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Brief History

Land Area
#ago Cityhas a tota( (and area of 4,,21,",, ha" 2,/51"715, ha" be(ong to Mt" 9an(aon 1atura( &ar) #rgy" #a ong has the biggest (and area with 4,+27",25, he tares #rgy" &ob(a ion has the sma((est (and area with 211"5,44 he tares #ago City has 1,1,, has5water area and 15 )ms" oast(ine

ago City was founded by an Agustinian priest named Father Geronimo Marin on June 24, 1575, oin iding with the feast day of !t" John the #aptist" A ording to the manus ript of a !panish $istorian %iego de &o'edano, the ommunity was named after a (arge tree a((ed Bago under whi h a nati'e prin e Mapagi died" #ut in another 'ersion, the p(a e got its name from a shrub a((ed bago-bago whi h was abundant(y growing a(ong the ban)s of the ri'er, whi h was (ater a((ed #ago ri'er" *n the year 1+,,, #ago be ame a pueblo or town after the !panish authorities had granted the petition of the sett(ers- des endants oming from &anay" #ago fina((y be ame a City on February 1., 1.// by 'irtue of 0"A" A t 1o" 42+2 with $on" Manue( 3" 4orres as the ho(d5o'er Mayor from his e(e tion in 1.5."

First re orded popu(ation was 22,/2, in 1.,2 2,,7 ensus showed #ago City has a popu(ation of 15.,.22 2,,7 ensus showed #ago City has a $ouseho(d &opu(ation of 22,2,. Ma(e &opu(ation is +2,.,. ?1!6 2,,7 Census@ Fema(e &opu(ationis 7/,72/ ?1!6 2,,7 Census@ <rban popu(ation is //,++/ ?1!6 2,,7 Census@ 0ura( &opu(ation is .2,,47 ?1!6 2,,7 Census@ &opu(ation %ensity is 2.+ persons per sA" )m" #rgy" Ma5ao has the biggest popu(ation of 15,.12 #rgy" #agroy has the (owest popu(ation of 1,4+2

+2> are 0oman Catho(i 2> are Con'ention of the &hi(" #aptist Chusr h /> are Ag(ipayan 2> are *g(esia 1i 9risto And the remaining are either Jeho'a-s 7itnesses, Chur h of Jesus Christ :atter %ay !aints, !e'enth %ay Ad'entists,E'angi(i a(s, et

#ago City is tra'ersed by the widest ri'er in the pro'in e, the #ago 0i'er, whi h starts from the northeast s(ope of Mt" Can(aon and drains into Guimaras !trait

,ncome 2,12 *n ome 5 & 522,742,7,+",, 2,> %e'e(opment Fund 5 +4,,,,,,,,",, Farming B Fishing are the main sour e of in ome of the peop(e Emp(oyment and business are the other sour es of -ar*et and Commodity .lo/s $as (in)ages with the towns of 8a((ado(id, !an EnriAue, &onte'edra, &u(upandan and :a Car(ota City" Commer ia( &ub(i Mar)ets in #rgys" &ob(a ion, Ma5ao and Ma5ao Centra( Agricultural Products Hectares Annual Production 2,,,47"25 1,.+.,/27",5 bags?:9G@ 2,,+4."27 +4,54+"77 M4 .4"22 2.+"71 M4 2+5",, 245",, M4 111"27 122"4 M4 2/2",/ 12,"52 M4 1+5"25 1,1+2"77 M4 25."2+ 4,4.1",, M4 5+1"+2 2,,,7"2+M4 21.",1 547"5, M4 Chi )en %u )s 4ur)ey !heep Fuai( Fow(s 5 5 5 5 5 5 ..,,2.. 5..,155 /,25, 21+ +,++, +5,,2,,


in ome

#ago City is in the fourth distri t of 1egros 6 identa( 7estern part of 1egros *s(and, 122 degrees (ongitude, 1, degrees (atitude 21"5 )ms" from #a o(od City, the apita( of 1egros 6 identa( #ounded on the north by #a o(od City and Mur ia, on the northwest by Guimaras !trait, on the southwest by &u(upandan and 8a((ado(id, on the east by the ities of !an Car(os and 9an(a5on and on the south by :a Car(ota City"

Moderate(y s(oping to ro((ing (ands" !(opes ranging from , to 2> omprises 22".11"42 has", 2 to +> omprises 5,7+2".2 has" ,+ to 1+> omprises to 4,/+2"22 has"1+"1 to 2,> omprises 1,514"+4, 2,> to 5,> steep hi((s and ro((ing omprises 1,725"1+ has" and a 'ery steep and mountinous 5,> abo'e , omprises 2,52+"2+ has"

Political Subdivision
#ago City is omposed of 24 brgys; 1/ of whi h are rura( and + are urban <rban barangays based on 1!6 2,,, Census are, Abuanan, Atipu(uan, Caridad, #a(ingasag,, %on Jorge Araneta , Ma5ao , &ob(a ion and 4a(o #rgy" *(i=an, with a distan e of 2,"5, )ms" from the ity proper is the farthest barangay

