Suikoden 2 - Walkthrough

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Suikoden 2 Viktors Fort Flik

Highland Youth Brigade

As you start off with your friend Jowy you will be prompted to go out, but you might as well just go to bed. You will be ambushed at night, run east and then youll consult with Jowy and decide to go back to camp. Back there youll see Rowd your leader with Luca Blight. Just run north and youll be at a meeting spot youll remember much later. A battle ensues with Rowd and some highland soldiers but just use Riou and Jowys unite attack to win the battle and then jump off the cliff to escape.

Viktors Warriors Fort

Youll be saved by Viktor and Flik of the state arm. Youll recognize them if youve played Suikoden I. Now you have to do some chores for them while youre here, like pushing boxes against a while and picking up Rope. Then this guy who

is telling you to do this stuff, Pohl, will ask you to get some Flint, Boots and Flour. Get 3 Flint and 3 Boots and then try to go upstairs and get the Flour but there wont be any. Return to Pohl and hell talk to Leona. Afterwards you can go upstairs and talk to her to get Gengen and Tuta in your party to go to Ryube and get that flour.

Its a short walk northeast, you shouldnt have a problem getting there and to the item shop. Ask for Flour and take it back to Pohl. The next day at the Warriors Camp youll be wiping up oil spills. There are a few on the first level and then one on each floor above, but also another in Fliks room of command. After talk to Pohl and another night passes. Jowy comes to save you but you two cant make it out, and end up having to tell about how highland faked the attack on the state. Viktor and Flik are curious about this news to say the least.

At night Jowy uses a spoon to get out of your cell. Jowy then uses the flint to light the rag on fire to divert the guards, and then run up the stairs and south to the balcony area outside. The rope gets you down and you can leave. The two decide to go to Kyaro Town. First go to Ryube Town and see the circus show. You can move or not during it, will not matter much. Rina, Eilie and Bolgan join you for a bit afterwards.

North Sparrow Pass

Go north of Ryube Town to find North Sparrow Pass. Rina will perform a favor for the guards that wouldnt let you past previously. The battles around here can be difficult at first. Use your unite to dominate any enemy group. Take the left path as you head north for a Flaming Wall treasure and an HP / MP bath. Head east to continue of course. Take the east fork again for an Escape Talisman and then north to go to the next screen. Here youll have another east / west fork, with the east leading to a Brass Armor and the west having the path that leads to the

next screen. The enemies around here get tougher, with Bees and Bandits. In the next screen youll be at your first Journeymans Crystal so save and heal up. Up north is the Mist Shade. Use your unites when you can, and then Rinas Flaming Arrow fire rune magic. Youll also probably have some available attack items at your disposal should this get even harder. Kindness Drops are dropped by Mist Shade. Afterwards return back and save and then continue north, taking the east exit for a Feathered Hat and the opposite path out of the North Sparrow Pass.

In Kyaro town youll split up with Eilie, Rina and Bolgan. Seems you are being looked for so go to your house to the west. Actually first take the north path leading to the big tree by itself. Search it as you face up three times and Riou will walk around the tree and Mukumuku will be recruited. Most people forget to recruit mukumuku but he is a valuable addition. Now go to your house to the west, and then go left and south

upon entering. Search the desk for ? book and then north to exit and for some scenes with Nanami your sister. As Riou and Nanami leave your house, the house of Genkaku, you are taken away by Rowd your former commander. Then a scene with Jowy being disowned by his dad. More scenes as you and Jowy are saved from death by Viktor and Flik, and then you all go save Mukumuku and Nanami. Run out and town and through North Sparrow Pass back to Viktors Fort. You can then get recruits.

Talk to Rikimaru and pay for his Inn tab of 3000 Potch. Thats expensive right now. Talk to the frantic girl in the northeast, Millie, and agree to help her find Bonaparte in the forest. First go northwest and put the baby bird in the nest. Then go south and work your way east. This boss battle against Bonaparte can be hard. Just use attacks, thats all you have probably. After Millie is recruited go west back to where the bird was and Shiro and Kinnison will be here. Allow them to join, they have a unite and Shiro is great.

Thats the end of the recruits for Ryube so go north and then veer west instead of east towards North Sparrow Mountain. This will lead to a new village, Toto. Enter the Inn to recruit Zamza assuming Nanami is with. Get that ? book appraised to see it is the Old Book Volume 1. You can try to visit the north house, this is where Pilika lives but she isnt home. Sometimes shes here already but if not go to the Warriors Fort and rest and then come back, that should do it. Pilika and her family took Jowy in when he fell off the cliff. Pilika now wants to get a Wooden Amulet. Go west out of Toto and then northwest to Muse City. This city is huge, you may want to use the rune shop. West in Muse leads to the item shop with the Wooden Amulet for 500 potch. Buy it and return to Toto to see it is burned down. Pilika will be the only one alive, crying for a bit. Then Apple walks in, the same Apple from Suikoden I. Youll exit Toto but go right back in to recruit Hanna.

Hurry back to Viktors Fortress. Apple, Flik and Viktor reunite and talk about Matthiu from Suikoden I and the Toran Republic. After that scene Jowy and Riou will be downstairs with Pilika pondering the future. Leona requests their presence above. Flik and Viktor want you to go to the forest in Ryube and recruit Tsai to use the fire spears and youre given 2000 potch for this. Ryube In ryube go to the forest and take the northwest path through where you got Shiro and Kinnison. Take the left fork for a Gauntlet and Leather Cape and east to Tsais place. After talking hell help you for free and then you can leave. Back in Ryube, highland will be slaughtering the villagers. Luca Blight is a pretty sick guy.

Viktors Fort
Return to Viktors Fort and challenge Flik to a duel so that you can fight along side

them. You dont need to defeat him, just hit him a few times to show you are a formidable opponent. Downstairs youll be talking to Jowy about the company name, so choose one. Pohl will start screaming shortly after and highland is here. Outside for some talking and then a battle commences. Just use the Fire Spear here in your first battle, against Solon Jhee, Seed and Culgan. Should be an easy victory and they will retreat. Unfortunately Kiba and Solon Jhee are here to battle you. Luca Blight will send his army right afterwards and you will be in a bad way. Inside the fortress Jowy and Riou will want to find Pilika. So go inside through the front and go upstairs into the main room, using the Buddy Attack on the highlands to get by. Watch in the command room at Pohl gets sliced by Luca, and then some scenes with Pilika and Luca saying some things that turn out to be ironic much later on. You are saved by Flik and Viktor and then are to go to Muse. Your party is comprised of a random assortment of the characters youve recruited so far. If you get a grouping you dont like, you can keep reset and reloading your quest (save before the 2nd fight at Viktors Fort). (Millie, Gengen and Kinnison are particularly pathetic, while some of the more desirable characters include Shiro (especially with a Double Beat Rune), Zamza (for his magic ability) and Mukumuku (a personal favorite with decent attack power).

Head to Toto and youll be in a shrine. Leknaat appears and Jowy and Riou acquired the Black Sword Rune and Bright Shield Rune respectively. You can go to Coronet to get level 5 weapons or to Muse to find out you cant get in. Backtrack to the White Deer Inn.

White Deer Inn

Youve probably seen this before, southeast of Muse. Go inside for some scenes with Alex and Hilda, and then the next morning Alex makes a proposal and you can go in Muse afterwards. First you must help him hunt down Sindar Treasure. Go east and north to get there after he joins, hell open it all up for you.

Sindar Ruins
Go west at the fork for a Stone of Magic and Mega Medicine, and then take the other path and go north. The enemies here are tough just for reference, youll soon find out yourself. Take the first east path and then south for an Angry Blow spell. Return back and go north and east

to continue onward. Take the north path for a Gauntlet and then south, west, and north under the bridge into a new area. Youll see a door you cant open so go past it and move the statue into its proper place. This opens a door leading to a Shoulder Pads and a Round iron plate. Use the Round plate at the door you saw that was closed and itll open. You are now in a room with a two headed snake statue. Go left all the way across the bridge to get to a half shut door that you can walk through, leading to a Fire Lizard Crystal. Return back to the previous chamber and go north to get the Triangle Plate. Return to the central area with the snake and go north and then east to put the Triangle Plate in. You just stopped the water. Go straight north from the previous intersection and youll get a Chain Mail. Return south a little and go west and south now that the path is opened up. Go south all the way until you see a treasure on a ramp to your left. It is a Water Rune. Return north and take the next west for the square plate! Return back and go all the way north as the other west paths lead to dead ends. Return to the first snake statue and go east to get a bunch of goodies. Actually just Old Book Volume 2 and the Magic Drain crystal. Go back to the first snake statue and go north and then west to get to the Save Point. Rest up and equip the best stuff you have, a boss battle looms.

