Psalm 91

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The praise of a canticle for David. He that dwelleth in the aid of the most High, shall abide under the protection of the God of Jacob. He shall sa$ to the %ord& Thou art m$ protector, and m$ refuge& m$ God, in him will ' trust. )or he hath delivered me from the snare of the hunters& and from the sharp word. He will overshadow thee with his shoulders& and under his wings thou shalt trust. His truth shall compass thee with a shield& thou shalt not be afraid of the terror of the night.

ui habitat in abscondito !"celsi in umbraculo Domini commorabitur

dicens Domino spes mea et fortitudo mea Deus meus confidam in eum uia ipse liberabit te de la ueo venantium de morte insidiarum in scapulis suis obumbrabit tibi et sub alis eius sperabis

scutum et protectio veritas eius non timebis a timore nocturno









-f the arrow that flieth in the da$, of the business that wal.eth about in the dar.& of invasion, or of the noonda$ devil. 0 thousand shall fall at th$ side, and ten thousand at th$ right hand& but it shall not come nigh thee. 2ut thou shalt consider with th$ e$es& and shalt see the reward of the wic.ed. 2ecause thou, - %ord, art m$ hope& thou hast made the most High th$ refuge. There shall no evil come to thee& nor shall the scourge come near th$ dwelling. )or he hath given his

a sagitta volante per diem a peste in tenebris ambulante a morsu insanientis meridie cadent a latere tuo mille et decem milia a de"tris tuis ad te autem non adpropin uabit verumtamen oculis tuis videbis et ultionem impiorum cernes tu enim es Domine spes mea !"celsum posuisti habitaculum tuum non accedet ad te malum et lepra non adpropin uabit tabernaculo tuo uia angelis suis mandabit











angels charge over thee3 to .eep thee in all th$ wa$s. 'n their hands the$ shall bear thee up& lest thou dash th$ foot against a stone. Thou shalt wal. upon the asp and the basilis.& and thou shalt trample under foot the lion and the dragon. 2ecause he hoped in me ' will deliver him& ' will protect him because he hath .nown m$ name. He shall cr$ to me, and ' will hear him& ' am with him in tribulation, ' will deliver him, and ' will glorif$ him. ' will fill him with length of

de te ut custodiant te in omnibus viis tuis in manibus portabunt te ne forte offendat ad lapidem pes tuus super aspidem et basiliscum calcabis conculcabis leonem et draconem

uoniam mihi adhesit et liberabo eum e"altabo eum uoniam cognovit nomen meum invocabit me et e"audiam eum cum ipso ero in tribulatione eruam eum et glorificabo longitudine dierum

da$s3 and ' will shew him m$ salvation.

implebo illum et ostendam ei salutare meum

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