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Pioneering Transformational Leadership


Name: Job Title: Accountability:

2000 VSA Consulting Group, Inc.

Pioneering Transformational Leadership

Business Management Skills Analysis

In order to support you in producing the most out of your breakthrough project, we would like to know more about your strengths and weaknesses. It is useful for us, as your coaches, to know in what area you need training and support. Let's take a look at the Business "MAP"

M Marketing & Sales A Administration & Finance P Production & Personnel

When answering the following questions, you will need to do so with a high level of authenticity the foundation for producing breakthroughs. With regard to my career or business, my top five strengths are:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.___________________________________________________________________ With regard to my career or business, my top five weaknesses are:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.___________________________________________________________________

2002 IBe management, LLC.


Pioneering Transformational Leadership


In the left column, please rank the relevance of the skill to your job, from least (1) to most important (5). In the right column, rank your level of mastery for each skill, from lowest (1) to highest (5). Relevance of Skill Pre-qualifying skills Pre-call planning Closing techniques Tracking and follow-up Networking for referrals Up-selling, cross-selling (repeat business) Presentation skills (selling benefits) Product knowledge Opening new accounts Introducing new products Reactivating inactive accounts Getting to the decision maker Proposal writing Handling objections Building relationship & trust Listening skills Good communication skills Cold calling Setting up meetings Design of a marketing campaign Management of a marketing program Level of Mastery

2002 IBe management, LLC.


Pioneering Transformational Leadership


In the left column, please rank the relevance of the skill to your job, from least (1) to most important (5). In the right column, rank your level of mastery for each skill, from lowest (1) to highest (5). Relevance of Skill Accounting and managing finances Financial planning Persuading others to follow financial practices Attention to detail Management by reports Budget management effectiveness Organizational skills Computers skills Use of technology Knowledge of tax laws Legal management Handling collections Handling financial breakdowns Writing financial reports Reading financial statements Financial analysis Making strategic financial decisions Managing information in a timely manner Keeping accurate information Managing cash flow effectively Negotiation skills Level of Mastery

2002 IBe management, LLC.


Pioneering Transformational Leadership


In the left column, please rank the relevance of the skill to your job, from least (1) to most important (5). In the right column, rank your level of mastery for each skill, from lowest (1) to highest (5). Relevance of Skill Human resource management Managing by accountabilities Delegating Producing results through others Ability to motivate others Work well with subordinates Maintaining your talents Hiring knowledge workers Time management Project management skills On-time delivery Managing communications (incoming, outgoing) Responding to breakdowns ("bad news") Customer service On-time completion of tasks Effective and productive scheduling Ability to deal with uncertainty Response to failure Delivering a quality product or job Quality management Handling customer requests Level of Mastery

2002 IBe management, LLC.


Pioneering Transformational Leadership

We have designed an exercise that will provide you with the structure to create a breakthrough. The assignment is to let your own self-expression create the future by design, rather than to bank on the past. In our commitment to support you, we have listed some possible areas of concern within your organization or business that you may consider:

Organizational Culture Market Position Marketing Generating New Opportunities Business Strategic Planning Management Support Job Satisfaction Customer Service Customer Expectations Performance Research & Development Product Line Services Definition Value-added Services Strategic Partnerships Staff Training & Retraining Staff Development New Technology Personal Growth & Development***** New Skills Development Education Presentations & Exhibitions Publications Grants Other Revenue Sources Etc.

2002 IBe management, LLC.


Pioneering Transformational Leadership

If you were to look one to five years into the future, what do you see are the companys predictable ways of operating? NOTE: The more detailed and self-expressed that you are in creating this list, the bigger the breakthrough will be. Keep in mind that to produce breakthroughs, one has to have a powerful relationship to reality to whats so exactly the way that IT IS and exactly the way that IT ISNT. The degree to which you allow yourself to inquire into whats so what the current reality really is is the degree to which you will impact the results. PREDICTABLE: Continuous with the past; it is the past extended forward. Its already going to happen anyway.

2002 IBe management, LLC.


Pioneering Transformational Leadership


Please list all of the concerns, issues and conditions that you may have with regard to your job, the company and or your own personal life. For example: It wont make a difference. They wont go for it. Why are we doing this? I dont have the time for this. And so on

2002 IBe management, LLC.


Pioneering Transformational Leadership

The Nature of a Breakthrough A Breakthrough is: Something that would not ordinarily happen; not predictable; an outcome without prior precedent. Something that you do not understand how to have happen. Something that you are fully committed to have happen. Breakthrough arises out of a possibility you have a vision, but the know-how is missing it is the unexpected fulfillment of that possibility. Breakthrough forever alters the future it redesigns what you now know as being in the past, enabling you to produce extraordinary results.

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

2002 IBe management, LLC.


Pioneering Transformational Leadership


If you were to look one to five years into the future, what do you see would be a breakthrough for your company or for you personally? BREAKTHROUGH: A future that is discontinuous with the past. Unlike the predictable future It isnt going to happen anyway. Unlike a pipe dream, it does take the past into account. It might be feasible, even though unlikely; yet, it is the source of breakthrough results. Standing in the year 2007, report on the state of accomplishment of the Breakthrough Project at your company. Paint a picture (words, etc.) that would answer the question that others are asking: What happened to your Breakthrough Project? Include any or all of the following to help you paint the picture and have FUN! What is your project providing To the big picture To the company? To your accountability? To your personal life? What have been your biggest accomplishments inside of the project? What are you working on today (clients, engagements, product line, innovation, etc.)? . How big is your company? How many staff members are working for you? Where do you have offices? What results are being produced (sales, revenue, profits, clients results, product line, productivity, etc.)?

