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Day/Night Land Navigation Task: Navigate using Terrain Association and Dead Reckoning to pre-identified 8 digit grid locations

on the ground while dismounted. Conditions: During hours of daylight for day land navigation given a lensatic compass, protractor, map of amp Dodge, !owa, an 8 point lane strip and a score strip. During hours of darkness for night land navigation given a lensatic compass, protractor, map of amp Dodge, !owa, a " point lane strip and score strip, and a red lens flashlight. Standards: Navigate to at least " out of 8 points provided on a given lane strip in the time allotted for day land navigation. omplete the day land navigation course in # hours. Record each point$s alphanumeric code and punch the pattern associated with each point on the score strip. Navigate to at least % out of " points provided on a given lane strip in the time allotted for day land navigation. omplete the night land navigation course in &." hours. Record each point$s alphanumeric code and punch the pattern associated with each point on the score strip.

'oundaries The (oundaries for this course are the northern fence line, the western fence line the southern road along the ))))))) parallel, and the western fence line along the )))))))) parallel. heck points are positioned at the *outhwest and *outheast to help keep you on course. !f you (ecome lost at anytime your panic a+imuth is directly south until you encounter the southern (oundary road. ,rom there head directly east until you reach the manned check point. The check point personnel will assist you from there. heckpoints heckpoints are located at))))))))))))))) - .anned heckpoint ))))))))))))))) - .anned heckpoint ))))))))))))))) - .anned heckpoint ))))))))))))))) - /nmanned heckpoint 0ater will (e availa(le at all checkpoints. heck point personnel will not assist you if you unless you are in1ured or if you have e2ceeded the time limit for the course. *afety 3loves and eye protection are mandatory on the course. old weather gear is authori+ed at your own discretion. Do not touch, move, or approach any wildlife on the course, dead or alive. Report any carcasses to the graders when you return to the start point. !f you are in1ured turn on your white light and call for help or (low your whistle. Any cadets who see or hear this distress call are to move to assist immediately. 4ou will not (e penali+ed in any way if aiding a cadet caused you to fail some part of the course. !n the event of inclement weather vehicles on the course will drive the roads and periodically honk their horns. !f this happens move towards the vehicles and follow instructions from the drivers. Red lens is the only authori+ed flashlight unless you are in distress.

.isc 5ur start point is )))))))))))))))))). 4ou will (egin and end here. The 677 meter pace count is 1ust south of this position along the road. !f you lose your lane strip you will (e a No 3o for this station. !t is recommended that you make a (ack up score sheet of your own in case you lose the one provided. At this time we will hand out lane strips, maps, and protractors. 4ou will have 6" minute to plot, do not leave until you are released. Day5nce you (egin you will have " hours to complete day land navigation*tart time is ))))))))))))))))) 8nd time is ))))))))))))))))) Night5nce you (egin you will have % hours to complete night land navigation*tart time is ))))))))))))))))) 8nd time is )))))))))))))))))

Day 9and Navigation *core sheets 9ane 6

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Night 9and Navigation *core sheets 9ane 6

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