The Double Head is not easy. Use the Black Sword Rune specifically Piercing One. Continue to use your best spells and hopefully you equipped healing items. Great Blessing does a good job of this too. Just keep at it and Double Head will go down and you can continue north for your treasure. A Spark Rune is your reward for the battle. Use an Escape Talisman to get out, if you have one. Alex will discard the healing herb from sindar ruins. Back at the White Deer Inn, Hilda will be sick. When you get a chance go get the Healing Herbs Alex discarded and this will heal Hilda. All is well now and you get Alexs Muse pass.

As you go to Muse youll have to make up a story to get in. It doesnt work. But you are bailed out but your buddies Flik and Viktor. At least you got in Muse. Go to Leona to dump off Pilika and then go to the northeast to meet Elza. Shell give you two packages and then Clive comes by. Tell him you havent seen her and then return to the front of Muse to give her the packages back, and she gives you Sound Set #1. They run out of there and there isnt anything you can do with them for later. The Clive / Elza sidequest needs to be completed within 20 hours, which means you basically have to beat the game in 20 hours by speeding through everything. More on this quest later.

Go to the town hall now so Viktor can show you to Anabelle. Go east and north to talk to Jess afterwards about sneaking into highland. Search the northeast shelf for ? book and then go to the bar. Buy some antitoxin and come back. Anita is here and she wants you to do random things for her. After you do one thing you have to exit Muse and come back to do another. After three or four shell join you. You can do this now or much later, so just get this out of the way now, shes pretty good. Tuta is outside and north of the Inn, talk to him to recruit him and meet Huan. Talk to Huan a few times to get recipe 3. Note that at this point, you can go through Toto and back to Viktors Mercenary Fort for another recruit. You will see Templton being ushered out of Viktors Fort, and then go to Toto. As you head north through the village take the second left to see Templeton looking at a burned down house. Templton joins your army and hands you the Suiko Map. Leave and go north to the Muse / Matilda gate and then youll get to go east through the forest. Generally you head north to get to the enemy camp but if you go directly east for a while youll get a Circuret. Before camp Jowy and Riou change to highland clothes. Go to the northeast to look at the provisions, and then when Rowd sees you go get the Fire Sealing Crystal to the east and then run into Jillias tent. After some scenes youll leave but Rowd

will have been waiting. Just keeping killing highlanders until Jowy tells you to run, so do so. Youll have to fight more battles with your other party members, so do that and keep running. Back in Muse go to the north building to see Jess but hes busy so go to the Inn. Back to Jess and Anabelles building and Viktor breaks in and confronts Jess. Back at the Inn Nanami chooses to wait outside. Go talk to her and then go back to the Inn. Jowy will come back at night time. Strange. The next day go to the Jowston Hilltop Conference and Flik gets you in. Youll meet all the big shots from the City State like Gorudo from Matilda, Teresa from Greenhill, Makai from Two Rivers and a few more. They are all in disagreement but theyll hear that highland is coming to attack Muse right this minute.

Muse War Battle

Anabelle asks Viktor to spare a few days to hold the highlanders back. Talk to Viktor and the battle starts. Do some damage to Gilbert and hell join you (its likely

Flik will do it with Fire Spear). This battle will go on for quite a while, and youll get Miklotovs help until Camus tells him to retreat. Talk to Nanami at night and Jowy will be talking to Kage in the other room. The next day go to Anabelle. Talk to her for a sec and then return to the Inn. Speak with Nanami and then go to the city building to see Jowy and Kage talking outside. Talk to Jowy about it and then itll be nighttime. Viktor and Anabelle will share a drink for a bit. When you regain control take Nanami and Riou to Anabelles but youll find Jowy beat you to the punch. Youre going to see somethinginteresting here, with Jowy and Anabelle. After these dramatic scenes go to the Inn to get Pilika. Get Pilika there and Leona will tell you to go south to Coronet and eventually South Window.

Youll be very close to this town. Go to the southwest part of it to try to get on a boat, to no avail. Return to the top part of the Inn to meet Rina, Eilie and Bolgan again.

Suiko II 2 South Window Kuskus

You meet the circus people after you go to the port and return to the top part of the Inn. Then go to the southeast part of town to a hut where Sheena bursts out. Go in and agree to gamble playing dice with Tai Ho while Yam Koo looks on. Go to the bottom part of the Inn to get the circus people. Sheena misses the trip to Kuskus. Youll see ship travel, how exciting right? In Kuskus you can upgrade your weapons to level six but not much else

to do so go straight south to South Window.

South Window
Go here and Viktor will see you immediately. After speaking with him, go left and talk to the shrouded figure, Clive, but he needs a way to Lakewest. Go to the Inn and get Flik and Viktor to join, and then go northeast to the South Window City Hall. Lord Granmeyer of South Window wants you to go to North Window with Freed Y and investigate. North Window is northwest of South Window, so go to the Inn and itll be you, Nanami, Viktor, Freed Y and Eilie.

North Window
Youll meet a familiar face as you get here. Neclord is alive and well, and if you fight him hell wipe you out. Youll need to get the Star Dragon Sword from the Cave of Wind to the south.

Cave of the Wind

Save and Viktor destroys the boulders. Just go north and

follow east as it wraps around to the second area. In the next area continue to the northeast to exit out. Follow the third area to the east and then itll go north and wrap around with several ways to go. Take the northwestern most for a small area with a Sun Badge, then take the southwest exit to continue west for a screen or so. Youll be at another east / west split. Take the west path for a Fish Badge and then the east one through a few areas. Continue east and then take the northwest path first that leads to a Fire Wall item. Go back east and then northeast until you get to some boulders, which you should push aside so you can go west. Here youll see youll have to push boulders to block the air that pushes you into the pit. Do this simply in the first room. Its a little harder in the second room but not too difficult. In the third try to get to the very northwest part with 3000 potch, Medicine and the valuable Blue Gate Rune as three treasures. Talk to the old guy if you want to go back, but refuse his offer. Let the wind take you south and then held left so that you can get in the lower west alcove. Youll get to a split as you go southwest so take the lower path and then take the west path that gets to a three way. Take the west for a Half Helmet. The south has a Stone of Defense and the northwest leads to an area with Kahn, a crafty fighter and good mage with his Resurrection Rune.

Just continue to take this path north and east. Youll get to the Star Dragon Sword, but youll have to fight it! Use Kahns Charm Arrow for heavy damage but otherwise attack and use your Family Attack. With Rious Bright Shield Rune you should have enough healing methods, and I usually give Nanami a water rune early on for healing purposes as well. Youll gain a few levels but gain nothing from this battle other than the sword itself for Viktor.

North Window
You may wish to go to South Window to rest and then go here. Go all the way north to enter a building and hear vampiric organ music. Go east and grab the Fire Rune, then go west at that split. Go west a bit and youll be at a much bigger room, go south and grab the Magic Def Stone. Continue west until you get to a boulder room. First, go to the left boulder that is on the floor switch. Move it off the switch, and the center room opens go through for a valuable Darkness Rune. Now return

and push the boulder on the obvious spot on the floor in the center, and take the exit to another room with torchs. From the top, you will see three lit candles, an unlit one, and then a lit one (going left to right). Copy this same exact sequence on the bottom row of candles, and go through the center door that opened for a Blue Ribbon. Return and light the one in the row that isnt lit on the top to continue. Youll end up going east to a new building and then up a pair of stairs. Dont go up the next pair but go east for a Necklace and Chain Mail, then go north up the stairs. Youll make your way to Neclord. Hes not ready to die so he brings daisy alive to taunt viktor. Neclord leaves you with Abomination. Use your best magic on him, he is weak against Holy magic so the Resurrection Rune and especially Charm Arrow can hurt this guy bad. Use Kahns Scolding tactics after that. He does have a lot of HP and his magic attacks can be brutal. It is much better if he just does physical attacks on you. You get 10,000 Potch for your work. Go south out of North Window and your fellow army members will come up. Seems that South Window has been taken over by highland and Lord Granmeyers head has been taken by Solon Jhee. Choose there must be a way, and then Apple talks about Shu from Radat, a pupil of Mathius that is adept at strategy. Choose your party and you are on your way.

