Betting School Insiders News Report: Honest and Independent Reviews of Betting Products

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Honest and Independent Reviews of Bettin P!od"#ts
In t$is PD% do#"&ent 'o" wi(( find t$e )a!*et Info!&ation Te#$ni+"e as it was
p",(is$ed in Iss"e 59 of t$e Bettin S#$oo( Inside!s Repo!t-
We $ope 'o" find it "sef"( and p!ofita,(e- If 'o" wo"(d (i*e to .oin t$e Inside!s #(",
p(ease o to www-,ettin/s#$oo(-#o&0p!ivate
Da!!en 1 Steve
B("e De(ta )a!*etin Ltd2 Reiste!ed Offi#e3 4a(entine Cottae2 Bitte!in St!eet2 De!e$a&2 No!fo(*2 NR56 7EP-
Reiste!ed in En(and No- 5588859 4:T No- GB ;;< =57969
:(( #ontent is #op'!i$t 56<6 B("e De(ta )a!*etin Ltd and &a' not ,e !ep!od"#ed in an' wa' wit$o"t p!io! w!itten #onsent
Market Information Technique (MIT)
T$e &a.o!it' of t$e dai(' newspape!s2 and of #o"!se t$e Ra#in Ind"st!' Standa!d2 t$e
Ra#in Post2 s"pp(' a ,ettin fo!e#ast >a(so *nown as a Tiss"e? fo! ea#$ da's !a#in- %o!
&an' 'ea!s now t$ese ,ettin fo!e#asts $ave ,een "sed ,' an a!&' of p"nte!s to
fo!&"(ate t$ei! se(e#tions and s",se+"ent ,ets- So&e si&p(' p"t t$e fo!e#ast favo"!ites in
@an*eeAs2 and t$e ,oo*ies favo"!ite t$e L"#*' <5-
T$e!e $ave a(so ,een n"&e!o"s #o&&e!#ia((' &a!*eted Bs'ste&sC s"#$ as T$e Lea#'2
w$i#$ $ave ,ased t$ei! !"(es on ,a#*in t$e fo!e#ast favo"!ite in #e!tain !a#e t'pes2 and
&o!e !e#ent(' wit$ t$e advent of t$e ,ettin eD#$anes2 t$e!e a!e a ve!' (on (ist of
B&i!a#(eC (a'in &et$ods2 t$e &a.o!it' of w$i#$ see& to in#("de a !efe!en#e to t$e
,ettin fo!e#ast-
:(( of t$ese &et$ods see& to $ave so&e &e!it ,"t2 wit$ ve!' few eD#eptions2 t$e' a(( fai(
to &a*e a (on te!& p!ofit- I pe!sona((' #annot see t$e sense in (a'in a $o!se at
potentia((' inf(ated odds ."st ,e#a"se t$e Ra#in Post $ad it as t$ei! fo!e#ast favo"!ite-
@es t$e!e a!e !"(es to ,a#* "p t$e !ationa(e ,"t we $ave a(( seen $o!ses o off at do",(e
and so&eti&es t!ip(e t$e odds of t$e o!iina( fo!e#ast p!i#e ,e#a"se t$e wei$t of opinion
$as inf("en#ed t$e p!i#e and (a'e!s a!e fa((in ove! t$e&se(ves to et t$ei! (a' ,et
&at#$ed2 and so&eti&es #o&&on sense f(ies o"t of t$e window-
T$e o(d adae Bt$e &a!*et ets it w!on &o!e ti&es t$an it ets it !i$tC #e!tain(' #an
!in t!"e- T$e opposite side of t$is &ass (a'in is t$e B$e!dC effe#t w$e!e,' we a!e to(d to
,a#* a $o!se ,e#a"se it $as ,een $eavi(' s"ppo!ted in t$e &a!*et2 in !ea(it' we end "p
ta*in a s$o!tened p!i#e w$en t$e !ea( va("e $as potentia((' one-
@es2 a&,(es do #o&e off ,"t 'o" $ave to as* t$e +"estion w$' do t$e ,oo*&a*e!s
t$e&se(ves p(a' t$ese "pEE-Padd' Powe! $as a se#tion on t$ei! we,site t$at detai(s
t$ese BStea&e!sC and &an' ,ettin s$ops a(so $i$(i$t t$ese s"pposed a&,(es ,'
p"ttin "p &essaes on t$ei! &onito!s- In addition 'o" et t$e !ants of t$e (i*es of Fo$n
)#C!i!i#* waDin ('!i#a( a,o"t Bt$ose t$at *nowCEEEEEEEE--
T$e &a!*ets ,ot$ fo!e#ast and (ive #an ,e "sef"( ,"t it is not t$e answe! in iso(ation2 ot$e!
