Alcohol Consumption: 25% 34% Low Risk Middle Risk High Risk Verry High Risk Not Practicing

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25% 34%

Low Risk Middle Risk High Risk Verry High Risk

4% 11%

Not Practicing 26%

In figure 1, it shows that the highest percentage of risk of student nurses to develop Chronic NCDs in alcohol consumption is No Risk (34%), followed by Middle Risk (26%), Low Risk (25%), High Risk (11%) and the least percentage is Very High Risk (4%). In general, most of the student nurses are not practicing alcohol consumption. Therefore, they are not at risk for the development of chronic NCDs. For reseachers opinion, not practicing of this behavior is due to lack of time for them to do some leisure activities like alcohol drinking. Aside from that, in researchers expectation, the drinking alcohol is used primarily in reducing stress and recreation for college student, especially among student nurses who have stressful schedules, duty hours to accomplish, paper works, lectures and challenging subjects to study. Similarly, Evans & Kelly (2004) found that students frequently withdrew into themselves in alcohol consumption as a coping mechanism for stress. Therefore, they are at least have a low possibility to develop chronic NCDs. However, the result was contradicted by the study done by Matute and Pillon, there were one fourth of their sample that is found to use alcohol beverages. Furthermore, same study discussed that the most common reason of drinking alcohol is for relieving stress. However, same study also revealed that the

students who were using alcohol were at low risk to develop chronic diseases (Matute and Pillon, 2008).

1% 5% 11% Low Risk Middle Risk 33% High Risk Very High Risk 50% Not Practicing

Figure 2: Extent of Risk of Diet Among Nursing Students in the Development of Chronic Non-communicable Diseases Majority of the nursing students possess middle risk in the development of chronic NCDs from their diet. Which have a percentage of 50%. 33% of them possess high risk, 11% has low risk, 5% has very high risk, and only 1% has no risk since they report non-practicing of the behaviours stated in the questionnaire. These results show that almost all of the nursing students possess a risk in developing chronic NCDs. Based from the researchers own experiences, we also practice some of the behaviours that leads to the risks of developing these chronic NCDs. These behaviours commonly include skipping of meals and eating or taking out food from fast food chains or restaurants. Factors that contribute to these behaviours include the busy schedule of the nursing students, the overload of requirements, and clinical duties. According to a study made in Ludhiana, almost half of their respondents, which are college nursing students, skip meals while almost one-fourth practice fasting. Also, two-thirds of the population consumes junk foods. Furthermore, upon measuring the BMI and Waist Hip Ratio of the sample population, the researchers have found out that 11% has a BMI of

greater than or equal to 25 and 7.5% has a WHR of greater than or equal to 0.85. These results indicate a substantial number of nursing students that has a risk for the development of CAD. (Sharma et. al., 2009)

0% 8% 4% Low Risk 31% Middle Risk High Risk Very High Risk 57% Not Practicing

FIGURE 4. Extent of risk of physical activity of nursing students in the development of chronic non-communicable disease. Figure 4 shows that the third year and fourth year nursing students in Baguio City has a high risk (57%) to development chronic non-communicable disease when it comes to their physical activity. The figure above also shows that there are no students among the respondents that do not practice the behaviors that are indicated in the researchers self-made questionnaire under the category physical activity. But the indicated percentage of not practicing (0%) does not mean that all of the nursing students practice such risky behaviors. According to Hoffman, D., Policastro, P., Quick, V. & Lee, S. (2006), people who enters college are deals with many stresses and changes, including changes in eating and exercise behavior. It is indicated in this journal that entering college will put the individual at a high risk in gaining weight and gaining fat.

6% 5% 2% 2% Low Risk Middle Risk High Risk Very High Risk Not Practicing 85%

In figure 4.The graph shows that majority of nursing student are not practicing smoking 85%, which make them not at risk for development of chronic noncommunicable diseases . On the other hand, 6% of the sample populations have low risk, 5% have moderate risk and 2% have high risk as well as those having the highest risk. The researchers expectation is that some nursing students tend to smoke but in the contrary the results of the study shows that almost all student nurses do not practice smoking. According to Durmaz and Ustun (2006) they found that there is as significant difference between smoking and self-control of nursing and healthcare students. Students with higher self-control were more likely to smoke less. Also, significant sgender difference was identified where males smoked more than the females.

Bibliography Matute and Pillon (2008). Alcohol Consumption by Nursing Students in Honduras. Suresh K. Sharma, J. K. (2009). Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, Vol-5, No. 2. A Descriptive study on dietary pattern and biophysical profile among nursing students. , 80-88. Hoffman, D. P. (august 6, 2010). Journal of American College Health. Muling kumuha mula sa Durmaz and Ustun (2006). Student nurses personality traits and the nursing profession

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