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a) Duracin: Una hora y treinta minutos. b) La puntuacin de cada pregunta est indicada en las mismas.


SMOKING IN PUBS? The Government is going to forbid smoking in all pubs under new proposals to protect drinkers and bar staff from passive smoking. The Cabinet has given up plans to make an exception with pubs that do not serve food, and is preparing to allow pubs to have separate smoking rooms. Similarly, Patricia Hewitt, the Secretary of State for Health, is examining plans to allow a smoking-carriage option (smoking is banned on almost all British trains). It would keep the bar smoke-free, protect staff, but permit smokers to light up in a separate area. The Government had been worried about being accused of discriminating against smokers, particularly working-class Labour voters. The plan for a total prohibition was going to be discussed at a cabinet meeting this week but the deliberation has been postponed after last-minute doubts. Ms Hewitt is said to support a full prohibition but wants to find a practical solution acceptable to the whole Cabinet. Ministerial supporters of a complete ban believe that forbidding smoking in the workplace would help addicts to give up their habit. Others in Government think they would be accused of operating an overprotective state if they prohibited smoking. Smoking-related diseases kill more than 100,000 people a year and cost the National Health Service millions of pounds treating people with such diseases. The move is now publicly welcomed. (A) COMPREHENSION (4 points) a) ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-2 ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE TEXT. USE YOUR OWN WORDS. (1 point per answer) 1) Why was the Government worried? 2) Why did some members of the Government disagree with the prohibition? b) ARE THESE STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWERS WITH THE PRECISE WORDS OR PHRASES FROM THE TEXT. (0.5 points per answer) 3) The Government will prohibit pubs from serving food. 4) There are smoking-carriages on all British trains. 5) Labour voters are being discriminated against by the Government. 6) The Government expects to save millions of pounds. (B) USE OF ENGLISH (3 points) 7) Find in the text one opposite for FORBID (verb) (line 1) (0.25 points) 8) Give one synonym for PROPOSALS (noun) (line 1) (0.25 points) 9) Find in the text the word which has the following definition: (0.25 points) group of persons carrying on work under manager (noun) 10) Give an adjective with the same root as DOUBT (noun) (line 8). (0.25 points) 11) Turn the following sentence into the passive voice. (0.5 points) The lobby is putting severe pressure on Ministers. 12) Join the following sentences using a relative. Make changes if necessary. (0.5 points) John has given up smoking. He was a heavy smoker. 13) Complete the following conditional sentence: (0.5 points) If people didnt pay taxes, 14) Use the words in the boxes to make a meaningful sentence. Use all and only the words in the boxes without changing their form. (0.5 points) A ALCOHOL PLANNED BAN GOVERNMENT TOTAL THE ON (C) PRODUCTION (3 points) 15) WRITE A COMPOSITION (80-100 WORDS). CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS. SPECIFY YOUR OPTION. a) Should public money be spent on treating smoking-related diseases? Why? b) What do you think of smoking in public places such as restaurants, pubs, etc.?




MUY IMPORTANTE: por favor, atngase a los criterios de correccin redactados por la Ponencia de Ingls de Andaluca.

