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GLOBAL ENGLISH TRAINING Handout 1 Accent - combination of three main components: 1. Intonation (speech music) 2.

Liaisons (word connections), 3. Pronunciation (the spoken sounds of vowels, consonants, and combinations). ense !owels Symbol " & ' ) ( +o La- !owels ./mbol # i 1 2 3 .emivowels ./mbol 3r 3l Sound #i ee (i ooh ah +,o .ound eh ih ih, uh ou uh .ound er ul Spelling take eat ice smooth cau*ht down .pellin* *et it took hope some .pellin* her dull Example $tak% $et% $is% $smuth% $k(t% $d+on% 0-ample $*#t% $it% $t1k% $hop% $s3m% 0-ample $h3r% $d33l%

.ound 4roups: PRACTICE the following words. 1. all, lon*, cau*ht 2. cat, matter, lau*h 3. take, sa/, fail 5. *et, e**, an/ 6. ice, 78ll, sk/ 9. it, milk, sin :. eat, me, seen ;. work, *irl, bird <. come, front, indicate 1=. smooth, too, shoe 11. took, full, would 12. told, so, roll 13. out, house, round 15. bo/, oil, to/

Intonation P actice 1 la la la du! duh du! mee mee mee !o ho !o 2 duh duh du! la la la mee mee mee ho ho !o Noun and P onoun Intonation 1. Bob sees Betty" 2. Betty knows Bob. 3. >nn and Ed call the $id#. 5. &an sells some apple#. 6. &ean sells ca #. 9. Bill and I fi- the bi$e#. :. (a l hears Bob and me. ;. )og# eat bone#. <. he gi l# have a c!oice. 1=. he $id# like the candy"

3 duh du! duh la la la mee mee mee ho !o ho 5 du! duh duh la la la mee mee mee !o ho ho

1. He #ee# her. 2. .he $no%# him. 3. he/ call them. 5. .he #ell# some. 6. .he #ell# them. 9. ?e 'ix them. :. He !ea # us. ;. he/ eat them. <. he/ !a*e one. 1=. he/ li$e it.

SPELLING and N+,BERS 7@A A7 Bh.C. A@> L> 7D E.!B ! F.> >.>B H7> 0/e @ee Em 0m 0/e Tee Bee >itch )ee 0m @ee -i 0h Lay 0/e .yu >re 0ss !ee Pee ee /ee Gou 0ss -i #i 0ss #i Bee .ee 0/e -i I@7 F.AH HJC .J. K,G, L Numbe # >rea Hode Lip Hode Cate Bhone Number 0ff @ee Eye Gou 0ss 0m See .ee Jh )ee 0ss Jh E## 0-, ?h/, 0ee 211 <5:=2 <M9M93 666O<133

Exe ci#e 4St e##5 6 Hope this wonPt be a stressful e-ercise for /ouQ Hello, my name isRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. 78m takin* 4lobal Engli#! rainin*. here8s a lot to learn, but 7 !ope to make it as en7oyable as possible. I should pick up on the >merican intonation pattern prett/ ea#ily8 althou*h the only wa/ to get it i# to p actice all of the time. 7 use the up and down, or pea$# and valle/s, intonation more than 7 u#ed to. 78ve been pa/in* attention to pitc!8 too" 7t8s like %al$ing down a #tai case. I9*e been tal$ing to a lot of Ame ican# latel/, and the/ tell me that 78m ea#ie to understand. Anywa/, 7 could *o on and on, but the impo tant thin* is to li#ten well and sound good" ?ell, what do /ou t!in$S )o 7S Blease visit

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