Software Lab: Practical File On

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Software lab

Internet and E-commerce

Practical file On

Submitted to: Mr. Kulvir Singh (lect. CMT

Submitted by: Gurpreet Kaur !oll no. """# M$% &&& 'em.

S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. #. &. +. 1-. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1#. 1&. 1+. What is html Elements of html Advantages of html What is Mi !osoft f!ont"age P!og!am to sho$ diffe!ent heading tags f!om %1 to %6. Contents 3 4 5-6 # & Page no.

P!og!am to a""l' (a )g!o*nd olo! to $e( "age and *sing + font ommand P!og!am to a""l' (old, itali and *nde!line tags 1P!og!am sho$ing ma!.*ee P!og!am sho$ing diffe!ent t'"e of "a!ag!a"h alignments P!og!am sho$ing s*"e!s !i"t and s*(s !i"t P!og!am sho$ing o!de!ed list P!og!am sho$ing *no!de!ed list P!og!am to ma)e a sim"le ta(le. 11 12 13 14 15 16-1&

P!og!am to inse!t om"le/ ta(les *sing !o$s"an and 1&-1+ ols"an ommand 2P!og!am to sho$ the line (!ea) tag. P!og!am *sing ho!i0ontal !*le. P!og!am to add t$o n*m(e!s. P!og!am *sing 1n(s" P!og!am sho$ing images 21 22 23 24

What is HTML?
HTML or Hyper-text Mark-up Language is a globally accepted programming language for formatting web pages. In today's world, it is commonly used along wit !a"a#cript and $ascading #tyle # eets %$##& to gi"e web pages t e look and feel we desire. T roug HTML, t e look and appearance of images, links, eadings, text, page layout and 'ust about e"ery element of a web page can be formatted. ( ile t ere are ot er globally-recogni)ed web programming languages and tools like content management systems today, HTML continues to be t e predominant programming language for creating web pages. It is also t e most optimal for most small and growing businesses t at do not really need ad"anced functionality on t eir website. *elow are some of t e ad"antages of using HTML w ile creating your website. O! (TM) or (yperTe*t Mar+up )anguage is t e main markup language for creating web pages and ot er information t at can be displayed in a web browser. HTML is written in t e form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets %like <html>&, wit in t e web page content. HTML tags most commonly come in pairs like <h1> and </h1>, T e first tag in a pair is t e start tag, and t e second tag is t e end tag %t ey are also called opening tags and closing tags&. In between t ese tags web designers can add text, furt er tags, comments and ot er types of text-based content. T e purpose of a web browser is to read HTML documents and compose t em into "isible or audible web pages. T e browser does not display t e HTML tags, but uses t e tags to interpret t e content of t e page. HTML elements form t e building blocks of all websites. HTML allows images and ob'ects to be embedded and can be used to createinteracti"e forms. It pro"ides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text suc as eadings, paragrap s, lists, links, +uotes and ot er items. It can embed scripts written in languages suc as !a"a#cript w ic affect t e be a"ior of HTML web pages.

,lement' of (tml -html. -head. -title. -/title. -/head. -body. -/body. -/html. ,lement e*ample' Header of t e HTML document,- ead....-/ ead.. 0sually t e title s ould be included in t e ead, for example, -head. -title.T e Title-/title. -/head. Headings, HTML eadings are defined wit t e - 1. to - 2. tags, -h0.Heading1-/h0. -h".Heading3-/h". -h1.Heading4-/h1. -h2.Heading5-/h2. -h3.Heading6-/h3. -h#.Heading2-/h#. 7aragrap s, -p.7aragrap 1-/p. -p.7aragrap 3-/p. Line breaks,-br.. T e difference between -br. and -p. is t at 'br' breaks a line wit out altering t e semantic structure of t e page, w ereas 'p' sections t e page into paragrap s. 8ote also t at 'br' is an empty element in t at, w ile it may a"e attributes, it can take no content and it may not a"e an end tag. -p.T is -br. is a paragrap -br. wit -br. line breaks-/p. T is is a link in HTML. To make a link you use t e -a. tag. T e ref9 attribute olds t e 0:L address of t e link.-a ref9; ttp,//;.< Link to =oogle>-/a.

