Sketchup Development Design Document

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Amy Beckenham N0309354

Sketch up Development

Sketch up Development

Sketch up Development
basic design
no roof yet

double sided stop, multiple waiting points

Sketch up Development

roof detail?

rounded seating more comfortable? full seating size one fits one person...

Sketch up Development
Central Point
emergency point ticket machines scanners

design 1 alternate ticketing more space for queuing? allows better flow of people? people will queue parallell to tram rather than in the way of pedestrians

design 2 placing the ticket machines behind will allow a clear path in the boarding area. Obstruct pedestrian traffic?

Sketch up Development

double sided stop, multiple waiting points shorter back panels to allow spce for tickets and more waiting space with seating

front- tram behind

back - tram infront

green coloured glass, highlights ticket area

Sketch up Development

PLAN l-shaped path way, promotes good, passenger flow

Panels connected to supports to hold glass in place.

Sketch up Development


This design has two sides. they reflect each other and these have 2 L-shaped queuing zones each. The central walk way would allow disable access to the disabled entrances much easier however, if this was placed central to the platform, the queuing area would block their path.

next step: design new centre point design wheelchair waiting area into centre point think about door placement 6600mm per car, 5 cars

Sketch up Development
Central Point
emergency point ticket machines scanners

left hand side: This L formation leaves the centre point clear for people walking through. Having this space clear would allow a central music space for performance or music download. right hand side: This L formation utilises the fact that there is no door entry at this point. When the queuing area isnt busy people can use this as a through route

Centre Point: for this design i have mirrored the frame and chose different placements to see what would work better. This design is 13365 mm out of 33000 mm at hilled locations this would be too long, and the extension posts would be too high up for people to sit on. the wheelchair points need to be open and easy to get into with a chair. but also be useful for other people when disabled people are not using them. so resting seating is the best solution. they dont take up to much room and will still allow people to rest. The idea that there is a centre point however is being lost into two blocks with a centre pathway.

Sketch up Development
Central Point
emergency point ticket machines scanners info

Instead of having a central point, i have thought about focusing on the disabled points. Using these as ancors for the design. there will now be two central points with mirroring items.

These glass panels could display the infomation?

MARKET SQUARE............... ............5M


smart glass - ESG Visionary Polyvision Glass, (, 2014) ESG Visionary - Polymagic LED Glass Developed by ESG using a special patented technology this creative product incorporates LEDs, light sources or electronic materials into glass panels to create distinctive patterns images and logos. (, 2014)

Sketch up Development

Sketch up Development


New signage for tram system in Melbourne (Bowen, 2014)





lights up green when the payment has gone through

Sketch up Development
MUSIC AREA BUSKING NOTTINGHAM BUSKING Proposals unveiled by Nottingham City Council would only allow buskers to play for two hours in one place or 30 minutes in some cases. (Nottingham Post, 2011). They would then not be allowed to return to that spot for two hours. And a busking pitch near the Council House in Smithy Row would only be available for non-musical, quieter acts. (Nottingham Post, 2011). This news article highlights that buskers will be dicourage from perfroming in nottingham because of these new rules. If i was to include busking areas into my tram stops, this would allow more spaces for buskers. Possibly teaming the busking area with the music interactive panels I have planned, it interactive screen could be used to promote the musican and allow people to download tracks and quickly add there contact details, eg facebook or twitter . (Smith, 2013) (Mole, 2006) The Busking Project is an online archive of videos and images for street performers. If there could be a link to this digital open source site, then the musicans could be automatically uploaded via the internet point within the stop. (, 2014). The original aim was to produce the worlds first HD digital archive of street performances, a documentary exploring the lives and motivations of street performers of all backgrounds, (, 2014). This map shows the current locations of groups that use The Busking Project getting nottingham involved in this would increase its music scene and encourage artists to perform and make sure that this is not lost because of the new rules and regulations. (, 2014)

interactive screen floor decal, similar to London Underground

(Calabrese, 2012) small decrete dots, outline performance area

Sketch up Development
MUSIC AREA Interactive screen (, 2014)

Highlights Finger Width Slim Bezel Sample rate up to 200 fps PQ Labs patented ultra-smooth Mighty Glass Optimized for OEMs Ultra Reliable Solution

Integration Kit V2 Sizes: 32", 40", 42", 46", 47", 50", 52", 55", 60", 65", 70", 80", 84" (Released in 2013)

This is a tiny computer that can be used with this screen from the same company. This small size will allow the computer to be installed within the panel in which i design the screen. Or alternatively I could incorporate it into the pillars. iStick Is A High Performance Computer In An Unbelievably Tiny Size. iStick A101 Features: Android for Digital Signage 1GHz High Speed Processor Realtime 3D Movie Rendering in HD 1080p High Resolution Video Playback Built-in WiFi (802.11 b/g/n) Support USB Mouse/Keyboard, USB Hard Drive, USB Hub, etc Support Over 700,000 Touch Apps (, 2014)

(, 2014)

(G4 Kit V2-84.4" Assembly, 2014, p. Single Page)

Sketch up Development
MUSIC AREA Music for the public This idea is based on the fact that in Manchester, a busker was playing outside the tram stop, and from my own observation, people mood seemed to improve and it create a buzz and excitement at the stop. I would like to incorporate music within my stop, not only in the busking style, but also in music download of listening at the stops. I also want to investigate this because not every stop will have space for a a busker or a need for one.

