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National Grid Extranet Index List

Electricity Engineering Documents Printed on 9 October 2012 Document

AMBP 051

The Implementation of Construction (Design Management!


#egulations (CDM! $00%& Deli'ery of Asset Management AMBP 1"0 (ui)ance for Planning of *or+ on or ,ear to -igh .oltage /'erhea) 0ines C-01 Mo)el 1ormat for a Commissioning Programme " "


Mo)el 23itching Programme


Commissioning Principles



Man)atory Items of Commissioning Practice


Current Transformers



Primary an) 2econ)ary In6ection of Mesh Corner Protection



Primary an) 2econ)ary In6ection of Auto Transformer /'erall Circulating Current Protection (3ith Primary Test *in)ing


Primary In6ection of Current Transformers 1or 1ee)er Protection



Primary92econ)ary In6ection #e: for A))itional Circuit of -igh Impe)ance Circ Current Bus;ar Protection 3ith 2ingle


2u;station Control 2ystems < 2tages in Transfer of Control an) Testing #e:uirements



Installation an) Commissioning of Delaye) Auto #eclose an) Auto 23itching E:uipment


Electromagnetic .oltage Transformer 1erroresonance A'oi)ance During 23itching Programme9Circuit Energisation


Commissioning of 2ynchronising 1acilities on ,e3 Circuit E=tensions at Dou;le Bus;ar 2u;stations


Proce)ure for Connecting an A))itional Circuit Brea+er 1ail Protection to a Dou;le Bus;ar 2u;station 3ith a Common


Proce)ure for Connecting an A))itional Circuit Brea+er 1ail

Protection to a Dou;le Bus;ar 2u;station 3ith a In)i'i)ual C-18 Primary an) 2econ)ary In6ection /f Dou;le *oun) Transformers an) their Main Protections 1

09 October 2012

Page 1 of 2


2ettings 0oa)ing .erification Test



Management of ,umerical Protection 2chemes


Application an) 2etting of Protection #elays >se) for Commissioning Purposes


2tage 1

2tage $ Commissioning Tests for Mechanically

23itche) Capacitor Installations C-$4 Installation an) Commissioning of ,umerical Bus;ar Protection C-$5 Primary an) 2econ)ary In6ection of #eactors an) their Main Protections C-$5 Commissioning Application of TP10% to ABB 500 2eries #elays C-$% Commissioning Application of TP10% to Are'a MiC/M relays $ 500 $ 1 $


Commissioning Application of TP10% to 2iemens 2IP#/TEC relays


Commissioning Application of TP10% to .A Tech -y)ro D#2? BB an) Trench CP#04


0i'e0in+ MA#2 >ser (ui)e for Commissioning Engineer (,ational (ri)!


Commissioning Application of TP10% to Mitsu;ishi -A 9 -2A relays


Application (ui)ance ,otes 1or The ,e3 Buil)



#eplacement /f Transmission 2ystem Protection An) Control D-0$ (ui)ance on the Preparation Documents D-0" Direct an) In)irect Tripping of #emote En) Circuit Brea+ers 1 1ormat of 2etting (ui)ance 1


(ui)ance on Policy Application an) 2etting of 1ee)er ;ac+up Protection


(ui)ance on Policy Application an) 2etting of 2upergri) Transformer Bac+up Protection



2etting of Tertiary Connecte) E:uipment for

0.AC 2upplies D-07 (ui)ance on the Preparation of 2ettings for Distance 1

Protection D-08 2tan)ar) Applications for Are'a @AB 2eries an) 2iemens (e= .A Tech! Argus Multifunction #elays 1

09 October 2012

Page 2 of 2


Electricity 2u;station Construction Ci'ilC 2tructure) an) Buil)ing Engineering Design -an);oo+



2ingle 0ine an) Aey 0ine Diagrams


(ui)ance on (ri) Co)e Compliance Process for Design Assurance Engineers


Application (ui)ance ,otes for Traction 2upply Protection


The #e?use of Ci'ilC 2tructural an) Buil)ing Engineering Assets


(ui)ance /n 0i'elin+ Mars 1or 2ettings Engineer (,ational (ri)! an) Commissioning /fficer


(ui)ance /n 0i'elin+ Mars 1or 2ettings Engineer (Alliance!


400+. an) $%5+. (as Insulate) 23itchgear ((I2! an) Air Insulate) 23itchgear (AI2! 2u;station Buil)ings


Design Assurance (eneric #esource Estimates for 2u;station Pro6ects


Application (ui)ance ,otes for the Pro'ision or Mo)ifications of a 2u;station Control 2ystem


(ui)ance on Application of /perational Tripping 2chemes


(ui)ance for Design Assurance Engineers

,(>A9C/,9BP 1"8E DA Au)iting #e:uirements (Electrical!

,(>A9C/,9BP 17"E #esources Programming


,(>A9C/,9BP 185E Construction Pro6ect Documentation Management an) #eporting ,(>A9C/,9BP 187E The Management of Inci)ent In'estigation an) Au)it #eport #ecommen)ations ,(>A9C/,9BP $08 (roun) Mapping 2ur'ey Proce)ure


,(>A9C/,9BP $10E En'ironmental #e:uirements for Construction Pro6ects

,(>A9C/,9BP $1"E A'oi)ance of Burie) 2er'ices


P2(T! 001

Application an) (ui)ance of Policy


09 October 2012


of 2

P2(T! 005

2ulphur -e=aflouri)e (215!


