoIf MisceIIany
!ohn Wh/|e w/|h a /o|ewo|d by Da||en C/a|ke
|cw lu||] |ev|sec arc upcatec tc |rc|uce t|e uS Vaste|s 2011, |- oo|| Vs.-||-, ccve|s t|e spc|t
w|t| lasc|rat|r lacts arc l|u|es cr a |are cl tcp|cs. ||rc cut eve|]t||r ]cuc wart tc |rcw aucut
c|l, l|c t|e p|a]e|s tc t|e tcu|raerts (|rc|v|cua| arc tea} tc t|e |eat ccu|ses cr w||c| t|e
sta|s p|a]. I||s w||| u||r |cu|s cl p|easu|e tc eve|] lar.
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Ju|] 2011
192 paes
$1c.95 ($18.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
1 3/8 / 7 1/1
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The Ryder Cup
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N/ck Ca//ow
Eve|] twc ]ea|s, t|e R]ce| Cup p|ts teas l|c Eu|cpe arc t|e uS aa|rst eac| ct|e|arc w|t|
rat|cra| p||ce at sta|e, t|e uest p|a]e|s l|c uct| s|ces cl t|e /t|art|c l||t lc| a p|ace cr t|e||
|espect|ve teas. I||s ueaut|lu||] |||ust|atec arc upcatec ucc| te||s t|e stc|] cl c|ls cst ur|cue
tcu|raert, l|c |ts |uu|e ue|rr|rs |r 1927 tc tcca].
New Edition
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|uu||s|ec. Ju|] 2011
210 paes
$39.95 ($13.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
200 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
9 / 11
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7he G|aba|chok /am//y
I||s |atest cc||ect|cr l|c t|e laec C|aua|c|u| la||]t|e p|ee|rert c|eatc|s cl u|a|r-teas|r e]e
carc]uu|sts w|t| cc|c| arc c|eat|v|t]. /rc eac| cre cl t|ese 303 c|auc||ca| tease|s ust ue sc|vec
|r t||ee |rutes c| |ess! B|a|r|acs |r sea|c| cl a t|easu|e t|cve cl te|||l|c tease|s w||| l|rc t|ese pe|lect
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|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. Jure 2011
128 paes
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Ma|| Ga//ney
S|t]-s| tcprctc| c|csswc|cs, p|us a ucrus sec|et putt|e-w|t||r-t|e-putt|es tc l|u|e cut alte| ]cu|e
ccrea|| u|arcec w|t| cre cl t|e uest-|rcwr t||v|a aat|res a|curc. erta|_l|css teas up w|t|
putt|e al|c|cracc Vatt Callre] tc c|eate a t|u|] ur|cue arc erte|ta|r|r sc|v|r epe||erce.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
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9c paes
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|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
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P/e||e 0e|/oqo/n
|c| ar]cre |rte|estec |r t|e sc|erce cl sec|ec] arc c|arcest|re ccces, |ercwrec putt|e w||t ||e||e
Be||ccu|r |as c|eatec a cc||ect|cr cl cc|c|lu| ee|c|ses t|at |ves aateu|s ar cppc|tur|t] tc test t|e||
cec|p|e||r s||||s. Be||ccu|r lc|u|ates ||s c|eve| c|]ptc|as a|curc t|e stc||es cl 20 c|a|acte|s
l|c l|ct|cr arc ||stc|], |rc|uc|r S|e||cc| |c|es, Eca| /||er |ce, |||cea|ce vcr B|rer, arc t|e
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|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. Jure 2011
128 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r 2-cc|c|
5 3/8 / 8 1/1
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0|a/n/|eeze Pozz/es Ph/// R//ey 8 /ao|a 7aa/man
W||ps, |arcculls . . . succ|u W|er ]cu|e |r t|e ccc lc| sce ascc||st|c p|easu|e, t||s va||art cl
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$5.95 ($c.95 Carac|ar}
5 / 7 1/8
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Recently Published
The New RoyaI FamiIy
Celebratihg the Arrival of Frihce George of Cambridge
/an //oyd
Ic ce|eu|ate t|e a|||va| cl |||rce Cec|e /|earce| lcu|s, uc|r cr Ju|] 22, 2013, t||s |av|s| vc|ue ep|c|es
t|e ||ves arc upu||r|rs cl I|e Du|e arc Duc|ess cl Cau||ce, W||||a arc Kate. |ac|ec w|t| p|ctcs,
|rc|uc|r |aes cl t|e rew p||rce, |t ea|res t|e cra|c|]s ust-|rcw |u|es arc t|ac|t|crs. Rc]a|
watc|e|s w||| t|easu|e t||s ueaut|lu| eertc.
