MTG 5 Elements Board Game Mod

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MTG : turn based tiles board game.

Game contains common library, chessboard, player token and colored tokens. Also each player starts with a deck of 20 cards containing only basic lands, known as elements. The player uses his elements to cast the cards (non-land cards are named card he draws o!er the battlefield "# to fight the opponent$s elements on the principle of %stone-scissors -paper&. ('our attacking elements are opposed to the enemy$s defending elements ( beats ) an * ) beats * and # * beats # and G # beats G and ( G beats ( and ) The game is played by rounds. +ach round contains , actions. A player may hold - cards in hand each round, if he spares them in the round, he draws cards up to -, each round. +ach round you may. / 0raws a card from the common library 2 0raws up to fi!e cards and discard cards till he holds fi!e cards. (The common library card is discarded into the common library$s gra!eyard 1 2erform your actions at once if there is no player nearby or by the scheme shown below if there is enemy around. The played cards are put into the common gra!eyard, elements into player$s gra!eyard. (hen you draw all cards of your library turn your gra!eyard face down and transform it into your library again with no shuffle. 3hort brief. +ach player can move over the battlefield with single action, as playing any element face down and tapped. (hen you are an ad4acent to another player or a tile and you make your move o!er it you actually attack it. +ach round you may oppose 4 actions against , actions of your opponent if the battle is /./ (5or each action you won you gathers an opponent$s element +ach action you may. / 2lay your element or card face down (mana for casting . Then you add to your mana pool / point of the specified color in case this was an element or colorless mana in case this was card. 6f you turn face down a card enemy$s element always wins (he chooses the color of the card . Remember: once casted a permanent stays face up on the tile they are casted. 7a 'ou may show non-instant card and put it face up before you add mana to your pool to cast it, e!en before your first action. Remember: the mana is not emptied from your mana pool. You may cast in several turns and may leave a permanent face up. 7b 'ou may cast an instant card any time you want. 'ou still use as much mana in your mana pool as needed. 6f there is no ad4acent player or face up card you may put your gra!eyard at the bottom of your library without shuffle. 2 2lay an element face up. ('ou do not fill your mana pool but you may deal damage . 1 2lay element face down and tapped 888 mo!e action (e!en in battle . The enemy may always follow you with move actions, and still when you are not adjacent to any card or player you may put your graveyard into your library. (hen you play an element face up you oppose it to the enemy$s element. 6f you beat his action you gather his beaten elements into your gra!eyard. In case your enemy beats your face down element he puts your element into his graveyard, but if you beat him each puts his element into his own graveyard (of course if you and enemy switch places you put enemy!s elements into your graveyard" +ach card on the battlefield may defend itself if there is an ad4acent player or card. 6f the card is a creature any player may deal direct damage to the permanent card with elements different than its colors (if this element is not put to any other player$s gra!eyard. 'ou can defend your permanents , and may block it with the same colors (the blocked elements goes under the permanent card, as beaten elements . 6f any card deals damage to a player he mills that many cards from his library into the damage dealer$s gra!eyard . #olorless creatures cannot be bloc$ed, but can be burned by any element. All 9TG rules applies to the game, e:cept that the element!s opposing phase replaces the upkeep phase, and the draw step is before the upkeep phase (you draw from your and the common library . Discard rule discard your hand into yours or common gra!eyard, Mill rule mills your library into your gra!eyard. Loose life causes you to mill yourself, and gain life to put any elements from your gra!eyard on top of your library.

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After the preparation the tile(set with three players R, ), Y and * may loo$ li$e the right board. There is a possibility of +:, or even +:- battles. If a player has an enemy player and enemy possessed card or another enemy player who declare his action upon you, then two elements may be opposed to your action and one of them or both may deal you damage. You declare your action over one of them so you may beat only one of them this action (*ut they may synchroni.e which card to use for their attac$".'ach turn the attac$er is changed cloc$wise. ," '/#0 */TT1' T0' /TT/#2'R 3/2'& 0I& 4IR&T /#TI56. +" T0'6 T0' 5T0'R %1/Y'R7& 3/2'& + /#TI56&. -" T0'6 Y58 3/2' + /#TI56&. 9" T0'6 T0' 5T0'R %1/Y'R7& 3/2'& + /#TI56&. :" T0/6 Y58 3/2' Y58R 1/&T /#TI56. %&: a nearby tile is any closest tile hori.ontally, vertically or by diagonal (so any tile has ;"

%&: 'ach player also possess a colored to$ens to mar$ its tiles. "nce a player conquers a tile with a card he may cast it (as any other card in hand and marks it with his colored token, (and put the card in that tile, if this card is a permanent card or place it into his hand as any drawn card. The player with the biggest library wins the game.

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