P2(T! 005

Earthing 23itches

P2(T! 00%


P2(T! 007

Asset -ealth ? Con)ition Monitoring 2ystems

P2(T! 010

Application an) 2etting of Protection

P2(T! 011

Alternati'e >se of /'erhea) 0ine To3ers

P2(T! 01$

Pollution Performance of -igh .oltage Insultators

P2(T! 01"

Policy for the Implementation of ,e3 Technology


P2(T! 017

Pre'ention of >nauthorise) Access to 2teel 0attice /'erhea) 0ine 2upports

P2(T! 0$1

2urge Arresters for 2u;stations

P2(T! 0$$


/PE#ATI/, /1 C/MBI,ED DI2C/,,ECT/#?

EA#T-I,( 2*ITC-E2 P2(T! 0$" 2u;station Primary Insulation (Air9215! $

P2(T! 0"0

*iring #egulation Changes an) its Effect on Procurement an) Installation of 0o3 .oltage (0.! E:uipment


P2(T! 0"1

2pecification an) 2tan)ar) #atings for TransformersC #eactors an) Dua)rature Boosters

P2(T! 0"8

2trategic 2pares Policy for 4009$%591"$+. Air Insulate) Disconnectors

P2(T! 04$

Current #atings of 2u;station Primary E:uipment

P2(T! 044

Bac+?>p Protection (ra)ing Across ,ational (ri) Transco9 Distri;ution ,et3or+ /perator Interfaces

P2(T! 045

Management of #ise /f Earth Potential at ,e3 an) #efur;ishe) To3ers


P2(T! 045

Con)uctor Bun)les for /'erhea) 0ines

P2(T! 047

2tan)ar) Bay Designs

09 October 2012

Page ! of 2

P2(T! 055

Application an) 2etting of 2ystems that Perform 2ynchronisingC DA#C Automatic Plant Isolation an)


P2(T! 055

2pecification an) Assessment of E:uipment at .oltages ;elo3 1"$+.

P2(T! 050

Co?or)ination of Plant Thermal #atings


P2(T! 05"

,ational (ri) Protection Application an) 2etting at #ail3ay 2upply Points

P2(T! 054

Aircraft *arning an) ,a'igational 0ights

P2(T! 05%

/il 1ille) Ca;le Installation An) #efur;ishment (/il 2ystem an) 2heath Bon)ing an) Earthing #e:uirements!

P2(T! 057

0o3 .oltage Alternating Current (0.AC! Au=iliary 2upplies for Transmission 2u;stations

P2(T! 0%0

/ptimise) 2trategies 1or Asset #eplacement of 2u;stations

P2(T! 0%1

Tree an) .egetation Management

P2(T! 0%$

/il Policy

P2(T! 0%4

Earth3ires on /'erhea) 0ines

P2(T! 0%8

2u;station DC 2upplies

P2(T! 070

2election an) >se of Insulators on /'erhea) 0ines

P2(T! 071

>se of 0" To3ers

P2(T! 07%

/'erhea) 0ine 2eparation from *in) Tur;ines

P2(T! 077

2ystem De'elopment ? Client an) Designer Competency ? Construction (Design an) Management! #egulations $00%

P2(T! 08"

Ca;le 2ystem Decommissioning

P2(T! EP2 0$&00

#esearch an) De'elopment

2CT 01

#e:uirements for 2ite Commissioning Tests on Protection Control E:uipment

2CT 0"&0$&0"a

AI2 (apless Metal /=i)e 2urge Arresters

09 October 2012

Page " of 2

2CT 0"&0$&0";

(I2 (apless Metal /=i)e 2urge Arresters


2CT 04&01

Disconnector ? MotoriEe)

2CT 04&0$

Disconnector ? Manually /perate)

2CT 05&01

Earthing 23itch

2CT 05&01&01

Earthing 23itch?-an) /perate)

2CT 05&01&0$

Earthing 23itch?MotoriEe)

2CT 05&0$

Maintenance Earthing De'ice

2CT 05

1ault Thro3ing 23itch

2CT 0%

,eutral Earthing #esistor

2CT 07&01

Interloc+s ? Bus;ar 2tations (Per Circuit Basis!

2CT 08&01

Capacitor .oltage TransformerC 0ine TrapC Coupling De'ice an) 2ystem Com;ining 1ilter


2CT 08&0$

*oun) .oltage Transformers

2CT 10&0$

Air Compressor Plant Air Driers

2CT 11

23itching an) Transforming 2tations 415 . A&C& 23itch;oar)

2CT 15

1"$ +. Com;ine) .oltage an) Current (.T9CT! Transformers for Tariff Metering


2CT 15&0"

Installation Contractor Commissioning of "?Phase 4?*ire 2ettlement Metering

2CT 15&04

/perator Commissioning of "?phase 4?*ire 2ettlement Metering

2CT 15&05

Commissioning 2che)ule for 2ystem Monitoring E:uipment (2ME! 2upplie) ;y -atha3ay Po3er Instrumentation 0t)


