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Ive been under the influence of many things in my lifetime. The first, regrettably, was alcohol. At age 12 I discovered the highs and lows of booze after a Bar itzvah at our tem!le in "ggertsville. The tem!le used to lay out many glasses of red wine on a table in the corridor of the building after each Bar or Bat #for girls$ itzvah. I was told never to drin% by my !arents but on this occasion my !arents werent there and my friends and I began to imbibe in the wine. The first glass tasted great. &o did the second. By the third glass I was feeling 'uite well. After the fourth maybe too well. By glass si( I was hot and sweaty and !robably should have sto!!ed. &everal of us ran around the tem!le corridors yi!!ing and chattering. )ne guy swore he was a bird. At some !oint my mother !ic%ed me u! and gave me strange loo%s all the way home. I ate dinner, became tired and a little 'ueasy shortly thereafter and went to bed early. I wo%e u! the ne(t morning feeling li%e Id been hit by a train. I told my !arents it was the 2* hour flu. It felt more li%e my last 2* hours on earth. I begged and !leaded with the +ord Id never do it again if he let me live. By dinner time I was well enough to eat,.but not drin%. I lied to the +ord, too. I was inebriated one more time in my life, my freshman year of college, but lets not tal% about that. I also became under the influence of something both !leasurable and !ainful on or around &e!tember -, 1./0. That was the day I met the future rs. &terns at the boo%store of 1tica 2ollege. &he was only 13 years old and cussing li%e a sailor about the !rice of boo%s, yet I 'uic%ly became infatuated with her. 4es, after 21 years of being high and dry in the love de!artment, I finally hit the 5ac%!ot. )n ay 26, 1./* I married my child bride and we will celebrate 70 years of marriage later this year. Its been mostly a !leasure tri! for us here, although living !aychec% to !aychec% nearly the entire time has been somewhat !ainful at times. 8inally, we get to the into(icating influence of our wonderful modeling hobby, which Ive been in for the better !art of *0 years. 1!on com!letion of my first model %it, 92s ac% truc% and gravel trailer, I was thrilled and delighted. I couldnt believe Id built such a difficult model %it with no e(!erience: That elation disa!!eared tem!orarily when I messed u! my second %it, 92s Ironside 8ord ;an. 1ndeterred, I forged on with more %its. These turned out better and better as time went on, and the fever %ic%ed in. I had to have a model %it every wee% or Id lose my mind, which meant I would have to cut lawns, shovel driveways and baby sit fre'uently to ma%e more money. Thats what I did and I couldnt stay away from de!artment stores, !harmacies, hobby sho!s or any !lace that carried %its that I could somehow get to. odel %it building interru!ted homewor%, meals and even my beloved s!orts activities, es!ecially in winter. <othing beat chewing on a wad of gum, sitting on the floor of my bedroom and wor%ing on a %it.. The outside world ceased to e(ist. &o did the inside of our house, consisting of mom, dad, brother and sister. They could have left for the moon and I wouldnt have noticed. If I wasnt wor%ing on a model something was missing from my life.

That feeling lasted until about age 16, when I started driving the real thing. The enthusiasm waned over a few years and disa!!eared during college. The 'uestion was, would it ever come bac%,.. )f course it did, at the =!ro!er> time, in my mid 70s. This scenario is common for dedicated model %it builders. +eave the hobby in your late teens, get a 5ob, wife, %ids, house and get bac% into the hobby when things fall into !lace. +uc%ily, I saved about half a dozen of my old builts in a bo(, carrying from a!artment to a!artment, until I felt a yearning to build again. This ha!!ened in the early .0s and when I was done rebuilding my old builts I wanted to continue with some fresh %its. I bought a few models from local de!artment stores, then saw an ad for our local annual toy show in 2hee%towaga. ?hat a blast that was. I saw many models from my youth and many I had missed when I was out of the hobby. I also found out about the =@ome> show down the Thruway in Aochester. There were hundreds of tables of %its and die cast there and I wal%ed around and around in a daze trying to figure out how much I could buy. I was numb with e(citement and felt I might fall flat on my face from the delirium. Building my collection bac% from near non e(istence was satisfying. 2ollecting became a new !assion as well, as I decided any %it I bought for more than B20 was too e(!ensive to be built. 1nfortunately, not too long after that I lost my 5ob and had to sell off all my %its and die cast. @e!ressing, but ultimately I found myself selling %its !art time and then full time two years later. I found =the zone> again during my early years as a dealer, finding many collections of 60s and 30s %its, including many I had wanted as a young man but couldnt afford. &elling these %its was gratifying, %ee!ing some of them was even better. Ive told my wife many times that o!ening u! a newly arrived collection is more e(citing than 2hristmas. &he finds it hard to disagree, es!ecially when she hears me laughing, hooting and hollering in the basement. I havent been under the influence much in the !ast few years. Its getting harder and harder to find the good old stuff and I find less and less time to build, with continual family stuff to deal with and health issues which sometimes thwart my attem!ts to build and restore. &till, loo%ing at my own modest collection always brings a smile to my face.
IF YOU COULD BE A CAR WHAT CAR WOULD YOU BE---FEEDBACK Aemar%ably, some customers actually answered this 'uestion, all in great detail and with e'ual !assion. Cats off to those who thin% automobile 2*D3. Cere are the answersE @odge 2aravanEI had one, so does this guy, a real family man with * %ids: 62 9ontiac Frand 9ri( *21Ewith all the wor%s:: 6/ AoadrunnerEwho wouldnt li%e this one +ate 30s 2hevy !%!Ebet he li%es a!!le !ie too: 32 Buic% &%ylar%E%ind of an underdog. I drove an orange and white 33 of the same car in driver ed: 6/E. ercury ontegoGvery interesting choice. 4ou dont see many of these on the road. 3/ ;? AabbitEa very big seller here in Buffalo at the time. 8un car to drive too. 6- 2oronetEthe customer owns a su!er nice 1E1 version 30 2hevelleEcustomer has had the real one for a long time 63 2amaroEcustomer !urchased one new in 63:: -7 9ontiacEan oldie but a goodie from this customers high school years

There were a few oddball cars in the middle of this list, which I loved, and the usual number of classic American muscle cars. Than%s to all who res!onded:: FREDS MODEL WORLD BLACKLIST FOR FEBRUARY 2013 Alan &hortEno !ayment received for items ordered twice in the !ast three orders. <o emails returned and my !atience has run out on you. Herry Ci(sonEyou couldnt even send !ayment for a B10 %it,ridiculous: MODEL SEMI TRUCK AND TRAILER KITS AMT AND ERTL T-00E-00 9ete 7-.Eoriginal issue, body !ainted, some !arts off trees 66*2 ?hite Aoad Boss Branch 9I*11/ ?hite 8reightliner dual drive T-76 ac% 2ruiselinerEcontents are F 2 Astro %itEno glass, tiresDwheels -002 2hevy BisonEchassis started 9I/*02 8ord 1& ail truc% and trailer T-06 Fulf Tan%er /02IC *700 "agleEoriginal issue T-02 9ete 7-2 T-07 8ord @um! truc%Eoriginal issue T-10 F 2 Astro T-21 28 Tandem vans 9I6177 F 2 Astro -003 alone 9a!a Truc%Econtents are only 7 coils for trailer /020 @um! Fravel trailer 601. "lliott 2oors stoc% car trailer T-6* Allied oving van -201 <orth American van lines van -102oors ?hite 8reightliner 6020 Ienworth 2ane!a T600A /020 Fravel @um! trailerEchassis rails !ainted T-2/ 9eerless +ogging trailer T--. 9abst trailer T-03 ?at%ins Aeefer trailer 6.36 Ienworth T600A T-00 9ete 7-.Esecond issue large window cab 601/ Iraco race car trailer T-*6 ?hite ?estern &tar &ame same T-2/ 9eerless +ogging trailer T-.6 8ord 2.00 &ta%e truc%Eoriginal issue REVELL 03-71 1nimog A?1 8ire Aescue truc%Eslightly started, loo%s com!lete &DI )D2 8D& 8D&

)D2 &DI &DI )D2 8D& &DI 8D& )D2 8D& &DI &DI 8D& )D2 &DI 8D& 8D& )D2 8D& )D2 &DI &DI &DI &DI &DI 8D& &DI &DI &DI )D2

B7B*. B*. B13 B2* B*6 B1B*0 B7B*B7* B*2 B77 B6 B70 B1. B70 B70 B-0 B70 B27 B2* B2/ B2. B70 B*B1/ B*B*B2* B*0 B2. B12 B10 B2B7-

MONO RAM 1201 2hevy Bison 1D72 scale 121Ienworth T600A 1D72 sc. ITALERI 3*2 3*0 */ 8oot American Aeefer 9ete 733 A" American truc%

