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idiom-a-day phrasal verb crossword A B M * C + D !

E " F # G $ H % I & J ' K ( L )

"hrasal (erb Mea,i,E.ample A abide by respec/ or obey0 1/he law2 a decisio,2 a r3le4 I5 yo3 wa,/ /o s/ay a/ /his school2 yo3 m3s/ abide by /he r3les0 acco3,/ 5or e.plai,2 -ive a reaso, I hope yo3 ca, acco3,/ 5or /he mo,ey yo3 spe,/6 add 3p ma7e se,se2 seem reaso,able Her s/ory 83s/ does,9/ add 3p0 a-ree wi/h have /he same opi,io, as somebody else0 I a-ree wi/h yo30 I /hi,7 she deserves /he award /oo0 allow 5or /a7e i,/o co,sidera/io,2 i,cl3de i, a calc3la/io, *o39d be//er leave early /o allow 5or /ra55ic 8ams0 a,swer bac7 reply r3dely Do,9/ a,swer bac7 yo3r mo/her6 apply 5or ma7e a 5ormal re:3es/ 5or some/hi,18ob2 permi/2 loa, e/c04 He applied 5or /he 8ob he saw adver/ised i, /he ,ewspaper0 avail 1o,esel54 o5 /a7e adva,/a-e o5 some/hi,- 1a, oppor/3,i/y4 )he, /he compa,y is priva/i;ed2 yo3 sho3ld avail yo3rsel5 o5 /he oppor/3,i/y a,d b3y some shares0 B bac7 away move bac7wards2 i, 5ear or disli7e )he, he saw /he do-2 he bac7ed away0 bac7 dow, wi/hdraw2 co,cede de5ea/ Local a3/hori/ies bac7ed dow, o, /heir pla,s /o demolish /he b3ildi,-0 bac7 3p <4 -ive s3ppor/ or e,co3ra-eme,/ =4 ma7e a copy o5 15ile2 pro-ram2 e/c04 <4 I5 I /ell /he boss we9ve -o/ /oo m3ch wor72 will yo3 bac7 me 3p> =4 I/ is recomme,ded /o bac7 3p all 5iles i, a sec3re loca/io,0 blac7 o3/ 5ai,/2 lose co,scio3s,ess )he, he 5ell o55 /he horse he blac7ed o3/0 bloc7 o55 %epara/e 3si,- a barrier0 &he area was bloc7ed o55 d3ri,- /he demo,s/ra/io,0 blow 3p <4 e.plode? =4 be des/royed by a, e.plosio, <4 &he /erroris/s said /he bomb wo3ld blow 3p a/ @ o9cloc70 =4 &he car blew 3p b3/ l3c7ily /here was ,obody i, i/0 boil dow, /o be s3mmari;ed as &he problem boils dow, /o a lac7 o5 mo,ey0 brea7 dow, <4 -o o3/ o5 order2 cease /o 53,c/io,