2CT 15&05

Commissioning 2che)ule for MAT#/2E Monitoring E:uipment 2upplie) ;y -atha3ay Po3er Instrumentation 0t)

2CT 15&0%

Commissioning 2che)ule for Ancillary 2er'ices (enerator

#esponse Monitor >nit

09 October 2012

Page # of 2

2CT 15&07

BMI 7010 PD,o)e Duality of 2upply Monitor


2CT 15&08

2ystem Monitor Bay E:uipment an) Interface >nit

2CT 15&15

I2TAT "00 Mo)ular Trans)ucers Manufacture) ;y A02T/M T D Protection Control 0t)

2CT 15&15

/perational Metering 2ummator (/M2! >nits

2CT $0&01

Current Transformers MagnetiEation Tests


2CT $0&0$

Current Transformers Primary In6ection Tests

2CT $0&0"

Tripping an) Au=iliary #elays


2CT $0&04&01

Insulation #esistance Tests


2CT $0&04&0$

0ea) an) CT #esistance Diagram


2CT $0&05&0$

Instantaneous /'er?current #elays


2CT $0&05&0"

/'ercurrent9Earth 1ault Protection

2CT $0&05

Differential Earth 1ault Protection


2CT $0&0%

Circulating Current Protection (e=clu)ing Bus;ar Protection!


2CT $0&07&01

Transformer Biase) Differential #elay Type MBCManufacture) ;y (EC Measurements

2CT $0&07&0$

01CB 10$910" Digital Current Differential #elay an) MITF?01 Interface >nits

2CT $0&07&0"

.A Tech #eyrolle Duo;ias M Transformer Biase) Differential Protection


2CT $0&08

Bus;ar Protection (-igh Impe)anceC Differential Current Balance!


2CT $0&08&01

ABB #EB500 Bus;ar Protection 3ith Circuit Brea+er 1ail Protection

2CT $0&10&04

Differential Protection Translay 2 Manufacture) ;y Alsthom T D Protection Control 0t)

2CT $0&1$&05

#eyrolle T-# Distance Protection


09 October 2012

Page $ of 2

2CT $0&1$&0%

(EC MIC#/M-/ (2-,B! Distance Protection


2CT $0&1$&07

(EC Dua)ramho (2-PM! Distance Protection

2CT $0&1$&08

(EC Alsthom /ptimho (01FP! Distance Protection

2CT $0&1$&11

ABB #E0F100 Distance Protection

2CT $0&1$&1$

ABB #E0 5"1 Distance Protection

2CT $0&1$&1"

Alstom 01F#111 Distance Protection

2CT $0&1$&14

2IEMA,2 %2A51" Distance Protection

2CT $0&1$&15

2C-*EITFE# 2E0 "$1?$ Distance Protection 3ith Integral 2ignalling

2CT $0&15&01

Po3er?0ine?Carrier Phase Comparison Protection (Type P10!

2CT $0&15&0"

T" Telephase Phase Comparison Po3erline Carrier Protection ? Type M1DA?1

2CT $0&15&04

#E0 "5$9TC?10B >nit 1ee)er Protection

2CT $0&1%&0$

Microphase ? 1M Current Differential Phase Comparison Protection

2CT $0&1%&0"

#E0 "50 (M2PC! Phase Comparison Protection #elay

2CT $0&17

Protection an) Control E:uipment Complying 3ith TP2 59""

2CT $0&18&01

ABB #E0551 Current Differential Protection

2CT $0&18&0$

01CB 18$910" Digital Current Differential #elay an) MITF?0" Interface >nits

2CT $0&$0&01

ABB 2PAG150C Capacitor Protection #elay

2CT $1

(eneral 2econ)ary *iring an) Multicore Ca;ling

2CT $$&00

D&C 2upplies


2CT $"&01

2ynchroniEing 2cheme ? Tests Per 2tation

09 October 2012

Page % of 2

2CT $"&0$

2ynchroniEing 2cheme ? Tests Per Circuit


2CT $"&0"

Brush H2I2C-ECAH #elay

2CT $4

Delaye) Auto?reclose E:uipment

2CT $5

/'erall Tripping an) Control Tests

2CT $7&01

C2D IM27 1ault #ecor)ers

2CT $7&0$

(EC 0P#1?101 Mi)ar 1ault #ecor)ers

2CT $7&0"

1erranti 0in)ar 1B 1ault #ecor)ers

2CT "0

Transformer Automatic .oltage Control E:uipment

2CT "0&01

(EC Perm Automatic .oltage Control (A.C! 2ystem

2CT "0&0$

CE(E0EC T5000 Automatic .oltage Control (A.C! 2ystem

2CT "1

Cross 2ite /ptical 0in+s

2CT "$&01

2u;station Control 2ystem

2CT "$&0$

#emote 2u;station Controller

2CT ""

,e3;ri)ge ,et3or+s

2CT "4

Ericsson DCJ ? 5 Control Telephone E=change >sing A2,# 501019#$ 2oft3are

2CT "5&01

(EC Perm Automatic #eacti'e 23itching (A#2! 2ystem

2CT "5&0$

Cegelec T5000 Automatic #eacti'e 23itching (A#2! 2ystem

2CT "5&00

Ca;le 2ystems

2CT "%&01

ABB ,2D%0 2ignalling E:uipment


2CT "%&0"

ABB ,2D%0C an) ,2D%0D 2ignalling E:uipment

09 October 2012

Page 9 of 2

2CT "%&04

ABB -2D50 P0C Intertripping an) Protection 2ignalling E:uipment


2CT "7


2CT "8

2tatic .ar Compensators (Plant Items an) 2ite Performance Tests!