In-flight entertainment (IFE) refers to the entertainment available to aircraft passengers during a flight. (Wikipedia, 2014)

Sketch up Development
MUSIC AREA Music input in the seating

Headphone Jack


Display Screen

Pros and Cons of Seat Music Pros easy to use like airplane system plugs all headphones into bright colours help highlight function two people use seats, two music points cons not everyone can use only those seated can use not easily accessable by wheel chair users connection to power through posts? post become more complex

Sketch up Development

Sketch up Development

a song is usually around 2-4 minutes long, so someone can listen to around 2-3 songs while they wait to pass the time.

space for a card scanner, enabling users to purchase the music or tickets via their travel card.

These pillar are now held together in three sections, the middle section can now be either a music dock station, where someone can download and listen to Nottingham based music and radio, or a space to add features such as emergency points. have the music stations on the fron pillars will allow more users to use them but also allow those listening to music to notice when their trram has arrived.

side panel allows multiple listeners and three headphone points allow multiple users to listen to the same station/ musican

placing the device at the sides rather than the front, will promote people to not block the scanners but also allow people to face forwards while listening to watch for the tram.

Sketch up Development
over all design update disabled access through thinner doorways.

front, music pillar

large, front, side panel

centre pillar

Small, back, side panel

back pillar large panel

doorway widths must be 800 so for comfort i have extended this value to 900. The width of the corridors must be 1200, my design is 1400 to allow extra space for people to manuver. (BUILDING REGULATIONS PART M 2004|ACCESS TO AND

length, roof support small width, roof support width, roof support

ticket scanner

expanded width of 900mm

Sketch up Development
new slanted roof design give more direction towards the trams but will also help to drain rain water the addition of SOLAR POWER will catch more light if the roof is tilted toward the sun. the slant my also encourage people to face toward the tram, so that no one doesnt miss the tram by not paying attention.

new roof structure, these supportswill allow for a thicker roof and will give more stability to the design. Having a thicker roof will enable me to add, solar power and other features such as speakers and lighting. the colouration here highlights the fact that the ticket machines are located here.

Sketch up Development
ROOF power- solar speakers - emergency speakers emergency points? placed in the middle of each space section

solar powered - lighting - speakers - music points current nottingham lighting

light option 1 doesnt work well with other size roof large amount of light for front of platform


lighting option 2 less energy used better placement

Sketch up Development
solar powered - lighting - speakers - music points (, 2014)

PARKEON has applied eco-design principles for over 15 years. The machines : only need 2 hours of daylight to recharge and fully function work in all weathers saving 16lbs of CO2 per meter no ongoing electrical costs no infrastructure Solar Power Expertise Solar Power ExpertiseParkeon has lead the way in the research and deployment of sophisticat- (, 2014) ed solar power management, introducing our first solar powered ticketing machines in 1995. if the ticket machines are any other device such as Today, more than 120,000 solar powered Parke- the scanners are placed within the sunlight then they can be solar powered however I would like on meters can be found throughout the world. my ticket machines to be under cover. they also need to run a complex display screen so i wonder (, 2014) if solar power would be enough. I do however, think that the scanners would benifit from being solar powered. although Im unsure where the solar energy will come from within my current design. if the solar power from the roof of the shelter runs down the supports and into the floor of the stop then it can be transfered under the platform flooring. individual solar power would allow the scanner and ticket machines, to be placed anywhere.
(, 2014)

Sketch up Development
Ticket Machine

(Facebook, 2013)

(, 2014)


Sketch up Development
Emergency Point

(, 2014) EMERGENCIES DURING WORK NEAR NET (, 2014) If work obstructs the track unexpectedly, or if anyone or anything comes into contact with the overhead wires, or if tramway equipment is damaged, the NET Control Room must be told immediately. The Control Room can be contacted at any time, by any of these means: Using the Emergency Help Point at any tramstop By asking a member of NET staff By asking emergency services personnel The person contacting the Control Room must say that there is an emergency. The Controller will ask: Who is speaking and where from What has happened Whether anyone or anything is touching the overhead wires Whether the track is obstructed Which emergency services are needed (if any) Answer the questions as quickly and clearly as possible. The Controller will repeat the information back to confirm it. If the Controller gives any instructions, obey them. If an approaching tram must be stopped, signal to the driver by holding both arms above your head. Stand where the driver can see you, but not in the path of the tram. (, 2014) basic form signage speaker reciever comand buttons

nottingham emergency point

(, 2013) Nottinghams Needs contact with control room, speaker comand buttons instructions

Sketch up Development
Bins and cigarrette disposal avoid people being able to leave there ciggerette butts on top of the bin.

(, 2014) (, 2014) (, 2014) slanted top, ciggarettes wont hold on top. intergates into design style

(, 2014)

(, 2014) (, 2014)

Sketch up Development
Bins and cigarrette disposal

Sketch up Development
Bins and cigarrette disposal

Sketch up Development





LED display glass, tram times (, 2014)

CURRENT NOTTINGHAM INFO BOARDS span the length of the panels fit within the glass area and have all info appropriate INFO BOARDS similar to current design, the boards slot between the pillars infront of the glass panels or instead of (, 2014)

LOCATION SIGNAGE can be clicked/slotted into the glass holder in the supports placed on the outside of the shelters and on sepate pillars spaced around the platform. at either end of the platform

Sketch up Development
low level seating and bag placement POWDER COATED STAINLESS STEEL

After speaking with a parent about the low level seating she commented that her children would not use the seats and she would probably just sit her son on her knee on the full seating rather than place them here. in response to this i have added the bag rests into the design and similar to the info boards, they click into the pillars and are lifted off the floor to stop bags getting wet. later on in the design phase i added a lip to the platform to stop bags sliding off.

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