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A Dissertation Presented to The Faculty o f the College o f Education o f Ohio University

In Partial Fulfillment O f the Requirement for the Degree Doctor o f Philosophy

by All Ebrahini June, 2004

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I'his dissertation has been approved for the Department o f Teacher Education and the College o f Education by

Protessor o f Teacher Education

D ew fof the College o f E ducaM i

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DEDICATION I would like to dedicate this dissertation to my dear parents, may it make them proud o f me. Thanks are also due to my kind, dear, and patient wife for her encouragement with beneficial knowledge and experience to complete this study. Also, to my three precious children Afnan, Saiid, and Falimah - I offer my research as a dedication to all o f you in hope that you too will continue to search for the truth that, leads you to a deep and rich faith in Gods power.


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1 would like to express my appreciation to all o f those who have helped me throughout the course o f this study. During the entire length o f the present research, one person has been a protessor, advisor, director toward success, and supporter to finish up my academic journey with excellent experiences: Dr. Ralph Martin. Thank you. Dr. Martin. You have been one o f the best examples o f university teaching and educating. I would also like to fiuther acknowledge Dr. Colleen who was flexible, sympathetic, and emboldened to me to do my best in getting the most 1 could out o f rny endeavors. I would also like to offer my .sincere appreciation to Dr. Brooks and Dr. Franklin, who provided meaningful advice and encouragement enabling me to complete my mission. Finally, I gratefully acknowledge all professors and colleagues for their teaching and friendship during my stay in the United States.


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Table o f Contents Page D edication.............................................................................................................................. ...iii Acknowledgment...................................................................................................................... iv List o f Tables.............................................................................................................................viii List o f Figures............................................. ............................................................................. ix I. Introduction............................................................................................................................1 An Overview o f the Educational System in the State o f K uw ait............................. 4 The Purpose o f the Study............................................................................................... 9 Signi ficance o f the Study................................................................................................9 Statement o f the Problem ................................................................................................10 Research Questions..........................................................................................................II Statistical Hypotheses..................................................................................................... 11 Assumptions..................................................................................................................... 12 Definition o f Term s......................................................................................................... 12 Limitations o f the Study................................................................................................. 15 Outline o f the Study........................................................................................................ 16 II. Literature Review................................................................................................................. 18 Introduction.................................................................................. 18

Traditional Learning Strategies.....................................................................................21 Effect on Students Academic Achievement................................. 23

Effect on Students Attitudes........................................................................................ 25 inquiry Learning Strategies........................................................................................... 26

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Effect on Students Academic Achievement..................... Effect on Students Altitudes........................................................

29 35

A Comparison o f the Effect o f Inquiry f.earning and 1raditional .[..earning Strategies on Students Academic Achievement and Attitudes Toward Science.....................41 Sum m ary. ................................................................................. 50

III. M ethodology....................................................................................................................... 52 .Introduction.................................................................................................... Statistical Hypotheses.......................................... 5.2 52

V ariables..........................................................................................................................53 Population and Sample...................................................................................................54 Subjects.............................................................................................................................54 Setting............................................................................................................................... 57 Instruments.......................................................................................................................59 Validity and Reliability o f the Instruments................................................................. 61 Validity o f the Instmments............................................................................................ 62 Reliability of the .Instruments........................................................................................63 Data Collection Procedure.............................................................................................64 D ata Analysis Procedure................................................................................................65 Sum m ary..........................................................................................................................67 IV. R esults.................................................................................................................................68 Research Questions........................................................................................................ 71 .Descriptive Statistics...................................................................................................... 71 D ata Analysis.................................................................................................................. 72


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The Assumptions o f M ANOVA

............................................. ........................ 74

The Overall Multivariate Result................................................................. ................ 77 The Univariate R esult. ....................................... .....................................................81

Summ ary..........................................................................................................................84 V. Summary, Discussion and Conclusion, and Recommendations..................................85 Summary...........................................................................................................................85 Discussion and Conclusion................................................................. ................... 87

'Recommendations.................................................... ..................................................... 93 Summary.................................................................................... .....................................97 References........................................................................................................................ 98 Appendices....................................................................................................................... 107 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Achievement test...................................................................................108 Attitude survey...................................................................................... 112 Reliability Analysis-PilotStudy........................................................... 116 Pre-Post Test o f Reliability..................................................................119 Pre-Comparison Test............................................................................ 124 Sample o f Lesson Plans........................................................................ 129 Abstract.................................................................................................. 133


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List o f Tables

Table 2.1 A comparison between the traditional learning and the learning cycle

Page ........... 48

3.1 Subjects and setting o f the study.......................................................................................57 4.1 Pre-test Achievement Score Comparisons...................................................................... 69 4.2 G ender.................................................................................................................................. 72 4.3 Method o f Teaching........................................................................................................... 72 4.4 Descriptive Statistic.s for the Test o f Nonnality o f Botli Academic Achievement and Attitude.s When Utilizing Learning Cycle {iiquiry Learning and Traditional LectxireRecitation Learning Methods With Both Male and Fema!e4th Grade Students.............. 75 4.5 Boxs Test o f Equality o f Covariance M atrices............................................................. 77 4.6 The Multivariate Tests....................................................................................................... 78 4.7 MANOVA Test for Academic Achievement and Attitudes Gain Scores By Instructional Method................................................................................................................. 79 4.8 M ANOVA Test for Students Academic Achievement and Attitudes Gain Scores by Gender.........................................................................................................................................80 4.9 Tests o f Between Subjects Effects............................................................................ 82

4.10 Gender and Method o f Teaching....................................................................................83


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List o f Figures Figure 1.1 Tlie 4-E Learning Cycle........................................................................... 3.1 The Research Design Utilized for This S tu d y......................... Page ....1,3 58

4.1 The Normal Distribution o f the Students Academic A chievem ent..................................76 4.2 The Nomial Distribution for the Students Attitudes........................ 76

4.3 Estimated Marginal Means o f Gains Attitudes.................................................................... 83


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CHAPTER ONE Introduction Since the 1960s, science has become a main instructional thrust in the schools o f the developing world. Kuwait is among the nations that are working to match the standards o f the developed world, and has placed increasing emphasis upon science in its schools. Kuwaiti educators have realized the necessity o f challenging students thinking in order to face and cope with the ever-changing world o f science. To meet different challenges, Kuwaiti educators must implement an instructional approach that enriches the ability o f students to offer reasoned judgments and creative solutions. Science should seek to prepare new generations to adjust to modem life and thus ensure success for all. Educators, who are accountable for producing an educated society, must adapt to this fact and design a proper educational environment, which can move parallel with the change and produce citizens for a new millennium. The educational environment in schools should be a result o f effective teaching styles. Smith (1990) states: The way teachers teach is a very critical element in students learning. Delisle stated that Its how we teach, not what we teach that makes a lasting impact on our students. The teaching style used by teachers includes classroom rules, classroom climate, methods o f reinforcement, attitude toward students, and interactions with students (p. 243). Helping students gain proficient thinking skills to overcome situations encountered in real life is a recent goal o f science educators. For example, in 1996, the United States National Science Education Standards attempted to emphasize to science teachers the

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importance o f engaging students in probtems that emphasize step-by-step procedures, initiate the primary basis o f thinking, and analyze a situation by using reasoning skills and creative abilities to link team ed knowledge with given knowledge to overcome a specific situation (NSES, 1996). These standards indicate that: Effective teachers continually create opportunities that challenge students and promote inquiry by asking questions. Altliough open exploration is useful for students when they encounter new materials and phenomena, teachers need to intervene to focus and challenge the students, or the exploration might not lead to understanding. Premature intervention deprives students o f the opportunity to confront problems and solutions, but intervention that occurs too late risks students fiustration. Teachers also must decide when to challenge students to make sense o f their experiences: at these points, students should be asked to explain, clarify, and critically examine and assess their work (p. 23). Therefore, educators have worked hard to create, develop, and introduce good science education programs especially at the elementary level, because through science and science education programs students can study the world and make sense o f it. A good science education program in elementary schools lets children experience the joy and excitement o f finding answers, solving problems, doing meaningful activities, posing and responding to thoughtful questions, and seeking answers by applying investigative techniques. Efforts to reinvent education in the sciences have been done over the ptist 25 years. Learning to learn became the major policy common to all countries that sought to transform science education. This new way o f teaching helped the student to know how

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3 to apply the ability to majnage and put science knowledge to work in resolving personal, social, and economic problems and issues (Hurd, 2000), Recently, inquiry learning has become a major goal o f instniction in science. As a goal this learning seeks to engage students in a proactive concept o f science information, one tliat has meaning in human affairs and is supported by curricula that can be experienced. The education challenge is a matter o f how to access, synthesize, codify and interpret science information into a working knowledge that can be used in personal and civic contexts, a lived curriculum (Hurd, 2000, p. 282). In spite o f almost a century o f thought and action, much science teaching still fails to result in students understanding and using science (Gallagher, 2000). This gap is widened if we take gender into consideration. As positive attitudes are the way to higher scores on achievement tests, numerous studies have suggested that many students, especially females, associate science with negative feelings and attitudes, which discourage them from continuing with science inquiry (Weinburgh, 2000). The end result is that both boys and girls come away from science courses at a high school or university with an understanding of, or a capability to use, science. So many students develop fear and dislike for science and a firm commitment not to study it further. Taking a look into most classrooms where science is taught at a school or university will show that memorization, not understanding, is the prominent operational goal. Most o f the instruction in science focuses on helping students amass information about scientific ideas through teacher lecture and student recitation, but neither foster the development of understanding o f these ideas, nor does typical instruction help them learn how to apply the concepts outside o f school in the real world in which they live. Gallagher (2000)

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stated that application o f knowled,ge is a central part o f learning because o f the following reasons: 1. Students identify practical applications o f concepts. 2. Application and experiences help the students make connections between concepts and real world experiences in ways that enrich their m derstanding o f the concepts. 3. Knowledge o f one set o f concepts forms the foundation for learning about other concepts. In this study, the researcher compared the impact o f traditional learning strategies and an inquiry learning strategy on students academic achievement and attitudes toward science. In Kuwait traditional learning consists o f teacher lecture and student recitation. While there are many inquiry methods, this study investigated the effects o f the 4-E learning cycle. An Overview o f the Educational System in the State o f Kuwait Kuwait is located at the northwestern corner o f the Arabian Gulf, i.e., at the northeast comer o f the Arabian Peninsula. On the east Kuwait is bounded by the Arabian Gulf. Saudi Arabia borders on the south and southwest. Its area is about 6200 square miles, with a population o f 2 million. Only 45 % o f the population are Kuwaitis, while the rest o f the population comes from over 120 different countries o f the world. Education represents the basic background for inclusive progress. The Kuwaiti government realized that human resources are the most important factor in the development o f the country. Productive output o f such realization leads to hasty progress in all educational stages beginning in kindergarten through to the university level

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(Ministry o f Planning, the Stale o f Kuwait, 1985), The government o f Kuwait is paying the utmost attention to this need by spending more than 12% o f its annual income on education. This philosophy is reflected in the following constitutional provisions, which define the role o f the state regarding the educational process: Article 10: The state cares for the young and protects them from exploitation and from moral, physical, and spiritual neglect. (The Constitution o f the State o f Kuwait, 1962, p, 7) Article 13: Education is a fundamental requisite for the progress o f society, assured and promoted by the state. (The Constitution o f the State o f Kuwait, 1962, p. 7) Article 40: Education is a right for Kuwaitis, guaranteed by the State in accordance with law and within the limits o f public policy and morals. Education, in its preliminary stages, shall be compulsory and free in accordance with law. Law shall lay down the necessary plan to eliminate illiteracy. The State shall devote particular care to the physical, moral, and mental development o f the youth. (The Constitution o f the State o f Kuwait, 1962, p.

Historically most schools in Kuwait were religiously oriented. The mosques played the greatest role in educating people in general, and youth in particular. At that time the m ain curriculum was the Holy Quran, basic mathematics, reading, and writing. In 1911, the first fonnal school, Al-Mubarakiah, was established. This school was supported by donations from merchants and tradei s. In 1921, the second public school, Al-Ahmadia, was established to serve more people and to increase the number o f subjects

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6 in the curriculum. In Al-Ahmadia school teachers began teaching the English language, besides other subjects such as history and geography. In 1936, a Board o f Education was founded. Since that date, there has been increased interest in education. The Board o f Education started its work by requesting qualified teachers from Palestine to develop and assist witli work in the schools. Formal female education started in 1937. Previously, women who were interested in teaching the Quran and literacy taught girls in their homes. By 1938, Kuwait had started sending students abroad for higlier studies. In 1942, secondary or high school education commenced. Today, females are taught the identical curriculum as males, but in separate female schools. Education in the modem sense started after the founding o f tlie Ministry o f Education immediately after Kuwaits independence in 1961. The states accepted the responsibility to provide free education to every Kuwaiti from kindergarten to the university level, including vocational and professional education. In 1965, a law was issued by the government adopting universal compulsory education for every Kuwaiti child up to age 18, which covers kindergarten, the elementary level, the intermediate level, and the secondary level. The educational systems educational ladder includes the following stages: 1. Kindergarten: A two-year course ages 4-6. 2. Elementary: A four-year course ages 6-10. 3. Intennediate: A four-year course ages 10-14.

4. Secondary: A four-year course ages 14-18. 5. University study at the University o f Kuwait.

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In addition to the above-mentioned stages, tliere are many institutions tliat accept students from both sexes either after the intermediate stage or after the seconda,ry stage such as: 1. Technical school, after the intennediate level. 2. Commercial Secondary school, after the intermediate level. 3. Religious Institute, after the secondary level 4. Commercial Institute, after the secondary level 5. Health Institute, after the secondary or the intennediate lev el 6. Special Education Institute. 7. Teacher Training Institute, after the secondary level 8. Technical and Vocational Institute, after the secondary level From the start, the Ministry o f Education was highly centralized. It directly controlled the schools and educational units. The system o f education and teaching in Kuwait was designed to employ traditional teaching approaches. In Kuwait lecture is the primary means o f delivering information to the students, making the classroom teacher centered. Johnson and Johnson (1983) state, In an individualistic (traditional) structured learning situation, students goal attainments are unrelated and independent; when one student achieves his or her goal, the goal attainment o f other students is unaffected (p. 324). As a result, traditional educators built the learning process based on a centralized teacher method such as lecture and recitation. To illustrate, Hwong, Caswell, Johnson, and Johnson (1993) state, Within individualistic learning situations, students receive assignments from the teacher, do not interact with each other, and request assistance only

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8 from the teacher and do not bother classmates (p. 56). The Ministry o f Education has followed the traditional methods by focusing on teacher-centered classroom,. Some educators adhere to a traditional system o f teaching due to its positive ejffects on students academic achievement. This method is considered positive because some educators believe that student achievement is best when content is predictable and manageable. Those educators prefer to let a student sit alone and try to solve his/her academic problem individually because they think that this individuality helps the student feel a part o f the problem; therefore, students will know what they need in order to figure out an appropriate solution to that problem. Although Kuwaiti educators aspire to improve their scientific knowledge and become current with the most recent developments, the traditional instructional methodology o f teacher lecture and student recitation has solid and empirical roots in the Kuwaiti science classrooms. This methodology places strong emphasis on the maximization o f time spent studying a subject. In fact, many Kuwaiti teachers think that elementary achievement is more o f a fimction o f time invested than o f critical analysis. Educators in Kuwait value the traditional method, but they also recognize the importance o f being globally competitive by using contemporary teaching methods. Because o f this, changes in Kuwaiti education are now becoming more evident. Many schools have begun to utilize new methods o f instruction, such as inquiry learning strategies, to produce students who are able to fulfill the essential purpose o f education in Kuwait, which is educating students as well as socializing them.