sensi,(e #$e#*s need to ,e &ade ,efo!e I pa!t wit$ &' $a!d ea!ned #as$- Wit$ t$is in
&ind I wo"(d (i*e to p!esent an eDa&p(e of $ow t$e &a!*et2 in t$is #ase t$e Ra#in Post
Bettin %o!e#ast #an ,e "sed to $i$(i$t a s$o!t (ist of !"nne!s t$at afte! #a!ef"(
#onside!ation #o"(d (ead to a p!ofita,(e !o"te-
Ea#$ da' at app!oDi&ate(' <6-66a-& I (o onto t$e Ra#in Post and !eview ea#$ !a#e in
t"!n2 $e!eAs a t'pi#a( !a#e3
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Bettin S#$oo( Inside!s News Repo!t
:(( #ontent is G#op'!i$t 56<6 B("e De(ta )a!*etin Ltd and &a' not ,e !ep!od"#ed in an' wa' wit$o"t p!io! w!itten #onsent
February 27

W$at I a& (oo*in fo! is a sinifi#ant diffe!en#e ,etween t$e Ra#in Post %o!e#ast p!i#e
and t$e p!i#es s$own in t$e BBest OddsC #o("&n- I tend to "se one t$i!d (ess2 so if t$e
fo!e#ast p!i#e is 90< ><6-66? a $o!se wit$ B,est oddsC of 80< >9-66? o! (ess fits t$e ,i((- I
!eview ea#$ !a#e in t"!n and .ot down a (ist of a(( t$e !"nne!s t$at fit t$is #!ite!ion- )ost
wee*da's wi(( $i$(i$t a few2 w$i(st a ,"s' Sat"!da' #an p!od"#e +"ite a few potentia(
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// = ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Bettin S#$oo( Inside!s News Repo!t
:(( #ontent is G#op'!i$t 56<6 B("e De(ta )a!*etin Ltd and &a' not ,e !ep!od"#ed in an' wa' wit$o"t p!io! w!itten #onsent
I p!efe! to (oo* o"t fo! potentia( i&p!ove!s o! $o!ses wit$ on(' a few !"ns "nde! t$ei!
,e(ts2 and w$e!e t$e fo!& appea!s (ess eDposed- :t t$e end of t$e da' t$e &o!e fo!&
avai(a,(e t$e &o!e (i*e(' t$at t$e !est of t$e p"ntin wo!(d wi(( ,e awa!e of it and t$is wi((
,e fa#to!ed into t$e p!i#es avai(a,(e-
To i(("st!ate &' point (etAs ta*e a (oo* at a few of t$e !e#ent $o!ses t$at we!e $i$(i$ted
,' "sin t$e )IT &et$od2 sta!tin wit$ t$e !a#e s$own a,ove-
HELPSTO as 'o" #an see was +"oted H !"#! in t$e ,ettin fo!e#ast2 ,"t at ."st ,efo!e
<6-66a& $ad a $be%t o&&%' +"ote of !(#2- He was (i$t(' !a#ed2 $avin on(' ei$t !"ns to
date and $ad p!o!essed f!o& a #o"p(e of Bs#$oo(in !"nsC in ,"&pe!s to win a de#ent
novi#e $"!d(e ,eatin a s$o!t p!i#ed favo"!ite La*e Leend t!ained ,' :(an Iin ,' fo"!
He was t$en stepped "p in !ade and !an a de#ent !a#e ove! toda'As #o"!se and distan#e
finis$in 5
to a $o!se t$at went on to finis$ =
at t$e C$e(ten$a& %estiva( a few wee*s
(ate!- He a(so finis$ed a #!edita,(e =
on $is fina( J69 season !"n ,e$ind Ti&e %o! R"pe!t
w$o is now !ated <59 afte! (andin two top #(ass $andi#ap $"!d(es and $ad so&e
#o((ate!a( fo!& wit$ Wo(f )oon2 a(so a !"nne! in toda'As !a#e2 ,"t at a &"#$ s$o!te!
p!i#e- I pe!#eived t$at a !et"!n to toda'As t!ip wo"(d s"it He(pston and d"(' ,a#*ed $i&
ea#$ wa'EE-
He !an a so(id !a#e ,"t fo"nd one too st!on and finis$ed 5
H <=052 ,"t I &ade a s&a((
pe!#entae p!ofit f!o& &' Betfai! p(a#e SP of =-6;- I a(so wi(( ,e *eepin an e'e o"t fo!