Save on your way out. Radat is to the far east, east of South Window even.

Oh, if you missed Templton earlier, you can recruit her now too. Just walk all the way east through Radat. On the world map, go northeast to the Mercenary Fortress where Templton will be getting kicked out. Now leave and go to Toto and go north past the first house and west to recruit Templton. Templton gives you the Suiko Map. Return to Radat now. Go west past the bridge and grassy area and then go north to Shus House. He is stubborn and wont join. Leave and go to the bar. Talk to the owner up at the top for Recipe # 14 and then leave, as Shu will bump into you. He still wont join you. Go south out of the bar and talk to Richmond. He can help you, he says. Give him 1500 Potch and go to the Inn to rest. Hell return and say Shu will be at the port tomorrow night, so youll plan to meet him then. When you do meet Shu hell throw a gold coin in the lake and youll have to find it to get him to join. First, save at the Inn and then talk to the guy by the Sluice Gate on the bridge. Ask him to close it and hell get Amada to come out and he wants to duel you. Its not a hard duel, just make sure you save beforehand in case. After the defeat hell close the sluice gate. Go down and then east to the dock to start searching. Itll seem hopeless until

Richmond throws an identical coin into the lake and Riou finds it. Shu is there watching and he joins. After seeing the coin he also sees Rious Rune and knows that the City State has a chance to win the war. Time to defend against Solon Jhee.

North Window
Back here, go save and then go to the conference room south of the Save Crystal. Shu shows up and is cocky about defeating Highland. He asks Riou to be the leading unit against Solon Jhee.

War Battle Solon Jhee in North Window

Solon Jhee clearly underestimates your army. After a turn Rious unit will appear and you should work your way towards Solon Jhee of course. Once you attack him the South Window units will betray Highland and join you. Just keep attacking Solon and you should be able to take him down a bit, if he gets a hit on you be sure to Repair Self or use the Bright Shield Rune to heal. After six or seven turns

Solon Jhee will turn and retreat!Riou returns to North Window with celebrity status. Shu just goes out and says that with that Bright Shield Rune and the relation to Genkaku, Riou must be the leader that takes over the City-State. You dont have to decide now, and soon itll be night time. Go to the bar to listen to Viktors story about Genkaku and his past with the City State. The next morning go to the meeting room to tell Shu you will be the leader. After some talking Huan comes in and you recruit Huan the doctor. Then you get to name the castle. Leknaat appears and entrusts Luc to you. He was a weak character in the first Suikoden but he is an absolutely brilliant magician in this one. When you regain control go to the southeast part of the castle as if you were leaving. Youll bump into Fitcher who is looking for Riou but doesnt believe you. Go to the meeting room and it turns out he wants you to ally with the Two River City. Cant get there without out a boat. Actually you have boats, you just need someone to command one. Bring Freed Y. Then go to Radat.

Radat With Freed Y you can recruit Yoshino in the southeast part of town. Talk to Richmond to play the coin game with him, but you cant win. Go to the tavern and talk to the guy directly to your west who gives you a coin, and then return to Richmond.This time you can recruit Richmond. Youll notice Lebrante in the appraisal shop. If you find a Celadon Urn in battle or at a traders market, you can give it to him and he will join you. For now you probably dont have one so just go to Amada by the bridge. Another duel with Amada. He was very aggressive with me, using Wild Attacks each time. Either way, hes rather predictable and afterwards he joins you. Leave towards South Window.

South Window
Go to the Inn and to the second floor. Alex and Hilda will join, being item shop salesman and Inn mistress respectively. Adlai is here, in the building north of the Armor Shop. Hell join you if you give him a Sacrificial Jizo, Wooden Shield, and the throw a Wind Crystal at him.

He is the elevator guy. If you dont have Bolgans Sacrifical Jizo it may take a while to recruit Adlai.

Go to the northeast part to speak with Tai Ho and Yam Koo. Youll have to win 5000 Potch from Tai Ho in Chinchinorin. Make sure you save before you do this so he doesnt steal tons of potch from you. Tai Ho and Yam Koo are recruited and you have two characters who can man a boat now. Back at North Window bring one of the boat characters. You can now go to Lakewest so go to the basement and follow the anchor sign. As you go northwest to Lakewest, Fitcher will depart and give you his Reference Letter. Go to the northwest hut and talk to Taki four times and she can be recruited. If you lost Bolgans Sacrificial Jizo then you can buy one at the item shop here.

Bring a party full of females with Riou. Nanami, Yoshino, Millie, Anita, and Rina would work. If you have talked to the old lady just to the left as you enter town, she will have mentioned scoundrels around Kuskus. Well, with that party full of females head to the west part of Kuskus to see a group of guys. They knock Riou out. But Oulan saves you. Shes a bodyguard type and youll be glad to have her on your side.

South Window

Talk to Clive. You can take him to Lakewest now. Talk to Adlai with the Sacrificial Jizo if you havent already (Clive has one). Then buy a Wooden Shield south in the armor shop and talk to him. Then bring a Wind Crystal from the Rune Shop and throw it at him and he will join. You will be teleported back to North Window and hell show you the elevators. Bring Clive to Lakewest. Go to the Inn and talk to the green clad guy by the Innkeeper. Hes got a letter from Elza, saying shes in the Forest Village west of Greenhill. Well deal with this later, you might want to keep using Clive since hes a good shooter. Shilo here wont join you so go west to Two Rivers.

Two Rivers City

As you enter Two Rivers, Chaco will steal Rious wallet. Talk to Hans on the top floor of the Inn and you can make him give you money to join. The more money the longer it takes but I usually ask for the highest amount and get him later on. Leave and try to enter the main building, but Chaco stole your wallet with the

reference letter inside so they wont let you in. Youll see Chaco running west of you so follow him. What an annoying little bastard. Chase him around but to no avail, hell fly off. Return to Two Rivers and youll see Ridley about to whip Fitcher. Riou will run in and show his bright shield rune, and then youll talk to Ridley and Makai of two rivers. Go to the New Leaf Inn now. Talk to the Innkeeper and Fitcher will leave. Go upstairs and youll see Chaco, who flies away. Go to the meeting hall in Two Rivers and Ridley seems to be perturbed. Leave and go talk to Ridley at the kobold settlement. To get there, go northwest of Chacos winged creature village. The kobolds wont let you in and when you leave, Chaco will rob Fitcher.

Two Rivers Sewer

Chase Chaco into the sewer. Go east across the bridge at the fork and then grab the Head Gear you see. Then go east and north for a Resurrection Rune and southwest to continue. You

can go west through a waterfall type area, after you climb down the ladder, but this leads to a character you cant do anything with right now. Continue south instead for a long while until you see a Healing Wind treasure. Go west and youll be at an intersection, go north for a Stone of Defense and a valuable Fire Emblem (strength+15!). Follow the straight forward path west and then north to exit out to the next area. Save when you see it, rest up, and head inside the door. You will see a big hedge hog, a Pest Rat in fact. Use your best magic spells on it. What you use depends on who you brought with but use Rious Bright Shield Rune to heal and Nanamis Water Rune for the same reason. The Pest Rat has regular physical attacks that are easily dodgeable, but he attacks twice per round. He also has a boulder attack that does 100 on everyone. He gives 10,000 potch and a Poison Crystal. Youll end up in the Kobold section of Two Rivers. Ridley catches you and bitches you out, and then you are to leave the kobold area. Back in the human part of Two Rivers, Kiba and Klaus will be visiting Lord Makai of Two Rivers. A peace treaty it seems? Go to the city hall and Makai will talk of the peace treaty. Fitcher says hes getting reinforcements, and then Chaco speaks with you. Go to the main hut in his village and talk to Susu quick, and then Chaco taunts you again. Go to the New Leaf Inn and rest. The next morning, Kiba and Klaus of the highland

army will have lied and are attacking Two River. It seems Makai is another gullible and incompetent citystate governor. Fight a battle and then agree to talk to Ridley. Fitcher tries to convince him to fight, but the winged fighters join the fight in the mean time. Chaco wants to protect the town. Ridley eventually gives in and all three forces of Two Rivers have joined to fight Highland! Youll have to fight another highland battle and then the highlanders will retreat and concede defeat, as you have reinforcements coming. Meanwhile, Luca Blight will be pissed at this defeat. He sends Solon Jhee off to his execution, much to the dismay of the others around. Jowy steps up and takes the task of taking Greenhill for highland.