LINDBER 10-3 10*6 &ame &ame

F 2 &ta%e truc% and trailer ho scale F 2 truc% and trailer ho scale same same


B. B. B. B.

MORE NICELY BUILT TRUCKS FROM CANADA-!"# $%&'(#) *+, + !)%-. ()&/#) 01) 2+34 4#+), +3( !11. "&, "1$$4 ,#)&1%,'45(13! "#,&!+!# 13 !"#,#!! 2at @/C B20 ac% @ 600 highly detailed B20 &ameEnice color scheme B1/ Ienworth Aerodyne cabover B12 9ete Turn!i%erEnice !iece B2* @olly for trailers B7 IC *230 B13 1D*7 scale 9e!si Ienworth truc% and trailer B3 American +a8rance !um!er B. ?hite Aoad Boss B1* 1D*7 scale Be%ins Ienworth truc% and trailerErare original B26 8ord Ayder delivery truc% with liftgate B10 TRUCK 6ARTS -0J truc% tires DIE CAST TRUCKS 1D72 scale 9ete 7-. car haulerElicensed by 9eterbuilt, have tag for this one. 1D72 scale die cast ?hite 8reightliner conventional garbage truc%, mint in bo( VINTA E MODEL TRUCK AND TRAILER INSTRUCTION SHEETS Autocar @um! truc% B2 Ienworth Alas%an Cauler B2 alone Bandag Bandit B* 2at @/C B7 2hevy Bison B2 8ord dum!D!low B2 alone Cideout truc% B* IC Transtar II B7 IC -000 B2 IC 2-3B7 IC 263* B7 IC *700 B2 IC logging truc% and trailer B7 Ienworth Aerodyne B2 Ienworth ?.2B7 &ame B7 Ienworth I127 B2 ac% @ 600 B7 ac% A B7 ac% 2ruiseliner B7 alone 9a!a truc% B* 9ete Turn!i%er B* 9ete wrec%er B2 alone &u!er Boss B* Fravel trailer B2 "(tendable flatbed trailer B2 B/ B1. B1/

9lated tan%er &mo%ey and the Bandit trailer Aevell 9ete 7-. Auto trailer TRUCK BOOKS @etailing odel Truc%s !hotoco!y of boo%Eby &mith MODEL CAR KITS7 ETC. AMT 7/233 21.27 671 6233 /201 2672E1-0 60-/9) 6/./ &ame T*/76-*6 /1-. /7-. /116 7/-*9I*163 700*6 76-*713*/ 7/062 6066 2600E1*. /2/* 6-*3 /663 2/-7&ame 2/--6 7/1-6 7/-7* C/27 9I*16. 2*00 6-73 22-3 6-01 6-32 22-2 22-6 6-.1 6-67 713-7 /.*0 7/7.* 36 <ova street custom )!en Aoad 2am!erDAacers ?edge 06 2amaro /. ;ette KA1 6- FT) 72 8ord roadsterEearly 60s issue on%eemobile Blue!rinter series 6. Curst )lds same %it 33 9intoEfew !arts off trees 62 2atalina !ro sho!Ered &unbeam Team Blue!rinter series 6/ "l 2amino street machine Allison atador stoc%er 37 ustang ?al art issueEhas e(tra body same %itEold atchbo( issue -3 2hrysler 700 6- "l 2amino ?al art issue 6. 2ougar "liminator Bantom Blast Altered rod ?ild ?illie Altered rod 6- FT) Tiger Tro!hy seriesErare %it 9rowler sna! %it -6 8ord 76 9lymouth mod 6. 8alcon mod same 73 2hevy 6. Aiviera 66 Aiviera *0 8ord 2oca 2ola 6. 2ougar LA3 *0 8ord cou!eE30s issue 30 2hallenger -7 8ord !%! 2ruusin 1&A series 67 Fala(ie 9restige series 23 T 2 in 1 *. erc 2ruisin 1&A -0 8ord convertible 2ruisin 1&A 76 8ord -3 2hevyEred car on cover Beverly Cillbillies car 30 2hevelle *-*Esome !arts off trees 6. 8irebird Trans Am ?al art issue

B2 B7 B2 B7 B7

&DI &DI &DI 8D& 8D& )D2 &DI &DI )D2 )D2 &DI &DI &DI &DI )D2 )D2 )D2 )D2 )D2 &DI 8D& )D2 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& &DI &DI 8D& 8D& &DI &DI 8D& 8D& 8D& &DI 8D& )D2 8D& &DI &DI )D2 &DI

B10 B2B/ B2 B/ B2/ B3 B10 B. B2. B10 B70 B10 B10 B. B. B. B. B/ B17 B17 B3B7 B11 B11 B10 B10 B10 B. B10 B11 B10 B1B11 B12 B10 B1* B11 B11 B11 B10 B11 B6 B.

71/0/ T*31 6/-* 633* 2303 2002 T*7T*10 2307 6-06-6* 6-12 /316 702*&ame 70261 6671 &ame 6./0 /20. 702*0 70063 06E-17E1*. 63-7 6-*1 6-01 T2*/ T722 /-// /0-/71* 6233 <o bo( 6-12 6-*1 /*-7/113 6-6* 70/67/0.0 7/066 7/06* 7/7-7 /20/ 6-71 7/*-. 6-.7 6//0 &ame 63-7 6072 6-/7 6-03 60-7 /276 6-3.

same %it 36 ;ega !anel fDcEno instructions 9rovimi ;eal Indy car 67 ;ette convertible 8ord acho achines 87-0 !%!E!in% and white !%! 3/ ;? &ciorocco 3- 2a!ri II 2hevy Lstasy van 6- "l 2amino 2ountdown series 6- 2hevelle wagon 7 in 1 wDram!s 6* Im!alaEred car on cover 2- T 62 Bel Air *0. -/ "dsel !ro sho! same Aaiders 2oach 63 ustang FT same &tric%ler 62 Bel Air 62 Im!ala convertible 72 9hantom ;ic%ie !ro sho! 7. 2hevy ?agon Aod 67 Buic% convertibleEbuilt <ewman Caas Indy car 6/ ustang FT 67 Fala(ie illenium seriesEbody !ainted and bare metal foiled &oc% it to e 62 ;ette 8ord &tar Truc% !%!Ebo( only 9rowler wDtrailer ;i!er FT& -- ;ette sna! %it /. ;etteEcontents are /2 ;ette 2ollectors "ditionEbuilt unbuilt A T set 72E7*E*0 8ordD2hevy in 7 car dis!lay case 2- T 8ord 6/ ustang FT -00Ered car on cover -3 Bel Air !ro sho! ?inged "(!ress Altered 6* Im!alaEshows red car on cover @ewalt TaurusEno decals ;iagara TaurusEno decals 19& TaurusEno decals 9fizer TaurusEno decals 6. 8alcon modified 63 Im!ala street machine 37 ustang ach 1Eno decals, engine !arts from different %it 0* FT)Emissing 1D6* scale die cast car 6- FT) 9enzoil Indy car same %it <ewman Caas Indy car 2hevy *-* !%! *1 9lymouth 6- "l 2aminoE/0s issue blac% and silver car on cover -- 2ameo !%! .6 Tahoe sna! %it 73 2hevy cou!eEsome !arts off trees

&DI &DI )D2 &DI 8D& &DI 8D& &DI 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& &DI &DI 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& &DI )D2 &DI 8D& 8D& )D2 8D& &DI &DI 8D& 8D&

8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& &DI 8D& )D2 8D& )D2

B. B70 B* B6 B7B27 B1. B20 B16 B1* B10 B12 B/ B10 B10 B. B. B. B. B3 B10 B10 B*B* B/ BB2B* B* B* B7 B2 B12 B12 B/ B. B1B10 BBBBB10 B/ B6 B6 B/ B* B* B* B11 B10 B11 B6 B. B10

6-72 9I*137 632/ 6-76 7002 63-* T-63 63*0 6-63 67-T*62 63.0 6--. /60-9) 9I*1/0 6-37 22-1 2*01 T7.* 6.-6 6-.1 6-30 6-6* 6232133/ 716*21/3. 6-0* 6.1-E1-0 602-E1-0 I1071 671*E1-0 61-*E1-0 6132 6*6 /271 /20. 7/20. 7/7-7 61/* T2/3 /-.. 6-.2 6037 A167 21767 /71. /217 /7*0 7026/ 20-0 /.2/20/