=4 lose co,/rol o5 o,e9s emo/io,s <4 Joh,9s car bro7e dow, so he had /o /a7e /he b3s0 =4 &he pare,/s bro7e dow, whe, /hey heard /he bad ,ews0 brea7 i,/o e,/er by 5orce B3r-lars bro7e i,/o /he ho3se aro3,d mid,i-h/0 brea7 o3/ s/ar/ s3dde,ly $io/i,- bro7e o3/ as a res3l/ o5 /he s/ri7e0 brea7 o3/ o5 escape 5rom a place by 5orce &hree priso,ers bro7e o3/ o5 8ail0 brea7 3p come /o a, e,d 1marria-e2 rela/io,ship4 A5/er her marria-e bro7e 3p2 Emma we,/ /o live i, Lo,do,0 bri,- 3p raise 1a child4 %he s/opped wor7i,- i, order /o bri,- 3p her childre,0 br3sh 3p o, improve2 re5resh o,e9s 7,owled-e o5 some/hi,Mary had /o br3sh 3p o, her %pa,ish be5ore -oi,- /o %o3/h America0 b3mp i,/o mee/ by accide,/ or 3,e.pec/edly "edro b3mped i,/o his E,-lish /eacher a/ /he s3permar7e/0 b3r, o3/ <4 s/op 1some/hi,-4 wor7i,=4 become e.ha3s/ed 5rom over-wor7i,<4 &he 53se has b3r,/ o3/0 =4 &om will b3r, himsel5 o3/ i5 he does,9/ slow dow,0 b3// i, 1o, s/h-4 i,/err3p/ impoli/ely I/9s r3de /o b3// i, o, a co,versa/io, li7e /ha/6 C call bac7 re/3r, a pho,e call I9ll call yo3 bac7 as soo, as possible0 call o55 ca,cel &he mee/i,- was called o55 beca3se o5 /he s/ri7e0 call o,A3po, sby 5ormally i,vi/e or re:3es/ I ,ow call 3po, /he "reside,/ /o address /he assembly0 calm dow, become more rela.ed2 less a,-ry or 3pse/ He was a,-ry a/ 5irs/ b3/ he eve,/3ally calmed dow,0 carry o, co,/i,3e He carried o, -arde,i,- i, spi/e o5 /he rai,0 carry o3/ <4 do some/hi,- as speci5ied 1a pla,2 a, order2 a /hrea/4 =4 per5orm or co,d3c/ 1/es/2 e.perime,/4 <4 &he pla, was carried o3/ /o per5ec/io,0 =4 &es/s are carried o3/ /o de/ermi,e /he e55icie,cy o5 a ,ew dr3-0 chec7 i, re-is/er a/ a ho/el or airpor/ For sec3ri/y reaso,s yo3 have /o chec7 i, /wo ho3rs be5ore yo3r 5li-h/0 chec7 o3/ <4 pay o,e9s bill a,d leave 1a ho/el4 =4 i,ves/i-a/e <4 Is Mr0 Blair s/ill a/ /he ho/el> o2 he chec7ed o3/ /his mor,i,-0 =4 I do,9/ 7,ow i5 /he address is s/ill valid0 I9ll chec7 i/ o3/0 clam 3p re53se /o spea7 )he, /he /eacher arrived she clammed 3p0 clamp dow, o, ac/ s/ric/ly /o preve,/ some/hi,&he -over,me,/ has decided /o clamp dow, o, smo7i,- i, p3blic places0 close dow, s/op opera/i,- 1compa,y2 res/a3ra,/2 ci,ema40 )he, /he 5ac/ory closed dow,2 /he employees los/ /heir 8obs0 come across <4 5i,d by cha,ce =4 appear2 seem2 ma7e a, impressio, <4 J3lie came across some pho/o-raphs o5 her -ra,dpare,/s i, /he a//ic0 =4 &he ca,dida/e came across as a dy,amic perso, d3ri,- /he i,/erview0

