Vampire Counts Lore of Magic

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Vampire Counts Lore of magic

The Curse of Undeath. (Lore Attribute) Whenever a spell from the lore is successfully cast, a friendly model within 12" (or the caster himself) immediately regains a lost wound. Invocation of Nehek (signature spell) cast on +6 augment spell that targets all friendly Undead units within 6". The target units immediately regain a number of Wounds as follows: infantry gain D6 plus the caster's Wizard level in Wounds (roll for each unit) other troop types targeted gain 1 plus the caster's Wizard level in Wounds. However, models with the Vampiric, Ethereal or Large Target special rules can never regain more than 1 Wound per successful casting. Wounds gained are distributed as described in Resurrecting Fallen Warriors, The Wizard can choose to target all friendly Undead units within 12". If he does so, the casting value is increased to 12 +. can choose to target all friendly Undead units within 18". If he does so, the casting value is increased to 18 + 1 Vanhel's Danse Macabre Cast on 6+ augment spell with 2 effects. The target gains re-rolls To Hit in close combat for one full turn. In addition, if it is unengaged the unit may immediately move up to 8", though it may not charge. The spell has a range of 12" and is cast on a 6+, however this may be increased to a 12+ in which case it will affect all friendly Undead units within 12". 2 Hellish Vigour cast on 8+ augment spell that allows the target to reroll failed To Wound rolls in combat for one full turn. It targets a single unit within 12" for 8+, or can be boosted to hit all units within 12" for 16+. 3 Gaze of Nagash cast on 9+ magic missile, doing 2D6 Strength 4 hits to the target. Its range is 24" for a 9+, or 48" if boosted to a 12+. 4 Raise Dead cast on 9+ allows you to create a new unit within 18" of the caster. You get 2D6+3 Zombies if you cast the spell on a 9+, or 2D6+3 Skeletons if you boost it to a 14+. 5 Curse of Years cast on 12+ hex spell with an 18" range, which is cast on a 12+, All models in the target unit roll a D6 and suffer a wound with no armour saves on a 6+. The spell then remains in play, and strikes again at the end of each subsequent magic phase, except that it becomes more dangerous each time - on a 5+, then on a 4+,etc 6 Wind of Death cast on 15+ magical vortex cast on 15+ that uses the small template and travels a number of inches equal to 3 times the roll on an artillery dice (so a maximum of 30"). The effects Any unit touched by the template takes D6 Strength 3 hits for each rank of models in the unit. So a unit 5 ranks deep would suffer 5D6 Strength 3 hits. Furthermore, the hits ignore armour saves. The spell can be boosted, in which case it uses the large template and the hits are inflicted at Strength 4, 25+ to cast.

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