36 <ova street machineE30s issue &DI 6/ 2amaro atchbo( issue )D2 9etty Frand 9ri( 8D& 32 2hevelle &DI 1nser <orton &!irit Indy )D2 -1 2hevy 8leetline &DI Frant Iing Aace TeamEs!rint car, -7 8ord !%!, race trailer &DI "lliott 2oors +ite TBird 8D& 6. 2hevelleE1./0 issueEwhite car on cover &DI -3 ;ette Fasser 8D& +aurel and Cardy 2- T roadster 8D& )range Blossom &!ecial !uller &DI 6/ 2amaro 8D& Blue!rinter 8iat @ouble @ragster &DI Aeggie Hac%son 72 8ord roadster )D2 72 8ord ;ic 8D& *0 8ord cou!e 2ruisin 1&A &DI 27 T Budweiser van 8D& 2hevy <irvana van &DI .1 &tealth AT 8D& 76 8ord &DI 77 ?illys &DI 6* Im!alaEred car on cover, molded in red &DI 66 )lds convertible 8D& 30 ?ildcat &DI -6 8ord ;ic !ro sho! &DI 30.- 2amaro &DI 6- +incolnEcontents are 8ord &now!lowD@um! truc%Ebuilt, needs a lot )f reassembly 6- ;ette convertible annual %it )D2 6- 2oronetEhood scoo! glued onto hood )D2 61 Aanchero original issue )D2 6* erc convertible )D2 6*.- ustang cou!eEoriginal issue )D2 30 Im!alaEhas 2 started %its in one bo(, enough to finish maybe both 8iat @ouble @ragsterEstarted )D2 ustang &;T 2obraEfew !arts !ainted )D2 62 Im!ala convertible )D2 -/ Im!ala ?al art issueEbody !ainted 2 tone )D2 -- 2hevy street machine ?al art issueEbody !ainted 2 tone, has e(tra 9ro street chassis and slic%s )D2 *1 9lymouth 8D& -- ;ette &DI 63 ustang FT 7-0 wD!aintsEmolded in red. 9aints are missing, few 9arts !ainted -- <omadGearly /0s issue &DI .0 ;ette KA1 8D& 67 ;ette 2-th Anniversary issue &DI *0 8ord mod 8D& -3 Bel Air street machine &DI -3 ;ette street machine &DI 2/7 2hevy 8uellie "ngine 1D6 scale &DI Avanti illennium series )D2 9ens%e 9orsche 2an Am 1D72 scale 8D& .- 2amaro &DI 63 Im!ala street machine &DI

B1* B10 BB10 B17 B10 B3* BB10 B10 B20 B70 B12 B20 B10 B17 B12 B1B20 BB10 B10 B. B11 B1B. B10 B10 B.0 B100 B*B3B3B6 B3 B2 B3 B6 B6 B10 B/ B6 B11 B* B. B10 B/ B3 B1* B/ B. B2 B3

/21620/ 632/ /-/7 70260 6/16//. 6166 71/73 &ame 22-7 6-6* T16/ 7102/ 6/3* 6-21E1-0 &7062 611*E200 T2*/ .1* @ealer issue 0/-22 6/0 6321 702-0 6266072 6-*1 7/-77 7/*-0 7/*2. 7/*77/-7* 6*13 70037 22-2 6113 9I*1/7 7/*2. 7/*72 6-11 7/-71 70267 70261 7127713*6 7/-1* T2*6 2026-/&ame 6-/3

*0 8ord van )D2 66 )lds **2 )D2 9etty .0 &T9 Frand 9ri( 8D& 6. Trans Am 8D& 8ireball -00 8D& *. erc 8D& 6. Talladega 8D& .2 &tealth &DI 62 TBird !ro finish 8D& same 8D& -1 2hevy convertible 2ruisin 1&A &DI 6* Im!alaEred car on cover 8D& Frant Iing s!rint car 8D& ;i!er !ro sho! )D2 67 ;ette 9restige series &DI 66 erc 9ar%laneEoriginal issue, o% bo( )D2 62 2ometErare dis!lay bo( )D2 6* Fala(ie convertibleEbody !rimed, interior !ainted, no engine !arts or ?or%ing lights &oc% it to e 62 ;ette )D2 y other the 2ar 1* 9orter )D2 2- T )D2 0- 2hrysler 700 Aides agazine &DI 0- 2addy "scalade &DI -3 TBird 1D16 scale 8D& on%eemobile 8D& /. Taurus &ho 8D& 2hevy *-* !%!Econtents are original Aevell -3 <omadEbody !ainted fair, issing one rear roof !illar 6/ ustang FT -00 )D2 66 )lds mod 8D& &ilhouette wDtrailerEre!ro of original bo( 8D& Barris T Buggy &DI 6. 8alcon mod 8D& 66 Buic% mod 8D& .11 Taurus 8D& 30 ;ette sna! %it wD!aints 8D& *. erc 2ruisin 1&A 8D& 30 &u!er Bee &DI Aeggie Hac%son -. ;ette convertible &DI Barris T Buggy 8D& 6. 2amaro convertible 8D& Frant Iing &!rint carEno tiresDwheels 7* 8ord mod 8D& -0 8ord convertible illennium series &DI Aaiders 2oach 8D& 6* Im!ala !ro sho! 8D& 6. )lds **2 &DI 3* FTL ?al art issue &DI 2hevy Iandy van &DI F T2 1D72 scale 8D& 72 8ord roadster &DI same %it &DI Aeggie Hac%son 2obra &DI

B3 B3 B7 B. B. B. B10 B7 B. B. B11 B10 B17 B7 B. B-B.0 B-B2B*0 B*B/ B/ B21 B6 B* B/ B3 B10 B/ B3 B10 B10 B/ B6 B11 B. B. B3 B3 B* B10 B10 B/ B. B/ B. B1. B3 B3 B3 B/

6-*1 70103 206-E200 6317 ERTL /102 /107 &ame &ame /106 /112 /101 &ame 0-E167E1*. /3*0 21.11 9I*11/ M6C 6772 1E1707 1E0367 3/3 62/1 1E1301 1E03/0 206* 1E732* 1E0333 1E03/1 1E0331E730/ 1E06/* 1E03*0 1E0311 1E0/1* 1E7707 1E0.06 371 62/7 67.7 1E1303 1E3211 1E727. 1E70-/ 1E1310 1E0-61 371 1E70/3 1E70/2 1E0/17 1E03-1E0361

6/ ustang FT -00 @ouble ?hammy -7 &tude ercedes 700 &+ Tro!hy seriesEincludes mini full color A T catalog And Auto ?orld decal Iraco Indy car 33 ;ette metal body %it 33 Trans Am Blac%bird metal body %it same same 3/ 2amaro metal body %it 6- ustang cou!e metal body %it Hee! 2H3 metal body %it same %it 67 8airlane 2hevy 21-00 !%!Econtents are 62 +ar% convertible built 72 8ord ;/ cou!e Aeggie Hac%son 72 8ord roadster Trans Am Blac%birdEmolded in blac%, has regular chrome Austy ?allace Alugard 9ontiac 63 2harger @aytona Truc% Trans!orter reissue 30 FT) 9etty 31 &T9 Aoadrunner 3. 9into vanEno decals or instructions 30 Hee!ster /* ;ette &" Trans Am Blac%birdEhas regular chrome ?hite +ightning 6. 8irebird /7 2amaro 2-th Anniversary ;ette Cardcastle and c2ormic% 2oyote <ight 9rowler 3. 2amaro +ongshot onza /7 2amaro *. erc sna! %it 8errari 2-0 1D72 scale Ba%er IMI @aytonaEdecals are aftermar%et 6. 2amaro convertible /6 &helby 2harger arlin onte 2arlo stoc%er 32 FT) bo( only 2hromies 8irebird 1D72 scale fDc @u%es 1D16 scale 2harger Isaac 32 Torino stoc%er 8ord FT ar% * Ba%er IMI @aytona /2 ;ette 1D16 scaleErare %it *23 2obra 1D16 scale /2 2avalier @odge @-0 !%! 8irebird Turbo 9ace car

&DI 8D& )D2 8D& 8D& 8D& &DI &DI 8D& &DI )D2 )D2 )D2 8D& &DI &DI &DI &DI &DI )D2 &DI &DI &DI &DI 8D& &DI &DI &DI &DI &DI &DI )D2 )D2 )D2 &DI )D2 &DI 8D& &DI &DI &DI )D2 &DI &DI &DI )D2 &DI

B3 B17 B2. B* B10 B10 B. B. B11 B. B10 B10 B.. B11 B11 B11 B10 B11 B11 B16 B2. B.0 B23 B7. B* B. B1B17 BB17 B1* B1B12 B/ B/ B/0 B3 BB60 B7 B/ B2. B** B2/ B/2 B70 B2B10 B10 B10

1E0.12 8OHAN &.6*E./ 27-62 F2-00 27/62 21*30 REVELL 2163602 2-./ 2/321-. 20*3 3121 201/ 31-* 0061 C1--1 C1177 2761 C12-2E100 367/ 12*2 16*/ 3237 27/0 206* *.2. 66/31-. 0/-. 2/22..2 317. 2033 32-* 2723 &ame &ame 310/ 2-23 2723 272/ &ame 3733 37-/ 3163 &ame 66/2 3617 2/66

Hee! 2ommando Autosca!eEno diorama 6* 2addy convertibleEflat bo( issue, rare %it that builds stoc% only 8A) 8A"@& 2)++"2TI)< 62 8uryEcontents are !arts car for classic ercedesGo% bo( 2addy AmbulanceEcontents are 1D20 c+aren ar% /@ built 62 )lds 8/-E1D2 built 30 &u!erbirdEbody brush !ainted blue


