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SOLD NO MORE (Formerly Streetlight Tucson) Activities During the Past T o !

PRE"ENT#ON $ A%ARENESS A&T#"#T#ES &reation o' a areness materials o Multiple awareness PowerPoint presentations targeting different audiences o Brochures, portfolios, other handout materials o Website and Facebook page o PSAs for radio and television () A areness*Prevention Presentations to some +,-- .eo.le o 2 of those were to some !,"## people in church settings $# were Sunda% morning messages& 'orthwest Bible (2)*, 'orthwest +ommunit%, Saguaro +an%on (2)*, the ,ine%ard, the -ock +hurch (Sahuarita*, .race Fellowship (,ail*, the /ourne%, Son 0ife +hapel, 'orthwest Bible, Maranatha were to women1s groups& 2nited Methodist (3*, Baptist, A.04W, Pantano +hristian, +A-5 (2) 6 (/ourne%* 7 were film screenings of Sex & Money or Nefarious ! were to classes or committees 2 were to groups of pastors and ministr% leaders 2 were Wednesda% evening services 2 were to %outh groups& St Andrews Presb%terian, Most 8ol% 9rinit% $ was to a men1s group& 'orthminster Presb%terian $ was a concert& 'atalie .rand $ was a dinner : silent auction fundraiser& Abolition Media o $ was the all6da% Abolition +onference at the 2A, sponsored and funded b% Streetlight, bringing in national, state and local e)perts to address some 2;# attendees at the first human trafficking conference in southern Ari<ona =n addition to emceeing, Streetlight 9ucson conducted 2 workshops o $> of those were to some 2,### people in other non6church settings > were in school 3 at the 2A 3 at Pima +ommunit% +ollege, including a special anti6trafficking event sponsored b% the Social Services +ommittee 2 at high schools& A? ,irtual (online* Academ% 6 P-+A 3 were to civic groups& 2' +ommittee, Soroptimist, Women =mpacting 9ucson, /unior 0eague ; were to groups of medical professionals& ! at 2M+ $ was to a group of therapists and child placement professionals $ was at a coffee house concert fundraiser

$ was at a ballet recital $ was a film screening $ was at Brewed +offee Shop

A%ARE &urriculum& Purchased the Aware prevention materials and brought the director to 9ucson to train volunteers in doing prevention presentations@ 9he training was attended b% 2 people and covered both curricula& o A=llusionsB C protecting %outh from e)ploitation b% pornograph% o ADeceptionsB C protecting %outh from se) trafficking /0 Me1ia #ntervie s on se2 tra''ic3ing o 3 interviews on three different local network stations, including an e)clusive half hour interview o ! interviews on 9ucson cable 9, o $ press conference covered b% three local networks o 3 radio interviews, 2 of which were on +hristian stations Atten1e1 /4 events re.resenting Streetlight Tucson an1 1istri5uting materials o 3 were in churches o ! were in high schools o " were at communit%6wide +hristian events

PROSE&6T#ON $ LA% ENFOR&EMENT A&T#"#T#ES Met .ersonally ith lea1ers in /- 3ey la en'orcement agencies o 9ucson ma%or, +hief of Police, an Asst@ +hief, +aptain o Pima +ount% Attorne%, 2S Attorne% o Pima +o Sheriff, =+5, FB=, 2S Marshall, Border Patrol Forme1 the Southern Ari7ona 8uman Tra''ic3ing Tas3 Force, with over !# people from some ten agencies attending the first meeting@ +ontinue to serve as head@ o During the first few months of meetings over ;# professionals attended representing 9PD, Pima +o S4, P+A4, 2SA4, A?A.4, =+5, FB=, 2S Marshal, Border Patrol, Marana PD, 4ro ,alle% PD, 9ohono o1 4dam PD, Pima +o /uvenile +ourt, 2S Dept of 0abor, A? 8ouse of -epresentatives, and '.4s such as .SA, SAAS, +P+ o $Formed and lead a small +ore 9eam for the 8uman 9rafficking 9ask force, consisting of one representative from ke% agencies& 9PD, =+5, FB=, 2S Attorne%, Pima +o@ Sheriff, and /uvenile +ourt@ o Formed a separate 0aw 5nforcement committee headed up b% the 2S Attorne%1s office@ Organi7e1 an1 'un1e1 the Domestic Minor Se2 Tra''ic3ing training event, southern Ari<ona1s first da%6long training on DMS9@ Attended b% $" professionals, almost eEuall% divided between law enforcement, social service providers, and %outh advocatesFministers@ Organi7e1 an1 le1 9 Tas3 Force Meetings, 5ringing in outsi1e e2.erts inclu1ing: o Former +ongresswoman and founderFdirector of Shared 8ope =nternational o Maricopa +ount% Deput% Attorne% o Phoeni) PD ,ice 2nit Sergeant