$is f"t"!e !"ns2 pa!ti#"(a!(' w$en $e t!ies $is $and ove! t$e ,ie! o,sta#(es as #$asin
wo"(d see& to ,e $is ,est (on te!& p(an-
On a t'pi#a( da'Ks !a#in t$e!e #an ,e a n"&,e! of $o!ses t$at &eet t$e )IT #!ite!ia and
in so&e #ases it #an ,e $a!d to fat$o& w$' t$e diffe!en#e in p!i#es $ave o##"!!ed- :ain2
,' !eviewin t$e fo!& 'o" #an &a*e a ,ette! info!&ed de#ision w$et$e! to ,a#* t$e& o!
in &an' #ases (eave t$e& to !"n-
%!o& Satur&ay 27
February in the !)(* +he,%to- SE.IPOST was +"oted / 0#!
in t$e Post fo!e#ast2 ,"t $ad &o!nin $be%t o&&%' of !!#2- T$e na&e st!"#* &e as
fa&i(ia! and it t"!ned o"t t$at t$e $o!se was a $a(f siste! to t$at p!o(ifi# winne!
Sendintan* of Pat!i#* 4eit#$ fa&e-
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 7 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Bettin S#$oo( Inside!s News Repo!t
:(( #ontent is G#op'!i$t 56<6 B("e De(ta )a!*etin Ltd and &a' not ,e !ep!od"#ed in an' wa' wit$o"t p!io! w!itten #onsent
Howeve!2 (oo*in at $e! fo!& !evea(ed t$at s$e was so(d on fo! ;66 G"ineas afte! ,ein
off t$e t!a#* fo! ove! 5 L 'ea!s- C(ea!(' s$e $ad not p!o!essed as eDpe#ted2 $oweve!
toda'As !a#e was a poo! one2 ,"t w$at stood o"t fo! &e was $e! ,est fo!& $ad #o&e on a
so"nd s"!fa#e and toda'As oin was $eav' and t$e t!a#* was oin to !ide ve!' testin-
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Bettin S#$oo( Inside!s News Repo!t
:(( #ontent is G#op'!i$t 56<6 B("e De(ta )a!*etin Ltd and &a' not ,e !ep!od"#ed in an' wa' wit$o"t p!io! w!itten #onsent
In t$e p!e/!a#e (ive &a!*et Sendinpost !e&ained fi!& at a!o"nd 90< and went off <=05 =
favo"!ite- In t$e !a#e s$e was soon st!"(in in t$e #onditions and was p"((ed "p ,efo!e
t$e (ast $"!d(e- : f"t"!e !"n on ,ette! oin &a' p!ovide i&p!oved fo!&-
: #o"p(e &o!e eDa&p(es of $o!ses fo"nd ,' "sin t$e )IT &et$od and &' !easons fo!
,a#*in t$e& a!e detai(ed ,e(ow-
Feb 1
.onca%ter 2 !)(( 2 +3a%% 2 2 43ue Square Han&ica, Hur&3e
SI5 H6557 O5MESHE5 was +"oted / !2#! in t$e Ra#in Post %o!e#ast ,"t w$en I
!eviewed t$e !a#e $is $be%t o&&%' p!i#e was +"oted / 1#! so a 56M diffe!en#e was
sinifi#ant eno"$ fo! &e to s$o!t (ist- I !eviewed $is fo!& and w$at stood o"t was t$at
a(t$o"$ $e was now a seven 'ea! o(d $e was sti(( (i$t(' !a#ed wit$ on(' << !"ns to date-
On #$e#*in t$e B+"otesC it was stated t$at $e $ad #$aned sta,(es afte! ,ein ,o"$t ,'
its p!esent owne! fo! N952666 in Fan"a!' 566; afte! winnin a B"&pe! and C(ass 5
H"!d(e !a#e- In#identa((' $e a(so finis$ed 55
in t$e C$e(ten$a& C$a&pions$ip B"&pe!