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The Pur|)ose o f the Study The major purpose o f the study was to detect the impact o f iiiqiiiry learning or traditional learning (lecture-recitalioii) strategies on students academic achievement and attitudes toward elementary science classes by answering the following question: To what extent do inquiry learning and traditional learning strategies affect students science achievement and attitudes in elementary science classes in the State o f Kuwait? The 4 -E learning cycle inquiry method was selected for this study because it seemed most capable o f helping students to conceptualize, problem solve, and apply learning through essential experiences that make connections between the students world and the larger real world. Other methods such as the scientific teaching method and Suchmans inquiry are considered methods o f inquiry. The 4-E learning cycle; however, is viewed as a better choice because it parallels the way a child develops in the way that it is structured. Significance o f the Study This study is significant because it applies a contemporary teaching style o f elementary science, namely, learning cycle inquiry leaming, to Kuwaiti classrooms, which have used a more traditional lecture-recitation approach in the past. The research has shown that in American classrooms, leaming cycle inquiry leaming methods result in better concept retention than the traditional lecture-recitation approach to teaching. This study sought to determine if the same results are trae in Kuwaiti schools. Also, this study compared the two methods o f teaching to examine their effectiveness in students academic achievement and attitudes in science classrooms. This study may provide data to the Ministry o f Education o f Kuwait that can be used as a basis for decisions regarding curriculum and instruction in elementary science

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classrooms in Kuwait. Further, if the results o f the use o f learning cycle inquiry leaming o r traditional lecture-recitation strategies are positively signiicaiit in regard to students academic achievement and attitudes, the researcher will suggest to the educatoi*s at the M inistry o f Education in Kuwait that the most effective strategies be used in teaching elementary science tltroughoiit the country. Thus, the fmdings o f tliis study may offer support to maintain the status quo or change the teacMng procedures o f elementary science in the State o f Kuwait in the future. Statement o f the Problem It must be emphasized that students academic achievement and attitudes are essential outcomes o f the educational system. Improvement in these outcomes can occur when teachers utilize the most effective teaching strategies. In Kuwait, traditional lecture-recitation instruction dominates science classes. Often, instruction centers on students memorizing and reciting material lectured by the instructors. Students usually sit in unmovable and uniform rows. Although this instructional approach is intended to enable students to understand scientific concepts, students neither creatively inquire about the subjects, nor are they able to explain or describe subjects other than in the same manner as they have been presented. Students end up as only passive listeners instead o f participants in the lessons. This study investigated two methods o f teaching: a science leaming cycle inquiry leaming method and traditional lecture-recitation learning, and the impact o f each on students academic science achievement and science attitudes. This study also investigated the differences in attitude toward and achievement in science between boys and girls in the State o f Kuwait.

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11 Research Questions The study investigated the following questions: 1. Are there significant differences between the leaming cycle and lecturerecitation methods in fourth grade on students academic achievement and attitudes toward science classes? 2. Are there significant differences between gender in the fourth grade on students academic achievement and attitudes toward science classes? 3. Is there an interaction between gender and tlie instractional methods used? Statistical Hypotheses Null Hypothesis Number One (H oi) There is no significant difference in students academic achievement and attitudes with respect to the methods o f teaching: traditional lecture-recitation leaming versus leaming cycle inquiry leaming. Altemative Hypothesis One ( H a I ) There is significant difference in students academic achievement and attitudes with respect to the methods o f teaching: traditional lecture-recitation learning versus leaming cycle inquiry leaming. Null Hypothesis Number Two (Ho2) There is no significant difference between the gender on students academic achievement and attitudes toward teaching science. Altemative Hypothesis Two (H a 2) There is significant difference between the gender on students academic achievement and attitudes toward teaching science.

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12 N ull Hypotheses Number Three (Ho3) There is no significant interaction between gender and the instractional methods used on students academic achievement and attitudes. Altemative Hypothesis Three (H a3) There is significant interaction between gender and the instmctional methods used on students academic achievement and attitudes. Assumptions 1. The size o f the sample was adequate for answering the proposed questions. 2. The collection procedures were appropriate and did not alter the study findings. 3. Respondents answered all questions trathfully. 4. Teachers had knowledge o f the difference between leaming cycle inquiry leaming and traditional lecture-recitation learning strategies. 5. The sample was satisfactory to represent the population. 6. The instructor did not present any bias towards any group or instructional style during the process o f instruction. 7. The instrument measured what it was designed to measure. Definition o f Terms Learning cycle: The Learning Cycle Approach is an inquiry-based teaching model derived from constructivist ideas o f the nature o f science, and the developmental theory o f Jean Piaget (Piaget, 1970). The leaming cycle is a method for developing and planning lessons, teaching, and leaming, which is based on ways o f thinking and acting that corresponds to the way a child learns. Developed from the original leaming cycle

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13 designed for the Science Curriculum Improvement Study (SCIS), the 4-E learning cycle includes; exploration, explanation, expansion, and evaluation as illustrated in the following figure. Figure LI The 4-E Learning Cycle

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Inquiry Based leaming strategies: Inquiry based leaming strategies involve students asking questions about science related subjects and their finding answers to those questions. It utilizes traditional scientific methods such as hypothesizing, interpreting, and theorizing. Hebrank (2000) defines inquiry based leaming strategies as follows: Inquiry based leaming is a way o f acquiring knowledge through the process o f inquiry. In inquiry based leaming, students either ask their own questions or are posed a question by the teacher. In the fomier case the question concerns a topic the students wish to team about, and in the latter case the question concems a topic the teacher wishes students to leam about. Regardless o f the source o f the question, inquiry based learning requires that

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students play a major role in answering the question. This can occur tlirough designing and executing controlled experiments, making measurements and observations, or building and testing models, (p .l) Martin, Sexton, Wagner, and Gerlovich (1997) state that children are able to inquire when they are given hands-on learning opportunities, appropriate materials to manipulate, puzzling circumstances or problems for motivation, enough structure to help them focus or maintain a productive direction, and enough freedom to compare ideas and make personal learning discoveries. Traditional learning strategies: Traditional learning strategies refer to teacher lecture and student recitation. This strategy gives students the opportunities to do their tasks in science class without interaction. Lecture-recitation learning is a teaching style that is widely utilized in the State o f Kuwait. It involves a large amount o f memorization and working out well-defined problems. Further, Johnson, Johnson, and Holubec (1986) point out a definition for lecture-recitation learning strategies as follows: Students work by themselves to accomplish learning goals unrelated to those o f other students. Individual goals are assigned each day, students efforts are evaluated on a fixed set o f standards, and rewards are given accordingly. Academic achievement: Academic achievement is the outcome that students acquire after the leaming process. It is measured by the score attained on the achievement tests designed by die researcher. According to (Johnson, 1992) achievement refers to the traditional indices o f the degree to which a student has encountered success in school. They may include school grades, grade point average, rank in a class, scores on standardized achievement and aptitude tests, and other scaled indicators used within the school setting to document and report the level o f academic progression.

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Attitude: Attitudes are defined as: predisposition or tendency to react specifically

towards an object, situation, or value: usually accompanied by feelings and emotions; attitudes cannot be directly observed but must be inferred from overt behavior, both verbal and nonverbal (Good, 1973, p. 49). Attitudes are what students bring to the table when they take a science class, Martin (1984) talks about three main factors in regard to the importance o f student attitudes. 1. The students attitude carries with it a mental state o f readiness. 2. Attitudes are not innate or inborn. 3. Attitudes result ftom experience, which act as factors that guide a child when he or she enters into a new experience. These factors then affect the students outcomes. Limitations o f the Study The system o f education in Kuwait is not co-education. The researcher separately selected two fourth grade classes from boys schools and two fourth grade classes from girls schools. This study examined existing fourth grade students and science teachers in the State o f Kuwait. Also, the study was limited to the following: 1. Four intact fourth grade science classes consisting o f approximately one hundred and twenty elementary students were selected from elementary schools in the State o f Kuwait. 2. Two elementary science teachers were selected randomly from the schools o f the state o f Kuwait in different locations to participate in the study. 3. Kuwaiti students were between 9~ 11 years old.

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4. The sample o f students were chosen from existing schools, so there was not be a random sample. 5. The pre- and posttest utilized paper and pencil, 6. The students were selected from same city (Kuwait City). 7. There were approximately 30 male students in each existent classroom. G irls classrooms were used or selected in the same fashion. Outline o f the Study This chapter provides an introduction o f the study, including an overview o f the educational system in Kuwait, the purpose o f the study, the significance o f the study, a statement o f the problem, research questions, hypotheses, assumptions, a definition o f terms, and the studys limitations. Chapter Two provides a review o f related literature. It consists o f two main divisions: learning cycle inquiry leaming strategies and lecture-recitation traditional leaming strategies. In addition, each main division is divided into two parts: the effect on students academic achievement and the effect on students attitudes. Chapter Three provides a description o f the methodology o f the research, including an introduction, a statement ofhypotheses, the variables, population, subjects, setting, instraments, the data collection procedure, the data analysis procedure, and the validity and reliability o f the instraments. Chapter Four details the results o f the study, including descriptive statistics o f the studys findings and data analysis.

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Chapter Five concludes with a summary o f the findings o f this study. Discussion and recommendations are also shown in this closing chapter, which is followed b y references and appendixes.

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CHAPTER TWO Literature Review Introduction Science educators have developed and advocated different instructional strategies, each designed to improve the quality o f leaming and its outcome. The effectiveness o f these strategies and their impact on students attitudes are still under debate due to the complexity and richness o f the leaming process as well as the natural human tendencies. For years the dominant practice o f teaching science focused on the teachers lectures and uses o f textbooks. The notion was that once the students saw problems solved, memorized material and mastered some techniques, concept attainment was achieved. As the results o f science teaching research accumulated, it became apparent that this strategy was, to some extent, misleading to students understanding. This resulted in the evolution o f alternative teaching strategies. For example, more emphasis has been placed on cognitive procedures such as uses o f advance organizers, explicit teaching, and mastery leaming that facilitate students thinking to overcome a situation. Bruner (1973) suggested such an approach in his discovery model o f teaching in which broad principles and problem solving abilities were developed through maximum student involvement and less teacher help. Bruner wanted students to discover regularities and patterns that shape the principle that they are studying in order to integrate different elements that produce a natural phenomenon. Bruners new perspective soon evolved into learning through inquiry processes in order to make conceptual discoveries. Welch et al. (1981) pointed out that in an inquiry-based classroom there is a time for doing, a time for reflection, a time for feeling, and a time for

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19 assessm,ent. When a teacher divides the lesson into these categories, then better concept attainment will be achieved by the students. Von Seeker and Lissitz (1999) state that a teachers role in the classroom is to provide opportunities for active investigation and to serve as a facilitator for student reflection and critical thinking. In a science classroom, teachers must stimulate and encourage students to analyze structurally the subject in order to create for themselves a logical representation o f the given data and the ideas extracted from them. The teacher then has two main roles; to provide students the opportunities to engage socially in talk about shared problems or tasks, and to serve as a mediator for social discourse and then to lead the students to conventional science ideas. Students must develop the ability to build an understanding based on logic in order to overcome a situation or to start working on a science problem. The theory is that when students successfully overcome a science situation, they acquire a sufficient degree o f understanding about the concept. As the role o f technology has increased, new teaching strategies have emerged. Von Seeker and Lissitz (1999) also stated that teaching accompanied by demonstration helps strengthen students understanding o f science phenomena. Demonstrations have become important cognitive aids that reflect real-life scientific concepts and laws. Global competition within the educational field, both in the U.S. and elsewhere, has gradually increased. This competition has caused educators to focus on developing their teaching strategies in schools in order to create students who are better able to compete. Flynn (1995) states that we are told that the United States faces a crisis in global competition and that if we do not do a better job o f preparing our children for the

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20 new world order we will lose our preeminent economic statue. Teachers are thus instructed to better prepare students for the new world o f work (p. 53), In order to successfully prepare young people and to develop appropriate curricula for the new world competition, educators should be aware o f the new demands o f m odem life. Teaching strategies, which are important components in developing curriculum, should move parallel with the developmental world outside schools to produce students who are able to adjust to m odeni life and work to improve quality o f life in their country. Usnick, Lamphere, and Bright (1995) stated that most teachers.. .need to adjust to a new learning environment and a new teaching one (p. 11). All the evidence shows that the world is changing, and as a result, many facets o f our lives may need to change in order for us to successfully adapt to the new century. Processes o f inquiry accommodate tliese needs brought on by a rapidly changing world. World change should primarily serve the human being. Education, economics, politics, and media are factors that impact human life. One o f the most important factors that educators should consider is the educational environment. The educational environment can be affected by the teaching strategies that teachers use in their classrooms to help students gain meaningful knowledge and develop their skills. If educators are concerned with developing human life, they should give great attention to teaching strategies to produce strong competent individuals who are capable o f moving parallel with global change and competition. Dewey (1996) stated that the best way to teach our young generation lessons about life is by placing them in real situations to have meaningful experiences. He asserted that the only training that becomes intuition, is that gotten through life itself

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21 (p. ! 7). The more teaching strategies reflect real life in society, the more they will assist students to adjust themselves to an industrial modem life by being able to use their skills appropriately and by achieving their role as citizens in the best possible manner. These intuitive principles o f learning are faster through natural inquiry-based cycles o f leaming, commonly called le<irning cycles. This chapter presents an overview o f both traditional lecture-recitation and leaming cycle inquiry leaming strategies, particularly as they assist students in improving their academic achievement and attitudes toward science. Research for this chapter will include ail school-age students through college level. Traditional Leaming Strategies The traditional instractional method o f teacher lecture and student recitation emphasizes direct lectures given by teachers, the use o f textbooks, other materials, and clear explanations o f important concepts to students; occasional demonstrations and a review o f the textbook topics also may be included. The key feature o f this teacheroriented instruction is to provide students with clear and detailed instructions and explanations. The teacher undertakes the task o f transferring the knowledge to students and students give back (recite) what they have memorized (leamed) (Chang and Mao, 1998). A typical approach o f most traditional science lessons, which rely on teachercentered methods, consists o f lectures, readings, questions and students answers. These approaches are often limited to the information provided by the adopted textbook and assume tltal: students should mainly pay attention to the teacher. However, this way o f learning gives students a mainly passive role as receivers and raeraorizers o f information

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22 rather than as active seekers of answers to important scientific questions (Martin, Sexton, and Gerlovich, 2001). Lecture and recitation focuses on mastery (memorization) o f content. There is minimal emphasis on the development o f problem-solving skills and the nurturing o f inquiring attitudes. The current teacher centered system o f education focuses on giving out information about what is known. The teacher is the dispenser o f information and the students are the receivers. Most o f the time, assessment o f the learner is focused on the importance o f one right answer. This kind o f traditional education is more conceraed within school success and preparation for the next grade level than with helping students learn how to leam. In a traditional lecture-recitation classroom the use o f resources is limited to what is available in the classroom or within the school. They tend to be closed systems where information is filtered to unrelated concepts. Students may spend a lot o f time leaming about technology rather than using it to enhance learning. Using the whole-class approach, lesson plans organize the various steps in the leaming process with no room for change. On-target questions that would cause deviations from the plan are met with, we will get to that later (Disney Leaming Partnership [DLP], 2001). M ost schools using lecture-recitation focus on teaching a set o f basic knowledge and skills that may not serve the needs o f modem society. Traditionally, schools emphasize the accumulation o f information, and may not emphasize skill development or nurturing inquiry-based habits o f mind (DLP, 2001). Modem society is fester paced, globally networked, technologically oriented, and requires workers who can solve problems and think critically. Much leaming, if not most, occurs after formal schooling.

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23 It is believed that schools that rely on lecture-recitation liave to change their approach to education to produce students who can progress in the modem world. The traditional focus o f education is no longer appropriate. Because the world has changed, things like the traditional local apprenticeships are almost gone. Students must master new ways o f acting and thinking. Our society is becoming increasingly larger and more diverse. Students m ust develop an understanding about the complexities o f modern life and be able to deal with new ethical and practical issues. The young must be educated, so they can participate as responsible members in todays society. Effect on Students Academic Achievement In order to examine the effect o f traditional learning strategies on students academic achievement, Olagunju and Balogun (1991) studied the effect o f participating in laboratory and lecture teaching methods on Nigerian eighth grade students cognitive achievement in integrated science. A sample o f 210 class-two (grade 8) students from six randomly selected classes from six Nigerian schools was divided into two (experimental and control) groups. Data were collected using an achievement test for Integrated Science Students developed by the authors. Student ability was measured by tests secured from the Department o f Teacher Education. In analyzing the data, an analysis o f covariance was employed. T-test statistics were also used to determine significant differences between means o f different groups. They note that high achievers in both groups had identical achievement, but the low achievers in the laboratory sections performed better than students who received only lectures. They also found that females receiving lectures perfonned better than the males receiving lectures.