o 2 survivors of se) trafficking, one from Phoeni) and one from 9ucson o A05-9 (Ari<ona 0eague to 5nd -egional 9rafficking* o Deput% Pima +ount% Attorne%, specialist in interviewing trafficking victims Met ith international re.resentatives o' governmental tra''ic3ing agencies o one group from 5astern 5urope o one group from +entral Asia

PROTE&T#ON $ M#N#STER#N; TO "#&T#MS =nvestigated several possible locations for a residential treatment home for se) trafficking victims@ Attempted to purchase one such propert% but the short sale was refused b% the bank@ +onducted national research on homes, seeking to determine wh% some were failing while others were successful@ +oncluded that securit% was a primar% concernGdiscouraging girls from running awa%Gwhich is probabl% best addressed b% locating in a remote area@ =nvestigated and reported on a brothel fronting as a massage parlor, possibl% involving minor Asian girls@ =nvestigation is ongoing@ ,isited a facilit% in San Diego for adult women who were survivors of se) trafficking@ Attended a national conference sponsored b% the Abolition =nternational Shelter Association, which establishes standards and best practices in order to certif% homes for trafficking victims@ 8elped develop an official Mending the Soul organi<ation in Pima +ount%, providing immediate help for victims of abuse@ After the Abolitioin +onference and DMS9 9raining, began fielding calls regarding possible DMS9 cases@ Began spending time with former prostituted women, most of whom were victims of DMS9@ 0istened to their stories and shared forgiveness in +hrist@ We raised H7,### to pa% for the funeral and burial e)penses for one of these women who left si) children behind without a father@

PARTNER#N; < NET%OR=#N; I'ot including law enforcementJ Met with leaders of other organi<ations, agencies, ministries and churches in order to establish working relationshipsFpartnerships@ StreetlightPh) (2SA* K Pat Mc+alla, +54 and other staff and Board members $$ local +hristian ministries " churches, including Bishop Licanas of the -oman +atholic Diocese of 9ucson Mending the Soul, Ph) K Steve and +elestia 9rac%, foundersFdirectors Southern Ari<ona Against Slaver% (SAAS*@ Became the vice6chair of SAAS, helping to form SAAS as an Ari<ona nonprofit corporation@ Shared 8ope =nternational K 0inda Smith, founderF+54

Attended an invitation6onl% DMS9 coalition meeting in Phoeni), attended b% !#63# people representing ke% governmental, legal, Mudicial, and law enforcement agencies in A?@ Southern Ari<ona +hild Advocac% +enter (SA+A+* 9M+ Se)ual 9rauma 2nit Bilateral Safet% +orridor +oalition in San Diego K Marisa 2garte, 5)ecutive Director A,=,A, a ministr% that facilitates supervised visits between children and parents .od1s ,ast -esources, whose goal is to help fund Streetlight 9ucson@ = serve on their board

&ONFEREN&ES $ TRA#N#N; < ED6&AT#ON 0ed a group from 9ucson, including law enforcement personnel, to a se) trafficking conference in Phoeni) (2#$#* Se) trafficking awareness conference in 9ucson presented b% D=.'=9N 8ouse (2#$#* Attended semester6long class human trafficking class in 2A 8onors +ollege (2#$$* Participated in ten6week Mending the Soul training group (2#$$* 0ed a group from 9ucson, including representatives from the 2S Attorne%1s office and =+5, to an international trafficking conference at AS2 (2#$$* Participated in 2S Dept of /ustice6funded 'ational trafficking s%mposium in Salt 0ake +it% (2#$2* Attended Se) 9rafficking training event in 9ucson sponsored b% AS2 (2#$2* Attended 8omeland Securit% anti6trafficking training conference in 9ucson (2#$2*

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