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IC 1252






1.TRANSFER FUNCTION OF ARMATURE CONTROLLED DC MOTOR AIM : To derive the transfer function of armature controlled DC motor. APPARATUS RE&UIRED: S.NO ! % THEORY: &n armature controlled DC motor' the desired s(eed is o)tained )* var*in+ armature ,olta+e and -ee(in+ field current is constant. .e -no/ that E) 0 (1n 2 345A 6rom a)ove e7uation DC motor s(eed is directl* (ro(ortional to the armature volta+e. 8et Ra 0 Armature Resistance 8a 0 Armature &nductance E) 0 9ac- emf &a 0 Armature current T 0 Tor7ue develo(ed in the motor : 0 "oment of inertia 9 0 Dash(ot 0 An+ular Dis(lacement #t 0 Tor7ue constant #) 0 9ac- emf constant 6rom e7uivalent circuit Differential e7uation of e7uivalent circuit can )e /ritten as Ra ia ;8a dia2dt ; e) 0 ,a <<<<<<<<<<<<<<... ! Differential e7uation of mechanical s*stem can )e /ritten as : d% 2dt% ; 9 d 2 dt 0 T<<<<<<<<<<<<. % Tor7ue is directl* (ro(ortional to the armature current T &a ' T &a T 0 #t &a<<<<<<<<<<.. = "otor )ac- emf is directl* (ro(ortional to the s(eed >An+ular velocit* ? E) 0 #) d 2 dt <<<<<<<.. <<<<<<<<.. @ Ta-in+ la(lace transform froom e7u ! ' % A = Ra&a>s? ; 8as&a>s? ; E)>s? 0 ,a>s? <<<<<<<<.. B :s%>s? ; 9s>s? 0 T > s?<<<<<<<<<< 3 APPARATUS DC Servo "otor #it "otor RANGE $ $ QT ! !

T>s? 0 #ts&a>s?<<<<<<<<<<<<<<. E)>s? 0 #)s>s?<<<<<<<<<<<<<... E7uatin+ e7uation 3 A C #ts&a>s? 0 :s%>s? ; 9s>s? &a>s? 0 :s%>s? ; 9s>s? 2 #ts <<<<<<. E E7uation D A E values su)stitute in e7u B > Ra ; 8as?&a>s? ; E)>s? 0 ,a>s? > Ra ; 8as? :s%>s? ; 9s>s? 2 #ts ; #)s>s? 0 ,a>s? >s ?[> Ra ; 8as? :s%? ; 9s ; #)s ] 2 #ts 0 ,a>s? >s ? #ts 0 ,a>s? [> Ra ; 8as? :s%? ; >9 ; #))s ] P'()*!+'* F(' C,-)+-,$. / R, , ! L,: !. %. =. @. B. 3. C. D. E.


&nitiall* -ee( all s/itches in off (osition. &nitiall* -ee( volta+e adFustment POT>variac? in minimum (osition. &nitiall* -ee( armature and field volta+e adFustment POT >variac? in minimum (osition. Connect the -it armature out(ut A and AA to motot armature terminal A and AA res(ectivel*. S/itch on the (o/er s/itch and SPST s/itch >S!?. Shaft should not rotate /hen a((l*in+ the DC in(ut volta+e. No/ note do/n the armature current for various armature volta+e.Calculate Resistance Ra. Shaft should not rotate /hen a((l*in+ the AC in(ut volta+e. No/ note do/n the AC current for various AC volta+e. Calculate inductance 8a.

P'()*!+'* F(' C,-)+-,$. / B,)0 E12 3K45: !4. &nitiall* -ee( all s/itches in off (osition. !!. &nitiall* -ee( volta+e adFustment POT >variac? in minimum (osition. !%. &nitiall* -ee( armature and field volta+e adFustment POT >variac? in minimum (osition. !=. Connect the -it armature out(ut A and AA to motor armature terminal A and AA res(ectivel*. !@. Connect the -it field out(ut 6and 66 to motor field terminal 6 and 66 res(ectivel*. !B. S/itch on the (o/er s/itch and SPST s/itch S! and S%. !3. Set the field volta+e at rated value.AdFust the ,a and note do/n &a and S(eed for various ,a.Plot the +ra(h. P'()*!+'* F(' C,-)+-,$. / A'1,$+'* T('6+* )( s$, $: !C.A((l* the ,a till the motor run at rated s(eed and a((l* load )* ti+htenin+. !D.Note do/n the ,a '&a and s(rin+ )alance readin+ and (lot the +ra(h and calculate tor7ue constant from the +ra(h.

TABULAR COLUMN : 3 I 5 T( 2. ! R, : Armature current > &a? Armature volta+e > ,a? Armature Resistance > Ra?

3II5 T( 2. ! L,: Armature current > &a? Armature Armature Armature volta+e &m(edence Reactance > ,a? Ga0,a2&a Ha0I> Ga%$Ra%? Armature &nductance 8a0 Ha2% f

3 III 5 T( 2. ! K4 Armature current

Armature volta+e

S(eed >N?

E) 0,a $ &aRa


> &a?

> ,a?