KEY TO SMOKING IN PUBS? (A) COMPREHENSION (4 points) a) ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-2 ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE TEXT. USE YOUR OWN WORDS. (1 point per answer) 1) Why was the Government worried? BECAUSE THEIR INTOLERANCE TOWARDS SMOKERS WOULD BE CENSURED (line 7) 2) Why did some members of the Government disagree with the prohibition? BECAUSE THEY WERE AFRAID THEY WOULD BECOME AN OVERPROTECTIVE STATE (line 11) b) ARE THESE STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWERS WITH THE PRECISE WORDS OR PHRASES FROM THE TEXT. (0.5 points per answer) 3) The Government will prohibit pubs from serving food. FALSE THE GOVERNMENT IS GOING TO FORBID..SMOKING IN ALL PUBS. (line 1) (Note: lines 2-3 are also acceptable) 4) There are smoking-carriages on all British trains. FALSE THEY ARE EXAMINING PLANS TO ALLOW A SMOKING-CARRIAGE OPTION. (line 4) 5) Labour voters are being discriminated against by the Government. FALSE THE GOVERNMENT HAD BEEN WORRIED ABOUT BEING ACCUSED OF DISCRIMINATING AGAINST SMOKERS, PARTICULARLY WORKING-CLASS LABOUR VOTERS. (lines 6-7) 6) The Government expects to save millions of pounds. TRUE SMOKING-RELATED DISEASES KILL MORE THAN 100,000 PEOPLE A YEAR AND COST THE NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE MILLIONS OF POUNDS TREATING PEOPLE WITH SUCH DISEASES (line 12-13) (B) USE OF ENGLISH (3 points) 7) Find in the text one opposite for FORBID (verb) (line 1) (0.25 points) ALLOW (line 3) PERMIT (line 5) 8) Give one synonym for PROPOSALS (noun) (line 1) (0.25 points) PROPOSITIONS, PLANS, SUGGESTIONS, PROJECTS (sing. and pl. are valid) 9) Find in the text the word which has the following definition: (0.25 points) group of persons carrying on work under manager (noun) STAFF (lines 1 / 5) 10) Give an adjective with the same root as DOUBT (noun) (line 8). (0.25 points) DOUBTFUL, DOUBTLESS, UNDOUBTED, DOUBTING. 11) Turn the following sentence into the passive voice. (0.5 points) The lobby is putting severe pressure on Ministers. SEVERE PRESSURE IS BEING PUT ON MINISTERS (BY THE LOBBY) 12) Join the following sentences using a relative. Make changes if necessary. (0.5 points) John has given up smoking. He was a heavy smoker. JOHN, WHO WAS A HEAVY SMOKER, HAS GIVEN UP SMOKING 13) Complete the following conditional sentence: (0.5 points) If people didnt pay taxes, If people didnt pay taxes, THE GOVERNMENT WOULDNT IMPROVE SOCIAL SERVICES 14) Use the words in the boxes to make a meaningful sentence. Use all and only the words in the boxes without changing their form. (0.5 points) A ALCOHOL PLANNED BAN GOVERNMENT TOTAL THE ON THE GOVERNMENT PLANNED A TOTAL BAN ON ALCOHOL




a) Duracin: Una hora y treinta minutos. b) La puntuacin de cada pregunta est indicada en las mismas.


APRIL FOOLS DAY! In Spain, many people play tricks on December 28, Holy Innocents Day. In many other countries, jokes are played on April 1April Fools Day. The reason seems to be that, up until the mid-sixteenth century, France celebrated New Years Day on April 1, but in 1562 Pope Gregory XIII introduced a new calendar to the Christian world, which changed the date of the New Year to January 1. At that time news travelled slowly and some people continued to celebrate on April 1. These poor, misinformed people were referred to as "April Fools" and other people played tricks on them. Nowadays, it seems that new technologies provide fresh ways of playing tricks on April 1. The Internet has given birth to a rise in popularity and proliferation of tricks and hoaxes. E-mail inboxes are bombarded with messages warning of terrible viruses that cause users to delete important data from their computers, or of credit card cheats that request personal information, including passwords and bank account numbers. In August 2001 an e-mail containing a photo of a shark trying to attack a helicopter was received by e-mail throughout the world. The e-mail claimed the photo was National Geographic's "Photo of the Year", but National Geographic said that the photo was a fake and finally found the people responsible for making the composite image.

(A) COMPREHENSION (4 points) a) ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-2 ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE TEXT. USE YOUR OWN WORDS. (1 point per answer) 1) How did the tradition of April Fools Day originate? 2) How can you play a trick on someone using the new technologies? Give two examples. b) ARE THESE STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWERS WITH THE PRECISE WORDS OR PHRASES FROM THE TEXT. (0.5 points per answer) 3) New Years Day has always been celebrated on the same day. 4) New technologies help people to avoid tricks. 5) A shark attacked a helicopter in August 2001. 6) National Geographic was responsible for an April Fools Day joke. (B) USE OF ENGLISH (3 points) 7) Find in the text one synonym for NEW (adjective) 8) Find in the text a word meaning: remove by cutting out or erasing (verb) 9) Complete the series with another word of the same semantic group: SEE, LOOK, OBSERVE, CONTEMPLATE 10) Which word is not a preposition? THROUGH OF OR FOR 11) Fill in the gap with a correct form of the verb in brackets. When she arrived home, her husband (not cook) ________ dinner yet. 12) Turn the following sentence into the active voice: They were shown a picture of an attacking shark. 13) Give a question for the underlined words: The e-mail warned about terrible viruses infecting computers. 14) Join the following sentences using a relative. Make changes if necessary. He received an e-mail. Its content was spam.

(0.25 points) (0.25 points) (0.25 points) (0.25 points) (0.5 points) (0.5 points) (0.5 points) (0.5 points)

(C) PRODUCTION (3 points) 15) WRITE A COMPOSITION (80-100 WORDS). CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS. SPECIFY YOUR OPTION. a) Can you tell a joke that you have played on someone or one that has been played on you? b) How has the Internet changed peoples habits?




