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Globalization is an issue that has been brought up recently.

This topic has been greatly debated with strong supporters arguing both sides. Many argue that globalization is only to the benefit of industrialized and developed countries while others argue that the benefits of globalization do outweigh the costs. Smaller countries can definitely benefit from the effects of globalization as the industrialization and the advancement of the more developed nations can trickle down to the smaller countries so that they are able to advance, themselves. The less developed countries can take many different ideas and knowledge from the advanced countries, such as, the flow of ideas and capabilities, the flow of literacy and education, and the flow of institutions and policies required for sustained equality. After these ideas can be taken and implemented, the costs of globalization will even out. As stated by Jerry Mander in The Dark Side of Globalization, because globalization is uncontrolled, the flow of capital is highly asymmetrical. He argues that over the last twenty year, when rich countries provide assistance to the poorer countries, they receive 10 times as much back illegally. However, as Gale Johnson outlines the benefits of globalization in Globalization: what it is and who benefits, one point is that globalization can lead to the flow institutions and policies required for sustained economic growth. Countries have developed and industrialized at different rates depending on their education and their resources. This has created an inequality among the countries of the world. However, as globalization is the associated with the flow of goods, if globalization was implemented, the smaller countries could accept the institutions and policies that the developed countries have and view their successes in an attempt to industrialize and develop their own economies. Once this is achieved, the smaller countries will be able to pay back the bigger countries and equality can be attained. This can be seen in the Dawes Act implemented after the First World War. Germany suffered a huge decline in economic success and was on the verge of collapse. However, the United States, a country who was developed and has the resources to attempt globalization, loaned money to Germany so that they were able to repay their debts to Britain and France who needed to repay their debts to the United States. This system was successful as Germany was able to get back up on its feet and the United States, Britain and France were able to benefit from this. This is a good example of globalization can be achieved and be beneficial to all countries. The flow of institutions and policies can be taken and implemented to achieve sustained equality among all countries. Another good outcome of globalization is the flow of ideas and capabilities. Once one idea is started, others will be able to formulate ideas that are based off of the idea to spur their economy and their industry. As Johnson said, ideas must be transformed into either a product or a process, org both. This is important for the people as they need globalization to help them get started. Globalization will help smaller countries get that jump start that they need by providing them with the goods and the necessities. The goods wont always be available to them from the more developed countries, so they need to come up with a way to manipulate their own resources to imitate the goods that are given to them. This will help spark the ideas that will lead to the processes or the products that will result in more equality throughout the world. A prime example of this is Deng Xiaopings Open Door Policy as an attempt to stimulate Chinas economy in the 1970s. Before Deng, Maos economy was going downhill after the Cultural Revolution. Deng isolated parts of China to contain capitalistic economies. With these areas of China as capitalistic economies, the overall economy of China was able to grow and prosper resulting in China as one of the world powers in todays international market.

As a result of the flow of ideas and capabilities comes the flow of literacy and education. The ideas that come about will result in the availability of education for more people, especially those who are underprivileged. With more people being more educated, it is possible for them to help their country and its economy. The results of globalization will yield more benefits to the people than it would cost them. In conclusion, globalization does overcome the costs that it has. Yes, there are many costs to globalization as it may seem that the more developed countries are trying to enforce their goods and their ideas on the less developed nations. But through globalization, less developed countries are able to take those goods and those ideas to stimulate and industrialize their economies so that they can catch up with the more developed countries. In the beginning, the more developed countries may gain more than the less developed countries materialistically, but once the smaller countries are able to use the ideas, capabilities, education and institutions and policies that they have gain from globalization, they will be able to repay or even make up for their losses with their own economies. Globalization will lead to equality among countries as it provides a means for it.

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