<d"antages of HTML
In t e fast-c anging era of $ontent Management #ystems %$M#&, interacti"ity and tec nologydri"en web presence, t e good old HTML-based website seems like a t ing of t e past. *ut is it really? Is t e use of a $M# or ot er web tec nologies essential for most small and growing businesses. ( at do you 8@@A to a"e a credible web presence t at reflects your business and gi"es you a platform to compete wit more establis ed competitors? T roug t is article, we explore t e ad"antages of using HTML w en conceptuali)ing your website and t e relations ip between HTML and #@B. 0.(TM) i' ea'y to u'e and under'tand <lmost anyone in t e web de"elopment business would know HTML C be it a freelancer or a large agency. If at any point in time you need to ire t e ser"ices of a different web design firm or professional for making c anges or updates to your website, it would be relati"ely easy to find cost-effecti"e and affordable solution pro"iders w o can make t e c anges you need to your website. ". %ll bro4'er' 'upport (TM) <lmost C if not all C browsers support HTML. $ertainly more browsers support HTML t an any ot er web programming language. <s a result, w en you build a website using HTML, it would s ow up on most browsers around t e world, as long as t e programmer takes care to optimi)e t e website for t e most commonly used browsers. Bptimi)ing an HTML based website for browser compatibility is neit er difficult nor complex. 1. (TM) and 5M) 'ynta* i' very 'imilar Today, DML is increasingly being used for data storage. T e similarity of syntax between HTML and DML means t at it is easier and seamless working between t e two platforms. 2. (TM) i' free < ma'or ad"antage of HTML is t at it is free. Eou do not need any software for HTML, no plug-ins are needed and it means t at you can sa"e considerably on your website de"elopment cost. @"en wit open source content management systems, all t e plug-ins t at you may need are not always free.

3. Mo't development tool' 'upport (TM) ( et er it is Front7age, Aream(ea"er or any ot er programming tool, t ere are more web de"elopment tools t at allow you to create HTML based websites, t an any ot er web programming language. #. (TM) i' mo't 'earch engine friendly Bf all t e web programming languages, HTML is t e most searc engine friendly. $reating #@B compliant websites using HTML is significantly easier t an any ot er programming language. HTML causes t e least #@B complications and pro"ides t e greatest flexibility w en trying to build an #@B compliant website. <s long as you a"e taken care to ensure your HTML code is clean and "alidated, an HTML website is easiest to read and access for searc engine crawlers. T is reduces crawling time and impro"es page load time, elping your website perform better in searc results. 6. &n mo't ca'e'7 (TM) i' all you need In spite of all t e ad"antages of using HTML, t e first step you need to do w ile conceptuali)ing a website is to define w at exactly your website s ould do. <re you looking for a website t at pro"ides information about your business or are you looking for ecommerce functionality? Is your website essentially going to contain marketing and company information or will it be more news-like, w ere content is added e"ery few ours or days? # ould your website mainly disseminate information to "isitors or do you need your "isitors to interact? T e operati"e word in defining your website functionality is ;need;. It is easy to conceptuali)e an extremely ig -end website wit a wis -list of features and functionality, but is it essential for your small or growing business? In most cases, business websites do not need ad"anced functionality t at would 'ustify t e need for programming tec nologies or content management systems, gi"en t e extra cost of de"elopment. <est etically, an HTML website can look 'ust as appealing as a website using t e more ad"anced tec nologies. It is easy to be swayed by t e desire to be 'up wit t e times'. Howe"er, getting yourself a well made HTML website may be a wiser and more progressi"e decision for your business t an getting a ig -tec website.

What is Microsoft FrontPage ?

Micro'oft 8rontPage %full name Micro'oft Office 8rontPage& is a discontinued (E#I(E= HTML editor and (eb siteadministration tool from Microsoft for t e Microsoft (indows line of operating systems. It was branded as part of t e Microsoft Bffice suite from 1GGH to 3II4. Microsoft Front7age as since been replaced by Microsoft @xpression (eb and # arepoint Aesigner, w ic were first released in Aecember 3II2 alongside Microsoft Bffice 3IIH.

