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He asks the master who is very angry and he sends Oliver is a bad boy and he calls Mr.

Bumble that closes it in a cold, dark room and locks t After one week Mr. Bumble goes to the workhouse and he sends Oliver to live with Mr. Sowerberry .


Oliver Twist was nine years old. He was sad because he was an orphan and he lived in a workhouse in a town near London. He didnt have any friends.

The workhouse was cold and dark. There were a lot of orphans in the workhouse, and they had porridge every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The children pushed Oliver to ask for more porridge. He asked the master who was very angry and he said Oliver was a bad boy and he called Mr. Bumble that closed him in a cold, dark room and locked the door.

After one week Mr. Bumble went to the workhouse and he sent Oliver to live with Mr. Sowerberry. Mr. Sowerberry lived with his wife who was very cruel with Oliver. In the house Oliver met Noah, a boy who lived with the family, who said horrible things about Olivers mother and they faight. Oliver decided to leave the house.

He run away from Mr. Sowerberrys house and ran for two hours. Then he stopped under a tree and slept, but when he woke up he didnt know what to do. While he was thinking about that, a boy with a black hat and a long, purple coat approached him and invited Oliver to go to his house.


The boy was called Dodger and he lived in a big, old house with a lot of other boys and with Fagin. When Oliver entered they were playing the andkerchif game. Later Oliver understood it was a game to teach the boys to steal.

One day Fagin sent Oliver with Dodger and Charley to the market.They tried to take a handkerchief from a rich mans pocket. He shouted and Dodger and Charley ran away but Oliver was taken.
Mr. Brownlow saw the scene and wanted to help Oliver. He invited the boy to live in his house with him and Mrs. Bedwin. Oliver was happy to accept and he started a new life.


Oliver was happy at Mr Brownlows home, but Fagin was disappointed. He called Bill Sikes, and told him to find Oliver. After many days he found Oliver near Mr Brownlows bookshop and he took Oliver with him.

At night Bill went to a big house and asked Oliver to enter and open the door. But a servant saw Oliver and shouted to him with a pistol. Oliver saw his blood and ran away. He slept all the night on the street and in the morning he went to a house. Mrs Maylie saw Oliver and took him in a bedroom. She and Rose, her niece called Doctor Losberne to see Oliver. He told him about the workhouse and Fagin.

Mrs Maylie was very sad to hear Olivers life and asked the boy to live with her. He was very happy with them but sometimes thinking to Mr Brownlow he was sad. After a few weeks they took Oliver to their countryside and Rose gave him a bicycle. Oliver was very happy but, at night, while he was sleeping he saw a shadow at the window; he recognized Fagin. He shouted but the servants didnt see anyone.

Fagin was angry with Oliver because he didnt come back home . Fagin went to visit Monks. He was Olivers half brother and he wanted Oliver be a thief to take all the money their father had left.

He went to Mr. Bumbles who gave him a a locket and a wedding ring of Olivers mother. Monks ran to the river and threw them in it.

Oliver saw Mr. Brownlow in the street and Rose took him to visit his old friends. When they arrived at Mr. Brownlows house, Rose told him of Fagin and Monk and Mr. Brownlow helped Rose and saved Oliver.


Oliver went to live with Mr Brownlow and Mrs Bedwin. Mr Brownlow adopted him and they became a happy family.One day, Rose went to visit them and she saw a painting. It was Olivers mother. Rose said she was her sister. They were very happy.

Rose didnt know much about her family. She was very young when her father died and she went to live to Mrs Maylies house. Rose told Mr Brownlow that Harry, Mrs Maylies son, had asked her to marry him.Rose married and there was a big wedding. The two families lived in the countryside and they spent a lot of time together. Oliver wasnt an orphan anymore. In fact he was a very rich, very happy and very loved boy.

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