)D2 )D2 )D2

B-0 B* B* B20 B13 B. B. B. B. B/ B10 B. B11 B/ B12 B70 B10 B. B11 B6 B. B. B/ B10 B10 B10 B10 B6 B. B6 B6 B10 B. B* B/ B/ B/ B* B6 B/ B/ B/ *. B* B17 B12 B10 B11 B10

3. 2amaro 7 in 1 8D& -6 8ord !%!Emolded in red &DI 73 8ord cou!e rod &DI 30 AAA 2uda )D2 ./ 8irebird Aam Air otor 2ity uscle series &DI */ 8ord convertible Food Fuys series &DI 6. ustang &u!er 2H &DI 30 Torino 2obra &DI 8olgers ustang Imsa &DI Freen Cornet rod 8D& idnight Aider 1D/ scale cho!!erE1.32 issue %it, rare. "ngine started and @echromed, o% bo( 6/ 8irebird *00 1D72 scale 8D& "lliott N. @odge &DI 6/ 8irebird *00 1D72 scaleEmolded in dar% red )D2 Aerovette 8D& -- 8ord 1D72 scale 8D& Foodwrench ;ette 2-EA !re !ainted and decaled )D2 -. Im!ala 1D72 scale &DI 63 FTL 2 in 1 8D& 70 8ord ?oody ?agon Food Fuys 8D& *0 8ord 2ustom 9ic%u! Truc%s series &DI 72 8ord &treet Aod Amigo 8D& 6/ ;ette convertible &DI 73 8ord sedanEmolded in red &DI Freenwood ;ette )D2 ?ard Burton 2at Frand 9ri( &DI -* 2hevy !anel wagon &DI Hohnson +owes onte 2arlo 8D& *23 8ord engine 8D& &hell Aeynard Indy 8D& same %it 8D& same %it 8D& ;ette Indy 8D& ./ ;ette roadster 8D& Target Aeynard Indy 8D& 2astrol Aeynard Indy 8D& same 8D& &tingray tv series ;ette &DI Aain( 2amaro ImsaEabout 1D7 built )D2 Flidden TBird !ro street 8D& same %it &DI 67 Im!ala Amigo 8D& 6* 2hevy !%! 8D& 9ens%e Aacing 66 ;ette 8D&

603/ C12/1 &ame 6127 372* *12* 3113 C12/1 62.7 2*.. 2-/0 2*6/ 2*.2 odo22732 27.6 323* 23.* 362/ 2-3* 3*-1 1-.3120 32*3**3 3*31 2./3 3-01 311/ 3/73 316C17.0 327/ 37.1 C12/1 17/3 C172* 37.2 373/ C1213 67.. 27*/ 3733 3*70 2761 21./ 2132 2732-/. 2376 66/6 C1727 /610 1606 3270

8irebird &treet &creamer !ull bac% 1D72 scale model &DI 2hallenger 1 salt flats racer &DI same %itEoriginal issue, has two good !arts cars agic Flo /2 8irebird 1D72 scale 8D& /* 2ustom ustang convertible 8D& "lliott ac Tonight TBird )D2 3/ 2amaroEcontents are 3- 2hevy van built with trailer #made from bac% Calf of van$ 2hallenger 1 )D2 .7 2a!rice 9olice car &DI &!rague Oua%er &tate 2hevy truc% &DI artin ;alvoline Taurus 8D& <emechec% Burger Iing onte 2arlo 8D& 2had +ittle Hohn @eere Frand 9ri(Eno decals Irvan Cavoline TBirdEno decals Carvic% Foodwrench 9lus N2. onte 2arloEwhite car 8D& Carvic% Foodwrench N2. onte 2arloEsilver car 8D& 67 TBird 1D72 scale &DI 30 ustang *2. 2 in 1 8D& 73 8ord van 8D& 6* Im!ala 2 in 1 8D& @avis TBolt &DI 2hevy &mall Boc% &treet Aod "ngine 1D16 scale die cast %it &DI Austin gasser Cot Aod series )D2 73 8ord convertible wDtrailer )D2 Cot Aod series 2ustom -7E-*E-- 2hevy set &DI /3 2amaro 1D16 scale )D2 Bobby +abonte Interstate Frand 9ri(Eno decals onster achines Cot Aod series 2hallenger 1 and &howboat &DI *1 ?illys !%! Cot Aod series )D2 *1 ?illys Fasser &treet @emons #same as &tone ?oods 2oo%$ )D2 -- 2hevy &%i!s 8iesta 8D& -3 <omad 2alifornia 2lassics series 8D& 23 T street rod 8D& 23 8ord van &treet @emons 8D& Aoth )utlaw 8D& Travolta 8irebird sna! %it )D2 ?oodstoc% 70 8ord wagon )D2 odel A 8ord !%! &treet @emons 8D& agnum 9I 8errair 70/ &DI Austin Cealey 100E6 &DI .6 Im!ala && 8D& @ale Hr. N/ Bud onte 2arlo 8D& &tingray T; series car &DI .1 TBird )D2 "lliott N. @odge &DI Harrett 19& Taurus 8D& "arnhardt @aytona Trium!h onte 2arlo &DI "arnhardt Foodwrench onte 2arlo 8D& &aleen &2/1 &!eedster )D2 67 Im!ala 2 in 1 &DI Amigo .. Im!alaEmissing 1D6* scale die cast car others 2herry 9ie 71 8ord van )D2 1D16 sc. 8errari -12BB &DI +uminators 3/ 8irebird 1D72 scale 8D& 3/ 8irebird 2ustom )D2

B* B12 BB/ B. B* B. B17 B. B/ B3 B* B7 B7 B3 B3 B6 B/ B10 B10 B10 B16 B17 B6 B2B2/ B* B2B12 B17 B11 B13 B11 B10 B12 B22 B. B12 B12 B17 B. B. B. B7 B. B/ B. B/ B3 B/ BB1. B1. B/ B10

C17 C67 310/ -*00 0376* 2/** 607* 03// 1.01 32*3116 3110 3120 1.7/ 311. 3122 2-/2 362/ *172 2162/*7 *-3/ 31-. *0.2 2*./ 137/ &ame *20/ 621/ 372* 3216220 2736 1.2/ 27/6 71-7 3*337./ 2/.7 2/7. 27// 27/. 2/2* &ame C1*11 2767 0320/ *120 C126.

17 ercedes Tor!edo Cighway 9ioneers 1D*7 scale 2. Bentley Cighway 9ioneers 1D*7 scale ;ette Indy 1&& 2onstitution shi! 8errari 612 &caglietti Aevell of Fermany @ale Hr. Tribute 2oncert N/ onte 2arlo 6/ 8irebird 1D72 scale Cawaiian 1D16 sc. fDc ?heels of 8ire Fravedigger monster truc% 9orsche .11 2arerra 2abrioletEbody !ainted 3/ 8irebird &treet achine Cot Aod series Aoth Beatni% Bandit Austin Fasser Cot Aod series Cummer sna! %itEmolded in color Attem!t 1 salt flats racer iller )lds fDc /6 onte 2arlo &treet Burner 73 8ord van @allenbach Hr. ?oody ?ood!ec%er onte 2arlo 3. 2amaro @ale Hr. @ 9 2hance 2 onte 2arlo 1D*/ scale AE67 Intruder !lane 6/ ;ette convertible 1CE60 2o!ter 1D100 scale 9ie ?agon rod @eals ?heels 2amaro KKKE2/ same %it &wiss Air 3*3 !lane big 1D1** scale 2ivilian Hee!Ebuilt, un!ainted /7 ustang convertible 2ustom /2 8irebird 3/ Turbo 8irebird sna! %it Foodwrench ;ette 2-A N2E7Ebody !aintedGyellow .. Im!ala !olice car 63 FTL 4arborough Cardees onte 2arlo ercedes 700 &+ 1D12 scale Cenry H &aints series 72 8ord Cighboy roadster Food Fuys 06 ustang FT Conda 2ivic &I cou!e Conda 2ivic &I hatchbac% 6. @aytona same 9orsche .2/ 6. &u!er Bee 2 in 1 B ? 720i @T 2hitown Custler fDc tin edition 7. ercedes 1D*7 scale

)D2 )D2 &DI )D2 &DI 8D& &DI &DI )D2 )D2 )D2 )D2 )D2 &DI 8D& &DI 8D& 8D& &DI &DI 8D& )D2 &DI )D2 &DI 8D& &DI )D2 8D& )D2 8D& )D2 8D& &DI &DI &DI 8D& )D2 )D2 &DI &DI 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& &DI 8D& )D2 &DI 8D& &DI 8D&

B/ B/ B7 B3 B11 B. BB76 B. B6 B/ B. B17 B/ B1B. B/ B. B7 B3 B. B12 BB7 B. B3 B6 B12 B7 B. B10 B10 BB. B. B/ B2. B1B10 B/ B. B. B10 B10 B1. B10 B11 B1/ BB10 B. BB/ B6