3IV5 T( 2. ! T,: Armature current > &a? Armature volta+e > ,a? S! >#+? S% >#+? R,!.+s 7 8.895 1 S!$S% Tor7ue >#+? >Ta?0E.D!>S!$S%? r Nm.

MODEL "RAPH : 3.5 M*,s+'*1* $ (2 B,)0 E123045:



>radians2sec? 3..5T('6+* Vs A'1,$+'* )+''* $3I,5:

T >Nm? &a &a

MODEL CALCULATION : #) 0 E) 2 #t 0 m a 9 : T2 &a 0:m29m 08a2Ra 0 4.4%CD-+ 04.44C@ #+m%.

RESULT: Thus the transfer function of armature controlled DC motor is o)tained.




AIM: Ra>!;sa? To derive the transfer function of field controlled DC motor. APPARATUS RE&UIRED: S.NO ! APPARATUS DC Servo "otor #it RANGE $ QT !




THEORY : &n 6ield controlled DC motor' the desired s(eed is o)tained )* var*in+ field current and #ee(in+ armature is constant. .e -no/ that E) 0 (1n 2 345A 6rom a)ove e7uation DC motor s(eed is inversel* (ro(ortional to the field current. 8et Rf 0 field Resistance 8f 0 field &nductance Ra 0 Armature Resistance 8a 0 Armature &nductance &a 0 Armature current T 0 Tor7ue develo(ed in the motor : 0 "oment of inertia 9 0 Dash(ot 0 An+ular Dis(lacement #t 0 Tor7ue constant #) 0 9ac- emf constant 6rom e7uivalent circuit Differential e7uation of e7uivalent circuit can )e /ritten as Ra ia ;8a dia2dt ; 0 ,f <<<<<<<<<<<<<<.. ! Differential e7uation of mechanical s*stem can )e /ritten as : d% 2dt% ; 9 d 2 dt 0 T<<<<<<<<<.. % Tor7ue is directl* (ro(otional to the armature current T &a ' T &a' T 0 #t &a<<<<<<<<. = Ta-in+ la(lace transform froom e7u ! ' % A = Ra&a>s? ; 8s&a>s? 0 ,a>s? <<<<<<. @ % :s >s? ; 9s>s? 0 T > s?<<<<<<<<<< B T>s? 0 #ts&a>s?<<<<<<<<<<<<<<. 3 E7uatin+ e7uation 3 A C #ts&a>s? 0 :s%>s? ; 9s>s? &a>s? 0 :s%>s? ; 9s>s? 2 #ts <<<<<<. C E7uation >C ? values su)stitute in e7u @ > Ra ; 8s?&a>s? ; E)>s? 0 ,a>s? > Ra ; 8s? :s%>s? ; 9s>s? 2 #ts? 0 ,a>s? >s ?[> Ra ; 8s? :s%? ; 9s ] 2 #ts 0 ,a>s? >s ? #ts 0 ,a>s? [> Rf ; 8s? > :s% ; 9s? ] P'()*!+'* F(' C,-)+-,$. / R2 , ! L2:

!C. &nitiall* -ee( all s/itches in off (osition. !D. &nitiall* -ee( volta+e adFustment POT>variac? in minimum (osition. !E. &nitiall* -ee( armature and field volta+e adFustment POT >variac? in minimum (osition. %4. Connect the -it field out(ut 6 and 66 to motor field terminal 6 and 66 res(ectivel*. %!. S/itch on the (o/er s/itch and SPST s/itch >S%?. %%. Shaft should not rotate /hen a((l*in+ the DC in(ut volta+e. %=. No/ note do/n the field current for various field volta+e. Calculate Resistance Rf. %@. Shaft should not rotate /hen a((l*in+ the AC in(ut volta+e. %B. No/ note do/n the AC current for various AC volta+e. Calculate inductance 8f. P'()*!+'* F(' C,-)+-,$. / B,)0 E12 3K45: %3. &nitiall* -ee( all s/itches in off (osition. %C. &nitiall* -ee( volta+e adFustment POT >variac? in minimum (osition. %D. &nitiall* -ee( armature and field volta+e adFustment POT >variac? in minimum (osition. %E. Connect the -it armature out(ut A and AA to motor armature terminal A and AA res(ectivel*. =4. Connect the -it field out(ut 6 and 66 to motor field terminal 6 and 66 res(ectivel*. =!. S/itch on the (o/er s/itch and SPST s/itch S! and S%. =%. Set the field volta+e at rated value. AdFust the ,fand note do/n &f and S(eed for various ,f.Plot the +ra(h. P'()*!+'* F(' C,-)+-,$. / F.*-! T('6+* )( s$, $: !C.A((l* the ,f till the motor run B4 J at rated s(eed and a((l* load )* ti+htenin+. !D.Note do/n the ,f' &f and s(rin+ )alance readin+ and (lot the +ra(h and calculate tor7ue constant from the +ra(h. TABULAR COLUMN : 3 I 5 T( 2. ! R2 : 6ield current > &f? 6ield volta+e >,f? 6ield Resistance > Rf ?

3II5 T( 2. ! L2:

6ield current > &f?

6ield volta+e > ,f?