1. Program to show different heading tags from H1 to H6.

2html3 2head3 2title3Ne$ "age 1 24title3 24head3 2(od'3 2%13 helo 24%13 2%23 helo 24%23 2%33 helo 24%33 2%43 helo 24%43 2%53 helo 24%53 2%63 helo 24%63 24(od'3 24html3

2.Program to show background color and using font command. 2html3 2head3 2title3 M5A 246768E3 24head3 2(od' (g olo!9:"in):3 2font si0e9:15: olo!9:(l*e: fa e9:ve!gena:3 ;<<= M<>N7N;,,,,7 am a st*dent of M5A 2nd 'ea!. 24font3 245<=?3 24%6M83

.Program using bold !b" # underline !u" # italic !i" tags. 2html3 2head3 2title3 M5A 246768E3 24head3 2(od'3 2font si0e9:15: olo!9:(l*e: fa e9:a!ial:3 2(3 M5A 24(32(!3 2i3 SC%<<8 <@ MANA;EMEN6 S6A=7ES 24i32(!3 2*3 PANBA57 AN7CE>S76? 24A32(!3 2(32i32*3 PA67A8A 24*324i324(3 24font3 245<=?3 24%6M83


$.Program showing mar%uee. 2html3 2head3 2title3 M5A 246768E3 24head3 2(od'3 2font si0e9:16: olo!9:(la ): fa e9:a!ial:3 2ma!.*ee di!e tion 9 :left:3 PANBA57 AN7CE>S76? 24ma!.*ee3 24font3 245<=?3 24%6M83


&.Program showing different t'(es of (aragra(h alignments. 2html3 2head3 2title3 M5A 246768E3 24head3 2(od'3 2font si0e9:16: olo!9:(l*e: fa e9:a!ial:3 2" align9:!ight:3 SMS 24"3 2" align9: ente!:3 PANBA57 AN7CE>S76? 24"3 2" align9:left:3 PA67A8A 24"3 24font3 245<=?3 24%6M83


6. Program showing subscri(t and su(erscri(t . 2html3 2head3 2title3 M5A 246768E3 24head3 2(od'3 2h13 %2SA53 2 24SA53< 2(!3 a2s*"3 2 24s*"3D( 2s*"3 2 24s*"3 245<=?3 24%6M83


).Program showing ordered list. 2html3 2head3 2title3 M5A 246768E3 24head3 2(od'3 2font si0e9:6"t:3 2ol3 2li3 M5A 24li3 2li3 MCA 24li3 2li3 MC<M 24li3 2li3 M5E 24li3 24ol3 24font3 245<=?3 24%6M83


*. Program showing unordered list. 2html3 2head3 2title3 M5A 246768E3 24head3 2(od'3 2font si0e9:6"t:3 2*l t'"e9:s.*a!e:3 Co*!ses 2li3 M5A 24li3 2li3 MCA 24li3 2li3 MC<M 24li3 2li3 M5E 24li3 24*l3 24font3 245<=?3 24%6M83


+. Program to make a sim(le table. 2html3 2head3 2title3 M5A 246768E3 24head3 2(od' (g olo!9:"in):3 2font fa e9:a!ial: si0e9:6: olo!9:(l*e:3 2" align9: ente!:3 @ACA86? <@ SMS 24P3 2ta(le align9: ente!: (o!de!9:1-: height9:5-E: $idth9:6-E:3 2t!3 2th3 NAME AN= =ES7;NA67<N 24th3 2th3 SPEC7A87SA67<N 246%3 246>3 2t!3 2td3 =!. P*sh"inde! Singh ;ill F%<=G 24td3 2td3 Ma!)eting 24td3 24t!3 2t!3 2td3 =!. 5.5.Singla 24td3 2td3 Ma!)eting 24td3 24t!3 2t!3 2td3 =!. ;*! ha!an SinghFP!of.G 24td3 2td3 @inan e 24td3 24t!3 2t!3 2td3 =!. NavHot Ia*!FP!of.G 24td3 2td3 %> 24td3 24t!3 2t!3 2td3 =!. >*n SinghFP!of.G 24td3 2td3 %> 24td3 24t!3 2t!3 2td3 =!. 8ia.*at AliFP!of.G 24td3 2td3 @inan e 24td3 24t!3 2t!3 2td3 =!. =hee!aH Sha!maFP!of.G 24td3