The next day, go to the city hall. Lord Makai and Ridley agree to aid your army, with Ridley joining the 108 Stars of destiny. Fitcher is fired by Makai, but so that he can join your army as well. Leave, and Chaco will be waiting. He joins and gives you your wallet and money back, but not Fitchers. They run off together. If you have Gengen along you can recruit

Gabocha in the first hut in the kobold section of Two Rivers.

Forest Village
With Clive along you can go northwest of Two Rivers until you reach Forest Village. He says Elza is here so head due north past the Traders Shop and youll see her or a girl that looks like Elza. Note that you have to get here within 12 hours. Seems Elza is in Matilda, we will check back on that later. Go to the building just south of that to meet Tony the farmer. You can recruit Tony by asking him to come to the castle.You should be able to recruit Wakaba by the Armor Shop in the southeast part of the village as well. For both of these characters, you may need to return to HQ and come back to Forest Village. I did at least (and I dont mean going back to HQ and reporting to Shu and taking on the Greenhill mission just go back to HQ and rest and return). In Lakewest before you go back, talk to Shilo. Hell challenge you to 5000 potch of Chinchirorin. Of course save before this to make sure you dont lose much. You can do the Hix / Tengaar sidequest but I save that until I have the Blinking Mirror and Viki.

North Window Headquarters

Return to North Window HQ. Go to the eastern part of it and then outside to meet Hai Yo. Hes the cook, you may

have to search a bit if you arent familiar with the castle. Go up to the meeting room and Shu will tell you to rest. The next day, return to the meeting room and Shu says that Jowy took Greenhill. You are to sneak in as students thus you can only bring along young characters. Choose your best (take Luc!).

Greenhill is northwest of Two Rivers and southeast of Forest Village. Youll sneak in successfully and then go north to see Nina. Continue north and talk to the desk clerk, Emilia. She will go north, so follow her and talk to her and youll see a scene with Shin. Return back to the desk and talk to Emilia and answer the first choice each time and shell be recruited. Leave and Flik will be taken away by Nina. Go west to the dorms and talk to the center clerk to get your rooms. Go upstairs and east and south to your rooms to rest for the night.

The next morning leave and Flik will be hounded by Nina. Go east and south to talk to

Emilia and then go south into town. Go to the entrance and then west to the Inn to see a ruckus. The highlanders are looking for Teresa also. Rowd seems to be here as well. Follow Shin back northeast to the academy after he disappears. Go back to your room and sleep. The next day go to the main academy and go west at the entrance to see Nina. Go south to get Flik and further south into town for another scene. Fitcher will be getting hounded by the citizens so Flik saves him. Back north at the academy, Nina chases Flik down and then you are to rest in your rooms. At night you hear some spooky stuff. Go to the top floor and move around, and itll go to the second floor. Move around and itll go to the first floor, and then to the basement. Search the light fixture on the north wall to open a path. Follow this and then go west when you can, and youll see the shadow. Your party rushes it, and its Flik. Go west and north and search the statue to open a path into the forest. Go right at the first fork you come across for Protect Mist, and then left to continue. Youll be going northwest a ways until you reach a house. Shin will prepare to fight you but Teresa and Pilika stop him. Teresa explains what happened to Greenhill, with the dwindling provisions. Teresa still wont join you, and youll wake up the next day ready to leave Greenhill. Rowd is out offering a 200,000 potch reward and highland citizenship for capturing Teresa. Jowy

comes out, and then Pilika rushes him. The highlanders are after you, as you go north towards the academy and Teresas. Use the secret path and fight the highlanders as you go. When you get to Teresas House youll see her, Shin and Nina. She wont come with but instead goes to highland to surrender. Hurry back to the academy and in front she is about to surrender, but Shin and your party doesnt let her. Fight a few highland battles and then youll regain control with Teresa in your party. Continue to go north through the forest. Shin will stop Rowd and the highlanders. Go north into the new area and then east, taking the lower path for Toe Shoes. Northeast from there is a Silver Hat and then youll be heading south. Grab the Chimera Crystal you easily see and then continue south. Soon youll be out, but not before seeing Jowy. Jowy lets you by and then Rowd confronts him. Seed and Culgan back up Jowy so Rowd is forced to be a lacky and return to Greenhill to quell the rebellion.

North Window Castle

Go to Two Rivers Rune Shop first to recruit Jeane. Return back to North Window Castle and the meeting spot to report to Shu. Shin and Nina and Fitcher will be following you. Go to bed at night and a scene will commence. Jowy asks Luca Blight for his reward to be marriage between him and Jillia. Back

in the meeting room Shu and Viktor propose going to Matilda to forge an alliance.

Suikoden II 2 Walkthrough Neclord Tinto

Bring Clive along with since his next stop is Matilda. You must get here under 14 hours, a pretty easy task. Since I havent recruited Sid or Gabocha, I brought Chaco and Gengen along respectively to recruit them. Along your way to Two Rivers, stop in the sewers

and go through that path that leads west and into a room where somebody sleeps. Youve seen this before but were scared off, if you have Chaco with youll recruit Sid here. In the Kobold Village, go in the first east hut with Gengen and you will recruit Gabocha. Out of the Kobold district and northeast to see Meg and Gadget being blocked by highlanders. Choose the first option a few times to recruit them, and then go to the north checkpoint.

Matilda Greenhill Border

Go north past the guards and talk to Badeaux. Cant recruit him yet so go east and north for a Guard Ring and then continue on north. Watch out for the Do Re Mi Elves around here. After a few screens north youll see a hidden path with a treasure, with is a Mega Medicine. Take the upper right path when you get a choice for a Dragon Armor, saving the southeast path for after that. This leads to Viki, and if you ask her to come with shell teleport you to your North Window Castle. If you choose not to go with her, just skip two paragraphs ahead. Now that you have Viki it will be more convenient for you to get recruits. Teleport to Radat and try to outrace Stallion. Youve probably ran from enough enemies at this point to beat him. If you are doing the Clive / Elza sidequest, he

can be a huge benefit for you. Back to the Forest Path after you found the Dragon Armor and Viki, youll be near the exit. As you pass the Matilda guards, Miklotov of the Blue Knights is here to greet you. He escorts you to the castle of Rockaxe.

Go north and talk to Gorudo. He treats you like a nobody. You can choose to take it or yell back at him. Choose to rest and at night Leknaat will visit Riou. The next day, Miklotov will be in a rush to Gorudo. Hell tell of highlanders near Matilda border, pursuing Muse refugees. You can join this battle but you might as well just watch the slaughtering as Gorudo does nothing. After you will see a furious Miklotov, and then Camus asks you to follow him to Muse to protect him. Go south through town and youll see Miklotov leaving. First though, some important matters. Head to the Inn with Clive and hell learn that Elza is in Radat Town now. Since

it hasnt been taken over by highland yet, you might as well run there with Stallion to reduce time, and shell be there for a shootoff with Clive. Clives gun Storm fails and he gets shot. You appear back at HQ with Huan looking over Clive. Hes okay thankfully, but you cant continue this story until you re-take the city of Muse. You can go to Muse now (if so, skip down to Muse below) or get some recruits. If you want recruits, keep reading.