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24 A later rneta-analysis by Edwin, John, and Robert (1997) compared the academic achievement o f sixth grade students through twelve who received traditional instruction or traditional instruction supplemented with computer-assisted instruction (CAI) in science, reading, music, special education, social studies, math, vocational education, and English. In their study, they determined that students receiving traditional instruction supplemented with CAI attained higher academic achievement. These researchers also recommended using traditional instruction enhtmced with CAI. Edward (1985) conducted a study in an attempt to detemaine if students leam science concepts better when laboratories are used to verify concepts already introduced through lectures and textbooks. The researcher specifically examined whether seventh grade earth science students (N=103) introduced to science concepts through laboratory exercises, followed by textbook readings and classroom discussions, learned and retained these concepts better than students who had the concepts introduced through textbook readings or teachers lectures followed by laboratories verification. He also examined whether these students had a stronger preference for science than the latter group o f students. The results o f this study indicated that students did experience greater achievement and retention when directed inquiry leaming laboratories were used to introduce new concepts than they did when the same concepts were taught using the laboratory activities for verification. In their study, Joseph and James (1985) investigated the effects o f analogy-based and conventional lecture-based instmclional strategies on the achievement o f four classes o f high school biology students (N=123). Prior to treatment, students were assessed for cognitive ability and prior knowledge o f the analogy vehicle. The analogy-based

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treatment consisted o f teacher lecture and student examination o f analogy text, diagrams, and charts comparing target information to an analogous domain. On the other hand, the conventional lecture-based instruction involved didactic teacher presentation of target concepts supplemented with reading assignments from the regular textbook. The researchers findings indicated that analogy based instructional methods appetir to enhance student perfoimance relative to conventional lecture-based instruction o f the digestive, nervous, and circulatory systems; in addition, both concrete and transitional/formal operational, students benefited from analogy-based instruction. With both treatments, transitional/formal operational students tended to show higher achievement than concrete operational students; concrete operational students receiving analogy-based instruction scored higlter than transitional/formal operational students receiving conventional lecture-based instruction. Students who comprehended analogies showed significantly higher achievement over those who did not comprehend them. Effect on Students Attitudes No studies have been found to support the use o f traditional learning strategies to empower student attitudes toward science. In order to see the effect o f traditional leaming strategies on students attitudes toward science, Ernest and John (1984), studied the enhancement o f student values, interest and attitudes in earth science through a fieldoriented approach. They found that students who experienced a field-oriented laboratory approach had higher affective scores (related to levels o f importance, interest, and enjoyment associated with the leaming experience) than students in a traditional laboratory setting.

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Furthermore, in order to detennine the differences between lecturedemonstration and small-group laboratory approaches on students (N=74) chemistry achievement and attitudes toward science, Harold and Nasser (1983) indicated that students taught by the laboratory approach perfonned better on immediate/delayed post test thaji students taught by the lecture-demonstration method. Thus, students taught by the laboratory approach reported more desirable attitudes. Inquirv Learning Strategies There must be benefits o f using a specific strategy o f teaching in order to improve students academic achievement and attitudes towaid science. In the National Researcli Councils A Guide For Teaching and Learning (2000), it is stated that inquiry has had a role in school science programs for the last hundred years. Before 1900, most educators viewed science as a body o f knowledge that students were supposed to learn through direct instruction. In 1909, John Dewey criticized this by addressing the American Association for the Advancement o f Science. He stated that science is more than a body o f knowledge to be learned. Dewey asserted that there is a process or method to leam as well (p. 14). Inquiry-leaming is a method o f teaching that many educators encourage teachers to use because it positively impacts students abilities and helps them deal with science successfully. In Science fo r All Children, published by the National Academy o f Sciences (1997), the following is stated: Science is the process by which we discover how the world works, a rvay o f thinking.. .the method by which the creative mind can constract order out o f chaos and unity out o f variety. It: is a process in w'hich children have been engaged

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virtually since they were bom, and it is rnin'ored effectively in inquiry-centered science programs (p. 14). Inquiry based leaminig is not a new method ofteacliing, and students should already be familiar with its components. Science fo r All Children (1997) also states that, according to National Science Education Standards, inquiry leaming promotes student-centered instruction and advances the learning environment in the classroom. Inquiry involves: making observations; posing questions; examining books and other sources o f information to see what is already known; planning investigations; reviewing w hat is already known in light o f experimental evidence; using tools to gather, analyze, and interpret data; proposing answers, explanations, and predictions; and communicating results (p. 8). By using the inquiry-learning atmosphere, educators play their roles o f facilitator or directors in the classrooms. Center stage is given to the actions and understanding o f the students, who are an integral part o f the leaming process, as they construct meaning from different learning experiments and participate in the learning situations to derive the best ideas from them. However, a definition o f inquiry leaming strategies is illustrated by Martin, Sexton, Wagner, and Gerlovich (1997) as follows: Inquiry means the use o f the processes o f science, scientific knowledge, and attitudes to reason and to think critically. As described by the standards, inquiry assists in constructing an understanding o f scientific concepts, leaming how to learn, becoming an independent and life-long learner, and further developing the habits o f mind associated with science. Learning outcomes for the inquiry dimension require students to be able to understand inquiry and do a variety o f

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28 types o f science activities in order to learn the uses and skills o f inquiry and develop a greater capacity to inquire (p. 131-132). Thus, when students are exposed to sets o f data from a certain discipline such as mathematics or science, they organize the data into conceptual systems, relating points in the data to each other; generalizing from relationships they discover; and making inferences to hypothesize, predict, and explain phenomena. Mental operations cannot be taught directly in the sense o f being given by a teacher or be acquired by absorbing someone elses thought products. The teacher can, however, assist students by providing tasks requiring complex mental processtxs, by modeling, and by offering progressively less direct support as the kids become more proficient (Joyce & Weil, 1996 p. 149). I'herefore, the need to improve methods o f instraction to promote higher levels o f academic achievement and the learners attitudes is one o f the primary goals in the educational field today. It is important to evaluate the methods o f teaching that educatore use in the classrooms in order to select the most effective method and enable students to improve their learning. In the 1960s, methods using inquiry teaching and learning were developed for the Science Curriculum Improvement Study. Consisting originally o f three steps; exploration, concept invention, and application, a fourth step was added to agree with todays emphasis on accountability. The 4-E leaming cycle is an example o f an updated version o f this original leaming cycle and can be best explained by the following

1. Encouraging student centered exploration where students can interact with each other and the materials. 2. Providing teacher/student interactions to form or invent the concept through

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29 explanation. 3. An expansion where students can expand their understanding o f the concept. 4. Providing an evaluation, which occurs either formally or informally tliroughout the learning cycle (Martin, Sexton, and Gerlovich, 2001). Effect on Students Academic Achievement Recent science education standards in the U.S. propose that all students should both learn about scientific inquiry and leam science through inquiry (NRC, 1996). During the late 1980s and early 1990s, a resurgence in the development o f elementary science curricula occurred which emphasized the use o f hands -on /minds-on developmentally appropriate activities. Despite that fact, hands-on activity based elementary science programs, which were developed in the 1960s and 1970s, have fallen out o f favor because they are expensive and difficult to secure and maintain. These types of hands-on activities however, led to increased science achievement and cognitive development (Koballa, 1986). In addition, a quantitative study by Shymansky, et. ai.(1983) showed that students taught by hands-on methods outperformed students in traditional programs. Rubin and Tamir (1988) also concluded that the performance o f ninth graders students (N~135) who received the inquiry-learning strategy was significantly and substantially better than that o f the eleventh graders who did not receive the treatment. The results o f the post-tests were analyzed by studying the covariance holding the pre-test scores constant. The results o f their study clearly indicated the feasibility o f the strategy for most ninth grade students. While the advance organizer was found to be more effective in terms o f achievement for average and below average students, practically all students liked the inquiry learning strategy.

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30 Studying students at the community college level who were under-prepared, Biermaiin and Sarinsky (1990) found that students in the hands-on curriculum group perfomted better in subsequent biology classes because the techniques used in the curriculum foster the intellectual and practical skills necessary for mainstreaming. The students also developed self-confidence in their abilities to adequately compete with their peers. Therefore, the curriculum based upon hands-on experiences o f a concrete nature appeared to work better with under-prepared students. Schniieder and Michael-Dyer (1991) found that national studies conceniing teaching and leaming in elementary schools indicated that more active learning with hands-on opportunities to make meaning was needed for students. Research on the use o f hands-on/minds on science teaching technique has indicated a positive effect upon achievement (Mattheis & Nakayama, 1988; Brooks, 1988; vSaunders & Shepardson, 1984; Bredderman, 1982). Focusing on the effects o f new cumculum, Shymansky, Kyle, atid Alport (1983) reported a meta-analysis o f the i mpact o f the NSF reform inquiry-based science curricula on student performance, and they found that the science curricula improved students science achievement and process skills, as well as their attitudes toward science. Furthemiore, Shymansky, Hedges, and Woodworth (1990) employed refined statistical procedures to re-synthesize the previously mentioned research and indicated that mean effects on four performance clusters (achievement, process skills, problem solving, and attitude) were significantly positi ve. Wise and Okey (1983) also found the strongest effects for biology and weakest for earth science in a meta-analysis o f the effects o f various teaching strategies on student achievement.

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Chang and Mao (1998) conducted a study to examine the effects o f an inquiry based instructional method on secondary school students earth science achievement. Students (N=232) were treated as two experimental groups; one receiving 2 weeks o f the inquiry-based instruction while the control group received the traditional lecturerecitation instruction. The data in this study was analyzed employing an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) on post-test scores with a pretest as the covariate. After only two weeks o f receiving inquiry -based instruction, the result o f their achievement investigation revealed that the experimental group achieved significantly belter than their counteiparts receiving the more traditional approach. They also stated the superiority o f inquiry -based instruction over that o f the traditional teaching method in promoting science achievement. The science process skills o f students were improved through the inquiry-based instructions emphasis on these particular skills. The difference in students learning o f earth science was thus reflected in the overall achievement between the treatment and control group. Moreover, the results o f this study also supported the notion that teachers need to encourage students to develop their inquiry skills as early as possible in the educational system in order to promote science leaming in the classroom (Chang and Mao, 1998). Johnson and Lawson (1998) point out the conclusion that they reached by using pre-post tests after their treatment o f using inquiry-leaming (learning cycle) methods on 366 students (242 females and 124 males) enrolled in a one-semester nonmajors in a college biology classroom: that the students would be better served by courses that teach by inquiry and focus on the development o f scientific reasoning and the acquisition o f fewer concepts. They found that inquiry students in their study not only showed greater

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32 improvement in reasoning ability during the semester than expository students, but they also did better in measures o f biology achievement. In other words, nothing o f importance seems to be lost by switching to inquiry instruction, and much seems to be gained, Aldridge, Lawrenze, and Huffman (1997) conducted a study o f the National Science Teachers Associations Scope, Sequence and Coordination project- SS&C, which involved a strong hands-on, inquiry -oriented study o f four sciences; physics, chemistry, biology, and the earth and space sciences on ninth and tenth grade student achievement. The SS&C students either matched the performance o f the comparison studejits, or outperformed them on achievement measures, which matched the NSESs. Specifically, on the hands-on lab skills test, SS&C students had higher scores on two o f the five lab stations; on the 160-item multiple choice scientific literacy test, students in both groups performed equally well. Chang and Mao (1998) conducted another study to detail two companion studies that were designed to investigate the impacts o f an inquiry-teaching method on earth science students achievement and attitudes towards earth science in secondary schools. After eight weeks o f inquiry -oriented instruction, the experimental group had significantly higher science achievement scores among ninth grade earth science students than did the control group. They also stated that the hands-on and mind activities used during the inquiry-oriented instruction seemed to enhance earth science content achievement, 'fhey provided students with first-hand experience in doing science and opportunities to collect and interpret data and to make valid conclusions. Chang and M aos study suggested that it can be beneficial for students to leam science through the

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inquiry approach. 1'he researchers supported the idea that the inquiry -oriented teaching method should be used as a primary vehicle to assist the learning o f earth science in secondary schools. They also believed that effective instruction in earth science, such as the inquiry - oriented instruction, should emphasize student-centered activities instead o f teacher-centered lectures in secondary schools. The use o f technology has also been investigated as it relates to inquiry-based leaming. M aors (1991) study involved investigating the extent to which students inquiry skills can be facilitated through the use o f a computerized science database (Birds o f die Antarctica) and specially designed cuiTiculuni materials. This research study involved 122 students in seven Applied Computing classes. Students responded to the Inquiry Skills Test, designed especially for the study, as both a pre-test and a post-test. The researcher pointed out that an increase in students levels o f thinking and the use o f higher-level inquiry sldlls occurred mainly in classes where teachers initiated discussions and where negotiations o f meaning became an integral part o f the learning processes. In these classes, students were also able to generate higher-level questions and design complex investigations while interacting with the database. The classes also were characterized by significant gains in achievement as measured by the inquiry skills tests. Examining junior high school students achievement and attitudes toward earth science in Taiwan, Chang and Mao (1999) conducted another study to examine the comparative efficiency o f inquiry -gr oup instruction and traditional teaching methods. After the four-week intervention o f inquiry- group instruction, the experituental group scored significantly higher gains on the Earth Science Achievement test than did comparable students in the traditional lecture group. They came up with a conclusion

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34 that inquiry-group instriiclioii was superior in promoting students achievement and attitudes toward earth science because the treatment enabled students to plan their own investigations, gather and inteqjret data, analyze results, and share findings with their classmates. Tliey noted that the students exposed to inquiry group instruction had the opportunity to solve problems in a group, to share information, and to reflect on their inferences through small-group activities and discussions. The science process skills emphasized in this study also helped the experimental group icarn the earth scieirce content better than the control group. In addition, Chang and Mao support the idea that the inquiry group approach enhances the study o f earth science more effectively than does a more traditional teaching method. They discovered that students who worked cooperatively performed better than Uiose who worked alone. Therefore, one may infer that the inquiry group approach encourages students to work cooperatively in small groups and therefore helps students to actively construct their own meaningful learning experience. Joseph, Ron, Phyllis, Elliot, and Barry (2000) were involved in a reform effort in collaboration with the Detroit Public Schools Urban Systemic Program in Science and Mathematics and the Center for Learning Technologies in Urban Schools, both supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Their goal was to make inquii-y-based science, which was supported by pervasive technology tools, the basis for all middle school science in the district. Using pre and post-tests, motivation surveys, student artifacts, and interviews assessed the study. The researchers found that student performance was improved throughout the implementation o f all o f the LeTlJS projects. These curriculum projects have impacted over 2,000 students yearly across the middle

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grades. They also reported that urban middle school students leamed from an inquirybased science curriculum supported by technology. The achievement gains were found in all four rich curricula units across both years in the overall scores and in the contentbased scores. The scientific process scores improved in most o f the cum cula as well. tk.ith genders also seem to learn equally well under inquiry-based learning. Dalton, Rawson, Tivnaii, and Morocco (1993) presented the results o f their study, which was about: the comparison o f the effects o f gender on fourth-grade students leaming in hands-on science. In their study half o f the teachers used a supported-inquiry approach, and half used activity-based science to teach a hands-on science unit on electricity over a si:x.-week period. Each group completed twelve leaming experiences. They found that there were no gender effects on the pre-test, post-test, or assessment modality. M anhart (1998) conducted a study to investigate gender differences with regard to three factors o f scientific literacy. The result o f his study indicates that males tended to perfonn better than females in the constructs o f the science factor. On the other hand, females tended to do better than males on the abilities necessary to do a scientific inquiry factor and the social aspects o f the science factor. Effect on Students Attitudes M any studies, especially those written twenty or tliiity years earlier, noted the difficulty o f measuring students attitudes. This difficulty was due to the shortage o f valid instruments to detemiine students emotional reactions toward an event or subject. The difficulty in measuring attitudes was reduced in the mid-1970s when more than one suitable instrument to measure attitude was found. For example, Hough and Piper (1982)

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used six statements that subjects responded to by circling yes, 1 do not know, or no to detennine tlieir attitudes toward science lessons. The progress in measuring attitudes has opened the door for researchers to study an irnportant issue in education: Can teaching approaches change students attitudes toward science? Besides understanding how teaching strategies or approaches interact with students attitudes towttrd science, the outcome o f that relationship may be linked to another important element: student achievement. Some studies have been done to find out if teaching strategies affect students attitudes in science. Khale (1985) points out that teaching strategies significantly impact improvement o f the attitudes that boys and girls possess toward science and raise their level o f science achievement. This American study showed that classrooms in which visual simulations were integrated improved students attitudes and interests in biology. Kyle, Bomistetter, and Gadsen (1988) evaluated the effectiveness o f an inquirybased process approach science program in grades K-6 when compared with traditional science programs. After its first year o f implementation, they found that students in the process approach classes exhibited positive attitudes in science, developed advanced questioning techniques, as well as increased their level o f curiosity and their experiences (Kyle et a l, 1988). As a result, forty-three percent o f the students in this study chose science as their first or second favorite subject. This contrasts with only twenty-one percent from among students not included in the program who stated such claims. Some other conclusions o f this study were that the students involved realized tliat their teachers valued their questions. The students also realized that through their inquiries they could develop a feeling o f successfulness. Attitudes o f girls were also more positive to science.