6ield 6ield im(edence Reactance Gf0,f2&f Hf0I> Gf%$Rf%?

6ield &nductance 8f0 Hf2% f

3 III 5 T( 2. ! K4: 6ield current > &f ?

6ield volta+e > ,f?

S(eed >N? RP"

E) 0,f K &fRf

0%N234 Radians2Sec

3IV5 T( 2. ! T2: 6ield current > &f? 6ield volta+e > ,f? S! >#+? S% >#+? R,!.+s 7 8.895 1 S!$S% Tor7ue >#+? >Tf?0E.D!>S!$S%? r Nm.


3.5 M*,s+'*1* $ (2 B,)0 E123045:



>radians2sec? 3..5T('6+* Vs F.*-! )+''* $3I25:

T >Nm? &f &f

MODEL CALCULATION: #) 0 E) 2 #t 0 m f 9 : Tf2 &f 0:m29m 08f2Rf 0 4.4%CD-+ 04.44C@ #+m%.

RESULT : Thus the transfer function of 6ield controlled DC motor /as o)tained. CIRCUIT DIA"RAM:



#m s9m>!;ms? ! COMPENSATOR :. DESI"N AND IMPLEMENTATION OF LA" s#) Rf>!;sf? > & ? To determine the transfer function of 8a+ Com(ensator > % ? To dra/ a fre7uenc* res(onse (lot of 8a+ Com(ensator



APPARATUS RE&UIRED: ! % = @ B 3 Name of the a((aratus CRO A6O Resistor Ca(acitor 9read)oard Connectin+ /ires Ran+e =4 "h1 ! "h1 T*(e $ $ $ $ $ $ Quantit* ! ! ! ! ! 6e/

THEORY: The control s*stems are desi+ned to (erform s(ecific tas-s. The s(ecifications are Generall* related to accurac*' relative sta)ilit* and s(eed of res(onse. &n time domain the Transient state (erformance s(ecifications are +iven in terms of rise time' maLimum over Shoot' settlin+ time and dam(in+ ratio. &n fre7uenc* domain' the transient state (erformance

S(ecifications are +iven in terms of (hase mar+inM +ain mar+in' resonant (ea- and )and/idth. The first ste( in desi+n is the adFustment of +ain to meet the desired s(ecification. &n Practical s*stems' adFustment of +ain alone /ill not )e sufficient to meet the +iven s(ecification. &n man* cases increasin+ the +ain ma* result in (oor sta)ilit*. &n such cases' it is Necessar* to introduce additional device or com(onents in the s*stem to alter the )ehavior and to meet the desired s(ecifications. Such a redesi+n of a suita)le device is called com(ensation. A device inserted into the s*stem for the (ur(ose of satisf*in+ the s(ecification is Called com(ensator. A com(ensator havin+ the characteristics of the la+ net/or- is called 8a+ com(ensator. &t is used to im(roved the stead* state res(onse and reduce the )and/idth. The main dra/)ac- of la+ com(ensator is (oor transient state. TRANSFER FUNCTION: The R$C net/or- sho/n in fi7 can reali1e the la+ com(ensator. 8et Eo>s? 0 Out(ut volta+e Ei>s? 0 &n(ut volta+e 9* volta+e division rule' Eo>s? 0 Ei>s? > R%;!2sC? 2 > R!;R%;!2sC? Eo>s? 0 Ei>s? >sCR%;!? 2sC 2 NsC>R!;R%?;!O 2sC Eo>s? 0 Ei>s? >sCR%;!? 2 NsC>R!;R%?;!O Eo>s? >sCR%;!? 0 Ei>s? NsC>R!;R%?;!O Eo>s? >s;!2 CR%? 0 Ei>s? >R!;R%?2 R% Ns;!2>>R!;R%?2R%?R%CO Eo>s? ! 0 Ei>s? >s;!2T? >s;!2T? <<<<<<<<!


Com(arin+ e7uation ! A % T 0R%C' 0 >R!;R%?2 R% .here T 0 Time constant 0 Attenuation factor PROCEDURE: !.The connections are made as (er the circuit dia+ram. %.S/itch on the main su((l*. .e +et

=.Set the in(ut si+nal )* usin+ si+nal +enerator. @.,ar* the fre7uenc* and ma+nitude of the si+nal +enerator. B.Note the different readin+s of the out(ut value enter into the ta)ular column. 3.,erif* the out(ut /aveform' it la+ )ehind the a((lied volta+e. 3.S/itch off the su((l*. C.Disconnect the circuit and return the com(onents to the la) instructor. TABULAR COLUMN s. ( F'*6+* ); O+$<+$ =(-$,/* P>,s* s>.2$ ",. . !4 X1 X2



6re7uenc* >P1?