MUY IMPORTANTE: por favor, atngase a los criterios de correccin redactados por la Ponencia de Ingls de Andaluca. KEY TO APRIL FOOLS DAY!

(A) COMPREHENSION (4 points) a) ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-2 ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE TEXT. USE YOUR OWN WORDS. (1 point per answer) 1) How did the tradition of April Fools Day originate? WHEN SOME PEOPLE CONTINUED CELEBRATING NEW YEARS DAY ON THE WRONG DATE (APRIL 1) OTHER PEOPLE PLAYED TRICKS ON THEM. 2) How can you play a trick on someone using the new technologies? Give two examples. BY SENDING FALSE MESSAGES, FOR EXAMPLE ABOUT VIRUSES OR PRETENDING TO BE WRITING FROM A BANK REQUESTING PERSONAL INFORMATION. b) ARE THESE STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWERS WITH THE PRECISE WORDS OR PHRASES FROM THE TEXT. (0.5 points per answer) 3) New Years Day has always been celebrated on the same day. FALSE UP UNTIL THE MID-SIXTEENTH CENTURY, FRANCE CELEBRATED NEW YEARS DAY ON APRIL 1 (lines 2-3) 4) New technologies help people to avoid tricks. FALSE. NEW TECHNOLOGIES PROVIDE FRESH WAYS OF PLAYING TRICKS ON APRIL 1 (line 6) 5) A shark attacked a helicopter in August 2001. FALSE. THE PHOTO WAS A FAKE (line 11) 6) National Geographic was responsible for an April Fools Day joke. FALSE. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC FOUND THE PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING THE COMPOSITE IMAGE (lines 11-12) (B) USE OF ENGLISH (3 points) 7) Find in the text one synonym for NEW (adjective) FRESH (line 6) 8) Find in the text a word meaning: remove by cutting out or erasing (verb) DELETE (line 8) 9) Complete the series with another word of the same semantic group: SEE, LOOK, OBSERVE, CONTEMPLATE WATCH, VIEW, GAZE, GLIMPSE 10) Which word is not a preposition? THROUGH OF OR FOR 11) Fill in the gap with a correct form of the verb in brackets. When she arrived home, her husband HADNT COOKED dinner yet. 12) Turn the following sentence into the active voice: They were shown a picture of an attacking shark. SOMEONE SHOWED THEM A PICTURE OF AN ATTACKING SHARK. 13) Give a question for the underlined words: The e-mail warned about terrible viruses infecting computers. WHAT DID THE E-MAIL DO/SAY? 14) Join the following sentences using a relative. Make changes if necessary. He received an e-mail. Its content was spam. HE RECEIVED AN E-MAIL WHOSE CONTENT WAS SPAM

(0.25 points) (0.25 points) (0.25 points) (0.25 points) (0.5 points) (0.5 points) (0.5 points) (0.5 points)




a) Duracin: Una hora y treinta minutos. b) La puntuacin de cada pregunta est indicada en las mismas.


SEXISM IN LANGUAGE When Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon in 1969 he uttered a memorable sentence: Thats one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. If he had landed on the moon today, no doubt he would have said a much more politically correct sentence: Thats one small step for a person, one giant leap for humankind. Less poetic but certainly more literally representative of the whole of the human race! Language tends to use male pronouns automatically whenever the sex of the person is not known: Every student must bring his own calculator. This is a sexist use of language, which often suggests an inherent male dominance in many fields of life, and can reinforce the idea of female inferiority. There is a tendency to associate certain jobs with men or women. For instance, A director must do his best for his company, but A nurse must treat her patients with kindness. In addition, job names often include reference to the sex of the person: Im meeting a group of businessmen next Friday, or The housemaid must clean this. The use of such words tends to emphasise the idea that it is not normal for women to be in professional, highly-paid, technical or manual jobs, and that it is not natural for a man to work in such a caring (and generally poorly-paid) role as that of a nurse.