|ar l|c]c |as ueer a p|cless|cra| w||te| arc p|ctc|ap|e| lc| rea||] twc cecaces, p|ccuc|r |||ust|atec
a|t|c|es lc| B||ta|rs |eac|r rewspape|s arc aat|res, as we|| as s]rc|cat|r ate||a| tc cve| 30 ccurt||es.
Du||r t||s pe||cc |e |as p|ctc|ap|ec eve|] eue| cl t|e Rc]a| |a||] as we|| as |ccr|c l|u|es l|c
|e|scr Varce|a arc E||tauet| Ia]|c| tc t|e Da|a| laa. |e |s t|e aut|c| cl w||- |- |-oc|-s |.-
(|av|||cr}, w||- -1 |-||-- |- |o,-| w-11) 4||. (Ca||tcr}, 4 |.|-|o |o ||- |o,-| w-11)
(Ca||tcr}, arc 4 -- ||- ||- o| - |..|-ss (Ca||tcr}. |e ||ves |r 0lc|c.
- I|e pe|lect eertc tc ccec|ate t|e u||t| cl t|e rew |c]a| uau]
- Vc|e t|ar twc u||||cr pecp|e a|curc t|e wc||c watc|ec t|e wecc|r cl W||||a arc Kate, arc t|e Duc|ess
|as s|rce uecce cre cl t|e cst-lc||cwec pecp|e |r ce|eu||t] aat|res
- W||||a arc Cat|e||res l||st tcu| tc Caraca arc t|e uS was a ajc| success, |a|s|r cve| $1 ||||cr lc|
|cca| c|a||t|es |r t|e uS a|cre
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
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Lee Harvey OswaId: 48 Hours to Live
Oswald, Kehhedy, ahd the Cohspiracy that Will Not Die
$|even M G///on
W|at c|c lee |a|ve] 0swa|c cc |r t|e 18 |cu|s alte| |e s|ct ||es|cert Jc|r |. Kerrec] I||s ||vet|r
ccpar|cr tc t|e upcc|r ||stc|] C|arre| cccuerta|] lc||cws 0swa|c |r t|e |ec|ate alte|at| cl t|e
assass|rat|cr, sea|c||r lc| t|e arswe|s tc t|e cuest|crs t|at |ave t|cuu|ec /e||ca lc| a |a|l certu|]. |1
|- -.|.-||, c.|| ||- |))-` w-s |- -|o-` 41 | so z|,`

Stever V. C|||cr |s Sc|c|a|-|r-Res|cerce at t|e ||stc|] C|arre|. |e |as tau|t at uct| Ya|e arc 0lc|c arc |s
cu||ert|] p|clessc| cl ||stc|] at t|e ur|ve|s|t] cl 0||a|ca. C|||cr |as w||tter rue|cus ucc|s arc a|t|c|es
aucut cce|r /e||car pc||t|cs arc cu|tu|e. ||s cst |ecert ucc|s |rc|uce |--| |-|o ||| |--1s ||-
|-|o |o w- (Bas|c Bcc|s} arc |- |-.| 5|| |||o |-z| o).| -1 ||- |.-|, ||-| |-|-1 -
o---|o (0u|}. ||clessc| C|||cr |csts s|cws arc se|ves as ar cr-a|| ccrsu|tart lc| t|e ||stc|] C|arre|.
|e a|sc appea|s |r rue|cus IV spec|a|s arc cr |at|cra| |uu||c Rac|c. C|||cr ||ves |r |c|ar, 0K.