MONO RAM *.72 2. 8ord !%! Aat Aods 7 in 1 23.7 30 Buic% F&L /20Bugatti 7- BEold issue, fair bo(, built, needs mild reassembly 2320 *0 8ord !%! rod 231/ 72 8ord roadster rod

&ame 6102 &ame 6101 &ame 2302 20*/ 2710 2*32*-/ 232* 2.*3--0 23.2.12 2316 22-/ 2*-. 220/ 2337 2371 2332 2333 23-2 61*6 231* 23.221/ &ame 22.6 230. 23.3 230/ 23-3 610. 222* 23-2.16 Bagged %it 2310 2*70 67/. 2312 2311 223/ 22.. 2.*. 2.2* 22-6 231* 2**1 23623/* 231* 230/ 2310

same %it &DI F T2 metal body %it 8D& same %it &DI -6 TBird metal body %it 8D& same %it &DI KK To! 8ord &DI 8ord 87-0 duallie &DI @usy Town 2ar etal astersEmetal !lated !lastic %it &DI 2arelli Total 2hevy race truc% &DI &%inner Foodwrench 2hevy race truc% &DI 6- ;ette &treet achine 8D& )wens 2orning ;ette racerEcrac%ed windshield !ost &DI -/ TBird &!ecial Interest seriesGincludes most of an A T -3 TBird %it Franatelli &T9 +ola )D2 6. Talladega &DI 3/ Trans Am Blac%bird 8D& 3/ Trans Am &treet acine &DI 6. 2amaro convertible Indy 9ace car 8D& 6/ FT) &treet achine &DI 7. 2hevy van &DI /6 onte 2arlo && 8D& -- 8ord van Bootlegger 8D& @avis Hr. s!rint car &DI @oty &!rint car 8D& Aacing 2lassics 2ombo 8D& 6* FT) 8D& &T9 Indy car 8D& &mith otorcraft TBird !ro street 8D& same &DI iller ustang Imsa &DI 3E11 ustang FT9 &DI otors!ort ustang Imsa 8D& ustang FT9 Imsa 8D& 73 8ord sedan rod &DI Fo Bots /2 Trans am 1D72 scale )D2 /- Trans Am &DI ?altri! Tide onte 2arlo &DI Allison Cavoline TBird wDaccessories &DI * &herman tan% &DI 3E11 ustang fDc 8D& Allison Cavoline TBird wDBatman comic boo% 8D& Aichard and Iyle 9etty &T9 combo %it 8D& iller 9ontiac fDc 8D& 9e!si Trans Am fDc 8D& 2hevy 2itation L 8D& +abonte 9iedmont onte 2arlo &DI 2o!e 9urolator +umina 8D& +abonte Ielloggs +umina 8D& -6 2hevy 2ustom 8D& 6* FT) +imited "dition &DI Fordon @u!ont +umina 8D& Buic% Fran <ational &DI Buic% F<L Ci 9erformance series 8D& 6* FT) 8D& ustang FT9 Imsa 8D& 3E11 ustang fDc 8D&

BB/ B3 B3 B6 B10 B10 B. B/ B/ B3 B6 B11 B* B3 B. B. B. B. B10 B. B12 B. B10 B16 B/ B* B12 B11 B/ B3 B/ B/ B3 B6 B10 B. B/ B6 B11 BB1B1* B1* B10 B. BBB11 B3 B* B/ B. B/ B/ B11

23*2313 1036 237237/ 2213 3-0* 231/ 23-0 2302 1*1* 237* 610. 2*-2.6/ 6-00 6100 &ame 103. -*--*-* 2222 1*02320 9&1.7 2*61 2311 236* 7106 2.32.-3 23/1 *2/0 2230 -*-2 237* 23/1 *2/0 23*233. 2*-7 23** 1*1/ 0360 23*0//7 2*-1 6711 62./ ACADEMY 1-71 AF9 Aesin

9ie ?agon Aod 3. 2amaro idnight K 6. FT) 1D72 scale /3 TBird Aed Cot TBird !ro street Iaconnio 2amaro !ro stoc% 2alifornia &treet ;etteEno tiresDwheels 72 8ord roadster 2. 8ord !%!Emolded in silver KK To! 7* 8ord /2 ;ette 2ollectors series Aichmond 8olgers onte 2arlo Fo Bots /2 Trans Am 1D72 scale .- ;ette KA1 63 ;ette &creamin imi 1D72 scale 9atton *A1 tan% -7 ;ette metal body %it same 1ltra 3/ 8irebird 1D72 scale Tour of @uty 810*2 &tarfighter !lane 1D*/ scale Tour of @uty AE1C &%yraider !lane 1D*/ scale /* ustang convertible /* ;ette sna! %itEbuilt *0 8ord !%! rod A!ollo &aturn roc%et and s!acecraftEca!sule missing, built well 6* FT) 2 in 1 9e!si Trans Am fDc *23 &2 2obra @azzlement &!eed Boat .* ustang convertible !ace car Hag LI" -7 2hevyE2D7 built well -/ TBird 2 in 1 with bubble to! /0 8irebird Trans Am Turbo Tour of @uty <avy 8*H 1D32 scale !lane Aichmond 8olgers onte 2arlo -7 2hevyEbody, chassis, tub !ainted -/ TBird 2 in 1Ebody !ainted !ur!le nicely 9ie ?agon rod +una s!rint car Beer wagon rod Trantula rod Turbo 8irebird sna! %itEmolded in brown Iulwic%i AI Aacing TBird ?altri! Tide onte 2arlo -3 <omad 2lassics &!eed Ouality 2are TBird ?altri! combo "arnhardt ?rangler combo 8errari 2-0 + Ebody brush !ainted 31E2 Aoadrunner hoodEwhite resin

)D2 )D2 8D& 8D& &DI &DI 8D& &DI &DI &DI 8D& )D2 &DI &DI )D2 )D2 )D2 8D& &DI &DI &DI &DI 8D& &DI &DI )D2 &DI &DI )D2 &DI )D2 &DI &DI )D2 )D2 &DI &DI )D2 &DI &DI 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& )D2 8D&

B. B/ B* BB10 B20 B1. B6 B10 B10 BB/ B/ B7 B6 B1* B7 B7 B/ B/ B/ B10 B2 B6 B* B/ B17 B6 B2* B7 B11 BB11 B10 B3 B/ BB3 B/ B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B* B1* B16 B/ B*

AIRFI9 02060-*11. 02**7

&ea Inight 1D32 scale co!ter 9eugeot .0- ";1 racer 12 t 1D72 scale

)D2 &DI )D2 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& )D2 )D2 )D2 )D2 )D2

B7 B/ B7 B. B/ B1* B1B22 B1B22 B13 B. B7 B* B/ B2 B* B2 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7

AMERICAN MUSCLE 70263 7. 2hevy cou!e rod etal %it EE *. erc metal body %itE!rimed body from factory AOSHIMA 0773.1 07*-36 AURORA -** 727 -60 6-. A8L BURA O @ie cast = = DECALS A T Aftermar%et <issan &%yline FTEA To! &ecret <issan FTEA 2unningham 9hantom 1D72 scale &talin Tan% Avanti 1D2* scaleEo% bo( 8ord FT 1D72 scale la! timer with tower for slot cars 1D1/ scale +ambo 2ountach 9orsche .11 2arreraEyellow Hag LI120Egreen, in window bo( 6. )!el FT Iroc && and

onte 2arlo && in one sheet

DETAIL MASTER ?indshield cli!s DIE CAST FROM CHINA 1:43 SCALE-;)# $%&'! .&!, odel T 12 T Tan%er = Aed 2ross truc% = "(!ress @elivery truc% = ?ater delivery truc% EE -/ Buic% convertibleEblue DOYUSHA A7 <C3 DREMEL ini 2arving drill %itEelectric drill with some attachmentsEin bo( DROIDS-8ADA &et of tires and wheels for 1D16 scale low riders ENTE9 .00/ .111 .112 ERTL +otus "uro!a 1D2- scale 62 Aolls &ilver 2loud Trium!h TA7 )D2 &DI &DI 32 FT) same %itE<ostalgia series &DI &DI

