Lymphatic System

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Handout #8 Section 2V Human Anat. & Physiology LYMHATIC SYSTEM I. LYMPHATIC SYSTEM Consists of a) Lymphatic vessels/lymphatics pic up e!

e!cess tissue fluid called lymph" fo#m a one$%ay system& and lymph flo%s only to%a#ds the hea#t Lymph capillaries mic#oscopic& 'lind$ended spide#%e' 'et%een the tissue cells and 'lood capilla#ies in the loose C( of the 'ody Lymphatic collecting vessels la#ge# lymphatic )essels %he#e lymph is t#anspo#ted f#om the lymph capilla#ies until finally #etu#ned to the )enous system 2 large !cts" i. right lymphatic !ct d#ains the lymph f#om the #ight a#m and #ight side of the head and tho#a! ii. thoracic !ct #ecei)es lymph f#om the #est of the 'ody 'oth ducts empty the lymph into the su'cla)ian )ein. ') Lymphoi organs all ha)e p#edominance of #eticula# C( and lymphocytes #$ Lymph no e helps p#otect the 'ody 'y #emo)ing fo#eign mate#ial such as 'acte#ia& and tumo# cells f#om the lymphatic st#eam and 'y p#oducing lymphocytes that function in the immune #esponse filte#s the lymph 'eing t#anspo#ted to the hea#t la#ge cluste#s a#e found in inguinal& a!illa#y and ce#)ical #egion macrophages found inside lymph nodes %hich engulf and dest#oy 'acte#ia and fo#eign su'stances 'efo#e it is #etu#ned to the 'lood lymphocytes located in the lymph nodes" #espond to fo#eign su'stances in the lymphatic system 2) Spleen $ 'lood$#ich o#gan that filte#s 'lood" dest#oy %o#n$out *+Cs and #etu#n of t hei# '#ea do%n to the li)e# ,) Thym!s functions at pea le)els only du#ing youth" p#oduce thymosin that p#og#am ce#tain lymphocytes

-) Tonsils$ t#ap and #emo)e any 'acte#ia o# any fo#eign pathogen ente#ing the th#oat. .) Peyer%s patches found in the %all of the small intestine" contain mac#ophages that captu#e and dest#oy 'acte#ia& thus p#e)enting them f#om ente#ing the intestinal %all. Tonsils an Peyer%s patches pa#t of the collection of small lymphoid tissues #efe##ed to as MALT / mucosa$associated lymphatic tissue)" p#otect the uppe# #espi#ato#y and digesti)e t#acts


&'(Y (E)E*SES 0) *'*SPECI)IC &'(Y (E)E*SES #espond immediately to p#otect the 'ody f#om all fo#eign su'stances& %hate)e# they a#e. S+in an M!co!s mem,rane /fi#st line of defense) p#o)ide mechanical 'a##ie#s to pathogens" some p#oduce sec#etions and1o# ha)e st#uctu#al modifications that enhance thei# defensi)e effects /e.g. s in2s acidity& lyso3ymes& mucus& e#atin) Cells an Chemical /second line of defense) Phagocytes -Macrophages an *e!trophils$ $ engulf and dest#oy pathogens that penet#ate epithelial 'a##ie#s *at!ral +iller cells . non$immune cells that act nonspecifically to lyse )i#us infected and malignant cells In/lammatory response p#e)ents sp#ead of ha#mful agents& disposes of pathogens and dead tissue cells& and p#omotes healing" P#otecti)e leu ocyte ente# the a#ea" the a#ea is %alled off 'y fi'#in" tissue #epai# occu#s Inter/eron g#oup of p#oteins synthesi3ed 'y )i#us$infected cells and ce#tain immune cells" it p#e)ents )i#uses f#om multiplying in othe# 'ody cells.

)ever enhances the fight against infectious mic#oo#ganisms 'y inc#easing meta'olism %hich speeds up #epai#s p#ocesses" and 'y causing the spleen and li)e# to sto#e i#on and 3inc& %hich a#e needed fo# 'acte#ial multiplication. 2$ SPECI)IC &'(Y (E)E*SES"THE IMM0*E SYSTEM 4mmune system *ecogni3es something as fo#eign and acts as inacti)ate o# #emo)e it Antigen$specific& is systemic& has memo#y 2 arms o/ imm!ne response5 i. H!moral imm!nity $ mediated 'y anti'odies

ii. Cell!lar imm!nity mediated 'y li)ing cells /lymphocytes) Antigens la#ge& comple! molecules /o# pa#ts of them) #ecogni3ed as fo#eign 'y the 'ody fo#eign proteins a#e the st#ongest antigens complete antigens p#o)o e an immune #esponse and 'ind %ith p#oducts of that #esponse. Incomplete antigens o# haptens" small molecules that a#e una'le to cause an immune #esponse 'y themsel)es 'ut do so %hen they 'ind to 'ody p#oteins and comple! is #ecogni3ed as fo#eign. Cells o/ the Imm!ne System 2 main cell pop!lations5 lymphocytes and mac#ophages p#o)ide fo# immunity Lymphocytes A#ise f#om hemocyto'lasts of 'one ma##o% T cells $ de)elop immunocompetence in the thymus" o)e#see cell$mediated immnuty & cells $ de)elop immunocompetence in the 'one ma##o%" p#o)ide humo#al immunity Imm!nocompetent lymphocytes seed lymphoid o#gans& %he#e antigen challenge occu#s& and ci#culate th#ough 'lood& lymph and lymphoid o#gans. Imm!nocompetence signaled 'y the appea#ance of antigen$specific #ecepto#s on su#faces of lymphocytes Macrophages a#ise f#om monocytes p#oduced in the 'one ma##o%" they phagocyti3e pathogens and p#esent pa#ts of the antigens on thei# su#faces& fo# #ecognition 'y ( cells.