X1 X2


RESULT: Thus the transfer function and fre7uenc* res(onse curve of la+ com(ensator /as o)tained. 5.DESI"N AND IMPLEM ENTATION OF LEAD COMPENSATOR AIM >!? To determine the transfer function of 8ead Com(ensator >%? To dra/ a fre7uenc* res(onse (lot of 8ead Com(ensator APPARATUS RE&UIRED : ! % = @ B 3 Name of the a((aratus CRO A6O Resistor Ca(acitor 9read)oard Connectin+ /ires Ran+e =4 "h1 ! "h1 T*(e $ $ $ $ $ $ Quantit* ! ! ! ! ! 6e/

THEORY: The control s*stems are desi+ned to (erform s(ecific tas-s. The s(ecification is Generall* related to accurac*' relative sta)ilit* and s(eed of res(onse. &n time domain the Transient state (erformance s(ecifications are +iven in terms of rise time' maLimum over

Shoot' settlin+ time and dam(in+ ratio. &n fre7uenc* domain' the transient state (erformance S(ecifications are +iven in terms of (hase mar+inM +ain mar+in' resonant (ea- and )and/idth. The first ste( in desi+n is the adFustment of +ain to meet the desired s(ecification. &n Practical s*stems' adFustment of +ain alone /ill not )e sufficient to meet the +iven s(ecification. &n man* cases increasin+ the +ain ma* result in (oor sta)ilit*. &n such cases' it is Necessar* to introduce additional device or com(onents in the s*stem to alter the )ehavior And to meet the desired s(ecifications. Such a redesi+n of a suita)le device is called com(ensation. A device inserted into the s*stem for the (ur(ose of satisf*in+ the s(ecification is Called com(ensator. A com(ensator havin+ the characteristics of the lead net/or- is called 8ead com(ensator. &t is used to im(roved the transient state res(onse and reduce the maLimum (ea- overshoot. The main dra/)ac- of la+ com(ensator is (oor Stead* state. TRANSFER FUNCTION: The R$C net/or- sho/n in fi+. can reali1e the lead com(ensator. 8et Eo>s? 0 Out(ut volta+e Ei>s? 0 &n(ut volta+e 9* volta+e division rule ' Eo>s? 0 Ei>s? R% 2 R%;>R!5!2sC? 2>R!;!2sC? Eo>s? 0 Ei>s? R% 2 R%;R! 2> R!sC;!? Eo>s? 0 Ei>s? >sCR%;!? 2 NsC>R!;R%?;!O Eo >s? R% >sCR!;!? 0 Ei>s? NsCR!R%; R%;R!O Eo>s? >s;!2 CR!? 0 Ei>s? Ns;>!2 R% 2>R!;R%?? 2 R!CO Eo>s? 0 Ei>s? >s;!2T? >s;!2T? <<<<<<<<!


Com(arin+ e7uation ! A % .e +et T 0R!C ' 0 R% 2>R!;R%? .here T 0 Time constant 0 Attenuation factor PROCEDURE: !.The connection is made as (er the circuit dia+ram. %.S/itch on the main su((l*. =.Set the in(ut si+nal )* usin+ si+nal +enerator. @.,ar* the fre7uenc* and ma+nitude of the si+nal +enerator.

B.Note the different readin+s of the out(ut value enter in to the ta)ular column. 3.,erif* the out(ut /aveform' it leads the a((lied volta+e. 3.S/itch off the su((l*. C.Disconnect the circuit and return the com(onents to the la) instructor. TABULAR COLUMN s. ( F'*6+* ); O+$<+$ =(-$,/* P>,s* s>.2$ ",. . !4 X1 X2



6re7uenc* >P1?

X1 X2


RESULT: Thus the transfer function and fre7uenc* res(onse curve of lead com(ensator /as o)tained. ?.TRANSFER FUNCTION OF AC SERVO MOTOR AIM: To derive the transfer function of AC Servo motor. APPARATUS RE&UIRED : !.AC Servomotor trainer -it %."ultimeter =.Patch cards THEORY : &t is an electromechanical device' /hich convert electrical si+nal into an+ular dis(lacement. An AC servomotor )asicall* a t/o$(hase induction motor eLce(t for certain s(ecial desi+n features. The rotor of the servomotor is )uilt /ith hi+h resistance' so that H 2 R ratio is small /hich result in linear s(eed$tor7ue characteristics. The stator consists of t/o (ole (airs mounted on the inner (eri(her* of the stator' such that Their aLes are at an an+le of E4o in s(ace. Each (ole (airs carries a /indin+. One /indin+ is called Reference /indin+ and the other is called Control /indin+. The rotor construction is usuall* s7uirrel ca+e .The s7uirrel ca+e rotor is made of laminations. The rotor )ars are (laced on the slots and short$circuited at )oth ends )* end rin+s.

