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Austin Chavez February 17, 2014

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John Peter Zenger and Freedom of the Press

Truth Is a Defense

I chose my topic because it was about freedom of the press. I have strong feelings for the

freedoms and rights of this nation. I saw that this may be a time to see where the roots of freedom of press, as a right, originated. I have found out that it wasn't necessarily the right, but instead the idea, the notion of an uncontrolled press was born from John Zenger and his ability as well as audacity to challenge the crown. I have a ery passion for the future of this country as well as the rights if citizens, however I've never taken the time to do any research on the rights. The topic caught my eye being titled The Right of Freedom of Press. My passion ignited in me as well as curiosity to nd what this is about. I conducted my research solely through the internet. I used credible resources such as government websites, organizations, and resources vetted by professionals. I did not use any other other resources due the fast that the internet is a vast place for resources and facts, you must only dig a little to nd the research. I instead used many resources from the internet rather than a few from the internet and a few from written resources. I used secondary resources only because there are no primary sources to my knowledge from the 1700's. I put my project together electronically, from my computer. It was built from the ground up as a completely new website. I used pictures, graphics, furthermore, different types of texts, tabs, and sections to display my different kinds of research. I learned the skills of artistry of a website and how to electronically craft and design a website from the ground up. The hundreds of websites on the internet do not simply appear, they are made, and now I have the ability to create a website now. I can contribute to the vast space of information we call the internet in which this skill can assist me in the need of building websites in the future.



My topic relates to the theme because it is a right, even a responsibility. It relates to the theme of "Rights and Responsibilities In History" because the freedom of press is a right to the world, but more importantly the United States at the time of John Peter Zenger. If he had not stood up and taken responsibility for the right of the people to freedom if press we may not have it to this day and be controlled by The Crown of Britain. My understanding of this topic has changed throughout the duration of this project because in the beginning I thought it was only about the freedom of press. I only though it was the importance of the freedom of press, however, instead it was about the importance of keeping the freedom in the colonies. If Zenger hadn't stood for the press he believed in it may not be a luxury we have. This topic is important to history due to the fact that we may not have the luxury to freedom of press had Peter Zenger not stood up for what he believed in. The topic changed the course of the control of press by the crown. It also contributed to the unrest in the colonies toward the English Crown. It became a solid inalienable right in the new system of government in the colonies and it all started with the trial and protest of John Zenger.



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