B20 B20 B12 B* B10 B11 B12

/111 ESCI 7-0/ EVER REEN

67 ;ette &ting Aay metal body %it +ambo @iablo .100 rodsEEE-

8D& 8D&

B11 B* B2 B22

FRANKLIN MINT 9orsche .11 red, nice FU8IMI " 71 " 2/ &22*0. " 12 073.*7 OWLAND 1& Aevenue 2utter shi!Every old %it RAND 6RI9 MODELS etal model ercedes 700 &+ cou!e !rototy!e 1D*7 scale UN<E F-16 F227 F22* F162 HASE AWA 2A2 2B2B* 221 227 BIE1 2AE11 HAWK 1600. 1100* HELLER /03*/ 2-1 IMC 11. 10/ 112 110 112 112 IME9 Alfa Aomeo 2000 FT Ci Tech %it 8errari 2-0 FT) Ci Tech %it Trium!h TA7 Ci Tech %it 67 TBird 1D72 scale Hag LHAEC" T?A 66 TBird 6- Im!ala &il% 2ut Hag LHAE.+ &il% 2ut Hag LHAE/ &!rint Conda A& 2-0 A? 200. cycle 1D12 scale 9orsche .** Turbo racing Iiller cBash caricature figure @addy ?eird )C Brabham BT77 2itroen @&1. 1D16 scale @odge +300 caboverEfair bo(, a!!ears com!lete ecom +ola T30Efair bo( 8ord FT ar% 2Econtains two %its, more than enough to ma%e one 8ord FT -0 FulfEno decals 8ord FT 8ord FT *0 ar% 2Eno decals )D2 )D2 &DI &DI &DI &DI &DI &DI &DI )D2 &DI 8D& &DI 8D& &DI &DI &DI )D2 )D2 )D2 )D2 9orsche 7-6 A 1-00 F& 2arrera 2 &!eedster 9orsche 7-6 BD2 2000 F& 2arrera 2 2abriolet 3/ Trans AmEnice bo( art B ? 67- 2si "nthusiast series <issan FTEr &DI &DI 8D& &DI &DI

B21 B21 B1B20 B1* B/ B7B** B*B73 B* B1. B11 B17 B12 B17 B17 B17 B. B/ B2. B26 B20 B2. B20 B1. B20 B1.

<o bo( ITC -0.* 8ADA 723..173.

-/ 2addy convertibleEmissing chrome for fins, slightly started -0s HagEmissing one tail light 0- 8ord FT 03 ustang FT &DI &DI

B6 B10 B7 B6 BB8D& )D2 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& &DI 8D& &DI 8D& 8D& &DI 8D& &DI &DI 8D& &DI )D2 8D& &DI &DI &DI &DI )D2 8D& B* B* B3 B/ B* B* B* B* B. B/ B6 B7 B7 B6 B17 B6 B/ B/ B. B7 B7 B3 B. B. B10 B. B. B. B1 B1 )D2 8D& B1B*

8IMMY FLINSTONE Aftermar%et Batmobile body EE @r. 8lintbone resin figure LIFELIKE 0.2.1 0.*6. LINDBER 302*1 32167 3217* 32*6* &ame 32*62 321-3 3231321*. 3216* &ame 32317 6606-*3 3216* 321-2 6-07 21** 211. 6607 311.321332*1. 32133 321-/ 321-6 72 2hevy cabriolet 1D72 scale 12 Cis!ano &uiza 1D72 scale +eft 2oast +egends +ow rider bicycle 1D/ scaleEcool %it 61 Im!ala 70 odel A !%! 1D72 scale 3/ onte 2arlo 1D*7 scale same 37 Frand Am 1D*7 scale 7* 8ord !%! 7 in 1 wDwoodie !arts 8ord 2rown ;ic )range 2ounty 8ire car .. 8ord 81-0 flareside !%! 30 onte 2arlo 1D*7 scale same 8ord 2rown ;ic )hio 9olice car 1* ercedes Aacer 1D16 scale &treet 8rea% 72 8ord roadsterEengine built, no instructions or decals 6* @odge 2olor e Fone 32 2hallenger 3/ 8irebird sna! %it 70 A !%! 1D72 scale 7* 8ord cou!e 1D72 scale 10 odel T 1D16 scale -7 8ord ;ic convertible @yno @on 61 Im!ala @odge Aaminator onster !%! -7 8ord ;ic +ittle Aed wagon 2olor e Fone 6* @odge

LOOK OUT RESINS 6. 2amaro tail lights and bezels 6. 2amaro grille LUNAR Aesin MAISTO 2.063 Batmobile %it 9T 2ruiser metal sho!

MAN O 1D72 scale Hee! sna! %it 1D72 scale conventional truc%, un%nown ma%e and model MINICRAFT 1120* 1-06 1121* MODEL CAR Trium!h TA7A roadster 2. @usy &H 1D72 scale 71 A van 1D16 scale ARA E &toc% car fuel cell inlet and overflow !i!eE!hoto etch ?indshield wi!ersE!hoto etch 8loc% -2 Cudson limited edition 1 of 1% 6. 8irebird convertible 1D72 scale 67 Bonneville convertible 1D72 scale 6. 8irebird convertible Aed Ball 1D72 scale 72 2hevy cabriolet 1D72 scale 8D& )D2 )D2 &DI )D2 8D& 8D& )D2 )D2 )D2 &DI &DI BB6 B10 B* B2* B* B7 B70 B10 B1* B12 BB3 B. B1* &DI &DI B1* B17 B7 B2 B2 B2 )D2 &DI &DI &DI &DI &DI &DI &DI &DI &DI &DI &DI &DI B10 B1* B11 B17 B17 B70 B11 B17 B1* B12 B11 B1* B1*

MOEBIUS .1 6ALMER -31 )2 1/** *0*1

6OLAR LI HTS 6/03 &!eed Aacer -00* ummy 2hariot 6ROCESSED 6LASTIC Toy car 32 averic% street machine 1D20 scale from my collection 6ROTAR 226 20* Alfa Aomeo Fuilietta roadster 8errari 2-0 FT)

RE6LICAS IN MINIATURES 63 2amaro && hood +ighting Iit for Fala(y trailerEnon wor%ing lights &eat Belt hardwareE!hoto etch Aacing fuel ca!s EE7 SCALE MODELS *011A odel A cou!e metal %it TAMIYA 2*0-2*07/ 2*0-/ &ame 2*1-2 2*03* 2**. 2*03/ 2*212*07/ 2*0-/ &ame ercedes A F -00 <issan 2abin A.0; B ? 67- 2si same ;olvo /-0 "state wagon azda AL3 2abriolet <ewman 9orsche .-6 <issan &ilvia 1./. .. 2elica <issan 2abin A.0; B ? 67- 2si same %it

2*1-2 2/03* 2*0/2 2*0/3 2**0 20021 13002 7700 1*031 1*0*7 1*0.2 1*0/6 1*0.TESTORS 107 10* 3161 10316* 20* 3163 270 27. &ame 277 .-0--202 2.0 326 *600*7 3167 *60077 -702 *0/7 *-0*2230 *60022 &ame 166/002 3162 *-0072 1.3 UNION 213

;olvo /-0 Turbo "state wagon azda AL3 2abriolet azda iata <issan 700 KL turboEbody, chassis, tub !ainted +otus &u!er 3Eslightly started Benetton 8ord B1//Ebody !aintedEEE!ur!le 8ord Blac%foot !%! monster truc% 1D72 scaleEno tires Iawasa%i <in5a KL01* &!ecial 2olor cycle Ae!sol Conda <&A -00 1../ cycle 4amaha 4K8E A1 cycle Ae!sold Conda A221; cycle Tech 7 4amaha 4KA -00 2001 cycle Conda 9ons A2; 2007 cycle 2ougar II Those 8amous 8ords 8ord FT *0 *0 8ord cou!e rod metal %it */ 8ord convertible *0 8ord ?oodie ?agon metal body %it <ew TBird metal body %it 72 8ord cou!e metal body %it 8errari 76- FT&D* @aytona 8errari 7*/ T& same 8errari 76- FTBD* @aytona 73 8ord cou!e Fold metal series Aluma 2ou!e Oui% Builder 9-1@ !lane 1D*/ scale 9T 2ruiser metal %it 8ord T roadster rod metal %it *1 ?illys Fasser metal %it 73 8ord sedan metal %it Aluma cou!e full detail 3/ 8irebird sna! %it Bobtail T metal %it 9T 2ruiser metal %itEred 66 FT) metal %itEred sameEblue */ 8ord convertible 9T 2ruiser !anel metal %it 62 Bel Air !ro street metal body %it -3 Bel Air street machine metal %it !re !ainted 30 2hevelle metal %it 9orsche .03G/

&DI &DI &DI )D2 )D2 )D2 8D& 8D& 8D& &DI 8D& 8D& )D2 )D2 8D& 8D& 8D& &DI 8D& &DI )D2 &DI &DI 8D& )D2 &DI 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& 8D& &DI

B70 B11 B11 B* B6 BBB17 B17 B17 B12 B17 B17 B3 B2B. B10 B/ B6 B/ B12 B. B10 B12 B. B2 B/ B* B10 B. B3 B/ B3 B10 B* B3 B3 B10 B* B. B3 B/ B21

BA ED KITS FROM TENNESSEE-I (13! %3(#),!+3( ,12# T#33#,,## +--#3!, $%! I (&( !"&, !)+(# +34*+4. ?ild ?illie Altered rod unbuilt B6 &ame unbuilt also B6 &ame %itE1D2 built BHungle Him onza unbuilt, but no body B* )!en Aoad 2am!er P built with 32 2hevy !%!, good builder B12 Bantom Blast altered unbuilt B6

