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THE PROBLEM SITUATION The academic year 2016-2017 is a turning point in Philppine Education system a huge makeover will happen. Under the new curriculum which is known as K to 12 Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum, Senior High School (SHS) will officially be implemented nationwide starting with Grade 11 in SY 2016-2017 and Grade 12 in SY 2017-2018. The 2 years Senior High School is a specialized upper-secondary education consisting of a common Core Curriculum and Tracks. These tracks are (1) Academic, (2) Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, and (3) Sports and Arts. Each track will have strands, which are specializations within a track.

Senior high school programs under the newly signed K to 12 Basic Education Program law will help ease unemployment in the country. Luistro said public and private colleges and universities that plan to offer programs for senior high school by 2016 should base their programs on the kind of jobs needed in their respective areas. If the schools will offer the same courses, the graduates will compete for the same job. But if their programs will be specialized, they can focus on jobs as well as business opportunities available in their areas, Luistro told reporters.

Senior High School is two years of specialized upper secondary education; students may choose a specialization based on aptitude, interests, and school capacity. The choice of career track will define the content of the subjects a student will take in Grades 11 and 12. SHS subjects fall under either the Core Curriculum or specific Tracks.

In order for the vision of the new program to be positive assestment should be done. Asking group or community members what they see as the most important needs of that group or community. The results of the assestment survey will guide future action and planning of what course should be offered. Generally, the needs that are rated most important are the ones that get addressed.

B. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The new curriculum intends to alleviate our economic status for providing a better job oppurtunities and wider option for the graduates. The curriculum will be learner-centered, enriched, and responsive to local needs. It will also allow students to choose electives and specializations that suit their interest. This should partly address those who stop attending school because of the perceived lack of relevance of the curriculum.

After finishing a Technical-Vocational-Livelihood track in Grade 12, a student may obtain a National Certificate Level II (NC II), provided he/she passes the competency-based assessment of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). They can get NCII because sater finishing Grade 10, a student can obtain Certificates of Competency (COC) or a National Certificate Level I (NC I).

After going through specialized Senior High program, every K to 12 graduates will be ready to go into different paths may it be further education, employment, or entrepreneurship. The senior high school program will enable or equipped the graduates with: 1. Information, media and technology skills,

2. Learning and innovation skills, 3. Effective communication skills, and 4. Life and career skills.

However since the seven identified schools in the province must offer a unique and relevant program a carefull planning and assestment should be done. Not all Tracks will be offerd in the seven schools only Marinduque National High School will offer all the tracks. Since each track has different strands there there nust be no duplication of the program. Each learning center should specialize in a particular strand so that they will be known for that field.

A carefull planning and assestment should be done to select the best programs for the different schools in Marinduque that will offer SHS. The decisions and assestment will serve as vital inputs in shaping the DepEd Marinduque SHS Infrastructure Plan. The study aims to answer the following questions: 1. Who are our learners? 2. What are the resource and resource requirements? 3. What do we currently have? 4. Which tracks and which strands to offer?

According to the Department of Education there should be n

DepEd will also continue to offer programs such as home schooling for elementary students and the school leavers reduction program for high schools. These programs address the learning needs of marginalized students and learners at risk of leaving the school system.

Depending on your resources (time, money, and people) a needs assessment survey may take many different forms. It can be as informal as asking around with people you know in your community: your postal carrier, the people you work with, the woman at the corner gas station. Or, it could take the form of a professionally-written survey that is mailed to hundreds of people.

Students undergo immersion, which may include earn-while-you-learn opportunities, to provide them relevant exposure and actual experience in their chosen track.


There are seven Learning Areas under the Core Curriculum. These are Languages, Literature, Communication, Mathematics, Philosophy, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. Current content from some General Education subjects are embedded in the SHS curriculum.