Ra#e of w$i#$ I $i$(i$ted t$e sinifi#an#e in an a!ti#(e tit(ed BB"&pe! P!ofitsC in t$e
!e#ent(' p",(is$ed %e,!"a!' edition of T$e Bettin S#$oo( Inside!s News Repo!t- :fte!
&ovin to :(an IinAs 'a!d $e won anot$e! novi#e $"!d(e and was t$en sent #$asin-
Unfo!t"nate(' afte! a winnin #$ase de,"t $e was we(( ,eaten in $is neDt !a#e afte!
&a*in &ista*es- He was t$en off t$e t!a#* fo! <5 &ont$s ,efo!e fai(in to #o&p(ete in a
fo"! !"nne! C(ass 5 #$ase at Ie&pton- C(ea!(' $is #onfiden#e fo! #$asin $ad ,een
dented as $e was neDt seen siD wee*s (ate! ,a#* ove! $"!d(es in a #o&petitive $andi#ap
!a#e at Don#aste!-
He $ad ."st ta*en "p t$e (ead afte! two o"t w$en t$e !a#e $ad to ,e voided d"e to a
st!i#*en $o!se sti(( ('in on t$e t!a#*- To &' &ind t$is s$owed t$at $e $ad !etained $is
o!iina( a,i(it' and toda'As !a#e was of a si&i(a! nat"!e to $is (ast !"n w$e!e $e (oo*ed
we(( p(a#ed to win- On t$is ,asis $e &et a(( of t$e #!ite!ia t$at )IT was ,ased on-
:fte! initia( s"ppo!t in t$e (ive &a!*et $e d!ifted o"t to ;0< >9-66? f!o& t$e openin s$ow
of 80< >9-66?2 $oweve! t$is did not dete! $i& f!o& #o&in t$!o"$ to win afte! t$e (ast
and paid a ve!' ni#e <6-66 on t$e Betfai! SP-
T$e neDt eDa&p(e is f!o& a fai!(' (ow !ade )a!es on(' )aiden H"!d(e-
Feb "
To-ce%ter 2 8)"* 2 +3a%% " 2 99:+OM ; !" 5an
T$ese !a#es #an ,e diffi#"(t to eva("ate and so&eti&es t$e ove!a(( fo!& does not a&o"nt
to &"#$ ,"t a(( $o!ses $ave to sta!t so&ew$e!e- In t$is !a#e t$e!e we!e a#t"a((' t$!ee
!"nne!s t$at &et t$e )IT #!ite!ia-
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 8 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Bettin S#$oo( Inside!s News Repo!t
:(( #ontent is G#op'!i$t 56<6 B("e De(ta )a!*etin Ltd and &a' not ,e !ep!od"#ed in an' wa' wit$o"t p!io! w!itten #onsent
9ETLE +65I4O< Foreca%t 7#! 4e%t O&&% 0#2
M5S F6<LT7 Foreca%t !"#! 4e%t O&&% (#!
SHE=S O THE +6SE Foreca%t !"#! 4e%t O&&% >#!
I $ad a(!ead' ,a#*ed Gent(e Ca!i,o" in itAs (ast !"n w$en it p"((ed "p in despe!ate oin
at t$e sa&e t!a#* afte! ,ein we(( ,a#*ed2 and I fe(t t$at t$is &i$t ,e t$e !eason t$e
,oo*&a*e!s we!e ,ein #a"tio"s wit$ itAs p!i#es- )!s %a"(t' was t!ained ,' Fi& O(d w$o
is *nown fo! (andin t$e odd a&,(e2 ,"t I a(wa's see& to ,e on t$e w!on ones- S$e !an
at t$e t!a#* <5 da's ea!(ie! in t$e sa&e !a#e t$at Gent(e Ca!i,o" p"((ed "p in ,"t $ad
wea*ened ,efo!e t$e (ast to finis$ 5
I too* t$e view t$at S$eAs On T$e Case $ad ,ette! #!edentia(s and $ad finis$ed we(( at
Tow#este! in a B"&pe! and $ad ,een t!ave((in we(( on $e! (ast !"n w$en &a*in $e!