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Most importantly, students began to feel that science was useftil in ttieir daily lives attd their future. Hauiy (1993) also conducted a review, which concluded that inquiryorientated teaching can result in outcomes that include scientific literacy, familiarity with science processes, vocabulary knowledge, conceptual understanding, critical thinking, and positive attitudes towards science. According to National Science Education Standards (NSES, 1996): Scientific literacy has ditTerent degrees and fomis; it expands and deepens over a lifetime, not just during the years in school. But the attitudes and values established toward science in the early years will shape a persons development o f scientific literacy as an adult (p.22). 'fherefore, the development o f hands-on/mind-on activities had as its pmpose the enhancement and perpetuation o f the natural curiosity young children bring to the classroom. Aldridge, Lawrenze, and Huffman (1997) point out in their study, the high school reform project Scope, Sequence, and Coordination that there was an indication that the SS&C students found their science classes more motivating than comparison classes. Specifically, more SS&C students than comparison students indicated that their science class was motivating and that they had a totally awesome scientific experience in their class. In 1987, the Chesliire Public Schools reviewed their curriculum. They found the existing textbook-based science program to be very dated and boring for what they felt was a very dynamic subject. To remedy this problem, they spent the next six months developing a mission, statement, a rationale for teaching science, a plan for identifying, developing and piloting curricular materials, and a rationale for staff development and

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38 program implementation. The following year the Science Quest program was piloted in selected elementary classrooms. Kyle, Bonnsietler, Sedotti, and Dvarskas (198S)) note that after only one year o f the pilot project. Science Quest students possessed significantly enhanced attitudes toward science, when compared to their counteiparts in control classrooms, as measured by the preferences and understanding attitude questionnaire. 'I'heir data also supported the fact that elementary students have a preference for inquiry-oriented, process-approach science. They also revealed that over sixty percent o f Science Quest students selected science as their first or second favorite subject in school. On the other hand, only thirty-five percent o f the control students indicated a similar preference. In their study, which was designed to investigate tlie impacts o f an inquiry teaching method on ninth grade earth science students (N -557) and attitudes toward earth science in secondary schools. Chang and Mao (1998) also support the claim that inquirylearning is more effective. Quantitative data were collected on students pre-and post treatment achievement and attitudes toward Earth science measures. By using analysis o f covariance they found that students in the experimental group showed and developed significantly more positive attitudes toward earth science than did those in the control group. According to this study, students can leam earth science through the inquiry approach. In addition, this finding supports the notion that effective instruction o f earth science, such as inquiry-oriented instruction, should be proposed and implemented in secondary schools. In an effort to improve students interests in. science and science courses, Avi (1986) conducted a study to evaluate students attitudes toward science relative to a two-

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39 chemistry curriculum. These curricula were Chemistry for High Schools (CFH), and Qiem istry-A Challenge (CAC), the latter o f which was mainly based on inquiry techniques, concept formation, and laboratory investigation. The sample o f this study consisted o f 1958 students from 52 lO" grade classes in 17 academic high schools. An achievement pre-and post-test and semantic-differential questionnaire were used in this study by the researcher. The data in this study were analyzed employing a Multi Variate Analysis o f Covariate (MANCOVA) on post-test scores with a pre-test as the covariate. The major findings o f this study indicated that: 1. CAC students tendency to choose science as a future career was significantly higher than that o f CFH students. 2. CAC students appreciation o f scientists in general and chemists in particular was significantly higher than that o f CFH students. 3. Chemistry and science were considered by CAC students to be significantly more important and attractive than by CFH students. 4. CAC students regaixled chemistry as a school subject to be more interesting, more important, and less difficult than CFH students. This study concluded that a curriculum geared to the needs and interests o f students can help in developing positive attitudes towards science. Many studies have been done on the effect o f gender on students attitude toward science. For example, one study shows that males have a more positive attitude toward science, are more highly motivated to achieve in science, and more likely to select science courses as electives in high school (Hykle, 1993). Simpson and Oliver (1985) stated that although females show general in the school environment, males me

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40 more highly motivated to achieve and have better attitudes towards science. However, the most important finding in their study was the fact that males exhibited more positive attitude toward science, while female students were more highly motivated to achieve in science. Kahie, Matyas, and Cho (1985) noted that boys more often than girls participated in extracurricular science activities, but they also found that girls generally had a more positive view o f science if they have had more experiences in science. Kahle and Lakes (1983) stated that when boys and girls are paired to do science experiments, tlie boys do most o f the work while the girls watch. They felt that educational practices can alleviate this and other pervasive cultural differences. Shaw and Doan (1990) in their study to investigate the difference in attitude and achievement toward science between boys and girls in grade two and in grade five. They indicated that there were no significant differences between the elementary boys and girls attitudes toward or achievement in science as a school subject. Paris, Yambor, and Packard (1998) conducted a study to assess the effects o f a six-week extracurricular hands-on science program in third, fourth, and fifth graders using portfolio artifacts, inquiry-guided exploration, and socially assisted learning. They found significant increases in students interest in science and significant improvement in their problem-solving skills at all grade levels. The study showed that girls had more positive attitudes about science and higher problem-solving skills than boys. Clearly, the Hands-On Biology program fostered more positive attitudes about participating in science activities for both short-and long-term goals and for activities both in and out of school. Fiulhemiore, on cognitive measures, students showed significant learning gains

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41 on the problem-solving questions, which indicates that they improved fiindamental thinking skills such as hypotheticodeductive reasoning, comparing and contrasting, and question generating. Weinburgh (2000) also found that females have more positive attitudes toward the teacher and the value o f science to society and are less anxious. Males were found to have more positive attitudes toward their self-concept in science, enjoyment o f science, and motivation in science. A Comparison o f the Effect o f Inquiry Learning and Traditional Learning Strategies on Students Academic Achievement and Attitudes Toward Science The traditional mode o f science instniction is to deliver information; that is, knowledge is transmitted from those who know (the teacher and the textbook) to those who do not (the students) (Victor & Kellough, 2000). In this delivery mode, traditional and time-honored strategies include textbook reading, formal teacher talk (the lecture and questioning), and informal teacher talk (the discussion and recitation). However, being told about science without being allowed to do science is like learning the alphabet without being encouraged to put letters together to make words (Victor & Kellough,

According to Martin, Sexton, and Gerlovich (2001), texts and lectures are not all bad. They do present important science information that is useful in addressing some o f the National Science Education Standards content. Complete reliance upon textbooks; however, usually means students will be deprived o f other worthy science education goals relevant to understanding the history and nature o f science, developing science inquiry .skills, and understanding personal, technological, and societal issues. Their study also revealed that teacher-centered methods work well with science textbooks. In

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42 addition to the teacher, the single most influential factor in most elementary science programs is the textbook. The selection o f an atspropriate textbook and tlie effective use o f it can improve students achievement, skills, attitudes, and help to encourage learners to make progress toward the national standards (p.60-62). Victor & Kellough (2000) illustrated the strengths and weaknesses o f the traditional delivery and inquiry learning which they named access mode. Furthennore, the strengths o f the traditional delivery mode are found in the ability to cover much content in a short span o f time, the teachers complete control o f the content, student achievement o f specific content being predictable and manageable, and the strategies being consistent with performance-based teaching. On the other hand, Victor & Kellough (2000) describe the weaknesses o f the traditional delivery mode such as extrinsic sources o f student motivation, little control by students over the pacing o f their learning, few important decisions about their learning, little opportunity for creative thinking, and low self-esteem. However, Victor & Kellough (2000) also discuss the strengthens and weaknesses o f the access mode which they name inquiry learning. First o f all, they believe that the student should understand the material more than memorizing it as one o f the strengths o f inquiry learning. In the inquiry learning classroom the student have more resources to motivate them to leam. Students are able to make their own decisions about their learning. Because o f this, they have more control over the pace o f their learning, and so they develop a sense o f personal self-esteem. Conversely, there are some potential weaknesses o f access strategies. The co verage o f content presented to the students may

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43 be more limited. Also access sti'ategies are time consuming. Another weakness would be that the specific results o f student learning are less predictable. As Victor & Kellough state (2000), to be most effective, elementary and middle school teachers should be eclectic in selecting strategies; that is, they should appropriately select and effectively use strategies from both modes, but with a strong focus on access or facilitating strategies. Although competent teachers should be skillful in the use o f strategies from both modes, to be most effective science teachers should concentrate more on the use o f strategies from the access mode. Shymansky, Kyle, and Alport (1983) utilized meta-analysis to synthesize the results o f 105 experimental studies involving over 45,000 students. This study focused on the affects o f new science curricula on student performance. This meta-analysis included 27 new science curricula with one or more measures each. They presented the results o f their meta-analysis, which revealed definite positive patterns o f students performance in new science curricula. Across all new science curricula analyzed, students exposed to new science curricula performed better than their traditional counterparts in achievement, analytic skills, process skills, and related skills, while developing a more positive attitude toward science. Also, studies involving new science curricula judged to have a low emphasis on laboratory activity showed students outperforming their traditional course counterparts by larger margins overall than those new science curricula judged to have a high laboratory emphasis. On the other hand, studies involving new science curricula judged to have a high emphasis on, process skills development showed students out-performing traditional course students by larger margins on analytic skill measures than those involving cunicula judged to have a low

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44 process skill emphasis. In both analytical skill measurements and in overall achievement, students learning under new science curriculum out-performed those learning under traditional curriculum. K yle (1988), in the Science Curriculum Improvement Study (SCIIS) that emphasizes inquiry-oriented, process approach science, used only a post-test control group design for his study. The preferences and understanding-student version questionnaire which was used in this study, consists o f 32 attitudinal items referenced from the 1977 Third Assessment o f Science, which is part o f the National Assessment o f Educational progress (NAEP, 1978). The student sample is comprised o f 228 SCIIS students (54% male and 46% female) and 228 non-SCHS students (52% male and 48% female). Kyle (1988), indicated and supported tire fact that students in inquiry-oriented process approach science classes have greatly enhanced attitudes toward science and scientists when compared to students in traditional textbook-oriented science classes. In addition to SCIIS students being more likely to choose science as either their first or second favorite subject in school: 1. Over seventy-five percent o f SCIIS students find science to be fun, exciting, and interesting while fostering a feeling o f curiosity. On the other hand, over fifty percent o f non-SCIIS students find science to be boring; thirty-three percent indicate that science makes them feel uncomfortable. 2. SCIIS students wish that they had more time for science and more kinds o f science offerings. 3. SCIIS students realize that their science teachers value a high frequency o f questions and that questioning i,s important in science.

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4. s e n s students realize that through their inquiries they develop a feeling o f successftdness. 5. s e n s students feel that science is useful both in their daily lives and in the fiiture; they realize that in addition to gaining knowledge, being curious and inquisitive are important aspects o f science.

6. s e n s classes enhance the attitudes o f females toward science and liieir science
classes. Furthermore, both SCIIS and non-SCIIS teachers found their previous science classes to be dull, uninteresting, lacking in excitement, and boring, while only mildly fostering a sense o f curiosity. The inquiry oriented process approach applied in the classroom apparently allows SCIIS teachers to portray a much more positive image o f science and scientists. Kyle found that methods that integrate the learning cycle have more positive impact on the student attitudes toward science than the traditional method. In order to evaluate the effectiveness o f an inquiry- based process approach science program, Kyle, Bonnstetter, and Gadsen (1988) conducted a study in grades K-6, comparing traditional science programs to an inquiry-based approach. They found, after one year o f implementation, that students in the process-approach classes exhibited positive attitudes in science, developed advanced questioning techniques, and had achieved success in their scientific learning experiences. According to Carin (1997), todays teachers must use aspects from all teaching styles because o f the diversity o f students in classrooms. Teachers must select and use whatever seems best for their students, regardless o f the name given to the teaching function. In traditional learning as presented by Carin ( 1997), the teachers role is

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considered to be at the center o f the curriculum. The teacher also leads the class in a formal or direct way without giving the opportunity for the students to explore the materials by themselves. He or she is also considered to be the primary source o f infomiation. While the traditional teachers tend to ask and answer all the questions, Carin (1997), describes the teacher in the hands-on/minds-on style as encouraging the student to ask questions. He also guides the students to explain what tliey found during their exploration. In the traditional teaming classroom, the students sit in immovable rows facing the front, while in the hands-on/minds-on classroom the students sit in groups or circles. The instructional mode in traditional leaming is through lectures and sometimes tlirough teachers demonstrations. In the haiids-on/minds-on, the instractional mode is based on using the teacher as a facilitator who guides and coaches the students. Yet another view is presented by Martin, Sexton, and Gerlovich (2001). According to them, in traditional classrooms, the curriculum emphasis is on basic skills which are presented from part to whole. The information relies heavily on textbooks and workbooks. On the other hand, the curriculum in the constractivist classrooms emphasizes big concepts and thinking skills, which are presented from whole to part. The primary sources in the constructivist classrooms rely heavily on students exploration o f the materials. The role o f the student in traditional learning is as a receiver of information presented by the teacher. The students also work individually. However, the role o f tlie student in the constructivist classroom is as a thinker and they always work in groups. The teacher in the traditional classrooms transmits information to the students, and he/she always seeks the correct answer to evaluate student leaming. On the other

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hand, the teacher in the constractivist classroom provides appropriate materials in order to help the students to manipulate and problem solve. In traditional leaming teachers evaluate the student formally through tests. In the constructivist classrooms, however, evaluation occurs formally and infoxmally through the teachers observation o f students at work. The following table shows a quick illustration o f the comparison between the traditional leaming and the learning cycle as taken from the literature previously cited in this chapter.

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48 Table 2 .1 A Comparison Between, the Traditional LearainE and the .Leariiinsi Cycle: Traditional leaming Cumculutn Lecture Text books Inquiry by student Developmen t o f experiments Leaming cycle

The role o f the student To receive infomiation To memorize information To seek information To understand and construct meaning

The role o f the teacher To transmit information (curriculum-centered) To facilitate exploration (student-centered)

Assessment Formal testing Formal testing/informal testing through observations o f students at work

Impact on Student Willingly accept all information Difficult to generate own questions Very little real world Individually oriented

Prepares students more for real world situations and problem solving Helps student to acquire process and essential experiences Helps student to make productive cognitive connections between internal experiences and the real, external world Independent yet collaborative

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49 Traditional lecture-recitation leaming is about memoiiziog materials and concepts presented to the students in the classroom, whereas learning cycle inqidiy method is concerned with helping students leam how to leam. Traditional leaming gives students a block o f information that they will know, but may not enable them to leam how to apply it in the real world. On the other hand, leaming cycle inquiry method prepares students more for real world situations and problem solving, by helping them to acquire and process essential experiences and by making productive cognitive comiections between intemal experiences and the real, external world.

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The effects o f teaching strategies on students academic achievement and attitudes toward science is an important issue that faces educators today. Science educators are concerned with practicing teaching strategies that can lead students to be proficient in science. Two o f those strategies are learning cycle inquiry leaming and traditional lecture-recitation learning strategies, which have been a major subject o f debate among educators- In this study the researcher examined the effectiveness o f the 4-E leaming cycle inquiry leaming and traditional lecture-recitation leaming strategies on fourth-grade students academic achievement and attitudes in science classrooms in Kuwait. The first main division o f this study examined traditional lecture- recitation leaming strategies, which are still supported by some educators today. This strategy in some cases also has been effective in improving student abilities and skills in science. Inquiry leaming exists in several forms and has been shown to be an important method o f teaching, which is being used in classrooms by many teachers up through the college level. However, those teachers often encounter problems from conservative educators who adhere to the traditional system o f teaching. Leaming cycle inquiry leaming strategies are valuable in science classrooms because they help many students to develop the necessary skills and abilities in academic achievement and to improve their attitudes toward science. Educators should continue searching for more effective strategies and continue improving these strategies because the world is always changing, and students abilities and skills are not constant. For these reasons, the researcher in this study tried to

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examine the effectiveness o f both strategies as they relate to students academic achievement and attitudes toward science.