&ame %it

no instructions


BUILTS WITH NO BO9ESLEFTOVERS FROM LAST MONTH 301 2astrol )lds fDc die cast 30* atco Tools Avenger fDc 316 Hungle Him 2amaro fDc 3/. aisto Cummer die cast /0/ 6. 8irebird custom convertible /61 Irwin Aaybestos Tools 8ord truc% /67 1D*7 s. Hag LI 120 roadster /3* 9olar +ights ?illys caricature /3/ ?illys fast caricature .07 .7 2a!rice Ta(i .71 6- FT) original issue .** ;i!er FT& .*;i!er roadster .*6 B ? 727 .-* A T sided trailer wDwoodload in 37 2harger street machine bo( .66 7* 8ord cou!e rod nice .6/ -7 2ameo !%! .3/ 6. 2amaro A& convertible ..6 67 Im!ala ../ 62 Im!ala convertible 1* -7 8ord ;ic 16 7* 8ord sedanEmissing one headlight and bezel 13 7* 8ord 7 window rod 1/ 63 2oronet 22 63 Im!ala wDdog dish hubca!s 2* 6- Im!ala 2/ 31 2udaE onogram 2. 6. 2harger 72 7* 8ord cou!e rod 763 FTL *6 63 Im!ala -/ -7 8ord ;ic convertible wDu! to! 60 -7 8ord ;ic convertible wDu! to! 61 -7 8ord 6* 73 2hevy 2 tone 37 -6 8ord ;ic 36 -- 2hevy 3. -6 2hevy /1 -1 Bel Air convertibleEneeds mild reassembly /2 -1 2hevy /* 6- 2hevelle wagon /66 2hevelle /3 32 <ova .2 onogram 2a!ri mid 30s .3 @odge @aytona sna! %it .. 2hevy 2itation L low rider 100 2hevy 2itation L 101 -6 2hevy street machine MORE OF THE NICE NEW HAM6SHIRE STUFF 100 32 <ova && 101 30 Trans Am

B10 B2 B20 B2 B11 B2 B1 B1 B1 B7 B1* B1 B1 B2 BB* B7 B7 B* B* B* B7 B7 B7 BBB7 B* B7 B* B* B* B* B* BB* B* B* B* BB* B* BB7 B7 B7 B7 BB-

102 -. Im!alaEmissing one tail light lens B10* 76 8ord roadster B107 *1 ?illys A T B1072 8ord roadsterEno grille B* 106 72 8ord cou!e B103 60 8ord B10/ 67 8ord B10. 63 Im!ala B110 36 2a!rice B111 -- 2hevy convertible u! to! nice two tone wDcontinental %it B6 112 -- 2hevy hardto! with two tone !aint B117 -6 2hevyEno front bum!er B* 11* -- 2hevy hardto! B116- Bonneville B116 Bad <ews 60 2hevy !anel with orange tint glass and no decals B113 6* Fala(ie B6 11/ 63 )lds convertible wDu! to! B11. 6- 2hevelle wagon B120 62 Buic% B121 63 )lds B122 62 9ontiac B127 *. erc B12* *1 9lymouth B1262 +ar% convertible B10 CANADIAN COLLECTION OF BUILTS FROM THE =0S AND >0S-$##3 ,+/&3? !"#,# 01) + '13? !&2# 31*. C12# +3( ?#! !"#,# )+)# +3( 3&-# $%&'!,!! 126 6/ 2hargerEin5ected engine with clear tinted hood B*123 37 2harger wagon B212. 30 ;etteEoriginal issue, built drag, has clear hood scoo! B10 12/ 6/ 2oronet with clear hood scoo! B-170 9earson clear body FT) B72 171 6- )lds //Edrag hood, missing rear tiresDwheels, has custom rear end B26 172 -. "l 2amino built drag B6 177 6- "l 2amino drag cam!erEchassis altered, no tiresDwheels, needs reassembly B17* 63 &tingrayEoriginal issue B176. 4en%o 2orvair B. 176 Cawaiian fDc B3 173 63 ustang fli! nose B/ 17/ -6 8ordEno hood B* 17. #2$ o!en chassis dune buggiesEone needs reassembly B6 1*0 Blue a(( ustang fDc B6 1*1 36 @odge s!ort targa B3 1*2 30 &u!erbird Hohan B. 1*7 3- @atsun !%! B/ 1** #2$ 3/ 2amarosEone Aevell one onogram B1*30 ;etteEoriginal issue !lus 6- ;ette onogram red B. 1*6 33 2hevy vanEAevell, yellow !lastic B6 1*3 31 @odge window van lowriderEno interior or engine, tinted windows, cool B12 1*/ 3/ 2hevy *(* ste!side !%!Eoriginal onogram in blac% B6 1*. sameEreissue in blue B* 1-0 3/ 2hevy +il Aed "(!ress ste!side !%!Enice B6 1-1 3/ 2hevy shortbed ste!side !%! in redErare B6 1-2 3- 8ord !%! B1* 1-7 1D20 sc. &10 !%!Ered B* 1-* /0 8ord !%!E onogram B3 1-.7 Aanger !%! sna! %it B7

1-6 Hee! 2HE onogram B7 1-3 .. 8ord "(tended cab !%!Esna! %itEred B7 1-/ 36 @odge *(* !%! wDbubble hood B22 1-. 3- 2hevy van made e(!ertly into a shortyEsu!er nice B12 160 @rag buit 161 .2 8ord longbed sna! !%! B7 162 .1 8ord 8lareside !%! B7 167 /0 Bronco B* 8A) 8A"@& 2)++"2TI)< 16*ECermie &adler ;irginia is for +overs +uminaEdusty B* BUILTS FROM HERE AND THERE 1663 )lds B7 166 30 &u!er BeeE onogram B7 163 6. FTL convertible B7 16/ 63 FTL B7 16. -3 <omad street machineEneeds some reassembly B7 130 6/ ;ette B2 131 6- 2hevelle K16 B7 132 Aevell flatbed trailer dual a(leEfrom multi !iece %itQ B* 137 same B* 13* A T single a(le flatbed trailer B7 13/0s Conda 2ivic 2 door hatchbac% B* 136 6/ +incoln * doorEno engine B2. 133 6- +incoln * door wDwide whitewalls B1. 13/ 6- +incoln convertibleEno engine. Cas wide whitewalls B* 13. 6/ +incolnEneeds mild reassembly. )% !aint B21/0 /* 8ieroE onogram B* NICE AND RARE BUILTS FROM WISCONSIN-!"#,# 21,!'4 >0, &,,%# $%&'!, "+/# $##3 -11'&3? &3 24 ?+)+?# 01) 2 4#+), 31*7 $%! &!, ;#+. ,#+,13 01) 21(#' .&! $%&'(&3? ,1 "#)#, !"# 0&),! "+'0 10 !"#2!! 1/1 *0 8ord vanEneeds mild reassembly B7 1/2 // 2hevy long bed !romoEblac% B/ 1/7 6. &u!er Bee B* 1/* 72 8ord roadsterEA T B* 1/6* 2addy B11/6 37 2harger B21/3 Hee! 92 brand B* 1// IC &coutEorange issue B/ 1/. 2. A roadster B* 1.0 // TBird B7 1.1 63 &tingrayEmolded in red B* 1.2 Ala 2art made into really cool tow truc%:: B. 1.7 3/ 2amaro street machine A T annual B. 1.* 3* ;enturaEmissing windshield glass #maybe 32 <ova is a matchQQ$ B1. 1.6* Im!ala B* 1.6 &T9 8irebird !ro street B1.3 32 2harger annual B71./ 30 2udaE 92 annual, built as street machine B*1.. 32 Aoadrunner fDcEno glass, details sanded but a cool !iece B12 200 60 ;ette convertible B7 FRED FROM LOCK6ORTS SU6ER NICE BUILTS-31;#7 I2 31! 0)12 L1-.;1)!7 $%! I2 !"#)# 1--+,&13+''4 !1 $%4 $%&'!, 0)12 F)#((&# B. H# (1#, + 3&-# @1$ 13 "&, $%&'!, +3( .##;, -12;+34 *&!" "&, ;%((4 !+! +3( 2+,,&/# $%!!#)0'4 -1''#-!&13. W"+! 21)# -+3 41% +,. 01)A 201 61 +incolnEnice un!ainted built B*0 202 A9"L Fo 2artEnicely detailed !iece in about 1D16 scale. Card to find models 8or this sub5ect matter B3 207 72 8ord ;ic 60s 2ustomEreally nice B10 20* 62 8ury convertibleEoriginal issue in mint green !lastic. <o engine B1-

20206 203 EE 20/ 20. 210

-3 8ord mild customEsu!er nice -7 8ord ;ic convertibleEu! to. <icely detailed 73 2hevy !%! in dar% blue 60 erc 9A) )Emedium green with white roof. &u!er shar!, 5ust slight ?ar! in one door 6- 2hevelle wagon street machine wD2 ram!s Bo( of goodiesEnicely built -3 2hrysler in5ected engine, nice Cemi engine, &ome wheels and other stuff 30 FTL street machineE onogram