come 5orward prese,/ o,esel5 &he police have as7ed a,y wi/,esses /o come 5orward0 come 3p a-ai,s/ be 5aced wi/h or opposed by &he pro8ec/ came 3p a-ai,s/ a lo/ o5 cri/icism0 co,7 o3/ <4 s/op wor7i,=4 s/op or 5all asleep 15rom e.ha3s/io,4 <4 &he car co,7ed o3/ o, /he mo/orway0 =4 He was so e.ha3s/ed2 he co,7ed o3/ i, 5ro,/ o5 /he &(0 co3,/ o, rely or depe,d o, 15or help4 I9m co3,/i,- o, /he /a.i driver /o 5i,d /he /hea/re0 cross o3/ remove by drawi,- a li,e /hro3-h I, some e.ercises2 yo3 are as7ed /o cross o3/ /he i,correc/ word0 c3/ dow, o, red3ce i, ,3mber or si;e &he doc/or /old him /o c3/ dow, o, ci-are//es0 c3/ o3/ <4 remove 3si,- scissors =4 s/op doi,- some/hi,<4 %he c3/ o3/ a pic/3re i, a ma-a;i,e0 =4 I9m -oi,- /o c3/ o3/ ea/i,- be/wee, meals0 D deal wi/h ha,dle2 /a7e care o5 1problem2 si/3a/io,4 &he ma,a-er is -ood a/ deali,- wi/h di55ic3l/ c3s/omers0 die dow, calm dow,2 become less s/ro,)he, /he appla3se died dow,2 she s/ar/ed /o si,-0 do wi/ho3/ ma,a-e wi/ho3/ &he shops are closed so we9ll have /o do wi/ho3/ s3-ar0 dra- o, las/ lo,-er /ha, e.pec/ed )e e.pec/ed a shor/ speech b3/ i/ dra--ed o, a,d o,6 draw 3p wri/e 1co,/rac/2 a-reeme,/2 doc3me,/4 A, a-reeme,/ was draw, 3p a,d si-,ed by /he /wo par/ies0 dress 3p <4 wear ele-a,/ clo/hes =4 dis-3ise o,esel5 <4 Do people dress 3p /o -o /o /he opera i, yo3r co3,/ry> =4 Childre, love /o dress 3p a/ Hallowee,0 drop i, visi/2 3s3ally o, /he way somewhere I some/imes drop i, /o see my -ra,dpare,/s o, my way home 5rom school0 drop o55 <4 deliver someo,e or some/hi,=4 5all asleep <4 I9ll drop yo3 o55 a/ /he b3s s/op i5 yo3 li7e0 =4 Gra,ddad o5/e, drops o55 i, 5ro,/ o5 /he &(0 drop o3/ leave school wi/ho3/ 5i,ishi,%he decided /o -o /o ar/ school /he, dropped o3/ a5/er /he 5irs/ /erm0 E ease o55 red3ce2 become less severe or slow dow, 1pai,2 /ra55ic2 wor74 A5/er Chris/mas /he wor7load -e,erally eases o550 eve, o3/ <4 elimi,a/e di55ere,ces o5 opi,io,0 =4 become level or re-3lar <4 A5/er a lo,- disc3ssio, /hey ma,a-ed /o eve, o3/ /heir di55ere,ces0 =4 &he road was eve,ed o3/ /o ma7e i/ sa5er0

