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FORM NO. 8 Register of Punishments (Criminal Register No.

8) Number of Head of crime Nomenclature of offence Number of persons sentenced to Imprisonment

! da"s and under Over ! da"s but not e#ceeding. One month Over one month but not e#ceeding si# months Over si# months but not e#ceeding t$o "ear Over one months but not e#ceeding one "ear Over t$o "ears but not e#ceeding seven "ears Over seven "ears.

Number of the case disposed .

Number of persons convicted.

imprisonmen t for life

Rigorous simple Rigorous simple Rigorous simple Rigorous simple Rigorous simple Rigorous simple Rigorous simple





Number of persons sentenced to(contd)

Rs. + and under ,bove Rs. + but not more than Rs.!+ ,bove Rs. + but not more than Rs. ++ ,bove Rs. ++ but not more than Rs.!++ ,bove Rs.!++ but not more than +++ ,ove Rs. .+++

,mount paid as compensation (-ection &!). Criminal Procedure Code)

,lone 2ith

other punish3 ment

,lone 2ith ,lone 2ith ,lone 2ith ,lone 2ith ,lone 2ith ,mount ,mount other other other other other imposed realised punish3 punish3 punish3 punish3 punish3 ment ment ment ment ment

Number of persons ( ) released on probation or $ith admonition under the Probation of offenders act or the Reformator" -chools ,ct or (%) $hose guardians are bound over under the Children ,ct or under the Rail$a"s ,ct or (&) $ho are sub/ected to an order under -ection %% of the Cattle 0respass ,ct &&

Number of bo"s $hose sentences $ere commute d to detention in a certified school.
















Note43 56uvenile7 or others7 to be noted in manuscript against the relevant entries

FORM NO.* Register of ,ppeal Cases disposed of (Criminal Register No.*) Court Number of the appeal disposed of Number of appellants concerned % Number of appellants $hose cases $ere disposed of 8" death. transfer of 8" re/ection of 8" confirmation of escape appeal sentence or order 8" proceedings being 9uashed 8 8" ne$ trial of further in9uir" being ordered * ,ctual Number of da"s during $hich the appeal lasted + Remar1s



Note4 -ho$n in the column of remar1s the number of persons dealt $ith under -ection +((') of the Criminal Procedure Code or under ,.P.. Children ,ct. FORM NO. + Register of ,ppeal Cases disposed of (Criminal Register No. +) Court Number of the revision case disposed of. Number of accused persons concerned. % 8" death. transfer or escape & Number of appellants $hose cases $ere disposed of 8" 8" 8" reduction of 8" re/ection confirmation sentence or reversal of appeal of sentence or modification of of order order. sentence. ' ! ( ) 8" proceedings being 9uashed 8 8" ne$ trial or further in9uir" being ordered * Other$ise. ,ctual number of da"s during $hich the case lasted. + Remar1s

FORM NO. :air" Register (sessions and Magistrate Courts) (Criminal Register No. ) Court3 :ate ( ) Number of case. appeal or petition (%) Purport of proceedings (&)

FORM NO. %. Register of Court ;Fees and Process Fees Received (Criminal Register No. %) :ate -erial Number in the register (%) Nature of document and reference to connected case (&) Court fees in stamps Process fees (') Rs.P. Other fees (!) Rs.P Non36udicial -tamps (() Remar1s

( )


<Column (&) ; =f there are enclosures. the number and nature of those documents also to be specified in this column

FORM NO. %3, Process Register >Criminal Register No. %3,) (Register of processes issued to the Police -tations b" the Magistrate) Name of the Police -tation. -erial Number Number of the case. ( ) (%) 0he crime number (&) Nature of process $ith =dentif"ing particulars (') :ate $hen issued of process $as ordered (!) :ate $hen sent to Police -tation. (() :ate $hen received ban1. ()) Remar1s (8)

=nstructions . , register in this form should be maintained in each of the Magistrate?s Courts in the districts and an e#tract from this register should be attracted to the monthl" statement in Criminal Register No.&+ 2. @ver" =nspector of Police in3charge of the Circle should often as possible. and at least once in t$o months. ta1e the registers of the Police -tation under him to the concerned Magistrate?s Court. chec1 up the entries $ith those in the registers and if necessar". the records maintained b" the Courts and ma1e a report to the -uperintendent of Police about the cases involving serious dela" or omission. &. 0he above register should also be maintained in ledger from. one section being allotted to one Police -tation. '. 0he Register prescribed above should be maintained $ith care and should be scrutiniAed periodicall" b" the Bead Ministerial Officer and the Magistrate. 5. =n Column (') of the register. the issue of processes to $itnesses for the prosecution and for the defence should be sho$n separatel". =t is not necessar" to sho$ the name of each of the $itnesses but onl" number. eg.. + summons P.s D 8 summons :.2s. issue of bailable $arrants and non3bailable $arrants being specificall" recorded in red in1 . (. =n column ()) of the register. the date of hearing should also be sho$n under the date of return. if the date of return of sthe processes to the issuing court is later than the date of hearing. ). =n column (8) of the register should be entered the follo$ing. namel". (a) $ith reference to column (') the number of process served personall" and the number of processes returned unserved. and (b) particulars as to $hether bailable $arrants and non3bailable $arrants $ere e#ecuted or not.