How is your staff working with each other? What conversations are you engaged in?

2002 IBe management, LLC.

Pioneering Transformational Leadership


If you were to look one to five years into the future, what do you see would be a breakthrough for your company or for your team? BREAKTHROUGH: A future that is discontinuous with the past. Unlike the predictable future It isnt going to happen anyway. Unlike a pipe dream, it does take the past into account. It might be feasible, even though unlikely; yet, it is the source of breakthrough results. Write a story about what you created to produce the remarkable and include the following: What you accomplished and how you did it. What happened in: (Note: Work backwards from the present day.) June 2007. 1. What turned the tide and when? 2. What major actions did you take outside the norm that allowed for success? 3. What major obstacles did you overcome and how? 4. What behaviors did you exhibit with each other? 5. What decisions did you make and why? 6. What new approached did you develop and apply? 7. What results did you produce For your clients? For the company? For yourself?

June 2005. June 2003. Year-end 2002.

Overall, what did you put in place that allowed for the results? Do this for each of the milestones above. You may use any or all of the following questions as a guideline for the discussion.

2002 IBe management, LLC.


Pioneering Transformational Leadership

With respect to the project and your team, what needs to be completed, retired or discontinued to allow for a new beginning or a new future to arise? STATE OF COMPLETION: Being whole and complete, no attachment, nothing is left out or not communicated.

2002 IBe management, LLC.


Pioneering Transformational Leadership

Whats missing is not a whats wrong conversation about something or someone not being good enough or being broken, etc. It is simply "whats missing", the presence of which will make a difference for you and for your team.

2002 IBe management, LLC.


Pioneering Transformational Leadership

"What you learn after you know everything is what really counts.

Coach John Wooden's UCLA Basketball Teams Won 10 NCAA Championships

2002 IBe management, LLC.


Pioneering Transformational Leadership


What would be the Specific Measurable Results (SMR), both qualitative and quantitative, for a Breakthrough Project with your team? The more specific the design is, the more powerful the breakthrough will be. In other words, it is 14 months from now and you had a breakthrough. How would you know that it happened?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


2002 IBe management, LLC.


Pioneering Transformational Leadership

Example 1 1. $5,000/week by the end of month #4. 2. Be effective with failure so that Im not stopped by it. 3. 90% on-time effectiveness by the end of month #3. 4. Complete any and all-persistent, unwanted issue from my past. 5. Be in a great relationship as a natural self-expression by month #6. 6. Organize my physical space by the end of month #5. 7. Exercise 3 times/week, lose 20 lb. and be in shape. Example 3 1. $850,000 total revenue (6% profit margin) by the end of month #6. 2. All salespersons will show a 30% increase in income by the end of month #6. 3. Regional sales manager will show a 150% increase in income by the end of month #6. 4. Healthcare for the entire office staff. 5. All office staff proficient in English or in school learning English by the end of month #6. Example 5 Income targets: 2000: $ 250,000 2001: $ 500,000 2005: $ 2,500,000 2010: $ 6,000,000

Example 2 1. A marketing program that works, to include managing leads generated. 2. Be powerful and effective in managing time, projects and commitments. 3. $25,000/month in revenue no later than by month #6, with the intention to cause it by month #4. 4. Develop and practice law from a context of mastery. 5. Improved sales skills (i.e., 25 appointments) by month #4. 6. Be happy, fulfilled and self-expressed, and contribute that to others. Example 4 1. Increase in sales, from $700K to $1M, by June 31. 2. Increase in profits, from $0 to $100K, by June 31. 3. Develop leadership in management in three divisions that are motivated and create innovative ideas on quality. 4. Be viewed as a leader in the industry. 5. Generate more leads; close more sales. 6. Increase the sales revenue for each division by 5% every month. Example 6 1. $600,000 in sales revenue. 2. Six new retainer clients in management, marketing or media 3. Two new project clients in financial services, at $35,000 to $100,000 each. 4. Keep active all current clients. 5. Complete core team structure: strategy, messaging, media relations, project management, and copy and design.

2002 IBe management, LLC.


Pioneering Transformational Leadership


You are standing 14 months into the future celebrating your accomplishments. In your own words, what do you say is available or has opened up out of the success of the Breakthrough Project? How is it impacting your companys overall performance in the marketplace?

2002 IBe management, LLC.


Pioneering Transformational Leadership

What personal Breakthroughs are you interested in creating for yourself over the next 14 months? Look in the areas of: Leadership. Productivity. Job Satisfaction. Relatedness. Creativity. Self-Expression. Growth & Development. Education. or in any other domain.

2002 IBe management, LLC.


Pioneering Transformational Leadership

It is 14 months from now and you did not produce the breakthrough that you said you would produce. ASK YOURSELF: What would be the reasons or circumstances that stopped you from doing what you said you would do? The breakthrough was impossible Because Unless Until

2002 IBe management, LLC.


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