2td3 @inan e 24td3 24t!3 2t!3 2td3 =!. ;.S.5at!aFP!of.G 24td3 2td3 @inan e 24td3 24t!3 2t!3 2td3 M!. Sahil >aHFP!of.G 24td3 2td3 76 24td3 24t!3 2t!3 2td3 =!. A"a! SinghFP!of.G 24td3 2td3 Ma!)eting 24td3 24t!3 2t!3 2td3 Miss. A0i0inde! Se)honF8e .G 24td3 2td3 %> 24td3 24t!3 2t!3 2td3 M!. %!a"!eet SinghF8e .G 24td3 2td3 Ma!)eting 24td3 24t!3 2t!3 2td3 =!. Pa!neet Ia*!FP!of.G 24td3 2td3 75 24td3 24t!3 2t!3 24ta(le3 24font3 245<=?3 24%6M83


1,. Program to make com(le- tables using rows(an and cols(an command. 2html3 2head3 2title3 ta(les 24title3 24head3 2(od'3 2ta(le (o!de!9:1:3 2t!3 2th3Class24th3 2th3S*(He ts24th3 2th35oo)s24th3 24t!3 2t!3 2td !o$s"an9:3:3M5A-224td3 2td3@SM24td3 2td38M 5hole24td3 24t!3 2t!3 2td3PM24td3 2td3S. Cha*da!'24td3 24t!3

2t!3 2td3ASM24td3 2td3Ch*na$ala24td3 24t!3 2t!3 2td ols"an9:3:3PANBA57 AN7CE>S76?24td3 24t!3 2t!3 2td ols"an9:3:3PA67A8A24td3 24t!3 24ta(le3 24(od'3 24html3


11. Program to show the line break tag.

2html3 2head3 2title3line (!ea) tag 24title3 24head3 2(od'3 2"3 6his is 2(!3 a2(!3 om"*te!24"3 24(od'3 24html3


12.Program using hori.ontal rule. 2html3 2head3 2title3 M5A 246768E3 24head3 2(od' (g olo!9:"in):3 2font si0e9:16: olo!9:(l*e: fa e9:a!ial:3 2" align9: ente!:3 PANBA57 AN7CE>S76? 24"3 2h! si0e9:4-E: $idth9:#-E: olo!9:!ed:3 24font3 245<=?3 24%6M83


1 . Program to add two numbers. 2html3 2head3 2title3 addition of n*m(e!s 246768E3 24head3 2(od'3 2h33 2s !i"t lang*age9:Havas !i"t:3 va! a,(, J a93J (91-J 9aD(J do *ment.$!iteF:s*m isK:D GJ 24s !i"t3 24h33 245<=?3 24%6M83


1$.Program using /nbs(. 2html3 2head3 2title3 M5A 246768E3 24head3 2(od'3 2font si0e9:1-"t:3 ;<<= 1n(s" 1n(s" 1n(s" 1n(s" 1n(s" 1n(s" 1n(s" M<>N7N; 24font3 245<=?3 24%6M83


1&. Program showing images 2html3 2head3 2title3 M5A 246768E3 24head3 2(od' (g olo!9:"in):3 2h4 align9: ente!:3 2font fa e9:Monot'"e Co!siva: si0e9:6:3 Wel ome to P*nHa(i Anive!sit' 24font324h43 2" align9: ente!:3 2img s! 9:CKLAse!sL" L=es)to"L"(i*ni.H"g: height9:4--: $idth9:4--: (o!de!9:1-:324"3 245<=?3 24%6M83


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