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FI 2201 Electromagnetism

Alexander A. Iskandar, Ph.D.

Physics of Magnetism and Photonics Research Group

General Information
Lecture Schedule :
18 19 R1201 27 28 R????

57 58 R9132 Teaching Assistant : Mr. Andika Putra. During the tutorial there will be several Quizes and average mark of the Quizes will be one of the component of the Final Mark

Walk Out time : 20 minutes Textbook : Introduction to Electrodynamics, D. J. Griffiths, Prentice Hall, 1991.
Alexander A. Iskandar Electromagnetism 2

General Information
Evaluation :
2 Midterm Exams (15/3 and 10/5) A Re-evaluation Exam, if taken will replace the worst mark of Midterm Exam

Expected Exam Answer :

Answer should show good understanding of the physical phenomena considered in the problem, as evident by sound arguments and clear and correct steps in finding the solution. The use of correct formulas and notation (vector and scalar) and the right units units. Final correct numerical value (if asked).

Alexander A. Iskandar



The Realm of Mechanics and Electromagnetism

Electromagnetism is the ONLY theory that is well understood in all realm of mechanics.
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Early Observation of Electricity

Observation from early Greeks time. If you rubbed a piece of amber, it will attract bits of straw. If you rubbed two pieces of amber, they will repels each other. Thus there are two results from one phenomena. There is a another force of nature aside gravity. gravity

Alexander A. Iskandar


Origin of Electricity : Electric Charge

Needs a physical quantity to specify the property of a material with specific response of this phenomena. This physical quantity is called (electric) charge. Two types of charges: positive and negative

Like charges repel (unlike gravity) Opposite charges Opp g attract ( (like gravity) g y)

Alexander A. Iskandar


Particles Discovered 1898 1964

Alexander A. Iskandar


Particles Discovered since 1964

Alexander A. Iskandar


Interlude: The Strong Nuclear Force

In early 1960s there was a particle explosion in the time span of weeks new particles were discovered. The particles cannot be explained with the known theories at that time (electromagnetism). Need a new theory !! Hence new physical p y q quantity y that g goes with this theory !! The theory states that these particles were not elementary !!

Alexander A. Iskandar



Interlude: The Strong Nuclear Force

These particles were build up from smaller constituents called the QUARKS. Some particles consist of 3 quarks, others consist of 2 quarks. Interaction between the quarks cannot be seen from far away. Hence need a physical quantity like charge g that has to be of three kinds and are invisible from far away color charge.

Alexander A. Iskandar




Interlude: The Strong Nuclear Force

Mesons consist of a quark-antiquark pair, while baryons consist of three quarks.

The current view of how matter is composed of basic units.

Alexander A. Iskandar Electromagnetism 12

The Structure of an Atom

Alexander A. Iskandar



The Four Forces of Nature

Alexander A. Iskandar



Fundamental Interactions of Nature

Alexander A. Iskandar



Comparison between the two Forces

Determine the electrostatic force and the gravitational force between an electron and a proton that is separated 1 m apart

r QQ FC = k 1 2 2 r

(1.6 10 ) = (9 10 ) 1

19 2

= 2.3 10 28 N

r mm FG = G 1 2 2 r = 6.67 10 11
Alexander A. Iskandar

1.67 10 ) ) (9.1110 )( = 1.015 10 1

31 27

Gravity is 1040 times weaker than Electrostatic force.



Interaction Strength

Alexander A. Iskandar



The Ultimate Goal of Physics: Unification of All Forces






Alexander A. Iskandar



Unification : the Standard Model

Description of strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions No known discrepancy with particle physics experiments Three types of fundamental particles
Stuff things are made of spin Force carriers spin 1 Higgs field spin 0

Alexander A. Iskandar



Fundamental Particles
There are only 12 fundamental particles of matter (also the antiparticles)

Alexander A. Iskandar




Fundamental Particles

Alexander A. Iskandar



Interaction in Field Formulation

Action at a Distance Electric Field How do we explain the nature of non-contact force or force at a distance distance between two charges? force The concept of Electric Field - a charge creates an electric field in the space around it. Other charges interact with this field. The nature of an Electric Field - an electric field has a defined magnitude and direction at all points in space space. I.e. it is a vector field.