- W||| ue |e|easec tc ccec|ate t|e 50t| arr|ve|sa|] cl t|e J|K assass|rat|cr
- I|e cr|] assass|rat|cr-|e|atec ucc| puu||s|ec |r 2013 t|at w||| ue attac|ec tc a cau|e retwc|| te|ev|s|cr
spec|a|. t|e twc-|cu| s|cw w||| |ur |cveue| 18, 2013 as pa|t cl t|e ||stc|] C|arre|s ccec|at|cr cl
t|e 50t| arr|ve|sa|] cl t|e assass|rat|cr cl J|K. I|e retwc|| w||| |ate| a|| a seccrc spec|a|, J|| |-
|-||.- o.1-, w||c| w||| a|sc c||ve |rte|est |r t|e lee |a|ve] 0swa|c ucc|
- I|e ||stc|] C|arre| w||| |eav||] p|ccte t|e ucc| w|t| acve|t|s|r ue|rr|r |r 0ctcue| arc |urr|r
t||cu| |cveue|, |t w||| a|sc a||et arc p|ccte t|e ucc| arc s|cw tc |ts ar] ec|a ccrtacts, puu||s|
|rlc|at|cr cr |ts weus|te arc pcpu|a| ||SI0RY C|uu aat|re (300,000 eue|s}, cc e-a|||rs tc |ts
eue|s, arc |ur a scc|a| ec|a capa|r
- |at|cra| IV arc |ac|c capa|rs a|e p|arrec lc| t|e aut|c|, w|c a|sc u|cs wee||] lc| t|e |ull|rtcr |cst
- |rc|uces rew |rlc|at|cr l|c |ecert|] cec|ass|l|ec cccuerts, as we|| as |evea||r p|ctc|ap|s arc
cccuerts arc ar |||ust|atec t|e||re
- I|e aut|c| |s t|e Sc|c|a|-|r-Res|cerce at t|e ||stc|] C|arre| arc w||| cc ajc| puu||c|t] lc| t|e ucc|
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Asterix and the Picts
Album #35
!ean-ves /e||/ ///os||a|ed by D/d/e| Con|ad
Rejc|ce. t|e |cr-awa|tec ret a|uu |as l|ra||] a|||vecw||tter arc |||ust|atec u] a
u|arc-rew tea! /rc t|e |]ste||ca| ||stc||ca| c|a|acte|s ret ep|c acvertu|e ta|es p|ace |r Scct|arc,
w|e|e |e eets t|e ||cts. lea|sce wa|||c|s w|cse rae ||te|a||] ears 'pa|rtec er.' /s a|wa]s,
s ||||crs cl lars w||| l|rc p|ert] cl lur, act|cr, arc |uc| tc ce|||t t|e.
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150 ||||cr v|cecsarc w|t| t|e pcwe| tc c|eate a |cua| p|ercercr. |c| ar]cre w|c warts tc c
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t|e er|e captu|es t|e |rte|p|a] cl us|c arc a|t, |evea||r |cw uct| evc|vec cve| t|e ]ea|s. ||c
||tt] ua| uarcs tc t|e supe|sta|s, l|c t|e ||||c|e tc CBCBs, t||s |s a |ea||au|e v|sua| jcu|re].
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$21.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
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Solar System
by David W. Hughes and Carole Stott
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Hard | 9 x 11 | 144 pages (all in color) | Territory: US/Can
Avaiable Now | Sterling
xplore the wonders of our solar systema corner of
the universe that astronomers understand more
fully every day. Starting at the sun, the center of it all, we
move outward, planet by planet, and then beyond. From
Mercurys prehistoric cataclysm to Uranuss uncommon
axial tilt, the superb research and stunning images will
captivate both keen stargazers and newcomers alike.