Highway Village
Southeast of Rockaxe is the Highway Village. Go inside the inn and Futch will run past you. Go north and talk to Humphrey. More scenes follow. After this talk with Humphrey he pays for your Inn stay. As you leave youll see Kent run off to Rakutei Mountain, so go talk to Humphrey and say to go. Stay another night at the Inn and the next day you hear Kent didnt return. Take out two members and Humphrey and Futch will join as you are to go to Mt. Rakutei.

Mt. Rakutei

Go north and the Bright Shield Rune clears the fog. North for a few screens and then west for a Fur Cape. Back to the far east for a Thunder Runner and north to exit. Another east / west split, so go east for a Thunder Amulet, and then back west a few screens to the split and northwest to exit. Yet another split, so grab the Stone of Power to the west and east to exit. A bigger, more open area now. Take the north path and then directly east for 2000 Potch. Go north and west first for the Dragon Plans 2. Go south from here until you reach a wall and then go east and southeast to get the Unicorn Plans 2. Now work your way to a northeastern path for a Medicine Crystal. Before you go further northeast towards the boss, go back south from the Medicine Crystal and then east for a Skill Ring. Now go northeast towards the boss. Also there is a chance the Hawkman in the area drop the Turtle Plans 3. As you go north veer off to the west when you can, so that you can save quick. The boss is a Harpy. It has around 7500 hit points. Hopefully you saved most of your best rune spells. It will attack twice, mostly with physical attacks that make you unbalanced. Most generally have Nanami with Riou, so that leaves two open slots. Good magicians like Luc and Rina can just cast high level Lightning Spells until this thing is dead, while the front row characters absorb the punishment. Not a tough battle, but a long, grueling one. Enjoy the 40,000 Potch. A screen north and you see

the dragon Bright find a new master, Futch.

Bring Miklotov here now. Some strange things are going on around Muse. You see visions of the Beast Rune. Jowy seems indifferent towards Lucas perverse ways. The Muse people are going sacrificed at the hands of Luca so as to provoke the Beast Rune. Go northwest when you get in Muse to go to the Jowston Hilltop. Youll be stopped by highlanders and a muse citizen will tell you of the sacrifices. Fight a highland soldier battle and then retreat back to Matilda. Gorudo wont go along with Miklotovs feelings. Miklotov and Camus then abandon Gorudo and Matilda and join the Conewalk army. So do their soldiers. Camus stays behind and brings a ton of matilda friends with. Shu is here also. You appear at your North Windows Headquarters.

North Window Headquarters

Back at HQ you are told go get some rest. Go to your room and Pilika is there. At nighttime Luca is plotting with Jowy, and Jowy brings along Leon Silverburg. The next morning in the meeting room you learn Kiba took Radat (this is why you brought Clive here before that). Viktor wants to check it out, so put Stallion in your party and teleport to Radat. Agree to go in and then youll have a scene with Klaus if youre patient enough. Run back to headquarters. Save and go tell Shu its time for war. This is your first true battle so hopefully youve aligned your units usefully. I generally have Luc with the best attack bonus characters and have him dominate. For this particular battle though, Ridley will be upset that the kobolds are on the front line. After about three turns his troops will flee and Rowd will be more aggressive. As long as you didnt spread yourself too thin after Ridley leaves, you should be able to survive this. A few turns and your City State army flees, defeated because of Ridley fleeing. Back to your room to rest after a talk with Shu. Meanwhile, youll see Agares Blight for the first and last time in Suikoden II. He is poisoned, as Jowy goes along with it and poisons himself to make the plan work. Luca tries to reason to Jillia about killing Agares but she has none of it. Shilo wakes you up the next day, and at the meeting area itll be time for battle against Kiba again. Theyll be charging you, as they expect

an ambush but just plan on pushing through it anyway. Rowd stays back and continues to stay back in this battle. Your ambush parties are sprung rather early, but just start doing damage when they come out. The highland army will continue to push and itll look as though youre in trouble. Ridley and his kobolds will appear behind Kiba and will allow you to have them covered on both sides. Itll be easy to destroy Kibas sidekicks but his unit has a 16 defense. He takes three hits to defeat. Jeanes Lighting Rune can do one pretty easily, and then Ridley and Luc could probably do some damage too. Leon comes in after Kiba wonders about Rowd and the Fourth Company, and Leon tells Rowd to flee! Kiba is abandoned by Luca and you capture him and Klaus. After the battle make sure you choose the second option three times. After the third time, a city state soldier runs in to hand off a letter. Seems that Agares has been murdered by Luca, according to Klaus. They now know its time to join you. Kiba and Klaus are great war additions. Attempt to leave the North W indow HQ and youll bump into Sheena. Go back to the meeting room and youll be talking for a while, and Sheena comes in and talks about how his dad Lepant is the king of the Toran Republic. It is decided that Sheena and Freed Y will join you along the way.

Banner Village

This is where you must go to get to Toran. Freed Y wants to go to South Window first, so go to the northeast part and he has some memories of Granmeyer. Now go to Radat and talk to the guy in the southeast part of the port and youll be on a boat south to Banner Village. Buy a Rose Brooch if you see one in the rare section of the item shop. Otherwise, rest up and go north. Take the northwest path first for a Mega Medicine and east to exit. Next for you get to, go east for a Full Helmet and south to continue onwards. Youll see some ladders as you work your way north. Get the Stone of Luck from the left ladder and go up the right one for two more ladders. Go up the left one for yet two more. Go up the center one for a Wing Ornament and the left ladder for a Magic Ring. Backtrack now and take the far east ladder for a Poison Crystal and another ladder. Youre in a new area, where you should work your way east. It is a pretty straightforward route from the ladder until you reach a Save Point. Take the top path for a Silver Shield, the bottom for a Silverlet and the middle path to continue on. You will see the boss Worm ahead. It is rather tough depending on who you have with. High level spells are a quick way to whittle Worms 4500 or so HP down. 35,000 Potch is your reward.

Further north and east until you reach one of my favorite Suikoden I characters, Varkas. He is the border patrol and he brings you into Gregminster. You are to meet in the waiting room, the same waiting room that Teo and Tir McDohl waited in long ago. The maid will come get you soon. The talk with Lepant is kind of funny. Your first choice is Forging an State with you... Choose that of course. You now have an option of taking Valeria or Kasumi. I choose Kasumi because you can recruit the other ninjas faster. Valeria though is a better fighter. Lepant also gives you Sheena, and the most important item on the game, the Blinking Mirror! You can now teleport anywhere with Viki and use the Blinking Mirror to return to her, making character recruitment much faster. Youll be back on that path to Banner Village. Re-enter Greminster though as there are things to do. Go to the second floor of the Inn and get the Cyclone Rune from Suikoden I Sara. Lorelai is around town but you cannot

recruit her at this point. Buy a Flowing Rune from the rare buys at the rune shop. Their defensive gear is also pretty good. The trading shop probably has a Celadon Urn, and you need one of these to recruit Lebrante in Radat. As you return from Gregminster and make your way to Banner Village, youll be stopped by Ridley and Apple. Highland is on the attack, specifically Luca Blight and the White Wolves. Youll be back at base and told to go to the strategy room.

North Window Headquarters

Things sound bleak there. Rest and then talk to Nanami, and then go back to your bed. The next day in the meeting room, Ridley has been ambushed. Try your best to get him out of this, itll be tough. You need to move one of your units next to him to get him out. In the meeting room, youll be plotting with Shu. Go back to your room to rest and Tsai will run up and ask you to go to his house. Bring him with

to Ryube and his daughter Tomo will join at his house. Return back to your room and sleep. Ridley will be getting bitched at by Luca this night. Leon has a bright, young general that he has enlisted. The next day, save and talk to Shu to start the war. Kiba will draw Luca in and youll get a shot. Your troops appear, but shortly after Sasarai and Yuber appear as well. Luc will come in to use a powerful wind spell to hurt most of their reinforcements and cause Sasarai to retreat. Do your best to inflict damage on Luca, but its tough. If you cause some damage to him hell go insane and the battle will end, and if you dont do any damage youll be forced to withdraw. Ridley will be back thanks to Chaco (or the Rokkaku Ninjas if you have them). He has a note from Leon (if Ridley isnt around, Leon delivers it by himself). Turns out Luca will have a night raid tonight. Dont deploy unless you have several characters (I mean about 15-18) that are ready to deliver a high amount of damage. As many 100 + magic lightning Rune users that you can find. Banner Village is probably the best level up place you can find, up to the high 30s. For magicians, the obvious are Luc, Viki and Rina. Other lesser knowns but still close to 100 in magic at level 38, are Zamza, Nina, Millie and Flik. The Valeria / Anita combination is pretty good as well. Keep in mind you can

still sharpen your weapons to level 11 at Kuskus. Save and tell Shu its time to go. Choose your parties (Riou is last to fight him, Flik is 1st and Viktor is 2nd).

