Final Examination: King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

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University Diplo ! Pro"r! s PHYS #$%& Soli' St!te P(ysi)s

Fin!l E*! in!tion

S!t+r'!y, -!n+!ry $., %##/

St+'ent N! e&

ID 0&

1+estion No2 $2 %2 /2 32 42 52 62 .2 72 $#2 $$2 Tot!l

Points $# $# $# $# $# $# $# 4 4 4 $4 $##



Write the device name, or its abbreviation, under each of the following symbols. Label each symbol with its appropriate terminal designations.

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Write the device name, the fully qualified name, under each of the following symbols. Label each symbol with its appropriate terminal designations.

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Q.3 ".

ircle the most accurate answer for each of the following questions! # thyristor has! $a% $b% $c% $d% "". two pn &unction, three pn &unctions, four pn &unctions, only two terminals.

'nce it is conducting, a ()layer diode can be turned off by! $a% $b% $c% $d% reducing the current below a certain value, disconnecting the anode voltage, answers $a% and $b%, neither answer $a% nor $b%.


#n * + can be turned off by! $a% $b% $c% $d% $e% forced commutation, a negative pulse on the gate, anode current interruption, answers $a%, $b%, and $c%, answers $a% and $c%.


-he specified value of holding current for an * + means that! $a% $b% $c% $d% the device will turn on when the anode current e.ceeds this value, the device will turn off when the anode current falls below this value, the device may be damaged if the anode current e.ceeds this value, the gate current must equal or e.ceed this value to turn the device on.


-he diac is! $a% $b% $c% $d% a thyristor, a bilateral, two)terminal device, li/e two parallel ()layer diodes in reverse directions, answers $a%, $b%, and $c%.

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Q.( ".

ircle the most accurate answer for each of the following questions! -he triac is! $a% $b% $c% $d% "". li/e a bidirectional * +, a four)terminal device, not a thyristor, answers $a% and $b%.

-he * * differs from the * + because! $a% $b% $c% $d% it does not have a gate terminal, its holding current is less, it can handle much higher currents, it has two gate terminals.


-he * * can be turned on by! $a% $b% $c% $d% an anode voltage that e.ceeds forward)brea/over voltage, a positive pulse on the cathode gate, a negative pulse on the anode gate, either $b% or $c%.


-he * * can be turned off by! $a% a negative pulse on the cathode gate and a positive pulse on the anode gate, $b% reducing the anode current to below the holding value, $c% answers $a% and $b%, $d% a positive pulse on the cathode gate and a negative pulse on the anode gate.


Which of the following is not a characteristic of the 01-2! $a% $b% $c% $d% intrinsic standoff ratio, negative resistance, pea/)point voltage, bilateral conduction.

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Q.3 ".

ircle the most accurate answer for each of the following questions! #n amplifier that operates in the linear region at all times is! $a% $b% $c% $d% "". lass #, lass #4, lass 4, lass .

# certain class # power amplifier delivers 3 W to a load with an input signal power of 155 mW. -he power gain is! $a% $b% $c% $d% 155, 35, 235, 3.


-he pea/ current a class # power amplifier can deliver to a load depends on the! $a% $b% $c% $d% ma.imum rating of the power supply, quiescent current, current in the bias resistors, si6e of the heat sin/.


-he transistors in a class 4 amplifier are biased! $a% $b% $c% $d% into cutoff, in saturation, at midpoint of the load line, right at cutoff.


-he 70- is! $a% $b% $c% $d% much li/e the 01-, not a thyristor, triggered on and off by the gate)to)anode voltage, not a four)layer device.

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#nswer the following questions! a. # 19:- has a specified pinch)off voltage of ( ,. When V;* < 5, what is V=* at the point where the drain current becomes constant2


# certain 19:- data sheet gives V;$off% < )> , and I=** <12 m#. When V;* < 5, what is I= for values of V=* above pinch off2


:ach of two cascaded amplifier stages has an Av < 25. What is the overall gain2 the result in d4.

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#nswer the following questions! a. What is the role of the * + in the following circuit2


What is the role of the 01- in the following circuit2 */etch the output voltage, V+2.

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=etermine I4, I , and V : for a base)biased transistor circuit with the following values! = < @5, V <12 ,, R4 <22 AB, and R < 155 B. "f = doubles over temperature, what are the Q)point values2

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# collector)feedbac/ circuit uses an npn transistor with V <12 ,, R < 155B, and R 4 <22 AB. =etermine collector current and collector voltage if = < @5.

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Q.15 #naly6e the circuit in the following figure to determine the correct voltages at the transistor terminals with respect to ground. #ssume = < 255.

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Q.11 "n the amplifier in the underneath figure, determine the following = and ac values! V4, V:, I:, I , V , V :, Rin$base%, Rin, Av, Ai, Ap. What is the role of C1, C2, and C32 What type of transistor bias circuit is used2

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$4lan/ page for Q.11%

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