F 5all /hro3-h 5ail? does,9/ happe, !3r pla,,ed boa/ /rip 5ell /hro3-h beca3se o5 /he s/orm0 5i-3re o3/ 3,ders/a,d2 5i,d /he a,swer I9m /ryi,- /o 5i-3re o3/ how /o assemble /he boo7shelves0 5ill o3/ comple/e 1a 5ormAa, applica/io,4 "lease 5ill o3/ /he e,closed 5orm a,d re/3r, i/ as soo, as possible0 5i,d o3/ discover or ob/ai, i,5orma/io, I9m -oi,- /o call /he ci,ema /o 5i,d o3/ wha/ /ime /he 5ilm s/ar/s0 5oc3s o, co,ce,/ra/e o, some/hi,&he adver/isi,- campai-, will 5oc3s o, /he :3ali/y o5 /he prod3c/0 5i-3re o3/ 3,ders/a,d? 5i,d a sol3/io, )e9ll have /o 5i-3re o3/ a way /o deliver /he -oods 5as/er0 G -e/ a/ imply )ha/ are yo3 /ryi,- /o -e/ a/> -e/ away escape &he robbers -o/ away i, a blac7 car0 -e/ by ma,a-e /o cope or /o s3rvive I/9s di55ic3l/ /o -e/ by o, a low salary0 -e/ i, e,/er How did /he b3r-lar -e/ i,> -e/ i,/o 1B,o3,4 e,/er How did /he b3r-lar -e/ i,/o /he ho3se> -e/ o55 <4 leave 1b3s2 /rai,2 pla,e4 =4 remove <4 *o3 sho3ld -e/ o55 /he b3s a/ &ra5al-ar %:3are0 =4 %he ca,9/ -e/ /he s/ai, o55 her swea/er0 -e/ o, board 1b3s2 /rai,2 pla,e4 *o3 ca, pay whe, yo3 -e/ o, /he b3s0 -e/ o, wi/h 1some/hi,-4 co,/i,3e /o do? ma7e pro-ress Be :3ie/ a,d -e/ o, wi/h yo3r homewor70 -e/ o, 1well4 wi/h 1somebody4 have a -ood rela/io,ship wi/h I -e/ o, very well wi/h my collea-3es0 -e/ o3/ leave How did he -e/ o3/> -e/ o3/ o5 1B,o3,4 leave How did he -e/ o3/ o5 /he ho3se> -e/ o3/ o5 avoid doi,- some/hi,%ome h3sba,ds ma,a-e /o -e/ o3/ o5 doi,- a,y ho3sewor70 -e/ over recover 5rom 1ill,ess2 disappoi,/me,/4 My -ra,dmo/her had p,e3mo,ia b3/ she -o/ over i/0 -e/ rid o5 elimi,a/e I/9s di55ic3l/ /o -e/ rid o5 old habi/s0 -e/ /o-e/her mee/ each o/her Le/9s -e/ /o-e/her 5or l3,ch o, day0 -e/ 3p rise2 leave bed I 3s3ally -e/ 3p a/ C o9cloc70 -ive 3p s/op doi,- some/hi,- %arah -ave 3p smo7i,- D years a-o0 -o /hro3-h e.perie,ce "e/e we,/ /hro3-h a lo/ o5 pai, a5/er /he accide,/0 -row 3p spe,d o,e9s childhood? develop? become a, ad3l/ He -rew 3p i, a small villa-e i, /he mo3,/ai,s0 H ha,d i, s3bmi/ 1repor/2 homewor74 All applica/io, 5orms m3s/ be ha,ded i, be5ore /he e,d o5 /he mo,/h0 ha,d o3/ dis/rib3/e %amples will be ha,ded o3/ a/ /he e,d o5 /he demo,s/ra/io,0 ha,- o3/ spe,d /ime i, a par/ic3lar place2 or wi/h a -ro3p o5 5rie,ds )here does he ha,- o3/ /hese days>

)ho does he ha,- o3/ wi/h> ha,- 3p e,d a pho,e co,versa/io, EDo,9/ ha,- 3p0 I have,9/ 5i,ished ye/0E hi/ a/ aim a blow a/ He hi/ a/ /he wasp wi/h /he ,ewspaper0 hi/ bac7 re/alia/e? reply /o a, a//ac7 )he, he was a//ac7ed by /he o/hers2 /he boy hi/ bac70 hi/ o,A3po, 5i,d 3,e.pec/edly or by i,spira/io, %he hi/ 3po, a, idea 5or her ,ew collec/io,0 hold o, -wai/ --rip /i-h/ly - 9Hold o, please0 I9ll p3/ yo3 /hro3-h /o Mr0 Brow,0E - %he held o, /o /he raili,- as she crossed /he brid-e0 h3rry 3p be :3ic72 ac/ speedily H3rry 3p6 )e9ll miss /he b3s0 I iro, o3/ resolve by disc3ssio,2 elimi,a/e di55ere,ces &he mee/i,/omorrow will be a, oppor/3,i/y /o iro, o3/ di55ic3l/ies0 J 8oi, i, par/icipa/e %he was /oo shy /o 8oi, i, /he -ame0 8oi, 3p -e,-a-e i,2 become a member o5 - mee/ a,d 3,i/e wi/h - Joh, was i, /he Army a,d &om 8oi,ed 3p as soo, as he le5/ school0 - &he /wo -ro3ps o5 /o3ris/s 8oi,ed 3p a/ /he ho/el0 8o/ dow, /a7e :3ic7 ,o/es I 8o//ed dow, /he address while wa/chi,/he pro-ramme o, &(0 K 7eep o, co,/i,3e doi,- some/hi,I/ /old him /o be :3ie/ b3/ he 7ep/ o, ma7i,- ,oise0 7eep 3p wi/h s/ay a/ /he same level as someo,e or some/hi,Bill wal7s so 5as/ i/9s di55ic3l/ /o 7eep 3p wi/h him0 7ic7 o55 be-i,2 s/ar/ &he 5oo/ball ma/ch 7ic7ed o55 a/ F o9cloc70 L dow,6 loo7 a5/er o3/0 loo7 ahead /hi,7 o5 /he 53/3re I/9s /ime /o 5or-e/ /he pas/ a,d loo7 ahead0 loo7 dow, o, co,sider as i,5erior He /e,ds /o loo7 dow, o, a,yo,e who is ,o/ s3ccess53l0 loo7 o, be a spec/a/or a/ a, eve,/ Billy did,9/ /a7e par/ i, /he 5i-h/0 He 83s/ loo7ed o,0 loo7 5or /ry /o 5i,d some/hi,- Ja,e we,/ /o /he shops /o loo7 5or a pair o5 shoes0 loo7 5orward /o awai/ or a,/icipa/e wi/h pleas3re I loo7 5orward /o seei,- yo3 soo,0 loo7 3p /o admire He was a wo,der53l /eacher a,d ma,y s/3de,/s loo7ed 3p /o him0 /a7e care o5 A babysi//er loo7s a5/er /he childre, whe, /hey -o leave o3/ le/ dow, omi/2 ,o/ me,/io, &he child9s ,ame was le5/ o3/ o5 /he repor/0 disappoi,/ *o3 promised /o come /o /he par/y2 so do,9/ le/ me