(A) COMPREHENSION (4 points) a) ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-2 ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE TEXT. USE YOUR OWN WORDS. (1 point per answer) 1) How has language changed since the 60s? 2) How is sexism expressed in some job names? b) ARE THESE STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWERS WITH THE PRECISE WORDS OR PHRASES FROM THE TEXT. (0.5 points per answer) 3) Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon in the early 60s. 4) When we dont know the sex of a person, we normally use male pronouns. 5) All job names contain an indication of the sex of the person doing it. 6) Mens jobs are usually better paid. (B) USE OF ENGLISH (3 points) 7) Find in the text a synonym for UNFORGETTABLE (adjective) (0.25 points) 8) Give one opposite for LAND (verb) (line 2) (0.25 points) 9) Find in the text one word meaning: essential, characteristic, intrinsic or innate (adjective) (0.25 points) 10) Complete the series with another word of the same semantic group: (0.25 points) JOB, WORK, OCCUPATION, BUSINESS 11) Join the following sentences using a relative pronoun. Make changes if necessary. (0.5 points) He used a sexist word. Its meaning was pejorative for women. 12) Fill in the gap with a correct form of the verb in brackets: (0.5 points) They ___________ (teach) medieval history by their teacher when they were at school. 13) Give a question for the underlined words: (0.5 points) We attend English classes three times a week. 14) Use the words in the boxes to make a meaningful sentence. Use all and only the words in the boxes without changing their form. (0.5 points) YOUR ENOUGH GOOD NOT IS COOKING (C) PRODUCTION (3 points) 15) WRITE A COMPOSITION (80-100 WORDS). CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS. SPECIFY YOUR OPTION. a) What type of job would you prefertechnical or artistic? Why? b) Is there still inequality between men and women? Why?




MUY IMPORTANTE: por favor, atngase a los criterios de correccin redactados por la Ponencia de Ingls de Andaluca. KEY TO SEXISM IN LANGUAGE

(A) COMPREHENSION (4 points) a) ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-2 ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE TEXT. USE YOUR OWN WORDS. (1 point per answer) 1) How has language changed since the 60s? TODAY POLITICALLY CORRECT LANGUAGE IS PREFERRED, BECAUSE IT AVOIDS SEXISM. 2) How is sexism expressed in some job names? MASCULINE NAMES ARE USED GENERICALLY AND FOR THE BETTER JOBS, (AND /OR) REFERENCES TO THE FEMALE SEX ARE MORE OFTEN FOUND IN NAMES OF INFERIOR JOBS. b) ARE THESE STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWERS WITH THE PRECISE WORDS OR PHRASES FROM THE TEXT. (0.5 points per answer) 3) Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon in the early 60s. FALSE. NEIL ARMSTRONG STEPPED ONTO THE MOON IN 1969. (line 1) 4) When we dont know the sex of a person, we normally use male pronouns. TRUE. LANGUAGE TENDS TO USE MALE PRONOUNS AUTOMATICALLY WHENEVER THE SEX OF THE PERSON IS NOT KNOWN. (line 5) 5) All job names contain an indication of the sex of the person doing it. FALSE. JOB NAMES OFTEN INCLUDE REFERENCE TO THE SEX OF THE PERSON (lines 9-10) 6) Mens jobs are usually better paid. TRUE. THE USE OF SUCH WORDS TENDS TO EMPHASISE THE IDEA () THAT IT IS NOT NATURAL FOR A MAN TO WORK IN SUCH A () POORLY-PAID ROLE. (lines 11-12) (B) USE OF ENGLISH (3 points) 7) Find in the text a synonym for UNFORGETTABLE (adjective) MEMORABLE. (line 1) (0.25 points) 8) Give one opposite for LAND (verb) (line 2) TAKE OFF. (0.25 points) 9) Find in the text one word meaning: (0.25 points) essential, characteristic, intrinsic or innate (adjective). INHERENT. (line 6) 10) Complete the series with another word of the same semantic group: (0.25 points) JOB, WORK, OCCUPATION, BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT. PROFESSION. POST, POSITION 11) Join the following sentences using a relative pronoun. Make changes if necessary. (0.5 points) He used a sexist word. Its meaning was pejorative for women. HE USED A SEXIST WORD WHOSE MEANING WAS PEJORATIVE FOR WOMEN. 12) Fill in the gap with a correct form of the verb in brackets: (0.5 points) They WERE / HAD BEEN TAUGHT medieval history by their teacher when they were at school. 13) Give a question for the underlined words: (0.5 points) We attend English classes three times a week. HOW OFTEN DO YOU ATTEND ENGLISH CLASSES? (How many times is not accepted) 14) Use the words in the boxes to make a meaningful sentence. Use all and only the words in the boxes without changing their form. (0.5 points) YOUR ENOUGH GOOD NOT IS COOKING YOUR COOKING IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH.




a) Duracin: Una hora y treinta minutos. b) La puntuacin de cada pregunta est indicada en las mismas.