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52 CHAPTER THREE M ethodology Introduction The purpose o f this study was to compai'e two methods o f teaching elementary science in the State o f Kuwait; the 4-E learning cycle inquiry leaming and traditional lecture-recitation learning. The effects o f these two methods on fourth grade students academic achievement and attitudes have been investigated because all citizens are looking forward to seeing a new generation that is more academically accomplished to build themselves and able to build their country through understanding their missions and tasks in school as well as real life. The major objective o f this study was to determine: (1) die eiffectiveness o f learning cycle inquiry leaming versus traditional lecture-recitation learning strategies at the elementary grade level, and (2) recommend to Kuwaiti educators the most effective method o f teaching elementary science in order to improve students academic achievement and attitudes toward science. Statistical Hypotheses The research hypotheses were formulated on the basis o f the major question o f the study which is: To what extent do leaming cycle inquiry learning and traditional lecturerecitation learning strategies affect students academic achievement and attitudes toward science in elementary classes in tlie State o f Kuwait? These hypotheses, which were evaluated at the 0.05 significance level, are: N ull Hypothesis Number One (H o i)

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There is no significant difference in students academic achievement and attitudes with respect to the methods o f teaching: traditional lecture-recitation leaming versus learning cycle inquiry leaming. Altemative Hypothesis One (H a I) There is significant difference in students academic achievement and attitudes with respect to the methods o f teaching: traditional lecture-recitation learning versus learning cycle inquiry leaming. Null Hypothesis Number Two (Ho2) There is no significant difference between the gender on students academic achievement and attitudes toward science. Altemative Hypothesis Two (H a 2 ) There is significant difference between the gender on students academic achievement and attitudes toward science. Null Hypotheses Number Three (Ho3) There is no significant interaction between gender and the instractional methods used on students academic achievement and attitudes. Altemative Hypothesis Three (H a 3 ) There is significant interaction between gender and the instructional methods used on students academic achievement rmd attitudes. Variables The independent variables were instructional methods (leaming cycle inquiiy leaming and traditional lecture-recitation leaming strategies) and gender. The dependent variables were students academic achievemen.t and attitudes.

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54 Population and Sample The population under study was the public elementary students and elementary teachers in the State o f Kuwait. All Kuwaiti public schools are monitored by the Ministry o f Education, which is responsible for all learning institutions that are obligated to fulfill the M inistrys goals. All students throughout the general educational levels are studying the same curricula in schools, A few public schools are applying both traditional lecture-recitation and learning cycle inquiry leaming strategies. The sample consisted o f four intact classes that included 111 students and were selected from the public elementary schools utilizing both teaching strategies. Subjects The researcher requested from the Ministry o f Education to provide him with two elementary schools one for girls and the other for boys. The two different elementary schools were selected based on the strategies that are being used in them. The researcher then went to the schools that were provided for him by the Ministry o f Education and asked the administration to provide him with two fourth grade elementary science classrooms. By comparing the achievement scores o f the four classes that were provided by the regular classroom teacher, the researcher was able to determine that the four classes were at the same level o f achievement before the utilization o f the two instructional methods. The sample that was selected consisted o f 111 elementary

science students in four intact classrooms. According to statistical power analysis by (Stevens, 1996), the suggested sample o f this study is up to 120 elementary students; this number is determined according to the following factors: 1, Statistical procedure (Two Way MANOVA).

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2. The desired pow er 0.80. 3. Expected effect size (moderates). 4. Tlie level o f significance (0.05). To get the required sample size, the researcher selected 1 10 elementaiy students from two different intact public elementary schools that were provided by the Ministry o f Education. Also, the san p le o f students for this study was assigned from the population o f fourth grade science classes at public elementary schools in the State o f Kuwait. The students in this study were between the ages o f 9 and 11. The students for this study consisted o f four intact science classes: two fourth grade boy classes and two fourth grade girl classes in two different elementary schools. The educational system in Kuwait is not coeducational, so the boys and girls school buildings are completely separated. The researcher recognized the inherent bias in this subject selection methodology, but had to conduct the experiment under actual classroom conditions. Two elementary science teachers, who taught the four science classes, were oriented to teach the science unit to students based on the strategies that were measured for their effectiveness. The two teachers were the regular classroom teachers for the students. The researcher gave an orientation for the two teachers who taught the four classes. The researcher then asked each teacher to employ traditional lecture-recitation methods and leaming cycle inquiry learning. The main purpose o f this orientation was to plan and to discuss the best ways o f using the leaming cycle inquiry leaming strategy in teaching the unit o f humans and food. The orientation session included discussions on how the teachers could motivate and encourage the students to ask more questions,

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depend on themselves dnring the learaing process, encouraging student involvement in the essential science experience which are observation, measurement, experimentation, interpretation o f data, and prediction. This orientation helped the teachers to understand the nature o f learning cycle inquiry lem-ning through the activities o f the students, and assisted teachers in designing and conducting leaming cycle inquiry centered lessons applicable to students varying intellectual levels. The researcher also used a visual document (video tape) that included 4-E learning cycle inquiiy learning setting that has been used in the U.S.A. The science unit took one month to teach. It started in

November 2001. The science class met forty-fi ve minutes per day and three days per week. The two elementary science teachers consisted o f one female who taught the male elementary students and one female who taught the female students. In addition, each science teacher utilized the 4-E learning cycle inquiry leaming in their same science class for one month and traditional lecture-recitation leaming in the other science class for the same length o f time. Furthermore, the researcher attended each class meeting to observe each teachers teaching methods to assure avoidance o f teacher bias and appropriate and consistent uses o f the two methods. The researcher used existing groups o f students, gave them a pre-test, supervised the two instractional treatments, and gave a post-test after a month o f teaching the unit. The results obtained from this design depended on the differences between the groups as they related to the dependent variables. Also, the subjects were asked to respond to the attitude survey instrument, which measured the improvement o f students attitudes toward science. The researcher went over the survey statements by reading each statement to students and had them respond accordingly in order to help students who

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57 were at the lower level o f reading skill understand the meaning o f each nieaning o f each statement. Differences in results between students may be related to gender and pre-test scores as well as instractional treatment. Fifty percent o f the students were boys and the other fifty percent were girls. The similarities between the subjects are: 1. There were approximately 30 students in each science classroom. 2. All o f the students were in the fourth grade. 3. Each class period took about 45 minutes (see Table 1.1). Table3.1 Subjects o f the Study A female science teacher The 4-E Learning cycle inquiiy leaming settings Traditional lecture-recitation leaming settings A female science teacher The 4-E Learning cycle inquiry leaming settings Traditional lecture-recitation leaming settings 31 Girl elementary students 30 Girl elementary students 24 Boy elementary students 26 Boy elementary students

Setting There were four groups o f subjects, each comprised an intact science class o f fourth graders. One class o f boys was instructed with tlie 4-E leaming cycle inquiry

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58 learning strategies and the second class o f boys was taught using traditional lecturerecitation teaming strategies. Tlie girls groups were divided in a similar fashion. In the traditional lecture-recitation settings, which were the traditional leaming groups, students as usual remained in rows, especially when taking notes or reviewing homework assignments. Students in the experimental ^ o u p s met in the regular science classroom. They were organized in leaming cycle inquiiy learning settings such as in groups o f 4-6 students. Students in both settings were taught tlie same material in the academic unit and the same science concepts or skills (see Figure 3.1). Pip 3.1 The Research Design Utilized for this S tudv Pretest (achievement) &

Traditional lecturerecitation leaming

Posttest (achievement) &

Attitudes survey

The 4-E leaming cycle inquiry leaming

Attitude survey

To differentiate between the two methods o f teaching, the characteristics o f each method o f teaching were given on a sheet o f paper to the science teachers in order to remind them in an easy way about the differences between the 4-E leaming cycle inquiry learning and traditional lecture-recitation learning strategies. The researcher paraphrased the National Research Councils, A Guide For Teaching and Learning (2000), description o f some features o f these strategies as follows: 1. In learning cycle inquiry leaming, learners are engaged by scientifically oriented questions. In traditional lecture-recitation classrooms, which are

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59 based on using traditional learning strategies, students are only allowed to record teachers infomiation. 2. In leaming cycle inquiry leaming, learners give priority to evidence, which allows them to develop and evaluate explanations that address scientifically oriented questions. In traditional lecture-recitation classrooms students only memorize infomiation and they often focus only on completing the assignment by completing all the same tasks. 3. In leaming cycle inquiry leaming, learners formulate explanations from evidence to address scientifically oriented questions. In traditional lecturerecitation leaming, students follow teacher directions. 4. In leaming cycle inquiry leaming, learners evaluate their explanations in light o f alterative explanations, particularly those reflecting scientific understanding. In traditional lecture-recitation leaming students defers to teacher as authority. 5. In leaming cycle inquiry leaming, learners communicate and justify their proposed explanations. In traditional lecture-recitation leaming environments, students are encouraged to accept the teachers explanations. Instruments The effectiveness o f applying leaming cycle inquiry leaming and traditional lecture-recitation learning strategies was determined by examining students academic achievement and attitudes toward teaching science. Students academic achievement in both teaching methods was measured by designing an achievement test that was given to students as a pre-test and a post-test. The pre-test results indicated how knowledgeable

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students were about the man and plants unit in both groups (leaming cycle inquiry and traditional lecture-recitation). The same achievement test was given to students in the science classes after a month to measure the effect o f traditional lecture-recitation leaming and learning cycle inquiry leaming strategies in improving students knowledge about the same academic unit. In addition, student attitudes were determined by using a survey (see appendix B) from a previous study conducted by Martin, Johanson, Gieen and Cimanec (1991). The researcher got permission from the authors to use their survey. The survey contained 30 items that measured the attitudes o f students towards math and science. The items used in the science and mathematics parts were developed by the project director and by the evaluator o f the project. Final selection and ordering was done by the evaluator o f the project to get the most content coverage with items that were representative o f the content and laid out. The researcher found this survey significant to use in his research for two reasons. First, the survey considered one o f the recent instruments that designed to measure students attitudes toward science in elementary level. Also, it covers the same content that is being taught in Kuwaiti science classrooms. The reliability o f the 15 items o f science attitudes survey is a moderate reliability coefficient o f 0.84. The survey seemed to work well and appears as if met their needs. The researcher selected only 15 items that related to science to measure the influence o f both teaching methods in encouraging students to leam science.

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Validity and Reliability o f the Tnstniment The meaning o f lh.e validity and reliability o f an instrument is deftnal by Freaiikel and W allen (1993): Validity refers to the appropriateness, meaningfulness and usefulness o f the inferences a researcher makes. Reliability refers to the consistency o f scores o f answers from one administration o f itn instrument to another, and from one set o f items to another (p. 138). Regarding the validity o f the achievement test, the researcher developed an achievement test with the assistance o f two science teachers to ensure tliat the test would cover the major eienients o f studied units. This test involved testing o f cognitive skills, divided into low-level and high-level skills. Low-level skills include knowledge and facts, such as naming the parts o f plants and where food is stored i n them. High-level skills include understanding and applications, so students should be able to distinguish the different ways o f preserving foods (see Appendix A). Since this test is newly invented, content validity was one o f the researchers fundamental concerns. Aiken (1996) defined content validity as the extent to which a group o f people who are experts in the material with which a test deals agree that the test measures what it was designed to measure (p. 256). Content validity reflects the degree to which an instrument or test measures an intended content; it is usually determined by some experts judgments (Hopkins & Charles, 1990). To insure the validity o f the achievement test, the researcher followed these procedures; (1) The researcher analyzed the content o f the study and defined the main areas that were assessed. He then generated questions conceming each area.

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(2) The researcher presented the achievement test to two science teachers and asked for their comments to modify, change or add to the test. Furthennore, in order to see tire reliability o f the achievement test, the researcher discussed the grading criteria with both o f the teachers. The researcher and the two teachers then came to agreement on the meaning o f the criteria and points values. After they graded the test the researcher verified that the teachers followed the criteria as previously agreed upon when grading the test. Based on the researchers observations and the information from the students test grades, the researcher found that both teachers followed the grading criteria on nmdom tests, giving similar points and answers. Validity o f the Instruments Validity refers to the degree to which an instrument accurately reflects or assesses the specific concept that a researcher is attempting to measure (Aiken, 1996). The results o f the principal components analyses o f the survey instrument which the researcher used from a previous study that was conducted by Martin, Johanson, Green and Cimanec (1991) indicated that there is a good evidence o f factor or construct validity. They also clearly indicated that there are two major dimensions. All o f the math items loaded on one dimension and all o f the science items loaded on the other dimension, which means the validity o f the instrument is good. The researcher followed some systematic procedures to preserve the validity o f both the achievement test and the attitudinal suivey. The survey and the test were translated from English to Arabic by the researcher. Four Arab graduate students at Ohio University were asked to rate the translation from English to Arabic. The rate was either poor, good, or excellent,

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63 and adjustaeots were made as necessary. Three .Arab ciii,ldren in the Athens sirea whose ages are between i 0 and 11, and two science teachers from a Kuwaiti school, w ere asked to assess the validity o f tlie instruments, and to ensure that the test covered the major elements o f studied units. Those individuals were asked to evaluate the instructions o f the instruments, such as clarity, understanding, and ambiguity o f the survey statements or test questions. All three students gave the researcher their responses, indicating that fliey were able to read clearly the instrument questions and statements. In addition, they pointed out that the instructions for the test questions and the survey items were clear and understandable, by answering the following questions: A. Did you have any difficulty answering this survey and test? B. Did you understand what you should do in both the survey and the test? C. Did you understand all the statements o f the survey and questions o f the test? D. Which Statements or questions were not clear to you? Finally, two elementary science teachers from a Kuwaiti school were asked to assess the instruments and gave the researcher a final Arabic draft. Then, the researcher distributed the survey and achievement test among elementary students to collect data to attain the purpose o f the study. Reliability o f the .lnstru.ments Reliability is an indication o f the consistency o f an instniment. A test is considered reliable when the same results occur regardless o f when the test occius or who

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64 does the scoring (Charles, 1995). Before conducting the study, the researcher did a pilot study by distributing the attitude survey among 51 female students in a fourth gimle science class in Kuwait. Those students were different from the control and experimental group students and consisted o f an intact class selected randomly from other fourth grade classes in the Kuwaiti schools. The aim o f the pilot study was to examine the reliability and efficiency o f the instrument before distributing it to the subjects o f the study. Based on their responses, the result o f the pilot study showed an acceptable coefficient value o f 0.70 (see Appendix C). Furthermore, after the implementation o f the study, the

reliability o f the pre-and post attitude surveys returned a moderate reliability coefficient value o f 0.831 and 0. 826. Thus, the attitude survey can be considered sufficiently reliable instrument to measure Kuwaiti students attitude in fourth-grade science classes (see Appendix D). Data Collection Procedure Data was gathered from the achievement pre-test and post-test. For boys and girls classes, all students were given a pre-test to measure their abilities and understanding o f the unit (Appendix A). Then, one class was instructed using traditional lecture-recitation learning strategies to teach science concepts and skills; in addition, the other class was taught by utilizing the 4-E learning cycle inquiry-learning strategies. After a month o f instruction, all students were given post-test to evaluate their improvement in understanding the science unit. All students were at the fourth grade level because students at this level have the ability to read the test questions independently, which the researcher used to measure students academic achievement. Also, students at this grade level were capable o f understanding quickly their tasks and missions in either learning

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cycle inquiry learning or traditional lecture-recitation learning settings, which conserved the researcher and teachers time. The second instrument that was implemented to collect data is the attitudes survey which the researcher got from previous study (Appendix B). The researcher went over the survey by reading each statement to the students and had them respond to it. The reason for this step is to help students who are at a lower level o f reading skill to understand the meaning o f each statement. The boys and girls wrote their responses about the effects o f the methods o f teaching on their attitudes toward science. Finally, visiting the teachers; the researcher visited during the science class periods to ensure that the teachers utilized the methods precisely and that they met their goals completely. The researcher visited two classes out o f three every week and each visit took 45 minutes. In this way the researcher ensured that the teachings methods would stay consistent throughout the teaching o f the unit. Data Analysis Procedure In this study, the method o f testing the effectiveness o f using the 4-E learning cycle inquiry learning or traditional lecture-recitation learning strategy was the two-way MANOVA. The researcher used the gains o f the academic achievement test and attitudes survey by subtracting the pre-test scores from the post-test scores. Using this technique helped the researcher to measure and determine tlie effect o f each instructional method on students academic achievement and attitudes. To begin with, the researcher oriented the two teachers, who taught the science unit to students, to the appropriate ways o f teaching the two strategies to students in order for the study to ftilfill its main purpose. The

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researcher aiid the original teachers discussed after each class meeting the most impotlant issues that occurred during the class period. The M ANOVA test measured the mean etTect o f students academic achievement and attitudes with respect to the methods o f teaching: traditional lecture-recitation learning versus learning cycle inquiry learning. In order to examine the effects o f gender on students academic achievement and attitudes toward science, the researcher used tlie MANOVA test for independent means to analyze students scores on the achievement tests and responses to the attitudes survey. The researcher also investigated potential interaction between gender and instructional methods on stiidents academic achievement and attitudes with respect to the method o f teaching: traditional lecture-recitation learning and learning cycle inquiry learning. In the experimental groups, learning cycle inquiry-learning strategies were employed to examine their effectiveness on students academic science achievement and attitudes. Tlie classes instructed with traditional lecture-recitation learning strategies were considered the control groups in this study.