Each student in Senior High School can choose among three tracks: Academic; Technical-Vocational-Livelihood; and Sports and Arts. The Academic track includes three strands: Business, Accountancy, Management (BAM); Humanities, Education, Social Sciences (HESS); and Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM).

Students undergo immersion, which may include earn-while-you-learn opportunities, to provide them relevant exposure and actual experience in their chosen track.


After finishing Grade 10, a student can obtain Certificates of Competency (COC) or a National Certificate Level I (NC I). After finishing a Technical-Vocational-Livelihood track in Grade 12, a student may obtain a National Certificate Level II (NC II), provided he/she passes the competency-based assessment of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).

NC I and NC II improves employability of graduates in fields like Agriculture, Electronics, and Trade.


In SY 2012-2013, there are 33 public high schools, public technical-vocational high schools, and higher education institutions (HEIs) that have implemented Grade 11. This is a Research and Design (R&D) program to simulate different aspects of Senior High School in preparation for full nationwide implementation in SY 2016-2017. Modeling programs offered by these schools are based on students interests, community needs, and their respective capacities.


After going through Kindergarten, the enhanced Elementary and Junior High curriculum, and a specialized Senior High program, every K to 12 graduate will be ready to go into different paths may it be further education, employment, or entrepreneurship.

Every graduate will be equipped with:

Information, media and technology skills, Learning and innovation skills, Effective communication skills, and Life and career skills. Back to top

IMPLEMENTATION AND TRANSITION MA DepEd will also continue to offer programs such as home schooling for elementary students and the school leavers reduction program for high schools. These programs address the learning needs of marginalized students and learners at risk of leaving the school system. A carefull planning and assestment should be done to select the best programs for the different schools in Marinduque that will offer SHS. The decisions and assestment will serve as vital inputs in shaping the DepEd SHS Infrastructure Plan. The study aims to answer the following questions: 1. Who are our learners? 2. What are the resource and resource requirements? 3. What do we currently have?

4. Which tracks and which strands do you intend to offer?

According to the Department of Education there should be n

Depending on your resources (time, money, and people) a needs assessment survey may take many different forms. It can be as informal as asking around with people you know in your community: your postal carrier, the people you work with, the woman at the corner gas station. Or, it could take the form of a professionally-written survey that is mailed to hundreds of people. In general, however, true needs assessment surveys have some common characteristics:

Naninindigan pa rin po tayo sa ipinangako nating pagbabago sa edukasyon: ang gawin itong sentral na estratehiya sa pamumuhunan sa pinakamahalaga nating yaman: ang mamamayang Pilipino. Sa K to 12, tiwala tayong mabibigyang-lakas si Juan dela Cruz upang mapaunladhindi lamang ang kanyang sarili at pamilyakundi maging ang buong bansa. Pangulong Benigno S. Aquino III

Planning and consulation is taking place for the preparation of this new curriculum

Along this line, DepED- Central started transitioning into a more strategic approach embarking on operational and budget planning for Fiscal Year 2015.

Pursuant to DepED-Central Unnumbered Memorandum dated July 18, 2013 signed by Usec Rizalino D. Rivera, DepED-ARMM issued Regional Memoranda No. 152 and 158 dated August 23 and August 30, 2013, respectively, signed by Regional Secretary Atty. Jamar M. Kulayan which gave way for the Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE), headed by Dr. Fatima B. Abubakar, to organize and hold the SHS Implementation Workshop exclusively for DepEDARMM on September 6, 2013 held at Cecile's Pension House and Catering Services, Tumaga Porcentro, Zamboanga City. The workshop called for the attendance of SDSs, ASDSs, Division Supervisors of TLE/Voc Tech, Division Supervisors In-Charge of Private Schools, Division Academic Supervisors (either English, Math or Science), and Planning Officers of 10 Schools Divisions. The workshop was facilitated by a 4-member team led by Asec Reynaldo Laguda. On the other hand the DepED-ARMM key officials were in full force of showing support to the BSE Team.

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