DONT FORGET THE CLASSICS Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them at all. This seems good advice nowadays since most students read just a few classics in high school. Their teachers, tired of pushing teenagers through 19th century novels, long ago replaced traditional works with more reader-friendly texts. Consequently, we have a generation of students who never heard of Odysseus or turned on the switch in Victor Frankenstein's laboratory. Students who are used to the pace of MTV and video games have less and less patience for slow-moving plot and detailed, descriptive passages. In an attempt to reach this new audience, teachers brought contemporary and multicultural literature into their classrooms. But there is the danger of forgetting literary criteria. Instead of choosing books with literary merituniversal themes, rich language, complex charactersteachers select simpler stories with characters to whom they think their students can relate. Hopefully, reading such high-interest, familiar stories would lead students to increasingly challenging works. However, many teenagers never take the next step. Teenagers are hungry for stories that mirror their lives. Yet students also need books that are windows to other worlds. We should not underestimate our students' ability to make connections between Odysseus's heroic journey and their own personal odysseys. (A) COMPREHENSION (4 points) a) ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-2 ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE TEXT. USE YOUR OWN WORDS. (1 point per answer) 1) How different is MTV from the classics? 2) What criteria are used to choose high school readings? b) ARE THESE STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWERS WITH THE PRECISE WORDS OR PHRASES FROM THE TEXT. (0.5 points per answer) 3) Nowadays teachers like using 19th century novels in their courses. 4) Literature courses are changing to attract students. 5) Most students who first read familiar stories then continue with classics. 6) Students will enjoy the classics if they are taught. (B) USE OF ENGLISH (3 points) 7) Give an adjective with the same root as FORGET (verb) (headline) (0.25 points) 8) Find in the text a synonym for OPPORTUNITY (noun) (0.25 points) 9) Find in the text the word which has the following definition: (0.25 points) the plan or main story of a literary work (noun) 10) Give one opposite for FAMILIAR (adjective) (line 11) (0.25 points) 11) Join the following sentences using a relative pronoun. Make changes if necessary. (0.5 points) John Bloom died recently. His novel The French Affair was made into a beautiful film. 12) Turn the following sentence into reported speech: (0.5 points) The doctor asked: Do you ever feel this pain in your stomach before meals? 13) Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make changes if necessary. (0.5 points) Any English conversation must begin with the weather. The English weather is not a fascinating topic. 14) Use the words in the boxes to make a meaningful sentence. Use all and only the words in the boxes without changing their form. (0.5 points) THE AT ? YOU ENJOY DID PARTY DANCING (C) PRODUCTION (3 points) 15) WRITE A COMPOSITION (80-100 WORDS). CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS. SPECIFY YOUR OPTION. a) What is your favourite kind of books? Why? b) Do you think young people prefer computers and video games to reading books? Why?




MUY IMPORTANTE: por favor, atngase a los criterios de correccin redactados por la Ponencia de Ingls de Andaluca. KEY TO DONT FORGET THE CLASSICS

(A) COMPREHENSION (4 points) a) ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-2 ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE TEXT. USE YOUR OWN WORDS. (1 point per answer) 1) How different is MTV from the classics? THE PACE IS FASTER. 2) What criteria are used to choose high school readings? SIMPLE LANGUAGE AND STORIES RELATED TO THE STUDENTS LIVES. b) ARE THESE STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWERS WITH THE PRECISE WORDS OR PHRASES FROM THE TEXT. (0.5 points per answer) 3) Nowadays teachers like using 19th century novels in their courses. FALSE. THEIR TEACHERS, TIRED OF PUSHING TEENAGERS THROUGH 19TH CENTURY NOVELS (lines 2-3) 4) Literature courses are changing to attract students. TRUE. IN AN ATTEMPT TO REACH THIS NEW AUDIENCE, TEACHERS BROUGHT CONTEMPORARY AND MULTICULTURAL LITERATURE INTO THEIR CLASSROOMS. (lines 7-8) 5) Most students who first read familiar stories then continue with classics. FALSE. MANY TEENAGERS NEVER TAKE THE NEXT STEP. (line 12) 6) Students will enjoy the classics if they are taught. TRUE. WE SHOULD NOT UNDERESTIMATE OUR STUDENTS' ABILITY TO MAKE CONNECTIONS BETWEEN ODYSSEUS'S HEROIC JOURNEY AND THEIR OWN PERSONAL ODYSSEYS. (lines 13-14) (B) USE OF ENGLISH (3 points) 7) Give an adjective with the same root as FORGET (verb) (headline) (0.25 points) (UN)FORGETFUL, (UN)FORGETTABLE 8) Find in the text a synonym for OPPORTUNITY (noun) CHANCE (line 1) (0.25 points) 9) Find in the text the word which has the following definition: (0.25 points) the plan or main story of a literary work (noun) PLOT (line 9) 10) Give one opposite for FAMILIAR (adjective) (line 11) UNFAMILIAR, UNUSUAL, STRANGE, ODD (0.25 points) 11) Join the following sentences using a relative pronoun. Make changes if necessary. (0.5 points) John Bloom died recently. His novel The French Affair was made into a beautiful film. JOHN BLOOM, WHOSE NOVEL THE FRENCH AFFAIR WAS MADE INTO A BEAUTIFUL FILM, DIED RECENTLY. 12) Turn the following sentence into reported speech: (0.5 points) The doctor asked: Do you ever feel this pain in your stomach before meals? THE DOCTOR ASKED (HER/HIM) IF/WHETHER S/HE EVER FELT THAT PAIN IN HER/HIS STOMACH 13) Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make changes if necessary. (0.5 points) Any English conversation must begin with the weather. The English weather is not a fascinating topic. ANY ENGLISH CONVERSATION MUST BEGIN WITH THE WEATHER ALTHOUGH IT IS NOT A FASCINATING TOPIC. 14) Use the words in the boxes to make a meaningful sentence. Use all and only the words in the boxes without changing their form. (0.5 points) THE AT ? YOU ENJOY DID PARTY DANCING DID YOU ENJOY DANCING AT THE PARTY?