Climate,Rainfall !emperature
7et from May to %e ember and dry from January to Apri(" 4emperature (e'e( is 25"5. degrees Ce(sius A'erage rainfa(( re orded is /",, mm for 7, rainy days within a year A'erage humidity (e'e( is +,"7/>

Land %se Proposed &"##$@ 0esidentia( 1,222"+/,. Commer ia( 2+2".22 *nstitutiona( 127"+44/ &ar)s B 6pen !pa e 12+".,1 Cemetery ."++5 *nfrastru ture //5"21,4 Agri u(tura( 21,115"1+24 Fishponds 1./"+4 !o ia(iCed $ousing Done 115",5,4 %umpsite +", :ight *ndustria( 1.7"/7,. Agro *ndustria( 1+2"22/+ 4ourism 22"1,5 Forest Area 2,/51"715 $ea'y *ndustria( 274 "227+ <nspe ified :ots 1,++/"14/+ !otal '#,"(#)#### Foreshore Area in &unta &(aya, &ob(a ion has (and a retion of 51"15 has"

"##$ CL%P Land Classification

!ugar ane &a(ay Corn Co onut Coffee 6r hard 8egetab(es 0oot Crops #anana #amboo

Languages/Dialects Spo*en
.."/ > of the residents spea) *(onggo ,"4> spea) other (anguages su h as 4aga(og, Cebuano, A)(anon and *(o ano

Livestoc* Population Carabao 5 5-52, Catt(e 5 1,.5/ $ogs 5 11,,255 Goat 5 2,,25, $orse 5 15 Goose 5 .,1//

+0isting ,ndustries Po/er Commercial +stablis1ments

&ub(i Mar)et 2 !andB Gra'e( 17 Fish Mar)et 1 Feed Mi(( 1 0i e Mi(( 21 Ferti(iCerB Agri &rodu t 1, #a)ery 1+ 4i )eting 6ut(et / &awnshop 12 !ari5sari !tore 2., 7ater &(ant 1 %rugstore 14 A( oho( %isti((ery 1 #ea h 0esorts 2 Commer ia( #an) 1 8ideo Ginternet 21 0ura( #an)s 2 Gaso(ine !tations 11 !a'ings #an) 1 Funera( &ar(or 7 6Hya ety(ene &(ant 1 :umberG$ardware 7 :ending *nstitution 1+ Feeds 0etai(er 22 7ater 0efi(( !tation 12 $o((ow #(o )s Fa tory / Centra( 1egros E(e tri Cooperati'e, *n " ?CE1EC6@ ser'es the power reAuirements of the ity As of 1o'ember, 2,12, 1/,4+4 househo(ds use power from CE1EC6

!ourist Attractions
Genera( Juan A" Araneta Monument $istori a( Mar)er on the 1+.+ %e (aration of Canton %e 1egros 0epub(i by Gen" Araneta 6(d #ago #ridge 0afae( !a(as &ar) and 1ature Center $istori a( !tru ture of the !t" John the #aptist 0oman Catho(i Chur h #uenos Aires Mountain 0esort 9ipot 4win Fa((s Mt" 9an(a5on 1atura( &ar) #a(ay ni 4an Juan Museu #antayan &ar) &ataan Fa((s 4he Fuiet &(a e Farm 0esort $umberto-s Farm 0esort

#ago City 7ater %istri t ?#AC*7A%@ supp(ies water to the househo(ds in #rgys" &ob(a ion, :ag5 asan, #a(ingasag ,1apo(es , Ma5ao , !ampinit B Ca(umangan As of %e 21, 2,12, #AC*7A% has ser'ed 4,/,+ househo(ds

Roads 3et/or*
Total Length Asphalt Concrete Gravel Earth #rgy" 0d 252"4/2 ,"2+5 .2"77/ 125"2,. 22"2+2 City 0d ."2,2 ,"122 +"221 ,"74+ ,",,, 4ota( 2/1"//5 ,"41+ 1,1",.7 12/",57 22"2+2

Arts and Crafts

Aba a and &andan 7ea'ing 9nitting B Embroidery Furniture Ma)ing #as)et Ma)ing

!elecommunication Services
&hi(" &osta( !er'i es &hi(" :ong %istan e 4e(ephone Company ?&:%4@ :#C 0C&*G7estern <nion *s(a omGG(obe(ines !mart Ce((phone Go'-t" 4wo5way 0adio !ystem

+ducational/Healt1 .acilities
#ago City Co((ege 6*!CA5 #ago 4raining Center &ub(i $igh ! hoo( &ri'ate $igh ! hoo( &ub(i E(ementary ! hoo( &ri'ate 9inder ! hoo( %ay Care Centers #ago City $ospita( City $ea(th Center #arangay $ea(th !tation Medi a( C(ini Crisis Center 1 1 7 1 2/ 2+ +, 1 1 27 / 1

Buenos Aires Mt. Resort #ago City $a((

Bago City Hall Agro *ndustria( Fair

February 1. 1o'ember 5 June 24 Charter %ay Anni'ersaryG #abay(an Festi'a( #ago City Fiesta Feast of !t" John the #aptist
Prepared by: City Planning & Devt. Office

!t" John the #aptist Chur h

9ipot 4win Fa((s

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