Luca Blight
The battles with Luca start soon. He is pretty much a monster. His defense and magic defense basically halve all of your attacks. He goes three times per round with devastating moves, whether they are the fire based ones or just a regular attack. Since Luca is bound to cut through your defenses so quickly dont be afraid to use your top level spells. You only need to do about 20003000 damage per party, and then hell flee to the next group. If he kills you, itll all be up to your later groups to make up for the HP you didnt take off on Luca. So the better you do earlier the easier for Riou later! Just keep dishing out high level Lightning rune magic and other rune magic, and hell eventually go down.

After these three party battles, youll follow Luca. Make sure Riou is healed up and has the best armor around for right now. You have to fight two groups of highlanders. As you continue north and see Luca, he opens a card and Pyreflies emerge, revealing Lucas position to the archers. He is shot down and so are his soldiers. However he manages to muster enough strength to get near enough to duel you, and I guess your other army members are just watching? Anyway Luca is a monster here as well regardless of the fact that he has about 1/5th of his HP, if that. Hes actually kind of hard to gauge as he sounds crazy with all of his quotes, so I tend to be overly passive against him and we had a few defend defend exchanges this time around. All you need is one good Wild Attack on him or one of his to fail and he should be gone. If he hits you once though its easy to panic and lose the whole damn thing. After Riou cuts Luca Blight down, Jowy and Leon seem pleased. Afterwards Riou passes out at the North Window HQ. Jowy and Jillia are married meanwhile, as Jowy has played the entire Blight family and theyre now out of power in Highland.

The next day, leave with Nanami out of the castle and she wants to go to Kuskus. Teleport there and go to the port to get Culgan. Bring him back to your castle, the meeting room. He has a formal request from Jowy for peace negotiations, and that they are to be conducted at the Jowston Hilltop. Bring a party and ship over to Coronet and then Muse. Of course its a trap and Jowy has archers on Riou. Viktor busts in and Pilika runs in also. She can talk now, and she stops Jowy from having Riou shot. Run down the hill and leave Muse. Back at home Shu will talk to you and Nanami quick and then youre on your own. If you got a Rose Brooch from Banner Village by now, go to the southwest shore of the Radat port to recruit Simone. At the bar is some guy named Hoi impersonating Riou. Youll get beat up when you stick up for him but he is recruited. Karen in Kuskus Inn will join you after a short dance routine. You have to memorize 8 buttons

basically. Go to South Window now and Max will join you just as you walk in. Go to the Inn and youll see Annallee get banished. Now go to the northeast part where the city hall is and youll see Annallee on the grass. Listen to her sing and then say you want to listen to her again. She will be recruited. See the red guy by the trade shop? Thats Killey and if you tell him that Alex knows about the Sindar hell walk off. Go back to the Inn / Item Shop at your North Window HQ and Killey will be there. Return back to South Window to recruit Killey. Go to the Forest Path with Shiro. Talk to Badeaux and this time hell hear a voice and will join you. He also gives you two listening crystals. At the Forest Village go to the second house on the left with a sound set and Connell will join you. Further north is Ayda and Feather. Youll have to fight three Griffin to save the two of them. An easy battle and they join afterwards. Talk to Wakaba in the south before you leave to get him to join you after you prove you are strong to him. In Lakewest talk to Hix and Tengaar. This quest is easy to do now. When they leave go south to Kobold Village and then to the chiefs hut. After some talk itll be night time and the next day it seems Tengaar has a curse of the unicorn. You have to get a Blue Stone at the South Window Item Shop so go there and do that. Back to the Kobold Village and deliver it, but you need the

Red Flower at the Cave of Wind. Return that and then last you need to go to the sewers to get the Green Bell. After this is returned you learn that Tengaar has been kidnapped and is in the Unicorn Woods. Go north to enter and take the west path first, and then hold east. The north path going east is a Necklace and the lower one leads to a big tree. Everyone is here, and then a Unicorn pops out. Hix protects Tengaar against it, and it disappears. Hix and Tengaar join you now. Talk to Yuzu who is now in town and she needs her sheep. After agreeing to help, go north and get the Mangosh hidden by the tree branch. Catch all three sheep, one may be hiding by the tree also. Tell her to come to your place and you will recruit Yuzu. Return back to the forest and get the lamb on the way back to that single tree. When you get to the tree use a listening crystal, your last one. Sigfried the unicorn appears and you can recruit it if you have a maiden (I had Wakaba). You can probably recruit Bob in the kobold part of Two Rivers so try to do so. If not youre getting close so check back soon. Thats enough recruiting so go to the front of your castle. Koyu is here and youll talk here and then in the meeting room. To Tinto you go, with Koyu and Viktor and Nanami along.

Drakemouth Village

This is a quiet village. Just go to the guard and youll get past with Koyus help. Go west along the path and then northeast when Koyu tells you to. Youll get to a west / east fork, so take the west one for the exit and the east for a Master Robe. After some talking with Gijimi you are to go to Tinto to ally with Gustav. For now go further down the path west and youll reach Tigermouth Village. Get out of here and then go west to Crom Village quick, and to the northeast house here. Tenkou is inside and if you have a Window Setting he will join you.

Rest up and go up the stairs to the state building. Talk to Raura outside to recruit her and then go in. Youll meet Gustav personally. After some talking youll fight together and then be shown your room. Take a nap and rest. The next morning youll see Klaus and Ridley, and then Lilly says the monsters are here. Sure enough its Neclord and his zombies. Theyre just here for a quick scare, and then they leave. Jess and Hauser are here and Jess claims Riou killed Anabelle. Those two leave and say theyre going to take care of the zombies themselves. Talk to Gustav some more about your strategy and itll be night. Go to bed after the scene with Jess. Leknaat wakes you up tonight. Now you talk to Nanami. At this point you can quit and get an alternate ending. Just choose the first

option and the game goes on. The next day Jess and Hauser are going to war with the muse troops. You wont be able to leave Tinto so go to the northeast part where the mine is. Go east when you can for a Cape of Darkness and then north for Neclord. He can handle you easily but the Bright Shield Rune protects you and allows you to escape. As you get out, Riou passes out and Nanami carries him away. Meanwhile, Jowy passes out. Pilika runs in and calls him Joei.

Crom Village
You wake up in Crom. Talk to Leona and put Wakaba in your party and then go to the Inn and a scene with L.C. Chan occurs. LC Chan then runs off and hides behind the item shop, so talk to him here and he joins. Try to leave Crom and youll run into your old buddy Kahn.

Tigermouth Village
You have to meet Kahns old buddy here. Its the weird girl Sierra that was sleeping in the inn. Shes being ridiculed right in the middle of town but she pulls out some magic. Challenge her to a fight and use your best stuff, she joins afterwards. She has a new rune, a great rune especially for a powerful magician like herself. Back in Crom Klaus and Sierra have a scene. Go to bed for the night and the next morning itll be time to go to the mines to the east. You are to sneak into Tinto this way. Conserve your MP, Ill say that right away.

