Product Design

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Product design enables students to design and make products with creativity and originality, using a range of materials

and techniques. Students study products, packaging, furniture, and gadget design through design and making tasks using a variety of materials and techniques. Students will also learn about design and designers as well as be taught a range of traditional and modern drawing and making techniques including CAD and CAM.

What kind of class activities will there be?

You will be involved in a range of design and make projects and activities involving: > Research and analysis. > Sketching and designing including the use of computers. > Learning how to use high level CAD software such as 2D Design, Google Sketchup, Photoshop and Illustrator. > Planning and making up a prototype and your final design in a variety of media. > Testing and evaluating the success of the final product. > Developing 3D design skills. > Making using a range of tools, machines and techniques. > Producing your own designs using machinery and/or the laser cutter.

What kind of homework assignments will there be?

> Researching from libraries, textbooks and through external visits to external places to find information related to your project. > Developing design work. > Planning how you are going to make your product. > Learning and revision. > We also strongly encourage students to continue with practical work after school hours within supervised workshops.

What percentage of the final GCSE grade is for coursework?

60%. It covers a single design and make assignment comprising a Power Point portfolio and a final 3D product. The full course project will take approximately 40 to 50 hours.

What percentage of the final grade is for examinations at the end of Year 11?
40% is allocated to the final written examination.

What are the most interesting parts of the GCSE course?

The course includes a large element of practical work. You will make a final product that you have designed and developed yourself. Prior to starting your coursework project, you will follow a series of short projects that use design influences, a variety of different materials and techniques including joinery, focusing on design and practical tasks.

Why would resistant materials be a useful course for me to take?

It can prepare you for a variety of higher education courses and careers, in science, art, and design related subject areas, including architecture, engineering, mechanics and three dimensional design such as automotive, interior, furniture, packaging, model making and product design. It is also a suitable course if you are keen on following a career in a practical field such as carpentry and joinery, technical drawing, or elements of construction.

Technology: Product Design Option

What topics will I study?

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