a) Duracin: Una hora y treinta minutos. b) La puntuacin de cada pregunta est indicada en las mismas.



THE ENGLAND PATIENT The England football manager, Sven-Gran Eriksson, believes that modern football matches are not won on the ground, but inside the players' minds. This film examines not just how Eriksson got inside his players' brains, but how he is now starting a revolution in English football thinking. Eriksson's plan has two critical elements: to eliminate the harmful effects of the fear of failure from the minds of the England players, and to encourage them to train mentally as well as physically to reach the highest levels of performance. Psychologists from some of Britain's most prestigious universities believe anxiety and the fear of failure can make top professionals perform like amateurs. Medical surveys show that people use different parts of the brain to perform actions which they are learning and those which are instinctive. If the brain goes back to its learning mode, that 89th minute penalty kick goes right over the bar. Eriksson has another psychological tactic: as he is not there on the field, he relies on cultural architects: players whose thinking is so close to their managers that they obey him without even realising they are doing so. The captain, David Beckham, is clearly one of these architects. Sports psychology cannot predict whether England will win the World Cup. However, it does show that England is going into a major competition with an unprecedented degree of psychological preparedness. (A) COMPREHENSION (4 points) a) ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-2 ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE TEXT. USE YOUR OWN WORDS. (1 point per answer) 1) Why is the mind of football players important for their performance? 2) How does Eriksson carry his thinking onto the field? b) ARE THESE STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWERS WITH THE PRECISE WORDS OR PHRASES FROM THE TEXT. (0.5 points per answer) 3) Erikssons plans mean a radical, complete change in English football. 4) Erikssons ideas are opposed by scientists. 5) A penalty is not converted if the brain is in its learning mode. 6) England did not receive so much psychological training in previous World Cup competitions. (B) USE OF ENGLISH (3 points) 7) Find in the text one synonym for DAMAGING (adjective) 8) Give one opposite for FAILURE (noun) (line 4) 9) Give a noun with the same root as ENCOURAGE (verb) (line 5) 10) Find in the text the word which has the following definition: an action or strategy planned to achieve a specific end (noun). 11) Fill in the gap with a correct form of the verb in brackets. Spain (beat) _________ Canada at football last year. 12) Join the following sentences using a relative. Make changes if necessary. Nowadays new kinds of sport attract more and more people. They seldom appear on television. 13) Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: He asked: Do you often play rugby? 14) Give a question for the underlined words: The new manager stayed three months in England. (0.25 points) (0.25 points) (0.25 points) (0.25 points) (0.5 points) (0.5 points) (0.5 points) (0.5 points)

(C) PRODUCTION (3 points) 15) WRITE A COMPOSITION (80-100 WORDS). CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS. SPECIFY YOUR OPTION. a) Do you like practising some sport? Which one? Why? b) Professional footballers are overpaid. Give your opinion.