Tinto Mines
Continue along and go right at the first intersection to a new screen, and then stay north at the next intersection. At a T go right for some Dancing Flames and west for a long route that will span a few screen lengths. A stone bridge in the middle of a water area, go east before you cross for a Full Helmet and Magic-Def Stone, and then take the upper left path to move on. Take the north path again when you get a chance and then stay north as it wraps northeast. Get the Master Garb and slide down. Further east and then youll wrap north to a new screen. Go left at the next T for a path that acts as a bridge and then wraps underneath two bridges going north for a Window Setting 5 and Old Book Volume 9. Go south, east and north up the ramp and along the bridge. Head right a few screens until you are allowed south. Grab the Silver Necklace and Mega Medicine. Go back up and right, and then fall down the far slide. Down the far right slide again and then all the way south down a slide

for a Double-Strike Crystal. Go left now and youll meet Mazus. You cant get him until you have about 100 characters so remember that hes one of the last. Go back to the northeast and up a few ramps to a Save Point. Fall down the far right slide for a Wind Hat, and then up and down a slide for a Star Earrings. Now go to the Save Point, Save, and slide down the middle slide to a new area. Push the crate in the crevace above and then go west, north and east across the crate and north until you reach a boss. Its the Stone Golem. Use some of your best magic but not all of it you still have another boss to fight with this amount of magic. It has 7000 HP but is weak against Thunder. 50,000 Potch is your reward, and keep going along now. The path is pretty linear just dont beat yourself up too much as you make your way to the elevators. Soon youll be back in Tinto.


Go south and take the elevator when you are in town. Fight the group of Zombies by the blacksmith and then go up the stairs, past the city council area and further north to the church. You will be asked if you want to go in. Confirm yes, as you cant leave Tinto right now. Inside is Neclord, Lilly and Lo Wen. Kahn and Sierra will have set Neclord up so that he cant use his powerful magic. Now its just time to kill him. Use the best magic you have he only has 4500 HP so his survival is gauged on whether or not you burnt all your magic out on the way here (like on the Stone Golem). Once his 4500 HP are up enjoy the show, as Viktor cuts him up for good after Neclord gives his Night Rune back to Sierra. You get 70,000 potch and The Shredding for your efforts. Before returning back to North Window HQ, go to the Tigermouth Path and take that southern path leading east as you enter. Youll meet Georg Prime and hell join you since you liberated Tinto. Back at HQ, put in a bunch of strong characters and teleport to South Window. Talk to Gantetsu, youve seen him before, but now you can push him far and recruit him. I left Tetsu in Lakewest for now. You need to be toasty to recruit him. Buy some Fried Tacos from the kobold settlement in Two Rivers, and then equip them on someone. Use them on Riou in battle until he starts smoking (or becomes toasty) and then Tetsu will join.

Suikoden 2 II Matilda LRenouille

North Window HQ
Now that Tinto is on your side go back and youll see Sheena by the elevator. Go to Shu and hell suggest taking Greenhill back to the city state side. Rest up in your room and at night go down the stairs and talk to Chaco. You can talk to the circus people downstairs too if you wish. Return to your room and an assassin, Lucia, will attack you. She can be defeated, but your friends will rush in before too long.

Back at headquarters youll have to deploy against Greenhill and put an army near Muse to stop the highlanders from helping. Riou can join either one or he can watch. You should have the idea with wars by now. The Yuber battle (taking Greenhill) is a bit more difficult and takes longer while the other one is quite simple.

After you win either battle youll end up here. Continue to go north up the trail and stick to the right to grab the Cape of Darkness and the Dream Robe. Go west all the way for a Stone of Skill and then the middle path to continue. Push past the highlanders that come past. Youll be at a familiar area now, when you escaped Greenhill. Soon youll see Lucia and a bunch of Karayan. Assuming you brought most of your best characters, this shouldnt be a problem. You have to fight another boss but you can rest beforehand so dump everything on Lucia. 33,000 Potch and another precious Blue Gate Rune are acquired from her. Do hurry along as Teresa suggests. As you path through the school you can rest with the girl on your right and save with the guy on your left. Two more highlander fights and then youll see Yuber. Great. He summons Bone Dragon. This is not an easy fight. Your lightning Runes are worthless here, your fire runes almost are. But, your Resurrection Runes are great. Kahn will do about 1250 per Charm Arrow. Careful though as Bone

Dragon has spells that absolutely maul your party. Luckily he goes once per turn. Still, 9,000 HP takes a while to kill. You get 100,000 potch!

North Window Headquarters and Muse

Apple will want to attack Muse right away, after hearing that Gorudo and Matilda surrendered to Highland. Youll end up in Greenhill and will be running around with Nanami, youll see Lucia as soon as you leave the dorm. Follow her north and through the forest to Jowy. After some talking youll have to run back to Apple and then start the war. Just go ahead and slaughter the Karayans. Once Lucia is gone the war is over and you can go in Muse. Choose a party that can handle a boss, and go in the city council building. Youll have to fight a Golden Wolf. Leave and Luc will say it is the Beast Rune. The highlanders then tried to surround you but you get away and are to rest. Before that, some recruits.

Greenhill City
Since youve recruited Annallee in South Window, go talk to Pico in the Inn. Hell join you once you tell him about Annallee. Go to Jude at the blacksmith part of the academy, and hell need some Clay. Teleport to the Forest Village and go to the northeast part (where the fake Elza was) and youll see a green robed guy who can get you some Clay. Bring this back to Jude and he is recruited. Teleport to Tinto and you can recruit Alberto at the Armor Shop. Put Viktor in your party and go to the blacksmith in Kuskus, and you can recruit Tessai. Make your way through Banner Village and eventually to Toran. Lorelai will definitely join you at this point, and then try to recruit Gordon. Youll need to do all sorts of trading (50,000 potch worth of profits). First of all, buy all the Ancient Texts he has and sell them off at the Forest Village. Do the same for Kobold Village Ancient Texts that you find, bring them to Forest Village. This should do the bulk of it. Otherwise, get Wide Urns from Forest Village / Kobold Village and sell them off at Crom. Or get Crystal Balls from Forest Village / Crom and sell them at the Kobold Village. Basically, you only have a few trading places open to you right now so figure out what is expensive / cheap where (or read above) and youll make 50,000 in no time. Go back to Gordon to recruit him. On your way back, you should have enough characters to recruit Mondo and Sasuke from Rokkaku, even if you didnt pick

Kasumi. If you picked her you could have gotten them much earlier. In Radat, bring Simone along and go to where you found him (her?). Vincent De Boule is there and he is recruited automatically thank god. Check the top of the Cave of Wind again and youll find Pesmurga, who is still looking for Yuber. He joins you in this hunt. Go to the Greenhill Academy blacksmith, near where you got Judo. Get the Silver Hammer from the student and give it to Tessai at your base. Now, sharpen Rious weapon to level 15 and then sale from your North Window HQ to Coronet. Recruit Genshu now that you have a level 15 weapon. Last but certainly not least, go to the Tinto Mines and travel through to Mazus. He should be your last recruit, the top magician. That should be all 108 Stars of Destiny for Suikoden II. North Windows Headquarters Go to Shus room and hell be talking with Kiba. After this, talk to Shu yourself and assemble in the meeting room. If you got all 108 Stars, Leknaat will come and break the level 4 seal on the Bright Shield Rune. Now it is time for war. Kiba takes a small attachment to the Mercenery Fortress so see him out and then prepare yourself. You have powerful new characters so utilize them in

these wars. Gorudo and Matilda are separated from Jowy and the others. Culgan will ambush you after a few turns. Continue to hang in there and use your runes if you need to heal. After a few more turns you have reinforcements of your own that show up and cause the enemy to flee. The reinforcements are.. Barbara, Leona, Alex and Hilda. Youll be back at Greenhill, resting. Choose your party and then say that youre ready to go. As you split up you hear that Kiba and Leon were mortally hurt.

You are in Rockaxe now and the enemy is going the other way. Enter this secret entryway. There are tough enemies around here, just to warn you. Go west for a Stone of Speed and then up the stairs. East for an Escape Talisman and west to continue up. When you get to a door, go up for a Stone of Defense and Crimson Cape. Back down and down the ladder, and then north through the door and north through another door and up a ladder.