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67 Summary Chapter 3 discussed the methodology o f the completed study examiniiig the impact o f implementitig learning cycle inquiry-leaming or traditional lecture-recitation learning strategies on students academic acliievBraent and attitudes in elementary science classes. The chapter describes the statistical hypotheses, variables, population and sample o f the study, the subjects, setting, instrameuts, data collection, data analysis, and validity and reliability o f the instruments.

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68 CHAPTER FOUR Results Introduction The piiipose o f this study was to investigate the effect iveness o f two methods in teaching elementary science; the 4-E leanung cycle inquiry method and a traditional lecture-recitation method. The chosen sample for this study consisted o f 111 fourth-grade students in two different schools in the State o f Kuwait and 2 elementaiy science teachers. The students were in four intact classrooms. The students academic

achievements were measured by a researcher-designed achievement test given to students as a pretest (see Appendix A). The same achievement test was given to .students in the science classes after a month as a posttest to measure the effects o f the methods in enhancing students knowledge about a common science unit. Also, students attitudes were determined by administering a survey as a pre and posttest (see Appendix B). The attitude instrument was developed by Martin, Johanson, Green and Cimanec (1991). The researcher got permission from the authors to use their instrument, which contained 15 items that reported students altitudes towards science. The experiment lasted one month, starting on November 20, 2001. Each science class met 45 minutes per day, three days per week. The achievement and attitude instruments were used as pre-and post-tests for all four classes. Two out o f four intact classes were instructed with the learning cycle method and the other two classes were instructed with the traditional lecture-recitation learning method over the same science unit, which covered man and food. Prior to the experiment, the researcher obtained achievement scores for all students from the regular

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classroom teachers, to assure that students academic achievement and abilities in the four classes were comparable. Boys and girls classes were included in the study. Achievement score comparisons are shown in table 4.1. The table shows that both boys and girls classes were roughly equivalent in students academic achievement scores in the science classroom before implementing the learning cycle inquiry learning method in the four intact classes. These results suggested that the researcher could use these classes in the study to reflect actual effectiveness o f using the two instructional methods: learning cycle inquiry learning and traditional lecture-recitation learning (see Appendix E). Table 4.1 Pre-Test Achievement Score Comparisons Traditional learning Boys Girls 25.42 26.90 Learning cycle 26.35 26.10

One female teacher taught both classes o f the male elementary students and the other female teacher taught both classes o f the female students. Each science teacher used the learning cycle inquiry method in one science class for one month, and traditional lecture-recitation learning in the other science class for the same length o f time (see Appendix F for a sample o f a lesson plan for each instructional method). The researcher discerned the teachers readiness for teaching the unit according to tlie two methods to be compared in this study. Both o f them were interested in being involved in this study and agreed to use both teaching methods in ways compatible with the research design. The researcher oriented the two teachers to the appropriate ways o f using the two methods

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70 with students in order for the study to fulfill its maiii purpose. The researcher and the original teachers also discussed after each class meeting the most important issues that occurred during the class period in an effort to limit bias and to assure consistent uses o f the methods. For example, the teacher, when using the traditional instructional approach kept wanting to bring in materials, but the researcher asked her to follow the role o f the teacher in traditional learning by lecturing only. On the other hand, in the 4-E learning cycle classroom the researcher had to remind the teacher to talk less and have more student engagement with the processes o f science. The independent variables o f this study were the methods o f teaching elementary science: learning cycle inquiry learning and traditional lecture-recitation learning and gender. The dependent variables were the students academic achievement and attitudes in fourth grade. For the data analysis, the two way MANOVA test was used to determine the impact o f each method on students academic achievement and attitudes toward science. Attempts were made to statistically measure whether there were differences between the two methods o f teaching elementary science learning cycle inquiry learaing and traditional lecture-recitation learning and to what extent those two methods o f teaching elementary science impacted students academic achievements and attitudes. This chapter presents the results o f the data analysis based on the statistical hypotheses and the research questions.

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Research Ouesti.ons 1. A re there significEint differences between, the learning cycle inquiry learaing and traditional lecture-recitation methods in fourth grade on students academic achievement and attitudes toward science classes? 2. A re there significant differences between gender in the fourth grade on students academic achievement and attitudes toward science classes? 3. Is there an interaction between gender and tlie instructional methods used? Descriptive Statistics In this section descriptive statistics was used to present the two methods of teaching elementary science along with their effectiveness regarding students academic achievement and attitudes. Using the techniques described in chapter three, data were collected using the academic achievement test and students attitude survey. O f the 111 academic achievement test and attitude surveys distributed to the fouith grade students, 98 o f both the female and male students were selected for this study. Thirteen o f the academic achievement tests and students attitude siuweys were eliminated from the study because the respondents had not completed most o f the items. The number o f students who participated in this study and their percentages for each o f the independent variables are presented in Tables 4.2, and 4.3.

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72 Table 4.2 Gender and Number o f Students

Number of Stiideiils Valid Male Female Total 4J S5 98 Cumulative Percent 4.1.9 100.0

Percent 4.1.9 .56.1 1,00.0

Valid Percent 43.9 56.1 100-0

Table 4,3 Method o f Teachin g and Students Number

Method of T e a c h in g
Number o f Students Valid Traditional lecture-rccitation Learning Cycle Inquiry leartiing Total 49 49 98 Cumulative Percent 50.0 100.0

Percent SO.O SO.O 100.0

Valid Percent 50.0 ,50,0 100.0

The Multivariate and Univariate Results Data Analysis A two-way MANOVA was used to test tlie effectiveness o f the learning cycle inquiry learning and traditional lecture-recitation learning strategies. The researcher used the gains o f the academic achievement test and attitudes survey by subtracting the pre-test scores from the post-test scores. Using this technique helped the researcher to measure and detennine the effect o f each instructional method on students academic achievement and attitudes. The MANOVA test was used in this study to see the mean effect o f students academic achievement and attitudes with respect to the methods o f teaching: traditional lecture-recitation leajming versus learning cycle inquiry learning. In order to examine

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73 the effects o f gender on students academic achievement and attitudes toward science, the researcher utilized the MANOVA test for independent means to analyze students scores on the achievement tests and responses to the attitudes survey. The researcher also tested if there was an interaction between gender and instructional methods on students academic achievement and attitudes with respect to the teaching method used. This section presents the findings o f the null hypotheses and the research questions. The MANOVA test was utilized in testing the null hypotheses o f the study. The purpose o f this section is to check the assumptions o f the multivariate analysis o f variance (MANOVA) and to test the following null hypotheses as stated in Chapter I : H oi: Null hypothesis There is no significant difference in students academic achievement and attitudes with respect to the methods o f teaching; traditional lecture-recitation learning versus learning cycle inquiry learning. Ho2: Null hypothesis There is no significant difference between the gender on students academic achievement and attitudes toward science. Ho3: Null hypothesis There is no significant interaction between gender and the instructional methods used on students academic achievement and attitudes.

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The Assumptions o f M ANO VA Since MANOVA was used to exajiiiiie the liyjiotlieses o f the study, it is necessaiy to test whether the assumptions were met or not. Independence o f Observations The first assumption o f MANOVA is independence o f observations, that is, each one o f the students responded without affecting others. When conducting the study, the researcher made sure that each student responded to the achievement test and attitude survey separately, and thus the assumption was met. Normal ity o f the Distribution o f Dependent Variables in the Populatioii In tliis study, the second assumption for the nomiality o f distribution was that the sample for both students academic achievement and attitude toward science come from a nonnal population. I f the result o f the test o f normality is significant, with a p-value less than 0.05, then the normality o f the groups distribution would not exist. The univariate normality assumption was examined by using the Shapiro-Wilk Test. The results o f the Shapiro-Wilk test, as seen in Table 4.4, indicated that the dependent variable GAINSACH was normally distributed across all levels o f the independent variables. However, the second dependent variable, GAINSATT, was not normally distributed over two levels (i.e., inquiry learning for males, p=0.005, and traditional lecture-recitation for females, p~0.014). Since according to Stevens (1996), the MANOVA test is robust to violations o f multivariate nomiality, the researcher concludes that the presence o f this small violation in the normality o f one dependent vaiiable, that is GAINSATT, should not have much effect on the accuracy o f analysis.

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75 Table 4.4 Descriptive Statistics for the Test o f Norm.alitv o f Both Acaderoic Achievement an,d Attitudes When Utilizing Learning Cycle Inquiry Learning and Traditional LectureRecitation Learning Methods With Both M ale and Female 4'^ Grade Students

Tests o f Normality
Kolmogorov-Smlmov* Gender Male Method of Teaching Traditional GAINSACH lecture-recitation GAINSATT Learning Cycle Inquiry learning Female GAINSACH GAINSATT GAINSACH GAINSATT GAINSACH GAINSATT Statistic .129 .146 .149 .240 .100 .182 .121 .139 df 21 21 22 22 28 28 Sig, .200' .200* .200* .002 .200* .018 .200* ,195 Statistic .938 .978 .947 .857 .975 .904 .944 .931 Shapiro-Wilk df 21 21 22 22 28 28 27 27 Sig. .473 .890 .280 .OOS .707 .014 .152 .074

Traditional lecture-recitation Learning Cycle Inquiry learning


* This is a lower bound of the true significance, a- Liliiefors Significance Correction

The normality is presented using histograms to display clearly the results o f the study. In a histogram, the height o f each bar is the ffequency o f each value in the frequency table, and all the bars are put next to each other with no space in between (Aron and Aron, 1997, p.7). The benefit o f using a histogram in this section is to show how the distribution o f the data values is distributed compared with the normal distribution, which follows a normal curve. The advantages o f the use o f the histogram was also illustrated by Norusis (1998) by pointing out that, It tells you how likely various values are. From it, you can see whether the cases cluster around a central value. You can also see whether large and small values are equally likely and whether there are values far removed from the rest (p. 44).

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76 Figure 4.1 The Nomial Distribution o f the Students Academic Achievement

5MDv"2 42
N ^ 98,00

-3,0 ^ ,0 -1,0 0.0





6.0 6.0




Figure 4.2 The Normal Distribution for the Students Attitudes.

SW. D e v - 6 .8 1

M ean^^3
-20.0 - 10.0

0.0 -S.O S.O

10 0 IS.O

20.0 2S.0



Flomomiei tv o f Variance Covariance Matrices The third assumption o f MANOVA is homogeneity o f variance covariance matrices, that is, the variance covariance matrices o f the dependent variables are equal across groups. The statistical procediue that was used to examine this assumption was Boxs Test. The result indicated that P > .05 (P = .385), so the assumption was met.

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Table 4.5 Boxs Test

Box's Test of Equality of Covariance Matrlce#
Box.s M r dfl 9.974 1.065 9 79791.161 .385


Tests the null hypothesis that the observed covariance matrices of the dejtendent variables are equal across groups.

The Overall Multivariate Result Null hypotheses 1: there is no significant difference in students academic achievement and attitudes with respect to the methods o f teaching: traditional lecturerecitation learning versus leaming cycle inquiry learning. There was a significant different and the null hypothesis was rejected. Using Wilks Lambda Test, the researcher found significant differences between the leaming cycle inquiry leaming and traditional lecture-recitation methods in fourth grade on students academic achievement and attitudes toward science, F (2, 93) = 19.765, (P= .000), comesponding to Wilks Lambda = .702 with an effect size o f .298 and a power o f 1 (see Table 4.6). So these results indicated that the null hypotheses should be rejected. As a result, the first alternative hypotheses was supported: the students results on the academic achievement and attitudes tests were different when leaming cycle inquiry learning was used verses traditional lecture-recitation learning strategies.

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78 Table 4.6 The Multivariate Tests

MulMvariate Teste'
Paro'ftl hia Sqaji ,f0 O'X) ,000 .000 .m M9 M9 .0^9 ,000 93.00ft 9-3.000 93.000 93-000 9.3.000 93.000 93,000 ,000 .000 ,(K0 .07 .087 .tfS7 0K7 .393 -7M .298 .031 .031 ,051 ,051 .794 J'-H ,794 ,794 ,051 .031 .031 ,031 4.968 39.53! 39.531 39.531 .39.5.31 5.(J14 5.0U> 5.016 5.016 357,832 4.9ftS 4.96S N ew ept ParatTKier -w m 3.VLK.S2

Effect intercept PilUi's Tracu Lanitrdy HuU'Iliug'a Trace Enya^sest Root OfiNDER Pi Hat's T ace WilU Lambda Hoteiliflgs Trace R o /s METHODS HHai'a T n c c WUkij' HoteUtop.'? Ttace Roy's OENOGR * METHOElS P iM 't Trace WilkV L a n ^ f t HoteQiiBg'9 Ttaca Roy!) I-argest Rtwrt
CoiJijJttied w.'Sing alitlw OS b' lU a ctstaiiiiUc

Value ,794 206 3. MS :i.84s ,051 .949 .055 .053

Hyijoihcris d f xm i 2.000

Enw df 9,3.000 93.000 93.000 93.000 93,000 93.900 93.000 93.060

Ot)5efval Pnwer" t (KKl i.oon 1 t)j l.OOO .48!? -438 .488 .458 1 two i.mio i.OOO i.OOO .491 ,491 .491 -491

178.916* 179.9W*

2.0!>0 2.000 2.000

2.4M ' 2.4W* 2.4S4*

2.000 2.000 2.0<H1 2,000


.702 .4?.S .475 Mi .949 .OW M4

19.764 * 19.76}' 19.76}' 2.5M*' 2..W8* a.sos* J iO * *

2.000 2.060 2,000 2.00(1 2,two 2.000 2,000


PeJijgn: iaK'li'tfpJi CTem>ilR-*-Ml"rHOnKTOHNDi:R *

This significant result for students academic achievement and attitudes turned towards a large effect size o f 0.298 which means the portion o f variance explained by the difference in metliod. Therefore, this study shows strong support for the first alternative hypotheses and rejection o f the first null hyirotheses. According to the differences between the means o f the achievement and attitude test scores o f students exposed to the two instructional methods, the results indicated that the utilization o f the learning cycle inquiry leaming method in teaching elementary science resulted in a mean o f 5.224, compared to a mean o f 2.699 for the traditional lecture-recitation leaming method. Moreover, the mean o f the students attitudes towards the leaming cycle inquiry leaming method is equal to 2.591, compared to a mean o f 2.020 for the traditional lecture-recitation learning method (see Table 4.7).

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Table 4.7
MANOVA Test for Academic Achievement and Attitudes Gain Scores Bv Instructional Method
GAINSACH GAINSATT * Method of Teaching
Method of Teaching Traditional locturs-reottation Mean N Std. Dsviation Learning Cycle Inquiry learning Mean N Std. Deviation Total Mean N Std, Deviation GAINSACH 2.6990 49 2.17465 5.2245 49 1,98872 3.9617 98 2.6990 GAINSATT -2.0204 49 6.17957 2.5918 49 6.68306 .2857 98 6.80964

Null Hypotliesis 2; The second mill hypothesis, which indicated that there was no significant difference between the gender on students academic achievement and attitudes toward science, was retained. Using Wilks Lambda Test, the researcher found that there were no significant differences between gender in the fourth grade on students academic achievement and attitudes toward science, F (2,93) = 2.484, (P= .089) for Wilks Lambda = .949, with an effect size o f .051 and a power o f .488 (see Table 4.6). In addition, the mean gain scores for students academic achievement based on gender indicated that the female students mean scores were higher (M=4.086) than the male students mean (M=3.802). The researcher also found that the mean, gain scores for students attitudes based on gender for the female was higher (M=l ,472) than the male student mean (M=-l .232). Even though there were some differences in the mean

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80 achievements between the two genders, the differences were not large enough to cause statistical differences between the two sexes (see Table 4.8). Table 4.8 MANOVA Test for Students Academic Achievement and Attitudes Gain Scores bv Gender
G ender Mate Mean N Std. Deviation Fem ale Mean N Std. Deviation Total Mean N Std. Deviation GAINSACH .3.8023 43 2.39267 4.0864 56 2,45337 3.9617 08 2.41S61 GAINSATT '1.2326 43 5.86287 1.4727 S5 7.30006 .2857 98 6,80964

Null Hypothesis 3; A MANOVA was also performed to test the interaction between the two independent variables: namely, gender and the instructional methods used in this study. By using the Wilks Lambda Test, the overall results indicated that there was no significant interaction between gender and the instructional methods used in this study, (F=2, 93) = 2.508, since P >.05(P= .087), corresponding to Wilks Lambda = .949. As shown in Table 4.6, the third null hypotheses, which indicates that there is no significant interaction between gender and the instructional methods used on students academic achievement and attitudes, was retained. This result indicated that there was no interaction between the two independent variables, with an effect size o f .051 and a power o f .491. As long as the hypothesis about the interaction between the two

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independent variables was retained, it makes sense to look: at the main effect for each independent variable separately. The Univariate Result A univariate test was tlien run to find where the difterences were located; in other words, in which dependent variable differences existed. As shown in Table 4.9, in the case o f the instructional method, the results were similar to those in the multivariate case. The analysis showed that there was a significant difference between the two educational methods for both o f the dependent variables when they were each considered separately (achievement, p=0.000, and attitude, p=0.001). However in the case o f gender, the results o f the analysis were different. When the students achievement variable was considered by itself, the results showed that there was no significant difference between the achievements o f the two sexes (F ( 1 ,94) =.627, p=0.430>0.05). On the other hand, when the students attitude was considered by itself, the results showed that there was significant difference between the attitudes o f the two sexes (F (1 ,9 4 ) =4.888, p=0.029>0.05). It seems that this significant difference; however, was not enough to appear in the multivariate test when the two dependent variables were considered together. In addition the results o f the univariate test indicated that there was no significant interaction between gender and the instructional methods used in this study, (F(l,94) = 4.722 , P= .032>0.05).