The diameter of the rotor is small in order to reduce inertia and to o)tain +ood acceleratin+ characteristics. The Dra+ cu( construction is em(lo*ed for ver* lo/ inertia a((lication. &n this t*(e of construction the rotor /ill )e in the form of hollo/ c*linder made of aluminium. The aluminium c*linder itself acts as short$circuited rotor conductors. TRANSFER FUNCTION OF AC SERVOMOTOR: 8et Tm 0 Tor7ue develo(ed )* servomotor Q 0 An+ular dis(lacement of rotor . 0 An+ular s(eed Tl 0 Tor7ue re7uired )* the load : 0 "oment of inertia 9 0 ,iscous frictional coefficient #! 0 Slo(e of control (hase volta+e vs tor7ue characteristic #% 0 Slo(e of s(eed tor7ue characteristics Tor7ue develo(ed )* motor' Tm 0 #!ec K #% d 2 dt <<<<<<<<<.. ! 8oad tor7ue' Tl 0 : d% 2 dt ; 9 d 2 dt<<<<<<<<<. % E7uatin+ the e7uation ! A % : d% 2 dt ; 9 d 2 dt 0 #!ec K #% d 2 dt <<<<<<<<<<. = On ta-in+ la( lace transform of a)ove e7uation' /e +et :s%>s? ; 9s>s? 0 #!Ec>s? K #%s>s? > :s%; 9s;#% ? >s? 0 #!Ec>s? >s? 0 Ec>s? #! s> :s; 9;#%s ?

>s? #! 2 >9;#% ? 0 Ec>s? s> : S29;#% ; !? >s? #m 0 Ec>s? s>ms ; !? .here ' #m 0 #8 2 9;#% 0 "otor +ain constant m 0 : 2 9;#% 0 "otor time constant PROCEDURE: !.Connections are made as (er the circuit dia+ram. 2.D*$*'1. ,$.( (2 K1 >a? Connect G! #! of (ulse isolation out(ut to G! #! O6 SCR!. >)? Connect G% #% of (ulse isolation out(ut to G% #% O6 SCR% >c? Connect the (o/er card to the )ac-side of trainer -it

>d? "otor (in is connected to the trainer -it >e? S/itch on the su((l* >f? "easured the initial s(eed and add the load +raduall*. >+? AC voltmeter is connected across the /indin+s >h? Ta-e the follo/in+ readin+s ,c's(eed and load >i? Plot the +ra(h (hase volta+e vs tor7ue @.D*$*'1. ,$.( (2 K2 >a? S/itch on the su((l* >)? S/itch on the (ulse S% >c? A((l* (hase volta+e to control (hase usin+ (otentio meter. >d? Note do/n the load value >e? Plot the +ra(h tor7ue vs. (hase volta+e >f? S/itch off the (o/er su((l*. MODEL "RAPH :

T('6+* S-(<* K1

Tor7ue S-(<* K2

S(eed MODEL CALCULATION T0 E.D! L load L >R; t2%? Nm.

TABULAR COLUMN: 3 15 T( 2. ! K2: S.No S(eed 8oad Tor7ue




3 25 T( 2. ! K1: Control volta+e S.No >,?

8oad >#+?

Tor7ue >Nm?

RESULT : Thus the transfer function of AC Servomotor /as o)tained. @.PROCESS CONTROL SIMULATOR AIM : !.To o)serve the time res(onse of closed loo( second order (rocess /ith P$control %.To stud* the time res(onse of P;&;D controller in a (rocess. APPARATUS RE&UIRED : !.Process Control Simulator -it %.CRO =.Patch cards THEORY: .hen the control si+nal a((lied to the (rocess is (ro(ortional to the deviations'the control is termed as (ro(ortional. &n (rocess control this sensitivit* is defined in terms of Pro(ortional )and. This is the ran+e of values of deviation that causes the controller out(ut to cover its full o(eratin+ ran+e. This is often eL(ressed as a (ercenta+e such that !44J (ro(ortional )and means that the full ran+e of out(uts of the measurin+ s*stems causes the controller to o(erate over its full ran+e. AdFustments of the (ercenta+e of the (ro(ortional )and varies the +ain of the controller. This eL(eriment /ill eLamine the effects of chan+es in (ercenta+e of the (ro(ortional )and and the res(onse of the s*stem to distur)ances.

&f a s*stem /ere re7uired to follo/ a sudden chan+e in set value this /ould +ive rise to a ra(id chan+e in the deviation. Althou+h this deviation chan+e is ra(id the s*stem res(onse rather slo/l*' So if at this time the controller out(ut could )e )oosted the s(eed of the s*stem res(onse should )e im(roved. &f the deviation /as differentiated' i.e rate of chan+e measured' and a si+nal (roduced (ro(ortional to this and then added to the si+nals from the (ro(ortional and inte+rator sections' some im(rovement should result. Such an arran+ement is -no/n as three term Controller or P&D Controller. PROCEDURE: ,5 P'()*!+'* 2(' )-(s*! -((< s*)( ! ('!*' A.$> <'(<('$.( ,- )( $'(-: !? Connections are +iven as (er circuit dia+ram usin+ (atch cards. %? Set the (rocess fast 2 slo/ s/itch >S.@? in fast (osition. =? #ee( the set value (ot to 1ero. @? A((l* a sine /ave si+nal around B4P1. B? &ntroduce a (ro(ortional )and until /e +et sustained oscillation. 3? Note do/n the (ea- overshoot' settin+ time' (ea- time and rise time. 45 P'()*!+'* 2(' PID C( $'(--*': C? Set the (rocess fast 2 slo/ s/itch >S.@? and controller fast 2 slo/ s/itch >S.=? in fast (osition. D?A((l* a sine /ave around B4P1. E? No/ (atch & and &Q and adFust the inte+ral time until stead* state deviation is 1ero. !4? No/ note do/n the num)er of overshoots )efore the s*stem settles. !!? No/ connect D and DQ and slo/l* increase the derivative time and note do/n the effect of this in s*stem res(onse. TABULAR COLUMNI 3.5 T( F. ! 3P )( $'(--*'5: S.No. JP9 PeaOvershoot "( Rise Time tr Pea- Time t( Settin+ Time ts