Go east when you can and then north and east again. Grab the Earth Shield, and then go back west and down the ladder. Take the south route for Power Gloves and then back north and then east. Youll go through a few doors and will be outside. Go in through the main gates, and then enter the room that is north and then west a little. Kill the Matilda Knights for a Mega Medicine and the room over has a Gold Necklace. North of this is a Flame Helmet. Return south of the two rooms and then go west and north for a Matilda Knight battle, leading to the stairs. Go right on the second floor and then south to fight some Matilda Knights. Enter this room for Dragon Plans 4 and Unicorn Plans 4. Go up the stairs and save, hopefully making two saves because coming up is a very very important part.

Out on the balcony youll be fighting more Matilda Knights, continue left and then youll be at another stairway where your party will split up. Only Riou and Nanami will go to burn the flags. As you do this, you see Jowy. They talk for a while, and then Gorudo sneaks up

on them with archers. Nanami fights them off but she gets hit eventually. If you hit one of the options for Riou within half a second, Nanami will get hit still but will be alive later with the best ending. If you didnt know whether you got that off in time, then thats why you should make separate saves. Either way its Jowy and Riou against Gorudo and five matilda knights. An easy, easy battle. Use Jowys level 4 Black Sword Rune spell, its a nice one, that Hungry Friend. You get 125,000 Potch and Knight Armor for this battle. Gorudo dies after this battle. Nanami passes out also. Shu comes along and dispatches someone else to burn the flag. The highland flag is burnt and replaced with a state flag. It seems Huan cant save Nanami. He does ask to speak with Shu about the matter in private (this is if you succeed in saving her). After this you wake up in your bed. Go to Shu and proclaim that it is time to attack highland at LRenouille. As you leave Riou will pass out and Freed Y will see him. Jowy passes out during a ceremony of his own. At night when you gain control, go to the third floor to see Apple and Shu talk. Go back to your room and rest. Another gathering in the meeting room and your army will be marching out in full force to L Renouille.

LRenouille War Battle

Your party splits up and Viktor is the protector of Shu it seems. Now it is a battle with Shu and Viktors unit against Seed, Culgan and Leon. They rush Shu, but he burns the forest that he is sitting in. He has highland flanked now. Apple thinks Shu is dead, but Shu and Viktor turn up. You can rest with Hilda and save. Re-arrange your units if you want and then its time to take L Renouille. The computer just rests on its laurels here so move your units as close as youd like, picking away with your highattack magician units. As you get near L Renouille, Yuber will flee since he doesnt really care what happens. Luc and Mazus can just pick off the Karayans and weak highland units. Once you open up a path, all you have to do is move any unit inside LRenouille. You can continue to kill the enemy generals but its a waste of your time, really. After the war is over, choose your party and you can go inside. Pick Clive as one of your members (as long as you are

under 20 hours). and bring him to Muse City. Elza is at the Jowston Hilltop. Storm still wont shoot for Clive. Teleport to L Renouille and then travel northwest of there to Sajah Village. One more showdown with Clive and Elza. Elza gives Clive the choice of guild trust (Stern / Star) or guild betrayal (Mond / Moon). He chooses trust in the guild, and he kills Elza. After all of this, he gets sad and wishes he didnt kill her. If you did this sidequest and recruited all 108 Characters of Destiny then good for you, its probably the hardest Suikoden sidequest you can do. Most importantly you dont have to race everywhere you go or be 100% efficient with your time.

Before LRenouille
If you go back to Muse, you can get some things. For example, a Silver Armor from the armor shop clerk, the Old Book Vol. 12 from an inn habitant, and a Flowing Rune from the rune shop resident. The Crom village elder has a Sunbeam Crystal. In Tinto you can get the Dragon and Unicorn Plans #3 in the southeast section of town. Gustav has a Mother Earth Rune, and then he and Lilly say untranslated things to you. In Rokkaku you can get Sound Setting #6 and a Piglet in the Trade Center. There is a guy with a Blinking Crystal outside Hanzos hamlet. Gregminster has a Copper Hammer and Old Book Vol 7 in the first castle area.

Rest and save and enter LRenouille. I generally take Flik, Viktor, Mazus, Luc and Rina along with here. Thats entirely up to you and that party just listed makes it a little too easy. Enter and you will fight a battle against Lucia by herself, and she spams fire rune on you (3 attacks per round). 50,000 potch is your reward. Lucia will try to kill Teresa, but Teresas trust in Lucia makes Lucia not do this and Lucia stands down. If you take the left path and then up, youll reach a side route that leads to a Fury Crystal. Grab this and return back to the original area and go to the right side and do this and there will be a Bolt of Wrath and a Robe of Mist. Go north after either of these side paths. Expect highlanders around these parts, but youre fighting them in random battles anyways. Youll eventually circle around and meet up with Han, Genkakus old buddy. This is your last duel, and with a powered up Riou it tends to be an easy one.

Continue your way north a bit and then wrap around south for a while. The west path is blocked here. Take the east path and if you go north eventually youll get to some stairs and a floor with green tiles which lead to a storage room north that has a Stone of Power and Stone of Defense. If you take a left at this T split youll get some more highlanders and then a larger room with the Champions Crystal and Wind Amulet. Back at that fourway after Han, go south a screen. Continue south until you get to some highlanders and then work your way west and north, further in LRenouille. There are only a few doors around here that are open so its more linear than youd think. You have to keep going north until you see stairs. When you get to the green tile and lighter colored walls, work your way inside. There are a lot of deadend rooms but eventually to the southwest is an exit to the outside. More locked doors so just continue the way that you can and fight the highlanders. Youll get to an area with some open doors,one leading to a save crystal. The other is an Escape Talisman, and then if you continue that way and then south through another courtyard type area, youll get a Goldlet. North from here now and then it wraps around south, so grab the Window Set #7. If you go south when you get the chance as you go west, youll go to the sacrifice area. Nothing is here so go north

for a save crystal that heals you.

Seed and Culgan greet you here. This is a tough boss battle. They each have around 4000 HP so gang up on one until that one is gone. Expend all of your spells, there is the healing save crystal behind you. Forgiver Sign, Thor Shot, Thunder Storm, Shining Wind, and more rune spells like that. Seed can use the Water Rune spell to stop magic for a few turns so prepare to attack and heal with items if thats the case. Youll see a scene with Pilika, Jillia and Jowy Blight. Its not too late to run back and Save.

Beast Rune Leon Silverburg

If you continue past the save point youll reach Leon Silverburg. He cuts himself on the Beast Rune, provoking it. This is your last battle. Good luck. Youll want to work on the legs first. The Beast Rune will attack several times per round, likely three. Itll use a

weirdThe right leg can revive and the left can use status ailments on you. Because of this, they should be your first targets. Lightning Magic is pretty poor against this enemy. Blue Gate Rune might be your best bet. If you have Mazus and Luc you can use the third level Blue Gate spell to do massive damage. Youll need a few characters with healing ready, hopefully with a Flowing Rune and Bright Shield Rune. With the Blue Gate Rune strategy, the heads and rune should die at about the same time while your physical attackers were spending time on Beast Rune legs. After the battle you gain several levels, to the mid60s, 200,000 potch and then its over. Go to the throne room, but itll be empty and you are forced to flee as LRenouille is about to be destroyed.

North Window HQ
What ending you get depends on what you do here. You can go to the main hall and accept your leadership position, or you can turn it down. Remember

Jowy saying to go back to the pass where you two left your mark on the stone? Teleport to Kyaro Town and walk northwest to Tenzan Pass. Youll recognize this place. Just head west, and youll see where the old unicorn brigade camp was. Then youll see Jowy by the spot you two promised to meet. Choose the second option when youre given one. A duel ensues. You can defeat him if you want or just defend for three turns and Jowy will talk some more, choose the first answer. Another duel, just keep defending. If you continue to defend and then say you wont take the rune from him, eventually he falls down and is about to die.

Leknaat teleports in and heals him with the power of the rune. Jowy and Riou decide to go on a journey and start over. As they leave, Shu comes by. Hes sad Riou is leaving but understands, and lets him know the truth about the Nanami incident (assuming you saved her!). Jowy and Riou then go off to Kyaro and see Nanami at Genkakus house. The three then go on a journey, stopping by to see Jillia Blight and Pilika in Harmonia. This is the toughest but probably most rewarding ending. You then see the fate of the 108 Stars of Destiny and then the Suikoden II 2 Credits.

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