2CT 40

-igh 2pee) Digital Intertripping E:uipmentC -2DI?"

2CT 4"

#10 8%45E Teleprotection Channel

2CT 44

,o+ia . "" Mo)emC (I%4 Multiple=er an) Associate) Communiations E:uipment

2CT 45

#10 8550 2u;station Dial?>p 23itch

2CT 45

2u;station Earthing

2CT 4%

Mechanically 23itche) Capacitor Ban+s

2CT 47

Capacitor Ban+s

2CT 48

Air?Core) #eactors

2CT 50


2CT 51

Copper PT/ Installations at -ot 2ites

2CT 5"

(as Insulate) Transmission 0ine ((I0! 2ystems

T(,(E! 015

Protection an) Control E:uipment Meeting the #e:uirements of TP2 59""

T(,(E! 017 (T!

Po3er 0ine Carrier (P0C! Channels


T(,(E! 0$5

Current #atings for /'erhea) 0ines


T(,(E! 0$%

Application (ui)elines for /'er?'oltage Protection in 2u;stations using 2urge Arresters

T(,(E! 041 (T!

(eneral #e:uirements for the Installation of E=ternally Attache) /ptical Ca;le to /'erhea) 0ine Earth3ires

T(,(E! 04$ (T!

(eneral #e:uirements for the Installation of 2elf?2upporting

/ptical Ca;le to /'erhea) Po3er 0ines

09 October 2012

Page 10 of 2

T(,(E! 04" (T!

(eneral #e:uirements for the Installation of /ptical Ca;le in Protecti'e Ducts


T(,(E! 04% (T!

Design an) >se of 2+ycra)les at 0ine Crossings of Motor3aysC /ther Ma6or #oa) an) #ail3ays

T(,(E! 055

2ettlement Metering

T(,(E! 05%

Algorithm for the Compensation of Three?Phase 1our *ire 2ettlement Metering

T(,(E! 050 (T!

(ui)ance for #efur;ishing /'erhea) 0ines to Minimise Au)i;le ,oise

T(,(E! 055

Thermal /'erloa) Capa;ilities of Protection E:uipment


T(,(E! 075

Control of 1erroresonance

T(,(E! 08$

23itching proce)ures to 0imit Trappe) Charge /'er?.oltages in $%5 +. 400 +. (as Insulate) 2u;stations ((I2!

T(,(E! 114

#eplacement or #epair of 2tolen or Defecti'e Earth Tapes


T(,(E! 1$% (T!

Mo)elling of an Auto?Transformer 3ith Tertiary 0oa)ing

T(,(E! 1""

Protection Against #ise of Earth Potential an) In)uce) .oltages on Telecommunication Ca;les at 2u;station 2ites

T(,(E! 15$

0ocation of 2u;station 2ites 3ith a #ise of Earth Potential un)er 1ault Con)itions a;o'e 550. (-ot 2ites!

T(,(E! 15%

A Continuous Monitoring 2ystem 1or Partial Discharge In (as?Insulate) 2u;stations

T(,(E! 151

Mo)ifications to 055C 0$C 0"C 0"(c!C 07 an) 07(c! To3ers

T(,(E! 15"

2uspension Insulator Crossarm Attachment Channels

T(,(E! 155

IEC 507%0?5?101 Protocol Implementation #e:uirements

T(,(E! 155

Electrical Parameters an) Impe)ance Characteristics of PlantC 0ines an) Ca;les

T(,(E! 15%

Application 2ettings for ABB #E0"5$ Phase Comparison Protection

T(,(E! 1%5

1erroresonance 2uppression at Traction 2upply Points

T(,(E! 1%5

2e:uential Disconection on the $%5 +. an) 400 +. ,et3or+s

09 October 2012

Page 11 of 2

T(,(E! 1%7

(ui)e to 215 -an)ling Practices


T(,(E! 1%8

Attachment of Mo;ile Phone Antennas to /'erhea) 0ine To3ers


T(,(E! 171

The #ating of 2ta;ilising an) 2etting #esistors an) Metrosils for -igh Impe)ance Differential Protection

T(,(E! 17$

2tan)ar) Bay Designs ? Application (ui)ance for Connection to the Transmission 2ystem at 1"$ +.C $%5 +. an) 400 +.&

T(,(E! 17"

#eplacement of Earth3ire on Dou;le Circuit 0ines >sing Cra)le Bloc+ 2tringing

T(,(E! 175

/'er?sailing of Con)uctors

T(,(E! 17%

(ui)ance for Con)uctor Gointing in 2u;stations

T(,(E! 177

Implementation of ,e3 Technology on to the Transmission 2ystem


T(,(E! 180

Design an) >se of Temporary 2caffol) (uar)s

T(,(E! 18$

Creation of P02 To3er Mo)els

T(,(E! 184

Classification of #is+ of >nauthorise) Access to /'erhea) 0ine To3ers

T(,(E! 188

Management of #ise of Earth Potential at ,e3 an) #efur;ishe) To3ers

T(,(E! $00

Timescales an) Techni:ues for the #ectification of /'erhea) 0ine Defects

T(,(E! $0"