David W. Hughes is Professor of Astronomy at the
University of Shefeld and a VP of the Royal Astronomical
Society. Hughes was a co-investigator on the European
Space Agencys Giotto mission to Halleys comet. He has
written widely on the history of astronomy and has served
on many space advisory committees.
Carole Stott was formerly a professional astronomer
she was Curator of Astronomy at the Royal Observatory,
Greenwich, UKand is now a full-time writer on space.
Carole has written more than 20 books and contributed
to many encyclopedias and journals.
Features incredible photography from renowned sources,
including thrilling new images from Curiosity as well as the
International Space Station and Hubble telescope
Suitable for keen astronomers and beginners alike
Stitch Mountain
30 Warm Knits for Conquering the Cold
by Laura Zander, photography by Brad Swonetz
ISBN 978-1-936096-67-1 | $19.95 ($21.95 Canada)
Hard | 8 1/2 x 10 | 160 pages (all in color) | Territory: WENG
December 3, 2013 | Sixth&Spring Books
nspired by Olympic super-skiers and snowboarders, and the
snowy slopes these athletes have conquered, Stitch Mountain
showcases a beautiful collection of cozy, cold-weather knitwear.
Thirty warm and stylish designs include hats, headbands, cowls,
mittens, scarves, and sweaters, and stunning photography
captures dazzling Tahoe and Squaw Valley winter landscapes.
Even non-athletes and weekend warriors will want to wear these!
Laura Zander is the co founder and co-owner of Jimmy Beans
Wool (, which Inc. magazine named as
one of the 5,000 fastest-growing private companies in the U S for
four years (2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012); its also the rst ofcial
yarn supplier to the U S Olympic Snowboarding and Freeskiing
teams for the 2014 Olympics. Zander was one of ten national
winners of Ernst & Youngs Entrepreneurial Winning Women for
2011. Her books include Knit Red, Sew Red, and Crochet Red
(all Sixth&Spring), which she conceived as part of her Stitch
Red initiative to support The Heart Truth

Foundation to raise
awareness and funds to ght heart disease. She lives in Reno, NV.
Brad Swonetz is a portrait, fashion, and lifestyle photographer
based in southern California who likes to travel, surf, rock climb,
and knit.
The detailed knitting know-how at the back of the
book is a helpful guide or refresher for any skill level
Solid line-up of contributing knitwear designers: The
Stitch Mountain roster includes Sally Melville, Edie
Eckman, Martin Storey, and other leading and up-and-
coming knitwear designers who will garner knitting
and crafts media coverage and provide strong
backlist potential
The publication of Stitch Mountain is scheduled to
coincide with the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi,
Russia (February 7-23). The participation of such
household names as Picabo Street, Tommy Moe,
Lindsey Jacobellis, and Jayson Hale will help draw
national media attention
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303 Three-Minute Puzzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
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1000 Beads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
1001 Bizarre Rock n Roll Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
1920s Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Ofcial Book . . . . . . . . . 105
Abraham Lincoln: Quotable Wisdom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Absolutely Nasty Word Search, Level 1. . . . . . . . . . . 108
Absolutely Nasty Word Search, Level 2. . . . . . . . . . . 108
Absolutely Nasty Word Search, Level 3. . . . . . . . . . . 108
Absolutely Nasty Word Search, Level 4. . . . . . . . . . . 108
Aesops Fables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Allergy-free Cooking for Kids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Anatomy of the Ship: Captain Cooks Endeavor . . . . 107
Anatomy of the Ship: The Cruiser HMS Belfast . . . . . 107
Art Colouring Book 1, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Art Colouring Book 2, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Art of Classic Rock, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Asterix and the Picts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Asterix Omnibus 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Asterix Omnibus 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Awkward Human Survival Guide, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Backyard Blueprints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Battleeld Detectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Beaders Guide to Jewelry Design, The . . . . . . . . . . 114
Beautiful Origami Flowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Beautiful Paper Flowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Beer: What to Drink Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Beginners Guide to Abstract Art. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Better Bean Cookbook, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Bibilla Knotted Lace Flowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Big Book of Fashion Illustration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Big Book of Kids Birthday Cakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Black Belt Crosswords. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Blackbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Book of Five Rings, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
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Break the Rules Bead Embroidery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
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Brides Album, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Brown Belt Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Buy the Right Wine Every Time: The No-Fuss, No-Vintage
Wine Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Cats: A Very Peculiar History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
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Ceramic Sculpture: Making Faces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Challenging Coffee Shop Crosswords. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Classic Rock Posters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Cocktails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Complete Ayurveda Workbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Complete Back Workbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Complete Book of Tarot Spreads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Complete Guide to Nutrients, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Complete Yoga Workbook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Cosmic Menagerie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Cosmos Sex on the Beach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Crystals for Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Crystals for Love & Relationships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Curious History of Mathematics, A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Cute Crochet World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Cyber Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