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82 Table 4.9 Tests o f Between-Siibiects Effects

Tests o f Betweett-Sttbjects Effects
* CwwituiBd W8ig a jp ta .0 ?

Source CoiTccted Model

df 3 3

Mean Square 54.442 297.34? 1502,081 I .m 2.697 187.514 148.414 45-3.005 4.129 181,163

r 1 2 .m 7.74S 349.414 .0.51 .627 4M S 34,524 11.808 1.007 4.72-2

163.327^ 591,741* m iM i i.m 2 .m tn .m 148414 453,tW5 4.329 iS i.ltia 404.t)92 3 m .m 2105.563 4506.000 567,419 4498.000

sie,000 .000 .000 M i ,430 ,029 -000 .001 .318 .032

hMtUl E u Sqnanal

Noncctit hiH'aiicmr 37,993

C ^savedPow ta'" 1.000

-198 .78* .001 m .049 .269 U2 .011 .048 349.414 .051 627 4.8S8 34,524 11.808 1.007 4.77,3 1.000 .056 .m .590 u m .925 .m .m

94 94 98 98 97 97

4.295 .38.364

b R Squared - j a t t (Adjusted H SquanxI - J6 S ) - RSt}<ar<l .

m (AjIjusJed R


Table 4.10 and Figure 4.3 show the gain in both o f the male and female attitudes towards teaching science (GAINSATT) after the implementation o f both o f the traditional and the leaming cycle inquiry learning teaching methods. The results showed that there was a posi tive gain in the attitude o f the females who were exposed to the leaming cycle inquiry learaing method, while there was a negative gain in the case o f those females who were exposed to the traditional lecture-recitation method. As shown in Table 4.10, the female mean gain was 5.07 in the case o f those who were exposed to the learning cycle inquiry learaing method, and was -2.00 in the case o f those who were exposed to the traditional lecture-recitation method o f teaching. In the case o f males, on the other hand, there was a loss in the GAINSATT when using both teaching methods. The loss however was much greater in the case o f the traditional lecture-recitation method compared to the learning cycle inquiry leaming metliod (i.e., -2.05 vs, -0.46.)

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83 Therefore, the results o f both genders showed that the learning cycle inquiry learnitig method was superior to the traditional lecture-recitation method in preserving or improving the attitude towards teaching science. Table 4.10 Gender and Method o f Teaching
G e n d e r * Method o f T eaching

95% Confidence Interval G ender Male Method of Teaching Traditional lecture-recitation Learning Cycle Inquiry teaming Fem ale Traditional lecture-recitation Leaming Cycle inquiry teaming Mean -2.048 -,4SS -2.000 5.074 Std- Error 1.3S2 1.321 1.171 1.192 Lower Bound -4.731 -3.077 -4.324 2.707 Upper Bound .636 2.167 .324 7.441

Figure 4.3
Estimated Marginal Means of GAINSATT


ai _______
_________Fem ale Leaming Cycle Inqui Traditional tecture-

Method of Teaching

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Chapter 4 analyzed the data that was gathered by the researcher from four different intact fourtli-grade classrooms in tlie State o f Kuwait. Two different instructional methods (4-E leaming cycle inquiry method and traditional lecturerecitation method) were implemented in those four classes for one month in order for the researcher to measure their impact on students academic achievement and attitudes toward science. The researcher used two instruments, (an academic achievement test and attitude survey) to reach a conclusion that could answer the main question o f the study: To what extent do learning cycle inquiry leaming or traditional lecture-recitation learning strategies affect students academic achievement and attitudes in elementary science classes in the State o f Kuwait?

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85 Chapter 5 Sutnmary, Discussion, Conclusion, and Recommendations Summary The State o f Kuwait is concerned that positive growth should occur at the elementary level in all subjects. This concern is addressed by encouraging researchers to search for ways to advance elementary school outcomes, supplying most elementary schools with assistance to learners for acquiring informative knowledge and skills, rebuilding and reexamining elementary curricula periodically, preparing qualified teachers who are educated in contemporary theories in educational institutions such as Kuwait University or the College o f Ed ucation, and permitting citizens to open new private elementary schools in order to encourage schooling all over the country. In this study, the researcher searched for the most effective method o f teaching science in the fourth grade classroom. The results o f this study could encourage the movement to change the instruction o f elementary science so that it utilizes the most effective methods in order to promote students academic achievement and attitudes toward science. Thus, the results o f this study may be helpful to educators and researchers who are eager to gather information regarding teaching that positively impacts students science achievement and attitudes. This study examined the effectiveness o f two methods o f teaching elementary science: the 4-E learning cycle inquiry learning, and traditional lecture-recitation learning. Students academic achievement and attitudes toward science were the dependent variables. The results o f this study may assist young learners, as well as help elementary science teachers to improve the outcomes o f elementary education in the State

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86 o f Kuwait. From all public elementary schools in the State o f Kuwait, two elementaiy schools w ere chosen based on the strategies that were to be used. There were four groups o f subjects, each comprising an intact science class o f fourth grade students. One class o f boys was instructed with leaming cycle inquiry leaming method and the other class o f boys was taught by utilizing traditional lecture-recitation learaing metliod. Tlie girls were divided in a similar fashion. One female teacher tauglit both classes o f boys; and the other female teacher taught both girls classes. The studys sample consisted o f 110 elementary students in four intact classrooms. Two instruments were used in gathering the data in this study; 1) a measure o f students academic achievement, and 2) an attitude survey. Both instruments were used for pre-and post-tests for all groups. In this study there were three null hypotheses and three alternative hypotheses. The three null hypotheses were as follows: H oi: There is no significant difference in students academic achievement and attitudes vrith respect to the methods o f teaching: traditional lecture-recitation leaming versus leaming cycle inquiry learaing. Ho2: There is no significant difference between the genders on students academic achievement and attitudes toward teaching science. Ho3: Tliere is no significant interaction between gender and the instractional methods used on students academic achievement and attitudes. The results o f the MANOVA test were significant, supporting the first alternative hypotheses and rejecting the first null hypotheses o f the study. This result indicated that

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87 there was a significant difference between the two methods o f teaching elementtury science in, their effectiveness regarding students academic achievement and attitude. Furthermore, the comparison among the two methods revealed significant differences between the ieaming cycle inquiry leaming and tniditional lecture-recitation methods on students academic achievement and attitudes toward science, F (2,93) = 19.765, (P= .000), corresponding to Wilks Lambda = =.702 with an effect size o f .298 and a power o f 1. As a result, the first alternative hypotheses wj^ supported: the students

results on the academic achievement and attitudes tests were stronger when leaming cycle inquiry leaming was used verses traditional lecture-recitation leaming strategics. The 4-E leaming cycle produced superior results. When the di fferences between the means o f the achievement and attitude scores o f students were compared, the leaming cycle inquiry produced a difference in achievement test means o f 5.224 (compared to a mean o f 2.699 for the traditional lecturerecitation leaming method) and produced a difference in attitude scores o f 2.591 (compared to a mean o f -2.020 for the traditional lecture-recitation leaming method). The results indicated that the 4-E leaming cycle inquiry method advanced students academic achievement and attitudes more than did the traditional lecture-recitation method. Discussion and Conclusion 'The study examined the effect o f two di fferent methods in teaching elementary science; 1) learning cycle inquiry leaming and 2) traditional lecture-recitation leaming. The dependent variables were students academic achievement and attitudes toward science. The differences in the impact o f teaching instruction on students academic

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achievement and attitudes were investigated by reviewing literature and using the M ANOVA test to deteonine tlie answer for the main question o f tliis study; to what extent do learning cycle inquiry learning and traditional lecture-recitation learning strategies affect students academic achievement and attitudes in elementary science classes in the State o f Kuwait? One o f the purposes o f this study was to detennine whether students academic achievement scores were different in fouith grade science with respect to teaching instruction learaing cycle and traditional lecture-recitation, and which teaching method was more effective for students academic achievement. The results o f this study support using the 4-E leaming cycle inquiry method in fourth grade science classes. This outcome is consistent with a considerable body o f research. To illustrate, in the literature, Shymansky, Kyle, and Alport (1983) utilized meta-analysis to synthesize the results o f 105 experimental studies involving over 45,000 students. Their study focused on the effects o f new science curricula on student performance. This meta-analysis included 27 new science curricula with one or more measures each. All these studies compared the impacts o f the use o f inquiry teaching methods against traditional lecture -recitation methods o f teaching on students academic achievement. They presented the results o f their meta-analysis, which revealed definite positive patterns o f students perfonnance in new science curricula. In all new science curricula analyzed, students exposed to new science curricula using inquiry methods performed better than their traditional counterparts in achievement, analytic skills, process skills, and related skills, while developing a more positive attitude toward science. Also, studies involving new inquiry-based science curricula against those

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89 judged to have a low emphasis on laboratory activity showed students outperfomiing their traditional course counterparts by larger margins overall than those new science curricula judged to have a high laboratory emphasis. On the other hand, studies involving new science curricula judged to have a high emphasis on process skills development showed students out-performing traditional course students by larger margins on analytic skill measures tlian those involving curricula judged to have a low process skill emphasis. In both analytical skill measurements and in overall achievement, students learning under new inquiry-based science curricula out-performed those learning under a traditional curriculum. Furthermore, when the data o f this study were analyzed by using the MANOVA test, the results indicated that the 4-E teaming cycle inquiry-teaming groups differed significantly from the traditional lecture-recitation teaming group on the academic achievement test. Thus, the findings o f this study support the use o f the 4-E teaming cycle inquiry teaming method in teaching science in order to advance fourth-grade students academic achievement. The results o f present study, using A MANOVA test are also consistent with the findings o f Johnson and Lawson (1998) who concluded (after using a pre-post tests after using inquiry-teaming (teaming cycle) methods with 366 students (242 females and 124 mates) enrolled in a one-semester in college biology classroom for nonmajors) that the students would be better served by courses that teach by inquiry and focus on the development o f scientific reasoning and the acquisition o f fewer concepts. Johnson and Lawson (1998) found that inquiry students in their study not only showed greater improvement in reasoning ability during the semester than expository students, but they

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90 also did better in measures o f biology achievement. In otlier words, nothing o f importance seems to be lost by switching to inquiry instruction, and much seems to be gained. The findings o f this study may assist educators, especially Kuwaiti educators, who are looking for the most effective teaching method in fourth-grade science classes in order to nurture capable students who desire a firmer understanding o f science concepts and skills. The other purpose o f tiiis study was to investigate whether students attitudes in fourth-grade science classes differ with respect to the teaching method. The results o f this study determined that there was a significant difference between the two teaching methods in the students attitudes in fourth-grade science classes. A MANOVA test was used to examine the differences and effects o f the two methods o f teaching elementary science. The results o f this study indicated tliat the 4-E learning cycle inquiry method was more effective than the traditional lecture-recitation learning method in encouraging students attitudes in elementary science classrooms. This finding is consistent with the literature. For example, Kyle (1988) in the Science Curriculum Improvement Study (SCnS) that emphasized inquiry-oriented approach used only a post-test control group design for his study to investigate the effects o f the SCIS learning cycle inquiry leaming on students attitudes. The preferences and understanding-student version questionnaire used in that study consisted o f 32 attitudinal items referenced from the 1977 Third Assessment o f Science, which was part o f the National Assessment o f Educational progress (NAEP, 1978). The student sample comprised o f 228 SCIIS students (54% male and 46%female) and 228 non-SCIIS students (52% male and 48% female). Kyle

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91 (1988) concluded that students in inquiry-oriented science classes have greatly enhanced attitudes toward science and scientists when compared to students in traditional textbook-oriented science classes. In addition to SCIIS students being more likely to choose science as either their first or second favorite subject in school, over seventy-five percent o f SCIIS students found science to be fun, exciting, and interesting while fostering a feeling o f curiosity. On tlie other hand, over fifty percent o f non-SCIIS students found science to be boring; tliirty-three percent indicate that science makes them feel uncomfortable. The SCIIS students wished that they had more time for science and more kinds o f science offerings. They also realized that their science teachers valued a high frequency o f questions and that questioning is important in science. The SCIIS students realized that through their inquiries they developed a feeling o f successfulness, s e n s students felt that science is useful both in their daily lives and in the future; they realized that in addition to gaining knowledge, being curious and inquisitive are important aspects o f science. Also the SCIIS classes enhanced the attitudes o f females toward science and their science classes. Furthermore, both SCIIS and non-SCIIS teachers found their previous traditionally taught science classes to be dull, uninteresting, lacking in excitement, and boring, while only mildly fostering a sense o f curiosity. The inquiry oriented process approach applied in the classroom apparently allows SCIIS teachers to portray a much more positive image o f science and scientists. This study o f instructional methods used in Kuwaiti classrooms obtained similar effects for many o f the same reasons discovered in the SCIIS study. Like the SCIIS findings, using the 4-E learning cycle Kuwaiti classrooms, the researcher found the following:

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92 1. Science being foil, exciting, and fostering students curiosity. 2. The students wanted to do more science by asking the teacher when is the next science class? . 3. Students reported a feeling o f successfolness through tlieir inquiries. 4. The 4-E leaming cycle enhanced both the achievement and the attitudes o f students toward science and their science classes. Thus, the findings o f this study indicate that the 4-E leaming cycle inquiry leaming mediods was more influential than traditional lecture-recitation leaming method in promoting students attitudes within the fourth-grade science classes. According to Haury(1993) one could expect that inquiry-orientated teaching may result in additional beneficial outcomes that include scientific literacy, familiarity with science processes, vocabulary knowledge, conceptual understanding, critical thinking, and positive attitudes towards science. In addition, the results o f this study indicated that these fourth grade elementary students did not exhibit any significant differences in achievement nor in attitudes toward science due to gender differences. This is consistent with the findings o f Shaw and Doan (1990) as discussed in Chapter 2 o f this dissertation. Therefore, studies indicating gender differences in secondary and middle school dont apply to this sample o f elementary students. It may be concluded that based on this sample, gender differences in attitude and achievement as obser-ved by Manliart (1998) and others, may commence after the elementary grades. It seems then that the dispar ity o f positi ve attitudes and equal achievement between female and male students possibly originates after grade four. If this is the case, additional studies are needed to investigate precise reasons for the

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93 changes that seem to occur after grade four. Areas that may lead to findings relevant to gender differences may include, but not be limited to; societal expectations, peer expectations, instructional techniques, instructional materials, teacher attitudes and teacher expectations. The MANOVA test showed that there was no interaction between the two independent variables in tliis study; namely, gender and the instructional methods. This result, is consistent with the previously cited research findings on gender differences with students at this age level. Gender does not make a difference with the younger learners when it comes to achievement and attitudes in science. In addition, the univariate test showed that the difference in achievement and attitude is derived from the instructional method used. Theses results were based on a level o f significant {Alpha~-0.05) that were not adjusted for multiple test. Recommendations The fimdamental aim o f the study was to detect the impact o f implementing 4-E leaming cycle inquiry leaming or traditional lecture-recitation methods upon students academic achievement and attitudes in fourth-grade science classes. The results o f this study should encourage those elementary science instmctors who have dedicated their careers to preparing students as well as themselves for the classroom. Educators who strive to develop the educational science status worldwide and especially in the State o f Kuwait should investigate in-depth the issue o f improving science instruction in order to positively influence the science learners. This study provides information to those educators about the impact o f 4-E leaming cycle inquiry leaming and traditional lecture-recitation learning methods upon students academic

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94 achievement and attitudes. However, this study could be replicated with consideration to some practical steps that needed to be considered before future use. 1. Using a larger sample, which, could be selected randomly, from elementary Kuwaiti schools m ay provide additional confidence about the effectiveness o f iitiliEing leam,in,g cycle inquiry learning and traditional lecture-recitation leaming method and producing gains in students academic achievement and attitudes. If the results o f a larger study are consistent with findings o f this study, serious work should be undertaken to implement the leaming cycle method across fourth-grade science curriculum in the State o f Kuwait schools. 2. A wide debate should be conducted among professionals and responsible individuals, especially teachers, who would be in charge o f implementing the new style o f teaching instraction in order to avoid misunderstandings implementing it. A thorough understanding is necessary about the nature o f science and what it means to be scientifically literate. A focal point o f any professional development opportunities should include science being more than just knowledge, but processes and attitudes as well. Teachers and leamers should understand their duties in the whole process to ensure success for all when utilizing it. 3. It may be favorable for other researchers who are interested in replicating a study similar to this to search for the reasons tlial may make 4-E learning cycle inquiry leaming method more effective than traditional lecturerecitation. The main question for those studies could become why is

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95 inquiry leanimg more effective? and produce statistical measures and concrete reasons about the factors that make this type o f teaching instruction more effective than the traditional strategies. We know from previous studies that have been done on the U.S.A. that learning cycle inquiry methods have a positive effect on student participation, excitement, nature o f questions, higher quality o f student work, and the true nature o f science. But we do not yet know the effect on the Kuwaiti students- Also, this sort o f question gives researchers another lens through which they view change in teaching strategies in science, 4. It is recommended to replicate the study in the fiiture by extending the experimental time and continuing to investigate and improve instrumentation. Those findings may help the researchers interpret precisely the circumstances which occurred within science classes and generalize the results o f their studies at the end o f the research process. 5. It is recommended that further research could consider other dependent variables that may be related to the effectiveness o f implementing the 4-E leaming cycle inquiry leaming versus traditional lecture-recitation leaming method in teaching elementary science, such as social skills, and process skills. 6. Further investigation should be made regarding the comparison o f the use o f 4-E leaming cycle inquiry leaming to other teaching methods such as cooperative, competitive, or other methods in teaching elementary or higher educational levels.