3..5 T( F. !3PID )( $'(--*'5: S.No. Pro(ortional 9and &nte+ral Time ti Rise Time tr PeaTime t( Settin+ Time ts PeaOvershoot

MODEL "RAPHI "easured ,alue


Set Point


RESULT: Thus the time res(onse of closed loo( second order (rocess /ith (ro(ortional control /as o)served and the res(onse of P&D Controller /ere studied. 9.STUDY OF SYNCHROS AIM: To stud* the construction' /or-in+ and (rinci(les of s*nchros. APPARATUS RE&UIRED: !.S*nchro Transmitter and Receiver #it %.Patch cards. THEORY: The term s*nchro is a +eneric name for a famil* of inductive devices' /hich /or-s on the (rinci(le of a rotatin+ transformer. The trade name of s*nchro is sels*n' Autos*n and teles*n 9asicall* the* are electromechanical transducer' /hich (roduces an out(ut volta+es de(endin+ u(on the an+ular (osition of the rotor. A s*nchro is formed )* interconnected of the devices called the s*nchro transmitter and s*nchro control transformer. The* are also called as s*nchro (air. The s*nchro (air measures and com(ares t/o an+ular dis(lacements and its out(ut volta+e is a((roLimatel* linear /ith an+ular difference of the aLis of )oth shafts. SYNCHRO TRANSMITTER: &t consists of t/o main (arts such as stator and rotor. The stator construction is similar to an three (hase alternator. &t is made u( of laminated silicon steel and slotted on the inner

(eri(her* to accommodate )alance three (hase alternator. The stator /indin+ is concentric t*(e /ith the aLis of three coils !%4 de+ree a(art. The stator /indin+ is star connected. The rotor construction is dum( )ell /ith the sin+le /indin+. The ends of the rotor /indin+s are terminated on t/o sli( rin+s. A sin+le (hase AC eLcitation volta+e is a((lied to the rotor throu+h the sli( rin+s. .hen the rotor is eLcited )* AC volta+e' the rotor current flo/s and a ma+netic field is (roduced. The rotor ma+netic field increases an emf in the stator coil de(ends u(on the an+ular (osition of the coil aLis /ith res(ect to rotor aLis. 8et' E! 0 &nstantaneous value of AC volta+e a((lied to rotor. Es!'Es%'Es= 0 &nstantaneous value of induced emf in the stator coil S!'S%'S= Er 0 "aLimum value of rotor eLcitation volta+e 0 An+ular fre7uenc* of rotor eLcitation. #t 0 Turns ratio of stator A rotor /indin+s. #C 0 Cou(lin+ co$efficient. 0 An+ular dis(lacement of rotor. ErSint 0 &nstantaneous value of eLcitation volta+e. #t#cErSint 0 &nduced emf in the stator coil. #!Cos 0 Cou(lin+ co$efficient #c for coil S% #!Cos >$!%4? 0 Cou(lin+ co$efficient #c for coil S= #!Cos> $%@4?0 Cou(lin+ co$efficient #c for coil S! Pence the emfs of stator coil /ith res(ect to neutral can )e eL(ressed as follo/sI Es% 0 #t#!CosErSint0 #ErCosSint Es= 0 #t#!Cos>$!%4?ErSint 0 #ErCos>$!%4?Sint Es! 0 #t#!Cos>$%@4?ErSint $ #ErCos>$%@4?Sint Pence coil to coil emf can )e eL(ressed as' Es!es% 0 es!$ es% 0 = #ErSin> ; %@4? Sint Es% es= 0 es% $ es= 0 = #ErSin> ; !%4? Sint Es= es! 0 es= $es! 0 = #ErSin>? Sint S; )>'( C( $'(- T', s2('1*': &ts construction is similar to s*nchro transmitter eL(ect rotor construction. The rotor of the control is made u( of c*lindrical so that the air +a( is (racticall* uniform. This feature of the control transformer minimi1es the chan+e in the rotor im(edance /ith the rotatin+ of the shaft.

The +enerated emf of the s*nchro transmitter is a((lied as in(ut to the stator coils control transformer. The rotor shaft is connected to the load /hose (osition has to )e maintained at the desired value. De(endin+ on the current (osition of the rotor and the a((lied emf on the stator' an emf induced on the rotor /indin+. This emf can )e measured and used to drive a motor so that the (osition of the load is connected.

RESULT: Thus the construction and /or-in+ (rinci(le of s*nchros /as studied.

TABULAR COLUMNI S.No. Position Transmitter An+le Out(ut ,olta+e>volts? Receiver An+le J Error
,s!.,s% ,s%.,s= ,s=.,s!