Alexander A. Iskandar




Sources in Electromagnetism
Electric charge :
two types conserved the number of positive and negative charges exactly the same, compare gravity and electrostatic forces (if there are excess charges on the moon the orbit wont be like what is predicted by gravity alone) quantized although there are fractional charges but there are not observed individually y

For accelerated charges, a portion of the field detaches and travel off at the speed of light electromagnetic radiation.
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Continuation and extension of classical electricity and magnetism phenomena that have been introduced in the Fundamental Physics course. The aim of this course is to introduce a unified formulation of electric and magnetic phenomena as one of the fundamental interaction in nature. The main topics considered in this course are
Electrostatics, Techniques in solving Electric Potential, Electric field in matter, Magnetostatics, Magnetic field in matter, Electrodynamics and an introduction to Electromagnetic wave.

Alexander A. Iskandar




Vector Analysis


Vector Quantity
Graphical representation and transformation graphically. A vector can be identified by specifying its three Cartesian components:

+ Ay y + Az z A = Ax x
Unit vectors

z axis A

y axis

Operations p on Vectors :
To add vectors, add like components To multiply a vector by a scalar, multiply each components
Alexander A. Iskandar Electromagnetism

x axis



Operations between vectors

The dot product of two vectors is obtained by multiplying like components and add:
A B = Ax Bx + Ay B y + Az Bz

This operation is also called inner product and it yielded a scalar quantity, it is needed for finding distance.

Alexander A. Iskandar



Operations between vectors

The cross product of two vectors is obtained from the determinant:

x A B = Ax Bx

y Ay By

z i Az = ijk A j Bk e Bz

+ 1 if (ijk ) is an even permutation the Levi-Civita tensor ijk = 1 if (ijk ) is an odd permutation 0 otherwise This operation yielded a vector quantity and it has anticommuting property as can be seen from the property of the Levi-Civita tensor.
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Vector Transformation
The components of a vector depend on the choice of the coordinate system. Different coordinate system will produce different components for the same vector. The choice of coordinate system being used can significantly change g the complexity p y of problems in electrodynamics.

Alexander A. Iskandar



Vector Transformation
The coordinates of vector A in coordinate system S are related r to the coordinates of vector A in coordinate system S by
Ay cos A = z sin sin Ay cos Az

The rotation considered here leaves the x axis untouched . The r x coordinate of vector A will thus not change:
0 Ax 1 Ay = 0 cos A 0 sin z
Alexander A. Iskandar

0 Ax t r sin Ay = Rx A cos Az
Electromagnetism 30


Vector Transformation
The 3 by 3 transformation matrix is the matrix t representation of the transformation tensor R . Coordinate transformation resulting from a rotation around an arbitrary axis can be written as:
Ax Rxx Ay = R yx A R z zx Rxy R yy Rzy Rxz Ax Rxx Ax + Rxy Ay + Rxz Az R yz Ay = R yx Ax + R yy Ay + R yz Az Rzz Az Rzx Ax + Rzy Ay + Rzz Az

or, more compactly,

r t r A = R A Ai = Rij A j
j =1 3

Alexander A. Iskandar



Vector Transformation
The rotation matrix R is an example of a unitary transformation: one that does not change the magnitude of the object on which it operates: r t r r r A = R A and A = A A = A t If R is unitary, then

i =1 ij


= jk

1 if j = k where jk = 0 otherwise

(Kronecker delta)

Alexander A. Iskandar




Vector Transformation
A reflection or inversion is given by the transformation matrix: Rij = ij which changes the right-handed coordinate system into a left-handed coordinate system.
y axis

r r
x axis

r r
x axis

z axis

r r The vector r = ( x, y, z ) transform into r = ( x, y, z.) = ( x, y, z ) Reversing the direction of the coordinate system r r and r changing the sign of the components give = r . Vectors with this property are called polar vectors.
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z axis

y axis

Vector Transformation
A fundamental difference is encountered when a vector r r is r defined r ras the cross-product of two polar vectors, C = A B , .A and B are polar vectors. When the r coordinate axes are inverted, the cross-product vector C does not behave like polar vectors under inversion, i.e yields Ci + Ci Ci = ijk A j Bk , with A j Aj , Bk Bk
y axis

r B

r A

r B

r A

z axis

r C

x axis x axis

r C

y axis

z axis

Vectors with this property are called axial or pseudovectors. Magnetic field is an example of a pseudo vector.
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Relative Position
Most of the time, we will consider sources at r and we r wanted to know the electric field at an observation point r.
q1 q2 qi

r ri
r ri

r ri

Define the relative position as

r r r r = r r
Alexander A. Iskandar

r r r r r = r r r r



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