Bac+?>p Protection (ra)ing Across ,ational (ri) Transco9 Distri;ution ,et3or+ /perator Interfaces

T(,(E! $04

Mo)el Proce)ure 1or Terminal To3er Earth Tape Tests

T(,(E! $05

Application an) 2etting of 2ystems that Perform 2ynchronisingC DA#C Automatic Plant Isolation an)

T(,(E! $0%

Telecommunications 0ine Isolation Installation at ,e3 2u;stations

T(,(E! $08

Type #egistration of Transformers an) Components

T(,(E! $1$

,ational (ri) Protection Application an) 2etting at #ail3ay 2upply Points

T(,(E! $1"

Isolator DonHt Belie'e In)ication (DBI Con)ition on ,umeric Bus;ar Protection

09 October 2012

Page 12 of 2

T(,(E! $14

(ui)ance for 1ittings?/nly /'erhea) 0ine #efur;ishments


T(,(E! $15

Proce)ure for Terminal To3er Earthing 3ith a Temporary Bon) Prior to the #einstatement of the 1i=e) Earth 3ith a

T(,(E! $1%

2afety #is+ Management -AFA#D Fones Associate) 3ith /'er)ue Maintenance


T(,(E! $"%

Classification of /'erhea) 0ine -igh #is+ 2pans

T(,(E! $40

Type #egistration of Ca;les 2ystems

T(,(E! $41


Control 23itching Bo=

T(,(E! $5$

Type #egistration of Protection an) Control 2olutions for -.DC 2ystems

T(,(E! $5"

Applying EM1 E=posure 0imits to Ca;les an) Ca;le Tunnels

T(,(E! $55

1unctional #e:uirements for (I2 0ocal Control an) Protection

TP 105 (>ABP!

E:uipment Commissioning an) Decommissioning

TP 10% (>ABP!

Protection an) Control #elay 2ettings

TP 108 (>ABP!

,um;ering an) ,omenclature of -. Apparatus

TP 1$4 (>ABP!

Protection an) Automatic 23itching 2che)ules

TP 1"1 (>ABP!

2ettlement Metering


TP 1"5 (>ABP!

Management of Dra3ings (Electricity Assets!

TP 1"5 (>ABP!

2ite #esponsi;ility 2che)ules


TP 1"% (>ABP!

The Implementation of Construction (Design



#egulations (CDM! $00% for the Transmission Electricity TP 141 (>ABP! Authorisation Process for CommissioningC 2ettings an) Design Engineers TP 144 (>ABP! Authorisation Process for Pro6ect ManagementC 2ite Management an) CDM Management TP 145 (>ABP! In'estment Process 10 5 %

09 October 2012

Page 1 of 2

TP 15" (>ABP!

The Coor)ination of -. 2ystem 2tage ;y 2tage Connections for Construction an) Maintenance


TP 155 (>ABP!

Customer Buil) 2chemes

TP 15$ (>ABP!

Contingency Plans in Case of 1ailure of ,umerical Bus;ar Protections


TP 15" (>ABP!

2ite Installation

TP 15"A (>ABP!

2ite Installation

TP 158 (>ABP!

MIM2 Asset Data 2tructure

TP 1%5 (>ABP!

Data Information Collection Process for Thermal #ating 2che)ules

TP 1%% (>ABP!

Electricity Transmission Construction Deli'ery >nit Change Management

TP 171 (>ABP!

Continuous Impro'ement

TP 17$ (>ABP!

Management of /utstan)ing *or+s

TP 17" (>ABAP!

Type #egistere) an) ,on?Type #egistere) E:uipment


TP 174 (>ABP!

Proce)ural #e:uirements for the Management of Temporary *or+s

TP 175 (>ABP!

Pro)uction of Electricity Transmission Construction Deli'ery >nit *or+;oo+s


TP 177 (>ABP!

Transmission Construction Electricity Design Management

TP 178 (>ABP!

The Elimination an) #e)uction of 2-E2 #is+s an) -aEar)s During 2cheme DesignC Installation an) Commissioning

TP 181A (>ABP!

Technical Assurance ? Tas+s an) #esponsi;ilities

TP 18$ (>ABP!

2-E Bulletin Distri;ution

TP 18"A (>ABP!

Pan?Alliance Programme Management ? Planning Controls


TP 184A (>ABP!

#is+ (Threat

/pportunity! Management ? Electricity Alliance

TP 185 (>ABP!

CPM 0i'elin+

ECM >ser Account Management


09 October 2012

Page 1! of 2

TP 18% (>ABP!

Earthing 2ystem Design Proce)ural #e:uirements Documentation


TP 188 (>ABP!

/peration an) Management of the CPM 0i'elin+ 2ystem

TP $00 (>ABP!


Pu;lication of Pro6ect Documents 'ia the


CPM 0i'elin+ 2ystem TP $05 (>ABP! >nlicense) *or+ $

TP $11 (>ABP!

Bul+ Purchase) 2tatic *oun) E:uipment

TP $14 (>ABP!