AN"LE 3 5

B.STUDY OF CLOSED LOOP SYSTEMS 3DC S*'=( P(s.$.( C( $'(- S;s$*15 AIM: To stud* the /or-in+ of DC Servo (osition closed loo( s*stem. APPARATUS RE&UIRED: DC Servo Position #it Patch cards THEORY: The s*stem out(ut is controlled )* var*in+ the in(ut 7uantit*' then the s*stem is called Controlled S*stem. &t can )e classified into t/o t*(es' !? O(en loo( s*stem %? Closed loo( s*stem

The main dra/)ac- of o(en loo( s*stem is' the chan+es in out(ut due to eLternal distur)ance are not corrected automaticall*. This dra/)ac- is overcome )* closed loo( s*stem are relia)le and accurate. The out(ut 7uantit* has effect u(on the in(ut 7uantit*' then the s*stem is called Closed loo( s*stem. Pere feed)ac- si+nals are used. The com(onents of closed loo( s*stems are controller' am(lifier' and (lant and feed)ac- element. Ne+ative feed)ac- are mostl* em(lo*ed in control s*stem. 6or eLam(le' !? %? =? @? B? DC Position Control S*stem Numerical Control S*stem Tem(erature Control S*stem Ro)ot Control S*stem Auto Pilot S*stem

CORKIN": Desire (osition is set )* the reference si+nal. The feed)ac- si+nal are sense the actual (osition of the s*stem. 6eed)ac- si+nal is send to the error detector or com(arator. The main function of error detector com(ares the t/o in(ut si+nal and (roduce the error si+nal' this error si+nal is am(lified usin+ am(lifier. The am(lifier out(ut is connected to the controller. The controller (rovides the )etter control action. The (rocess is continuin+ u(to till the re7uired (osition reached.

RESULT: Thus the /or-in+ of DC servo Position closed loo( s*stem /as studied and verified.

18. STUDY OF STEP RESPONSE OF I AND II ORDER SYSTEM AIM : To stud* the ste( res(onse of first order and second order s*stem$usin+ "AT8A9. APPARATUS RE&UIRED: !.Com(uter s*stem /ith "AT8A9 soft/are %.Po/er su((l* THEORY: "AT8A9 is soft/are (ac-a+e for hi+h (erformance numerical com(utation and visuali1ation .&t (rovides an interactin+ environment /ith hundred of )uilt in fun for technical Com(utation' +ra(hics and animation. The name "AT8A9 stands for matriL la)orator*. The user Can /rite their o/n function in the "AT8A9 lan+ua+e. "AT8A9 is a matriL$)ased s*stem for mathematical and en+ineerin+ calculation. Each varia)le is treated as a matriL /hich the onl* data t*(e handled )* it. The +ra(hical out(ut can )e o)tained )* runnin+ different set of routines.

"AT8A9 can )e used as an a((lication develo(ment )ecause of +ra(hical user interface tools. The t*(ical are in the field of mathematicsQ and com(utation develo(ment of al+oritm' modelin+ simulation and its (rotot*(in+' data anal*sis' scientific and en+ineerin+ (ro)lems' a((lication develo(ment tools. Several tool)oLes are also availa)le from the different "anufacture. Tool )oL is a +rou( of "AT8A9 function /hich are (redefined that can )e used for O)tainin+ solution in the different a((lications' control s*stems' neural net/or-' fu11* lo+ic and Di+ital si+nal (rocessin+. PRO"RAM: 3 . 5 S$*< '*s<( s* (2 2.'s$ ('!*' s;s$*1 num 0 N 4 ! OM den 0 N ! ! OM ste( >num'den ?M +rid 3..5 S$*< '*s<( s* (2 s*)( ! ('!*' s;s$*1 num 0 N 4 4 ! OM den 0 N ! 4.B ! OM ste( > num'den ?M +rid PROCEDURE : !.S/itch on the main su((l* %.O(en the "AT8A9 command /indo/ =.Create a ne/ " file .The file that is containin+ "AT8A9 lan+ua+e codes are called " file. @.T*(e the (ro+ram and chec- the error. B.After savin+ the (ro+ram 'de)u+ and run to see the out(ut .3.,erif* the out(ut /aveform o)tained throu+h "AT8A9 /ith theoretical out(ut C.Shutdo/n the com(uter D.S/itch off the su((l* OUTPUT CAVEFORM :


RESULT : T>+s $>* + .$ s$*< '*s<( s* (2 , 2.'s$ ('!*' , ! s*)( ! ('!*' s;s$*1 +s. / MATLAB A*'* s$+!.*! , ! .$s )+'=*s A*'* <-($$*!.

11.STABILITY ANALYSIS OF LINEAR SYSTEM AIM: To anal*1e the sta)ilit* of linear s*stem usin+ Root locus. APPARATUS RE&UIRED: !.Com(uter s*stem /ith "AT8A9 soft/are %.Po/er su((l* THEORY: "AT8A9 is soft/are (ac-a+e for hi+h (erformance numerical com(utation and visuali1ation .&t (rovides an interactin+ environment /ith hundred of )uilt in fun for technical Com(utation' +ra(hics and animation. The name "AT8A9 stands for matriL la)orator*. The user can /rite their o/n function in the "AT8A9 lan+ua+e.