M ma7e 53, o5 la3-h a/A ma7e 8o7es abo3/ /ha/ /he 7ids ma7e 53, o5 her0

&he old lady dresses so s/ra,-ely

ma7e 3p i,ve,/ 1e.c3se2 s/ory4 %ome employees ma7e 3p e.c3ses whe, /hey arrive la/e 5or wor70 mi. 3p mis/a7e o,e /hi,- or perso, 5or a,o/her I do,9/ 7,ow my ,ei-hbo3rs9 ,ames ye/0 I 7eep mi.i,- /hem 3p0 move i, arrive i, a ,ew home or o55ice *o39ve bo3-h/ a ,ew ho3se> )he, are yo3 movi,- i,>0 move o3/ leave yo3r homeAo55ice 5or a,o/her o,e0 My ,ei-hbo3r is leavi,-0 He9s movi,- o3/ ,e./ %a/3rday0 ,od o55 5all asleep My -ra,d5a/her o5/e, ,ods o55 i, 5ro,/ o5 /he /elevisio,0 ,o/e dow, wri/e some/hi,I9ll call /he s/a/io, a,d ,o/e dow, /he depar/3re /imes0 ! op/ o3/ leave a sys/em or decide ,o/ /o par/icipa/e I e,8oy /e,,is b3/ I9m so b3sy I had /o op/ o3/ o5 /he /o3r,ame,/0 ow, 3p admi/ or co,5ess some/hi,- &he boy ow,ed 3p0 He said he 7ic7ed /he ball /hro3-h /he wi,dow0 " pass away die &he old lady passed away peace53lly0 pass o3/ 5ai,/ %he passed o3/ whe, she heard /he bad ,ews0 pay bac7 reimb3rse I9ll le,d yo3 =GH provided yo3 pay me bac7 be5ore /he e,d o5 /he wee70 p3/ o55 pos/po,e2 arra,-e a la/er da/e &he mee/i,- was p3/ o55 beca3se o5 /he s/ri7e0 p3/ o, /3r, o,2 swi/ch o, Co3ld yo3 p3/ o, /he li-h/ please> p3/ o3/ e./i,-3ish I/ /oo7 a lo,- /ime /o p3/ o3/ /he 5ire0 p3/ 3p accommoda/e2 -ive somebody a bed )e ca, p3/ yo3 3p i5 yo39d li7e /o come 5or a wee7-e,d0 pic7 3p collec/ somebody I9ll pic7 yo3 3p a/ /he s/a/io, whe, yo3 arrive0 poi,/ o3/ i,dica/eAdirec/ a//e,/io, /o some/hi,%he poi,/ed o3/ /he mis/a7e0 $ rely o, co3,/ o,2 depe,d o,2 /r3s/ Do,9/ worry0 *o3 ca, rely o, me0 I ca, 7eep a secre/0 r3le o3/ elimi,a/e &he police r3led o3/ poli/ical mo/ives0 r3, away escape 5rom a place or s3dde,ly leave He ra, away 5rom home a/ /he a-e o5 5o3r/ee,0

