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Simple Present for Beginners

Read the following interview using the simple present tense Mark: Hello, Can I ask you some questions for an interview? Jennifer: Yes, I can answer some questions. Mark: Thank you for taking the time. Now, first question: hat !o you !o? Jennifer: I work in a li"rary. I#m a li"rarian. Mark: $re you marrie!? Jennifer: Yes, I am. Mark: hat !oes your hus"an! !o? Jennifer: He works as a %oliceman. Mark: &o you usually have !inner together? Jennifer: Yes, we !o. Mark: How often !oes your hus"an! e'ercise? Jennifer: He sometimes e'ercises four times a week. (ut, he usually e'ercises only twice a week. Mark: here !o you like going on holi!ay? Jennifer: e rarely go on holi!ay. However, we like going to the mountains if we can. Mark: hat ty%e of "ooks !o you rea!? Jennifer: I often rea! horror stories. Mark: Thank you very much for answering my questions. Jennifer: You#re welcome) Take a look at the following conjugation chart. Notice from the above dialogue and following chart that the present simple is often used to describe what we do every day. e use verbs of frequency !always" sometimes" usually" etc.# which indicate a habit.
Examples Where do you work? The store opens at 9 o'clock. She lives in New York. Usage Permanent or long lasting situations

! usually get up at " o'clock. She doesn't o#ten go to $egular ha%its and daily the cinema. routines When do they usually have lunch? The &arth revolves around the Sun. What does 'strange' mean? Water doesn't %oil at '().


! love walking around *eelings late at night during the summer. She hates #lying+ What do you like? ! don't want to live in

Te,as. -e doesn't agree with you. ! think he is a wonder#ul student. What do you consider your %est accomplishment?

.pinions and states o# mind

The plane leaves at / p.m. When do courses %egin Timeta%les and schedules this semester? The train doesn't arrive until 0(.12. Common present time expressions include: usually3 always3 o#ten3 sometimes3 on Saturdays3 at weekends 4on weekends 5S &nglish63 rarely3 on occasion3 never3 seldom Structure In the positive form add an 's' to the base form of the 3rd person singular. If the verb ends in - preceded b a consonant! change the - to -ies. ! You We They -e She !t eat lunch at noon.

eats lunch tries to have #un.

at noon.

Con"ugate the helping verb 'do' not #don't and doesn't$ the base form of the verb to ma%e negatives. ! You We They -e She !t don't leave at noon.

doesn't leave

at noon.

Con"ugate the helping verb 'do' #do or does$ the base form of the verb in &uestion forms. 7o ! You We They -e She !t leave at noon?


leave at noon?

EXECISE rite the $uestions for the following answers. %lick on the arrow to see the answer. *. I usually get u% at seven o#clock. +. He often goes to the cinema twice a week. ,. They live in Chicago. -. .he is an accountant. /. Yes, they have a car. 0. I like listening to classical music.


I usually get u% at seven o#clock.


He often goes to the cinema twice a week.


They live in Chicago.


.he is an accountant.

Yes, they have a car.


I like listening to classical music.

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