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96 7. More research should be conducted to judge the effects o f the traditional lecture-recitaliou learning method over the leaming cycle inquiry leaming method when it is applied within particular situations or specific grade levels. The traditional lecture-recitation leaming metlrod should not be completely disregarded until there is evidence that the learning cycle inquiry leaming approach is more effective in every grade level. 8. Further studies should be done to investigate the potential interaction between gender and the instructional methods used on students academic achievement and attitudes.

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97 Summai'v The researcher in this study found that the 4-E learning cycle method is more effective than the traditional lecture-recitation on student academic achievement and attitudes toward science. These results not only support the past studies that have been cited in this study, but also can be applied to the educational system in Kuwait. By implementing the 4-E learning cycle method, Kuwait can have a new generation of students that can globally compete on a broad scale scholastically, in addition to adapting to cultural changes which now include new gender inclusions in the classroom. For these reasons, the 4-E learning cycle promotes critical thinking which can affect students lives in many ways. The Ministry o f Education is eagerly searching for new ideas in regards to curriculum reform. At this point the most important question is that o f the implementation o f the new method. Making this part o f the new pre-service teacher training is the first step. Experienced teachers, entrenched in the traditional methods they have been using for years, may be the hardest to convince.

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Appendix A Achievement Test

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Acliievement Test Please try to answer all the questions. The results o f the test will be evaluated by a person who is not your teacher and your score will not affect your grade. Read and recotd all your answers on the paper carefully. N am e G rad e ______ Section #1 Mark the following statements as True (T) or False (F). 1. All fruits have seeds._____ 2. Plants make their food in dark. _ _ _ _ 3. I lie llower is the breeding ptirt o f the p lan ts_____ 4. Man preserves his food in only one w a y ._____ Section #2 Fill in the blank; Word Bank: (Water-Fruits-Fresh-Stem- Air-Fetus- Sun light-Cane) 1. The flowers o f the plants change to ______________ . ____ . _____

2. Plants keep their extra food in their stem, such as 3. ______________ their food. 4. Man eats caraied food a n d ____________ .....

are important for plants to m,ake

5. All plant seeds contain 6. ___

is a part o f the plant that carries the water from tlie root to the leaves.

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Section #3 Write the scientific definition; 1. __________ is the only organism that make his food by himself. ) are plants that keep the extra food in their leaves. is a way that we keep food.

2. ( _ ____ 3. __ __________

4. (__ _ ________ _ J is the part o f the plant that keep the plant steady in the dirt. Section #4 Give reasons for the following statements; 1. Candy stays for a long time without getting ruined.

2. Plants die in the dark.

3. Vegetables get ruined if we kept them without refrigeration, while nuts dont.

Section #5 Circle the correct answer; 1. Plants increase by: A. Roots C. Leaves

B. Seeds

D. None

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2. The main source o f food for human and animals is: A. Candy B. Plants C. Seeds D. Fish

3. A kind o f plant that keeps its extra food in its dowers: A. Cauliflower B. Lettuce 4. We keep candy by: A. Drying C. Salting C. Potato D. Egg plant

B. Canning

D. Sugaring

Section #6 (essay) What do you expect to happen to the plant if we remove its roots from the soil?

Section # 7 Dates grow in summer what should you do if you want to eat them at the rest o f the year?

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Appendix B Attitude Survey

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113 Instructions Please answer all tlie questioas as honestly as possible. The data tlmt will be collected by this survey will remain confidential and will not be provided to the science teacher or others, except in a summary iashion. Read carefiilly each numbered question below and, using the scale provided below, rea>rd your answer by circling the category tliat best express your altitude.

Do you enjoy studying and learning about.,.

flr.tri; ,'tud

(a) NO (b) NOT SURE (c) YES

(a) NO (b) NOT SURE (c) YES ! if ill i Ci vIU 'C

How sound travels?

4% r;

(a) NO (b) NOT SURE (c) YES

(a) NO (b) NOT SURE (c) YES

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(a) NO (b) NOT SURE (c) YES

(a) NO (b) NOT SURE (c) YES

(a) NO (b) NOT SURE (c) YES

(a) NO (b) NOT SURE (c) YES

10 .

-chiiiigc: *insi g r o w

(a) NO (b) NOT SURE (c) YES

(a) NO (b) NOT SURE (c) YES

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rZ ,
^ j'-;

'"nv niOvli a?sd it?; ?;ii;KU;wr;

' ) .... i : : : i a ' ) 1

i i r .. ' S l t J

(a) NO (b) NOT SURE (c) YES


(a) NO (b) NOT SURld c) YIS

KuV w 'e ii5ia.r hOisiu!;.


! C I:!!',;.'-!:

(a) NO (b) NOT SURE (c) YES

(a) NO (b) NOT SURE (c) YES



\l.4 w

(a) NO (b) NO!' SURE (c) YES ___

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Appendix C Pilot Study

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117 R eliability * ** -* ** M e thod 1 (spac analysis ******

save ir) w i, 1 1 b e us d fo r th is

R E L I A B I L I T y
(A L P H A)

I\ N A L Y S I S


N of Statistics fo r SCA.LE Mean 37 .254 9 Va r iance 22.2337 Std Dev 4 .7153 Va


Item-total St ci tXst i , cs .Scale Meciri Alpha if Item if Item Deleted Dele'ted ITEMl .6953 ITEM2 .7069 ITEMS .6585 ITEM4 .6868 ITEMS .6743 ITEM 6 .6891 ITEM7 .6829 ITEM8 .6969 ITEM 9 .7112 ITEMl0 .6940 34.3333 34.3922 34.8235 34.5882 34.4 510 35.1176 34.6078 34.9608 34.5098 34.8627 21.38 67 21.9231 18.2282 20.1671 19.9325 19.0259 19.84 31 19.8384 21.4 94 9 19.6008 .2351 .0399 .5090 .3008 .4702 .2959 .3340 .2299 .0593 .2536 Delected Correlation if Item Total Scale V a irielnee Corrected Itern-

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ITEMl1 .6907 ITEMl2 .6870 ITEM13 .6445 ITEM14 .6640 ITEMl5 .6937 35.1373 34.9608 35.137 3 35.2745 34.4118 19.4 808 19.5584 17.2008 17.9231 21.1271 ,27 60 .2983 .577 6 .4 554 .2424

Re 1iabi . 1it y Coe ffi c i , en ts N of Cases Alpha = .7007 51.0 N of Items

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Appendix D Pre-Post Test o f Reliability

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Reliability ****** Method 1 (space Sciver) will be usid for this analysis *******

R E L I a B I L I T Y (A L P H A)


1 ,Y S I S


Statistics f o r SCALE

Mtsan 21.357 9

Var iance; 46.4450

Std Dev 6.8151

N of Va r i .ables 15

Item-1 o ta 1 Stc s . t ist .ic s SCelle Mean Alpha if if Item Deleted Deleted ITEMlPRE .8221 ITEM2PRE .8179 ITEM3PRE .8233 ITEM4PRE .8283 ITEM5PRE .8171 ITEM6PRE .8284 ITEM7PRE .8248 ITEMSPRE .8249 ITEM9PRE .8260 ITEMl OPR .8167 20.0421 19.7684 20.0105 19.9474 19.7895 19.9053 19.8737 19.9684 20.0316 19.7 68 4 40.7429 40.7756 41.0744 41.9227 40.7212 41.7250 41.6647 41.0096 41.17 98 40.6692 .4478 .5205 .4282 .3485 .5366 .3513 .4028 .4069 .3901 .5443 Dele;ted Correlation if Item Total Scale Variance Corrected It2m~

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ITEM11 PR .8141 ITEMl2PR .8162 ITEMl3PR .8195 ITEMl4 PR .8228 ITEMl5PR .8246

20.1474 19.8211 19.9895 20.2526 19.6947

39.1908 40.2974 40.4361 40.2972 42.4 69?

.564 2 .5453 .4882 .4415 .4098

Reliability Coefficients N of Cases =

A lp h a


N of lie

.8 317

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Reliability ****** Method ] (space) saver) will be used for this analysis ******

R E L I A B I L I T Y (A L P H A)




Statistics for SCALE

Mecin 21.5612

Variance 45.4240

Std Dev 6.7397

N of Variables 15

1 1 :em-1 o t a 1 St a tistics Scale Mesan Alpha if Item if Item Deleted Deleted ITEMlPOS .8140 ITEM2P0S .8168 ITEM3P0S .8217 ITEM4P0S .8245 ITEMSPOS .8092 ITEM6P0S .8153 ITEM7P0S .8219 ITEM8POS .8172 ITEM9P0S .8247 ITEMl0PC .8139 20.2551 20.1327 20.1327 20.1735 19.9898 20.0612 20.0204 20.0204 20.1939 20.0612 39.0992 40.0750 41.0235 41.0727 39.4329 40.1612 41.2985 40.5563 41.0239 40.0375 47 35 4302 3521 3167 5553 4540 3456 4227 3166 4766 D )1e ted Co rre 1at ior i if I t i r a Total Sca 1e Variance Corrected Ite ra -

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ITEM IIPO .81.34 ITEMl2P0 .8099 ITEM13E>0 .8104 ITEMl4PC .8115 ITEMl5PC .8135

2 0.1837 20.1327 20.1939 20.4082 19.8980

39.2649 39.2915 39.08 57 38,9039 40.5874

.4 804 .5374 .5251 .5081 .4 97 9

Reliability Cojf ficients

N C )L Csbi&s .

98.0 8261

N of I t : e :


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Appendix E Pre-Compari son Test

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1,25 Bovs' Class (Traditional Classroom) Number of Students in(4/l) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. The mean-25.42/30 Academic achievernetit grade 25 27 27 21 24 22 27 24 22 26 28 29 25 19 26 26 24 28 29 26 28 22 27 28

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126 Fjovs* Class (Learniim Cycle Ciassroom) Number o f Stiideuts in (473) i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. The mean=2635/30 Academic achievement grade 28 30 27 27 24 25 22 28 25 26 25 29 25 27 26 28 23 24 26 28 30 28 29 26 20 29

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Girls* Class (Traditional Classroom) Number o f Students in (4/1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. U. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. The mean=26,90/30 Academic achievement grade 29 28 29 28 25 23 19 23 26 29 26 27 28 30 30 26 25 29 28 29 26 30 27 28 27 26 29 23 28 26 26

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128 Cjirls C'lass (Learning Cy c k Classi'oom) Number o f Students in (4/7) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30 The mean=26.10/30 Academic achievement grade 26 22 26 25 28 18 27 24 30 26 29 23 26 27 29 27 29 30 27 26 26 28 29 26 27 30 23 27 25 18

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Appendix F Sample o f Lesson Plans

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130 l lie 4-E Leamina Cycle Lesson. Plan Sample C oncept: The basic Parts o f a plant are roots, stems, and leaves. Concepts that are important to expansion Air, water, and Sun light is necessary for plant growth. Exploration: Process skills students will use in exploration phase: observing, communicating, identi lying, and modeling Provide each group o f the students with plants. Allow the students lime to dig up the plants from the pot. Make sure that they will get most o f the root systems. Ask them to carelhlly put their plants on a piece o f paper. Finally, ask them to make some observations and talk over their observations with one another. Have them draw a picture o f their plants Explanation: Concept: the basic parts o f a plant are roots, stems, and leaves. W hat is the name o f the part that you find under the soil? What is the role o f the roots? W hat is the name o f the second part o f the plant? What is the role o f it? Then what do all o f our plants have in common? Continue with this line o f questions until the students understand that the basic parts o f a plant are roots, stems, and leaves. Ask the students to return to the drawings they created o f their plants. Ask them to label the roots, stems, and leaves in their drawings. The teacher will ask the recorder o f each group to write a name o f a part o f plant on the board.

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Expansion: Process skills studenls will use in expansion phase; observing, infcmng, comparing, identi lying, and modeling. Teacher guided expansion- Using a model o f plant 1 will take apart the model and liave all parts on a table in front o f the class. Individual students wall be called up to choose a plant part, identify it, write its name on the board, and then place the part in its appropriate spot on the plant model. E valuation: At the end o f this activity the students will be able to; Identify the basic parts o f a plant (root, stem, and leaf). Name the four things most plants need to live.

When given carrot, celery, and lettuce, identify which is a root, which is a stem, and which is a leaf.

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Traditional [.earning Lesson Plan Sample Objectives: The students will be able to identify the basic parts o f plants. Materials: A sample o f plant or a picture o f plant. Use textbook. Subject: Science P rocedure: Show the student the plant that I have on the table in front o f me and ask them about the name o f each part. Ask the students to open the textbook on page, and ask them to tell me about the name of each part. Tell the student the role o f each part o f the plant. Ask them to repeat after me the name o f each part. Give the students a picture o f a plant and ask them to write down the name o f each part. Evaluation: Give a quiz or a test at the end o f the unit.

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Appendix G Abstract

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Ebrahira, AH, H assan


June, 2004

Curriculum and Instruction (Science Education) THE EFFECTS OF TR A D ITIO N A L LEA RN IN G AND A LEA RN ING CYCLE .INQUIRY LEA R N IN G STRATEG Y ON ST U D E N TS SCIEN CE ACHIEVEM ENT AND ATTITUD ES TO W A RD ELEM EN TA R Y SCIENCE (Pp. 135) D irector o f Dissertation; (Dr, R alph M artin) The purpose o f this study is to exam ine the impact o f two instructional methods on students academ ic achievem ent and attitudes tow ard elem entary science in the State o f Kuwait: traditional teaching method and the 4~.E learning cycle inquiry teaching method. The subjects were 111 students from four intact grade classes. The

experim ent group (n=56) received the learning cycle instm ction w hile the control group (n=55) received a m ore traditional approach over a four w eek period. The same female teacher tauglit the experim ental and control groups for boys and a different female teacher taught experimental and control groups for girls. The dependent variables were m easured through the use of: (1) a science achievement test to assess student achievem ent; and (2) an attitude survey to measure students attitudes toward science. Q uantitative data were collected on students pre- and post -treatm ent achievement and attitudes measures. The two way M AN O V A reveals that: (I) the 4-E learning cycle instructional method produces significantly greater achievem ent and attitudes among fourth grade science students than the traditional teaching approach F (2, 93) = 19.765, (P= .000), corresponding to W ilks Lam bda = .702 with an effect size o f .298 and a power o f I . In light o f these findings, it is therefore suggested that students can achieve greater and have

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higher science attitudes when the 4-E learning cycle is used. In addition, these findings support the notiop that effective instruction in teaching science, such as the 4-E learning cycle instruction, should be proposed and im pieraented in eiernentaiy schools.

A pproved


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