Control of Access to Transmission /perational 2ites

TP $15 (>ABP!

En'ironmental Management of In'estment Process

TP $15 (>ABP!

2ite Acti'ity Competence Assurance

TP $18 (>ABP!

Manufacturing Assurance

TP $$1 (>ABP!

Technical Data Assurance

TP2 $&$4&1

2tan)ar) 2olutions for ProtectionC Control an) Information 2ystems

TP2 $&%&1

Pro'ision of Information an) Controls to ,ational (ri) Control Points an) /ther >sers


T#(E! "88

Effecti'eness of ,ational (ri) Transco Ca;le Cooling 2ystems

T#(E! 408

/'er?.oltage Protection in 2u;stations >sing 2urge Arresters

T#(E! 4$0

Thermal Capa;ility of 1"$ +. to 400 +. Earth 23itches

T#(E! 4""

#e?.erification of the 2hort?Circuit Capa;ility of the $%5+. /B#50 an) /B#509%$E Circuit?Brea+er Designs

T#(E! 4"4

Bus;ar Protection ? 2tan);y ,umeric Protection 2ystem as an Alternati'e to >ABP9TP15$ Contingency /ptions

T#(E! 44%

An In'estigation into the Applica;ility of *ireless 2ensor ,et3or+s for Con)ition Monitoring

T#(E! 451

#e'ie3 /f Drain Earth 2horting 2chemes (Dress! Applie) In Accor)ance *ith ,2I4

T#(E! 45"

A #e'ie3 /f The Potential Effects /f *in) Tur;ine *a+es /n ,ational (ri)Bs /'erhea) Transmission 0ines

09 October 2012

Page 1" of 2

T2 1

#atings an) #e:uirements for PlantC E:uipment an) Apparatus


T2 $&01


T2 $&0$


T2 $&0"

Po3er Transformers an) #eactors

T2 $&04

(eneric Design Principles for #e?>tilisation of /'erhea) 0ines

T2 $&05

Ca;le 2ystems


T2 $&0% (,(T2!

2pecification for 2u;station Control 2ystems


T2 $&11

2tatic .ar Compensators for Connection at $%5 +. an) 400 +.

T2 $&1$

2u;station Au=iliary 2upplies


T2 $&1% (,(T2!

E:uipment for 0i'e *or+ing

T2 $&18

Ancillary 0ight Current E:uipment


T2 $&$0

/il Containment at Electricity 2u;stations an) /ther /perational 2ites

T2 $&$1

400+.9$%5+. Mechanically 23itche) Capacitor Ban+s an) Damping ,et3or+s

T2 $&$$ (,(T2!

Perimeter 2ecurity 1encing for ,e3 2u;stations an) E=tensions to E=isting 2u;stations

T2 $&$4 (,(T2!

2u;station InformationCControlC Protection an) Metering

T2 $&$5

1"$ +. Mechanically 23itche) Capacitor Ban+s an) Damping ,et3or+s


T2 $&$%

(eneric Design Principles for a ,e3 /'erhea) 0ine

T2 $&$8

23itchgear an) Controlgear for >se at .oltages up to "5 +.

T2 $&"0

2eries Compensation for Connection to $%5 +. an) 400 +. 2ystems

T2 $&"1

-igh .oltage Direct Current (-.DC! Con'erters

09 October 2012

Page 1# of 2

T2 "&01&01 (,(T2!

2u;station Interloc+ing 2chemes


T2 "&01&0$


T2 "&01&0" (,(T2!

0imitation of 1ire #is+ in 2u;stations

T2 "&01&04

Bus;ar 2ystems for AI2 2u;stations

T2 "&01&05

Bus;ar Clamps an) Components

T2 "&0$&01

Circuit Brea+ers

T2 "&0$&0$ (,(T2!

Disconnectors an) Earthing 23itches

T2 "&0$&0" (,(T2!

Metal?/=i)e 2urge Arresters for use on ,(C 1"$C $%5 an) 400 +. an) 0o3er .oltage 2ystems

T2 "&0$&04 (,(T2!

Current Transformers for Protection an) (eneral >se

T2 "&0$&05

.oltage Transformers

T2 "&0$&05 (,(T2!

Current an) .oltage Measurement Transformers for 2ettlement Metering of the "" +.C 55 +.C 1"$ +.C $%5 +. an)

T2 "&0$&0%

Bushings for -igh .oltage Alternating Current 2ystems

T2 "&0$&08

2oli) Core Post Insulators for 2u;stations

T2 "&0$&10

.oltage (ra)ing of Capacitors for Circuit Brea+ers

T2 "&0$&11 (,(T2!

Air 2ystems Incorporating Air CompressorsC Air Dryers an) Air 2ystem Control Boar)s to 2upport 23itchgear use) on the

T2 "&0$&1$

.oltage Di'i)ers

T2 "&0$&1"

(as Insulate) Transmission 0ines

T2 "&0$&14

(as?insulate) 23itchgear

T2 "&0$&15

,eutral Earthing #esistors

T2 "&0"&01

Mineral Insulating /il

09 October 2012

Page 1$ of 2

T2 "&0"&0$

Dry?Type reactors for AC 2ystems


T2 "&0"&04


T2 "&0"&07 (,(T2!