D-Day Kit-Bag, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
D-Day Remembered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Daily Sketch Journal (Black), The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Daily Sketch Journal (Red), The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Dallas Lovetts Woven Bead & Wire Jewelry . . . . . . . . 89
Daybook of Grace, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
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Dogs: A Very Peculiar History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Double Trouble Sudoku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Earringology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Easy Like Monday Morning Crosswords. . . . . . . . . . . 21
Elizabeths Sea Dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Embellish, Stitch, Felt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Erotic Dots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Esquire How to Be a Man. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Essential New York Times Grilling Cookbook, The . . . . 52
Essential Oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Essential Tolkien Trivia and Quiz Book, The. . . . . . . . . 37
Everyday Astrology for a Better Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Everyday Crystals for a Better Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Everyday Health My Calorie Counter, Second Edition . 70
Fabric Blooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Fashion Designers Doodle Sketchbook, The . . . . . . . 10
Favourite Poems of England. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Felt to Stitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Fifty Squares of Grey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Figure It Out! Human Proportions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Find Your Inner Sex Goddess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
First Cake Decorating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
First Sewing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
First World War in 100 Objects, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Fishing: A Very Peculiar History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Five-Year Memory Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Flying Scotsman Pocket-Book, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Formula One Miscellany, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
From Scratch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Fun in the Sun Kinda Hard Daily Crosswords . . . . . . . 21
Fun in the Sun Sorta Easy Daily Crosswords . . . . . . . 21
Get the Led Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Golf Miscellany, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Golf: A Very Peculiar History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Good Food for Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Good Housekeeping Cookbook Sunday Dinner Collectors
Edition, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Good Housekeeping Family Italian Cookbook . . . . . . . 24
Good Housekeeping Weeknight Easy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Green Belt Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Grimms Fairy Tales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Growing Up Godless. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Happy Birthday Bagpuss!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Happy Feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Homebrew Beyond the Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Horse Racing Miscellany, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Horses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
House Beautiful 500 Bathroom Ideas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
House Beautiful Living by Water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
How God Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Humorous Coffee Shop Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Hypnotic Gastric Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Infernally Hard Fireball Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Inside Tracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Inventions, Researches and Writings of
Nikola Tesla, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Irish Country Cooking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Irish: Quotable Wisdom, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Italian Kitchen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Jane Austen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Jumbo Origami Paper Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Jumbo Print Easy Crosswords #1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Kate Moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Kiln-Formed Glass: Beyond the Basics . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Kings & Queens of Great Britain:
A Very Peculiar History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Knit Nordic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Knit Noro 1 2 3 Skeins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Lee Harvey Oswald: 48 Hours to Live. . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Legendary Logic Puzzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Lesson 101: Perfect Happiness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Live Your Dash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Living Art of Bonsai, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
London: A Very Peculiar History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Lost Cities of the Maya, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Lovely Knitted Lace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Lullaby Knits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Make Your Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Marcia DeCoster Presents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Mars 3-D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
McCalls Essential Guide to Sewing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Mediterranean Cooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
mental_oss Crunchy Crosswords. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Middle Ages, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Mollie Makes: Making It! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Most Amazing YouTube Videos Ever!, The . . . . . . . . . 121
Mother Teresa: Quotable Wisdom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Muhammad Ali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Munchkin Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