H0M'1AL -A*TI&'(Y.ME(IATE($ IMM0*E 1ESP'*SE Imm!ne responses 0. Primary imm!ne response the initial #esponse of the immune system to an antigen in)ol)ed in clonal selection and esta'lishes immunological memo#y. Clonal selection the p#ocess du#ing %hich + cell o# ( cell 'ecomes sensiti3ed t#ough 'inding contact %ith an antigen. 2. Secon ary imm!ne response the second and su'se6uent #esponses of the immune system to a p#e)iously met antigen" mo#e #apid and mo#e )igo#ous than the p#ima#y #esponse.

Active vs Passive h!moral imm!nity 0. Active h!moral imm!nity $ ac6ui#ed du#ing an in/ection o# )ia vaccination and p#o)ides immunological memo#y. i. *at!rally ac2!ire du#ing 'acte#ial and )i#al infections ii. Arti/icially ac2!ire )accines (PT vaccine diphthe#ia to!oid& pe#tussis /%hooping cough) )accine& and tetanus to!oid) 'P3 o#al poliomyelitis )accine MM1 com'ined mumps )accine& measles )accine and #u'ella )i#us )accine 2. Passive imm!nity $ confe##ed %hen a dono#2s anti'odies a#e in7ected into the 'loodst#eam& o# %hen the mothe#2s anti'odies c#oss the placenta" does not p#o)ide immunological memo#y i. *at!rally ac2!ire confe##ed on a fetus %hen the mothe#2s anti'odies c#oss the placenta and ente# the fetal ci#culation ii. Arti/icially ac2!ire confe##ed %hen one #ecei)es immune se#um o# gamma glo'ulin" p#o)ides immediate p#otection

&asic Anti,o y Str!ct!re 0) Anti,o y $ p#otein p#oduced 'y sensiti3ed + cells o# plasma cells in #esponse to an antigen& and they a#e capa'le of 'inding %ith that antigen composed of - polypeptide chains /2 hea)y and 2 light) that fo#m a 8$shaped molecule each polypeptide chain has a )a#ia'le and a constant #egion i. 3aria,le regions $ fo#m antigen$'inding sites ii. Constant regions dete#mine anti'ody function and class 4 classes o/ anti,o ies5 /diffe#ent st#uctu#es and functions) i. IgA 'athes and p#otects mucosal su#faces f#om attachment of pathogens ii. IgM fi#st #eleases to plasma 'y plasma cells du#ing p#ima#y #esponse.

iii. Ig5 main anti'ody of 'oth p#ima#y and seconda#y #esponses" c#osses placenta and p#o)ides immunity to fetus i). Ig( 'ound to the su#face of a + cell" acti)ates + cell ). IgE 6 'inds to the su#face of mast cells and mediates an alle#gic #esponse 'y #eleasing histamine. )!nctions o/ anti,o y5 i. Complement fi!ation causes lysis and of fo#eign cells and enhances phagocytosis and inflammation ii. 9eut#ali3ation 'loc age of ha#mful effects of 'acte#ial ecoto!ins o# )i#uses 'y the 'inding of anti'odies to thei# functional sites. iii. P#ecipitation i). Agglutination clumping of fo#eign cells induced 'y c#oss$lin ing of antigen$anti'ody comple!es Monoclonal anti,o ies pu#e p#epa#ations of single anti'ody type useful in diagnosis of )a#ious infectious diso#de#s and cance#& and in t#eatment of ce#tain cance#s

CELL0LA1 -CELL.ME(IATE($ IMM0*E 1ESP'*SE ( cells a#e sensiti3ed 'y 'inding simultaneously to an antigen and a self$p#otein displayed in the su#face of the mac#ophage Clonal selection occu#s$$$$clone mem'e#s diffe#entiate into effecto# ( cells o# memo#y ( cells (i//erent classes o/ T cells" 0. Cytoto7ic -8iller T cell$ ills )i#us$in)aded 'ody cells 2. Helper T cells $ stimulates p#oduction of ille# ( cells and + cells ,. S!ppressor T cell slo%s o# stops the acti)ity of + cells once the infection has 'een con6ue#ed -. Memory cell$ gene#ated du#ing the initial immune #esponse" may e!ist in the 'ody fo# yea# in p#epa#ation fo# seconda#y immune #esponse.

'rgan transplants $$$ autog#afts& isog#afts& allog#afts and !enog#afts" 'lood typing and tissue matching a#e done to assu#e the 'est possi'le match and o#gan t#ansplant is follo%ed 'y immunosupp#essi)e the#apy Common (isor ers o/ Imm!ne system 0) Allergies/Hypersensitivities a'no#mally )igo#ous immune #esponses in %hich the immune system causes tissue damage as it fights off a pe#son :th#eat; that %ould othe#%ise 'e ha#mless to the 'ody. 2) Imm!no e/iciencies congenital and ac6ui#ed condition in %hich the p#oduction o# function of immune cells o# complement is a'no#mal. AI(S caused 'y a )i#us /H4V) t#ansmitted in 'lood& semen& )aginal sec#etions and sali)a HI3 -h!man imm!no e/iciency vir!s$ 6 specifically ta#gets and dest#oy helpe# ( cells #esulting gin the dep#ession of cell$mediated immunity. ,) A!toimm!ne iseases the 'ody p#oduces anti'odies /autoanti'odies) and sensiti3ed ( cells that damage its o%n tissues

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