Electronic Trans)ucers for Temperature Measurement in Transformers

T2 "&0"&08

*in)ing Temperature In)icator (*TI!

T2 "&04&01

2pacers for /'erhea) 0ine Con)uctors

T2 "&04&0$

Con)uctors for /'erhea) 0ines

T2 "&04&04

Cap an) Pin Insulators for /'erhea) 0ines

T2 "&04&05

Insulator 1ittings for /'erhea) 0ines

T2 "&04&05 (,(T2!

Con)uctor 1ittings for /'erhea) 0ines

T2 "&04&0%

.i;ration Dampers for /'erhea) 0ine Con)uctors

T2 "&04&08

2afety 2igns an) Information Plates for /'erhea) 0ines

T2 "&04&14

2pecification for Dra3ing an) Detailing of 0attice 2teel To3ers

T2 "&04&15

/'erhea) 0ine 2upport 1oun)ations

T2 "&04&15

1a;rication an) Erection of 0attice To3ers 2teel3or+

T2 "&04&1%

Insulator 2ets for /'erhea) 0ines

T2 "&04&17

Composite Insulators for /'erhea) 0ines


T2 "&04&18

1i=e) 1all Arrest 2ystems for /'erhea) 0ine To3ers

T2 "&04&$0

Con)uctor 2u; 2ystem

T2 "&04&$1

Earth3ire 2ystems (inclu)ing /P(*!

T2 "&04&$4

Painting of 0attice 2teel To3ers

09 October 2012

Page 1% of 2

T2 "&04&$5

Aircraft an) ,a'igational *arning 0ights


T2 "&04&$5

Aerial 0aser 2ur'ey 2er'ice Pro'ision #e:uirements

T2 "&04&$%

Anti?Clim;ing De'ises for /'erhea) 0ines

T2 "&04&$8

2pecification for the Design of ,e3 400 +. Transmission 0ine To3ers (01"!

T2 "&05&01

1"$ +.C %5 +. an) 400 +. /il 1ille) Ca;le

T2 "&05&0$

J0PE Ca;le for #ate) .oltages A;o'e "" +. (>m K "5 +.!

T2 "&05&0"

2heath .oltage 0imiters


T2 "&05&04

2heath Bon)ing An) Earthing for Insulate) 2heath Po3er Ca;le 2ystems

T2 "&05&05 (,(T2!

Ca;le Temperature Monitoring

T2 "&05&0%

Installation #e:uirements for Po3er an) Au=iliary Ca;les

T2 "&05&07 (,(T2!

Ca;le Cooling 2ystem

T2 "&05&08 (,(T2!

Ca;le /il Pressure (auges an) 23itches

T2 "&05&1$

Ca;le Tunnels an) Ca;le Bri)ges

T2 "&05&14

Ca;le an) Accessories for #ates .oltages of 11 +. an) "" +.

T2 "&05&15

Mass Impregnate) Ca;le for -.DC .oltages up to 700A.

T2 "&0%&04 (,(T2!

2u;station Control Man Machine Interface


T2 "&0%&05 (,(T2!

E'ent 0ogging


T2 "&0%&18 (,(T2!

0ocal Control Point 1acilities

T2 "&07&08

/'erhea) 0ine Earth3ire incorporating /ptical Ca;le (/P(*!

T2 "&07&$$ (,(T2!

Metho)s an) Proce)ures for >n)ergroun) Duct 0aying an) Associate) *or+s

09 October 2012

Page 19 of 2

T2 "&07&"" (,(T2!

/ptical 1i;res


T2 "&08&1"

2ettlement Metering at the Distri;ution Interface

T2 "&10&00

(eneric Technical 2pecification for Ci'ilC 2tructural an) Buil)ing Engineering ? Intro)uction

T2 "&10&01

(eneric Technical 2pecification for Ci'ilC 2tructural an) Buil)ing Engineering ? (eneral

T2 "&10&0$

(eneric Technical 2pecification for Ci'ilC 2tructural an) Buil)ing Engineering ? Materials

T2 "&10&0"

(eneric Technical 2pecification for Ci'ilC 2tructural an) Buil)ing Engineering ? E=ca'ationC Bac+filling an) #estoration

T2 "&10&04

(eneric Technical 2pecification for Ci'ilC 2tructural an) Buil)ing Engineering ? Concreting an) 1orm3or+

T2 "&10&05

(eneric Technical 2pecification for Ci'ilC 2tructural an) Buil)ing Engineering ? Cionstruction of Pipelines an)

T2 "&10&05

(eneric Technical 2pecification for Ci'ilC 2tructural an) Buil)ing Engineering ? Buil)ing *or+s

T2 "&10&0%

(eneric Technical 2pecification for Ci'ilC 2tructural an) Buil)ing Engineering ? Testing an) Disinfection

T2 "&10&07

(eneric Technical 2pecification for Ci'ilC 2tructural an) Buil)ing Engineering ? #oa)3or+s

T2 "&10&1$

(eneric Technical 2pecification for Ci'ilC 2tructural an) Buil)ing Engineering ? 2tructural 2teel3or+

T2 "&10&1"

(eneric Technical 2pecification for Ci'ilC 2tructural an) Buil)ing Engineering ? Minor Electrical *or+s

T2 "&10&14

Painting of 2u;station PlantC E:uipment an) 2tructures

T2 "&11&01

2hunt Capacitors an) Capacitor Ban+s

T2 "&11&0$

AC #esistors an) #esistor Ban+s


T2 "&1$&0"

2u;station 0.AC 2upplies

T2 "&1$&04

47 .