$"!d(es de,"t on(' to &a*e a &ista*e w$i#$ *no#*ed $e! o"t of #ontention- %ina((' s$e
was t$e ,iest p!i#e of t$e t$!ee and offe!ed potentia( ea#$ wa' va("e- I de#ided to ,a#*
S$eAs On T$e Case in t$e Betfai! win and p(a#e SP &a!*ets and2 afte! !"nnin a ve!'
ood !a#e2 s$e was ,eaten to se#ond p(a#e ,' none ot$e! t$an )!s %a"(t' and was
fo((owed $o&e ,' Gent(e Ca!i,o" in =
wit$ 5= (ent$s ,a#* to t$e neDt finis$e!-
I was paid o"t at 5-57 fo! &' 5
p(a#e so a s&a(( p!ofit ove!a(( ,"t even t$o"$ I didnAt
,a#* t$e winne! t$e !es"(t sti(( #onfi!&ed to &e t$e &e!it of "sin t$e )IT &et$od to
$i$(i$t potentia( se(e#tions wo!t$' of #(ose! investiation-
To s"&&a!ise t$e )IT &et$od we "se t$e fo((owin te#$ni+"es3/
<- On a dai(' ,asis we !eview ea#$ !a#e at app!oDi&ate(' <6-66 a-&- to $i$(i$t a
sinifi#ant diffe!en#e ><0=!d o! &o!e? ,etween t$e Ra#in Post Bettin %o!e#ast
and t$e B,est oddsC avai(a,(e f!o& t$e Boo*&a*e!s-
5- Ea#$ $o!se on t$e s$o!t(ist s$o"(d t$en ,e (oo*ed at in te!&s of past fo!&2 t!aine! 0
owne! +"otes and a(so t$e na!!ative of t$e Spot(i$t #o&pi(e!- T!' to !ead ,etween
t$e (ines and see if t$e!e a!e !easons w$' t$e $o!se $as t$e potentia( to win t$is
=- B' *eepin to $o!ses avai(a,(e to ,a#* at ,etween 70< and <60< t$e!e is a(wa's t$e
option to ,a#* ea#$ wa'2 o! &' p!efe!!ed &et$od of "sin t$e Betfai! SP in ,ot$
t$e win and p(a#e &a!*ets- If t$e !e#ent fo!& is (ess o,vio"s t$e!e is a(wa's t$e
possi,i(it' t$at t$e $o!se wi(( d!ift in t$e (ive p!e/!a#e &a!*ets-
7- %ina(('2 ,e se(e#tive O 'o" do not $ave to ,et eve!' da'2 ,"t w$en 'o" do 'o" &a'
we(( ,e "n/ea!t$in va("e se(e#tions t$at a!e ,ein ove!(oo*ed ,' t$e ot$e! p"nP
Ste?e +arter
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 9 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Bettin S#$oo( Inside!s News Repo!t
:(( #ontent is G#op'!i$t 56<6 B("e De(ta )a!*etin Ltd and &a' not ,e !ep!od"#ed in an' wa' wit$o"t p!io! w!itten #onsent
43ue .e3ta Marketin@ Lt&)
:(( !i$ts !ese!ved- No pa!t of t$is p",(i#ation &a' ,e !ep!od"#ed2 sto!ed in a !et!ieva( s'ste&2 o! t!ans&itted in an'
fo!& ,' an' &eans2 e(e#t!oni#2 &e#$ani#a( o! ot$e!wise2 wit$o"t t$e w!itten pe!&ission of B("e De(ta )a!*etin Ltd-
T$e views and opinions eDp!essed in t$e Bettin S#$oo( Inside!s News Repo!t a!e not ne#essa!i(' t$ose of t$e p",(is$e!
o! t$e edito!-
Eve!' effo!t is &ade to ens"!e t$e a##"!a#' of a(( edito!ia( &ate!ia(2 $oweve! we dis#(ai& a(( (ia,i(it' fo! an' e!!o!s o!
o&issions fo"nd in t$is p",(i#ation- B("e De(ta )a!*etin in no wa' en#o"!aes !e#*(ess a&,(in and it is !e#o&P
&ended t$at !eade!s w$o enae in a&,(in do so !esponsi,(' and set finan#ia( (i&its- :n'one #on#e!ned a,o"t p!o,P
(e& a&,(in #an #onta#t Ga&Ca!e on 6;75 8666 <== o! a&#a!e-o!-"* fo! f"!t$e! info!&ation-
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Bettin S#$oo( Inside!s News Repo!t
:(( #ontent is G#op'!i$t 56<6 B("e De(ta )a!*etin Ltd and &a' not ,e !ep!od"#ed in an' wa' wit$o"t p!io! w!itten #onsent

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