r3, i,/o mee/ by accide,/ or 3,e.pec/edly 1alsoI b3mp i,/o4 %ophie ra, i,/o Maria a/ /he shoppi,- ce,/re0 r3, o3/ o5 have ,o more o5 some/hi,-0 )ha/ a ,3isa,ce6 )e9ve r3, o3/ o5 co55ee0 % se/ o55 s/ar/ a 8o3r,ey? Early %a/3rday mor,i,- we se/ o55 5or /he s7i slopes 0 se/ 3p s/ar/ a b3si,ess %he se/ 3p her ow, compa,y <G years a-o0 shop aro3,d compare prices I/9s always wise /o shop aro3,d be5ore b3yi,- a,y/hi,-0 show o55 bra- or wa,/ /o be admired &here9s David showi,- o55 i, his ,ew spor/s car6 show 3p appearAarrive )e e.pec/ed David /o come b3/ he did,9/ show 3p0 sh3/ 3p 1impoli/e4 be sile,/2 s/op /al7i,- !h sh3/ 3p2 yo3 idio/6 si/ dow, /a7e a sea/ "lease come i, a,d si/ dow,0 s/ic7 3p 5or de5e,d I/9s impor/a,/ /o s/ic7 3p 5or o,e9s pri,ciples0 & dad0 /a7e a5/er resemble2 i, appeara,ce or charac/er Jamie really /a7es a5/er his

/a7e care o5 loo7 a5/er I9ll /a7e care o5 yo3r pla,/s while yo39re away0 /a7e o55 leave /he -ro3,d &he pla,e /oo7 o55 a/ J a0m0 /a7e o, hire or e,-a-e s/a55 B3si,ess is -ood so /he compa,y is /a7i,- o, e./ra s/a550 /ell o55 reprima,dAcri/ici;e severely &he /eacher /old her o55 5or ,o/ doi,- her homewor70 /hi,7 over co,sider I9ll have /o /hi,7 over /he proposal be5ore I decide0 /ry o, wear some/hi,- /o see i5 i/ s3i/s or 5i/s I9m ,o/ s3re abo3/ /he si;e0 Ca, I /ry i/ o,> /3r, dow, re53se I co3ld,9/ /3r, dow, a, o55er li7e /ha/6 ' 3se 3p 5i,ish a prod3c/ 1so /ha/ /here9s ,o,e le5/4 /oo/hpas/e0 &he 7ids have 3sed 3p all /he

( vo3ch 5or co,5ide,ce i,2 or -3ara,/ee some/hi,/he 7eys /o A,dy0 I ca, vo3ch 5or him0 ) wa/ch o3/ be care53l )a/ch o3/6 &here9s a car comi,-0 wear o3/ <4 become 3,3sable =4 become very /ired <4 J3lie wore o3/ her shoes visi/i,- /he ci/y0 =4 A/ /he e,d o5 /he day J3lie was wor, o3/0 wor7 o3/ <4 do physical e.ercise

*o3 ca, -ive

=4 5i,d a sol3/io, or calc3la/e some/hi,<4 I wor7 o3/ /wice a wee7 a/ /he -ym cl3b0 =4 I/9s,sive b3/ I have,9/ wor7ed o3/ /he cos/ ye/0 wipe o55 clea, 1board2 /able40 &he /eacher as7ed Lee /o wipe o55 /he board0

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