110 . D&C& 2upplies

T2 "&1%&01 (,(T2!

E:uipment for 0i'e *or+ing


T2 "&1%&0" (,(T2!

Current 0ea+age Monitor for Insulating 1oam 1ille) Tu;es an) 2oli) #o)s (Current 0ea+age Monitor! >se) During 0i'e

09 October 2012

Page 20 of 2

T2 "&1%&04 (,(T2!

#opes for Ina)'ertent Contact During 0i'e 0ine *or+ing


T2 "&1%&05 (,(T2!

0i'e 0ine Cap an) Pin Insulator Tester

T2 "&1%&0% (,(T2!

#opes for 0i'e 0ine *or+ing

T2 "&$4&01 (,(T2!

2u;station Information Control an) Protection 0ocal Area ,et3or+

T2 "&$4&0$ (,(T2!

2u;station Information Management >nit (IM>!&

T2 "&$4&0" (,(T2!

2u;station 1acilities an) 1unctions Common to all Bays

T2 "&$4&04 (,(T2!

-ar)3are Platform

T2 "&$4&05

Bus 2ection an) Coupler Bay 1unctions

T2 "&$4&05 (,(T2!

Mesh Corner Bay 1unctions

T2 "&$4&0% (,(T2!

1ee)er Bay 1unctions

T2 "&$4&07 (,(T2!

Transformer Bay 1unctions

T2 "&$4&08

2hunt #eactor Bay

T2 "&$4&10 (,(T2!

2eries #eactor Bay

T2 "&$4&11

Mechanically 23itche) Capacitor Bay 1unctions


T2 "&$4&1$

Dua)rature Booster Bay

T2 "&$4&15 (,(T2!

En'ironmental an) Test #e:uirements for Electronic E:uipment

T2 "&$4&15 (,(T2!

Delaye) Automatic #eclosing (DA#!

T2 "&$4&1% (,(T2!

1erroresonance 2uppression

T2 "&$4&17 (,(T2!

>nit 1ee)er Main Protection

T2 "&$4&$0 (,(T2!

Communications for Teleprotection

09 October 2012

Page 21 of 2

T2 "&$4&"4

Bus;ar Protection


T2 "&$4&"5 (,(T2!

,on?>nit 1ee)er Protection

T2 "&$4&"5 (,(T2!

Teleprotection (Comman) Base)!

T2 "&$4&"7 (,(T2!

/'ercurrent Protection

T2 "&$4&"8 (,(T2!

Circuit Brea+er 1ail Protection

T2 "&$4&40 (,(T2!

Cross 2ite Communication 0in+s for Teleprotection

T2 "&$4&4$ (,(T2!

Automatic #eacti'e 23itching for -. an) 0. 2hunt #eacti'e Plant

T2 "&$4&4" (,(T2!


T2 "&$4&54 (,(T2!

Circuit?;rea+er Point?on?3a'e 23itching Control

T2 "&$4&5% (,(T2!

2tan)alone Dua)rature Booster Control 2ystems

T2 "&$4&50 (,(T2!


T2 "&$4&51 (,(T2!

Automatic Tap Change Control

T2 "&$4&5" (,(T2!

Mesh 2tation DA# an) Plant Isolation

T2 "&$4&54 (,(T2!

/perational Tripping

T2 "&$4&55 (,(T2!

/'erall Protection

T2 "&$4&5% (,(T2!

(P2 2u;station Cloc+

T2 "&$4&%0

Dynamic 2ystem Monitoring (D2M!

T2 "&$4&%1

2ystem Monitor ? 1ault #ecor)ing

T2 "&$4&%$ (,(T2!

/perational Metering 2ummator

T2 "&$4&%" (,(T2!

Electrical Measurement Trans)ucers

09 October 2012

Page 22 of 2

T2 "&$4&%5 (,(T2!

DA# Interloc+ing (Trip #elay #eset!


T2 "&$4&%% (,(T2!

Capacitor Protection


T2 "&$4&%7 (,(T2!

Thermal /'erloa) Protection

T2 "&$4&%8 (,(T2!

Data Ac:uisition E:uipment at 2ites #emote to ,ational (ri) 2u;stations

T2 "&$4&70 (,(T2!

1erroresonance Detection

T2 "&$4&71

IEC 507%0?5?101 Communications Protocol


T2 "&$4&7$ (,(T2!

Configuration an) Diagnostic Tools

T2 "&$4&7" (,(T2!

Circuit Brea+er 2e:uential Isolation

T2 "&$4&75

Automation 2chemes

T2 "&$4&7%

Trip #elays an) Trip #elay #esetting

T2 "&$4&77


Control for 2eries Compensation Bays

T2 "&$4&78

Protection an) Control 23itching Bo=

T2 "&$4&80


Control for -.DC 2ystems

T2 "&$4&8$

Phasor Measurement >nit

T2 "&$4&85

Ancillary 2er'ices Business Monitoring

09 October 2012

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