"AT8A9 is a matriL$)ased s*stem for mathematical and en+ineerin+ calculation. Each varia)le is treated as a matriL /hich the onl* data t*(e handled )* it. The +ra(hical out(ut can )e o)tained )* runnin+ different set of routines. "AT8A9 can )e used as an a((lication develo(ment )ecause of +ra(hical user interface tools. The t*(ical are in the field of mathematicsQ and com(utation develo(ment of al+oritm' modelin+ simulation and its (rotot*(in+' data anal*sis' scientific and en+ineerin+ (ro)lems' a((lication develo(ment tools. Several tool)oLes are also availa)le from the different "anufacture. Tool )oL is a +rou( of "AT8A9 function /hich are (redefined that can )e used for O)tainin+ solution in the different a((lications' control s*stems' neural net/or-' fu11* lo+ic and Di+ital si+nal (rocessin+. PRO"RAM : num 0 N 4 4 4 4 ! OM den 0 N ! !.! !4.= B 4 OM rlocus 0 >num'den? +rid

PROCEDURE : !.S/itch on the main su((l* %.O(en the "AT8A9 command /indo/ =.Create a ne/ " file .The file that is containin+ "AT8A9 lan+ua+e codes are called " file. @.T*(e the (ro+ram and chec- the error. B.After savin+ the (ro+ram 'de)u+ and run to see the out(ut .3.,erif* the out(ut /aveform o)tained throu+h "AT8A9 /ith theoretical out(ut C.Shutdo/n the com(uter D.S/itch off the su((l* OUTPUT CAVEFORM:


RESULT : T>+s $>* R(($ -()+s (2 $>* s;s$*1 +s. / MATLAB A,s s$+!.*! .

D. DESI"N OF PI# PD AND PID CONTROLLER AIM : To stud* the desi+n of P&'PD and P&D Controller. APPARATUS RE&UIRED : !.O(erational Am(lifier %.9read)ord =.Resistance @.Ca(acitance B.Connectin+ .ires THEORY : &t is a device /hich (rovide the )etter control action.&t can )e classified in to four t*(es. > ! ? P Controller

> % ? P& Controller > = ? PD Controller > @ ? P&D Controller 3 1 5 P C( $'(--*' : The (ro(ortional controller is a device that (roduces an out(ut si+nal /hich is Pro(ortional to the in(ut si+nal.The (ro(ortional controller im(roves the stead* state trac-in+ Accurac* 'distur)ance si+nal reFection and relative sta)ilit*. &n P Controller' U >t? N e >t? O U >t? 0 #( e >t? Ta-in+ la(lace transform of a)ove e7uation U3S5 7 #( E3s5 3 2 5 PI C( $'(--*' : The P& controller is a device that (roduces an out(ut si+nal consistin+ of t/o terms K one Pro(ortional to the in(ut si+nal and other (ro(ortional to the inte+ral of in(ut si+nal. The introduction of P& controller in the s*stem reduces the stead* state error. &n P&$Controller' U >t? N e >t? ; e>t? dt O U >t? 0 #( e >t? ; #( e>t? Ti .here #( 0 Pro(ortional Gain or constant Ti 0 &nte+ral Time. On Ta-in+ 8a( lace Transform of e7uation' U>s? 0 #( E>s? ; #( E>s? Ti s U>s? #( ; #( 0 Ti s E3s5 3@5 PD C( $'(--*': The PD controller is a device that (roduces an out(ut si+nal consistin+ of t/o terms K one Pro(ortional to the in(ut si+nal and other (ro(ortional to the derivative of in(ut si+nal. The introduction of P& controller in the s*stem reduces the (ea- overshoot. &n PD Controller' U>t? Re>t? ; d e>t? S Dt

U>t? 0 #( e>t? ; #( Td d e>t?2dt .here #( 0 Pro(ortional +ain And Td 0 Derivative Time On Ta-in+ 8a(lace Transform of e7uation /ith 1ero initial conditions /e +et' U>s? 0 #( E>s?;#( Td s E>s? U>s? 0 #( >!;Td s? E >S? 3:5 PID C( $'(--*': The PD controller is a device that (roduces an out(ut si+nal consistin+ of three terms K one Pro(ortional to the in(ut si+nal and other (ro(ortional to the derivative of in(ut si+nal and (ro(ortional to the derivative of in(ut si+nal. &n P&D Controller' U >t? Ne>t? ; e>t? d ; d>e>t? O dt U>t? 0 #( e>t? ; #( e>t? dt ; #( T d e>t? Ti dt

.here #( 0 Pro(ortional +ain Ti 0 &nte+ral time Td 0 Derivative Time On ta-in+ transform of e7uation' U>s? 0 #( E>s? ; #( E>s? ; #(Td s E>s? Ti


PROCEDURE: !.Connections are made as(er the circuit dia+ram %.&n(ut si+nal is set )* A6G =.6irst set the sinusoidal si+nal )* var*in+ the A6O @.Out(ut si+nal is ta-en from CRO B.Disconnect the circuit and s/itch off the (o/er su((l*

RESULT : Thus the desi+n of P&'PD and P&D Controller /as studied.

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