FORM NO. & For the month ofC. (Criminal Register No. &) Corut :ate Camp Case posted Remar1s :ate Camp ( ) (%) (&) (') ( ) (%) Note4 ( ) 2hen cases ad/ourned. the dateCCCCC.and place of the ad/ourned should be sho$n in column ('). (%) Cases disposed of on the date of hearing should beCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC. FORM NO. &3, Fair Cop" Register (Criminal Register No. &3,) -erial Number Number of the case :ate of /udgment :ate on $hich /udgment $as given for fair cop" (') :ate on $hich fair cop" $as read" :ate on $hich fair cop" $as signed b" the Presiding Magistrate. (() :ate of :ispatch of calendar -tatement Case Posted (&) Remar1s (')

( )





FORM NO. ' Register sho$ing the :isposal of Referred Charge sheets (Criminal Register No. ') Number Name of the Police -tation Number of referred charge sheet and section of la$ (&) :ate of receipt b" Magistrate Purport of order $ith date :ate of communication of the order to superintendent of Police (() :ate of deliver" of record into Record room $ith record 1eeper?s initials. ())

( )




FORM NO. '3, Register of First =nformation Reports (Criminal Register No. '3,) -erial Number :ate of receipt of First =nformation report ( ) (%) Name of the Police -tation and Crime No. (&) Name of the accused (') :escription of offences and provision of la$ (!) :ate of occurrence of offence (() :ate of filing of chrge sheet or Final Report ()) CC.No. or referred Charge sheet No. (8) Remar1s


FORM NO. ! Register sho$ing the disposal of propert" produced in in9uiries and trials (Criminal Register No. !) Court33 Eear :escription of propert" Number of case or date and number of charge sheet and name station. ( ) -erial No. Faluable propert". Other propert" =nitials of the 6udge or Magistrate Particulars of orders for disposal and section of la$ $ith date. (() =f returned to part" producing it. or his agent. signature and date. ()) =nitials of the 6udge or Magistrate. =f sold b" auction the date of auction and the amount realised. (*) :ate of remittance of sale psroceeds to 0reasur". ( +) =nitials of the 6udge or Magistrate. Remar1s of =nspecting Officers. if an"






( )

( %)

=N-0RGC0=ON. 0he register shall be inspected at least once in the three months b" the presiding 6udge or Magistrate $ho $ill chec1 the valuables and record the result of this inspection in the column for remar1s. 2. , fresh register shall be opened ever" "ear and the outstanding items shall be brought for$ard from the register of the pervious "ear. &. 2hen valuables are sent to the Chief 6udicial Magistrate for disposal. a triplicate form of receipt shall be used. one part of $hich $ill be the office cop". the other t$o $ill be sent to the Magistrate of $hich one $ill be chec1ed and signed b" him and pasted in this register on receipt in the -essions Court '. ,long $ith its 9uarterl" returns each Criminal Court $ill send a certificate of having chec1ed the valuables $ith their register. 5. :eposits and such other items. being case properties should properl" be accounted for being brought to this register. 0he chalan and the numbers and dates of the deposit ma" also be noted in the register so that deposit ad/ustment vouchers column ma" readil" be prepared and sent to the connected -ub3treasuries for ad/ustment. and the fact noted in the last column relating to the remar1s.

FORM NO. ( Register of Gnclaimed Propert" (Magistrates Court) (Criminal register No. (() -erial Number Reference to the current $ith $hich propert" is received. ( ) (%) :escription of propert". (&) 2hen $here and b" $hom found (') =ntermediate references $ith dates< (!) Bo$ disposed $hen and amount realised at sale (if sold) (() :ate of remittance of amount to treasur". ()) :isposal number $ith $hich the file closes (8) Remar1s


<Bere enter particulars. such as3 ( ) :ate of submission of the notice to the :istrict Press (%) :ate of Publication of the notice in the :istrict HaAette (&) :ate of reference to -essions 6udge and of orders thereon. etc. FORM NO. ) Register of Calendars Received (-essions Courts) (Criminal Register No. )) Court3 Calendars received from the CCCC.Class Magistrate ofCCCCCCCCCCCCEear -erial :ate of =f records called for number on Number Revision file Receipt of Calendar Perusal of Calendar of the Case ( ) (%) (&) (')

Remar1s (!)

FORM NO. 8 Register sho$ing the Remar1s on Calendar and 6udgments and Replies Received from (Criminal Register No. 8) (Name) (Class of Magistrate) :istrict Name of Court and Remar1s of the Munsif Magistrate and Chief 6udicial Magistrate and replies number of the case of the Magistrate $ith dates

=N-0RGC0=ON. 0he register should be $ritten separatel" for each Magistrate b" name both in the Chief 6udicial Magistrate? Court and in the Munisf Magistrate?s Court. %. 0he register need not be 1ept sa loos sheets..

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