MUY IMPORTANTE: por favor, atngase a los criterios de correccin redactados por la Ponencia de Ingls de Andaluca. KEY TO THE ENGLAND PATIENT

(A) COMPREHENSION (4 points) a) ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-2 ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE TEXT. USE YOUR OWN WORDS. (1 point per answer) 1) Why is the mind of football players important for their performance? BECAUSE EXCESSIVE ANXIETY AND FEAR OF FAILURE MAY PREVENT THEM FROM PERFORMING LIKE PROFESSIONALS or BECAUSE APPROPRIATE PSHYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING WILL HELP THEM COMPETE SUCCESSFULLY. 2) How does Eriksson carry his ideas onto the field? HE IS HELPED BY SOME LEADERS IN THE ENGLISH TEAM, THE CULTURAL ARCHITECTS, WHO ARE IN CHARGE OF PUTTING HIS IDEAS INTO PRACTICE ON THE FIELD. b) ARE THESE STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWERS WITH THE PRECISE WORDS OR PHRASES FROM THE TEXT. (0.5 points per answer) 3) Erikssons plans mean a radical, complete change in English football. TRUE. HE IS NOW STARTING A REVOLUTION IN ENGLISH FOOTBALL THINKING. (line 3) 4) Erikssons ideas are opposed by scientists. FALSE. PSYCHOLOGISTS FROM SOME OF BRITAIN'S MOST PRESTIGIOUS UNIVERSITIES BELIEVE ANXIETY AND THE FEAR OF FAILURE CAN MAKE TOP PROFESSIONALS PERFORM LIKE AMATEURS (line 7-8) 5) A penalty is not converted if the brain is in its learning mode. TRUE. IF THE BRAIN GOES BACK TO ITS LEARNING MODE, THAT 89TH MINUTE PENALTY KICK GOES RIGHT OVER THE BAR. (lines 9-10) 6) England did not receive so much psychological training in previous World Cup competitions. TRUE. ENGLAND IS GOING INTO A MAJOR COMPETITION WITH AN UNPRECEDENTED DEGREE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL PREPAREDNESS. (line 15) (B) USE OF ENGLISH (3 points) 7) Find in the text one synonym for DAMAGING (adjective) HARMFUL (line 4) (0.25 points) 8) Give one opposite for FAILURE (noun) (line 4) SUCCESS (0.25 points) 9) Give a noun with the same root as ENCOURAGE (verb) (line 5) ENCOURAGEMENT, COURAGE (0.25 points) 10) Find in the text the word which has the following definition: (0.25 points) an action or strategy planned to achieve a specific end (noun). PLAN (line 4), TACTIC (line 11) 11) Fill in the gap with a correct form of the verb in brackets. (0.5 points) Spain BEAT Canada at football last year. 12) Join the following sentences using a relative. Make changes if necessary. (0.5 points) Nowadays new kinds of sport attract more and more people. They seldom appear on television. NOWADAYS NEW KINDS OF SPORT THAT / WHICH SELDOM APPEAR ON TELEVISION ATTRACT MORE AND MORE PEOPLE. NOWADAYS NEW KINDS OF SPORT, WHICH SELDOM APPEAR ON TELEVISION, ATTRACT MORE AND MORE PEOPLE. NOWADAYS NEW KINDS OF SPORT ATTRACT MORE AND MORE PEOPLE WHO SELDOM APPEAR ON TELEVISION. 13) Turn the following sentence into Reported Speech: (0.5 points) He asked: Do you often play rugby? HE ASKED (ME/YOU/HIM/HER/US/THEM) IF/WHETHER HE/SHE OFTEN PLAYED RUGBY. 14) Give a question for the underlined words: (0.5 points) The new manager stayed three months in England. HOW LONG DID THE NEW MANAGER STAY IN ENGLAND? (HOW MANY MONTHS? Is not acceptable)




a) Duracin: Una hora y treinta minutos. b) La puntuacin de cada pregunta est indicada en las mismas.