B/ B3 B/ B-. B6 B6 B7 B6 B2 B13 B* BB2 B10 B. B* B* B2

BUILTS TOO BI FOR BO9ES EE &tingaree fDc EE ?eird )h wDdragster EE 1D12 scale H9& +otusEneeds some reassembly. <o decals EE .2 8ord 87-0 e(tended cab EE 1D/ scale Aevell cho!!erEnice EE Batmobile EE 1D16 scale 8irebird EE 1D16 scale 2amaro 6ARTS 12(*(/ &ame !1 !arts bag assorted !arts !2 same

VINTA E INSTRUCTION SHEETS 92 @odge Aam )ff Aoad !%! RESIN STUFF56ART ONE BO9 1 6 9errys resin roll cages 1 set 9errys Aally tiresDwheels, resin bra%es BO9 2 Ae!licas in iniatures / fire e(tinguishers from the 60s Ae!licas in iniatures headers for small bloc% drag cars odel 2ar Farage 63 2amaro detail set 6/ 2amaro resin hood @ 2 2ibie Aally lights and bezels MODELHAUS 1D6* scale two +ola T770 A 2 Indy carsEone built, one started Big bag o tiresE16 for 6/E31 <ascars, * Foodyear Blue &trea%, 16 assorted blac%walls, * Blue &trea% older issue EVER REEN STYRENE .010 sheet EEE1 .0*0 &heetEEE1 E020 &heetEEE2 .010 and .020G1 sheet each 3D72 tubesEEEEK AND S Tin sheet * ( 10 "tched brass meshE1 sheet


B20 B. B10 B2 B2 B* B* B7 B2 B7

AAA 10 assorted resin racing seatsGold school style Aislone Indy car decal sheet and engine and assorted !arts 63 2amaro resin tub, dash and rear s!oiler RESIN STUFF 6ART TWO RE6LICAS IN MINIATURE DETAIL 6ARTS-1)(#) $4 3%2$#) ;'#+,#! 1. 6. 2amaro 2ustom interior 2. American mags 7. "arly <ascar wheels *. Tools and fasteners !hoto etched -. same 6. same 3. same /. @oor handles and cran%s .. same 10. same 11. same 12. @oor handles and e(terior mirrors 17. &helby race wheels 1*. small s'uare screen 1-. Aally stoc%er seat belt hardware 16. Frab handles 13. ?indow net %it !hoto etch 1/. inilite ?heels 1.. same 20. same 21. Foodyear Blue &trea% &toc%er tires 22. inilite wheels 27. Foodyear Blue &trea% &!eedway s!ecial tires 2*. &helby race wheels 2-. American steel wheels 26. <ut and he( bolts !hoto etch 23. Aally and stoc%er seat belt hardware 2/. A!leton s!ot lights 2.. Aacing fuel ca!s MODEL CAR ARA E Aluminum Aadiator ca!s &tainless &teel ?ire mesh ?ing end detail for dragstersG!hoto etch ;inyl to! %itEblac% &ame <ut and bolt head details AUTO DYNAMICS &ilver fastener details &ame @ry brea% fuel filter Brass fastener details COM6EITION RESINS inilite road race wheels &ame


B* B* B* B* B* B* B* B7 B7 B7 B7 B* B* B7 B7 B7 B* B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B* B7 B7 B7 B* B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7 B7

&ame DADS Fas ca! 8li!to! ca! <ylon braided mesh <ylon Coneycomb mesh DETAIL MASTER EVER REEN 7D16 tubeG. !ieces R tubeE * !ieces FOTO F9 6"1!1 #!-" ,#+! $%-.'#, N+,-+) ?)&'' 2#," K AND S Brass esh Aluminum .010 ( * ( 10 MODERN MOTORS6ORT &ingle blade e(haustEstoc% &ingle blade e(haust for su!ers!eedways 6ERRYS RESIN inilite tiresDwheels RACE READY 8uel filter RB MOTION Button head ca! screws <ut and bolt !ins SCALE RESIN 6. 2amaro interior SCALE SCENICS Aluminum icro esh SCALE S6EEDWAY ?indow net %itE!hoto etch W @rill bit 6ROMOS MORE STUFF FROM EOR IA INCLUDED IN THIS BUNCH -/ 2addy reissue in dar% blue, su!er nice 30 onte 2arlo blue, missing both window !osts, needs cleaning too 67 Im!ala conv good !arts carEmissing windshield frame, front and rear bum!ers, steering ?heel, red 63 2amaro red, very good .* ;ette KA1 red, mint in bo( 3* 2uda rally red, reissue, mint in bo( *&3(,"&#'( -'&;,

B7 B2 B7 B7 B7 B3 B* B7 B3 B4 B7 B7 B7 B* B* B7 B7 B7 B* B7 B* B7

B*0 B2B10 B.. B7 B1*

3/ 2addy 66 8airlane 61 Fala(ie 33 ;ega .0 &ilverado 6/ +incoln 6* Fala(ie /3 2amaro /0 ;ette 3- ;ega 33 2hevette 3/ ;ette 6- TBird // 2amaro Iroc /2 2amaro 60 8ord @odge <eon 60 TBird 6- ustang 6* TBird /0 onza 6- 9ontiac 67 )lds 61 Buic% 3- @art 60 TBird 62 TBird 6* 2addy 63 2amaro 30 2amaro 6. 2hevelle 6- Im!ala 6/ Im!ala 32 2hevelle 30 onte 2arlo /0 onte 2arlo -7 &tude

dar% bronze, no hood ornament raven blac%, reissue, mint in bo( 2 door notchbac%, light blue, very good silver, mint in bo( 2atalina blue metallic, mint in bo( * door, red, mint white convertible, very good blue, mint in bo( yellow, mint in bo( red, nice, no bo( dar% red, nice, no bo( two tone gray, mint in bo( burgundy, mint, no bo( medium gray metallic, mint in bo( dar% blue, mint in bo( &tarliner, red, nice emerald green, mint in color bo( silver, has !lastic chassis, very good cou!e, red, nice mauve, nice light blue, mint in bo( built model, nice convertible, red, very nice white, metal chassis and friction drive, nice yellow, nice white, very good white, very good convertible, !ur!le, no windshield frame, one rear fender chi!!ed gold, missing both tail lights and one bezel, grille, good silver with blac% to!E2 ( 1> scuff on hood, could use re!aint of hood medium blue metallic, missing both window !osts blue, missing 1 tireDwheels, small crac% on roof, needs cleanu! missing one e(haust ti!, scuff on roof, white. <ice restorable !iece dar% gold, two crac%s in roof, missing one window !ost, restorable light green, has o!ening hood #no engine or course$, very good metallic blue, very good white with red to!, no interior, very clean !iece with usual war!

B1/ B10 B-. B21 B3 B-/ B-7 B* B. B20 B1. B3 B7. B6 BB30 B16 B-/ B-* B60 B11 B6 B7. B37 B77 B67 B-7 B1* B-0 B-0 B-0 B2B3B1B30 B12 B20 B* B* BB7 B3 B3 B3 B6 B3 B6

DIE CAST CARS Aevell 8errari Testarossa Aevell 9orsche .-. Bo( of 2- classic cars in 1D6* scale MODEL CAR BOOKS ?iring and detailing car enginesEby @oughty#!hotoco!y$ CAR MODEL MA A<INES FROM THE =0S &e!tember 1.67 )ctober 1.67 @ecember 1.67 SMALL ISSUE MA A<INES FROM THE EARLY =0S 2ustom Aodder <ovember 1.60 Aodding and Aestyling A!ril 1.-/ 2ustom Illustrated &e!tember 1.61

CAR MODEL MA A<INES ay, Huly &e!tember, <ovember 1..2 Hanuary, arch ay, Huly, &e!tember <ovember 1..7 Hanuary, arch 1..* MODEL CAR SCIENCE arch 1.6* A!ril 1.6* ay 1.6* Hune 1.6* Huly 1.6* August 1.6* &e!tember 1.6* )ctober 1.6* ay 1.6<ovember 1.63 ay 1.32 AUTO WORLD CATALO S 1.37 1.30 1.32

B7Dea B7Dea B7Dea B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B12 B1* B17

ASSORTED MA A<INES &u!er &toc% @rag Aacing Hune 1.31 B8ine &cale odeler arch 1..7 5umbo issue B2 Aevell 1.// catalog B2 1.6/ odel Buyers agazineErare and interesting 100 !age magazine with everything new under the &un for modeling in that year, com!lete with tons of !ics B1FREDS 6ERSONAL WANT LIST Freen light 2hevy !%! wDcam!er and diorama, 1D*7 scale die cast A T 32 onte 2arlo, Frand &lam 6- Frand 9ri( 92 8everbee fDc Aevell bo( for ?estinghouse <uclear 9ower !lant onogram 8aberge truc% and trailer set Imai /1 @odge 2olt and 2hallenger All American certain resin %its

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