My Family Album. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Natural Histories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Natural Solutions for Digestive Health . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Never Been Stitched . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
New Cast Iron Skillet Cookbook, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
New Royal Family, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Nicky Epsteins Signature Scarves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Nirvana Chronicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Nonstop Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Ode to Childhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Ofcial BBC Sport Guide: Formula One 2014, The. . . . 80
Packaging Your Crafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Paper Airplanes Mega Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Paper Birds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Poison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Pop Culture Word Search Puzzles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Popular Mechanics 101 Things That Fly . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Popular Mechanics Gadget Planet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Popular Mechanics Why a Curveball Curves:
New & Improved Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Pretty Little Cozies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Pretty Little Patchwork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Pretty Little Potholders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Pretty Little Presents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Pretty Quilled Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Psychology Book, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Readings & Poems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Recycled Chic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Remarkable Lateral Thinking Puzzles. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Robust Coffee Shop Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Running Made Easy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Ryder Cup, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Saints: Quotable Wisdom, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Savory Word Searches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Science Ink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Scratch & Solve 48-Copy Counter Spinner . . . . . . . . 133
Serge It!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Simple Soldered Jewelry & Accessories. . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Sit & Solve Baseball Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Sit & Solve Hard as a Rock Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Sit & Solve Killer Kakuro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Sit & Solve Marching Bands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Sit & Solve Smooth Sailing Easy Crosswords . . . . . . . 22
Sit & Solve Sports Crosswords. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Sit & Solve Tile Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Sit & Solve Walk in the Park Easy Crosswords . . . . . . 22
Sketchbook (Basic Large Spiral Black) . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Sketchbook (Basic Large Spiral Red) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Sketchbook (Basic Medium Spiral Black) . . . . . . . . . . 16
Sketchbook (Basic Medium Spiral Red) . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Sketchbook (Basic Small Bound Black) . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Sketchbook (Basic Small Bound Red). . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Sketchbook (Basic Small Spiral Black) . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Sketchbook (Basic Small Spiral Red) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Solar System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
SparkCharts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
SparkNotes Literature Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
SparkNotes Study Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Spell a Day, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Star-Studded Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Sterling Fun & Games Floor Spinner. . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Sterling Sit & Solve Wire Spinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Steve Jobs: Quotable Wisdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Stitch Along . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Stitch and Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Stitch Mountain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Story of the Jews, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Stumpwork Butteries & Moths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Style & Simplicity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Super Coffee Shop Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Superfood Juices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Text in Textile Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Titanic: A Very Peculiar History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Tour de France. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Treasures of the Olympic Winter Games, The . . . . . . . 19
Treasures of the World Cup, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Treat Petites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Twelve-Step Programme to Kick Your Habit, The . . . . 12
Ultimate Beading Bible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Ultimate Encyclopedia of Boxing, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Ultimate Guide to Art Quilt Techniques, The . . . . . . . 113
Ultimate Kama Sutra, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Victoria The Essential Tea Companion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Vintage Jewellery Sourcebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Vintage Swimwear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Voices of Tuscany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Washi Wonderful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Whats Your IQ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Whisky: A Very Peculiar History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
White Belt Crosswords. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Wide-Open Easy Themeless Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . 83
Winston Churchill: Quotable Wisdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Wipers Times, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Wisdom Were Born With, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
World of Professional Golf 2014, The . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
You Have Innite Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
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