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LENTEN AND EASTER READERS During Lent and up to Easter Sunday, we need readers for a Lenten insert and

the reading of scripture. This begins on Sunday, March 9th. If you can assist, please put your name down on the sign up sheet or spea! to "e# Mar!. ADULT STUDY GROUP $ur resource is %Embracing an &dult 'aith( by Marcus )org on What it Means to be Christian. Each session, we will watch a D*D presentation and then share in con#ersation and prayer. There is a wor!boo! that will help us in our shared +ourney. If you ha#e any ,uestions, please spea! with "e#. Mar!. -e will meet again on March .th, /0th 12th, and 13th. 4lease +oin us at /522 p.m. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat Matthew 25:35 Our FOOD need this month is: Canned Fruit, Side Ki !s"#am$ur%er #e&'er ( Cerea& )o&unteers needed at the #ouse o* +&essin% The 6ouse of )lessing is in need of #olunteers to help sort clothing and household donations. If you are a#ailable for a morning or afternoon a wee!, please call "ita at 7/9 130 0800 e9t 128 or email5 Than! you; K,NTA,L ON T#E ROAD Last <uly, we had a fantastic 7 days with %=intail $n The "oad(. Than!s to the good wor! of the planning team, #olunteers and the =intail Staff, we had an ama>ing time. -e plan to ha#e =$T" at our church again this summer. -e are in need of members for our 4lanning Team. 4lease spea! with Mar! ?edc!e or Mary Dougall to learn more. -inister: "e#. Mar! ?edc!e 7/9 737 @@/3 or by email at mgedc!e:! Dire tor o* -usi : Su>anne Strahan O**i e Administrator: =athy )a!er Treasurer: Shannon &rcher O**i e: ./0123/14535 ! OFF,CE #OURS 0am1 /'m Tuesda6 throu%h Frida6

KNO7 PRES+YTER,AN C#URC# -ar h 2, 24/8 //:44 am Minister5 "e#. Mar! ?edc!e Music Director A Su>anne Strahan

PREPARA I!" F!R #!R$%IP 4rayer, Meditation and *isiting PRE&'(E: -hereBer Cou -al! 6andel #E&)!ME A"( A""!'")EME" $ CALL TO 9ORS#,P: Leader5 -e come see!ing the holy lo#e of ?od, that we may become whole and lo#ing Peo*+e: As ,esus )hrist has shared the +i-e o- earth. through )hrist we may share the +i-e o- /od. in growing ho+iness. 0usti1e and +ove2 Leader5 In awe, faith, and than!sgi#ing, let us re+oice in ?odBs presence and share ?odBs life; A++: &et us worshi* /od2 D"uth E. Duc!, Touch 6oliness, "esources for -orship, ed. by "uth E. Duc!, Maren E. Tirabassi, The 4ilgrim 4ressF OPEN,NG #Y-N: G013 Sing praise to ?od who reigns abo#e D# /,0,8,7F PRAYER OF ADORAT,ON ( CONFESS,ON AND T#E LORD:S PRAYER: $ur 'ather who art in hea#en, hallowed be thy name, thy !ingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in hea#en. ?i#e us this day our daily bread. 'orgi#e us our trespasses as we forgi#e those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deli#er us from e#il. 'or thine is the !ingdom, the power and the glory fore#er and e#er. &men PASS,NG OF T#E PEACE: Leader5 The 4eace of Ehrist be with you )ongregation: And a+so with you. ANT#E-: 'ore#er )lest Is 6e 6andel

C#,LDREN:S #Y-N: G88/ Ean a little child li!e me

C#,LDREN:S T,-E SCR,PTURE READ,NG: Le#iticus /95/ 1, 9 /@ Matthew 750 8@ SER-ON: 4icture 4erfect

#Y-N: G.03 Ta!e my life and let it be consecrated OFFER,NG OFFERTORY: &dagio A Lis>t, arr. Landon

OFFERTORY PRA,SE: G39 4raise ?od from whom all blessings flow PRAYER OF DED,CAT,ON DtogetherF Li#ing ?od, come, be !nown among us. 6elp us to percei#e your presence, as near as breath, yet hidden. 6elp us to see! you as you are see!ing us. Spea! your word of power. Ma!e us true disciples of Ehrist. Transform us through your fiery Spirit. &ll glory be to you, $ ?od, in Ehrist and the church fore#er; &men D"uth E. Duc!, Touch 6oliness, "esources for -orship, ed. by "uth E. Duc!, Maren E. Tirabassi, The 4ilgrim 4ressF CO--UN,ON #Y-N: G702 I come with +oy ,N),TAT,ON TO CO--UN,ON T#E GREAT PRAYER OF T#ANKSG,),NG: G7.8 CO--UN,ON PRAYERS OF T#E PEOPLE CLOS,NG #Y-N: G831 -e are ?odBs people +ENED,CT,ON POSTLUDE: Trumpet on 4arade A <ohn Marsh

Chur h O'enin% Toda6: Tim 4auli Chur h O'enin% Ne;t <ee!: Tim 4auli Ushers this <ee!: Terry )arton, )ill 'orbes, ?erry H Darlene 'eeney Ushers ne;t <ee!: "ichard )ast, Tom 6islop, =ir! H Lori Speiran Greeters this <ee!5 4aul H <oan Tanner Greeters ne;t <ee!: Laird Ehristie H *i#ien 6arding S ri'ture Reader: Margaret Lupton Co**ee this <ee!: -endell H Shannon &rcher ANNUAL CONGREGAT,ONAL -EET,NG 4lease +oin us after the worship ser#ice in the ban,uet hall for a potluc! lunch followed by our &nnual Eongregational Meeting. YOUT# GROUP $n Sunday, March 02th, we will ha#e lunch together following worship in the )an,uet 6all. Then, we go to Mi!eBs )owling for stri!es, spares and misses. The cost is I/2 per person. Cou are welcome to bring a friend. 4lease let us !now that you are coming. <ust contact the office or "e#. Mar! by email or phone. Couth ?roup will then meet again on Sunday, &pril 13th from . to @ p.m. in the )an,uet 6all. If you are able to bring a dessert for the gang, please let a youth group leader !now. 24/8 LENTEN CO--UN,TY LUNC#EONS ($8.00 per person held at Immaculate Conception R.C. Church) March 7 A 'r. Da#id )utler DSt. <osephBsJImmaculate Eonception "EEF March /1 A "e#. Elaine Elar! Siberry D?reenwood EourtF March /9 A "e#. 4irie Mitchell DEentral KnitedF March 1. "e#. Michelle Down DSt. <ohnBs KnitedF &pril 1 4astor Ehad McLaren D)ethel 4entecostalF &pril 9 "e#. Daniel )owyer DSt. 4aulBs &nglicanF STRATFORD AND AREA 9O-EN ALL TOGET#ER What: -omenBs Day When: Saturday, &pril 7th 12/8 @502 a.m. to 0502 p.m. Where: 'esti#al Inn, Stratford %"e+oice in 6ope( with =eynote Spea!er Michelle Sim, 4astor, Singer and Eomedian as well as Eeleste Lugec, ?ospel recording artist Ad ance !ic"ets onl#: I02 Dafter March 1/ I07F Lunch and nutrition brea!s included A only 122 tic!ets a#ailable by calling 7/9 13/ 8308 or 7/9 13/ /9/3 -e are e9cited to once again offer an uplifting and encouraging day for 122 women in our area;

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