A LIFES AMBITION: TO CROSS THE BORDER Until recently the main news about immigration in this part of the world focused on the boatloads of Africans attempting to reach the shores of southern Spain. Lately, however, a new phenomenon has hit the headlines: immigrants have been storming the borders between Morocco and the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla massively. The double three-metre-high barbed-wire fences that divide Spanish and Moroccan territories have not put them off. Hundreds or even thousands of sub-Saharan Africans camp out in the woods near the border. They choose their place and moment carefully according to the position of the Spanish and Moroccan guards, and use their handmade ladders to scale the fences always after dark. If several hundreds attempt to get across, at least a few are bound to succeed. These men and women can go nowhere else because they have nothing to eat; they have no job and many have no family left. Thats why they are going to try it again and again, says the president of a non-profit organization that tries to provide aid for these immigrants. Meanwhile, the centres that run as temporary shelters for homeless immigrants are more than overflowing. (A) COMPREHENSION (4 points) a) ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-2 ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE TEXT. USE YOUR OWN WORDS. (1 point per answer) 1) What has changed about immigrants efforts to reach Spain? 2) Which are the two means that Spain uses to prevent Africans from crossing the border? b) ARE THESE STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWERS WITH THE PRECISE WORDS OR PHRASES FROM THE TEXT. (0.5 points per answer) 3) Immigrants are so desperate that they jump the fence at any time. 4) The double three-metre-high barbed-wire fence is effective. 5) Poverty is the only reason why they risk their lives. 6) There are not enough temporary shelters for immigrants. (B) USE OF ENGLISH (3 points) 7) Give one synonym for BORDER (line 3) 8) Find in the text the word which has the following definition a place giving protection from bad weather or danger (noun) 9) Give an adjective with the same root as PROFIT (line 9) 10) Give one opposite for TEMPORARY (adjective) (line 10) 11) Rewrite the sentence without changing its meaning. Begin as indicated. These men and women can go nowhere else. These men and women cannot ... 12) Complete the following sentence: If rich countries helped poor ones... 13) Turn the following sentence into the passive voice: A new phenomenon has hit the headlines 14) Give a question for the underlined words: Africans wait in the woods for the right moment.

(0.25 points) (0.25 points) (0.25 points) (0.25 points) (0.5 points) (0.5 points) (0.5 points) (0.5 points)

(C) PRODUCTION (3 points) 15) WRITE A COMPOSITION (80-100 WORDS). CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS. SPECIFY YOUR OPTION. a) Would you like to go abroad for a temporary job? Why? b) Why do African immigrants want to come to Spain?




MUY IMPORTANTE: por favor, atngase a los criterios de correccin redactados por la Ponencia de Ingls de Andaluca. KEY TO A LIFES AMBITION: TO CROSS THE BORDER

(A) COMPREHENSION (4 points) a) ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-2 ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE TEXT. USE YOUR OWN WORDS. (1 point per answer) 1) What has changed about immigrants efforts to reach Spain? THEY USED TO COME BY BOAT BUT NOW THEY TRY TO CROSS THE BORDER. 2) Which are the two means that Spain uses to prevent Africans from crossing the border? THE WIRE FENCE AND THE GUARD. b) ARE THESE STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE? JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWERS WITH THE PRECISE WORDS OR PHRASES FROM THE TEXT. (0.5 points per answer) 3) The double three-metre-high barbed-wire fence is effective. FALSE. THE DOUBLE . . . FENCES . . . HAVE NOT PUT THEM OFF (line 4); or THEY SCALE THEM AND A FEW ARE BOUND TO SUCCEED (lines 6-7) 4) Immigrants are so desperate that they jump the fence at any time. FALSE. THEY CHOOSE THEIR MOMENT CAREFULLY. (lines 5-6) 5) Poverty is the only reason why they risk their lives. FALSE. MANY HAVE NO FAMILY LEFT (lines 8-9) 6) There are not enough temporary shelters for immigrants. TRUE. THEY ARE MORE THAN OVERFLOWING (lines 10-11) (B) USE OF ENGLISH (3 points) 7) Give one synonym for BORDER (line 3) FRONTIER, SIDE, EDGE, BRINK, MARGIN, LIMIT, BOUNDARY, (US: LINE) 8) Find in the text the word which has the following definition a place giving protection from bad weather or danger (noun) SHELTER (line 10) 9) Give an adjective with the same root as PROFIT (line 9) (UN)PROFITABLE 10) Give one opposite for TEMPORARY (adjective; line 10) PERMANENT, EVERLASTING, ETERNAL 11) Rewrite the sentence without changing its meaning. Begin as indicated. These men and women can go nowhere else. These men and women cannot GO ANYWHERE ELSE 12) Complete the following sentence: If rich countries helped poor ones... THIS WOULD BE A HAPPY WORLD 13) Turn the following sentence into the passive voice: A new phenomenon has hit the headlines THE HEADLINES HAVE BEEN HIT BY A NEW PHENOMENON 14) Give a question for the underlined words: Africans wait in the woods for the right moment. FOR WHAT DO AFRICANS WAIT IN THE WOODS? WHAT DO AFRICANS WAIT IN THE WOODS FOR? WHAT DO AFRICANS WAIT FOR IN THE WOODS?

(0.25 points) (0.25 points) (0.25 points) (0.25 points) (0.5 points) (0.5 points) (0.5 points) (0.5 points)

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